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Previous Thread: >>11184743

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Would you rather make a game for the ps1, dreamcast, or n64?
Always the Kino64
man FUCK romhacks show me some real from-scratch homebrew
why auschwitz? whats so funny about that?
Dreamcast. I love that damn thing. Plus it deems like it'd be the easiest.
All n64 idea
Birdy the Mighty
Jungle de Ikou
Shamanic Princess
Devil Lady (64DD)
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Recently picked up an N64 flash cart and decided to test out some old homebrew of mine. Surprisingly, issues have been pretty minor. Originally, I had given up on N64 stuff since I had no way to test on real hardware (can't rely on N64 emulators for shit). Maybe it's worth getting back into it now.

Recorded from real hardware. The cursor movement sucks since I'm using a controller (with an overly-sensitive third-party stick, to boot). It works better with the N64 mouse, but I don't have a way to test that outside of emulators for now.
Cubecat is pretty fun.
Mentioned 3D mod without payment kek
Are you the same anon of the Game Boy OS?
Cool shit.
Mad man
>Are you the same anon of the Game Boy OS?
Heh. Is it really that obvious?

The truth is, this was made shortly after the gbOS demo, but it just never got posted. There's actually very little work that went into it. As it turns out, the N64 makes this kind of stuff pretty easy (maybe even too easy). On the other hand, expectations are a lot higher. The hardware is more than capable of running a "real" OS, so a simple mock shell doesn't really cut it, in my eyes. Maybe once I get more acquainted with the system, I could try something a little more advanced.
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>Let's take a fun little romhack series that's killed by Nintendo, rob its grave, smear our shit on it's face and finally call it complete!

Anyways, I'm interested on making a de-Rainbow'd version that removes all that filler they added. I could just post catbox links here but i want a little more visibility to whatever patches i release.
What's the best place where i can share my proposed patches?
Didn't Brown last updated in 2014?
I guess try ModdingHaven.
ModdingHaven and BasedMods will hold some nice conservative-oriented hacks for ya.
With the N64 you can render 3D on a texture and print it on a OS window, right?
You could make it run fake old N64 emulators like UltraHLE and Corn.
read the Talmud.

Oh boy, Holocauster Tycoon 3D!
>Maybe it's worth getting back into it now.
The time to get "back into it" was when an N64+v64+PC+CRT+everything else could be had for about $50. Now it's 9001 bidenbucks.
>expectations are a lot higher.
Thousands of garbage mario romzhax disagree with that statement. But expectations are a major reason little else exists. The fanbase expects nothing more/less.
>devote the identity of your group to specifically one romhack
>it's all someone else's work, totally uninvolved with the group
>gradually make the game worse over 10 years
>insist that you fixed it
>remove every instance of the game before your changes
>never make anything yourself
>ruin the same guy's other work
>insist that you fixed it
>remove every instance of the game before your changes
>continue to never make anything yourself
RainbowDevs are genuine romhacking cancer.
Brown was one of the most unique Gen 1 hacks out there, and worked entirely within the original game's constraints. This "update" forces modern Pokemon, moves, and mechanics into a game they don't belong, because they're so creatively bankrupt that they can't imagine that "new" doesn't necessarily mean "better". Now it's just like every other backport slop hack.
Rip & tears: arcade halloween marathon
these hacks are super gay
>The time to get "back into it" was when an N64+v64+PC+CRT+everything else could be had for about $50
Most people who care enough about the N64 to develop for it already have one from back in the day.
Don't know why you'd want one of these.
If you don't already have one of these, then you're too young to care about the N64.
You don't need a high-end CRT. A cheap one will do. Or, failing that, an LCD TV or cheap capture card is fine too.
>everything else
Such as? A flash cart good for development is around $130 (half that if you get a chinese knockoff). You shouldn't need to buy much more than that for a basic setup.
>since I had no way to test on real hardware (can't rely on N64 emulators for shit)
Isn't it annoying to get excited about a romhack or homebrew - only to find out that it doesn't even run on real hardware, only emulators. It's not even for the console at that point.
what's even the point then?
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Flames of Eternity did that to Crimson Echoes too.
Although ZeaLitY was a fag so it was kind of funny.
>Don't know why you'd want one of these.
Because if you did what I said instead of copessecting it you'd be set up to make N64 games before you were even born
Only emubabies play n64 romzhax so there's no point in l33t romzhax0rz """coding""" for original hardware
fair point
>Being too young to know about and laugh at history
atariage user obsessing rainbow
is this english?
I want to say PokeRom Codex but it's run by Redditors.
No, it me Mario
sorry baljeet it is what it is
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>another demake/backport
How lame.
I do like that the character is an addendum patch, like it was a lock-on cart or something. Very fitting.
Try to post it on the nu-mainstream sites first, as we don't actually know their stance in practice on such hacks. For all we know romhackplaza will be cool with it.
We'd happily host it.
Ok so I'm having a problem. I'm trying to modify a PS2 iso, but no matter what I do it always has no padding or something like that. I'll open it in ultraiso or magic iso or imgburn and it shows like 2gb less than the file is read as an iso in Windows. And usually yes less space is good. For some reason the game won't run correctly unless it's fully padded out. I see people on tutorials not having this problem, as in, their ultraiso/imgburn, etc... have the correct size listed with the iso/bin/cue open. I tried opening the programs using admin but that didn't change anything. Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?
Neat. Will you someday release Windows 64 for us to play with?
Sure. Right after I get done with Windows 12 through 63.
k thnx.
no takesie backsies.
The joke is that you're not supposed to joke about it because it's taboo.
New hack?
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Geez, even modern GBStudio projects look more fleshed out then this crap...........

