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Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZO5JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform

>Friend ID Sheet:

>Tournament results/decklists:
>Deck Builder:

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)

>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex):
>meta decks or high level play:
>/vp/ anything:

pokevious: >>57102169
>SEA hours
Post accordingly.
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this and some napkins
drudd seems to be the best tank now
I tested every new card yesterday, so if I someone wins something with it, that means it was my idea. Get it.
I don't get it because I'm having sex with my wife
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Made me some homebrew, feel free to roast it.
I'm considering dropping one Machamp line for 2nd Aero Ex or standard Aero for the memes
Druddigon poliwrath seems plausible but I dunno if it could actually work or it just annoys the opponent. Having a basic have the same ability as a stage2 sounds like its just outcompeting the stage2.
I've been playing with this and it's SUPER prone to bricking hard. I replaced Tauros with Chatot to try to remedy it. It helps slightly, but I'm not sure it's enough.

I also own one leaf, so I've been running an x-speed as a stand-in. A lot of times, it's more useful than the Leaf because if Scolipede is still active from the previous turn, you can attach an energy, X-speed to retreat, send in Weezing, poison, Koga it away, then attack with Scolipede again.
I've gotten tails 6 times in a row with misty now :)
I'd use the other koffing. 20 dmg isn't going to win you the game.
Improved the Jap Dragonite list from the last thread. Needed to add at least one wall to the mix. Has been giving me good results so far. Blue helps survive a lethal turn.
No, trust me. The deck is so fucking inconsistent that a lot of times you draw Koffing without Weezing and just poke at the enemy in hopes you draw Weezing soon.
1 dratini?
>Improved the Jap Dragonite
maybe you could use druddigon to replace tauros to do chip damage, but it wouldn't really fit into that deck as a main wall
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I'm going off the Japanese list posted last thread. I also questioned why 1 Dratini but 1-2-1 ratio works.

The one posted from the last thread
Which is why you should be removing as many cards from your deck as possible. Sure, it's only one koffing, but that's still one less card that could've bricked a perfectly fine game.
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One Dratini because it's an all or nothing deck that hinges on drawing Chatot right away and shuffling your hand over and over. The deck is usually run with Gyarados because Misty makes it more consistent, but some Japanese guy has been using Dragonite for some reason.
oh this
yeah its good, and better with drudd
That was literally a chatot turbo, you want it immediately turn 1
Why does this girl not wear panties?
I played tested it and it's super squishy. Trust I must have done 50 games with the previous list and it's just too weak. One Chatot is enough to cycle through the deck. The 2nd one is just dead weight.
what about 2 drudd instead of chatot
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You just know
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>Trust I must

Still like running Chatot to draw the Dragonite pieces and one Drudd just to wall and passive damage.
you can't just put drudd in EVERY deck, anon
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actual Creatures Inc. quote when asked if pack carousel choice actually matters
You only have a 33% chance of getting it as a guaranteed basic, on your first turn. Just play a regular Dragonite and stall with Drudd at that point.
does this soft confirm that wonder pick is also rigged?
watch me nigga
drudd is gonna be in EVERY DECK and i wont stop until he is
the answer is no because:
they didnt say yes or no, also you have an option to skip that part so it definitely doesn't matter
I'm a Dragonite main, I've already played to death the regular version. This new one is a breath of fresh air and I've been getting good results with it.
>reading comprehension
Beheeyem's the same btw
>I'm a Dragonite main
things that give girls the ick
Been running a deck with Mew Ex and base Pidgeot to great effect. Switch out the mon I don't wanna deal with switch in the mons with massive attacks and let Mew take em out.
Pidgeots wing attack hits everything else.
Only real issue is Pika Ex since I can't copy that move but I've only encountered one deck with it and they stalled the timer out and lost so I wouldn't call it conclusive
there are no real women here
Creatures Inc: ""
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Dragonite is based get off it.
You can't give any ick if you don't see any girl
Crazy but true, I've never seen the Mythical Island Old Amber card in a pack or wonder pick yet
>RNG only gives water energy
She's going to fucking lose if it doesn't roll lightning soon.
anusdestroyer if you're in here stop jerking off to Leaf and evolve your damn Machop already
can some of my fwiends here open some charizard and mewtwo packs so that regular dragonite and vileplume show up on the wonder picks, thanks!
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Iris will save Dragon decks. Trust the plan.
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I have a very very marginal improvement, but an improvement nonetheless, on the chatot list: slab and dex over the other fossils. the reasoning is that
1) they can always be played regardless of board space, so you're not forced to potentially give up your helix fossil to cycle the other ones
2) they advance your gameplan slightly more than fossils when combined together with research and pokeball
you can play dex and use slab to decide whether you want to draw your 1st+2nd card or 2nd+3rd
same reasoning, if the second card you see is the only one left you need you could feasibly decide not to use chatot and instead slab away the first one
an old combo where you can use pokeball as a fetchland + brainstorm
weaker version of the above, if you're in dire straits you have 2 shots at a crucial topdeck instead of 1
also note that in the latter part of the game chatot acts as some sort of pokeball in terms of synergizing with dex, or put it another way you can have a more informed decision on whether to chatot or not based off dex.

