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>Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZO5JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform

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Previous: >>57062037
Sometimes life doesn't suck
Now if I only had enough cards for a deck
Chat is this real?
How many cards in this set have gotten leaked/shown?
So Mew's 3 energy attack lets to copy an opponent's Pokemon move
Dedenne is flip coin paralysis
Vaporeon's Pokeability lets it move Water energy or something to that effect
Green seems to reduce damage you take by 10 the next turn
please be real
A couple
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Damn, that Tauros with 3 energy is too slow to be significant.
There is a freaking trailer up, is real.
This is fucked up
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It's okay, you'll never be able to get Aero onto the field fast enough for it to ever be useful
holy floodgate
Less KANTOOOOO please
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>ability doesn't affect Pikachu ex
>weak to lighting
That's it? I've been saving up for THIS? Not even an immersive or crown Mew?
>active pokémon
Whew. I was worried for a second there
Did you guys catch any dragon support?
Doesn’t seem *that* useful. Most of relevant meta decks aren’t evolving in the active spot. Imagine running this with a status deck, though.
Kangaskhan buff
This is a passive ability from the bench too
Crown cards are ugly THOUGH
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At least it's shit to collect
A more powerful xspeed that uses the support slot? Doesn't sound useful, still gonna hunt down her full art because WAIFU.
Just saw it. Where their attacks shown?
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interesting attempt to make exeggutor splashable without grass energy. I don't think it'll work since eggy's selling point is pressuring while going first, and you need to use this attack once so you can't build up exeggutor from the bench, but it could still be nice in a dual energy deck where you keep the going first window open by using grass energy, and if you don't get that you can still go for this
Fuck that, Steel support where?
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How is that not useful? It saves 2 energy. It's fucking busted.
So the "leak" with Arbok EX was all lies.
Maybe Alolan Exeggutor will be in the set too with a different playstyle
Sounds like a waste for it to also be Grass type though
>evolves from fossil so doesn't fuck up your starting basic
>only 1 retreat
>effect works from bench
>weak to lightning but enough hp to survive a pika attack
>2 energy 80 dmg if you are actually playing fighting
This card is fucking insane
This set looks like an easy skip. Only thing of note is potential for full art Leaf. I will continue saving my hourglasses for the Johto set.
wait, still no gen 2 or gen 4 mons?
that mew ability is insane and completely wrecks ex charizard, mewtwo, dragonite
>Support slot
Serp, Beheeyem, and Volcarona this early?
I'm glad my faves are showing up, but I also kinda wish they'd be released after some more power creep
>pika killer Tauros
>magmar still sucks
Tauros wrecks pikajew.
>2 free energy is bad because it uses a support slot that isnt even polluted yet
My dude 2 XSpeed is literally mandatory in every deck because it saves ONE energy.
This new set coming up made me realize I still don't have the immersive Mew card. I still need


If special arts count toward the mission, I just need Vaporeon and Gengar.
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EXcucks, your bull has arrived.
It is insanely useful. Leaf is going to be played in basically every deck that has mons with 2 or more retreat.
>More Kanto focus
I guess the next set in January is gonna be Johto EXs huh?
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>Dedenne can potentially rape Moltres decks
>If special arts count toward the mission
they count
Finally, something to counter meta decks.
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Yay, made it to owning 80% of every booster... Mew soon...

Jut got my first Gengar EX bringing my Mewtwo collection to 80%
>3 energy
For me, it’s:
If wonder pick doesn’t come through, I fully expect to have to spend pack points on these and a play set of Kirlia (who also refused to show up).

no shit.
Non-Kanto trainers never ever
>3 energy to not even 1 shot pika
>does shit damage to anything that isn't an EX
>2 retreat cost
>pika can still one shot it with giovanni
nah this thing is ass. Mew EX is the true EX killer.
Anon pls, they haven't show the whole set.
>Kangashkan can hit for 60 on turn 2 and gets to retreat for fucking free whenever it's chunked low now with Leaf
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*rapes you*
Since it's not an Elite 4 set I wonder if we'll be getting other Kantofags like Bill and Copycat
Then again it's a miniset so maybe Blue and Green are all we get
Get ready for mew ex in every deck... Woo....
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This doesn't seem that good
Kangashkan + New Tauros + Leaf looks like a good combo
It's meant to specifically one shot pika ex and that's it
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Can someone read it?
He only copies the active pokémon's attack and his alternate attack is 20 damage.
Grass type Lapras
The fact that so many people ITT think this Tauros is good shows how retarded the average poster is. That thing is unplayable garbage.
In a format where you win after KO three mons (2 if one was an EX) this can be a game changing.
It's extremely bad
"Flip one coin, if tails you die in real life."
>another fire pokemon discarding energy
So there will probably come some effect that will help Magmar, Charizard and Ninetails. Or is discarding fire energy just a gimmick a la "heat is lost energy"?
>shows how retarded the average poster is
Imagine not understanding the irony of your post.
1 grass for 20 damage
does 70 more damage if you have 3 extra grass attached

it shows up in another spot on the trailer where you can read it.
Yes, and?
>keep getting heads
Aw dang it
No Stadium cards this time bros
My bench: 2 greninja and 1 aerodactyl ex
my active slot: venusaur ex with 2 potions and 2 erikas

Your turn
Just keep him on the bench until end game and have him revenge kill whatever your opponent built up
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more waifu full art for worst female pc
Ok so wait. You know how Ninetale's Flamethrower discards 1 *Fire* energy right? And how Mewtwo discards 2 *Psychic* energy? Does Mew get to bypass that by simply having water or grass energy or whatever?
The balancing team in this game is fucking retarded. Single stage EX mon already rule the fucking game and here they are instantly nerfing evos instead of buffing them.
And you're an idiot if you think this is scary lol
Liepard is in the pack art, so there's one :^)
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Amber Fossil is not searchable so its totally balanced and fair you see
Surprised this is completely passive even from the bench. Gengar ex would kill to have its ability passive or even that 2 energy 80 damage attack
>one Blue(Female) and one x speed gives Melmetal free retreat.
Uh, this spunds good for my wigglipuff ex X melmetal deck.
So water L. Surge that doesn't use the support slot.
Probably yeah
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>Starmie gets low on HP
>just retreat it for free and give 2 energy to whoever you want to
Wtf that's busted
Ok, I guess I'm an idiot then.
Curious, what deck do you play?
Ah thank God, water had trouble stacking up energy
Same goes for Articuno, who now has a way to retreat for free through Leaf.
You mean RETALIATE DeNa?
It's no big deal of course, but lol
Holy shit I didn't even think of that
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>This set looks like an easy skip
What did little bro mean by this
EX Pikachu only gets to knock out one mon and nothing else. I think it's fine.
Be a neat combo with Primeape?
Starmie + Mew is going to completely dethrone Mewtwo. Pikachu will still be at the top though.
I don't give a shit about gold crown ugly shit cards
Give me more immersive art ones
It's mid because there are already better counters for pika in this set
Unless Misty made more energy than the target needs, it's meh.
Mew ex might end up being a tech only in Pikachu ex decks if they continue to dominate because opposing Mew ex in non electric decks aren't going to be doing anything against your Pikachu ex
I'm not the best TCG player but these all seem pretty bad/useless to me.
Am I missing anything? Mew is too slow for a situational move like that and everything else is meh
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Is that the heckin' Vaporeon copy pasta?!? I'm ROFLING so hard dude!!!
Blastoisebros, we're in.
sisters the game is saved!
you can only use misty on water types
This desu
you can't run it in Pika because you need a bench full of electrics.
Oh wait, Mew is Psychic so even Pikachu ex won't run it
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So we get immersive Mew with shit moves and stats but not immersive Mew EX who is actually good?
Yes :^)
New cards is nice and all but I hope at some point they will think about rebalancing the game a bit, maybe even changing how energy works if you play dual energies.
Can somebody trade me a Kangaskhan, gamefreak won't give me a Kangaskhan?
People would be pissed if you needed to collect all 150 kanto mons to unlock a GOOD card
You can transfer it with Vaporeon. Might run into the problem of too many basics at that point though.
Blue is good. Hard counter to Giovanni and can deny your opponent a ko.
Ah there is my 2nd promo venusaur from the event. Guess I once again get to keep all the event hourglasses.
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Glad you enjoyed
Ah sorry didn't properly read Vaporeon's ability. It needs to be a water type pokemon for it to be transferred from or to.
No you’re not missing anything. Aerodactyl EX opens up some jank multicolor decks and if Volcarona is good people could meme with Moltres Volc but that’s all.
>energy pool
>balancing out first turn so it's not such a disadvantageous turn for most decks
>maybe misty if they're not going to touch first turn attacking
Nigger read the Vaporeon card. SLOWLY this time.
It only copies the active Pokémon so EX Mewtwo is the only mon shaking.
>does nothing to Mewtwo and almost nothing to Pikachu
>retreats for one
Cool. Mewtwo was already running Old Amber.
>4 cards
>and 2 mews
HAHA lmao
>we get
speak for yourself
Oh shit
Type faster loser
Kinda pisses me off it's not part of genetic apex, there will just not be enough time to get enough points on the mini set to buy a full art waifu
Learn to read, fatass
Charizard too
I think the use case for this is going second Exeggutor is easier to retreat.
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>yfw he's just a fucking dark type Persian
vaporean will save blastoise and gyarados
i wouldn't be suprised with ex gyarados at all
It's an instaloss for Charizard decks
I literally went back, read it, wrote a correction, BEFORE your geriatric grandma boomer hands even had time to respond. Either your brain or your hands are too slow. Either way sucks to suck.
Yeah. Defender was the single most important trainer card in the GBC game to clear the finale. Though -10 isn't that much unless EX mons slow tf down when the meta shifts.
Ditto needs a rework he's so worthless
Weezing. Lol.
Go ahead, copy my move, Mew.
Mad because retarded lol.
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Wait, Tauros may one-shot PikaEx, and MewEx is a good counter to MewtwoEx, CharizardEx and some other by copying their attacks.
And both of Tauros/MewEx attacks are colorless so could potentially be used in any deck..
Wouldn't this be really powerfull with Energy accelerator like Lilligant or the new Vaporeon+Misty ?
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fatass snek soon
Yes you are grandpa
It also doesn't have to rip everything.
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Charizard is a literal bench warmer, so not as much. EX Mewtwo initial activemon is ridiculously common.
>N-No U
It's cool how like 80% of cards and potential new cards immediately suck because they aren't strong/fast enough to beat out mewtwo ex
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We will be getting a new Exeggutor with an attack like pic related. a bunch of the physical tcg Exeggutors have a "flip coins per energy" attack.
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>mythical island
>only two mythical Pokemons
My greatest fear with this game is they're going to introduce another "format" that allows 3 or 4 copies of a card and that means all those copies that you burned for "flair" are gone forever and for this reason I don't want to spend and copies of cards for flair unless I have like 20 of them
>no steel support
Please... Just one EX or Full Art, I'd be fine with just that...
? I was agreeing with you. You said you were bad because you're retarded. Did you want me to disagree with you?
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What does Pidgeot ex do?
the trailer only revealed like a dozen cards. there will be a lot more.
>aerodactyl ex
fuck off, thats bullshit. I'm so sick of all these basic ex decks
No because Lilligant and Misty only accelerate energy for their respective types
Charizard is a sweeper. When it comes online it's supposed to sweep everything with 200 Atk and 180 HP. Now it gets one shot in return with Mew EX.
I hope they won't skip Janine
Aerodactyl isn't a basic

