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pokevious: >>57116077
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This has been working for me, tried Dedenne but didn't really like it, is a free point for the opponent if you go first, too weak for late game and even early game poking for 10 is just allowing your opponent to stall and build energy on their bench.
Celebi chads ww@
no water card was truly broken, they were either solid (starmie) or trash unless carried by Misty (articuno). But guess what, we know have a card that is nearly charizard levels of checkmate that can use Misty, and its only a stage 1.
I understand falling for the Celebi hype, that's one strike. But this place calling Gyarados the worst new EX, is another strike.
What bad meta call from the new pack will be our third strike?
"Leaf is useless"
>calling Gyarados the worst new EX
everyone called that for Aero
/tcgp/ is ALWAYS wrong lmfaooo
>pre expansion you retards say aero ex would be broken
>say gyarados ex sucks
>no one uses aero ex and gayrados is the new meta deck
say sorry
I said none of these and in fact said the opposite so I win.
Thinking about it, should have been obvious giving water big dick damage that it lacked and was playable already without would be OP
Leaf isn't useless. TWO Leaf is useless. You want to see it, but it could be a dead draw if you need Sabrina, or any other better Support.
>TWO Leaf is useless
here's that bad meta take we were talking about
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You just know
I actually dropped a Misty (I still run 1) in the deck for Mew EX, it’s obviously gay and broken but you need to actually find the Gary and I feel like the extra consistency from Mew helps with that.
There was some squabbling over Blue, who is a staple in one of the standard mewtwo builds
People got hung up on the shitty effect and didn't just see "wow big numbers!". Also Druddigon wall giving you the OTK on Mewtwo is a big part of the puzzle that was easy to miss on first glance.
This is a children's game, we are too intelligent for it.
There just aren't that many decks in play right now that require you to evolve your active pokemon.
>Egg Ex and Mew Ex
Wow this is a really fuckiing annoying deck to face
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Looks like getting 2 Greninja up is better than Gyarados in the mirror match
This is what I was expecting to be the main usecase for Mew EX, but Celebi overshadows it and also is a hard matchup for it. Egg EX can win games on his own but it lacks a late game nuker which Mew can fill in.
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I need him…
Everyone was right about Pidgeot EX being dogshit
Yeah it didn't help I misplayed and didn't drop Sabrina bait, and they got every single fucking Head roll
Gyarados only has such an obscenely high win rate because people got hyper-focused on countering Mewtwo and Celebi, so they didn't realize what the actual threat was. Its win rate will probably be more in-line with the other meta decks once people start running counters.

It has a VERY bad win rate against Pikachu because of pic related.
>TWO Leaf is useless
I find it to be pretty helpful in my Arcanine deck. It lets you conserve the energy gains better than x speed, so Moltres can come back in as an attacker or pivot later in the game.

>dead draw
The game is just like that sometimes. Even Sabrina isn’t going to be useful every time you draw it.
but that isnt true anon it does the same damage as gyarados and as high hp
it isnt as good as gyarados but it isnt dogshit
How do babies interact with basics they evolve into?

I remember when the game first came out everyone here was shitting on Arcanine EX. I didn't care because that was the starter EX card I had, and I made a deck around it and moltres ex. Low and behold this is now seen as a solid deck. Not tier 0 shit, but a consistent deck that gets wins.
People mostly brought M2 and Celebi to the tournament. I can see Pikachu making a comeback to combat it.
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Pidgeot's okay. Solid tier 3 deck.
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it depends
ive seen some cards that remove all damage from baby pokemon that evolve

not this one I just wanted to post it because I like the move
>PikaEX will save the meta soon
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nice backpedaling lol
greninja is just straight up one of the best fuckers in the entire game, i said this many many threads ago but he is a 1:1 reprint of a card that was a core piece of a top meta deck for years(IT WAS A GRENINJA DECK!)
>don't draw Druddigon
>Froakie and Karp get eaten alive by strong, fast basics
>draw Druddigon
>they Sabrina in Karp
I miss my stupid kanga/toise line
The more the meta shifts to a tanky longer game meta, the better gren will get

for m2 to be 25% of the meta and still be sporting a 50% winrate is fucked. this deck is legitimately unassailable
The TCG just gave up trying to figure out how babies work back in the HGSS era. Now they just can't evolve at all. Before that, you could evolve them into basics, but it was completely pointless. (I do remember one era where they experimented with Pokemon whose attacks have bonus effects if they evolved from babies, but it didn't last very long)
most people that play tcgp have not played the actual tcg outside of maybe the gameboy color game
most of the mechanics and strategies are brand new to them
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The way cards handle it has varied throughout the life of the game.
In my picture

the top row of Magbies have rules text that allows them to evolve into Magmar
the middle row of Magbies have abilities than allow them to evolve into Magmar (with some perks)
the bottom row cannot evolve.

