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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: What is the one gift your OC hopes they never, ever receive?

>Thread task: She's defrosting, whether we like it or not. Draw your OC in a Santa or elf costume!

>alternative creative task: Your OC just walked in on their Pokemon doing something they're not supposed to.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls [NEWBIE-FRIENDLY CREATION TABLES WITHIN]:

>I don't know how to draw!
Picrew links, Sprite-making programs and resources, and AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials and Drawing Program Downloads:

Previous thread: >>56950340
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Last thread had an astonishing thirty (30) new art works. Special thanks to everyone who contributed, they'll be added to the archives momentarily. You're all truly wonderful.

Recent Written Works:

Eons in Flux, Episode 6: "Where Loyalties Lie" https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ACCQRBGk2dcOYjfIF9qaZJH1OQmwCxbUPBdL8FXAW4/edit?usp=sharing

Alex: Agent Orange: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/9742zf5.pdf
Hooray, good op
Das it, mane.
im a bit autistic about TRAINER ID in the games themselves
i don't mind going off the beaten path and using a brand new ID\NAME\CHARACTER but have a few "mains" i always find myself cycling back to (even with some weird synchronicity\ESP, etc some of the time)
sometimes i'll just use my IRL middle name
sometimes my headcannon female character returns\is living out a parallel timeline\alternative timeline
the boring: my named OT male usually likes pretty close to myself IRL
the cute: the female is always a well dressed blonde with unique (usually long af) hair

>one gift your OC hopes they never, ever receive?
canonically, we always show valor in the face of adversity & reach champion-rank.
>wear lewd santa hat\dress as slut-elf
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Submit cards for the second /tog/ booster pack, CROSS ASCENSION, here: https://forms.gle/rinJ5WeXFW25GQva7

Take Pokémon to the next level: the Xth Level!
With LV.X cards, gain new abilities and attacks to turn the tides of battle in your favour!
MEGA Pokémon also return as LV.X cards!

>Use https://pokecardmaker.net/creator to create your cards.

>Access the recently-expanded Schizo Resource Pack here for backgrounds provided by the Archivist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15yLgfXZUNxehHv79cBMEk5M8dueHg_9e?usp=sharing

>Edit your background/card style with https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/

Submissions end December 30th, all rules and resources included in form link!

>You can read about them and how they work here: https://files.catbox.moe/0vg83h.png (embed) (embed)
>Mega Pokémon will be reintroduced as LV.X cards also, be sure to place the following rulebox on the left just under the image border: https://files.catbox.moe/h63wnz.png (embed) (embed)
>Example of a regular LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/1bz70x.png (embed) (embed)
>Example of a MEGA LV.X card: https://files.catbox.moe/pj4cms.png (embed) (embed)
>To create a LV.X card, select the Sword/Shield Base Set type, and under Subtype select LV.X
>Look at existing LV.X cards here: https://pkmncards.com/level/x/
>HP limit is 210.
>Replace the SV1 tag in the bottom left with TOG2

Don't be afraid to post any cards you're happy with here too for the thread to look at.
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Everybody look at this Spheal.
Well, it's certainly been a day to remember, and that's something to celebrate. Thank you for no less than two birthday celebrations, and for continuing to have a better record of remembering which hand Phos's glove is on than me.
Gentlemen: if your girlfriend tells you what she wants you to wear, that's what you're going to wear. That birth date explains the mistletoe headband.
An excellent idea, but I won't be selfish. Much. Maybe another time.
And now we're all caught up again, thank you.
I'm going to repost grymanon's teaser poster from last thread
GN tog, I had a big glass of bloody mary and I cant stay up any farther.
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Good night and happy birthday you crazy, alcohol-fueled togger.
May your dreams have a weighty word count.
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Aww shit, fuck, LUKE, I knew I forgot something. I'm sorry bud!

Gilded Platinum, Chapter 7:
Oh, that wasn't me, but thanks. I've miles to go before I sleep.
>but have a few "mains" i always find myself cycling back to
Ahh, the ol' Ash Ketchup method. I've always wanted to do something like that. Hell, especially now that editing IDs is so easy these days.
Make yourself at home, tell us about some of them while the night crew gets settled in.
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welp this is the only thing i could draw with today's free time, i'll catch up later but thanks for the features >>56984560 and >>56984548
i just hope nobody's getting sick of my style yet
I love your style, Bibianon! Don’t be discouraged! I wonder if you picked a 4th character for your 4koma after all.
the way you draw eyes is attractive as hell
Nah man, I love your lines.
Shit, wrong thread.
Emily-Anon, how many gens of Emily are you up to in your folder?
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......No comment. A lot of it is old outputs from when I was still figuring out prompts. But even if I deleted those I'd still have an absurd amount. But I've slowed down a LOT in recent months and am actually getting a new ref sheet comm'd of her but it's taking a bit as the artist juggles other comms at the same time.
Ah, I see. Well hopefully the artist is able to deliver soon. Fingers crossed!
Might be a bit but I know they're good for it. It's the same artist who did her first ref sheet.
>No comment
I would like to see more Arai and Mari gens. It would be nice.
I wanna see more of them too!
Maybe later if I come up with different backgrounds that AI won't completely botch.
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No worries man
>decide to fuck around with the prompt for Mari
>remove the "short" in the "short girl" part of the prompt
>fucking elongated tree-looking ass body in half the outputs when I just wanted a normal-- like 5 foot tall looking-- girl
>put the "short" back in
>the tree-looking proportioned ass outputs stop and I get normal sized girl outputs
Bing AI defaulting to some great oak looking ass proportions like that is weird and cringe ngl
I think Bing usually uses your last gen, so you must write everything from zero.
If you use an old prompt and edit it, the AI will use your last command as base.
Hatterene getting pissed for a single panel is hilarious
It did the opposite bruh. I removed the "short" in "short girl" part of the tag and it turned her into a pole proportioned dendrophile. Had to put "short" back in to get her at a normal height again.
Huh, first time I heard you need to put short girl in the prompt to get a woman in a "realistic" height.
When I use it, most come relatively short. Around 1.60 at default.
Merry Christmas!
Although we are about 28 days before the actual date.
Christmas is one of my favorite seasons, even though here it isn't celebrated as much. Mainly because nobody has money after so many recessions. But I like it nonetheless. I hope you guys party with gifts, beer, and sweets!

David was inside the matchmaking app gambling machine in Kalos. He doesn't mention it, but he is 100% sure he saw "Clari" as one of the possible matches.
He knew it was Clair, and he is thankful he never got a date with her. The city wouldn't survive the encounter.

David has seen Sceptyle with a glass of wine or a can of beer many times to count. He doesn't like it, and he is suspecting one of the balls behind its back is actually a novelty small size alcohol container.
And I forgot the image. Merry holidays, boys and girls!
Bump. Been spamming Mari prompts since people wanted to see more slop of the gremlin's sisters.
God, those proportions are cursed. Poor girl looks like a Mii.
>he is suspecting one of the balls behind its back is actually a novelty small size alcohol container.
Grass types and alcohol, huh? You might be onto something there.
Why do they have pointy ears too? I thought that was just an Emily thing.
>Why do they have pointy ears too?
I developed the idea a bit and now it is an effect of fully awakening to one's Infinity Energy properly. An allied faction Emily will be meeting in Chapter 4 has them too.
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>weighty word count
lol I wish, I haven't written in months and I'm not the best at it either
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Don't worry, tiger, I'll put the work in for both of us today.
That post ended up being pretty prophetic, so thanks for that. No booze involved, but very active dreams. The subconscious had a lot on its mind.
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I don't want to load this thread with ai images especially since last thread was so great, but I did say I'd Share more Sylvie and I think this came out nicely. I'll probably balance this out with some actual drawing work later.
Looking good. Why don't you try using that as a reference while drawing later?
I'm going to be using a different one for reference. Want to do her magical girl outfit
Bump before bed just to be safe. With a weird but kinda good 3D-esque Mari output.
post the stringy Mari when you get back
Her hair looks really nice.
Yeah, compliments to the artist the AI stole from.
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Thread task is coming along nicely. I'd say we're... 40% done?
I think "stole" is an oversimplification. It's not doing anything humans don't. It used a reference. Humans use references too
you don't know how AI art is made, do you.
Post what you'd rather see instead or take it up with /g/. If the art effectively portrays the original character, it doesn't matter to us how it was made. We have drawing tutorials, picrew links, sprite programs, and AI platforms in the OP for a reason.
It matters to me. That being said, I'm not going to make more fuss about it than I already have.
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And, halfway done with this week's assignment.
Perfectly understandable.
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Didn't expect my random thought to become a 3koma. This is great, thank.

Fun fact: Ayumu's own Hatterene is the only Pokémon he got already fully evolved, and he annoyed the hell out of her before she joined the party.

