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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

Previous Thread: >>11026489
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first for rotatable 1:1 sugar cubes threads now ruined lole
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What are you playing this weekend? I'm planing on beating megaman zero 2 and my current moemon run so I can try out muOS without caring if my save gets lost
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Is there anything like a handheld that's good for DOS and 90's PC games?
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What’s your go-to shitter handheld?
Stop chewing your fingernails.
Deck. You could run Pentium level CPU cycles on Dosbox on some entry level PS2 chip at minimum under Android, but when it comes to controls you're fucked, touchscreen sucks and the screens are too small.
>my pokemon are all rock hard
pokemon as always
finally got my v90 (it has that 64bit sticker instead of powkiddy's actually), miyoocfw beta 2 is pretty good on it, my only complaint is that you can't have a separate ROMs partition as FAT32, you need to use btrfs because it stores everything on the main partition after extending
Not needed for most games since many have native ports
You mean Steam Deck?

I mean running DOSbox through the Steam OS gui would grant me option of easily mapping buttons.
I just with it wasn't so fucking big.
Yeah. The trackpad goes a long way, as do the backpaddles. And you get the horsepower for PCem/86Box once you find those oddball Win95 games that won't run any other way.
A local mall has had the zelda version of the game&watch thing for 30 bucks for a good while now. Nobody seems to want it.
Would you for $30? It's not like I have a lack of options to play these three zeldas already.
where is native port of blood?
Also the nightdive release which is also pretty decent imho.
I would just because Zelda is my favorite series.
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Just get a K30 for half the price anon, no Zelda but it has more games on it

Alternatively you could get something like a GB300 or SF2000 for the same price and play every 2D Zelda on it
It's gonna be like $90 in two years knowing Nintendo and its fans but still not really worth it imo
Jesus Christ, I was only joking, he actually revealed another 35xx. Well, 40xx, but still.

>same screen as 405, 4:3, 480p
>defective RGB sticks from 556 and Cube

Wonder how the Vita purists here feel about the rounded shape.
I'm playing through this series, should start 4 soon, but right now, I'm testing stuff on my new chinkheld.
Now I understand all the hate towards the tsp in the last thread.
It's more like a 4:3 TSP than a vita.
I bet he's making a 1:1 H700.
Is that the zpg?
They took way too long and zhou beat them to the punch.
The G99 is weaker cube too.
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Even though I know there's the R36S, I bought the Powkiddy RGB20SX because of the larger 1:1 screen, and the RGB30 seemed too thin to bother with. Time will tell how hard I love or regret my purchase.
There's really nothing good about the R36S beside the price and software support, you're probably gonna enjoy it. RGB30 has just the right thickness for me.
i would get it just to flip later on. assuming the apocalypse or ww3 doesn't happen in the next 3 years
SRW Alpha Gaiden translated and Silent Hill on TSP. Working on getting Fallout 1 and 2 to fully work on Portmaster as well. LBX on 3DS.
>SRW Alpha Gaiden
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Won this set for $172 after taxes and shipping. Seems like a great deal since they both seem to go for $110 each.
If you really really really really like it and you also hate chinkhelds to the bottom of your heart, sure
If I wanted a chinkhandheld I'd just play on my koreanphone or 3DSes.
is it just mine or does the rg35xxsp have a 4 hour battery life even when it's sleeping?
H700 has rockshit levels of piss-poor battery life too? What a shame.
Shitty sleep mode and poor battery are things the official ‘helds will always have over their chink counterparts. It’s simply the cost of the inefficiency of emulation vs running native.
Hell yeah, Dude. We're entering /m/ territory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X82QTT_vJI0
God I love 0079 and Zeta so much.
battery feels like it lasts longer when actively playing, which is weird. so is it just a terribly inefficient sleep mode?
It's the chinks not bothering to develop proper sleep modes on their shit anon. Not the emulation.
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Why does a square screen rotate tho...
Is the sp dpad good for neogeo fighters?
Why would you play any fighting games at all on a dpad?
Any good handhelds with a built in sanwa stick?
Kekypow! I know its meant to look like the dumbo, but it reminds me of that time anbernig chinkhelds had rounded designs.
What's there to hate aside from the lit up sticks? Least its not vertislop.
Powkiddy a13?
Kek I was kidding, thats wild. What is the best chinkheld for fighters that can fit in your pocket?
>Sub powkiddy tier dpad
quick, should I get the XU10 for 38€ from ali while the sale lasts?
I have a bunch of other handhelds (all handheld consoles with cfw if applicable and a rog ally) but no chinkhelds
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>Could've been a 405p since it's the same screen, but max overstocked on the h700 chip
>Rgb sticks just because
>Uses the smart pro's design because max legit couldn't think of anyone else to copy
>Not even the neat dpad from the rgarc.
I just noticed, but why is some of the tea spilled? Were max's children playing handhelds at the table again?

I heard it has an amazing segmented dpad, but that's all I know.
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The natural habitat of the Analogue Pocket. Boxed up, never played outside of a screenshot or two.
If you hadn't committed great sins, God wouldn't've sent me t. Ghenghis Khan
What's the cheapest chinkheld that'll let me play some Lylat Wars / Starfox 64 on the go without stutter etc?
something that just werks.
Pokemon emerald on my rg35xx 2024
Says the issue is with the lack of controls... suggests the fucking steam deck :D
Prime logic

Btw Ayaneo Slide or GPD Win 3 or 4
All of them has slide-out keyboard so you are way less fucked than with a steamdeck
I play with mine every day but it still spends most of its time boxed up because the screen is a dust magnet and I'm not buying a case.
>order handheld
>my Chinese friends don't immediately ship it
It's been three entire days, how could they DO this to me.

Dude, I love the way these look. I never knew wha this or the WonderSwan was as a kid. I swear I didn't see them anywhere. I'd love to hold one some time.
Are the tech specs above the screen stock? That's kind of funny.
I'd want to say the rgarc, but I can't tell if that's pocketable. If the neogeo x wasn't a piece of shit and cheap used, it'd be that one.
I slipped my Arc into my jean pockets once out of necessity. It was surprisingly okay imo. Probably won't be the case for most people, though. I imagine something like the GKD Bubble would fit that role better if it ever comes out.
>t. owns 7 chinkhelds with an 8th on the way
>still spends most of his time on 4chinz
>Are the tech specs above the screen stock?
It is and it is very cool. Also, I didn't realize there was a standard NGPC and a Slim version like the one I ended up buying. Allegedly, the Slim models have better contrast than the base NGPC, but some people say they are the same.
Right, everyone's just dying to play shit on micro keyboards, retard.

>something that just werks.
>cheapest chinkheld that'll let me play some Lylat Wars / Starfox 64 on the go without stutter etc?
I had a crystal slim back in the day I imported with Rockman Battle & Fighters. It was really cool, wish I never sold it.
Yeah, that's the price for no stutters (and no glitchy shit 15 year old plugins), N64 is a bitch.
Was the Analogue the machine with the recessed screen? Hard to tell in the picture.
Two chinkhelds and otherwise original hardware and games. No need to go Analogue Defense Force just because I pointed out that every Pocket showing online tends to be on a title screen, shelf or the box.
what is the name of the sudoku device?
I'm sorry that you did sell it. I was a retard that threw out my gbc when I was younger because the battery springs broke on it. I ended up getting the Gold and Silver GBC(that I lost the battery cover to because I was retarded), but I've always regretted what happened to my sweet little teal GBC... I bought a teal GBC on ebay from Japan to finally make up for it, but I know it isn't the same.
Too bad used prices for the win 1 and 2 are so shit because they're perfect for dos.

If his issues is with controls I don't see how keyboards wouldn't make sense.
How is anyone supposed to play anything on this?
Definitely not that one. Not even sure why gpd bothered with a keyboard. Maybe one of those old android phone's with slide out's might be powerful enough for dos?
He asked for DOS games in particular
it is literally keyboard + mouse heavy gaming usually
I played shit on an n900 and that had half of this size for keyboard (and I dont have delicate small hands, being 6ft regular sized)
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And no one wants to go back to tiny keys, not even you. Just counting regular buttons and putting aside trackpads, d-pad and sticks, you get 14 buttons. How is that not enough for the average DOS game keys and not far more comfortable?
I miss slide phones with qwerty keyboards.
we get it you are a manlet with tiny hands russ
My first smart phone was a Samsung Intercept and I hated moving on.
>coworker brings in RG35XX H, says he paid $40
>play it, fall in love and decide I really want one
>wait the last 2 months checking off and on and it hasnt went back down to that price
>3 days ago decide to buy the RG405M on sale for $120
>check today the RG35XX H is 35 again.

