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"Really really nice" Edition

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

Previous Thread: >>11039131
Finally a 6 button handheld. This solves the absolute form factor abortions that were the attempts companies made at fitting L2 and R2 on a handheld.
Anyone got EasyRPG working on the TSP? I can get it working on RetroArch on my PC but not the TSP. I'm at a loss as to why it isn't working with how simple the setup is supposed to be.
RG ARC+ when?
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Aliexpress gamer guide
$55 Powkiddy RGB30: GB/GBC, PC Engine, SNES, NES, NGP/NGPC, X68000, Game Gear, Atari, some arcade (3:4 shmups), vertical WonderSwan
$20 Game Console R36S: Genesis, PS1, N64, Dreamcast, Master System, arcade
$80 Anbernic RG405V/RG353V: PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Saturn
$200 Anbernic WIN600: Switch, Wii U, Xbox, Windows
Retroarch settings: disable vsync threaded video enable hard gpu preemptive frames automatic frame delay 64ms alsa 1:1 par integer scale integer scale override
Roms: https://myrient.erista.me ftp://chiru.no https://archive.org https://arcadepunks.com https://btdig.com
https://github.com/AeolusUX/ArkOS-R3XS https://github.com/christianhaitian/arkos/wiki
https://www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-R36S.html https://www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-RG405V.html https://www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-RGB30.html Use super discount finder coins monthly sale store coupons
Thanks, anon. Wish I knew that sooner. Was "Y" for me to clear out those hotkeys.
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First game done on rg35xx. Great experience overall
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Keep going king
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>popular=reddit in all or nearly all cases.
Ok gigahipster nigger.
Nope, haven't been big on the main Pokemon main series since after Gen 6. USUM was an unnecessary quick rehash. then it went to shit with the consoomerist cope and buyer's remorse of Generation 8, and even worse so with Gen 9.
Gen 8 was the litmus test for low Pokesumers will lower their standards for the sake of the brand name. The answer was: damn near the bottom, which is how we got the SV shitshow. SV is the game modern Pokesloppers asked for and deserved.
Ended up coping an RG405V grey color during a sale for 110€, hope it turns out cool with GammaOS.
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Why so expensive?
Any ideas, lads? CrossMix-OS comes with EasyRPG included and all but none of my attempts to add games is working thus far.
Analogue and FPGA

But mostly Analogue
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>Using RG35XXSP now
>Browse portmaster
>See it lists Donut Dodo
>Have Switch version but not PC
>But I have my Switch dump
>Try ROMFS extract
>It works

You know what that's pretty cool.

Anyway back to playing Breath of Fire II retranslation.
the screen probably
but its a bit of both, if the dock was included for the same price it would be far more reasonable
Threadly reminder, that do not listen to anbernic shills
There is no such thing as USB C to C charging or charger supplying wrong voltage (if you at least stick to any identifiable brand charger)
Abnernig just fails to implement usb power delivery well and is using bad quality batteries, for years.
These devices are hazardous
I using my laptop to charge my rg35xx
I use*
Did you shove RTP on the BIOS folder?
Really adventorous. Given their quality, i would not dare to do it. A laptop boardrepair is pricier if the console shorts something or fries the usb port when it requests overcurrent.
Using btw a laptop or a simple 5V 2A max charger just keeping their retardness in check, like giving schoolchild blunt scissors so they cant poke their eye out.
Getting a DSi XL I scooped up from Goodwill's website for $43. I have on already from a previous thrift find ages ago, but the bottom screen has a ton of scratches in it. You don't notice them during gameplay, like when I played through AAI-1 recently, but still I couldn't beat that price. Also waiting on my NGPC I posted in the previous thread due to usps in new york fucking up something.
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>rg cube doesn't even have 2 microsd slots
android-only chip handhelds only ever have one slot since the OS is on the internal memory.

I never understood the point of having 2 slots, how many games do you expect to play at a time faggot?
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Yup. I've gotten Easy RPG to work on the Windows version of RetroArch so I attempted a similar setup on the TSP but it just doesn't work the same.

The RTP folders for 2k and 2k3 are both in the BIOS and in the System folder as a just in case (goes in System for desktop RetroArch). As well as the root game files being in a .zip file while being sure there are the .ini and .ldb files as well.

It just isn't working for whatever reason.
It's about isolating your games and saves from the OS, dumbass.

BIOS is the system folder, you can look it up in directories and then core information for whatever BIOS files it's looking up. Try forcing a log from RA, I guess.

And what's the point of that dumbass? Have you ever had a non chink SD die?
Yes. I also had the fucking OS brick more than a few times. Also, enables easy swapping between chinkhelds with the same folder structure.
The card quality isn’t the issue. Having the os and games on the same card is a bad idea. That’s why even Linux chinkhelds like the mseries or smart pro use emmc’s storage and single card slots. Most androidhelds don’t have that problem since they almost always have emmc
How many poor quality bootleg Chinese handhelds do you people actually need? This thread is sad.
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I feel like I've tried every potential combination of both positioning of the RPG Maker 2k and 2k3 RTP as well as the two games I have as well and it just does not work. It sees the games to some degree, but when I try to load them it brings up this Easy RPG screen claiming there is nothing in that immediate directory with the correct files (but there actually is).

I genuinely am at a loss as to what I might be doing wrong at this point.
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rgb30 set to be the goated 'held then
I could never get it to read a zip, extract the game to a folder ensuring the exe is in root ie.
--<Game Folder>
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God bless you, anon. EasyRPG games are finally working. I've been trying the past two days and the bare folder WAS something I tried but I didn't realize that there was a specific .exe it wanted me to run (especially because it doesn't show the .exe file extension when I'm searching in the folder).

Now I'd like to figure out how to add my own custom art for ROM hacks and what not. I've gotten the Scraper app to fill in some of the gaps, but it doesn't know what to put for the ROM hacks, of course.

I had assumed I just needed to match the size, file type, and naming convention, but that doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?
Gamma OS Lite, or regular with google services?
I want to install a few standalone ports like Stardew and Dead cells (which I own), but I dont care about playing any native mobile games.