Nintendo's devvin is busted.
What about a Game Boy emulator? That way it can run gbOS inside the OS.
Where the heck did that mouse precision come from? That looks way too smooth for D-pad
Because you do Nazi it coming
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There's a program you can run that connects to an emulator and pretends to be a mouse-like peripheral connected to the link port. The communication protocol is entirely made up (no real hardware for it exists), but the same technique could probably be used to support a real PS/2 mouse. This would require some code changes and a simple passive adapter, but theoretically it's possible. LSDJ, for example, has PS/2 keyboard support.
Anyone here have the NES ROM for the new Rugrats game?
Taurine vengeance.

With sound: https://webmshare.com/play/OLG6Y
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/zxj0zx.webm
Read the OP post for your answer.
Horror anime style.
More Till & Hat for the SNES: https://x.com/SokZaJelo/status/1834222901500768519
Post videos from Xitter directly, the site sucks
What do you hate about that game?
41% work for free lol
Top tier trolling anon.
C language:
Qrd on this? I've played both roms like back in 2019 or so, what's this rainbow shit?
Some gay group that added stuff to leaked Prism code after Koolboyman received a C&D from Nintendo
The original Brown ('04) without the Sinnoh zoomer stuff is still floating around, so the later versions should at least be on archive.org if anyone wants to upload elsewhere
What did they do exactly?
sort of unrelated but soldering on 30 year old systems is fucking aids, either that or my chink soldering iron is fucking shit and does the wrong temps.

I swear to god I know how to solder, heat up the pad and then the solder adheres, using flux.

When I do it on modern pcbs it works perfectly.
But old consoles the fucking pads lift every single time or something else goes wrong like some tiny pads wont tin no matter how hard I try.

Literally just happened doing fanless mod on dreamcast.
2 little pads, ok, I need to bridge them, ok done. Oh it looks not so clean let me fix it a little.
>oh all the solder just stuck to my iron and now I cant retin the tiny pads because they are little fucking cock suckers.

I fucking hate hack/modding on retro consoles.

Yes I suck, I fucking suck.
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For me, the low quality $15 radioshack soldering irons were fine for fifth gen and older, but would easily burn traces on sixth gen and newer. These days I'd never touch one of those.

