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We discuss about our silly portable electronic devices that are intended to play (retro)video games

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>Before you buy
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Back them up, throw them away, buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering. You better have bare basic desktop knowledge on how to unzip files and put them in folders. We are not here to teach you how.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.
Previous Thread: https://boards.4chan.org/vr/thread/11379375#top
The new king has arrived
I didn't even know Anbernig started using new sticks until I watched this earlier. About damn time.
Looking at reviews of the RG406H, I can't help but be reminded of Retro Dodo's breakdown when he received the RG406V. Having to rush out reviews of Anbernic devices because a new device would launch by the time he finished reviewing one, the complete similarity they all had besides a differing form factor, and how he outright mentioned that reviewers are incentivized to launch their videos early because they can get a kickback on each device sold.
Granted the 406V was mostly different, but the 406H really looks like a stretched out Cube. Just without the screen light bleed and with actually decent sticks. If only they had the D-pad on top, then Retroid would be panicking.
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No handholding???! Cheeez man
Just how responsive are all these cheap Android and Linux handhelds? Does a certain OS or features offer clearly lower latency?
Maybe it's because I normally use a very high end monitor and will turn on Nvidia's "Boost+" and overclock my controllers and all that stuff, but even using my Steam Deck it just doesn't feel as responsive as I'd like. It's not so bad as long as I turn off the internal vsync and frame limiter and stuff, but playing certain games or emulation I still definitely notice it. This is while others seriously use the 40hz/fps cap and even claim they don't notice it though. I can't even use those features because it just makes everything feel like shit. I'm worried if I buy one of these chink handhelds that I'm going to wind up with a similar experience, but I never see any reviews talk about latency.
Welp, I bought the legion go I guess. I feel like I should've waited for the 890m but it probably would have been too expensive to justify considering most of my use is going to be streaming from my 4080 7800x3d pc.
If you are the kind of person who notices stuff like that then the Steam Deck and Rog Ally are essentially your only options, and if you're finding the SD bad for that then don't even look at these things in general.
All of these cheapy ones either have bad d-pads, uncomfortable d-pads, sticks that outright do not function properly or act as a glorified d-pad, input lag, no input lag but some other odd quirk with the controls, slow menus, fast menus but poor emulator performance, outdated emulators, Android or Linux quirks that either factor into performance or cause battery life issues, bad ergonomics, spotty performance despite their actual parts, and so on.

They are cheap. The communities make CFW that address things like general emulator performance issues, stick calibration issues, or general UI issues, but they're not miracle workers here. If you can't put up with minor issues, turn on frameskipping to eke out some extra performance, or know where the hard limit of your system is then you're going to have a bad time. There's only so much you can customize RetroArch to fit within the constraints and even then many do not support standalone emulators or simply can't run them to a degree considered "playable" let alone to your specifications.
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This is the best retro handheld for everything below N64 and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
I've got the 40XXV for the form factor and how cool it looks. I also got a TrimUI Smart Pro shipped the same day but I don't see myself using it all that much.
Sorry wrong pic
Meant to post this one, my bad
okay i gamed a lot on a r36s. (beat fft for the first time) and then i upgraded to a TSP. It has better power, controls, quality but i play it so much less than the r36s. What would be a vertical with good control quality? the reason i moved away from the r36s was that i felt it was fucking with my fingers and I draw so I couldnt afford to have sore hands from gaming. I was looking at the SP or the vertical with the analog it looked pretty sweet
Not kept up to date with handhelds for a while, anything worth upgrading my miyoo mini+ to yet? Whats the best horizontal atm?
Buy the hot new RS-97
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I love my Game Boy Light
Gamesaar g8 controller is decent. Not a huge fan of the dpad placement but I don't think they make telescopic controllers that have them in the "proper" upper position
Got a neo geo pocket expecting to do an lcd mod but its amazing how beautiful the stock screen looks, its like looking at a super shiny piece of aluminum with a moving image etched onto it. Has a line missing at the top though. Way better than gbc, I have tried a wonderswan and it just looked like a gba which is not that good.
What's the best thing for GBA/PS1 games? Does it make sense to go for the brick with the higher res screen? Or should 3.5" 480p be good enough?

I already have the TSP, but would prefer something more pocketable.

Was looking at either the Anbernig SP, 35XX PLUS or maybe the Miyoo Mini Plus (supposedly the new one has a RTC).
i hope you get a answer since I'm in the same boat. I have a tsp but want something more pocketable. I had the r36s which was great BUT the controls were ass so I needed to switch.
XU Mini/10 or an bernig in your preferred form factor.
Unfortunately most mini sellers STILL haven't taken the hint they have the worse rockshit soc currently on offer, but it'll be great for those systems.

Guess I'll keep the TSP and wait for more reviews on the brick (the higher res screen got me bricked up).
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What game are you currently playing?
On what platform?
I don’t play games. I buy Chinese handhelds and put them on my desk.

Thinking bout that Powkiddy V10, looks pretty lit for GBA at least. U need to run a script for time but should be all gucci otherwise.
PS1 was brought up so I mentioned the smallest helds with sticks I would consider using.
>Joey is sick of your shit
I like the one with a bear on it
my rg cube xx just shipped and damn this things is fucking SHIT.
that dpad is loud af and shoulder button are fuckin horrible...
selling this piece of shit rn.
I gotta say, the rg35xx plus is a pretty damn solid feeling handheld
Crazy that you can score something like this for like $35.
What's he angry about at the end?
Not really, the shoulders need padding and the battery too, it bangs inside if you shake it.

Probably him being honest about the Retroid Kickstarter 5.
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Hot chick on the game boy color
I just watched joey's android setup guide and jesus fucking christ this looks like such a shit experience. You have to pay to get a decent n64 emulator, half of the emulators have to be standalone, and the android UI is complete dogshit. Do you people actually use these handhelds?
Yeah, you live with Linux screaming for dear life just trying to run some Dreamcast long enough and you get the motivation to spend an afternoon setting up an Android. Mupen under RA is preferable anyway if you're not on extreme performance poverty (3566), especially when you're not dealing with multiples of 240p which is the case for most Androids.
Mupen64Plus AE is free though
I should add about standalones and paid emulators too, in my experience free Redream has considerable latency over Flycast on RA and I'm not especially sensitive to input lag.

It has an ad break to launch games. Used to be the guy had ad free automatic builds on his github, but since he hasn't released anything in ages they're all expired now. You could probably find those mirrored on archive, if not I'll upload it later.
Resident evil 3 and harvest moon
Jedi academy and spelunky

It's the same shit on a phone. If you're smart enough to download roms, you're smart enough to just pirate the paid apk's. Android emulation has been drag and drop since day one.
I think I will switch to crossmix just for this. And cave story. Spelunky on this would be amazing.
>You have to pay to get a decent n64 emulator
If you're retarded maybe.
The one on portmaster's site doesn't work on the smart pro period. You need this one https://we(dot)tl/t-87J5rzjUec
you don't have to pay for any apps on android
learn what google is
>my first purchase from retroid is the rp3
>3+ announced a week after i get it
>don't buy anything from retroid for a while
>order orange rp mini
>they fuck up the glass color on all the orange units
taki was right about retroid
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What's the matter and what's the fix.
32bit libs. The link I posted is recompiled to work on the smart pro.
Nice, did you compile it on the tsp or how do you setup the environment.
I found it on the web.
Is the Steam Deck the only handheld device that has more buttons (usable to play games with) than your average PS/Xbox/Nintendo Pro controller?
No. And though I'm out of the loop, last I checked only the Kun matched inputs with the Deck while everything else drops the touchpads completely and/or has two backpaddles at most.
Command Master but it's in Japanese and uses tilt controls
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My stupid conspiracy theory is that the grey-orange units were deliberate. Like someone high up was asshurt to find out people didn't like his gray-orange color they initially showed, so he "forgot" to change the assembly instructions to a white front hoping people would love it and beg for them to switch the color back to grey.

Yes I know this is retarded, but honest to god how the hell do you accidentally manage something like this
There’s the bsp-d9 sorta, but it’s for tablets.
This is a weird one, but does anyone have problem with retroachievements on Android Retroarch? I haven't used me RP4P in a month, but now when trying to play a game it keeps saying
>Invalid password/username token

I triple checked my password and username but it still won't work. I don't want to reinstall retroarch either since I already fully set it up.
I think it's a tiger, he's got stripes. The console is a RGB20SX.
As crazy as that conspiracy theory is, that's one reasonable enough idea, because there's no way that something like that wouldn't get caught before they ship.
The only other explanation is either incompetence, or the fact that nobody really gave a fuck about the Mini. It was just relegated to being a side project once issues surrounding the RP5 started popping up.
If you loosen or remove the 2 screws on the back of the r36s PCB it makes the face buttons much softer and more pleasant
Doesn't require any disassembly to get to them beyond taking off the back shell
login and make a new token, duh
works on my machine (a1 unicorn)
Do you mean on the website? Because I already reset my API key from the website but it's still not working. I think it's a problem with retroarch.
then idk, I'm using 1.19.1 from their github if it matters. The playstore version is grossly restricted and cannot install most cores.
I just used the nightly aa64 version russ mentioned in his guide. I also heard it's a problem with config files and whatever, but I already cleared mine and it's still happening so I think it's an override file somewhere. Except I can't find the override files that store the retroachievements info.