Should I pirate the ported games and keep it GApps free, or is GApps not that big of a deal?
You could just pirate ported mobile games. Play services is a fucking battery hog.
Glad to see you got it working, Anon. I saw your posts on the discord. I was also the one who directed you there.
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At least they played through the game.
I'd rather have a thread full of Hall of Fame shots than a variety of title screens.
i'm currently getting an emerald save ready to shiny hunt rayquaza
The FPGA part of it explains about a third of the price. Not using surplus screens probably adds a lot too, especially at that resolution.
>Pokemon emerald on 3ds
Rng or regular odds?
Will there be a sale soon or should I hold out for an updated version?
It works fine for me. I used to charge my RG35xx with a 5v 2a charger, but it started heating up after while so I started using my laptop, and it works great.
son you just posted cringe
Guys why do the sega controllers have six face buttons but two different sizes? Is there any reason Sega made them that way? Like do they enhance certain games if they are different size buttons?
'eck is now sub $300, literally nothing else can compete.
What does valve use for shipping these days, fedex or ups?
To look nice. Videogames were just toys back then, so all that people gave a shit about the consoles was how they looked. Ergonomics were a nonfactor back then, which is why controller grips didn’t even exist until the PS1
Whichever one steals more do probably ups
Hang yourself.
the design has remained virtually unchanged since the genesis days, when it was a non-standard peripheral that you bought separately (or as part of a bundle) and only a handful of games used those extra three buttons, so it's now considered iconic
Its shilling. No one buys these things. It's just the same guy taking pictures in the factory hoping people will buy these stupid things.
Question to RP4P owners. Is the fan actually that loud? Also, how's the remote play, does it have lag?
Do you think RP5 will have OLED screen? I actually hope it has LCD, OLED strains my eyes and I don't think they'll implement DC dimming properly.
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>that one guy who wanted a 3DS and had to settle for the OLD model
Stop mocking me! (2ds actually. And this was before I knew what buyee was. Fml)
>he doesn't recopy the roms to the 1tb microsd every time the OS bricks
git gud
Doesn't buyee rape you on the shipping and handling fees?
When the fuck are they making the steam deck 2 (OLED)?
I actually have no idea, but I missed a n3ds for 80 bucks. Why do eBay sellers overcharge their handhelds with what’s seemingly semen stains on the screens?
Because people don't take care of anything now. I was able to get a DSi XL spare mentioned >>11057593 and that one looks better that 85% of the ones I have seen on ebay. Even this nip units are fucked up looking. Speaking on N3DS, same goodwill online store had a Galaxy N3DS for like $175 but I didn't get it since I have literally every 3DS model, minus the 2DS XL. Then I saw the price they sell for on ebay and went "welp", but I didn't need to spend $190ish on a console that just as a bootleg looking shell.
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>ordered a trimui smart on the last day of the sales for like $33 from ampown at aliexpress
>received a trimui smart pro
score? This is really nice but I already have an anbernig sp. Might keep it for tate shooters.
I meant to get the smart as a gift for my bro to take anywhere since he has an 'eck, I have enough time to try and order another.
It appears to be the real thing and the box the newer one with the 3 different colored models.
The package came bundled with one of those shitty airbuds which I take is chinkese for "we ran out of stock, here have this more pricey model".
Ok I changed my mind about Sword of Mana. It's a cool game, enjoying it a lot now.
I dont keep performance mode on and haven't really noticed the fan. But I'm used to the deck's
I'm enjoying seeing which portmaster ports work on mine. Timespinners is like the gba/ds/ps1 castlevanias, but written by someone who used tumblr in its peak and likes the netflix cartoon.
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i was lowkey praying for that to happen to me too as someone else on leddit had the same experience with ampown

nevertheless my black smart came last week and holy shit this thing is actually amazing, i own an rp4p as a bit of overkill as i basically just play apotris or segment speedrun (shittily, mind you) super metroid on my commute to work but the inputs are so crisp and made me very conscious of the delay or lag of android/the rp4p, it literally feels like the game runs faster on the smart

minui installation was easy as shit as well

i've had a miyoo mini since the v1 and love my mini plus just in general for what it is, but for actual usage this thing btfo's everything kek, rp4p wins still if i have a flight or some shit though

smart > a30 > all anbernig microslops
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>A30 over every single anbernic product, even the RG 351MP, RG 35XX, RG 503 RG 505, RG552, RG 353PS, RG 405V, and RG 35XX Plus
Oh sweet retard. I agree with you for the most part on Trimui, though.
>every single anbernic product
he said microslops tho. that's just the nano, 28xx, and maybe 280v.
Ok, fine. Thanks for the info.
I hate that I own a TSP but I've been genuinely considering a Smart because of how small and pocketable and cheap it is.
If you leave the house a lot or end up waiting on others, a smol pocket boi might be a nice complement to the TSP. I'm not sure about those 2.4" screens meant for children though.
This handheld is finally reaching the price it should have been, it's honestly one of the best in this form factor. MinUI is great, and the buttons are fucking perfect
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regular odds, i dont rng manipulate
i was gonna go off about how i literally wouldn't consider a single anbernig regardless but >>11059058 noted my clarification and you responded cordially so i apologize

to my original point though i do sincerely think the smart btfo's the other micros, it's just funny that it's a couple years old at this point and the only reason i got interested in it is cause of the "a30 vs rg28xx" battle kek

i'm generally really anal about protecting my shit and screen protector/case up almost everything, but this thing is so small and sturdy, i put a tempered glass screen protector on (that literally fell into position perfectly) just to protect there, and i'm sliding into a little slot in my backpack — it's borderline perfect with minui to just pick up and play instantly

i agree, at sub-$30 shipped for me it was just an impulse buy to give it a go, but now i'm fully sold on it
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modded another lite
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>gba games keep crashing on the Anal Log
>the solution is to downgrade the openfpga gba core from 1.2 to 1.0
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old model is actually quite comfy i got one recently because it came in a bundle with some games i bought from japan, i got it setup with my old gateway you can get them to work on newer firmwares
Truly the premium experience innit?
My ugreen charger has 3 usb c ports and 1 usb a so this whole bitching about muh c to c charging doesn't affect me at all.
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how easy is it to mod? any links with info?
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i bought my o3ds and o3ds xl on launch though
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nta but buyee is really good i use it all the time, they have an inspection fee on each item which defaults to 500 jpy you can change that to zero and they combine parcels for free now their fees are pretty low, postage is pretty good too and its fast i can buy stuff from buyee and have it turn up faster than local stuff from ebay a lot of the time kek
if you can solder small stuff its pretty easy you dont even need to take the board out of the shell took my like 40 mins i think, i would recommend not using the shitty ribbon cable thing it comes with for the soldering though i destroyed 2 of them so now just use wires its way easier, i dont have a microscope so maybe the ribbon is easier if you got one of those i just used this image as a guide https://gbatemp.net/attachments/hwfly_oled2lite-png.346062/
It's not great for GBA even without the crashes , the shoulder buttons are terrible. I fucking wish there was a GBA SP with a screen this good though. I don't think many people are buying this thing for GBA though.
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What are some classic 4:3 PC games that I can easily play on my DOCKED steam deck? I’ve already got d2 resurrected in the backlog, and maybe a few rounds of civ 3. Maybe some doom mods too.
Console games are welcome, but 480p+ only as I’ll be playing on a PC crt (with a dock + adapter). I don’t think there’s a way to natively output 240p or 480i unfortunately.

