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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

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Previous Thread: >>56899272
adaman my beloved
More like PEEvee
>ran out of tech juice
>need stamina to grind events
How the fuck am I supposed to do the bingo if I don't have the damn brat
There's literally an event going on right now where you can get her bro.
Shes free dumbass. Go to the rerun section of events
It's over....
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Sometimes that tab eludes me, I'm dumb, thanks.
I see why they dumb down the passive names
The "dumbed down" passive names suck even more. Shit like "Opp ^ 9 All" is gay and retarded
Don't forget to do co-op and get your exclusive Eevee photo frame!
Also, use a Eeveelution to get more tickets.
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Fucking love this artist
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Pocket killed us
I hope that one line from Dexio is not just a tease and ZA actually adds another Eeveelution, no idea why they stopped completely
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That was actually a recent leak. In quick summary
>SM dev doc translated
>flying-type eevee was considered
>initial design was too close to existing fanart
>anon included three likely suspects in the image, but unknown which was the close one
>needed to consult with legal and such before proceeding
>shelved, never unshelved

Pic unrelated, but Tina is always good to post.
>Eggs hatched so I got my ticket
Something new at least
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Sex with Ghetsis.
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I’m pretty stacked on grass already but it’s free so o can’t complain
She's a good gimmick checker for future EBEs so nice, I got calem which is kinda ehhh because ssMina already "counters" stat downs while Hilda helps SS acerola a lot
Is there a tierlist for the Eeveelution units or something? I got Hilbert.
Tierlists are in general mode dependant

Hilda, elio, calem are synergetic with good limiteds already and counter "common" gimmicks that are really annoying
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Twincest can wait a thread, its Eevee time
Basically who I was hoping for, so not bad.
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Extra ticket for everyone too.
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
Did you guys do well on the Eevee DC? I have a bad case of "skipped NC Red"
I got over a million and I don't have him either.
Thanks, more Eeveeslop
They did it because they're lazy and it's easier to just do a literal translation that boringly spells out roughly what it is instead of attempting to be creative or have flavor.
>fairy and ice event
genpool candice and bp valerie time again
>Install yesterday
>Immediately invested
I know I should save my next 3k pull for a new banner I'm interested in but goddamn. Is there an easier way to get the 5* upgrade tickets? I know apparently I need Champion Spirit to EX SS Red/Blue, allegedly (according to google) but I wasn't expecting to need several tickets.
>mfw checked the next HSE types notification
just fucking kill me already
i miss most of ice and rock limiteds or lack dupes for them and they want me to roll for x3 glaceon this update
If you do Champion Stadium, you earn a currency that lets you exchange them for character-specific Custom Power-Up Tickets from the Increase Potential upgrade screen. Exactly how much this costs depends on how many times you've done this for that character: for the first five, it's 20 each. The next five costs 25 each. Then I believe it goes to 30, and then 35, a total of 600 of this currency. Given how expensive this is, you would at most want to only do this for the first ten.

Once a month, you can also buy them through the Monthly section of Exchange Items in the shop. There's three things you can do, here: You can exchange 4-Star Power-Up Tickets for up to 20 5-Star Power-Ups, you can buy up to 20 of them with Egg Research Tickets, and you can buy up to 20 of them with Gold.

Note that you get Egg Research Tickets by donating hatched Egg Pokemon, which you'll end up doing a lot of overall, since you want the ones with three Skills, and even then, you'll inevitably start getting duplicates for specific Roles. (There's no benefit to having e.g. two Tech Blastoise; so once you get one with three passive Skills, you'll be wanting to donate any further Tech Squirtles the moment they hatch.)
Champion's Stadium. But everything is a slow drip feed so you probably shouldn't be expecting to get everyone fully decked out in such a short amount of time. You also probably shouldn't be rolling willy nilly because of how limited heavy the game is and how the game isn't as generous as it was years ago.
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it's snover
>Just rolled for Steven before reading this
Fuck. But thanks to you both. I'm enjoying it so far. Just got my ass handed to me by the Very Hard boss at the end of the Let's Go event. Haven't been invested in a gacha since Brave Exvius.
I got carried by PokéBois and then stopped caring...
>Sawyer on free daily
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>Pull because self-control of an ape
>Motherfucking LOOKER
My dreams of the Unova team have gone out the window in favor of based interpol.
I refused to use NC blue + melony and ended with this within 3 tries for every stage, as long as you hit complessive 1mil it's fine
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>throw daily-clearing team at Erika
>end up with all of the ladder rewards first try
I don't even care about this mode, the bingo was the only reason I did it early
Fucking RAD, dude
Jihad miner alt someday
Only 1,6 million total, but 900k of that was from a casual team NC Red. Casual, as in no Colress sync countdown exploits.
I know Red and Colress are typically used as physical attack supports for the damage challenge, but what are the pairs for special attacks?
Unfortunately, there's not really anyone that perfectly covers both things Colress does - defense drops, guaranteed Paralysis to slow enemy attacks output, and free move spam - for special attackers. We do have some band-aids, though.

To lower Sp. Def, you can use Lenora. She has a passive that makes Watchog's Leer drop Sp. Def in addition to Defense, and she's a support for the handy double Sync buff. Barry & Roserade can somewhat replicate Colress' job, getting essentially free Stun Spores to progress the Sync Move countdown, and can be EXed for double Sync buff as well.
this or Chase who has a ton of countdowns(Sync burst, Adrenaline 1, Sprint EXR and Head Start as lucky skill get the job done, also you can get +2 spatk on entry from him)

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