I suppose there isnt a reason to own both is there?
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Maybe one with extra ports would be useful, or at least a Retrroid style mouse control.
unless you wanted a cheap console to take to work in case it breaks/gets stolen, but even then you're better off grabbing something else, consider buying another form factor as a complement if you really feel the need to buy 2 consoles
this would probably be the best shitter handheld because of how quickly it wakes and how long the battery lasts.
I'm not big on the 405M, but the H has useless sticks, rest easy.

DOSBox is surprisingly easy to run on ARM handhelds, and if that fails you could always try Windows emulation like Winlator and Exagear.
retro hamhelds
If chips as weak as those can run DOS games, the over spend on a Deck becomes somewhat redundant save for a few edge cases and maybe the track pads.
Maybe a tiny netbook.umpc?
I fell for the $35 trimui scam listing
all of the seller's current listings are 1 star reviews saying they got lightbulbs instead of the product
The only time those store scam listings cam through were for the 35xxsp and that's only because the stores stole them in a lot.
I think there'd still be reason to buy another handheld, since the 405M is one of those weird ones that has the D-pad on the bottom, and the T618 chipset still isn't that powerful to do GOOD PS2/GC emulation IIRC.
I wish they brought back the Opendingux OS.
That's ridiculous. Only 100x what I paid for mine 10 years ago. Can you broke ass bandwagoners start paying serious money so I can justify flipping my dozens of dupes already.
Open dingux. Retrofw. Miyoocfw. Gmenu2x will always look good.
>r36s has sticks
>can't play n64, Dreamcast, or psp without slowdowns
What's the point? Even Amberic RG family if devices have this problem.
Chinese like arcade games. They also like using sticks, nubs and circle pads for arcades. I wish I was joking.
But bro, how else are you gonna play Ape Escape?
when I bought it I thought I'd use the sticks but after months of having it I think it should have been designed without them
that said, at least the sticks force the shell to be a bit longer which is great for ergonomics; I held a rg35xx+ in my hand and while it looks better it doesn't feel as comfortable to hold
I've been thinking of taking the sticks out of my r36s but I don't know how I'd plug the holes
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Are the pockets actually good? I'm slightly interested in upgrading from my gameboy sp, but I read mixed reviews on the pockets and I don't want to use Chinese handhelds.
if you don't want to use a chinese handheld why are you looking at the anal log
>anal log
It's fine, a little bulky but the d-pad might be a deal breaker with its overly sensitive diagonals. You can apparently address it with a simple tape mod.

The novelty of booting games from cartridges wears off quickly when you can just sideload everything, if you get too reliant on common emulator features or modern device features like suspend points, savestates, sleep mode, the Pocket might not be that great for you.

It does do a really good job of just playing Game Boy games though, and many other things, but it's also pretty expensive and hard to get ahold of.
The screen is admittedly really, really nice anyway, as is the HDMI dock + 8bitdo controller set-up.

There's another FPGA GBC system coming up in December called Chromatic.
It's strictly GB and GBC only though, with a 160x144 display, and still costs $200.
The pocket has a fantastic screen. Everything else? It's a mess. If it had better controls and good ergo, I could recommend it. As is, it's a shelf ornament.
the anal log is shit but you can purchase a brand new R36S for only $23 plus tip
muOS 2405.1 with support for the SP is out btw
Nice, downloading
Looking at some of the garbage on the market makes me glad I spent a little more and bought a Steam deck.
same but odin 2.
>touch power button with finger because unit is on because it has a massive battery
>unlocks instantly because fingerprint scanner
>open game
>play game
>game runs great
>looks great at 1080p
It just werks.
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>fingerprint scanner
the odin 2 is the pwrfect balance of power, size, portability (software-wise, not physical size) and battery life. love mine and use it every day. i've actually used it to complete a lot of PS2 and Switch games, and have gotten the most use out of it than any other of these guys.

win 3 is my biggest regret because fuck gpd's software.
>shrine of dpads in the wrong position and one anbernic
dont need a dpad on top left for anything after the playstation, and the rg351 can do that. everything else later uses an analog stick. why would i emulate NES on a legion go or odin 2?
d-pad top is always best. simple as.
yeah, that's what i thought. you're just looking for something to bitch about because you have nothing better to do with your life. why not play some games?
My fingers are too fat for fingerprint scans
>works like a phone because it's just a phone without the phone part
Truly amazing
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downvoted >:(
Phones are surprisingly shit at playing games. I tried both an old Sony Xperia M2 and a newer HTC U12+ (relegated them to secondary tasks after I replaced them). Bad control scheme (virtual on-screen buttons will never be better than physical ones, and grips/clips are cumbersome), small batteries, and a large part of system resources taken up by various communication-related processes.
Pretty much the only genuine use case for a phone is emulating DS/3DS on a folding one.
why does futurama have this fucking ghosting artifact
Cool story, but it's literally a phone without the phone bits
>a large part of system resources taken up by various communication-related processes.
Hence why they don't include the phone bits in the non-phone phone.
It's an overpriced Chinkheld.
I explicitly mentioned Pentium cycles as too much for cheap rockshit, besides the main appeal would be making rapid and precise mouse movement viable with the trackpad over awkward cursor dragging with d-pad/sticks, plus more flexibility with input macros. Also, you'd be amazed at how many DOS games are NOT keyboard friendly when you'd expect them to be.
>160x144 display, and still costs $200
FPGA shit is so overpriced.
This may have made sense a while ago when it was just the Pocket around, but there’s more and more cheap handhelds around with roughly the same aspect ratio that can do GBC stuff and more like the Powkiddy RGB30/20SX. If they want FPGA to play original carts there’s the FunnyPlaying GB kit for way less, and if they aren’t a stickler for asupecto raidous then they could grab an R36S for basically nothing. I don’t know who the market for this product is besides guys who love taking pictures of title screens.
hipster techbros will buy a few
techbros sounds too flattering.
>you have to pay extra for worse
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IT'S UP!!!
a phone that can't make phone calls isn't a phone. just like how a man without a penis isn't a man
Flip 2 when?
Yet another step in Russ’s descent into insanity
>terrible sticks
>lightbleed issues, anbernic ghosted him when pressed about retail units having this same issue
>bad d-pad placement
Like the RG405M, I just do not see the appeal in these Anbernic products that Youtubers do. Nevermind how the black and white borders "melt away" when they're still a problem even when compared to a 16:9 handheld.

At around the same time as a Loki 2, never.
>the sticks in this $200 e-waste ching chong brick are absolutely fucking garbage but it's not a problem fro me personally
>buy this week's king of handhelds it in the link below!
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Why do people bitch about the TSP’s Start/Select being on the bottom right when that’s exactly where the PSP had them?
Anbernic should maybe sort out their charging programming and batteries instead coming out every second week a new etrash

no one said the psp had 100% perfect ergo
Do they? I think the rgplus also had them there and it was fine on that too.

Maz zhou needs to calm the fuck down for that to happen and he's too spite filled at the moment.
Why should they? Retards will just keep buying them.
More accurate to compare it to the Vita's but like the other anon said, not everyone thought the PSP/Vita placement was perfect either. People like them on top beside each side of the screen the best because that's the closest approximation to where they are on an actual controller and thus feels the most natural.
you should look into who's behind the project
Same reason no one's asking for nubs.

This guys reviews are the equivalent of when a meeting should be an email
Yeah it sucked there too, man.