Oh well, thanks for your help anyways.
this current over-saturation of handhelds will lead to a market crash shortly
not my problem
finally, affordable analog pocket
And upon learning the awful state of switch emulation, I no longer see the point in owning a more powerful device like the legion go as it cannot play zelda echoes of wisdom full-speed without visual bugs, order canceled. My day is ruinedband I have no idea what to buy now. Steamdeck would be fine if it had wifi 6e or wifi 7, yet it does not. Fuck my life.
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>stick on topslop
>stick on bottomslop
>plain old stickslop

You know, just once I'd like to open these threads and see ONE 'held that most people, not everyone, just most people can look at it and go "yeah, that's OK". Just ONCE.
Just buy a second hand Switch OLED if you want to play those games and call it a day. Maybe see if there's any modding capabilities available or if Aliexpress sells any legit games for cheap. The only reason you would want to emulate non-/vr/ games is if you have a powerful desktop, it's basically pointless on an x86 portable since you won't even get good battery life and it'll be bulkier to travel with.
And even there's better options nowadays. Used LCD 'ecks are affordable, offer a ton of performance overhead and can play Switch multiplats via native PC ports. Meanwhile you have Retroid/Odin/Ayaneo Android devices if you want capable PS2/GC emulation and want better Wifi chips.
I wouldn't call it "pocketable" in the truest sense of the word but RG353P has double analogs, great big shoulder buttons and 4:3 screen, has played every GBA and PS1 game I've thrown at it with the sole exception of Lucky Luke Western Fever for PS1 because it has Anti-piracy protection.
The issue with the eck is that I already have a 4080 7800x3d home pc and I rarely leave the house, and when I do I usually bring my quest 3 with me which is powerful enough to emulate up to ps2 without any issues, my quest 3 also acts a a virtual monitor throughout my house so the appeal of the legion go was the wifi 6e for streaming which deck lacks and needs to via a viable quest 3 alternative for me, and unfortunately I have zero interest outside of emulation for on the go purposes, so having access the z1 extreme on the go does me absolutely nothing if it can't run switch games.

Switch also lacks wifi to be a decent streaming device unfortunately and fucking sucks aids at doing anything other than playing switch games.

It just feels like the only sane option for me is buy a phone at this point.
ok now reply to yourself with a pic of some famiclone going "oh you don't need anything else", it's so fucking funny
or maybe a hello kitty whack a mole toy those posts are hysterical too.
An Odin 2/Portal or Pocket Evo will probably bridge the gap enough if you want a streaming device and not just a phone or tablet with a controller grip, but judging by your use cases it seems like your options are unfortunately limited.
Maybe next year's PC handhelds with Ryzen AI chips will be closer to what you want, but you can expect to pay an arm and a leg for those.
I dislike those posts too, but hey, board culture and all that. I just wish you'd all put aside the vitriol for one second and properly judge a system. Otherwise the only thing that happens is you push people further and further into getting a steam deck.
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dual sissies...
I'll take my fully functioning double screens any day over only having a single screen you have to keep swapping back and forth, even if they're considered lower quality these days. There's still no handheld that properly replaces the DS' gimmick quite yet.
nah playing with both screens on one big screen is way better.
A proper DS clone with high res 3D rendering would be badass.
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>enter retro shop out of curiosity, ask for GBA
>sleazebag says he's got one with IPS, 'do you know what IPS is?'
>'I can sell it for $137'
>may I see it?
>busted shell, screen grossly misaligned with the bezels, a full row of pink pixels at the top when I turn it on, ask him about it
>'it's normal from the screen'
>shuts off by the time this exchange ends

>prices go down
>less room for sabotaged design choices
>formats driven by popular demand
It will never crash, the bulk of westoids don't know shit, the domestic market is strong and these things cost nothing to make.

>Otherwise the only thing that happens is you push people further and further into getting a steam deck.

I'm sure that ayaneo would be great... at $300.
Max shou has the funds for the k2ds, but the peoject is pretty much stuck in limbo.
We're waiting for a true DS clone
I turned my Snapdragon 870 10 inch Tablet into a “handheld” thing.
Bluetoothed a Xbox Controller.
Installed Becon Launcher.
Honestly like the bigger screen.
finally got a phone controller, only played sh1 so far. recommend some comfy games like ICO or long ass games rpgs that will hook me like a fucker and wont know the passage of time
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The closest we'll ever get to that is the Ayaneo Flip DS. But its so fucking expensive and based on x86 architecture that its basically impractical for gaming on the go due to a pisspoor battery. I wonder if it would be remotely possible for Ayaneo to repurpose the design for Android.
Top handhelds at different price points that can stream gamepass? ($200-250, $350-400, $500-600)
Nice colors.
I went home recently and found my old GBC. The case has yellowed and the battery compartment cover is broken, the buttons are also stiff. I found out that the LCD is also cracked, it used to be working fine last time I played with it but it seems that my parents stored it in a place where temperature was changing a lot.
Now I am not a big fan of modding stuff, I prefer to play with stock hardware as much as possible, but I do have another stock GBC in great shape. So this seems to be the perfect candidate for modding, I was thinking of getting whatever is the fanciest screen available and maybe replace the case as well.
Any recommendations on a good screen?
I wish the fpgbc wasn't dogshit
>timings are fucked so my ezflash won't work
>shell and buttons is just your typical chinaman GBC clone stuff.
>The dpad is especially trash, absolutely mogged by my 35xx plus (which I don't consider to be a good, had to open it up and fix the diagonals)
>screen has a fixed refresh that can't handle the 58.7hz of the GB/c, meaning it has to buffer a frame
>the above means there's at least a frame of input lag + whatever the LCD adds, killing the whole point of using FPGA in the first place
Yeah I'll stick with my 'nig 35xx thanks
Maybe the misterheld will be better
Now that I got ambnigg to send me the redesigned buttons for the SP, I've been messing with modding the old ones.
Here's my solutions to the following problems
>membranes get pierced by the button and dpad nubs, which then proceed to wear down the domes themselves
They're too damn sharp and pointed, the new ones are considerably less so. The best fix is to gently rub the tip on sand paper just enough, until you get a flat/dull surface.
Use a ruler and count the number of passes. Keep it the same and you'll keep a consistent feel across all the buttons.
My previous idea was to just reenforce the membrane and it works, but it stiffens everything up too much, especially since I have the domes taped.
>dpad has no pivot
Typical chinaman dpad blunder. Build a pivot yourself. The correct feel (ie. GBA sp) is for the dpad to have 0 movement in the center when you push down
>shell and buttons is just your typical chinaman GBC clone stuff.
I got transparent white and it feels as sturdy as the OEM green GBC I own from childhood, but I also bought it specifically from their store. The only fault it had was I had to file the start and select button holes a bit because the membranes were getting stuck (Which is a known issue on all aftermarket shells), but other than that it was fine.
>The dpad is especially trash
I assume you mean the physical button, but the only issue I had was that aftermarket d-pads don't have the accurate height meaning I had to get a 3D printed nubbin to put on the bottom. This is a fault of aftermarket buttons though and it's prevalent in basically all of them that I can tell. If you're not using an OEM d-pad it's gonna feel wrong.
>the above means there's at least a frame of input lag + whatever the LCD adds
What input lag? I've played multiple games where I have to move around quickly and haven't noticed any at all. It's imperceivable, at least to me.

The EZ-Flash issue is one I have though. Even with the 1.5e patch it can only safely play GB games in GB mode. As soon as you go to GBC mode many only work if you drop the clock speed significantly. Retail games work completely fine, and Everdrives apparently do as well because they specifically addressed that.
The biggest issue I have is it doesn't have some sort of internal log that tells it which game is a GBC game and which game is a GB game and to adjust the color fix accordingly. Why is that manual? Why isn't GBC <-> GB core shifting also something done automatically, and if you want to play a GB game in GB mode you just save and it saves to the log that it should play as GB from then on?
Is it better than the Retropocket 5?
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so what's the best 30$~ handheld now?
The RP5 has a Snapdragon 865.
Which is fucking criminal for the price you pay. You can get a cheap tablet with a minimum of a Snapdragon 870 for lower.
Unisoc T820 isnt that far behind a SD865 so I believe the diffference will be a little neligiable.
I believe the Anbernic is like $170 but the Retroid is $220.
anyone with a tsp know how to disable audio control on select + l1 select +r1? it keeps raising and loweing the volume whenever I toggle fast forward
DSi XL looks better than all of that
Psp niggas, does pops utilize the psp stick as actual analog input? Is there a plugin to do that or something? Also same for vita and psp go - is it able to use vita sticks or ds3 sticks as analog i put in ps1 games and also can you use ds3 as a second player controller?
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>get frame drops on peace walker on the TSP
>aiming feels like shit when that happens
>hear that crossmix has better performance
>download the entire crossmix
>shits up the firmware and has a faggot message every time I boot
>try to just install their updated version of ppsspp
>runs fucking worse
What a piece of shit tinkertranny os. fucking nigger faggots.
RP5 doesn't actually work properly, so as long as the 406H is playable, it will be the better hardware
still the MM+
>so dumb he can't recognize chink garbage inputs
>so stupid he can't even perceive the input lag
I know gabapentin addicts with better synapses than you holy shit
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okay bros I need some help out of these choices
SP 41$, V10 27$ 40xxh 45$ rgb10x 30$
Would love to do up to n64, would mostly play ps1, gba and snes. My most played handheld was the r36s. It just felt like a good form factor.
Buddy, the only garbage input I have is on down-right on the d-pad. A is fine, B is fine, and start and select are fine. Everything but down-right is fine and that's from the garbage AliExpress kit I got no doubt.
>he can't even perceive the input lag
Again, what input lag? I played many action games on mine and even did a side-by-side of LA with my own GBC and I couldn't notice a thing. What are you even talking about?
>triptranny not realizing his entire life is a garbage input
you can pirate pretty much anything on Android, and standalone emulators are not a problem if you properly setup a good frontend like Daijisho
anything with Android and 5Ghz Wi-Fi
Is g cloud the best low budget offer at a good refresh rate?
You only need the chink update package. Don’t bother with cross. If that game has a 30fps cheat, use it. It has a cheatdb. If that doesn’t help, switch to vulkan. I’m not actually sure how that games runs here.
Also, for the love of fuck, do NOT tell me you bought a device that plays psp worse than a 3566 handheld due to youtubers?

If the r36s felt good, you probably just want another vertical. N64 kinda sucks on those, but up to ps1 is solved. So battle between the nigsp (4:3) vs v10 (3:2)
Nah, but it'll be way cheaper next sale.
this is just an uglier rg cube
I guess the hinge will be the deciding factor right? how solid is the hinge on the sp? Oh does the sp have wifi? i know the v10 doesn't and I'd like wifi for retroachievements
gotta have an upgrade for retroid pocket 6
I heard the transparent models are more prone to stress
That it does. I’d wait for another poster that actually has it to post their unbiased thoughts before you buy
What would be the best lad for one handed use? I noticed that while playing old RPG's you really just need one hand to play, but it's kind of impossible on the horizontal handhelds like the TSP.

