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I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
Good choice for your first one. Original version is still better though, or T-edition if you've played it a half dozen times already.
>Original version is still better though
I already played it and no it definitely isn't.
The best entry of the 2D era and possibly the only one worth playing.
despite the jank music, I've always thought the gba version was the best.
What other Final Fantasy games have you played?
None of the PRs are better than the originals.
FF4 is really good too. I actually was really fond of the steam version played on hard, even tho I grew up on the SNES original

6 is more fun for its gameplay, 4 is more fun if you enjoy a challenge
>What other Final Fantasy games have you played?
All of them up to and including 13, which is when I figured its a good time to stop bothering. I grew up with them.
>None of the PRs are better than the originals.
Absolutely wrong. This is the definitive way to experience this game.
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How did they come up with a character that is literally me?
>he played 13 games that he didn’t like
Massive, terminal, autism.
This may come as a shock to you, but I don't like the same games now as I did when I was 8 years old, not all of them anyways. That would be a signifier of a severe developmental disorder. As an adult you should have higher standards. FF13 came out a year after I left high school, and its fitting thats when Final Fantasy was so far seperated from what I enjoy as its heavily influence by whats popular with current year teens. It also means square enix has not made a game I found appealing enought to even try in over 15 years. Now no one likes square enix, so all of their titles are desperate nostalgia grabs or phone games.
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Meteor Striking a train just doesn't have the same ring to it.

The very first comparison shot portrays the PR as vastly inferior. So much less power to the choral line. Wispy, wimpy lightning effects in the modern version versus crisp, raw blasts in the original.
Then mod it and shut up.
this video is so incredible, it's like a perfect live demonstration of the fact that just because technology has advanced to make it easier to make "higher quality graphics" that's still not going to make up for a lack of art director talent. looks absolutely putrid despite being technically "the same thing," actually impressive.
You must be blind then. Everything in PR is better, from the artwork to the soundtrack, and even really important things like the translation.
Naw, the PR looks like shit. Shit font, shit effects. The opera scene in that comparison video is especially bad, with shitty 2.5D and awful vocals that somehow manage to sound worse than the old 4th gen soundchip.
Face it, your taste is shit.
Explain to me how I can benefit from arguing with a little third world kid larping as an adult over something in which he is obviously in the wrong, in less than 1% of the minority of general opinion, and probably doesn't even care about? This is a completely retarded hill to die on. I'm going to continue playing the game, so this is going to be a real rough time for you if you can't come up with better material.
I’ve been recently trying to find a 2D Final Fantasy I like.
I’ve played the PR of 1 a couple of years ago, and I dropped it shortly after the job upgrade because it was incredibly boring and I was autobattling constantly. I tried the PS1 version last week for at least a dozen hours and dropped it at the volcano. It was definitely better, but combat is pretty boring when it’s mostly just you selecting attack (the classic JRPG meme). Not having attacks redirect made it somewhat more engaging, at least. I’d try it again, but I would probably go for the PSP one and do a different party comp. I went with the default last time.
I booted up both the PS1 and then the PSP versions of 2, and liked what little I played but it felt too open-ended for me at the moment. I have another game going like that and I wanted my side game to be more straightforward. So I set that aside for a definite play later.
3 I skipped for various reasons just for the moment, but I’ll try it some other time.
Then I got to the PSP version of IV and was pleasantly surprised. Battles are snappy and the story is interesting despite its simplicity - but again, I feel like dropping it right before the dark elf cave. I just really don’t like how you get Tellah who knows every damn spell right away. Not having a build up feels wrong, despite how cool it is to have someone’s abilities match their in-story experience. The constantly rotating cast gets a little annoying, though I like them all at least. Maybe it’s just this version, but story segments and dungeons whip by a little too fast. And Cecil’s story is cool, but going from a unique class to another white magic caster is a little frustrating.