Holy shit, that's EXACTLY it.
because you shills are annoying
They shill the smart pro way less than r36s shills and that's a vertical with sticks. Speaking of which, the r40s production is going along nicely and they're making one with the sticks reversed.
>r36s shills
who would shill something that's made by 10 different manufacturers and is basically sold at cost?
>enjoying my tsp
>decide to turn off the LEDs because it's a bit distracting
>every time it wakes up from sleep mode it inevitably locks up the controls and i have no choice but to force it to turn off
>turn LEDs back on
>never happened again
what the fuck
cool device anyways
Which OS are you running?
>ali sale expiring soon
Quick! What do I buy?
>Speaking of which, the r40s production is going along nicely and they're making one with the sticks reversed.
where did you get this info?
Stock, tomato os started having some weird issues like not detecting my arcade games, so I gave up on it
I think this video is the straw that broke the camel's back for me in terms of length/wordiness. My god, he just rambled non-stop over fucking nothing for like 50 minutes. I just hit the battery section, the d-pad section, looked at his dumb likes/dislikes graphic, and I was good. He really had next to nothing worthwhile to say here.
Fell for the TSP meme. $41.42 before taxes from Cutey so it should be a good deal even if it might be a little cheaper next month. I just want a functional d-pad, man.
Such a puzzling chinkheld. The (in theory) better plastic is literally all it has over the RGB30, why bother making it? Even the speaker setup is worse.

I don't know, you tell us.

Nothing, all the coupons are gone.
Weird. Is your FN key bound to LEDs or performance? Or did you turn it off on the menu itself?
Did anyone make a comparison with the new revision of the TSP and the old with the supposedly fixed triggers or whatever? I hear it mentioned here but never any sources.
It's bound to performance mode, I turned the LEDs off on the menu, maybe if I set them to 0 instead of turning them off outright solves this? I could test that.
I've heard about this too, but idk, the triggers seem fine, haven't played any games that uses them a lot though.
>You Chinese rady fucker you!
lmao reddit game uncle really lost it now, heartily recommending something on the copium that the sticks'll be software-fixed HOPEFULLY and fluffing that for 50min is a new level of delusion

max zhou has secured his western pawn
What is my best option for replicating that nasty green look the Gameboy had? Will the refurbished ones on eBay with replacement screens do?
>It's bound to performance mode, I turned the LEDs off on the menu, maybe if I set them to 0 instead of turning them off outright solves this? I could test that.
What firmware version are you on? Not using a stock SD card, right?
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If you are unsure and cant pick your first one get a SF2000. Its shockingly great for how cheap it is. Super comfy. Haters need not reply.
>a phone that can't make phone calls isn't a phone. just like how a man without a penis isn't a man
Possibly the best self pwn I've seen here in months
I'm on version 10.4.5 I think, ordered mine without an sd card, I'm using a 32gb sandisk card, I previously used it on my r36s with zero issues so I don't think it's an sd card problem.
I would give Trimui EX build a try, personally. https://github.com/kloptops/TRIMUI_EX. Comes with Portmaster and a few tweaks but overall is just modded vanilla TSP.
just ordered a 2nd miyoo mini plus
but why
1) i'd like to get one with rtc
2) i want to make an all-black one (one i have is gray)
3) i'm a dumb fucking consoomer
im tempted to buy a RG Cube
It struggles with SNES ironically. Just get an r36s as a first time purchase.
whats the best use of the retroid pocket 4 pro?
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>It struggles with SNES ironically. Just get an r36s as a first time purchase.
I did. The SF2k is unironically better. Played through the first world of Donkey Kong, a game I've played a lot, it was fine. A few slow downs but its only autistically bad. The R36 on the other hand actually cramps my hands. So you need to buy a $10 grip or dust of the ol' 3d printer. Not to mention all the autism around the sd cards. SF2k is just comfy and works. Its also a thing of beauty, look at the back it looks like its sticking a tiny tongue out.
>shilling for the cheapest crap imaginable
What do you even gain from this?
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>be me
>list my old Retroid 2S on a local market app cause I got the 4 Pro and don't need it anymore
>Mention this upgrade in the desc, something along the lines of "works fine, just selling cause I upgraded"
>Sell it
>Month later, get a text
>"Hey, still have that 2S?
>Shit, forgot to take the listing down
>"Sorry man, already sold it."
>"Ah, shit. What did you upgrade to btw, I might just get that instead"
>We talk a bit about handhelds in general, turns out he's never messed with this stuff before but wants to try it
>He's a bit intimidated by the setup though, and doesn't have a lot of free time to sit down and learn
>Eventually we strike a deal, he gets himself an RP4P at my recommendation (he said he wanted gamecube and PS2), and he pays me to set up a 256gb SD card with games and configure it for him
>Few weeks later he gets his RP4P, time for us to meet up
>He comes to my place (I figured he wouldn't talk so much about the details of setting this up if he were just gonna rob me or some shit), begin setting up
>Figure it'll probably just take me like an hour
>WInds up taking four hours instead
>Not because of any setup problems but because we just had a good time shooting the shit, talking about vidya and other random stuff
>Help him take a pic of him "dead" on the floor when his wife texts to make sure the random dude he met online didn't kill him or anything
>Ends with him giving me a fifty (more than I'd asked for) to cover the "service fees" if he ever needs to text me with handheld questions and troubleshooting
>We add each other on social media before he leaves
>Got a new friend and $50 for the experience

Vidya's a beautiful thing, anons
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not reading all that shit
Reading all that shit. Nice story u.u
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Look at that subtle off-white coloring.. the tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a gyroscope.
does anyone know how to remove the volume combo key on the tsp?? for some reason select + l1 or r1 act as volume up and volume down. and whenever im toggling turbo (select +r1) the volume keeps going higher and higher. its fucking annoying.
you forgot the gay sex part
I'm looking to hack my 3DS to turn it into a GBA/DS/NES emulation machine (DS is retro now right?).
It hasn't had a charge in years though . Should I be worried about charging it? I remember my PSP having a nice bloated battery a few years back before I threw that out. The 3DS's bottom still looks flat.
>playing neo geo on a 1:1 'held with the wrong dpad position
the anbernic cube was made for your favorite 1:1 PAR 6th generation game consoles
A sense of peace.
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>1:1 PAR 6th generation game consoles
kek based
I didn’t charge my original XL between 2016 or so, when I got a N3DS, until earlier this year, and it seems perfectly healthy.
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>>Help him take a pic of him "dead" on the floor when his wife texts to make sure the random dude he met online didn't kill him or anything
it's implied just like breathing and blinking
I forgot 720p can do a perfect vertical 5x for GB/GBC. TSP can do LCD shaders with a DMG overlay then. I'd prefer 800p for GBA and deal with small black bars for GB/GBC though.
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maaaan slashout on naomi would be so fucking awesome on the arc if it could actually run it. played it at 26fps yesterday (lmao) and the controls felt utterly perfect for the game. i hate rockshit so much bros.
you got me on the first half, had a chubby ngl
anyone managed to get ship of harkinian 2 working on tsp crossmix? mine crashes on launch.
Did you follow the guide or tried on another device? Otherwise you're going to need a log to figure out what is happening, probably a missing or incompatible lib.
I don’t think he’ll ever forget the gay sex part.
the mm.o2r i have doesn't match the hash values in the guide for whatever reason, maybe that's why. the game doesn't make any logs either.
is the upgrade from a o3ds xl to a new 3ds/2ds worth it?
talk me out of it, i don't care about any of the n3ds exclusive games
no ds is worth it.
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I really wish there was another device that did quick shutdown as good as the Miyoo Mini. It’s such an easy way to negative a lack of sleep mode, and it wakes up so fast that it feels like it’s never off. The SP feels like it takes ages to wake back up in comparison.
someone hasn't tried the new muos update
For emulation? Yeah. The o3DS can barely emulate anything. n3DS doubled almost everything: cpu cores, clock speed, vram, ram.
If you don't really care about N3DS exclusive games, there's not that much reason to go and grab one. There's only a handful of games that make use the increased hardware for shorter loadtimes or better textures/framerates like Monster Hunter 4U, and only a handful of games use the new built in buttons to act as a built in Circle Pad Pro. It can be better for emulation and homebrew, but at that point it can be argued that you can grab a chinkheld for less, and with a much better screen at that.
>the d-pad might be a deal breaker with its overly sensitive diagonals

i dunno, my pocket passed my standard good d-pad test (booting up a sidescroller that allows crawling and making sure i can't do so holding only down) with flying colors

