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Stop sleeping on Jynx edition

>Friend ID Survey

>Friend ID Sheet

>Tournament results/decklists

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:https://pocket.codex.gg/news/schedule/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)
>/vp/ anything:
>/vp/‘s own meta (no coin flips of any kind, no ex, no Dragonite):
>meta decks or high level play:

>three turns as charged up zapdos ex
>12 coin flips
>1 heads

Fuck this shit piss game
Bro you're just supposed to use zapdos ass a meat shield instead of dumping your energy on it
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>Last Login:Private
What the fuck is this horseshit? Now I can't remove inactives who haven't touched the game for weeks
How hard is it to just make a new solo ex event? Give us something to do
Skill issue if you can't get the first one to be heads every time.
just remove people who private that info on principle. easy.
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No you WILL be bored and you WILL spend money to open packs
Here's something you can do: get a job
I’m a couple days away from removing 90% of my friends on account of them never liking my shit. I feel like removing on principle of not showing last login is more than reasonable
>on account of them never liking my shit.
I'm supposed to like stuff?
How do you private that?
You have a limited list of friends that show up in the community showcase. Nobody is gonna autisticly go through all their friends and like their shwocase everyday
why would they be able to like your stuff? you expect them to waste wp stamina just to send you a like?
I never should've started playing this game. Pulling a total shit pack feels so deflating even though it's meaningless.
>finally get a Dragonair from a daily pack
>Kingler, Tynamo and Haunter are the only 1-2 Diamond rarity cards I'm missing from the Mewtwo pack

Baby steps. So what's your current pack opening strategy? I decided to keep opening the same pack until I get an EX or full art, then I switch to the next one and repeat the process. At this point I'm missing so few 1-2 Diamond cards from all of the packs that it's not worth trying to aim for them, I'll just hope to get lucky enough to pull them.
He's not talking about wp you retard
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I update my Victreebel deck, no it's not a great deck but it's probably the most to play deck I have built. It dies to Greninja but it can catch Mewtwo and Articuno by surprise. With Pikachu it all depends who gets the better start and it's usually Pikachu. It's not easy to pilot you're dead if you make the wrong switch. It got me to level 24 at least.
how else are you gonna send thanks to someone without battling
*the most fun to play
>rare wonder pick appears
>Get Charizard
Uh, neat! Now I need 4 more for the mission.
Why is your screenshot so fuzzy? Are you irradiated?
Thanks and likes are two different things, dumbass.
Fellow hourglass chads...rise up
Trips noticed.
I pull until I have completed the deck I want to,

I've been pulling on zard recently, at this point, for:
2 Egg 1 Erika 1 Moltress and Full Art Sabrina / Erika.\

I have been considering doing pika rolls though for caterpie metapod hypno, and immersive chu would be nice considering I have the other two, and I wouldn't mind having a pika deck as well.
Also it just completes the dex more and gives me more new cards to play with,
I'll probably roll on pika for a bit after securing another Erika for butterfree fun, but I'm not sure if I should keep on pika until I get the immersive before switching back to zard.

I quite want the fa Sabrina, and Erika is lesser priority but still wanted.
Generally speaking, if it isn't the rate up ex it can be better to use your packs on lower raritty cards to fill stuff out, relying on WP for the high rarity cards.
and what do likes do and where do you go to receive them
Why not consider Giovanni for the 70 hp basics like koffing, and other odd ones?
Doesn't help against pika sadly, though it can secure the 2 shot on Starmie.
my phone's reading mode puts a paper texture on stuff lol
>Got FA Misty after 30 packs
Do I really need 2 Zapdos EX for pikachu deck?
I am only missing one more
you can make do with 1 too. I have been. 2 is just ideal
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Feels so good
What are you reading? Doing some 読み練習?
Grain = soul
Digital noise reduction = soulless
>first pack of the day game me ugly ass 2* Zard
>more excited about the second ninetales that was in the pack
>new event can supply my second vulpix
Looks like blaine is (finally) on the menu, boys.
If I had 5 friends who did it every day for me I sure as hell would go and manually like them back. Every day.
I do
Got one ninetales from the event wonder pick. Only 2 vulpix, 1 ninetales and 2 charmeleon to go.
Like my showcase you sonsofbitches
I just suddenly realised that I spent 6 tokens on this wonderpick event so far for cards I’m not interested in using and will probably get later anyway.
I should have saved for FA
Post friend code and I will like yours right now
>machop:70 hp and one energy to attack
>machoke 100 hp and two energy for 50 damage
>machamp ex 180 hp and three energy for 120 attack
Why don't more people play machamp decks?
because sandslash and primape are better
I’m considering dropping three picks on a rare pick, but if I read the news correctly, flareon isn’t an option. That’s the only fire mon I need to continue progress towards mew.
Loses to M2
because stage 2 decks are slow as fuck. by the time you've set up more ofthen than not the opponent's attacker is fucking you senseless
a third fucking full art rapidash
I was trying out the bilingual manga site that allows you to scan manga text bubbles with yomichan, but unfortunately either firefox or the text bubbles are hard to scan. and after that I just left it on because it makes everything look a bit warmer
If you go first, you just die
>daily likes through showcases
This is genuinely retarded. Just make a autolike for everyone in your friendlist like every other mobile game does.
Likes are obtained from displays or binders you create.
Likes give you 1 tranny ticket
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>over $100M made in 3 weeks
>still no trading
>still no ranked mode
>shits onto our plate with this lame ass event
there is no excuse for this bullshit
>ranked mode
Gib code, fren.
>Unironically wanting a ranked mode
Eww nigga
would be cool if there was a separate ex and no ex ladder desu
Yes. Not everyone is a pussy casual. Many people enjoy ranked and are looking forward to it
Unfortunately Fighting decks are very slow, you either rely on Marowak's Missmerang or you have to stall to get your Machamp up and ready. It also doesn't help that the line has high retreat cost even starting from Machop, so it's hard to retreat them back to safety if you need to. I enjoy it though, nothing better than punching your opponent with an unrestricted big dick 120 attack Mega Punch.