But at there was no point in the game where Magby existing stopped you from directly playing Magmar.
I love that full art magby
I hope thats the one we get
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Does anyone have Buddy Explorer for trade?
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Need a new ex for m2 deck
Come across this Wonder blessing!
At least you didn't get Marshadow'd
What was the friend code?
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>mfw I ignored hundreds of gyarados ex wonder picks to get celebi because I thought it would be the new meta
Just pick the Gyarados EX now.
I can empathize. I've opened 27 MI packs and so far I've gotten 3 copies of Gyarados from them. So I've been ignoring those wonder picks too.
>opponent goes first and evolves Gyara before you can get Zebstrika out
what now?
I started running the Gyarados/Chatot deck that was posted her like a day after the set dropped just because I pulled full art Gyarados. I kept telling people it tore through most of the meta like tissue paper, but nobody listened.
my gren seems to do very well into mewtwo decks and articuno decks and fighting decks
We already see the stats. The PikaGyarados MU is one-sided in favor of the rat.
Just zap it until it's in Pikachu kill range
You keep shooting Gary and try to get it low enough so you can one shot it before it sweeps you
Ok, Gyrados is actually beddy good. Not sure what the best list looks like, but I really think 2x gio should hopefully be included.
Am I the only only one who thinks m2 is a bit overtuned?
>tankiest basic
>more hp than most stage 1 exs
>one shots almost everything 2 turns after plopping down his fat ass
no you're definitely not
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no anon youre the first
I haven't been keeping up with the meta at all, just opening packs for the past week. Anything good I can make with these pulls?
>1x pidgeot ex
>1x aerodactyl ex
>1x mew ex
>2x gyrados ex
>1x celebi ex
Am I safe to assume the other cards are mediocre to shit? Or are there standouts?
>switch from Blastoise EX to Gyarados EX
>brick city, almost every game I just don't find some fundamental piece I need to win
>Pikachu ex + Pikachu ex 2HKO
>Pikachu ex + Electrode 2HKO
>Raichu + Anything 2HKO
Pikachu has a LOT of ways to deal with Gyarados, and Gyarados doesn't really have a plan B most of the time.
>2hk Gyarados
>the thing that gets a KO on everything in your deck the turn it comes out after you either kill or ignore Drudd
No it's balanced
When he's outside of the gardevoir deck he's pretty balanced, he was pretty fun in the two color decks I ran him in
nigger a stage 2 ex deck is brick city
if you are getting bricked on gyarados you are absolutely going to do worse with blastoise
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>roll 4 misty heads turn 1
i feel like a piece of shit. Dudes trying to play a cool golem deck and here i come with my casino deck that doesnt even need misty to win. Im gonna send feedback about this fucking card and use google translate it to make it japanese. This style of deck will absolutely kill the game if it gets more popular
The entire deck is over tuned and now it has mew and a mew koga card plus a bonus card finder that's only for psychics. It's so fucking bullshit.
>2x gyrados ex
I've got good news for you buddy, recent results say that's a pretty good poke to use
Cute booby
>if it gets more popular
lol about that…
People figure out a consistent dicklist yet?
That's why you use two Pokemon. You assume Gyarados is going to kill the first after being attacked once. You can use Zebrastrika to chip away at its bench if it tries hiding behind the Druddigon until you make the first move.
Im talking about standard pvp, fags are still running mainly mewtwo, celebi and articuno misty. Gyarados doesnt need misty, but if it rolls one heads you generally auto lose.
Wartortle and Squirtle *do something*- which cannot be said of Magikarp or the Greninja line before Greninja itself. And Kanga can also pick up a KO where Drudd would just stand there menancingly.
>use Misty
>chance to win instantly moreso than Sharticuno
>fail you can play normally and it won't affect you too much
Ebin deck
Wow, it's just ass huh
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Did Pikachu Ex deck flopped? What is the current best Pikachu Ex deck?
>successfully wonderpick 2 gyarados-ex over a couple days
>the next day pull a full art gyarados-ex
>the next day pull another regular gyarados-ex
I can't get a 2nd mew or celebi to save my life though.
I don't think budding loli is very good in Mewtwo, but yeah the deck is definitely the best in the format I think
Mew EX is honestly more important since it fits into literally every deck
People thought Pikachu was dead in the new meta. Then it turned out to be one of only two decks that have a good win rate against Gyarados (the other is Charizard).
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>mfw my coworker that I showed the game to a week ago got a crown Mew and Mewtwo in his free packs back to back today
>mfw I spent $200 on MI last night just to get 17 Exeggutor FA
>mfw I have no face
Suicide is on the menu tonight boys.
don't I know it brother. at least I already have my crown mew and immersive celebi so everything else I can wonder pick eventually.
Pikachu EX stomps Gary so it has a place in the meta
Mew EX and Mewtwo EX deck?
If I'm reading this correctly the decks that made it to top cut are
15 Gyarados decks (2 with Vaporeon, 13 without)
8 Pikachu decks
4 Mewtwo decks
4 Moltres decks (2 with Charizard, 2 without)
1 Golem deck
Stage 2 nigga decks are the reason why Pika's going to be my ride-or-die until it gets powercrept out of existence. I'd rather never draw Pika than brick to hell and back praying that I draw unsearchable puzzle pieces
>meta gets shaken up for a week
>Gyarados single-handedly destroys all of the new decks and returns the game to the previous meta, except with Gyarados
Turns out big dick damage with a chance of destroying your opponents energy is pretty good
But /tcgp/ told me...
this place said aero was the worst EX, and was right
they did say celebi was the new thing though
Aero EX's ability should have applied to bench, it's not fair
I mean for what it's worth, Celebi will continue to see an assload of play. It's just not consistent enough for top level.
>1 golem chad
what a god
Got 2 FA Marshadow
What goes well with the lil nigga
Ape escape probably
Promo Mankey into Primeape
this would be broken. even if it was "aerodactyl in the active slot," completely turning off all decks that aren't big basic ex's would be bad for the game. the main tcg a)makes the effect symmetrical and b)has more ways of interacting with it. and even then it's too powerful (picrel is banned in expanded format).
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solid clean win with no misty, this deck is gonna run the game for the next few months dude. Also, legit automatic win if you hit heads on Misty. Nothing can stand up to an early gyarados.
What counter this deck?
Do you think Gyarados feels inadequate, considering both Greninja and Druddigon have hands and he doesn't?
FUCK I remember this card
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This >>57118220 runs one.
Gyarados is one big dick, it doesn't need hands
Pikachu and Charizard are the only two decks that it has a bad win rate against. Charizard sets up faster (unless Gyarados high rolls Misty) and OHKOs Gyarados while being too bulky to be OHKO in return. Pikachu has a lot of cheap options to 2HKO Gyarados. Or it can just snipe Magikarp with Zebrastrika if it doesn't draw Gyarados immediately.