i did only pull the trigger on one earlier this year after hearing they finally got around to enabling shader support for openfpga cores, might be a revised model

most emulators/homebrew need the n3ds' extra juice to properly run, that's pretty much the only other reason to upgrade besides the exclusive games
Is Tiger Electronics making handhelds again?
I see they joined the RGB meme.
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Aaand it's done, playing the entire thing made me realize that the RGSP controls with the electrical tape mod are almost perfect, the size of everything is just right, for me at least
You likely know this already, but 3DS is garbage for playing DS games. Get a DSi for them while their prices are still somewhat sane. GBA games are covered by your 3DS already.
How many layers?
>You likely know this already, but 3DS is garbage
Could've just left it at that.
I'll tell you how wrong you are when 3DS games become /vr/ material.
2 on dpad and A/B/X/Y, just 1 on everything else
No OTA updates = no install
If this site is by any chance still alive by then, I'll be there to shit over the 3DS's abysmal screen and some of its more lackluster exclusives.
Not any worse than a GBC screen, which has OLED screens now. 3DS will have 3D OLED screens in 10 years, screencap this post.
Do I play Vay, Vixen 357, or the mcdonalds game treasure made on my Arc next?
So .....now it safe to buy it? How are the temperatures? None of them have burned out yet?
>3DS is garbage for playing DS games
I would rather have either a Powkiddy Q90, Game Console R33s, X4, X6, Game Console R36s, Anbernic 351 MP, Powkiddy X18s, Anbernic RG552, or Powkiddy RGB 30, T B H.
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>None of them have burned out yet?
What do you mean by "now"? I bought mine on the pre sale and I haven't had any temperature related issue so far, sure it gets warm while playing but it gets as warm as my MM+ does
Just use a normal charger to charge it, using its own cable
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Thinking about ricing my childhood GBC, keeping the shell, as well as ricing out my first GBA SP. The latter maybe being ruined into a riced out Char Aznabel edition replica.

Not sure what to do with the rest
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>people constantly throw shitfits over chinkhelds only taking USB-A-to-C cables
>when every official handheld, from the GBA SP, to the PSP, to the PSP Go, to the DS Lite, to the DSI XL and 3DS, to the Vita, all used proprietary charging cables
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reposting >>>/vg/483336608
does anyone here have experience with gc and ps2 emulation on the switch?
fuck i'm mashing f5 on the listing page waiting for the seller to respond, i really hope i can get it
why in this age of 4k60 cameras being in everyones pocket do we have a poorly recorded 320x320 gif of this event
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Just bought one. What am I in for?
Is something wrong anon? You're sweating...
Weaker than RP4 pro and analog stick snapping.
You fucked up dude
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I mean...how likely is it that a defective unit will come out being such a new product? from ambernic's official store on aliexpress 3 out of 10 reviews have quality defects in the screen, buttons on this and other models.

>Just use a normal charger to charge it, using its own cable

Are you telling me that if I lose the cable, I will have a $70 paperweight?
Best case scenario, you didn't fall for a scam store on Ali.
low tier bait
Or you just get another a to c cord.
I mean, with chinkhelds there is always a risk of them being faulty of course, but if you buy it from a good store (the official one or a good reseller) you can at least ask for a refund
>For the curious, here's a list of the included filters:
>Nintendo cope
>Cope crisp (original patch)
>Cope crisp (tweaked)
>Cope interpolation (double pixel)
>Linear cope 1
>Linear cope 2
>Cope test 1
>Cope sharpen 1
>Darken cope
>Darken Nintendo cope
I'm impressed. To what lengths "people" can go to make shit eating palatable.
Jesus. That is really super. How'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
I will never understand why people point to consumers having to fix shit, thinking it somehow proves that the device doesn't have said flaw.
I genuinely thought you were gonna talk about how you had gay sex and had to double check which board
OLED Woll change your life. Going back to the shitty rp4 screens will feel like going back to the blurry crt era.

Cute and wholesome story Anon. I wish I could make friends so easily like that. When I sold my rp3 it was to an older dude who wanted to play retro stuff with his wife but he left pretty quickly before we could chat.
Made his whole week..
Don't worry, the revision will have the rk3588.
Ambernig won with the sp
I just dont see how piiyoo can top this at $60
They win if their clamshell isn't an explosive.
Wasn't there something with that sp clone where the battery is like right next to another major heating component of the unit. So the battery will get way hotter than the original sp would and cause an firework show in your hands?
>When I sold my rp3 it was to an older dude who wanted to play retro stuff with his wife

Funny enough it was the opposite with this guy. He said lived with a lot of family (kids, in-laws, the whole shebang) which meant getting one of the TVs to himself for a couple hours was pretty hard to do, so he really wanted something that he could just have to himself anywhere in the house.

He actually mentioned he had no problem with how long the setup took cause he was just happy to be in a quiet house for a bit lol
Lies perpetrated by miyoo nasty fingernail shills
I've come to realize that the extra thickness of the anbernic SP makes it significantly better to hold.
muOS is so fast bros
if I could get a battery indicator either in software or in the LEDs it would be perfect
>if I could get a battery indicator either in software or in the LEDs it would be perfect
It do both wtf are you on? go to configuration and then go general settings to show the baterry icon and advance to show the led while playing
can you see the battery while in retroarch though? That was useful in the stock OS (although I guess exiting to menu and back is faster now).
Too expensive, bad form factors, etc etc. The SF2k is a must have for every /vr/ enjoyer. Its design embodies this hobby unlike those other sterile devices you named. Its menu is whimsical and simple. Its hardware is novel adding to its charm. All that for the lowest price of any! The SF2k is unmatched.
Settings > UI > Menu Item Visibility > Show Battery Level.

Devs are hiding hard numbers because metrics are unreliable, but I do agree not showing them at all is fucking dumb.
since when barrel connector is proprietary? psp literally uses same charger as my laptop does. just don't plug 20v into psp barrel, or you blow it up
What the fuck is a barrel charger, you absolute boomer?
>What the fuck is a barrel charger,
A phrase no one IIT has said except you. You probably want to see a doctor about that.
Not in the anon you're zooming to, but you're dangerously unstable.
The thing about buying old handhelds and consoles, it's their unique quirks that end up making them more interesting.
>DS stylus
>PSP infrared
>GBA compatibility with gamecube
>GB compatibility with snes
Do any of these Chinese handhelds have unique quirks?
i get them to play games, not because it's le ebin so quirky and randumb lmao teeheehee
Build quality is another thing that official handhelds have over Chinese clones. Sometimes I'd rather pay for an old console just because of its controls or some peripheral
A design feature isn't a quirk. A quick would be something like constantly using words incorrectly.
No. Real handhelds are so much better than the one size fits all emulation boxes. The chinks have no real capacity for innovation, so you just see a million gameboy clones with no thought going into the design, ergonomics, or controls.
Why does the PSP 1001 have infra red? Is it some kind of thing with Sony devices?
so i could turn off school CRT with remote controller homebrew without anyone noticing. this is how my generation wasn't brainwashed
cubesisters how will we recover from this
reddit post. the SP is fine to play during the winter
i suppose this is why usb became the norm, because of people like you who were prone to accidentally blowing up their electronics and not read labels
great devolution
based dpad taper
don't use electrical tape tho, use something thinner
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buyers guide
$55 rgb30: gb/gbc, pc engine, snes, nes, ngp/ngpc, some arcade, x68000, game gear, atari, 3:4 shmups, some wonderswan
$20 r36s: genesis, ps1, n64, dreamcast, master system, most arcade
$80 rg405v/rg353v: ps2, gamecube, wii, saturn
$200 win600: xbox, switch, wii u, taito type x nesicaxlive etc
Bluetooth 0.5, you could transfer photos with it.