Shop around for a used Weller soldering station. The old analog dial ones used to be had for reasonable prices and it's what my old job always used.
You'd have to compare KBM's old Prism thread with whatever the new group got up to. The official 2014 Brown update and the recent Rainbow version should be on the same couple of sites.
I'm assuming you're talking about the 6 regions and talking pokemon thing.
Saint Seiya reference.
Which scene is it referencing?
yeah I think I will, thanks.
>I swear to god I know how to solder
God is laughing at you. Saying "I know how to solder" is like saying "I know how to sex". You watched a video and tried it once. But it's not just God that laughed at you.
>Mario Adventure 3 dropping on the 21st
Shit's gonna be lit.
>trailer stretched hideously out of ratio
WOWIE that's some confidence I have in this project.
nta but it looks like a 1991 Hong Kong bootleg of Legend of Zelda 1, down to looking and probably sounding worse than the original.
Which baddesthacks submissions are actually interesting, good, or transformative like Donner Party? Are the rest just Nesticle tier KKK bros shit or are there any other nuggets to be found?
Thanks, bros.
What do you think about Pokemon hacks that change the type chart?
neoromhacking is hot garbage
(Unfortunately, Auschwitz doesn't appear in the original game over scene).

With sound and better quality: https://webmshare.com/play/rOGAn
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/z8xmxr.webm
How harden enough?
Ultimate move
What's the easiest 16 bit console to make games for?
Mega Drive by far. GBA is easier if you count it as a 16bit console.
pdfera mod activities
SNES (if you understand c language)
Nobody is making SNES homebrews, and there is a very good reason for that.
>Check the two mega drive homebrews on Fightcade
>They play like shit
Is having good physics and input reading really that hard?
Say the line, Bart!
What's the Qrd?
>Download sega2fhtml
>Computer tells me it's gonna still my personal info
Off to a great start i guess.
God dammit autocorrect.
>What's the Qrd?
SNES is extremely slow, bottlenecked, and inflexible compared other 16-bit systems. Developers are not attracted to the hardware because the hardware holds them back severely. The slow and strange CPU architecture has no proper C compiler, with the currently existent C options being partially complete and extremely buggy, forcing developers to code in assembly. Because of all this, a great many of the "SNES homebrews" out there are either total fakes and fabrications, or have to rely on expansion chips, which makes it even more difficult to develop on. The few legitimate games that are being made are often compared to homebrews on other 16-bit hardwares, and they are found lacking by comparison, despite often taking far longer to create, and far more difficult. Over all, it is far better to go with the Mega Drive and SGDK instead.
>so assblasted you can only accuse him of using chatgpt
Australia manchild faggotry trying to ruin yet another thread.
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usually "easier" means "familiar architecture" and "fast cpu"
the mega drive would be a good choice, it's architecture isn't as jank as the snes (like the snes has a 16bit cpu, but an 8bit data bus) and it has a faster cpu, too
i think they originally intended it to be backwards-compatible with the NES, hence the 8bit bus and 65C816 cpu which is like a 16bit version of the cpu in the NES (roughly speaking), but didn't end up doing that, leaving behind a weird looking architecture
the snes gets most of it's capabilities from it's more capable graphics chip, which can do more colours, more sprites, "mode7" effects, etc, and also the more capable sound chip (some will contest this), but unless you're writing efficient code and are careful about memory usage, you're going to struggle to get much performance out of it

