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Previous Thread >>11279386

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r (embed) (embed)
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Powkiddy/Retroid official websites

>Best Brands
Retroid (Well built, powerful, but $100-200 range), Anbernic (Balanced price, power and build quality, avoid the RG Nano), Powkiddy (Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes), Miyoo (One hit wonder), TrimUI: (Good build quality, shitty software, good price).

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 300$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX is 8, 16, and 32-bit eras, PSX with extras, Dreamcast and N64, PSP and DS, PS2 and GC/Wii capable)

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.
Also I just noticed they added PS3 to the Google Spreadsheet even though literally no device can emulate PS3, unless you include fucking streaming to the device like the Vita/PSP can (which you shouldn't. The PS5's PlayStation Portal isn't a fucking portable PS5 for example, streaming a game to a device doesn't count).
I mean, fuck, even the top PC can't properly emulate PS3 and any titles that CAN be emulated at all are a case-by-case individual effort.
i will never buy vertislop buy transparent pink is kino (no homo)
The spreadsheet is awful. If I ever have to make the thread I just remove it.
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UMPCs do PS3, not every game is the hard to run movieshit.
Based PS3.
Anyone emulating OG XBOX?
not atm but it might be time to replay panzer dragoon orta on my 'eck.
It's nice except for the whole grading system they have going for each console's capabilities of running on each handheld, which is purely up to interpretation on what "runs" means.
How's it run
I don't know, I only ever played it on my 360 back in the day.
Reddit claims it runs at 60 but dips when a lot of stuff happens on screen.
I like how comprehensive it is for things like dimensions, available ports, etc. I used it a while ago to find screens identical to my ZPG A1 back when it was new and there weren't any specific protectors yet.
which was a bad idea, as the RGB30 ones I got, while the exact same size, had corners slightly more pointed than the A1's bezel would allow. I attempted filing the corners off one, which caused it to split straight down the middle within seconds.
I do agree that the "performance" metrics are dubious and extremely subjective.
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Let me guess: still not enough. You still need more.
Well people say these things can run switch and all it can do is run 2D games. So even if it's just a crossword puzzle on ps3, it still counts.
Just finished my first game on my rp2s bros. Finally got to play MGS, I grew up with Nintendo. What should I play next?
all metal slugs (even the neo pocket ones)
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im just gonna say it, this thing is the best chink vertislop handheld on the market right now, my miyoo mini plus is gonna collect dust from now on. who knew stealing an iconic handheld design would be so good, they should just do more of that from now on
the winner of the special olympics is still a retard.
What shaders do you use on android lads.
>buy ODroid Go Ultra
>never come on /hhg/ again, just play games
It just werks.
this. it's a fire waiting to happen, no usb c pd, colors all suck. ambernic sucks and everyone praises them. idk why
Anbernic's better than Miyoo, but most companies are better than both.
>colors all suck
They're literally all based off actual GBA SP colours and RSE cartridge colours, just the blue and black ones being transparent. Likely to better stand out from the Powkiddy V90.
Update on the Miyoo Flip?
Hello, cancelled. The A30 not selling fucked the whole company.
I use rgb shader on bsnes and a scanline filter on top. Some fag here will say I'm doing it wrong but lookin' good to me.
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yeah it's fucking great, no perfect of course but still great, clamshell proves yet once again to be the best form factor

depends on the system
They have blunders, but their releases are consistent for the most part.

I legit can't tell. Lowering the price of the a30 was a smart move, but I think they're still having problems with the hinge since they didn't copy the sp's hinge at first like powkiddy and anbernic did, so they pretty much spent months refining it. I imagine software is also an issue as miyoo hasn't worked on a rockchip device since the rk2020.
the fact that the membranes sudoku themselves and it's inevitable is sad, they should've fixed that with the v4 boards

i enjoyed opening up my miyoo mini and rp4p for customization purposes, but the idea of opening the sp for mandatory damage preventation by doin these stupid tape mods is preventing me from wanting one and waiting for the inevitable plus version
Knowing max zhou, he'd probably make the the plus a widescreen clamshell instead. He's that type of guy.
i saw this as a push notification and was totally expecting it to read "knowing max zhou, he'd probably not even fix it on the plus and make it worse like he did the rg35xx refresh versus the plus"

and i was fully ready to agree
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Tell me you didn't spend more than $40 for this junk.
>the idea of opening the sp for mandatory damage preventation by doin these stupid tape mods is preventing me from wanting one and waiting for the inevitable plus version
I honestly don't believe there is going to be a plus version of this model, you would be better up waiting for the RP Flip 2 or something like that
you have push notifications for a /vr/ 4chan thread?
did you just admit to being paid to be here?
you don't use 4chanX? lol
it's been one of their best selling devices ever and became its own pillar within their h700slop net, if the rg35xx got two revisions why not the sp

also that manlet chris from retroid said they werent doing clamshells anymore so i cant tell if youre saying that ironically or not, a plus variant of the sp is infinitely more likely kek
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Agreed, out of my dozens of handhelds 'eck, ''nig sp and 'nig 351mp are pretty much the only ones I used.
The SP takes a lot of work though to be usable though.
Out of all my handhelds and input devices it has probably taken the most time to perfect, and you need to put a lot of autism into it
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This thing is kinda neat for the price thoughbeit, especially the famicom color
Lots of slowdown. It's one of the few OG Xbox games I've tried that still doesn't run great even at 1x resolution.
I just want a oled gameboy without it costing analogue pocket money. Is that too much to ask?
Buy a junk GBC and get the AMOLED GBC screen then retard.
I want to emulate, newfag.
kill yourself
I caved and bought a miyoo mini v4
gpsp or mgba
You literally can emulate PS3 games on the steam deck and equivalent x86 handhelds and you've been able to for a while.
Not streaming, through RPCS3.
It's not 2016 anymore grandpa. It's not *that* hard to run.
>b-b-b-b-but it's not perfect
So? Shit runs, and in particular most of the games people care about run, so why would you not mark it down on your comparison?
The RG35XX got two revisions to shift to h700slop. Even then one of them was a more cut down version.

