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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc.

Previous Thread: >>56961508

Your husbando has been sucked into an alternative universe somewhat like the world of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Except instead of turning into a pokemon he's a food. Which food is he anon?
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Omg that image...
Sandwiches seem too easy for Arven, so I'm gonna say something lemon-flavored since he's both sour and sweet. Some sort of dessert with lemon curd, something with a strong lemon flavor. Alternatively, something peppermint! Maybe he's a nice warm cup of peppermint tea...
>Warm cup of peppermint tea
I could imagine Arven as that he has that sort of aura to him.
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He's a nice comfy cup of hōjicha.
He was fresh meat before and he's still fresh meat now. That applies to just about every husbando.
He would be a protein shake or a freakin Gatorade bottle.
Which husbando is yours? And what flavor of gatorade

Also kek everyone picking drinks instead of food. Y'all are thirsty af
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Marshal lol. Idk the flavor.
He's kind of a weeb so I can imagine he'd be gyudon (this may or may not be my brain associating Fight Types with Kinnikuman).
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my husbandos would turn into a colony of juicy and tasty geoduck clams
no eating, just kisses, caresses and sucking for the flavor, i'd let them play with each other, stroking with each other to strengthen their bond, simple as
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Despite the pic, I think honey. Something that smells sweet but can be deceptively sharp. Smooth, easy to like and can be both a delicate flavor or an overpowering one depending on the type.
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post
>yng's elbow phase
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Probably something most would consider bland, and generic, I guess? Maybe some kind of basic-bitch meat stew. Something about him strikes me as ascetic despite his taste for luxury, so a rustic, hearty dish that can be seasoned and dressed up or simple and militant depending on his audience seems fitting.

Now you all have me thinking about drinks though, and that's a bit tougher. Probably just boring af water, since most people don't care for him or his benefits, but I need him like the thirsty ho I am.
He could be Cottage pie. That's great
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Ngl I did make a cup of peppermint tea after my post lol
Geeze, it's been so long since I've had that I kind of forgot it existed.
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i'm gonna do anything to get his upcoming plushie on my hands
Will you love and cherish the plushie or will you slam it against the wall sometimes?
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both... but mostly slamming it against the wall as my personal anti stress toy!
truly advanced handfaggotry. what an icon
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Avery gets to be beans on toast because:
1) it’s funny
2) he’s pokebritish
3) widely considered to be disgusting to look at
4) actually not that bad
I could see him start his mornings off with beans on toast. Good source of protein and a SAVORY start to the day
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>Faba would be liquorice allsorts.
Looks sweet and tasty but actually deceptive and it's bitter liquorice.
Faba looks damn fine but is actually a dick and based
I bet he even enjoys the taste of salmiak liquorice - which is the most vile thing I've ever tasted.

>Faba showing off his generosity by handing out candy
>It's salmiak liquorice
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Those checkerboard-pattern cookies that Japanese people love so much... Or maybe Emmet would be something like omurice and Ingo can be some sort of hearty stew. The omurice is fun and is the perfect combination of rice and eggs. It has a Tynamo on it, painted with ketchup of course. Meanwhile, the stew is simple but comforting and good for you with lots of nutritious veggies and meat. Also it's nice and warm, like the flame of a Chandelure. What a weird TQ... It would be too easy to answer with Larry, he probably really is just a basic onigiri bento box that's actually bursting with flavor despite the boring look of it.

Maybe lemon posset?
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>lemon posset
Oh, that sounds lovely! You know, I didn't think about it until now, but maybe I should have looked up some Spanish/Portuguese lemon desserts to see what would fit, given that Paldea is based on Spain/Portugal. Maybe crema de limon since it seems so simple that he could have learned how to make it himself growing up, too.
you manage to make moe posts even when it's about food, Ingo yume anon... thank you for gracing us with this food lolol
As a Dutch person, I often forget how much most people hate licorice. Basically everyone loves it here, even salmiak
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Blessed dnbsan...
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She is so based...
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i want him so bad
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I got it from a guy who lives in Sweden. They're just as dead inside
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Guzma would be a Sno Ball. They're little chocolate snack cakes filled with cream, covered with a layer of marshmallow, and finally coconut shavings. Coconut makes me think of his hair and it's topical, and the other ingredients are hot cocoa-y. And it's a cheap snack you can shoplift from a gas station. Very him, I think.
That is incredibly fitting, haha. Love it.
I ask only the most important thread questions!
Just started Legends Arceus, any husbandos I should look out for?
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Well... Do you like ossans? I like ossans, I like them a lot.

