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Wrecking Crew edition

RULES: Default settings, NES/FC version only. Winner chooses next game or spins the Wheel of Games. Competition runs from Today to Monday midnight CST.

Previous thread winner: >>11095586

Without further to do... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!
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>3 Day event
>OP image says one week event
Stupid me...
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Easy to score in this game but it's gonna take some real strategy and patience to get a super high score (also pro tip: resetting the game will reset your score so don't think about point pressing).
Bump, damn I was expecting to see some scores by now. I take the OP image is bad?
could use the game title in big letters across the image like a movie poster
me personally I just haven't gotten a chance to play yet today
If it's consistent and people learn to know what to look for.
But yeah it looks kind of like piss.
Looks like a printout flyer but it doesn't stick out on catalog.
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First time playing this game, not what I expected. The puzzle element is far more lethal than the enemies
Getting stuck really is the biggest danger.
Speaking of getting stuck
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I finally caught up to you senpai
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Bump. Going to try and play this later today but I'm sleepy...
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The fireball makes this game pretty tense, really clever idea.
Doesn't exactly make sense. Why would there be a fireball at a demolition site if it weren't used as part of the demolition itself?
>no atrocious version to give a bump with
Well, the fireball in mario bros doesn't make much sense either, unless there's some sorcerer living in the sewers of brooklyn...
I came up with a theory about the fireballs
tl;dr Mario spawns them in himself
The fireball in Wrecking Crew and Mario Bros have some things in common. In both they tend to appear when you're taking too long, can hit Mario in places that would otherwise be completely safe, and are shown spawning out of thin air then disappearing the same way.
The first time something like a fireball appeared was in Donkey Kong, but these are totally different kinds of entities. They spawn from specific obvious sources of fire, walk in from offscreen, or were just there to begin with. They have eyes and particular behaviors, and remain on the stage until defeated.
Donkey Kong is a game where you lose when you run out of time, another unnatural cause of death. Although Mario himself might be safe for that long, there is another danger which makes taking too long be unacceptable. If there is not time to prevent the thing Mario fears happening, then it is better that Mario takes a hit to reset the level than to go on in a world where he fails. This is also the case in Super Mario Bros. The first part of the theory I propose is that the time limit is Mario's manifestation.
Donkey Kong Jr/II is a continuation/revenge story of Donkey Kong. After that was Mario Bros, where the new kind of fireball appeared, with no eyes and predictable movement during its short period of existence. Mario is working a less strenuous job cleaning up critters for money, and although they are dangerous, Mario can simply avoid them by staying out of their way. However, the events of Donkey Kong are still very fresh in Mario’s mind.
Then came Cement Factory and Bombs Away, which were timed and dangerous job in their own right. This was during a period where Mario seemed to have a hard time sticking with any single job since the events of Donkey Kong. Mario tried various other distractions like sports but they were only temporary, end eventually he ended up on the Wrecking Crew
Wrecking Crew has the reappearance of the faceless ethereal fireballs from Mario Bros. Like that game, Wrecking Crew has some danger, but ultimately he can easily stay out of the way if he wants to, for as long as he wants. This job also comes with a Foreman, basically Mario’s boss, who is actively antagonistic. Spike is literally able to knock Mario down, make Mario’s job impossible to finish, and steal Mario’s bonuses. The danger of the enemies is low but Mario’s stress level is probably through the roof. At times, Mario fails or is sabotaged so that his only option besides quitting is to get hit so he can try again. Hit by what, since the enemies are easily trapped morons with little more movement ability than Mario? Well conveniently, a fireball just happens to appear on the exact floor Mario is on to hit him and enable another shot at the level. The fireballs are no longer meandering threats that may hit Mario if he chooses not to evade them during the course of his job like in Mario Bros, they are now directly spawning on the level he is working on and will interrupt the flow of what he needs to do if he isn’t already stuck or changing floors.
With that established, here is the rest of the theory. Mario does not want to be here. He’s haunted by the encounter with Donkey Kong and believes there is something else he should be doing based on that experience (presumably he already ruled out zookeeping). Fireballs are being spawned as a manifestation of Mario’s own discontent.
When Mario is called upon to save a princess from some tribal warlord king, the mysterious fireballs stop appearing from thin air. Instead, that fireball is now a weapon he can create for his own needs when he’s at full power. The only other time that kind of fireball shows up is when an enemy shoots it at him, never again out of nowhere. There is another kind of fireball which looks totally different, the Podoboo, which is likely related to the fireball enemies from Donkey Kong as they have a permanent presence. They are named enemies described in the manual as a “protector” rather than just “flames” which mentioned as deadly previously in the manual.
The lethal timer is back in Super Mario Bros, because Mario is once again on a mission he can’t afford to be too late to finish, but now Mario knows this is what he should be doing.
I'm probably not the first to come up with this considering it's about Mario games but who gives a shit huh?
*hides posts*
get a high score then already, nigger
>people playing and talking about video games on a video game board

>"That is NOT my area of interest"
Why are you here?
nta To be fair lore discussion is tangential from the thread topic of "high score league", it's pointless to post off topic and equally pointless to tell everyone you're hiding posts. I'm not going to tell anyone how to post, just stating the facts
Not much else to talk about and I doubt Wrecking Crew comes up often. Spike isn't even the most popular Mario enemy named Spike
WHAT IF understanding the fireball helps people play the game and achieve a higher score. Ever think of that, ya jabroni?
Nice, I'm going to try beating this score later. I just need to stop forgetting how to beat levels Ive already played
I think I'm gonna wrap this game up. Gonna wait until 9pm CST to post a new thread just in case anyone beats >>11104890 by then, but if nobody does then whatever they request will be the next game (or the wheel will be spun)
I’d like to request liquid kids.
This game is so frustrating
I second this, then gossun oyoyo after that please.
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>getting filtered at stage 18 with maybe 120k-130k points
>dang that guy with 150k must be good
>most the stages barely give points, most of it is from bombs and ladders
>entire level resets after each death
>since I can barely even make it to 18, I'll just throw away lives getting points repeating a good level
>stage 6 gives hella points, spend all but one life there and move on
>get to like 147k and choke
>back to grinding on 6
>pattern I'm using to get points keeps revealing M
>guess I should find the other letters
>letters give extra life
>letters don't give extra life when you beat the level
>letters give extra life AS SOON AS YOU GET THEM
>get to 150k in mere minutes with no effort
>thread over so it doesn't matter
Genie Does as you wish 2 hours later
That’s pretty smart, lol, I thought getting more lives was useless so I didn’t bother finding the letters. Most of my points came from the bonus stages.
Also, this stage is absolutely insane.

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