I could never.
not giving up, but I'll give myself an aneurism if I keep trying
Show us what you've got so far, lad.
didn't save any of it because I wasn't happy with it. (I know, I expect to be swatted with a newspaper for this)

I did save my practice sheet though, been using mouse to do the control exercises. Pretty proud of the mostly straight line there in the middle.
Until I finish Black Blaze, I'm going to be posting a little less often for creative purposes. I have a lot of ideas that I want to share with you guys regarding Alex's fantasy stuff but I feel like discussing it as much as I did before just distracts me from Black Blaze. I have to say though, I am nervous about this. I'm breaking several of my own rules, most notably I'm quite radio silent on it beyond asking for some advice regarding the accuracy of casinos. The thing about surprises is that sometimes they fail. I do want to quickly address some people though.
I'm glad that you've discovered what hyperlinks are. I suggest that during moments of boredom while writing Chapter 3 you go back and move all of the upfront images of the previous two chapters into hyperlinks.
I haven't forgotten about this and I'll be adjusting Agent Orange at some point before the end of the year. And yeah, I do think it's just whiplash, because obviously it's intended to be mean-spirited from Alex's perspective. But I wouldn't openly disparage someone's writing just for being different, I might give them advice to steer them in a direction that I think would be helpful but I'm quite aware that everyone has their own styles and preferences.
I only had Chapter 1 and your posts to go off of but the idea behind the dinner table scene is that it's showing how in spite of the change that did occur, I imagine that Koa and his father would always still have bits of their relationship shown in chapter 1. Koa's father is depicted as quite stern, but it's still out of genuine paternal concern, and I tried to show him being a bit more restrained than in Chapter 1. Everyone's a bit tired due to how late it is, which contributes to the stress. I don't really take anything to heart except for outright insults like >>56973894 and even then that's less from the insult itself and more just the inability to know whether it's coming from a troll or a secret hater
If any of you are Bing AI autists, I do have an interesting exercise for you though. I found a way to make somewhat decent looking anime figurines of any character, including OCs.
>Anime figurine of a [skin tone] [man/woman/boy/girl] with [hair length], [hair color], [eye color], wearing [clothes], with [accessories]. The figurine is displayed inside a box with [name] written on it and [anything else, preferably a logo], allowing visibility of the figure, typography, 3D render
Those cubes are looking great so far. It's not easy trying to do that with just a mouse, I thought you were using pencil and paper all this time.
Now, I know it's painful and I know it's not what you want to hear, but it's important to hold onto failed attempts even if it makes you cringe. Like saving lost battles in the Vs Recorder, it helps in the longterm to be able to review your game and see where you stand to improve. I overcommitted here, I wasn't prepared for that, so on.
There's no point in being secretive or ashamed of your work here, we all know you're learning and you only stand to lose insight from someone else.
I'm doing the practice mostly through pencil, but I left my journal at work and I won't get to go back and get it until next week. I didn't want to not practice so I figured doing it with mouse is just as good. I'll hold on to the failures in the future.
Don't you just hate writing a paragraph and going a few minutes later "Man this shit is ASS" and deleting it out of pure cringe
That’s my boy.
My advice is to draw each part of the drawing individually. Draw the head in a vacuum. Draw the arms in a vacuum. Just the torso by itself, the accessories to the side. Focus on one piece of the puzzle at a time, and when you've got an understanding of each component, then begin drawing them together.
All the time.
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Found some paper and did this to make up for it.

It's just the outfit but maybe i can do more later
Looks pretty good to me, especially that skirt ruffle. Where do you think you were messing up earlier?
mostly the head and face, the proportions were always off and the direction they were facing always felt wrong
In my completely unqualified opinion, there's not really any "special" issues with your artwork (as in, you don't appear to have any particular deficiency yet). You just need to work on fundamentals more. The left side of the torso is also kind of weird, I recommend that you work a bit on bases to improve how you do proportions and angles. Some people don't use bases but usually it's people who have several years of experience. I know that when I made a few attempts to early on, I felt quite frustrated because I just drew how I thought I should from scratch instead of using bases, which eventually led to my mental breakdown last month that initiated my downfall. This is about as much advice as I can give because I have next to no experience with artwork.
Yeah I have been tweaking the torso and just am not happy with it. more fundamentals tomorrow for sure. For now, time to work on Gilded Platinum
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weird coincidences =
named pokemon black (hilda) the 'sun emoji'
named pokemon leafgreen girl (blue\leaf) "Dawn"
could be just coincidences but i dunno
as a child at recess in 2001 our imaginary pokemon battles would involve "snowy vulpix and snowy ninetales" (ice types) that would fight alongside my "regular fire" ninetales and vulpix
my middle name OT from black2 only returned recently during a playthrough of legends arceus
i didnt know ingo would return, i cried
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I've been told trouble often comes in pairs...
>For now, time to work on Gilded Platinum
Thanks for taking care of the writing front, I've... kinda gotten carried away, apparently. How the time flies.
Spend enough time around me and you'll see there's no such thing as coincidences. Can you read my future next, O Oracle of Delphox?
>Draw your OC in a Santa or elf costume!
Naughty children will be pranked by Santa's elves.
Good children... will also be pranked by Santa's elves.
These two fae pranksters don't discriminate.
Thread task completed. The next two days will be wholly dedicated to writing. I could use a good reason to drink after the amount of lines I've redrawn today.
Good night for now, /tog/.
Stringy? I assume you mean one of the ones where she looked like a giant oak tree of a girl. I didn't save any of them and I've gen'd too many for it to be in my recent outputs now.

I'm still wondering where the hell this AI gets it's material for all this 3D looking stuff from considering how little 3D art pieces I ever see.
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>I suggest that during moments of boredom while writing Chapter 3 you go back and move all of the upfront images of the previous two chapters into hyperlinks
Uuuuugh but then I gotta re-format the text too.
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Tried this out for fun, don't know why it included little crystals. Maybe they're his stealth rocks
You know, when you first showed Azelie's design I was like "I could recreate it, but at this point I feel I would be doing too much favoritism towards Azelie while still not being able/being in the mood to work on the models of the others, I'm going to leave it be".... Until I Saw gene.
"Welp, now I have to do it"
Depending If I have homework today I will do it during the evening.if not the weekend.
Well, I wanted to do something special for you. Most of the time my character gets posted in this thread, it's not from me. So for tonight, the shoe's on the other foot. I wanted to cram in as many references to Gene's team as I could fit; Absol's chest floof, Serperior's fleur-de-lis, Mimikyu (and the eyes from Let's Snuggle Forever), and Crobat's colors. Azelie is repping her Sylveon, but also Chingling and Delibird's tail is the basis of the bag in her hand.
I'm going back to sleep, I can't think or type for shit. I hope I did a good enough job recreating Gene.
Neat. Come get your Arc 1 David figurine.
Oh those are really neat. I might try it out myself.
This stupid timer is really annoying me lately
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Slow day, eh? I'm busy with stuff, sadly. Feliz jueves to any fellow Spanish-speakers.

Currently working on:

>Cross Rider theme song
>Some art for Archivist's birthday
The bingbot thing does not know what a fucking hime cut is, god, how do you guys deal with this thing.
I just cope with it being too retarded to do specific hair styles and just throw "long, messy, voluminous white hair" at it.
try "flat" hair?
God, that was infuriating.
both the AI and Gene anon agree on the pantsu color uh?
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Here is a younger Luke figure. It really hates holding things
It has the original creator's stamp of approval.
dipper pines!?!
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This is as close as I can get. I doubt it would ever get the smaller details right. But for some reason it won't even give me tights, only thigh-highs. And always additional hair/pigtails, never just buns.
No, no, this is his Japanese counterpart, Perfect Por'Rostons, from the hit light novel, LUKE.
And I would recognize those purple overalls from anywhere. Welcome back, little lady. I hope you've been doing well out there.
Por'Rostons? From the hit band "Rock"?
>ai slop
Yeah, the author was on a JoJo kick when he was naming characters in that story arc.
Even better than Luke honestly. Gonna scrap gilded and write about good old Por'Rostons. He is perfect after all
Not feeling very motivated lately, which is why I took a bit of a break. I did check in here now and then, though. Even started a picture for a previous thread quest. Even though it's already over I'll at least finish the picture one of these days, probably on the weekend.
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Not a problem, it's okay to take cheat days like we're doing today when you don't have the time or you're not feeling creative.
Catch your breath, steady your balance. Your art will be waiting for you when you're ready. Treat yourself to something nice for me. If you have time, why don't you check out Kiki's Delivery Service in the archives, you'll see what I mean. https://mega.nz/folder/hKggRQbD#kPCbp_-Ae68nbR9cYIuRcA/folder/ZapAkTxa
Oh hell yeah, time to get comfy~
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Happy Thanksgiving to any people that's relevant for.
RQ: what is your OC most thankful for.
For Ruka that would be her besr friend forever, Rouge-chaaaan (Jynx)
Something you guys should know about me (if it wasn’t already obscenely obvious) is that I am awful at following up on things that I say I will do. But I don’t anticipate getting a writing time today, so I may as well ask a small question.

For those of you who know things about DnD 5E 2014 (cause Archivist said the 2024 version is too easy): Would it be a bad idea for the cantrips Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade to become Booming Shot and Green Flame Shot? Aside from firearms (which there are actually official rules for in the back of the PHB), I’m a bit iffy on including too much homebrew because I would need to explain it all to the audience. But I think this could really work well with hit and run CQC dual pistols (because apparently DnD rogues function best with two knives). I am certainly doing away with the ranged weapon 5 feet disadvantage rule to accommodate this, because you are literally at fucking point blank range.

For reference, this version Alex is currently supposed to be an Arcane Trickster. I am still learning DnD mechanics and while I’m tempted to just use some insane meta-maxed class like CoE Bard for him, since I first learned a bit about 5E I just simply always envisioned him as ATR.

>But why are you using-
Firearms are what separate Alex from the average Rogue and he’d arguably just be a Tes clone without them. Plus, it allows him to give ranged support to his Pokemon. And the idea of a green flame jumping from the shot enemy to another or the thunder damage activating when the enemy recoils from being shot is just cool.
If I get to my computer today, I might post some old ass generations of Alex. I actually came up with this like half a year ago.
You just had to emphasize her figure, didn’t you. I like it, but her pupils look uncanny and you should center them more. I’m a shamed to admit that I thought Gene was Alex at first.
Do it anyways.
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I did it, the s'winter is real! Hope everyone is having a nice Thanksgiving/Day.
>Thread question: What is the one gift your OC hopes they never, ever receive?
Eggs. Not that she doesn't appreciate it, she has a bad rep with taking care of pokemon eggs...
If Alex is using weapons, give him one of these.
Should be meta allowed.

>she has a bad rep with taking care of pokemon eggs...
I feel I could make both an "eat all the eggs" joke, and a "select your partner" joke as well.
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The idea I had was actually even more busted.
Allow me to introduce you to the Girandoni air rifle, the bane of gun control advocates everywhere. This motherfucker had a 20 round magazine in the 18th century and was fueled by a canister of pressurized air. While much quieter, the drawback of this weapon IRL was that each shot was weaker than the last due to depletion of the reservoir. Except since this is fantasy land, we can just have this be magical air, either from an Artificer or Wizard, which has consistent power. Now this is where it starts to get a bit OP.