Anyway, yeah. I see the overall appeal of the series, but so far I would rather boot up any Dragon Quest. Maybe I’ll go for FF6 and work my way backwards instead of forwards.
>less than 1% of the minority of general opinion
Comments in the video posted above already show that isn't the case, but whatever. No skin off my nose if someone with shit taste chooses to play a shit "remaster". I'll keep playing the version that doesn't look or sound like ass on the original hardware, thanks.
>Anyway, yeah. I see the overall appeal of the series, but so far I would rather boot up any Dragon Quest.
This is my feeling on FF in general, but FF6 is different enough that it doesn't feel like DQ at all. It's more like boomer undertale.
You're an idiot and a liar. The only people who like Dragon Quest are Japanese Salary men and Liars trying to fish retro points.
Why are final fantasy fans so incredibly retarded
>It's more like boomer undertale
So a game for faggots (literal)?
>The only people who like Dragon Quest are Japanese Salary men
dragon quest is a fantastic series, you just haven't played enough jrpgs to appreciate it.
Perfect for /vrpg/ then.
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You should shut up, you whining little brat.
There is no need for anyone to argue with you, because not only are you obviously wrong, you have no ability to affect the world.
You could be hit by a car tomorrow and the only effect on the world would be slightly increased insurance premiums for the driver.
Seems like you're in here throwing a temper tantrum because you're both powerless to persuade anyone and actually play video games.
>or T-edition if you've played it a half dozen times already
And use the soulfvl version
Is there any legitimate reason not to play the pixel remasters other than you can emulate for free?
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Leaping acrossed roof tops in a city full of liars and holy hell, this new version of the OST rules.
Man, the new opera was pretty great too.
No, the PR is better in every single way.
I mean, just look at the first 35 seconds. I've never played any of these pixel remasters, but this alone convinced me that just emulating the original SNES version is superior. Case closed.
>I mean, just look at the first 35 seconds
Yeah it looks a lot better. The translation is closer to the Japanese script as well. Sure would be a shame if someone got tricked into listening to you and played the worst version of the game.
Wound up playing this all day because I was having so much fun. The pacing in this game is top notch. Got all the way to the airship fight. Now to go play Ys 8.
How is this different/more soulfvl than the current T-Edition 3.05 and T-Edition EX 2.05?
It has more fanfic content made by retarded slavs.
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No stat tabs, every enemy has been nerfed, easier game, hasn't been tainted by crybabies who cried that the game, which the creator intended for himself, was too hard.
Also no gamebreaking bugs because Mato's translation tool could no longer accommodate the latest. So unless you can read nip then 3.0.5 is buggy in english. personally haven't played it myself.
here's the buglist for that one though because it still has some.
This vid. talks about the differences and improvements.

The first vid is outdated, didn't bother watching the second.
for tellah they capped him at 90mp so even if he knew most the spells (not nuke or other heavy hitters) he could only cast lit3 3x times at most.
>slow down attacks for le balancing
this hack is massively overrated
not to mention the world of ruin theme, HOLY FUCK IT"S SO BAD, what the fuck retarded dev was thinking when he changed it? it's a music from ff13 too, what a fucking joke
Now its time for things to really get good.
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I think I will use Setzer this playthrough.
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Yeah, this was a good choice. First dragon down and now I have the Quick esper so I can attack 16 times instead of 8. This is an insanely cool dungeon by the way. The game really opens up at the midway point and you can basically go anywhere, even straight to the final boss, and there's all kinds of crazy items and stuff you can find.
1 is just straight up broken and should not be played.
2 you can argue is actually an improvement because the original is so fucking bad.
3 is fucking easy mode because you can change jobs at any time for no cost. In the original you have points from leveling that you can spend, and cost to change jobs depends how closely related they are to what you are, (mage-mage vs mage-fighter etc), increasing job level decreases cost. Given the ridiculously OP consumables added to 1 and 2 I think this also has that problem but don't remember.
Widescreen shows areas that would otherwise be hidden in the original version.
4-6 aren't as big of a problem gameplay-wise they just look much worse at 10x the size because they lack the basic filter every emulator will have along with the colors/brightness being wrong. The fonts are jarringly high resolution, small, and written wider which makes it harder to read. There is a reason books and newsprint have certain widths.

