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>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

How many trans tickets can you get a day?
That would be gallery, pvp thanks and the one ticket from the shop combined iirc
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add me i like all of my friend's showcases every day

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>want another misty to complete my water deck
>get a zapdos ex
Goddammit, i don't wanna spent points on a basic misty, just give her to me so i can go to charizard packs.
1 from shop
5 combined from any thanks source
simps like you disgust me
Where are all the BottomLeft-fags at? They seem to be practically non-existent in these threads and elsewhere. I guess you have to have some sort brain abnormality or be an actual psychopath/schizo to actually pick Bottom Left every time.
Bottom right mustard race.
Really? So reaching the limit is quite simple. Most if not all people thank in pvp, which is rare for a card game
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Gary ex or Dragonite ex for the mini set mascot? Or a playable Mew ex
I have a feeling Dragonite EX would be the most toxic shit to play against, so I'ma vote for my boy Gyarados to get the buff he needs.
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Just craft it bro.
I'm a bottom left enjoyer, it's just that I never have any good wonderpicks to choose from and then post here. My friends list is nearly full and I'm friends with some of you from this thread, but never once have I seen a full trainer art or anything I desperately want. Over the last 2 days I've seen a pack that included 3 Ducklett and a pack that included 3 Meowth. I've jokingly told myself I'll unfriend people if they have the audacity to pull a terrible pack and share it with others. Every day it feels like less like a joke and more like a plan
Bottom left fag reporting in. I do it because it’s where my thumb already is when I hold my phone so it’s more out of laziness than actual commitment to the spot
This shit again? Fuck off protofag. Go back to your dead general.
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Finally, I got a full art that matters. Waifu art.
I still need Sabrina.
I think Snorlax is the best wall to buy time for Dragonite. Almost impossible to remove 2 of them before Dragonite is ready.
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I pray for a snorlax meta
>popping a blood vessel over nothing
Misty (my cute wife) has been very nice to me today.
How many heads
At least one in all my games today
This card looks awesome
Got him, hope they fix him someday.
>open three packs
>pull two Machamps and an Exeggutor
>wonderpick a Moltres immediately after that
There goes my luck for the next several days...
>Misty gives him head every day
>unlock flair
>can only be used for one copy and not all copies of that card
Fucking gay
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Don't worry, this "game" will die before the leakfag general.
All of his cards are cool
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To keep the theme Mewtwo should be dying of thirst because Gardevoir isn't there.
You swelled your cheeks like a squirrel to hold on to second-hand reddit farts and you came here to blow them out on us third-hand.
I don't feel like there's anything wrong with him. Golem is effectively a Mewtwo ex whose attack costs 3 colourless energy. Onyx is effectively a slightly more consistent (but slightly slower) Sandslash with highroll potential. The cards are fine, it's just hard to find a home for them. I could see Weezing Golem being playable.
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Welcome to the club Erikafren
Retarded question but why would i buy the monthly stuff over the untimed stuff at the top?
The tops stuff is cheaper and gives the same things
Also impossible to retreat.
The enemy will just play around it, powering themselves up too, then either killing it and sabrina the other, or sabrina the one and esablish momentum.

Weezing is good enough stalling, with free retreat and heal.

When you play Snorlax you let your opponent decide the game, And they will make sure to have a fully set up board, multiple high HP people on the bench before they start swinging and letting Dragonite come in.
>dont buy monthly
>its all stuff you can never get again
>buy monthly
>can buy limited stuff as you have extra
The leakfag general can't get through a single thread in a week. It's already dead.
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>male full art
The untimed stuff never refreshes but it takes 84 days to get enough thanks to clear out the monthly shop so don't worry about it.
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top middle believer
If you buy all the top stuff and still want more, you buy the expensive monthly stuff.

(This is extremely disrespectful to the players and is gay and unfun and you can’t even buy tickets with money so it just goes to gimp people who actually play the game)
Weezing is very easy to break through. Especially if you can't draw koffing or weezing or Koga. It needs 3 cards to function effectively.
Fuckin did it, it only took like 75 games but I finally managed to evolve a Golem attach 4 energy to it and sweep. Fuck this turn 2 you lose to starmie ass game tho.
I want THIS Snorlax in Pocket.
It's crazy
Even whales have a hard time getting the tranny coins
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Alright boys, which spot do I pick for Magmar?
top left, middle, or top right
For me, it’s bottom left
kept winning so I had to go concede 5 times in a row to get my "thanks"


Kys meta fag
Snorlax does have that going for him, yes, that he is 1 card combo.
But you do have a good amount of sacrifice for that.

Just again, if you successfully set up Dragonite and Snorlax isn't dead you've completely lost all momentum and your opponent isn't going to give it to you unless it favors them, meaning you now have given your opponent 2-4 turns to finish building up their board, meanwhile all you can really do is potentially build another Dragonite which is decently difficult and in actuality impossible because you have to dump all your energy on lax.
Meanwhile they can find more mons to put on the board, draw into more Sabrinas, etc.
It might be in their best interest too to simply let you switch and tank a draco, to get the damage off on dragonite.and establish the lead that way.

All I'm saying is whenever I see my opponent play lax I get happy since it means I can buy all the time in the world to set up myself, and you know too, if snorlax DOESN'T die he is a massive liability sitting on your bench unless you have another Sabrina target, because forcing snorlax BACK into the active spot is an absolute death sentence.
This pack doesn't have Magmar. You're pulling for Boober.
but I was playing blaine
Pull better.
>Annihilates your deck with Ninetales's Blaine boosted Flamethrower
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>marowak mirror match
love this lil nigga
it's unbelievable to me that people are upset that there's "nothing to do" but get 2 free pulls per day after they completed the event. do you guys realize how incredibly rare it is to battle AS MUCH AS YOU WANT FOR FREE in a mobile game? no fucking energy regen system to chain it down god damn that is sweet. we can even fight specific people by adding them to friends. by mobile standards this is basically the wild west and I love it.
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sex with sabrina
I have like 4 of these and no Sandshews.
Parasect is underrated.


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I hate 3D "art" so much. Anyone who thinks AI won't take over the industry has been fucking blind for over a decade now. 3D was slop before AI slop and they kept forcing 3D into our faces until it just became the fucking norm and now people unironically like this soulless cheap piece of shit. The same will happen with AI. Can't wait for the 2032 EX cards to be literal fucking slop generated and people will praise it because "oooo they're animated now!" just like how piece praise this shit because "I can wiggle my screen and it pops out le card!!!"
Freeters will drown come set rotation.
No Sandslash starter deck?
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No it's shit.
The kingger
If TCGP had scoop up snorlax would be broken
Wow. Parasect completely mogged by kani.
I fucking love my Snorlax/Venusaur deck. Watching those pathetic Pikachu pussies break against my incredible girth is so satisfying.

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Where, bros?
in your dreams bro
top middle
Im feeling top middle on this one bro...
Parasectbros what the fuck
No, I lost faith in top right
That's it, I'll trust you guys.
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watch it be top right lmao
I fucking hate stage 2 mons my stage 1s are always in the bottom 3 cards
yeah, if it's not top middle it's usually right back where it started, that always seems to be the case. sorry bro
I am angry that among the prebuilt decklists that unlock rental decks when you get a specific card, they have ones for only some Kanto gym leaders but none of them are waifus.