Mage Hand is given for free to Arcane Tricksters as a cantrip, and RAW you're forced to take it in a slot, which essentially decreases the amount of cantrips you can have total by one. Except I'm buffing ATR (cause Archivist said it was outclassed by CoL Bard) to get this for free period, and you now have an extra cantrip. If my understanding of Mage Hand is correct, Alex can use this to cock the weapon after each shot without actually taking his hand off of the trigger, which essentially means that he is cheesing magic to have a semi-automatic firearm before modern bullets were even invented. Sadly, I don't think he can do this with his pistols, even though they are also repeating (each has a magazine of three), because he would need two Mage Hands in order to do it.
You too.
>Phos: Good friends
>Franco: His parents and loyal employees
>Azelie: The Queen, warm weather
>Cassie: The ocean
Yeah, they're all pretty straightforward people.
Literally just flavor text the spell as being fired from the barrel of the gun. Special enchanted ammunition, you name it.
It's not unusual to see people asking about homebrewing a Final Fantasy-style Summoner, as if their imagination has completely evaded them. "But if the text in a rulebook doesn't literally say I'm summoning Ifrit," bemoans the strawman, "am I really being a summoner?"
You tell me bub. If you flavor your description as a burning arm behind your back overhanding a bolt of fire at your target, isn't the end result the same?
Ranged weapons have a disadvantage because it's a cooperative wargame simulator. If you let your ranged units get involved in melee, and you didn't bother to equip them with a sidearm, you deserve to get bullied.
If you want to get a feel for what 5e is supposed to be like, pick up Solasta during the Steam autumn sale, skip the campaign entirely (please, I beg you) and just download a shitload of player-made campaigns and dungeon crawls and go nuts with it. It's four-niggas-in-a-row kino.
>her pupils look uncanny and you should center them more.
E-chan said the same thing. No, I tried to give them a bit of an angle to make it look like she's tucking her chin in.
I love using Pokemon for incredibly mundane things, gotta be one of my favorite genres.
Bump before bed. Thanksgiving dinner about to put me into a food coma.
With all this excitement about Mega Jynx recently, I forgot what moves Ruka's Jynx usually uses. Wanna help me out?
And while I’m at it, I may as well get a little BB question out of the way as well.

Is it a bad idea to have a belt over a belt? Alex already has a belt on during Black Blaze >>56989542 but when he goes to fight he puts the belt holding his Pokemon over it. I’m guessing that this one would have a snap-on buckle so that it can go over it. I’m thinking that this would have a futuristic self-tightening mechanism, but I’m not quite sure what kind of material for it would work. I think this would be interesting because the Pokeball flaps would actually help to obscure his concealed pistols.

As for the fantasy stuff, I also do want to have a stereotypical “adventurer’s belt” for him but I’m not quite sure what that would look like besides potential firearm holsters, and even then, he would probably want to conceal them anyways. I’m also not super willing to have an elaborate buckle because then I would be copying Bibi.
Between Ruka's First Gym Battle and Bibi v Ruka; Confusion/Psychic, Blizzard, Ice Punch, Sweet Kiss

When was the last time you saw anyone wearing a belt over a belt outside of Spira? You're better off having belt clips, ring holders, pouches, things like that.
>Is it a bad idea to have a belt over a belt?
If Digimon has a belt over a belt over another belt that is hold together by other belts interlinking each other, I can't see why not. If you are thinking "too much", then make a holdster for the belts he uses.

Do it, just ball with it.
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Ruka's Jynx has a rotating moveset. But the common moves are
>lovely kiss
>ice punch
Sometimes side moves like
>wakeup slap
>ice beam
And some moves that got power crept like
>powder snow
>sweet kiss
Jynx usually prefers close combat, despite her being a special attacker naturally. Usually closing the distance with her speedy ice punches so that she can either effect freeze or land a lovely kiss. Her psychic powers are pretty strong too which she usually uses to hold pokemon in place or pull opponents towards her. Blizzard is her "finishing move" and she usually only performs it when the opponent is frozen, asleep or incapacitated.
Thank you so much! For some absurd reason I had it in my mind that Jynx learned more Fairy-type moves than she actually gets, such as Dazzling Gleam and Moon Blast. I mean, she gets Sweet Kiss and Draining Kiss, so why not?

What's Jynx's ability? Does she have Dry Skin? That would be such a cute reason for Ruka to pamper her with face moisturizers and body lotions.
Well, if Jynx has a physical body that is, maybe just a high quality hand cream!
Ruka's Jynx actually has forewarn. During her battle with Sabrina Jynx head butts Ruka and they form a psychic bond. And it gives Ruka/Jynx like a pseudo spider- sense type foreknowledge when an opponent is about to do a powerful or critical move. Jynx's speed is her best trait so being able to sense danger makes her really evasive and hard to hit.

That said, water type Ruka AU has a Jynx with dry skin since her team will set up rain and she would heal under rain and make her ice type moves feel even colder.
I think that just for consistency, I'll be keeping things as is. Especially since the snap-on works for situations where his pants aren't using a belt. I'll have to come up with what precisely allows the auto-fitting to happen, though. Plus, that belt was already established in Agent Orange.
It's because whenever I have a character that has a shared motif with another person's OC, especially if it's design-wise (because visual similarities are always the most noticeable) and multiple in any regard; even if it's taken in a different direction, I worry that I'll get accused of copying or stealing. It hasn't happened yet but I'm anticipating it happening at some point.
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reassuring to hear! as for the 4koma thing though, i didn't actually plan to draw all the panels, just the cheering one. i went with luke anon's (??? think it's that anon's at least) bug girl since her description really piqued my interest and i haven't drawn any of their ocs to date far as i remember. that said, here's a couple kids enjoying some tokusatsu!
you're definitely making good progress, hope you can get back into it when you've rested for a bit
you work wayyyy too fast anon, i love the chingling face on azelie's bell, it's a really cute little detail, and it's cool seeing gene in your style, the two look like they're having fun!
oooh long time no see anon, glad you're still popping in, i miss your designs
rq: i think bibi's glad she never ended up catching that shiny cutiefly she chased around a whole afternoon, otherwise she would never have made friends with the one she did catch, wouldn't trade that little guy for the world. on the more serious side of things, being in good health these days is something she never takes for granted
cute yiyi!
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>in your style
>your style
ehhhh you get what i meant, even if it's trying to mimic another artist (well. succeeding not "trying") it's art made by the archivists' hands and all. great work either way
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>I worry that I'll get accused of copying or stealing
I worry about that too. Not that you guys would get on my case, but only because I know my subconscious knows more than I do and I dread the day I find out I just created a retread of an already-existing character without realizing it.
Like this lightning round design. Consciously, I was sticking to the color symbolism of Japanese media--red eyes to symbolize a hidden power, blue hair to represent dependability and nobility. Subconsciously, my hands knew it would be a safe design because those combined traits are just recycled from Hugh, the rival from BW2.
You've heard "there's nothing new under the sun," and while I disagree with it conceptually, I do agree with it at face value. Merit comes not from a novel idea, but how well the idea is used. If you're taking an old idea in a new direction, then by every meaningful metric, it's no longer copying or stealing. Don't overthink it and just do it.
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I think this old rant kind of summarizes my view on things (slightly edited)
>It's not like I own the concept of...
But you kind of do. You were the first person to make an OC (and one that had staying power as well) with that feature, so that idea will be permanently associated with you and as a result; only extremely broad concepts that can have many interpretations such as "corporate bad guy" won't linger in a creator's mind to nag at them about whether or not they are ripping someone off. When considering one's "originality", we try to trend towards attempts at iconoclasm in order to be as "original" as possible, reusing a similar concept can make us seem "unoriginal". Hence why I used a normal jacket over one based off of a Pokemon, because it would be a broader concept to interpret and thus would be more "original" even if it's more "generic".
The main thing denotating it as "Archivist's style", at least in my opinion, is its simplicity in its craft, because it's made in Photoshop, which has limited tools for outright illustration. If this sounds like a slam, it's not, I'm just telling it like it is.

Goodnight guys. May you survive the Defrosting. Pic related is a repeating flintlock pistol inspiration for Alex (he has two of them, with this model having three rounds capacity each but his actual weapon's capacity is subject to minor change)
>you work wayyyy too fast anon
It was nearly eleven hours with only a single break for a chili cheese dog. I'm still recovering.
>the chingling face
Another editor suggestion. She didn't understand why Azelie would have a church bell on the front of her dress instead of sleigh bells, so that was a compromise.
>it's cool seeing gene in your style, the two look like they're having fun!
I thought it would be the least I could do after he made Azelie in his style. Gene's posts bring a totally different interpretation of the character from what I've written, so it only felt right to include him if I'm making Azelie do something whimsical. Those glasses of his ended up being really hard to draw because it wasn't enough to just tint the layers behind the lenses--my fixation demanded nothing less than matching the exact tones of his character model.
Unfortunately, Azelie had to spend the next few hours warming up in front of a fireplace mantel after being out in the snow to pose for that image. Poor girl has no cold tolerance at all.
>great work either way
Thank you, beau. :*
Good job on getting that fanclub together in time for the holiday!
>Luke anon's bug girl
yeah that was me. I love how you drew the helmet. I feel bad for not naming her.
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>She's defrosting
never fails to draw a chuckle out of me. hope i get this one done on the weekend or something
sends me right back to the weekend before halloween, think the only thing i did that saturday besides eat and draw was catch holloway vs topuria. rest up, you deserve it after all that work! but say, what's azelie's favorite thing to drink while she curls up by the fireplace?
honestly if i find the time one day i'll draw her by herself, the dewpider backpack was my favorite idea but it's hard to show with how the image i was parodying is set up. come up with a name by then!
I'd imagine some hot chocolate or some specific kind of tea but I would need to consult my tea expert to give a proper answer. Let me get back to you on that, I'm only just now realizing I've been blacked out since >>56995223 and I have no idea what I've been doing all this time.
I don't even understand how that could have happened, I've been dry since last Saturday. Spook e.
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It's been 3,000 years and I've cringed myself into a corner with this.
Looking forward to taking the next few days to read some recent works, respond proper, and get back to drawing.
HoneyView is nice to use for .cbz files. Like an ereader for books or manga. Much cleaner page turner than scrolling down a PDF.

