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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57098993 >>57098993

PMD Catalog (read Branches.txt for MEGA navigation): https://mega.nz/folder/gi5k2DBL#wVscYMtiXMuAeWDvKYyfmw

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon ROMs and Emulators Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/ciVjBRoD#5vICIpkn16o-i1co11yFFg

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/Yyk3gQaI#NNSyFhuoa2Cg5HuL2oEyTg

Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com/
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/aby499w7r8
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/5vnh78xub_
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>For day-to-day activities, which moves would be most useful to have on hand and why?
>If they brought back exclusive items, what would be some good ones for newer Pokémon?
>What is a "monkey's paw" plot point you'd secretly love to see in a PMD game but know the chances of it being done well are next to none?
>What kind of grooming and hygiene services would PMD towns employ?

Recap of the previous thread:
>The MEGA is back up and running, apologies for the long wait.
>Team Petal-Purr meets a real guild (https://rentry.org/PetalpurrGuild1)
>New Tybo Story, A Christmas Counter-Heist, has been published (https://rentry.org/75p8a442)
>Discussion on PMD fan comics and character design
food's always an interesting topic to discuss, i'd eat the shit out of a chocolate oran
It does look delicious, doesn't it?
People get very lazy when they write food in PMD. Always gummies and berries as they are
Imagine spending the entire rest of your life eating nothing but candy and apples
I mean, if it wouldn't make me fat or rot out all my teeth...
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Correct Drawboard link: https://magma.com/d/e6bibx19rn
People are fake fans and think berries=sweets.

Berries are literally just a stand-in for a variety of real world fruits and vegetables. The utility is there, but the creativity sadly isn't.
ok since ferals have no rights doesn't that mean we can source meat from them
That's basically what it means, yeah. It's basically what happens, too.
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If this is a Clover question, it's been discussed that it's seen as taboo in some places due to the moral line and ferals don't always leave a body behind to harvest. Whatever magic that's at work doesn't always leave a proper facsimile. For what it's worth, a feral could literally just be meat playdough conjured by the dungeon like some horrible homunculus.

It's literally the equivalent of hunting for boar asses In a mmo and wondering why not every boar has an ass.

I'd sooner introduce the meat tree. It'd be at least funny and less complicated to explain.
take your gummis, schizo
I hope you're wrong, as much as i want a new pmd, the chances of it being absolute shit is too high
They gave a MUDKIP a HAIR TUFT
I hate you
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Sometimes we have a bad day.

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HELL yes, nothing like wrapping up the year with some more crusader kino. great to have you writing here again friend.

another home run, no surprises there. especially the ending, it was very bittersweet and a nice departure from the usual harmony we usually see in the team.
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Is it morally okay in the PMD world to eat ethically sourced Slowpoketail?
When did you realize that Porygon(2) was the best Pokémon in the original rescue team games?
>For day-to-day activities, which moves would be most useful to have on hand and why?
i'd say lower level and set-up moves, depending on the type. something like using brick break as a fighting type to break down things for recycling, ember for fire starting, etc... seeing a greenhouse that was controlled by a daily rain dance would be pretty neat I think

>What is a "monkey's paw" plot point you'd secretly love to see in a PMD game but know the chances of it being done well are next to none?
on my explorers type shit, i've daydreamed a cutscene where the player/partner somehow get thrown back to the "real world" during a climatic moment. they're placed into the middle of an urban city or something unmistakably "human" in setting but its played off very alien and you don't actually *see* humans in the flesh.
the monkey's paw would probably be around the looming implications and the degree of nuance required for something like that, as well as trying to explain things too hard in the moment
>grotto edition
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>ethically sourced Slowpoketail
This makes me think of the fucked up possibility of outlaw gangs kidnapping and keeping Slowpokes in captivity to regularly harvest their tails.
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Happy New Years (Eve?) /pmdg/! In Team Eevee's next story (~22k words) in their saga, we find them joining the Clover Guild and meeting its colorful cast of all (active, to the best of my knowledge) guild members in their New Years Eve journey as they...