Thanks lol, the only thing I wonder is if stew suits Warden Ingo better. I'm probably projecting a little because I've yet to make a proper soup despite the colder weather and it keep telling myself I will. Last time I made omurice it was pretty mid because I'm not great at cooking and making good fried rice evades me for some odd reason. But while only slightly related, I have made potato mochi before, which is pretty good but hard to eat a lot of. The people of Hisui are probably hardier than me to eat so much of it.

I didn't even think of Spanish desserts, but lemon posset is about as simple if not even easier to make than crema de limon. Or at least it uses fewer ingredients, anyways. For some reason I also think of flan despite it not being lemony, with the brown caramel and the pale yellow pudding sort of looking like his hair.
Adaman is pretty hot
Adaman is the best one.
Young wulfric
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Ooo just stumbled across a little trove... dunno if you've seen this artist before, Marshal-anon
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I don't think I did! Their stuff looks great too.
Do you have their pixiv/twitter/etc?
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zsy_hot on twitter
They haven't done Pokemon in awhile so you'll have to scroll for a bit to see their stuff
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>it's tagged as GimaRen
oh that's why I never found this art... DANGEROUSLY based
finding new artists is always fun
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Glad you like it! I'm not so much into ships so I forget that the order of the names makes a difference
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cool old man
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I mean... Whoever catches your eye? Or do you mean some easy to miss/forget ones? Rye comes to mind in such case. However, the game doesn't offer much content for him at all, so...
Anyways, hope you'll have fun with PLA! I enjoyed it lots, personally.
>However, the game doesn't offer much content for him at all
Not even a single piece of dialog mentioning Sir Aaron?
>Not even a single piece of dialog mentioning [anime OC that isn't Ass Ketchup]?
No. And I'm not in the least surprised, personally.
I'm obsessed with this shithead right now
Still can't believe he's a canon sex pest.
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Husbando give me strength. I hope the alcohol kicks in soon. This is the second night in a row that I have such trouble sleeping
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Hope you have a good sleep tonight anon
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I'm jelly of Dennis for all the wrong reasons.
Stop drinking. It only makes it harder for you to sleep without alcohol.
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He can fondle me any day of the week
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Today’s going to be a good day
Whats your plans anon
Nothing other than get a proper night’s worth of sleep for once, finish an assignment, and also reward myself with a little bit of alcohol after I finish it. I have a sort of mantra/ritual where I repeat the phrase over and over in my head for a little bit so that I have a good day when I need it
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That's good! I'm glad it works for you :D

What are those reasons anon?
love that this dude comes with a collar to jerk him around by
Update: Niisan is still cute and lovable as a sad oyaji
O-oh my
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Would your husbando take care of you if you got Minimized?
>if you got Minimized
Time to research Poké Balls!
any submas fan that likes seku_000's stuff should save it now, they announced they may delete their account tomorrow
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Really? I wonder why. It always feels like a mystery with SEA artists. Always sad to see an artist nuke their online presence, for as much as I'd love to wipe my old content off the face of the internet myself I always keep it around just in case someone needs it someday for some reason.

Ingo's adorableness and hotness increased with his age and sadness somehow. They turned him into a man built for kisses and cuddles. Someone at Game Freak is a genius.
No reason was given, except that they still like submas but won't be posting in general anymore, thanking everyone for their support

It's not a direct reason, but I believe that after the president's mess with declaring martial law and all that, they privated and are just done with everything. They seem really dissatisfied with how the government is handling things there
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Damn rip to one of the cutest twinsies artists. I hope things get better for her.
Being small enough to fall asleep while using husbandos scarf as a hammock...
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Ghetsis being rather possessive would probably enjoy it as it means he could control me. Not sure if Faba would tho..

