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Previous Thread: >>11055448

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/? Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.

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Iou, this is kinda neat. Music goes hard.
I'm thinking about trying to translate some japanese gb/gbc games into english. anyone know how to get started on that? google isn't being much help on finding stuff about text editing specifically.
Try asking people who have made translations. Also read this https://www.romhacking.net/start/
Homebrew? More like shitbrew (with few, rare exceptions).
For the research phase, it follows the same basic workflow as with any other kind of non-beginner ROM hack: Set some breakpoints, do a few memory pokes, add some comments, etc.. Once you've figured out where the text is stored and how it's formatted, you can create tools to extract and inject the script. After that, it's just a matter of doing the actual translation work (this part is boring, good luck if you make it this far).
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You're not wrong but why don't you try pointing out some of the few homebrew games you like instead of stating the obvious
New SNES homebrew: https://x.com/SokZaJelo/status/1812092491740434727
looks nice
Game name?
Damn shame when a game like this ends up stuck on the SNES. Hopefully the author will wake up and make an enhanced Mega Drive port.
Goes against the "homebrew is only on Mega Drive" faggot narrative you keep spreading, for sure.
You can try a tile editor called YY-CHR, if the game has compressed graphics, you can also make a noncompressed savestate or some emulators with have the option to dump ram or dump vram to save to a file that you can try and edit.
Next you would use the debugger to learn where the graphics are loaded from.
Has someone revive cancelled snes uncensored port?
It looks great but you can see how the SNES held back. But I think the extra challenge of making something good on the SNES is more interesting than on the Mega Drive, which is also difficult, but much easier than the other older systems.
Back to pret, faggots.
I thought MKII was already uncensored on SNES.
How did the SNES hold back? It looks better than most modern indie games.
GTA3 is getting ported to Dreamcast by the developer of NullDC/Reicast
>>11090734 (Me)
Models now "work"
He's just shitposting, ignore him
GJ, keep it going.
Look at new beat em up. SFC SoR2 demo too.
Talking about first games
Can a CFW PS3 play PS1 discs from any region?
Boss attack.

With sound: https://webmshare.com/play/rO6QQ
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/djalbp.webm
Even a stock PS3 can play PS1 games from any region considering it's just emulation
mini-galick gun
Are you okay?
Bullshit. I've tried that and it didn't work
How did you learn to do this Mode 7 effect on GBA, are you using a library for it? I tried following the TONC guide but it's completely indecipherable since I don't know maths, I also looked at the Mode 7 example in Butano and it still isn't very helpful because the camera only rotates on one axis, I just want to have something at least vaguely resembling a Model View Projection.
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All you need is here: https://gbadev.net/tonc/mode7ex.html
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Emulation or not, PS1 and PS2 discs are still region-locked on stock PS3s. PS3 discs are not, but their DLC is (you need a PSN account matching the game's region). Even hacking a PS3 still will not allow out-of-region DLC.
There is a catch
Part of me wants to request feuniverse to be put into the OP links, given how helpful it's been for even general GBA stuff. At the same time, most of the users of that website aren't human. Hmm
Random question
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What happened to this hack?
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I've been streaming Mario 64 Star Road and I apparently accidentally grabbed an old version because I didn't do my research and one of my viewers told me I can transfer my save between versions to get up to the most recent version, but I didn't get clarification before they were gone.

I'm using Parallel Launcher and was wondering if anyone knew how to transfer saves with it? I tried renaming my Star Road 1.01 z64 save to have the same filename as the Deluxe Edition I grabbed but it didn't seem to work. I've tried Googling it and come up empty.
is the distribution of homebrew GBA games legal?
The nintendo logo must be present on the header of the rom, and that is copyrighted I guess
looks really cool
-1 for posting twitter link instead of a webm doe
This sounds like an issue I'm having except I get this when launching bin/cue PS1 games from Webman as well, so there's no PARAM.SFO to edit.
As far as I know, it's legal. Usually people point to Sega v. Accolade as proof ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sega_v._Accolade ).
dangerous based
Doom 64 on Dreamcast
someone needs to make a good mega man hack for SMW.

some hacks use mm graphics but that's all. they're needs to be one where you shoot lemons straight instead of bouncing fireballs. either use a mega man sprite, or just give mario a mega man helmet for the fire flower power up.
You don't need an account matching the region. the dlc just has to match the game because it get installed to a folder with a region name. some DC lc you can just change the folder name.

i have a all regions of dlc on my ps3, and no psn account.
The ASM exists for Mega Man mechanics. Even walljumping, if you want an X-like game.
You just have to make it. Good luck.
It's up
The account is necessary for OFW (stock PS3).

