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Finally, a complete OP... edition, AKA Mikoanon Edition Part 2

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be creative, be spooky, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: What's some shitty Pokémon advice that your OC believes?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC riding one of their Pokemon.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

>Recent Works

EIF Episode 6, "Where Loyalties Lie": https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ACCQRBGk2dcOYjfIF9qaZJH1OQmwCxbUPBdL8FXAW4/edit?usp=sharing

Agent Orange is set to release sometime this thread. Be on the lookout!

>Previous Thread: >>56929004
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Imagine using a rain team without me, Cassie.
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If you want a bit more of an actual taste test, here's an example of how the system conversion works.
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>D&D is not the system to use for Pokemon battling
I actually would agree with you for the most part. Which is why me and my group have made this conversion. Calling it a conversion might be a bit disingenuous though. The reality is that 5e just has a simple ruleset to build and homebrew off of and pokemon stats slot in relatively snug. Think of it as more so a costume of 5e rather than 5e proper. Pic somewhat related of how combat works.
I respect the amount of effort put into this, but I feel you could have just learned a new system in the time it took to do this. One actually meant for pokemon
>Where Loyalties Lie"
Oh, I get it.
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Honestly every other system out there just didn't quite capture the same feel as the games to me. I stumbled across my current DM who made a bare-bones workable conversion and I slapped it into shape over time. You could say it was a few years worth of effort but honestly it wasn't since the effort was just playing a pokemon tabletop and occasionally spotting something janky here and there and fixing it on the spot. Surely I understand the cobbled together conversion isn't for everyone, but anyone who has seen it in practice quickly warms up to it and sees how it's different. Trust me, I was one of those people who scrunched their face up at the idea of a 5e conversion. Now look at me.
Made a sprite for my dark-type sand guy. Unsure if this will be the final design or not, but I'm content with it for now.
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I'm back for now. Although not a new drawing
The dark type specialist of evil team admin in her normal attire. She goes by Meg and runs a luxury car dealership business in order to fund the weapons of mass destruction for her evil team, She uses her cute looks to become a really good car salesperson.
Her team has a Houndour/Houndoom
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>average chapter is 2,000 to 4,000 words
You're telling me I could have released this a long time ago.
Welcome back, lawyer/detective. now what's it going to take to get me in a weapon of mass destruction today?
What kind of clientele is going to buy a car from this sassy lost child?
And doesn't Mercedes Holmes also have a Houndoom?
Did another quick drawing
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>Welcome back, lawyer/detective. now what's it going to take to get me in a weapon of mass destruction today?
Join her evil team, Team Machina, an evil team that fights for human rights and fight against facism using machinery.
She's only an admin though. There are four admins and boss. The boss is the dragon specialist commander in pic related.
I actually haven't gotten around to designing all the admins yet. I am still in the process of designing a female ghost-type admin.
>What kind of clientele is going to buy a car from this sassy lost child?
She is 25 years old.
>And doesn't Mercedes Holmes also have a Houndoom?
They both do. Although Meredes' ace is Arcanine.
Hey I missed this last thread. Absolutely amazing Mega Jynx. Love the icicle nails. I REALLY love the idea of the ruffles of her dress beginning to resemble an open mouth and the coat looks like snow. Plus the hime cut is so damn cute.
As the compfag inside your walls, I can drop my 2 cents on gen9 and the sleep ban.
The issue comes twofold:
First, hypnosis iron valiant is incredibly inconsistent due to its accuracy, screws over any and all forms of counterplay because it's not nigh-guaranteed to happen. With spore you know it'll hit, and even then you can just switch to the grass type you already have. With hypnosis you may switch to someone you're fine being put to sleep to, only to see it miss and ask yourself who's eating the incoming cc.
Imo action should've been taken on hypnosis itself, and not sleep as a whole, but the drastic measure taken was a culmination with gen9's frustrations.
Which leads into second, gen9 is ass. The current state of gen9 at least. Many would argue, myself included, that either dlc1 or pre dlc1 gen9 was at its best, when it was actually good, but that's long gone. As it stands, tera is a terribly unfun gimmick and its implementation by gf is mainly at fault. Look at what they did in NDOU, it enabled too much broken shit. Which leads me into broken shit. Too many assholes are enabled by tera to be that bit too much, it turns matches around with nothing that can be done about.
Lastly, the amount of utterly broken mons released shows that either gf can't balance singles, or simply can't balance. Too many guys that are simply overbearing on the meta, and if they're not broken, making the tier their bitch, then at least they make it incredibly unfun, with something needed to alleviate it (except for complex bans, cause then you're opening Pandora's box)
>the amount of utterly broken mons released shows that either gf can't balance singles, or simply can't balance

I think the mere existence of Urshifu proves this on both the singles and doubles side honestly, rapid strike completely invalidates all other physical water types in existence because he's just actively better than all of them
Honestly I'm the most offended by Ursa Bloodmoon by how cheap it is
>oh yeah lets make this tanky fuckwit with 3 abilities in one
>lets also give it gigaton hammer but special
>lets also give it cm and recovery
>oh yeah it also hits ghosts with normal
The Shifus may be pieces of shit, but at least they're honest
>Signature moves that always crit bypassing any defensive boosts
>Surging Strikes is multi hit to bypass sturdy and focus sash on top of its guaranteed crits
>Unseen Fist
I agree Ursaluna Bloodmoon is crazy but Unseen Fist alone is more cheesy and BS than what 99% of Pokemon get to do
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AIE I wanted to answer the last thread's question...