Reply again. I command you.
are you stupid?
TaurosGOD will save us and kill the rat and mewtwink.
I just want my twin rats in the game so I can use EX-chu and have fun doing it.
Congratulations that's probably the one deck this won't affect
Also a dumb opinion especially with Sabrina running around. zard does not just sit on the bench
none of the fossils are basic
even omastar and kabutops are 3-stage pokemon in this silly format
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I love how the theme behind Fire is "fuck, I need more energy" and the theme behind water is "I'm so fucking wet because of all this energy, I literally can't stop getting free energy lol~"
it prevents enemy pokemon from evolving, which is pretty much forcing you to play basic ex pokemon
it makes you unable to evolve your ACTIVE pokemon
Right but if Aerodactyl ex is seeing any play it'll be on Mewtwo's bench.

It prevents your ACTIVE Pokemon from evolving.
There's counter play, but it can put you in a bind if you're already trying to steady yourself.
It basically does nothing
As long as you have it on your bench with 3 energy saved over. If you spam it and let Charizard get its revenge kill it doesn't matter. You're just reading the effect without considering that you have to micromanage your energy (Dragonite-esque) for it to be a Charizard nuke; m much more factors at play than Mewtwo EX.
>not be enough time
Will we get limited time (mini)sets?
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We might have some genuine brainlets here
You got it backwards.
Based off of the original tcg will colorless decks ever become a real thing?
low retreat cost
strong finisher with multiple energy
regen HP
being bad
Stupid motherfuckers think Aerodactyl is a basic mon and are already chimping out. Public school has failed them
Is Blue going to fix going first? -10 is kinda good in protecting your walls .
Hopefully something different from regular Pidgeot so it doesn't get outclassed
Not quite sure what you're saying. Let me simplify it so I'm sure we're both on the same page.
>Charizard EX with however much energy 180 HP 200 Atks whatever Pokemon and kills it
>In comes Mew with 3 energy steals its attack and 200 Atks Charizard EX with 180 HP energy. It's dead.
There's no counter to this. You basically can't use your Charizard until your 200 Atk nuke can finish the game in one move (you need to be on 2 points or one shotting an EX on 1 point), because if you bring out your Charizard and the game goes on, it's game over. Mew restricts Charizard so hard.
Not limited time (probably) but the next big expansion is in a month and a half, that's at best 700~ coins before it comes out if you don't whale
Yeah this is a TERRIBLE card to be introducing right now. It’s a giant middle finger to anyone who we using Weezing/Greninja and those aren’t even good
just like Giovanni it will see play simply from us having such a small pool of trainers to pick from
Opposite day Giovanni will let you get an extra hit in sometimes. Expect him to be relevant about as often as Giovanni. But, you know, with worse telegraphing. Since your opponent finds out a turn in advance.
You're right, it won't do much good against, say, Mewtwo EX, but against a Pika EX it's great as it can deny them the 100 damage to ko someone like Sandslash
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Good point. And the restriction is also here for the new Vaporeon.
So the only possible acceleration would be gardevoir with MewEx, which is pretty slow.
But i'm sure the MewEx and Tauros duo is something to keep in mind because it will valuable at one moment of the meta.
Hopefull it has its most iconic pokemon TCG's abilty: Qucik Search. also, WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU CAN BATTLE NEW CARDS ALREADY?!
I'm not saying it's a basic mon you retards, I'm saying it's going to cause an outburst of even more braindead mewtwo/pikachu decks because those don't require active pokemon that need evolving.
It does explain why they gave out the free fire deck.
>It's a big middle finger to degenerate faggots
Oh no
Blue is the girl, Green is the rival. I don't think it's going to be a major staple like the rest
Giovanni's good since it gives you that extra push on your turn while Green is dependent on the opponent and in a way a worse Potion
There's no searchers for stage 2 Pokémon and the fossil drawing both of them will come down to luck and more often than not by the time Aero EX comes out you already have setup your sweeper.
90% of the people call the FRLG female MC "Leaf" and the same number call the rival "Blue" because they refuse to stop using the localization names.
Are you retarded
read, nigga
This is.... Bad lmao
kek sorry i got mixed up myself
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>Green is dependent on the opponent and in a way a worse Potion
He lets a lot of 90 HP things swing at Pikachu before they die.
Oh right, it was because I translated the OP's JP image before watching the trailer so I saw it as Green first
I hate the name swap they did for blue/green. I'm just calling this card Gary.
Is ok anon, i am happy to see that there is someone else besides me that call Leaf "Blue" although i always put a "(female)" to avoid confusion.
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I can only see Mew being good because it can fuck up shit like Mewtwo and zard EX. Against anything else not so great. Needing three energy to copy Starmie EX who only needs two energy for example is bad imo.
Tauros is in a similar position. ONLY good against EX mons and needs three energy. Realistically it can only ohko a few of these EX mons as well, like Pikachu.
Fucking weebs
I did the tracker thing and I have 75% of the cards from pikachu and mewtwo packs
But basically all the cards I'm missing are essential for building decks lol.
It's a good thing though because the fact they exist is going to force people out of playing ex decks
I can already tell you're going to lose to this card several times
What tracker thing?????
I seriously doubt that
And it probably still doesn't block Articuno EX Blizzard.
X to doubt. This is tied for worst supporter right now. Most decks hitting magic numbers -10 doesn't matter at all. It's going to be dead most of the time
You're being tracked. We're sending PokéAgents to come to your house and beat you with hammers
where is his nose?
Well, you're wrong
I remember the fake leak Gary from several threads ago being actually pretty good
We all are, to be fair. Break points are already tight for a lot of cards.
It will, Melmetal and Cloyster don't take damage from Blizzard if they're on the bench.
Reading it seems like it block all instances of damage even from stuff like Greninja. Since the text says all of your opponent's Pokémon not active Pokemon.
But Melmetal does take damage from Greninja.
>both Viridian Gym Leaders
Oh, I think it may be intentional.
Vaporeon requires both pokemon to be water types, though

