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Dragon Saviour Edition

>Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZO5JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform

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/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)

>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex):
>meta decks or high level play:
>/vp/ anything:

Previous: >>57069891
Surge sucks
Which Mythicals do you think we're getting in Mythical Island?
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>attacks that damage the bench not specifying that they do not take weakness into account
This is in Pocket's rule book, by the way.
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How long until we get an Iris full art trainer card?
We're getting Mew and Celebi.
Battling is stressful. I want to win, but I feel bad when my opponent loses.
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There's rules for Burn and Confusion in here too. What the hell.
I guess Volcarona is confirmed to have burn.
Volcarona having burn may be possible holy shit
and marshadow
Hopefully soon. I would whale
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I hope my puppy gets Blast Burn in the next set!
Is this AI?
You just know.
If you have to ask it doesn't matter, and the reality is that even established artists have been using AI for a while now.
Apparently so is Melmetal. Who's vetting this list?
I’m probably being a retard anons, but how do I use poke gold. I have hourglasses but would like to save them, is gold only available to use once all hourglasses have been used?
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>is gold only available to use once all hourglasses have been used?
You can only replenish pack stamina with gold if you're out of pack glass.
Wonder stamina and event stamina let you choose whether to spend glass or gold.
Why does it work this way? Who knows. They probably cut weird corners.
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Fossilbros we shall FEAST
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Who the fuck evos their active mons mid/late game.
My body is ready. I just hope I can actually get something with my hourglasses.
Thanks lads.
Should've just been "choose 1 of your Opponent's Pokemon; it can't evolve this turn."
Only affects active Pokémon so fags will still run 1 retreat walls like Moltres and nothing can be done about it.
>trading card game
>no trading
funny in sleep/para strats
>80 damage
>lightning weakness
What is this even supposed to kill, exactly Arbok? I don't see this leaving the bench voluntarily unless you're desperate for a punching bag.
I don't think the game engine allows lingering effects on benched Pokemon. Everything effects the player (which can have trickle-down effects to Pokemon) or the active Pokemon.
It does matter actually.
Which established artists are using AI? Because from what I've seen it's only coomer slop artists that use it because cumbrains have no standards
T1 Old Amber, T3 Aerodactyl ex. Checkmate.
does marshadow qualify as a mythical or nah
>Which established artists are using AI?
If you have to ask, it doesn't matter. Many artists who do commissions started using AI trained on their own styles create groundwork then they manually fix the "AI" parts. Even artists who were already good seem to have received a massive "buff" after AI became real, whether it's in shading or textures or even composition.
Go outside retard
>burned can stack with other special conditions
already theorizing about a possible burn + sleep/paralysis combo
Checkmate what, that birb ex, Pikachu EX or Mewtwo on active?
Okay you don't have an answer like I expected
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If they don't post the timelapse, it's probably AI assisted. I'm sorry that you dislike how good AI has become.
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I've been waiting to burn people for months, let me double dot people dena
one shots kang and tauros as well, anything electric that isn't an eelektross, zapdos or an ex too
in one shot range for weezing with gio, and if you're lucky can prevent opp going second from evolving koffing in the first place
it's not crazy and meta defining, but it's not terrible either
They should've given Aero ex + 20 damage on basics so it can kill the rat.
This categorization is stupid.
Infinitely obtainable from eggs
Part of a pair with Crescelia, yet she isn't mythical?
Exact same power level as the other swords of justice. It's alt form doesn't even change its type/ability/stats
Found basically everywhere in Go.
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this shit is only going to encourage more people to use Pikachu EX
Couldn't play until now, but I managed to get my 5 games win streak with weezing/arbok. God I love this deck so much.
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You just know
His name is Jino?
Tail As Old As Time
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Phione is a quasi-mythical actually
Imagine if this were bench Pokemon FUCK
Gotta wonder what Pidgeot EX does and if we'll see more Pidgeot normal and/or EX decks with Aero.
Her video on the Pokémon yt channel is tagged Jino. So I assume its her name or the artists
Mythical Pokemon are Pokemon that (originally) couldn't be obtained through normal play.
Phione is from Manaphe which is from a spin-off game (Pokemon Ranger).
Darkrai is from in-person event distribution.
Keldeo is from in-person event distribution.
Meltan is from a spin-off game (Pokemon GO).
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Yup. Artist. https://x.com/jino_0007
Post the full NOW
It's posted in the trash erp thread.
Not what I asked, pinhead
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Love to savour the despair in moments like this.
I heard rumors about the last Lightning Ex being Zeraora, I don't buy it personally.
Why must Tynamo be such a little shit tho.
rumors or speculation
Vikavolt ex, surely.
If nothing else he can oneshot Starmie and even shit like Psyduck if you Gio
Because the other anon was a faggot
You're probably the only person running this deck
Rumors, there's no actual speculation that points to it other than Zeraora having two retreat cost.
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Battle me
Use whatever you want.
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Supremely based. Thanks bro
Eh you are right. I might give it a go again.
>tropical island
>mythical island
>marshadow is in, both gen 7 mythicals
There's plenty of things pointing to it. Its ALL speculation, but its not baseless speculation.
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>other than Zeraora having two retreat cost
what are you talking about
why are you speaking like we know what the card is