>the snes gets most of it's capabilities from it's more capable graphics chip, which can do more colours, more sprites, "mode7" effects, etc
The SNES VDP is a far cry from "more capable", which is another problem with the SNES, not only is it slow and bottlenecked, but also, it isn't even appreciably better hardware than the easier for development competitors. It is built in such a way that the specs sheet can look more impressive, but any real analysis of these capabilities finds the SNES made too many compromises in order to have impressive looking specs. For instance, the SNES can have four layers, and the Mega Drive can only have two. But in reality, the only time the SNES can have four layers, is when the layers are all limited to NES colour restrictions, which looks like shit, so no games used it, instead using the 2 layers mode most similar to the Mega Drive. The SNES can do resolutions of 512x480, very impressive compared with the Mega Drive's mere 320x480 maximum, except, the only things that can rendering at this resolution are low colour background layers, sprites are always limited to 256x240 rendering, and the full colour capabilities and transparency are not available unless you use the "normal" lower resolution of 256x240, not to mention the total lack of VRAM for higher resolution graphics, this is compared the Mega Drive, which actually becomes faster when using the higher resolution, so once again, no developers used SNES high resolution, and the vast majority of Mega Drive games had higher resolution than SNES games (the ones that didn't were the same resolution as SNES).
Transparency yet being another case. Yes the SNES can do transparency, but the limitations of doing so are so limited, that it makes the Sega Saturn look like a beast for transparency by comparison.
Plus it should be mentioned, the Mega Drive's VDP is actually far better in some very important ways, despite being older and cheaper hardware. For instance, the Mega Drive has faster DMA with far more bandwidth and flexibility, as the Mega Drive can access VRAM at any time, while the SNES can only access VRAM during vblank (about one fifth of the time). The Mega Drive can use sprite multiplexing for drawing several hundreds of sprites, the SNES cannot do this and is limited to only 128. The Mega Drive allows sprites to use up to the entire 64 kbs VRAM for sprites, but SNES only allows sprites to use 16 kbs. The SNES does allow for hardware "mode 7", but it's limited to a single textured flat plane, with no parallax or transparency available, being extremely limited and inflexible, the Mega Drive can simply software render these effects, achieving comparable results to the SNES, and more flexibility as well.
The SNES is just a total mess of a console, it's no wonder it has failed to foster an active or authentic homebrew scene.