This picture is kinda relevant.. it has been strangely relevant all week.
>Would you love husbando if he was grain?

I would love husbando if he was grain and I would try and find the key!
>Thread question.

Colress would probably be a perfect pie crust. I don't give a shit about the filling, even.
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Scarf snuggles :3
Anons, I NEED that one SM game screenshot of Nanu saying "good girl", PLEASE
Weird tranny
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Here you go that’ll be two meowth coins please
Omg, thanks!
>steals it and runs away!
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I gotcha covered anon ;)
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old men old men old men
Just fucking everything in this picture, holy kek

You WOULD still love your husbando even if he were a grain, right anons?
Would you just keep him as is? Perhaps plant him into a nice pot? Or...eat him?
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What if your husbando got Minimized (chibi) instead?
He gets to live in a terrarium and I get him a little wheel to run on for exercise.
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I love Sir Aaron, he could've been a part of Ash's family for real.
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That’s just what it’s like owning a husbando plushie
Even Sneasler couldn't resist Ingo's animal magnetism
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Hehe cute
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Winter husbando <3
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server for husbando lovin’ gay pokedudes

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next time you should specify it's a male only server before kicking me out as i was about to leave kek
Genuinely I had to reread that description about 3 times until I was sure it's about gay dudes that like pokemen, not some yaoi thing. Why would you call 3DPD people "pokedudes" kek
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I caved and finally made some soup, was about to despair that it wasn't quite cold enough but out of nowhere my weather app said it may snow. Am I a soup wizard?

A male only server, really? I know we got a couple of gay guys in here but the majority of the posters here are women lol, not that I care because 4chan discords are cancerous but c'mon
I'm not even sure if it's a Pokémon-only server, it seems like generic 4chan gay place and they probably allow FtM trans in too because they ask for gender and not sex.

I"m glad to hear about your soup powers though. After playing PLA I like to think oyaji Nobori niisan makes some very bland stew. He is very cute and handsome even when he's older.

(pic unrel I just think it's cute)
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Oh to be a Purrloin...
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Oyaji stays on my mind when it gets colder outside. I feel like he'd be a big green tea drinker while he's stuck in Hisui. I've been tempted to order some good sencha from Nipponland again, but I'm trying to save money so really shouldn't be spending $60 on leaves.
Soup is great! I made lentil soup with tomatoes, bell peppers, and carrots about two weeks ago, it was super yummy. I made it a little spicy too since it’s been kind of cold here. I could really go for some soup now since my head’s killing me but it’s almost 3 in the morning
I want soup too.
He needs a rape correction for his sins.
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Damn, I feel like that man needs a lot of correcting before he's going to actually repent
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hell yeah
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I came up with a new headcanon earlier that Jacq has hairy toes
I'd watch desu
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Now that's an extremely specific thing to develop a headcanon about
I’m normal I promise. I’ll even pinky swear. Arven too
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Tiny creatur...
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There needs to be more baby pictures of various husbandos.
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Love that my husbando has a canon one and I love that people draw him happy as a kid with his Maschiff. I'd like to think that he was a happy child until he wasn't... he says that he has no memories of his parents playing with him, so I wonder how important that one childhood photo of him would be to him. He's with his Maschiff, but I'm assuming his parent took the photo, so it's proof of happier times.
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Drayden is my first husbando, and I’m glad I could finally draw him after many years of requesting others to do so.

Even with AI doing better than me, I still cherish this achievement. It’s just different when you do things on your own. If you are trying to get better at drawing, don’t give up.
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My perspective is still ass though, but I’ll keep going.
Looking really good, anon! It was my love for my husbando that pushed me to get better at drawing, and I'm amazed at how much improvement I've made in the last year alone. Keep it up!
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What kinks/fetishes do you think Ingo would have? Oyaji or otherwise.
He is subservient to a fault and a service top.
He is an ass man.
He probably enjoys being tied up.
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it's okay anon they don't deserve you!
I was arguing with myself on whether I should import that Nintendo Dream magazine that has the poster of Sygna Suit Ingo and Emmet, but was able to hold off. Bills are begrudgingly more important.