Speculation would be based off lightning not having a confirmed EX in the set and it being themed around mythicals. I don't know where people would get rumors from unless an employee spilled any beans.

I don't think we're getting it, but I'd like to see pic related (but balanced for pocket).
I just run 2x Eel and 2x Fetch. Hypno is a fun meme but it just means your deck has a lot less momentum to actually start doing meaningful coin flips. Also Hypno cucks Eel because while you’re more likely to inflict status, the opponent is also a little more likely to break out of it.
The Vileplume verison is likely better since you can Erika but I dislike how Gloom takes 2 energy to attack where as Eelektric can swing for the same damage instantly
>what are you talking about
He's talking about the real TCG. Zeraora has had 13 cards and 4 of them retreat for 2. Numerology at it's finest.
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Save that for women, Typhlosion is a bro!
>why are you speaking like we know what the card is
We actually do know that there is a Lightning ex and it has 2 retreat.
That a fem Typhlosion tho.
do we know if the wonder pick event tickets will be tradeable for something else post event, I really dont need more shinedust so Id take anything else instead
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Nope. Male and a bro. My puppy is my best friend!
Are venasaur decks fun or good?
I need ivysaurs to complete them but idk if I want to spend points on getting them or not.
I do want a 3rd deck but it's not a priority.
they'll expire
unless it's different from last time for some reason
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Those tickets expire.
Btw there's only 1000 dust in the shop. Once you buy everything you can't even spend extra tickets.
NTA, but i found 2 eel 2 fetched to be way too weak to sabrina
Personally I do 2 eel, 2 eevee, 1 ex zap, 1 fossil
you can do voltorb instead of eevee but 70 misses a lot of kills
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You'll lose 7 out of 10 games and the ones you win will take 20+ minutes to finish. So, you know. Fun for a certain kind of person.
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>Also Hypno cucks Eel
No, that's not how I used it. I first tried to inflict sleep, then paralys. If para coinflip succeded then it would overwrite the sleep, if not then the sleep remains for the wake up coinflip. I know the Hypno sleep is 25% chance overall but that is not a bad safety net for para coinflip, considering it is free from the bench.
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GG, that game took a hard 180 the second Venusaur entered my hand.

It's painfully slow since it doesn't have any extreme energy acceleration option like Fire and Water does but nothing breaks the other player's soul quite like popping a Potion+Erika+Giant Blossom combo. Just open Mewteo packs for those Ivysaurs though. You'll get two pretty quickly.
what's that wiggly thinking about
pissing into an ocean of piss but dude fuck the sweatlords playing mewtwo and pika on consecutive. ffs why even play comp if you aren't the one competing?
These mew2 decks are free win for arbok tho
Please tell me venu and celebi will be good… please god..
yeah and then arbok instaloses when the next opponent uses piakchu and curves out perfectly
Celeb has to either accelerate energy like mad or be bulky and I don't think Celebi cards in the normal TCG have a history of bulk.
Git gud**

> ** get lucky; I beat 3 Mewtwos and 1 Pika for my 5 wins
I'll go back to m2 for a bit but I've had weird luck there.
Have basically every EX card minus Articuno and Marrowak but I'm missing Ivysaur, Gengar, Koffing and Koga
>Wonder Pick
>get Gengar ex

I like ruining them with pic related. Doesn’t work every time, but my win rate is surprisingly solid (easily over 50%).

