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Best Girl Edition

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous Thread:
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New official art just dropped, I hope everyone's Lillierolls went well.
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fellow anons, i am happy to announce that i have Won the Daily Scout
that's so gay anon, congrats
Tripfaggots aren't anons
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
The cutest Santa and I are plannin' a romantic Christmas day together. It's gonna be lots of fun!
I request that he appear on the next chart
Yes, first multi, have spare Sprint candies for her as I only ever used them on Rei.
I kneel...even if he's like the second or third worst masterfair.
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Busy sure does know how to pump a hard stiff rod…
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Merry Lilliemas, everyone!!!
>>57070333 (Me)
First multi btw :)
Bugsy more like Bussy the bugcatcher
Bastard. I thought we had something special but she decided to steal 4 multis from me before she came to me.
Well that’s 30k down the drain. I can’t even roll for bugsy, I’m sorry my friend
Well, at least you're close to spark now.
I've got NC Blue at 3/5, and I'm thinking of rolling for Red or Leaf. I was thinking Leaf since I already have Irida, Halloween Shauntel, Sina, and SS Silver. Or should I just save?
Leafs hat is pretty cute
This thread smells bad
L*af is still pretty strong, I would say even better than the arc suits running right now. Red doesn't feel like anything special unless you invest in him.
Yeah, now that you're here.
>see leaks
>imagine Lillie sucking on a long, hard recorder
>oh yes, I'm rolling so hard for her
>it's a fucking transverse flute
These niggers don't know what's fun.
No I smelled it from the catalog it's definitely not me
The banners are staying here for 30 days, you could simply wait and see what's in the datamine.
>I smelled it from the catalog
>the /vp/ catalog
It's more impressive that you survived long enough to blog about the olfactory senses you permanently destroyed at all.
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It's the same type of flute she uses in the main games. It's Irida that's the expert with the penis flute.
Pokemonfan looking forward to playing the games for the first time
>It's Irida that's the expert with the penis flute
Lillie would look much better with one, though. The gap between innocent looks and sexual experience is really attractive, while Irida already looks experienced.
Do you not know how to use him?
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You don't have to be a genius to recognize he was dead on arrival as utility and support. He does lot of basic shit some seasonals and pokefair do but instead being more limited because of buddy move conditions, rng for defensive boost and the TM requiring gauge, he can't even give relevant team speed buffs or reliable defenses, he has no reliable heals, nothing.

They/them banner is in two days, buddy.
Very good point.

Good to know. The fact she sets Sun is a plus too, since I'm low on weather setters.

You're right. For some reason, I thought it was like a one day Christmas banner. I'll see what the new year brings then. Thanks for the help, guys!
Dena was a cunt when rerunning Galarian birds for one week only if I recall correctly. Wonder what were they thinking back then.
I used to think Rika or Larry were going to get a holiday alt to get those fujobucks, possibly they're waiting until Kieran gets released to get the whole deal.
Considering how they're relegated to variety slop now, they probably didn't want to waste valuable banner space on flavor of the month characters for longer than they had to.
When we do think we're getting the next SV character?
Arven is definitely getting an alt for Palentines. Katy might be there too. Maybe they continue the Star admins next month. Hassel will probably drop soonish (most likely with Brassius) they can maybe use the Paldea CS to promote the half anni.
>Giacomo September 30
>Eri November 3
If they continue the trend we should have one of the team star member next month.
Since they want to link them to that school project it's probably gonna be the Atticus Ninja guy (so the school can have uniform I guess). Mela seems to like art so they can release her with Brassius and/or Hassel. Not sure what the twink role will be to be honest
>Palentine's Arven
Mela 100%
Like the other anon said Katy in february sounds possible, Rika dropped early so we could probably expect Kieran soon.
Almost guaranteed now that he’s in Lodge and making food being his whole thing. They could drop Katy, Kofu, and Cilan & co as well.
lillie and the femboy look like made for AI
You will have Palentine Gloria and Flapple and Palentine Agatha and Nidorina and you will like it.
Havent had the time or will to open the app until now, thank you for a nice welcome back gift, dena.
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>after months of rally, finally get another lucky stage
>it's sprint/field
This Christmas is my first skip year.
Even Christmas Leon at least had a choice Pokémon.
Use your DC tickets, man.
While talking about that, are they adding a DC unit every month?
>Use your DC tickets, man.
What do you mean?
I'm doing one mission mandated one rally per week.
Doesn't change that lucky stages seem rare and Sprint/Field is the worst combination you could possibly get with only like three possible pairs.
Damage contest units have sprint or field roles, so they're at least an additional +50%
Shouldn't be a problem unless the whole rally was sprint/field focused, then damn I'm sorry.
Seems like it. They'll have all rivals in by like June. Every rival pair is based on one of the two you can battle, so I imagine by 2026, if the game is still alive, it'll be two of each rival, one Sprint and one Field, with the two mons they use in the challenges. Bianca for January please
>at least an additional +50%
That's rookie numbers, real rally is all about the 2x modifiers
Sprint/Field is the biggest obstacle, usually popping up at least twice in a run.
I didn't understand you were playing in the big leagues already, sorry about that.
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No excuse anymore when she is free.
>dumb pedo fag can't follow a conversation or count to three
No surprise there
That's a pretty newfagish way of thinking
If I didn't knew that Liko is destined to be flat as a washboard, I would have mistaken her to be the prettiest pokegirl.
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>We will never know what Elio got from his trade
I thought it was lear who gave mags and ninj to them
Elio calls the Popplio egg as a gift. I don't think he got anything in return for it.
What are the gold balls for?
It's a dandadan reference
Just wait for NC Elio and whatever legendary/mythical Selene gave to him without knowing any better
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so, is there a hope for someone gifting a stufful to olivia?
>PMEX Twitter uses general neutral language for Bugsy

