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My favorite games.
What a shit taste
these games are known to be bad
Only two of those are any good.
Replace DK with jet force jemini and you'll have yourselfba fine image
The absolute state of /vr/
This has been debunked.
yeah imagine saying you like videogames on the videogame board
I was referring to the replies actually
collectathon cringe
almost done with tooie and really loved both banjo games. should I try dk or conkers next?
Go with conker. DK64 first might leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Someone that can put up with Tooie can easily put up with DK. They are cut from the same cloth of bad design
Nah I loved tooie but couldnt really get into DK64.
The art style of these games aged nicely but the gameplay aged badly. Went from like a 8/10 during their era to a 3/10 by todays increasing standards. They start out strong but after you get into the gameplay loop you realize that they don't respect your time.
>3/10 by todays increasing standards
Ah come on, they are still alright games, 5/10. Even today. Of course old games (N64, PS2, Dreamcast, etc) are kinda outdated by today's standards but some of them are still passable
I have to subtract extra points for being collectathons which is a dead genre for a reason. It's basically lazy devs that design a 3 hour game but need to fill out the playtime
Conker isn't a collectathon and much more linear and changes up its gameplay a lot (the last third of it or so is basically a third person shooter)

DK like a wired halfway point between kazooie and tooie but way more annoying than either of them with shitty minigames you have to beat for the jiggy equivalent that make Tooie's minigames look like pure gold in comparison

>todays increasing standards.
leave /vr/
>muh aged badly
Leddit take
>increasing standards

anon, games have been spiraling downward swiftly since like 2006. I only wish the standards of gaming now were the same as they were in the late 90s. then we might actually get completed games at release that arent skinner box mtxmaxxing diversity slopfests.
eekum bokum
A true Rare fanboy would've spelled it 'favourite'
Anyone else kind of disappointed that they aged out of enjoying BK/Tooie/DK64? I loved those games when they were new, but just cannot be fucked to play them nowadays. There was a particular magical escapism about them as a kid that I'm sad I can't really get back anymore
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id say polarizing. unless you have a citation for your claim
I'm 28 and still enjoy them. maybe you watch to many YouTube videos that intellectualize games
I'm sorry that happened to you
Ya I can't play these, they're way too simple. I didn't like then as a kid either though

These are for 10 and under probably
I don't watch gamer youtube videos, it's more that I'm not 8 and have real standards for gameplay. The atmosphere of N64 Rare is not worth a dozen hours of collecting music notes with zero friction
I don't know what age has to do with it. what are you playing a lot of? lots of intense games? fps shmups fighting games? sometimes you have to put those games down for a while. to enjoy games like this.
Nigga I still play Solitaire to pass the time. If I had Banjo-Kazooie two clicks away I would probably enjoy replaying it a lot.
Im 32 and played them recently and loved it. maybe youre just a brainrotted fag or maybe Im a pathetic manchild. or perhaps its both
The correct term is Hyuckformer
Banjo kazooie>DK 64>>Banjo tooie>>>>>Conkers

BK and DK 64 top 10 3D plateformer
>moooom! the ape game is making me collect bananas again!
happened to me with nintendo in general. hopefully I can have fun with them again when my kids are toddlers
Tooie and DK64? True.
>nooo you have to relax with THESE games!
what went wrong with tendlets
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BK is crazy overrated but at least its collectathon nonsense is pretty managable and doesn't devolve into filler minigames and can at times almost feel like a real platformer

DK64 is soulful as fuck but the game is a genuine chore since 90% of its content is just busywork that unlocks more busywork

Tooie removes some of the minigame bullshit from DK but becomes downright obtuse and is paced like shit as a result - Actual platforming is now long gone and the game is essentially a point and click game larping as an action game

Conker is basically Rare realizing how shit they actually were at making collectathons so they they just did the kitchen sink approach with dozens of different gameplay ideas in a tight ten hour package. Its late-gen vidya ludo in how much tech and ideas they managed shove into the game. Its also the game that feels most like a real platformer of the bunch, which is kind of a paradox considering the same game turns into a TPS in the third act. A beautiful shitpost of a game.

Super Mario 64 is still the only genuinely great collectathon on the console. No unlock bullshit needed on the critical path, no arbitrary "collect 95% of all Jiggies to fight the final boss lmao", and a genuine feeling of momentum and control, with levels that encourage experimentation and reward skillful play - SM64 is still fun to jump in and play today, while Rares entire platformer catalouge are just slogs across the board. Kind of embarassing Rare could barely figure out how to make a decent 3D platformer despite having four fucking tries at it while Nintendo just did it on their first go.