Apologies for spamming this shit, by the way. I just smell a meta shift coming, and this deck list is going down the drain as soon as a good grass / fighting deck shows up. Run it now if you want to at all.
Grats Anon, welcome to the club.
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Is this guy good for anything?
Take the onyx pill, it cucks both the rat and mewtwink. I ruined so many streaks with it. Funnily enough for my 5 win streak with the deck I encountered 0 rat and mewtwinks and mostly faced off against off meta stuff like dragonite, weezing and venusaur. Matchmaking really is weird sometimes.
Not worth. Just pull them naturally. It's like Charizard but worse and slower.
a variation of dragonite that can use him as a wall paired with misty
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you ARE prepared for the new set, right?
Interesting, I'm missing the rat and mew
I have the big 3 immersives, but then I'm missing shit like Beedrill, Raichu, Kingler, Flareon, Poliwrath, Hitmonlee, Rhydon, etc. I've used many WPs on Beedrill and Raichu, still don't have them, can't pull them either.
You bet
Missing the rat :(
100 HP, retreats for 1, eligible for Misty. Some meme decks like Dragonite or Kingler use him as a wall.
>dies to pikachu
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These are decks that have accepted their fate.
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based whale
got a good list for onix? i just run onix 2 brock 2, and 2 cubone lines, non-ex, along with the supports.
I'll sunk your conk for $100 in gold :3
You do realize theyre digital cards and you cant do anything with them outside the app and once the game dries up it will all be for naught
I'm not that guy, but do you realize that once you die you can't do anything with your life outside of your dead body and once your body dries up and decomposes it will all be for naught?

This argument is always so stupid. Everything in life is fleeting. Even purchasing a brand new real game is a fleeting experience because most games never get replayed, and usually get played for less time than gacha does. Not that I'm advocating for spending on gacha - I'm not and I'm f2p - I'm just saying that anything you do is a fleeting experience. Unless you're buying a house or something, your money and time will be wasted no matter what you're doing with it.
I did not realize the game servers were some sort of well or cistern. Thanks now I know.
I use >>57072618 but with 2x Sabrina instead of Giovanni. It's not a pure Onyx deck it's more or less a meta counter deck that has a backup plan in Wigglytuff EX if you don't face the decks you're targeting.
physical cards are even worse for this lol
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Suck it, losers
why do you care so much?
fucks like that pay the bills
Didn't the real TCG have a rule that you need to be able to pay any "cost" that's written in the effect of the attack in order to use the attack? Or was that in MTG?
I pulled one of those today too. I'm not using it.
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Do you realize your time is a finite resource and wasting it on playing mobile games or spending it here is just straight up stupid?
I am putting money on this stupid little game because i can afford to lose it all. It doesn't matter.
I like opening packs and playing with stupid little decks I'm coming up with while I sit in the laboratory and watch the machines run the tests.
I know of at least one artist that went from drawing in his own unique style through tracing others work into full AI slop. Hate to see it.
>and then arbok instaloses when the next opponent uses piakchu and curves out perfectly
not really. you can still win if you also curve out
As much as I hate AI, if someone's good enough and has the attention to detail required to fix that shit manually, then I'm fine with it.
I just got Beedrill from a wonder pick yesterday but I'm still missing four for Mew and I'll be damned if two of them aren't Flareon on Kingler. I still need Muk and Omastar too. It's hilarious to me I'm 101/104 on the Mewtwo pack now but I still need Kingler.
Yeah, I'd suck on those thighs in an instant.
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When the new set drops, wonder pick is no longer going to be a viable way to get cards from Genetic Apex. Everyone will be pulling from the new set so those will be the only options in wonder pick.
I don't know about everyone but it'll be most people.
yup, if I dont get my second exeggutor ex by then its fucking over bros
I mean, trading will be a thing in around a month's time so it's not that dire
>desire sensor is preventing me from getting rainbow Moltres
I'm almost surprised I haven't pulled any full art trainer cards, considering I don't care about Erika or Sabrina. If I had them I would just trade them for Moltres.
I have nearly every card from Charizard but want a rainbow Moltres so have been avoiding it in hopes of sniping it off WP or via trade, pulling repeats over and over is so daunting
People are going to get unfriended if they are still pulling from a previous set when a new one comes out.
New pack isn't even that hot, you only want what like just Mew EX from what we've seen so far, which is probably going to be easier to nab off WP if other people will be rushing in for it
I want full art Leaf
>New pack isn't even that hot,
do you know all cards?
"what we've seen so far"
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>2 cards away from Mew
>no 2nd copy of VenuEX, EggEX, CharizardEX
>new set coming soon
At least you're in pack points range of finishing the Mew, I still have like a dozen and a half to go and keep hitting damn repeats from packs when some of what I'm missing are outright commons
>someone is running my meme deck
Nice! Give ‘em hell, anon. Sometimes you can feel them thinking “what the fuck is this?” on the the turn 1 reveal.
Ive been opening pikachu packs for 10 days(30 packs minimum) and I dont even have a squirtle yet and Im missing 12 cards from pikachu