We need a Bruno Supporter soon, then the deck will definitely go up in usage.
It really wouldn’t. You’d just be getting your bunghole raped by blaine and weezing.
Speak for yourself, ya sweaty dork
do you not realize Primeape decks exist
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I wonder how trading will be implemented when it's so easy to set up reroll bot accounts to trade over their goods to the main. A level requirement's not going to stop it and some casuals only play to pull cards so locking trading behind some kind of PVP requirement might not be the best idea. The Yugioh games don't even bother with this feature
Have you tried Kiwibrowser?
Bilingualmanga handles the OCR so it does all the scanning, after you tap it it has it as plain text which you can scan scan with yomichan.

I haven't tried with firefox but guides I followed for setting it up on phone said to use kiwibrowswer for better compatibility.
Granted the layout and overall process on mobile is still a little clunky, but its functional.
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Let's not pretend like Primeape decks are super consistent and reliable. You're left with a 40HP Mankey that can easily get one shot and an 80HP Primeape that will get revenge KO'd by Starmie or Pikachu. Definitely better than Marowak at least.
I don’t think ranked is a good fit for this game. It’s not in the spirit of what the advertised goal of Pocket is: a CASUAL card collecting game. Everything about this game is aimed at a casual experience and audience. Ranked mode destroys that promise. If you want to sweat there’s tournaments you can sign up for
It's not that hard. It's probably gonna be same rarity+3 copies requirement
you need to have them in your starting hand or draw them in the right order and not get red carded. going first you're in an awkward position of attacking on curve leaving yourself vulnerable to shit like farfetch'd ending your gameplan or deciding to just not damage your opponent for several turns straight. eggs beat your ass from jump, pika laughs going second and m2 sets up something better. for fighting stage 2 you might be unironically better off playing dogshit like golem because at least brock has a chance of letting it attack on curve as it evolves if you get a god hand
Tournaments and ladders are very different.
You also literally don't have to play ranked if you don't want to.

You can't expect someone simply wanting to play against good opponents to have to dedicate an entire day to a tourney, when with ranked ladder they can just hop on and do a couple of high-tier battles.
It also allows for better testing and practice for tourneys in a casual sphere.

I just want to play against good players with good decks, TCGPlayer doesn't cut it.
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>you can remove the energy types after setting Pokemon in the deck
Huh, I thought the game forced you to run every type based on the included attacks. Weezing hybrid decks don't run Dark energy I'm guessing?
It's definitely gonna have a level unlock, because that will still slow down some of the gaming.
You’re not understanding my argument. This game is NOT made for you to grind out matches for hours on end to perfect your play patterns, predict opponents moves or hand, or even to say that you’re better at it than even ONE singular other person. This is a casual game. The philosophy of this game is incompatible with a ranked ladder, tournament mode, or even the very concept of a “meta.”
So yeah, I DO expect you to set a day aside to grind tournaments, because that is NOT the target audience for this game. If you want that experience then you have to make it yourself
>good opponents
the skill ceiling for this game is in hell. the most you can do is fuck with math by holding evos to conceal your potential damage on board. even retarded children can account for simple stuff like if they're open for a gio KO or manage their bench to protect themselves from sabrina
or you could stop crying and let the bulls enjoy ranked mode which no one is forcing you to play. you can sit in your pussy baby casual corner forever if you want
My child will include Red Card in his deck
So sick of opening zard packs

