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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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Are you making your own RPG? Do you focus on story, art or combat? What engine are you using? What are your inspirations? Do you have a team or you work alone? Talk about it here!
Also ALL engines welcome.
REMEMBER to ignore schizos and dramafaggots. Post about your game and comment about other people's games. All engines are allowed, including your own or nothing at all.
so whats the real thread
This one was started by a drama poster with a drama post, so I'm not sure if this is real. "I'm not the drama but I'm going to stir drama up right away!" Ok, great job.
Stay in your thread. This is for people who want to post about their RPGs.
So post about it Drama Anon. What have you been doing. Oh that's right you don't do anything but stir drama.

I can tell you what I've been doing. Writing custom drag logic because Unities logic is fucking annoying. It only seems to allow very specific logic and you want to do anything else it gets all fucked up. And chatgpt can't seem to handle it so I'm raw dogging it and writing it from scratch with my own brain. I can't believe I have to program on my own again like it's the 1800's.
You're a schizo.
They don't need a no-dev to create threads for them. You're like the people that haunt request threads but never fill any.
Now fuck off. Same goes for the rest of the makeshift Generals.
Adding to this.
Reminder to hide posts from namefags.
They don't care about RPGs.
What is better Godot or RPGMaker?
Depends on your level of experience and what you're trying to make with it. If you're a complete novice, no programming experience whatsoever, and in the "I just want to dive in and make something that works fast and gives me instant motivation" phase, RPG maker is probably a better fit for you but you'll eventually hit a wall in terms of what you can productively squeeze out of it because of its limitations.
How much it would take to get good at Godot for making a game? It seems that it could take literal months just to have something decent. With that in mind RPGmaker gets a lot more attractive.
sure is ded
any progressers in the chat?
I really don't know what your level of experience is anon so it's hard to answer that. RPGmaker is not the worst choice in the world if you don't want to invest into learning how to program.
>child versions of the characters are just smaller versions of the adults
Fuck, hide your development thread from this faggot >>3531462
Anyone have a simple idea for an first person dungeon crawler rpg? fucked around with mv3d for rpg maker mv and wanted to make somthing like the early ultima games. I fucked around with rpgm for a while but never released a single game so im all ears for simple ideas.
Here's a video of it if you're curious
What if...last person dungeon climber?
Do you have a simple idea for a cull yourself rpg?
do you even know what 'cull' means?
Please explain, sigma.
>Are you making your own RPG?
Yes, horror rpg.
Do you focus on story, art or combat?
Art, story, combat. If art sucks, everything sucks. Combat can be serviceable, no need to pour resources into it.
What engine are you using?
What are your inspirations?
Classic Re, classic Sh with rpg elements like stats and (visible) equipment.
Do you have a team or you work alone?
Alone and freelancers
>Also ALL engines welcome.
I never see people talk about exotic engines, always unity fags, ue cultists and godot fanatics.
Pathfinder does that, too. Such low effort.
Lol, just lol if your children aren’t smaller versions of you
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Just got back from a ban because I forked the other thread kek
>Are you making your own RPG?
Fuck yes
>Do you focus on story, art or combat?
Usually I'd focus on combat and dungeon exploration, but this time around I'm putting more care and attention into the story and the interactions between the party members, as well as making the different kingdoms a little bit more culturally distinct.
>What engine are you using?
>What are your inspirations?
In the past in was Final Fantasy 1 with a hint of open world CRPGs. Now, I'm veering more towards Final Fantasy IV
>Do you have a team or you work alone?
Just me, though I commission an artist sometimes and have 4-or-so testers :)


Literal months is nothing in Gamedev time. Compared to something like Unity or Unreal, Godot is very, very elegant, simple and lightweight. It'd probably take you just over a month to have the basics done and you'd have complete control over everything, whereas using RPGMaker, you could get the fundementals (classes, stats, equipment, items and maybe even a dungeon and a town) done in under a week, the downside being that you're much, much more limited with what you can do with your game. The basics will already be done for you. However, you'll spend a lot of time trying to ensure your game doesn't look and feel like just another RPGMaker game, which is harder than it sounds.
Just ignore him. he's here to farm outrage and attention for his games (which aren't RPGs btw). if we stop giving him attention he'll go. pretend he isn't there.
I also can keep posting in the other thread like the rest of the yesdevs since I'm not touching RPG Maker.
good for you :) you do that, buddy
>Literal months is nothing in Gamedev time.
What if you want to meet a deadline, though? For those of us who want to make it big with gamedev time is relevant. Of course for those eternally LARPing as hobbyst is not. But Godot is definitely better than bloated engines like Unity, and unlike GameMaker is completely free.
BTW, very good looking game anon. I think I'll try it later.
>Do you focus on story, art or combat?
All three, as well as music.
>What engine are you using?
>What are your inspirations?
SMT (specifically Devil Summoner), Final Fantasy V, Pokemon, MOTHER, Cave Story, Castlevania, Roger Rabbit
>Do you have a team or you work alone?