Hitmonlee also works, since it can attack before Magikarp even gets a chance to evolve.
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Already did (yesterday)
Do you think Pikachu can wins if you land one heads on misty?
If gyarados does start running the table then pika players will gravitate even more to zebstrika since it can snipe the magikarp
Feels like my raichu and zapdos are completely useless vs Gyarados.
>added a bunch of real life friends and coworkers
>realized people can check how many packs you've pulled by clicking on your profile
>don't want to be seen as no life loser who spent money on children card games
That is the only reason stopping me from whaling more
I still pulled the second-most among my friends, though
zeb just feels so conditional in a matchup you're already kind of favored in vs dedenne who saves you from matchups you'll probably lose i.e. mewtwo with a good start, arcanine
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I think the worst part of this shit is rate on cards in spite of meta. I don't mean like good cards but if you want to play a more fun deck you can just be fucked if you haven't had some weird luck to give you the things you want. There's just entire evolutions I can't play cause I just never have an in between or certain support cards. Spending money doesn't even ensure I'd get that not that I would even bother to do that. My current 700 cards only force me to only play a mewtwo, pikachu, or blaine deck. I want to have more variety than that.
I decided to fuck around with some celebi\mew\egg slop rather than celebi serp shit I copied and feel like having much more luck with. Maybe game is just giving me nicer matches
Because they are, raichu doesnt one shot gyarados. You know how bad that is?
Pikachu doesnt one shot greninja, gyarados nor druddigon. Pikachu hitting druddigon also puts it at risk of getting ko’d by ninja if it gets to 80 or below. Charizard probably beats this deck, but no one is using him. Zard one shots gary, and lives any other hit.
I got 2 Golems from the new pack but I never touched the PIkachu one so I'm still short on Brocks unfortunately
Post non existant decks
pull more
it's that shrimple
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Here's the >>57118196 8 Pikachu decks.
You're meant to use Zebstrika to keep chipping the Gyarados to put it in Pikachu's OHKO range. Raichu doesn't help in this matchup.
Dedenne and Zebstrika doesn't fight over the same slot. You can run both.
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Rate my tri-energy meme deck
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>hes too scared to attack
how do I lose this though?
welcome to online tcgs
no trading, no singles to buy, just gacha
>pack points
>wonder pick
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In addition to Brock they're running the old Geodude.
I think what makes this gyarados druddigon deck so insulting is that its not even a tricky dual energy deck. You literally just send out drudd as a wall and never think about energy management. Put one energy on frog so it can attack whenever necessary, and spam misty on the karp to win asap with gyarados. There isnt a deck easier than this one.
My Vaporeon gyrados deck got beat by one of these and I have lost like 8 games in a row with this piece of shit, how do I get less shit rng
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>Pikachu doesnt one shot greninja, gyarados nor druddigon. Pikachu hitting druddigon also puts it at risk of getting ko’d by ninja if it gets to 80 or below. Charizard probably beats this deck, but no one is using him. Zard one shots gary, and lives any other hit.
Know-it-all Ed Boy, we have tournament data.
It seems like he's not too scared to attack, he's just jerking off at how many coin flips he's about to get
Vaporeon just doesn't seem to be good no matter how you slice it DESU. It feels like it exists for NOEX where the powerlevel is lower than there's less slugfesting.
My problem is my Vaporeon deck seems to be more consistent than dragons and water shurkins
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>pity that takes ages
>rng shit
fair enough it's my first one, I guess I will just play this as casually as it rewards me
that is how they make their money so you aren't wrong
God I love Charizard so much it's unreal, I've always defended him on this retarded contrarian incel filled with potential pedophiles board and that's why I got a crown rare Charizard in my first few days of playing this game
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I actually should have lost but he was retarded because I misplayed and he didnt notice
ok you got me, but is this not a variety of gyarados deck or are they all using the 2 drudd 2 gary 2 greninja? This is the deck I think is unfair.
Vaporeon is cute but 2 retreat cost and no offensive utility hurts it. Its a really fun card, but its easier to be lazy, shove out druddigon and have him tank.
Charizard is literally still an automatic win against any deck with no mew.
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>Celebinigger wastes my time by stalling his turns all game
>stomp him into dust
I haven't used any of the new cards yet. I've just been playing my old decks.
There's not much data on that specific variant's Pikachu matchups, but from the data we do have, Pikachu still makes pretty short work of it.

12 decks
>2 drudd 2 gary 2 greninja
9 of these are identical, 3 make small changes

1 deck
>2 drudd 2 gary 1 butterfree

2 decks
>2 starmie 2 vaporeon 2 gary
these look pretty different from one another
>Mostly non surge
I was right
What was this guy cooking?
I dont see how being able to retreat for free could possibly be bad
>>Mostly non surge
Anon, there are 8 decks and 4 of them run Lt. Surge.

half of them have surge and the ones that do mostly have 2 surge....
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Is Surge the most useless support card? At least blue has the odd chance to save you from a OHK. Surge feels like a really odd chance that rarely happens for you to make the most of it.
Interestingly, the 3 with 2x Surge have Raichu + Electabuzz and the 1 with 1x Surge only has Raichu.
What? Misty is just preforming a Svend press to develop her pectorals with a little bit of forearm activation. An impressive 76lb Svend Press.
I have this card
I'm at 8/9 wins on this, my only loss was a Charizard ex with Moltres that was on curve
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I swapped to the Greninja version after playing Vaporeon/Starmie. I kept bricking too much
I actually narrowly beat that Chatot/Gyara deck with VenuLilli. Had to retreat Venu even to give me time to draw into the second Erika I needed to survive the big fucker. Good match, all in all.
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Turn 2 articuno just flipped 2 heads and automatically won. Please stop acting like this game requires skill
Honestly if you're not playing dynamic dual/tri energy decks then most turns have one clear right answer
Are there any other decks using Serperior besides Celebi?
You could go with Egg or Venasaur
>brick like a motherfucker against an Articuno + Starmie deck
>somehow stall til turn 8 with a Larvesta, finally get Moltres
>I could win this as soon as I get Volcarona
>Can't get Volcarona til turn 14, finally, I should win though, opponent has been playing extremely dumb
>Already killed his Staryu, attack into Articuno with Moltres, -70 hp, within kill range of Volcarona when he tries to flee
>pulls two potions out of his ass
I hate it. Why so many dumb Articuno/Misty decks all of a sudden? The last 4/5 have been this shit. They all make tons of mistakes, but always get rewarded by Misty.
Both Venu (2x stage 2 is yikes though) and New nonEgg benefits from reaching 4 energy with only 2. You can sort of use that + the anchor.
Liligant/Serp/Venusaur would be absolutely fucking brutal to try to draw but it could be funny when it works
No. Venusaur is the only other pokemon that wants lots of energy, but
>two stage 2s
You could use Psychic Eggs EX if you really want. But why not just use Celebi.
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>Pikachu went from the villain meta to underdog anti meta
>Celebi mirror match
>He has 6 energy on Celebi + Serperior, I only have 3
>He attacks, flips
>Only lands 2 heads
>My turn
>I put an energy on my Celebi and flip 4 heads
100% RNG deck.
>Why so many dumb Articuno/Misty decks all of a sudden?
Japs have realized that Celebi isn't that good and have pivoted back to their old faithful RNG rather than the new stupid RNG.
My opponent wasn't japanese but okay. The Articuno I'm playing against now is tho. He's getting beaten honestly this time.
Honestly, there is nothing less fun to play against than water decks featuring Misty. Sure, M2 is a boring matchup for a lot of decks, but at least you don’t have the illusion of playing the game shattered because of a singular card. I was lucky enough to have two win streaks in the last event end on game 4 because of turn 1/3 Misty, and most of the losses I’ve had in the current event have been the result of the same.
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this is the best deck in the game, bare minimum its top 3
Flair your damn Greninja dude you're not a peasant
How are Beheeyem Florges decks?
The mirror match is hilarious, because you can lose entirely because your Gyarados blew up his own energy, then the opponent Gyarados hits another one of your energy.
decklist plox
Or the Greninja's whittle down the the other Gary and you just one shot it
thanks babe
I tried a botched version of this with 1 each of both golems/gravelers since I don't have 2x yet. Golem is solid but marshadow felt lacking. Had multiple matches where his revenge damage just wasn't enough and a mew ex would've been done the job instead.
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What's Mew looking at?
please make the next OP an apology to Gyarados and redeem yourself /vp/ you're better than reddit
So who wants a cool Wonder Pick Chance?
It's no god pack, but its pretty sweet.
Gyarados relies on misty and so it's still a dishonest cancer deck.
>that's a man!
Trading my 2* Gyarados for Budding Expeditioner FAs, any takers?
She's still budding give her time
Sorry anon there will never be a deck that satisfies your ideal non-toxic non-cancer and balanced meta while also being the best deck
ofc, its a bullshit no skill deck. Celebi was a falseflag, it has weak late game potential because despite the coin flip hell it gets one shot by so many things.
I'll take it
>relies on misty
80% of the games I've played so far I've gotten tails on both Misty's and still won
>scolipede/weezing gets 1 tournament win BTFOing mewtwo
>everyone learns the gyarados secret sauce
>scolipede/weezing has an abysmal matchup into it
it was good while it lasted
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first turn
is the game already over?
Nobody is talking about how the game is all druddigon right now
misty speeds it up and gives it comeback potential, but the deck wins easily without it.
Blaine loses to it too. Looks like I'll be doing my 5 winstreak with Gyarados.
They don't want you to spread the chatot/druddigon news!!
bow to the druddigod
>two druddigons sitting in Active staring at eachother while gigarape monsters do a DBZ power up sequence while orbital shuriken launches pelt everything
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Greninja is THE STRONGEST Non Ex card. Why is he not considered Ex? He's pretty much as powerful as one. His ability is TWO Giovannis.