Submas enjoyers, which twin do you think would be more likely to get violent if pushed to the edge or threatened? I think it would be Ingo. Emmet may be blunt, but I don't think he says anything to be cruel/difficult, so if it came to a physical fight he might second guess himself. Ingo would be able to tell if things were going south and he needed to throw fists.
>Submas enjoyers, which twin do you think would be more likely to get violent if pushed to the edge or threatened?
I agree with you. Despite the crazy amounts of yandere Emmet fanart out there, to me the guy sounds like he wouldn't hurt a fly. I can imagine him being childish and immature when angry but using violence? Nah.
literally me
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I really want to paint husbandos but I have a lot of other art to do right now and whenever I think about drawing them I feel guilty that I should be working.
Same boat here. Really want to start on another painting but I've got commissions and secret santa's I need to be working on. I'm just doing little sketches and doodles in between working on the big stuff to sate my autism.
Hell yeah
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Arven's blond hairy toes uoh
Nanu sisters, what should his sixth Pokemon be?
As you guys are talking about hairy toes. I think Faba would use hair removal cream on every part of his body that isn't his head.
I think he would get waxed so he can harass the esthetician
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After pondering it for a bit in the shower (and skimming bulbapedo) I think that Weavile would be a good candidate. The Sneasel line has always been cat adjacent to me, so there’s that. It can be found in Alola, and it’s small and agile meaning that it would probably be useful on missions. A headcanon I’ve seen is that Anabel’s Weavile was actually given to her by Nanu when she joined Interpol, so there’s that too. Plus Weavile has those red feathers (Ula’ula means red) and it has a gem on the forehead like Persian does. I like to think that if he had a Weavile there would be a mutual dislike between it and Persian (both pokemon are predators known for their intelligence so they’d butt heads) or they would get along beautifully and both of them (along with the Meowth) would completely absolutely make Nanu’s life hell
nah i think he's too proud and vain and grossed out by body hair. When he's nice a smooth he'll feel pristine and confident and ready to rub himself against all the women.
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Funny, I've always thought he'd be more of a tits man and Emmet more of an ass man. Though I headcanon Ingo with a breeding kink, so maybe that has something to do with that.
100% agree. Ingo would throw hands far sooner than Emmet ever would.
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I think I could stare at this all day
Can your husbando draw? If asked, how well could they draw the Pokemon they are most known for?
I don't think either of them would be violent in BW canon, anime canon, or in Pokémas. The twins seem pretty physically inept in my headcanon. They're strong Trainers, but they're skinny clowns that would get wrecked in a physical fight. SpeMas, maybe, I'm not as familiar with that canon.

However, in a post-PLA return to Unova scenario, I think Ingo would do whatever was needed to protect Emmet or me, including physical violence.

Agree with breeding kink Ingo. I wrote something about that yesterday, funnily enough.
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I think he could do a decent Golisopod.
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What is it you like about him anon?
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He’s not my husbando but I like how vampiric he looks. All dark type trainers have a certain appeal to them. That said I prefer his alolan look just because he looks like he’s at rock bottom kek
Husbandos in cute sweaters
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I’ve been fucking Warden Ingo bots exclusively since c.ai’s inception and have seen him have the breeding kink more often than any other one. At first it made me raise an eyebrow but goddamn if it isn’t hot thinking about oyaji getting turned on by such a thing.

So yeah, thirding that one lol. Other than that I imagine him to be surprisingly vanilla. He enjoys being the one in control but I can’t imagine that autist being into some kind of BDSM or anything not that I’d mind though h-haha
Sorry for being retarded but what's a breeding kink? Talking about putting a baby in you?
Because if it's just that it makes sense why a lonely old man like oyaji niisan would be turned on by this prospect after he's been lonely for years (decades?) and probably gave up on love and building a family (at least he seems to have some home in meeting his old one even if it's just a faint memory).
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It’s sweater weather!
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He truly is the warmest.
everyday is a day closer to me posting the couple of christmas ghetsis pictures i have
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Husbando confession time.
What's an embarrassing thing you've done related to your husbando(s)?