I'm not saying anything at this point that everyone doesn't already know. Have a screenshot
>What if you want to meet a deadline, though?
then godot is the lesser of two evils when it comes to that and Unity, I guess. To be fair I'm a godot noob and usually give in about two weeks in so don't take my word as law
>BTW, very good looking game anon. I think I'll try it later.
thank you very much. it's a bit of an evolution of what I've been doing in the past few years but it is something new for me, a more character and story driven game, so there's some growing pains but I'm proud of what I have so far
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>Are you making your own RPG?
>Do you focus on story, art or combat?
I'd say I focus more on the art and combat. Story is kinda there but not a priority
>What engine are you using?
>What are your inspirations?
Digimon World, Monster Rancher, Golden Sun, Monster Hunter series
>Do you have a team or you work alone?
Alone, but a friend is helping me with some epic music: https://voca.ro/1h9RxWauLtBl
this is my favorite one in these threads. very promising
This looks pretty good. I'm happy to see the text and everything is consistent with the sprite width. also i really dig the design of the Greist. One thing is his arm looks a liitle stiff
Ty anon, I hope the game can live up to that.
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I was working on one, upgraded my computer, and managed to lose all the files, so it's back to ground zero. Sadge! Anyways, I've been drafting the game on paper this time, in hopes that I can avoid burnout by not making maps, writing dialogue, making sprites that get cut for whatever reason. Sometimes you can't beat the old ball pen and printer paper draft.
really sorry to hear that, anon. i did the same thing when i was making one of my earlier games. on the bright side, getting back to where you were will be faster than the first time, and it'll probably turn out better than it would have otherwise. always make a backup, even when you don't think you need to
Sad to hear, anon. I had a problem las month and lost like 3 weeks of progress although I've never had something like losing everything happen to me before. Started using git and making external backups too just to calm my paranoia. Hang in there.
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You posted the wrong thread image, dipshit.
"Culling" is something you do to a collective, like thinning a herd. It doesn't make verbal sense to apply it to an individual. On top of that, it's done for the collective's benefit.
Can anyone help me with this? I'm trying to make this Knight have the exact same stats as the player, but it isn't working. It doesn't seem to change his stats, besides HP.
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Console view
I think argument 0 in addParam() function is supposed to be the parameter you're adding to. So if all of them have 0 you're just adding towards hp I think.
>Param IDs go from 0~7 inclusive: mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi, luk.
Still the console log says _hp: NaN so something else might be wrong.
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NVM. I managed to do it using another script within an event.
Yep that should work better. Btw when you're in doubt about some script call you can always check this:
Its badly organized but it has everything.
thanks anon, bookmarked.
Unfortunate that he's allied himself with you, I was looking forward to playing his game and no longer can.
kek, just ignore him. we made this thread to get away from non-rpg shitters like him
and nothing of value was lost.
This is your thread: >>3532595
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>successfully tricked him into posting his RPGMaker not-RPG in the thread where you can't post RPGMaker games and posts have to be about RPGs
How you do these old paper textures in the UI? They look really nice.
not them but what do you mean how? they drew then imported the drawing into the game, presumably
I drew them in aseprite while looking at references. Its all in the palette though, picking the right colors is important for it to look "good".
I was searching plugins the other day and is sad to see the current state of western plugin scenes for RPGM. Everywhere these badly optimized and shitty plugins of VisuStella are forced when in the past you had a big number of different plugin devs doing their own thing and releasing it for free and building upon the plugins of other people with better functionality
that's just how these things are, when the first guy monetized his scripts and people actually paid for it, everyone followed the money
and if you actually do know enough coding to make your own scripts, you might as well use a different engine if actually want to make a game, leaving behind only the ones profiting from it
the game was rigged from the start
That’s what surprises me. If someone is able to program well, then why even use RPGM? Although I guess some arguments can be made. Like, ready to use assets and some big processes already handled and bug free. But still, I’d think once you’re able to produce plug ins well youd no longer be someone making plug ins.
Also, when I think about giving away some programming I’ve made I turn into Bilbo Baggins. “After all why shouldn’t I keep it! It’s MINE” people would probably cry about it to. “Why isn’t this free code complete with more free features? This guy sucks”
As someone who learned to code and dropped rpgm I agree. At some point its wasted potential but the "most features already implemented" is a trick because it may not serve your use case and you're stuck with trying to remake features because in a not so flexible engine.
>“After all why shouldn’t I keep it! It’s MINE”
You have the same mindset Bilbo had when he was being controlled by the ring, grim
They literally said that anon
Of the last 1000 posts attacking me, this was the best.

I have considered selling programming assets to the Unity store. But I feel that’s a level of degeneracy reserved for if I fail at game making. I should at least try that before lowering myself. I can retire to Unity tutorials and assets if it comes to it. And then of course, porn dev.
I probably come across too harsh on asset making. I actually really respect it. It’s just that polishing something for release as a tool would take a lot of time away from my main goal. I’m just joking around.
There still are devs who make free plugins but the problem is visustella fags are nepohires
ded thread
wonder why.
Now is the best time to work on a project. But my motivation is 0.
My biorhythm is in the pits and won't be up again for another week.
any progress makers?
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What animal fursona best fits the default RM actors?
The default protagonists have been mostly male with orangish hair. So, fox maybe?

If Rpg Maker WITH rolled out with a new furry actor list, I'm just wondering what they'd choose.
probably foxes, wolves and catgirls
Foxes bridge western and eastern cultures. So it wouldn't be a bad choice for a default caters.

Rabbits have cultural ubiquity as well, especially in fantasy.
That's probably why Disney picked them as protagonists in Zootopia.

A bear would be some kind of tank class.
A lion would be a warrior as well as royalty.

Wolves and dogs are always soldiers or guards that operate in a group.

Owls would make a fine wizard. Vultures would be necromancers. Small birds would be valkyries. Kestrels and Crows would be thieves. "Fancy" birds like peacocks and swans would be nobility.