>pic rel

Of course, huge thanks to all the anons who helped to make sure I got their wonderful characters right and a special thanks to Reunianon for help with the music!

Once again, happy New Years to everyone in /pmdg/ and I hope you enjoy the story :D
It has been a year since a completed my first PMD game but thank you /pmdg/ for engaging with me and my nonsense.
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Hey fellas, happy new year!
After more than a year since publishing the first one, here's another story about this dead on arrival team:
It's pretty short, just below 3k words, a sort of setup for a few other stories that I have stockpiled and will be posting in future threads.
I've also rewritten the ones that were already published so that they don't read like a retarded drunk monkey wrote them, they should be much more enjoyable now:
Note that they're rewritten, not retconned, the plots are still the same directionless nothingburgers.
That's all.
The daily struggles of a quadrupleb
Explain your reasoning
two HUGE story drops in one day, 2024 truly going out with a bang. mass respect for getting this done in time, what a whopper of a story!!!! everyone was written so well and it felt like a true labor of love, i kneel hard my friend.
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Made a quick drawing for the New Year. Here's hoping 2025 is a good one!

Thanks, anon. While we're at it, here's the correct mobile link: https://magma.com/d/syjlokge94

Ending the year on some new stories? Nice work. I'll read them soon (been building up a backlog lately).
And welcome back, Dragonair-anon--it's good to see you writing again.
>the only official pmd news in 2024 was that the developers were almost bought up by sony
it is unironically snover
This story is a very inclusive banger. Happy New Year.
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At least they finally made a game for the Shiren fans after 14 years of no new games. The PC port was released some weeks ago btw.
Now I wish Chocobo's Dungeon would get an actual new game too. Square Enix pls
Very nice work anon. Impressive effort to include all of the active guild members, and the story itself is very thematically appropriate.
The pun in the title amused me.
Noticed a couple editing errors along the way, mostly placeholders that hadn't been replaced.
Probably will do a more full review later.
Still absolutely shipping them.
He needs a properly fitted harness to attach the saddlebags to. That would solve at least 40% of his problems.
Is that girl from Shiren or Chocobo's?
>“I thought you liked that stuff!” Dav snaps back.
Well excuse me, I thought you were a furry!
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New Halloween costume ideas for Nine.
Wonder if you could get Luka to go as Richter?
Neither. She is a Runemaster from Etrian Mystery Dungeon.
Everyone in Clover Guild is a furry except for me
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Happy new year to PMD fans and explorerfags alike!
Pretty cool.
The feeling of hope leaving your body in February still isn't familiar enough?
And RRT was released on NSO+
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We cool with character posting?
hm? the vp jannies really don't like rp, so it's generally discouraged here, if that's what you mean.
Character art, sure.

Avatar fagging is a paddling.
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I'm just meaning posting art of characters.
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>enemy throws iron thorn at cripple umbreon as it runs away
>gets stuck in the wheels
If you're a crippled umbreon in pmd, you're just fucked anyways. You get hit with one fucking move and your shitty wheelchair thing shatters
the cripplemobile needs a strap on top otherwise the thing would fall over
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r8 my guild
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Been thinking about adding that. Also had the idea of the Umbreon using Psychic to move around on missions, but then using the wheels outside on just every day shit so that he's not constantly straining himself.
Team Hungry
This is equivalent to sending a man with a missing leg into Vietnam and telling him to his his M16 as a crutch
How he pisses and shits in this thing? Also how do you bath?
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>*Blocks your path*
If Umbreon is a cat, the answer is freely and not very fucking well since I don't think licking itself clean is on the table here
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>You get hit with one fucking move and your shitty wheelchair thing shatters
Yeah good luck with that.
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It's probably been said a ton elsewhere but it's honestly amazing how this entire thing reads like little Timmy thinking up shit as he goes, like a spoiled child that you have to let win.

