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In which we exhaust the last of our leads. That's right, we're getting close to the end.

Previous thread: >>11089485

Last time, we had a most busy time. We took on the Fanatics' Tower with the power of a handhold-less half-Esper girl, a foul-mouthed little girl, a boomer grandpa who unironically drank the Kefka kool-aid, and a yeti who very nearly ruined the whole fucking thing, and we somehow prevailed no thanks to the anon who suggested the team. We then explored the Phoenix Cave, wherein we found HUNTER and the legendary treasure he had been searching for, though ultimately he was unable to use it to fulfill his true desire. We also introduced MknFuk to his long-lost father sort of, not really, obtained some insanely powerful gear and spells, got vore'd by an anus worm and escaped with a genderfluid mime in tow, and helped KALIVA defeat a monster that had been HIDON for decades. smugspic.png We now head toward the last destination we've yet to explore, an alleged ancient castle hidden beneath Figaro Desert. But how do we get there? Well, our HEROES will have to look around Figaro itself. SLAVE, KEK, SIMP and PACMAN are on the case.
Before embarking on this quest, however, I decided to do a bit more equipment hunting. There are still some things that are VERY worthwhile in the Colosseum, see. I started by stealing more Imp Halberds from Mantodeas around Maranda, which was MUCH easier than the last time I attempted this now that I have TWO thieves in HUNTER and UMARO, both of who can equip the Sneak Ring. Even THEN, the success rate was lower than I'd have liked, but I still managed to steal a decent amount. I then bet these Imp Halberds for Cat Hoods, which I in turn bet to fight yet another kind of anus worm.
The prize for killing these grotesque things is the Merit Award. This is a wonderful relic that allows its wearer to equip the vast majority of equipment that they're normally not able to equip. There are some exceptions (for example, female-specific equipment like the Minerva still cannot be equipped by men, so crossdresserfags BTFO I guess). This allows characters to use some very powerful setups they otherwise would not be able to obtain. Now, I bet most of these in turn, but I will be keeping one, because it will very soon enable a certain character to become very nearly the most broken thing in the entire game.
As mentioned, the excess Merit Awards were then bet, for which we must fight these red ninja fucks. They're pretty annoying, as they counter physical attacks (what most characters are likely to attack with) with casting Vanish on themselves, which of course makes the fight much harder. To counter this, I chose UMARO with nothing but Blitz commands, so almost all of his attacks will land, with very minimal risk.
The prize for this is the Rename Card, an item that does what it says: it allows us to rename a character of our choice. That's it. That's what it does. We are, of course, betting these as well. I had half a mind to keep one and let one of you rename a character by getting a certain digit, but I've grown attached to almost all the names by this point, with the exception of SNEEZE and UMARO since I just got them.
Betting the Rename Card pits us up against Doom Dragon, a very powerful monster that can push your shit in if you're not well-prepared. Its attacks include Fallen One, which brings your HP down to, well, one, as well as S. Cross, a powerful Fire-elemental spell. SLAVE with max MBlock can block everything except Fallen One, which can't kill her, so victory is assured. The reward is Marvel Shoes, a really nice relic that casts Safe, Shell, Haste and Regen all at once. It's kind of a filler Relic in the sense that it's the kind of thing you equip if you're going for a specific setup and you have a Relic slot left to fill, but it's among the best of them. In the end, I opted to get four.
I also bet several Falchions for Flame Shlds. This pits us up against Outsider, a monster we've fought before to get the Snow Muffler. Again, the strategy is to try and hit it with Instant Death as fast as possible. For this, I opted to equip UMARO with three Fight commands, the Merit Award, and the Wing Edge, which can inflict Instant Death. I also equipped him with as much MBlock-boosting equipment as possible to increase the chances of blocking his deadliest attacks. This still resulted in a few failures, but in the end I walked out with two extra Flame Shlds, for a total of four. These won't be super useful just yet, but they just may later on.
Lastly, I went ahead and bet the Thornlet I stole from Hidon earlier. This helmet is strange in that it has the highest defense in the game (beating the Genji Helm by a few points) with the exception of the Titanium when used by an Imp character, but it also inflicts Seizure (a status similar to Poison that reduces HP over time), and it gives ZERO magic defense. It's just way too flawed to be used seriously. Betting it results in a fight against a ho-hum monster that doesn't take much to beat. The reward is a Mirage Vest, which actually has pretty poor defense, but gives +6 to Speed and +10 MBlock, and also lets its wearer enter battle with the Image status, letting them evade physical attacks. Unfortunately, it's not permanent, and will wear off within three physical attacks. Not a super great item, but I figured it's still better and more unique than the fucking Thornlet. Had we chosen the Ragnarok esper, we'd be able to morph certain enemies into Thornlets, and thus have more of those as well as Mirage Vests, but alas, we only get the one here. Unless, that is, we bet a Force Shld, which I most CERTAINLY will not.
There's a few more cool things I could get still, but this will do for the moment. Let's take our designated crack team and see what we can find out here in Figaro.
But first, a small rest. Some of our characters were a bit worn out, so this can't hurt.
What's this? Another dream, featuring Baram and Clyde.
And they hit it BIG, somehow. Even I only got close to that amount after slaying an untold amount of Cactrots.
So apparently this was a heist of some kind that they pulled off, and now they deem themselves worthy of a name for their "band".
It better be something actually cool and not some totally chuuni shit.
...you're both gonna change your names to PACMAN. What.
IIRC what actually happens is Baram decides they will be called the Shadow Bandits, or whatever it is you called him plus Bandits. Woolsey seems to have fucked this up a bit.
Even Clyde seems unsure about this. This is also where we find out what the heist actually was. I believe they're supposed to mention it earlier, but it got left out for some reason.
Fuck it, let's keep dreaming. We rest again, and we're confronted with a most disturbing scene.
Clyde, my man...
Bram is a Returner now, apparently, or his sprite is at least. Whatever the case, the situation looks dire.
REALLY dire.
And they're being pursued on top of that. Guess their luck ran out.
Clyde turns to run, but Baram has a final request. And, well... holy shit.