Change my mind.

Looks like it's time for Pikachads to save the meta once more. You're welcome, retards.
Hes the best non-ex stage 2 in the game yes.
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Just hit the funny dragon bro nothing bad will happen
his ability is better than 2 giovanis, you can choose where to hit but the ramp up is higherr
I need more friends anyways.
Only have like 3 and I am sure one is a bot.
>every event match is a mewtwo mirror
I love this game
Am i missing something or is golem just a superior machamp? This is just better
Once the Mewtwo and Celebis clear out a bit, you can probably run Hitmonlee to counter them. Will be the first time fighting ever accomplished anything.
EX cards are too fast for evo cards. It's the only way to even the field.
giovanni is 1 card you can play anytime whereas greninja is 3 cards you need to play over 3 turns.
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>kills your fish
>the only ex from MI I don't have is Gyarados
Use your pack points.
Playing Pika EX is a thankless job, but I do it for (you) anyway.
>every event match is a mewtwo mirror
Only because you are playing mewtwo. If you swap to Any other type then that is the mirror you'll get... IF you are winning.
Why did they remove the ability to evolve baby pokemon? They kept their gimmick of being low hp pokemon with a 1-0 cost attack that had a good effect but now are stuck only being opening hand cards instead of being support for the pokemon they actually evolve into
I only have 200 pts and I don't want to pull more because I already got like 99% of the MI cards
I can tell the water decks were getting too many easy wins because lately when I play my electric decks sparingly, I'll get matched into multiple gyarados decks for a bit.
>tfw still sitting on 700 GA pack points because I can't decide what to spend them on
I'm a poor F2P player who lucked into opening a pair of mewtwo ex, I have nothing competitive otherwise.
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Vid related
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After finally getting a second set of the fucking snakes, I started running this deck. Feels alright for a cute petdeck. I maybe should take out the Gio for a Potion or something but I like having it for hitting certain breakpoints.
Bro that doesn't matter. You will not face the same pool of players or decks.
Damn I can't lose. Swapped out my blues for a leaf and a potion because the only thing blue did was stop a lucky celebi one shotting my drud or a blainetales one shotting my weezing.
Reminder to claim your daily gift before reset because those bastards at Dena removed the notification for it
This is basically me, since I'm F2P I have little reasons to keep pulling from GA, never pulled Starmie EX and also never got Froakie. Based on how trading goes I can complete my pokedex, get my Greninja to be played and even snatch Starmie EX or just never get to play the best Water stuff in my main account. In my Alt I ultra pulled from Pikachu and Zard that never got to pull from M2 and now I'm trapped pulling from GI
God i wanna fuck serperior
Noticed this too, it is shady as fuck
the full art one particularly
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I unfortunately already have two Serperior FAs
Would have been a nice wonder pick otherwise
Shes so smooth...
>Dena removed the notification for it
Weird. I was just thinking that it felt like i haven't checked that in a while.
The same reason Butterfree isn't considered uber powerful even though it's potentially FOUR Potions every single turn.
Because they could never really find a good reason why you'd want to bother evolving them. I hope Pocket can find a better use for Baby Pokemon than the TCG did. Given the tiny deck limits, even just letting them search out their evolutions after a turn would probably justify running them as a third copy of the basic.
Always thank
>Brock decks
>Marowak EX decks
>Wigglytuff EX decks
>Dragonite decks
>Any dark deck
>Steel decks
Only thank when they don't autowin
>Articuno-less Misty decks
>Venusaur EX/Exeggutor EX decks
>Gengar EX decks
Never thank
I'm interested to see how fighting interacts with the meta. the problem is all the brock variants have high retreat cost so hitmonlee can't snipe the magikarp early enough. maybe marowak/primeape w/ hitmonlee is the move.
What about Gyarados?
Galvantula is pretty godd imo
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>you zoom out to 5 cards per row and to this much
I feel like I just discovered fire
What about drud/Weezing tank decks.
>Articuno-less Misty decks
What about my Florges deck?
It would be hilarious if this became meta after Brock being useless for the first month.
Godspeed to you
You can't really compare to other sharticuno-less water decks since Gyarados EX on it's own is just bullshit
it gets ones shot without gio unlike arbok, but it can be used in lightning decks so you can definitely use it as a sub attacker
mewtwo trannies are the real enemy
Charizard isn't even that good anymore
What about arcachads? And lickeevee/flareon
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>1000th card makes a Jirachi reference
At least I don't have to see that ugly fuck Gholdengo
>really want Zapados EX so I have a real tank for Galv decks which I feel like are actually probably somewhat viable right now but running shit like Druddigon doesn't really do it justice
>keep failing wonder pulls
How do i get grenigga?
don't lick eevee
>literally one of the only two decks with a positive winrate against Gyarados
>not that good
if a deck beats me then its over powered meta shit
At that point just save up for the Crown cards
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Your meta deck, sir
I feel like I should do this but part of me would really rather get 2x FA 2*
cringe meta deck
Dude looks like a 90s Mac'n'Cheese mascot or something.
I'm still doing pretty good with Charizard, it just takes too long to set up compared to other decks. and gets shit on by Mew, but what doesn't.