CBZ: https://files.catbox.moe/qge08g.cbz
PDF: https://files.catbox.moe/qxz7cn.pdf
After much deliberation I have decided on Midge, after the fly of the same name. It just feels right and popped out the most to me.
Tonight's lucid nightmares are the spiciest they've been in ages. I'll update the pdf when I'm done kicking demonic ass.
Don't forget the double barrel shotgun. ALWAYS use a double barrel shotgun.
Aww, I almost got triple dubs. Off by one.
Hey guys, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
I don't celebrate that here in my country, but God bless the days you can stuff yourself with good food, having a nice time with your family and friends.
See you in a few hours, I'm off to bed.
Good night, anon.
Wtf, is this guy okay?
Probably not.
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Alrighty, the link has been updated in the writefag pastebin, and both file versions are available for download in the Mega.
Don't worry, I'll get dubs for you.
I woke up stiff as hell, but I'll be alright.
>what's azelie's favorite thing to drink while she curls up by the fireplace?
Ginger tea. It's spicy and sweet and leaves a nice warm feeling in its wake. A little taste of summer to remind us that even in winter, the cold isn't always bitter, and not every day is cruel.
Page 7 Bump. Kinda wish my folks saved the turkey, would have liked to reheat and snack on some of it, haven't had my fill.
aww food waste makes me sad
Yeah I probably should have told them to save the turkey, but I was slipping into a food coma and it didn't come to mind.
Apparently we had no room in the fridge actually. Still tragic tho.
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Aww, goodbye turkey. Your savory existence shall be missed, both in heart and belly.
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wouldn't have expected ayumu pestering his hat but that's great honestly, glad to unintentionally continue the trend here. (honestly i was mostly neutral on hatterene since it came out but i've come to like it a lot more since giving bibi one, it's so great for gags)
saw this and felt like i'd come across a ghost, but it seems tog is no longer a sailor's widow! i had to speedread a bit because lunch break only lasts so long but between a glimpse into silas and wheaton's past, lotad's debut, and meeting some of the ex-team aqua crew you really packed a lot of excitement into a brief read! as always i love silas' biting cynicism and wheaton's excitement over snacks, and i already like anastasios and adler a whole lot! awesome to see more writing from you as well as an expanded cast. i also love that you make use of secret bases, i wanna do that too since having all these little hiding spots stashed away throughout hoenn brings a lot of flavor to the region imo
>Ginger tea.
while i'm not a huge tea fan, funnily enough me and azelie are in the same boat on this one, thanks for the trivia
oof. here's hoping other tasty meals find their way to you instead
cute girl, cute name, definitely feels like a good fit!
torn between telling you to take it slow or hurry up and get me that cross rider op/ceniza dating sim
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Wait, hold on
I thought this was just a reprint of episode 1
Oh jesus, oh god, oh what a gaff.
Silas, you're going to have to reupload episode 1, I saved over the old links and files.
>I thought this was just a reprint of Episode 1
Look up the lyrics of the shortest song ever recorded.

Not Silas but here it is.
CBZ (Recommended):
This was posted all the way back on February 3rd. Times were better back then. My main focus was figuring out all of the details of Alex’s storyline, as well as his team, Episode 2 of EIF came out later that same Saturday, Axel and Vega were still here, threads took three days long, and the OP was bigger.

To this day, I still don’t actually remember what got me back into Pokemon.
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That's my boy!
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What I meant to say was…
>Hoenn Rangers
I totally forgot this was a thing. Another touristy addition that Silas would seethe at.
Seeing Cross Rider go into a phase 2 costume and suplex some baddies is absolute cinema.
If the show is long running is the jaded actor, Caraway, maybe motivated by newer competition within PokéStar Studios to take his TV slot?
Love the team dynamics format/template you made. Definitely going to try my hand at making something similar. The relationship portion and the nature creates the perfect snapshot of where Ivy’s at in her journey.
I like how the smaller Plusle strings Pawmot along. Maybe they’ll plot to accidentally leave Stuffle behind at the PokeMart.
I’m a fan of the purple hair and twin tails. What was the score that got Audrey in deep? Silas would have to know.
omg migu…. What a good looking box set. I wish my car still had a CD player.
Send me one of those stickers.
More bug type appreciators! Where is Yiyi’s hometown? Where is she goin?
Peak name right there.
Who could look sad decked out in bug gear like that?
I require a sketch of the helmet that resembles an Illumise.
What was her first Pokemon? Her team? Where does she get all the cool bug gadgets? Are they custom?
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Sometimes we talk about interpretations of pokemon moves so I thought about how I imagine Rouge's Lovely Kiss.
It comes in three variations.
>Blown Kiss
Long range attack, Misses often. If an opponent gets hit by it they get drowzy or thrown off their rhythm.
>Physical Kiss
Usually interspersed in close combat she'll try to kiss them. If it lands the opponent will lose consciousness and pass out. Also leaves a notable print on them that takes forever to wash off.
>Direct Kiss
If Jynx manages to kiss them directly on what is essentially the pokemon's lips then it's essentially a 1-hit KO move. The pokemon faints out of shock. Rouge herself interprets them as being so in love with her they fainted.
There are some pokemon that aren't effected by the kiss at all, namely pokemon that don't mind or don't care about being kissed. Since Ruka does her makeup for her, the color of the attack move changes from day to day.
NICE, this is sick thanks for drawing it!
>Also leaves a notable print on them that takes forever to wash off.
Worth it. Ruka and Jynx should open a kissing booth for insomniacs.
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Bibi no way. This has got to be the album cover for Dragon Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Nearly spilled my coffee when my brain went mankey-brain pattern recognition. It looks amazing.
It’s Sphealical! Great expression. What does her hat say?
Ayumu is very polite and/or equally understands the consequences taking Bibi’s glasses in front of her Hatterene.
I’m something of an elf appreciator myself and I think it’s a nice visual device to convey the infinity energy.
Azelie’s got some Infinity Energy too. Good to see Gene! And his… Mimikyu in the box lel
I like the base on Azelie, would buy the full tog collection on amiami
*David’s legs sold separately.*
So I actually completely forgot how long ago this was. I generated this stuff at the very beginning of the year. This was made before I settled on Alex's last name. I'd say it turned out pretty nice.
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>Azelie’s got some Infinity Energy too
The ears are fakes. Look at the skintones.
No fair, that one turned out to be the best of the bunch.
Yeah I just went back in and checked, literally only >>56999495 is still in Bing's cache. RIP
>Who could look sad decked out in bug gear like that?
She got that resting debbie downer face
I'll see what I can do after renn fair
>First Pokemon/Team
A Joltik that lives in her scarf
>Where does she get all the cool bug gadgets?
Her grandmother is a retired Pokemon Coordinator and has a lot of costume pieces from her youth.
Ruka hasn't kissed anyone yet and still wants it to be special. Most people wouldn't kiss a Jynx even for free. That said it could be helpful to subdue unruly pokemon so there's potential there.
Hmmm...I wonder if it would be cute if Jynx got annoyed by people falling asleep when she kissed them in the same way that one Jigglypuff in the anime did. It is kinda rude.
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one must imagine a world in where i actually clean up my lines
>It’s Sphealical! Great expression. What does her hat say?
It normally says POKE! but this time it's POKE?
>I’m a fan of the purple hair and twin tails. What was the score that got Audrey in deep? Silas would have to know.
Attempted poke-armed poke-robbery. Stealing people's pokemon just ain't right man.
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>and I think it’s a nice visual device to convey the infinity energy.
Explain your reasoning.
Ah yeah there's the Illumise helmet, nice! Better than the Twilight Princess reveal.
I thought Alex was more of a magdump kind of trainer. Does he bring this to gala's for political duels?
>which has limited tools for outright illustration
You can pretty much do everything with it thoughever
But I'll need it from the creator's mind too. Hope you're cosplaying Luke at the renn fair.
>A Joltik that lives in her scarf
>costume pieces from her youth
Very cute!
Thanks for taking the time to read! I feel like Bibi would absolutely have a secret base.
All this time, I was really looking forward to establishing Silas's baseline for his journey and the supporting characters. A cast of 4 including Silas. Chapter 3 is done, it'll drop it the 1st of December. So from there, it's easier to tinker with more advanced anecdotes of his journey.
After that, will drop the Klawf notes for a TLDR and for sure will be looking to pay down my AI debt and changing the cover.
>saved over the old links and files
itsover... Are you really an archivist?
I agree the filename was conflicting.
And we're so back, thank you. Those were some comfy times. With Axel and Vega looking on from the clouds, today is looking pretty good too.
I like her redemption story a lot. Not just because I'm rewatching the Sopranos in the other tab right now either. Even if she is a rat.
That must have been some Pokemon... Or belonged to someone important. I wonder how long they put crooked trainers away for something like that.
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>Are you really an archivist?
Just the fact that once it's established that Infinity energy will have a character grow longer ears, then you can depict a character with long ears and the reader will just infer that they have infinity energy. And you wouldn't have to re-explain it from an omniscient writing perspective.
Then, you can get more mysterious with it. Maybe someone only has half elf ears. Or another character's ears are just gone.