The one benefit of the pixel remasters is the bestiary but you can't even access it from in the game, only at the title screen.
>they lack the basic filter
Only subhumans use filters, and I say this unironically
different strokes for different folks. if you got too used to the easy settings of the original then indeed t-edition won't appeal to you.
the style choices of songs, enemies, bosses, gimmicks are also heavily acquired taste. specifically for those who have widely played the series.
i for one like the changes and dislike some but the former far outnumber the latter.
i honestly disliked the changes in the wor song too but still hearing searching for friends while chilling and flying in the airship is also a good compromise
nta but why would you play a ff game for the combat? FF6 is fun because it has a big interesting world to explore with cool treasure and memorable characters. if I want a game with good combat I wouldn't play any final fantasy game.
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Finished with Edgar on my quest to make super broken characters, also picked up dual casting. Now I just need to gather up Locke and learn Ultima. Kind of interesting how character power is moreso tied to gear rather than leveling. While you could grind its far better to simply go treasure hunting, which makes traveling around the new world feel rewarding.
Noooo what are you trying to do, have FUN? Playing video games?? We can’t have that, you must always use a guide and min max. Don’t you know that Setzer’s skills uses RNG, which is a no-no??? You must always go for the highest numbers all the time! You
I was under the impression that Setzer rng decreases with level. I remember his slots basically being a guaranteed aoe nuke
Yep, Setzer is pretty insane.
Oh! Wow! I'm grateful to have stumbled upon your thread! I've the American version Final Fantasy 3 on my SNES App through my SmartPhone. The pixel remaster looks so much better though. Either way I'd be satisfied. I'm sure you know at the time this game came out on Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) there were mainly two types of battle systems: (1) Time-Based and (2) Real-Time. Of course the first one FF3. Have you ever heard of Secret of Mana? It's also made by SquareSoft. It would be Real-Time the second one. I noticed over the years Real-Time gained the upper hand by far and remained superior. I can already tell you you're part of a chess team. I think FF3 is much much faster than chess. Chess is an old old game. FF3 is I'd say much bark than bite though. SOM (Secret of Mana) is not only bark bite and brains yet as well a treasured masterpiece to me. I apologize if I've offended you in anyway. I'm just so glad to find your thread!

"The only pieces you place are the ones that lead you to doom." - ???

Gamers for life!
OP if you ever need a friend email me:

Retype this but format it as a Gaia Online post.
Anyone who likes the pixel remasters is a slop-slurping lowest common denominator retard who should be burned to death in an oil drum
You've been seething for days. Go make another ff8 thread.