seeing the dragonite list that made me want to try the blastoise version again with 2 wartortle, but it keeps not being good because 5 energy is way too much. I don't believe at all that the nite version is any better because 4 unaccelerated energy seems just as bad
What the fuck?
you draw your whole deck so you're guaranteed to get gyarados with multiple mistys while you sac fossils and chatot for board pressure
honestly I'm starting to think removing decking out might be a mistake. You know this shit is only gonna get worse as more stuff gets released.
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>no elite 4
>no lance
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>sorry I didn't win your last match anon, please accept me as your present
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please stop giving me all of my non-draw supporters before i get any of my stage 1 mons
take the chatot pill
I'll try this when get one more Venipede, and Whirlpede.
I want to be an Aero enjoyer but it’s so fucking bad, fighting has no basic EX to make it work.
The entire weakness system is fucking retarded in a version of the game where you're essentially forced to run monotype teams and should have been the first thing they cut
has anyone tried out pidgeot ex with druddigon? theres a lot of health on board and druddigon can chip down the health of pokemon and makes them weak eneough to be ko by the pidge. I only have 1 of the pidge ex so idk how well it works myself. but the one time I got the ex out I survived a pysdrive and then used flute+gio to one shot for game. also it would be nice to get a mythical slab but for just evos in general
How someone can get fucked this hard? Not even the whirpe which I need, I am so fucking MAS.
Pidgeot does negative damage, druddigon is there to stall while you build something fucked up strong not a shit bird cause the other side will just not attack you and build something stronger
Damn, that sucks
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What's the jap pocket site with their decks and shit?
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>come anon lets do this adult stuff together again if you want i kinda started to like it
but pidge is fairly strong. plus you can use multi type energy to power druddigon as well
Feel a little guilty about swapping Pincurchin out for Dedenne, that little spike ball has stolen so many games for me
I tried this
It sucks just like every other stage 2 deck
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morning pull, pretty nice
>pulled a second immersive Celebi

So what's the optimal deck build? I was thinking just two Celebi and two Snivy line, but should I add another Pokemon there?
bitch I'm not letting you file my taxes again
>own get audited by the irs because leaf did your taxes
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Why does Leaf seem so smug?
This is so much fun
>weezing braps on celebi
>koga him away
>bring in tauros for 120
>poison kills for the last 10
And scolipede is pretty good
Of course, the whirlipedes are always on the bottom of the deck, and when you can get them on time, the opponent already has 2 energies on starmie to one shot you anyways
she is like 10 or 11
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in pokemon years shes 69
You can timetravel to right before you pick to see if choosing a different card yields a different result
I don't get smug, to me the expression is brash and proud.
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>he actually cares about the age of fictional characters
>spend ~4 spamming friend request
>god pack gives me 2nd ugly Aero full art
At least it was a 2 star…
The drudd
out of ten
I need more than 15 deck slots somehow. That being said, how we feeling about Druddigoninja?
>2 Druddigon, 6 Greninja line, 2 Bruxish
>2 Pokeball, 2 Research, 2 Leaf, 2 Speed, 2 Sabrina
Shit went 4-0 but the only meta relevant deck I fought was Mewtwo and they were using Jynx
Dhelmise is popular but I've seen egg variations
Celebi, egg and serperior is the best. The solo battle fucks me up unless ai play blaine
Give it a whirl at your own peril. The retard posted it everywhere, so it’s a complete shitshow. Expect to be tapping friend request for a long time. Only two possible packs so odds are decent if you get in. Host will supposedly kill the macro responsible for friending tonight.

Pack features rainbow border Mew ex, two full art Gyarados ex, full art Aero ex, and full art Vaporeon.