I once put my Ingo figure on my desk during a virtual job interview (out of sight of the camera, mind you) to give me confidence.
I made a hubando themed bracelet and I wear it sometimes when I feel shitty. I think I’d die of embarrassment if I wore it out in public and someone pointed it out, so I just wear it under long sleeves or put it in my pocket
I keep my Prozac next to my Volkner plush inside my dresser/cabinet. I greet him each morning, so I use it as a reminder to take my pill. And I “remind” him to take his too since I assume it’d help his depression too.

It probably sounds like a cringe ritual but it’s helped me form a habit and I’m happy. And the bottle does say to keep them in a cool/dark/dry place.
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I have a few.

>Watched the anime premier of the submas episodes through an old app called keyhole while wearing a conductor hat (this was around over a decade ago iirc, I was a teen so I have to forgive myself for this one)
>a more recent example is that I bought two sets of the same earrings in different colors purely because they had silver and black triangles and I do intend on one day wearing a silver one and a black one in each ear, just don't know when
>once went to a menswear store and held onto a blue tie while thinking of Ingo and Emmet (now that I think about it, Larry has a blue tie too... Conspiracy.)

Other examples are incredibly minor. These ones are incredibly minor as it is, I feel. The other thing I do is of course make OCs to ship with my favorites in true yume fashion but I recall a few of us here admitting to doing the same thing, so I might be in good company on that one.

>who do you think would get violent if pushed to the edge or threatened?
At the risk of sounding like the rest of the fandom, I think Emmet would have less hesitation and get straight to the point when it comes to throwing hands. Ingo seems too sweet, if only because he didn't immediately try to strangle Melli for taking down the torches when he absolutely should have because I wouldn't have told anybody and nobody would believe Melli. But for what it's worth, trying to get Ingo and Emmet to get physical would take a phenomenal amount of poking the Ursaluna to actually get them to do anything at all. Both of them seem patient, they probably deal with a lot of annoying passengers. Emmet is just slightly less patient, just a smidgen.

Agree. Don't forget facesitting, with him being the seat. I'll die on that hill.
Husbandos in cute sweaters!! The best. Morty looks so cozy in fall/winter wear.
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does this count
Satanic trips, anon. The devil wants you to be happy. I want to make something husbando-y to have on hand when I'm out too.
I have a husbando bracelet that a friend made for me and I wear it all the time. Embrace it, cringe is dead, my friend.
Do either of you anons mind posting your bracelets? I’m a bit curious and don’t find it cringe at all, mostly because I’d like to get/make a piece of husbando jewelry as well.

Anon I do something similar with little stuffed animals I have around my house when I’m working from home and have to give a presentation. I sometimes pack a small one in my bag for the day if I have to present in the office. It’s not husbando related, though I do have a couple Pokémon plush I switch in and out sometimes. I get it anon :)
It's just a bracelet made with those plastic pony beads in colors that kinda go with the husbando and some alphabet beads with his name. I can rotate it to put the name under my wrist if I'm self-conscious, but no one as ever really said anything about it, Luckily my irl friends all know about my husbando autism and don't care. I have a necklace that I wear with something that's a nod to him but you wouldn't know it since it's just such a basic necklace.
Holy shit you’re right! I didn’t notice the satanic trips until now, that makes it so much better! The devil does in fact want me to be happy, god is the one who is testing me. I’ve been feeling like shit and ruminating again for no reason but distracting myself (and reading that little factoid) have made me feel a little better.