Erika you dumb slut just come already
almost like there are gonna be more sets in the future
>no one is forcing you to play
This is always the argument and it’s so fucking old already. What part of “this is intended and designed to be a casual game” do you not understand? Do you not get that a ranked mode would destroy the purpose of the whole rest of the game or do you not care? Are you so eager to tie your self-worth to a number/color that you’re willing to play a toddler’s card game for hours per day to get a bigger number/shinier color?
The pvp event is exactly in line with the design principles at play in this game. Play more if you want, but all the good rewards come with simply playing the game, even at a 0% winrate.
yea I was recommended kiwibrowser too, but picked Firefox cause "it's great on desktop, how shit could the app be? it even has extension support "
well it does fucking suck and lag
>he wants to play ranked just so he can keep losing to coinflips
Why even bother trying to make a competitive out of this game? You're gonna develop an aneurysm just like those Hearthstone players
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This is me, but Pikachu packs and full art Misty
I don't even care whether or not they add one, but please explain how a ranked mode "would destroy the purpose of the whole rest of the game".
That has been the one through line of every post I’ve made on the topic. If it’s not clear after reading it all then you’re too fucking retarded to me to bother spelling it out to you
>"""wanting to play against good opponents"""
>in a game with a million different coinflips
>where going first is infinitely worse than going second
>where you can barely even interact with your opponent
There are no "good players" in this game. It's either "literal children" or it's "person with a functioning brain". Those are the 2 skill levels, and there is nothing below or above these 2 skill levels.
yeah. in something like dragonite you're probably more focused on building energy on dragonite than weezing so theres no reason to add dark energy
Almost like we have no idea what the balance of the game will look like at that point.
if they do make a ranked mode it'll probably be super easy to climb since like live is
>Like my showcase you sonsofbitches
Are you posting attractive cards in the first three spots? If people don't see those cards, they won't be interested in liking or clicking on your collection.

I, for one, only click when I see Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff, for example.
You have to edit it every time you tweak the deck too.
>even retarded children can account for simple stuff like if they're open for a gio KO or manage their bench to protect themselves from sabrina
Then why don't they?

Faced a M2 just now who, when I was bricked, didn't attack me my ralts with his garde and just played passively as shit allowing me to find the right moment to get on the offensive.
I feel so many people don't understand the concept of points either.

>Losing to coinflips
Skill issue, unironically.
Coinflip decks are not good and you should only rarely lose to them, especially Misty.

Misty needs to get really lucky to fuck you over, which does happen, but not often.

Then hopefully ranked will allow me to fight more of the latter, because I tell you it's hard to come by.
>Erika you dumb slut just come already
She only costs like 70 pack points. You could buy two of them.
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what part of fuck off to your casual piss baby corner and let the bulls enjoy themselves don't you understand?

also spragels has confirmed with the devs that a ranked mode is in the works and coming eventually. I'll have a cool ranked emblem/cosmetic and you won't because you're a pussy. Cry about it :^)
Me but with Pikachu EX
erika is not a slut....
she is a pure grass type gym leader maiden.......
is Heliolisk good anti-bird tech or am i fucking high? is anti-moltcuno tech even necessary
>Then hopefully ranked
There's not going to be a ranked, anon, and you are seriously deluding yourself if you believed that there is much skill variance at all in this game. The very, very, very small amount of skill variance that does exist can be completely made up for or negated by simply drawing well or winning coinflips (or, in the case of going first, losing coinflips)
Two-tapping all of the birds with 1 heads + 1 tails while also being good against water is decent. I don't really know if it's necessary.

I do think the colorless Pokemon (Golbat, Mienshao, Heliolisk) are a bit underexplored/underdeveloped. Like, Golbat completely fucks Mewtwo. I haven't actually played Mienshao into Pikachu, but it's probably not as good as Golbat just because Pikachu is fast and ohkos Mienshao, but trading 1 point for 2 points is still good.
>pull 3-star Charizard
>get a whole fucking cutscene
Too bad the card itself doesn't have any fancy 3D foil effect
there's no skill in Pokémon Unite solo queue either and yet it has ranked
>New event misisons
>have to pull 15 fire cards
>booster packs count
they really want us to open zard decks right now, don't they?
How do you do that?
>Pokémon Unite
Isn't Pokemon Unite essentially "DotA"? I've never played it, but how in the fuck are you comparing "DotA" to the dumbed down mobile version of a children's card game?
I get it, you have no argument and you're just a little bitch that can't imagine other people enjoying things that he doesn't lmfao.
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>opponent decides to play a fun non-meta deck
>they get ducked
>tfw a non-meta deck almost beats your meta deck because of your flips and draws
The vpnx meta is already solved (and NOEX too for that matter).
Blaine has an 80%+ win rate
I won 45 times.
Now what?
win 5 more times for the flair dust mission
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win 50 for the medal.
>RDW, an already meta relevant deck that doesn't run EXs, dominates the meta when EXs are removed
Who could have possibly seen that coming?
>plays non meta onix/brock deck
>gets thanks everytime
>plays articuno/misty deck
>suddenly never got any thanks
Damn people do be salty as fuck in this game
>remove all the late game tanks and heavy hitters for your dumb fake format
>aggro deck reigns supreme
Wow anon, who the fuck could have guessed?
So it's even more unbalanced than the normal game. Great.
Is this correct for the black Friday sale?

anyone else going to use their Google gift voucher on this?
>November 22 - November 28: Magikarp and Gyarados Event
I don't get how this event works
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Google gift voucher from where?