>got in last night
>wrong pack
>got in again this morning
>game wouldn’t show pack
>long timer on first + it was stuck in my expired picks
>FINALLY got in a third time
The new Exeggutor is incredibly fun with Serperior
Lel, yeah its maxed on requests. Worth a shot at least
>audited by the iris
>sir, you didn't include those dragons in your report
alright i added him what now?
Can anyone see the image in this?
The only shot is to spam the guy. It’s running a macro to unfriend / friend people, but he broadcast it to way too many people. The macro can’t keep up with the demand he created.
Pray. Check wonder picks. The odds of this working are very small if you didn’t start with a clear friends list anyway.
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What's egg?
Apex gens exeggutor ex
Beheeyem seems pretty good, potential 70 damage turn 3
Too bad I don't have shit for psychics; Alakazam would probably be a good fit on the deck if I had any
Thanks syde
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Just opened 10 mew packs
>5 Mankey
>5 Blue
>0 ex
>1 FA dupe
Then I failed a wonder pick fml
bros.... I did it... my first crown....
It's a pretty card and you can put it in any deck with some flex space
This crown is three times more common than the previous crowns but still pretty nice
still pretty nice to pull in a non-god pack, plus yeah it's probably the nicest looking crown card imo
I don't like how the cards don't have set marker/icon
They dropped that a long time ago, it was western pokemon TCG exclusive too.
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Show me your kino albums
if you ever parroted the sentence "fossils counter sabrina" I hope you feel very silly by now
We need SOUL
>11 cards in one pack
We're being robbed
This and a Johto set are the main things that could convince me to spend.
theyre going off jap boosters, which only have 5 cards
>Going first vs Pikachu ex, guy has perfect start and a full bench turn 3
>But I'm playing a fast Marshadow deck, and anything my opponent tries to do gets countered by my deck
Marshadow completely clowns on Pikachu ex, holy shit
You know you have to pull your own energy, right?
>most expensive flair for crown rares requires 90,000 shinedust
not that boring piece of shit card, the new one which synergises extremely well with serp
>had to buy a Mawile in order to complete the premium mission
Good thing the next premium won't have any metal missions. That was annoying
if you pulled 6 of the same crown rare you probably have 90k dust
massive cope
what the hell are you talking about?
wotc made better choices
I can't wait to see her in an abfurai CG collection
It's a modest chest.
Why the fuck is people is so obsessed with this specific old set?
drawing tits won't change the fact he is a male (male)
Well that works really well because I also have a full art Exeggutor.
WotC actively sabotaged the card game so it wouldn't compete with Magic
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You might be retarded (and gay), get that checked.
continue living in your own headcanon
remember when people thought Goh was a girl? except with this character we may never get an answer
he's a dollar store Bugsy, same shit.
japs draw a prepubescent boy and dumbass gooners in the west think he's a girl
Leaf boosted stall decks to an insane degree. whoever came up with that card can go fuck himself
thanks, I need something comfy to watch this morning
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>draw a boy
lol if you look at this and see a boy, you have problems
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X Speed and Leaf are worse versions of a card which debuted in the very first set of the game 20 years ago though
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>draw a boy
lol if you look at this and see a boy, you have problems
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>8 more packs until I hit 1250/2500 for MI
>still no crown mew
>still FA Buddy Explorer
I hate this game. The depression I get from opening packs doesn't seem like it's worth it. I got fired from my job a few days ago for not calling in, and I haven't talked to any of my friends in a week.
>still no art of her panties peeking through the shorts
As if current meta is comparable with first set in terms of pacing
Blitz decks got nothing on the other hand, Pikachu became much worse and Blaine was good when celebi spam was around. Now people are realising that mew2 and water got bestowed insanely good tools to abuse and are starting to use them
Hell even Charizard came back a bit buffed by leaf
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Another one
not everyone is a faggot like you
Articuno and Starmie EX are still objectively broken and were only ever held back by the Pikaspam
>stop pointing out that i am attracted to children!!
whops meant for >>57104534
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Haven't touched PVP since the new box came out
Did Celebi ex Serperior turn out to be too inconsistent or something
freudian slip
you lost
No, it's all over PVP actually
new to anime and manga, huh?
This you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDgt-hw8A40
Just take a break, you can't let a japanese virtual money sink trading card game (with no trading) take a toll on you like that.
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>there are anons in this thread right now that spent all their hourglasses on a miniset
>will get free boster packs in events
>have more than a month until the next set to use free daily pulls
Why don't you have any self control?
Imagine not having your Celery deck ready for the upcoming event
>Celebi everywhere
Arcanine / Moltres is looking good for the new streak event (if nothing changes).
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holy shit are the rates bugged?
next box will have 2-diamond basic fire pokemon with 1 energy attack that hits for 110 damage if the target mentions coin anywhere on the card
trust the plan
Spare a code for a tard in need?
Post friend code for 60+ requests in a day
>not a single fa trainer or immersive
Damn that's a pretty mid godpack desu
Post your FC so I can get a fourth Dedenne
I found only one today in about 20 matches. Either they realised it's not that good or they got very bored
Thanks. Anyone know if / when anon should turn off pack sharing?
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>playing two accounts started at the same time cause I got a tablet I use at home but not autistic enough to maintain multiple accounts through a emulator
>tablet one has only one full art trainer.
>phone has four full art trainers and double the rare cards as the first one
I might just retire the tablet account if it keeps the shit luck into the next expansion
>draw a girl
>don't call it a boy
It's a girl, simple as.
>vs gayrados deck
>misty flips tails
>opponent rage quits
many such cases
Might as well wait and see if trading brings any real value
With vaporeon + leaf still relying on misty is moronic
Yes the only acceptable misty deck uses gyarados
lurk more, dumbass
Can't hit shit
Wonder picks are rigged, honestly. The 1/5th chance is not accurate.
Pika and charizard dexks are gone....mewtwo still reigns supreme
>Don't get FA Leaf after a rampage of 60 packs
>fail every single whirpledelle wonder trade.
>fail every single FA Serperior wonder trade including one that had TWO (and a whirple too to twist the knife)
So this is what he feels...
Which means Weezing runs the game
Arbok should block mew ex's return card
>still new genex weezing

One pack in 2000 is a god pack.
Poliwrath is such a fucking joke. Completely outclassesed by a basic pokemon
>b-but 100 hp and dual energy
Shut the fuck up it's put in way more work than poliwrath ever did
Not a god pull but I know some people wanted Leaf