its so fucking over
mfw just opened this on my alt
Venusaur ex is whatever.
Charizard ex will be whatever the instant we get tolerable fire mons.
Exeggutor ex is a shame.
also the pack had no shine, sparkles, sound or color change until I got to the card (last card)
Do they only appear for 1 gold star/FA cards or what?
Nice, at least there's the chance you can trade it to your main

I think it's random, sometimes you get a visual and/or sound and sometimes you don't, as long as there's 'something good' in there it can happen but doesn't necessarily mean it will
Giovanni isn’t the card I would drop for another Sabrina, by the way. Having at least 1 opens up opportunities like Onix two-shotting M2 or having Wiggly / Golbat finish M2 off after the other attacks once. Just something to consider.
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Yeah I'm hoping. I have no gold crowns on my main and I've pulled like 1200 cards there lol
And yeah I figured the effects are kinda random but it's strange. I thought how those effect work exactly would've been datamined by now.
Yeah I had some Rat fags leave their Blitzle or Jolteon on the board since they never play around Brock by the time they realize what's happening they're 1 point down and I'm already ramping up the Wigglytuff. The best part about this deck is you can also counter the Koga decks running around. I do hope the new set doesn't kill this deck though since this is the only Wigglytuff deck that's usable.
>tfw stuck at 4 win streak max
I keep losing due to bad coin flips with Zapdos EX or a mewtwo guy pulling every card he needs
Best part of running something like this is that people have no idea how to counter something they haven’t seen. Until I play one of my basics, they really don’t know what my gameplan is. Very best-of-one.