Also, only OLED Vita has a proprietary connector, and slim got rid of it.
This hellsite has my mind so fried that I genuinely can't tell if this is a shitpost or genuine
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one day you will see the light
Why is the clock set to 2019? The firmware's not even old enough for that to be a default date
ubuntu 19 i guess
Unironically i loved the r36s until i starting playing anything not a rpg. fuck the d pad and buttons and triggers are so fucking badddd. and i did the screw trick too..
IR is some kind of pre-zoomer thing. It was very common on all kinds of devices at that time.
Chink phones tend to still use them. It was also common with lg before they bit the bullet.
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My first handy just shipped. Really looking forward to it.
I wish I had a little more money and had waited a bit. I would have gladly grabbed a $300 discounted Deck instead, but honestly, I couldn’t technically afford this in the first place so whatever.
I’m exited to post so many title screens for you guys!
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>disable vsync threaded video enable hard gpu preemptive frames automatic frame delay 64ms alsa 1:1 par integer scale integer scale override
yeap it's gaming time
my chinese handheld came preinstalled with a flac of hotel california
>You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave
They’re just mocking their audience now
the data frog has more lore than all your tendieslop combined
having wi-fi in 2004 was more of "unique quirk" than having infrared, you retarded zoomer
and having stylus was at least 5 years old by then, did you forget pdas? oh wait.. zoomer, right. my apology
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>RGB analog sticks
The disadvantage of the deck is the massive size and average battery life. I bought an odin 2 and don't regret it at all, although I may upgrade to a rog ally or legion go once their prices drop and they should since a ton of new stuff is coming out.

Also congrats Anon, welcome to the club.
>Clear Green
Excellent choice, anon. Clear Green is first pick, followed by Clear Black.
Now that the dust has settled, what's the best firmware for the SP?
muOS, you have to externally scrap the boxarts but the whole thing just werks
Second SP arrived. The gap on the ribbon cable is quite noticeable on transparent models, but to my surprise there's also a visible gap on the hinge mechanism on the right, whereas the grey's only showed on the left's. Smooth touch to it which is odd, usually the transparent models are grippier.

As much as I hate the devs, muOS. Still raw though, all h700 firmwares are.
I would have really appreciated handheld access to my immense Steam library, though. I have a lot of games that I know I would play more if I was comfy on the couch. I have a Steam Link in the living room so I've felt a little of that feeling, but I can tell going all the way with a handheld would be even better.

I originally ordered the DMG scheme, but regretted it when I saw someone post a photo of the clear green last thread. They were nice enough to change my order when I emailed them, which was awesome.
I was thinking DMG for this since I'll mostly be playing GB/C/A games on it, and then the Super Famicom scheme if I got an 4 later on after liking this enough, but I realized that's gay and I should treat this as if I was buying an official handheld. I'd be getting the clearest, most ridiculous color of a GB if it was released tomorrow. Getting a vanilla pretendo device felt inauthentic.
i dont really get the square form-factor ? ig it's great to play fifth gen games. i usually play seventh above gen games and im not sure how it fits there (other than the ds)
what does muOS need to be a polished handheld OS? Right now it seems bloatless with good load times and some good themes
>Right now it seems bloatless with good load times and some good themes
I'm not contesting that, but for example the HDMI isn't working 100%, it doesn't support OTA updates so you have to backup your shit every new release, there's no search or randomizer on folders and so on.
Oh no I feel the same way. There's tons of PC games I'd rather play on the couch than in front of a PC. But I just took my Odin 2 on vacation and played Mario odyssey on the train / airplane and it was comfy. I would not have busted out the deck in those situations due to the size.
>Less lore than officalhelds AND older mips chinkhelds like the dingoo or paps
Yaaaawn. Just gay ass liberto shit. Wake me the fuck up when retrofw or opendingux gets ported, because dev moment pretty much completely stopped.
Your assmad is showing, max.
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it's here
There are very likely community control layouts for dos games mapping the keys to buttons
There are, the point is mouse control.

>Advanced > Automatic Game Pad Mappings [dosbox_pure_auto_mapping] (On (default) | Enable with notification on game detection | Off)

>DOSBox Pure can automatically apply a gamepad control mapping scheme when it detects a game. These button mappings are provided by the Keyb2Joypad Project (by Jemy Murphy and bigjim).
You're right, I didn't think of mouse control, but I can't think of a mouse heavy dos games besides scumm point&click games.
Also I was talking about Steam community layouts, which might be better since they're made for the deck and will account for back buttons
Well? Show us your brickgame.
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What is the best combination of amp + power filter (a dehum mod would be redundant, right? Or am I mistaken?) + speaker for a Gameboy Color and Gameboy SP?
What's the best handheld emulator for nds games ?
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The Surface Duo 2
The B button of my MM+ keeps getting stuck, and I can't open it because some screws won't come out, fuck this piece of shit.
Ok Datafrog promotion man.
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nintendo ds ML
How is it for ergonomics? I know it sounds crazy but I don't mind shit buttons.
whats the best device for DS emulation? or is it better to just mod a 3DS
3DS is the best.
A Samsung fold
Ah, sorry, I thought this was a thread to talk about the actual handhelds, not ghetto chink shit. Fuck me for trying.
M+kb here.
>Fuck me for trying.
ew no
Are you >>11047953
or >>11047992?
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I'm looking for a handheld under $100 to throw in my camping kit. It should at least run gba games, have a backlight and most importantly, the longest battery life possible. Any recs?
I fucking hate that guy. Why does this hobby have to have retarded shills making videos about these things?
so I'm two weeks into my SP clone, and what I've noticed is that the A button has sunken down compared to the others after alot of mashing. it feels like pressing a pencil eraser. I might consider opening it up to see whats wrong with the membrane but I dont think I have long term confidence in it. Will probably take advantage of my return window
Well sure I mean you can do that with any handheld PC/Android
RG35XX SP. $55-60, and it’s clamshell, so the screen wont get scrstched up in your bag
It's crazy how they're all fucking insufferable. RGC started alright (if a bit retarded at times), and even he's going to shit now. ETA unironically seems the most likeable of all these fags, but his vids are almost completely worthless.
That looks really cool. It's a little wider than the sp which is nice
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went on the anbernig sub on leddit to see if there's any developments on "fixes" for the 35xxsp's buttons (i don't own one but am interested, fully convinced they'll drop a plus revision soon tho) beyond some ghetto diy tapejobs and was not disappointed

picrel part 1 has the square and circle buttons switched in addition to the already confusing choice of even going with playstation buttons on this thing kek
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picrel part 2 my god the stretching
>went on the anbernig sub on leddit to see if there's any developments on "fixes" for the 35xxsp's buttons
Go to Etsy, there is already custom made dpads and buttons for it, some of them looks really great imo
was thinking/hoping more along the lines of replacement membranes for the sound and force

i've already had multiple orders with that french sakuraretromodding fucker so i'm unfortunately already pretty familiar with the custom button options, but ty anon friend
I read in a review that the RG35XX SP comes loaded with games. Do they just blantantly throw zelda and mario on there? How comprehensive is the collection?
>my god the stretching
I believe that's gaping instead of stretching, at this point.
>I read in a review that the RG35XX SP comes loaded with games
They have some mostly ok games but the idea of those things is to either throw every rom on existence at them or have your very own curated rom set to load from your SD
I don't think any Mario games are included iirc. I don't remember. I swapped out my OS and had my own rom list ready the moment I got it.
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At least they seem to actually be playing the game. But god we need larger 1:1 panels for DS emulation, it looks too small and the DS Lite panels are 3.12 inches each.
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Just use a bigger screen.
Honestly if you're doing the whole fuckin laptop why even bother with controller buttons at that point, probably more comfortable just WASDing that shit.
What the fuck is the thing on the right.
Gpd laptop with win controls slapped on.
Looks like 13 inches, Jesus Christ
Oh did anyone make a dpad that has an actual fucking pivot?
It was pretty good but to be honest the r35 with the inverted and shorter layout was pretty nice too for one handed gameplay. the r36s is a bit too big for that. I recently finished mmx on the r36s and thats what made me decide on upgrading. it was too uncomfortable for action based games.
that stick arrangement on the right makes me want to vomit
What controller do you guys use when hooking up to a monitor?
dualshock4 eternally the goated controller for ALL systems
Mine too, but isnt the original sp sunken in like that too? By default the anbernigs were more raised now its basically the same on my A and B buttons as on the original SP. Doesnt bother me desu its more silent now
go to internet archive and download the "Cylum ROM Collections" he includes all the best games plus translations and hacks from romhacking.net, all checked, correctly named and ready to go.
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just ordered a rg35xx h for 70€.
first ever dedicated emulation handheld i bought as is.
my previous experiences were only a hacked psp from the kernel 1.5 exploit days and a nds with a flashkart and a hacked 3ds.
i plan to play some shadowman and some metroid first.
whats the firwmare i should run? im eying the recent batocera fork or muOS.
I've been looking into a second AGS-101, but found that those units can start having lightbleed issues now a days and that people recommend a TVL screen over the AGS-101 screens. What is the deal with these TVL aftermarket screens?
just get a chinkheld retard.
I'd say kill youself, but you doing so wouldn't benefit or hurt anyone.
>install knulli on the rg35xx h
>open some ps1 game
>joystick doesn't work
>open retroarch menu, they're unmapped
>map them
>still doesn't work
>no rumble either
Sorry I said that >>11050045 I'm having a very unfortunate week.
Retroid/Ayn>>Aya>Odroid>>>Anbernic>Trim UI>>Powkiddy>Gameforce>>>Miyoo>Game Console>>Whoever made the X4 and X6=MagicX>Datafrog>>>>Whoever made the X7 and X8
>Aya that high when they put Switch sticks on $800 handhelds
Every CFW I tried to date forced me to make the controller a dualshock myself for some reason, that's what you're missing.