You're LITERALLY asking your comrade, your one and only friend, to snuff you the fuck out. COME ON
I don't know if I could've done it, either.
Finally, you get around to the thing I’ve been asking for. You had to pay some guy 100k just to tell you something I’ve talking about since thread 5.

Who do you think you are, role playing in an RPG?

That explains some things.

Believe me, in a normal playthrough, I'd have scoured that bitch of all its treasure as soon as I'd gotten Mog and his Moogle Charm. It's been interesting playing the game this way.
Once more, we dream. Clyde stumbles into some kind of town, evidently close to passing out. A dog notices him.
The dog goes to fetch help. We see the town more clearly now. This HAS to be...
Clyde can barely talk.
And of course, it can be no other place. Now we get a more complete picture.

In the WoB, there is an old woman that tells us that uWu isn't actually KALIVA's granddaughter, but is rather his friend's daughter. KALIVA at a certain point appears to recognize PACMAN. In the dream we saw upon rescuing PACMAN from the Veldt cave, he leaves what is obviously Thamasa, asking the dog to stay behind because he wants him and "the girl" to live in peace, though the dog ends up following anyway. Interceptor takes an immediate liking to uWu, which he wouldn't do with anyone other than PACMAN.

Gee, I wonder what all of this could POSSIBLY MEAN.
Anyway, having done all that, we ask around, and find no extra info. However, let's think back to that that guy at the Fanatics' Tower said. Beneath Figaro Desert... there's only one way to go there that we know of. Let's try traveling there with Figaro Castle itself.
Halfway through the journey, we're told there's something odd about this stratum, and we appear to be hitting something. This is new! We're still underground, of course, so there's only one place we can go to look around.
And sure enough, in the jail, there's a pathway open. Let's see what lies beyond.
We found ourselves in a cave. Right away we spot treasure all around. This should be most profitable.
The enemies here are a bit annoying in that they have Reflect on. One way to circumvent this is to cast Float on everyone, then Quake their asses. They have no defense against this, and will quickly fall.
Right away, we obtain another Wing Edge. This is sort of nice in that we can give HUNTER a Genji Glove setup that can double the chances of Instant Death, but eh.
Going through the right side, we find this chest, and in it lies a sinister encounter.
This is Master Pug. He does NOT fuck around. He can cast very high level spells, uses WallChange to change his weaknesses, uses the VERY damaging Cleave attack when he gets close, and also counters with Step Mine. So, what to do against such a formidable foe?
Put his ass to Sleep, of course.
That's pretty much it. So long as he's asleep, you can throw everything and the kitchen sink at him that's magical. Quake, Flare, level 3 spells, they all do well here. He should fall in no time.
Our reward is the Gradeus (also known as Gladius). This is a Pearl-elemental knife equippable by a good bunch of characters. It is fairly strong in paper, but in practice you'll almost never ever use it, as it is eclipsed in power by many other weapons, and it gives no stat boosts to speak of (other than +10 Evasion, which doesn't work here, and even if it did, the Swordbreaker is much better for that).
Later on, we find Doom Darts. This is a weapon for SIMP that, as the name implies, randomly casts Doom upon hitting enemies. It's... ok, I guess.
This cave goes deep. We find a few more items, and then a Save Point. Something interesting must surely follow.
We go up the stairs, and find ourselves looking at some strange ruins.
We're treated to a flashback to something that took place long ago. A battle that raged within these castle grounds.
Esper attack? So, this very well may have taken place during the War of the Magi.
And we know this... how?
Back to the flashback. They are relying upon a certain Odin.
Interesting, but again, how do you know this?
Whatever. Presumably, this is Odin, and he's about to open a can of whoopass.
And indeed he does.
A champion appears to take him on.
They trade blows, rather evenly at that.
Odin goes for the killing blow!
It's not very effective...
The warrior counterattacks. Odin has no defense against this.
Evidently the intent was to kill him and turn him into Magicite. However, rather than give in like this, Odin petrifies himself. Or at least, so I interpret it.
Oh, so this is an ancient legend that is apparently known to everyone. Cool.
Well, whatever. Time to explore around. It's a bit hard to see, but there's an entrance here to the side.
Inside is a Punisher. This is a rod for uWu, KAILVA and UMARO that uses MP to deal auto-crits. This MIGHT be useful IF we were somehow crazy enough to use them as fighters, but we're not, so it's shite.
To the left, we find another doorway which leads to a chest, which contains a monster. Now what?
A Samurai monster thing. It has a bunch of Ninja attacks, such as throwing skeans and such. Nothing too exciting. It's weak to Poison, but at this point level 3 spells and Flare are superior. PACMAN throwing Falchions also deals great damage.
It threatened a power-up at some point, but we killed it before it could unleash whatever it had planned. Sad!
Our prize for defeating it is the Offering, one of the best Relics in the game. This Relic lets its wearer attack FOUR times when using the Fight command. However, there's a few caveats to go along with it. First of all, each strike's damage output is halved, meaning despite inflicting four strikes, the total damage output will only be doubled, which, mind you, is still VERY nice (for comparison, you'd have to equip the Genji Glove with two of the same weapon to achieve the same thing, forgoing a shield, which you don't with this Relic). Second of all, with a few exceptions, any added spells the weapon would normally use after hitting the enemy are not available (so, for instance, the random Peal casts from the Illumina will not materialize). It will also not apply auto-crits if the weapon deals them (again, the Illumina). And one more thing: you cannot target individual enemies with it. When faced with two or more enemies, it will randomly attack any and all of them with each strike. One upside is that the strikes will become unblockable, so no need to use it with a Sniper Sight to hit enemies like the Cactrot.