Be warned that it might take a while to show up; I got a rainbow Mew in a pack a few days ago and my friends still say it hasn't shown up for them
yeah this is one of the best cards
double energy is not that big of a problem actually
Funny how it gets to be relevant in this game. It's pretty much a failure in maingame
>I got a rainbow Mew in a pack a few days ago and my friends still say it hasn't shown up for them
Some packs are dead on arrival (they can’t show up), and those that can show up expire after a few days.
>Some packs are dead on arrival
I thought that was only true if it had a crown card or an immersive card. Rainbow Mew was the only good card in that pack.
>4 regular Serperior
>2 FA Serperior
>Only 1 Servine
Wtf is this fucking game?!?? REEEEEEEEEE
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Just found out she's not in the tcg...sad
The game seems to randomly decide whether or not a valid pack can show up in wonder picks. Gold/Illusitration rares are automatically excluded, but from what I’ve seen, other packs are randomly excluded, as well.
based lenorachad
I don't really get the idea with this card compared to something like Kangaskhan. Might be good against a Weezing deck, but most decks will just wait until they can one shot this thing and take 20 damage.
That's kiked as fuck. So even if I've seen Rainbow cards like Aerodactyl EX and Articuno EX floating around my Wonder Picks, I might just randomly not be able to share mine?
Meant using this card as a wall specifically.
Normal exeggutor can't help in early game.
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you it can attack to right?
here is legit deck
blastoise has coreless energy on bazooka and surf
I think so, yeah. I’ve also heard that packs with higher rarities are weighted to be show up less often in wonderpick even when they are valid and in circulation.
>get a 4th dedenne
Are you me? Thats all I can pull. A fuckinc FA dedenne
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>pull 6th Immersive Celebi
>logic tells me I should be happy because even if I don't want it, I can trade it for something I want later
>but what actually happens is my brain feels fried and I start crying
>I I have money for food until next Thursday
I did this to myself.
>You are going first
>Type disadvatntage

I love it when the game wastes my time :D
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What was the plan with this card? Why not just give us a 2 energy attack?
Typo, but *don't have
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skill issue
mind you these were consecutive picks
These shittier versions exist so people pull on the older packs
what's the celebi hard counter?
Because the devs want you to play the EX faster. You are losing the match if a stage 1 isn't an EX or primed to become an EX on the next turn.
blaine deck or arcanine ex
Any fire deck with arcanine and moltress
Alakazam/Jynx hiding in the bench can scare them from overcommiting
Meanwhile I still don't have a single Celebi EX despite opening 85 packs so far.
Stop opening so many packs in the first week
I still need the 2 star Moltres and a bunch of regular Mewtwo/Gardevoir/Charizards so I want the hell off this island.
17 more and you can craft one
Seems like this was incompetence rather than sabotage.
If you want to be charitable (massive mistake)
There's no way he's putting energy on Druddigon to attack, it'd be suicide to run fire energy. It's just there to wall.
WotC is a company that got lucky that the core ruleset to Magic was solid. Almost every other product they release is dogshit that ends up in the trash or being completely revised 2 years in to sell new books.
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>play sabrina vs ai
>he does a mistake because i didint attatch my energy yet
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Feels good man
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Which gen 2 mons will be the flagships of the next expansion? Will it be ho-oh, lugia and suicune (box legendaries)? Will it be something for steel, for dark and something else?
Wrong lmao
This is accurate
Magic is dying right now and Pokemon is not, ironically Pokemon is such a mega franchise that even when the TCG goes through a slump it is still carried through by its fans.

People are jumping ship on magic due to some combination of greed, bad policy, crossovers that nobody wants, and woke shit
are there any reroll bots out yet? how do you reroll fast? because if you had 1 fresh account with a god pack and add it to your friends with only 1 friend in total....
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>play sabrina vs ai
>only one pokemon on bench
>game hangs on 'thinking...' for 15 solid seconds
Tyranitar, Steelix, Legendary dogs, Kingdra, Ho-Oh, Lugia.
>People are jumping ship on magic due to some combination of greed, bad policy, crossovers that nobody wants, and woke shit
You forgot "ramping up power creep in every format so fast that the game is unplayable every 3 months when new broken shit is released and left to make the game rot to sell the current packs". Which is just greed+ I guess.
bros that scollipede deck is raping mewtroon and celeshit
Legends seem like a lock. Wouldn’t be surprise to see the trio get ex cards (1 per pack type). I could see espeon and umbreon getting ex cards, but full-arts might be more likely. Tyranitar seems like the biggest candidate for dark ex. Steelix / Scizor are surely the biggest candidates for steel ex. Other options are fun, but with this being a gacha, I expect the shill mon to be front and center.
God I love Scolipede
Yeah I mean I left out a lot of details, there are an enormous amount of reasons why people are jumping ship from magic right now. You're absolutely correct.
>ai eagerly swaps in 3 energy Mew ex
>hits my Pika ex for zero
I need trading yesterday
Skarmory is gonna make metal s tier
80hp basic 1 energy 30 attack
lelmao accurate.
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How come 90% of the Wonder Picks I get have whirpedell and i failed to get a second one after opening like 80 packs? Is this game mocking me?
They actively undermine any IP besides MTG and D&D that they get their hands on, and for the last decade have even been throwing those two in the shitter.
>D&D miniatures games

