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This seems even worse than the usual Fromsoft-jank.
Is there any point in bothering with it?
I dropped it after 3 hours. Its not overly demanding or Janky, but the combat is bad and it doesn't really offer much to justify wasting time on it. For me it was more about having standards.
Is the combat really that bad or am I being retarded?
Because right now I'm running around enemies, wait for their attack to miss, and chip away a little of their health. It's really dull and awkward.
That's the combat system yeah. Still better than dodge-roll slop. Keep playing for the vibes.
The music is awful.
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Pearls before swine.
If you're not enjoying a game there's no reason to keep playing it, no.
But I want to be like the cool kids.
There are no "obscure" Fromsoft games anymore, they've been thoroughly mined thanks to the Souls series. If you want to look cool playing obscure games, you're going to have to look elsewhere.
Don't be ashamed to drop mid games.
>it didn't click for him yet
>this game i never played looks bad!
then don't play it you faggot
Evergrace must be garekept from the fromdrone cock sucking posers
Too anime for you, Soulsbabby?
>Evergrace must be garekept from the fromdrone cock sucking posers
I'm sure you've played it yourself. There is nothing worthy of being gatekept here.
Cool kids play Shadow Tower Abyss so they can shoot everything with the sweet magical science empowered metal called call bullets.
Nearly every from game that isn’t called “armored core” from the pre-souls era is bargain bin crap and only lying faggots say otherwise.
Hey, don't lump fun bargain bin titles like Global Defense Force in with Fromjank.
Global/Earth Defense Force/Monster Attack was an anomaly though and if you want to be real about it they didn’t get truly good until 2017.
Simple 2000 series doesn’t count either since they are remasters or ports of good games.
It's better than most of From Soft's entire library.

Zombie Zone and Maid-fuku are lots of fun too.
Global Defense Force being better than all of From’s not-armored core games I can not deny.
if today they announced KF5 you redditor poser will change your post to include KF just like when AC6 came out and faggots started larping as ''fans''
neverthless AC and other mecha slop were always the worst slop Fromsofrware made back then
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>chip away
You are clearly using the wrong weapons, not using the special abilities and probably not letting the power meter fill up enough.
If you do things well most enemies will take between 1-3 hits in most areas of the game.
Given all that, I like this game but I cannot recommend it to the average gamer, since it does have plenty of shortcomings.
Wow, what a pleb, the music is absolutely top tier but you're too shit to understand that.
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In how many of their games do the moonlight sword appear?
I remember it being in the original armored core (and phantamsa and moa), 4A, and Demon's Souls at least. I'd assume it's just in all the armored cores and souls games. I feel like it might be somewhere in painting or something in the original Echo Night, but I kind of doubt it's in the sequels. It's in Otogi and probably Otogi 2 though.
It's taken like half an hour just to find a single weapon.
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How? All you have to do is bring a flower to the grave to get the sword and the shop is available to you in the very first starting area of the game.
Also it's fairly cheap to buy the starting weapons but if you don't want to bother doing that wait a bit longer and most weapons will drop from enemies or be given to you a bit later in the game as treasure.
You can also upgrade your weapon and gear which not only makes the weapon stronger but often unlocks new skills.
Just use the game menu access useful info.
you've already outed yourself as one of the lame kids by complaining. it's over.
Of the one's I've played and can personally confirm, KF 1-4 since that's where it starts, Evergrace and Eternal Ring.
well you can add Spriggan Lunar Verse to that list, it's an easter in the back of the screenshot I posted
Seems pretty fun so far. Found out about damage types when the hatchet did nothing against melon rats. I like the weapon arts, I just wish I didn't have to set them each time I switch weapons.
I’ve been playing Armored core since master of arena came out little faggot.
Armored Core has always had a fanbase, they would get greatest hits releases and put on jampack discs.