Do you really think this game looks any better than what is being done on the Mega Drive? And yet it is taking him twice the efforts and twice the development time to do this on SNES instead of something else. There is no rational justification for this.
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yea, you're probably right
>Do you really think this game looks any better than what is being done on the Mega Drive?
Yes, it would look worse on the Mega Drive due to the lack of colors and alpha blending. It would sound worse too. Also the game has some mode 7 cart scenes.
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>lack of colors
This was disproven years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83ZcSVDXR-A
There are numerous examples of the Mega Drive's colour capabilities standing strong right alongside the SNES, both new and old, in the right artistic hands.
>alpha blending
The HUD? That's the only place it's being used, I would not miss it, especially since the game would be 25% higher resolution instead.
>It would sound worse too
Why? The Mega Drive has better sound hardware, with more channels, twice the sample rate, and twice the bitrate.
>Also the game has some mode 7 cart scenes.
These could be done in software, in fact, far more impressive things could be done for these levels using software rendering 3D on the Mega Drive, than that boring and trite "flat plane mode 7" effects.
And you're not even mentioning other improvements the game could have on Mega Drive, it could have far more simultaneous enemies, with more animation frames, more sophisticated AI's, we have not yet seen what degree this game will suffer slowdowns on SNES but it would be less on Mega Drive, higher resolution, less input lags, and so on, and most importantly, the game would likely already be done by now.
I don't know why I keep wasting my time talking to fanboys and retards.
They always run away crying when they have no refutation.
probably wrong*
>Mega Drive by far.
Then why haven't you made anything?
>the Mega Drive can simply software render these effects, achieving comparable results to the SNES, and more flexibility as well. The SNES is just a total mess of a console, it's no wonder it has f-ACK!!
Alisha’s Adventure
This sperg again?
That game looks and sounds like shit, has been in development hell for almost a decade (thanks SNES hardware), and is playing "catch up" with Mega Drive games such as Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier. Not impressive at all.
Forced console war arguments here (11250227)
>thanks SNES hardware
He finally admit SNES won
nodev crab thread, (You) will never make a game
also it plays like shit, just like xeno crisis
What gen 1-2 Pokemon hacks do you recommend that make the games overall more challenging and add some qol features?
I suggest you play something else.
I will recommend my own when i'm done.
Crystal clear
its almost as if SA-1 beefs up the shitty SNES hardware, then why people bitch and moan about that new NES game?
SNES games that have to cheat with special chips aren't real SNES games. NES games that have to cheat with special chips aren't real NES games. Hope this helps!
Can we also extend this to PCs? If you have to upgrade your hardware, it's not a real PC game.
Makes no difference to me, I don't care about making modern PC games.
I'll have you know that I've been strongly talking about thinking about making a game for multiple summers. I even went so far as to pretend I typed in a game from an old magazine.
>crab thread
Walk like crab, think like the wise.
Barely any of the NES library would qualify by that standard. Plus, none of the MMC chips outright added new CPUs like the SNES's expansion chips did.
Holy cope
trve lvdo
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Hey there, aussie-kun
Have you brought the game?
What is up with those design layouts and sprites?
Nothing you've said has anything to do with you making a game at all. This is why 99% of the people you interact with on this board think you're a timewasting faggot, Aus.
Are you really surprised a SNES homebrew looks like shit? Making a game for that piece of crap makes no sense, so its homebrew """scene""" self-selects for the most delusional anti-talented losers.
Get new material.
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So the HUD is made out of sprites? Look how part of it becomes translucent when enemies are underneath it...
How do i git gud at sprite art/work?
practice makes perfect
Do i also need some kinda of specific app/tool or is drawing shit on paint with a mouse just fine?
I recommend something more geared for pixel art like GraphicsGale or Aseprite.
Cool stuff.
Did Cave Story 64 ever get fixed? When it got posted here it had no audio.
There can be no transparency between sprites, so the HUD must be a background.
There are three background layers in that webm, so they must be sprites.
How much work would it take to convert a Genesis game to run on a System C or C2 board?
Looks very Mega Man 7 inspired. If you don't like the design elements in that game, no problem, but they look pretty cool to me.
I think the backdrop and the water are shown with the same background (HDMA fuckery), so there's only three backgrounds in mode 1 (foreground, background and HUD).
Also if the HUD was made with sprites, it would run out of sprites per scanline when the MC jumps.
And again, there can be no transparency between sprites, so if the HUD was made with sprites, it wouldn't blend with the MC when he jumps.
The backdrop itself also has multiple layers though. Look at the clouds or the islands.
All backdrop layers are vertically separated, so they can be rendered with a single background and HDMA.
>The Krion Conquest knock off.
Yea, need some Rosenkreuzstilette, mm&b or ninja warrior
Well now?
20st anniversary
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Good thread, cute game.
What do you mean? There's two overlapping layers of islands behind the foreground.
sprite tiles can't be translucent against other sprite tiles, they're merged into 1 layer. color math can only be done between different layers

the furthest back islands are on the same layer as clouds, it uses parallax scrolling for the layer
Having a closer look, I think the enemy health bar is made out of sprites, the rest of the HUD uses a BG.
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Just poop out Mario Adventure 3 already, you fuck, agh.
If you even need to ask that question you aren't capable of doing it
Did I ask that? No? Then don't answer faggot.
Not much work at all, it's pretty easy
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>I believe, sir, that DahrkDaiz is trying to tell you that he is happy because he has finished his hack. It has apparently taken him 12 years.

>Yes, well, I'm a slow cougher myself.
Saria finally playable!
wait, there's a 2? holy shit
super alesa bros
not retro, piss off faggot
Not dragon quest remastered, your point is?
are you drunk?
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why is this general mostly shit-flinging.
Must been zero payment
It's up
Is this a Dark Daiz game?
Holy shit! I'm gonna cum!
Started with J
that makes two of you
what the fuck is this web design
Take which one?
the cup of a carpenter
Any chance of a pre patched version ITT? If that Anon's about.
god i hate pret so much you have no idea
Not that anon, but here you go.
You're a good one, Anon. Thank you.
grab the disasm and run
their discord is the most cancerous thing I've ever seen
Hate jannie too

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