>the dlc just has to match the game because it get installed to a folder with a region name
which is exactly region lock, and hacking the PS3 doesn't solve it by itself. This applies to PS3 game updates. DVD/BD discs are also region locked, not sure if CFW gets rid of that though.
I wish my Chaos Engine 3 sequel ideas gained traction with the Bitmap Brothers and Amiga community. I even pitched a fleshed out movie idea to Guillermo del Toro's management. New characters, levels, time travel, vehicles. etc. It was going to be steampunk Diablo but life gets in the way.
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What the fuck happened to the guys who were translating this game?

Also, any co-op rom hacks besides super mario for nes?
Lackluster trailer, project looks kinda fun but I'm waiting for this one

To the best of my memory, you need to do a few things:
> 1.) Get a Hex Editor (HxD)
> 2.) Open the patched ROM, and rewrite the Internal Name**
**This String of characters has an arbitrary volume which is padded with Space (0x20) characters**
> 3.) Following Parallel Launcher's save file naming scheme, rename the copy of the save file to reflect the updated patched ROM's Internal Name

It's not difficult.
thank you so much, I'll give it a try!
Report his account.
I thought they finished it
Does anyone understand how mGBA detects wether or not a rom is multiboot?
(relevant: https://github.com/mgba-emu/mgba/blob/master/src/gba/gba.c#L742-L833)
I was working on a very simple rom, in the beggining im trying to zero the .bss section, wich is loaded at the start of EWRAM
But mgba scans the rom and sees the 0x2000000 and it thinks its a multiboot rom. Changing that address to some other value makes the rom load normally
My work arround is to add a 256kB stub, since if the rom is bigger than EWRAM mgba will load it normally, but I would prefer a more elegant solution, (and any interesting game is going to be bigger than that I guess)
This really, really, REALLY needs to be in the OP.
Specifically https://gbadev.net/tonc/ under GBADev section of it.
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Who maintains the list? https://forum.gbadev.org/ has been down for years.
It looks for a branch at ROM offset 0xC0, which is the multiboot entrypoint, and then it tries to instrument the next bunch of instructions to conclusively figure out if the code accesses data from ROM to rule out non-multiboot ROMs. Just put an infinite loop there.
More Yuzo goodness: https://x.com/yuzokoshiro/status/1813937567743791326
What game?

New pre-patched games (part 1):

>Bunny-Bunny Panic.nes
(v. 1.0) (a Super Mario Bros. 2 hack - normal & Challenge Mode versions included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8730/

>Daisy's Crazy Adventure.sfc
(v. 1.0.0) (a Super Mario World hack) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=38070

>DKC X Mario.sfc
(v. 1.105) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8733/

(World 1 Demo) (a Super Mario World hack by an /hbg/ anon)

>Legend of the River King 2 - Rumble Restoration.gbc
(v. 1.0) (restores rumble feature to US game, via emulator or EZ Flash Omega DE flashcart - open hacker's zip file using 7Zip, if you need to patch yourself, later) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8746/

>The Legend of Zelda: A New Light.nes
(v. 3.4) (Base (Boomerang) version & Sword version included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5028/

>Mazin Saga - New Moves Hack.md
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8724/

>Mother 1+2.gba
(v. nightly-latest of Jul 9, 2022) (supposedly completely-finished English translation of Mother 2, but with EB cover of game: could just be an script insert of EarthBound on SNES into the game rather than a fresh translation) https://github.com/jeffman/Mother2GbaTranslation

