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At the risk of sounding like an insufferable fayboy waxing nostalgia, You have No idea .
As soon as you booted the game up the orchestra of music drew you into the experience. Two clicks into starting a new game, the camera centers around a campfire where the character classes are relaxing, and when you pick one, they stand up and show off who they are while you can type a name for your hero. When you confirmed it, the game began and you were standing at that same campfire from character creation, and the music for the first act began to swell. God it gives me goosebumps.
>click click click
>ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching
That campfire selection screen is so cool and good
Back then LAN parties were still a thing, everyone was playing it.
insanely. for reference i also played WoW back in the day and it never got its hooks into me as much as Diablo 2.
I failed highschool because of this game.
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first night I got it I stayed up until morning playing it
first time that happened
did that a couple more times
there were many days when my mom would work past midnight where I'd come home after school, started playing, and only realized I was starving and thirsty when my mom got home
never happened with any other game
maybe I didn't let it happen, maybe I don't have the time to let it happen, maybe no other game was as addictive as this
Is that dude using GNOME?
Still is kiddo.
I never played it but I lost friends to it
still is desu
I can't get enough hardcore D2
just knowing that you or a friend could lose it all in seconds is thrilling
Jesus Christ!
What the fuck...
Anyone remember that worldwide race for 100 level? It started right after release, people would band together and relay-play for 24/7. Yeah, UO and EQ were already a thing but that 100 lvl rash was something new.
i never got into it myself but i knew people that ruined their lives playing diablo ii. for me it was wow.
others starcraft.

blizzard in that era were crack dealers man.
Very, and a lot of it because it had some of the same elements of Diablo 1. It had the lobby chatrooms where most people hung out and chatted or grouped up and then did runs/leveling/pvp duels.
I had a great time playing with friends until my disc shattered in the drive.
I picked it up again a few years back, and it sucks playing solo. Act II and III are such a slog, getting rushed was necessary.
Guess I'm the minority. Played it during release but never got the hype or why others feel it's addictive.
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D2 is in a league of it's own. So many all nighters spent raping Mephisto and Baal over and over again. Sorc squad rise up!
I played Diablo 2 instead of going to prom.

Very. I probably put thousands of hours into it. It was basically WoW for boomers. I still have my two accounts of 1337 pvpers to show for it.
You could load into it now and find out.
Diablo II Resurrected is also a great remake of the game, and you can switch between the classic and new graphics. I never truly played the original as I was too young when it came out, but playing the remaster was great.
Thousands? Jesus Christ.
Remake is pretty soulless but it mogs d4 so heres your (you)