Gardevoir exists, bro. And maybe the set could bring something else too
It won't affect Greninja as that's not an attack.
Not that anon, but it’s incredibly risky to build 3 energies on the bench to keep Mew safe while your other mons have to basically tank until then. At only 130 HP there’s plenty of non-EX mons that can two shot Mew EX and can afford trade KO’s for damage because they aren’t EX. If you can’t see how a Charizard deck can’t play around that, it’s genuinely just a skill issue on your part.
wanted an easy way to tell if I was opening the wrong packs
Charizard decks are incredibly low tempo. Even if you take Arcanine. What are you talking about?
because Greninja is using an ability, not an attack.
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Purple pants makes it still the rival/champion version technically
The specification that it's "playing Pokemon from hand to evolve Active Pokemon" means there might be something that gives you a way around it.
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You've got good taste anon.
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The idea is precisely to be a counter to the now top meta deck (Tauros for PikaEx, MewEx for Mewtwo/Charizard/Dragonite) while being both colorless for their attack. So there are a lot of deck that could be build with them inside to balance for other non-meta deck that could come.
It's not bad at least.
Something looks off about his face.
I wonder if fossil decks will want to run both versions of Aerodactyl if the ex ability really works from the bench; one to block active evo and one to send them back home, therefore cycling them. Maybe even build with Pidgeot for extra fuckery.
I know it's too early to say shit, but what about Arbok/Weezing/Sabrina decks paired with AeroEX?
Has this artwork been used for the real cards? Or are they actually getting new artwork made specifically for this game? About a week ago many JP artists on Twitter were posting the card art they had drawn for the cards in this game
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Green is also another girl
Can anyone explain to me what it is about ex cards that causes such irrational seethe?
A combination of both, loads of cards use old all but loads of other cards are also completely new.
That's just careful wording. Psyduck also mentions not being to use supporters from the hand, doesn't mean there's a way coming to play from your spell zone or whatever.
>boosting Psychic nips again
Is the event queue supposed to be easy? I’m getting a lot of little kids
I think Tauros can do well against Mewtwo, Moltres, and Articuno too
They're always out first, and you can probably just pepper them with 20-30 damage attacks while they build up and you have Tauros in back ready to handle the rest
And a loli from the looks of it.
I am too tired to debate this and I know you will forever stand on your ground so is pointless.
That's nice, thought they were lazily recycling old card art for this game. That CG looked too specific for this set to be something old
Please don't tell me you thought the immersives were "old art".
Just admit you’re an autistic weaboo and we can move on with life
I don't care if they're ass, I will be using Serperior and Volcarona
And I will use Dedenne to cuck Moltres
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They need to make a version of this card that is like -40 damage reduction but specifically for Metal pokemon. I was hoping they would get some love this expansion
>magmar gets another dogshit card
I just entered this conversation, and I sure don't want it to turn into a debate.
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Like someone mentioned earlier the problem is getting energy on them. Mew can accelerate energy with Gardevoir but at that point I think it would be better to run Mewtwo instead. Maybe they'd be great together, actually. Tauros however is fucked, especially if Pika has Gio support and you didn't play Blue to defend from it on your turn. He could make for some hype comebacks but I just can't see him going far. Unless they add double colorless energy.
its a miniset, not a full expansion. we'll get a full expansion at the end of January
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Jasmine next set
I mean I recognised many old card art and the immersives don't look out of place from what the real game seems to print nowadays, especially that Charizard one which they would cut up into several other cards for each Pokemon from that whole image
This game will probably never have double colorless it very obviously wasn’t designed with it in mind
Afaik most of the standard cards are old art while the full arts are all new (or expanded versions of old art)
Maybe not double colorless energy per se, but something like Brock support would help Tauros immensely
miniset is fucking b8, if you waste all the hourglasses on it youre retarded lol
I don't care I want those Vaporeon and Dedenne cards
>you just want to fuck Vaporeon
That's besides the point. I liked it before I became a porn addict too.
They clearly haven't showed all of the cards for it yet
Mew ex best case is like a zapdos role that can tank a few hits and can potentially hit for more dmg but you're not too worried about powering it up unless you really need it
130 hp and 1 retreat is pretty decent, and multicolor decks can play it as a better baby mew2 they can actually use, don't think you ever run it as a 2 of ever, and it being colorless means you can dump energy into it and not feel that bad, I was playing a tauros in this slot right now just because it used colorless energy
>Vaporeon that can move water energy from bench to active.
They will do it if it will sell
Double colorless could work if it only worked on colorless mons (maybe)
Otherwise it would let mewtwo and zard EX get to even more busted levels
Aero ex is gonna mog Bonehead so bad. Only gamblan' addicts will remain with Missmerang.
since this is not new series booster,can i use card point on mew pack?
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I'd also consider mew ex in a deck like this too in the mew2 ex slot, maybe as like a backup tank/carry for stage 2 decks
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we are so fuckin back
>no ability

Since he seems to work from the bench, I don't think anyone will actually use Aero offensively
They are friends >>57064785
blue is fucking shit lmao
I'm glad pocket has account data removal.
Now I won't be tempted to reinstall this rng infested piece of shit of a p2w game.
Will this miniset have Immersives?
Just because it's there doesn't mean it's the best combo. Starmie was partnered with Greninja in the expert solo for GA, but we all know it prefers Cuno ex.
1 is a con
Starmie has 0 retreat
4 applies to Starmie ex
Starmie ex has 90
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Here's your 30 damage electric basic :)
My brother in Christ, we got the trailer an hour ago and no data has been put in the game yet. We don't know.
>180 HP
>0 retreat cost
>that ability
This monstrosity would ruin the game
>no data has been put in the game yet
Then explain this >>57064785
Here's your Pidgeot ex bro
Then go find the hackers and ask them.
>the few pixels of yellow above Mew
So Pidgeot EX and presumably a new Electric EX at least? Neat
I want to use Dedenne but don't want to use Pikachu
spending 0 glasses on it
Pack points are per expansion, not per series
Most probable explanation is a screenshot from TGS
whats the point of the new Exeggcute when both egg forms only need 1 energy, just for retreating his fat ass?
It's a good thing the miniset seems to be like master duel, where you only need like one or two mons for niche use and the rest of the pack is just for making other decks you might want to play
f2p bros you can skip this probably since I doubt it'll be too meta relevant , it's good content for deck builders and the tubers though so you can just watch them make stuff, I like making homebrew decks so I'll toss in a 10 roll or two maybe since I have 750,but if you're strapped for glass you should save for the actual expansion
>we have videos of trading so trading is in the game
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CELEBI is in
i have 0 glasses im lvl24, did win 5 in a row so im clearly a god at this game
Bro, your Vaporeon retrain?
Cool. I'm definitely rolling.
You can use that one to splash Exeggutor on any deck that doesn't run Grass energy.
>/ptcg/ be like bro mew counters mew2 really hard that deck is dead in the water
>in reality both will be used together
>Three more EXes we don't know yet
>5 trainer cards
I hate how they classified supporters as trainer cards so we can't know if there are other new supporters besides Blue(female) and Green(male).
Good thing not everyone knows that.

Someone just surrendered right after they made Greninja and their active Pokémon was Bruxish.
This is from the description of the youtube video
>The Mythical Island expansion features over 80 cards, including five new exciting Pokémon ex cards, five new Trainer cards, and gorgeous immersive cards ready to bring you into the wondrous world of Pokémon.
Green(male) and Melmetal will make the perfect wall.
On the one hand, I’m in. On the other, Grass is by far my weakest lineup. Might have to use pack points on another Erica kek.
I’ll probably pull 10 packs on release day and wait to see how the meta settles before deciding on further pulls. Thus far I’m unimpressed with what we’ve seen though, so I might be able to get away with not spending a ton of glass
Wow, I didn't even think to check the description. Now I just feel like a dummy. Good stuff.
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Is this the celebi we might get, mew seems like he got a similar version of his tcg card so we might get something like this
Tauros should be 3 cost 80 damage then +40 on EX, 3 cost attack for 40 on non-ex sucks swamp ass
Mew could be a 1x card in M2, but I’m not sure how much value it really gets. Doesn’t work in the most relevant matchup (Pika) while dropping consistency in gettting the basics you need. Doesn’t even help in the crippling dark matchup because the attacks you can copy will suck.
I'm thinking I might use free packs to pull on the miniset and glasses to continue going through GA or something.
So when does this drop? I want to pull
high chances of Kingdra appearing and we gettin a Clair card sleeve
I see full art Vaporeon, I spend my 240 hourglasses on the pack, then I'll go back to complain that this piece of shit game has no content.
Unknown lightning type as seen in >>57065016 (Zeraora, Electrode?)
>wait to see how the meta settles
Yeah I'd definitely hold for a bit if you're f2p and see what decks come out of it before you invest too much, looks like mostly rogue or off meta tools so far
Can't wait for us to get """leaks""" that are just r*ddler-tier guesses based on earlier playsets, with missing info
Garyblue looks weird
Depending on how much GA you have I guess. I’m planning on fully switching over since even though I don’t have that immersive pika I want I can still play the game
I’m pass-only for the moment so technically not f2p but still you’re right. Waiting to use glass is probably the right call
Chansey picks
>6 bulbasaurs
>0 magnemites
They better let me trade this shit in jan
Pretty much in the same boat. I have almost cleaned up Genetic Apex and am sitting on 40+ packs worth of glass. I don’t plan on spending more than 10 packs worth of glasses unless we’re missing part of the picture with this new set. Too hard to pull what you need in full sets to justify going deep on the mini.
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>that Mew EX
RIP Ditto, we hardly knew ye.
This game has been trying to force me really hard to play grass but I’ll bite this one
Giving Mew two immersives in such a short time span is kind of weird
Most people don’t know the first one exists so I’d say it’s fine
Oh lawd, Melmetal would love that.
Got you covered bro. I only hope they don't put retarded restrictions on trading a la clash royale.
Oh wow was expecting at least two booster packs from the miniset but it's only one
Kinda wish that Ditto had a Poké Power to change its type to anything that's on the field or bench. Thing is way too hard to utilize as-is.
>3 energy cost for anything
Definitely feels like mew ex will be meta for a long time
>saving up pack points to get the full arts I want
>pull both the first and second choice I want in the process
>get an Egg EX instead
Honestly I can’t be mad at these developments
you people are seriously overestimating this card. nobody evolves their mons in the active spot unless it's ready to evolve and attack the moment one of their others got kod
Honestly for a second I misrread themed booster pack as timed booster padk
There's also the fact that it's in the same type where Gardevoir exists
>that new vap ability
Wow as if you couldn't hate water devcs even more
There's a reason that in the original Base Set, Defender was -20 and PlusPower was +10.
Blue should be -20.
Nice Leaf support you got there
Significantly less relevant than Giovanni
I want another stronger Snorlax, but at the same time I feel they’d have to make it a two stage to make the card actually strong.
Every non-ex evo would love that, especially in Aerodactyl land where evolving actives is a pain.
>Dragonite can now swing for 40/80 when it can't meteor
>Eeveelutions can swing for 20 before being fully charged
>Raichu now has a (weak) attack that doesn't discard
>Primeape can damage itself
Which pack is best for Dark cards? Still need 6 for the dumb premium quest.
Quick meme shitter brew with what we got so far
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They're only 2-diamonds but I've gotten the 2 cards I aimed for in a row so far in Wonder Pick
Snorlax would be stronger if they just gave it a usable attack. If they make it heatmor with more HP it's very playable
Mewtwo has Muk/Weezing, Pikachu has Nidos.
Pikachu might be slightly more likely.
blue is -40
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>Raichu now has a (weak) attack that doesn't discard
That new Pikachu would give it up to 30 damage now, if it works the same as on the one on EX. Just a raw improvement for Raichu
Does each pack have it's own pack points?
Will points expire with the new set?
>jp youtube doesn't mention Celebi
>google store does, and it's EX
Guess it's Johto after all
He's making a joke you autist
and you have 4 mons in play
blue is -40
>Does each pack have it's own pack points?
> Will points expire with the new set?
Only if the set is removed from the home screen.
So far Genetic Apex and Mythical Island have no listed end date, which probably means they'll be around until 2026 at least.
>Does each pack have its own pack points?
of course
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You just know
I was saving my Pack Points for meta picks, and FA Misty is looking really good right now. I think I'll wait until the full set releases in January though before I commit to Water.
I just realized that the fossils have such an anti-synergy with pokeball, damn that really sucks
>2 pokeballs when you only have 2 basic mons
>Celebi EX
>140 HP
>Ability - Time Travel
>Once per turn, you may remove an energy from this Pokemon