Thinkin of either getting the Brick, 35xxPLUS or 40V for this purpose. The MM+ is also an option but I read people getting the V1 shipped without RTC still (even from Miyoo themselves).
aim for vertical handhelds that are small for one handed play
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Seems like the brick might be a good choice
yea that looks like you can play it one handed
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>consider the retroid pocket 5
>wonder what cpu it has
>first result on google says adreno 850
>whatever that is worse than the snapdragon 865 in my old phone laying around
>get a telescopic controller for it
>read that actually it has the same fucking chip and the first result was misleading and I scammed myself and should've bought one
>using jewgle
you get what you FUCKING deserve
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Let me guess: you still need more.
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Thanks Max, very cool.
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As much as I hate the d-pad being on the bottom and buttons being below instead of speakers, that's just ftn being retarded. I like him but he's a tard sometimes.
Nah, it's right underneath, it's bad design.
depending how big your hand and how wary you are about hand fatigue getting a vertical with a joystick can be an option. I beat fft one handed by moving the face buttons to the dpad and using the analog as the movement so I was able to do everything I needed for a turnbase game with one hand without reaching across the device.
Have you tried vulkan yet?
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I prefer the non-plus rg35xx just because the bezel on the grey version is also grey
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>three switch variants
>Also, for the love of fuck, do NOT tell me you bought a device that plays psp worse than a 3566 handheld due to youtubers?
I asked what a good handheld for up to psp is and you guys shilled me the TSP
>listened to 4chan
kek you'd be better off listening to the tubers or 'eddit
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>say it's a great ps1-downheld and tell people to get a rp2s or stronker if they want dreamcast or psp
>no one ever listens
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Playing D2 on the Ayaneo Pocket Air. It looks gorgeous at 1440p on the 5.5" OLED display. Two hours in and liking the mix of light RPG and hunting sim elements, body horror, atmospheric environments, and music is pretty good. Visuals are also stellar for a Dreamcast game, this feels like a big leap over Shenmue's character models. Not a fan of what you have to do to progress the plot though, I kept overthinking it by travelling farther ahead from the starting zone than I needed to. Instead you just need to go to one of the nearby huts and then back to trigger story flags.
>If that doesn’t help, switch to vulkan.
switched right now and it seems to be getting 20fps on the 15fps sections. thanks anon. I'll see if it causes glitches though
does anyone know where to get the portmaster games for the tsp for free? I want to get TMNT, Balatro and UFO 50
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>eliminates your rattle
Yeah vulkan has these weird things that stutter the game and tear up the screen. I think it might be better to just handle the 15fps even if it makes aiming shitty
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Here's why the dpad on the 35xx plus is a lot better than what came before, they dropped the moronic 8shitdodo like 4 segment contact pads in favor of the good old NES and SNES slit.
The slit is just a little too narrow though so I still had to open it up and tame the diagonals. The pivot is also a hair too short.
Head and shoulders above other chinkhelds but still mid at best compared to a real SNES pad or my modded fag
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What the 351mp is like for example.
Had to really tune this one and add to the pivot
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And the sp
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8shitdodo m30 takes the cake for pivot autism
Its genuinely the best Sega style dpad after doing this though
I admit, as much as I like this thing, the shilling for it here was sub youtube level. Some posts about psp performance were straight up lies and made it seem like they never play psp on the smart pro. It was russ v90 ps1 in forum posts.

>4:3 for psp
You fuck, the x28 is right there
>But the st-
She is beautiful and comfy and you know it
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>modded retrofag kek
The best PSP chinkheld is a cheap sale/used retroid pocket 3+, you can even slap in some hall effect sticks
I was talking purely about chip power dummy. the t610 in the rp2s is the lowest you should go in terms of power, but for psp i'd go for one of the widescreen t618s purely because of the screen.
You got memed.
What material are you using?
You can get an sp for $40 now.
Is there less of a chance now that said SP's battery WON'T combust or...?
>Also, for the love of fuck, do NOT tell me you bought a device that plays psp worse than a 3566 handheld due to youtubers?
Not that dude but you got me bro. I just want something for PSP and Wonderswan.
Dried foreskin.
Never did combust. Only miyoo shills spreading misinformation.
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It did though. There were only 3 reported instances and were seemingly attributed to using USB C to C chargers, but that's still noteworthy enough that Anbernic went out of their way to add in some fish paper or something as a thermal conductor in revisions. Nevermind ETA prime trying to use copper heatsinks early on.
Also Joey said that the battery on his RG35XXH apparently bulged after a while, so even if they ultimately didn't become hand grenades, they still had design problems.

H is popular enough that if that was a recurrent issue we'd be hearing more about it. That said, chip on back of a thin held is moronic design which I'm glad the 28xx doesn't share.

>of all things, this is one of the rare 3588 to hit the market
Linuxfags in shambles.
I always forget back peddles when they're on literally anything. What do people use them for asides emulator shortcuts?
>Right comparison: A 3DS using bilinear filtering on DS content
Of course it looks like shit. DSi XL is still the king of playing DS content. Two nice-quality, crisp displays literally made for displaying the content it plays.
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The only handheld that can reliably, comfortably play PSP under $100 is… a PSP
>inb4 just get a Vita
2-3x the price
Blocky un-upscaled resolution
Adrenaline doesn’t even have full compatibility
No, just… no.
DSi XL looks like shit too.
I like using it to prevent clawing.
can someone explain clock speed in knulli? should I just leave it at (none) or put it lower to something like medium. feel like my shit is getting hot on (none)
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>See a video pop up for Ayaneo DMG
>Think it looks kinda cute, probably expensive tho
>Early bird $339, $449 at retail
>Look at its power
>Enough to emulate Switch, doesn't have dual sticks to emulate anything 6th gen+ though
What the fuck am I looking at?
Do they just throw shit at a wall, hope it sticks and charge big money for it?
You have a decent design, scale back the chip, charge a third of the price and you'd have something worth buying.
That's unfortunately down to the CEO of Ayaneo, Arthur Zhang. He's like an inverse Max Zhou in the sense that he has too much pride to lower the specs of certain devices, even if it would arguably help their sales.
No, it's 8-way digital on the PSP, but there are two exceptions:
1) PSP Go with synced DualShock3
2) Taking virtual memcards of a given game from 1) and continuing to play that game on a normal PSP with a certain CFW plugin installed. GBATemp is trying to make the plugin work without Go+DS3 but it's not ready yet.
It's fully analog on the Vita, both sticks. I suppose taking the memcards from the Vita (instead of the Go+DS3) to the PSP might work too.
The pocket air is a d1200 for $299 with 6gb ram.
that's no longer being made, came out months before the RP4P, and was announced before the Odin 2. It sounds worse now than it actually was.
This sale started off bad but we had some gems with those hidden codes
What did you consoom anons?
>techdweeb bought DA failgard
>also wants sticks on top
Maybe he's not so based
I might have bought the RP5 if it was up for grabs and eligible for $50 off like the Mini, otherwise nothing out of the ordinary, extremely underwhelming 11.11.

He does feel like a pushover.
The choice day sale in the beginning of the month seemed better
The saddest part is that the Pocket Air really wasn't a bad device, outside of the D-pad being on the bottom and the software being extremely barebones on launch. But it suffered from some pretty bad timing, every one of Ayaneo's Android devices in fact do.
Were the older RG35XX SP models updated to have the revisions made to the new colored models? I want better buttons but I hate the new colors
RG405m > RG406h
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McNugget is still soulful. Very nice DMG and Game Gear as well anon
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Should I get the RG40xxv or try and get the TrimUI Brick? Mainly interested in vertical handhelds to play GBA games.
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the vertical to end all verticals (allegedly)
I do want one, just to play PSX and below for all eternity.
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Just buy the 40XXV instead
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Ah yes, Gentleman's vellum.

Where are the new clamshells of decent power?
If only it had one of the higher res panels like in Anbernic's recent devices. Also wish the stick was a bit more recessed into the device with how it just sticks out.
When are are getting an Analogue Pocket competitor with a fuckhuge screen res on a medium-sized screen so it can do high quality shaders?
>hidden codes
Where!? Do they work for any item on aliexpress?
I don't know about "hidden" codes but you can try these
>$9 OFF For orders over $30 Code: EPRT9
>$15 OFF For orders over $60 Code: EPRT15
>$25 OFF For orders over $100 Code: EPRT25
>$60 OFF For orders over $200 Code: EPRT60
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Those secret codes are what this sale was really about
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Bros...I'm thinking it's over for 4:3...
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Is this the best option for 4:3 devices if you want to play shooter games with a vertical screen format/tate mode?
The ones in the anon above you or different?
Is there any good cfw for the m17 yet? Minui is OK but snes runs like shit on it.
Tried like 3 versions of spectral elec and theyre all jank.
TSP arrived, super fast delivery, surprised at how premium it feels. Crossmix is great for pick up and play - games have overlays and filters already applied. Crossmix itself is nice though feels slightly bloated and design is off. Coming from Allium on Miyoo Mini feels restricting in its design. Gonna have to spend some time heavily modifying it/setting up my own theme I think. Will be good to play on though.
>vertical shmup
Are you retarded?
I saw someone reviewing the pocket dmg and it had slowdowns in rogue squadron on the GameCube. I'm confused, I thought this new chip?
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What happened? Wasn’t it supposed to be the next OnionOS?
I'm weird with widescreen mods. I like them on N64 games but I hate it on PSX, looks oddly wrong which I know makes no sense as I like N64 widescreen hacks.
Legion go has a track pad and back buttons, it also has a scroll wheel and the right controller can act as a mouse.