Kings field never had that because kings field has literally always been shitty and boring.
>Armored Core has always had a fanbase, they would get greatest hits releases and put on jampack discs.
yeah because back then mecha tranime slop was trendy and even so Armored Cuck was a flop compared to other mecha slop series back then
as for KF it's a kino of the highest order and you need high gaming skills to enjoy it, otherwise you'll get filtered
why modern /v/ just
>aggressively try to have the most retarded takes possible on everything
my lil bro played the fuck out of this while I played dark cloud
You’re just being a jew right now, a little snot, but I’ll respond genuinely anyways.
Armored Core got popular before Gundam Wing started airing on toonami. They were greatest hits games before Gundam was even established in the USA. They were good fun games people bought because they were good and fun.
Nobody played or bought kings field because they were boring and shitty.
Nothing has changed.
Fromsoftware threads have attracted the worst kind of idiotic schyzos on /vr/ for months now. It wasn't always like this but now you're about right to call it /v/.

The worst ones are the ones who try to act all tough and knowledge because they assume every poster is a "zoomer" who only talks about these games because of Dark Souls. They don't even comprehend they're posting precisely in the kind of place with old people that would have played the PSX games on release and barely even know anything about Souls.

Just ignore.
oh btw I hadn't even seen that post when I posted this >>11256520

anyway you understand now
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>Armored Core got popular
if by popular you mean it hand a couple of hundred mecha fags at most talking about it then yes
>They were greatest hits games
irrelevant, many shovelware slops got GH treatment on PS1

a real Fromdrone is a faggot who larps as AC fag because AC6 (garbage slop) came our and they forced themselves to like it
and then there is the anti-souls contrarian troon who hates on KF because he cannot comprehend someone liking it, this contrarian cunt will claim it's fans are souls fags when in reality fromdrones do no play KF they always get filtered

i don't know which one you are the fromdrone or the anti-souls contrarian but either way kys
There were King's Field talk on /v/ long before dark souls (and echo night was always a cult classic for horror and adventure fans). The only one making shit up here is you because the mere mention of the series make you feel like you have to defend and acknowledge your "true hardcore gamer" status vs the "dark souls posers".

Because since (You) didn't know about this series (which was popular enough to have its sequels and spin-offs released overseas), then that means nobody else did since (You)'re such the expert on hardcore gaming.
>There were King's Field talk on /v/ long before dark souls
Do you know if there's any archive? I sincerely don't remember any discussion, but sure, I could have missed it. If it happened, it was not frequent.
I never said nobody played KF at all, I did too, but to me it was more like the novelty of playing a 3D game, I always thought it was too slow and clunky and always considered it kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, and never encountered anyone online who even talked about KF pre-souls.
You can't deny discussion about KF became a LOT more common after the souls boom, though. If there was any fandom in the west, it was extremely tiny.
You didn't recognize it so it didn't register in your brain. Frequency has nothing to do with it. It's not like its a nintendo where it has to prove its existence with endless AI porn threads due to a lack of games.