This was never happening, there hasn't been anything in the files other than this string.
I have over 40 ppl on my friends list. I get all of my likes from doing battles. plus randoms liking my showcases. maybe update your showcase. I don't have time to up vote 50 people. do some battles and earn your likes faggot. I don't even like my gfs showcase and told her to earn her likes with her mewtwo deck.
this is why you wait a couple years or sets before making a different format
how do i get a gf like this
get lucky on a coinflip
choose one
Stop liking my showcases. I'm not liking. Yours back. it takes too much time.
Tits too pancakey. I imagine Erika to have perkier breasts.
You pay 36 wonder hourglasses for a 1/5 chance of an Arcanine ex.
And every few hours you get either a common Fire typez Blaine, a tranny ticket, or an hourglass for free.
That's it. That's all there is.
this event sucks

this game sucks
>I don’t have time to upvote 50 people
I don’t either. That’s exactly why I’m going to cull my list.
>hurr durr play teh geme
I do, moron. I just don’t want to have to rely on random assholes to get my daily tranny tickets
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https://pocket.codex.gg and https://ptcgp.raenonx.cc are the only reliable datamine sources and had no data about the event outside of an announcement.
In additional to real packs showing up in your wonder pick (which expire in several hours) you get "bonus picks" and "rare picks" (which expire in 30 minutes)
The bonus pick is free and gives a small amount of currency or a 1-2 diamond card
The rare pick costs 36 hours of wonder stamina and is like a regular wonder pick, but it's from a set of cards that can't appear in a real pack (a 4-diamond, two 3-diamonds, and two 2-diamonds)
porygon-z when
>fried eggs
then uninstall it and never look back.
depends on how one gets beat desu.

If i'm flipping for shit and they're nailing heads to the wall, i'll get salty and not thank.
How do you earn PokeGold, aside from buying it? I have like 10 Gold but I've never spent a penny.
from Google play store
Leveling up
Not really. There is a free wonder pick every 2 hours or so (unless you get the garbage "rare" wp) for you to get a bunch of basic fire types.
I'd say open whatever pack you want, it don't matter, none of this matters.
wait the determined amount of time for your free wonder pulls and hope they spawn an arcanine and hope you pull it.
Well damn. I literally just finished with Mewtwo.
Every level-up gets you 1 I think.
anyone have a table of level-up rewards?
Does fire event also affect pack rates?
Shit. I'm not gonna be able to earn enough for the Erika bundle without paying up then huh
Every level from what I can remember has been
>1 gold
>1 rewind watch
>12 pack hourglasses
>12 wp hourglasses
Parasect is underrated.
I was trying for mewtwo but I was dead drawing so I've switched to pikachu. still dead drawing but not as bad.
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I finally pulled my god pack. Quick. Add me for the wonder pick.
>There is a free wonder pick every 2 hours or so (unless you get the garbage "rare" wp)
is it 2 hours? fuck I was thinking it was shorter than that. ah well, at least I know what timer to set.
It's been nearly 30 years since her first appearance Anon, she's a hag by now.
Anon, that's not a god pack.
>(unless you get the garbage "rare" wp)
I got both.
Holy point hoarder. How do I get so many?
>mindbroken pikafag posts about me late at night when I'm sleeping.
He didn't post a friend code either. It's a joke. I thought it was funny.
Looks like the thread schizo woke up
You will crumble and wither with the advance of the hands of time but erika will be a teenager forever
She's still perky to me, dammit!
How Jewish can this app get? 12 *yellow* hourglasses combined for all these fire missions?
i have no cards and cant make any decks that arent pure coinflip aaaaaaaa
The Jew fears the Samurai.
>ppg / ptpg / tcgp
Pick fucking one already. I don't care which one, just don't change it all the god damn time.
Card art mods when?
>i have no cards and cant make any decks that arent pure coinflip aaaaaaaa
make a mid range deck that gets you through the advanced stages and a little into elite to get the hourglasses you need and pull for one meta deck you only need a couple cards for.

That's what I did when I hit the wall.
>get the full charizard deck
>win most of my games
People made this shit sound like it was bad or something.
>How Jewish can this app get?
This current event exists solely for you to spend 3 Wonder Pick points, multiple times, on Arcanine EX, hope you get the Arcanine EX, and then still keep spending 3 Wonder Pick points even after you already have 2 Arcanine EXs so that you can flair the Arcanine EX with the limited-time Arcanine EX flair.

That's what this event is.
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ace specs when
My bad then, not sure what the timer is on those free picks. It may be random.
It seemed to be every two hours and mutually exclusive with the rare one, but if anon got both at once then I have no clue how that jewish gacha nonsense works.
/tcgp/ was first, best, and the only one we should be using from now on
Charizard is great until you hit a tails streak and can't put a zard in your active with 6 energy by turn 5.
It's good, just suboptimal compared to the rat and the cat
should I keep pulling on Mewtwo until I get a gardevoir and use points for the other one?
>My bad then, not sure what the timer is on those free picks. It may be random.
I've been checking every 30 minutes for the past (probably) 2 hours and nothing yet.