>Super 8.sfc
(v. 1.0) (a Super Mario World hack by /hbg/ anon posting it in >>11030742 - thanks to anon from last thread for reminding me)
New pre-patched games (part 2):

>The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!.nes
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8731/

>Super Mario /v/orld Remastered.nes
(v. 1.33) (covers for all 3 games included, since I forgot to include them with the games uploaded last thread) https://longc.at/vorld1.html

>Super Mario World Random Revolution First Blood.sfc
(DEMO 1) http://smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=104877

>Super Mario World Random Revolution First Blood X.sfc
(v. 1.0) http://smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=126735

>Super Mario World - The Princess Rescue.sfc
(v. 1.4) (both English and Portuguese versions included) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=31172

>Super Mario World - The Princess Rescue 2 - Luigi's Journey!.sfc
(v. as of July 19, 2024) (both English and Portuguese versions included) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=31145

>Super Mario World - The Princess Rescue 3 - The Turnabout.sfc
(v. 1.20) (both English and Portuguese versions included) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=35294

>Super Mario World - Return to Dinosaur Land.sfc
(v. 1.2) (both English and Spanish versions included) http://smwcentral.net/?a=details&id=4990&p=section

>Super Metroid - Eleven.sfc
(v. 1.1) https://metroidconstruction.com/hack.php?hack_id=783
New pre-patched games (part 3 of 3):

>Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Loose! - JP Remix.sfc
(v. 1.0) (presented here by actual not worthless game journo, John Szczepaniak: https://www.timeextension.com/features/konami-butchered-this-snes-classic-so-we-fixed-it) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8719/

>VeteranEye 007.n64
(v. 1.9c2 (July 18th, 2023)) http://n64vault.com/ge-misc:veteraneye

Updates and improved packs:

>The Legend of Zelda - Ultimate Trial.n64
(v. 1.05) (Instruction Booklet included, N64/Emu & Wii WAD versions included) https://github.com/RichieUltimate/ultimate-trial https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8640/

>Mega Man 1 - The New Lands Remastered.nes
(v. 1.3) (v. 1.2 included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7666/

>Super Mario Bros. - Definitive.nes
(v. 1.2) (both MMC3 & VRC3 versions included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8509/
>DKC X Mario
And it's here >>11100171

>eternity World 1 Demo
Don't know either, but anyway, here it is >>11100171

I was blindsided by your post. I can't believe they would have finished that ever, but according to CDRomance's upload (which I've mirrored here >>11100171), it sure looks like it. Thanks the cool news, anon!
>Super Mario World Random Revolution
Forgot to mention that there are two of these here >>11100174. Haven't played through either, but X is supposed to be just a boss.
Danke, prepatchanon. Any chance you could include Tour of Italy for Super Metroid in the next batch? I'm curious which hack will win the Metroid Construction contest and I think it's currently another frontrunner.
Willk, anon! I found that hack. You want me to include it here now, or wait until next manic episode I have posting a bunch of them at once?
I'm still lurking, so if you don't mind then I'll grab it. Thanks! I'm going to play all of these hacks. For sure. Eventually . . .
>What game?
Abandoned project #1234
>Metaquarius did another Metroid hack.
When's this guy gonna give us Xfusion?
It's not like people can't have multiple projects on the go at once. He's made several SM hacks during X-Fusion's production, plus several original titles like a whole series that makes fun of Yanderedev.
No problem, and sorry for the wait.

New pre-patched games addendum:

>Super Metroid - Tour of Italy.sfc
(Contest Version (v0.85)) http://metroidconstruction.com/hack.php?id=782

(v. 6.0.0) (Instruction Manual: https://github.com/kirjavascript/TetrisGYM/blob/master/README.md) http://romhacking.net/hacks/6335/

>Tetris (NES) Title Screen Music.nes
(unknown version, but I think v. 1.0) (made a thread about this years ago in >>8192996, and reuploading it here for those that missed it)

Thanks for the answer! Do you mean 1. It's your abandoned project, 2. It's someone else's abandoned project that you're aware of, or 3. "Abandoned Project #1234" is the actual name of the game? It looks cool.