Whats even weirder is they obviously had some good ideas with 2D since the DKC games are all great, but they just couldn't translate the feeling of momentum, satisfying control and flowing level design into 3D on top of them taking the collectathon pill.
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You might prefer Diddy Kong Racing anon. Not a platformer but it retains some of the charm of the DKC games on SNES

It's also worth noting that there was no DKC on N64 because DKC3 basically was that game (released in 1996 after the N64 launched). There's also the 2000 GBC port that everybody seems to forget. Pretty much Rare was doing a lot of things at that time, not just Banjo and DK64. They had GoldenEye, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, and a bunch of other games. The platformers were just one of the things they were known for
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>mfw the collectathon asks me to collect things
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My favorite games.
It's nothing to do with age, it's just the type of game. Once you've played them through 2 or 3 times, there is little left to do again. They take a really long time to go through each time. I'm sure you feel the same way about starting up a turn-based rpg you loved playing as well.

A game can be a great experience and let you go you know, it's the ones that keep dragging you back and you don't even know why you're still playing it that damage people's lives.
Turok 1 is to this day my favorite FPS in terms of story, setting and atmosphere
Armorines/Daikatona are part of your favourite games?
>they take a long time
They're rather short, BK and BFD can take like 10 to 15 hours to beat, DK64 despite the massive amount of collectibles can take like 25hrs to beat even for 101%, Tooie takes like 20 or 30 hours to get everything.
>there's no reason to replay them
If anything Tooie and DK64 benefit from replays because knowing what to do makes the pacing for a future play much better.
I still need to play most of these. Started Duke Nukem 64 but had no idea what I was doing. Might help to have an actual N64 controller though lol
You just came here to argue didn't you?
They're fine games, I just don't have time to play them anymore. I wouldn't say I aged out though, they still make me smile
I've noticed that as I've aged I've drifted further away from any and all real time games and for the most part only play turn based games now. I usually just don't want the tenseness of being focused on reactions now.
I played The World is Not Enough on the PS1 and it was absolute dogshit. Is it actually any better on the N64?
todays standards are shitty movie games so im ok with it
sometimes you just not in the mood, you might get nostalgic about a game but you are not actually in the mood to play it, has happened to me before
you should really play more games
those aren't bad or anything but there's just not much depth there
DK64 literally killed a genre
Much better than the PS1 title. Not Goldeneye good, but it's good. Had multiplayer with bots if you're into that.
like what
no it fucking didn't. that's sensationalist fucking YouTube drivel. why don't try you try forming your own opinions on things? it's not difficult
modern games are literal dog shit. n64 games look better and better every year in comparison
Your favorite games are dogshit that was never good. Sorry to be the one to break it to you.
Nope. Pretending these games are any good, now that's what's debunked.
collectathons as a genre were only a short lived novelty when simply walking around a 3D environment made people shit and piss themselves in excitement. They simply don't have much for gameplay once the novelty is gone. If VR didn't suck I could see something like that making them fun again
>they dont have much for gameplay once the novelty is gone
I like collectathons because I like exploring worlds, using a character's moveset to go through the levels and collect tons of things, the decent amount of variety on its challenges (minigames, platforming, enemy gauntlets, etc...), the usually fun and colorful cartoon aesthetics, and that they don't take themselves too seriously (something that I really appreciate in modern times where every game, specially western ones, are trying to be the next epic masterpiece of storytelling or whatever).
collectathon game could still be good and fun today if modern AAA devs werent all compromised/mentally stunted/washed. protip: they are
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Conker's BFD is still extremely fun to play. I've played it once per-year in recent times, and it's a blast each time. I have patience and love for Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie, but I find Conker to just be more succinct, interesting, challenging.

It's difficult to rank the N64, but at the moment I feel like
1. Super Mario 64
2. Diddy Kong Racing
3. GoldenEye
4. Conker's BFD
5. Ocarina of Time
6. Majora's Mask
7. Perfect Dark
8. Banjo-Kazooie
9. Jet Force Gemini
10. StarFox 64
Just makes sense
I don't think the genre died out because of lack of talent or good games. It just got replaced in the mainstream by more walking sim or open world type exploration games instead. Not that they are really the same but stuff like BoTW plays more like a collectathon than classic zelda.
I wouldn't mind those open world type exploration games if the incentives and rewards for said exploration were actually engaging and not just a bunch of generic collectibles spammed everywhere. Some of these actual collectathons had better exploration. BoTW blew ass for a lot of reasons but that was one of the main ones. Fucking OoT had more interesting shit to find in its empty-ass Hyrule Field. I'd take a cow mysteriously standing in a hidden grotto that makes you wonder what on earth it was doing there over another damned seed.
I think you could apply those same criticisms to banjo and a lot of collectathons too. Which is why the genre became less popular and people whined about that stuff when botw came out. As much as I love banjo the gameplay of getting every little note isn't any less retarded than korok seeds.
DK64 > BK > BT > CBFD
I've spent more hours playing both versions of Bad Fur Day than possibly anyone else alive and I have to say it's a pretty torturous experience at times. There are so many scenarios that were either designed to make you want to kill yourself or simply weren't playtested a single time. The eel and the toilet imps in It's War are prime examples. The jet race against the cavemen can take fucking hours because of trying to snag the cash at the end or just from bad timing with the brontosaurus. The game's prime directive seems to be frustration. I played it so much because it was a surprisingly unique example of an interactive cartoon with its context sensitivity gimmick and immaculate Rare charm, but the actual gameplay, while an interesting grab bag, was also like a pile of middle fingers in a haystack. Challenging is one way to put it, but that implies a certain degree of fairness that it didn't really meet at times. You can't tell me pissing the unconscious rock monster around the ramps was fair. At least the soundtrack made the repetition bearable there.