So, what use can we give it right now? Truthfully, not much. You DO NOT want to use it with the Illumina. This weapon already deals double damage thanks to its auto-crits, which it loses if you equip the Offering, AND it also loses its random Pearl casts, so overall, you'll only be gimping it. You also don't want to use it with spears, since they already gain double damage through Jump, and the Pearl Lance will also lose its Pearl casts. You COULD use it with weapons like the Assassin and Striker, which randomly kill enemies, and that effect isn't lost. A great weapon to pair it with is the ValiantKnife, but we don't have HUNTER to wield it. But the very best one to use it with is... well, I'll show it off soon enough.
We enter the castle, and encounter the petrified remains of Odin.
We touch him, and just like that, he gives up and turns into Magicite.
Odin is interesting. When summoned, he uses his signature Atom Edge attack, which instantly kills enemies with a cool slicing animation and everything, though there is a chance of it missing. It also teaches Meteor, a pretty good spell that's kind of like a multi-target Flare, though it's half a strong, albeit unblockable. And most interesting of all, it's the only Esper in the game that can boost the Speed stat at level up! However, it's by a measly +1, and truth be told, raising Speed in this game is hardly worth it due to how turns work.
Exploring further, we find a chest containing another Gold Hairpin, and a Blizzard Orb. The latter is another SNEEZE-exclusive Relic, which allows him to use a spell called Storm, which deals decent multi-target damage. It's on par with PACMAN's skeans in damage, so it's somewhat good, but of course, you cannot choose when he'll use it. I'd argue if you ARE using SNEEZE, there's probably better Relics to stick on him. Maybe.
There's another room on the lower right-hand side of the main hall. Here we find a bucket with an X-Ether, but on the bookshelf we see a sparkle, enticing us to investigate it. It's a diary, a Queen's diary no less!
And this queen had the hots for Odin! No doubt she longed for his Atom Edge.
I don't. The guy's an absolute unit.
This... didn't happen, did it?
SLAVE sympathizes. Hell, she's the only one who can.
Welp, one can only wonder what THAT was all about with Odin and the Queen and all. Feels a bit... anti-climatic? There's evidently nothing else to see, though, so back we go. We cannot Warp, though, but KEK can help us make a prompt exit thanks to his Moogle Charm.
We hurry back to Figaro Castle and tell the guy in charge to keep going. Figaro Castle resurfaces in Figaro Desert, though, well, that's not good for us, as the Falcon is back in the Kohlingen area. We'll have to ask the guy to take us back there gain, but first, let's rest and walk around a bit.
After a bit of rest, we decide to talk to the scholars, and now they have some information about the ancient castle! Shit man, we could've used this before.
He reads us an excerpt from one of the texts, wondering what it means.

...fucking hell, we're gonna have to go back, aren't we?
And go back we do.

"When the Queen stands and takes 5 steps..." This has to be a riddle. Well, the Queen usually sits in the throne to our right...
So, starting from the Queen's throne, take five steps, press the action button, and... something indeed happens! A far-off noise. Something must've happened elsewhere in this castle.
Back in the room where we read the Queen's diary, a stairway has appeared that wasn't there before. Let's go down there and see what there is.
And what do we have here? A dragon! Last I checked, there were only three of them left, so let's check another one off our list.
Here we have the Blue Drgn. I'm gonna take a guess and say his element is Water. That gives me some idea on what attacks to use on him, of course.
That is, of course, Thunder-elemental attacks. Thrown ThunderBlades do amazing damage, as does Bolt 3.
He has some OK attacks, but nothing that will make us sweat. Soon enough, he goes down like a bitch, just like most of his brethren.
Our reward for beating it is a Scimitar. This is actually supposed to be Odin's Zantetsuken, and it does exactly what such a weapon is meant to do, namely insta-kill enemies. It is the best weapon for doing so, as it triggers half the time and even works on undead enemies. It can be equipped by all our usual swordsmen, including SOOGA, who now has a good alternative to the Tempest.
Moving onward, we find what looks to be... the Queen? Similarly to Odin, she too is petrified.
I can only guess the warrior who defeated Odin went on to do this to her as well.
But then, something sparkling comes out of her remains. A tear?
And evidently it fell onto the Odin Magicite we're carrying. A reaction occurs.
Odin is no more. Behold, Raiden rises!
Indeed, Odin disappears from our Esper inventory, replaced by Raiden. This upgraded Esper, when summoned, attacks with True Edge, which is the same as Atom Edge but has a higher chance of connecting. As for what it teaches, well, it no longer teaches Meteor which we'll be learning later through a much better method, but instead it teaches Quick, which many consider the game's most truly busted spell. Yes, even more than Ultima. See, upon casting Quick, your character effectively freezes time AND gets to use two whole turns completely uninterrupted, using whatever attacks they wish to use. This spell is SOOGA's best friend, as it will allow him to charge his Swdtechs to his heart's content without enemies pounding upon the party, and to do so twice to boot. But best of all, it can work together with the Gem Box. A Gem Box-equipped character can cast a spell, then use Quick as the second spell. This gives this character two more turns with which to cast two spells each. That means you can cast FIVE spells within a single turn, provided you have enough MP to do so. And of course, this also works with the Offering, which I forgot to mention can double up its attacks with the Genji Glove to attack eight times in a single turn, and with Quick, this doubles to SIXTEEN strikes.