>PPPP - Future Sight
>This move does 60 damage to your opponent in 3 turns.
>5 trainer cards
We already have Blue and Leaf. Who's the other 3?
Sub another sabrina and a pot I forgot lol
It was discussed a while back that the appeal of fossils is that they are basic Pokémon that can't brick your initial hand.
This is somehow worse than the first one
Oh shit, that can wreck Draco Meteor.
So far it looks like this set is "Shit all over Dragonite and make him completely unplayable":
>Mew can copy Meteor for 3 of anything
>Aerodactyl disrupts evo decks
>Blue weakens Meteors
>No Lance
>No Evo tutors
They're not going to make expansions for every region, Kanto got one because KANTOOOO, Johto doesn't have the same mass appeal.
At least post the animation
So that basically means your hand would be 100% chance of EX. Poké Ball becomes useless, so you can replace them and not miss out.
plus johto only has, what, 100 mons in total? they'd have to shove in way more dex filler if they want to keep every expansion at the same card count
Half of the Johto Dex aren't even in Johto
What were they thinking
not that anon, but thanks
>Aerodactyl disrupts evo decks

Dragonite always evolves on bench, but other than that I think everything else you said is fair. Mew counters Dragonite well, Blue reduces damage.
Unironically Moltres tax they need to design cards around it.
>only charizard has a 2 discard fire energy
>does 200 damage
>let's do the same with magmar while we have other pokemon that discards one energy but does more damage than him!
>Dragonite always evolves on bench
I have 200+ wins with Dragonite.
I often move Dragonair forward and swing for 80 or 90 the turn before evolving the following turn.
Thankfully Dragonair only has one retreat cost, but that's still a pain to deal with.
>setting up moltres magmar for 3 turns just to deal 80 damage
yea idk think I'm gonna stick with ninetales
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It is a nice animation
Why would someone make this
>nice animation
tweening is gay and lame
Red, Janine, and...
The other pokemon also requires an evolution to be able to function. Though I will be honest that 2 energy is a steep cost
khangas bros?
It's disappointing to me that Flareon doesn't work with blaine
This will be great for Victrebel decks. The biggest problem with it is that it lacks any good early game pokemon to use. The problem with Exeggutor EX is that its retreat cost is too high, and unlike Venusaur decks you can't just sit around waiting for it to die, because you want to switch to Victrebel ASAP to snipe out a basic mon before they can evolve it.
So being able to retreat it for 1 energy with Leaf will be big.
brain rot
>New Vaporeon makes Misty even better
Are we also getting Jolteon/Flareon/others?
Or even better
>Chain evolution Eevee
>AI slop
It’s stranger to me that Arcanine doesn’t. That’s the #2 mon (after Magmar) that I associate with Blaine. Weird that #3 (Rapidash) and #4 (Ninetales) are the mon that work + aren’t shit.
Tynamo >

There might be a new Exeggutor in this set, possibly Alolan. Also, enables on non-grass decks
>It’s stranger to me that Arcanine doesn
muh balance
Nice. I got my first shellder and machoke through wonder picks today.
I feel a 3 card combo to 1 hit KO the biggest basic EX is pretty fucking balanced
i tried to wonderpick 2 2-diamonds and didn't get anything. you stole my rng...
Why is NOBODY happy that Serperior is in? It's almost like it has NO FANS.
I am, anon.
But I'm more excited by Volcarona.
>more fps than 24 = bad
Gay homos
>get a switch supporter
>it's only -2 retreat instead of a full switch
So this basically confirms that anything with 4 retreat cost is just eternally fucked.
haven't been revealed
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How many pack hourglasses have you saved up in anticipation for the new expansion? I'm sitting on 200+
I really hope they're somewhat viable or even an EX
>Butterfree+Melmetal+Celebi grass/steel deck
Might b cool
But 690 gold
>got my 5 win streak in less than 30 minutes
Are people really having problems with this event?
170. I had to spend like 60 to finish off the second month of premium missions before my free trial ended.
You're right, anon. They're clearly putting in Snivy and Larvesta without their evolutions. Please do showcase more of your wisdom by saying something about Crobat or Magnezone not being in as a rebuttal.
0. As a f2p I assume all of the hourglass hoarders aren't f2p
Does each queue have a hidden MMR or something? I got on and busted it out in 30 minutes as well because I was getting matched with actual children.

I'm f2p and have 90 hourglasses but I have zero self control and am constantly doing the
>It's ok I'll just spend 5 here
It could be time of day. First match was a Mewtwokek that conceded before I could even get a point.
how much $$$ does 690 gold equate to?
Not him but it would be really funny if that actually happened
600. Will probably have 1.5k+ for the next large set
>They're clearly putting in Snivy and Larvesta without their evolutions.
Haven't said that.
100$ and most likely you will just get like 1 or 2 cards that are above 2 stars or 0 if you get unlucky because no pity timer.
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I've been using a random number generator to beat the random number generator these days
>Does each queue have a hidden MMR or something?
I don't know, but I was fighting nothing but Mewtwo+Pikachu EX then went to random matches, set myself to "new to card games", played a match with a half complete deck, went back to the event and was facing a Frosmoth deck.
360 pack and 480 wonder
If he didn't buy the discounted gold you can get 690 gold by purchasing the $100 gold bundle
Imagine the full art
thanks! how many packs does 690 open?
I don’t really plan on using much of these on the mini set. Might change my mind depending on what we see, but I think I’ll be fine with the 2x packs a day. For reference, I have milked the game dry and did the free premium + one extension (expires today; won’t renew until set 2 at the earliest).
A ten pull is 60 gold
can't wait to trade it to waifufags for a bunch of better cards
how many cards do you have?
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See >>57065316
So 11 with some gold left over
110 packs
Meant to say 11 ten pulls so 110 packs
Ye, made a slight error.
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will the E4 get any cards?
>charizard ex and meatwo ex specifically have to discard psycic and fire energy
>mew ex doesn't have to do that if it doesn't have fire and psychic energy
I'm chilling at 196 as a f2p. Don't know how much I'll actually be spending on the mini set. I'll probably just stick to free packs at first.
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Ditto but good
>only got 4 Event Venusaur vs 6 Lapras EX
Just over 1200. Premium pass is the only thing I have purchased, and as much as it helps, I don’t see it being worth renewing for the mini set. Might not bother renewing for set 2 if I start to burn out by then.

$10 for digital cards still feels dumb to me as a person who is generally very frugal. I know from experience that it’s way cheaper than buying physical (which generally hold little value + take up a bunch of space), but I also quit that hobby about a decade ago.
If I don't get a Rainbow Moltres soon, this game is never going to get another penny out of me.
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I'm ready to pull
BRO did not LOOK at the LITERAL Serperior that is in OP's pic!
Imagine if they added opening 100 packs at once
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>Just over 1200
If it helps to define this, I have opened 195 packs as of this morning.
Oof. That's some terrible luck.
217. F2P + 2 week trial.
1076, though I think I'll continue saving them until I see a full art that I really like of one of my favorite pokégirls
>tfw you need 3000 hourglasses to buy 2-star full arts
500 but Im premium passin
>Mew ex best case is like a zapdos role
I see that as the main use case but in a mirror match he does hit for 150 faster than Mewtwo.