I feel like this isn't unreasonable anger.
The starter deck you get is randomly generated from your initial pulls, that's why it waits til you get to level 6 before you can even start battling so that you have enough cards to work with.
>Missed a missing card because he was a top right denier
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I went for a second one, using this strategy, and it worked! This is gonna look nice on my Blastoise deck (which is my main deck).
The first 10-pull I did resulted in nothing above 3 diamond. Should I just reroll my account?
>The starter deck you get is randomly generated from your initial pulls
No it's fucking not. It depends on what the first pack you open is, just like the full art starter that you get.
If I'm f2p, is there any point it hoarding the pokegold that I get? Will I ever reasonably be able to attain something besides booster packs with it?
Post your rarest cards.
Anyone else perceive a lower pull rate of the starter deck EXs? I've never pulled a Marowak ex, Arcanine ex or Exeggutor ex. Obviously the wonder pick event with the chance for Arcanine exs is coming up so I'm not worried about it, just curious if guys have experienced something similar.
we don't know
maybe in the future they have a gold bundle that gives you stuff other than cosmetics
but as of right now, gold is only for the pure cosmetic bundles + pulling/refilling stamina
Anyone want to do a vpnx battle?
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Say it with me:
It might depend on your account, or Wonder Pick might just be rigged. Every time I don't get the EX, it's in the bottom right.
I've never seen a full art trainer in the wonder pick.
I got a rainbow rare Moltres ex by picking the middle, what's your rarest wonder pick so far?
Ive got 4 hourglasses, and havent done any of the advanced or expert solo battles
how can i get 120 hourglasses
like personally or in general because there are 2 from wonder pick in this thread alone.
3 diamond cards seem harder to find than exs.
It's kind of frustrating because a lot of the brewing has started to pickup with 3 diamond cards, and I want to try the lists but lack the cards.
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>Play with a Mewtwo ex deck since the beginning.
>Note that Mewtwo ex needs two colorless energies.
>Think of Misty.
>Put two in the deck.
>First turn, one Misty, but I can't play her.
>Next turn and still not available.
>Read the card.
>Works only with water pokémon.
>In the end you win anyway by evolving Ralts to Gardevoir in enough time.
Well, that was a try.
hoping for an EX version because current snorlax is useless.
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This is the worst card in the game. Even something as fucked up as gard isn’t carrying it to victory. This CPU is fucking my asshole with a 1 energy, 1 retreat cost piece of shit. Why not atleast give gollurk a 2 or even 3 energy cost move? He can’t even reliably kill something with 10hp despite needing 4 energy and having 4 retreat cost. I only did this for the rarity challenge
I give up on MarowakEx. Now Kingler is my new best pokemon. Seriously I've got double heads 160dmg way more often with the crab than the bonehead.
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it came to me in a dream
They really are rarer than Exs if you do the math, because Exs have the 2 star variants and the immersive rares have inflated pull chance as well. I'm down to 13 Pokemon needed left to get the Mew card and out of 10 of them that are three diamond rares, only two of those have an EX variant I can try for instead, so at least 8 of them are going to be a pain in the ass to get
Wouldn't it be easier to just say
>This attack can only be used if this Pokemon is asleep.
I tried running golurk but it's tough when even golett needs 3 energy to attack. If your comitting to the coinflip lifestyle, double hypno gives you more chances to stack energy
>make scaryface coinflip for paralysis
>bump U-turn to 70 or 80 but force swap if there is a pokemon on the bench
>weakness lighting
fixed it for you
do you mean the non-starter deck EXs? I've pulled 2 Eggs, 0 Arcanine, 0 Wak though for reference
>guaranteed Marowak, Arcanine, or Exeggutor EX base don initial choice.
Would have been good to know. I opened Pikachu initially and it needs two more EXs to make a complete deck. The Mewtwo and Charizard starters only need one more each.
It doesn't work with Dragonite either. :^)
>make something interesting actually a coinflip for the most boring status effect
my dreams are brighter than yours
>Ive got 4 hourglasses, and havent done any of the advanced or expert solo battles
>how can i get 120 hourglasses

By doing all of the advanced missions and challenges for solo battles.
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how do i join pocket tournaments? im so bored and im not exactly the type of guy to participate in communities
I need sleeves and a playmat. I'm not messing with flairs or linking an account.
Unironically a skill issue.
There's a video from the host if you want can find it. I don't feel like looking it up but the first 50 mins of this video should talk about it a bunch. I will be signing up again. I didn't use my best deck and don't want to use Pikachu deck but I might if I can't find want I need for my other decks.

Spent 5 bucks on this shit today
I'm ashamed of myself
I just got my second gardevoir off a top right pick, Im converted.
I still somehow have not pulled a Caterpie…
>5 dollars on a slot machine that dispenses clefairy and oddish only
you should be. between the gacha pulls and the massively overpriced cosmetics, there isn't a single thing in this game worth spending money on.
80 is about as high as Grass's damage gets, so Parasect is better for Grass than Kingler is for Water. Also

>retreat 3
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If this shit gives me another false positive I'm gonna be pissed.
>grass sucks dick
yeah we know
I used the free sub trial. I won't go further than that.
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What for, just finish the game.
ayo lemme get that weezing my nigga
just go on limitless, whole thing is done on their site and all you have to do is set up code and say gg, i think some require a discord to sign up but that's just to contact for stuff like prizes, but you can probably just make a throwaway
>fighting a marowack ex player has 5 chances to win the game if he hits double heads even once
>it never happens
I love fighting coinflip decks
I'm sitting at 824 cards and haven't pulled a Venonat or Horsea
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How can I make an alt account on iphone? Too scared to lose my main but I want to mess around on an alt and see if I pull something crazy. I just miss opening packs as a F2P who has done everything already
>been a top right picker since day one
>never gotten anything
>get sick of it and swap to top middle
>instantly rewarded
I am now a diehard top middle adherent. Fuck top right.
>Fuck top right.
That's what top right philes say too.
Bottom left was better here, though.
You can pull Kirlia but Gardevoir does not show up in packs.
I have 3 zapdos ex.
1 Pikachu ex
full nidoqueen and nidoking x2
2x jigglypuff/wigglytuff ex
4 surges and 2 misty
But no butterfree, 2 metapod, and only 1 caterpie.
did you join a tournament on there?
I started with Mewtwo packs and I have 2 Marowak EX, but after a gajillion Charizard packs I got 0 Exeggutor, not even the regular ones. I don't open Pikachu packs so obviously 0 Arcanine.
You didn't get a million butterfree from the lapras event?
I crafted an Erika thinking it would work on any mon lol
>Implying I care about meta
I only want to collect waifucards.
What's your rarest card?
lol i tried to do this on dnite as well
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You boys win your flips today?
I now have +50% of the cards but I'm still using the rapidash deck that the game gives you because I'm too scared of making a shitty deck myself ...
She gave me a couple of actually good flips, but only in matches where it didn't matter much lmao
Still got my 45 wins though, so I'm not bothered.
what waifu trainer would make you spend a lot of money on this game
None, actually, I pride myself of being able to get what I want out from gacha expending as little as possible with preference of expending zero money, that is why right now I am hoarding as many clocks as possible.
I have literally never gotten anything good from a mewtwo pack ever.
Nope, but I keep winning because neither does my opponent
Do I pp 2 Ralts and a Garde or do I try to roll them and use the points on Mew completion? I've no particular interest of playing M2, but as of now I don't really even have the option.
>100+ friend IDs posted to the survey
>I'm somehow still the only Karenfag
I need to represent my anti meta queen. Or lorelei. She's good too but I fear she'll just be a Misty levels of broken. For each card you discard, add one water energy to a benched Pokémon ass shit.
A Cynthia x Dawn combination card that works in any deck.
use 2 Clefable line and 2 kanga instead if you have the kangas
the age of 30 is NOT in demand.
yeah I've done two, it's pretty easy, it's tough to enter the big ones since I work on weekends so I end up just joining midweek or night ones
unfortunately not lel, 0 for 3 I think
Did they just patch Moltres Ex, or am I going crazy?
Mostly not, but she saved me a few times.
>want waifu fullarts
>me with my 2 Surges and 1 Brock
Goddamnit, just end me already.
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Uhhhh, interesting deck, Luis?
based Luiz™, fuck meta niggers, especially pikachuds
Based, I don't thank Pikachu/M2 players even when I win.
>the only good early game tank is kangaskhan with his 0 damage coin flips
I hate this game
Non-ex Lapras also seems good, I wish I had one.
I just got my hands on a FA Snorlax. What's your decklist? I'm interested.
>28 hours until we can spend our money for this black friday "event"
Bro he never had a fire energy show up in like 10 turns, I think they're just in the deck.
I was pulling for Misty, Eevee, and Blastoise, it's not my fault. I don't have any other decks. I only got 1 Eevee, no Blastoise and no FA Misty...
>pokemon players complaining about the company being money hungry
You guys never learn do you
What event?
Really not happy that my opponent can draw through 6 more cards than me in the first 2 turns because of Professor's Research. I think both it and Pokeball should be banned, and just let each player draw an extra card at the start of the game or something.
Just put that card in your deck

>slows the game down

>encourages even less basics since drawing them after the guaranteed basic in hand is harder
>meta is shoehorned into even more basic ex types
It's in 100% of all decks in the entire game. That doesn't mean you draw it.

I know, there's really no good solution. I FEEL like Pokeball benefits basic ex decks more than others, but Professor's Research is much harder to ban. Unless we get evo incense, but that has the exact same problem of some people drawing it and some people not.

I wish they had just folded all evolutions into the basic. Like instead of playing Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard, you only have to play Charmander. And you can just evolve one pokemon per turn without needing a specific card for it.
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>all this Pikachu hate
Smells like hater in this bitch. All of you should kneel before your mouse. Your daddy. Your fucking father.
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I need... Content.....

How do people play this if there's nothing to grind for
>avatarfagging as a foid
bro youre already playing the most exciting part of the game - the waiting game
How about you and your bird bitch kneel before the trve king
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>he doesn't know
It's been 6 days anon, get a new screenshot.
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Been testing Pika all today since I finally got the cards together.