They wouldn't deliver that for me, literally said it doesn't deliver above 150 euros from this seller xd
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Its not even a mod, just adds to the viewing area
Same vertical resolution, even CRT shaders looks great.
On devices like this there's just no reason to play ps1 3D games in 4:3, even the scanlines are really clean
I wish the miyoo A30 wasn't such a piece of shit, I really like how the Famicom one looks
Best Game and Watches or similar devices?
Thanks bro o/
CM is stock OS with extra steps. But if you go to the subr*ddit you can find a thread with loads of skins. Also, what games are you planning on playing?
Where is Game Boy Light?
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>only D-pad focused device with a screen bigger than 3.5 inches
>so forgotten that the best CFW to use is just a generic port of Rocknix
Where is the support? Where’s GarlicOS? Where’s ARKOS?
It can't run Saturn so it dishonored it's family by looking like the perfect Saturn handheld.
It says they're for single use only. Thanks anyways Anon.
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is pic related worth the extra $20 over the omega? or should I get some repro carts and overwrite them?
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thank you
Oh that would have been a good thing to use the 11.11 coupons on. How much was it?
What's his name
omega is around 35, omega de is around 55
no idea but his face says phil
Based Phil the gamer cat
Retro Arena is basically ArkOS. The ArkOS dev apparently likes the Arc but has autism about not supporting anything he can't put in his pocket.
What's the appeal of that one? I don't think that exists at all on any rk3566 handheld, but I could be wrong.
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Anbernic is working on one more handheld, this time a PC handheld with a Ryzen 8840U. That probably puts it into Ayaneo/GPD/OneX territory in terms of prices. Can't wait to see what problems this will have.
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uhh... anberbros? where are the speakers...???
I was so happy with the 4xxv that came in because the build quality really is OEM level
But then I realized there's a speck under the screen, can't tell if its dirt or a dead pixel
It was an RG35XX CFW that was basically a clone of OnionOS. The guy promised compatibility for the XX devices, the Anbernic T618s, some Retroid devices, and the Arc, but guy takes like a year between Patreon updates, despite adding “promised compatibility” for more and more new devices.
IIRC it also came out around the time JELOS banned and slammed Anbernic for not honoring their promises.

Ali tends to side with customers. Good luck if you bought it from Anbernic though, their customer service is terrible.

Looks terrible.
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I messaged them directly first, never had to deal with this specific store before
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mini bros...
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To be fair the difference between 3.5 and 4in is pretty wild in person
Did they fix the mini screen issues yet ?
I really hate that none of the current line of retroids support lineageos or even have a rooted ROM available
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It's a pretty massive difference irl, yeah. I feel like these newer anbernig 4" screens are even bigger than their previous ones. Like the new ones are being rounded down to 4" while the older ones were being rounded up. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mini screen is something like 3.65" rounded up while their previous 3.5" screen in the 2S was 3.54" rounded down or something, because it really doesn't look like a 0.2" increase to me.
seiken densetsu 3
all of the old SNES jrpgs that I never finished when I was younger as well as the jrpgs translated into English in the last 15 years
Apparently they have to keep chinkhelds unrooted because the kids playing gacha or android CoD get cockblocked otherwise or something. Should be an option though.
You guys think getting a flashcart is worth it? Emulating gba is easy and doable on so many devices. So it'd really just be to use original hardware. I'm not gonna pay $100 for a pokemon cart, so maybe this is worth it just for that?

Also anyone know when aliexpress sale ends?
In a few hours, I think it's according to your local time.
the anbernic rg35xx plus is the fucking goat of chinkhelds.
picrelated shows how good its display is, also it has a perfect d-pad.
please get some taste anon, I'm begging you.
>the anbernic rg35xx plus is the fucking goat of chinkhelds
now play on it anything that needs to use the shoulder buttons
Eh, it's alright, which for chinkhelds standards means a lot. I actually prefer the one on the 28xx.
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Has anyone tried plugging a PSP with component cables into a Retrotink or a Retroscaler 2x? How does the image turn out?
Why not just emulate?
I want to be special
>So it'd really just be to use original hardware.
that's literally the only reason, personally i got an sp for $15 and have no games for it, but also already have a chinkheld for emulation, so i could get some repro carts instead, it all depends on your budget
Supposing I want a premium, pocketable device, and I've got 500 bucks to drop, what should I get? Already got a SD. I WFH but spend several hours a day at a coffee shop reading documentation and writing design docs. I'd like a device I can drop into my pocket and pull out for 10 minutes or so when I need a break. SD and similar are way too big, and given that I typically just want to emulate PS2 and below, I don't need the hardware.
RP4P is your only real choice there, ghosting and all.
Why are your fingers so short?
Does the Steam Deck need a screen protector, or is it a heavy duty glass sort of thing?
not him but damn that looks slick. i keep wanting to bite the bullet and get a high-end handheld, but there's so much like that on the horizon that i always find myself waiting for the next one.
i dropped my launch steam deck a couple days after its initial release, and it shattered the whole screen. i RMA'd it to valve for free but waiting a month for it to get returned sucked ass
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Every time I get in the mood to CONSOOOOOM another handheld I get out my phone and play some games on it and remember I don't even like playing games on handhelds, I just like the *idea* of it and the aesthetics of the way the devices look in photos.

However, so far I am still on my sixth handheld...
sell em all except the one you use the most
>inb4 different 'helds for different form factors, consoles, etc
this is a mind virus that chinese handheld companies manufactured and delivered to you through paid youtube reviews. you don't need multiple devices when a 200 buck handheld can play through ps2 with minimal problems.
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someone on plebbit r/SBCGaming made a spreadsheet for deals
I do sell them, that's why I have to pull out my phone to remind myself I'm just not really into actually playing games that way.
Playing THPS on the Miyoo Mini and occasionally it seems to lag a bit, but the FPS counter shows a steady 60fps, what's going on?
I mean it looks more like a nomad/genesis/gg than a Saturn. And Saturn emu in general isn't at the same level of others
I put one on my deck but getting the bubbles out was driving me crazy and I think I pressed a little too hard on the screen. I haven't encountered any issues but I can't stop thinking I shortened the lifespan of the lcd or something
It's the perfect CPS2 handheld if it's got the grunt to run Final Burn Neo with runahead enabled.
Which I don't know if it does.
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My dream handheld still hasn't been made.

TJD tried with the T80 but it
1. missed the mark on a couple of things
2. never actually came out afaik
Why internal msd under the battery?
Basically looks like a Megadrive 3-button pad with various influences from the 6-pad, Saturn controller, and Game Gear yeah.
Yeah the rk3566 is at least enough for CPS2. Not being able to play Saturn or Dreamcast/Naomi on it really sucks, but I play all my PS1-and-below stuff on it including arcade and it's amazing for all of that.
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Does this miyoo battery look safe?
It's enough for CPS2, or it's enough for CPS2+runahead?
That's the one it boots the OS from.
>right analog can be swapped with d-pad
This is for shmups and other vertical game usage, btw.
If you feel confident, take it out and take a side angle shot on a flat surface.
It looks a little puffed up there but it might just the the angle you're holding it at
No. It's ready for replacement.
It's not going to explode if you touch it but it's time to get another battery and toss that one.
PPSSPP works well on fucking everything. It's almost like he actually gives a shit. Went from potato PC to solid tablet to handheld with ease.
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Shoutout to when Anbernig sent me this by mistake instead of the RetroMini I ordered. They let me keep it for free.
Like this?
No idea, but I got some for my LCD from Aliexpress, came with this plastic frame that made applying it a lot easier.

I'm in a similar spot, only regarding my Deck and high end chinkhelds not being even remotely as good. At the very least they should be able to match the audio quality, this is bullshit.

Sounds like PSX dying, crank up its CPU clock.

Its UI is asscheeks though, some of the stuff you can't tweak with controller, you need touch even on the Linux build.
Only one I can get working on my order of $60 is a $5 off coupon.
The reviews are in for Chromatic. Everyone says it's kino except for a few like linus who said to buy analog pocket instead
Thanks, Anons. Guess I'll just be cautious and get a protector for my 256 to be safe. Cost alone warrants one.
If you gently bite down on it with your front teeth (don’t use your canines or your molars) does it feel stiff or is there some give?
How old is That
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Is there a similar guide for gameboy flashcarts? All of them look sussy af.
Got my OLED 'eck ordered, I'm a happy lad.
the white one?
Nah, Australia finally got Decks in general today. I know imports are an option but I'd rather have my warranty and pay less with Steam.
Oh yeah I forgot they just came out there. Hope you enjoy it it's a really cool and versatile system
I think mine is bottom left, haven't used it a ton but no issues so far
On Stock OS I can do a frame of run-ahead with second instance, a frame of hard GPU sync, threaded video off, sync to display or whatever the setting is called toggled on, etc and it runs every CPS2 game I tried completely flawlessly. In Retro Arena (my preferred OS), I noticed it gets sorta fucky with audio crackle and a bit of slowdown in certain parts of SFA2/3 and 1944 with those same settings. I essentially have to choose between turning the threaded video back on or turning off runahead. That's probably down to some meme setting tucked away somewhere I forgot about, but w/e you get the idea. I imagine Rocknix is more or less the same as the stock OS out of the box + those settings in terms of CPS2 performance. Maybe Retro Arena is too, but I don't want to do a reflash of that one to test.
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And then anon was never heard from again.
I see no reason not to include a turbo button next to home/guide.
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I just got one of those in a few weeks ago. I sorted by most sold and ordered one that had the most. They're all basically the same thing for the most part, bootlegs of the first models of Everdrives running very old versions of the software, down to having the copyright info and all that still saved in the OS. They just have different random-ass stickers mostly. The only real difference is that the newer "V4" ones have a button of the inside that's activated by squeezing the cart that resets it back to the home menu, that way you don't have to power off and on each time you want to reset. They come loaded with a bunch of random (sometimes corrupted and unplayable) ROMS, and I guess you could just wipe them and place your own, but I haven't done that. One thing to note though (and even the sellers specify this) is that you absolutely must not try to update the OS on these. Krikzz made it so future updates detect if you're running a bootleg cart and if you are it'll brick it. So don't do that. I also don't know if the "Low Power Consumption" is BS or not, but I'd guess so.
Overall I'd say it's a decent little thing that does its job and you can get for cheap. Obviously a real cart would be better, but in my case I just wanted something to have in spare SP's for whenever I get the whim to play something for a bit. Mostly Super Mario Land.
>You can buy all the parts you need in any colour you want, except the original gray. So I'm going to be gutting a working VMU.
neat otherwise
Just searched for it again and the first real review I've seen was uploaded yesterday.