I do want to see what the ocarina of time PC port is like. Are there any other games or romhacks that are best played on PC?
Nice anon, I got a busted switch lite that I want to repair and then mod
just need to get past some stripped screws lol
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hows it busted? if the screen is fucked theres an oled mod coming out some time soon https://x.com/TakiUdon_/status/1807438395389657539
Somehow the Switch Lite's OLED panel looks better.
>i'm generally really anal about protecting my shit and screen protector/case up almost everything, but this thing is so small and sturdy, i put a tempered glass screen protector on (that literally fell into position perfectly) just to protect there, and i'm sliding into a little slot in my backpack — it's borderline perfect with minui to just pick up and play instantly
Yeah, I've heard other people say similar and it's incredibly tempting because of it, especially after getting my TSP and seeing the build quality. If I can play the PS1 version of X-Com UFO Defense on the Smart with some SNES/Neo Geo/MAME I'll be sold on it.
Why on Earth would you use that cucked crap
flashcarts are cool
i understand the pro has the same dpad and buttons so you already know but goddamn are they good, it's in that "miyoo mini or retroid vita-style dpad" goated territory for me at least with chinkhelds

i tested the included chinese super metroid rom on whatever the firmware version mine came with initially and it ran poor, i was going to see how it performed with the newest official updates but the two files were downloading so fuckin slow (multi-hour estimate for ~100mb files) that i gave up and went straight to minui

minui resolved everything

just a heads up in case anyone gets their smart and just tries to run with whatever it's preloaded with; i don't think there's any plebbit-tier people in /hhg/ that do that though
Anyone in the northeast usa buy a steamdeck recently?
What shipping company did they use?
Much obliged, Anon. I'm tempted to use my dollar coupon and whatever sale coupon is on Ali right now to grab one. However I have the TSP and a non-functional GPi Case already, aside from my old handhelds.
I think the 28xx is neat, if a little flawed and cheap in places. Hard to go on sale though.
i used to be like you, now go caselss on my brand new iphone, feels amazing
i'm really not for consooming and collecting these chinkhelds just to, i rocked with my miyoo mini for years and basically held off on a "better" device until the rp4p came out (i'd been watching retroid since their pocket 2 kickstarter; fought the temptations of the rp3/rp3+ cause they were close but just short of what i thought was endgame) by just using an older phone plus dualshock4, but i'm gonna stan for the smart

i literally played super metroid until 3am last night (again i play this all the time and do shitty 100% speedruns of it a few times a year just for fun) and only stopped cause my hands started cramping trying to use the shoulders too much

it just felt so good i couldn't stop trying different ingame mechanics that are more technical cause the inputs are so clean

the dpad is a bit firm though, i could see some people suggesting it "hurts" if they intend to play street fighter or some shit all the time on it

but again, you know all this already as a tsp owner — yes i am being a dick and trying to make you pull the trigger on getting one as i'm THAT satisfied with it

especially at the $28 shipped price it was

i like how they look but those face buttons are ridiculous, so i'm just racist against anbernig so "not even once"
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What's good for fighters and is dirt cheap?
Any anon has or is going to get an Anbernic RG ARC? This handheld can handle Saturn? It is RetroAchivements compatible?
Good luck, you'll need it
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Thanks, anon, I appreciate it. Discord didn't end up having any real answers for me anyway, unfortunately.

Current question, does anyone know what the specific requirements are to add art for games? I've been following each emulators file directories that have working art (via Scraper) and I've tried copying their general format, but sometimes it just isn't working for no particular reason (same size, same file type, etc).

The ones that for sure do not work for me at all are Easy RPG art, and I'm not sure why.
I definitely assumed at first that Portmaster was just some odd way to enjoy games for free, which is true to some extent, but not all of the games.

Besides using files from the games that we own, are there any work around for the ones we don't? Not sure I've heard of piracy for .pck files or whatever they are.
>but sometimes it just isn't working for no particular reason (same size, same file type, etc).
Have you checked to see if the pallette/bitmaps need to be a certain value? Like say 256 or something... Idk, just a thought
That's certainly something I could look into. Sometimes images work, sometimes they don't. It certainly feels a bit random at times, but I'll have to check out what you said.

While I'm here, does anyone know if there is a way to show your current battery percentage while in-game on the TSP? I get that I can go to the menu and see it from there, but it would certainly be nice if it showed in the corner as well. I'm pretty sure I read that it was an option prior to me owning one, but I can't seem to find the setting.

Arceus was bretty cool
You're supposed to buy ONE and then shitpost for a year or two before buying a better ONE, ideally selling or giving away the first one.