Too bad they removed a bunch of content for the Pixel Remaster
Didn't they just leave out the GBA additions?
yeah and the only GBA additional content worth a damn is 2's
>it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
Struggle to understand how that could happen, considering that even by FF standards, 6 is an utterly broken, shallow, monotonous, unbalanced mess of a game. Most other games in the series aren't much better, but 6 is especially terrible.
>Struggle to understand how that could happen
FF6 focuses on being cool while other FF games focus on being sad the hot topic store at the mall closed down.
>muh buzzwords
You wouldn’t say, let alone know, half of these words if you hadn’t read, I’m sorry heard someone saying them on YouTube or TikTok or something. Try to understand games in their proper context. FF6 is a SNES game and it shows, but it was innovative for its time with things like having an ensemble cast instead of a main character and a lot more. It also has one of the best pixel art — again, for its time. Learning to appreciate things in their proper context will make your life better and help you enjoy not just videogames, but also classic movies, books, music. Finally, get your head out of your ass. Just enjoy videogames and stop trying to analyze them. You’re not a game critic, and let’s be honest, you’re probably not as smart as you think you are. Now I know you will feel the need to posture and “refute” me because I hurt your ego, and you can have the last word. I don’t care (I won’t even read it), but trust me on this one. It will make your life better and maybe, just maybe, make you a semi-tolerable person in your personal and social life.
>FF6 is a SNES game
So is DQ5, but that game is actually fun
>it was innovative for its time
All of its "innovations" sucked and were poisonous to the genre
>having an ensemble cast instead of a main character
Wow, what an incredible game-changer
>It also has one of the best pixel art
Muh grafix
>Just enjoy videogames and stop trying to analyze them
Lmao, typical FF retard
>I have been playing the pixel remaster of this and so far it is the only Final Fantasy game I have played that doesn't completely suck.
Try FF IV next.
Whelp, completed the game. It definitely still holds up, and a lot of the dungeons in World of Ruins are really neat. It's definitely a short game, this took under a week to finish just playing a a couple hours every day, making this a great entry level jrpg for the absolute fuckton of unforgettable moments packed into such a compact and dense game.
The pixel remasters aren't on sale right now so I bought 7 and 10. (which are on sale)
the original looks like shit
This is easily the best FF.
I love this octopus.
Magicite is a genius mechanic because the job system in FF is simply absolute garbage, and it replaces it with something FF excels at, adventure. You travel multiple continents finding the remnants of creatures of enormous power, either by chance or extended quest lines, and it feels extremely rewarding to add another to your collection. The more you have the more you can shape your character's development. This is one of the few examples of horizontal progression in jrpgs, which is common place in crpgs, where your options widen as you progess rather than numbers just purely getting bigger. It's unfortunate they undermined this concept in ff7 with materia.
Skill system in X is soooo satisfying. Best part of the game.
>Magicite is a genius mechanic because the job system in FF is simply absolute garbage, and it replaces it with something FF excels at, adventure. You travel multiple continents finding the remnants of creatures of enormous power, either by chance or extended quest lines, and it feels extremely rewarding to add another to your collection. The more you have the more you can shape your character's development. This is one of the few examples of horizontal progression in jrpgs, which is common place in crpgs, where your options widen as you progess rather than numbers just purely getting bigger. It's unfortunate they undermined this concept in ff7 with materia.
The magicite system is so fucking cool. When Kefka starts killing espers and collecting them I almost screamed at the screen "NO! THOSE ARE MINE! GIMME THOSE SUMMONS DAMMIT!"
Would have liked them to at least include the added FMV scenes from psp versions of 1 and 2 but this looks good in the PR. I went ahead and ordered a PR copy. I'm mulling throwing my older copies on ebay.
>None of the PRs are better than the originals.
lmao. All of the are betters. The PRs are one of the few remasters which are miles better than the originals.
>As an adult you should have higher standards.
Wrong. Your interests and personality changed. Not the standards.
>he hasn't just been playing Doom 2, TIE Fighter, and X-COM: UFO Defense for decades
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Doom 2 is a mediocre wad compared to what has been made for it today, so no, of course I wouldn't do that. X-COM was considered a "strategy-lite" game when it released, because it was so casual and simple, and personally I find wargames like shadow empire, unity of command 2, field of glory, warplan, etc more appealing now. Star Wars is just actual goyslop and I have never liked it. Boy it is extremely frustrating to see people who just refuse to grow and just do the same stupid shit every day for over 20 years.
>anon responds seriously and pretentiously to what was clearly sarcasm, then follows it up with:
>Boy it is extremely frustrating to see people who just refuse to grow and just do the same stupid shit every day for over 20 years.
A stunning lack of self awareness, even for Moeblob.
>what was clearly sarcasm
How am I supposed to know its sarcasm when its literally what you guys do? Pick the 3-5 shittiest, most casual accessible old games you can find and jerk off over those games ad infinitum while pretending to be ebin boomers.
Did teens in 2009 enjoy ff13? The only person I've met that liked 13 was a butch lesbian lol.
Yes and now they're old enough to be nostalgic for this garbage
Anon, don't reply to bots. They're trying to learn from us.
There's a chance he loves you, too!
Coward. Can't say I didn't try. Enjoy being left in the dark like a lazy baby who can't into basic interwebs search.
Four had the best pixel remaster sound track. Everything else felt worse than the OG soundtrack.
I like VI but it's not even the best 2d mainline final fantasy. you have shit taste OP.
Tellah also has shit casting stats. His spells are weak.
>it's not even the best 2d mainline final fantasy
yes it is and im quickly finding out final fantasy fans are completely retarded
stop sperging out just because I said your favorite game is not that good. lol
My mother had it because it came with her blu-ray player.
I tried all the FFs but they were mostly pretty bad desu. 7,8,10,13 are the only good ones.
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>I tried all the FFs but they were mostly pretty bad desu.
FF games were good at release but they all aged like milk.