Ditto can used benched Pokemon's attacks.
Check em'
>Y-you're not ef2pee
You're a lucklet AND you have 0 patience and self control, KWAB
There's 5 ex cards in the miniset. I would believe one of them is Lightning type.
Forgot pic
Magmar is basically just a third emergency Ninetails in Blaine decks that can only attack once, but only takes up one deck slot. It'll definitely see some experimentation, at least.
>nice animation
>hands are not synced
>vertical video
>v-tuber aesthetic
>100% tikslop to cause the brainrot
410 I think, I need like 3 more cards to complete genetic apex.
Probably gonna just do one 10 pull for the new pack
It's amazing to me that someone at dena made Magmar even shittier.
Whoa, a decent attacker that blows his load in one go, what an upgrade
Ditto copying benched attacks is mainly important because it lets you steal the colorless attacks that a ton of random pokemon have. That doesn't matter with Mew.
You wouldn't usually want to copy a Charizard EX or some other heavy hitter in the bench because then they switch it in and KO your Ditto. You want to switch Ditto in to revenge kill.
If they're just never switching in their win condition mon for fear of Mew copying it then you'll just win by tearing apart their early game mons with your Execcutor EX or whatever powerful early game beater you choose.

Source: I thought about this for approximately 20 seconds.
Update on [Metal Psy-Op]
They did Bisharp dirty, and Dux is better than Pawniard except that it can't tank a lucky Kangaskhan. Though it sounds like there's a new pack up look into now.
>Mythical Island
Which ones tho
I'm not finished this expansion so why start saving for the next one
It matters when Mew can't copy Crimson Storm from Charizard ex to kill Moltres ex.
Whatever it is, I hope it will continue the trend of being Gen 1 focused (with the exception of a potential Celebi ex leading into a Gen 2 full set).

>Raichu ex
>Electabuzz ex
>Magneton ex
>Jolteon ex
>Electrode ex
Any would be cool. Hard to imagine Electabuzz / Magneton getting them due to cross gen evos, but it could happen. Magnezone ex redeeming Magneton would be the only reason I would like to see it appear. Raichu needs a better card. Jolteon would be cool, but that might also be reserved for a set where other eveelutions get ex cards. Electrode doesn’t really fit the theme, but I wouldn’t be upset to see it.

Raichu ex makes the most sense (to me).
Mew is known in official games as the learn anything mon.
>I'm not finished this expansion so why start saving for the next one
You got $2,000? Cause that's the only way you'll ever be finished with this expansion.
That's some cosmetic
Not saying it's not in but I'll only believe it when I'll see it as a card
I played current Magmar for like 10 games and one of the main things about Blaine decks is that you're burning your energy every turn with Ninetails so it's hard to ever get extra energy for your other mons.
New Magmar requiring two energy investment for one swing is just too much even if it's only a basic. It's too often going to leave you in conflict between giving energy to a Vulpix or Magmar or even worse, in not drawing the Vulpix because you drew the Magmar.

If it only discarded 1 energy per turn like Ninetails at the cost of not one shotting Pikachu EX then it'd be worth running, but for 2 discards I'm sticking with Farfetch'd or just purely Rapidash+Ninetails.
*If* Magmar sees play, I imagine it’ll only be in Blaine variants that run Moltres. The deck is already too energy hungry to be tossing away two per attack.
You don't need to. Just keep hitting it with your powerful early game beater. What are they going to do about it? Mew means that if they bother to switch in their Charizard EX to KO your beater then you get a free switch into Mew and win regardless of how much energy is on Zard.
Johto bros... this was supposed to be OUR time...
patience... january will be /ourmonth/
>trading is a premium only feature
How do you react?
I can hear it
I finally can stop looking for full art sabrina and erika, Blue(female) will get all my clocks.
>How do you react?
Turn a shitton of stars into Flair.
I'm not trying to get all the full arts or anything I just want to build more meta decks. Been looking for a second pika ex for like 2 weeks
It's gonna require that Advance Ticket and they'll only give it out on special occasions unless you're a paypig
Uninstalling this piece of shit
Depends on how frequently / infrequently you can trade and the value of those trades. If it let you easily fill in uncommon / rare gaps in your collection, that’s not a bad deal for $10-$12 a month + the 30 additional packs and cosmetics.
I'm willing to believe it's Raichu since there's a new basic pikachu in this set too
Who gives a fuck get a real problem lol
>I'm not trying to get all the full arts or anything I just want to build more meta decks.
same, desu.

>Been looking for a second pika ex for like 2 weeks
I've been trying to complete a pika ex deck for a month. still need 2 raichu, 2 zapdos ex, 1 pika ex, and Lt Surge.
>Gyarados in the pack art
I hope he doesn't end up ass this time
Gyarados EX trust the plan
I remember there were rumors saying that dittos are failed Mews, was this confirmed or was just kids bullshitting?
>need 2 raichu
Nah. You need the zapdos ex and pika ex. The electrode and zebstrika builds are just as viable as the raichu build.
It’s a rumor / fan theory that has been debunked (or retconned if you prefer). I still think that was the originally intended idea, though. Same with Cubone’s relation to Kanga.
>Melmetal doesn't die to Mewtwo anymore
The whole theory hinges on the Dittos in Cinnabar Mansion, which most people don't realize were only added in Yellow version.
193, should probably get enough for 3x10 pulls for the new expansion, but depending on what's in the miniset I might be tempted to do a 1x10
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ooooooo trainers trainers trainers
I'm still missing Zapdos EX and Gardevoir. I have four fucking interactive art Mewtwo but not a single Gardevoir.
If the opponent uses Gio it can still get ko'd
how are you so sure hourglass timers from this pack will work for future packs?
Snorlax bros... we"re finally returning to the bench...
Not him but pack hourglasses would specifically mention they could only be used with certain packs. They're not like pack points.
Cause they don't have a (genetic apex) attached to their name
Datamine when you fucking faggots? Can't you do anything right?
my dad's uncle's grandnephew (me) works at nintendo
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>dedicated Pikachu EX slapper
based card
You need an app update before you can get a data mine, RETARD
>The whole theory hinges on the Dittos in Cinnabar Mansion, which most people don't realize were only added in Yellow version.
Nope. That's not the entire theory. They're also the only Pokemon that can learn Transform (though Mew can learn anything), and they have the same shiny colors. And we do know that they probably didn't get the Mewtwo clone correct the first time.
Because they affect the pack timer, not packs.
>if your opponent is a faggot, this attack does 100 more damage
So is the idea with this that you only have the deck make metal energy and if you get a good Misty off then you evolve Psyduck
They also weigh the same as mew
>Nah. You need the zapdos ex and pika ex. The electrode and zebstrika builds are just as viable as the raichu build.
well even so I'm still locked behind a pikachu ex and two zapdos ex.
Should've been 110HP to eat the extra Giovanni damage
But wait, maybe it's intentional so you use Gary to soak up an incoming Giovanni instead lmao
>same shiny colors
Couldn’t this be attributed to visual design philosophies and the coincidence of mew and ditto having roughly the same color pallet? I don’t know much about shinies but I’m willing to bet there’s a few more pink mons that have that same shiny pallet, too
No. The whole theory literally hinges on the fact that you can find them in the same lab that created Mewtwo. That's their one and only connection to Mewtwo.

If not for that, the theory would more likely be that they're Mew's closest living relatives or something.
Too broken, it would always get the +100.
It's oneshot with Giovanni lmao. The 120 damage is conditional and costs 3 energy to set up. Only 100 HP. This card is shit.
Should have been -20 to be in line with tcg defender
Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that one.

You could have a point if there wasn't already a theory surrounding how one is a failed clone. There are too many stars in this constellation for it to be a coincidence.

>No. The whole theory literally hinges on the fact that you can find them in the same lab that created Mewtwo.
Nope. You can keep sticking your head in the sand and screaming, but there's more to the theory than just Ditto being in the Pokemansion. Which is still, as much as you want to disregard it, supporting evidence.
Might be viable if we someday get a DCE equivalent. Absolutely not as it is now.
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really good for a no-ex fighting deck. start building up a primeape or something and if they kill it before it's set up then you get to smash them right back for 100
I don't.
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Is Genetic Apex gonna disappear? Am I gonna have to use all my points or something?
No. It'll likely be a LONG time before it gets rotated.
Yes, spend them now
>he thought we would get pack timers for both packs
I think they're keeping all the mainline packs around forever
>someone is gonna use misty on tauros
You'll have 3 sets to pick from at any given time, they'll only rotate after the 4th set
>lalala I’m right you’re wrong
The evidence is circumstantial at best and is why it’ll only ever be a theory
More like tauros on misty, iykwim
how can someone be this dense
It's more likely they'll do it like the real TCG and keep two "blocks" in rotation at all times (like all of the packs with A in the ID are the A block). Once C block comes out, they'll effectively ban every card from A packs and remove them from the shop.

But they'll probably add an expanded button in VS for people who really want to still use them.
>>lalala I’m right you’re wrong
When anon starts projecting and doesn't realize that *he's* the one who is ignoring multiple points of "evidence".
You would still have to be able to discard the energy described in the move tho right?
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Saving all my hourglass for this full art.
*smashes Pikachu in the face*
Not ignoring it, but the fact that ditto is only at the mansion in Yellow is a HUGE knock against your precious theory. I see the “evidence” and think it’s all grasping at straws
Fine. Which pieces of evidence directly connect Ditto to Mewtwo? Not Mew, but specifically Mewtwo itself.
The part that confuses me is why you are so adamant that there isn’t *something* there. Some relation between the two is clear. Let people have fun.
>asks to be spoonfed
>is retarded
Many such cases
Are there no new dragon types either?
aerodactyl ex sucks. pokemon basically never get evolved in the lead position outside of the first few turns where you are unlikely to have an amber to put him out early
The guy said that this isn't confirmed, which is factually true and recognized by yourself
Why keep arguing about it
>Not ignoring it
Yes you are. That's what your little "lalala I'm right you're wrong" outburst was about. Mew's starting moveset is Pound and Transform. Only Ditto knows Transform. Same shiny colors and (new to me) same weight. Additionally, Ditto is in the Pokemansion.