LOD is the way, newfags.
>Buzzword buzzword buzzword
Opinion discarded.
Addictive enough to cause problems in your real life, but I don't think any babies died because of diablo 2 that's wow territory.
You have to dumb it down for zoomers that prefer remake dude
You guys are fucking crazy.
I really couldn't grasp the appeal of 2 at the time. I played Diablo 1 after already playing real roguelikes and I recognized it was basically an action version. I didn't understand what the point of D2 was really supposed to be when you had infinite resources instead of running out of floor to power up with and being forced to descend ready or not.
I was never interested much in the farming aspect and it was still addicting. All the older Blizzard games were.
It was different if you played the 'multiplayer' portion of Diablo solo with everything resetting.
so your mother was a whore
never was interested in this game, the characters are too small
I'm glad I was too young to play this shit when it came out, it 100% would have ruined my life.
I was more addicted to Alpha Cenatari.
I unironically skipped graduation party for it. It was wildly popular. Battlenet chat rooms were super active. We were also addicted to Ultima Online at the time. Both games ruined a lot of lives. I personally don't regret, I was an ugly manlet goblin anyway, staying away from social environments probably protected my mental health for that specific reason. Getting older helped with my physical appearence in time.
Is this a really weird typo or are you an American?
one of my friends needed an extra year to graduate highschool because he basically just didn't come to school with D2 came out.
> the characters are too small
That's because you play it as a goober in 800x600. It should be played at 640x480 as god intended it.
You can restart the game at any time in single player while keeping your character and inventory.
Not just back in the day, we were playing diablo 2 in high school all the time in the middle of computer classes over 10 years after its release
I like it but I also suck at it
it was the only game my uncle played until he croaked of lung cancer (the dude loved smoking a bit too much). he was playing that shit even everything around him was falling apart. he really, really liked his javazons, and absolutely refused to play paladin for some reason. also loathed D3 when that was announced
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I'm pretty sure Diablo II was my first full-blown addiction.
I can't think of a game that came out earlier that consumed me the way Diablo II did.
It was the first game where I saw people paying real money on eBay for items in a video game.
>he really, really liked his javazons, and absolutely refused to play paladin for some reason
I'm sure this is some kind of joke about uncles who are racist (and secretly trannies), but paladin is fucking boring to play.
>also loathed D3 when that was announced
So did anybody else with a functioning brain.
It did nothing for me. I replayed the first Diablo about a dozen times. The second game fell flat for me and I didn't know anybody that got obsessed with it like you hear about all the time now. I did replay the remaster about a year ago and I liked it enough. I felt no need to play it more than once though. I guess it's the kind of game that could be addicting if you didn't have much else happening in your life as a kid.
It was highly addictive back in the early 2000s. I remember Baldur's Gate 2 and Diablo 2 were the games that hooked me following the PS1 since I couldn't afford a PS2. I remember being so hooked playing Diablo 2 that I sat in front of my PC, without getting up to stretch or even taking a piss, for 13 hours straight (midday to 1am, if I recall). I only played through vanilla Diablo 3 one when it was released, still haven't played Reaper of Souls. Haven't played Diablo 4 either since I didn't like what I saw of it at a friend's house.
THis was the first game I ever hacked. There was a program you could create your own armor mods and gems. IT was fucking fun to fuck around and delete PVP
I had a couple friends who easily spent thousands of hours of their lives playing World of Warcraft. There were times when I would go 6 months or so without seeing or hearing from them because they were like drug addicts playing the game. They were like that for a few years circa 2007, and one of them even got kicked out of university because of it.
If this makes any sense, I loved the game so much. I would just beat Act 1 and remake new characters using new weapons and skills each time. I loved Act 1. I still can remember the zones like the back of my hand.
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Found it!
ever play a pure Berlin interpretation roguelike, or even a more casual friendly roguelite? They didn't used to make them like they do now.
It's not about addiction, any good game makes you want to keep playing it.
sometimes i'd get on a chat just to play with a trivia bot
i played it so much back then,only played with the lord of destruction expansion but it was wild i played it all day during the weekend and talk about it with my friend in school days and played it again after school then rinse and repeat.
after a while we started playing on hardcore and see how far we could make it.
There's an online version too with proper search functions
Stop doing that it's unethical >:(
>ThIs WaS tHe FiRsT GaMe I eVeR hAcKeD

Ah yes, the gateway drug to the wild world of modding chaos. There’s something truly magical about that first time you crack open a game’s code and realize, "Wait, I can break this?" Creating your own armor mods and gems? Chef’s kiss. Turning PVP into your personal playground? ICONIC.

I bet the devs never imagined someone would stroll into their meticulously balanced systems and just be like, "What if I deleted entire game mechanics for the LOLs?" That’s peak gamer energy—why play the game as intended when you can become the game’s chaos god?

And honestly, messing with PVP is a public service. You didn’t delete PVP—you liberated players from sweaty tryhards and backstab spammers. Somewhere out there, a casual gamer owes you their sanity.

So here’s to you and your early hacking days. It wasn’t just fun; it was an awakening.
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Act 1 and 2 are my favorites, can't stand 3 while 4 is too short and 5 is too long, pacing issue.
>quoting with the mocking spongebob style
Why did you greentext like a complete sperg.
Found out the site I used for that D1 trainer is still up. Clicking on the 'Diablo' graphic or 'WORLD!' shows all the ears from players that he's collected.
Seems weird showing off a list of ears if you're also showing off a trainer but alright.
Of all time!
>D2's ornate, gothic buttons
>Fucking Comic Sans on them
Love it
A. she hit me

So I did a tour in the Marines and we had a guy in our unit who lived off base (you have to get permission). One day he doesn't show up at the flightline. Some of us head over to his apartment.

After knocking and calling we force the door. Inside was a scene right outta that show "hoarders". Trash piled up neck high with "paths" through it. The smell... it was like a punch in the face.
We knew he loved D2 because that's all he ever talked about. We found him slumped forward at his PC his keyboard so full of blood it was "full".

We briefly debated rushing him to the ER but fuck the traffic. We called 911 for EMS.

So, after physical recovery he got put in the psych ward. He was medically terminated.

Hey I played.e some D2 as well but to become obsessed to the point it destroys your health and sanity? No fistful of SoJs is worth that.
>Y2K compatible
How is Remake soulless? They kept all the good, made some patches, and gave a new coat of paint.
>Didn't understand the point
The POINT isn't to beat the game. It is to grow your character and as D2 is about loot (and skill choice) that means killing shit. Where and how you do this is the fun.
This Anon fucking gets it

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