God, I really hope it's not random or tied to doing something else. Already it seems like the previous wonderpick event happened more often.
if you want gardevoir then yes
>should I keep pulling on Mewtwo until I get a gardevoir and use points for the other one?
depends on how many pack points you have, how long you're willing to wait and if there's anything else you want with pack points.
If you don't have Weezing and Koga, keep pulling Mewtwo.
So Erika's deal is that she's... a better Potion that also uses your Supporter action for the turn?
Am I missing something
Ive opened dozens of charizard packs in a row and I haven't gotten any of the remaining 7 Kanto pokemon I need, including a fucking charizard
two gardevoir is literally all I need to finish the deck
that's all
good for venusaur ex and exeg ex
people using erika usually run two potions so grass decks have like 90 damage they can heal in a turn
>being retarded on purpose
He asked about the Mewtwo pack, not the Mewtwo deck. Retard.
It's a massive heal. Coupled with two potions and say two butterfrees on your bench and you can almost heal from anything the opponent throws at you short of a one shot or charizard.

Pic related, a great mid to upper mid range deck.
That's the whole deal. Most decks would run more than 2 potions if they could and you can use Erika on the same turn you use Potions to buy extra turns against big attacks.
Yes its dog shit. Grass fucking sucks, i think the best grass deck is unironically 2 ex trees and 2 non ex trees. Using you’re trainer card turn on a heal is horrible. Liligant is a stage 1 and doesn’t have the bulk or damage to justify a 2 energy attack. You never are able to get in the bulba line safely
shut up faggot
I have 295 points
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>want a Misty, not even a full art, just a simple Misty for my water deck.
>Open pack, get full art zapdos ex
>Open next pack after 12 hours, get rainbow border full art zapdos ex
Oh come on! Just give me a misty so i can go to Charizard packs and hunt down full art Sabrina!
>asks for help
>gets advice
>is too retarded to understand the advice
>calls people faggots
Kill yourself.
Just open Charizard packs and use your booster point to craft Misty
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What's your favorite deck to play, anons and did you give it a fun name?? I've been enjoying my 1,000 Legs of Pain deck with MoltresEx and Centiskorch.
>two gardevoir is literally all I need to finish the deck
are you planning on switching to another meta deck anytime soon? Can you justify the 150-300 pack point cost?

If you're going all in, go for it. If not and you can wait, keep pulling mewtwo decks and hope you get lucky.
It's random, about a 15% chance every time a wonder pick gets replaced.
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No! I refuse to use those points on something so small. Points should be save for full arts only.
>including a fucking charizard
Do the event :^)
if you're set on getting two gardevoirs then just craft them. it took me 60 packs before I was able to get my two gardes
just wonder pick one
>mewtwo event match
>go first
>opponent places a single Pikachu EX
>I place two growlithes
>he concedes
This game will never die because idiots like this are the majority
You're not going to be opening enough packs to be spending points on full art cards before the next set comes out unless you paypig.
weezing/arbok. just like in ptcgl all my decks are named "New deck X" because I am uncreative
>It's random, about a 15% chance every time a wonder pick gets replaced.
oooh so you have to spend wonderpicks to hope that it gets replaced with it?

fucking cheap.
Is this the mythical white dude for harris?
You talk like the points are gonna go away when a new set arrives (I know points only work on a specific set BTW), they put the option to "change set", why they would do this if only one set can be available at the any time?
Yeah the math checks out. However, I'm personally getting fucked over with the vouchers' value in my currency, it's not worth it.
Is this the average /ptgt/ user?
Do you not understand that wonderpicks have timers before being replaced?
Hopefully never ever.
I do hope for Stadiums and Tools thoughbeit.
>Do you not understand that wonderpicks have timers before being replaced?
yes. several hours.
Last night I played against a Charizard EX deck.
They led with Moltres EX, replaced it with another Moltres EX when it died, and aside from putting 1 energy and each Moltres EX they never did their normal energy attachment.
They flipped 4 heads in 6 turns, put them all on one Charmander, never evolved it, and evolved their other Charmander. I swept the entire fight with one Swoobat.
My opponent might have been this guy.
I still need a second Sabrina...
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I've been stuck on "one Weezing away" from all the different variants of Poison Control. Crafting it feels bad
Completely irrelevant.
July at the earliest if January is the Johto set.
Then April for Hoenn and July for Sinnoh.

Slight chance of getting featured as a promo/in a mini set before that.
I think bonus and rare picks have a chance to appear whenever one of the regular picks expires, not at regular intervals.
The intelligence level of this thread seems even lower than the rest of the board. Scary.