I've used "Cygnus Hex Editor FREE EDITION" with great success to edit headers (which just involves replacing the name of the game that appears in the top of your rom's hex in the hex editor with desired text of your choice), for another option (if you need it) besides the editor anon suggested you.

>I'm going to play all of these hacks. For sure. Eventually . . .
Ha! Hope it's a good time, anon. To be clear, I usually upload what looks interesting to me, not what I've played through, necessarily. I have barely scratched the surface of any of these hacks, honestly.
>Thanks for the answer! Do you mean 1. It's your abandoned project, 2. It's someone else's abandoned project that you're aware of, or 3. "Abandoned Project #1234" is the actual name of the game? It looks cool.
Just something I got bored of and stopped working on. Never even posted about it until now.
Well thanks for showing it here. Massive respect for you (and other hackers here). The artstyle is great, and I like the dialogue already kek. You think you'd ever want to upload anything you have of it?
No real intention of releasing it at this point. I've thought about revisiting it, but no promises.
No pressure then, OP, but I'll look forward to it if you happen to work on it again.

New pre-patched games addendum 2:

Updates and improved packs:

>Chrono Trigger+ - The Alternate Timeline.sfc
(v. Final) (all 4 versions included, 2 of which have never been available on CDRomance) http://romhacking.net/hacks/3691/

And here are some new Sega Genesis/Mega Drive homebrew demos I found recently:

>The Secret of the Four Winds.md
(SOT4W DEMO FM ONLY) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIJ6soqXY3o

>Space Hunter.md
(2024-05-31 Demo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okYHmgFrkFY

(zpf_demo_230830) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCLxaJDGSsw
New pre-patched games addendum 3:

(v. 1.0) (both standard and Easy Mode versions included) http://smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=38116 (the current version of the patch on Romhacking.net did not work for me, despite the listed CRC-32 being the same)

>Mega Man - The Wily Wars - Deluxe Edition.md
(v. 1.1) (combines Proto Man Size Fix patch with the Retro-Bit version of Wily Wars, which reduces slowdowns in compared to previous versions of Wily Wars; original, unpatched Retro-Bit version is included in this pack, because of its rarity) http://romhacking.net/hacks/8444/

>Rockman - Install Metal.nes
(v. 2.0) (a version of this hack from sometime in 2014 (perhaps v. 1.0) that I have is included in this pack) http://romhacking.net/hacks/2300/

>Rockman 2 SP.nes
(v. 2.0) http://romhacking.net/hacks/1143/

Corrections and clarifications:

Here, >>11103184, I forgot to make sure the link for Chrono Trigger+ v. Final clickable (though it still works as-is), so here it is again: http://files.catbox.moe/rcketv.zip

Secondly, in the same post, I misnamed the demo for Space Hunter. It is correctly called "Space_Hunter_2023_Demo". My title was merely based on when its creator last modified his Mediafire upload of it.

God bless and have a great week, everybody!
Somehow I screwed that link up once again, so, here is the v. Final new update of the pre-patched game, Chrono Trigger+ https://files.catbox.moe/rcketv.zip
New pre-patched games addendum 4:

Updates and improved packs:

>Star Fox 64 Randomizer.n64
(v. Beta 47) (includes readmes + other things for in case you need to patch a new version later) https://github.com/punk7890/Star-Fox-64-Randomizer/releases