Dragon Quest games on the other hand were aging like fine wine.
Only played XI so far but it was good
Why did you post a reddit image
It's not that I think he's overpowered, it's that it feels overwhelming and obnoxious to see a full spell list immediately. I also think it's kind of obnoxious to have multiple characters with the same spell pool at one time when dark knight Cecil, Edward, and Yang have somewhat unique abilities.
I'll come back to it because it was generally fun and the story was surprisingly compelling for a game of its time, but this last section broke my honeymoon period for a bit.

I can only speak for the first game, but the PR is a terrible option. It's crazy easy, but then also leaves out the extra dungeons originally added when they made the game easier.

>The one benefit of the pixel remasters is the bestiary
Those are in the PSP versions and they're accessible from the status menu. The PSP games have their own aesthetic issues, though. Sometimes I think they look okay, and then others they just scream "phone game."
>I can only speak for the first game
This thread isn't about the first game.
That's nice, but the post I replied to referred to all of them and not just VI.
>I replied to referred to all of them
And you only played one. This might be difficult for you to understand, but if you're ignorant you're opinion is not insightful or interesting and you should keep it to yourself, rather than come into a thread for a game you did not play. The only thing I have gleamed from you're post is that detractors are retarded and ignorant.
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>it's that it feels overwhelming and obnoxious to see a full spell list immediately.
It's not immediately though, not by a long shot. Tellah doesn't gain his full spell list until Cecil transforms into a Paladin. That's a substantial progression into the game. If you're overwhelmed at that point, there's something wrong with you, not the game.
> it's kind of obnoxious to have multiple characters with the same spell pool
This is a very silly, arbitrary complaint. Having two black wizards is key in the Kainazzo battle, for example, where you need to hit him with lightning when he gathers water. FFIV's content is tuned to specific party composition. You start with simple martial characters who are 10 levels above the content then gradually the complexity and challenge increases, with specific encounters for the party. Tellah is your only mage for the magnetized dungeon disabling heavy weapons and armor, and for the Tower of Zot where fat Cindy uses a Wall which Tellah cannot pierce, forcing you to do something other than just nuke the cleric dead in that battle.

It's a great design, because many good abilities are roughly equally powerful at any level. Spells like Blink, Wall, Berserk and Stone/Petrify are level-agnostic. Tellah lets you preview these useful spells during the mid-game while remaining limited by his poor stats and tiny mana pool. He's replaced by Rosa and Spoiler who will have to earn them back for later.

The biggest legit annoyance to new players is that any equipment left on a departing character is lost forever.
I've played every FF to 9 (except for 8) and the only reason I'd ever play Pixel Remaster is if I could only play on Switch and had no superior option.
You never played the pixel remasters, what you think doesn't matter at all.
You never played the originals your taste doesn't matter at all. One does not need to play all the remasters to recognize garbage, you worthless shill.
>And you only played one
And I gave my opinion solely on that one. I was upfront about only talking about the first game. I do, in fact have insight into a game I played.

>This is a very silly, arbitrary complaint
I didn’t say it was a terrible sin or an objective complaint. I just didn’t personally like it. The game is generally very good and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I was enjoying a relatively simple story with noticeably more engaging combat than the games before it. I’m not reading the rest of your post because I saw the word spoiler and I honestly don’t need you to tell me I’m wrong and the game is good. I know it’s good - I liked it. That section just felt like a bump in the road big enough to throw my for a whole and come back later. If I finish it soon I’ll come back and read your points.
>equipment left on a departing character is lost forever
I did not appreciate this as well, but up to now I didn’t lose anything particularly valuable.
>You never played the originals your taste doesn't matter at all
I played FF6 (3 I guess) when it came out. Keep your dumb opinions to yourself, larping zoomer.
I really didn’t enjoy FFVI. I considered myself to be a huge FF fanboy growing up with the PS1 games, so I went into FFVI was some insanely high expectations considering how much other people say it’s comparable to (if not better than) FFVII but found it to be a really, really dull game. Even FFIV felt like less of a chore to play.