I can see cats can fit into any role. Except maybe clergy. I don't know what a "priestly" animal would be.
Furries are disgusting degenerates and if they did this I would stop using RM
Working on another city. This Kingdom is faithful to the God of Nature, vaguely Gaelic culturally. This is where the party gets their call to action. The Alliance of the Five Kingdoms is so tied up in useless bureaucracy that they won't give you the means to fight le big bad evil guy until every Kingdom agrees that you're the best party for the job, so from here on until 2/3 through the game you'll be traveling the globe to try and impress the nobles by doing quests for them, gaining levels, equipment, and learning about the oncoming along the way
>the oncoming storm*
sorry lol
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Jam stealth game coming along. Two more scenes to do then I can let it loose.
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>What does the fox say?
>you jack off to WHATgirls?
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>anon predicts the entire animal symbolism of my game
I've got nothing to contradict, just a few entries to add:
Cat is the rouge, but takes on a Lion theme when upgrading to the gladiator class.
Rabbit is the ranger/scout.
The Bull/Minotaur is the berserker starting class.
Lizzards are the base knight/warrior, the heavy armor without much moral values attached.
Snake is for warlocks.
Goat is the bard because of satyrs.
The cleric has a Bat theme, think of a nun with her veil over eyes to allude to the poor sight of bats. Also vampire themes for the evil/fallen clergy.
Moth is a pyromancer.
Stag is a paladin and Duck a berserker/assassin because of folklore.
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rogue* please do not make this mistake in the actual game.
But also, it sounds cute :) Post progress when/if you have any
>duck berserker/assassin because of folklore.
What folklore is this referencing?
Basically, I only use legendary creatures, not the mundane animals they're based on. Lore being basically monster hunter: people murdered the shit out of the critters to get their powers.

>Stag paladin
The White Hart/White Stag, which has associations with Jesus Christ in medieval England.

>Duck berserker
The Elwetritsch, an obscure German thing that's the offspring between a water bird and forest spirit. Basically, I wanted a feathered-dinosaur as the physical attacker in the bird family, but obviously there aren't any mythological feathered dinosaurs, and dragons were already abundant in my bestiary. That got me to the archaeopteryx, which was discovered vaguely where the Elwetritsch stories come from.

Noted, I'll rename the class to thief or something to avoid the mistake.
>The Elwetritsch, an obscure German thing that's the offspring between a water bird and forest spirit
The fuck how haven't i heard of this before. Sounds cool anon and monster hunter is a based inspo too.
who /chuuni/ here
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I like all tiles except for the grass. Make it a darker, less radioactive green and it'll look 99% better.
damn, nta but that looks a lot better. i think i'd be able to bear 90% more jrpgs if they just toned down the color palette, idk why they always have to use such a painfully bright green...
i will consider it. desu it looks wrong to me, but it may be because i'm used to the regular green, like it looks kinda like baby puke. but i'll play around and see, ty for the feedback
How's your foot fetish rpg coming along, anon?
Your hoof fetish?
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Why are you cluttering your maps with empty jars? What are you trying to tell us?
Piss and cum and motor oil
i don't use RTP, faggot
As if your mspaint rehash is any different
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fucking based
>want to give character chuuni attack names like "hellfire blade"
>also want to make it clear that an attack delays enemy turns (it's just called "delay strike" for testing)
What's a good chuuni name for that?
binding darkness
That's not bad
Fire Retardant
Wet Ardent
Ruh Ta Dead lv5
Good point, "Retard Strike" has the same meaning technically.
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>Fire Retardant
Using Vulkan and C.
Solo dev with God's power.
Inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Daggerfall.
based, anon. what's the game going to be, besides terrain generation? Daggerfall and DF are my favourite games, what elements of them are you inspired by?
It’s such a novel take on Dwarf Fortress that I made to actually gamify the experience, which I do want to keep under secret for the moment but I’ll say this:

It’s more focused on adventure mode. There’s no fortress mode.
So I’m inspired by adventure mode and legends mode.

It’ll be first and 3rd person
>idea for SRPG has been steaming in head for a few years
>happen to look into Shining Force today
>it's basically one of the things I intended on doing with my RPG
God damn it. At least I guess there's another game I should play before full-on devving it.
Thats good, it means someone already tried that and it was a success, means there's a market for it. Being original doesn't matter that much nowadays.
This >>3538060, I just want more of the same sometimes.
i would kill for more games like SF. please go for it
Anyone else here submitting for harold jam today?
Lel, its amazing how he went full lawyer there. Even if I think he's an asshole for it he knows his stuff.
nypa go tell your wife in between breaks with the bull
Where do you go when June is done? Do you just alternate accounts every month?
Don't lump me up with those faggots, faggot
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Completed my jam entry. Spoilers, but wuh oh! We stoopin'!
obsessed, actually obsessed
>making fun of a person is obsession
>the person being made fun of is obsessed with Gamergate a decade after it was relevant and calls pride month 'cull yourself month'
yeah what a villain. Never mind the shit he pulled today that got erased above
making posts about him constantly on a forum where nobody else cares and lowering the quality of threads to talk about him here instead of your discord because you can't call him a nigger and faggot there is obsession
putting him in your video game makes it next level, you sat down, drew him, and scripted a scene just for him
He sat down, assembled other peoples' work, and made multiple games about him murdering his detractors. If you're gonna complain, at least do it consistently
fucking pathetic
go back you worthless waste of human resources
they should permaban you worthless redditfags and/or discord trannies for bringing your shit drama here
doesnt make you less obsessed, stop bringing dramashit here.
What happened with this? >>3530855
Wasn't this the merged thread that was going to end the drama and make all devs of all engines happy like before?
Why is KnightsShit so obssessed with Smegma?
Is it just because Smegma is openly homophobic and KnightsShit is a big lgbt ally who believes all games need at least 10 transwomen in them or is there something more to this?
Dunno but the shitflinging is worth the popcorn
He is definitely not an lgbt ally. I don't think I've seen him be supportive of anyone in the community. He seems to antagonize anyone who is. That plus his moral outrage has RMW moderator written all over it.