please forgive my autism
Error message?
ugh…what could be
>Vampire Killer: Great Dracula War
Vroom Vroom bus
XenoCrisis GBA
Shit port again.
Hi BitmapBureau!
Did the SNES version ever was released?
Been messing around with cheats in various games. Discovered something I never even thought about.
In SMB2(USA), you know the hawk heads you use to travel to the next level? Well, some levels have them at the very start, and they are closed so you can't enter them. Turns out, they are actually linked to the previous level. Using a cheat that opens all hawk heads without any orbs, I went through the one at the start of 2-2 and got dumped outside the door leading to the Birdo fight in 2-1. If it wasn't for the rocket-rides in World 4, you could otherwise play the game backwards, starting off at 7-2 and working your way back to the very start of the game.
Yes, and it was a piece of shit, tons of flickering.
works on my machine
More than just rocket rides, you can't carry items through screen transitions, with the sole exception of something out of a vase. Not without more cheats, at least.
Wait, could we hear more of your discoveries?
Is there a video comparison that shows this?
Look at the fucking snake at 5:53: https://www.youtube.com/live/Yj6ddabCHMM?feature=shared&t=353
it flickers on genesis too, so it's pretty faithful
colors seems to be limited too. the snes can do more colors than that
Flickering is much worse in the SNES port: https://youtu.be/istNgDl9IvI?feature=shared&t=346
NES SOVL: https://mojontwins.itch.io/espitene-nes
Proof that you got junk component.
Humans can't complain about shit ports now?
After using a fucking raspberry, xc snes port is much worse than the original md one. And the gba one is going to be worse thanks to the moving camera.
>And the gba one is going to be worse thanks to the moving camer-
>xc snes port is much worse than the original md one
Still same port
>After using a fucking raspberry
That's the funniest thing, isn't it? Even after using an "expansion chip" several times more powerful than the entire rest of the SNES, the various SNES bottlenecks prevented the game from even matching the stock Mega Drive version. The failure to successfully port Xeno Crisis to the SNES should be all the proof anyone needs of the SNES inability to handle action games, or why homebrew developers generally don't want to work with it.
What is it with you and the SNES specifically?
Super Smash TV is much better than any Xeno Crisis port and doesn't have coprocessor, retard.
obvious console warrior shitposter is obvious
>certain unknown gamemaker dev
Probably rambling troll or schizoid
Dragon Quest games that have a "walk through walls" cheat can be great fun to mess around in. Turn on random battles and just go exploring off rooftops and whatnot. Sometimes you just fall out of town, othertimes you will end up warping to other towns, castles, dungeons, caves, etc. Just be careful about messing around with it in 4, I accidentally picked up the Boarding Pass as Ragnar in Chapter 1 and really broke things later on. It's pretty safe to do in the other games though.
The Lone Ranger world map isn't an exact rectangle or square, and you can break the game by moving to the far edge, putting the Ranger off-center and unable to enter any towns, battles, or anything else. The areas not filled in(mostly the lower right of the map) have a repeating random roads pattern you can get lost in forever, as in you'll never be able to walk back out if you walk in it long enough.
Either invincibility or another cheat I was using caused Dracula's final form to freeze and become invincible once his health hit 0 in Dracula X. Time kept ticking, I could still move around, but there was nothing I could do.
Using multi-jump in SMB's GBC port, you quickly discover many levels will force the camera down to make the ground visible even if it puts you off the screen when you would just be at the top of the screen on the NES version.
The floors and ceilings in Castlevania and Castlevania 3 are connected. If you use multi-jump to jump above the screen, you'll come out the bottom. At that point, if you fall into a pit, you'll come falling from the sky. If you aren't moving forward, you'll be stuck in an endless fall.
Thanks. That's pretty bad considering the SNES is running in 256x224 while Genesis is running at 320x224. The SNES can draw 272 sprite pixels per scanline so it should have enough to fill the scanline and then some, so it's pretty bad that it's dropping out when it's just the snake and nothing else on that scanline. The Genesis on the other hand only appears to drop out if the entire snake is on the scanline and bullets/explosions are also on it.

The narrower resolution also seems to make the boss harder and the game more cramped.

Smash TV has much smaller sprites so the dropout issues aren't as noticeable.
Gameplay > tv scanline
That argument makes no sense and is pure pathetic cope. The game obviously plays better when sprites aren't constantly dropping out and flickering. It also plays better when there's more screen real estate to work with from a higher resolution.
>SNES always bad
>Speccy always good
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Okay hackfags, here's an idea I had recently. Pic related is a motherfucking awesome racing game for the NES because of the head-to-head mode. Nothing's better than you and a pal duking it out after having a beer or two. My problem with this game is the limited amount of tracks in the head-to-head mode which makes the game get old very quickly. The challenge mode feature three tracks per each vehicle and the ability to play these in head-to-head would vastly increase the replayability.