>you cannot take all the treasure, it is too heavy
>"Nuh uh! My wheelchair has a backpack on it that ignores weight limits!"
>You come across a sandy shore, limiting your mobility
>"Nuh uh! My magic wheels ignore terrain penalties!"
>You come across a flight of stairs
>"My wheelchair can float, suck it DM!"
I didn't know D&D rules applied to pokemon. Are we classifying charizards as chromatic dragons now?
Who’s signing up for guild DnD night?
>make "combat wheelchair"TM imbecilically OP through pure magic muckguffins to justify their disability-wank
>everybody picks it cause it is basically detrimental to go without it
>gurantueed meltdown of clown who wrote it because now he doesn't feel special (it was a mobility chair for fatties)
>guildies try to run a DnD night
>someone mentions one of the thousand pokemon modules
>"dude we're living that shit, get real"
>the natives get super invested in it anyways
No, Charizard is still not a dragon.
It's basically some extremely low effort homebrew that was given attention. On the other hand, it does make a really good chariot even if your legs work
does the recipe work for real
Congratulations on completing the 47th drawingboard!!

Amazing job! Similarly to the previous drawboard, this one has a lot of little lineart drawings. I love them they are sooo cuteeee!!!
>under 4mb
>don't need to resize it

And here's the next drawing board! Join in!!!!!!!

mobile link : https://magma.com/d/1j0apd1ed9

for those with potato PCs or wanting to lurk via mobile
how can you be crippled in pmd lol just eat a berry or something
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Yes, that is a legit recipe for Apple Crisp that I use yearly for holidays and Winter/Fall weather.

It's one of my personal favorite desserts and I thought it would be nice to share something tangible and real for everyone who made it to the end of the story

enjoy it anon :)
No it makes mustard gas
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If i want to alter my game so I'm playing as a certain Pokémon, is there a way to do that? I want to play as a raikou in a game somehow from the start.
You can do that easily in the skytemple editor.
I don't know where the guide someone wrote went, but it's simple - just a matter of applying a patch to skip the quiz and adding your desired pokemon to the list of starters.
Hell yeah. You think a mystery dungeon where you play as a legendary would attract interest to the series? Or do people just prefer to play as starters?
I'd rather play as some little guy as opposed to some big random fucker that clashes with everything else.
legendaries were a mistake.
what if the legendary WAS a little guy? like poipole or meltan
I drew my Eevee oc. She was a super shadow the hedgehog fan before she became a pokemon, her dumb black arms hat stayed on her head so her ears popped through. I only draw in paint cause err im poor
Acceptable, though then I'm left wishing they were just a normal Pokemon. It never fails to make me mad that i can't do shit with mythicals because they have that title, even though most of them would be right at home on a midgame route designwise.
Meltan and the final boss has them somehow hyperevolve into dynamax melmetal for a kaiju battle with a huge legendary.

Because I love that shit.
>melmetal gmax vs eternatus eternamax
We could have had kino. Please bring back this franchise man.
>eevee used bite
I expect the guild introduction story by next week.
wait how do i do that. I will write one !
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Bulbasaurs are incredibly difficult to draw consistently. I can never get the proportions right.
I'll only allow this if she eventually evolves into a Jolteon, the best and most underappreciated eeveelution.
She can take the new mantle of Clover Guild's token umbreon
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dude the joke is sex
get it
grovyle x dusknoir
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well bros? what do i call my team?
this kind of humor is what the riolu and eevee team from early clover stories made fun of, you guys should bring them back desu
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Thunder Fang
Torawani if you're a weeb
fuck hydropower would have been good i just called them team fentafiend
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I mean, it's a pretty good team name.
These are pretty cool. How much do scalpers sell them for?
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Very nice story, I really liked the descriptions of Gible snooping around the guild and digging through stuff, good work!
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pokemon mystery sokoban
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Please kindly fuck off to whichever shithole considers it funny
Have you considered crying harder?
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>he says as he cries because nobody likes him or shit he posts
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>he thinks I'm the same person
>he cries all the same and projects
The wicked Gummi Gobbler
Hey all. Been lurking for way too long without actually doing anything here, so I thought I'd finally make a proper effort to join. Feel free to give feedback, majority of this was written at midnight so quality isn't the best.