Yeah, this spell is fucking BROKEN. Sure, it costs 99 MP to use, which isn't nothing, but there are several ways around that.
Well, with that, we've done all that there is to do in the Ancient Castle grounds. We go back to Figaro Castle, and arise once again in Kohlingen, where the Falcon awaits.

That's it. We've exhausted all our leads, and there is nothing more to do. We've gathered all our friends, and even gained a few more.

There is only one thing left for us to do.
Hey, OP! Before you take on the final boss, I have a request for you. Find or steal a Megalixir and challenge Siegfried to a fight in the Colosseum!
That's right. It's about time we tread upon Kefka's turf.

That said, there ARE a few things I'd like to do before we take the plunge, but I'll be doing those things in my own time. For now, this is where I'll stop. When next we pick up, I'll be asking you to pick the parties that will partake on this final endeavor.
Interesting. I already have one, but I know how and where I can get more.
ooh the Siegfriend Colosseum fight I had completely forgot that was a thing. yeah def go do that OP there might be people that have never seen it before.
Play the FF6 T Edition
A few threads ago some anon mentioned an older version of T Edition that he considered to be the best one, but I can't remember which version number it was. Does anyone know or have the download link?
You MotherFucker! You better rename Setzer back to his proper name you Cocksucker!
Good stuff as always! Looking forward to the Siegfried fight!
>an older version of T Edition that he considered to be the best one
Now I'm curious. I'm playing the version available at romhacking
OP here. I'm done with today's work. Just gonna go out and buy some shit, then enjoy my weekend. And what better way to do so than to play?
Here is the link to the version that was making the rounds here back when T-Edition was getting hyped to hell and back, and which I played through in its entirety:
It's pretty much Tomato's version with a couple of small fixes on top. It's solid, is all I can say.
Alright, I've actually been playing a while, as I wanted to do a bit of prepping. The first thing I did is head to the Solitary Island where Runie deliberately poisoned the war criminal with dead fish. The enemies here are extremely weak, and will in fact die without having to do anything because they have like 2 HP and have the Seizure status. There is one that interests us, however, and that is EarthGuard, which can be found in the desert area. This enemy has a Megalixir to steal. The issue is, it's very likely to die before you get a chance to steal one. The solution? Cast Stop on it, and it won't kill itself (you gotta be quick, though, so Marvel Shoes are a must, and a Preemptive Attack courtesy of the Gale Hairpin also helps a lot). Once it's Stopped, HUNTER and UMARO can try to steal the Megalixir with a much higher chance of success. I manage to grab two.
I then headed toward Jidoor, to Owzer's House. The enemies here have animal suits to steal (namely Chocobo and Moogle Suits), though the success rate is annoyingly low even with Sneak Rings, and the dancer-like enemies, which hold Moogle Suits, are actually pretty strong and can kill our characters if we're not careful since they mainly attack through unblockable Throws. In any case, I still manage to walk out with a decent bunch.
These things in tow, we head to the Colosseum. We start by betting a Moogle Suit. This pits us up against a Madam, a monster we've yet to encounter. It's decently strong, with some rather good spells under its command, most notably Meteor and Flare.
It's no match for HUNTER's max MBlock Illumina setup, though. It does get a Meteor cast off, which hurts a lot, but HUNTER TANKS that and blocks everything else. The reward is a Nutkin Suit, a decent piece of gear for uWu and KALIVA, though it pales in comparison to the BehemothSuit.
So why get it, then? Because if we bet it in turn, we obtain a Genji Armor! Opinicus is a chump and a half, so we obtain it with zero issues. We'll want at least three of these, so there's enough of the good shit to go around later on.
We then decide to bet SOOGA's Strato as well, as to be quite frank, it's a completely unremarkable weapon, and should we wish to obtain it again, there's ways to do so. Betting it nets us another Pearl Lance, which is very nice to have so that KEK and PEDO aren't fighting over the one we already have. We fight Aquila for this, but for this one, I decided to bring out UMARO.

See, Aquila has a VERY special item we can steal, but getting it is not easy. You'd normally fight it in the Phoenix Cave, but it's a quite rare encounter, and even when you do see one, Stealing from it will most of the time yield a Fenix Down. But sometimes it carries a most valuable Relic. So, it's MUCH better to encounter it here, and this is where UMARO comes in. Equip him with a Safety Bit to guard against his instakill moves and lots of MBlock boosting equipment to hoist up his defenses, give him a Thief Glove, and set all his commands to Capture. This will ensure he'll be Stealing from Aquila most of the time while still dealing damage. Again, most of the time he'll only yield a Fenix Down, and if that happens, you either gotta restart or end the battle, bet the Pearl Lance to gain the Strato again, and try again.