Just giving an idea, I'm not really a romhacker, but I'm sure there's a way to unlock the rest of these tracks for 2-player duels.
>pure pathetic cope
Ok grandpa, your colorblind is showing
Does anyone have the Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Gen/MD port, specifically the (newest) version titled "RBFFSG_vLite2-0.rar", as listed in the 4shared download link in the description here?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr_SwbaKQXY&t=0s
It won't download for me no matter how much I try, and that's apparently because of "high demand". And do you have any requests for me (for pre-patching or for homebrews I may have)?

New pre-patched games addendum 5 (part 1 of 2):

>Batman - Return of the Joker DX.md
(v. 1.0) ("Less Blinking" version included - SRAM versions (v. 1.2) of DX + DX Less Blinking + original game also included) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8755/ https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5789/

>Game Party.nes
(v. 1.0) (English translated) https://www.romhacking.net/translations/2469/

>Gravity - Sylux's Crusade.gba
(v. 1.01) https://metroidconstruction.com/hack.php?id=781

>Mario Party.nes
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2537/

>Metroid - Crocomire's Last Stand.gba
(v. 1.0.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8084/

>Metroid - Fused Facility.nes
(v. 1.0.3) https://metroidconstruction.com/hack.php?id=738

>NES Hacks Pack
(includes most NES hacks (+ 1 Atari 2600 hack) that I posted in thread from April 17, 2024 (post #10861021) - see there for further details) (NOTE: Rockman 2 - Back to Basics is updated to latest version, v. 1.1)
New pre-patched games addendum 5 (part 2 of 2):

>Star Fox 64 Randomizer (Changed Header).n64
(basically same file as above in >>11104593, except that the header is edited to "SF64 RANDOMIZER" to prevent interference with your regular Star Fox 64 save - all future versions of this hack posted by me here are planned to feature this new header)

>Superman (Sunsoft).nes
(v. 1.1) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8314/

>Super Mario Bros. 3 Alpha.nes
(v. 1.0) https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8034/

Updates and improved packs:

>Daisy's Crazy Adventure.sfc
(v. 1.1.0) https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=38109

>DKC X Mario.sfc
(v. 1.107) >>11097034 https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/8733/

>Final Fantasy V - Whirlwind
(v. 0.56) https://www.romhacking.net/translations/7324/
>Does anyone have the Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Gen/MD port, specifically the (newest) version titled "RBFFSG_vLite2-0.rar"
>Nothing's better than you and a pal duking it out after having a beer or two
>having a pal
>only drinking one or two beers
Fuck off retard.
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So I was messing around with a Nitro cheat for Driver 1. Apparently the game is designed to stop everything and display a little CD symbol in the lower right hand corner of the screen when you are traveling too fast for the PS1's CD drive to keep up. It will resume exactly where it left off once loaded, but for all the complaints about the sub-par FPS, I never once heard anyone complain about the game having to stop and load in the middle of a mission. As such, I'm pretty certain this is game behavior that is impossible to see without cheats to boost your speed.
To see it trigger for yourself, turn on the Nitro cheat, find a nice empty long stretch of road, and hold down the nitro. Once you hit Sanic speed, the game will freeze in place and you'll see the CD logo for a second or two. Just be advised, hitting anything at those speeds will send you flying through the air over buildings. If you ever wanted to look at rooftops, here's a way. Combined with the "flip car in air" cheat, you can try to prevent yourself from landing on your hood, and go explore around out of bounds.
cute kero
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I'm reflashing some knock off Pokemon Silver Version carts I got off ebay with other ROMs using Flash GBX and the program is able to identify and flash these carts just fine, really well actually, however Flash GBX notifies me that these carts are apparently available in both 3.3V and 5V versions and the program wants me to manually select which voltage to use with each cart.

Pic related is a picture of the boards I'm working with. In the circled area FRAM is bridged with a circuit, 3.3V is bridged with a circuit, and 5V has two spots of solder but no circuit bridging it. I'm assuming that these are 3.3 volt boards then?