It's a shame Komodo doesn't work for Kadokawa anymore. I'd be nice if those russian BlackSuits could document every alt account used by admins and moderators fabricating forum activity.

Funny how nobody is talking about THAT.
Maybe they were those discord trolls counting down the remaining days of pride month.
Lol what the fuck are you on about, who in the LGBT community have I antagonised? I'm also not an RMW mod, you can see that from my forum account. Seems a little tinfoil hattish to me
Off-topic. This is a thread for RPG development of all engines. Make another thread if you want to engage in community drama.
Stay out of the thread if you only want the community to engage with (you)

>Kadokawa paid the ransom
A while ago I bought Smile game builder which is RPG maker but 3D. It had three problems:
>No ways for making custom states or aliments
>The common events system is dogshit, preventing a lot of data like RPG maker for being done before an event is called, and some things won't work in battle for no reason when it's called
>Anything in depth has to be done in Unity which you have to pay 16 dollars for the ability to convert the project into a Unity project
So I bought their upgraded engine which is RPG developer balkan. Which is the same engine but upgraded with new features and better graphics.
>The new movement controller used is awful to control, the jump button jumps too high at the start, and there is no simple options for locking the player in
>Common and battle events still suck ass and are as limited than before, but I haven't tested if certain things work or not
I'm at the point where I am wondering if I should go back to RPG maker due to what can be done with the events system or struggle for a while to get basic things working that I want to do like just so it can be fully 3D with a working particle system. Or maybe I should make something in Unreal instead since then I deal with the BS and have good graphics? But it's bullshit they actively made an older engine have a missing feature so they can charge more than double for a worse engine.
At that point just use a real game engine, stuff like rpgm will only get in the way.
I'm considering it for RPGs like this. It was 60 dollars though which makes it pretty annoying. I'll probably try a little more to see if anything can be done before attempting a refund.
sucks when you buy a product and it doesnt do what you want and than they pull soulless corporate bullshit and scam you for more money and something worse. that should be highly illegal with massive fees in the 10s of millions but that wont happen
>it's all drama
sasuga comfy rpgm community
yeah the other dev thread and the jam thread are the only ones actually posting dev related shit
yeah, might as well be another website. Not the same people at all [\sarcasm]
I want to make an FF7-2 would anyone be interested in joining my project?
It's a problem at your individual level if you don't see your using someone's work against their will as an issue. Cunt.
Can you elaborate on your plan? What do you want others to do? I would honestly not be disinterested
what do you think he means?
there's no way to tell. does he need writers? programmers? artists? is he an idea guy who's just going to make people do his job for free? how is anyone supposed to tell from that post?
i dont know im interested in what you mean
The heat is from climate change. Assholes like white people are responsible for it. I'm white and I feel guilty as hell.
As for what he needs I don't know either.
Every game should have a diverse cast, transwomen included. Don't be a racist.
- Hawk Z
>rpg dev thread
>no rpgs
there are
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this is about as simple as it gets. sorry dude. keep at it
>uses dwm
>thinks rpgmaker is overwhelming
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>don miguel RM2K
dab me up brotherman
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new fusion menu
rpg where?
woa a mon game
are the fusions premade or are they generated by a procedure that actually combines the sprites?
this looks sick
Pretty cool as always. New UI rocks.
thanks anon ikr. I can barely take credit, my co-developer does the UI. dude's a genius
thank you. demo update should be ready in a week give or take
>woa a mon game
There's like 3 being deved here from what I gather
what engine?
you're making cringy ass walking sims, go away.
listen bud, a volleyball minigame is not going to turn your game into an rpg.
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>Buuuuut... it's not just a walking sim anymore, is it?
I read it more like Lucian Sanchez from Darkplace ngl
Yes. It is. You don't make RPGs, you don't even like RPGs. You just use RPG Maker because it's the engine which requires the least effort and you are a lazy moron.
Am I wrong, though? Why else would you have never made an RPG
Kill SigmaSuccour. Behead SigmaSuccour. Roundhouse kick a SigmaSuccour into the concrete. Slam dunk SigmaSuccour's baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy SigmaSuccour. Defecate in a SigmaSuccour's food. Launch SigmaSuccour into the sun. Stir fry SigmaSuccour in a wok. Toss SigmaSuccour into active volcanoes. Urinate into SigmaSuccour's gas tank. Judo throw SigmaSuccour into a wood chipper. Twist SigmaSuccour's head off. Report SigmaSuccour to the IRS. Karate chop SigmaSuccour in half. Curb stomp SigmaSuccour. Trap SigmaSuccour in quicksand. Crush SigmaSuccour in the trash compactor. Liquefy SigmaSuccour in a vat of acid. Eat SigmaSuccour. Dissect SigmaSuccour. Exterminate SigmaSuccour in the gas chamber. Stomp SigmaSuccour's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate SigmaSuccour in the oven. Lobotomize SigmaSuccour. Drown SigmaSuccour in fried chicken grease. Vaporize SigmaSuccour with a ray gun. Kick old SigmaSuccour down the stairs. Feed SigmaSuccour to alligators. Slice SigmaSuccour with a katana.
did you make this in RPG maker?
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>they don't need to be part of this...genocide.
jesus was this written by a fucking middle schooler
>I'd answer, if it mattered
So I'm right. Fuck off, this is an rpg board.
Fuck off. This is an RPG board. You don't make RPGs. Fuck off.
Make an RPG or fuck off, insect
Have you played any of the HaroldJam games, Siggy?
I'm your peer here in this thread. If you care that little about the opinions of peers and colleagues why do you even post here?
So just leave then
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Hey he insulted you just as much as anyone else. He doesn't make rpgs
, he doesn't like rpgs and he doesn't value his peers here. He should leave
You don't give a fuck if people make RPGs here or not. You're just mad someone you dislike is posting here.
You subhuman discord trannies should 41% yourselves or crawl back into the shithole you crawled out of.
You are a worthless piece of shit and your off topic garbage ruins every thread
What rpg do you make?
google "The Elder Scrolls," kid
C'mon dude, you really don't have to reply to every single post shit talking you. You're just more interested in trolling than you actually are about your own games.
Coward not willing to actually cosign his sentiments, then. You can fuck off and all
Its why he's here. He doesn't care about rpgs, or this community. It's just the last place he's allowed to interact with RPGmaker at all other than his pathetic server
The MLP game jam ended on July 1st. I was surprised nobody used RPG Maker.
>can't attack what has been said
>needs someone to avatarfag so he can attack the game instead of what has been said
KEK 41% yourself
>complains about anonymity
>on 4chan of all places
GO BACK you don't belong here
Stop the virtue signal. You could easily drown him out by simply posting progress. But no, every time this faggot posts something you're here to reply and virtue signal. Every god damn time. I can filter out the faggot, but not you worthless trannies shitting up the thread.
Do the world a favor and kill yourself.
>Coward not willing to actually cosign his sentiments, then.
that's no way to speak to Todd Howard, you little shit.
Calm your schizophrenia, that was my first post in this whole thread.
>still can't engage
No one has to engage with your bigotry, it is self-evident that it is retarded
>discord tranny is mad
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oh fuck is this the thread? is this the "just post whatever the fuck random shit you want" thread? fuckin' A!
here's a snake I saw in the backyard the other day, dudes! I even gave him a name: "Scud Hammer!" Yeahhhhhh, I bet you like that, don't ya you little slut? Scud Hammer's gonna GET YA!
Keep on posting random shit, my dudes! Who cares about RPGs, that shit's for nerds amirite! Yeah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ahaH AH AH AHA HFU IHUEAIFUHE*PFOE*FMOYO
If people not making rpgs are posting non rpgs here, then yes
This thread makes me contemplate my decision to use rpgm.
RPGM is a great engine, but the community can be pure cancer. Also, you'll be lumped in with Pigma, and people will assume you're a homophobe
I have no problem with this.
He doesn’t realize that new people respond to sigma. Then he responds saying “just heckin don’t respond!” As if every one should just know to ignore sigma. It’s like a child not comprehending that if they are on the phone, the person on the other end can’t see what they see. He’s probably ruined more threads than sigma with his retard drama behavior. Just let people tell sigma to fuck off and move on. And also those posters are correct. Sigma does not make rpgs and has shown no interest in doing so. I’m not sure he knows what an rpg is, given he thinks adding a volleyball scene somehow brings him closer to one.
cute nek
post more
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Aw man. I got all excited. A new Isekai Creator DLC released.
>See: "Enemy Side"
I got all excited because I thought "Omg, it's been a year! They're finally going to complete the set."