I have an RGB30, I'll sell that when something with that form factor runs ps2
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I have the model s and I think it's a great little GB machine.
Rome: Total War, Sim City 3000, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Starcraft, Warcraft 2
the odin 2 mini seems more and more like what I want but it feels wrong when I can get a $300 LCD deck right now. The deck is so fucking big though
That's the sole reason why I bought the normal odin 2
Yes I have one, no it can't handle Saturn, and yes it can do cheevos.
It's worth it if you're okay with streaming your PC games on the Odin 2 Mini.
>mint condition used n3ds xl and switch lites for ~70 usd on buyee
what the hell is going on in nipland?
i'm seriously considering creating an account on this site and buying a bunch of shit just to see if i'll get scammed
The Yen is completely fucked right now. 1 USD is equal to roughly 160 yen. 70USD is equal to about 11000 yen.
In other words, you're going to see a lot more people selling stuff from Japan and a lot more tourists there to take advantage of their lower currency.
all 3ds hardware is dicey because its a double panel lottery where you'll be rolling for scratches, piss screens, TN instead of IPS, and various forms of light bleed.
Where can I buy online to take advantage if this opportunity? Or will shipping costs to the US completely negate the savings?
i don't know about shipping to the US, but you can calculate it here https://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/shipping-fees?lang=en
apparently you buy something, it gets sent to the buyee warehouse in nipland and then you ship it to your address through their dashboard
So, which megaman battle network should I play first? there's a lot of them
Start with the first one then if you don't like it try the third one
No idea, but it won’t turn on. I bought it on ebay as part of a lot a few months ago. Haven’t gotten around the diagnosing it yet, but it’s probably the battery or the charging circuit.
I did see the oled screen mod though, definitely picking one up even if the screen is fine (i think it is)
Slap two joysticks on it and I would say this is the perfect handheld and I would buy it in a heartbeat.
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Needs better chip + more power, and knowing 'nig. Max'll fuck up the sticks/firmware or whatever.
Give them time, I've never really had issues with Anbernic products myself (though I only own 3 of them). Once a better chip set is accessible and they can put some joysticks on it, I'll pick up that version because I've ranted before in these threads about my want for a horizontal 6 action button, two joy stick, two shoulder and two trigger handheld before.
So what chip are you hoping for? Would it be an Rk3588s? It would be in keeping with the dual-boot ethos of the previous chip. Also Portmaster I guess. They say that chip hasn't reached it's full potential yet and still hasn't reached it's ceiling.
Based on what I've seen I think even just the Unisoc T820 they put in the RG Cube should work well enough for me. I wouldn't bat an eye at the rk3588s. As long as I can get some decent Gamecube, PSP, DS (maybe 3DS), and PS2 games (I'm not asking for anything super high end on them too, mostly just some RPGs) I would be happy.
>It's about isolating your games and saves from the OS, dumbass.
Stupid zoomerism. Stop being afraid of computers. It's just a fucking folder. Wanting to isolate it onto a completely separate piece of hardware and additional an additional point of failure is schizophrenia.
God damn original Trigun was so kino. Out of all the "remake" slop they've forced down society's throat, that broccoli headed zoomer crap has got to be the worst sin.
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>Ignores the other replies mentioning how its a bad idea to keep both on the card as it can fuck up the os as with the powkiddy a30.
Self hating zoomer? Xoomer raised by a buck broken half french loomer? Or is this a byproduct of apemucian/tardopian education?
Meant for this >>11060354 phonefag. Not deleting my original sin
>iT cAn fUcK Up thE oS
Either you're literally a mentally retarded child or you're using chinkshit that is so complete garbage you'd have to be a mentally retarded child to defend it.

Wanting a second card slot is criminally moronic on multiple levels and basically phoneposting faggots like you shouldn't be on /vr/ toying with things beyond your experience level.
They're a necessary inconvenience in older systems where other options are not viable, but fucking retarded for system that's completely open like the 3DS.
>Completely ignores me mentioning the powkiddy a30
>Doesn't even do basic research on why it doesnt have cfw depsite being the same device as the trimui model s
>I only used android chinkhelds/devices with emmc storage, the post
>Last but not least, phonefag telling others to leave /vr/
So you're a redditor raised on common core math. I dont blame you for blaming your parents for fucking up your brain, joeysretroreviews. But pretending to be retarded makes you worse than acutal retards.
IPS screens on the 3ds is the biggest meme ever
Oh no, if I have my screens completely flat and view it from the side I can't see my screen anymore! Like who the fuck cares nigga it looks the small when you view it from a normal angle
T. Has both types of screens
>Coping tnkek stil coping the 3ds somehow has a worse screen than the psp and gwc zero combined.
>t. blind
i'm >>11059323 and i hate the viewing angles on my TN 3dses, it having an IPS screen is one of the big reasons why i'm considering getting a n3ds xl
irrelevant in 2024, literally no reason to own one when emulation chinkhelds exist, are cheaper, run psp games, have better battery life, screens, etc
literally who
>Irreverent mp3 player and kickstarter held that paved the way for the triple chinkheld war had better screens than the tn3ds.
Kekychonky! Also,
>Implying the 3ds hasn't been dethroned
the 3ds was dethroned by the uhh... surface duo with a shitty bluetooth controller connected?
i had to google this shit, apparently it's a phone lol
way more expensive than a 3ds, not pocketable, no stylus (you'd know you need one if you actually played the ds and 3ds library), no 3d, wrong aspect ratio, etc
the psp has been fully powercrept by chinkhelds, not even the ds has been replaced so you're out of your mind if you think the 3ds will have a good clone any time soon
>Oh noodles, 300 almost new instead of 250 with literal dogshit on the speakers unless you import from japland. (Dont tell anyone this, but importing from chinkland is even cheaper)
>More pocketable than xl models
>Implying phones can't use generic stylus's and more accurate.
>Good aspect ratio for ds. Not 3ds
Seems neato burrito to mua. It would only take a single chink to copy the duo and make it cheaper to btfo the 3ds AND folding phones.
its not an incovenience though
they originally said it would have video output also not sure if thats still the case but i hope so
>>$250 for a 3ds
full retard, has never even googled 3ds prices
>>More pocketable than xl models
i carry my o3ds xl in my pocket comfortably, let's see you try that with that monstrosity + controller (inb4 "you can carry just the phone and play using the touch screen!" cope)
it's like 'eckfags claiming their shit is "portable" when you can't fucking take it anywhere without a backpack or carry it in a case around
yeah it's portable, as portable as a fucking laptop
>>Implying phones can't use generic stylus's and more accurate.
more shit in my pocket
the 3ds has a hole to store the stylus in
>Size is literally smaller than 3ds xl models since it's a fucking phone.
>Its leh not pocketable bcuz... Doi's demon designs are leh bad!
>Implying thats the average price jewbayers auction for non chinkhelds
>Forgetting phone cases meant to hold the phone WITH the stylus.
Lg and samsung did this shit for ages anon. Come on now.
>>Its leh not pocketable bcuz...
because it doesn't fit in your fucking pocket, that's it
>>Forgetting phone cases meant to hold the phone WITH the stylus.
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just buy one from japan
>Dont tell anyone this, but importing from chinkland is even cheaper
don't just say this and then leave it at that, WHERE????
nigga it looks like they poured lemonade in the screen
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theres a tonne in that price range
Post 3ds
Have you seen an IPS screen on the 3ds in person? It's not really worth the surcharge fags try asking for.
And I'm not sure what kind of viewing angle you want to use where the tn doesn't cut it
I'm gonna get a Steam Deck. The OLED one though, hope I won't regret it.
I have both. Oled has better battery life and was worth it to me at least. Besides screen and batrety, the hardware difference is negligible
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>mfw tendiesloppers stare at piss filters on the worst LCD tech known the man
i hope rg cube comes down in price for you sad bastards
the settings screens are yellow
Is it retarded to waste money on a Deck when I already have a PC and all sort of consoles just because I want to spend more time around my cats and family
It's more retarded to think you're going to be spending time with family while playing video games, but we're on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and I do the same thing. I sit and watch shitty Netflix shows with the Mrs while on my deck.
not at all, the deck's best use case is as a companion device
>make your life harder for no reason