But it's still $600. Insane. Simply absurd.

...I might beg for a free "review" unit and see what happens.
>$600 USD
But why? Neither the Odin 2/Portal or the Ayaneo Pocket Evo cost that much. Did they pay for a custom screen which jacked up the price?
So many handhelds come out every other month I can never decide which one to buy, because I just know another one that will come out that is better than the one I would have bought. Anyone else suffer from this? How did you decide to finally buy one?
Just buy a Steam Deck in that case.
Buy something very cheap first and see how it goes, you will notice more sooner than later what you really want out of them
That's a lot of Zeni, what's that in Earth muny?
That's what I was thinking of doing if I couldn't pick something out before the next time it goes on sale.
If I buy something too cheap I'm worried I'll just self sabotage, but maybe you're right.
The cheap bracket doesn't change much at all really, it's only mid-high to high end that's constantly changing (and sabotaging designs as to sell improvements more easily next time). If you make an informed choice and forfeit illusions of DC, N64 and Saturn, you'll be fine.
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Guys...the Chromatic is tempting me. That green model is too good. The only thing stopping me is the flashcart not working. But they might update that...
You could try the R36S, it's reasonably cheap without being complete dogshit

If you're buying a $200 console, you should also be able to afford the $120 Everdrive that they say works fine.
I think the R36S is a trap, it'll make him want to try a version with good controls when he could have just gotten it straight away at $40 on sale. That and the SD brand compatibility stuff is absurd.
it's only the ez flash jr that doesnt work right? I thought everdirve and its clones still worked. I'm sure it will be fixed via update regardless
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> spent $100+ on an Ambernic
> Haven't had the energy to set it up
> Playing emulators on Switch instead

Can anyone suggest an easy custom firmware to install? The last time I went into this I spent 4 hours going through the options and got nothing done.
Which one? I'm guessing you haven't gotten scalped and it's an android chinkheld if you're seeking an easy firmware, in which case literally any android emulation setup guide would do.
Thanks for the input. That's the one I ordered.

Used RHH15 for $15 off $60. This one seems to work with most people.

Modretro: 1
Anal Pocket: 0

But no I don't really think it's worth it. Looks ugly. Just go for the original design like the fpgbc if you want nostalgia.
>almost 2025
>still no linux handheld that can play ps2/gc besides the deck
I think powkiddy's having problems with the 3588, but the guy from gamemt is making one too.
So what's (You)r recommendation?
It basically goes
>Everdrive X7
>EZ-Flash Jr.
>Everdrive X5
>Clones of the Everdrive X5 on AliExpress.
>Everdrive X3.
Everything on AliExpress is just an X5 clone to my knowledge, and it's locked to whatever firmware it's on. If you use the update from the official site it bricks the clone. If you own an FPGBC then the EZ-Flash Jr. isn't an option so you pick between the X5/clones or the X7.

In general you should just decide if the EZ-Flash Jr. or Everdrive X7 is worth it for you, the clones are sort of a waste of money since they lack the features a basic EZ-Flash Jr. does and are only like $5-10 cheaper at most compared to the EFJ.
Why? You already have a handheld that you use more anyway.
Put a trip on so we can filter you, nobody cares about this shit.
35xx Plus/H probably. They're on sale like every two weeks, community software is serviceable by now, buttons are okay, no egregious battery issues.
If I buy the 40xxh for snes/ps1 platformers am I going to be disappointed? Are the buttons/sticks as bad as people say?
Sticks are Joycon ones. They're identical to those. Apparently the d-pad is far better than the 35XX-H but the 35XX-H's is extremely hard and pretty bad completely ignoring the false diagonals. I think they fixed that with the 40XX-H though.
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>"Yeah bro, this looks better than the Analogue Pocket, my Pocket had this weird smooth scaling look to it"
>Proceeds to adjust none of the settings on the Pocket
>Probably has sharpness on 1-2
>This is the same guy who went on a rant and apology saying he'd do better to provide well-researched and tested videos last year or so
>Whole video he sounds sorta uninterested and this entire concept of handhelds and Gameboys clearly isn't for him at all
idgaf about the Pocket but jesus, Linus. Get someone else on the team to review it.
Should one have to adjust the meme? Their entire marketing pitch is authenticity.
Gameboys as they age lose their sharper picture. The sharpness setting exists purely for nostalgia if the user is used to playing on a well-used Gameboy.
All the more reason to not have it as the default then? I certainly wouldn't want a smoothed image on my 1440p handheld.
Looks like it's the Everdrive X7, not the Ezflash
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Green does look good
I've bought the Charmander coloured one
I didn't realize those colours were based on the starters
>youtube channel that specializes in reviewing handhelds
>reviews of two dozen or more chinkhelds and related
>look of video of them "playtesting" games
>they are the most god awfully unskilled shitters you've ever seen
>literally just mashing the buttons not knowing what the fuck they are doing in every genre of game they "demo"
>even admit they "suck at X genre of games"
>except they say this for every game
And I'm describing like a dozen different guys at least.

So how many of you in this thread have actually beaten semi-challenging games on your handhelds? Bonus points if you had never played the game beforehand.
After using crossmix for a while, I have to say it's slow as shit and there are lots of bugs, the main one being roms don't refresh on their own, you either have to do a "retroarch emulator cleanup" or "refresh roms" but there's no rhyme or reason behind which one will work, sometimes you'll have to do both.
What device
does megaman x count as challenging? I never played that as a kid and it was great. Also rondo of blood on that weird console.. pc something. I beat both on the r36s. wouldn't recommend cause the controls are too stiff for it to be comfy. I also beat srpgs like fft for the first time on the r36s, that I would recommend since the screen is nice and it isnt button intensive since its a turn based.
Is this the power of RPmini screen size cope?
>it's not 3.5" i swear it's actually 3.612345"
And you're still stuck with the bezel/wasted space
>Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero?
>Odin Pro
I feel like I made a mistake buying this thing, since it takes gobs of work to make GameCube run well compared to the Odin Pro 2, but it's stronger than most handhelds on the market. I love my PSP games though.
>Yes, because the power comes at a price and I whole heartedly believe that retro handhelds with a 3″ – 3.9″ screens work best with emulation up to Playstation 1 and maybe Dreamcast games. Gamecube, PSP, Nintendo Wii and Playstation 2 require larger screens for it to become a comfortable portable gaming experience in my honest opinion.
(from the Retrododo review)

Can someone explain to me why PS2 emulation requires a larger screen than Dreamcast games?
PS2 games were made for the same tvs, both usually output 480i.
Do you really think that someone who's reviewing 100 mini consoles has a chance to get good at games? They're paid to shill devices, not be good at games. Lower thy expectations.
>How many of you have actually beaten semi-challenging games on your handheld? Bonus points if you never played the game beforehand.
Einhander(PSX), Gunple: Gunman's Proof (SNES, Never heard of it, first playthrough. I get lost easy in games so Zelda and Zelda Ripoff games are always hard to me). I'm not exactly playing stupid hard stuff (I try Hagane: The Final Conflict and Axelay and get filtered every time on level 2 of each. They're my goal games and they're super difficult), but it's hard enough.
RPG faggotry I'd guess? Not that anything particularly bad with tiny text comes to mind. Could also be overreaction to the extra .5" for 4:3 on RP5/556 and/or coping about widescreen hacks being viable enough.
>SD brand compatibility stuff is absurd
Yeah, apparently these shits are picky about SD cards.

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>Have high end phone
>Retroid Pocket 2S
>Modded 3DS LL
>Still feel the urge to play games on the OpenPandora, an absolutely inferior device in terms of build quality and performance
>but not comfyness
If you're gunna link a linus video at least give a warning
I can speed run the gba metroids 100% under 2 hrs on even the worst dpads
Damn, talk about luck on the first try. I just happened to stick a silicon power in mine when I got it and worked no issue. I even got a literal $1 no name wifi dongle from aliexpress and it worked
Any TrimUI Smart Pro guys here?
Does Knulli on TSP support Vulkan for PSP?
Crossmix is just stock so refreshing roms should be enough unless he did some weird shit
That thing’s a fucking legend that came out way too early and buck broke the community due to the team’s incompetence and delays. Still cool as all fuck. I still have false hope for the pyra
There a way to get ports working on the rg arc without cfw?
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Yeah, it was and still is way too expensive. But back in the day, Ptitseb just ported every game in existence for it and that was really one of the selling points for me: Being able to play Serious Sam, Jedi Outcast and Theme Hospital on a device that can fit in my pocket, with literal 10 hour battery life.
I literally attempted to play Maverick Hunter X for the PSP yesterday and couldn’t beat Vile. Gave up and switched over to Burnout Legends.
oh nah i was playing the original on snes. you are supposed to lose to vile in the beginning. it sets up your journey for kino when you rape him later
>fuckhuge celebration on the 13th because retroid "is starting to ship the RP5"
>they've been quietly pushing back the shipping date for blacks/GCs every single day on the hour on their delivery tracker
lmao even
retroid launches are the fucking worst aside from maybe ayn but they're practically the same company so that makes sense
The 2S was a good launch without any issues but that was the exception.
What's the best option for multiplayer? It's pretty much the only big feature I'm looking for in a handheld.
>best option for multi-player
A console
It depends on the emulator and what you're trying to do. Unless you mean in general in which case get a steamdeck since it'll weed out shit with anti cheat that you shouldn't be playing.
There's a reason the second thing people do after getting their gaming handheld is download a Pokemon hack with all 151.
tfw playing ps2 shmups and jarpigs on my rgb30 while manlets give themselves eye strain
thank you gammaos core
I was about expecting this answer, I just miss when everyone had a ds and you could play multiplayer games everywhere without internet access. Though I don't feel it's the same with a steamdeck or a switch, they're too big and expensive to be a serious portable option imo.
Thanks anyway
If you and a friend were to get something and load the same os/emulator versions, it would be easier. I got my nephews each a 35xxh, put the same os and emulators on, and was able to get things like gba wireless to work so they could play red/green and emerald. There are guides on how to get ds online emulation to work. I haven't tried, but snes/nes you should be able to get retroarch to handle.
Well I play a lot of couch co-op with my docked Steam Deck.
>tfw 1.5 gameboy micros
should i try scrounge for parts and revive it?

after modding my original gba, the buttons and d-pad feel like shit. i want to put it back in the original shell but the screen is glued on. not sure how to remove it without fucking it up.
I'll look into that, sounds fun

Isn't that basically the same as a console or steam link at that point?
Yeah sadly that's the realistic answer. Like anon said RA has some online functionality, but emu devs don't seem to care to get things working in a simple way.
I was considering modding my old GBA but holy shit why are GBA flashcarts so expensive?
Flashcarts are 100+ and the parts to mod the console will be another 50 at least plus time. Unless you have a particular reason for wanting to play on OG hardware (you probably don't) then just get a used RP4Pro and download the complete NES/SNES/MD/Genesis/GB/GBC/GBA romsets then call it a day.
Because fleecing tendies is funny and they'll pay up anyways.
I usually reuse the original buttons and membranes to avoid this problem.