One coincidence doesn't mean anything, but when there are multiple coincidences, they are no longer coincidences.
>let people have fun
That’s how we got to this sorry state of society.
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>new expansion in 5 days
I was not prepared. I'm going to try really hard not to turn into a paypig. F2P4Life
At the pace that this is moving I actually really doubt that. Additionally the payment model is set up more like a gotcha game.. I don't think it's likely that anything is ever going to rotate actually but I do think it's likely that everything is going to get powercrept over time
Man I still have 0 kogas and only a single weezing
I'm not ready for another set
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>I was not prepared.
Are you ready for the T R V T H ?
This miniset is a trap to get f2p to spend all their hourglasses so that they don't have any saved when the actual next expansion comes out
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Anyone have good meme decks to share for the final days of this event? I've been rolling with Kingler-Seaking but I'd like to try something else that can meme away streaks
Trap that will likely defuse when noticing there's only one pack, even if they're not aware of datamines
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Gold to pull rates are so bad I will comfortably stay F2P, not to mention the game wants you to spend all your hourglasses before you are allowed to use the gold on packs
nothing stopping u from crafting a koga
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He's been Lightning more often than Metal.
>starting moveset
Ditto’s concept is that it turns into your guy, and without abilities to let it do it automatically it needed the move.
>shiny colors
Which I have previously given a counter-argument to
Again, i already gave a counter to this
Okay so you’re telling me that the scientists were unable to make mew an infinite amount of times but somehow got mew’s WEIGHT right of all things? Lmao
You see it because you want to, retard
The main point of rotation is to get rid of cards like Misty and Garevoir so they can print new Water and Psychic energy support that people will need to roll for without having to flood the game with better and better energy ramp.
>will likely defuse
I dunno man. I rerolled and I consider myself to have gotten relatively "lucky" pulls, and I'm still missing random rares and uncommons (and a few commons) from the base set. I guess I can just use pack points on a few of them, but f2ps will very quickly be in a position where they are missing many more cards than they can reasonably acquire, while also needing to save up hourglasses so as not to get completely fucked.
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As someone who doesn't have a lot of spending money in my budget, I don't know why I lost my mind and paypigged $300 worth of pulls. The high I got from it wasn't even worth the cards that I got, and it's not sustainable for me in the long run. The inability to pull $300 worth of cards on a whim is just going to feel worse and worse as the card pool expands. Why did I do this to myself?
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>60 million downloads
>Not a single gift as a "thank you"
Greedy ass company
what was the best pulls you got?
did you even unlock mew?
It also deals exact lethal damage to Pika ex when counting the weakness, which can't be a coincidence since it's the main Lightning card so far.
They haven't give out a gift during this game's entire existence. I've never played a gacha this greedy before.
Get a better job if you want to spend that kind of money
I would expect A1, A1a, A2, etc. to rotate out simultaneously.

Isn't that like $4000 in pulls?
That's the point of gacha. To prey on people like you. Don't feel too bad, just try to do better.
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Can't wait for them to eventually accidentally introduce a bug or an extended maintenance that would warrant apologems in another gacha, but they don't bother doing it here
I'm still pulling this set so no need to just yet.
Your 36 Tuesday pack hourglasses?
nothing stopping you from using money
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>I said "no" and that's my counter-argument
Okay, retard. Keep in mind that the only reason I responded to you wasn't because you disbelieve the Mew/Ditto theory, but because you said that the entirety of the Mew/Ditto literally hinges on the fact that Ditto is present in the Pokemansion (which, and this is how you discredit this aspect, wasn't added until Yellow)

To be honest, I don't care how many stacking coincidences you are capable of ignoring simultaneously, you just needed to have your shitpost corrected because Ditto being in the Pokemansion is not what the theory "hinges" on; there are several aspects and "supporting evidence", which is how it's even a theory in the first place.
I feel like they'll start getting a LOT more generous with gifts going forward. Not out of kindness or anything, but because as we get new sets, people will stop pulling the older ones. That'll make older packs great low-value prizes that don't cut into people buying new packs.
>They haven't give out a gift during this game's entire existence.

We have some Advance Ticket or whatever. We don't know what it does, but it's absolutely certain to do nothing. We might be able to redeem it for one single pack or perhaps a promo card (which will definitely not be playable).
They know their audience.
They already don't hand out gems for stuff every single other gacha hands out gems for. Updates? No gems. Maintenance? No gems. Fucking game launch gifts? Nope.
>tfw apoloshinedust
I’m not even the original anon you were arguing with, I only jumped in because you were acting like a fucking idiot about the whole thing. Yellow changed a lot more about Pokémon, trainer teams, and encounters than just adding ditto to the mansion. They mixed it up, made it fresh as much as they could while still selling you essentially the same game a third time.
I’m not ignoring them. All I’m doing is calling them what they are: coincidences.
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Some of you are alright
You've been arguing with like three different dudes. I'm the one who said Ditto was only in Yellow, not that guy.

Fine, then. Here's an alternate theory I mentioned before: "Ditto is Mew's closest living relative". Provide evidence that, when they were making Red and Green, the creators thought "Ditto is supposed to be a failed Mew clone" instead of the alternate theory I provided.

That's why the whole theory hinges on the Ditto in Cinnabar Mansion. It's the one and only piece of evidence that links it to the Mewtwo experiments and isn't just a similarity to Mew.
Yeah I feel you. I've done the same in the past. A lot.
>plausible headcanon ruined society
Interesting opinion.
Ditto and Mew are related
They have the same insatiable cock-hungty appetite, DONE
Retard. You're literally just a gambling addict. You're not even a gacha player. Though you're not the only one. This is why gacha makes so much money - it's because it triggers the gambling addict in people like you. There are people who can afford it, and for them it's mostly benign, but there are people who can't afford it, and those people like yourself are being preyed upon.

Here are your options:
>become an honorable f2p (true)
This is how you actually play these games. There is no honor in paying to play free games. Pay to play a gacha game is literally using cheat codes. There is no honor in someone who cheats.
>buy the monthly pass only
This is almost always the most lucrative single purchase that anyone can ever make in a gacha game. It's designed for gambling addicts like you who NEED TO SPEND but who cannot actually afford to spend. Stick to pass only, don't buy anything else.
>quit the game
This is your smartest option. Quit this game, quit all gacha, detox your phone and computer, and never look back. Avoid all future gachas like the plague, no matter how much PVs might trigger your sense to PULL and SPEND.
Excessive Immersive dupes. Didn't assemble the paypig trinity like I wanted to.

>did you even unlock mew?
A few days later, after buying the last card I needed with pack points (WigglyEX).

It's not that simple...

I'm going to try to go F2P(remium) now that I feel awful after spending all that money, but it just sucks knowing I wasted all my hourglasses and gold.

How are you now?
The game has never been updated (bug fixes need not apply) or put in maintenance
>game launch gifts?
Advance Ticket
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How much is the premium pass anyway
I don't mind paypigging a little if it's cheap enough
Haven't used my 2 week free pass so I don't think I can even see the prices ingame
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>Single pack with good cards
>"It's a trap"
Where's Celebi ex?
How do you feel about people who have used the free premium trial but claim to be f2p ?
In the Mythical Island extension
We only know it exists because it was mentioned in the update summary. We haven't seen it or the electric ex yet.
Still hopelessly playing shitty gachas like this one. I don't spend money though. Not because I don't want to. I really want to. I just genuinely can't afford to. I just have to fight the urge. Really this game is pretty bad for people like us. The pull animations are fancy and interactive. And you're constantly stimulated because they let you pull twice per day, but only single pulls so you don't get that big dopamine kick, so you're incentivized to splurge for a 10 pull to get a big dopamine kick. You just have to fight it. I'll have about 20 pulls saved for the miniset. I'm looking forward to finally doing 2x 10 rolls.
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Mew EX in Mewtwo EX is going to make the mirror match cancer.
If they require you to download an update from the app/play store it counts as an update. And there have been maintenances. That Advance Ticket is literally nothing. No rolls. No nothing.
not him but the trial is free
using google play points is cheating though
They look to be doing the same as master duel and duel links from what I can tell, where they have a miniset with a few good cards and more casual cards followed by a big main set afterwards that has the big meta defining cards in it
You're approaching this like it's an actual card game though. It's a gacha game, and what I described as the way that gacha games work
>inb5 it's Expert Solo Battle "Yellow & Pikachu ex Deck (Mythical Island)" w/out a new Lightning ex
>gachafags are this mindbroken
This is the kind of person complaining about pocket btw
I've never done this before, but can you ask for a refund? If it was all in one single spending and you say it was your kid or something they might get your money back.
The only thing is that your account and card will get giga banned forever.
>I’m not even the original anon you were arguing with
I don't care which anon you are when you're all acting the same way.
>I only jumped in because you were acting like a fucking idiot about the whole thing
Nope. That's what you guys are doing.

Once again, because apparently I need to reiterate this and because it's so easy for low IQ posters (like yourself) to get lost in the sauce, I don't care if you believe it or not. Personally, I do believe it, because there are too many coincidences to just ignore it. That's how my brain works; when I see a bunch of coincidences, I realizes that they are not actually coincidences. Some people call this pattern recognition. If you want to choose to be unable to recognize this collage of patterns, that's perfectly fine with me. I only responded because anon said that the theory hinges entirely on Ditto being in the Pokemansion (which, again, *is* supporting evidence as much as he is attempting to discredit it), when the theory has multiple points of supporting evidence and does *not* hinge entirely on Ditto being in the Pokemansion, which I believe is a point that I (and another anon) have sufficiently made.