Ayn belongs lower, like their d-pads.
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>Poor quality, poor aesthetics. What kind of shapes are they making? They can't even copy them clearly.
You know, chinks consumers are based sometimes
The chink emulation handheld "community" is WAAAY more based than what we have here in the west. Tieba and QQ groups are just non-stop banter and shitting on creators directly to their face.
I like the zu reviews ones because he just seems like some random guy you might meet at Applebee's and watch half a baseball game with.
>Zhou's overseas fans are also unhinged
Heh. Wonder if that forum posts MTL foreign stuff like we do to them.
going to meet russ in 2 days
No Mario, oddly no 3D Zelda, lot of Pokemon. Courtesy of some guy on pisscord: https://litter.catbox.moe/rarltu.txt
Ask him what the fuck he meant by the RGB20SEX being “less magical”
the price of the rgb20sx isn't magical enough yet but when it is im buying a couple
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TSP has a new box and daughterboard
is that the blast processor
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It more closely resembles the SP when sunken in, but I think the issue for me is how the button feels when travel is reduced but the same amount of force is still needed.
Theres also a matter of consistency. Its just distracting to have three face buttons that work one way and one that feels a different way
TSP seems to a have gone through more than a few revisions.

Early units had green PCB daughterboards, no copper sheet, tape, blue pad, speakers still faced sideways and I assume whatever the trigger issue was.

Another revision had black colored PCB used for the daughterbaords, copper sheet, tape, blue pads, and I assume the triggers were fixed.

Then they released another with the speakers facing downward instead of sideways, and a new black pad along with the blue.

This is just going by the images I found on Google.
If the decks battery life concerns you why in the fuck would you consider the ally or legion go?
I'd say weight is more a factor than size. Maybe a later version- or one made by another company, will be more comfy. And hopefully cheaper than 1k. When you know Steam could probably do a Bi-fold clamshell™ with similar specs for around $600.
What other companies that could have competitive prices are entering the handheld space other than Sony (Vita 2 in at least 2+years time apparently.), Nintendo (Switch 2/4DS) and Microsoft's new handheld?
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>7" Win mini
>10.1" Win Max 2
>13"+ Acer Swift 3 laptop with 3:2 GBA ratio.
did anyone actually get their 35 dollar tsp from aliexpress or did you just get auto refunded
China's tech scene sounds downright magical.
I'd give them another 3-4 days to get their lamps in the mail. That seller kept lowering the price throughout the event, too. It was $38 when I first saw it and I think it was $33 or $34 when I last saw it listed.
Looking to get a RG35XX Plus. How do these feel (or Anbernigs in general)? Say compared to a N3DS or a Switch Lite. Is it immediately obvious they’re made of Chinesium once you hold it?
Wait no longer.

I've only got the base RG35XX, but they're pretty similar, same shell. In terms of feel it's fine, feels solid enough, D-pad sucks ass, but they said the plus is "improved" so maybe it's a little more usable, someone else might be able to tell you if they bothered adding a pivot or it's the same mushy garbage where going from down left to up right feels like shit.

Controls are passable at best, screen is ok, ergo is poor.
How retarded do you have to be to think a guy offering the same item for a fraction of the price of the other sellers is legit?

Actual deals are either found across multiple stores or the most you're saving is 5 bucks. They're all middle men,
people are retarded, there are thousands of retards every day buying 2 dollar 4tb flash drives or 20 dollar Xiaomi Pads and then wondering why they're not working right
there was one legit store that had them at 35, but that was on the discount finder and you needed the coupon and coins, original price was 48, still didn't buy cause it may have been some of the older units still in stock
Out of all those chink handhelds which is the cheapest
>sticks reversed
you mean dpad in right position? R40S could be the ultimate 'held next year
Game Console R35SX when?
it's called the 40S because its destined to be 40$
>spend more time looking for and adding games to my device than playing

I wish I got a smaller memory card...
Managed to open it, the problem is a broken rubber membrane. Ordering new ones from the Miyoo store is a bit too expensive for me, do you guys know of any controller with compatible rubber?
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>closing on 3 weeks since I ordered the cube and still hasn't arrived
god why did I buy that piece of shit. pretty sure im gonna flip it back on ebay in less than a month.
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Anbernic mogs once again
RP2S bros...we're BTFO...
Also those are some clicky ass triggers
Shape and screen mogged, yes, but
>chip shit for anything above PS1
>no front-firing speakers
>d-pad and facebuttons nowhere near as good as retroid's stuff if they're the same as the ones on the other XX devices, don't even need to mention the sticks which are in a completely different dimension of quality/usability
>no transparent color options
It's funny that the one area Anbernig always has Retroid beat is in the ergonomics and screen. That shape is exactly like the mockup that anon here made of what he wished the 2S was shaped like.
The Top Victory store or whatever? They also looked like a scam going by their store items which were an exact duplicate of another store.
the SP ~$70 then the 351 ~$100 iirc
m17/18/19 guys made another cheapo 3566 device. Still uses the psp's screen, but it legit looks pretty comfortable. Sadly, once again uses some werido locked down version of emuelec.

Victory is legit, they just sometimes resell returned or maybe defective goods.
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Zhou you FUCKING IDIOT, you had the perfect opportunity to use a 1:1 inch screen and compete with the RGB30 and you didn't do it. Instead you had to use the 1:1 screen on a device with the analog stick on top and a chipset made for more powerful handhelds.
Zhou never wanted to make a 1:1 device in the first place. He only did so because he really despises lao zhang. (Unicorn)
That makes me more curious as to what goes down in China on a daily basis. How can he have that much spite for his competitor?
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>perfect opportunity to use a 1:1 inch screen and compete with the RGB30
i could maybe overlook the cube's incorrect dpad position if it wasn't for the ugly tiger electronics/gizmodo shape and color scheme
It doesn't really concern me. I almost always game nearby an outlet anyways. I'm just saying the Odin 2 has all the x86 handhelds beat due to android and the big battery. It truly is a thing of miracles when I emulate switch for like 8 hours straight when my actual switch crashes out long before then.
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>notice a shadow thing right in the middle of my 3ds xl's screen
>it doesn't go away after i wipe it
it's fucking over bros
TN panel, what could have caused this?
Light damaging the polarizer?
>he fell for the tendie hardware meme
just buy a chinkheld lil nigger
i have multiple 'helds
none of them have dual screens and run 3ds games though
>40xx has a h700

So they can release the 40xx Plus next year.
because retards keep buying h700 handhelds for some reason.
It's a smart strategy, even if I find half their H700 releases shit. Flood the market with an outlier chip and strongarm your reddit/tiktok semen slurpers to demand software development.