anyway it's the only full meta deck I have so imma keep running it for now
I don't get it
Mewtwo packs / You missed the event to get the superior (art) promo
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dink donk we all done
easy for Metalgods
lucklet cope
why did he leave
He got good flips with Moltres ex and he's still riding the high
Wtf how does he habe three mews?
>drudd cucks thinking they're hot shit
1v1 me right now
Did you get lucky?
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finally playing celebi, i think this deck is straight up bad. You rely on luck to ko EVERYTHING and that’s not good at at all. The pikachu infront of me very easily lives if i dont flip enough heads. This card by design is not reliable.
take out bulba and put in egg ex
I feel like most of the Celebis I face just really misplay and invest too much in their frontal Celebi, completely blind to any ways their highly invested carry could get oneshot.
Turn 1 - Start Pet, bench Snivy
Turn 3 - Attach to Pet/Lilli, bench Bulb, evolve Servine
Turn 5 - Attach to Bulb, evolve Ivy, evolve Serp, attack Lilli/attach Ivy
Turn 7 - Evolve Venu, attach Serp, retreat Lilli, attack Venu

I can see that being hilarious in this ideal scenario, but even my love for the grassy lads ain't enough to run all that shit.
Fighting PikaLibre when?
Voltorbros, Elechodes....is it over for us?
Hello where are the Leaf FA pulls
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go, serperior, go celeb-ack
>dragonite players complaining about drudd day 1
>no dragon support in new set wtf
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No i put in anchor and hes crazy
uhh bros celebi isnt actually strong its too luck dependant its really bad
>proceeds to flip 20 heads
everyone shit on me for saying gyrados ex was good and no one apologized to me either so I wont help when the next set comes out.
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So is there any point to running a fighting deck? I literally can't think of a time when it would be worth it...
It's just if you're to the point you're flipping more than 4 coins your opponent has probably bricked or misplayed fatally already
celebi is fine, it's serpieror that's OP as hell, it should at least be extra rare
You can kick the legs out from under Pikachu decks sometimes
the flips are rigged, either you get all heads or you get all tails
Lucario EX will save fighting. I believe.
Aero ex kind of sucks but you can just slap him a Normal type deck and he... he does stuff
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probably the one thing i call faggots out on, it's one thing to be a coin flipper and cry but it's another if you can shit out coin flips like nothing
lmao the cope
Here's the 32 best decks from a 1500 player tournament.
Fight me
what's the alakazam ex deck
Fossil search trainer when?
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Compfags should get their own thread. Who gives a fuck about random tournament #342? Your metashit rankings have no correlation with the real game. Anybody can win against a bunch of retards in some simpcord circlejerk tourney. That doesn't mean a deck will do well against a million Japanese schoolkids running their favorite shitdecks.
>he doesn't know how to flip the coins the surefire way
s m h
>lmao the cope
It's the same faulty logic the Charizard downplayers use. They pretend like every flip is an all or nothing like Misty but they routinely get multiple off per game because Serpiror doubles all of it for free, and even if you KO 1 celebi the next one gets to go off with 1 energy so even if they act like chimps and dump it all into 1 Celebi to begin with they're still blessed with no tempo loss.
I think it's Alakazam with Mew ex support
I noticed this the other day, Jewish behaviour
Is that a specific build or any old variation
>Meinshau enjoyer
Incredibly fucking based
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It seems that the best way to play this deck is to have anchor always topped off, and limit celebi to having 2 energy max. 90 damage for 2 energy is ridiculous, it bodied this dude.
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haha I can't resist being able to threaten two and a half types of basics for one energy
I mean it's basically grass Starmie EX with Serperior on board
swap celebi and gyarados
I meant 3 energy, theres never a reason to go 4 its just overkill.
Yeah its the same, its pretty stupid.
That tier list is fucking retarded like always. Celebi couldn't even top cut in the recent biggest tournament.
If I don't go to 4 I can't do up to 400 damage
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I think the worst part of grass decks is the fact they can just shit out a 50 heal Erika. No other deck can get that sort of longevity unless they have a support card to call them back and that at least kills their energy stack.
Damn scolipede hits hard
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is there a more forgotten card than Gengar
IKR. He's also a fat ass. Even without the +50 he usually lives long enough to swing for 70 twice.
you never need to do 400 damage, if you got that much energy on celebi you are likely trolling. You avg out more damage by treating anchor like mini starmie, and making sure celebi has atleast 3 energy for end game.
thoughts on pocket vs the TCG
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Yeah, it's not overpowered but it shits all over any deck that doesn't set up a one shot or is hyper aggressive like Blaine. Hopefully the popularity goes down so that the bad matchups aren't so common.
If you can squeeze in something that can one shot them like a Tauros if you're already running 2 Gio, then it's not too hard to stall until you can one shot their Celebi.
>Anybody can win against a bunch of retards in some simpcord circlejerk tourney.
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grass type coin flip boogaloo ensues
hot take celebi needs time. It got top 32 on its first tourney, give hype beasts time to learn how to play it. Charizard was jobbing until he got slotted in with Arcanine. Remember people were calling the dog bad? I really do believe that people are playing celebi wrong, you dont hear anything about how good dehlmise is and thats a red flag.
I don't friend people who red card me
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I heard you kids like to flip coins, how about you flip for a flip?