I’m convinced that the FFVI fandom is mostly a matter of nostalgia. It’s just a disjointed experience overall.
>growing up with the PS1 games
I'm sorry to hear that, you must have severe brain damage now.
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Actually yes, I do. Thanks for asking.
>pot calls kettle black
This game is overrated and I prefer 4
6 is my favorite of the mainline games despite its many flaws, but I agree that it's overrated. I see it topping a lot of "best of" lists, and while it's cool to see my favorite at or near the top so often, I have to wonder how much of it is hipsterism or contrarian bias against the more popular & successful 7.
this was my favorite game when i was a teenager. i put 60 hours into it one summer. that was a lot of time for me to put into a video game at the time. i've tried to replay it over the years, and it's just like every other jrpg: boring, repetitive, dull, simple, and has an awful and childish script.

i guess there's no accounting for taste, and people change over time. it's definitely the best final fantasy game. it was a monumental improvement over 4 and 5 in many ways. 7 progressed nothing beyond 6 except for 3d graphics and higher-resolution "pre-rendered backgrounds" rendered with more colors than than tile-based backgrounds of ff6. ff7's 3d graphics have aged like yogurt. ff7 had more room to run, visually, than ff6, and a lot of the game is very impressive if the player stops to appreciate its construction.

idk wtf i was talking about. i'm high. just like soros and gates want me to be.
This is why I'm content to leave my fond memories of the series alone, and soil them with any of the newer ones. Also why I stopped playing JRPGs 20 years ago.
You're supposed to keep finding better and better games to play rather than attaching yourself to shit games
Because they have taste, everyone saying dragon quest is better is subhuman, now go visit your church to save your fucking faggot.
How about you taste my nuts in your mouth
>i'm high. just like soros and gates want me to be.
Soros and gates got nothing on the gaian super consciousness. They want you to think that they want you to think you should be high and to feel bad about it, in truth you should want to be high because it's the only way to increase the vibrations of your quantum tubules and in turn awaken your consciousness to the true nature of wetiko and sublimate it into creative action.
The pixel art in FF6 is nothing special for the era it was in. Its somewhere in the middle actually.
>The best entry of the 2D era
Crazy that people say this when FF5 is literally right there. Like we have emulators now. You can just play it.
the only two people i knew irl who enjoyed FF both loved 13. We got in a lot of debates over it lol
FF6 is so fucking epic guys! I will never try any other JRPG but FF6 is the best one because the Opera Scene® and Kefka, well he's literally just like me! Haha, I'm such a retro gamer!
>FF-cultists are drug-addicts
Not surprising desu
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>FF6 is so fucking epic guys! I will never try any other JRPG
I just played skies of arcadia on this board and I'm playing ys 8 now. Also playing ff7 but it's really bad and I'm probably gunna drop it.
>haven't listened to this soundtrack in 20 years
>immediately start humming along perfectly with the song
holy hell. that's fucking great.
Stopped reading here
sadly for you zoomie or nufag the pixel remasters are worse
>FF for sony consoles : censorship,removal of content
>FF PR : more censorship and more content removed.
the only safe way to play it is
>grab snes emulator
>grab retranslated rom
>enjoy without cuts or censorship
What cuts and censorship were made to the games? The only ports I played were the PSX ports of 1 and 2, I played 3-6 natively.

Whoever posted that comparison video of 6 convinced me in two seconds that the pixel remasters were garbage, the remastered 6 intro sounds like weak shit compared to the SNES.
>still going nuts
The most obvious and first that come to mind would be seres torture,there are more stuff censored or cut.
Well is sony so no surprise there,so while they look the same is not the same in the end.
Well i played the snes and ps1 version 15 years ago.

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