Please read this post before replying to me again. I will be able to tell if you didn't.

>You've been arguing with like three different dudes.
It does not matter when you are all acting exactly the same.

>That's why the whole theory hinges on the Ditto in Cinnabar Mansion.
Nope. Actually, I did such a good job at proving that there are multiple supporting evidence and that the theory does not *hinge* on Ditto being at the Pokemansion that you (very low IQ) anons forgot why I even joined the conversation and began arguing against all of the pieces of "coincidental" evidence attempting to disprove the theory itself, rather than sticking to your original argument that it hinges entirely on the Pokemansion. Only now are you backpedaling and attempting to move the goal posts where they belong.
$10 a month
>How do you feel about people who have used the free premium trial but claim to be f2p ?
That's fine. It's literally free.
You're playing a literal slot machine. That's all gachas are. Slot machines with pretty graphics and some form of interactivity. Except you can't actually win real money on these ones.
Paying in a game like this is stupid because you're not guaranteed anything unless you dump a dumb amount of money toward the pack points. Duel Links had a fixed number of each card of every rarity in each box so that you could always work toward a card before resetting the box to try again. And even then, they STILL had amazing deals like a dollar for a random guaranteed [highest rarity] or [2nd highest rarity] card. DeNA is an extremely greedy company by contrast, and it even showed in their other game, Masters.
>new packs
90% of PPTCG players quit spending RIGHT before they complete the pokedex/unlock Mew, FACT
Post your haul
>Paying in a game like this is stupid because
...Eventually this game will sunset and your cards will disappear.
I warned you.
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So that's about $1 for the 3rd pull each day over the month. Meh I'll consider if if there's a pack I really want to dig someday I guess
Warned me what?
You know it's bad when I'm considering calling the older gentleman I met at a club that offered to "take care of me" (I'm not gay, I just really want to pull cards).
I had this moment last month, although it was around 100$. Felt bad for a few days, then shook it off and strengthened my resolve to not spend any more money. Now I'm just stockpiling hourglasses for the next expansion. Fear not, there is still redemption for you yet.
Anon, you've tipped your hand. Trolling is an artform. To do it well, you need to maintain ambiguity about whether you're doing it on purpose or just being sincerely stupid.

The mistake you made was in the second half of that post. If you were sincere, you'd have addressed that second anon's argument. Just repeating "no, I'm right" over and over is something inexperienced shitposters do, because it works early on. The issue is that it has diminishing returns. The more you do it, the more likely you are to expose your arguments as insincere and just dragging it out for the sake of dragging it out.

Next time, use that tactic more sparingly.
>If they require you to download an update from the app/play store it counts as an update.
Maybe for "DAteMine whEN?" people. But the game only gets its content updated by in-game data downloads, not store updates
Nintendo auth issues but not maintenances
post more of pokemon in FGO manga style please... tell me there's more
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I'd suck dick for gatcha money, too. And definitely not because I'm a closet gay.
Gachafags actually don't understand that people play tcgs to make decks and duel other people and not to feed their retarded dopamine fried brains opening packs
These are the literal addicts tweaking out about not being able to grind for more rolls here
Alright so you think we'll get literally anything when the miniset drops?
I didn't mention that because unless they close shop right away, by the time EoS happens most people will be over this game anyway, so it amounts to the same as never touching a video game you bought ever again because it's dated/100%'d.
Make sure to wear those tight pants and touch his arms often.
Go for it sister! Get. That. Bread.
If you just wanted to play the Pokemon TCG, you'd be playing Live. Shut the fuck up lmao.
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Want to know the true-true?
If I have Leaf I wont need anything else.
>anon lost so hard that he's resorting to:
>"you're just trolling bro lol haha you had me"
I accept your concession. Next time, don't say something as stupid as:

>"this theory with multiple pieces of supporting evidence hinges entirely on this one somewhat flawed aspect (which is still, nontheless, a piece of supporting evidence)"
And also, next time you would do well to stay on topic, because by attempting to disprove (i.e. say "no" to) all of the points I brought up, you have inadvertently proven that it's more than just the Pokemansion Ditto.
>I didn't mention that because unless they close shop right away, by the time EoS happens most people will be over this game anyway, so it amounts to the same as never touching a video game you bought ever again because it's dated/100%'d.
I think tons of people will be playing this game at its sunset (unless they kill the game with stupid decisions).
I mean look at PoGo...Niantic is running that into the ground and people still play.
Hell, Simpsons Tapped Out went for 12 years and the only reason that game is ending is is cost saving measures by Disney.
But regardless, they're basically paying for temporary pixels on their screen and that's dumb.
Nigger you’re the only one who’s been saying “no” to the other sides argument. Those other anons all took your side of the debate and provided an argument to them. Your side is just autistic screeching and repeatedly insisting that you aren’t the crazy one.
It's a mere shadow of Online
>no u
You already lost, anon. I got stuck in the trap of trying to disprove the theory, which actually proves that there are more facets to the theory than the Pokemansion Ditto, which actually proves that I was correct and that anon was wrong.

I accepted your concession, and I will accept this pitiful "no u" concession as well. This is your last reply from me.
Sure. Pretend like Pocket is actually good as a playable TCG. The only one you're lying to is yourself. I frankly don't care what excuse you give yourself for playing slot machines.
FR and Online already had horrible avatars yet Live made them worse plus ditching the perfect trading system Online had.
>beat TypeX with TypeX's Bitch 5 more times
Cool. :/
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Didn't think so but it's apparently already announced
Quick Search.
How good do you look in a skirt?
You're literally in the Pocket general, if you think it sucks that much why are you even here?
3 whole rolls stashed out across 3 days. To be fair that's 3 more than I expected.
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No I'd play magic, duel links and master duel, hearthstone, gwent, board games that are card games, net runner, Sakura arms
Sorry gachafag, I don't need mentally ill justifications to play the games I like
To open packs and collect cards.
>unless they kill the game with stupid decisions
This is what I expect though. The longer the game is alive for, the more they increase the chokehold because they know that the remaining players are in too deep to want to quit. They just ruined their 5th anniversary of Masters by making an incredibly greedy series of moves which made a bunch of people quit, and if that's anything to go by, they can just make the game more and more inhospitable to players as time goes on so that the number of players that actually want to stick along for the ride will be minimal. So not many people will be remorseful about no longer being able to play when EoS finally happens.
That being said, the biggest red flag for me is that Pocket didn't launch with a massive amount of generosity. Since that means with the floor being so high already in terms of the resource chokehold, it's just going to get much grosser and greedier than it already is.
>this will be your last reply from me
No it won’t. You’re one of those that always has to have the last laugh. You’ll see this (You) and you’ll get baited in.
Your theory is dumb and based on a combination of hardware limitations, graphical choices, and lore that was partially created for a movie that has nothing to do with the game. Suck a lemon
The Dedenne full art is kino btw
You'd play games that are not Pokemon TCG to play the Pokemon TCG? I feel like you're just making my point either way. You'd rather be playing actual card games if given the choice, yet here you are playing an objectively bad one for ??? reasons.
We get 3 packs (36 hourglasses) as gifts, and at least 4 new PvE decks in the 'Expert' category, so that'll be a bunch more packs/tickets.
You'll easily get 15+ pulls day 1, and trickle after that.
We might even have a small mission list worth 120 again, but I'm not going to count on that
Maybe I'm just lucky but this game feels retardedly generous, it only feels really bad when you want one specific card in a pack.
I mean I've been very lucky too, but I can still recognize how barren this game was which is concerning. Other gacha games launch with a ton of free resources as part of their celebration.
Are we getting a part 2 of the bulba event? I have an excess of tickets after buying only the three prizes on the shop
>Maybe I'm just lucky but this game feels retardedly generous
What you need to keep in mind is that (especially if you did a targeted reroll) you started the game with like 20 more packs than you're *ever* going to have again. Then there's also the level-up hour glasses, which are finite and are only going to get fewer and farther between. And then, if you did do a reroll, you're never going to get a reroll again.
Yes. More stuff for that starts tomorrow
At the end of the day who's the biggest loser?
The gambling-addicted dopamine seeking "people" that spend money on this shit or the actual sweaty manchildren playing children cardgames of all things?
>inb4 you're here too
I'm building a collection to lure little kids with the upcoming trade feature, we are NOT the same.
I mean sure I guess but there's only one set out, and you got lots of resources for the one set that's out. So how can you say it's not generous? Just cuz they haven't been giving you lots of stuff to horde for the next set?
>I'm building a collection to lure little kids with the upcoming trade feature, we are NOT the same.
Will Exeggutor EX + Tauros be viable?
Maybe Exe EX + Mew EX too
It's not at all. I got the cards on my account I wanted too, but that's only because I rerolled incessantly to guarantee it. Nowadays I pull jackshit from the daily packs. The very start was the only time I got what I wanted, and that was from my actions of gaming the system by rerolling, not thanks to their generosity.
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I'm both and I'm having a blast!
You should probably never type out what you just typed out towards the end of post ever again.
Dhelmise might actually be playable, grass needs a good basic and this doesn't get fucked by Pikachu. Still needed to be an ex, though.
Not even the real TCG has drop rates as bad as this
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I wanna nut inside Misty
If you buy a whole box, are you guaranteed to get every copy of the listed cards in that set? I'm assuming all the fancy full art stuff are unlisted and are not guaranteed
I'm not saying it's not "generous", I'm just saying that you also cannot say that it *is* generous, because we have no idea what trading is like, and we have no idea how future sets will be handled, and we have no idea if/when sets are ever rotated out of "standard".