I do have to say N64 BGD multiplayer is perhaps the most fun multiplayer experience I've ever had with friends over. That was golden. The real time-tested gameplay there. The Xbox's version of the war games just didn't quite have it. Still spent entire evenings just going through matches with CPUs by myself. It was relaxing.
It's a different game by different devs. It's really good, unlike the PSX version.
Pretty good take, and probably one some of the developers agree with. I remember Chris Seavor and a few others doing their little let's-play a few years back and drawing attention to a few areas that they would redo if given the chance (or did redo when they did have the chance).
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>Banjo Kazooie
yep, a masterpiece, no doubt about it
>Banjo Tooie
they made the levels way too big, fucking Guntilda level took me 3 HOURS, wtf dood
>Donkey Kong 64
It was fine but I can't respect this game, probably because of this mf that platformers lost their momentum
>Bad Fur Day
the first half was amazing, the second half not so much and too focused on 3rd person shooter shit, but I loved the movies references though
this, 100% this
>SM64 is still fun to jump in and play today, while Rares entire platformer catalouge are just slogs across the board.
I can't agree with that, SM64 aged badly because there's better 3d marios to play now, but we don't have a Banjo Kazooie 2 to surpass the 1st, and the puzzle on BK were really clever, that shit is timeless
>probably because of this mf that platformers lost their momentum
That feels like revisionism to me. I didn't really hear much criticism of DK64 back in its day. It got rightfully slammed in the modern day in retrospectives but I don't think most people were cognizant of how shoddy it was back then, especially not enough for there to be a genre-killing backlash to it.
very effectively, too.
I think in 2001 the collectathon genre was starting to fatigue and this game went at the exact right time to remind people why we should go onto something else, even though I enjoyed that game it always feels like a parody of a platformer, like the kind of game someone who dislike platformers would do to troll a bit and exagerate the flaws this genre has
Conker is definitely more about moving from each comedy sketch + gameplay gimmick to the next, with the overall plot and goal of money collecting serving as secondary connective tissue between said bits.
>todays increasing standards
it's gotten worse anon, this era fucking sucks, the golden age was between 98 and 2004
DK64 didn't kill shit, that's just a quote from the hat in time devs iirc that got too widespread by youtubers.
6th gen just had a massive shift in what gamers wanted, they didn't want funny cartoon characters collecting golden mcguffins, they wanted thug nigga sims or edgelords killing demons with "serious" plots, and you can even see the platformers of that era trying to seek that audience.
never forgave them for the shitting cows one
the dignified ladies being forced to debase themselves by an irresistible physical compulsion was conceptually really hot but of course them being cows and the compulsion being defecation ruins it
>never forgave them for the shitting cows one
desu I liked it more because that game felt like a giant shitpost, totally unfiltered fun, and it was on a fucking nintendo game, that's how powerful Rare was at this time, they were so untouchable even nintendo sucked their dick and let them make an adult themed game on the N64
obviously your problem is you're not perverted enough
That developer never used the word "kill" at all, it was the slimy clickbait hacks at polygon.


>"I don't want to blame it all on Donkey Kong 64, but it's partially at fault"

turns into

>"Donkey Kong 64 killed the platforming genre!"

by lowbrow, tabloid hacks at polygon.
This thread made me realize why Banjo and DK64 were necessary 11262667

I grew up with the DKC games and I like them, but they're not really for everybody. Banjo and DK64 focus less on platforming and more on puzzles and exploration, which for some people is preferred. I guess it's sort of like the difference between Classicvania and Igavania.
Forgot arrows >>11262667

Despite some of the tougher challenges in these games, I think Banjo and DK64 are still maybe better for beginners than DKC, if those games are too hard for them then the N64 games might be better to start with.
Only one of these games are known to be bad. With Conker's the gameplay isn't as good as Banjo but it's serviceable and the story is great. The game isn't boring.
A perfectly solid 3D platformer with immense levels of personality. Always a joy to revisit.
Split up moves were a mistake, and Grunty Industries is a navigational nightmare. But other than that, I still enjoy it.
They definitely went overkill on the collectables with this one. Also just don't think it was the right direction for Donkey Kong going 3D. Still a decent game, but the one I revisit the least
>Conker's BFD
Solid 3D platformer that thankfully did its own thing. Some of the humour can be a little juvenile, but generally a good time.
it's a completly different game on the n64.
Banjo aged badly because about two dozen platformers since then feel far better to play.
>no south park
to the trash it goes

You were probably sexually abused, m8

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