I wouldn't expect the SP to get a major revision until they can throw a new chip in it, which might be a while and probably would be pointless for a dpad only system
"shit runs"
>spreadsheet just gives anything and everything either a straight up "A" or "F" for PS3 emulation
So if it turns on, it gets an "A"? Fuck you. You know damn fucking well when someone wants to play a game, they AT LEAST want it running how it did on original hardware. Something sputtering two frames a second is NOT acceptable, retard.
gpsp has much faster fast forward which is all I care about.
you're absolutely right and making me realize this has crushed my hopes for a major revision
come back to let us know which screen you got in the v4 lottery, some appear to be coming with 640x480 again kek
RG40XX SP with two analog sticks
Released before the Miyoo Flip
Hopefully by the end of next year we get an sp that can do Saturn, DC and n64
We've been capped at ps1 in the sub $100 segment for way too long
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Pokemon on chinkhelds or pc?
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Is the ayaneo pocket s as bad as Russ says?
I am looking for something powerful, android based, and sized in between the RP4 and the Odin 2.
> " b-but just get the RP4Pro !!! "
I had it and it was one of the most uncomfortable devices to hold I've ever owned.
> " b-but get the Odin 2 or the 2 mini !!! "
I had the Odin 2 and it's a bit too big to carry around, while the 2 mini is basically the same size of the RP4, just different shape.
Chinkhelds or 3ds
Ick on eck or joiplay

If the 4pro was uncomfortable, I don’t see how the pocket s would be better
>Has ps3
>Doesn't have vita
Any chinkhelds with touchscreens? I want something that can play DS games properly
Consult the spreadsheet in the OP
We literally just deboonk'd the spreadsheet and its lies
...for the ps3
I don't remember him ever saying it was bad tbqh, just that he prefers the Odin 2. Tbdesu the Pocket S seems to be exactly what it looks like, so if you like that then I'd say go for it. But also what >>11291167 said about comfort.
Order an RP5 then
I think the Pocket S is basically on par with the RP4 Pro in terms of comfort, given that Ayaneo released a grip for it. They didn't do that for the Pocket Air or the upcoming Pocket EVO.
Does the RP4 grip actually matter? for reference I can hold a vita/psp fine.
I got one just in case it wasn't nice to hold, and it will also make it feel more like a controller when I plug it into the monitor.
I had an RP3+ and it was uncomfortable to play long sessions. It's probably worse for people with bigger hands.
only if you charge it with a chinesium TURBOFASTCHARGE200W-HOUSEFIRE phone charger
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>$500 for the cheapest specs
Vita and PSP are comfy because their oval shape. RP3+ wasn't THAT uncomfortable imo, but yeah. Not comfy.
Has anyone managed to get visual novels like AIR, Kanon, Clannad, etc working through PortMaster? I don't know what exactly to put into the folders to get them to work.
Wait, there are nip VNs that work through PortMaster? Actually is there a complete list of everything available for PM? Last time I looked through a list it was all westoid slop.
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>TFW waiting for Portmaster to get an update that allows it to play more recent versions of open GL as well as Vulkan someday.
Here's the list of games, you can filter by genre: https://portmaster.games/games.html
just watch a lets play at that point
when i get pager'd ill let you know
mGBA is more accurate, but gbSP has gotten pretty good through its RetroArch version.
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So the best clamshell portable is the one that explodes if you don't modify it? Sad state for clamshell enthusiasts. Or am I missing something?
They explode because USB-C charging is wired wrong and it mistakes some chargers as devices to feed energy to. The layout is no different from verticals, not even the distance from the battery or heat produced by the chip. The real problem is the buttons puncturing holes in the membrane and the domes, until they put out a revision that solves that it's not worth it.
You’re missing friends and people who care about you.
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All my friends are here.
Yeah I was just reading about how the buttons are apparently made for finger exercises. Too bad. Seems like no one makes a good clamshell device.
So if these chinkhelds basically all run Android now, can I run Android games on them like Roblox with controller inputs?
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>All my friends are here.
Yeah pretty much, as long as it has a strong enough chipset for it.
They're marketed to play retro games but at some point they will likely pivot to them being portable gacha devices
yeah, i dont have one that uses android but i was thinking about getting one just to play ZZZ
The Chinese already market them as that.
I got a gacha figurine with my latest chinkheld order because it was cute
I haven't even ever played an Impact
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Keep in mind these were all $1.99 choice shit
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Third item was $4.99 not $1.99 but whatevs, the way these have been pushed by the one guy for two years here I might as well try one for $5

Chinks marketed androidhelds for android games since the jxd days. Hell, the gpd xp controller sceme was made for mobile moba's.
So I have 2 game gears that I got at thrift stores as a kid, and I haven't done anything with them in like 15 years. I should probably just have the caps replaced (by someone else because I can't solder) without even attempting to turn them on right?

I probably left batteries in one of them
Chinkhelds and Plushies are the main things I buy from AliExpress. Haven't had a problem with those two types yet.
Gpsp has wireless adapter if that matters
performance wise, which one is better, v10 or the rg28xx?
Is this a joke?
Okay, which one of you made this?

You can carefully slide the screen around a little bit. If it's like mine then it's not actually glued into the frame but just sits in the little cavity instead. It should make it a little harder to break if dropped I suppose...
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Handheld bros, what SD cards are you using? I've been using a SanDisk Gold 512gb in my Steam Deck, but it's slowed to snail's pace (I've checked - it's definitely the card not the deck, though there are some known issues with Steam Deck slowdown). Wondering if there's a generally reliable brand, or of it's just a case of using it until it craps out.
Looks like the stock SD card of my RG35xx plus is shitting out.
Retroarch crash whenever I start it now with the "deeplay-keys 1/1 not configured" error. No apparent cause since I hadn't been messing with RA settings.
And yeah I tried resetting RA settings from the OS menu.
Seems like the games on that card still work if you launch from standalone emulators, but not RA.
I had my games and save data on an external card though because I expected this.