What is this awesome Relic Aquila holds? Why, it's the Economizer, a Relic that reduces ALL MP usage to 1. That's right. Every single spell will cost only 1 MP. By equipping this, you're free to cast all the best spells without having to worry about conserving MP. It took me a decent while to get this, so I'm just gonna stop at one, but theoretically you can get as many as you want.
But now, onto the main event, what you've all been waiting for. Bet a Megalixir, and we find ourselves facing none other than Siegfried, with the prize being a Tintinabar. The one time we fought, he proved to be a total wimp, unable to harm us at all. So, this should be a cakewalk, right?
Unfortunately, it's not. Siegfried is, in fact, strong. Very strong. Like, INSANELY FUCKING strong. His strongest technique is HyperDrive, an unblockable, defense-ignoring whopper of an attack that deals around seven-fucking-thousand damage. There is NO defense against this. On top of that, he has over 32,000 HP and relatively high defense and Magic defense. His one glaring weakness is that he's vulnerable to Stop, but this being the Colosseum, we cannot cast it on demand, though there IS one thing that can be tried. PACMAN's Stunner can randomly cast Stop, so one thing we can try is giving him a Dragoon setup, then hoping he does multiple jumps, thus increasing the chances of him getting Stopped. Unfortunately, it's still random as hell even then, and Siegfried is just as likely to just end the battle right away with HyperDrive before PACMAN can do anything, and that's IF PACMAN decides to Jump, as he's just as likely to use random fucking spells. We COULD use UMARO instead with nothing but Fight commands and the Merit Award to equip the Stunner, but again, it's all up to chance. And even under the very best conditions, seeing as everyone is around level 30 or so, the damage they inflict even with Jump is, frankly, pitiful, and eventually he gets out of Stop status and kills me.

Truthfully, I'm sorry to say, but I think Siegfried is beyond us, at least as we are now. He's one of the only characters in the game where you HAVE to be a very high level to defeat, and again, only because of how the Colosseum works. Were this a regular battle, I'm sure I could defeat him.
based Siegfried. my older brother and I thought that the phantom train treasure had to be something that unlocked hyperdrive
ALTHOUGH... I have an idea. Well, it's still a VERY long shot, but I guess it's worth a try.


Holy fucking SHIT. I can't believe that worked. Right off the bat, things went wrong, because it turns out FOR SOME FUCKING REASON UMARO can't deal auto-crits with the Illumina if you give it to him through the Merit Award. Just to be certain it was an UMARO-only issue, I tried giving it to PACMAN, and he was able to auto-crit with it just fine, but it just doesn't work with PACMAN, maybe because he doesn't have a Magic command or I don't fucking know. However, the Illumina STILL casts Pearl for around 3000 damage, and the Stunner, of course, still Stops. It's all very random, though, and it took a whole bunch of tries, but eventually, I got a run where Siegfried kept getting Stopped, and UMARO just shelled out the damage with weak physical blows and strong Pearl casts.

This is the setup I settled on in the end, along with a Genji Glove and Merit Award (obviously), maximizing MBlock as much as possible for those other attacks that deal big damage but can be blocked, all the while hoping he wouldn't use HyperDrive. Jesus fuck, that was something else.
Anyway, we now have three Tintinabars, which, frankly, are pretty useless Relics. So what can we do with them? Bet them, of course! Doing so has us fight against Dark Force for an Exp. Egg, which is a whole lot better though I've yet to make use of it. Killing it is easy enough, as it's vulnerable to Instant Death. PACMAN, Genji Glove, Offering, Assassin, Striker. Enough said.
By the way, I decided to start uncursing the Cursed Shield. Best way to do so is to head to the Solitary Island, equip a Ribbon on the character who has it equipped to remove all but the Condemned status, then grind the fuck away. Battles only last seconds here, but it's still 256 battles, so it can still take a good while. May as well take some characters who need to learn some spells for the ride.

Yes, I am fast-forwarding the SHIT out of this. No, I don't give a fuck. I've already done this over a dozen times the legit way.
And... DONE
Here it is, the mighty Paladin Shield. This is, in general terms, the best shield in the game. It provides higher defense than the Genji Shield (second only to the TortoiseShield on Imps), very high Magic defense (third behind the TortoiseShield on Imps and the Force Shield), +40 MBlock (same as the Aegis Shield), and best of all, it absorbs the four most common elements and nullifies the others. And as a BIG bonus, it teaches the ultimate spell, Ultima. We only have the one, so plenty of characters will be fighting over it, but whoever has it equipped is protected from a great many attacks.
I'm surprised you didn't let us decide that one. It's been a hot minute, but I remember a lot of people preferred Odin, or at least, holding on to Odin longer.
So, I took a lot longer than I thought I would to show off all the Colosseum stuff, together with grinding out the Paladin Shield, which I then followed with teaching more spells to my spell casters. As such, I'll actually be stopping for tonight, and leaving Kefka's Tower for tomorrow.

Before I do so, however, I want to show off one of the ultimate setups in the game, made possible by the Merit Award.

See, MknFuk is normally not able to equip weapons. The Merit Award, however, allows him to do so. Now, one wouldn't think this would be a huge deal or anything, but there is ONE weapon in particular that benefits a TON from MknFuk being able to wield it, and that is because of the power of a Rage we obtained long, long ago.

That weapon is SOOGA's Tempest. And this is how you can break the game with it.
So what is this game-breaking power that MknFuk has? Well, it has to do with the Stray Cat Rage we got waaaaaaay back in the World of Balance, when we first arrived in the Veldt. If you'll recall, this Rage has a 50% chance of triggering the Special attack Catscratch, which QUADRUPLES the damage dealt by a regular attack. Normally, that just results in very solid physical damage. HOWEVER, this 4x multiplier doesn't just apply to physical attacks, but rather ALL attacks. And as it happens, the Tempest has a 50% chance of casting Wind Slash instead of a physical attack. This is actually different from, say, a weapon like the ThunderBlade, which deals a physical attack and THEN has a random chance of casting Bolt. The Tempest, rather, REPLACES the physical attack altogether with Wind Slash.