How do you feel about this, /vp/?
I dont even care about bugsy, so, meh
I don't.
I don't care enough to bother to check.
But anyway, shouldn't they use the "they" for everyone considering how the units in this game are PAIRS made of [Character]&[Pokémon]?
Nothing worthwhile
They're Lear's anal beads
they are smart about knowing what is good for the heart and do everything together because bugsy and kricketune parts are built for each other
From what I can remember: The first time the event was on you needed to complete one part of it first before getting the other (Guzma and Jasmine or Diantha and Hilda) and you got one or two golden balls at the end to unlock the last part of the story. But since it's rerun you can do everything and so you get all the balls (or bronze ticket) there were a lot of events like this in past
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Traded with sex
I wish my waifu gets a New Year alt (also useful)
>seasonal pair being useful
cmon anon
By sheer luck I pulled all 3 Galar Rivals with starters and they're all shockingly good. Rillaboom and Inteleon in particular make their original releases look like 3-star filler units in comparison. I wouldn't pull for them with so much neat stuff rerunning soon, but just telling you guys they're pretty great.
It happened to me, it can happen to you too. I wish you luck, Anon.
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Bugsy <3
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Only one multi yayyy
The fabled triple Bugsy...kinda.

Caked and exed, 3/5 will come whenever i get back to 5 candies, Eri had more priority
No not listening to faggot penis music with the ugly wooooop mon
The Shiny Rayquaza event starts tomorrow, is it another stamina-based event?
That's nice.
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Best girl (male)
>252K gems
>haha guys thinking of 3/5 it but with candies just in case haha i really don't know
uuuuuuh fuck off?
Why would you risk going +23k deep to save one sandy?

I never go pity if i get the unit under 260-300/400 because those 9-10k gems are 1/3 of a pity for a MF that will shafts me
nah lots of people who didn't play the game for a while came back and rolled for Lillie

Cute and funny wins again
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I love her!
Also haven't posted in months, why do I have to wait 900 seconds to post? Is this gonna the last post here?
Please have lots of sex with bugsy for all the anons too poor to roll for her
>grid set name
ok I kek'd
Please praise your twins daily
Are siblings close enough?
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i forget they exist daily
What do Iris/Naganadel have to do with this event? All the other trainers/Pokemon have fairly obvious musical connections but I’m struggling to see how they relate.
Poison is an instrument.
Someone said it look like an ocarina in a previous thread. As for me I can, barely, see it's abdomen as an over simplified bagpipes thanks to the stingers but that's it
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Only 2 Multis lets fucking go
Congrats on your slop.
What a dogshit event. At least the Gems gave me Bugsy.
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Sorry folks for the late introduction but balatro has eaten my soul but am finally here to declare this week's charts open
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The Chartmare before Christmas
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Dynamic Chart
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Lillie is strong, bros.
How are Lillie fags more annoying than Pro/Anti Cynthia fags?
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Early chart with friends because I am STILL on a leave(I can't take it anymore)
Weekly Unova 15k CSMM clear for the chart: "Chrismas Angels" edition.