Maybe extremerate or similar brands have better quality than anywhere on AliExpress.
About 690 earth bucks IIRC, not including shipping and taxes. Why Anbernic is dipping their foot into high end PC gaming like this is beyond me.
I've had all the GB flashcarts except the Everdrive X3.

>Everdrive X5
Your standard thing. Excellent battery life, less features than the EZ Flash
>Everdrive clones
Cheap, ancient X5 clones. They're basically the same as the X5 but with more battery drain.
>Everdrive X7
The GOAT. Very low battery drain, ALL the features, save states, etc etc etc. Expensive.
>EZ Flash Jr.
Better than the X5, worse than the X7. Absolutely RAPES your battery life and the RTC battery is drained very fast, and it should not be trusted for RTC games. Cheaper than the X5.

I wholly recommend the X7 for the RTC, or the cloned chink X5 for everything else, taking price into account.
That bug is part of Stock OS unfortunately.
Cave Story on my TSP.
On Retroid Pocket Mini
>Super Mario 64 (~35 stars)
>Doom 64 (on map 12)
>Pokemon Red (@ silph co)
>Bully (just started)
Just finished Quake 2 on PS1.

Out of interest - how have the compatibility scores on the handheld spreadsheet been compiled? I'm finding the notion of some of the devices that have an 'A' across the board (even with the Switch and PS3) as pretty unbelievable without dedicated GPUs
Out of their asses, as you correctly inferred. That said, onboard video can get you somewhat far these days.
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totally organic and not an ad btw
He's not even trying to hide the amount of shilling he does.
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After fiddling with a SNES, a set of AV cables, a Retroscaler 2x, and a beat-up copy of Monopoly for 2 hours, I have come to the conclusion:

FUCK original hardware. Emulation just works, so just fucking emulate. I’m sticking with my RG Arc-S for SNES from now on
It makes no real sense. Things are weighted weird and you will notice that a handheld with a C score for Wii U can handle Fast Racing Neo just fine while a handheld with an A score for Switch can't handle the All-Stars port of Galaxy.
does anyone own both an RG351V and RG35XXSP for a size comparision?
If I struggle to hold the 351V, would the 35XXSP be even worse?
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The "volt" color didn't clue you in?
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I never noticed that about the original colors they put out until now.

Now to wait for Palmer Lucky to create transparent aluminum to get our Atomic Purple.
I wish someone would make nicer aftermarket screens for the Micro.
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I cannot for the life of me find this deal from Europe. Help me sell an A30 to a friend /hhg/.
Pretty sure they’re magnesium alloy
And I don’t think that’s possible to get translucent
It’ll be some sort of polymer
/hhg/ is usually filled with assholes, but I don't even think /hhg/ will aid you into buying that remorseful piece of shit. Genuinely get an RG28XX instead if you really want that size and form factor.
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>Sega layout on SNES games
Last year he was simping the r36s which goes on sale for less and can do more.
Depending on what you plan on using a device for, the R36S being able to do more than the A30 doesn't mean shit if someone is only going to be playing like, sub N64 consoles.
At the end of the day it's a question of what you're going to be playing. If it's Pokemon then the EZFJ makes sense to opt for over the clones even with the rapidly draining battery. If it's anything else the clone makes more sense. If you can afford it just skip the line and get the X7.
I've been here a few weeks and this is one of the more chill generals I've encountered in my 7 years on this site.
Got this last year but barely used it. Will this thing kill my gbc?
That's just an Everdrive X5 clone. It won't kill your GBC, just don't use the official Everdrive updates on the thing or it will brick the cart itself.
Let's help anon buy an A30.
>the trimui brick is the same size as the MM+
fuck my life, I thought I was going to be a little bigger

I hate stumbling across bad or weird rips, I was getting into D2/D no Shokutaku 2 on Dreamcast, but right when it came to changing disks it refused to acknowledge Disk 2.

Were you that same anon that wanted to see if PSP games would work on a Retroscaler? Because they probably wouldn't due to running in some weird form of progressive scan, you'd need a GBS-Control at minimum. And even then with like a Retrotink 5x, the results won't be pretty for early 3D games looking something like this, you're better off sticking to emulation.
I played through all 4 discs and I dl'd either from cdromance or redump on archive.org
also what the fug game is that in your pic
it's MM+ with actual good design I see
I could have sworn that I got the version from CD Romance, I'll try redownloading it again or I'll look on archive.org. Was really liking that game, though some of the cutscenes can drag.
As for the game itself its SH Origins on native PSP hardware, upscaled to 1440p on Retrotink 5x. Its only just on the thin line for /vr/ IIRC since it also had a PS2 port. game really isn't that good even compared to SH4 Also didn't have a proper screenshot on my PC, had to take a VLC snap of some clips I had, to give an example to what I assume is the same Retroscaler 2x anon.
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>not a single a10 vs rocknix latency test down on the rp mini
jewtubers are fucking worthless i swear to god. really they should've already done some for the RP5, too, but I can sorta buy the excuse the were waiting for the big a13 retail patch for that one.
There's two reasons chinkheld youtubers rarely do latency tests
>they don't know how to do an accurate one and don't want to risk looking stupid
or more common,
>they don't care or notice latency so it's not important to them. The Odin 2 is the most dick sucked handheld despite having more latency than everything else on the market
What form factor is your favorite? Horizontal or Vertical? Do you like joysticks being on the same level? Or do you like one above/below the other?
>the year of our lord 2024
>no sub-$100 linux handheld with good joysticks which can do n64
Being good at the games would help them shill the device more effectively THO
>Aliexpress choice day Sale just ended
>New black friday sale coming up in 3 days

Uhhh you guys told me Choice Day was the chink equivalent of Black Friday?
These just looked like gay and ugly versions of 80s rainbows to me, a different anon. They fucked up then.

No, I told you 11.11 was. They still do black friday for the gweilo anyway.

24 hrs for 406h review
48 hrs for Portal impressions

I forget the Portal happened sometimes.
I'm pretty sure he gets the chinkhelds way in advance.
The days of the rp5 being the best device was shortlived. Now witness the new oled king.
The RP5 is for people who don't want to lug around a huge tablet sized handheld. Also Linux dual boot is based.
ok but where's the brick review though
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Is actually happening. For the people that like miyoo’s rubber membranes’s, this uses dome switches
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Powkiddy’s also doing a v90 successor, but who know’s what’s aging on with that
How the fuck did I catch chonkie fever? This looks cool as fuck
Guess that puts the not 4:3 480p rumors to rest. Their loss not doing membrane, it'd be a selling point.
They had setbacks, but they’re still alive. The pocketgo s30 was shit, but they lived. The rk2020, was had the exact same flaws as the system it was cloning, but it kept them alive. The p60 was hello, canceled, bu- Nah, fuck them, I actually wanted that.
Anyone who wanted a stronger GBA SP chinkheld than the Powkiddy V90 already got the RG35XX SP. Miyoo killed themselves taking this fucking long. It's only going to be Redditor loyalists who want to collect Miyoo chasing the Amiibo trend who will buy that shit now.
Not to mention, they put all their resources into the Miyoo Flip and it took this long just to result with... this. They have absolutely no fucking idea or plans for what their next system is going to be, and it needs to be as big as a hit as the original Miyoo Mini V1 was for them to not go bankrupt.
All I see is two useless analog sliders I'll never use but will frequently get in the way of me trying to use the Start or Select buttons. God how did they fuck it this hard after spending this long on it? Were the original sticks they wanted to use in too short of supply/too expensive for them to justify?
I think you vastly overestimate chinkheld consumers, there's so much brand loyalism and peer pressure, which Miyoo benefits the most from second only to Anbernic. They just have to match prices to secure "enthusiasts" and tourists will be attracted by the impossible sticks even at the cost of battery life.
It looks kind of boring with nothing on the top
They coomlect miyoo products due to onionos, not the brand.

They’re actually sticks. But super recessed to the point where they have less range than sliders like the smart pro.
>They coomlect miyoo products due to onionos, not the brand.
They don't know the difference, see all the people asking for the old 35xx CFWs on the 2024 anbernics.
Does the Miyoo A30 have good ergonomics ?
For reference, my hand gets cramps when holding the psp go. But i feel okay when playing the ps vita.
Also, the usually only play handheld indoors. I heard this device's brightness isn't that great.
Same as the rs97, 28xx and dingoo a320. It’s a literal slightly rounded rectangle. That said, the psp go might have been uncomfortable for you due to it being a slider rather than size
So it's real for real this time
I'm guessing that you meant the ergonomics is good ? I usually play my dsi and i rarely get cramps.
Hopefully the form factor catches on after all the SP knockoffs. I'd kill for a candy bar clam shell /(3)DS style handheld.
When are oled screens going to become the default. The vita had it, and that was 70 years ago.
Never. You're gonna get your basic bitch OLED leftovers like large 16:9 and too small 4:3, but no one's ever gonna commission new ones for chinkhelds.
Imagine switch 2 and steam deck 2 going back to non-oled for "cost" reasons.
Why would you say these words to me?
No, they are not the same ergonomics. Every device you listed has different edges not to mention button size and placement. >>11394269 literally does not know what "ergonomics" means. The A30's buttons feel extremely cramped compared to the RG28XX for example.
Palmer Lucky could do it
>The A30's buttons feel extremely cramped compared to the RG28XX for example.
I thought 28XX's smaller button makes it hard to click. So, is the A30 is good to hold ? i have big hands.
I want to buy the A30 cause it's pretty cheap.
did the RP4P go on sale for 11.11
Yes, you could get it and for some reason the RPMini for a bargain with the 11.11 codes.
Some of those Minis ended up refunded by the way, enough orders that RH people had to comment it and mention Retroid regrets it. lol.
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Finally fixed my problem with D2 on Dreamcast. Turns out past me has brain problems and didn't properly extract the remaining 3 disks. Now I can finally go back to playing.