No I don't? I say that because you won't be accuring may Genetic Apex points when there are new packs to crack.
Danke schön.
I guess you weren't here when that was proven in the "Pikachu is harder to play than Mewtwo" arc.
then how he get all fire pokemon?
You think I haven't tried?! Three times, three failures so far.
I’d argue that crafting 3-diamonds is the best value. For 150 you get the rarest card if you just want to play the game. 4-diamond into stars combine to have a drop rate higher than weezing and its ilk. Better value when you consider it costs 500 points to craft any given ex. 3 times the craft cost for a card that’s actually MORE common? What a ripoff
dont worry, in two months Ill trade you 2 of my 5 full art weezings for two basic blaines so I dont have to craft/pull them.
So close! Only 3 of those 5 pokemon are fire type!
If they're going by generations then it's not all that bad since we get Porygon2
TCGP players are so intellectually stunted that they need a 10 minute video to explain this obvious strategy.
that's retarded. you can only evolve 2 of them
its so over for you
wait how often does the discount gold refresh?
>lose to a dude with a japanese nickname
>he sends a friend request afterwards
Im winning a shit ton with bulba evo line, 2 eggs, 2 trees and 2 ex trees all in one deck. Suck my nuts
But like all the monsters we have now that got later-gen evos
(Bisharp, Rhydon, Onix, Scyther, Electabuzz, Mageton, Magmar, Lickitung, Chansey) Porygon2 will be designed a a middle-stage card instead of a final evo.
Now that I say that, Magezone might be pretty sweet eventually, as Magenton can charge itself up for a few turns before evolving.
Why did you reply to me?
Its a 1/5 chance, so statistically the next 2 you will have her
yes but earlier you said only 2 eggs and 4 trees. now you say but also with bulbs
>need two Gardevoirs and a Sabrina for Mewtwo deck
>tried pulling for second Sabrina instead of sticking to getting a gardevoir first
>didn't get shit
>now completely out of all the mission reward hourglasses
If you're a zoomer or a shitposter, it probably doesn't make any sense to you, but here's how a normal person plays this game:
>play a match against someone
>at the end of the match, send them a thanks and a friend request
>keep doing this until your friends list is full, potentially even cycling people out if it's clear they aren't playing
>continue thanking people after each match when friend list is full, because it costs you nothing at all
The only exception is if someone rage quits (i.e. "ropes" or times out). Those people can go fuck themselves.
Gardevoir isn't in the Charizard pack little bro
i think that anon is saying insatead of pulling charizard packs, they could've been pulling mewtwo packs for gardevoir's.

I could be wrong though.
I say anon, are you retarded?

you honestly think you could beat her in a tournament setting?
yeah I typically get a fr and thanks after a match even if I win.
>turn 2
>hit enemy mewtwo ex with my koffing
>he concedes immediately
the 2 most common things a mew2 deck players says are
>mew2 is actually complex!
>I concede
>you honestly think you could beat her in a tournament setting?
Anyone can beat anyone in this game, even the most consistent deck bricks like 30% of the time.
for me it's pulling my pick from wonder pick
good shit
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that's over the minute we get a rare candy or an ultra ball
you stole that deck
why can't vp come up with their own ideas
There's literally only one guy here who thinks that Mewtwo is complex.
discarding two cards from your hand to use ultra ball sounds pretty rough in a 20 card deck format.
Give me a good ditto deck
Splashing the colorless Pokemon was actually my idea, but this game is so fucking simple and the card pool is so fucking small that no matter what your idea is, someone has already done it.
>Give me a good ditto deck
any coloress deck without ditto
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Oh boy here I go!

Grass is literally one of the best decks outside of the top 3 shillmons.
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RIP and I got a wonder hourglass as my free pick
I rolled and got a ex arcanine on a pack. Was that fixed? It didnt feel natural and i ignored the new fire type wonder pick
Greninja feels lile an EX
Well, maybe half a level down an EX
>turn 1 red card
its a stage 2 so it needs to have something usable otherwise its just a fillermon
>wonder pick
>costs 2
>4 cards I need, 2 ralts, 1 gio, 1 other needed card
>1 card I don't need, raticate
You all have one guess at what card I picked.
Have you tried though?
Drive off and ditto bursting can win a surprising amount of games

I wasn't getting Misty after 2 weeks so I spent shop points

Then I get fucking 7 from packs. 7.
>have to have the exact type of energy needed for the attack
Ditto is broken. and I don't mean good broken I mean bad broken.

if it was "amount of energy, colorless can be used" then and only then could ditto be useful. but because you need the exact type of energy you have to build your ditto deck to encounter only one singular deck. which makes it completely useless.

Cut out Persian and add something for consistency like farfetch'd or Kanga
Im sure it can win games if the stars align, but it requires a lot and I much rather just play a different colorless deck.
Meowth to deck thin and Persian to potentially rip an evolution out of hand is better than raw 40 damage when every Ex mon has 140 hp

The deck is plan disruption not damage dealer
>Singular deck
Run psychic, water and thunder and you have all 3 of the meta decks at hand

what about them
Just a reminder that opening 200 packs only gives you a 40% chance to get a specific 2-star card, such as full art Misty.
Future is always worse than the past.