Why is this important? Well, because this setup ALSO incorporates the Offering. As discussed before, the Offering normally disables any added random spell casts. But the Wind Slash from the Tempest isn't an added attack. Rather, half its attacks are normal physical strikes, and the other half are straight-up Wind Slashes, with no preceding physical. This means the Offering DOES NOT disable Wind Slash. As such, when used with the Tempest, each of the four strikes has a 50% chance of triggering Wind Slash. SOOGA himself would already like this quite a bit. But MknFuk can make even better use of it.

See, Catscratch's 4x multiplier can ALSO apply to Wind Slash. Now, Wind Slash has a spell power of 48. Multiply that by 4, and with Catscratch, it obtains a spell power of 192, which is almost on par with Crusader, the single most powerful attack you can use in this game, without any of its drawbacks. And it can be potentially used up to four times in a single turn.
Imagine. Up to four castings of an attack with 192 spell power, which targets all enemies, and costs no MP.

This is so broken, later versions made it so Gau can't use the Merit Award. It's THAT good.
Anyway, that's where I'll leave off tonight. It's been a wild ride. I honestly did NOT expect to actually beat Siegfried with my current levels, but creativity pays off, I guess. Tomorrow, we'll definitely storm Kefka's Tower at last.
Based Siegfried. Ive let him get going a bit in the train fight a few times and while he's super weak he's got some decent moves and attacks a ton. I always felt there was alot more to him than just that lame fight and the the later battle at the colleseum seems like a fitting ending to that. Congrats on taking him down he's such a massive challange if you arent ready for him in the arena.
Odin's the only way to get speed bonuses on level up in the original game, so people sometimes hang on to him for a while. I don't think this run plans to level people up all that much, so the esper bonuses aren't as important
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Mistranslation again. Odin actually commends the warrior for being able to turn him into STONE, regular stone, not magicite.
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It’s weird because it’s actually supposed to be a PRINCESS, very clearly so, but both the SNES and the GBA translation mess this up, which significantly changes the implications of the diary.
It does, but at the same time, I like the changed implications.

Besides, there's a devastating war on. Who says the king isn't already dead?
Sorry, no session today after all. I got wrapped up in some things.
Yeah, shame nothing really comes out of it. By the way, I figured out that Gogo DOES need a Magic command for his Illumina strikes to auto-crit. I should've tried that lol might've made it easier.
I knew that line sounded iffy.
Maybe the King is a Krillinbro.
Yeah, I'm hardly leveling as it is, and when I do, my priority is on boosting Magic and Vigor. Speed is something you really only boost after you max one of those two out, especially given how minuscule the increase is. I really wonder why Square made Speed boosting so elusive in this game.
Thanks for doing these OP.
Wasn't into the threads or tone at first but you've won me over. Thanks OP, looking forward to the end.
Ok, I know it's late, but I'll play just a bit. I went ahead and used most of my veritable riches to get tons of weapons for PACMAN to Throw, along with a bunch of other items. I also got some more Rages that MknFuk was missing, and taught some characters a few more spells. I do believe we're ready. But before we go into Kefka's Tower, there's one more monster I'd like to hunt.
There he is. Brachosaur is this game's ultimate random encounter, so powerful that he eclipses the majority of WoR bosses. We must do everything we can to kill it as fast as possible, because it has access to the ULTIMAte magic.
BUT... so do we.
And not only can we deal massive damage with it...
But thanks to Quick, we can repeatedly cast it, at 1 MP cost each.
Thanks to the Gem Box + Economizer + Quick combo, we get to literally nuke this dinosaur back to the Cretaceous with five consecutive Ultima spells, each dealing around 9000 damage., for a grand total of 6 MP.
And that's all she wrote for this beast. It actually has a chance of dropping an Economizer, but it's pretty rare, and I'm not gonna bother.
Ok... we've prepared enough. Time to storm this bitch.
All our friends are accounted for. We're going in!
>There is only one thing left for us to do.
Yes; Seethe, dilate and erase these threads from our collective memories.
Something's bothering Runie, however.
Wait, but they're technically all dead already, no? So why's this an issue?
Well, that's KIND of a bummer, but still, the world can go on just fine without them.
Because the espers are us. It's like poetry, it rhymes.
...oh, fuck. Right. SLAVE is part Esper. This is a hell of a pickle.
SLAVE can only bury the implications of what we're about to do, for no matter what, it MUST be done.
Dumb rape baby esper
And so, it's time to descend upon Kefka's Tower. Three teams must be formed. This is one of the last places where (You) will get to make a choice. We have fourteen characters, but we can only take twelve. As such, two characters will have to stay behind. I would post some recommendations on the type of characters that ought to make up each team, but I know y'all niggas exist to troll me, so I will not rob you of the chance to make me suffer for this last dungeon, should you wish to make me do so. The ONLY thing I'll impose is I want KALIVA on the first team for certain Lore learning purposes.

Without further ado, next post determines the first team. Again, KALIVA must be part of it.
About the trolliest team possible. Cool. Now that that's out of the way, let's choose the second team.
Ugh, you really made it so this team is gonna be fighting over everything. Well, no matter. I asked for this.

Time for the third team.
And it all comes together. No Wind God MknFuk or Bum Rushing TRAIN. Was this part of your master plan?