>Thread Question: Your OC has been confronted by a group of young Trainers asking for an autograph/battle/date/gimmedats/apprenticeship/etc, what do they do?

"A-A what now? From me? Why me...? I, erm... I'll do it. If that makes you happy..."

Koa has very little ego. He'd be very confused as to why someone would want an autograph from him, he sees himself as just another ordinary guy. But he'd still do it, just to make someone happy.

"Right now? I was not particularly planning this for today, but... a Trial Captain must be ready to test others at any time! Come at me!"

It'd be a little sudden, and Koa would probably want to discuss the terms of the match first, as well as choosing a location that isn't crowded, but he wouldn't turn it down.

"W-Wait, WHAT?! D-Did I hear ya correctly?! E-Ehem. I, erm... is that correct? We just met, you know! Perhaps you need some time to think it over? A-As in... I need some time to think it over. Yes. Excuse me..."

Koa is NOT good with girls. Hell, he rarely ever thinks about them. His type of girl is either very active, like Zinnia or Nemona, or very homely. He might have a crush on Mallow. The sudden surprise would make him flustered, but he wouldn't be able to plainly say no: Koa would rather the girl desist on her own, or insist enough to get him to give in.

I don't get what that means in this context.

"H-Hold yer horses! ME!? A mentor? Ehem. I, erm, still have a LONG way to go! Perhaps in ten years I may be ready to properly teach you anything at all... meanwhile, may I interest you in a guided tour of Vast Poni Canyon?"

The best way for Koa to fulfilll this request would be to offer a tour, since he's a tour guide by trade, after all. He's really not ready to mentor anyone about battles or being a guardian or whatever.

Give me a bit of time to think of the new one lol
>a drunk was fumbling with my front door and for once it wasn't me
You always hear about that happening but you never expect it to happen to you.
Funny enough, that's one of the rare few galar mons I actually like (one of ten), but we'll see if I get around to using it.
While "just learn a new system" is usually the correct answer, he's right. 5e at its core is just a skill check simulator, there's a reason why it's so popular for conversions. You can bend and sculpt it any which way without messing with the core mechanics too much. It's like modding a Source Engine game in that regard. If there's not an official system for the series of your choice, any group of high school kids can sculpt a conversion for it in an afternoon.
Wordplay > puns. I did the same thing with the very first episode. Midnight Triste can mean Midnight Melancholy, but can also be interpreted as Midnight Secret Love Affair if you say it out loud.
Looking good, which sprite program did you use to stitch all that together?
Wow, we sure talked you up in the last thread. Thanks for stopping by again, we were just appreciating Melody's tarot card a few days ago.
>You're telling me I could have released this a long time ago.
Yes. I know we do long-form content here, but I will never understand how or why my 10k/18k/25k Wailord releases became the norm.
We are 2/2 on ridiculously overpowered bears being a major selling point for DLC. Be sure to preorder the season pass for Gen10's expansion pack in order to receive a polar bear with 710 BST and an ability that blocks all supereffective damage outside of intense sun.
>Give me a bit of time to think of the new one lol
Are you done yet?
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Anon... I have a life... but okay lmao

>Thread Question: What's some shitty Pokémon advice that your OC believes?

Koa is generally well-informed on most aspects of Pokémon care, but he can be mistaken at times due to a few outdated ancestral teachings from his dad. Koa sometimes forgets that his partners are, well, creatures that reason differently different from humans, and can be confused when he can't, say, understand Chomper the Tyrunt acting out randomly. Koa would believe he's failing Chomper somehow by not instantly "grok"ing Chomper's behaviour, if anyone gets that term.

So yeah, Koa believes he just has to be "in tune" with Pokémon. Sometimes that works out, but sometimes that doesn't work out, and Koa can fail to find decent reasoning for what to do when it doesn't work out. When that intuition fails for logical reasons, he feels like he's failed. That's why I call him a dragon whisperer: he's been raised to think that his connection to certain Pokémon is special. In a way, it is, but that's more because he's a good kid and he's in tune with his environment. Koa is fallible and he has to learn to adapt the more academic knowhow of a modern-day breeder, for example. Hanging out with someone like anime Brock would actually be a good way for Koa to improve on this shortcoming.

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