Some thoughts:
Raichu is bad
LT surge is bad
Magnets are bad
Red card is good
Sabrina is good
X speed is good.
Zapdos is EX is painfully mediocre

Currently my list looks like the following :

2 Pikachu EX
1 Zapdos Ex
2 Voltorb
2 Electrode
2 zebra
2 big zebra

2 professors research
2 pokeball
2 x speed
2 sabrina
1 red card

Zebra isn't the best, but it complements the Sabrina's. Tried to make raichu LT surge work a bunch of different ways, but I just wished I had real cards in my hand like Sabrina/red card/x speed instead of LT surges.

Giovanni seems like it would be pretty good too, but not playing red card is really bad I think. Some dude in the mirror red carded me twice in a game lel. Playing a 2nd red card, despite how often the first is good, seems fuxking terrible.

Voltorb is also quite mediocre, but it's basically like having a few more x speeds. I really want to keep the basics as low as possible, so hence cutting the 2nd Zapdos ex. Humorously, I waited until getting my second today to test pika and I ended up cutting it pretty early in testing lel.

I could totally see cutting either a big zebra or an electrode for something else (gio or potion).

Overall this deck feels like it really makes good use of Sabrina and I'm very surprised to see so many lists playing 1 or 0 Sabrina.

t. Mewtwo Fossil Ex-Pro TCG psuedo tripfag
It seems inevitable that research will be banned sometime in the future, but right now there just aren't enough cards to make a deck without it and pokeball.
So do you guys think they are gonna rotate stuff out or do you think they're gonna go the yugioh angle and just keep stuff around forever. Powercreep will happen either way
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>Red card
I don’t mind if it’s a meme build or outside of beginner matchmaking. Pika is honestly the least boring meta deck, assuming you don’t brick against it.
Pokemon has always been dogshit in terms of balance so it's inevitable that they'll do rotation
It's a gacha, they'll defs rotate it out when there's too many packs, then rotate it in for those who missed out

I would guess they'll rotate it out when there's more than 2 sets running concurrently (so when get 3 rolls around)

8(3+a mini) boosters running concurrently is a lot already, 12? too much
Old cards will stay in your collection but won't count for new battle challenges/event battles etc.
Wait so when December 19th rolls around I won’t be able to roll Apex packs anymore? That would seriously fucking suck
Lugia will be colorless, trust the plan, bros.
Yes. Very. Even better in Pika than in Mewtwo by a good bit.
>yet another pack of nothing but 1-2 Diamond duplicates

They should have made the fifth card be a guaranteed 3 Diamond or higher, this is so demoralizing.
They're dropping the new promo event solo missions so you can farm arcanine ex
i just test decks or enter some tours when i have time. i was playing like a dopamine addict on the first week it came out but it is kinda nice to have that game-life balance back
>raichu is bad
it's for the pikachu matchup itself, yes you are gimping yourself a little but the overall boons are way bigger. it plays a little differently than the stock pikachu deck.
Why would they both be banned? I feel like they're fall out of use in favor of more useful search options.
Raichu variant does really well in tourny settings though, often one of the better Pika decks
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>pack available notification
>still can't pull Alt Moltres
I swear the 2* Rainbow alts are more rare than the 3* Immersives.
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Unlikely. The TCG prints new draw supporters every set. Draw 7 is an evergreen mechanic. We can expect a similar balance philosophy in pocket. Research will remain legal until it rotates and then it'll get replaced by another draw 2. I wouldn't be surprised if the miniset gives us a new draw 2
Good pack
>I swear the 2* Rainbow alts are more rare than the 3* Immersives.
Yeah. Specific 2*s odds are lower than immersives lol. I wonder how the trade market would look (if it's good)
So many people will have immersives than certain 2*s
You mean farm charmeleon.
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What's the closest we have to a haymaker deck in pocket?
I need ONE Chari to complete my 5/5 profile icon mission.. PLS
>haven't touched PVP
>have basically everything for a pikachu ex deck so assemble it and start playing for the event
>third match I get a friend request from the person I beat
I wonder if they're cool
>removing professors research and pokeball
100% agreed. There is no decision making with pokeball and using professors research as soon as you get it is the correct option 99% of the time. It's literally pot of greed, if every single deck is better for running it, then it shouldn't be in the game and we can have more variety in deckbuilding.
we need ranked asap. I would be perfectly happy grinding if I could play people at my level, as it is now I play 60% shitters, 30% meta deck shitters, and 10% people with meta decks that actually know what they're doing.
You mean farm Growlithe, it refuses to come home while I already have two Arcanine EX, including the 2 Star one.
How long do your pulls appear in wonder pick for other people
I have nearly 40 friends, and I'm sure 10 of them are from this thread, 5 are people I know irl, and the rest are people that sent me requests after we battle, win or lose. I play Charizard, so I don't think I'm partially special. I hope they implement some kind of basic chat system, if not full on text/voice chat.
Farfetch'd + Primape/Starmie Ex. I'm officially off the Kang bandwagon
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>rare pack have two types
>One with a blaine, one without

>Bonus picks have 10 different packs
>4 of them have pack hourglasses
>the other 6 don't
ohnonono rngbros

>red card is good
opinion discarded.
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>opponent has one pokemon
>i can win this turn if i roll at least one head in 4 coin tosses
>4 tails
>now i lose because he can kill my active pokemon and i can't one shot his anymore
Idk why i play this game
It might not ever appear, i open packs on my alts and they haven't appeared yet (if ever)

sometimes its instant sometimes its a few hours sometimes its never
Personally, I think voltorb/electrode are unimpressive (you don’t need more x speeds, especially if it means multiple stage 1s in the deck), and the choice between raichu and zebstrika is matchup dependent. Zeb is fantastic against most pika decks. Raichu is better against most other decks with the exception of water (starmie and/or articuno). Cutting zapdos ex is wild. Sure, the card is unimpressive out of context, but it’s the best partner pika has right now.
Probably just reminded of people adding me or friends after games to insult them for whatever reason is all and found it funny. Maybe they are cool, I dunno. I know I'm playing some top tier meta and know that may be annoying and frankly I don't think I like the gameplay so much at the moment, but if they gonna make a PvP event...
So does this mean I have to craft shit with my points before they put out the next pack?
>before they put out the next pack?
we don't know when they will rotate out the old packs, they would tell us tho.. surely
>So do you guys think they are gonna rotate stuff out or do you think they're gonna go the yugioh angle and just keep stuff around forever. Powercreep will happen either way
they'll rotate it out, after they have like 4 sets released.
>draw two
>more useful search options
admittedly I don't know how fucked up and powercrept the actual tcg meta is but pot of greed is retarded because there's no reason for every single deck to run it.
Unless I'm misunderstanding you on what a set is. 3 sets is way too few if they want to keep it generation by generation they are definitely going to let all 9 gens coexist for a bit before they start taking things out. Also your crazy if you think the charizard , pikachu and mewtwo set is going anywhere anytime soon, normies go crazy for those mons they are gonna want to collect and use em forever I'd give it 2-3 years for genetic Apex to get rotated out.
how is Koga not the face of stall decks? the whole gimmicks is you keep tagging out and putting down weezing over and over until they die
>play blastoise deck early on
>get lots of friend requests
>eventually start playing dragonite and charizard decks
>get almost no friend requests

Snorlax x2
Bulba/Ivy/Venusaur x2
Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree x1
Erika x2
Pokeball x2
Oak x2
Potion x2
Sabrina x1

Snorlax is superb at stalling until you can get Venusaur set up and since he can be searched with pokeball its not uncommon to have one on your bench for any pesky Sabrina's. Once you have Venusaur set up you just sack off the Snorlax and switch in Venusaur.

Charizard is the decks obvious counter, but I've seen so few of those that it hasnt really been an issue yet. The only thing can be concerning is if a Mewtwo deck gets up and running before you have Venusaur ready to switch in. Everything else I've faced just doesnt have the damage to get over Venusaur.
Hmm. I don't feel safe without 2 Sabs. I'd probably go 2 Sabs, 1 Pot, but not bad. I like it.
Danke schön.
The problem with Centiskorch is that if it goes tits up your energy consumption has locked you out as any sort of follow-up.
Is set rotation confirmed for pocket?
Take a break and play/do something else
why the FUCK is jolteon allowed to do 160 damage for 2 energies
if you're not running Hand Scope how can you know you're not un-bricking your opponent?
event currency has a grace period after the event ends before the event shop closes so I'm optimistic
Yeah, I'm obviously very early im my pika journey. Could be wrong about everything I said, except that Sabrina is good.

I understand it's fornthe mirror and also probably cleans up. Starmies and Mewtwos sometimes, but I played maybe 8 matches them (both with magents and not, but also with LT Surge) and it was underwhelming.

I'm trying to build the best version for mewtwo and the mirror (of course) so maybe I could see some world where I don't play voltorb and play zebra and pika maybe and like 1 LT Surge. Now that I say that, it sounds breddy ok.