Special chart with my respective holiday pairs. The photo editor needs to include more characters in one picture.
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CharTina ! Don't forget to beat Fug
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That's because there's a current Lilie banner up to roll. When Cynthia comes back in some fashion, the schizos will be back.
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Chart Pull-My-Hair-Daddy-Alder Edition
Tripfags have always been mocked. We are anon, both on principal and with reason
Dawnpablo pls
That's a pretty newfagish way of thinking
3 Candice and 5 Hilda, 4 the chart!
He'd have been right in 2008, though. I remember it well.
Galar or Paldea unit next month?
Call it.
pedos are always annoying
Eh..... I guess Paldea, as Galar got a new and an Arc this month. But I feel like it'll be a curveball instead of those.
Kanto 20k
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Wtf what did I do?
Do you often suffer from tangentiality?
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Full ontype feat. double Tyranitar and double Solgaleo.
New Lillie kinda slaps. She feels stronger than NC Gladion.
Mela coming , then Brassius and Hassel
Unova and Johto New Year's units and a Paldea unit on the side
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primarina schizos chart
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Anni steven buff today!!
I am now shipping Volo (my self insert) x Lillie
Another topic, when is Volo going to get his Arceus outfit? I'm assuming it will either be the a ghost or flight type variation of his Sinnoh outfit.
Shillie should stay away from my husband
Why would you self insert as Volo, Anon? He's a bad guy.
Because he fights against this unjust world all by himself. Something I can relate to.
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For the chartanon
>Something I can relate to
why would you relate to a schizo loser?
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Give me ONE solid reason Archie and Maxie got Tech EXR
Volo is the only being other than Giratina that forced Arceus to actively get involved to prevent the destruction of the universe.
Shower/Solar Sync mean they can't have Field EX Role it's the same for SS Kris/Irida.
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another week, another 'please give me unit suggestions to chart with'

i keep forgetting we have a population over in /vg/
Do you get the shiny rayquaza or is it just an event battle?
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Again and again and your daily NC Calem
It's an event where you beat shiny fug for a yellow candy. You don't get Anni Steven or whatever
Molayne, Wikstrom, and/or Barry
Irida got kinda cucked too as I can tell, she can get 3 hails/ice zones max right?
SS Kris can at least get 3+ rain dances off and support/sprint is an actually good combo
Archie and Maxie get 2 uses of their field type max and that comes with the sacrifice of some actually useful tiles on their grids because Shower/Solar Sync cost a ton of energy
Also they don't even want to Sync most of the time because their AoE signature moves do pretty much the same damage
Welcome back, bro.
I think that for Irida is because they thought it would be awkward as only the Ice Zone would have the extended duration from the Field EX, so the Hail would end earlier.
you know pokemon is collapsing when it actually happened
she got her card now
the non canon female mc of kanto remakes, however it is not a physical card yet
A team with silver and ethan or a team with red and blue for cute and canon
It's okay now, the PLWars is over.
Wonder if they will bother doing a Pokemas crossover collab for half anni this time. Literally translating abilities into Fairy Zone and shit.
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Chart time. Bugsy is actually kinda neat
Yeah, he carries Arc Steven like one else.
Exactly. Big supremacy.
based shota carries. arc shit could never
wicke for new years pls dena
Not a Pokemon Trainer. NO MORE HAGS!
Wicke in lodge before eos pls dena
She has no pokemon, wonder if GF has realized like 97% of Pla characters are not coming back for the same reason.
Wicke literally never they couldn't even bother to make her a model for the Alola Villain Story and now her fatass has to wait in line for the rest of Galar and especially Paldea
She is in charge of many Pokémon in Alola, I'm sure she has many of her own, and in the anime she shows a lot of connection with some in particular, there are many pairs invented by Dena that don't make sense just to create more units with repeated mons to the point of satiety just for be popular.
My waifu as an overpowered sync pair in a beautiful and sexy New Year alt pls dena
That was basically the issue with Lillie people expected originally.
>no Pokemon directly owned in SM
>implied Clefairy in the past, but also likely not owned directly
>USUM still has no owned in main game
>USUM Battle Tree demo with the Clefairy and two backup (Ribombee & Comfey)
Or other examples:
>can't battle Ballguy in SWSH, no mon
>Looker was implied to have Croagunk but never saw in a battle
>Tina had no pokemon at all in the main games
how do i beat the arc suit leon battle? i only have 5 hours left.
>and in the anime
DeNA won't even give Lillie a Vulpix in any of her 5 million alts lmfao
Liko and Coral in Masters soon. Trust the plan.
>Looker was implied to have Croagunk but never saw in a battle
Not even implied he outright says its name
i wanna hug all lilliebros
Good. Hold them down while I take Lillie.
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I am Lillie-sama's strongest soldier. You're going to have to do a lot better than that.
Sonia, Oak and Ball Guy
Nevermind, I just beat it with Glimmora, Greninja and Anni Lucario.
Lillie literally has a clefairy in the rainbow rocket episode
This board don't play the games
For this reason it does not matter which pokemon, like if it is a shitty ratata or a shiny pikachu, the point is that our favorite character is in the game
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How is it possible to add more characters to the photo? Is there an online photo creator mode or is it just Photoshop?
Just precise image layering and cutting, yeah. This one was three or four screenshots, you really have to pay attention to who is where and the space you have left.
fuuuuck someone sold their volo prize acrylic stand for disgustingly cheap, pretty sure they were limited to 20 made
I understand, thanks, I imagined something like that.
I hope someone makes a web cloning this mode.
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Finally got a Fairy unit that get's shit done, on top of being cute AND funny.
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Bugsy in chart <3
>a (real) man can dream
maybe next year
It's a shame dena so lazy that doesn't even bother making ex style or new pokemon with characters that don't even have an alt, just a sad variety or free one.