To be clear these carts seem to work just fine wether I flash the ROM to 3.3V or 5V, so it doesn't seem to matter, but I'm autistic and I want to make sure I'm flashing these carts the *correct* way in relation to the way the hardware is physically designed.

Also, aren't GBC games supposed to run at 5V and GBA games are supposed run at 3.3V? These carts work just fine when I run them on an original Game Boy Color so how do they manage that if they are running at only 3.3 volts instead of 5?

These boards are the same size as a GBA board, but they shipped in a Game Boy size shell with a Game Boy ROM flashed to them, so I'm assuming that china uses one size board for both GBC and GBA game knockoffs and only changes the functionality by which circuits they complete and what kind of ROM/shell they put the board onto/into.

I'm actually pleased with the quality of these knockoffs, but what voltage should I flash them at?
If you don't have anything to say on topic then shut it, loser friendless autistic retard faggot. And a nigger.
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Thank you, anon! I've mirrored it down below as a zip, just in case.

Got you, anon. The patch in the Sonic link seems to be messed up, but I got the game. I don't know what was translated in the FC Puyo Puyo patch, but I think it's patched as it should be (though please let me know if find anything wrong).

New pre-patched games addendum 6:

>Puyo Puyo.nes
(v. 1.0) http://romhacking.net/translations/203/

>Sonic Gaiden.md
(v. 0.4) http://romhacking.net/hacks/1352/

>Real Bout Fatal Fury Genesis Lite.md
(v. 1.5.1 - aka RBFFSG_vLite2-0) (will not work on certain emulators, including Genesis Plus GX, because of the game's use of bankswitching) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr_SwbaKQXY
FFVII graphic seem detail.
Mmm. Metroid. Always my favorite series. Hacks got me through the droughts. Love 'em. Thanks.
So did Voultar's new super epic and amazing SNES edge enhancer or whatever the fuck it was mod come out yet?
Probably the devs more occupied about bullshit instead of finishing the project
Thanks, it was just an Jap to English tran.
What was wrong with Sanic? Does it play?
Let's be real about the state of smw hacking for once
>90% of the hacks are soulless nigger slop that entirely focus on custom code and having "good" graphics (plastering shit from random games all at once)
>hacking community is overrun by DEI tranny pedophiles
>the entire community is a clique where only 10 users ever talk constantly sucking eachothers dick (jumpteam) and the rest are left shadowed or ignored
>all of the tools are nigger bloat and fuck up your rom one way or another, addmusic is unoptimized nigger garbage, custom block tools are retarded and can nuke your rom, barely any tools cooperate or know basic things about the SNES and fuck shit up
>their only editor for the game is still closed source garbage made by some kike who wants to cryptomine every mawio hacker (why the fuck does lunar magic use 80% CPU?)
>okay but "fusoya is based" no you're wrong fusoya wants to suck tranny cock as much as these other retards, just because they pissed off the mods once doesn't mean he's based, otherwise he would be banned by now ?
>this kike has managed to maintain full control over the smw hacking ecosystem by making a all-in-one editing tool and making patches that the tool applies and that no one can figure out because they've been maliciously obsfucated
>uberasmtool is retarded garbage coded by a retarded brazilian who doesn't understand basic shit like clearing everything inserted before inserting new data making it impossible to work with in a low rom size enviorement
>said brazilian also made the worst patch for SMW hacking ever, SA-1, it "solves speed issues" by just offloading all of the code to the CPU as mentioned and introducing 10000000 compatibility issues for people who want to play on flashcarts
>there have been no attempts to optimize the source code of the game or make a better method of modifying it
>all of the above is only because of DEI trannies

time to move on to hacking sonic instead boys
supposedly there's a battle network 6 patch the gives you all the forms from both versions.

can't find it anywhere.
The real problem is that 99,99999999999999999999999999999999999% of hacks nowadays are either outright Kaizo or "standard" hacks that are clearly designed by people who would rather play and make Kaizo.

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