Can you play your PC away from its corner? Are you having fun? Then it's not a waste of money. The social part is questionable though.
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Guys i just realized portable DVD players come with controlers and games (I mean who still has DVDs eh?)
Anyone know what you can expect them to play?
9" screen + controller for 40 bucks aint such a bad of a deal.
Aint exactly handheld, but mobile is close enough.
>still no crossmix 1.2.0
>said he would try to quickly get it out like a week ago
why lie like this
i don't play fighters but the TSP has a pretty good clicky dpad, probably the best in it's price range ($50-$60). really easy to roll your thumb around and you can feel each click.
The only real option for fighters is the RG ARC for the 6 button layout.
I got my eck oled and it brutally mogs most handhelds. I will say the D-pad is mediocre. It’s not as apocalyptically bad as everyone led me to believe but it’s certainly the weakest part of the controls. Not sure if there’s a way to replace it with anything better. Will eventually swap the sticks out for Hall effect too kind of Talmudic they don’t offer those when way cheaper stand alone controllers and chinkhelds have them.
>16:10 aspect ratio
It's shit.
16:10 is god tier because you can put the status bar with FPS, CPU, battery life, etc. above 16:9 games without blocking the game
It’s unironically superior to 16:9
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>Not sure if there’s a way to replace it with anything better
There's a clicky d-pad mod I'm interested in. Kinda expensive tho.
>Will eventually swap the sticks out for Hall effect too kind of Talmudic they don’t offer those when way cheaper stand alone controllers and chinkhelds have them.
When the Deck launched, none of these things had hall yet, so I get it on the LCD model. Don't understand why they didn't add them for the OLED one.
Fake news. It's surprisingly good for 4:3. Also almost dead-on for most Megadrive and Saturn games.
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>status bar with FPS, CPU, battery life, etc
I think I remember an old dvd player that might have been a gba hardware clone. That thing must've been made in the era of chinks slapping controls on pmps before fully converting them handheld consoles.
I'm looking at retrosizer and basically the deck aspect ratio seems great for GBA/PSP/Genesis but kind of silly for snes/ps1
I would happily go for eck or other x86 handheld, but the 2 issues I have with them pretty much dealbreaker.
> size
They are fuckhuge compared even to an odin2 and that one is already on the brink of too much. They take up too much space in my travel backpack and that is where my use case lies. I travel between 2 cities a lot with an already 10kg backpack via train
> fan noise
I really hate it with devices I use in public
(At home I dont really care since ut seems I no longer have the ability to get a relationship in the recent years and my cats dont care either)
I wouldn't feel comfortable using a deck on a train. It seems explicitly designed for lounging on Yachts like Gabe does
I've heard multiple accounts about the 'eck oled's fan being pretty quiet.
I have an LCD 'eck and I never hear it. Granted, I also don't play AAA slop that requires 15w. Even when I did play stuff like Yakuza 7 and use all the juice, the fan wasn't THAT loud.
I know this is a handheld thread, and I do have two handhelds around (a switch and an RG351P), but now I have a somewhat decent phone (samshit galaxy S23) and it's quite small and lightweight, seems good enough for emulation, I feel like using this to play some games in there. I know in the past I had input lag issues there. Any gamepads worth a shit nowadays? Are the only decent options still the goodmorningsir x2 and gayzer kishi or is there anything new worth using?
Thats the visteon gba/dvd combo i guess.
You are true and false at the same time, this is, so far i remeber an official licensed product.
also the biggest gameboy ever made.
>IPS screen replacement for 3ds xl
why does this not exist? chinks could have the entire second hand 3ds market by the balls if they made this ONE product

> But pretending to be retarded makes you worse than acutal retards.

God the fucking irony, my sides, pot meet kettle
gba has a booming mod market because its repair complexity is brainlet tier. The vast majority of tinkerers do not have the stomach for 3ds repair
I have a backbone, which is the 'premium' telescopic phone controller with a headphone jack.
Its not bad hardware, but the d-pad is mediocre in the wrong spot, and the buttons are wierdly clickly. Feels more like a madcatz product than nintendo
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What’s with this thread’s hate-obsession with Pokemon? I remember this one guy telling me that there was no difference between Thunder Wave (0 damage) and Thundershock (40 damage), and I corrected him, and he went on this rant about how he “makes half a million a year” and how it’s because he “doesn’t have these baby games holding him back”. I was actually cringing at the levels of insecurity he was giving off, it was genuinely uncomfortable to read his egowanking, I’ve NEVER seen someone get that upset over a mere mathematical difference in numbers. Why do people think that one videogame can have that much influence over them?
My grandma had one of these, it had some sort of NES emulator and roms on a disc, all in a .bin file I think, not so different than famiclone, it worked just like it. I guess you could swap games if you had the know how, it had Contra and two controls so we were set.
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>post here about noticing my o3ds xl screen shat itself
>think about getting a replacement
>ffw to today, call up a repair shop that advertises ds and 3ds repairs on their website
>"hey i'm calling to ask about 3ds repair prices"
>"uhhh we don't do 3ds anymore because we don't have the parts anymore, it's hard to come by"
>"that's ok, i have the all the replacement parts for the screen here, can you guys just do the install?"
>"uhhhhhh hehe sorry actually we don't do 3ds anymore it's too complicated yadda yadda yadda"
>"i called because i it was advertised in your website..."
>"hehehe yeah sorry we don't do that"
this reminds me of that one time i got rejected by a hooker
it's so fucking over bros..........
Contact Nintendo, it should still be in their warranty period considering they repair consoles for DECADES after they are discontinued. You might have to ship it off for a few weeks but they are bound and determined to keep your consoles running.
Because 3ds screens are calibrated, and I don't think you can change calibration without modding the system
Also, it's tricky to replace the top screen
if your screen is damaged, just open it and fix it yourself dumbass
theres not much else you can break
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>Saturn inspired emulation handheld
>Not fucking powerful enough to emulate Saturn at fullspeed consistently
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Dang, I definitely didn't expect that. Thank you, kind anon.