Thanks to Chespin-anon and Togetic-anon for proofreading.
canonially every new guild member gets raped as an initiation rite
Gobbled them all without mercy
You can't rape the willing.
Welcome, anon. If this is what you consider bad, I'd be interested in seeing what you consider good-quality.

Santos is an amusing character, and Sierra has her moments as well - they both have very clear voices. I'm interested in seeing where they go!
She needs those. She works a very strenuous and important job you see
PMD: Sierra 10
Review at Ch. 11
>It's an open secret that whenever there's some universal threat to the Pokémon world, a bunch of cosmic forces will summon a human or two to fix things up. But no one's perfect, and someone along the way might have overestimated the severity of the upcoming disaster by a factor of 10 or so.
>At some point, you almost pity the harbinger of the apocalypse.
An overkill amount of humans for your standard crisis event? Now where have I heard that before?
First five chapters or so are a bit rough, and the story is overly committed to game mechanics in some places, but it's reasonably funny and a decent-ish read. 6.5/10 so far.
can i choose which character is responsible
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Ch. 25 update: The story gets a lot better as it continues.
Seems like a really interesting story. I'm bookmarking it for later. The only thing that bothers me is that shiny umbreon
>Scizor let out a deep sigh. "If there is one thing any of you can count on, the single constant that holds true everywhere you go, it is that the Exploration Federation's advice is completely useless."
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Ch. 44 (end) update:
Not the best thing since sliced bread, since there are flaws, and some of them are reasonably significant, but the author definitely seems to find their footing more and more as time goes on. The characters are endearing.

The postgame boss is also significantly better then darkari (including actually being foreshadowed before being introduced).
erm... BASED?
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I know skiddo anon still lurks...
Personality blurb entries pending for:
art by v-anon btw https://cloverguild.com/booru/post/2543/
I at least made a homepage recently, will get to the blurb eventually...

A lot of these anons are gone
That's no excuse for them to be derelict in their duties.
Can't believe I forgot to mention: My homepage was practically copied from Reunianon's own, which is really great and I recommend checking out :)
that's a damn good home page right there. Would slap the roof of.
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clover guild doodles my beloved
What are those?
The 'personality' column of the characters table on the guild's main rentry page has links that lead to expanded information blurbs for many characters. The characters listed above are the ones who do not have these blurbs.
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xD so funny xD
hahahahahahahahahaha I pissed myself laughing XD
One joke, I don't know why, I can't seen to laugh no matter how hard you try.
Someone please explain or link me how to do this damn
step 1: write. do this shit in word or openoffice or something, just not anywhere you can undo all progress by accidentally refreshing.
step 2: post to rentry. Again, type it elsewhere first, I can't tell you how many people lost hours of work because they tried to type it in renty first and then accidentally hit F5
step 3: link it here for people to read
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Ok working on an introduction or whatever. take some snoozevevee
>step 1: write.
instructions unclear. i have become hospitalized due to the agony it takes trying to get 1 sentence out.
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>i have become hospitalized due to the agony it takes trying to get 1 sentence out
He actually tried to write which is more effort than I've put out recently
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The company that made the PMD games is being sold off to Sony, so no.
You might get a Palworld mystery dungeon though.
Seems like a fire hazard
Worst timeline.
Good. That's what you super and gates enjoyrs deserve.
like oh my gosh so much this gates and super are just like the WORST in the entire franchise there is nothing worse in all of pokemon then like gates and super!
Good, now that the franchise is dead, you can say this forever and pretend it is correct. Good riddance.
What's your problem again?
Don't bring your mother into this.
>responding to no effort bait
cmon man.
You wish it was bait, because the fucking truth would destroy your miserable shit taste mind.
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I've had my giggles, but he got boring quickly.
I'm glad you morons are so insufferable that no new game will satisfy you. It justifies this thread just being reduced to inane PMD fanfiction. You deserve nothing.
You bought gates super and dx still got nothing, stupid fucker
Shut the fuck up
You're a miserable, nihilistic, reductionist faggot and should go fuck a toaster.
You are underage and pretend games that played in your childhood are good. You worship streamers and pretend you know shit about stuff.
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My favorite PMD comic? Oh... You wouldn't know about it