There's probably a good reason why Aliexpress is still moving forward with their Black Friday deals, and that's because this year's Single's Day was actually a pretty huge dud domestically. That's what the AP and the South Morning China Post claim anyways, so it won't be too surprising to see some China-based companies doing business abroad to pick up the slack.

Oh shit, people are even returning handhelds now? Because I remember hearing that it was only for fashion, for some reason the return rate on women's clothing went from 20% last year to straight up 70-90%. Chinese don't seem to fuck around as customers.
They’re both rectangles. You hold them the same way. Bigger hands = you’ll need bigger buttons
>Oh shit, people are even returning handhelds now?
No, as in Retroid didn't honor them because they had no stock.
Where can I get that tablet you speak of?
>End of 2024
>RK3566 handheld
>Giving it sticks when it won't play N64 well and PSX didn't require them outside of like one or two games
I'm surprised they're still bothering with this thing given Anbernic got out their 35XX SP
If the factory leaks are correct the Switch 2 will have an 8inch LCD 1080p display.
To be fair though, LCD tech had gotten better in the 8 years since the Switch launched.
On the bright side, 3566 means they can piggyback off of Rocknix, so they won’t suffer from the shit firmware issues that the A30 had on launch
that thing is gorgeous. I remember my friend being obsessed with getting one back in the day
IDK but how is Knulli? Want other options apart from Crossmix. Anyone use MinUI?
the gp2x wiz had it and that was in 2009
>could have gotten a rp3+
>got a tsp and v10 for the same price
Knulli in the public build right now isn't worth touching from when I was trying to set it up for the TSP specifically.
>Wi-fi is completely broken and will say you're offline outside of the content manager (The thing you download themes with).
>Trying to fix it via saving the overlay breaks the overlay itself.
>Trying to fix it via the terminal just straight up doesn't seem to work at all and requires a static IP or something?
>Can't scrape images because of this.
>Portmaster not only breaks on trying to install, but even if you install it correctly it can't phone home properly because of the aforementioned wi-fi issue and will crash when you try to do anything in it.
>Sticks get their calibration broken and you need to grab a custom app they ported from stock to fix it.
>Supposedly emulator performance right now is worse compared to stock.
I just settled on CrossMix. It works for what I needed it to work for even if the stock UI is kind of clunky and ugly compared to E-S. Once they get their act together and get a working version of it out there'd be zero reason to use CrossMix at all. Stock just has less features, looks worse, and functions worse.

Knulli is fine pretty much everywhere else though. The only issue in the current public beta that I've seen is if you use the media cleanup thing to fix redundant entries it wipes everything or something like that, and I believe I saw RetroAchievements has some kind of issue phoning home after you sign in? Something like it works but it doesn't let you view it in E-S? I've been using it on my 35XX-H for months without issues at all. Initially it said I had no wi-fi but on a reboot that hasn't been an issue at all and I've been able to SSH into it and everything. There's no reason to really use any other CFW unless you really want a lightweight UI or boot up times that are like one second instead of six-ish.
I've heard you have to change your wifi security to wpa2 if you're on wpa3
I only have WPA2, not 3, so that's not the fix.

Another thing I forgot to mention is that one thing all these stock OSes have over the CFW is sleep. I have no idea how everything (But apparently the MinUI?) can't get the sleep right. The stocks all sleep it like you'd expect but stuff like Knulli just turns the screen off and mutes it so it still consumes full battery power at all times. Another reason to stick with CrossMix for now.
Doesn’t sound like something they’d do
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We are so back
One of us.
>stick on top
I the trash it goes
>not 3:2
These gba nostalgia farmers have one fucking job
Anons, which one do you recommend for PSX and PSP?
I already have a MM+, which I know have its flaws, but at least got me really interested in this pickup and play way.
The pocketgo would've been great if they just iterated on it and fixed the software. Idk why these companies just stop after the first try when they barely try.
For $200
I've only seen tablets like that on aliexpress that end up being fake specs
>stock UI is kind of clunky and ugly compared to E-S
Is that you russ?
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Is this Read/Write speed good for CrossMix OS?
>>Supposedly emulator performance right now is worse compared to stock.
Literally not heard anything of the sort.
The first gpd win was a clone in terms of design, but it was pretty shit. The second one was much better but then gpd stopped doing clamshells of that size for good.

If it’s fine for stock, it’ll be fine for crossmix. (Yes)
He probably meant in comparisons to the systems that have standalones. (Psp, n64, dreamcast)
You don't actually need much, plus it looks like you're bottlenecked by a USB 2 reader anyway.
Oh right yes lmao.
My MicroSD reader is USB2.
Anyone got a mega pack of BIOS for CrossMix OS?
I have an everdrive x3, are they bad or something? Apparently they don't even get cloned.
The real issue is that they can't find a 720p 4:3 panel so that you can at least do pixel perfect 3:2
(with black bars, but at least it'll be pixel perfect)
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dope livejournal entry
I ask because well, I bought a TSP without MicroSD as I know the SDs that come with them are usually shit and corrupt but now I dont have any BIOS whilst adding CrossMix OS. Can’t seem to find any packs, just links to Facebook pages that say to take the BIOS from the Stock SD. Which I dont have and don’t really want to download manually.
New 3DS XL is so god damn expensive I wish I bought one when it came out

itd be nice to upgrade my regular 3DS XL but it's not $200 nice
I got the Samus edition of the new 3ds xl for $50 from nintendos website 10 years ago and now they're worth 300
Actually it's worth 500+ even without the box
I lucked out and got a New 3DS XL Dual IPS brand new when it released for retail price.
Now though probs worth a lot of money.
There is no way to hold that while also using the analog sticks.
I bought a new 3ds xl earlier this year. I paid about $170 on ebay. Japanese version. I only had the og 3ds so it's a big difference for me. The 3d effect is better, but it still flickers a bit so it's not perfect.
Anyone ever bought a 2ds/3ds from aliexpress?
Why haven't the chinks made an sp style devices except you can slide out sticks from the side of the system so they're not on the bottom awkwardly
Its hard to think of much use cases for the N3DS's extra power outside of Monster Hunter big guy, Xenoblade Chronicles, or maybe overclocking the system so the port of MGS3 runs better.
The higher clock fixes stuttering in a lot of regular 3ds games
honestly this is really stupid but the main reason I want it is because the start and select button placement on the original 3DS line is awful and drives me crazy, they fixed it only in the New 3DS line and 2DS but the start/select being under the touch screen on the original models sucks. All that wasted empty space below the face buttons.

Again totally not worth the upgrade when I have the 3DS XL I bought when it was new.

This is also true but for me personally this is a pretty limited use case, there's only a few 3DS games that have stuttering and most of them came out near the Switch's launch, Pokemon Sun/Moon is a pretty major one but I don't play any Pokemon games past gen 5 so that doesn't matter to me.

Also you can emulate SNES much better on a New 3DS but imo you shouldn't be using a 3DS to emulate SNES anyways.
Even easier games like dragon code and senran kagura benefit from it. Some games also have codes to unlock the fps to 60
Someone explained it before, but the other 3ds start/select were pretty much stickers. I still can’t tell wtf they were thinking with that one
Anyone here have a retroachievements profile? I was thinking it might be fun to add each other as friends to see what we're playing on our chinkhelds. If you think it's a good idea, post your name here and I'll post mine too.
I'm going to Beijing for a few days on business and have zero interest in the country. Any advice on buying Chinkshit in person? Or will I be ripped off and should just use Ali when I get home?
No, because most of us are over 30 years old here and don't need achievements to have fun.
Don’t post here.
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>I was thinking it might be fun to add each other as friends to see what we're playing on our chinkhelds.
Go back
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yep, thinkin today is a game gear day. thinkin so, lads.
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>He bought a cube
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Okay carry on then.
Continue posting here. I know why it has to be online, but that shit filters me. I rather there be a fightcade alternative.
Sorry anon but achievements makes it less retro and less fun
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Good bait, I replied.
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jewtubers need to stop sucking off esde on android it's a fucking paid app
When I want to load an emulator, I open it like I would a phone app. I'm too lazy to setup a front end.
People suck off drastic too. If you're smart enough to just pirate roms, you'll just pirate the apk like a normal person.

I don't blame you. Most of them legit suck. You're better off using a launcher meant for android tv boxes.
Even if it was free it sucks. Basic bitch menu that's not even that good. Idk why russ thinks a grid of icons is more jank than having to endlessly scroll left or right to get where you want
He just prefers the aesthetic and I don't blame him. Daijisho looks like a clusterfuck and Beacon is better but still looks too amateurish.
You try and make a device with moving parts, flex ribbons in a compact form factor and tell me.
Tranime faggot.
You can't really do a cheevo system without making it always online, but it is what it is.