Related, but I know Portmaster claims only some of the games work for the TSP but does that mean the others flat out won't work, or do they just have some sort of issues running?
>Related, but I know Portmaster claims only some of the games work for the TSP but does that mean the others flat out won't work, or do they just have some sort of issues running?
Plenty are just untested on the TSP or the OS. You can grab the installer off of the Portmaster website and manually install it to the TSP and give it a shot.
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How are my fellow smartphone /vr/os, and other handheld /vr/os, doing tonight? I'm playing some kusoge on my Galaxy M30 and MOCUTE-060, and drinking some cheap energy drinks while my gay water ripple lamp lights up the room, very gay to be honest, but very comfortable, so I'm having a good time after a long day of work. I'm happy to see my borders for the bigblur shader work well.

I've been curious about The Terminator on NES ever since I watched the AVGN video on it, and now that I'm finally playing it... yes, it sucks, but I've played worse... though maybe it'll get worse.
half of your screen is vaseline smear blur
I know, but with a 19.5:9 screen emulating some 4:3 titles, it's either negative space/black bars, a stretched aspect ratio, static themed borders, or this, and this is the one I personally like most, at least for now, I might change my mind later and I like to change things up from time to time, but I like how it looks, it's dynamic and feels like it's a part of what I'm playing, without it stretching it.
Pokemon is Uno disguised as a JRPG and it's 2024
soulja boy actually sould these under his souljagame line lmao
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can ambernic shills start talking or something? the thread has been overrun with tsp shills for weeks now and it's annoying.
And? Uno is fun
rg353v good
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, RP2S?
He also worked with anbernic before they were called anbernic and powkiddy when they were called coolbaby.

What shilling?
>Shart dumbo discussion leh bad
>Shart36s and sneedyoo leh good
Don't cut yourself with dat vertislop, max. People already got over the cube's light bleed anyway
>costs 3x as much as rgb30
>uglier and still has light bleed
To be fair, max only made in response to the unicorn since he hates the zgp guy. Like, almost as much as the ktr-1 guy.
Does the RG28XX and RG35XX-SP have the exact same performance, only differences being form factor and screen size?

And did the A30 effectively bankrupt and kill Miyoo?
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And when the FUCK was the Powkiddy V10 announced let alone released, I literally just came across it today looking at the Google sheets. Apparently it's the Miyoo A30 except with a better form factor and cheaper price, kek.
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Wait for the Ayaneo Pocket Micro if you want a mini horislop.
It's not the a30. It's another 3326 with the rg280v's design. 3:2 like the 351p
Thanks, this looks even fucking worse than the Miyoo A30 in every possible way imaginable. Just looking at it is giving me ptsd with NES controllers stabbing my palms with their sharp shitty corners. How the fuck could a person even claw their hand to use those sticks?
It can run up to Sega Saturn flawlessly (as flawlessly as Saturn emulation can get) and can play some PS2 and 3DS games, which all the other handhelds you mentioned can't.
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Finally got my NGPC in the mail after a week delay, thank you USPS New York for holding it for three days before sending to my state. I'm honestly surprised at how well the games I tried out played, Cotton and Sonic were pre-loaded on the Gamedrive cart that came included.

The screen is VERY nice and the stick is amazing as the microswitch on the 8bitdo Neo Geo pad. I need to play more on it later and load that MotM and Card Fighter games onto it. It's a shame this unit died so soon as it did since it would had been amazing for more Shoot em up and RPG games.
More chinkhelds need microswitches/saturn style dpads.
Selling the Wonderswan collection, anyone interested? Mint, all cib, the Guilt Gear Petite Wonder Coin even still has its little adhesive sticker never used.

I love the thing but honestly just do not see myself ever playing it ever again and don't want it just dusting in a drawer until I die.
Sorry, too expensive prees undastaand
I just searched the last few threads, no one's ever mentioned the thing at all ever. What the fuck? Did the POWCHADDY poster die?
>$350 versus $45
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Why are bugmen like this? Why can't they just make the handheld right?
To be fair, PowKITTY has been slacking lately.
If they get it right then people won't feel entitled to CONSOOM and get the newest device.
I really want one, but I'd like to use some sort of voucher.
The device would have had to have cost $300 at least to run Saturn.
The latest device I bought was the R36S. Every handheld since, I waited on, and once they released and people started getting theirs, I lost the interest in getting it. Only one that has stuck so far is the RG28XX, but I don't want one for more than $40 (including shipping, fuck the official Anbernig website).
Fuck, I actually bought a little Philips DVD player for $10 recently to hook up AV systems to, just checked and it doesn't have any USB ports so it can't have a controller plug directly into it, only display what's coming through the AV port. Still nicer than those old clip-on screens the sixth and seventh gens had.
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>rts with a d-pad and four buttons
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Not a chinkheld, but the caanoo used a control stick.
I was more interested in x19. Plus, in that same week, like 2 other 3326 devices got announced with anither one this week
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And the neogeo x which is a chinkheld. This thing was a piece of shit. There was probably more, but I'm too lazy
What does the 'D' button do?
It tells you to go back to /v/.
Yes, except the 28xx screen is also rotated.

Probably not, the profit margins must be wild.

It got brought up like twice, two weeks ago I think.