wasn't it confirmed they only got like a couple shares or something so it was all good?
You're haunting a thread on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, in a board about a franchise that has never been about what your misplaced narcissistic and infantile desires. You are a lonely prick because you have nothing better to do and can't suffer the fact the game's fanbase has never been about what you wanted in particular and in fact never will be. You are butthurt because people who like other entries in the series and despite whatever may happen. The PMD franchise had long since left the monetary scope of TPC and Gamefreak because time inevitably marches forward and so does the capitalistic and instant grantification demands of an increasingly radical and flawed society. You're afraid of people enjoying things that don't fit your specific idealization of the series because eventually PMD will too become a blip in the memory of the game industry and nostalgia that you desperately cling to. You're mad about the ephemeral nature of video games and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it but cope and seethe.

You're a faggot, Anon.
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I wasn't aware of this but even then, it doesn't help the odds of a new mystery dungeon game. Not even pokemon exclusively. I imagine Shiren still has a chance but the rest of the spinoff crossovers are done
I won't read this. I don't give a shit about your stupid reply. You are all 20 year olds that pretend you will be young forever when it is not the case. When you reach 40, you will be jaded or worse than everybody else was at that age. Enjoy laughing at old fags because gen beta will laugh at you exactly the same way.
what's this meltie even about? some guy coping and pretending there will be le new pokeyman game
Dude why the fuck are you so mad?
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The sableye were real bitches. Literal cannon fodder
That Anon's right. You're a seething faggot.
Remember that meowstic faggot from a bunch of threads ago? I bet its the same piece of shit.
I hope he fucking dies.
Also why?
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We will get nothing. But at least we will be at peace that nothing has changed. Our games remain, flawed as they may be. What a life
Imagine getting upset on the internet. Lol. Lmao even.

Anyway, I've been playing around with animating a pokemon's "aura", while also taking a fair amount of artistic liberties. Wanted to see how much movement I could get out of only 3 frames.

Figured out the colours of my team's auras using this guide on the homepage:
I really like the idea of using colours as a visual representation of something as nebulous as personality traits.
Also made a version with a little bit of blur on the "shapes", but I don't know if I like it or not.
Neat! The unblurred version is definitely better, in my opinion.

Forgot to post this, here you go.

Also you guys can remove the unnamed Zangoose from the proposed characters page if you want. I was the Zangoose-anon in the old Aggies, but I ended up changing my character's species.
Thank you.
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They got 10% of shares or so. Whether that means that it's more over than it's been, is anyone's guess
He probably got filtered by story Groudon. Or whatever you can get filtered by in Gates.
some takeover.
i don't even want a new game but that hardly spells doomsday shenanigans, from my side anyways
>4short story concepts in development
>none of them have been written yet
God damn it, I just need to focus on one and get it cranked out at last.
>old Zangoose
I was told there was one before I made the shift to it. Welcome back as the funny landfish.
I was working on a story that I was supposed to release in early december. Do not let the timeliness of stories hold you down, you're not being paid for this shit and people will be happy if you release anything.
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Getting turned into a tiny bird in a pmd-like world must be a really interesting experience. Birds are cool.
What I would give to be subjected to this fate.
magical girl eevee-chan
Oh don't get me wrong, not letting ti bother me in the end. No one follows my shit to begin with, they stumble onto it. I just want to have focus enough to put these to paper, you know?
I hope your story comes together well in the meantime! Delays are never a bad thing, the edits and refinements I'm sure help.
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literally nothing wrong with this
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>look at Rain art

therapists are scammers. Just look at cute art
wait rain is a girl
yes. I mean it's kinda obvious, she likes flowers. Only girls like flowers and gay shit like that.