I would only guess that the first character is just beginning getting into infinity energy.
Maybe the second character tried to harness infinity energy, but couldn't handle it.
Ah, well the idea was that the elf-like ears is simply a subtle, visual cue that the person is drifting further from being a regular human and into a kind of off-shoot of humankind instead. Much like elves are humanoid but decidedly not human.
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This was the best figure I could get. I don't care that much for AI desu
>I like her redemption story a lot. Not just because I'm rewatching the Sopranos in the other tab right now either. Even if she is a rat. That must have been some Pokemon... Or belonged to someone important. I wonder how long they put crooked trainers away for something like that.
I haven't worked out everything yet, but my very basic idea is that the group held up a train with a voltorb primed to self-destruct and demanded the people present hand over all pokeballs (and valuables.) Audrey sorta got cold feet and had her haunter sneakily paralyse the voltorb. It went well enough but she was caught on security tape doing it so the cops kinda saw.
>Where is Yiyi’s hometown?
I still haven't settled on that...I could make a region based off Taiwan or just say she is originally from Unova and lived in Castelia City before she left on her journey.
Where is she goin?
She most definitely NOT lost in Upper Galar in that pic
Another Mercedes drawing. If you have any questions about her just ask. I'm not good at writing oc backstories desu
What's her boyfriend's name? Have you had a chance to flesh him out?
how does she eat her crêpes?
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I don't care for ai either. Looking at it too long you start seeing the demons inside your computer.
But it's helpful to visualize designs and ideas really quick.
>the cops kinda saw.
They got dirt on her. Bad luck, but hopefully she enjoys her new line of work.
An original region would be cool. I think we've had a few on here, but would for sure like to hear more about them too.
>definitely NOT lost
Get this girl a Pokenav or a map.
>I'm not good at writing oc backstories desu
Too bad I need to know more about her.
Does she ever get invited to events as a Charvard University alumni?
Did anything rope her into becoming a corporate lawyer? Does she enjoy it? What's in it for her?
Has she ever been approached with a bribe from a rival corporation?
Aww man, I slept through the digits. I'll get em next time.
Well, you got time to sort out the little details later but it sounds like a pretty good start to me. Seems the bingbot likes you the most so far too.
There's no need to spoiler Taiwan, we hate the fake-Taiwanese here. You know how it goes: Never ask a woman for her age, a man for his salary, an alleged archivist for his opinion on the Three Gorges Dam.
There's some worldbuilding resources in the OP links if you need some inspiration for building a region. One of our acolytes has been busy recreating the American Southeast. I hear the project's going... peachy.
Does she have a Moriarty?
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Oh no, Trinity (the pokesmuggler) and Yiyi (Bug Lover) aren't dating lol I was talking about another character whom I'm still working on.

She's an ex-teacher, now helping Trinity with moving pokemon around the world. She's much more nicer and charismatic than her boyfriend, a smooth talker helps a lot. Only have two pokemon for her: Mimikyu and Espeon. She is also pyschic, and has terrible visions and headaches bc of it.
>we've had a few on here
I saw one a few threads ago, it looked really good! I'll have to do more brainstorming on my part tho
WHAT is her favorite genre to read???
Our reserved friend is referring to the character in this post >>56983740.
She doesn't eat them, she hates the French (Kalosians)
>Does she ever get invited to events as a Charvard University alumni?
Yes she is often invited to speak to the students majoring in law.
>Did anything rope her into becoming a corporate lawyer?
>Does she enjoy it? What's in it for her?
She doesn't, but she does it for the money. In fact, she's only happy when she has a lot of money, which she does through a lot of corruption.
>Has she ever been approached with a bribe from a rival corporation?
There is no rival corporation to Pokéway, she has however worked for the government, although working to benefit Pokéway.
Her ex-boyfriend Hazel Jones, a public defender who broke up with her after their chemistry fell off. He's now a pokemon trainer while being a lawyer on the side and often goes up against her in court.
There's also Team Machina, an evil team who vows to take down the Pokéway Co.

btw I'm planning on redesigning the CEO character to make him look more like a jacked businessman.
incredibly based
how does she like her pancakes?
Considering she is a corrupt lawyer (IIRC), did she ever got a case where she won fair and square?
No burned documents, no fire threats, no unnecessary actions. She won by doing her job, and doing it right like she wanted.
I am going to arrest all these poke-criminals. Eventually.
No pancakes either, she's mindful of her diet. She wants to be slim so she can easily be a nimble stealthy sleuth.
She has won a lot of court battle ethically in her early years before she realized that it all doesn't matter and the powerful corporations just win anyways.
She would leave before the the second question was uttered.
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Yes, his name is Trinity, based off the Trinity Cloud. I know its not a common guy name but it fits his uh explosive personality.

I think I mentioned him being from Kalos? I cant remember. Trinity had the normal trainer experience when he was younger, yet found it pretty dull. So by the 7 gym he quit. At least that's what he tells people. He wasn't apart of Team Flame, but worked alongside of them until they got disbanded.

>jacked businessman
pls do, so i can redraw him as picrel
the bit about the color changing is really cute, as is akuma no kiss jynx, i could use that help falling asleep even if the lipstick stain would be hell to get out
>Dragon Cheers for Sweet Revenge
heh, glad that one stuck with you all this time. it was totally unintentional but now that you pointed it out the resemblance is pretty uncanny, had to make this quick edit for it
>A Joltik that lives in her scarf
midge gets cuter with every lore tidbit
cleaned up or no your audrey sketches are brimming with character, love that grumpy face of hers
>klawf notes
terrible, i love it. also looking forward to see that updated cover art given how great all your team portraits have been so far!
oh if she ever travelled to hoenn or sinnoh it'd happen for sure though if my plans don't change it'll be nyx and rina wandering into secret bases for the most part. ones that were meant to *stay* secret
other anons already beat me to what i wanted to ask most so....is hazel's outfit heavy on the blue? any after-court squabbling happening between those two, pokemon battles maybe? i can't help but imagine them in court ace attorney style. also not about mercedes specifically but your designs are always really nice anon
Is great to wake up

It may be insane, but I'd totally kiss Ruka's Jynx. She deserves those kisses.

>Sold separately
The Frontier has to make money somehow.
Besides, I also got this gen, but it lacks the headband. Armbands are cool, tho.

Does it come with a recorded voice button?

Protect the cute delinquent.

>Chibi goblina
I wonder if she became smaller, or if she still measures the same for yhat extra burn.

This is not a question, is a compliment: love the outfit.

Hazel actually dresses in red, too. He's fire type adjacent when it comes to specialty however his ace is not a fire type. Here's a video introducing him to my game (has fakemon though), Mercedes doesn't come until much later, honestly after the demo.
Thank you!
I really love this characters design. Very delinquent feeling.
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I didn't today, but I can tomorrow. It's Celtic Christmas so I could do Luke but with a kilt
Now that's surprising. She is already small enough as it is, a chibi one would be "life" size.
What do you mean by that
I was making a rude joke about her size.
Something like Kung Fu Panda: he speaks with the Five Fists, and he is like "wow, you guys are so cool, I have your figurines! Except you, Mantis, yours is life size."

Ayumu is forever thankful for 3 things (in order):
1- He's thankful to Yuki (Froslass, which was then a Snorunt) for being his first friend and made him want more than just lie in the snow day in and day out for the rest of his life;
2- He's thankful to Suzuna for encouraging him to go on an adventure;
3- He's thankful that every single region he visits has at least one cold area, because he still likes to lie and roll in the snow.

Ayumu is kind of a kuudere most of the time, but when he saw Majo (Hatterene) for the first time deep inside Glimwood Tangle, it was like some "Halloween-sense" activated in his head, and he charged towards her like he does for most Ghost Types, like Luffy when he sees something cool. Naturally, Hatterene wasn't too thrilled about it, and obviously attacked him. He avoided every attack until both of them became exhausted, and then proceeded to make some meal to help them recover some energy, which Hat begrudgingly accepts. He would then leave, not wanting to be too much of a bother. They would repeat this routine for a few days with him wanting to know why she was so mad, all while failing to realize it was due to his excitement towards her. Eventually she would see his usual self more and more, and conclude that as long as he doesn't become like when they first met, he wasn't too bad to be around.
Also eventually, he would actually learn why she was mad at him and apologise, and that would be the first time she would land a punch on him.

*Laughs in not having CD players either, not even disc drives on my PC*

>Send me one of those stickers.
In the next /tog/ Halloween meet-up.

Yep, Kuromiya "polite" Ayumu, that's his name.
Which one was Suzuna again?
>next /tog/ Halloween meet-up
What do you mean the next one? You guys told me that was cancelled and nobody went...
Chapter 8 of Gilded Platinum is now at 1755 words. I always enjoy writing battles because of the opportunity to describe moves and showcasing a pokemon's personality. I figure I'm about a third down with the battle so far.
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>be me
>be working on an assignment due at 11:59 PM today as usual
>go to piss
>finish piss
>decide to check on our group speech google document before I get back to work
>we forgot to set up a method of instant communication between the group
>but surely my group members have been prudent and worked a bit on their parts right
Misanthropy vindicated once again.
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I was honestly a bit envious of how great everybody's figurine gens turned out and I kept trying to get anything even remotely as cool. So here's a trick: use your own drawing (or picture or screenshot or whatever) and do img2img for closer accuracy.

Good to see you too! Are you doing any more comics? I really enjoyed the last one!
AHHHH!!!! I want one!
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Don't encourage her!
I will encourage her all I want. Rouge is pretty and she deserves to express it with a kiss!
Bring those lips, momma!
From the moment I played her route in the /tog/ visual novel, it was already too late for me.
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>unironic Jynx thirsters
That's just the power of a fun characterization and decent art. Can elevate a pokemon you wouldn't ordinarily like.
I've seen what you're into, your jeers mean nothing to me!
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You have no idea what I'm into. And even then, Jynx thirsting scores lower than any of it.
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I know that you're really into pear hips and oversized breasts. What kind of guy says something like

>Emily's mom was basically the very definition of STACKED both in terms of chest and hips/thighs/ass. Emily inherited that but only the lower half shows due to how physically active she is. If she slacked off at all she'd need a much bigger jacket to hide the massive chest she'd have too.
Still better and far more normal than Jynx thirsting.
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You too? I always felt like I was the only one immune to all of the Jynx propaganda. For me it's just a relic of Gen 1 design quirks that were gradually phased out. It's only memorable because there's no other Pokemon out there quite like it in terms of design, but besides that, it kind of just exists, like all the other ZU/PU/NU Pokemon.
Somehow I've never really had my mind changed by a depiction of a Pokemon. Only thing that can really change my mind on one is, you guessed it, competitive viability. I was a pretty big Bax hater when I first saw it, now I'm just indifferent to it. I was iffy on Archaludon at first but like it a lot now. Some mons like TTar, Glowking, Quaq, and Gliscor I will always hate in spite of their viability (and to a lesser degree, I will always be iffy on stuff like base Scizor and Skarmory), though Gliscor is the only design that I hate so much that I wouldn't even depict it in writing. At least TTar is a staple evilmon.
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Jynx is fine as a Pokemon and I don't judge Ruka at all for picking it as the ace and the characterization she has given to Jynx but the moment I see an inkling of thirsting, even as a joke for it, I start questioning people's sanity the same way I question people who have a fetish for hyper plastic surgery-d abominations that exist IRL. That's all it really is.
>Which one was Suzuna again?