But no. It's just a lazy rehash of characters. we. already. have.
Ugh! I was really looking forward to seeing what "Sigma" looked like.
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C'mon guys, stop fighting. Can't we all just get along ;_;.

I'll post a few of my maps. This is Tulvian. Been told my mapping is crappy, so if you've got any advice to improve it, give me some okay?
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Also, this is a map of a herbalist shop where you buy potions and stuff. Tried having it not be a box and be L shaped, I think it looks nice.
I like L shaped buildings
I don't really care but I'll only interact with people that posts rpgs. Visual novels with maps aren't rpgs.
> I don't really care but I'll only interact with people that posts rpgs. Visual novels with maps aren't rpgs.
Yeah, that is one way. People interacting with Sigma are simply making the problem worse. Course, I think there's a better solution...


Sorry to Sigma in advance by the way, I mean I did do a playthrough of one of your games on my channel. And it was a fun game, although flawed, and I'll definitely play more of them in the future.

But Sigma, you should be banned from here, I mean all of your games technically aren't RPGs. This is the RPG board. If you aren't posting about them, then a mod should ban you. You've got plenty of fans, and IMO you aren't a bad creator, but you don't need to be here, you'll find an audience elsewhere.

So yeah. Mods do your job for once, sheesh.
>Why are you here anon?
Progress makes my self loathing go away
i want to keep poking the lolcow for funny reactions
Imagine, if you'd actually drawn the image rather than using Honey Select or whatever porn game you're using against its TOS, you could have been done much quicker!
>a genocide
or... a cull?
Any pixel art tips for an RPGM dev without art skills?
Straight up copy your favorite pixel art, pixel by pixel. Once you know how to do it, just use what you learned to do your own.
This, I'm basically convincing everyone I'm a great artist because I use lots of references.
Use a premade palette, it improves your pixel art by quite a lot, and add to it as needed.
Also avoid pillow shading. (Look it up).

Otherwise pixel art compared to normal art is quite easy, just copy other peoples art but put your own spin on it. Don't believe morons who say it's harder than normal art, it's not. (As long as you stay small, like 32x32 that is).
the forums have a resource request board. It's more active than it looks.
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my issue is with the weird bugs in rm2k
> make event that shows message with 3 lines of text
> edit event, only two lines of text show and saving overwrites the original 3 lines
> no blank project option so I have to cut out all the bullshit that's set by default (characters, items, skills, etc)
i just want to make a game like ruina which is essentially just a point and click adventure with turn based combat in-between, what's the easiest RPGM version I can make a ruina-like in?
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Genuine question: why are we only able to use Easy RPG to play RPG Maker 2k and 2k3 games? Is there no simple-ish way to do something similar to play vx, vx ace, and xp games as well?