I feel like Lorelei, Olivia, Karen and others will be forgotten because of their similar alts
yeah, only because they are adult females but not blondes
I want better hags
cool anon, luckily olivia is not a hag
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She's my cute wonderful wife, Whitney's here!
There'll be much Lillie shilling
But my heart is filling when cute wife is near!
She's my cute wonderful wife
Yes, my cute wonderful wife
Oh, my cute wonderful wife
Whitney's here!
On the chart!
Man, I'm retarded. I blew off doing the Leon battle until today, and I beat him after half an hour of trying, but it became the next day during the winning battle so while I got the 100 for completion, I didn't get the 500 from the mission.
Actually, half an hour is a lie. It was on and off different strategies or losing interest and doing other things than PokeMas, so only the one that managed to work was the half hour of attempts.
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All-male chart.
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fuck shauntal holy shit
That's alright, at least you beated it without too much effort. After a week of trial-and-error, I couldn't defeat him because my poison-type selection was weak (didn't upgrade Oak Nidoran when I should have) and don't have any of the Stevens besides the SS Deoxys one. For myself, sometimes this kind of frustration after spending effort is a necessary reminder to not fret over a game like this.
>only viola and sycamore got ex roles
why dena treats older pairs so bad?
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Starter Pikachu or Egg one ? I hope next year we have MC 6Ex (and not for the eggs) so I can stop asking this dumb question
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Husbando sweep feat. Tina
>MC 6Ex (and not for the eggs)
6ex and grids for eggmons are on my wishlist
thanks for the cute and canon :)))
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Weekly Acerola

EZ week and this Rayquaza event is lame.
No one will care but I cleared Master Mode with full points today for the first time and I'm proud of myself. I started playing in August.
this, Olvia is extremelly mediocre, she's only used as cannon "hot" fodder when people on xitter say they want to fuck Lillie
Good job, now post your clear for the chart!
I care. I remember being super picky about when I would SS Blue or Sycamore for CS when I first came back. Good job anon
I don't think my chart is worth anything. I can't even use Tina...
Tina isn't mandatory at all and there's no judgement over your picks.
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Post it anyway ! Don't worry.
Chart in a few hours
Also wow I am the only one who used one of these Variety Galar Rival ?
pics or it didn't happen
I failed you fellow ingo enjoyer, was brainfarting hard this week with off clears because all on my mind is poker lately
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Ok, fine. Just don't laugh at my ArcCynthia ok? I pulled her after 8 dailies and she's been saving my noob ass.
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>all these recent limiteds
>still struggling
>free ex sycamore not exed
heh...point and laugh
I can't EX Sycamore.
>having trouble with those teams
>in Unova
What are your parameters? You might be making your life harder that it should be.
I mean I got lucky with the types this week, if there's a Bug or Flying type weakness I'm fucked because I have literally not good units for those.
And I usually just choose (almost) all HP buffs and Strength as far as I can survive and then try to fill up with some other stuff like no Interference or Terrain effects if I don't have anyone that uses them on my team.

>there's no judgement over your picks.
I shouldn't have listened.
Oh yeah and Phys/Spec Damage Reduction if my damage dealers only use one of the two.
>I shouldn't have listened.
It's just shilly fags being mean
Why would I laugh at you pulling for a character? No shame in using the characters you’ve invested in. Most people here are using the best of the best for these anyway.
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>3 weeks later miniemerald's asset repository hasn't updated
>the other repository hasn't updated since february