Well, other than Aliexpress which charges a premium for it you're out of luck, Retroid rarely if ever has sales. I'd just get it, it already had a (tiny) price drop, they'll probably stop making them soon if they haven't already and no one stepped up to contest its value king spot, unfortunately.
>profit margins must be wild.
Profit margins from no sales...?
I can't believe they designed a custom Neo Geo handheld, then went through the effort of putting a functioning click stick on it just to then slap a 16:9 screen and a set of four in-line shoulder buttons whose only function is to switch the aspect ratio between 4:3 and horribly stretched widescreen. It's sooo weird.
That's pretty fucking cute actually.
if it's the lower screen and you decide to fix it yourself make sure you tape the back of the screen. a lot of replacement screens don't have insulation on the back and it presses into the board and blows a fuse.
I'm still here, I just I only shill horikino.
>just open it
watch a 3ds teardown video on youtube before commenting, retard
it's not simple like with the ds models
from nintendo's website
>we don't do old models lol get fucked
so unless you have the n3ds xl (they don't even repair the regular n3ds lol) you can't get repair service from nintendo in brazil
it's over
Ive taken apart the top part of my o3dsxl by watching YouTube videos
Who is the retard again?
>it's possible bro
yeah i know, thanks
the issue is that it is way too complicated and i would rather pay someone to do it so that if they fuck it up they'll pay for the damages
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I own one.
Get it off the 360 vent you monster! Pretty cool though. Might be worth the $40.
I remember contemplating getting one of these, only to put a Neo Geo emulator on my PSP instead.
Didn't this thing struggle to run Neo Geo anyway?
Is the R36S the cheapest handheld that can emulate PS1?
Just pay a little more for a Trimui Smart Pro. vertislop is never worth it and the controls on the R36S in particular are horrific.
i've got to start filtering the word slop
anyway, the trimui model s looks neat for the size.
>mental retard defends needing "two sd slots" on a chinkslop
As expected of the zoomer, grew up on a smartphone and literally cannot comprehend the concept of a "directory structure". It's so weird watching these kids who've never used a computer before get upset by anything without a touch interface
nta but i don't want to fiddle around with my roms everytime i want to switch os. having a random partition dedicated to the os on my rom card just makes it much less plug and play with other chinkhelds
>the ground is TOO SOFT
The shartui dumbo es gud, but I think he meant the cheapest not counting sales. Not to worry. Gameconsole is making two hori's at this very moment. Rg350 clone and smaller x55 with wii u layout
>Ignores the reply calling out his brown level reading comprehension.
>Still doesn't understand why having the os and games on a card is a bad idea.
Sniiiiiiifs! Yup! Common core, fatherless AND raped. I didn't know redditors were forced to be taught common core too. White race is legit fucked for good. Tbh, you could alo be an acutal buck/beaner too. Which would explain alot.
RG405m is a good pick?
lol what does this mean
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what is that?
Why not spend a little more and get the 556? Then spend a little more and get a pocket pro 4. Then spend a little more and get odin 2.
Nintendo DS XXXL
The "DNA Mobile Gaming" Youtuber's homemade second screen attachment specifically for the Odin 2. He wants to sell them specifically to Odin 2 owners who want to play DS games (3DS too, but with no 3D). He's been spamming it everywhere he can think of trying to build hype for it.
A non smart ass answer would be appreciated
He's the kind of retard who lets his kids play with "his" toys for a few minutes just to see them trying them, then shelves them forever never to let their kid ever touch it again so they can move onto the next thing daddy wants them to momentarily experience and then get denied. He's so fucking stunted as a parent that he believes parents are buying their kids Odin 2s. If he has even a remote lick of self-awareness, he wouldn't have mentioned children at all and would have tried hyping up the retro community into "enjoying the Nostalgia" of the NDS, which is fucking twenty years old now.

My observations get cemented even harder by his replies to people trying to dismiss him as a retarded shill for his own unreleased product; If his kids love playing the Nintendo DS, then why the fuck are they only playing New Super Marios Brothers and Super Mario 64 DS for their first time for his photo-shoot?
This looks fucking worse than clipping a phone to a PS4 or Xbox One controller, god fucking damn
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Uno is Sevens/Spoof for children and mothers.
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>it took only 10 years from this for 'helds with 4:3 screens to come out
we're back in the good timeline brehs
Isn’t that the device where the screens popped out?
delete this
Go fuck yourself?
Only if you're a redditor
It's sad that considering how pricey these are they're just not great to use.
The hello gamesir g8. There's or the easymax or whatever the fuck it's called, but I can't find any videos on the dpad quality. The first kishi isn't bad if you can get it used, but if you need the dpad get that scotch tape ready.
I gave up on d-pad quality on smaller devices to be honest. With the switch I ended up just replacing the joycon shells so I could replace the buttons on the left joycon with a d-pad and I just used that. I'm not a big fan of clicky shit but at this point I'd take that.
Could anyone, please, tell me what they think about x12 plus?

Is it worth it or is it a total junk?
looks like dogshit, wasnt terribly impressed with the prices either
If you order the plus through Amazon, you get porn games.
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Buy the X20 Mini instead
but that has a 4.3" screen

any suggestion with a large screen under a nice price and plenty of emulators
Thank you all anons for you wise replies

Ok... here's what g'm looking for

Under 100usd
large screen
lots of emulators (arcade, Genesis, nes, and so on)

any thing that fits this?
RG Arc, Trimui Smart Pro, or RGB30 would be my picks based on your preferences.
is that a bonus??? Ahahah
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Powkiddy RGB10 Max 3
>b-but I need 1:1 as-
Playing PSP on a 1:1 screen is cringe. Playing Game Boy on a 16:9 screen is perfectly reasonable.

Will look into your suggestions!

Let of ask something else:

is there any kind of device that, basically, is the handheld controls that are then connected to a smartphone and makes use of it's power?

This way one could install the emulators on the phone and play like in a handheld with that additional controls

(if I was clear enough...)

if there is such a thing, could you recommend some?

Thanks again!
Galileo G8, honestly the premium option will make your phone like a mini steam deck.
Don't buy anything Razer.
The backbone is cheap garbage.
Gamesir X2 Bluetooth if you prefer. But ergos aren't as good as the G8. Decent for smaller sessions/older games.
Third option: one of countless Bluetooth cheapo options. Just curb your expectations.
Rg40x because someone has to pretend to shill that shit.

They finally deleted the reviews with photo examples. Whoever the seller is on Amazon, they include shitty porn games on the card.

Good gamesir!
you can get a Trimui Smart Pro for $50 or less during sales on aliexpress, plays upto most psp and some dreamcast games just fine. i've heard that alot of n64 games won't launch on the device right now but there's work being done on getting a standalone n64 and dreamcast emulator running on it, so you should see improvements on those systems in the future.
recommendations for sexy gaem that get my wee wee hard to play on my 'held? psp and under plz, ty in advance saars.