Yeah I used it for a bit on PC then I just went back to launchbox. It's not even the sleekest front end.
The sleekiest frontend for Android has always been Pegasus. It's just that it takes 20 hours to make it look good and no one wants to bother with that shit.
How do you feel about the R36S? First time getting a handheld like this for me. How fucked am I if I dont get a new SD card?
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Does anyone have the chromatic tetris rom for GBC? Cant find it online.
The EZFlash also has one or two bugs with the RTC, meaning you can have perfect tracking of time for a week, then one day it jumps up or down months. Then backl to perfect tracking. I don't recommend it for RTC games. For others, yes, sure, it's a nice flash card.
I'm surprised no one has put together a preset build for Pegasus to make it look good desu
I like it for casual use, and since it's cheap I don't baby it too much (read: I actually use it). I don't think chink sds are AS bad as everyone says, but I had a 128gb silicon power card on hand before I bought it so I never really tested the stock one.
The buttons are kinda ass but you get used to it. The dpad is ass but better than powkiddy dpads. Iirc there's a mod to make it more tolerable, but I've lived with worse dpads on 3rd party controllers.
I still play on my ds/3ds systems, so I was shocked how beautiful the screen on this thing is. Actually good sound out of the headphone jack (I have the anbernic rg arc d and the headphone jack is noisy as hell).
Skill issue, that can be changed.
I spent the better part of a weekend setting that up once. Even got a full randomized playlist of music playing. Then when I was finished, I suddenly thought "You know what? I think I'd rather just use Daijisho".
Don't mind the autists. They get this worked up about quite literally everything. I once had someone on this board tell me I was a race traitor for having PAL releases of N64 games. Do not base your enjoyment of something on whether the vapidly vitriolic tards ITT approve of it.
>PAL releases of N64
Why tho
I did my masters in Scotland a while back and got some PAL carts while I was there. I posted a picture of my collection, and someone immediately started chimping out over lower frame rates and such to the point that he told me he didn't believe I was white and insisted unless I posted my skin with timestamp, I was a euromutt. I eventually just ignored him but my point is that 1/5 users on this site is an actual unironic autistic retard who will drop everything they're doing and throw a tantrum when they see certain buzzwords. For some of those people, the buzzword is "achievements".
I think anon was just trolling you
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>Console launcher is all u need.
>Complaining bout anime
>In a chinkheld thread
>when android and linux chinkhelds STILL preload wallpapers with anime girls and that mp4 with that 15+ year old idolshit video
This. Do peope not rememeber the shartui dumbo, anbernig, and retr*d shills squirting anal liquid in the thread all at once? These devices are barely used for retro games.
The v90 successor will probably be a 3326 or 3566. Powkiddy didn't acutally make fhe v90, so they'll have to maste the sp hinge on their own. The x18s successor is still carefully being worked on. (Chip not selected yet) The 3588 handheld they were working on might or might not be shelved.
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After trying dozens of cases, I have settled on this Case Logic brand case for my RG28XX. It is ALMOST perfect, it's just about a half inch longer than I would ideally want for a perfect case, but that allows room for a charging cable without compromising how slim and form factor it is. Far better than the official RG28XX shell case and the shit ones from Aliexpress that are radically the wrong size and double the thickness.
I'm farily certain the one's from ali are jsut reused cases for the rgplus
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I got this Case Logic at Value Village for $1.99 and with the six tight SDCard slots inside of it, it was likely meant for one of those 2010 ultra slim cameras. It fits the RG38XX length and height wise PERFECTLY.

Model number: JDS-6 USB Drive Shuttle 6-Capacity. I only see Amazon listings for $11 but that might be worth it to fellow RG28XX owners.
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Kinome neanderthal!
I guess I was wrong, and it's intended to hold six USB drives/sticks? But those slots can hold SDCards and micro SDCards as well.
It just fits the RG28XX so fucking perfectly length and height wise.

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They'd be too thin for an RG35XX/RG35XX Plus. But they are definitely meant for something else and just relabelled for the RG28XX.
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Like god DAMN I cannot handle how the Aliexpress "RG28XX" cases triple its fucking height and is so loose length and width wise. The elastic band barely holds it in place from just being thrown around.
Not those, the retrogame plus. Its a very slightly upgraded rs-97
They should make cases like the PSP sleeve
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Now this Case Logic case meant for six USB sticks, the height/thickeness is PERFECT. Now the length of the RG28XX is like, a millimetre bigger than what the zipper intends, but it doesn't cause any pressure on the RG28XX and the sides of the top and bottom hard flaps stick out further than the RG28XX does behind its zipper. This case keeps the RG28XX perfectly dust-free and protects it from all angles. I fucking lucked out finding it locally for $1.99.

The Retrogame Plus is so old that these cases are not intended for them. Plus the height/thickness is still radically off as you can compare here; >>11395590
Eh, the sleeve is nice and all but literally just helps keep your handheld dust-free in your pocket. It offers ZERO protection at all from general flexing/bumping/etc.
And the PSP specifically was infamous for shooting your UMD like a bullet if you got a little too hands-on while playing.
Anyone had issues with MuOS or Knulli? I've tried to use the both on RG35xx but MuOS won't boot games, and Knulli can't see any games I put in the folders.
You guys told me he wasn't a shill.
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I actually like that the extra space above the RG28XX allows for a decent USB-C cable while keeping the whole thing compact, while not compromising anything potentially damaging or grinding together while in the case and in your pocket.
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Last pic and post spealing about this find, just so happy to finally have a perfect fucking case for this thing after so many disappointing failures, and it only being $1.99 in Canuck Bucks for me too.

If you find the original Nintendo DS pocketable, then you will have no issues with this Case Logick USB stick case for your RG28XX at all.
Not your personal blog.
Oh cool, retarded NPC zoomers still exist in 2024. Thought that was no longer a thing, but here you fucking are, retard.
>I've tried to use the both on RG35xx but MuOS won't boot games
Have you assigned a core to the folder you're trying to load games from?
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Are you really that easy to rile up? I remember you freaking out and calling someone a consumer for asking why you wanted this case a couple weeks ago.
Oh no. A retard who holds personal internet grudges is here to not talk about handhelds. Again.
You regularly lose your temper with people in this general for simply engaging with what you've posted out of some schizophrenic fear that they're out to get you. Last kid picked for dodgeball energy.
What level of projection is this?
Unless they put the 3.2 screen on that, I don't see the point. It'll be too late by the time it's ready.
The V90's hinge is its best feature.
Yes. I see a star over the default core, and when I change it does the same for whichever core I select. It tries to run then exits. I've tried with gba and ps2. Same results.
Reminder that this whole conversation started because you spammed the thread with five pictures of a case nobody asked to see, to which NYPB was a big enough dig that you had to reply immediately with several buzzwords. Sorta like the last several times this has happened with you.
You have Borderline Personality Disorder and Asperger's.
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>Not a blog site
>You can still use it as a blog site
>Acting like jannies and other anons do shit
How to get handhelf gf?
Guess the check cleared
Where do I get anbernig 64GB firmware updates?
Does anyone have links to other OSes available for RG35XXSP as well?
i wish it wasn't but RA is fucking retarded for so many different reasons it's not even funny, but my favorite are subsets
>be trannyrunner
>get trannycord buddies to create a subset for your 5 min smb1 speedrun
>complete speedrun
>top the retropoints and retroratio leaderboards for months despite not doing anything else on the site ever
>despite being farmed for points, the ratio is still skewed in such a way that completing the run on pace is worth more than completely mastering things like Ghosts n Goblins, Battle Garegga and Tetris The Grand Master 2 COMBINED
She showed up in your recs too?
Idk if I'd like her though. I'd rather a uninitiated gf who goes "woah cool" every time I tell her about a new detail of 3ds hacking
I usually get banned
Lol, the game is not even out yet, beggar
>I didn't personally ask you
And you're not the arbiter on what people are allowed to discuss asshole
Very cool anon, I will look into getting one now, thank you for your informative posts
She's cute! Seems pretty cool too. We've got similar tastes in handhelds. I've been using a 3DS XL I got earlier this year for real cheap that I got CFW'd and it's been real fun messing with it and playing stuff. It'd be nice to have somebody at all to play comfy games with, not even a gf specifically, but alas. That's just how it goes.
Why should I pick these chink handhelds over a 3ds for emulation?
All depends on what you wanna play.
Try holding one and you'll find out.
Any specific examples? Does 3ds not do retroarch?
I think as common courtesy if you blog post 1-2 times and no one gives a shit, you should stop.
I mean a 3DS is best if you specifically want to play DS, DSiware, and 3DS titles.
I gave a shit. Keep blogposting, caseanon. I’d rather see that than some sperg spamming a hundred webms about a shitty $5 Hello Kitty bubble popping toy that isn’t even a fucking videogame device
He's the same person wydm
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No, but I just don't care for the stock OS that much. Stuff isn't shown on the top bar outside of the latest three selections, it's somewhat slow shifting between sections, opening up random apps takes 5+ seconds (Especially various settings), scraping is extremely limited with no way to edit for better searches on the device compared to E-S, etc.

Yeah, I mean what >>11394894 said. Knulli's current implementation has slower PPSSPP performance if I remember right, Saturn performance was better on stock (Even though it's still really rough), and some of the RetroArch stuff isn't as up to date as on CrossMix in the public build. I don't know how it is in the paid alpha build.

Because the X3 is just a worse and cheaper version of the X5. They're probably clone the X7 if it didn't require them to start sticking batteries on the thing.
Because the 3DS has
>shit controls and layout
>shit screen
>shit ergonomics
>no gaems
I game on my phone and even on free with paid ads apps I don't get any ads. If you don't know how to block apps from connecting to internet you're a retard
Here comes the ignorant phonigger eager to embarrass himself. You're forced to wait 10 seconds before launching a game on free MP64FZ even when ad servers can't be reached.
Be ready for lags lol
Jesús i Can get a brand new xiaomi pad for the same price and do more than gaming. I don't game outside as I'm not a virgin
Anon a xiaomi pad 6 is like 240 dollars now. Brand new, snapdragon and 128 gb
I don't wait for shit you retard the ads don't even load and it skips instantly. Learn how to android first
Just making shit up instead of owning his mistake, embarrassing.
Where are you guys getting $240 for the Xioami Pad 6?
On Amazon it's $340.
Nvm I found out you can get all the BIOS files for TSP in this pack.

That's an extra $100 at least, gigantic (11 inches are you fucking kidding me), IPS and comes with no controller. What am I supposed to do with that, Carlos?
That's what I could find but it doesn't seem like a good deal, though.
>Snapdragon 870 Tablet doesn't seem like a good deal
NEW: >>11396225
How much did retroid pay joey?
Not enough if 556 is considered a contender at all.
The same amount Anbernic pays Russ I assume
He's copying wuss's gay little red/green/yellow text comparison charts now. What a humongous faggot.
Apparently this is a girl's hobby. Why aren't you putting on makeup and talking about your handheld collection on youtube?

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