Besides, I'd be shocked if there weren't at least another three other T820s coming up this year, if you don't mind those repulsive RGB, motion restricted, angle snapping sticks.
praying to jesus one of them will be an Arc+
let me guess, you need more?
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How are my fellow smartphone brothers doing? I'm personally doing well now that I've found an amazing solution to one of my main issues with this setup... which is simply to have a 4:3 title on a 19.5:9 screen. I mean, if I go with black bars, it looks ridiculous with that much negative space, this 25cm wide device combination with about 10cm being actual screen... so I just stretched it.

Here's the thing though... you know how there's this effect that's often used to display 4:3 videos in 16:9 and especially vertical videos in 16:9? It's this thing where the video's content zoomed in and blurred to filled up the borders, and I always liked it, but it looked like a video editing tool and not something I could have while playing... then I found the bigblur.glslp shader, and I'm loving it.

One thing that bothered me was how there was no shadow effect for the window with the actual content, since the colors often blended with the blurred borders I though it'd be nice to have, so I did it myself by creating an overlay on GIMP and https://valent-in.github.io/retropad-editor/ for RetroArch, and it worked! What sucks is that you have to do it for every resolution you'll need...

Anyways, it was simple to do, and you don't really need it, you can always just have black bars, or a simple blur effect without a shadow around the window of content... or you can just stretch it as I've always done before this. One more reason I like this is because CRT shaders and scanlines, on a smartphone screen, never look right due to its size, so I can use this over a CRT shader just fine.
Are you thinking of upgrading to the g8 bluetooth editon? You can use it with your gf.
Not at the moment, it really looks like a superb controller and probably the one to get if any of you reading this are shopping for a controller for your smartphone right now... but I've already got one, even if it's worse and cheap, it works and, as I live in a 3rd world country with tons of taxes, it would be quite expensive for me compared to a cheaper one like the one I currently own really.

I plan on changing my setup to a tablet in the future too, since my laptop's on it's last legs and I've grown fonds of tablets thanks to my GF, so I might get a tablet controller by IPEGA later on. I'll probably give my GF my current controller if, or when, that happens, since RetroArch's finally on iPhone now, so emulating will be a lot easier for her too. Well, do you plan on buying it, anon?
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>playing 'held
>think to myself "damn gba games look like ass on this device, everything is all blurry"
>take off glasses
>notice they're super dirty
>clean up glasses
>game looks fine again
>nearing 1TB limit on sd

Sheeeit. Do I offload my PS2/3 games to a separate card?
The ipega controllers are surprisingly good. There are better options for tablets now for sure, but they actually tried with the buttons on those.
>Do you plan on buying it?
I'm making so with my kishi v1 for now. I was going to sell it for a gamesir since the dpad is sub powkiddy tier, but I just used a million pieces of scotch tape.
I see, we're quite alike in that regard then, with the idea of trying to use what we have as long as it works fine enough. I hope your Kishi V1 lasts a good and long while, but if you ever feel like you want or need a replacement I hope you get one that suits all of your needs and feels good to use.

Cheers, anon!
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>dock with hdmi out and charging
I’m tempted but I wonder if you are still restricted to usb c to a charging or did this guy actually added that one small piece of electronics needed for usb c to usb c charging
>I emulate switch for like 8 hours straight
Ain't nothing straight about that, tendie.
You know, now that I'm scrapping games I kind of regret having entire romsets for old systems
Absolutely BASED
Cant decide between a 35xx plus or a 35xx sp. Anybody own both and have a preference?
Do you prefer clickyy buttons or rubber membranes?
comes down to the firmware. if it can run the same systems with the same performance as the SP, it will be better solely due to the fact that it has fucking ANALOG STICKS.
I bought an SP to replace my V90 and I fucking hate it honestly. It's only good for consoles up to PS1, which is what the V90 can do for 20 dollars cheaper. the SP's "dpad as analog" idea works until you need to make micro movements in something like mario 64, then it's a piece of shit. you can map n64 C buttons to X, Y, L2 and R2 but this becomes awkward if you're playing a game where the C buttons are heavily used for camera movement. I should have gotten an RG35XXH but I was too drawn into the clamshell of the SP. I've been using my V90 way more than the SP because the squishy buttons and dpad are better than the SP's clicky buttons and I like that it's smaller. the SP will probably sit around as a paperweight.
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i have entire romsets on file for archival purposes and whatnot but i only put games i actually intend to play on my handhelds
didnt ask, russ.
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What game are you playing right now ?
are there any good informative tier lists for handhelds?
It's tough because everything is subjective and there is no perfect device. My head canon is under $60 miyoo or if you want abernic, the 35xxh, or just buy a bunch of r36s. There's a ton of competing abernic shit at $100-150, but at that point you might as well get the 556 on sale and deal with the shitty joysticks. At $200 you have the pocket 4 pro and then above that price you're going with an odin 2 or deck.

Every device has flaws so that they can release another device in six months that fixes the a flaw but creates new ones.
I was just playing Mega Man Zero 4 on my RG35XX+
Oops, I forgot about the tsp

You're washed up
i like russ and im not afraid to say it!
Finishing LeafGreen on my 35XXSP, then I'm moving to Emerald. Outside of GB, I'm playing the DKC games.
russ is stolen valor
Sword of mana

It's so damn boring and janky, fuck whoever recommended it. Thinking of dropping it.
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>buys a device without sticks
>complains about it not having sticks
Bros, my RP3+ doesn't charge. It happens occasionally, if I drain the battery or under some other unknown conditions, but I can't charge it 99% of time. What do I do? I tried the power cycle fix Kei's channel suggested, I don't think it worked. What the fuck is with their quality control? Or did I fuck it by using a wrong charger? I used a 18W one on it, I read there was no difference since the device adjusts the current automatically.
im rarted for buying it but that doesnt detract from it sucking shit. plus i didnt realize how bad mapping the dpad to analog controls actually was until i tried it
i love sword of mana but it's just a remake of Final Fantasy Adventure which is a much better game imo, albeit a bit simpler without that weird cactus house crafting shit
What's the consensus on RP4 pro? Should I be worried about any issues?
Good day to you Gamesir.
The screen and triggers are the main complaints. I've had one for a few weeks and have been enjoying it so far. I find myself playing vita and indie switch games the most.
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Still here. After the Galileo G8 came out. My shopping was done. I have sooo many games to play I'll be good for a long while. Anything higher PSP/DS I play on a pooter.
I'm happy for you, anon! The G8 looks superb. What have you been playing with it recently?
This looks pretty cool... Any estimated price-range or release date?
I know early batches had problems with broken triggers and screen tint, but I believe those have been ironed out.
It's a joke (based in truth) about the switch being fucking gay.
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wake up, new scam just dropped, notice how it's just a "smart pro", no mention of trimui
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Vitasisters our response?
vita's ergonomics blow goats and its d-pad is easy to clone
Vita-1000 is best
Wake the fuck up to what, you fresh-off-the-upboat retard? Nobody needs a fresh update on each and every latest Shop11######### Store Scam. ...Do you?
i had bought one, never arrived, got refunded, just waking you all up to it before you get scammed as well, your welcoom
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If you're retarded enough to fall for it, you deserve it.
>when you're literally gen alpha on mommy's iPad and credit card and see what looks to be a cool deal posted on /v/
okay but for me? it is the 2000 with piss-filter-correction plugin.
Literal retard "went woke" and went broke, kek
How mad is mommy?
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>he likes the a30 now
Retro tech dad is alright. Although his quality went the fuck down when he accepted review units, but at least he isnt annoying. soniclove isnt a shill, but huffing too much fumes from chink plastic seemed to have fucked his brain. Wicked is straight up the best, since he buys all his slop himself, covers truly unknown shithelds, and isn't afraid to completely shit on something without giving a fuck. It helps all three dont show their faces.
reminder to nut buy anbernic shit till they finally start to care about their devices not being a fire hazard
Just an FYI but if anyone is still on the fence about getting the 556 due to the joysticks cardinal snapping, a custom firmware update has fixed the issue.
>shits on the rg28xx just for the A/B/X/Y buttons being small
>doesn't mention the screen, battery life, or how weak the A30 is
paid for by Miyoo? or do we go by occam's razor and he just forgot and hasn't actually used the Miyoo much.
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>Anal Log Dock costs 100 bucks
>Analogizer plus SNAC and controller costs basically the same amount of money
>dock doesn't support CRTs
>analogizer only works with a few cores
I might as well buy a mister clone if they're going to be as cheap as advertised. Kinda gay.
Docking handhelds is dumb, just buy the Mister. Probably costs less total too.
too late, everyone knows that device for the shitty analog sticks now