Im not watching 32 minutes of that idiot
Beach volleyball paradise, the gimped version of xtreme 2.
That dude is a fucking retard. I ended up having someone link me to his discord channel because of flashcard firmware, and it's just a bunch of idiots and people begging for roms. Also a crypto guy who randomly brings up how rich he is/posts his handhelds/consoles/wallet screenshot, a guy who shills for Everdrives to the point of lying through his teeth about other products to the clueless, people dicksucking the owner like the one who printed the casing for the device. It's so goddamn retarded in there.
>Android game
saar, what do you take me for saar
whens the next russ video i wanna grab a drink and a snack !!
X9S Plus has a 5.1" screen...
It's a psp game
Apparently psp version is just DOA PARADISE.
i think you've got it confused with Dead or Alive Paradise
how well does vita emulation run on the retroid pocket 4 pro?
i wanna play mvc3 and sfxt on it
I can try those later, but it's been pretty good so far. Anything the emulator says it is compatible with has run for me. Most of things it says are not compatible haven't worked and I had the same issues as reported on their site.
is this vita3k?
Do any other vita emulators even exist? It's the only one I'm aware of and could find
beats me, i setup basically everything but vita/sega shit lol
ill assume its just that then, ty for trying them
Sfxt is listed as playable. Mvc3 is listed as ingame-, which usually means it'll loaf but not be playable.
unlucky, i'll just pass on it i can play that shit on my steamdeck anyway
>this reminds me of that one time i got rejected by a hooker
kek, good analogy
most things with a 5+ inch screen are gonna have better hardware and therefore be in the $120+ price range, outside of some no-name Wish e-waste devices like the x12 plus. you'll be lucky if any of those run SNES and GBA at a playable framerate and with many of those devices you'll be lucky if they even let you put your own roms on them. none of the x12 listings on any of the sites even show the name of the processor which is usually a sign that its a piece of shit.
nobody wants to make a 7 inch fatty driven by an f1c100s or a v3s, although i think that would be kinda cool. i'd pay 40 bucks for a device like that
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Quite literally the only advantage the 20sx has over the rgb30 that and transparent colors
Yeah I guess I'll grab that one.
I tested out my new phone with a wired SN30 Pro 2 and damn. Seems maybe input lag is not that much of an issue anymore.
it's finally around the same price as rgb30 (with discounts) https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806911451799.html
The 20sx also have more battery capacity
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When the fuck is Anbernic gonna repurpose their RG280M shells for a newer chipset
>rgb20sx: gbc, pce, snes, nes, ngpc, gg, atari, x68000, 3:4/8:7 arcade
>rg353v: genesis, ps1, n64, dreamcast, master system, arcade, wii, gamecube, ps2
The rg35xxh is basically that, though
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I was pretty shocked by how much I actually liked the Cube at first, but I'm already starting to turn on it. I thought it was shockingly comfortable at first, now I find it kind of uncomfortable. I thought d-pad position was surprisingly alright at first, and now it's increasingly annoying me. I thought I was okay with how tough the d-pad is, but nah it's actually fucking gay and absolutely sucks compared to the Arc d-pad. Downfiring speakers are still, in fact, retarded.

Overall? 0/10, fuck you Max. Can't wait to get a Unicorn and sell this SHIT.
why does this """hobby""" have so many fags with those big thick rings on their thumbs
That's the RG351MP offshoot
I'm specifically wanting them to make a new handheld with a 2.8" screen and metal-shell (bonus points if it has the same gradient design)
>big thick rings on their thumbs
gonna need a picture of what you're talking about
The lengths people will go to on this hellsite to "other" people is so fucking funny. Give it a few more months and it's gonna turn into shit like "These fucking handheld fags with their hair parted to the right instead of the left"
I only wanted a clamshell Odin, does this at least have extra usb slots?
Unironically sounds like you would have done just as well with a Powkiddy RGB30 or RGB20SX for less.
I had an RGB30 but it couldn't play the Dreamcast and CAVE CV1000 shooters I wanted. I definitely liked it more than this tho.
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Looking for something that can emulate up to 6th gen smoothly, how bad are the screen/delay issues on the RP4P really?
I was considering the Odin 2 as well, but if I have to splurge 300+ on a chinkheld I feel I might as well just get a steamdeck
I don't think the RP4P screen has a problem with delay, the main issues are the ghosting and the screen being reportedly "too small" for comfortable 6th gen playing but the latter is obviously pretty subjective. The screen also had a green tint problem early on that was fixed via software but some people still don't like that it was there in the first place.
The ring is a depth gauge..
What upgrades do I make on an r36s? cfw that I see seem outdated.
Snip the plastic connecting the face buttons together so they don’t all rattle when you press the opposite button
Damn, that bad you prefer the 30's speakers? Fucking hell, I just wanted a premium 30, it's not that hard.
>FPGA is identical to the real hardware experience, that's why it costs over 2x as much as software emulation!
>Except for this list of bugs and incompatibilities

Every fucking time without fail.
Zoomers think soft ground is good for their poor hurty feetsies because they only think of their personal convenience, but they don't realize the myriad variables that go into determining the soil's crop growing conditions so they starve come winter. Such it is with chinkheld devices; they think they want a second card slot, they don't realize they're just bad at taking care of themselves.
So Retroid released the 4 Pro and just dropped from the face of earth?
Outside of working on a Flip 2 with more powerful hardware/hinges, there’s not much else to do. Android emulation has mostly plateaued too, especially on the PS2 front.
Nigger, they released the Odin 2 Mini like a month ago
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>9 nintendie dsi xl's on buyee
>all working
>only one of them has scratches from the pics and it's only on the top screen
>$34 total
this is getting out of hand bros
has the japanese economy crashed and i'm the last one to hear about it? i'm almost placing a bid, the only reason i haven't yet is because i'm scared i'll get taxed for my entire bank account when it arrives in my country (hellzil)
Genuine question, what would you want them to do beyond the firmware updates they've been steadily releasing? Their whole shtick is high performance in a small, affordable form factor, and as of right now, there's not a single handheld that even comes close to competing with the RP4 in terms of size and value.

I much prefer their current strategy of focusing all their effort into supporting what they have for the time being over what Anbernic does, just releasing a new thing every month that uses the same general hardware that's just different enough from one another to stretch official and community support thin as hell
yen is at an almost 40 year low, so yeah its in a bad state atm
Will Anbernic let me trade my basically-mint-condition RG SP for an RG H? I got so entranced by the clamshell that I thought I could tolerate playing n64/dreamcast games with the Dpad mapped as the analog stick but its totally intolerable and I fully regret my purchase tbqhfam

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