I'd like to think they it would be a similar process to get the games running but I don't know. I mostly ask because I'd like to be able to play said games on my TrimUI Smart Pro.
blessed coyotecraft
have you tried kawariki?
genuinely, every RPGMaker gives you a bunch of default bullshit you have to erase to begin. But MV is might lighter on it, just a couple of classes, spells, characters and items, so it's a much easier time. I used to dev in VXAce and I always had to spend a while replacing everything there, too
Why not make your "game" in Microsoft Powerpoint.
Doom can run on excel, so.
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yeah MV was probably my best choice but i ended up going with gb studio and just trying to make my game with all the gameboy limitations (4mb, 192 unique tiles), it however also means i can do the graphics myself

yeah i was legit thinking that, or just a web framework, but those aren't fun.
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Thank you for mentioning this, anon.

I'm not entirely sure how to begin to use this program, to be completely honest, but maybe it will work? I've tried to mess with just the MKXP thing that claims to get XP, VX, and VX Ace games working but I've had no luck so far.
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I've used JoiPlay for XP games, specifically for the game "Endzeit".
>spent months crafting extensive lore and spitballing characters
At this point I don't know if I should make an RPG or just write a book
I did the same during covid. I'm now making the actual game,worlbuilding and lore are a part of the rpg experience.
I have a passion for game design, don't get me wrong, but my passion for storytelling goes way beyond that. Just kinda stuck in a rut because I'm not sure if blowing what might be my only "winner" idea ever on a game is really what I want to do. Like sure, I could always go back and write a book, or go back and do a game, but how many people in the world have ever actually done that? It's very rare you see people cross over artforms, either for bureaucratic or skill-based reasons.
>blowing what might be my only "winner idea ever
Fantasy Books are as saturated as videogames right now, I know two guys in real life who have published works and nobody reads that shit. I think you have the same chance to make it with either form of art.
I would like to, but I don't think it's supported for this Linux device that I'm using. The MKXP thing has this Kiwi collection thing that's supposed to work on my device, but the documentation is very and also doesn't tell you how to get the games to work. I'm a bit baffled as to how there isn't a guide or video on the topic already.
>Like sure, I could always go back and write a book, or go back and do a game, but how many people in the world have ever actually done that? It's very rare you see people cross over artforms, either for bureaucratic or skill-based reasons.
You're talking yourself into inaction.
Watched a bunch of people stream my jam game. They seemed to enjoy it. Feelsgoodman
What game was yours anon?
Mental Gear Solid: The Twin Japes. Seemed like it went down ok! Wish I'd had more time to polish, but work got crazy the last week
Any unity people messed with ork? I tried to go through the tutorial but found it more confusing than not.
RM2k3 is the most comfy RPG Maker, right?
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DON MIGUEL version
What makes it comfier than Steam RM2k3?
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Based and correct
It's the earliest translated RPG Maker that people really used. Don translated RPG Maker 95 first apparently, but it didn't get as much attention. Probably because the internet was a lot bigger by 2000.

It came with Don's Adventure (a short sample game he made) and some extra assets. Or at least the version I downloaded back then had stuff like Doraemon mixed in with the facesets.

Since Don was a Russian, there were errors in the English too.
>Don is responsible for the "Language" Donglish, a portmanteu of Don (from the name Don Miguel) and English. It describes the poor translation of RPG Maker 2000 into English by said Don Miguel, similar to how "Engrish" describes poor translation from other u. For example, winning a battle results in the message "YOU WON A COMBAT" appearing as a victory message, and an item called "Safe Tea Boots" is included in the default game.

Pure soul basically.
>It's the earliest translated RPG Maker that people really used
*I should've said earliest PC RPG Maker. People, including me, were using the Playstation RPG Maker before that.
First thing I did as a kid getting RM2k was port my PSX RPG Maker game over to it.
when someone makes some custom shit with rm2k you know they had to put in work.
only 20 pictures and no maniacs cheatfaggotry. there are clear limits and peepz break those limits with turbo autism, black magic, and imba shit that requires the user to have his 3rd eye unlocked. custom shit in 2k is pure unadulterated soul that just werks.
then 2k3 came out and everyone switched over because more pictures and default sideview battle system. people became lazier and lazier and games got worse.
even now, 2k3 games are mostly shit. take the dq1 remake for example. 10 years, 9 million plugins and it's still worthless garbage.
western rpg maker devs nowadays are shit
look at this knight shift tranny in this thread
>default battle system
>default menu
>no custom shit whatsoever
fucking pathetic. and that's all of them too. they can't do shit without plugins. imagine needing plugins for the simplest shit.

the way i see it
if someone uses don miguel rm2k or old rm2k3, they are elder gods. they know the engines in and out and if they make custom shit it's stuff that makes you go w0000t.
if someone uses steam rm2k or rmk23 without any patches, they're faggots.
if someone uses maniacs cheatfaggotry they're triple maybe even quadruple faggots depending on how smug they are that can't do shit without it. if the game isn't from some vipper it's usually shit that crumbles the second you play it. many such cases.
if someone uses XP they're 1/4th demi-god.
If someone uses VX, MZ, MV, or any of the newer rpgm they are either double faggots or quintuple faggots depending on retarded they are, and are usually not worth engaging with. case and point: this thread. roflcopter
this hasn't failed me, yet, because it's true every single time. don't @ me
>when someone makes some custom shit with rm2k you know they had to put in work.
>only 20 pictures and no maniacs cheatfaggotry. there are clear limits and peepz break those limits with turbo autism, black magic, and imba shit that requires the user to have his 3rd eye unlocked. custom shit in 2k is pure unadulterated soul that just werks.
Yeah, it was fun trying to do stuff with 2k. Proudest achievement as a kid was making a minecart escape sequence minigame. Even just getting a caterpillar system to work in rm2k (party members following in a row) was satisfying.

