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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Tinkaton
- Galarian Rapidash

- Psyduck has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>56901350
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>Gaylarian Rapitrash
good mons when
Tinkaton is best girl.
Psyduck's also pretty damn fun.
Would actually be neat if Corviknight got in at some point too.
I'm taking a hiatus, none of these intrest me at all
>tinkaton's moves all do 4x damage to corviknight specifically
Hydreigon for Pokemon Day, trvst the plan (jk its going to be Baxcaliber)
It's funny how taking a vacation for the returning player bonus doesn't break the streak on any of the consecutive login bonuses.
You two are lame
Because we don't have even half as many supporters/speedsters/defenders
neither of those are legendaries/mythicals, retard
lmao they added the venusaur skin from chinese version but unlike it being free, it costs over 1000 gems. god damn
My thoughts exactly. Gen 8 and 9 have lots of mons that seem to have been designed with a Moba in mind
Climbing late, and these ultra matches are fucking retarded. I guess that's to be expected though.
It’s ugly anyways
Yeah that's always how it is when doing that.
It would cool if they added a mechanic similar to League of Legends In-Game Missions(Wild Rift Nemesis Quests works a little differently, so I'll just talk about the PC version) to them as well.

For example, there is a Lion Man named Rengar and a Mantis Man named Kha'Zix that are archnemesis to each other, whenever both are on in-game and on opposing teams, there will be an in-game mission that exclusively pops-up saying "The Hunt Is On!" and whoever kills the other first gets a permanent buff(Rengar the Lion man gets a 6th Trophy instead of the default 5 Trophies which Trophies adds more damage for each Trophy he had gained from takedowns, Kha'Zix the Mantis Man gets a 4 Evolution which adds more damage and addition effects to his whole kit instead of the default 3 skills he had to choose to Evolve that left 1 skill Unevolved) that lasts the rest of the game.

There are a few other LoL Champs who has special missions too whenever champs connected in lore is present in-game together.

I was thinking since Tinkaton's max stacks is 60, if she kills Corviknight first, she'll exceed her max stacks a few stacks extra, but if Corviknight kills her first, it'll get buffed(for whatever gimmick it'll have unless there is no special gimmick, then probably buffs in Defenses or Stronger Shield or Damage Reduction or Deflects Damage).
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I shouldn't have started so fucking late. My teammates are frequently below 200 total battles, and it's even worse when there's a stack since I'll probably get the short end of the stick.
I've just been playing chomp, everyone is retarded and walking into the blender.
What legends/mythicals does everyone want here? Personally I'll be good on those groups if they add Groudon and Kyogre, Ogerpon, and Pecharunt. Deoxys and Necrozma could be cool for gameplay reasons.
I want Marshadow but that's basically it for the category
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The funniest shit just happened.
>Loading within the OK screen
>I see an hardcore eevee fag who must pick last
>The enemy team and our team all instant locked in every eevee to cuck them.
>Eevee fags ends up going going afk until the time runs out.
>We immediately get the surrender vote, hence why their api is not at 100% at the moment.

Freezing Rush pt. 3 changes

>Zeraora, Cinderace, Goodra Buffs
>Darkrai Nerfs

>Assault Vest, Rocky Helmet, Rescue Hood buffs
>Weakness Policy, RFS, Spoon nerfs
Outside of the Darkrai changes this feels like a very nothing patch honestly. I guess the game's in a state of relative balance and Psyduck is "too new" while not being overpowered enough to nerf so this is the best we could hope for, but I would've liked bigger changes for Held Items they're touching for the first (and probably last) time in literal years
Fuck you Timi.
Dark pulse was not the only move that needed to be nerfed.
Dark Void is just just as worst so even with love tap nerf on Dark pulse, Dark Void still cucks everything since it can be paired with nasty plot but Dark pulse is still viable in the end.
It's funny, the changes they made only make it easier to kill and they did jack shit to help pyro ball. The goodra buffs are fucking nothing too. At least Dark pulse and the ult got hit hard.
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>Cinderace nerfed
Does a lot of Indians play this game, it's like almost every Pokémon unite video is an Indian guy speaking only in Indian though they have their videos titles and description in English?

If they can write in English, why not speak it too?
>the good cinderace move is nerfed
lol i love pyro ball shitters keep running the mon into the ground boys
I googled that some months ago but I forgot the answer. Ended up installing the extension Channel blocker to block their shit from the search results.
>api still not updated
Is something going on with that site?
those silky shapelies...
ehhhh, not really
I haven't played this game in years, but I remember I used to play with the anons here as Wigglytuff. Is Wiggly still good? Any other Pokemon I should try out if they were the only one I used?
It absolutely was nerfed, especially with rapid scarf also getting hit.

Wiggly is one of the few mons where every move is good and it's doing really well overall, as for other mons I'd suggest trying Umbreon or Trevenant.
Really? Is Rollout not a shitty meme move anymore?
Dead Game
It's the high IQ move.
Good, rest in shit
Nice idea anon but unfortunately this player base is so retarded, the devs won't actually implement this feature, it would absolutely work for a lot of Pokemon like seviper and zangoose but knowing timi and the unite player base it probably won't see the light of day.
Did everyone in North America quit the game? There has been literally NO ONE playing for the past 5 hours.
I never have any issues getting matches in ranked.
Guess I've been shadowbanned then.

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