> The deck is plan disruption not damage dealer

Aka it's shit and doesn't work unless you're against someone who's 12 lol
Fight me
so far ive resisted the urge to spend all my hourglasses but i cant hold it in anymore im about to lose it
a deck that plans for disruption is fine. but the disruption requires evos and a coin flip.
>I do think the colorless Pokemon (Golbat, Mienshao, Heliolisk) are a bit underexplored/underdeveloped
i've been experimenting and enjoying myself. Heliolisk hitting water and birds is really useful, golbat having a low retreat cost and hitting psychics has gotten me through some mewtwo ex rounds. not sure who would be optimal as the third but I've been running both marowak since I only have 1 copy of the ex. going first with cubone and normal marowak in hand puts pikachu in a misty situation where he's immediately put into 1HKO territory after the first player gets a chance to attack. of course a deck full of stage 1 bricks but it's more reliable than i expected.
i did a 10 pull and regretted it immediately. stay strong brother
>red cards me and helps me draw my zard to kill his m2 ex
thanks lol
that said, I think I would've drawn it anyway
Not that anon but post code, I want to see it in action
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Sorry, Zardbro...
yea better censor ur name, mistycuck!
Fair and balanced
No I won't show you my last login time
Anyone playing Articuno-ex is no one's bro.
2x ditto 2x promo jigg 2x wigg ex 2x amber 1x aerodactyl
misty/water faggots are the biggest problem with turn 2 being broken
>you CAN spend play points on these
>finally can spend all the stuff I got from whaling in Masters
wtf I got two immersive Mewtwos today, now I really wanna craft two Kirlias and a Gardevoir to play the deck
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Why is zapdos ex 130 hp when articuno/moltress ex are both 140 hp
full heals in the next set pls.
>Why is zapdos ex 130 hp when articuno/moltress ex are both 140 hp
cause zapdos can do more damage than both of them. 200 if you flip all heads

which I've actually had done to me, that motherfucker
Because it has a lower retreat cost.
cause he can deal up to 200 dmg and average 100 dmg whereas the others deal 70 and 80 respectively
It has a 1 energy attack/retreat.
Articuno should have 150 HP desu since it's the only bird that needs 2 energy for an attack and it has no coinflip moves.
show me how much points you have saved
I fucked up, I spent 6570 last year on general Google Play credit which is worth only half of what these coupons offer per point.
this has got to be the ugliest alt art/rainbow rare or whatever they're called. i didn't even know it exists
i got my hopes up that i finally pulled the second zapdos when i checked borders
>bought apps like music reading trainer and poweramp last year
>oh maybe I have play points too
>you need to join first before you can earn any
Would it have killed them to lower the stamina cost a bit or make it the FA to at least make these worth picking? This is the kind of wonder pick I'd normally skip. How is this an event?
talking about this thing
I'd love to trade the other 2* EX Wiggly for that one.
this looks really cute
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I dont care what anyone else says, misty is bugged. This luck only happens with this whore. Meanwhile ill play gollurk and never get 2 heads in a row
Why are you playing him instead of kingler?
if you want to coinflip, KO crab is the most consistent.
she's a beautiful angel with an intimidating demon form staring at you from the corner
How often do the free event wonder picks reset?
Mewtwo one/two taps all of them starting turn 2
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>nigga friday
>no deals
do they not want my money?
>How often do the free event wonder picks reset?
rumor mill says that there's a percentage chance to get one of the event wonder picks whenever a new wonderpick spawns in.

so either spend all you wonderpick points and hope for the best or wait and hope for the best.

the event wonderpicks only stick around for 30 minutes though.
Probably just going to be equal-rarity trading with friends above n level (15 or something)
If you see you've lost but play out your full turn and concede at the start of my turn I'm not thanking you.
I only have 1 articuno ex. what are your opinions on 2 frostmoths or two promo lapras? those are the only two other water pokemon I have btw. I tried both and I think lapras might be better just because it can tank hits.
>he doesn't return the shopping cart
>he is unironically opposed to downloading a car
I'm pretty sure I've gotten every 3 diamond and lower card from Charizard packs now while trying to get a second Starmie EX and Charizard EX. I've only gotten TWO EX cards from my 40 to 50 packs and a bunch of useless 1Star cards BESIDES Charmander's. Shit game luck that I blew on that shitty immersive Charizard card, as after getting that my packs went to dogshit. How often do you people get an EX card from a pack?
ive unironically started watching pocket pack openings and irl pack openings on the youtubes, its over for me
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I can't imagine that anyone actually wants to pull on this shit unless you started yesterday.
Man Dragonite takes forever to set up but triple nuking in one shot is just hilarious
Google points are really good if your currency isn't worth shit, because you always get 1 point per 1 unit of your local currency spent.
I pulled it and got an articuno ex so Im happy
If it had ex charizard then maybe, but arcanine is a psyop thats good against ONE deck and the rest you probably already have.
Why are there so many retards in this thread that don't understand probability lmao.
I would. Higher value than the immense majority of 3-cost wonder picks and I'm missing the top 3 cards.
i thought they'd at least only cost 2 stamina like the chansey picks but it's garbage at 3
rat hands typed this post
I meant arcanine
I spent 36 expirable hours pulling the Arcanine and I got 1 inexpirable hour back from a mission. Unless a goodpick shows up within the next day, this was a good exchange.
Generally retarded poster.
The most soulful supporters next year....
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sex with sabrina
the only time I use my brain is when deciding the best time to use sabrina
They need to make it so you can retroactively Thank and friend people. I feel bad when I accidentally click the wrong area of the screen and bypass the thanks and friend prompt. Something like a history of the last 10 battles would probably make sense.
psychic latex gloves handjob doko
I'd pull on it because I want an arcanine ex deck. I only have 1 before this event started
Uhhh, her tit is showing?
>Dragonite takes forever to set up but triple nuking in one shot is just hilarious
Should I spark this up?
>2 gloomasI'm sorry...
>regular maro vs pika deck match
>i go first
>eventually play maro ex
>opponent insta concedes
>inverted nipples
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That's just her clothes, silly. They're right.
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>win A HUNDRED versus battles
>finish EVERY solo mission
>Use ALL my hour glasses and wonderglasses
>Use ALL my shop tickets