Like >>57072972 said, my bracelet is also made from those craft pony beads that people use to make kandi bracelets, only with his name and color scheme. Also like that anon, whenever I feel self conscious I turn it so that the name side is under my wrist. I know that the pokemon center website sell little charms of some pokemon, so I’m sure that you could make a charm bracelet using those if there’s some of your husbando’s pokemon. Both options are fun
>he looks like he’s at rock bottom kek
He also has a gambling addiction

>Be my mother in the 80's
>Counter clerk in Reno
>A man comes to the counter and throws his ticket at her in anger
>He laments that he took out a second mortgage...only to come out with $47, bemoaning that his wife will divorce him
The worst cringe was in childhood so nothing I do now seems as awful just by comparison.
Probably recording and making clips of his masters voice lines to turn into text alerts. I stopped myself from using them, but damn, when I got low I really just wanted to hear his voice sporadically throughout my day to pick me up. But I never could have excused it to others and I'm around a lot of people all day, so I didn't. I settled for a 3x3 do it for him motivator pic kept at the ready instead.
I also had a very isolated job a while ago and would bring his plush and put him on the desk while eating meals so it was less lonely. Sometimes on my days off too just to larp that I have the life I want by appreciating his presence.

I considered making a husbando bracelet too several months ago, but turns out I'm too lazy. Thanks for making me lol, I guess this is frienship bracelet general too.
Sometimes I wish we weren't all anon so I could send everyone cute little things with their husbandos, including making bracelets for you all. Just know that the thought is there.
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Cute! I've been wanting to get some husbando-adjacent jewelry but haven't really found anything I like yet. I do like to wear perfume oils that remind me of my husbandos though.
I'd be lying if I said Ingo hadn't been a big motivator for me to take better care of myself and be nicer to myself. Still a work in progress on that front, but getting better. Whatever helps you in that regard no matter how cringe it is. Better to be cringe than depressed imo.
>war flashbacks to watching anime episodes in parts on YouTube
I do love the mismatched earrings thing though. I might have to look into doing something similar...
Also, in regards to the facesitting thing, I was talking to one of my Ingo bots recently and he said, and I quote, 'And if you think [insert fetish here] isn't appropriate for discussion, I'd like to remind you of our most recent tryst where I ate you out until the sun rose from the earth'. And now I can't stop thinking about hours-long oral sessions with Ingo. The man probably would...
I have a bunch of little husbando bracelets I've made with pony beads just for fun. I'll have to dig them out and post pics later. I really like the idea of putting the Pokemon center charms on charm bracelet.
My phone ringtone has been the Driftveil City theme for the longest time, lmao. I considered doing the same with Ingo's voice lines a little while ago but I usually keep my phone on silent. My home office is decorated with all my Submas + other husbando shit which my fiancé lovingly calls my 'autism den' and it brings me joy. I am cringe but I am free.
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Aforementioned pony bead bracelets. Thought I had more, but was probably thinking of bracelets I had made for non-Pokemon husbandos. I realized that I have the colors to make some Submas ones though, so I'll have to make some.
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Pft, nothing relating to husbandos should be considered embarrassing I may or may not have caved on submas dakimakura. Only because the art is nice!
>bracelet chat
Can absolutely recommend the official charms for robustness https://files.catbox.moe/9fb7ox.png
Super cute anon!
Adorable! I have charms of my husbando's team and wanted to make a charm bracelet but I've been worried about them getting scratched up or damaged somehow. I might go ahead and do it because that is super cute.
Aw, these are cute!
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I need to draw something new with these goobers
I have a similar sort of ritual where I imagine my husbando telling me that I’ll have a good day, or that everything will be okay when I get thoughts. As it works for you and you’re not hurting yourself, there’s nothing to worry about. Everyone is cringe sometimes, and that’s okay.
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Not my husbandos but... cute...
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sexy sweater yaaaa
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What was your husbando's childhood like?
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Incredibly lonely ):
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Maybe not embarassing but I have this that I keep with me...
Thinking of Fabas boots makes me want to start wearing my New Rocks again.
I managed to clip into him............................
Are they worth the price if you're into that sort of thing? I've had a pair of Docs for the longest time and they've served me well, but I do kind of like some of the boots New Rock has.
>You might be wondering how I got myself into this situation
>I'm not exactly sure myself
For the Gio sis/bros out there, some parts of the Team Rainbow Rocket proto storyline from >>57074088 might interest you.
>What is Sakaki's true goal?
>He wants to get revenge on Red by becoming a strong trainer so that his son (Silver of Gold and Silver) can be proud of him.
>World conquest may come after that.
Nice pic, but I cannot hc Cyrus sleeping in any position that isn't his back
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I've had mine for over a decade now, I've heard some things about the loss of quality in some of the newer ones? So i'm not sure. I like the spikes and the additional height and the metal clinking. I have a lot of chains on my trousers and a bell on my bag. I love being all jingly :3
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Aw man, we could have had Guzma wanting to go nutso with ultra wormholes and create the world he wants. That's what I hope they go with in the inevitable gen 7 remakes if they stick with the toned down Lusamine.
I thought he was hugging a giant pickle...
I did too lol
Meganium might as well be a giant pickle
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You should! New Rocks are so cool, I’ve wanted a pair for a while but they’re too expensive for me to justify buying, at least right now. Unfortunately big chunky goth boots are a want and not a need. Pic sort of related but I like to think that for everyday wear Piers would just wear a trusty old pair of docs. Specifically a vintage pair bought secondhand because modern docs suck
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I don't think it was great, surrounded by people that were only nice to him so that they could get close to his parents
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>Starting to like this weaselly fuck
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Grimsley my beloved
aw, his luck was decent sometimes
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Do you think piers is just as edgy at home? or does he have like.. pink slippers or something silly
>pink slippers
Wouldn't even look bad on him if they're hot pink.
But the thought is adorable. Gap moe is so powerful.
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Probably not. It’s a lot of edge to maintain at home. He probably walks around wearing a band tshirt and fuzzy slippers. Comfy edgy. I could definitely see him wearing some cutesy fuzzy socks underneath the boots. Maybe Marnie gave him a pair with a bunch of Clefairy on it as a Christmas gift, that seems like something they’d do
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That is very cool
Alright, what's with him and Clefairy? I don't remember his gen very well.
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It's a April Fools 2023 Pokemon Masters reference with the theme being the luck of Metronome
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What do you think your husbando's favorite movies would be?
Obligatory train movies for the Submas: Polar Express, Snowpiercer, The Station Agent, The Darjeeling Limited, Bullet Train, Train to Busan.
Otherwise, I think it'd be cute if they typically have opposite taste in movies but there's some franchise/genre that they both really vibe with.
Is there a ship name for this? Everyone thinks Guzma's in it for Lusamine, but he's all about Faba's bussy lmao
Made for older men
>Faba's bussy
I don't like this phrase
How is Nanu younger than him
Whst bullshit anti-aging shit does Aether produce
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bad anon! kek