>the only Wigglytuff deck that's usable
Nah, it works, but Wiggly is splashable. The Jiggly/Wiggly combo has a few builds that work, and it probably will get a few new ones in the miniset.
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what did he mean by this
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Post em
I'm so jealous :((
Better (?) shot of Pikachu https://i.4cdn.org/vp/1734036875553923.png
What a derpy looking fella
It's not mine
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I can actually keep most of my memories across timelines and parallel universes. These cards will be ephemeral.
So, skill issue.
The important question, do you prefer opening a free pack right before you go to sleep, or do you want one there ready for you when you wake up in the morning?
I literally only want Articuno how many of these packs do I have to open I have 2 mewtwo ex and everything in it but not even a regular Articuno I'm so mad
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Thank you.
I do it after the reset to get my daily missions out of the way.
Opening packs is the only thing I look forward to after waking up so...
Reddit thinks this Exeggcute is for a Dragon type Alolan Exeggutor.
What >>57073074 said, I have it set to time with reset
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>Alolan Exeggutor
Another dragon type! Great!
when are we getting more deck slots
Send a petition to DeNA asking them to sell deck slots.
Even if that's not the case, it's a good alternative for regular EggEX as you could retreat with a single X-Speed later on, which makes it much more flexible.
>tfw forced to play Zarcanine for easy 5 wins in a row
>can now go back to comfy Dragonite bullshit decks
Had 600 or 700 pack points. Decided to upgrade my Pikachu deck and pick up a 2nd raichu, baby zapdos, and a brock for onyx deck..
When I was rerolling, back before I actually played the game, I'm pretty sure I got a Sabrina/Erika FA godpack. The reroll didn't get Mewtwos and Gardevoirs though so I trashed it. Now that I play this game, I'm not sure that was the best decision.
It's not actually that big a deal, don't worry about it
>The reroll didn't get Mewtwos and Gardevoirs though
Not surprising. Your were looking for Mewtwo and Gardevoir in the Charizard pack.
you just proved that you aren't a pathetic gooner waifufaggot
anything to give electric decks something else to run besides the rat
god please no. it would be so retarded to get alolan eggs before Kingdra, much less any other actually cool dragon type
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Forgot pic
Is this good or bad?
bottom right
Bottom left
My heart is telling me bottom-left.
This counts bonus picks but only bonus picks where you received cards.
Normally I would say top right but this back is Brazilian so go bottom left.
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>opponent only plays 1 basic and i've just first with an evo in hand that can 1 shot
Skill issue
ball ball oak
>enemy articuno gets a triple misty on turn 1
>literally nothing you can do in this situation to turn the game around
Aerodactyl gg
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Depending on what you started with you have 2-3 rounds to stall to find an answer. He can still lose.
>lose coin flip
GGs. Entire game is just flip coin to win/lose.
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>start with evo in hand
>they red card it away
>don't see it for the rest of the game
>80% win rate if you can get at least 2 heads, which isn't very difficult
Actually crazy win rate
That's luck for every successful coin flip a Misty player does there are 30 other times it was a tail. Trust me I'd know.
>do 1 versus battle a day
>suddenly get the gold event medal out of nowhere
>wtf I thought I had to win 45 times to get the gold medal
>check the event reward page again
>it's "win 5 times in a row" this time
I guess I randomly just won 5 times in a row with my first 5 games played lol. Thank you kingler and seaking.
>less than 10% win chance if misty flips 3 heads
If you don't have status effect to try and steal some turns back I can't think of what the answer could be. new tauros certainly isn't saving you from that.
I’ve done it with a Pika deck, but there isn’t a lot of room for error.
Surely we'll get dragon-type MegaZard when Z-A comes out
Man why the fuck are the cards so expensive to buy stand-alone? Why the fuck do I need to open 30 fucking packs to buy ONE (1) of the 150 cost cards? Outrageous.
just pull the cards you need from one pack lucklet
Isn't a pikachu/electric deck the only true counter to articuno or any legendary bird lead deck? All the legendary birds are only weak to electric so it's the only way to get them out of the way fast enough before they set up.
is dust valuable? I got 5 win streak at 9 wins and don't want to keep playing for the extra dust

What's the deck. I have two Articuno EXs and I may as well give it a shot.
Right now I've been playing a kinda rogue fire deck with Moltres and Arcanine. V fun.
Moltres decks can be punished pretty easily if he doesn't flip what he needs to charizard/arcanine
They are probably talking about the 2 Articuno + 18 trainers deck
>Requires 4 mons to get on the field
Shit, Exodia over here better win you the game automatically
I've seen some people running just Articuno EX because you always have at least 1 basic in hand. Its riskier since you've got no backup, but a good misty play can instantly cause concedes from people
I bet dust is going to be the coin to trade so keep it anon.
You can try your luck and Aero them. Many hard hitting stage1s can 2hko them too.