get 99 friends and like all their showcases everyday
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>I only have 1 articuno ex. what are your opinions on 2 frostmoths or two promo lapras? those are the only two other water pokemon I have btw. I tried both and I think lapras might be better just because it can tank hits.
if you don't have two misty's you can't play water. simple as.
How is her areola showing through her shirt?
>I can't imagine that anyone actually wants to pull on this shit unless you started yesterday.
sand ninetales and charmeleon I could use everything in that pull.

I especially love it when there's only 6 cards left in the deck but I still haven't drawn a Charmeleon
would've literally won
skin tight clothing
Have you never seen a girl in real life?
yeah I do have two of her
then you can basically make any water deck you want. make a lapras deck with one articuno.
Man, this is why I play Stage 1 mons. Wake me up when we get more cards to look for specific stuff.
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Clair clears all gen 1 waifus
What do you mean, it's completely covered. It's just some folds on her bodysuit, are you retarded?
>4 cards left in deck
>two stage 2s, pokeball, sabrina
If the fluff ball thing was lower on the art and covered the swirly tuft thing on its head, it would look like wigglytuff had the zoomer broccoli haircut
Blaine's card should have included Arcanine desu
this would be a lot stronger if so
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My alt account on PC is in german and I can't stop laughing at these retarded names man
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>fight a level 39 whale
>he's running Tangela and Wigglytuff EX
>lets the timer run out no his turn when I put down dragonite
Hilda >>> Rosa and you cannot convince me otherwise
>use pokedex
>Arbok, Koga, Pokeball
>all useless atm
>use Pokeball to shuffle
>draw card next turn
>it's Arbok, shuffling did nothing
I hope that anon that convinced me to drop Red Card for Pokedex chokes on a dick.
Please unlock trading so that I can get 1 (ONE) card.
Fuck this game dude.
Pokedex sucking does not change that red card sucks too
use Porygon instead trust me bro
>I hope that anon that convinced me to drop Red Card for Pokedex chokes on a dick.
I mostly advocate for the use of Pokedex if you are running a threevo. If you're not running a threevo, then I think Pokedex is not as good. Regardless, Red Card is terrible.
Trading will eat five cards and cost wonder stamina. You'll get one random card the other player offered and the other four will be lost.
It's so stupid that I believe they're going to do it.
I'm thinking it will require shinedust consumption instead. But yeah there's absolutely NO WAY they implement it without any restrictions whatsoever, or else we get a market poisoned by RMT. I just hope that they don't overcurrent.
Not sure what they were thinking launching the game into a self made content drought. After you grab the 45 win badge and beat the solo battles there is literally nothing to do beside farm 15exp wins off of an unranked ladder or build jank. That said the game is fun so far, sorely in need of another expansion and other game modes.
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They should've added a small chance for some shatterfoil effect on high rarity cards to really drive the paypigs insane
lmao red card has more uses than pokedex has. if you're going to take out red card than jusy add another copy of a card you need. dont replace it with meme shit like pokedex
I'm running two Nidokings.
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I hope they bring in more AI-battle events consistently. I enjoyed the Lapras one. I cant imagine its too difficult to make some "meta" decks that actually require competent battling.
They would be stepping on their own toes. Flair already exists and already incorporates RNG.
That's why the high rarity versions of cards exist.
Master Duel, all things considered, has pretty reasonable rates, but then it spices it up with the 1/100 Royal.
The Star rarities do the same in a different way.
Are they joking with these """reduced""" prices?
youll still buy it cuck lol
Areola don't show. Nipples do.
Okay? Then I think Pokedex is better than Red Card. What are you gonna do instead, Red Card an opponent's Sabrina and give them probably a greater than 50/50 shot at redrawing it?

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