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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading. What've you been reading? What've you been writing? What would you like to see more of?

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Reshiram and Zekrom are supposed to represent truth and ideals. I forget which is which. But I think N is obviously more of an idealist. He should partner with that one. The player character making him face the harsh reality that he's just a flower child who's been manipulated into being a cult leader fits with them partnering with the truth pokemon.

As a tangent to this tangent, it's incredibly irritating to me that we STILL have never gotten an official depiction of the original Unova dragon before it split into 2/3 pokemon. I always pictured something like Ultra Necrozma, except not made of golden light.
Same. Since Kyurem has that gold scale on its head, I thought it was a leftover from its old from.
Nothing in the leaks so far?
I don't think so desu. While N certainly was idealistic, I think his connection to Reshiram was due to his constant pursuit/journey for the truth.
>"It sided with the older brother who sought the truth, as a result, it firmly believes in truth"
To him, his idealistic worldview WAS initially the truth, but his development throughout the story changed his outlook on truth, breaking away from the idealistic path Ghetsis imposed on him. In other words, Reshiram chose N because of his pursuit of truth, not because N was inherently "truthful".
>>56950240 (Me)
Truth: What is the nature of reality?
Ideals: How may one realize reality?
N doesn't want the truth though, at least not in the first game. He believes he already has it and is simply pursuing power. which is something Reshiram despises according to newer dex entries. "According to myth, if people ignore truth and let themselves become consumed by greed, Reshiram will arrive to burn their kingdoms down"
Part of it for me is the aesthetics, Reshiram is a very "perfect" dragon, a perfect and pure white with angelic features. Pairing N with it gives him very strong false savior imagery.
Except that N believes his vision for the world IS the truth, regardless of what "truth" is defined as. Even then, the nature of truth itself is constructed by external means, hence it brings into question the validity of N's truth in the face of other worldviews.
Zekrom is cool, so only MCs should get him. Especially isekai SI MCs.
That doesn't seem Ideal.
I just can't imagine a god of truth meeting someone that's objectively wrong about something and being down with that simply because the person's wholeheartedly dumb and ignorant enough to think it's true. At least not enough to fight for the dude.

It'd be like walking up to a god of health and fitness and being so convinced that "healthy at any size" is true that they take your side and start burning down gyms and nutrition booklets.
Except that Reshiram is not the god of ultimate truth. They simply are the embodiment of the idea of truth - which by itself is already fluid and easily manipulated. Ultimately, the entire point of BW and BW2 is that there is no ultimate truth or ultimate ideal, but rather the world is constructed in highly nuanced shades of gray. There is truth in ideals, and there are ideals in truth.
I get that each has a mix of both. But N's literally objectively wrong in his "truth". If Reshiram is so easily swayed that all it takes is a single idiot who's been mislead or brainwashed then it diminishes their meaning.
At least this one's worth trying out if I ever get isekai'd.
>"Hey Gardevoir wife, erase nearly all my memories and replace them with convinced beliefs that I'm the incarnation of god and thus everything I say is both the truth and the ideal. Then drop me off next to Reshiram and Zekrom."
Easiest world conquest ever.
>If Reshiram is so easily swayed that all it takes is a single idiot who's been mislead or brainwashed then it diminishes their meaning.
That's assuming Reshiram simply believes N like an idiot and isn't simply guiding him TOWARD the truth to free him from Ghetsis's lied. It isn't swayed by N's beliefs, it's moved by his innocent heart into wanting to help him.
You're not getting it. It's not the fact he's objectively truthful or not, it's his CONVICTION that his worldview is truthful and that's what draws Reshiram in the first place. Otherwise, why didn't Reshiram choose someone like the Pokemon professors or champion who may be regarded as ultimately more "truthful" and experienced? Obviously, the "level of truth" is not a thing.

Even then, is he even objectively wrong on all fronts? He brings up a valid concern questioning the relationship between humans and Pokemon, and this is continuously addressed throughout the story - are humans and Pokemon as equal as they think they are?
No I am getting. I just think a god of truth following someone who's wrong just because they think they're right is stupid.
The thing about N is that, for as autistic as he is, he knows the world is not as he envisions. Because of Ghetsis' manipulation, he understands what the ideal objective is - Pokémon are free and don't have to suffer - and he knows the truth - People use Pokémon, therefore they must be liberated. He follows the path of truth he discovered in order to achieve the ideal he seeks.

Therefore, the correct answer is whatever you want it to be, babygirl. Just keep the legend you like the most lol.
I also think that N getting Reshiram is retarded.
Kekran needs more yabbaposts
The REAL truth is that N is a Zoroark, or at the very least, the son of a Zoroark.
The correct answer is N gets neither.
He's wrong, so Reshiram rejects him.
His ideals aren't true since he's following Ghetsis' will rather than purely his own, so Zekrom rejects him.
N throws a melty, and after confronting the reality that his whole life has been a hollow lie, Kyurem awakens because he really vibes with that.
The real problem with Zekrom and Reshiram if taken to their logical conclusion is that yes, any random autist deluded into thinking they are right or fighting for something worth dying would summon then making it impossible for Unova to be a pacific region instead of a shithole like Orre.
Nothing in the leaks and I really don't see any reason why they would feel need to design the OG dragon at all if they knew it was never going to show up in the story. I bet, if they had designed at all in during B/W's dev process, it would have been in B2/W2 instead of having Kuryem kind of be in the spotlight. There's no reason to think that there's anything TO BE leaked at all.
>here's an ancient artifact affiliated with the dragons
What is this, Xenoblade?
>the nature of truth itself is constructed by external means
Holy pseudo philosophical gibberish, batman. Truth by definition is that what doesn't change when external forces go away. The north pole of a magnet attracts a south pole and repels another north. This is a truth. THe definition of north and south are applied externally, the name for the phenomenon is applies externally, the numbers and measurement units used to define it are applied externally, but that attraction is an absolute and incontrovertible truth.
That makes me wonder, has there been any mention of super fancy tech/magitech in the ancient past before BW/XY introduce the splicers and AZ's immortality/doomsday machine?
The closest to it I can think of are the strange secret areas that depend on specific pokemon/moves to unlock.
The ancient artifact being a piece of sci-fi technology is the earliest hint at the universe of pokemon being littered with floatsam and jetsam from all over space and time, due to people and pokemon traveling through ultra space. It actually slots neatly into to later canon.
>That makes me wonder, has there been any mention of super fancy tech/magitech in the ancient past before BW/XY
Since you didn't specify un which continuity, yes, the anime does have a lot of bullshit magitek and ancient civilizations
Not to that extent. I'm pretty sure DNA Splicers have some sort of cut content behind them.
Of course it slots neatly in later canon. Later canon is zero effort multiverse shit.
You could tell me the anime had just about anything and I'd believe you. Whenever a fic uses the animeverse I shut my brain off because I know all sorts of continuity errors and random shit is gonna start popping up.
Actually, wait. Speaking of Xenoblade stuff, that reminds me of the old pasta where RBY takes place in our universe, years and years after the genetic experiments create Pokemon and they spread across the world. That would be pretty in-line with it.
>RBY takes place in our universe, years and years after the genetic experiments create Pokemon and they spread across the world
Something like that happened in Kirby and Splatoon, right? It would fit tho and then to go full circle humans go extinct too in the PMD timeline
I don't know about Kirby, but it's definitely a thing in Splatoon.

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