It's just 2x Cuno ex and 18 trainers. You should try 2x Cuno ex and 2x Greninja line for better results.
I don't think it's the only "true"counter but it super effective damage helps.
you use it for giving your cards flairs but if you already have a lot you won't need it. Some people theorize that it could get used for trading but I think that's very unlikely.
Only if you use electric though. It's not easy to get rid of a turn one 140hp wall before they eventually flip heads. Even a blastoise deck loses to a moltres because moltres isn't weak to water, and blastoise can get 1 shot by charizard.
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>Its riskier since you've got no backup
I like my Articuno EX + Omastar deck.
They literally nerfed the pack points from 10 to 5 per pack a week before release.
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>just now figured out you can actually take energy out of a deck so you don't have to pull it if you're only using a pokemon for its ability like hypno
You should figure out that you can blow your brains out for using hypno sleep cancer and no one will miss you.
Is this true? Is there a source or image or something for it? Just want to verify before I repeat it.
You sound sleepy, anon. You should get some rest
the only pokemon I've seen use this to great effect is weezing since it works well as a wall and can still damage with poison without energy. Hypno sleep is okay but not nearly as consistent. That said, you should definetly keep running double hypno to piss of babies like >>57073409
Its a terrible model for free to play players or even people that just casually drop money on a game. Eventually the gap will be so wide everyone will be stuck using old cards because they just can't afford shit
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lmfao seriously? That's hilarious.
I'm more annoyed that
1 diamond = 35
2 diamond = 70 (35 x 2)
3 diamond = 150 (70 x 2 + 10)
4 diamond = 500 (150 x 2 + 200?!)
Were 4 diamond a mere 300 which is easy enough to accumulate then I could confidently say this game is F2P friendly
It's true. There are a bunch of poketubers that got invited to a sneak peek event to try the game early a week before it's NZ launch. They confirmed that the version they played gave 10 points per pack.