I'm using MV now, and I enjoy all the plugins for it making things easier. But I'm think about going back to 2k someday for some short projects. If I were to make an RPG with default assets, I'd definitely use 2k or 2k3 (or even PSX), because the modern RTP assets look like trash in comparison to those.
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update: https://anonpc.itch.io/ruina
In the early 2000s, I saw somebody make a Romancing SaGa custom battle system demo for 2k. I don't think they ever released anything besides one or two battles to show it worked partially, but I was very impressed at the time.
I know what you're saying, but at the same time how hard something is to make doesn't make a game good or bad. The effort has to be towards things that matter, not just pushing something for the sake of it. That can be impressive on its own of course, I like seeing people push what can be done with rm2k. But to most people, a Mega Man clone or whatever made in rm2k is just another Mega Man clone that could've been done better and easier with some other tool.

Working with limitations can help you make better games, but it's not necessarily the case that it does.
What is the bare minimum for widow size/resolution for game you're planning to sell?
To be clear, it's not about "look what I did without plugins", it's a "you can make something fun without plugins"/"you don't need 800 plugins for a walking sim".
Oh no. RMN is down.
you were so close to fitting in but then you said w00t, roflcopter, and don't @ me in the same post now I can' tell if you're 40 and from the rpgmnet forums or a born after 2004 zoomer who came here from the /v/ friday night fucking mod
I'm glad you finally got it out of your system after missing the previous jam.
>40 and from the rpgmnet forums
Zoomers don't say roflcopter/w00t/werks or have any attachment to Don Miguel, so that's more likely
I'm working on a first-person rpg and was looking for recs on what to do with the actual ruleset/numbers part. I thought of just ripping off the Chaosium BRP rules which is basically what TES did, but wanted to see if anybody had other ideas.
Thanks pal
it's just coyotecraft, ignore him
I don’t know shit, but would like to work on a game where you control 15 or so peasants (randomly generated from list of careers and starting gear) and attempt to clear an old fortress where the town thinks their children are disappearing to (think of the church scene from in the mouth of madness).

Combat will be fast brutal and fatal, with no save scumming. Survival rate for the crew should be about 50%, from there the game starts where you pick a couple of survivors and can give them an “advanced career” and you’re off to the rest of the game.
>Combat will be fast brutal and fatal, with no save scumming. Survival rate for the crew should be about 50%, from there the game starts where you pick a couple of survivors and can give them an “advanced career” and you’re off to the rest of the game.
I like that idea, awesome way to start a game
Basically you cull the weak in the first chapter, yeah I dig it.
Why is it when I fap to furry porn, coyotes are tagged "mythological". Like. They're not fucking unicorns. I mean. Sometimes they ARE fucking A unicorn. But that's different.
Native American mythology
What is the best way to approach designing an RPG for someone who doesn’t know shit?

It would be very simple, think 80s style (Ultima 4) 2D, so nothing crazy in terms of graphics. Also pretty linear. Sure some side stuff but I’m not looking to make a living breathing world (theme park instead of sandox). Combat turn-based, but would like to have lots of party members (15ish) as well as enemies.

Core systems (combat, classes, levels) I’ll ape from existing ttrpg rulesets (OSR stuff) and I’m willing to take the time to learn something like Godot…

But what is the starting point? I feel like it would make the most sense to build out an overall scenario on paper for the game, flowcharts, etc. identify the scenes, assets I’ll need, etc. and then once all that shit is done, get to developing an actual game.

But what do I know?
Either copy something existing and branch off it, or ya, pen on paper and start drawing some plans out.
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But fur real, friends. Does he draw porn? Does someone draw porn for him? You guys know him, right? You can tell me. Anon to anon.
Is it possible to change the default combat system of RM2k3 to a standard turn based affair instead of the ATB using Maniacs? Currently debating between RM2k and 2k3, 2k3's ATB is too slow for my tastes. And I really don't want to roll my own combat due to time constraints.
Going through the archives, he's got half as many mentions as Sigmasuccour. But his go back to 2016. And there's no context. Just
>implying coyote wrote this

He's only got 500 forum posts that are mostly support related.
Does. He. Draw. Porn.
Do you recommend?
Calm down, Salik - we'll get you your gay yiff porn the normal way. It'll be ok
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Progress posting here. Been a while since I've posted, working on environments for the demo. I did join the vrpg game jam someone posted but honestly, environments are a lot of work I am realizing and I still have sound ahead of me. Hopefully can make it for the August deadline but if not I will just shoot for September, no need to stress myself out. Having a deadline has certainly made me do more each day and that's nice. But if it's not ready, it's not ready.
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Remodeled and had to re-rig my models.
When I started testing animations like climbing ledges, I realized that I needed to make a new rig with arm IKs. So I re-rigged my models again..

Old animations don't like the new armatures, so I've been retargeting my animations.
I'm almost done and I can see the light at the end.

I wanna make gameplay again.
I kinda figured that out months ago. Please take the time to update your itch page
This totally needed 4 posts. Couldn't have been condensed down. Yeesh.
He's a psychopath. Just ignore.
Did you make that feature based upon people always trying to leave conversations with you?
Whoa that's pretty cool Sigma. Are you gonna release it as a plugin?