If so, too bad, because UMARO can do both. I'm still going to destroy this dungeon regardless! Watch me.
No hard feelings. The final dungeon woudn't be fun otherwise.
Our HEROES leap down into the tower. It all comes down to this.
As our parties land, they find themselves atop what can only be described as a big pile of garbage.
Team 1 is up. Let's go as far as we can. Toward the Statues... and Kefka.
First thing we grab is a Coronet. This helmet raises the chances of Control working. As I've stated before, though, Control fucking sucks, with only Sketch sucking even more. Only thing it's really good for is betting for a Regal Crown, which can then be bet for another Genji Helm.
And in this room, we find the Fixed Dice! This is SIMP's ultimate weapon. What it does is it throws three dice, and it multiplies the numbers that each dice obtains with other numbers, including SIMP's level, to obtain the final damage inflicted. However, if all three die happen to get the same number, the final damage number is multiplied by two, yielding even greater damage. The greatest thing about it is that it doesn't care for row, defense, or the Offering's usual damage halving per hit. That means it is a prime weapon to use with the Offering. SIMP will likely be using this and nothing else.
End of the road for Team 1. Looks like another team needs to get in here and open a patch.
We now move onto Team 2. We soon find yet another Minerva. We didn't need more, truthfully, but ok.
The Fixed Dice may be random, but even so, SIMP REALLY dishes out the damage with it.
Moving onward, we find ourselves in what looks an awful lot like Vector's jail. And here, we find a monster. I've seen this sprite before...
Atma!? Did he revive? Or, is it a different one?
And it has a... tragic story of abandonment?
It likes to ponder.
I'm guessing the answer is you gotta kill us all.
And that's a yes.

We gotta kill this guy ASAP. If we take too long, it will unleash Ultima on us, and I'm pretty damn sure we won't like that.
Fixed Dice makes short work of him. I wanted to steal a rare Crystal Orb, but we'll be getting one later anyway, so eh.
Atma leaves behind a Save Point. And this is where I'll stop for now. If possible, I'll try to finish the game tomorrow, but I won't make promises.
>it doesn't care for row, defense, or the Offering's usual damage halving per hit. That means it is a prime weapon to use with the Offering. SIMP will likely be using this and nothing else.

i never thought of that.i never liked using his randomly damage gimmick though.
that's the best bit about offering; multiple rolls mitigates the effects of bad rng
I’ll miss these threads. They were entertaining and educational
Same here. I love FF6 but it's so easy that I would always unga bunga my way through it without ever really knowing the detail that went into its mechanics. I appreciate OP and the work he's put into making these threads.
I've found FF6's difficulty is a bit weird. For the most part, random encounters are easy, and bosses usually are as well so long as you fight pretty much everything you come across. There are, however, some tricky enemies and bosses that, on paper, SHOULD be strong or have the potential to be trouble, but again, so long as you are more or less at the expected level (again, achieved merely by fighting what you comes across), you can basically brute force your way through them. But if you don't and you arrive at them underleveled, they SHOULD push your shit in... except that most of them have some glaring weakness you can exploit (vulnerability to Instant Death, for instance) or some way to nullify their attacks (say, by equipping elemental gear, casting Vanish, etc). And once you reach the end of the game, you're likely to have so much OP equipment that even at lower levels, almost nothing can touch you unless you deliberately let them. In my last playthrough, I got through Kefka's Tower with all my characters in between levels 19 to 22, and I was actually able to solo the entire final battle with just Terra.

About the ONLY way I can see the World of Ruin being challenging is if you barely level AND you don't get or equip any of the top-tier equipment, or at worst equip your characters in the most haphazard way (i.e. just use OPTIMIZE to equip them), AND try to unga bunga your way through everything. In other words, it's made to be challenging for retards who've no idea how RPGs work. Maybe more charitably, the idea was to reward inquisitive players who actually pay attention and try to hit elemental weaknesses or inflict status effects. Problem is, they way they implemented this, instead of making "hard" monsters more manageable, it just ends up making them complete pushovers.
Been lurking in these threads, OP - I love them and am going to miss them when they are gone; Your writing is entertaining, I like how you involve us, and crucially you have autistic levels of knowledge of FF6 - I've learned so much about it I never knew despite playing it dozens of times.
There'll be another in the future. Perhaps not in the same style though. I think the OP asked before making these whether anybody would be interested if he ran it. We've had a good number of them in the past.
OP here. If all goes well, I should be free within the next hour and a half or so. I can't guarantee I'll finish, but I'll get close for sure.
Glad to see my hyper-specific autism for this game served a purpose.
I've been thinking about it. Truth be told, the only other RPG I know anywhere near as well is FF9, and even then I've not played it in a hot minute, so I'll likely have forgotten some shit. And even then, I don't know its mechanics half as well as FF6. Last time I looked them up, I gotta admit they seemed a lot more obtuse lol still, I might consider it.
Ok, I'll probably play for about two hours or so. We'll see how far we get.

Moving forward, the scenery is indeed quite familiar. This DEFINITELY looks like Vector. Most likely upon ascending to godhood, Kefka decided to build his tower right on top of the ruins of the old Imperial capital.
This here's Stereodite, a Phunbaba lookalike. He's pretty strong, but the most remarkable thing about him is we can actually steal ThunderShlds off of him, which, if you'll recall, is a good shield to equip when all the best shields have been taken. We can also go back and bet it at the Colosseum for a Genji Shield if we so wish.
Later still, we find a second Force Shield! This is great, as I currently have several characters fighting for one for their max MBlock setups. Sadly, there are only the two, with no other way to get more other than betting the Paladin Shield in the Colosseum, which I'd be fucking retarded to do.
And another Force Armor, to boot! That makes three. Can't have too many, I'd say.
We reach this room, wherein we can press a switch, allowing Party 1 to advance. The chest contains a Ribbon, which are now plentiful.
We soon find ourselves face-to-face with a dragon. So, here's where the last ones were hiding! Let's test its mettle.
This one's called Gold Drgn. I've yet to encounter a Thunder-elemental Dragon, so of course, that's what its element will be. Its weakness is Water, but unfortunately, I don't have any means of applying that weakness with this team other than equipping PEDO with a Trident, which, well... I guess let's try it.
Eh, I guess it's ok? It's a really weak spear at this point of the game, all things considered, but the elemental weakness made up for it. Still, in all likelihood the Pearl Lance would still beat it on average thanks to the Pearl castings.
But again, it's the Fixed Dice that reigns supreme. This has probably been the wimpiest dragon by far. Literally all it did was cast basic bitch Bolt attacks at me.
Our reward is a Crystal Orb, a Relic that raises MP by 50%. Truth be told, there's about a dozen other Relics I'd rather equip on my Mages, between the Economizer and Osmose.