Any opinions on Potion in pika? Obviously it's a good bit worse than Potion in Mewtwo.


Zappy was just extremely mediocre every time. Without Raichu I could see playing 2, but if you end up on raichu, I could see playing even 0. In fact, now that i say that, that also sounds breddy gud.

Obviously same philosophy as mewtwo where I wanna maximize my nut draws and play as few basics as possible while still being fast. That's one reason I like voltorb alright because it just gives me more but draws where I find pika one t1, evolve and slap w pika t2. I know that's obvious, but it's an interesting way to see why I'm not opposed to playing less zappies.
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Nope, they haven't even confirmed the mainset 2 drop at the end of jan
Honestly I love that MTG has different formats. Would prefer to see this game go that route overall, as it incentivizes new packs being opened on their end, and incentivizes old cards going up in price on our end (assuming unrestricted or very free trade abilities).
Second time today that someone used x-speed when my Arbok had their mon cornered, kek.
>saw my first 4 cost wonder pick
>a FA giovanni
damn I am tempted
If it was sabrina or misty I would in an instant
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Lilligant is my favourite pokemon, and it's move seems alright. Can I make a deck with it and the venasaur ex line and will it do alright? Not sure what else I could pair with lilligant otherwise, besides snorlax or some colourless heavy pokemon in another type but that might be too much pokemon in the deck
>as it incentivizes new packs being opened on their end, and incentivizes old cards going up in price on our end (assuming unrestricted or very free trade abilities).
We're fine on that end I think since this game is primarily a collecting jpeg game so naturally old stuff will eventually be worth more (assuming the trade is in our favor, it's probably not)

Go for it anyway, the exp is always nice, and theres a 8 full art trainer mission (if you hit the gio)
Jesus Christ lol I heard people say Pokemon had crazy power creep, but just printing improved pot of greeds is lels.
>besides snorlax or some colourless heavy pokemon in another type
Who wants to be the one to tell him
Literally 0 reason to not go for it

Pick center btw
If I get get 2 vulpix, 2 ninetails, and 2 blaines from this without having to touch the charizard pack that's good enough for me
a second arcanine would be nice but isn't a big deal to me
don't care about the charizard line at all
Erika looks so cute in her FA
By paying attention to the game actions my opponents take each turn, anon.
>add a feature that allows (((certain))) cards to be traded
which cards do you think it'll be?
you guys realize the entire point is that so bad players can beat good ones right?
like those cards are in the game precisely because billy bumpkin can draw 2 prof research to your 0 and win
Shit take. Professor's Research and Pokeball are fine. I just want to get Ultra Ball in this, or maybe even Great Ball even if it's nerfed.
1 energy deal 40 (or more) is a lot of damage. And your ability to tag him out means that he's a pseudo Giovanni. Weezing wouldn't be nearly as good if all he did was stall
my guess is it'll be limited to not allowing trades for rares or full arts or it'll be time limited to not allowing trades for cards from the newest pack but allowing it for old ones. My hope is they only limit trades of rares because I care more about having a complete deck than collecting.
I'd prefer Evosoda, personally.
I hope they allow full arts; maybe if you have more than a playset of them. I need to trade an Erika for a second Sabrina...
30 damage +poison isn't very much it's a rare scenario that weezing ever actually kills anything directly and isn't just there to force swaps and tank hits. Pokemon like tentacruel do a much better job with hiting for 50+10 letting you kill stuff like ex pika if you got the first hit.
re-read your card nigga
>only full arts I have are golbat and rapidash
not even going to be useful for trading.
T1: Petilil, Energy
T2: Lilligant, Energy, Attack
T3: Attack ; you have no broken even
T4: Attack ; you are now up on energy

T1: Raltz
T2: Kirlia
T3: Gardevoir, Ability ; you are now up on energy

Gardevoir psychic-locks you and is slightly less consistent but holy fuck is Lilligant bad. It's slow and vulnerable to disruption.
>what if I put a twig forward to body-block for my punching bag? - statement dreamed up by the utterly deranged
Its been nice playing Pikachu today instead of Mewtwo as always. Pikachu has games go much faster and is so much easier to pilot.
You're missing the point of the first post, my dude.
>doesn't bother trying the deck
>wants other people to just give them their experiences so he can skip to the finalized product

I'll say it again, redditor.

Try the deck for yourself.

Throw whatever shit you want into the deck and find out what works.

Try thinking for once.

What felt good and what didn't?

What slowed you down? Are there any alternatives that are faster/cheaper/stronger?

What are the trade-offs?

Figure this shit out instead of asking for strangers to spoonfeed you.

Holy shit, how do you even enjoy the game if you don't want to play it?

Are you honestly telling me that pro-players never try their own shit out and just wait for a bunch of nerds on /vp/ to theorycraft for them, Mr. "Professional TCG Cicle"?

There, I even put breaks in between each sentence to help with your reading comprehension.
It's been like 4 threads, please don't try and summon him
Can't trick me, ano!
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For me it's this one
>Throw whatever shit you want into the deck and find out what works.
he wants to know when he can stop pulling
The damage still adds up. And Tentacruels attack costs 2 energy. Weezing can come out the gates swinging. Tentacruel needs a Misty to do that. And on top of that Weezing doesn't need to attack to poison an enemy. It's literally free damage.
Am I crazy or did Sabrina used to yank out one of the opponent's Pokemon at random?
in my anecdotal experience, I don't ever lose pokemon to weezing unless I'm letting them die for a revenge kill, while I've actually won games with just tenta cruel. 2 energy is not a big investment, especially if you have misty to occasionally give you the energy for free. 2 energy retreat cost also means you can reasonably switch it out for something else when necessary, instead of praying for koga to come and save you.
Is it possible to get 2 of the full art Pikachu (not the ex, the regular one with a copy in the store?
>irl tcg feature or mechanic not yet common in pocket that you wish becomes a mainstay later on
>irl tcg feature or mechanic not yet common in pocket that you're glad is gone and hope it fucks off forever
the opponent always selects which pokemon they're tagging in.
You are INSANE
Judging from our interactions, I believe the very talented and skilled Pika player is asleep right now since I stopped posting st like 6am EST and he kept going for awhile after.
Sad, this is what happens when I think about it without looking at it.
Definitely feels bad. Why does gardevoir have to be such a bitch.
Yeah man, fuck sharing ideas and opinions. Why even have this stupid thread if we're not gonna talk about the game. Guess I'll just waste my pulls on useless shit and sit here wishing someone who already experimented was nice enough to give some tips instead of being a miserable motherfucker that hates everyone and themselves. Fucking loser.
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I want them to print thoughtseize as a supporter card. It's probably too overpowered, but maybe not considering I'm seeing different pot of greed variants everywhere.
not that guy but please at least read the card before asking questions like "does lilligant pair well with snorlax"
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Lel, we got him boys.
>new pasta response pasta has entered the chat.
That is fair. Real card gamer moment of not reading
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Fuck yeah just got her
Venasaur or eggexutor but eggs don't need energy
Sexiest card in the game, congrats
You can still run Lilligant and if I encounter you in versus matches I'd probably thank you regardless of W/L. Grass decks are cool in my book.

Also just wait till they release a Liligant ex or Hisuigant
You only say that now because Grass isn't meta bro...
The issue with unrestricted trades is that someone could just make a new account roll some rares and trade it off which cuts into the business model. So my guess is that you can only trade a card if you have 3+ and trades available being random like wonder picks.
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join the tournament
Probably just promos are restricted?

>Lapras Ex will be rarer than gold crowns in a years time
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Yeah, once grass becomes meta I will be a spiteful fuck who gives no thanks, so enjoy it while you can
Thanks. Maybe I can make some dumb non ex deck with regular venasaur or parasect or something and have a fun time with less investment.
What's Haymaker? Something that hits hard and fast? I'd say blaine
why is the gap in her cleavage wider than the grand canyon, goddamn. they look like magnetic polar opposites
Golurk, flip 2 coins, 100 dmg per heads
Wigglytuff Weezing is unironically good debate me
Was this girl in any game or is she TCG original?
>debates you
There have been multiple cards that do something like that, both as trainer cards and as effects of abilities or attacks of pokemon. The power creep will take a while to get up to that point though.
he would be meta if he could fit in Pikachu ex
Behold, my shoddy "Store Brand Charizard EX" deck
The pede is cooler
Today I learned that weakness doesn't apply to benched pokemon.
I see you finally took my advice on the Centiskorch Shitpost Deck
I don't need anecdotal evidence because Weezing has a more than enough tournament tops to support my belief. And, my own personal experience aligns with this. Tentacruel does not have any tournaments to his name, at least none that I know of. If you know of any, please share them.
Idk if rapidash is better than vulpix ninetails, but I unironically this the pede could be better than charzsrd. At the very least, i think arkanine ex is better than zard.