Wicked gamer? The guy using emojis and every ewaste handheld is great? That guy? "Legendary Quality Handheld That Plays It All" title about the fucking XU10

You gotta be joking me
>Docking handhelds is dumb
Sure but 3,5 inches just isn't enough for many systems playable on the Analogue, especially because the games will take up a lot less space than that unless you're okay with stretching and squeezing your games to hell and back since it's not a 4:3 screen. It's just a lot of wasted potential without a way to hook it up to a bigger screen. I'll just wait and see if the mister clones can deliver on their promises and what happens with the Analogizer, the dock really seems like the least interesting option.

hes predictable waits for community to like something then turns around and says he likes it

Hasnt said a word about the RP4 Pro in six months suddenly its top

Hasnt said a word about legion go in six months suddenly "he's starting to love it"

He sold out a while ago even his new studio setup is pure hipster camera reviewer style

Someone said it best russ is the person that sets meetings for an hour that could be a quick email
Fairly sure the Go video was paid for.
I can't even imagine having the ego necessary to make a video like this.
Like God damn, you filmed, edited, and uploaded a 15 minute long video of your epic TOP TEN list and never once thought it was vain.
Its all mostly Anbernic slop.
Why does he have the RP4 Pro in the center of the thumbnail? I got the impression he didn't like it that much because of the screen size.
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What's the best SBC / Mini PC I could fit in picrel?
Imagine fitting a NUC in a Duke lol
As for the Hing3DBox fightstick yeah I would use the SASI mod for additional analog functionality on the jlf with a Brooke UFB, so don't think input limitations would be a cutoff point for emulating later systems
>little man couldn't get used to 28xx buttons
>I could
What does it mean, /hhg/?
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Does anyone know if it's at all possible to emulate old Windows 9x CD-ROMs on these handhelds?

I just got my TrimUI Smart Pro and, from what I'm reading, RetroArch using the dos box-pure core might be able to do it, but I'm not entirely sure how to even get that to work, if at all.

Additionally, does anyone know how to get Easy RPG working? It came natively on the CrossMix OS I'm using for the TrimUI but I can't get any of my seemingly older RPG Maker games (I know it's 2k or 2k3 only) to work. I have the bare game files shoved into a .zip file and that is within the Easy RPG ROMs folder on the card, but it's not working.

Would any of you lads happen to know?
You're 4ft
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>reminder to nut
Thanks, chief.
I know you can play some Windows stuff via Portmaster, but I'm not sure about dosbox pure or Easy RPG. I know the Crossmix Dev is on discord and very willing to answer questions. Discord fucking blows, but it's useful in this regard.
Android ones have winlator
I have a TrimUI Smart Pro which is Linux, so I'm not sure if that's an option for me.

Would you happen to know if there is a CrossMix server on Discord? I'd ask them questions but I'm not seeing a mention to their personal Discord or a Discord server anywhere on the TrimUI subreddit.

Besides those oddly specific questions, would anyone happen to know where basic game saves go in the TrimUI Smart Pro? I'm only finding .srm files in my SAVES folder, when my games, (gbc for example) have .sav files that don't seem to work there.
>Would you happen to know if there is a CrossMix server on Discord?
I feel dirty posting a discord link on 4chan, but try this: https://discord.gg/retro-game-handhelds-529983248114122762 Cizia posts there on the regular, in the TSP channel.
Discord needs to be replaced by Telegram, Session, and Signal BIG TIME.
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Thanks, anon. I'm just dumb and couldn't find it on the github page initially. I'll ask on Discord and hope someone knows. I honestly didn't expect to get as confused on this as I have, so I guess this is what it comes down to. Usually, 4chan is my go-to to these odd types of questions, but it is what it is.
I don't where to put them, but doesn't easyrpg need the rtp files for rmaker 2000-2003?
Yeah, I prefer Telegram completely. That said Discord is sadly the easiest way to communicate with some people/groups.
It's all good. Anon. I only used Crossmix for a bit so I'm not sure of the in's and out's of it, but you can get answered from the horse's mouth at least.
My wife has gotten bored of the little GBA micro I got for her and wants to try something larger. I got her a ds lite and she just laughed at it. Anyone know a good handheld that's bigger than a mobile phone? Something that comes in colors other than white since she didn't like the DS lite. Really she's just trying to play GBA and general Gameboy series games, so doesn't need to be a super computer or anything.
Well, your wife's in luck! There are hundreds of Chinese game boys ready to fill the position.
At least for some other handhelds, you supposedly place them within the BIOS folder on your device. Retro Game Corp has a guide that mentioned that, though it doesn't specify the TSP so I'm not sure if those need to go somewhere else or not.

I've tried putting both RTP packages in the BIOS though and haven't had success thus far.
The smart pro's bios folder is retroarch's system folder unless crossmix changed that.
welp kinda hate to admit it, but I'm liking the cube a lot more than I was expecting. also the paint on 2 parts of the grips was already worn off straight out of the box, so that's pretty cool. thanks max.
if only they let it bake a little longer and it didn't have that wonderful anbernic QA. story of all anbernic devices.
>Besides those oddly specific questions, would anyone happen to know where basic game saves go in the TrimUI Smart Pro? I'm only finding .srm files in my SAVES folder, when my games, (gbc for example) have .sav files that don't seem to work there
Just change file name from sav to srm and transfer to retroarch folder. It will work
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Been away from the scene for a year. Is there an ArkOS update or even another firmware that actually does proper sleep mode for rk3566 systems?
Really want to take my RG353V with me rather than my MM
to be honest muOs sucks
rg35xx/rg35xx h are great for GBA games
Botched the screen protector application on my SP, but does it even need one?
update: it came with rtc

i am happy and content
gonna say why? I've been loving the instant shutoff with autosave on exit and load. Finally something to replace my old miyoo
What's wrong with it? It's probably fixable.
Haha not anymore, I tried to salvage it and only made it worse

I hear it's a perfect fit, zero clearance for lifting once it's down. Haven't taken mine out of the box.
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What on Earth am I looking at here?
One is a fightstick shell that folds up in the middle like a lunchbox for extra portability
The other is a reproduction of the OG Xbox Duke that has a built in screen that's just for some splash animations
And I wanna try and fit a computer inside them.
For the Duke I'd ideally find a way to use the built in screen as the main display, making it a handheld. For the stick I'd probably just use those display glasses
active cooling isn't retro
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finished my second gameboy i lost the top one like a year ago and my mum found it in the cupboard while i was waiting for the parts to come for the bottom kek

its not a vita
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also i modded my lite and got a mig switch i played online in bdsp and didn't get banned even when running ams kek
it is in july
i haven't had a problem with arkos or android sleep on my rg353v. arkos also has quick mode to save more power
>wants something bigger and colored
truly one of the woman moments of all time
I kek'd.
Is it possible to remove hotkey controls in RetroArch for the TSP? I can't find an option that seems to want me to do so for whatever reason. When I hold nothing it defaults to something else.
Goddamn it, my Powkiddy RGB20SX finally arrived in my town but Ali isn't showing which delivery center has it. At least it arrived in about a week.
Just go to the hotkey section in Retroarch, manually remove them, and the Save Current Config.
Which color?
I'm not seeing any options to remove/blank out the hotkeys, is the thing. When I click one whichever hot key it gives me 5 seconds to hold down a button I want to swap it to, and even if I hold nothing it gives it a default. I would like to be able to remove some of the hotkeys but I seemingly can't find out how to do that just yet.
>highlight hotkey
>press x or y (forget which)
For now
well i got the mig back at launch and played the game then using a cert from a labo cartridge, didn't play online but was connected to wifi so all the tracking stuff still gets sent and i wasn't banned then either but i know others have been, i saw some pic on gba temp saying using certs from other games = ban but im assuming that whoever got that ban used the same cert ffor multiple games on their console. i have bought labo games and dumped certs so i have one for each game i want to play i think that should be safe its like gateway on the 3ds
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