Anyone knows what happened? Or anyone got a link to a different repository?
I'm also using the best of my best (which isn't a lot), but apparently I'm still a shitter judging by the reactions here and should be able to do it with worse units.
These Unova fights are some of the easiest you'll see, so they should be easy to off-type too. I recommend reworking your parameters. First thing I notice is that you have some teams with Physical and Special Attackers. It's better to just focus on one or the other. Then the parameter that lowers your physical or special attack becomes a freebie. I can post a copy of my parameters later, but what I typically do is one set focused on SAtk, one of SAtk with weather, one for Atk, and one for SAtk with weather. Usually any changes I have to make from there are minor.
Lel, just saw this. Anyway, I'll post it later
There's people on here actively trying to help you, ignore the rest. Is this your first week on 4chan? just ignore the trolls.
>It's better to just focus on one or the other.
I mean I do that if I can, but my selection is obviously limited. Standard Damage Reduction is 300 points, while Phys/Spec Reduction is only 150. So I'd rather go for types here if it's feasable. I can often just not do both.
I'm a noob (in Masters, been on this hellhole website for well over 15 years at this point) so I can't really tell if I'm being an actual retard who plays the game wrong and is rightfully getting called out for it or not. And the fact that people offer help points toward me being a retard unfortunately, even if I appreciate it.
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>And I usually just choose (almost) all HP buffs and Strength
Don't. The general strategy is to give the opponents a ton of offensive stuff so you can KO them before they can KO you. Giving them full on defensive stuff but no offensive stuff is a good idea when you want to Poison stall them but I didn't have much success with that(also it's going to take a lot more time that way)
Here is a general page I run when I am using Special attackers who do not use Field effects, I switch the "Can't change weather etc" parameter with gradual healing for opponents whenever I use a unit that wants Field effects
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Chart is here ! After three week at the top Tina leave the throne for another waifu, Lilie and Solgaleo !

Side notes :
Good rank for Winter Lilie, Suprised by Bugsy. The Variety from Galar are lost in the sea of trash.

Next week first rank

As always you can still post your clear ! See you next week !
had to Pity Holiday Jasmine
Her event is really cute guys
>people only likes a character that they want to fuck
you are a poor creature
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And as the year is almost over here is the Chart for the first rank of every pairs that got released this year. Kinda fun to see that all the DC Pairs got used nearly the same amount each first time. Speaking of them they all got a privileged status as they where unranked (because they were a new currency related pairs) most of the time and started to rank when they got used once. But for 2025 this privilege ends. We got a lot of DC event and it's pretty easy to get 300 ticket a month.
SS Lear and Fall Iono got used a bit early ( 2 for Lear at W38 09/16, 1 for Iono at W42 10/14)

For pairs that started at 0 :
Player and Alcremie ranked 1 at W9 (02/26)
Tierno ranked 1 for the Fairy CS in May
Jacq ranked 1 at W16 (04/15)
Rika and Wishcash and Guzma and riados ranked 1 at W23 (06/03)
Cheren and Purrloin ranked 3 at W25 (06/17)
Kabu and Torkoal ranked 3 at W29 (07/15)
Avery ranked 1 at W31 (07/31)
Trevor and SS Emmet ranked 1 at W46 (11/11)
Hop and Rillaboom and Bede and Inteleon soon™
Objectively Unova isn’t that hard but it’s fine. We all start as newbies at some point. Is there anything in particular that’s getting you?
I wish lillie cultists a very painful death....
I see. I tried around a bit at the beginning, but that was before I had more than like 3 EXed units. I could never outdamage them with high strength because lol what's a Lvl1 Olivia gonna fuckin do?
I'll try to go lower on Health next time, thanks.
>Is there anything in particular that’s getting you?
Dunno how to describe my problems other than "They kill me before I kill them". Sometimes I also just don't have a good unit to counter proper mechanics. Like if they tell me to put up a Bug zone then I'm simply not able to do that cause I have 0 (zero) units who can do that, lol.
You may kill me, but as long as a man's appreciation for beauty and pureness remains, Love for Lillie will never die.
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Next week my cute wife is gonna deliver presents all over Pasio! Have you been nice this year, /pmg/?
rirrie is sooooooo cuuuuuuuuute
>three SSBrocks
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>wedding soon
Don’t you ever suggest the Young Master sully his royal lineage with Al*lan filth if you know what’s good for you
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Yay, nice to see all the Lillie Love. Thanks for all your work, Tinabro.
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Don't worry Lear is safe, the nation-wrecking slag got married years ago
Did the other sweepstakes anon get their prize yet? Starting to lowkey worry because mine hasn't shown up yet but it said ships through December.
>fairy zone changing the enemy's weakness
How fucked up would this be in pokemas
>Finally a Normal weak stage
Would be fun but I guess Rebuff play that role (kinda)
>nothing until new year
We can just continue talking about how cute Lillie is until then.
who itt objectively loves lillie the most?
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Maybe I should stop playing this kusoge.

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