For people curious how long it takes their shitty cards to crap out, I got it back in January and used it fairly often.
Enough to play through Digimon World, Link's Awakening, FF7, THPS1, KH Chain of Memories, and maybe 45 hours in Pokemon Prism (not sure if fast forward affects the in game timer).
Same shit. Software is a lot better on the V10 however.
>glass front
>d-pad wrong
starting to really hate these
It's just something that happens to all SD cards eventually, even from reliable brands. SanDisk has a pretty good reputation.
Maybe you got unlucky, or maybe the stuff you used it for was pushing it to its limits, maybe a bit of both.
Also I think dirt/dust/humidity can speed up the decline, which is more likely in portable usecases. Although I assume if the device is water resistant that would be less of an issue.
What are the supposed advantages and disadvantages of a glass front? I'm pretty sure my phone has one and I like it but that doesn't have any buttons.
it cracks and ends up quarter price on ebay for me to buy
So it is less durable but looks pretty before you drop it?
They're basically $70 more than odin 2 pro or max for a oled and an extra inch screen ?
Don’t listen to that retard. Glass screens are more scratch resistant than the cheaper plastic screens. They just aren’t as shatter resistant.
I had a corel bowl explode on me, it was FUCKED. Wouldn't want the same thing to happen directly in my face. Always preferred plastic screens over glass ones on phones, never had a problem with a screen cracking before glass ones.
The screens were already glass. This is just introducing a massive point of failure that also scratches buttons and doubles as an excuse for a price hike despite being inexpensive.
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[Sad news] Resident fire hazard peddler may get his wish, R36S Pro listing found on Amazon, 4" 1:1 screen, RK3326.
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Plastic is bad because it will scratch easily. Glass is also bad because it will scratch easily and shatter at worst. Phones use gorilla glass which has good scratch resistance and durability, something that is not in the budget of any chinkheld.
Why are you black?
Since this place is biased and didn't post any advantages, the positive is that it allows for bezeless displays (lol RPMini)
What's the best firmware for the RG35XX plus these days?
I just got a new micro SD since the stock card failed.
I don't care about ricing it out or anything.
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mini buyers are beta testers. They'll have it fixed for the rp5.
muOS if you don't need bluetooth, Knulli if you do.

I believe the kids call this copium.
More like both are beta testers for the RP5 Pro.
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This part made me kek. Why are his pants pockets so fucking small?
small pants for a small man.
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As beautiful as that screen is, the size is just a deal breaker for me. At this point, the only games I'd want to play on a screen that size or smaller is Game Gear and NGPC.
its something that will happen to all ds and switch cards too though cant find any real info on how long they have
you can get sd cards with 10 year warrantees (will pay out the pee hole for them) but they exist
20 year lifespan for a switch game? we will see
How many years until these devices can handle PS2 games with no problem?
however long it takes for windows to handle ps2 with no problem and for windows/linux x86 handhelds to have a weight reduction of 50% + a price reduction of 75%
based invidious enjoyer
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Based invidious noticer.
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having lots of fun with my miyoo mini +
Read/write cycles fuck up solid-state memory something fierce. SSDs have trim and wear spreading, but I'm not sure whether similar algos exist for microSDs.
Retroid Pocket Mini would have been 100% my ultimate go-to chinkheld but the glass rapes the entire fucking thing more than how small the screen overall looks. Gonna just get a RP4Pro instead. Fucking embarrassing enough with the LCD analog sticks but the glass is just too fucking much, they're just trying to fancy things up to inflate the price and it makes the whole unit just over-priced garbage as a result.
How is it overpriced?
What's a cheaper handheld with a non-chink shit SoC with the same power?
Pretty good chart.
Ooooooof >>11294471
But before this chart was posted, I was gonna say; Retroid's own RP4/RP4Pro.
Those switch ratings make no sense.
>SD G3x shit
>2S Saturn just one tier above a fucking h700 stuck running Linux
The chart doesn't list any cheaper more powerful handheld.
It does better than the RP4 Pro in anything that needs power, and only gets worse grades where the 4:3 screen hurts (except the Wii, which as far as I know both supports native 4:3 and 16:9, maybe the emulator isn't that up correctly?).
Wait, what the fuck did pigmy mean by that? Wii was primarily 4:3.
>The chart doesn't list any cheaper more powerful handheld.
Literally every single handheld listed except the RP5 is cheaper, you stupid asswart.
Now tell us how many systems past gen-6 that use a 4:3 resolution, retard.
First, off that's wrong. You forgot the Ayaneo Micro.
Second, it also does better in every 4:3 console that needs a lot of power, i.e. Saturn, N64, DC, GC, and PS2 (maybe Arcade if he played newer titles with it) than the cheaper ones.
not retro
don't care
If I have an S24ultra is it even worth getting on of these? Compared to just getting a snap on con trolelr attachment?
snap on controls suck. see: the shitendo BITCH (non-lite)
The only decent way to play emulators on phones is with an actual controller + a clip, and that completely ruins the portability and makes you wish you were playing on an actual PC or console instead. Attachments are just trash
Why aren't you already doing that? I'll tell you why, because it's a retarded concept and you know it. It shouldn't even be a consideration if you don't have a spare to consolize permanently (and good luck with thermal throttling if you're gunning for high end).
>actual controller + a clip
Nah that way is even worse. Have you ever actually tried it? the weight distribution is absolutely fucked and the controls somehow feel even less connected.
dude what are you sperging about, I have an almost 20 hour flight this month and was just seeing if it was possible. I'm not a shill against retroid or anything. I just saw that most devices that could run switch games are already running some type of snapdragon chip
Do it. Buy the rattly plastic and put it on and remove it every time you want to play.
Look up snap on controllers for your phone model, read the reviews to see if its utter trash, and accept that the buttons are probably shit + it'll make the phone unwieldy.
t. person who has tried clip controls
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We phone emulators DEMAND to be taken SERIOUSLY.
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The fact that this thing will take better advantage of verticality then literal vertical slabs should be a fucking embarrassment to phoneposters.
How hot does that shit get while emulating ps2 and beyond?
I do hope they improve their d-pad design, or their failure will be disastrous for gimmick formats going forward.
What phone is that?
why GBA games looks so fucking dogshit on the n3ds? , NES, GB/C and SNES games looks fine but the GBA ones have ghosting issues aside from being very dim overall
Are you running unpatched VC? It had countermeasures for burn-in with stuff like F-Zero's flashing map, that might be it.
>Are you running unpatched VC?
probably yes since I don't even know what it is or how to do it
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Ipega unrionically pretty kino
Yeah, any modern VC builder should disable those, but you might want to hook directly into that mode with whatsitcalled AGB Firm something. You just launch games, no packing them.
That wasn’t for burn in you retard. It’s an anti-epilepsy feature.
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The image dimming is for epileptics (fuck these bastards ruining all my media btw). The ghosting is specifically to prevent image retention.