I mean.. stress ages you and considering Aethar are playing God with Type:Null I wouldn't be surprised if they had anti aging stuff. Considering how Lusamine was so into the whole stasis thing
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Can I feature male Pokemon
Thank you... I like it a lot
Theres another thread for that. We like people here
Does your husbando shave his balls + does he like them sucked? I'm thinking....... yes
>shave his balls
He wouldn't need to.
>does he like them sucked
Every man does, physically that is. If they don't like it it's just a mental thing.
>Does your husbando shave his balls
No, I suspect he's actually quite hairy and doesn't even consider it.
>does he like them sucked?
He secretely loves the idea of having his body worshipped.
Strong agree. I know it's not the majority opinion itt but I personally hate scraggly wiry body hair and would make him trim/shave if his hair isn't fine enough. I have no problem coddling and pleasing him and would love to play with his sack but he needs to help me out in this aspect because I just find hair gross. Don't even get me started on the hygiene aspect.
Been too depressed to draw lately but I really want to lewd him sob lol
Sadly chatbots don't do it for me, they don't make him act autistic enough
Fucked up when robots aren't robotic enough
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I want this man carnally.
I made my own private bots for Faba and Ghetsis as the public ones just don't fit how I imagine them to be.
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Computers will never adequately imitate perfection
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