Why do you think it's a problem to play a developers older back catalog when you have not? Answer that.
>nintendo out of nowhere
Again, if you can provide any archives, I would be interested.
I would have registered because I did play KF back in the 90s. I would remember if anyone mentioned it in old /v/.
Anyway, provide archive.
>Why do you think it's a problem to play a developers older back catalog when you have not? Answer that.
Also, I never said this is a problem. I just mentioned I don't remember KF discussion pre-souls on /v/ and this angered you somehow.
Does it upset you to have nintendo mentioned? I don't believe you would have registered it because you thought it was some sort of elder scrolls thing. Use one post next time so you don't come off so upset.
I just don't get why you have to keep mentioning Mario and Nintendo when nobody else did. Comes off as console warry, and without a real reason.
I never even played elder scrolls so no I wouldn't have associated it with that.
I did play KF back in the 90s though, so I would have recognized it if anyone on /v/ mentioned it pre-souls.
Got any archive for proof?
>I just don't get
Because it strikes at the core of the discussion that you're dodging.
Oh yeah? What am I dodging?
Post archives.
>I just don't get why you have to keep mentioning Mario and Nintendo when nobody else did
says the faggot bringing up souls slop in an Evergrave thread
ad not only Evergrace but also KF, Lost Kingdoms and even AC you fromdrone troons always derail every thread with your beloved rolling simulator slop
I wasn't the one who first mentioned KF or souls ITT.
Good luck having ANY From thread without Souls mentioned, anon.
Evergrace is definitely more fun so far, but the lighting in KF4 is really unbelievable. I remapped strafe to controller stick and swapped menu and magic. It's funny that they had the insight to have up and down on the right analog stick use the same key as L2/R2, but didn't think to to map left and right to L1/R1.
frogposter, my other post got deleted because I called you what you are.
>many shovelware slops got GH treatment on PS1
Then why didn’t kings field? Great logic guy.
It’s because nobody fucking bought it. Nobody liked it. They are shitty and boring and absolutely fit the criteria of “shovelware slop”. They are very cheaply made games just like everything they made outside of armored core (which to be honest are also cheaply made).
If dark souls never became a thing, this series in the USA would be fondly remembered by MAYBE half the 10,000 people who bought them.
If nobody bought it why did it get so many sequels
>*pwned Elden SHIT in your path*
The first mentions of King's Field on this fucking board are made by people who said they played Dark Souls and wanted to see what From made before Dark Souls.
It's literally poser, the franchise.
What is wrong with discovering games after they came out?
I think FS improved when they absorbed Accquire (Tenchu Niggas), of course the only thing they were good at was Mech games and KF the other games are different levels of mediocre, but also experimental. Something they no longer do, and which I miss.
The game isn’t hard per se. It asks you to fight one way. You can see From’s obsession with the idea of making you wait for the enemy to give you an opening. As far as I can tell so far though Guard Break completely invalidates most enemies. The developer has to resort to the durability system to nerf Tear Blade, otherwise you wouldn’t use anything else.
This shifts the focus to resource management but in a way that feels sort of tedious and, for higher quality weapons, stingy and anti-fun.
The opening environment in Darius’ campaign is beautiful. I really like this era of graphics, where the PS2 can reliably render the 3D but the art itself is simplistic and low-poly. But everything since entering the castle has been a little uninteresting.
This game definitely scratches the slow, meditative dungeon crawl itch. But it’s hard to argue it has more than historical value for FromSoft fans.
>The first mentions of King's Field on this fucking board
Wow, that's the smoking gun. Nobody ever even mentioned King's Field even once before Dark Souls released on this board that didn't exist before Dark Souls released?
Headcanon, the game is FS experimenting with the Turn Based formula, something they did better in the Gamecube card game.
You’re saying that’s your headcanon?
If so, I see what you mean, it really clicked when fighting the second castle boss, I kind of flailed and spammed potions through the claw lady.
Not everything connected is dark souls. Even in Bloodborne they were figuring out what they wanted, which shows that they started from scratch when they made Demon's Souls. The only thing they draw from their games is King's Field and that's a lot of it. You could argue that Sekiro has Tenchu influence, a series that FS owns and has already developed games for.
Forever Kingdom is better than Evergrace
>neverthless AC and other mecha slop were always the worst slop Fromsofrware made back then
Wrong. Plus you're gay.
Yeah but there’s clearly a dialectical progression in From’s fantasy rpg catalogue and EG is part of it. For example, 3D camera with decent controls.
Pearls of shit, maybe. The soundtrack is very poorly composed.
heres your (you), nigger
>Muh sales!!! if x game sells more than y game then that proves it's the better game!!!
fuck off back to /v/eddit
Forever Kingdom is the proof most Evergrace ''fans'' are posers
they don't know it exists and even worse they don't know it's Evergrace 2
all these poser cocksuckers know about the first Evergrace is the ''haha silly music''
i bet even OP the faggot is no aware of Forever Kingdom existence
This one >>11259813
is the only FromSoft "hidden gem" left. I'm surprised it still hasn't been translated.
This game could work if they brought it back and made it into into a platinum games hack n slash style game.

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