One more energy necessary, plus you can't attack through each stage successively, but you also don't give two prizes, so pros and cons.
>perfectly on curve serperior and 2 celebis
This game really needs emojis so I can eye roll these faggots
>you can't attack through each stage successively,
There's a 1 energy Geodude and a 2 energy Graveler. You do need Brock to curve out into Golem though.
Gyarafags are a psyop organized by Celebifags to remove Blaine from the meta
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It is done.
>put out a celebi or two
>get grass energy farm going
>can start ko'ing with decent luck after not much setup
I don't know how to make it more clear you get 50 dmg PER coin flip and you can just grow it as much as you want, you can ever giga heal if you fuck up bad enough
nice, you can quit the game now
I think the 2 articuno 18 trainer deck saved the game for me. If I win then I know I beat other people using cheap shit too. If I lose then I don't feel bad cause I was using cheap shit. No longer do I go a full game without drawing the 2nd evo of a 3 evo line. No longer do I go entire games drawing only 1 starter pokemon and then 10 trainer cards in a row. The consistency of the deck is calming.
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>hates coinflipfags like celebi and misty
>hates fair and honest deck like mewtwo and pika
What kind of deck does /tcgp/ like?
>Only have Misty out of these
>And then a bunch of the FA men/boys
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>fair and honest deck like mewtwo
I wish I could, I need to get another lead and 2 budders, I hope they release another display board that fits all the waifus, otherwise I’ll have to put them in a binder to display them (cringe)
How can I improve this?
Kinda thinking about swapping Magmar for mew ex
Based ability ones like Weezing and Druddigon
Golem has brock for a free energy, it effectively does the same thing.
does Drugggion work well? Who else would want fire energy in water deck?
When is johto pack
Name the binder "Harem".
Weezing... and Druddigon...
I think I have an idea...
*Evil laugh*
>erm guys, how do I improve one of the most broken decks in the game? I totally came up with this myself because I put a magmar in there myself! please help me I'm a noob!
budding explorer is male
swap magmar with heatmor for soul
any players using grass decks deserve that
>celebi is a grass energy mogger that doesnt require too much luck too one turn ko
>misty deck is at least fair where you are hyper luck or fucked or very middle of the road
>mewtwo is just a quick psychic bank as long as you don't get fucked on how you draw gard lines and don't get counterplayed
>pika is just a cheap quick damage deck
hmm i wonder
Which Wheezing? Smog or poison?
I auto beat every blaine deck running magmar. surely you guys see why that card is shit right?
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How can I improve this?
Kinda thinking about swapping Jynx for mew ex
Needs more lickitung and hypno
you sound upset
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>luck based pnyta line
>energy dump ninetales
>mid damage magmar
Swap jynx for Mew
add in those stone tablet psychic draw cards
Smokescreen isn't an ability. it's an attack. NTA but this weezing feels too energy expensive to run.
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Celebi is absolutely cracked though
Good game btw anon
Eggy ex is bullshit
Are you a genuine retard?
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>have a fun deck I like to use with no EX in it
>hmm maybe I'll throw in an ex for once
>I'll throw in mew ex just to counter broken decks like mewtwo zard and celebi
>coinflip heads
>only mon I draw is mew ex
>forgot to remove the psychic energy for the 3rd time
just work on your coin flips lil bro
I won my last game because my opponent flipped 6 coins and got 1 head. He conceded on the spot. I would never play the deck solely for the chance of that happening.
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>one of the most broken decks in the game
>just hit 251 boosters opened
>not a single full art trainer

is this the worst luck possible
I played against that deck 20 minutes ago. >>57118685
Dragonite supporter card where you can now direct each instance of Draco Meteor, thoughts?
>people are now pretending that the rapidash ninetails blaine deck isn't almost if not as good as the meta ex decks
fuck off luckfag
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Why are you getting bootyblasted after some anons called you out? The blaine deck isn't that good and stop pretending it's a boogeyman in a game where there's literal satan decks
I have enough GA pack points to get an EX, should I get
>2nd Arcanine
>2nd Pikachu
>2nd Starmie
I know, I meant he jump from Grav to Golem.

Sure, but that's a supporter you need to draw into and you're locked into spending one of your turns doing that, while Champ doesn't have that limitation. I think both have their niches, that's just how they stack relative to each other.
If i have 2 points and KO an Ex it should count as 4 points for statistics purposes and not only 3. It’s like, you worked hard for that boss-mon KO after killing 2 small guys
You're just mad because it fucks your Celebi deck (sometimes).
How come when I play blaine I don't see Celebii decks?
They're all busy fighting me
who the fuck cares when's there's faggots conceding cucking you out of points
Do you even play?
Thanks. It was an interesting match. You had me on the ropes towards the end but your early game stalling did you in. The Retreat Poison Koga Venoshock shuffle was inevitable.
I think the only cards left in my deck at the end were my second Poke Ball and my second Oak.
I've been playing that deck a lot. I like it and I'm at ~75% win rate but I did get slapped by anon with a Scolipede and I've jobbed to some weird shit like Machamp where I couldn't find my drudds
It would help offset that
Remove Red Card for soul.
I hate how the game automatically turns all energy back on whenever you edit a multi deck
damn, I got a perfect hand against gyarados and he beat me after rolling 1 head on misty. That card is a fucking problem.
What deck?
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>all coin flips should be limited to 4 no matter how much energy shit you stock on a mon
You know I'm right and if you want proof just see how retarded it is when you see the screen flip more than two rows of coins, feels like literal cheating
Damn you're mad
Which one do you like more
2nd arcanine isn't that necessary imo. Can slot in mew ex instead. Flareon does almost the same thing too
Are coin flips rigged or am I just bad?
Golem, still I don't see how another deck with a good starting hand stops gyara with jackpot misty. It's an unfair deck.
This adorable little guy shows up at your door during a cold winter night, do you offer him some food and a warm blanket?
No I want the other Snivy.
ninetails blaine boosted attack to ensure that lil nigga is crispy
Let him in then butcher him and make a stew out of his half meat half veggie corpse
Fight cancer with cancer and roll 200 damage eevee
his weakness is fire so he'll be fine outside
I'm sick of every opponent always drawing a perfect curve
I'm sick of always drawing a perfect curve
ok played 10 games with celebi, bad deck. Probably the most pathetic performance from a stage 2 style deck. Like literally if you don't pull serperior you can't do ANYTHING, your damage is terrible and nothing works.
Fucking faggot snek stop breaking the game.
Nice Gyarados deck, faggot.
>Drudigoon cuck calling anyone a faggot
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Very healthy meta
It's practically a mirror match, but the punchline is he's about to kick the fish.
>2 gaydigoon users trying to act like they're superior for some reason
It's a bad deck because you forgot to add eggs
>Unova starter
It can freeze for all I care.
DruddCHADS rule these halls.
Why haven’t we seen Tepig and Oshwott? Will their abilities be just as broken as this?
I just think it's funny the whole deck gets shut down by Hitmonlee.
>hits you for 70
Heh nothing personnel kid
Tepig is gonna hit like a mack truck and suck up all fire energy when he's evolved
>run gyarados deck
>keep starting with magikarp while going first
>delete deck
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>opponent has a 4 energy Magikarp they haven't evolved in 8 turns
>can't find my sole Hitmonlee with 5 cards left
feels like shit
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If you're complaining about Blaine, well and truly skill issue.
Swap Magmar for Magmar.
Thank God people don't read
People playing themselves is the fucking best. I had someone suicide on turn 5 when they koga'd their only mon
card bugged
t. that guy
>lmaoooo you think the blaine deck is good? it doesn't even compare to the only deck I've ever used, mewtwo ex and gardevoir LOOOOL!
>up against mirror deck
>brick while they get everything they need
You mean her
Hilda will skyrocket blaine dicks to the tip
What's the recipe for the Arcanine deck?
I've done that on purpose before, but if they did that on accident that's the funniest shit.

Me prior to the Fire outbreak.

