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last thread;

last weekend map download;

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2
>4chan Kit v0.3

- - - - - - -

>Knowledge Base

>RCT1 Manual

>Headless Server Guide (pls fix)
>Weekend Parks Archive

>Current state of weekend multiplayer: Alive
For me it's Evergreen Gardens
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For me it's Pickle Park
You got one with nekkid lady?
>new thread when the old thread is still up
>making a new thread at 130 replies on page 3 instead of bumping
yeah this is cringe, though to be fair he probably saw the thread winding down and got tired of samefagging responses to keep the discussion going and figured the sonichu map in the OP pic would get more attention
Actually I did it because it's been 2 weeks and wasn't sure if I'd have time to make it before tomorrow
Except it was my turn to make a new OP.
Call dibs next time idiot
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I'm sorry anon
Maybe we should do Cliffs of TOGOs this weekend to celebrate the new TOGO track pieces
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That or this abomination I just finished. https://files.catbox.moe/sxfpwp.park
I also made Cliffs of Toegoes so I don't really care
I love it
So is the next map going to be Sonichu?
this has to be the next weekend map
Thanks for finishing the map. This will be hosted shortly.
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>OpenRCT2 has started using the term "peep" over "guest"
Alright fellas, you've been waiting for this. It's up now.
>I opened up a gateway to hell for the weekend
fixed that for you
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TOGO's still suck confirmed
Haven't they been referred to as peeps in manuals and stuff or am I gaslighting myself?
What are some things you always do in your parks?
>all boat hires are freeform
>always put in a torture hedge maze
>always make a sectioned off part of the park with food/drink/bathroom/rides to keep a certain selection of guests in the park as eternally happy pets
>drown red faces when I catch them
torture maze is a classic, I did one the past 2 servers and I might do another one here
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>drown red faces when I catch them
You're supposed to put them in a time-out
what happened to the park rating while I was gone?
Maybe stop building shitty parks it would be high
apparently it's the litter in that one pit
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The term "peep" appeared with RCT3. I never saw it before.
Never saw anything other than guest
RCT3 might have been when it started then? I guess I could track down some manuals so see.
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feel free to build around the path, i just wanted to drop it down to get the park going
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The RCT1 manual is in the OP and the mention quantity of peeps is 000
How bad would it be if someone jumped on and just deleted a few select pathway tiles? Asking for a friend?
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y'all women be different
It would be considered griefing and will be punished by the fullest extent of the law
idk why standup coasters are thing. wouldn't it be a leg breaker? and aren't there weight limits aren't americans too fat ?
I rode Green Lantern at Magic Mountain, which is considered a "good stand-up coaster" and I fucking hated it. Made my legs hurt. I can't imagine riding something jankier while standing.
you see, the way they keep it from breaking your legs is by busting your balls instead
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I guess this one is a bit tamer
I'm fucking astonished that the stand-up coaster has the sprites for that
The park is just all empty queues.
Sounds like a good time for the guests
I'll show you a good time for the guests
Oh yeah bitch? What would you do, build an actually good ride for once?
No, I would give them all kisses.
when is the server going down?
Weekend Map Download

I usually take it down around midnight, Eastern time. Though sometimes I leave it up for a few extra hours if someone is working on something.
>I usually take it down around midnight, Eastern time. Though sometimes I leave it up for a few extra hours if someone is working on something.
oh okay, nice! It'd be cool to bring this map back again next week if others are for it because there's a ton of map left to go.
I joke about Pickle Park every thread, but what's everyone's favorite Corkscrew Follies/Added Attractions scenario?

For me it's either Magic Quarters or Jolly Jungle
For me, its Pickle Park.
Hydro Hills and Magic Quarters are my favorites.
I love Hydro Hills as well, it's a fun park to plan around the water.
I haven't gone through the scenarios in years, but Leafy Lake was always my favorite as a kid, even though I always played it "wrong" by building everything over the water.
I agree on repeating the map this weekend. And next weekend too if the Palisades fire hasn't gone out.

Any park where you have to finish building the coasters (or the coasters are broken ie - Rotting Heights).
I really like Bumbly Beach.
calm tf down tough guy
Vertigo Views, Arid Heights, and Geoffrey Gardens are all top-notch scenarios that I love. Arid Heights in particular was my own personal sandbox park for the years between RCT1's expansions and RCT2's release.
I love Arid Heights for just fucking around in.
Where to go from here...
Turn off opaque water
NAYRT but I like opaque water. The transparent water option looks like jello.
Aye, I shall reinforce the legions.
I usually have it off, I think I turned it on to hide some bad landscaping I can't fix in the main lake, but I'll sink some rocks to hide it.

I'm trying my best to theme around RCT2 Expansion's scenery sets, but they're just so ugly and off the artstyle.
looking cool so far
opaque water is for the RCT1 enjoyers, don't be a hater
I'm an RCT1 lover and I prefer to turn off opaque water when I play OpenRCT2.
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for me it's pickle park
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This is my favorite thing to come out of the Pickle Park post
This scenery set is growing on me.
I'm really liking it so far
RIP David Lynch, it's weird timing considering the Eraserhead baby map was just a few weeks ago.
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new track elements soon boys
is that a diagonal corkscrew? Hell yeah dude.
I played Funtopia so many times that I started to memorize the names of the guests in the park upon opening. For example, the guest in all green is named Malcolm F.
Looks like diagonal immelman/dive half going into a non-diagonal large corkscrew.
I hope that Malcolm is in the middle.
Actually, yes. He's on the Ferris wheel when the game starts. It's right in the middle of the park.
it kind of broke my heart a little bit when RCT2 made all the guests wear dark-colored pants and we stopped seeing guests walk around in the absurd brightly-colored jumpsuits that you sometimes saw in RCT1
Are we running back Sonichu tonight?
I vote yes
I vote no
got any better ideas?
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My fucking sides
Can I change my answer
Eraserhead baby (mirrored)
Shitposting aside, Sonichu has some nice open spots left, but it would get boring if we played this for 48 hours
How about a smaller map with an opportunity for spaghetti later on?
I built a splash boats ride that anyone's free to edit the scenery around, I don't have any ideas for it.
how's the park looking so far?
Is there any etiquette to follow when it comes to the MP maps for these threads? I've been getting back into the games via openRCT this last month, so I basically just build memes/garbage, but the /vr/ server looks really fun. Just wanna make sure I'm not actively trolling by making a shitty coaster on there or something
Don't fuck with other people's builds mainly, and don't purposefully waste money. Avoid plopping down pre-builts and nothing else, since that's boring.
Sounds good, I would be paranoid about doing all 3 of those things anyway. Will have to hop on while it's up
I'd also add that guest-trapping/killing machines are funny for only 5 minutes
It looks pretty cool. Everyone has been building around the central area so far
Agreed, it mostly just tanks the park rating and makes doing things more annoying. Although they can be funny for a little while.
Nice, I'll hop in later on. The splash boats actually turned out okay for me being shitfaced drunk when I built them last night.
it's a good thing splash boats don't care about laterals
Especially good because of the one I built on the Sonichu map.
I wish touchscreen controls on RCT Classic mobile didn't feel so clunky. It's not that it's bad, but I feel like I'm taking an extra step to do everything.
Decided to mix it up with an inverted coaster.
I like what you did with the swan boat area. I wasn't sure what to do with it after putting the ride and paths in.
boats should always have a chance to say hello to rollercoaster cars

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