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how many handhelds are really necessary? I sold my miyoo mini+ for being too small and went for a RG35XXSP instead and I'm regretting it.... My hands hurt a lot more than before...I'm thinking of selling it for an RGB30 or something horizontal.
The RGB30 needs extensive work to be good, unless you're willing to do that I'd say stay away. RP2S is just about perfect, but some people can't deal with bricks.

As for what I don't own: Arc seems very comfortable, but it's a little pricey and is kinda fucked software wise.
SNES kids can't shut up about the 353PS.
CubeXX might have not been just Zhou taking the piss, in which case it might be okay, who knows. Certainly skip the launch batch though.
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i experience the opposite where the SP fills my hand much better compared to my miyoo mini+
because god loves me more than he loves you
the 3ds has native support for GBA but its forced to do bilinear filtering I think. The games will feel blurry because of that
Then why did he burn you in the oven?
I used nsui to rebuild the games and those issues are gone now
Still strongly recommend OpenAGBFirm, but glad you got it.
I have an Anbernic RG353PS and a RP3+. Any reason for me to get a 2S? How is Gamecube on it? Prime 2 runs like shit on the 3+ no matter what I do to it.
No, it's slower than the 3+.
Ah, a philosopher..
Does it still only have one SD card slot?
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He's a manlet? Wtf
>The KFC stains on the sheet..
So last and final form factor is DS then, right?
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Nah, scroll..
is there another compact handheld around the size/form factor of the xperia play this is actually my handheld for travelling now but im afraid of when it might start failing with the hinge, i really dont need more than early handhelds or ps1
>Same form factor
Not really. There are plenty of horizontal handhelds though
Yeah, pick your poison between Retroid, Trimui and Anbernic
>Early handhelds or PS1
Yep, see above. Just check how much are you willing to pay and the type of screen you like the best
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>no chinkhelds trying to mimic the Xperia Play/PSP GO form factor
Come on, we already had an SP and a Vita. Let's get some slider love going.
Sliders are actually easier to design than clamshells and last significantly longer due to the less wear and tearing.
Depends how much shit is in the slider/top half of the clam shell. If it's only the screen, that's little cabling that needs to be fed through. If there's shit like speakers and controls on top like with the DS/3DS, it can be a nightmare not bending shit in the hinge. I've had many slider and clamshell devices, but never an Xperia/PSP Go.

Thanks for this - looks like it may be a case of backing up and starting again.

Am I right in thinking that it would likely wear the thing down less to do a single upload of a large amount of files, rather than piece by piece, or is it not that exact a science?

May try reformatting and see if that helps.

I may try giving it a brief clean with a cotton bud and rubbing alcohol, and a l reformat and see if it helps, but it sounds otherwise like it may be a case of just giving up and getting a new one.
I ordered a trimui with 128 gb for $33 off aliexpress. my first chinese handheld and it was half off. hope I can enjoy my atari and arcade games in the comfort of my sofa
Are they using good cards now? Great price btw, you won't get anything better for $33.
why are these so cheap now? 74% off on aliexpress
Might be because of the Brick, but it doesn't really make sense, since the TSP and the Brick have different use cases.
how did you get it for 33$?? I only see it for 44
I decided to try MOD4, a modified version of the stock firmware on rg25xx+, but for some reason it seems like my R2 isn't working no matter what I map it to in retroarch. Any idea what could be causing this?
What vertical handhelds have Bluetooth audio?
I have an RG351v and Ive been happy with it for a couple years, but I would really like to connect it to my Bluetooth headset while I'm working.

I picked the 351v because it was larger, Id prefer that size over the ultra small compact ones.
yeah it was a random flash sale. other items I saw were half off too, but I only pulled the trigger on the trimui. I came back after ordering it to consider the rest and everything went back to regular price. I think the prices will start to drop more often, thats usually an indicator of that.
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At this point, isn't RP5 better?
Very small, anyway
I'm seriously thinking about buying a MM+ again and get one of those horrible 3D printed grips. My problem with the XX35SP is that I still have to do a crab grip with my hands....I really don't have big hands so I don't understand why it still bothers me... maybe an XX40V? seems big enough.
Also, the Menu+R2 still works, just not the regular R2.
I think it was a welcome deal
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Yeah, but it's also an extra $120-140 and has some caveats like >>11294254.

Sounds like a bug, but flash another card with a different OS to make sure it's not the button. I'd rather not use mod stock especially on 28xx because that leaves the screen rotated which can be a pain.

I think all new verticals beside the extreme poverty stuff like R36S and 35xx 2024 have bluetooth (and wifi) at this point. No idea on latency.
oh. shit, maybe
>but flash another card with a different OS to make sure it's not the button
Yeah, I have MuOS on another card and the button still works. Also in the main menu the button makes a sound effect like the other shoulder buttons. Also it works in the standalone emulators, just not Retroarch.
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Almost every single case is from the user screwing the screws too tight. Especially that RG35XX with the split between the d-pad and start button.
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Look, if you're gonna bring their garbage here can you at least post the full fucking picture.
I’ve always somehow regretted selling a console so I don’t do it anymore.
What game
thx ordered 3
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My dream is to play PSO from GC at 60fps on these machines.