2 Moltres 2-2 Arcanine 1 Mew
I wish the real game played more like the card game
That's a lot of draws
Never heard of that crack pairing.
Little slut will get it when I let her inside
Literally go outside
Blaine is good.
t. M2 faggot
>Samurott, Ability: Bushido - The first coin you flip each turn will always be heads.
These gyrados decks are pretty damn good against Mewtwo. Obviously Pikachu is a huge problem for them, but the deck seems good. I take back what I said about Gyrados being bad.
He should've used Gio
I remember for Christmas as kids my brother got pokemon yellow and I got the trading card game. He threw an absolute fit after so he also ended up getting a copy of the card game. I didn't even care that he got two games, if anything I was happy he could play with me
This is too fucking funny
The Blaine deck isn't even good into the celebi deck, they always have serperior on curve, celebi in main, and multiple Erika and potions in hand. Without running the new magmar or rapidash, the only way to one shot celebi is Blaine and ninetails, and asking for a 3 card combo to go off every game feels impossible.
>Got insanely lucky and managed to set up both greninja by turn 5
>Opponent concedes
I wouldn't want to deal with that either desu
Two retards fighting
nice when it happens though
>2 Moltres 2-2 Arcanine 1 Mew
mfw when 3 EX Zapdos and only 1 copy of each of the other chickens
Emboar will be Arca ex on crack while also damaging the middle benched pokemon
Samurott will be pidgeot ex that also deals more damage for each empty bench on your side
>using seaking deck
>go against celebi deck
>4 tails in a row
very fun
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>only way to one shot celebi is Blaine and ninetail
>only way to win is to play the deck as intended
>using seaking deck
Classiest win condition ig
>Gyarados EX deck
>Sabrina his first karp
>Throws down another one

Sorry friend, I can't let you evolve that
Gyaru Misty card that gives you 2 energy for every head but removes 1 energy for each tail.
holy cancer
>you can only get one tail
Deranged waterfag I see what you did there.
>even more casino bullshit
>she also removes one clothing item for each head
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Battlepass Moltres in 11 days.
>using meowth deck
>go against celebi deck
>draw 4 cards
very fun
It really doesn't matter, you should be setting up win conditions in spite of Celebi's damage, think of it like a 130 hp Charizard.
Blaine isint even good into celebi
TPC, hire this man
Let's go gambling!
Are you me?
>using meowth deck
>just doesn't fill middle bench spot
What now? I get the idea though, like a charging boar?
I unironically use a meowth persian deck to see if I can somehow win by discarding all the good cards in their hand but I never roll heads. They should just make it a guaranteed discard.
>censoring the trainer names
She pairs well with any four legged fire mon except tepig
Who's the ultimate pikafag killer?
winning this way is extremely hilarious. I use persian as well and most of my wins are rage quits. If you are good at flipping heads its fun to use
Not consistent but still fun
He kind of is. Anything that can oneshot Celebi while not being an EX is at a huge advantage.
>opponent bricked to shit
>uses his turns to power up his benched Charmander
>Drudd > Sabrina > Dragon Claw
Not the most graceful win but I'll take it
The Hilda trainer card will summon herself on the opponent middle bench and recreate the holy faithful tepig as intended
Arcanine. Only way you lose is if you don't get Arcanine.
I do not give thanks to Dragonite
>actually using dragon claw
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Good, I don't need your thanks just the 15 exp you give upon defeat.
Anything that can deal 80+ damage while only giving 1 point to your opponent is good. Especially ninetales that can deal 120 damage for a 1 point mon
Or Ninetails with Blaine.
At the very least they should speed up the animation a bit when there are more than 6 coins being flipped
80 is a bit meh when Celebi can get Erika'd
After playing with this for a bit, it feels like it's REALLY close to being good. If it had just one more consistency tool, it would probably see play.
If I lose you don't get a thanks. Simple as.
>erm but what if it was a good game?
Only good games is when I win.
Bold of you to assume you will win
My hand was bricked too but I was slightly less bricked.
Just add good friends so you don't have to bother with thanks.
You only need 5 likes a day to cap tickets anyway.
It's fun to put your opponent in a situation where they either take the reflect damage or you're going to start chunking them every turn.
Also Flareon soloing Celebi teams is funny.
Based johtowhiner
King shit
>limited to 5 lgbt shop tickets per day
>they're fucking worthless once you clear the shop
The Thanks button is a shit mechanic.
? You don't own the black holo cards and coin do you?
Sounds like something that someone who got raped by Draco Meteor would say
Anyone else feel like the new Tauros isn't that great?

It takes too long to set up by the time you want it on the active spot, I've had a few opponents put everything on an EX that gets downed, only to bring out a Tauros with no energy
I kneel
300 ticket special shop item nigga
grind for it
>cosmetic bullshit
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No excuse to not save them so you can buy this crap then
I run it on my arcanine ex and it surprisingly plays well as plan b if arca died. It does have the chance to screw your opening hand basic though
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>Celebi too scared to switch in all game once Gyarados is up
lmao even
>Special Set """01"""
There will be cooler ones
I just realized Gyarados EX is pretty much Melmetal with the higher HP and damage on a stage 1 but better…
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In two weeks I'll have enough pack points to buy the full art Misty card
i already got the special shop set though
The trade off is two points if you kill it and shittiest pre-evo making it a super easy snipe
You can get those from ex/rare dupes though?
You just need a steel misty
Lumineon is fun to play
druddgod is so based
Nuh uh
yuh huh
don't care about cosmetics either, I'm just holding them to buy all the hourglasses when the shop resets I guess. maybe the next booster will drop some new items to spend on too
It's only worth running if you've got room for it and double Giovanni in my opinion. Since that's what you need to one shot Celebi. Or Druddigon+Gren I guess, since those will also bring it into one shot range.
And also you need to not be running a deck that can just natively deal with the cards Tauros is good against. Otherwise it's not worth diluting your Pokeballs.

He's very much a tech card rather than something to just throw in any deck. If we had tournaments with side decks I'd expect him to show up there pretty often.
>Your favorite type
>The card effect you use the most
>A pokemon or trainer of your choice

What card have you created?
He'll save the Steel type
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just wait till we get some actual support
You actually want the game to be pay to win?
>using purloin deck
>go against mewtwo ex deck
>draw 1 cards
Its that easy
Basically moltress but on top of drawing energy you also draw two cards
hmmmmm nyes
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>opponent Red Cards me
>draw Sabrina
You won't believe what happened next!
Yes. Let's start with some crown only rarity extremely OP cards and some microtransactions to redo coinflips
I just played a bunch of Arcanine and as I expected, it sucks asshole.
Skill issue. Only time I've ever lost to Pikachu is when I rolled 0/6 heads on Moltres after bricking the opening hand. Could have just manually charged up Growlithe too baka.
Bla bla bla stfu dog nigger
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Any good lewds yet?
I pulled 1 and then bought a 10 pack and it had a god pack with 2 Misty’s in it.