Only one dragon left...
And so, Party 2 stumbles upon yet another structure we'd most likely have seen in Vector. All there is here, however, is a switch we can press. It is otherwise a dead end. However, on the other side, we see another switch. Looks like we need another party's help here.
Alright, Party 3, you're up!
Right away, we find a second Red Cap. Another sorely needed item. Again, unfortunately, there's only two available in the game. We COULD bet this extra one at the Colosseum in a series that would eventually yield a Genji Helmet, but IMO the Red Cap is superior.
A somewhat dangerous enemy we may encounter in the Vector-like areas is Scullion. It has some powerful attacks, including one that sets Condemned status. It can hurt the party quite a bit if you're not careful.
Some items gained along the way include a Hero Ring, a Gauntlet, and a NutkinSuit. Eh, we have plenty of the first, the Gauntlet is fairly useless except on SNEEZE, and the NutkinSuit is only good for betting for a Genji Armor. In this room, however, lies a secret below this rotating wheel thing...
Attempt to go down, and you'll find something of a maze where you'll have to stumble your way around, which is very reminiscent of the many secret passageways in FF4. Eventually, we see the top of a room.
These guys have anything worth stealing?
After some meandering, we find our way into this small space with a chest. And it contains another Aegis Shld! Once again, though, this and the one we already have are all we're going to get. We ought to have enough good shields for everyone now, though.
Not really. An Air Anchor, which we already have, and which kinda sucks even if we didn't.
Taking a conveyor belt just like the ones in the old Magitek Factory, we find ourselves in another area.
Ah, another Save Point. Good, let's rest up and... wait, the fuck is that thing in the left corner?
Well, maybe it's nothing, let's just keep going and OH SHI-
Inferno ambushes us. He's a palette swap of Number 128 from the mine cart segment way back when, and his gimmick is pretty much the same, with two arms that you can kill but regenerate. Each of the targets has a distinct elemental weakness, but we're just gonna pummel him with whatever the fuck we want.
Inferno himself is weak to Lightning. Witness the power of PACMAN when he hits an elemental weakness with Throw, even at this low-ish level. TRAIN? Who needs him?
SOOGA isn't quite that strong, but thanks to Quick, he can charge two Quadra Slices without worrying about the enemy getting hits in.
Not much to it, really. Just smack him hard and fast, and he goes down without doing much of anything. He and his arms have Ice and Flame Shlds to steal, but meh. We get nothing out of this battler otherwise. Time to keep going.
We find this chest with a red sparkly light on it. Checking on it, it "fixes" the walkway to the left, opening another path for Party 1 to go forward.
And here's a Rainbow Brsh, uWu's best Brush. And same as literally ALL brushes, it's fucking useless since it's utterly inferior to the Magus Rod. Seriously, what was Square smoking when coming up with these """""weapons"""""? Not ONE of them is worth using over a rod of some kind.
And here he is... the last of the dragons. Will it be capable of putting up any sort of fight?
Skull Drgn. As you can no doubt tell, it's most likely undead, and since we've covered every other element, it's likely to use Poison attacks. Of course, like every good undead enemy, I expect it to be weak to Fire and Pearl attacks.

Our reward for blitzing this fucker is the Muscle Belt, a Relic which increases HP by 50%. Now this potentially has a use in making the ValiantKnife's damage boost stronger, but I'm otherwise ambivalent.
Right, he WAS the last one. So, what's going to happen?
Ok, cool! So, do we get anything?
Out of nowhere, a new Magicite materializes, known as Crusader!
This is the game's most dangerous Magicite. Why do I say it's dangerous? Because it's the very definition of a nuke being deployed in the battlefield.

Summoning Crusader actually summons THE STATUES THEMSELVES waging war between each other, and they do NOT fuck around. They attack EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING in the battlefield. With a spell power of 199, the highest of anything you can use in the game, it will most likely obliterate almost any enemy, BUT our party, too, will die unless its Magic defense is through the roof, since its attack doesn't ignore defense. I highly recommend NEVER summoning it, to be honest.

Much more useful are the spells it teaches. Having lost Odin, we once again have access to Meteor, now taught at a MUCH faster rate. And then... there's Merton, also known as Meltdown. This spell is second only to Ultima in sheer destructive power, as it is slightly weaker but also ignores defense. It is Fire and Wind elemental, but like the Esper that teaches it, it also targets EVERYTHING, including our party. However, because of its elemental nature, we can turn this into our advantage. By equipping everyone with Fire Shields, Merton turns into a spell that deals almost as much damage as Ultima while healing the whole party even more than Cure 3, all in one turn. As such, with such a setup, unless the enemy nullifies or absorbs Fire, Merton is arguably BETTER than Ultima.

Also, it raises MP by 50% at level up. We can take advantage of this at levels 48, 49 and 50 so that all characters end up at 999 MP at level 99, but meh.
Party 3 reaches the same place Party 2 reached earlier. Both press the switch, and the door in the middle opens. This is presumably for Party 1 to go through.

I'll once again be stopping here. There is a chance I'll be free early tomorrow, so I might continue then. We're very close now.

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