Moltres ex is so fucking strong
I finally got a Venusaur EX from a pack bros, now to just hope for another one
My FA Erika is just sitting there waiting for me to have a deck she can actually be used in.
Twf when the Mewtwo fossil faggot may be right...
Haymaker was the original meta deck back when the original tcg had problems with the game being too slow for stage 2 pokemon and the attacks were much simpler, like pocket is now. Haymaker was built around hitmonchan, electabuzz, and scyther who were all basics that had decent HP and had relatively high damage for low energy cost, allowing you to come out swinging and sustain it easily. That was far more consistent than taking forever to setup a mega fuckhueg cannon over 4 turns and have your entire setup collapse if it got taken our before it was ready. Back in the day you were either running haymaker or you were just noob fodder feeding wins to people running it
[Laughs in Dragonite]
maybe there's some hole in the strategy I'm not aware of but for whatever reason I just don't see anyone running Tentacruel+dragonite, which is the deck I use. It avoids the pitfall of having to include dark energy to your rng of energy building and tentacruel can actually kill things. might just not be popular yet
OK I've played more with pika. I think zebra is quite good, and I was maybe wrong about Lt Surg and Raichu. Need to test more. Thinking about something like this to test :

2 pikachu ex
2 pikachu
2 raichu
4 zebras
2 professor
2 pokeball
2 x speed
2 Sabrina
2 Lt surge
1 red card.

Maybe I'm just a complete retard, but I'm gonna try 0 zapdos kek.

At the very least, I think not playing 2 sabrina is absolutely retarded.
I don't have the cards, but part of me thinks Sharticuno and misty may pair wellmw drsgonite. You really really want something that makes energy or you're just too slow
the nice thing about fossils is you can pull them from the field at any time so if you see the other guy has 3 energy on his dragonair, you get them off the field before it can become a problem.
Have you guys spent your pocket points on anything yet. Im always paranoid about using them. I want to complete a grass deck but apparently a fire event is coming? Fuck oooffff
Cool now you are allowing dragonite to focus fire its 200 damage on the actual pokemon you have left in play, with nothing else set up to bounce to. Even worse if the active was your ONLY pokemon, cause then you lose even if the opponent only got one point from the knockout.
yeah I use misty in that deck. Articuno feels a bit resource intensive as you only get 40 damage and no status effect on it's 2 energy attack and you can't really manually build up the articuno to 3 without neglecting dragonite.
I also don't have articuno ex yet and am definetly not seething
Which ones are pocket points?
Genetic Apex is definitely sticking around for a while but dont be scared to spend those points you can only spend genetic Apex points on genetic Apex cards
Had to get Geodude out of Wonder Pick. Still missing Graveler and Golem though.
I think he means the 5 points you get each time you open a pack that you can spend on specific cards at ridiculous rates
anon, if you pull the fossils from play, you can then replace them with different pokemon. I run moltres+charizard with fossils and when that situation happens I pull the fossils and drop 130hp moltres to replace them and soak some of the meteor
The whole point of the Venusaur/Snorlax deck is to outlast your opponent. That extra 20hp from the potion goes a long ways in the deck and is super important in having enough HP to grind down your opponents. I really recommend not cutting it.

Theres really only one card you need to worry about when you have Venusaur out and thats Charizard. Zapdos can technically one shot Venusaur as well but requires flipping heads four times in a row, which if that happens the game just doesnt want you to win regardless.
Oh I haven’t spent any of mine yet. At 570. Spending them on anything that’s not ridiculously rare just seems like a waste
Yeah so just have those pokemon out there to begin with instead of using fossils. The deck thinning point the guy was making is totally valid, but using fossils is not the be all end all way to exploit it. It's still considerably flawed and needs to account for its own share of exploits it opens you up to.
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I know a lot of people say top right here, but either Wonder Pick is rigged from the start, or my seed is rigged to bottom right.

I'm the anon who posted a full art Gengar EX yesterday. Now I can make a Gengar deck.
Probably the latter. Maybe some autist who watched the whole anime knows differently but otherwise I'm pretty sure she's original
Maybe starmie is what we are looking for
Ok I don't I don't know of 6 basics is enough in this list. Maybe play 2 zappy ex and 1 pinchiro or whatever that Pokemon is called. Maybe even play 2 of that and just one zappy. Zerbra is good but I feel this is skimped too hard on basics
well the point is you keep the fossils out so your opponent can't kill your actual pokemon early with sabrina while you build them up.
yeah I think starmie+dragonite would be a very powerful deck but the two downsides are starmie needs 2 water energy instead of tentacruels 1 water+ 1 colorless and I don't have the second starmie EX but if I did that would be the deck
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I can't even get lucky with a Raichu on wonder picks...
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the single butterfree seems iffy to me. You've already got a 3 stage line in there so it seems bricky. Swapping those for fossil or 2 might be good to keep them from sniping bulbs with sabrina early game, and you can toss in a 1-of aerodactyl to be a cheeky fuck.

t. Have a blastoise deck which has virtually the same gameplan.
stop wonderpicking on normals you'll get in your next pack and feel stupid. save those for EX's, rares, and trainers you might be missing.
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How can I make my water deck stronger? I was leaning towards replacing Snom/Frostmoth or Krabby/Kingler but they’ve both gotten me wins today(mostly thanks to RNG) so idk
Clair, Flannery, or Gardenia. Yeah I have a type so what
Should've spun your phone around 3 times and said Raichoose you before picking
I cant tell if marowak is good or bad.
switch to two kingler or two frosmoth, but don't use both as you'll be more likely to brick your hand.
Yeah I don't fucking care about anything else specific on wonder picks outside of full art Misty and I've yet to see that come up.

This made me laugh, so I'll try it next time.
Well it's no kingler that's for sure
almost singleton kino
Dispite seemingly being made for it Lilligant doesn't work with venusaur as well as I hoped. It's a painfully balanced card so against the top decks it has a hard time helping the saur line out compared to egg ex who has a ton of hp and can attack for just 1 energy. It's still good I just think it would be better off supporting some other powerful grass type that's not in the game yet
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Fucking finally a good pack
Nice 'Lax bro!
You have too many different mons I think. You're probably doing that just because you don't have 2nd copies, but like the reason people play doubles of stuff is because that makes it easier to evolve them. I respect the crab and the moth, but having only one of each just feels like a liability to me.
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Call it
Thanks bro, appreciate it
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I wish i could give away cards.
>stage 1
>4 energy
>rng attack
>stupid high retreat cost
Golurk is the absolute opposite of everything Haymaker was about
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One hand
Trading soon
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And o the other hand
That's a fuckin Ludacris amount of snorlax
You know, this really is such a good movie. I read the book afterwards, and it's been a very long time, but iirc the movie is a 1:1 of the book except for one scene.
im retarded, i mixed up haymaker with lariat since they're both wrestling moves
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I flip a coin after every match ends to determine whether I give thanks or not.
If the game is decided by RNG why should you getting a free shop ticket be any different.
Old Amber is better than Helix or Dome Fossil in most decks. Aerodactyl runs on neutral energy so your opponent might try to play around it.
please show up in my wonder pick :x
Imagine being >>56949865 and unironically wanting to put 4 energy on this to do 70 damage.
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Dammit, I hate the irony that original pokegirls from TCG are extremely obscure. Look at pic related for example, she is fucking beautiful and yet doesn't have fanart, if seems even if they are pokegirls, they still can fall into obscurity unless they are part of the "big three" (games, anime and pokemon adventures manga) and even with that they still can become obscure like 80% of the pokegirls from XY and the original bitches from the "new continuity" ashnime movies.
I spent them on getting Gio and Primeape because the game never wanted to give me them.
Could an eeveelution deck work in pocket?
welcome to tcgs
please enjoy your stay
as long as you can be happy with one or two decks each set you can freeload just fine.
No. It only lets you use 2 types at a time and 2 copies of each card.
I know what you mean
ditch lapras for another pokeball and do >>56950232
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So now that I finished all the event battles, is there any reason for me to not just join battles and immediately concede so my opponents can get some wins?
That one is not TGC original, that is the RSE pokemon breeder.
its funny how despite this tech "technically" letting me generate my own assets for my amateur game dev projects I have no interest in using it.
sure it may seem overly idealistic but there's something about doing it yourself that make it feel more personal, more MINE if you would
Nah, breeder has blue hair and an apron.
>2 weeks ago
Is there a evee thats like the harpies ladies or blue eyes cards that have the (this cards name is x) so you can run multiple copies of him
Oltso LT surge and Raichu are incredible.
Really like this build so far.
Bro your special tickets?
Opps I mean the other list a no zebra
I think what we'll get instead is an eevee specific version of scoop up so that we can still run multiple eeveelutions while still being constrained to only 2 actual eevees
how do you beat arbok decks with mewtwo aaaa
You hit them.