Even then, every TCG Richard Garfield designed after Magic is better in some significant way.
Asymmetrical game, much better flavor.
Basically a streamlined MTG
4-player CCG,
Randomized decks prevent netdecking, all cards see play, no resources like Land or Energy, always have a full hand each turn, opponent can't make any decisions on your own turn.
I need Mew Ex. 30 packs and all I pulled was a Celebi. I’m going to nuke this island..
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Bros this gyara deck is addicting… i love it. I thought it was too many cards but it feels consistent
??? Just use your pack points
>trading card game
>no trading
45 packs deep and I still need a Celebi, at least I have Mew
Congrats anon.
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No...pack points must be only use for FA...using them on anything that is not star rank is a waste...
can you guys go back to opening apex genesis packs, this one is full of garbage
Welcome to the "there's nothing to do" club.
Almost everything Garfield makes deserves more success than it actually gets, but LGS will kneecap anything that Hasbro isn't pushing on them.
they're laughing at the mew coin on twitter mewbros
It's actually just "Pokémon Card Game" in Japan, so they don't feel like trading is the primary focus.
I have two Celebis
Both of them are from Wonder Pick
What does it mean
>opponent can’t make any decisions on your turn
This is a good thing? This is an improvement?
What did he mean by this
I've been doing just that since I got two of each non-FA from mythical island
nta but ideally your average player wants to use their packpoints on a valuable card. Like i am only missing gengar from GA and dont have a 2nd koga or weezing. Like yeah i can just grab them with points but im so close to the gengar EX, it sucks.
You should buy some lottery tickets this year.
mew fucks shota eevees
Is Mew getting fucked by eevee or is it doing the fucking?
i use Mew instead of Tauros
Ooooohhhhmmmm... thou shalt find thine true love through a connection with a friend... she shalt have green hair and eyeliner, so thou must prepare for crazy sex and a very needy partner...
...That fortune will cost you $10. But I don't like you, so it's actually $20.
Good fuck this stupid yellow rat
sex sex iris loli sex sex cunny sex sex loli iris child iris sex child sex iris
I can still grind PVP for levels, so I've got that going for me.
I think the Eevees are fucking eachother and Mew is a stand-in for the sperm.
Chudtoise gets completely outclassed by the new Gyarados. Lmao
this thing needs at least 130hp fuck celebi only needs 2 heads and 9tails needs only 1 blaine
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No one needs to have all that power
>Mew ex copying Psydrive still needs to discard 2 Psychic energy
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But they conceded before I even got to do anything :(
You can set up your opponent with a huge number of effects
>Affect which house they choose
>Penalize or precent particular actions like Reaping
>Penalize or prevent certain card types from being played
It's a game with a high amount of player interactivity, but once it is your turn, you can't have the rug pulled from under you.
It's much better game design.
Weezing/Scolipede is probably going to be nucking futs if we ever get a basic poison EX, or maybe even just any dark EX
Lenora gets a young nigga bricked up frfr as the kids say
Hopefully she will get into TCG/Pocket one day as Colorless support >>57104763
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Mew also gets cucked by Pikachu lol
I hadn't thought about it but wow these types straight up don't have Pokemon ex.
Wait a minute Grass is fucking awesome
>already completed the entire Island except for high rarity
>fully flaired Eevee, Chatot, Magikarp, Ponyta, Snivy, Druddigon, Rapidash
>was going to flair Servine
>mfw only 6 Servine
If I have 1125 pack points, doesn't that mean I opened over 200 packs? How the fuck could I possibly only have 6 Servine with that many packs opened?
why does new koffing have 2 retreat cost wtf
Wait a minute fucking Grass is awesome
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Let me guess...you already had it and with copies too?
Umbreon Tyranitar and Scizor, trsvt
use leaf
how are you even getting god pack wonderpicks
for the koffing scol deck leaf is important for Tauros and the other fat shit in the deck, it would be a waste
a comprehensive list of all the ways the fucked up gyara's effect
>for starters, can hit itself
>can hit an energy from the mon that just fainted to its attack
>it picks a random energy, not a random mon with energy
>all of this means that if you hit a mon with 2 energy, and the opponent has another 2 energy in the bench, you have a 75 (TWENTY-FIVE)% chance for the effect to be useless or actively detrimental
>taking misty into account, her highrolls just make this chance higher
then again, if the effect read something even slightly better like "Discard a random Energy from among the Energy attached to all OTHER Pokémon" it would be too strong, which leads me to believe they should've just kept the noex effect
What color is Lugia usually in the TCG? If Psychic gets EVEN MORE support despite remaining in the top three decks, now that will be funny.
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>Still no Celebi
>But my 4th or 5th Mew EX
flying (colorless)
>tfw have 4 fucking Pikachu EX
What do I do with them all?
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I havent gotten a card I wanted in wonder pick the last 10 picks, and before this set wonder pick was good to me, did they rugpull me on wonder picks
>can hit an energy from the mon that just fainted to its attack
Ok that is actual bullshit
why is it not just "remove an energy of your choosing"
Lugia Scizor and Umbreon
Miniset is Hooh
meant for >>57105059
Blue and melmetal?
>Water Lugia
that's kinda neat
what other cards have types like that that aren't the tera/delta gimmick?
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I just want the alt Machamp EX because it looks cool
kill, fuck, marry
I got him and it's kind of disappointing when I have to evolve into standard Machamp ex instead because I failed to draw this
Frankly it's still disappointing to have to evolve him into this. He deserves an ability or something, 10 extra HP and 20 extra damage is what Gengar's Supporter lockout was worth according to the devs.
people whine alot about gyarados. This card is so good i think you guys might just be shit
I just realized Aero ex doesn't block all evolutions...
Still don't have a FA Sabrina
What do you have for trade? I have two of them.
Only the active zone and unfortunately all the enablers like Gardevoir and Serperior or setup sweepers like Charizard stay in the back
If it's so good then play it without Misty. You can wipe enemy team with any shit pokemon if you luck with Misty.
I recently read a report that in my country, up to one in ten adults is functionally illiterate. I dread to imagine how high it must be in this thread.
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>game decides to put both of my Charizards as the last 2 cards
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I do play it without Misty, won 7 out of 2 games yesterday. You tank with vaporeon, use leaf to get it out and destroy with starmie. Shift any energy to starmie, and use free retreat to shift energy onto gyarados. You dont need misty at all, its not hard getting gyarados to 4 energy and its easy to evolve.
Just be glad you finished the 3 Mew mission
It should have been the exact opposite honestly
>won 7 out of 2 games
7 out of 2 /vp/tards failed math.
Why is this card so erotic?
Should have put in Chadtot.
You wouldn't fuck a lizard would you
Fixed! I love him so much.
I went won 7 lost 2 fuck you
>in-game Pokédex entries literally discuss her "Reverse Harem"
>He fell for the Memetres
3 flips =/= 3 energy
I won't bother with this one, this looks like a completely different character. His eyes are so much cuter than that.
That would counter the designated paypig chase cards so not allowed
If you have the Alakazam, They’re actually fighting each other
No... haha...
Pissing, Ryona and Gokkun with her hat.
That's how I feel about Expeditioner, I hope we get a milf card so they can /ss/ together.
Energy hasn't been a problem so far
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How should i run pidgeot EX?
don’t, it’s shit
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poison chads
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>use misty
>use misty again
>tails again
Based, I fucking love Scolipede, I’m a Scolipedophile
>Strictly better Muk
>But stage 2 and can't be Koga'd
dunno, it takes alot of experimenting.
Card is fine considering it rapes pikachu and can one shot important stuff
only 2 energy lmao this card is broken.
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>>But stage 2 and can't be Koga'd
Yeah but...
>oneshots Pikachu
>oneshots Celebi
>oneshots Legendary Birds with Gio
>oneshots Mewtwo
VGH... I kneel...
>One shots Celebi AND Mewtwo