The dreamcast version always has a bug at the start that prevents me from advancing in Redream, Just when you meet the Android girl the screen goes black
Tried skipping ahead on Flycast? Or is the android girl always causing that?
I don't think it is
in fact, I can still find a white tsp with no card for 50 euros while all the other ones are 70
I'm happy with my RG despite it having frozen on me a couple of times, and don't really need anything else.

However I saw the RGC review of the retroid mini and for 200 shingles, running PS2 and GCN is a tempting deal.
I just don’t see the appeal of playing PSO without any friends.
I've been looking at RG405V for almost a year or so and still didn't bite the bullet. Are two sticks worth it? Can it really run PS2/DC games at normal speed?
Or it's better to get something less powerful just for PS1 and everything before it?
I just watched a video of a dude playing gta sa at like 10 fps saying it was playable. So ymmv.
rg nano plays ps1
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Just got my trimui smart pro! Some questions though.

What's the deal with its software? Mine just has "favorite, recent, and best" best being some goofy ahh collections. Seems to be running retroarch under the hood and idk how to set the time or network.

What's the deal with the joysticks? They're way too deep down and are kinda uncomfortable to use. Great dpad though.

And lastly, what does the "host" entrance at the top do? What does "fn" switch do? What about the slot near the charging entrance?
PS2 and PS1 are a right next to each other when it comes to emulation difficulty; PS1 is barely harder to emulate than a 4th gen console whereas PS2 is extremely difficult, certainly moreso than anything else 6th gen.

DC is closer to PS1 difficulty than PS2.
Found more stuff on the software menus. Though how do I install more games? I wanna play peace walker on it
Why not get the 406V at this point? Especially if you're worried about performance.
It's barely like $20 more.
First thing I recommend is getting Crossmix. Custom software that optimizes and adds some QoL to the TSP. Also, never used the USD transfer for files. It has a bug where it does not unmount the SD card and corrupts it on stock or anything else.
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Remember to use protection anon
retroarch settings are not saving. how fix?
Look it up yourself you lazy obnoxious retard.
seethe, sneed, dilate, etc
>Tranny tranny tranny! Tell me how to play video games on my baby chink toy.
baby chink toy website
Convince me not to buy an orange RG28XX from Anbernigger's website for $30 before their sale ends for no reason other than it looking neat.
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You'll have to buy black buttons to make it look best. Also, think it's slightly cheaper with coupons on aliexpress, anbernic's own store.
host usb is for plugging in peripherals like controllers or a keyboard. unfortunately, it does not have display out

the default setup uses per-core settings overrides. you can either delete the overrides or save over them manually.
Linux > Android because Portmaster > the entire native android games library (which is playable on chinkhelds anyway).
It's only $29.99 if shipping to the UK, otherwise it's $39.99 +$20 shipping so it's actually like $60 USD.
>Portmaster > the entire native android games library (which is playable on chinkhelds anyway).
You wish. I wish.

Not gonna lie, tempted to do it myself and got the buttons to spare, but can't justify it.
Portmaster has potential, but it's not there yet, especially if you have a 64-bit only device like the TrimUi Smart Pro.
I'm still trying to get Spelunky to work on my R36S.
>time or network.
Settings. Also, use crossmix or the chink sdbase with fixed settings. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d74-ZxwZ2c05_NoLJpQBb0UjepWxTFBd/view?usp=drivesdk
Calibrate them, but they're extremely shit regardless.
Portmaster's library compared to the ports on android sucks dick even if you purposely dont count android ports not on the playstore. I remember pm literally had like 10 vn releases in a row months ago.
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why are consoomers like this?
>Portmaster has potential, but it's not there yet, especially if you have a 64-bit only device like the TrimUi Smart Pro.
I want to love Portmaster but the amount of flavor of the month ports done with help from ChatGPT that only work on [Current Popular Device] kills my enthusiasm.
Well, get down there and help. They're always asking for volunteers.
Do you really think ChatGPT is useful in any way for porting games?
I could, but I would need more Chinkhelds for testing purposes.
>Do you really think ChatGPT is useful in any way for porting games?
There is at least one, possibly two people who swear by ChatGPT and run their code/questions/life through it in the discord.
How do I take out the SD card from the trimui smart pro?
Thanks for the Discord report, why don’t you head back there?
I have been on 4chan since before Discord was an errant thought in a groomers head. Sadly more and more groups/forums are moving over to Discord. The days of traditional forums are in their twilight.
Figured it out
Wtf I accidentally assigned circle to nothing on ppsspp on my chinkheld and now I can't even go to settings to change it back.
Owned. Idiot. Fucking idiot.
There should be an ini or whatwver file you can delete to reset
What's stopping the hinges being separate from the cables? The wires could be loose in between the hinges. The hinges could be allowed to work on the outside without compromises to ether design.
Oh ya man, the cables being completely exposed doesn't compromise the design at ALL!
Which Android ports?
They would have their own casing, obviously.
Ah yes. A casing to cover the wires connecting two rotating segments. We can call it, a hinge.
No, it's just a flexible corrugated pipe. Are you Chinese?
RG40XXSP when?
Larger clamshells are pointless and bad so hopefully never.
Oh cool it's opposite day.
Are you Gen Z? You people keep needlessly re-inventing things and it's exhausting.
I'm older than you, yet you seem set in your ways. Take some time and self reflect.
>I'm older than you
You're definitely a kid, or arrested development adult. It's so impotently adolescent to knee-jerk think age is some automatic authority/seniority and imagine your number is bigger than their number to feel bigger than them. Fuck off, kiddo.
Someone asked if you were a zoomer and you gave the most zoomer response imaginable
A hinge is the part which actually facilitates the mechanical rotating connection.
You can have wires in the hinge or not in the hinge, but putting a cover over a wire channel doesn't magically make it a hinge.
This is the most embarrassing fucking post I've read here in a while too.
After the 720p version of of the RG405M comes out
is the RG505 any good for $115? want it for PSP, PS1 and maybe PS2
This guy says no.
yeah it was a welcome deal for me and the shop seemed a little dodgy
this little thing looks so good, if I didn't have a miyoo mini I'd get this
>N3DS XL is still the best handheld for retro 8/16bit and DS games
I agree. I dont really mind the small screen, but I hate devices with glossy plastic and that glass is even worse.
Is this a real thing?
>74% off on aliexpress
Everything is always 74% off on aliexpress. Nothing ever sells for the list price, it's a random bullshit made up number that's wildly expensive like 90% of the time.