>You guys told me that was cancelled
That explains why I ended up eating marshmallows alone in the woods.
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I'm surprised for the Jynx thirst too desu. I'll be fair I've always had a thing for the big kissy lips in cartoons so I'm a bit biased. That said as I've gotten older I've started to like Jynx's design more. Something about its spaced out blank expression really speaks to me. You can never really tell what's going on in its head. It's like...ugly-cute or how the kids might say "Gap moe". Dressing her up in cute clothes and trendy hairstyles kinda exaggerates the effect.
I also wonder if part of what makes Rouge endearing is that in the canon of Ruka's story Jynx is considered a very unappealing pokemon, to which Ruka is seen as a weirdo for finding it so cute. Rouge herself is very self conscious about her appearance. Kinda gives her an underdog effect where people may be more inclined to root for her.
That said I'll try to avoid putting any real pokemon/human shipping in the story. Jynx kissing is like...a dog licking you. It's just their way of communicating. The original idea behind lovely kiss is that the opponent is so scared to be smooched by a Jynx that they lose consciousness, after all. I kinda assume canonically Rouge is unlucky at love (with pokemon), and Ruka has to cheer her up when she gets rejected. In a world where Jynx is seen as both unappealing and competitively unviable, Ruka is always a shining light to say "you can do it!"
>"Emily is very frugal with her spending."
>Lives in comfy penthouses, has very advanced gadgets, and owns a custom made rifle chambered in Lapua Magnum
Is a joke Emilyanon, just pulling your change a bit.
Personally, I wonder what kind of "teenage pleasure" Emily would have. Something like "you can use your money for more impoertant thongs", and she goes, gets the thing anyway, and comes back saying "I have money, and I want to use my money to get this."
>Lives in comfy penthouses
She isn't in a penthouse though, it's a standard middle-class hotel they're sleeping in within Lumiose atm. Her time in Orre at Realgam was cause she was plumbing through ruins for things for scientists. It was the scientists giving her somewhere to stay at that point.
>has very advanced gadgets, and owns a custom made rifle chambered in Lapua Magnum
Hand made by Arai. Not bought.
I figured as much but still. As far her instances of teenage frivolity? Mostly troublemaking. It's very rare she spends her money on anything particularly frivolous. I actually tried thinking of what kind of things she'd maybe frivolously spend on cause she simply felt like it and nothing particularly expensive came to mind. Maybe the bike she had Arai make since it was made with funds and materials from her parent's company. Or the hovercar she had Arai make using Orre tech she actually used in Orre cause apparently despite being a veritable badlands, Orre is just insane in terms of scientific achievements between hover vehicles and the insane tech behind Shadow Pokemon.
I promise, it's just a little chain-jerking at the boulder's expense.
but what if?
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>a 1-hit KO move.
not on the lips but i thought it would make for a funny interaction if jynx managed to kiss bibi's ninetales. he's very vain and prone to making a fuss over his appearance so i think having his fur stained would pretty much render him unable to fight. he'd also be super jealous seeing another pokemon get all dressed up by their trainer
ooh looks good so far, the sprites and the portraits are really cute (sans bo)
those wristbands are a nice touch
can't be a kuudere without the "dere", given his taste for the spooky it makes sense that he'd take a shine to a witch
assuming you mean the halloween manga i made? i didn't have any plans to make more but inflate my ego like that and i might find the motivation to make another! that being said i liked the melmo comic you put out a while back, so i'd be happy to see more from you too
important thongs!?!
Bold of you to assume she wears anything at all underneath her bike shorts. There's my one remotely degen thing of the week
Oh my! How scandalous!
i just thought it was a fun typo, don't mind me
You mean the sweaty bike shorts she forgets to wash?
Mari is usually the one putting Emily's clothes through the wash.
But she usually travels alone
>inflate my ego like that and i might find the motivation to make another!
Don't do it for her. Don't even do it for yourself. Do it for me. Tell your boss you're going on vacation. Tell them a rich and eccentric American has sponsored your contributions to the arts and that you'll be back when the money runs out.
She did back in Unova and her first time in Kalos. But Mari and Arai became more involved once Emily went to Orre for a year.
>Orre is just insane in terms of scientific achievements between hover vehicles and the insane tech behind Shadow Pokemon
Well, like the good old saying goes: necessity is the mother of invention. And traveling the desert on foot or on Pokémon must be a suicide since there's not enough oasis or livable land nearby. Even during XD, the landmass still had A LOT before it manages to reach a proper infrastructure.
Wanted to get some writing done today, but I just wasn’t feeling it that much.
It’s why I’ve always asserted that Orre as we know it is a post-apocalyptic setting. Industry might have collapsed but as long as there are people who remember how the technology works, it’s going to be made, just very slowly. Orre as a whole doesn’t really fit with the aesthetics of the rest of the Pokemon world and I find it hard to believe that such technology exists at the same time as all the other regions that we see.
Don't worry, tiger, I'll get some pages in for you.
Haha this is awesome! Really love how you draw Ruka and Jynx! I forgot about Ninetales, actually, so cool. I love the idea of Ninetales getting jealous of how pampered Jynx is. Maybe Ruka could give him a makeover too. She loves that sorta thing.
>Ruka: Yatta!
>Bibi: Yabe....
I like the idea of ninetales not immediately noticing his fur is stained but he sees his reflection in an ice shard or something and faints on the spot.
Personally, I can believe Orre is just new land discovered.
You have the Colliseum (I'm adding Battle Revolution to this pile) games where they have man made land exclusively done for battle. You have places like Galar, that are built on top of nuclear reactors and alien technology, and they used this technology to build arenas capable of harnessing and locking the energy at that exact point. And recently Paldea (or Unova, precisely) has developed a device to mind control your Pokémon, allowing you to fuse minds so (you) can control your Pokémon like it was your body.
And we haven't talked how this technology was crazy since day one, when a scientist discovered cloning and creating the first weaponized Pokémon, and another used this technology to bring dinosaurs into present day. And 3 years later, an Eeveelution fucker created the first TIME MACHINE to trade Pokémon from the past into the future! (with exceptions, of course).

If we add all that, I can believe Pokémon America keeps this wasteland separated from the rest of the world until they can have a secure hold on it, and get some revenue out of it. Remember: Orre, while wild, it also has access to explosives, battle equipment, and even mechas designed to counter LEGENDARY POKÉMON.
I think you are overthinking it, Alex. But my take is:

>Use item
>This item is blessed/cursed, so it carries energy within
>You attack with the item
>The item "activates", and this energy bounces out to the closest/second target

Also, stick with the knifes. Claw gauntlets sounds like an item for a fighter class, not a rogue.
I have a question and this kind of relates back to the "how literal are Pokemon attacks" thing.

Green Flame Blade's text reads as follows:
>You brandish the weapon used in the spell’s casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects, and you can cause green fire to leap from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

Emphasis on the word "leap". Does this mean that essentially a mini green fireball jumps from the blade to the nearby enemy?
>"Fucker", Alex yelled as his hands flared to life with green flame that quickly ran to envelop the blades of his claw gauntlets. The bastard in front of him was rudely introduced to the right claw, being rammed deep to enter through the chest and exit through his back. As they emerged from his back, a small sphere of Green Flame jumped from the claw to his enemy's nearby cohort. She yelped in pain as the miniature green fireball pounced onto her left breast.
Dagger version
>"Fucker", Alex yelled as his hands flared to life with green flame that quickly ran to envelop the blades of his daggers. The bastard in front of him was rudely introduced to the right one, being rammed deep into the chest. From his enemy's back, a small sphere of Green Flame jumped from the dagger to his enemy's nearby cohort. She yelped in pain as the miniature green fireball pounced onto her left breast.
Gun version
Is there something that I'm missing here? This seems like a lore-accurate interpretation, but all art I see of this is just stabbing with a green flaming sword. Also, why is this flame green, anyways?

I'm also still not sure if the claw gauntlets or a good idea or if he should just use daggers.
See >>56994573 he kind of is magdumping using magic.
Oops, I did it again.

Addendum below.
As a Kamen Rider fan and Heracross is my fav Pokemon, I freaking adore this. Thank you for making it exist!
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Gun version
>"Fucker", Alex yelled as his hands flared to life with green flame that quickly ran to the flint strikers of his pistols. The bastard in front of him was rudely introduced to a Green Flaming bullet from the right pistol, entering his chest and exiting his back. From the exit wound, a small sphere of Green Flame jumped from the cauterized wound to his enemy's nearby cohort. She yelped in pain as the miniature green fireball pounced onto her left breast.
I don't know if you are Archivist, but I noticed that he uses the phrase "flared to life" a lot. I wonder if he also feels like his phrases get stale when he is writing (for clarification, I do not think it is getting stale, I mean to say that I feel like some phrases I use are being used too often and I wonder if he ever thinks the same thing when he is writing, and why or why not)

The gauntlets thing was actually a really old idea given to me by Bibi back at the start of this year when I was thinking of ways to make Alex's design more elaborate. During the two hours of research all the way back in the summer (because my ass didn't want to feel left out of the thread task, so the least I could do was make a stupidly elaborate description) I did stumble upon tekko-kagi, which are similar to what I described.
Alex doesn't really have a ninja motif in this but I figured that it COULD work. But if people think that daggers work better and make more sense, I'm not opposed to ditching the gauntlets (sorry Bibi)
>I think you are overthinking it, Alex
I've been exposed to the madness for so long at this point it doesn't even faze me anymore.
>I don't know if you are Archivist
No, I'm not.
>Gauntlet paragraph
Hey, if it works for you, use that. Is just that to me, a random anon, gauntlets/claws are more common for fighters/"unarmed" class of warriors since fists are a direct combat approach. And rogues usually take advantage of both distance and sneak moves. I don't think a rogue would fare well in a fight head on, but is your character, not mine.