Imagine trying to get the 5 win streak in 1 week on a brand new expansion that just released, and the previous set rotated out of the event queue. I'm not saying that's going to happen, but we don't know that it's not gonna happen either.
>Giovanni a Kangaskhan
>One shot a Koffing turn 1
>Do it again later to knock out an Arbok at 70 health
I don't blame my opponent for conceding then, absolutely perfect flips.
It feels like you're just wasting pack pulls, more so when you get a pack that has literally 0 new cards in it. The worst part is, even when you get all the cards you want, when it's time to battle you have to deal with that unbalanced BS of a battle system.
I'd happily take 10-card packs with
>1 3-diamond or better
>3 uncommon
>5 common
>1 wildcard parafoil that could be any rarity
Blame hearthstone for this 5-card pack cancer. They made boatloads with it and proved that people would pay big bucks even if the packs are a fraction as large as the physical counterpart would be
But you get 10 cards daily.
Where do you get Poke gold (non-paid) from?
I only have 23.
leveling up
Buying Pokegold also gives you x amount of ((((non-paid)))) Pokegold depending on the deal
In my post-winstreak games, I have been experimenting mostly with Exeggutor EX and Greninja (separately).

Exeggutor EX steals the show for any fucking deck you put him in. He single handedly wins games. He single handedly beats Pikachu, Zapdos, and Mewtwo. He can even single handedly beat Moltres and Articuno. Exeggutor EX only really folds to Starmie EX, but you can still win that if you have Erika and roll at least one 80. When I started playing with Exeggutor EX, I had no idea that he alone, in and of himself, is an entire deck. The games I lose aren't necessarily the games where I only flip tails, they are the games where I don't draw Exeggutor EX.

I've tried putting him with a bunch of grass types, and I just don't think he works with them. My best results are with Wiggly EX, which somehow gets better results than Vileplume despite being the "same" card that can also benefit from Erika. I'm not sure if Tauros will be an improvement, but I am certain that Mew EX will be an improvement; you can get a lategame sweeper that isn't coinflip dependent (Wiggly is coinflip dependent), and you don't even need to run Psychic to get the sweeper ability.
>Aerodactyl EX
So, can we expect Omastar EX and Kabutops EX?
You hit the nail on the head. It's the pack contents that are stupid. It's so dumb that I have to fight tooth and nail for a measly Kangaskhan or Gardevoir when a card of its equivalence or higher should be guaranteed in each pack. I have so many cards missing toward the Mew that are just shit like Beedrill because there's no rare guarantee.
Nope. It's always better to buy singles if there are certain cards you're looking for.
that wonder pick really burns
And those ten are
>6 common
>2 uncommon or better
>2 uncommon or better with slightly better odds of being even better
I don't get how payfags don't violently react against that
No, we know:
>5 ex
>Mew, Celebi, Aerodactyl, Pidgeot
There's only one slot left.
sauce on the other EX's?
>mew gets to be ditto but good
I hate this
this abiltiy sounds good until you remember how many meta threats are basics and that you still need to evolve aerodactyl from a fossil you can't tutor with pokeball. until they add tutors for fossils, I can't see any of the fossilmon being anything but memes.
>magmar discards two energy to do less damage than ninetails
why do they hate him so much? Please just give us magmortar.
>tauros still takes one more turn to get active over pika
>still gets one shot by pika+giovanni
>still gets one shot by gard+mewtwo in the same time frame while not killing mewtwo
>still lets moltres charge for 2-4 turns by the time it can attack
tauros isn't doing shit
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Snivy is confirmed, so I bet on Serperior being the EX, it also has the binder art
Celebi is mentioned in the video description as coming, and someone posted the solo mode which had pidgeotto ex as a mode
Non-paid and paid gold being separate things is extremely extremely extremely stupid. Duel Links just gives you the gems directly for your payment. Every other kind of resource is not regulated and easily buildable. It's wild to me that Pocket tries to copy DL's stress-inducing 5 in a row streak which is one of its more annoying attributes but couldn't copy the core features that make it a good game.
apparently I'm going to keep saving because there's jack shit to pull besides one new strong meta for psychic types ofc and one useful trainer card. Really hoping the next booster delivers because so far it looks like my decks are going to be 99% the same.
Pokemon Master Sex also has unpaid and paid version of its currency and the more generous version of the same banner is paid currency only
I've literally never hit one of the good picks from a wonder pick with 2 good ones and I've done like 10-15. The one rare pack I got to wonder pick from(because someone here posted it) got me the only card I didn't want.
>Celebi ex was mentioned in the update description
>Pidgeot ex is >>57064785
>if you look super carefully at the above screenshot, you can see the card above Mew ex is an electric type with a retreat cost of 2, which may or may not be the final ex
I would like to imagine that trades won't be so heavily restricted. What about, for example, if two brothers both play the game, and Timmy wants to trade a card to Billy for his Pokedex, but Timmy expects to get his card back? What then?
You know things are grim when someone is making comparisons to Duel Links economy while claiming Duel Links is the one doing things right.
hope they keep the update light on gen v shitmon.
>electric type with a retreat cost of 2, which may or may not be the final ex
Mewtwo EX gets Mew EX.
Pikachu EX gets Raichu EX.
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>pull on a god pack with four 2 star mons and one 1 star mon
>hit the 1 star mon
I don't watch e-girl/instagrammer type streamers but there's no reason for you to feel bad about cranking it to cute girls
What? That doesn't even make sense, then. WHERE IS OUR GENEROUS BANNER?
Dedenne ex?
Thanks anon, I felt kind of embarrassed after I posted that but yeah girls are made for that and the ones putting themselves out there want it so I shouldn't feel bad.

Least I'm not a nonce like the other guy.
It took at least a year for it to be implemented
That's the thing. I've made many complaints over the years about Duel Links. It's like gacha games have to one-up each other in terms of how shitty they can handle things instead of learning from previous games about what they should and shouldn't do. I don't know why that is and it's infuriating.
>Charizard Ex says to discard 2 fire energy
>Mew is run in a psychic deck so he has no fire energy attached
>no energy gets discarded
I'm convinced it will work like this and be busted, even though I'm pretty sure in the real TCG you needed to be able to pay the discard cost in order to use an attack.
I mentioned >>57065907 earlier because that's how Duel Link's box system operates, where there's a limited number of packs per box but you're guaranteed to pull every card in the set eventually (though you have to reset to get more copies). The tradeoff is there's no pity system there though, while Master Duel has crafting and we have pack points here
That Venusaur card is real? I haven't seen a single one yet.
Paypigging is about as dumb as duel links here
F2p win so fucking hard here in comparison tho, 2 packs a day and wonder picking for rares is really generous for a card game
>how stingy can we be while still raking in the dough?
It’s a race to the bottom and the paypiggies are facilitating it
I would probably buy the pass if it gave you 2 packs per day, it just doesn't feel worth with just 1.
hopefully the cards they revealed are the worst ones in the mini set because they're kinda meh so far
Mew at best is just going to be a revenge card or attempt to combo with Sabrina. But it seems like this box is all about revenge in general given how Tauros and Marshadow are designed too as counter cards. I don't think this will fix the meta though. The cards are less of the problem. The turn order mechanics and energy and Basic vs Stage 2 imbalance are the problems.
DL is the only gacha I've paypigged (used to at least) for and that's because they do that $1-2 3 packs + 1 guaranteed SR promo every odd week or so which is a decent deal. I'd fork out some cash if MD or this game had similar offers.
>Aerodactyl ex
>lmao, we thought Nidoking, Greninja and Melmetal were too strong, plz buy more Mewtwo and Pikachu ex
This is disgusting.
Would Raichu-ex evolve from normal Pikachu or also Pikachu-ex
No, it's not a retarded question! The new physical set has Eeveelution-ex that can evolve from both normal Eevee and Eevee-ex
You'd best use your event stamina today.
Same here. I'd regularly pay for a $1-2 deal that gives a random 2 star from a pack. But DeNA doesn't seem like they'd do that, especially with trading on the way.
>pika ex decks that run raichu get a straight upgrade version of normal pika
>psychic decks get an arguably as good card as mewtwo with lower energy cost
at least grass got a buff to eggs, but the rest of this pack seems really boring
We don't know what Celebi does.
>they do that $1-2 3 packs + 1 guaranteed SR promo
I sunk more money into that than I would care to admit. The extra sting was that the bonus card sidestepped the anti-gambling-liability system.
>trading on the way
An anon earlier in this thread posited that the advance ticket could be the trade currency we need and that thought scares me. It’s absolutely going to be stingy but this would be a new low even for DeNA. They’d never go for “$2 for a guaranteed full art” in a million years
No it doesn't. The Eeveelutions only evolve from normal Eevee. Eevee ex just has an ability that lets it count as a normal Eevee for evolution purposes.

That said, I'm really curious if the Pokemon-specific cards like Brock or Lt Surge will be updated to allow things like Raichu ex to work with them.
Who else plans on quitting once the mini-set drops and the meta is completely ruined?
>aero and mew are gonna break the meta
Lol. Lmao
I'll quit when the cardpool gets too big for me to keep pace with it. Maybe in 4 or 5 months?
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There doesn't SEEM to be any meta ruining from what we've seen so far. Vaporeon is the only card so far that's really screaming potential danger.

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