Not that aliexpress doesn't regularly have good deals but you gotta just compare the final number.
Welcome deals are real and can be pretty good in certain site-wide sales.
idk what the meta is around gaming them though
This is honestly my favorite looking chinkheld for some reason but think itd be too small for me
What's 'this'?
God damnit lol i always delete the tag on accident because its a habit from making new comments. I meant this >>11294662
I was considering the rg35xxh for vertical shooters but dont see anything about it and am not sure how comfortable itd be
I wish I could get one but unfortunately no one sells them in my east euro country.
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It's one of MagicX's infinite pitches, though this one seems further along. 3:2, Android. Take this date with a grain of salt, the chip already changed to P65 too (roughly RP2S perf).
Portmaster would vastly benefit from two things in particular: a dedicated input mapper, and quicker turnaround for fixes.
Many games have bad or straight-up nonfunctional control schemes, and manually remapping them isn't quite straightforward. For instance, I can't even move past the intro screen in Blake Stone, since the "Enter" button isn't mapped to anything.
And fixes take ages to get implemented. People mention them on Discord, maybe enter a pull request in the PM git, but then nothing happens. VCMI crashed at launch on TSP, people discussed it, somebody logged a ticket, but last I checked it was still not updated.
New SP buttons spotted in the wild, if you're in the market for one wait a few months and then order directly from the fuckers for better odds of new stock.

That's right, they just released new colors and shipped them with the old membrane and dome piercing buttons.
Those analog sticks are completely unusable in that position.
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406p patent dated from April 2024, Zhou claims "smokescreen bomb, not 406h".
Why do none of these devices have USB file transfer?
It'd be so much easier than having to SFTP shit onto them or god forbid carrying a MicroUSB back and forth.
I don't see how that's easier. On wifi-less devices, sure, but everything else?
I'm sitting at my desk right now and want to transfer a game to my chinkheld.
I can fuck around trying to connect to a random IP via SFTP, or I could plug in one of my computer's many USB-C cables. In what world is the latter not easier?

Fuck man I'm running my device set to a static IP on my home network's DHCP and a non-shit file browser with a network folder for the thing and it still manages to be a pain in the ass half the time. And god forbid I ever shut down the wifi on my chinkheld because I don't like carrying a device with an open root login around on me.
My router assigns hostname urls, pretty handy. But yeah, just open the bookmark, drag the stuff over to the FTP client, poof, done. No messing with cables, no stressing poorly soldered ports. No one's gonna sniff your $40 ARM toy anyway.
The RG Arc does with android. I'm assuming it works on anything with android
I need something that goes up to PS/N64 that's under $60 so currently eyeing the RG35XX H. Should I save up for an android based device like the retroid 2S instead? Moonlight would be nice.
>retro 8/16bit
>DS games
only that one
I've been eyeing the Ayaneo Slide and the Pocket S for a few days, but in the end I think I'll go for picrel. I can't stand windows on gaming hendhelds (the slide's design is extremely cool though) and the pocket s is too exprìensive and overheats.
I love Ayaneo's design choices but I think I'm becoming an AYN shill, they're the perfect middle ground between Retroid and Ayaneo.
Moonlight can run through portmaster iirc? But really game streaming to a device with a 3.5 inch, 480p screen (which both those devices have) is kind of questionable.
In any case I've had no problems with PS1 on an RG35XX Plus but I haven't tried much N64 since I don't have an analogue stick on that. I've heard it mostly works though.
I don't see what's hard about writing the devices IP into notepad and copying it into filezilla or whatever

Yeah, the first time takes 30 second longer than plugging in a cable, but then you save the connection and it's faster from then on
I hate analog sticks on devices that can't run PS2/GC

Makes no fucking sense including them just to play ape escape (Or worse, Dreamcast at half resolution and frameskip)
That's only true if you get the twilight menu patch that fixes the screen scaling to be sharper and less blurry, otherwise a DSi XL is still the best way to play DS games
Ayaneo's stuff looks interesting until you get to the price tag.
>goofy ahh collections
Your generation sucks so fucking hard
I hate how yellow the one on the left is. Is it trying to capture a Game Boy? Well, the Game Boy isn't yellow, many got yellow over time, it's not that it was meant to be that color, this is a terrible look, the MM+ did it way better too.

Miyoo was just a one hit wonder.
Looks like cum stains
All the RGB30 needs is one of the new OSs and it's great, only downside is the plastic feels cheap
H doesn't do N64 well at all.

There's a case for ports, though this thing is horribly misguided.
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Only a week using my TSP but im loving it along with crossmix, touch screen and better PSP emulation would make a 10/10 console but i cant ask much for that price
How do I run non-retro games like sonic mania and shovel knight on trimui smart pro? I've seen sonic mania work.
>And fixes take ages to get implemented. People mention them on Discord, maybe enter a pull request in the PM git, but then nothing happens. VCMI crashed at launch on TSP, people discussed it, somebody logged a ticket, but last I checked it was still not updated.
Fucking this. I hate how the TSP was hyped up with (beta) support but actually getting people to try to fix the ports that show as "working" is like pulling teeth. Portmaster shows it is a hobby project because it feels like ADD/ADHD kids porting random new and old games, with millions of "Yeah I tried to port this but got bored/did not feel like finishing it." in the dev section.
It is what it is, they don't get paid for it. Project is not even 2 years old and supporting several devices is painful, so I assume the tsp got the short end of the stick. I'd rather focus on what you can get on this cheap device than what you cannot. I think that two years on most of these problems will face away with whatever dirt-cheap they sell by then.
at that price, you'd be better off with your phone + telescopic controller
i own that ipega telescopic controller. Feels great using it vertically with my tablet for playing ds
Is there a good video on goytube about setting it up?
Just read the instructions on the site, it's not difficult unless you don't know how to use the file manager.
It also doesn’t help that the 505 has hideous bootleg Switch colors.