I still don't get why you become a squid at the end.
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Midge's helmet, the purple part of Illumise's head is the chin strap
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Dewpider backpack, things go in its mouth
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scarf wasn't accurate, it's more of an ascot.
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>No, I'm not.
And yet you stole the dubs that were rightfully mine.
>I still don't get why you become a squid at the end
The Great Ones are only capable of reproducing at replacement rates. Either the parent loses its child or the child loses its parent. However, by impregnating humans, the Great Ones discovered a loophole that allowed them to pump their numbers up.
Just as umbilical cords are the anchor between a mother and child, so too are the pieces you gather up an anchor between the Waking World and the divine skies/cosmos.
Each time Flora pulls the moon closer to earth, the barrier between realities thins, allowing Great Ones like Oedon to come to earth to propagate. Schrodinger's Mergo interrupted the natural cycle and Rom called a permanent timeout until the Mergo paradox gets resolved. Scholars like Micolash, Gerhman, and the Choir all used pieces of Great One umbilical cords to seek communion but all ended up being shorted by their interactions because they didn't have enough eyes inside their heads. Micolash and the School of Mensis wanted to be uplifted like Rom was. Wish granted, their minds were uplifted, but their bodies became vacuous. Gerhman butchered the Orphan of Kos and used its cord to seek the gods. Wish granted, now he's stuck in the dreams as Flora's adopted child forever. The Choir wanted to achieve apotheosis to join the ranks of the divine. Wish granted, they're now stuck on permanent babysitting duty for all the bastard Great Ones.
By gaining enough eyes in your head through the cords, you gain the Insight to succeed where all others failed and greet the Old Ones as an equal. You're no longer a child to Flora, you're a rival. By killing the Moon Presence and showering in its coldblood, you replace it as the new steward separating the Waking World from the Nightmare Realm, barring Oedon and friends from their Paleblood dalliances for the foreseeable future and kicking the ladder out from below you so no one else can ascend.
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an ai gen for fun
Nice work bud. I wish we got to have accessories like that ingame. The Pangoro hat just doesn't cut it.
>You replace it as the new steward separating the Waking World from the Nightmare Realm
So, basically you obtain godhood to stop the gods from abusing humanity AND cut all ties with it, so humanity can finally flourish without the negative intervention of these beings seeking to increase their power.
This also made you into an uninteresting squid so everyone ignores the "God among men."

Heh, a maddening adventure, but totally worth it in the end. Now there's hope for the future.

Ay ojón.
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>I wonder if he also feels like his phrases get stale when he is writing
It vexes me constantly. I have a nasty, nasty habit of repeating words unintentionally if I'm typing while thinking about something else simply because I let my subconscious take the reigns. Without thinking, I'll often use a phrase like "in its wake" and then repeat that phrase just a sentence or two later because the first instance never registered for my conscious mind. Sometimes there's simply recognizing there's only so many ways to describe an action without devolving into babbling prose, and sometimes it's just a careless mistake that more attentive readers will have to forgive me for.
Actually peer-reviewing my work has done wonders for cutting down on the repitition, but you'll still see me falling into old habits now and again when posting casually.
Long time no see, hope you're doing well.
Look, is da boi.
Bump before bed.
Hehe, crispy boulder.
Since I can't play Midge in the campaign she was meant to be played in I went ahead and submitted her to be my character for the Kairos discord. Wish me luck that I get let in (I don't know how strict they are on letting people in)

Here is some background stuff for Midge I made up: Midge is 18 and freshly graduated from Blueberry Academy. She spent much of her time there as president of the Bug Catching Club. She would take bug types she found in the academy's terrarium and study them to learn more about how bugs worked, thought, and lived.

Midge believes that human society would be so much more functional if people would just learn from the humble bug. Live in colonies, have a queen, build underground houses. She figures that bug-type Pokémon, really got the whole "civilization" thing down. Pheromones are the most honest form of communication and if people were able to use them effectively then there'd be way less conflict in the world. She wants to use her knowledge of bug types to make the world a more peaceful place.
And also get a sickass doll momwife
>Kairos discord
Never heard of it. Good luck with that.
And the Doll gets a surrogate child all to herself that will one day become strong enough to challenge Formless Oedon for his position as leader of the pack.
Just as planned.
Still unsure which will come first between a pc release or ps4 emulators getting to the point where the game is playable on contemporary hardware.
I've had enough of watching people get their asses handed to them by Ludwig on the sickest ost in the entre game, I want to get my ass handed to me personally.
I'm probably going to be redoing this at some point, either after Black Blaze is finished or at points where I'm not feeling like working on it (but I'll try to avoid that second one). Crazy to believe that this was written half a year ago.
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>Thread task
kinda don't like how the glasses shine came out but ah well
guess i'd better wrack my brain for any comic ideas...
>his reflection
oh man i can imagine him using something like reflect or aurora veil, seeing himself, and then passing out on the spot
taking notes......
Deep-fried dwarf.
Ah, the ladies turned out wonderfully, good job showing me up in the sex appeal department with those stockings. But if you're concerned about the lens glare, try reversing that gif and see how it looks for you.
love how you color/shade, very cozy!
Now this is a surprise. Cool job, man.
>deep fried
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I'm finally back tomorrow.
Sorry for the wait.
The joke is that Emily came out orange, so she looked tanned. And people sometimes joke that tanned people are people that cooked themselves to look "crispy" or "fried".

His next question will be "what's a dwarf?"
Ah. She came out orange due to intended lighting.
>what's a dwarf?
Just the most polite and noble of races

It was a nice look. Reminded me of Lilico, the delinquent gal.
Makes one wonder what Lilico anon is doing atm
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I hope he is doing fine. He did said he wanted to turn a better leaf, so I hope the best for him.
Its the server that made the ruleset my friends and I use. They do a westmarch and I'm going to try to join with Midge so I can be a player. It's my only chance to be a player again with this system. Never done anything with the server before, just yoinked their ruleset and ran with it.

I eagerly await for what you do with these notes.

I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just have a few questions for my story that a few people here have helped me in earlier threads.

I'm starting to feel my story is getting unstable and or too complex again when I haven't even written it out yet. I just have so many ideas I want to present in my story. How can I do this when I have these multiple ideas? I'm sorry if this was answered before..
The sentence "kill your darlings" come to mind.
What do you mean by that?
Focus on one single scene. It doesn't matter where it is or what's going on, write one single scene to be your foundation. Instead of focusing on all the things you could have, focus just on what you have and work your way forwards or backwards from that point. Start small, like you're writing an elevator pitch or pilot, then expand as you start building up confidence and get a solid feel for what you want that story to be.
murder your family
no it's not all ideas you like are necessarily good, and a lot of being a creative is sorting through ideas so you only work with the best. Cut what isn't great, not matter how much you like them.
I thought Lilico anon was a she
I think you may be missing their intent. If they're having trouble deciding what to focus on, they're probably not going to have a good idea of what's good or great yet. The ol' scattershot approach of an idea in its early stages. Maybe you can demonstrate how to steer an idea towards a core concept instead?
Yes, but let's not get hung up on the deets. Anon's point remains.
>I hope I'm not interrupting anything
Never, everyone is welcome.

>I'm starting to feel my story is getting unstable and or too complex again when I haven't even written it out yet. I just have so many ideas I want to present in my story. How can I do this when I have these multiple ideas?
This is my advice: start small. Remember that when writing a story it has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
While this sounds obvious, it's actually helpful. You see, when simplifying most of our objectives, we realize we add A LOT of fluff. You want to write the beginning as "oh, this is my character, and these are his friends, and this is what he does, and these are his tools and team and..."
You must stop, and start with "this is my character". After that, build a small prologue around it.

>"This is the story of [X]. He is from [Y], and is ready to leave a legend on his wake, but for that we need to start in his humble beginnings. It all started when..."

And you go from there. Any event or encounter can be used to develop character or worldbuilding without being tiresome, you don't need to tell ALL the adventures in one sitting. As for >>57010900, he is right: there will be a moment when you have stop and say "will this event/encounter be actually relevant to the story?" While there's nothing wrong with filler, too much makes the story feel like a collection of meaningless moments for the MC. There will be times you will have to remove moments, dialogue, even characters out of the story because they don't belong or help into the narrative.
Finally, don't be afraid of moving with the flow. You may be surprised you made your hero into a well intentioned man using the wrong tactics, or a failed man seeking redemption. You can even make him go from good guy to asshole who gets away with things because he is very skillful and helpful to the cause.
Start small, and build slowly. You may be surprise how your character evolves.
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I was messing around in HF for a bit, and while I think it might be okay for making cannon fodder I don't really feel like this will be enough for my MCs of Alex's fantasy stuff. Some people have made impressive stuff in it but it's just not for me. I'll have to just wait and see if I don't fail at drawing. I'm still probably taking a break from writing once I finish Black Blaze but we'll see.
Is it bad that my first thought upon seeing this was "Why are her tits and thighs so big?" I agree with >>57009412, reversing the gif should make it look better.

I tried to narrow down my selection of many ideas to two big ideas. I would like to hear your opinions about both plots to see which one I should stick with.

PLOT 1- RESHIRAM: Since in the manga it showed people can get sucked into the Dream World via holding the Light Stone and Dark Stone. Why not have my self insert (who is the Hero of Truth, as well as the Champion of Unova, but I’m debating if I should keep the champion part in there) get sucked into the Dream World so she can learn the meaning of becoming the ‘Hero of Truth’ (since my self insert has trouble believing she’s the chosen one, especially since she was/is a hermit before and after the adventure [long story that's in both plot ideas])
My self insert considers themselves the Princess of Dreams (which I am also debating on keeping this part) and it basically becomes Bluey- but with Legendary Pokemon.

PLOT 2- ARCEUS: Similar to the Reshiram story where it’s like Bluey with Legendary Pokemon- but this time Arceus is the main caretaker of my self insert instead of Reshiram. And Arceus is actually the ancestor of my self insert. And instead of the Dream World, I use the Hall of Origin (although…I’m not sure how I could edit the Hall of Origin to be more home-like, I was thinking Arceus created a castle inside the Hall of Origin for the humans and pokemon to play around in.
Wow, okay, I can see how you were getting hung up before. Let me get back to you on that one, it's been a wild day at work and I'll need some time to reshuffle my brain.
Yes, it is bad. We go through this every time, I think you're just afraid of hourglass shapes at this point.
My apologies, take as much time as you need. I hope your day gets better.
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>not even disc drives on my PC
How are you going to get the music to come out? Maybe you can frame them.
From whom is the canonical POV here? Need to make sure I address this sympathies card to the right family.
The Illumise helmet is perfection. And I think the Dewpider bag needs to be a real thing. The straps being the legs... I'd buy that immediately.
>I don't know how strict they are on letting people in
I took a look at the other submissions. You, by credibility of your previous write-ups alone, are way ahead of the game.
Just submitted my sheet. I want to try too.
>build underground houses
How far would Midge go to make this happen? Perhaps a villain arc...
Well, plot 1 could work 2 ways

>1: Ascension
She tried the Champion circuit (be because boredom or a rite of passage), the league goes "alright, let's take a picture of the new Champion with the orbs", and she gets teleported to the dream world. Now she has to come to terms with her duty as "Hero of Truth" when she lived as an idealistic person.
You could add a hint of irony in this: she didn't wanted an idealistic life, she wanted an "honest life", and being honest is being truthful. Hero of truth.