Really hard.
You’re going to find that you’re too squishy without zapdos ex. That card is what saves otherwise mediocre starts. The deck will still work, but you’re going to struggle at times due to your low bulk.

In my opinion, you need:
>2 pika ex (duh)
>2 zapdos ex
>2 pika/raichu OR blitzle/zebstrika
>0-2 pincurchin
You need a good lineup of basics for pika. Two evolution lines is asking for a brick. Running raichu probably warrants running at least one surge; two seems like overkill.
>put in mewtwo once you have 2 energy
>psychic sphere
>use one potion
>psychic sphere
that wasn't so hard. you do have potions right anon? They're only 2 troon tickets in the store
Is this worth going for? Double Moltres?
nah, the coinflipping isn't worth it. You can drop pincurchin and zebstrika for electrode. 80 hp is high enough that it can take a hit and electrode has free retreat so you can get that energy on pika/zapdos as soon as possible.
>normal moltres
nah, hold off for EX moltres, thats where the real good shit is.
why not, you're nearly capped and moltrussy is a new card
It's a mobile game, so whenever I shit, or am waiting, I play a game.
I got to try many different decks. Been fun, it's not fun to play against the same Pikachu build over and over, but whatever.
but what about when they KO mewtwo and the arbok bullies whatever I send in?
do you want a moltres?
I’m at level 20 and it’s taking a ridiculous amount of wins to move that bar now
Extra basics so you can stall out to one shot arbok
I was doing some scuffed playtesting with mew2 and while I think fossils are about even or better than basics in most scenarios in the mirror or vs pika, fossil mew2 gets shit on by koga so hard, I think you have to run them to not insta lose
I need a good melmetal deck bros
Is there a way to make going first better in steel deck? If I don’t go second I can’t farm energy safely with Meltan and I fall behind too much
You hope they brick
I will never have (S)EX...

Yeah, 2/5 odds for a brand new card are great odds no matter how you
>they KO'd mewtwo
you better have your back up mewtwo otherwise you're fucked. mewtwo gardevoir isn't a deck with a backup plan, you either get gard out with mewtwo with 2 energy or you lose. Arbok can be tough because it hits fast but it still needs 2 energy to attack, same as mew two. If you're ready with a potion or xspeed to switch to your other mewtwo you can deal with it.
The only good go-first decks right now are Misty and Arbok Weezing.
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I want this ability in pocket.
I tried to tell you.
maybe running double hypnos? they can sit on the bench sleeping the active pokemon while meltan builds energy
Moltres EX is the ramp card that actually sees play.
Regular Moltres is... a soft wall you can try to swing with if your deck bricks?
If you're planning on pulling for Arcanine EX in the wonder pick event I would skip this one. The Arcanine packs will have regular Moltres in them so you might pick it while trying for better cards.
Starting to feel that Bug Aggro is just a worse version of Weezing Pidgeot. It's the exact same damage values except you get to use Weezing and Pidgeot instead of having a small chance to highroll a Beedrill early on.
as if ex pika+raichu isn't already good enough, come on man.
OK pincurcin is dogshit.

Liking this list a lot rn

2 pika ex
2 zappy ex
2 pikachu
2 raichu
1 zappy

2 pokeball
2 professor
2 x speed
2 sabrina
2 Lt surge
1 red card
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>xspeed to switch to your other mewtwo you can deal with it.
>against Arbok
Anon, I....
See above.
You are correct pincirchin is dogshit, so I'm going w another zappy to soak up some hits
Articuno+trainers is control. Due to the mechanics most Pokemon TCG and Pocket decks are combo decks.

Since decks are so similar you have to know "Who's The Beatdown?":
It applies to all TCGs even if it was written for MTG.
oh right, just potions lol
>you're nearly capped
Oh I missed that when I suggested >>56950434
I guess he'll be back to full when the event starts though.

My point on the Arcanine pack stands. You'll see more Moltres wonder picks soon.
The Caterpie line has too much synergy with Venusaur not to run one copy, atleast in a stall deck where the goal is to out heal your opponents to death. Caterpie himself can be super helpful searching out that pesky Ivysaur or Venusaur that you just cant seem to draw with his "Find a Friend" attack.
The duality of boners
Articuno18 is the beatdown in every matchup, anon. Articuno doesn't scale particularly well, and having only 2 basics means you have a very small pool of HP you can retreat into. There's a reason the majority of people playing the list will concede if their Misty rolls tails.
I want Raichu to be the BEST.
If you get all your cards quick and they brick you win.
>wonder picks are predetermined
Is it ogre?
It is the beatdown but it is a control deck. Nothing more control in Pokemon than bench manipulation and hand disruption until you can attack.
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>decide to try arbok/weezing
>first opponent is starmie ex
>go first, get koffing but no weezing
>mfw they red card me my weezing
It truly is ogre. Top Right chads in shambles.
Unlike the primary gacha, the sloppy seconds gacha doesn't have an "Offering Rates" disclaimer.
it does thoughever
obviously, it's how the packs work on the carousel, it's all predetermined as soon as you decide to pull.
There is a silver lining. Groups can scum the system by calling out packs with good pulls.

Oh that's false advertising LMAO.
even if it didn't you don't need a disclaimer for picking a 1 card out of 5.
Which one?
>Groups can scum the system by calling out packs with good pulls.
Nah, this guy is apparently quint boxing the same account. It only proves that the wonder trade FOR YOUR ACCOUNT will always give you the same card no matter what. Doesn't necessarily prove what it will give other people
the special shop tickets
The probability can still be 1/5 even if its pre-determined
I do know that you can back out of a wonder pick by closing app and it will give you back your stamina if you didn't pick anything.
but the fact it flips the cards over and "reveals" them in other spots is clearly manipulative, especially for a thing you can spend real money on
The card that your account was assigned is still probably determined at the time that your personal Wonder Pick shows up. Or actually I don't know, and I don't think we can test that, since you can't both pull the original pack and pull a hypothetically "refreshed" pack.
hold for trading, you idiot
Does this mean If we all added each other we'd get the same results from wonder picks?
>You can drop pincurchin and zebstrika for electrode
I haven’t run the numbers (and won’t), but my gut feeling is that running two different stage 1s will result in less consistency. Electrode is pointless because of your low retreat costs + x speed, so you choose between zeb (for water and pika mirror) or raichu (for everything else). Pincurchin is decent at 1 in my experience (boost to pika consistency, low retreat cost, and a potential out through paralysis).
Manipulative, sure I suppose.
It doesn't mean its false advertising though, as long as its a genuine 1/5 chance
Cope, top center forever
It's true. I used to run both electrode and heliolisk or zebra and it was trash. Your bench would be empty because you have a hand full of stage 1s and no basics
but how can we be certain it's not just playing off the fact he already wonder picked and it's just defaulting to giving them the same results on every other pick after the first?
The presentation is misleading however and is very illegal.
Just saw this list. It’s fine. Personally, I think pincurchin is a bit more useful than regular zapdos, but the difference isn’t huge. Regular zap still gets one-shot by a lot of the same stuff and requires an additional energy to attack (bit too slow in my opinion). Surge at 2 seems bad. I’d rather have 1 Surge and 1 Gio.
2 different stage 1s? I'm only running pika+zapdos+electrode and that's it. 0 retreat cost is great because you always have your pika loaded immediately, and you can get your zapdos up pretty quickly as well. I don't really need zebstrika to occasionally finish off 30 or less hp pokemon when I can just switch to my revenge other pika/zapdos and revenge kill after they take the first one.
>"Offering Rates" disclaimer.
Speaking of which

Slots 1, 2, and 3 are Mewtwo EX 0.007% of the time and Gardevoir 0% of the time.
Slot 4 is Mewtwo EX 0.698% of the time and Gardevoir 0.355% of the time.
Slot 5 is Mewtwo EX 2.561% of the time and Gardevoir 1.420% of the time.

No wonder I have 4 copies of Mewtwo EX and haven't pulled a Gardevoir yet.
The fact that the same card can show up in multiple spots, the fact that it doesn't just error out to menu or something, and the fact that the tutorial Wonder Pick works exactly the same way as what is shown in these videos.
does Japan know already? surely they can cause enough of a shitstorm to get them to change it
In the setting, you can opt out of other players receiving your booster packs as wonder picks.
no it isn't because it doesn't change your odds. Just like how picking from the circle of packs wouldn't change your odds even if they were all different and not predetermined. The reason it works like that is to prevent people from trying to datamine and cheat to getting the cards they want.
??? I was just basing my response off of the lists I’m seeing here. Electrode is fine, as long as it’s the only stage 1 you’re running. 6 basics is probably the minimum you need for consistency, and it sounds like you have that covered. I’m not trying to say that electrode is worthless; it just doesn’t bring enough to justify a spot over zeb/raichu when your retreat costs are already low across the board. There are games I could have won with an extra x speed, but I have won plenty with zeb/raichu that would not have been possible with electrode.