With the exception of the Pocket Air and Evo, or the now cheap Mendocino PC model, their hardware is good but extremely pricey on launch. You’ll have to wait for about 2 or so years before it finally becomes available at a reasonable price tag on the second hand market.
colors look vomit inducing tbqhwy
cold grey looks ok
The air is silly. 300 for a 6 ram d1200. Evo actually has some value possibly because it is a 7 inch oled that, if you got the early bird, is only about $70 more than the odin 2 pro or max.
lets say i like buttons
not willing to ever play anything on a goyphone/touchscreen
but DO wish to emulate DS and maybe some 3DS games that require touch screen
what are my options?

i used to just use my hacked N3DSXL, but its in a better place now
should i just buy another one of those and hack it again? or is there any chink alternatives worth looking out for?
>but DO wish to emulate DS and maybe some 3DS games that require touch screen
Such as?
Doesn't matter, the QC is so bad you'll probably get a doa device or broken buttons on arrival. The SP was such a massive L for Ambernic. Hopefully miyoo will clean up the mess like they always do.
I love mine too, coming from an RG35XX this is incredibly more comfortable. I also don't want to emulate anything higher than PS so as long as this works I'm set.
Probably twewy or touchonly srpg's like ash.
>first wild grass area in the game

nice try, guy
The RP4 "crack" is literally not a crack.
SOURCE: I checked
Yeah, I just got mine like a week ago, and it's pretty much supplanted my R36S for emulation. It wasn't even a conscious choice, I just found myself gravitating to it more often.
That said, it can't play certain Ports like AM2R and some indies I like, so it hasn't completely replaced my vertical. As well, my A13 is still the most fun device to play games on thus far.
Or just hold start or select when booting a DS game on the N3DSXL. It'll be sharp as a knife and the size is pretty much the same as a DS Lite (I have both and compared myself).
No, the RGB30 has great elements but it isn't great at all. The battery acting up alone makes it terrible, I'm not even using its own d-pad, the buttons rattle hard, the power LED is blinding, the speakers are glued to the backplate and fire both from the left (IIRC) and bounce through the shell, etc. I'd sell it in a heartbeat if the 1:1 alternatives weren't even worse for me.

Let's hit those showers.
Here's stuff I tested that works on portmaster
Both gta's
Quake 3
Half life 1 and expansions
Blossom tails 2
Cave buster
Starjew valley (There are talks of getting smapi working)
Panzer paladin
Sonic mania (libtheora needs to be removed
redneck rampage
Ocean's heart
Jedi academy (The sticks make this ASS)
Dungeon crawl stone soup

Why can't indie devs copy the physics combinations from powder toy and shove it in a fps adventure?
>Dungeon crawl stone soup
DCSS on TSP? I get it to the main menu and it crashes on trying to start a game.
How do I get a glass protection for my chinkheld? I'm deathly afraid of it breaking.
Take the lib files from here and copy them to your lib folder in system on the sdcard. I warn you, the screen looks quite fucking small
It's odd seeing what works without issue and what doesn't. As well, some of the stuff that should work just fine has some weird quirks that need to be manually dealt with, like the other Sonic ports having a gptk file in them that overrides that controls in the settings file, or Sonic Mania's resolution being set to 320 for reasons unknown.

But I guess you can't expect community driven solutions like this to not require some elbow grease...
>Sonic Mania's resolution being set to 320 for reasons unknown.
That's the native resolution, it scales.
which chinkheld? It should have come with one
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Just found this in the wild without any cartridges, but it claims to have 999600 NES games installed.
This thing is absolute shit, the GameBoy Pocket Famiclones are eay better.
Thank you, bro. You made my night.
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Anyway I can get one of those wrist straps on the tsp?
>Also, think it's slightly cheaper with coupons on aliexpress, anbernic's own store.
i got the grey one for $31 shipped with a coupon and coins, i may try something like pic related
is has holes for that
unironically thinking of getting this. how is it really? it's either this or the sp.
>this. how is it really? it's either this or the sp.
It has the same chip so they will perform the same , both will fit on your pocket just fine but one is significantly smaller than the other
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>tfw lost 2 times my progress on redditmoon because I forgot to disable auto load state
>how many handhelds are really necessary?
At least 2:
Something portable and compact, maybe with some retro or nostalgia vibes, like the Miyoo Mini Plus or RG35XX SP
And something comfortable and powerful like the Odin 2 Pro or Steam Deck... hopefully this category gets better and cheaper soon, though, because there is really no perfectly designed top-end handhelds that are affordable.
>should i just buy another one of those and hack it again?
Yes. The DS is such a specialized system that the chinkheld model just doesn't really make sense.
No you fuck off niggerjannie, Multi replying doesn't make you not sound like a hrt'd up troon losing your faggy little mind trying to learn how to be "normal" in polite society. You projection is obvious, and your so insecure that you can't stand not being the centre of attention.
(you) asked if I was a retarded gen z with no experience of things, I gave an answer that you pathetically regarded as a threat. Sad that your failures in life have to be played out here anonymously. You assume we don't know you spam this thread, you might as well be the free advertising for chinkshit and reddit-tier fanboy-ing for whatever. I'm not going to make anymore replies beyond this, YES YOU CAN PRETEND YOU WON THE ARGUEMENT, "kid". But knowing your a grown man just makes this whole diatribe a pointless endeavor. kys. Your parents never loved you.
also one is significantly more likely to break and/or catch fire
Can't be, there's no PSP.
New update for anbernigs