I'd try to find one of the vids to link but searching anything about pocket on YT right now just comes up with clickbait shit about the new pack.
Bro...they don't even give us free pulls for huge milestones. This is probably the worst gacha I've ever played when it comes to the devs appreciating the community. Don't expect anything from this game.
That's really unfortunate. Balancing it around 10 would've been way more realistic for working toward a higher rarity card as a conversion without having to spend a ton of money (or potentially any money).
It would take 500 packs to even purchase one of the crown rare cards. 500 fucking packs. If it takes 12 gold to open a pack with no hourglasses left and 500 gold is 100 dollars, that would allow you to open roughly 41 packs per 100 dollars. You would then have to purchase the 100 dollar pack 13 more times to open enough packs to purchase just 1 of the 2500 point cards. Literally over a 1000 dollars.
eh ive played worse gachas
kingdom hearts union X (EN version specifically) had really stingy devs that barely gave shit to the community
at least if you ignore that aspect its not too bad for a gacha game
you can get free pulls by waiting 12 hours and wonder picks are a thing
Lies. Well get 36 whole pack hourglasses in a few hours as a gift
>wonderpicked a card from someone called something like "Marco"
>the text is in Portuguese
hilarious 'feature'
Yeah games are supposed to have the best launch in terms of giving out shit and then gradually go downhill, with the exceptions being that they recognize a milestone to give some shit out again
This game had none of that which is really pathetic, and if they're this stingy now then I don't really want to see what getting stingier looks like as it follows the natural gacha life cycle
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Marvel snap was decent at first, but they've gone completely off the deep end with the money grubbing. Trying to trick new players into buy "pro card packs" of rare cards for like 75 bucks while that card is already on the list to be downgraded in its rarity in the next patch. So a new player would think they're getting a rare card only to find out they got scammed.
Is two articunos too much? I actually feel like I’m doing somewhat worse after adding another one.
No, you want two, retard. You want to maximise your odds of picking your most important cards.
What else do you have?
>Is two articunos too much?
any mon in your deck you generally want 2 of.
I think lapras ex could be better than articuno since the heal is good but i dunno
>any mon in your deck you generally want 2 of.
That is not true at all. many decks run 1 copy of normal Articuno.
The general idea is to just overwhelm them before they can even get started, so a heal isn't needed.
>That is not true at all. many decks run 1 copy of normal Articuno.
normal articuno? lmao
Lapras does the exact same thing as articuno except it heals from chip damage instead of dealing 10 damage to their bench, which feels more overwhelming imo. Knowing a mon will heal 20 hp every hit makes you feel like you lost. Kinda like how when venasaur hits 4 energy you kinda know you lost.
Is three articunos too much?
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I took a very long time trying to decide between removing my 2nd x speed or potion but I felt like x speed has saved me more times
the bigger thing is lapras has 3 retreat cost vs articuno's 2. it's much easier to maneuver articuno while lapras will usually be stuck in active unless misty blesses you with 5+ energy. Lapras healing is more of a factor for low damage decks, which are largely not meta so it doesn't help that much.
I feel like the chip damage would help ensure any benched mons are killable even if they're evolved and potioned, but I'd have to test and see how often this happened with both cards
I wish instead of seeking attention you would remove your trip code and buy a rope and ladder
In addition to other replies you received, Lapras ex not being able to attack for two energy is another knock against it
Ditch the Krabby and Kingler then you're good.
I’m seeking help with my water deck
>Ditch the Krabby and Kingler
I would say ditch the Articunos and add more Kingler.
Seaking mentioned.
Ditch them for what? Those are probably my favorite non-ex cards in the game
How are we feeling about the power creep? So early.
Powercreep? lol what. We are just getting more options
what's the power creep?
>mew is still worse than the top 3
>tauros isn't a consistent answer to EX pokemon because it can't get fed energy
>no other specifically strong pokemon shown
??? Genuiunely confused by this. the only thing I see changing is psychic, water, and electric decks getting slightly buffed, but not in any way that significantly changes the current meta standing. I would maybe understand if mew was outright better than mewtwo, but it's not, it's dependent on whatever the opponent has and isn't consistent with damage output
I don't like that they're showing such excessive bias toward Basic cards
I'll probably run mew in my (non ex) gengar deck because it'll finally give me an option to counter charizard and also be a place I can drop off my excess energy.
>finish my 5 wins
>there are MORE japanese sweatlords clogging up the casual queue with pikaex and m2 meta decks
Fucking hell it never ends with these people
>going for my 5 wins
>rival is retard with the 5 wins badge
>playing a meta deck
what even is the fucking point just go to the casual queue
i fucking hate this event so much
That makes sense. Most people with bad decks are still be trapped in the event queue.
Haven't had rare dupes before.
You could technically get double crown if you're insanely lucky, Slots 4 and 5 (5 with the higher chance) are the ones that can have the flashy cards, and then they just scramble them around when you open the pack so that they're not just in the last two slots
I'm all for it. I've been ready for a new meta
>406 hour glasses
>33 packs
>this is about only 170 pocket points
oh my god that is so retarded. Getting 500 for ex cards is such a drag
don't forget the people who are saving hourglasses are saving them for the new pack and if there's an ex or full art card they want from that, the pack points they have now won't be usable on them.
Yes they will, the new pack is part of the Genetic Apex set.
source? the pack is called "mythical island" not "genetic apex mew"
Also we just don't know that Genetic Apex will go away as soon as the next set is added. I'd imagine they'll add in an expiration timer like everything else in the game. Both because it's useful to us and because it gets people to whale before it's gone.
>Also we just don't know that Genetic Apex will go away
Genetic Apex will never go away. What in the world is the point of not allowing new players to spend in a gacha game?
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There is verbiage in the game that indicates that booster packs have finite availability periods.
It doesn't go away. We already have a screen ingame for selecting what set you want to open from.
The starter decks are based on Genetic Apex cards so I wonder if they'll really ditch it eventually and either rework the starter decks or leave new players hanging with cards they'll never get a second copy of (new versions of those cards will be out by then I guess). They have to rework starter decks for new players if they plan to rotate shit out
Well color me stupid. That's fucking weird. Thanks for pointing this out. Maybe I need to poke around the fine print. I saw someone else point out that Burn and Confuse rules are already in the game.
Other mobile card games do this, it creates fake urgency and makes players shit themselves. You’ll get piggies whaling for a mediocre card like gengar.
Now will the packs come back in the future? Probably
Also the free ex card and deck selection is literally based on a Genetic Apex pull so there's a lot currently tied to this set
>in a tournament
>host of the tournament is playing
>he has everyones deck list ahead of time
>beat him in the first of 2/3
>he says we need to disconnect and change rooms for..reasons
>100% he changed his deck around
It says "if the availability period ends" rather than when, so I'd assume the finite booster sets will be special cases and Genetic Apex will be one of the permanent mainstays
I doubt they'll rotate it out just with the mini pack, but that might happen with the next booster, I guess we'll see. Sounds retarded as any new players will see there are cards they can't whale for and just drop the game
I was hyped at first but you're evolving your mons in the back so....what really changes?
Ayy, this might be a good time for y'all to add me, des'yo.
Oh yeah the 3 existing packs arent going away at all this tuesday. That would kill the game completely for new players
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But I already have 2 FA Pidgeot and 2 regular Pidgeot
That's a rather big assumption you're making. More logically, we can look at the precedent set by the physical card game, where sets eventually stop being printed and cards are rotated out of the competitive format on a regular basis.
I imagine each time a new set of three boosters is introduced we will be able to choose from one of three starter decks again.
sent ;^)
nta but this is a gacha game so the genetic apex set is probably going to be a permanent banner for newbies and packs like mythical island are going to be 'limited'
theyll probably do reruns of the 'limited' packs in the future
>cards are rotated out
if they make the cards unusable online, whales will flip out, there's no way that's happening. What pack is available to whale for gives them FOMO, which makes sense but straight up blocking cards for being playable online, will have the whales freaking out.
No one bats an eye when this very phenomenon occurs in TCG Live
>so....what really changes?
Aero EX is a pretty good mon even without the ability. He trades with Pikachu EX (and lives) provided you get first strike, which is likely because you're probably not leading fossil and you can't even guarantee him as a "basic". Of the current meta, he dies only to Mewtwo and Raichu.