It is really weird that this deck isn't omnipresent yet considering it's also really cheap.
>a few threads ago someone posts about how a Japanese friend on his list was getting no likes on his showcase
>Add the guy as a friend to like his showcase
>Today this happens from his Wonder pick

Thanks Japan bro
I don't have the Venipede to make it and I'm saving pack points for two/three diamonds.
Unbelievably based card for one of my favorite mons
I will be using him and the coof master for months
It's really bad. We've had this deck for a while with weezing and muk and Muk is the worst part of it. Scoli is just making muk a stage 3, making the deck brick even harder
The kino doesn't end there
>Machamp leaves Alakazam with 10hp after his attack
>Alakazam leaves Machamp with 10hp after his attack
Alakazam is STILL the best deck because celebi players stack so much energy
>missing 1 koga and 1 weezing for this deck
>but I'm also missing a bunch of ex cards from mystical island
It's hard not being a oinker.
I need deck building basics cause building around 2 stages is kinda hard. I know at least to not run two of the same 2 stage lines in the same deck and not to have a ton of different Pokemon lines
This Leaf card changed the whole fucking game dudes. 2 energy retreat used to be such a bad fucking draw back, now its no big deal
Absolutely based and kino pilled
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Muk attacks for 3 energy and retreats for 3 energy, that's a huge deal it can't pivot around the poison
Show us your deck.
Honestly leaf sucks in that deck
so many times I wanted to retreat and use koga in the same turn
normal x-speed works so much better then leaf
Muk also gets scooped up by koga
But yeah the three energy is a bummer. It's a trade-off though, would you rather have a three energy requirement or a stage 2? The stage 2 also takes up more cards in your deck so you can't really fit in arbok as easily
They know their audience.
Jynx better
I don't think you should run 3 different evo lines ever that sounds like a recipe for disaster
Stage ones are a way different game than stage 2