And here's a random rp mini review from a japanese person.
Lol at the janny losing their mind in the handheld thread, you always love to see it. (They'll get kicked off janny privileges soon for acting like a butthurt child)

So anyways, what device should I play while I wait for the hurricane to pass? I've got no work all week thanks to it
Does anyone know why most x86 handheld manufacturers choose not to ship SteamOS-like Linux distributions on their handhelds? Because things like Bazzite or Steamfork just seem to play much nicer on lower end x86 handhelds, it really feels nice and snappier compared to something like Windows 11. Are they just waiting for SteamOS proper to be released from Valve, or is there just legal terms prohibiting them from including these SteamOS distros in their hardware?
Probably requires more work than companies would like to make sure everything is working properly compared to just slapping on a quick Windows 11 installation.
SteamOS has a lot of work behind it. Even piggybacking off the large amounts of open source work Valve's done in that space it's still a lot of effort.
Meanwhile x86 handhelds kind of push out into the more normie field where people actively want Windows because it's what they know how to use and Linux is still scary.

Obviously though windows is hilariously bad fit for any lower power battery x86 device though yes.
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Got me a pic related. Is there a way to listen listen to my own music on the device while gaming? A music player app maybe that can run simultaneous with the emulator? An OS with this kind of feature built in? Thanks anons. My ideal situation is to be able to turn the music off in the game so I can still hear the sound effects, but still listen to my own music.
Got it working! One of my favorite games, thanks Anon!
that's the sort of thing that's technically possible but would realistically require you to be an expert programmer with specific knowledge of the system, or have enough money to hire someone to do it for you.
yeah kinda figured. I wonder if there's some hardware or OS that already has it built in though. Would be awesome. Nothing better than getting stoned and playing some old game with your favorite music. If I could do that on a portable device it would be fucking amazing.
something that emulates gba/ds and marathon castlevania
or something that emulates psp and play dbz ttt
What's the point of these little handhelds when you can just get one of those stretchy phone controllers and play on an OLED screen with way more emulator choice?
There's also cdda, but it needs a swapfile since it eats ram like a fucker. As fun as that sounds, it would probably kill my sd card.
I wonder if a cheap USB pen drive hooked to a C to USB adapter could work? You can buy a box of cheap USB pen drives and just use them for swap instead of the SD card.
Ok motherfuckers I have an r36s and no matter what I do I can't get Atari st to work well enough to play games with multiple disks. Anybody know of another fork of hatari for arkos? I already have hatarib which will open a one disk game but will not work with multiple disks for whatever reason.
Budget: $120
need: android and 4:3 screen, flawless 5th gen capabilities

Wat buy
Retroid Pocket 2S while they're still being made.
Spend the $30 extra and buy an RP2S off amazon.
tyty I will check it out
Wish anbernic would make a vertical handheld with grips like the 406v but not as powerful and no sticks
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My god… it’s beautiful. The portability, the tasteful one-handedness of it. It’s even got 1:1 pixel perfect AR for GBA…
Why are so many people in love with transparent plastic? It looks like shit.
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Nostalgia for me, but I also think it looks cool.

It's a 90s thing. If you bought any toy and it did this, you knew it was more radical than the other toys.
I can understand nostalgia, but I still associate transparent plastic with cheapest and lowest quality products. As in, you knew it'd be a miracle if that shit survived first years of use.
>Why can't indie devs copy the physics combinations from powder toy and shove it in a fps adventure?
Isn't there a roguelike that does that?
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Also got a 28XX, and what the fuck is this? Can anyone confirm whether the screen is supposed to look moldy when starting up?
Actually It may not be that unfeasible. There is a media player, so you only need to create a script to launch on the background (player song.mp3 &). Problem is you won't have a GUI to do it.
You could use something like MPD and then create different launcher entries in RA/EmulationStation to control the MPD daemon.
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Love my rp4 pro. the only handheld I'll ever need. Haven't touched my old ds or psp.
I use it for emulating PS2, PS1, psp, Nds, GBA, SNES, and genesis. (Plus a ton of movies) Only games I can think of that it didn't run well were Sly Cooper and destroy all humans.

My wife is a gamer and a PS2 fan as well so I'm getting her the Odin mini.
AliExpress ?
Why not the rp5
going with the Odin because it's more powerful.
Retroid 5 seems like not much of an upgrade compared to retroid 4 pro
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28 is cool. Shoulder and start and select take some getting used to, 2.8" doesn't work great for all games, rattles without padding, but it's a neat mini thing, good d-pad. Do check size comparisons to see if you'll like it as apparently the button size bothers some, not me. And make sure to order from Anbernic (you can do so on Ali for discounts) for better odds on newer batches.

SP is... well, it's a novelty. It feels premium because it's a copy of real design, it has the different feeling buttons, but ultimately it's still a vertical. It won't blow up or catch fire if you just charge it with an USB-A brick, but the real problem is >>11298716.

They look good, plus Anbernic's solid colors are absolutely garbage save for beige. Your belongings won't crack if you stop throwing them at concrete.

No, return it, early batches are plagued with screen issues.
Anal log will never recover from this.
Clip on controllers are shit and feel terrible to use.
Many cheaper handhelds are price competitive to a decent clip on controller too these days.
>Spend the $30 extra and buy an RP2S off amazon.
RP2S are price dropped, he doesn't need to spend anymore
>but ultimately it's still a vertical
Vertislop IS superior for small 4:3 screens.
It's stuck around for a reason. Having your hands together is a more natural position than wide apart and there's less wasted device space.
>It's stuck around for a reason.
Every competitor botching their handheld during the 90s. Nintendo then promptly abandoned it.

>Having your hands together is a more natural position than wide apart
Manly tears, please.
Favorite games to emulate on your device / what are you currently playing?
San Andreas (PS2)
Ssx Tricky (PS2)

>Currently playing
Medievil, currently on 2 (PS1)

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