The ability is not really useful for the current meta decks, and it's probably just not that good, but it will sometimes be useful, it gives Sabrina (and Pidgeot, maybe Pidgeot EX) an even bigger tempo play, because now they must switch out if it needs to evolve, and it kinda disallows the off meta decks (Gengar, Machamp, etc) to attack on the way up through their evolutions. Most likely not massively impactful, but in the games where it does something, I think it will do a decent amount, and when it's not doing anything it's a decent body. You can also run regular Aero so that in the games where Aero EX is not doing anything, you still have an alternate trump card against a fully powered Mewtwo or Charizard (or Blastoise now, with Vaporeon maybe).

Victreebel is also a bigger play, but again, most of the meta is already Basic EXs, and if it's not a Basic EX, it's probably dying to Victreebel anyway.
online only gacha =/= paper bullshit. In theory, you still own the physical cards and could play with other people, just not in officially sanctioned tournaments. In Pocket the only way to play with the cards is online, and if they remove then the cards are useless. I'm not entirely positive, but I'm pretty sure there's already precedent against that sort of thing in games that aren't shutting down.
It's a different name but GA is A1 and MI is A1a.

I can see both scenarios where pack points do and don't apply.
should I be saving these venusaur tickets up for anything big to come or just spend them now?
We may be able to retain the ability to play with our cards but cards 'rotated out' may not be usable in a future ranked mode, for example. If there is a precedent as you say, then perhaps the plan is just to do severely power creep the game no one would want any Genetic Apex cards anymore outside of collector's purposes. I never followed hearthstone so I don't know what they did. In Duel Links, cards could be restricted or banned just like paper Yugioh and you just had to accept that.
It's on them, but I feel like this game caught the attention of gachafags more than most other Pokemon TCG attempts. The day they announce rotation is when many paypigs will leave or stop buying as much since their fully flaired deck is now worthless
There is nothing else coming. Everything available to be exchanged now is all you will be able to use the Venusaur tickets for, so use them or lose them.
Hmm... thinking more, it does also make going first very slightly better because you can get Aero EX out before they evolve their lead. The meta decks are just basic EXs though, so you're mostly killing off meta with it.
I tried complaining about this yesterday, but retards with 0 reading comprehension thought that I was calling Aero ex basic when I complained about how it's going to make braindead ex decks more prevalent
>when I complained about how it's going to make braindead ex decks more prevalent
The queues are already mostly Mewtwo and Pika, and we're getting Mew EX, and who knows what Celebi EX does. "Braindead EX" decks are already prevalent, and if anything makes them more prevalent, it's likely to be cards like Mew and Celebi introduced in the new booster, not necessarily Aero.

Aero does seem like it's going to be the official off-meta killer though. Mew might make Arbok/Koga slightly more prevalent, but Aero might make Arbok/Koga less prevalent depending on how many people run it. The "good" thing is that you can't guarantee it turn 1 going first. You can't fish for the fossils at all unless they give us a trainer for it.

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