Zeb, in particular, fucks up opposing pika decks that aren’t running potion. That 30 damage chip immediately puts them in a position where they can’t switch in without getting knocked out in return. Raichu is great for patching up the deck’s otherwise shitty late game damage output, and gio puts it at a very valuable 150 break point. I just wish surge wasn’t so awkward. If surge let you choose how much energy to move from the bench, it would be way better.
I'm aware, but why would I do this if I can get a free shemale ticket from people thanking me after a wonderpick?
>raichu patching up the decks bad late game damage output
that's part of why I like electrode, the free energy cost lets you get to 3 energy on EX zapdos quickly and instead of only getting one attack off, you can potentially get multiple 100-200 damage attacks with it. 4 coinflips gives you pretty good odds so I don't feel like it's necessary to have the guaranteed big damage for a single like with raichu.
Who told this guy about vp no EX modem
>The presentation is misleading however and is very illegal.
It's not, you are just retarded. Anyone with half a brain knows that the result is calculated on payment and the rest is just fancy animations. It's the same as with slots, the fancy real animation is just that, the math whether you won or not is done on the other end.
does he actually put in "vpnx" as the password
Does he actually use vpnx? If so, it's boutta get flooded with EXs.
no he just does NOEX.
Do you get points toward leveling up from these private matches?
nope, no levels and getting thanked on private matches doesn't earn tranny tickets even if you haven't earned your daily 5 yet
reddit has NOEX
I have no problem with wonder picks not being affected by which spot you choose, and having the result be predetermined after you confirm to pull.

What I would have a problem with is if a specific source of wonder picks will always give the same card no matter who uses it. THAT would be highly deceptive and wrong.
That's odd. Last I played private, I gave thanks out of habit over 2 games. Both got them
It's not
Same girl, different dress
huh, its been forever since I played a private match so I might've just remembered wrong or already gotten my 5 at the time
it would be difficult but theoretically you could test it. Having a couple of new accounts friend each other, have one open exactly one pack so the other accounts get that in their wonder pick and have them pull in differnet spots to see if it gives the same card or not. I would imagine most likely it is random or as random as a computer can make it. If it was somehow predetermined, yeah that would be fucked up.
we could already test that with anons here. a few days ago, an anon posted his fc showing that he pulled a full art koga and said that it'd be up for 12 hours till his next pack for anyone that wanted it. I managed to get the koga myself, but didn't see anyone else say they got it
I friended pretty early and the koga never popped up for me
Marowak vs Mewtwo

Opponent starts
T1: Mewtwo and Ralts on field
T2: Cubone on field 1E
T3: Mewtwo 1E + Kirlia
T4: MaroWHACK 2E
>if Mewtwo is still alive
T5: Mewtwo 3E + Gardevoir, 50 dmg

You start
T1: Cubone on field
T2: Mewtwo 1E and Ralts on field
T3: Marowak 1E
T4: Mewtwo 2E, Kirlia, 50 dmg
T5: MaroWHACK 2E (needs to hit both)
>if Mewtwo is still alive
T6: Mewtwo 4E, Gardevoir, 150 dmg
So it all comes down to going second.
That isn't how control works. It's definitely not how it works in Pokémon.
same desu
idk how friending for WP works
I even check the expired section regularly
do you have to have someone friended before they pull a pack to get WP on it?
nope, i added that anon when he posted about it too, and saw it after checking my wonderpick after a while
not if you're starting with koffing
This si a marowak discussion.
Take your brap balloon elsewhere.
That's basically the whole game dude
like 99% of the time yeah going second is better in pokemon. there are sometimes decks that favor going first, but they're rarer and you have to build it specifically for that.
Don't insult my bro drifloon like that he a real one
you'll take my smelly gas to your face and you'll fucking like it
I think surge is really fucking good at 2. Gio seems interesting to compare with tho
>shop ending soon
uhh, does this mean I need to cash in my tickets?
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>last opponent was a dark mirror match
>he went first, led with only Grimer
>I led with just Koffing, though no Weezing in hand
>Koffing was enough to make them insta consneed
I think it's talking specifically about the Meowth event shop.
Fossil mewtwo faggot here. Firstly, glad you think that about fossils too. Secondly, I don't think you should be super worries about facing arbok wearing decks in large tournaments because they're such a small part of the metagame, especially late in day 2 when you will be playing for higher stakes (yes I know these tournaments have minuscule prize pools, but the stakes are still way higher late day 2 than during day 1). Thirdly, one of the few ways to beat Arbok weezing involves just nutting on them w a fast gard + mewtwo. Each basic you add makes this 3-4 percent less likely to happen. I have come to terms with it being pretty much the only bad matchup besides maybe Blaine, and being very happy with how that all shakes out.
That is the definition of control.
isnt control all about locking down the game so you drop the endgame win condition?
its slow but inevitable
I'm the Mewtwo fossils faggot.
I really wanted to play the tournament this weekend, but unfortunately I have a shit ton of work to do. I will make sure to play at least one before the new mini set comes out and shakes things up.
I'm curious if new jigglypuff will push wiggly ex wheezing into a competitive deck. Or any other type of wiggly, but wearing strikes me as the most obvious way to start building it.
New to TCG. What is bricking?
>directly counters to the second best deck in the game
>small part of the meta game
Pretty sure Weezing/Arbok was decently high up the list on that one tournament results tier list. Maybe not top 5, but high enough that it's worth worrrying about, especially in a tournament.
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TRIARchads this is getting really old but it just werks
bricked hand = no good draws
Having an unplayable hand. It's not actually possible in this game because the game ensures that you have a basic in your starting hand.
same thing as when your pc bricks. You pull a bunch of cards that you can't do anything with so your left holding a "brick"
Mewtwo fossil faggot again.
Articuno18 is almost always the beatdown.
Control vs. Beatdown can best be answered by "if this game goes on for x more turns, will my odds of winning it improve or go down.
when you open with a hand that doesn't let you play your gameplan.
thus your hand is full of useless bricks.
easy example is not drawing your charizard EX early enough so even though you might have the energy your stuck stalling for time.
getting no good pulls with any of the free starter shit the game gives you
What the fuck is Articuno18? Are you running a not full deck or something?
How do i get more of this currency, i dont know how i got it.
It says it's event stuff but the only event it battling others.
And that doesnt give any of this currency?
you missed out
decks are only 20 cards with only 2 copies allowed of each. articuno 18 is only 2 articuno ex and 18 trainer/item cards, with Misty being the most important to try and get at least 3 energy on your articuno for an early win
Do you lack the ability to read?
Your hatred for your fellow man, I guess.
it as a wonder pick event featuring promo meowth and chansey cards
Did you just start? It's too late now, the event has been over for a week or something. They only had the shop up so people could redeem the items.
>18 trainer/item cards
but why? why not Articuno+Starmie so you have a chance to strike first instead of immediately dieing to electric decks when misty doesn't hit? And what the hell are you fluffing the deck with to fill up all the card slots? Red card and scope? multiple fossils?
that's the point, it was a day 1 meme deck and now it's stuck in meta history
All in misty
No susceptible to sabriona

It works alright, that's how i got my 45 wins, hated getting cucked by sabz
you only run articuno so you're guaranteed to start with one, instead of a staryu that has a chance of dying before it evolves
The only world where you want to go first is attacking with a Stage 1 on turn 3. The decks that do that are exactly Starmie EX off of Misty and Exeggutor EX. Everyone else wants to go second and Starmie/Exeggutor decks want to go second if they don't open the nuts.
weezingbros... we are forgotten...
Why does Weezing not fit into this list?
rapidash too
After playing with lots of Pika today, I'm certain playing less than 2 Sabrina is absolutely ultra retarded. I'd play 3 if I could.
they're just so scared of us they pretend we don't exist. but they know we're the alpha race
Sabrina is so good against full benchtards
i got my third wigglytuff ex while i still don't have a single fucking pikchu ex fuck this game
>I'd play 3 if I could.
That describes 2/3rds of the cards in your deck.
I also have 3 Wiggly EXs and I got my Pikachus off of wonder pick. Fuck this game.
wiggly is about to be fringe meta with the new jigglypuff trust the plan
I'll bake on 10.

Last call.

Any objections for /ptpg/ or do we go back (and share) /ppg/.
/ppg/, the other /ppg/ is dying
That's definitely a possibility, but that just makes Fighting even better than it already is. It hits Pikachu for weakness, it hits Weezing/Koga for weakness, and it hits random Normals for weakness.