I would be curious what a scoli deck looks like though
Wrong in every case except celebi
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I don't see Kingdra getting an ex. It feels like they're very intentionally not introducing any Dark or Metal ex Pokemon until the Johto set, because that set is probably going to going to have a heavy emphasis on them. Similarly, I think the Hoenn expansion is going to be the "Dragon set" because there are so damn many ex-worthy Dragon types in gen 3. So they'll probably hold off on releasing a Dragon ex so the first one can be in that set.
Here's my Grass as an example
>exeggutor ex
>x2 lilligant
>venusaur line, not ex
>potion, x speed, x2 poke ball, red card
>x2 oak, x2 gio, erika (only have one atm)
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she's in
Birds where?
Celery where?
missing Celebi and Birds
Really nice, good job little bro.
Fuck you
spending money on this game isn't anything to brag about
>try to run a moltres deck with arcanine and volcarona
>arcanine is sent out everytime and the bug does nothing
turns out discarding 2 energy for a 80 damage snipe is trash
A fellow bottom left believer
money is an irl skill issue
definitely worth bragging about
You should use that website to take a screenshot in the future
It looks like you have too many lines and not enough focus. Lilligant can go with venu for example but not when you mix in eggs and Pinsir. Eggs can be its own deck but it does not need Pinsir, Venusaur and lilligant.

Instead of Gio start running Sabrina if you have her. Red card is bad and you should replace that with x speed in almost every case. Potion is situational.

Which of those Pokemon is your fave?
F2p player here. How did you get the mew emblem? I've completed all the new missions and only got 98 tokens
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What happened to all the people a few days ago who were telling me blue was going to be in every deck?
>just got my second scolipede
>still only have 1 genetic apex weezing
Give it to me straight lads, should I just spend the 150 pack points to get a second weezing for all the poison metas?

I'm f2p and currently only opening mythical islands trying for my second celebi.
Check again, there's something you must be missing.
Hidden mission.
I probably would.
Weezing is maybe the best FTP deck that doesn't require any EXs.
He's not very useful when one of the most common threats in the game does an arbitrary amount of damage in 50 damage increments, he'd be a lot more useful pre-celebi which had more predictable damage values.
If that's all you're missing then go for it. Chances are you're never touching Genetic Apex ever again.
That's true but not a retort to >>57105264
Wasteful spending is more common among poor people than rich people
You could be well off, I have no way to know, but most gacha whales live in squalor or in debt
Not all gacha whales, but enough only knowing >>57105258 about you would make me guess you're bad with money
My guess very well good be wrong but when you wear this on your sleeve that's the image you project
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no… not like this..
>Pulling on a 4-diamond+!Wonder without at least a 3-diamond consolation prize

yeah i already have a charizard deck, i have basically the celebi deck (using the anchormon as a replacement for my second celebi) and my pulls from genetic apex weren't getting me any closer to finishing the pikachu deck. still needed both zapdos ex and 1 more pikachu ex.
I like using Exeggutor, really good for how little set-up it needs
I don't understand why I'm always seeing posts here of people wasting their wonder picks on regular 4 diamond EXs. Jus pull on the packs??
There are exactly 100 units of A1a emblem currency.
Every non-secret themed collection for A1a except the Blue icon, the Mew icon, the Mew coin, and the Tree binder gives some amount of A1a emblem currency.
The theme collections that display wonder glass as their reward have an ellipsis (...) because they give multiple rewards. You're missing one of those.
as opposed to wasting them on useless FA cards? WP only has value for missing cards you want ASAP, rarity notwithstanding
Literally this is the last card i need to complete GA. Im not a whale so i cant open that many packs and want to start saving for February patch ASAP
only in fucking mobile games people will treat luck like a skill diff. Fuck you guys
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The secret missions don't give emblem tickets.
Friendship ended with Pikachu now Celebi is my new best friend
guys, i have something embarrasing to share. A mewtwo just copied my volcarona’s move and murdered by backline without sacrificing any energy. I think this retarded bug is the worst pokemon in the game now
Misty is really the stupidest card in the game, there's a 50% chance youll get nothing, it should have been flip 3 coins and put a W energy for each head instead.
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How do you realistically stop this?
Summon starmie and one shot all these frauds
go first, put my EXeggutor on the field turn 3, build up Celebi in peace
nigga I've opened packs with 2 or 3 above 2D cards and I still get the fucking magikarp
>gambling addiction
many such cases
we're not drowning in packs like you seem to be
How often do you curve out perrfectly as Mewtwo? Blaine's gameplan is to hard-open a 3 card combo, and they don't have the draw tools that Psychic gets, and they want to assemble the pieces one turn faster than Mewtwo wants to, and they want different cards going first or going second. It's not the brickiest deck in the world but it's not as consistent as it would like to be.
the man with no taste
The X Speed’s seem pretty redundant when all the retreats are 1 energy
NTA but I keep x speed in my blaine deck in case I want to keep the energy on the mon so I don't lose it in case of retreating. Sometimes that extra turn or two being alive lets me pull a needed card to steal a win.
>just got my first full art waifu
>its budding expeditioner
Now that you mention it, I actually think that I have never been beaten by a Blaine deck, besides one time where I didn't draw anything but a Ralts and they plopped down a Rapidash ASAP.
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Lets take a moment to appreciate this goofy looking horse.
The text on A1a Ponyta could say anything and it would still be the more deserving Ponyta to run.