Booker is also a girl fyi
clover concerto ft alphonse leads to a dead link


Anyone got a working link?
Ah, the link was changed. Should be working now - definitely working copies on the anon's character page (green author names are clickable links).
my bad anons! ended up refactoring all my urls a while back since they technically are no longer text only now that they all include music. probably should've announced that too, whoops
It's ok but for punishment you have to
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...read a new Ikarus story I wrote while procrastinating on actual writing.

Alchemical Creations: Hollow Horn is below, featuring an assortment of cute and (arguably) lovely dreepy!


I'll also use this opportunity to announce I'll be posting "personality blurbs" starting with Pirth's (while I think of a proper one for Ikarus) and release one with each story that comes out. Stay tuned!
wtf what a nice punishment
Slight editing error within the first section.
>I turn around to see a blushing Avarice, jealous of the attention his brother is receiving, finally ready to speak.
With context, this should probably be Envy?
Otherwise, good story. As amusing as usual.
Thank you :)
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damn beau has no chill
How could you do your fellow vee like that?
the clover guild needs more chuuni characters
Be the change you want to see in the world
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horrendous music choice
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Holy shit I never even realized. How does a crippled umbreon climb the stairs in a dungeon?
The animation is nice. The VHS effect is weird though
I'd be more concerned about the ladders.
Anyone played shallow spindig
Never heard of it.
Probably means shallow shindig

And its shit
Oh right, that romhack. The quality leaves multiple things to be desired. Several hundred things, actually.
And its edgy as fuck, why do 90% of pokemon fangames need to be fucking edgy, violent and gory jfc
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I initially thought it was going to be a parody of shitty creepypastas, but it plays everything completely straight. No clue why they tried to do horror when pic related was the best they could come up with.
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you guys dont even know the half of it. the guy who wrote the story for the hack constantly jerks off in skytemple, despite the fact that someone else did all the actual programming/scripting/dialogue writing for the hack (someone who has actually displayed talent, idk how they got roped into working on this shitty ass creepy pasta hack). And now this idiot is helping write for other hacks that were already really shitty (klonoa hack). there's just not a whole lot you can really do about it
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>thought it was going to be a parody of shitty creepypastas
A while ago I saw a Youtube thumbnail with that goofy Wigglytuff and thought the same thing until now.
Jokes aside, I wonder, how much would a berry do? Would it magically make a cut close up or heal a bruise, or does it just numb the pain and speed up the healing process a bit?
breaking your legs imo would make you crippled for a while. You'd need medical attention. Kina from clover guild helps with big owies
Berries? Heal Pulses? All pale in comparison to the almighty healing power of the sun. A shame only the grassmon master race can enjoy such benefits.
What the hell is that and wtf is its deal
before wigglytuff's egg was hatched it was found in the decrepit lab and radiation affected it and eventually mutated him suddenly as a wigglytuff that murders everybody in treasure town
this is actually what happens in the hack.
Jesus christ thats cringe
There's also the bit where Your partner sacrifices himself alongside skuntank (whose partners also got eaten)

the only characters in town that don't die are protag/chatot/manaphy.
But why

Why do fangames always need to be this edgy gory cringe
I don't understand it myself. It's always people that get a boner over the idea of having something on par with the bad future bit from sky even though that's the worst part of the game. These sorts of people never grew past the "darker=better" mentality.
The only bad future part that was good was the special episode where you olay grovyle and dusknoir as they take on primal dialga in the future while you fight it in the present
What the hell is a shindig
||chatot also has bloods on his ha..wings since he knew about this all along but didnt call to evacuate when wigglytuff got sick, or ya know, take him out when sick before transforming preemptively||
ctrl s
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Because the writers are (mentally) immature children.
Finally got around to making my characters' Personality Blurbs:


Now to return to procrastinating on writing...
DUDE... WHAT IF [kids franchise] WAS FOR MANCHILDS...
anon, do you realize where you are
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