I think the AI-engineered top meta deck for the current format is Fighting, or maybe Fighting splash Dark.
Yes, but I see lots of top placing lists playing 1 Sabrina. Don't see that with any of the other cards except X speed which is also an absolutely mandatory 2 of
/ppg/. At this point it's about sending a message.
Bake the unique name. No reason to fuck w them
The whole point is for people to be able to find it with ease, and sharing it with something else goes against that.
>but I see lots of top placing lists playing 1 Sabrina
Most top lists play 2 Sabrina. There are only a very small handful of lists that play 1 Sabrina, and they're the lists that load up on Pokemon, like having Magneton + Raichu + Electrode
>>56950929 (>>56950580)
The average Pikachu pack contains 0.0345 copies of Pikachu EX and 0.0203 copies of Wigglytuff EX.
No, it isn't. Control works differently in different games.
>Control works differently in different games.
Don't even bother, man. It's not worth trying to have this argument.
It's what the game calls itself: >>56947676
like i said, fuck this game
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We should be /pkcg/ - pokemon kogachad general
I finally got my second weezing from a wonder pick... now I just need a kirlia and I can stop opening mewtwo packs...
>just want to fill out my collection with stuff I need to make and play decks
>the rares I do get are these trash FA of jobbermons that nobody even uses
Man trading cannot get here soon enough
>masters gets 5 events for Eevee day
>pocket gets nothing

Seems kind of fucked up to not just have a special Eevee promo event ready to go then just add an eeveelution to it every year
I don't think they expected pocket to do as well as it is
I have the opposite problem where I was able to get the cards I needed to make decks fairly painlessly but the game simply refuses to give me any FAs, so my collection looks boring. Every EX I have is a plain one when collecting cool FA cards was one of the things I was looking forward to in this game. I'd legitimately reroll if I didn't have all these event cards that will likely never come back.
I still need a 2nd copy of koffing and weezing.
The only weezing I got is a Japanese one from a wonder pick
Just buy it, bro. I needed to buy 2 Kogas, 2 Koffings, and a Kirilia to finally stop opening Mewtwo. What a cursed fucking pack. I never even got an Amber Fossil either. I'd love to run a 1 of Aerodactyl for the lulz and clutch, but I guess I don't need it.
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You know, faggots love to bitch about mewtwo and pika, but whenever i try to make a fun deck with decent potential you know what always ruins the fun? water faggots.
>bring fun bulba deck
fuck you faggots, actually sap any fun out of the game.
I don't understand why they didn't start with fire, water, and grass as the main themes of the packs. Instead we have Mewtwo whose weakness doesn't even have a real deck you could build
Typlosion/Suicine/Lugia for set2?
The Charizard pack gives you a Grass starter deck,
the Mewtwo pack gives you a Fighting starter deck, and
the Pikachu pack gives you a Fire starter deck.

that was me, for what it's worth the only people that reported the result back to me were you and an irl friend (who also got it by picking bottom right)
I did send a request to them, but never saw the Koga.
Really should cut down on friends I guess.
>3 charizard ex
>4 moltres ex
>only 1 charmeleon
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Anon, Weezing Arbok has multiple tournament top finishes. More than Venusaur. You may not like it but it's more real than any current grass deck.
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I don't see a Psychic type powercreeping Mewtwo anytime soon, unless they fix Stage 1/Stage 2 in this turbo format of ours.
I will always use Gardevoir, but having two different stage 2 evo lines in one deck will be too inconsistent currently.
tl;dr buff Stage 2 mons' consistency/power, fuck basics
too soon
and these "5 events" are just 5 parts of one
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Im trying to use more stage 2 decks and its a nightmare. Theres nothing stopping a misty fag from blasting you with 90damage moves, or an articuno using blizzard.
Exeggutor going first is somewhat more consistent though. You just need Eggs and then the Coconut Tree by turn 3. Starmie is the real highroll, since you need Misty(1 head) + Staryu then Starmie by turn 3. But yeah, in 99% of games outside those exceptions, you want to go second.
Whoever has the most energy(usually 2nd player) sets the tempo of the game. It's why energy cheats like Misty are incredibly important despite the RNG, it's one of the few cards that can swing the game's tempo to your side if you go first.
I'm really curious to see how they approach future updates for this game with the pocket format.
Both in terms of how they go about making powercreep, and how much they're going to change in the name of balance
How is there no cap to misty? a retard can seriously roll 4 energy turn 2 and rape me with articuno huh
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git gud :^)
>6th charizard ex
>no moltres ex
No, I'm not paying for this shit, I'll uninstall if trading is not implememted
And that's the only way they can win, so who cares, shit deck.
Agatha will save Gengar. Trust the plan.
We need a combination of
>Great Ball to tutor stage 1 and Ultra Ball to tutor stage 2
>A Trainer card that can evo an active pokemon by fetching the stage 1/stage 2 version from your deck
If those aren't enough then just make a new 30 card deck mode(first to 5) to make Basic decks more inconsistent and slow down the game.
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>tfw 2 Blastoise EX but only 1 non-EX
At least after the event I'll be able to make Venusaur
Room up with vp if anyone wants a game with my dumbass
Just realized that crown cards are literally just 2 star cards with a gold background.
I'm disappointed now.
I told you niggers
You didn’t listen to me. Acting like I hadn’t looked into the wonder abyss and seen top right looking back at me
I like going first
3 star immersion arts and 1 star full arts are both way cooler to me as collectibles than crown rares
>opponent used Misty
>next turn, opponent used Misty
>5 heads on Non-EX Lapras
And fuck you too, DeNA
I felt so guilty about spending money in this game I rerolled my account
I was rewarded for this with 3 Mewtwo ex cards, one of them being the FA immersive. Too bad I don’t want to play M2. When trading comes I’ll give them out to you goys.
GG, your red card gave me that Misty my brother
what deck rapes both pikashit and mewshit
now kith
>70 damage
Nice Blained-powered horsekick
Wrong pair my guy, I run Lapras EX
You won't be able to trade them unless you have 3 of a specific version of the card
Sad I never got my nidoking but that misty was probably too much anyways. GG
Checked, she was never that kind to me while I was grinding the event matches
Of course she decides to actually work during my first match against a vpbro...
How's trading gonna work? Will someone want my immersive Charizard for a full art Sabrina?
Probably yes, but we just don't know what limits there will be.
they've said only certain cards will be tradeable at first, with more being able to be later
>60 packs
>still no eggeecutor ex
Probably not
Safe bets to prevent abuse
>You need 3 copies before you can trade away one of it, like flairs
>You can't trade up or down, only the same rarities
Immersive is 3 stars so it's a no go
No idea how trading is gonna work but immersive Charizard is gonna be 4x more common than full art Sabrina from rates alone.
This would be unbelievably boring and only for whales (who's having more than a few immersives or golds)

So I see them doing this lol
inb4 "we will allow 1-3 diamond cards to be traded initially, but later on we have plans to allow 4 diamond cards to be traded too"
Honestly? That wouldn't be the worst. Lets you complete your dex, better than wonder picks
So it's gonna be 1 card for 1 card too? That's fuckin stupid
Don't you dare fucking joke about that. The very thought makes me want to break something.
I'm okay with this, I don't care about super rare shit make the exes available
If they make it too free, it will be abused (and RMT will come into play)

If they make it too strict, it's strictly going to be a whales play thing

I'm really curious how they're going to do it

Would this be one of the first gachas (if not the only one) to allow trading?
I'm guessing it will require both players to consume shinedust to go through with the trade, with the amount scaling to rarity. They won't want people to just do unlimited trading as long as they have cards.
>can't turn cards into point buy stuff
This is a really bad design choice. There's so many bad design choices in the game but they nailed the gacha stuff so people go crazy with the microtransactions.
Probably. But depending on restrictions, it could far worse than a crafting system from every other digital TCG.
I honestly prefer crafting, if it lets me recylce 3 EX dupe to an EX I want.
>So it's gonna be 1 card for 1 card too?
we still don't know this. we don't know anything other than they're initially limiting what cards can be traded
Trading will make or break this game. That's supposed to be our main method of getting missing cards, since we don't have crafting.
Card dusting systems are literally designed to make it take longer to build all the decks you want. There's certainly no universe where they let it take less time. They'd adjust all the numbers so you'd run out of dust around the same time as you do now.
Surely previous set: tradeable
current set: non tradeable
And how do we know that exactly
not only that, but one of the first online tcgs that have trading
it'll be gimped to hell, but it still might be interesting, trading with my collectorfag friends that don't play would be nice
See: set pity shop
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official statement from the devs
Why am I no longer getting tickets from all the thanks people send me after a battle?
you only get 5 a day
I got crown Charizard and was disappointed until I noticed I only had 1 Charizard ex
500 less scout points to find, wonderful feeling

Thanks from showcases can get you more tickets or is everything hardcapped togeter at 5 tickets?
those give you a seperate 5 tickets too, idk if thanks from wonderpicks count towards thanks from battles or not though

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