It helps you get a second Ninetales online. Or get the first Ninetales online while recovering from a shaky start.
Ninetales is a nice looking card no never accumulating energy ever again can be a crippling downside.
Yes, waifu (female) without a penis
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https://ptcgp.raenonx.cc/en got their act together and illustrations aren't broken anymore. Here's the art by itself.
>nice looking card no never
*nice looking card but never
There it is! The mythical island….
I wish this game had plot
>The theme collections that display wonder glass as their reward have an ellipsis (...) because they give multiple rewards. You're missing one of those.
It was this. I didn't click to expand on it and assumed the reward was just hourglasses. Thanks.
Not even Dragonite would run this.
I didn't have any fucking time this month to do the winstreak event.
The winstreak event was 1 week.
>this month
Anon the winstreak events only run for one week.
>a second pidgeot ex
>no pidgeotto
theres a new one coming up. the ribbons are green colored this time so if thats your favorite color you might want to get those wins. otherwise just take a couple minutes out of your day to concede 10 matches and get the free hourglasses
Assuming you have it, the old one still works and is better.
Anon, it takes like 20 minutes.
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Anyone playtest new golem? The curve is better with the new graveler but I imagine it just gets stomped by the grass meta.
I have only one. I could spend packpoints on them, but honestly I don't think I'll bother.
The dick makes it better
>The curve is better with the new graveler
That's true for old Golem as well. I don't think there's a consensus for which Golem is better. With all the Grass decks running around I don't we'll find out until the meta shifts.
Same, except I have taste, so I'm not sighing.
You're a faggot
Jesus fucking christ, the CEO gave us big christmass bonus and I'm gonna spend it on pocket and next set.
>Old meta was a deck that put an EX basic with a 2 energy attack in front and evolved a broken stage 2 into an unbeatable tempo
>"Don't worry the new set will fix it believe the plan believe in DeNA" chanted the retards
>New meta is a deck that put an EX basic with a 2 energy attack in front and evolved a broken stage 2 into an unbeatable tempo
wow thanks what a well designed game I sure love it when playing the game is an actual chore
>3rd FA Dedenne
Pls stop
Erika and Misty both need to be nerfed and limited to 2 or 3 specific cards
>the prehistoric islands from pokemon peridot
Whoa, deepest lore.
Take the Blainepill
I'm at like 15 by now
>queue up Blaine deck
>3 Misty decks in a row
This shit is rigged
Pidgeot countering electric decks is really funny. I just best my 3rd one in a row.
Literally the opposite. All gym leaders should have been generic instead of locked to a few specific Pokemon. Maybe Fighting would be less shit if Brock could hit even a single decent card.
Can you pull out birbEX fast enough?
>still leaving Dark and Steel to rot in irrelevance
Now that Graveler has a 2 energy attack the Golem line has a proper curve. Leaf helps too.
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Not him, but I'm not a very smart guy so the best I can get for work is I get two 4 hour shifts a week at my local grocery store. If you want to be swimming in packs, you should try swimming in debt!
Post deck
*ahem* They're Darkness and Metal.
Next set will be Johto, believe in Karen and Jasmine! Even though we all know the hot new waifu card will be Whitney.
The gym leaders are locked specifically to create archetypes within types. So Fire decks have to choose between running Blaine-specific cards or stronger cards like Charizard. And electric decks actually have to think about whether or not to run Raichu instead of Zapdos.

Save judgement on Brock until we get Steelix.
shut the fuck up go bot
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Sounds like a skill issue
This is a gacha
What did you expect?
And if those were actual choices, no one would complain, but that would require there to not be extremely obvious best Pokemon. Anybody who's running Raichu when Pikachu ex exists should not be informing card design.
Proof? I think it's gonna be rocket
Did anybody saw yesterdays anon's god pack appear?
He never accepted my friend request.
What about misty
>Anybody who's running Raichu when Pikachu ex exists should not be informing card design.
Very ironic that this retard is talking about card design and thinks 2 prize pokemon being stronger than a 1 prize is some revelation
Anon, Raichu/Magneton is an actual deck that gets tournament results. It just gets lumped into "Pikachu ex" because it runs that card, but it's got a pretty different playstyle than something like Pikados or the Blitzle/Electrode variant.
No, I will not thank your retarded ass Wiggly deck
Wiggle wiggle.
Looks like the Genshin doorbell meme
I've only ever played Greninja variants which are low in energy cost. What other water mons want to use Vaporeon? I've pulled like 4 copies of the regular and 2 FA already
skill issue
Imagine being filtered by a previous set deck.
Gyarados, Gyarados ex, Blastoise, Blastoise ex, and Lapras are the only real payoffs.
Unless you want to run meme cards like Lapras ex or Cramorant.

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