>2: Call of Fate
You can ditch the Path of Victory here, but make the "Hero of Truth" plot the main story: as a caretaker, she was cleaning the area, and had to move the orbs, and the moment she touched them she is told she is the new Hero. This clashes badly with her because she never had this happen before until now, and now she has to carry this burden when all she wanted was a humble pay and a roof over her head.

As for Plot 2, you can take the leaked ditched story of Arceus banging a human to send a "messiah" in the world of Pokémon. Untold number of generations later, "mom" shows up going "sweetheart, I need your help!"
You can also make it a comedy with her trying to get along with her aunts while trying to stop Regigigas from killing her.
There's really no need to apologize, doll, we're not so scary here.
I mean, I'm pretty scary, but like a bull elephant in musth, it's not exactly sneaking up on you and going bump in the night.
It's wise to be cautious and understand that not every one of the seventy million people on this website is going to be your friend, but if you know that much then you should know how to relax too. Take it easy, go with the flow, and breathe. I promise you won't get in trouble for being here.
is this a joke
>it basically becomes Bluey- but with Legendary Pokemon
I have now lost all interest in this plot.
Personally, I find the idea funny. I wonder how both the miscarriage and creationism episode would be turned into Pokémon.
i still think it's a great idea, just make sure the transition from decidedly not Bluey to Bluey is really believable or at least easy to digest. I'm not sure how that would work, but I haven't spent any time developing the idea. Any story can be interesting and a slice of life type story with Arceus isn't too out there all things considered. I think you could certainly pull it off. Have you by chance watched Mike, Lou, and Og for ideas?

I'm sure she could have a villain arc. Though I don't see her starting an evil team, but rather join one because it coincidentally brings about what she wants. She's politically drawn to figures who would set themselves up as monarchs because, "yeah man, we need one of those."

I apologize for my last post- I didn't realize how silly my ideas were and how hard it is for me to describe my story ideas (especially when I'm really tired). I hope I deleted my post properly.
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Why would anyone consider any of it sill--
>fucking Bluey of all things
....Oh. ....yeah that's kinda bad actually, you have to be over 18 to post on this site.
Hey no, don't do that. Your idea isn't sillier or cringier than anything we all do here.
Cause I didn’t expect her to have such a rack. Typically women with large tits are characterized as outgoing and confident while women with small ones are the opposite. It’s an interesting subversion of the trope. Hourglass is the only thing that I like. I thought my dunking on Emily’s pear hips obsession should have told you that.
I agree with you guys, but surprisingly, Bluey doesn’t give off that this needs to be 18 to post here. Look up “Bluey Adults” (not bait), this show actually has a sizable adult fanbase… which is uh, interesting.
To be fair Grymanon's characters (namely Circe and especially Polara) have some pretty smoking bodies
I'm like half asleep still so maybe I'm misreading thigns
>Look up “Bluey Adults” (not bait), this show actually has a sizable adult fanbase… which is uh, interesting
... the entirety of the /mlp/ board then what?
>Look up “Bluey Adults” (not bait), this show actually has a sizable adult fanbase… which is uh, interesting.
This does not helps anything
except Bluey isn't childslop.
>From whom is the canonical POV here?
a poor sketchy dark type trainer he met when he was a rookie, as he believed that all dark type pokemon are evil and need to be taught justice
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So, obviously, you're not putting your best foot forward here leading with comparing your work to Bluey because I don't think anyone else here but you has siblings young enough to be watching a kindergartner's show from
Six years ago? Aight.
At any rate, the concept of a saccharine family story probably pre-dates that by a couple decades and you're probably making a false comparison just because of a shallow reference pool. I think your use of self-insert falls into the same pitfall. You can base a character's traits off your own experiences without making them a self-insert.
Personally, my biggest gripe is the reliance on "because God wills it" that I'm seeing in these two pitches.
Why is she the Hero of Truth? Because God says so. How could this hermit also become Champion? The plot needed it to happen. Maybe you're just selling the idea short here, but I'm working with the script I'm given.
If instead, the protagonist stepped into the Dream World in order to become the Hero of Truth, to try to become the person they dream of being and discovering a bit about themselves along the way, then we have something to rally behind and root for. You see how quickly the whole dynamic changes with that one difference? Our hero can still be timid while having some agency, and showing a willingness to try will instantly sway any underdog fans that would have been more neutral or disdainful toward a passive protagonist.

I think the first idea has more potential, but I think you would benefit from practicing your writing with the second plot on your own time. You just need to start somewhere and start small to build up some self-esteem.
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>You just need to start somewhere and start small to build up some self-esteem.
You say that as if starting somewhere small is guaranteed to build self-esteem. Some people can put in sizeable effort and still lack confidence because either they don't feel like the audience is receptive to their work or like their work doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. And the thing is, they (not referring to that person in particular) might not be wrong about that either. Sometimes a negative self-perception can actually line up with a negative reality.
Your story idea is easier to do with Reshiram than Arceus. In short, writing a slice-of-life type story (like Bluey, where the characters do something fun, encounter a problem, then have to appeal to the adults for the proper guidance to solve the problem) is harder to do for Arceus, because you would have to write that (higher authority) guidance from the perspective of a deity that we honestly know little about in terms of morality. It gives you a blank slate, but you'd have to define what you think Arceus's guidance would be problem by problem.

With Reshiram you have a clearer understanding of its morality given that it is the aspect of Truth. You are missing the counter-balance to that perspective (Ideals), but if you have your self-insert (or another family member) provide the Ideals half, then you can reach a balance while the family mediates reasonable and fair solutions to their problems.
Look, all I'm saying is that a lot of niggas, both those who write well and those who don't, don't like to confront the possibility that someone can think that their stuff sucks shit, or simply isn't being paid attention to for whatever reason, and that the stuff in question actually DOES suck shit, or simply isn't being paid attention to for whatever reason. This isn't targeted at anyone even if it seems like it.
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>the stuff that sucks shit in question
>it's not worth it people aren't looking :(((((
fatherless behaviour

I appreciate you all trying to help, I'll keep that all in mind when I go back to work on it.

But, if someone can help me delete the original post where I discussed it, I'd very much appreciate it- it seems like it's causing a lot of issues.
So that's enough a reason to throw your hands in the air and call it a day?
I already know you're talking about yourself, Charlie Brown.
>All I'm saying is that a lot of niggas don't like to confront the possibility that someone can think that their stuff sucks shit

These niggas are posting their shit in fucking 4chan. Is already shit by default, even when it has positive answers.
Should that matter? Maybe. But the fact you are doing something FUN is more important than thinking if people would like it or not. Just look at >>57012166. Is Ababbor a dumb meme? Yeah. Is it being pushed against our liking? Yeah. Is still fun? Debatable, but the fact people either make dumb MSpaint images to have fun means it had a positive reaction.
Ababor may be a dumb meme, but if people is having fun, then who cares? People are having fun, even when is shit.

So go have fun, and stop being a whinny bitch nigga.
After the first failure? No. I struggle to think of examples right now, but not everyone gets it right off of the bat, and that's fine.
After several failures? Maybe. I don't like this "never give up" mentality, it's nothing more than a treadmill trap and it's healthy to learn when you're beat. Giving up shouldn't be your first response but it also shouldn't be out of consideration. In a weird way it's kind of like the "murder your darlings" thing. If you like something, but can't make it fit, you should drop it.
I don't remember anything about Charlie Brown besides The Great Pumpkin and Snoopy having an odd grudge against Manfred von Ricthofen, so I have no idea what this means.
Fucker you always bring this bullshit up when anyone offers encouragement. This isn't about you and your loser mentality, shut the fuck up.
Thread in review:
Recent completed handmade artwork:
[lol spam filter]
Recent written works:
TCG copypasta:
Next thread stuff:
>Question: Your OC has become an action figure/doll. What does it say when you pull the string on its back? (Someone please word that better than me.)
>Question: Tell us about your OC's favorite TV show, either in or out-of-universe.
>Task: Your OC has fallen asleep. Draw what they're dreaming of.
>Task: Recreate a scene from a newspaper comic with your OC and their Pokemon.
>Task: Draw your OC's Pokemon performing their signature moves.
>Task: Your OC is teaching their Pokemon how to play a board game. Progress is slow.
Recent completed handmade artwork for thread OP consideration (ctrl-F the alternates, it's really not hard to do):
Holy shit, bibi, way to hustle this week.
Of course my shit sucks. I'm a terrible writer! I have terrible ideas!

But you know what? The morons on Ao3 have shit taste, and they'll lap it up like the dogs they are!

Take your imposter syndrome and fuse it with a superiority complex, and be the cunning con artist you were meant to be!
The hell even is Ao3?
Wasn't some RTS war game?
I mean it definitely SOUNDS like one but idk how that would be relevant to Pokemon stuff so I'm stuck asking to know for sure.
Midge has been accepted.

I'll start doing TT and TQs again with both Midge and Luke now.
Well, we reached the limit. If the new OP wants to use the Tesoro and Bibi autumn pic, now is a good time since we are just starting December, and we can reserve the Christmas theme for the future.
But please use >>57012322 and >>57012341 as pointers.

As the anon who chimed in at >>57012353 for the first time this thread, Ao3 is a fiction site to post stories on. I just saw someone having a shit take and wanted to voice my take on being a bad writer.
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The other guy in that image is Alto, not Tesoro. Alto and Bibi are friends, Tesoro and Bibi/Alto are not. I’ll probably use that one next thread.

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