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"Really really nice" Edition

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

Previous Thread: >>11056982
hope yall enjoy the R36S you bought this ali season
Hey guys, I am in a need of advice. I need to decide if I should keep my RP3+, get RP4 Pro or wait for RP5. I'll describe the situation in short:
—RP3+ doesn't charge most of time, tried the "fixes" and still nothing
–Realized I'm losing interest in 2D and want PS2/GC
—Also wanted Switch for many years
—Suddenly see RP4P can play most PS2/GC/Wii almost perfectly, and even Switch titles, though not perfect
—it looks like slightly better hardware will have playable 1x res Switch
—there's one caveat: my eyes can hardly tolerate OLED
So what the fuck do I do? I haven't messaged Retroid about my RP3+ yet, but I didn't buy from their site and even if they send me anything the shipment costs may be high. I guess I could try bringing RP3+ for repair somewhere, but that's all just extra money spent on a handheld that can barely play GC and no PS2. I could also just sell it for parts, though it likely will cost little if it sells at all in my cunt. RP4P is near perfect, just not quite there with Switch and I'm worried about screen quality / loud fans and also charge (see my RP3+ issues). RP5 would be ideal I guess, but it's not even there and if it has OLED, I'm kind of fucked (bottom of the barrel OLEDs strain my eyes).
Any help / tips appreciated.
What makes you think we are going to see anytime soon the RP5 and why do you think it will have an OLED display?
I read on transcord that a new TSP firmware upgrade is about to drop.
I mean, Retroid updates their lineup about once a year. I assume RP5 might come out in early 2025. But then again maybe not.
OLED is being pushed everywhere, including handhelds. I know it's a cheap device, but today you can hardly find an IPS phone anymore, even cheap shit.
Nasty color.
too late, i'm already on knulli (batocera)
got burnt by stock/crossmix/tomato/dogshit way too many times
It's a GBA game
Isn't Knulli in an even more fragile state than those?
Get an Odin 2 Mini. It does everything the RP4Pro can do and much more while also being more ergonomic and having better controls/overall quality.
The Odin 2 Mini is hurt by being in the "Just get a Steam Deck bro" price range.
>portmaster actually works
>UI doesn't look like shit
>loads roms in compressed in .zip and .7z archives
>actual metadata scraper
>justwerks with no tinkering
the psp and sleep mode regressions are worth it, it'll get fixed in an update eventually
stock OS will never not be shit on the tsp, i gave up
>sleep mode regressions are worth it
Sleep Mode is the best feature on the TSP so no thanks, I'll stick to stock until it's fixed.
>putting the device to sleep is more important than playing games
to each his own...
Thanks, I will consider it, but the price is definitely a bit high. Also, do you by chance know if mini LED is better or worse for eyes than IPS?
when this general getting pruned? it's been used to stealth discuss non retro shit for a while
when the other non-retro threads get cleaned up, which is never

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