Just bought my 2nd FA Sabrina
this shit is nuts
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take the chatot pill
Was about to spend hour glasses to try and pick for the new mouse but talked myself out of it. Next pack I pulled he was front and center stage. He's so cute jeez just look at the little guy. I guess technically he's an antenna pokemon but that's not cute and not really fair either nobody wants to be an antenna
Hm. It's not amazing but Primeape Marshadow does work as you'd expect. Only playing it since i got 2 FA Mars though and I prefer the new Primeape for its single energy attack
The part of this I can't believe is that your deck puts energy on Druddigon.
>fire energy
I hope you're running Flareon or Arcanine EX to deal with Celebi
Did you just beat an Arcanine deck?
i want to buy a coin that has a 70% heads / 30% tails chance
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decks for this feel?
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It works. Trust the plan.
You just know
Dragonite, when the set up is complete but energy RNG fucks you over
Humanbros we unironically cant compete with big dog cock knotting dog cum into our women...
Granted, now you go first 70% of the time. You'll still roll tails on other coinflips though
I've seen some decks here with Flareon in it and I do want to try it out. I may drop chatot since he doesn't get used too often
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What did she mean by this?
Celebi is goddam ugly, there I said it. Fight me
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Why is Blaine not a Mewtwo searcher?
Celebi needs you to pee on it to give it moisture to stay alive.
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You gotta see the porn it has to realize how little artists have to work with to make it sexo and the weird MIckey Mouse round pants
/vp/ horny hours are something else
I agree
I want to wonder pick from a god pack damnit
Maybe he’ll get a card like Professor Oak “Professors Research”, for that.

Also what will Oak do? And what is this type of card called?
She must be from Sinnoh
Its incredible how fire always gets the short end of the stick in variety when compared to the other 2.
Pikablu, I choose you
>Wonderpick bottom right corner every time
>No EX
>Decide to wonderpick top middle for once
>EX is in the bottom right spot

It knows
It's all pre-determined before you pick
you need to run old rapidash. the point of rapidash is to apply pressure and soften up targets for ninetales. you don't have room to power up all these 2-cost attackers without taking a turn off.
I would also run new magmar because you only really get to attack with it once anyways before someone takes a KO on it.
It qualifies for the random double colorless energy secret that some anons still don't know about, so if say fairly decent!
Okay I got two Gyarados EX now what's the deck I should be running with it?
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in pure water (gyarados) you just run water energy and never attack with druddigon. you can run fire and water in:
>druddigon+greninja+flexible attacker (generally flareon or tauros)

1/27 10pm PT
From what I've seen it's x2 of Gyarados, Greninja, and Drudd. Along with the usual support cards
there's way less fire types and it makes sense when you think about it
thousands of species of plants and fungi to draw inspiration from
thousands of aquatic species to draw inspiration from
fire isn't an ecosystem, or a biological kingdom. so all you can really do with it is animal+element, or some abstract concepts. the other two 'core types' just encompass way more.
>it's just tarded humanoids
Drudd definitely makes people seethe.
Drop ninetails and magmar
Run arcanine and/or mew ex instead
Chuddigon and Greninja
I dont get it, are people running dual energy decks for drudd?
it can be good because nobody wants to attack that fucking thing so you can actually get some energies on it and his attack really isnt bad
Im just genuinly curious cause ive seen people runnung like steel or dark decks with drudd
>single energy
>softens up enemies and stalls to get your sweeper up
>dual energy
>same thing but can sometimes shit out 90 damage forcing your opponent to attack into it anyways
im the steel chad, I dont run energies with drudd, you want to get melmetal online asap and other energies stop that
I've seen people tossing around decks with drudd + greninja + fire type of choice, either rk9 or new horses
>tfw always liked Drudd
I'm so happy for my boy.
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>Drudd is finally good in a game
It's been 3000 years...
Gotcha, gonna try it out cause drudd is p cool
>finally get servines to play celebi
>try celebi
>both servines are in the back of the deck seperior never sees play
>both servines are in the back of the deck seperior never sees play
>both serperiors are in the back of the deck seperior never sees play
>mirror match both deck's serperiors are in the back of the deck I finally win by being the first to draw serp out of the back of my deck
This is fucking retarded and boring. You assholes lied about this being good. I'm going back to my Blaine deck. I'm not going to wait till turn 14 to get any kill potential.
>another retard forgot the eggs
Persian is bad. Aerodactyl is a last resort, so it needs good leads.
Small indie company
Wait does the game not prevent that from happening?
Why would it?
Let us rearrange decks please
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If you place the wrong starter Pokemon at the start of a game you can double tap it to return it to the hand
The opponent's energy pool type is visible from the beginning of a game so you can get an idea of what to expect
does the first one really work? nice
I tried out the melmetal/druddigon deck that one anon keeps posting and I'm glad I did, it actually is pretty good
>against mewtwo
>it oneshots drudiggon, is at 130
>melmetal + giovanni revenge kill
>mew comes out
>gets gardevoir, powers up genome hacking
>tries to copy the giovanni revenge kill
>seems to not realize melmetal has a passive
>lets me pull up another giovanni oneshot
thank you metalchad anon
Does anyone else remeber the old /b: story about that dudes sister getting weighed in the water, it finally makes sense. (Telling you guys first because you are cool)
I had the AI use budding expeditioner without any other cards in their bench and lost the game lmao
Hydrostatic weighing has been the gold standard for body composition as long as I've been alive unless something changed
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what the FUCK is this? is this primitive schizophrenia?
Basically you can weigh somebody standing and then in water, measure how much water is displaced and calculate out how fat they really are
ok but whats the problem anon has with his mom/sister?
He was the fat to be calculated
what if you ran seadra in a gyarados deck to snipe their magikarp?
Ok, how much money do I have to spent to unlock everything including full arts and crowns in this game?
several thousand
based, that deck doesn't need any brain or skill. Celebi and Mewtwo need at least 2x the brainpower of dnite
Just get 2 Greninja up while they bricked bro :^)
Seviper and Gardevoir exist
Just play zebstrika if you want to snipe fish
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What's the verdict on electric arbok? Is he good enough to play in any decks?

I'm not great at deck building and shit. But I know arbok sees play, I just don't know if its because its stats/effect are actually good, or its just because it fortuitously has type advantage over meta stuff like mewtwo.
new thread:

I swear to god if this build becomes meta I'm going to kill someone from this general. I suggested Flareon in Blaine on release and got shat on for it.

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