Also answer this man, what IS your fursona?
>buy rm2k/2k3
>only have had experience with xp/vx ace/mv/mz
>cool this should be fun!
>no damage formulas
>buffs/debuffs are 25%, no in between
>to fix this i have to wrange battle event pages
>for every single troop
I love the look and "robustness" of the engine, but this really put a damper on my excitement. Trying to wrangle MZ into looking and feeling like 2k3 sounds painful too.
I don't suppose there is something I can do except suck it up?
>I. Do. Not. Code.
So what exactly do you do?
He doesn't code, he's just a lowly engine dev.
slopping together 6000 plugins so his """game""" looks like gibberish.
just look at 639. slapping a cga filter on looks absolutely horrendous if the graphics aren't made for such a low bit depth. it isn't even real cga because i can count like 8 colors. and at this point you might as well get real colors instead of cga blue and pink. his games run like shit because MV is poorly optimized.
he isn't even making games or rpg's. he's making minigame collections at best and tech demos at worst. he doesn't have a single completed rpg under his belt.
He’s a tough nut to crack. It kinda bothers me I don’t understand him. Like the way it seems to be his goal to make everyone hate him by doing even simple things like making 4 posts in a row. It’s like he must constantly remind everyone he’s arrogant and believes he’s better than everyone (with no game to show this of course) I get not giving up and continuing to engage on some level. But his obsession with shitting on everyone is bizarre. It’s like this weird mix of passion, a hate for every aspect of game making, a seething hate for all of his peers yet an intense and undying obsession with being apart of his peer groups. Is it as simple as low IQ mixed in with weird cultural issues? I’m not sure. I pride myself on reading people and it agitates me that he works neither in his own self interest or others, works obsessively to make everyone hate him, and yet it would fucking kill him to not post here constantly. An obsession with publishing yet never makes a game. An obsession with meme topics but then also hates marketing and laughs at the idea of it. It’s almost like a spoiled 11 year old with severe cognitive dissonance who wants something but can’t accept what it means to get it, so they sabotage themself ever step. But I think he’s much older. Sorry for the rant, just trying to understand this madness.
>Sorry for the rant
oh no, it was an enjoyable read and i agree with every point you make.
I’ve actually discussed with him in the comments of my video. He’s like that cause everyone fucked him over in the rpg maker community, so he’s decided to just concentrate on marketing to people who’d play his games. I mean it’s understandable that he’d act that way, I can only imagine what he must feel being cancelled over just a single post, like he can’t trust nobody ever again. He isn’t arrogant, he’s just not interested in making friends with devs. Which is understandable kinda. I mean, apparently he was a pretty nice guy back in the day in the rpg maker community and regulary helped people with their games, but ever since all the discord people fucked with him, he’s given up on making friends with devs.

Also what do you mean he hasn’t made any games? He’s made plenty, I’ve played them, like 7 of them. Man, don’t you know how to google?

Despite kind of siding with him on this, I agree with you that he takes it a bit too far. 4 posts in a row is excessive, he should’ve put it all in one post to be respectful. And disobeying the board rules is kind of a shitty thing to do, like posting in the rpg dev thread without rpg maker, and self advertising. And he should at least try to engage in thread topics and fit in, despite everything which has happened to him. It’s a grey area.
Saying he’s not interested in friendship would be fine. But he constantly agitates EVERYONE. It’s not just 4 posts in a row it’s also like you say ignoring the board rules. Ignoring the topic. It’s not just self advertising. If I were to self advertise I’d not make sure everyone hates me first so that every time I post, my games are ripped to shreds. It’s just not logical even from a purely selfish stand point. Which is where the low IQ hypothesis comes in.

On top of posting in threads where rpgm posts aren’t allowed, his fucking games aren’t rpgs at all. None of his posts should be allowed. He’s advertising in the wrong area, to people he constantly pisses off. It’s a fucking waste of time. But like I said I dont understand it, there’s obviously something I’m missing. Maybe he really does value our feedback.

And personally I don’t consider his games to be games. They are more like drawn out animations you must click through. But I haven’t watched all 7 of his movies.
>cancelled over just a single post
it's not just a single post. it was a post he vehemently defended, along with banning someone for posting they are trans.
if he had shut up back then, sucked it up and apologized, he would've had his happily ever after.
>He’s made plenty
the stuff he makes aren't games. they have no gameplay. walking sims with some button mashing. elaborate shitposts to get a message across, when it could've just been writing.
giving him the benefit of the doubt, he's very proud of his volleyball thing appearently, his """games""" aren't rpgs. therefore they do not fit in here. he should post on /vg/agdg/, where all kinds of gamedev may be posted.

and finally: arrogance. he's talking high and mighty about his projects, when in reality they are the definition of plugin bloat without substance. his games are ugly due to having no art direction, and one million filter and zoom plugins aren't going to fix it. his writing is absolutely terrible and infantile.

so basically, what >>3549458 has said.
This post proves it was more than one post because I find him banning trannies to be hilarious and based. Like somewhere in there sigma has some positive qualities. Although even being based I’m not sure he even has an opinion on the matter and instead is just going purely off religion. Like the decision is made for him by default.
gtfo discord tourists
I'm apart of 2 discord groups and both are for porn games. I don't know what you're talking about.
>admitting it
off my board
Stop with the off topic shit posting please. I responded to a poster showing progress in an obnoxious fashion. You are spewing discord conspiracy theories and shitting up the thread.
>Is it as simple as low IQ mixed in with weird cultural issues?
Its textbook Dunning-Kruger chief.
go back
Really? Banning someone because they are trans? Aren’t there like 100s of trans people who are on the rpg maker community board? Wouldn’t he ban more than just one person if that’s all it took to ban them? Sure it wasn’t something else? And if he defended his post, so what? I mean if he’d apologised, it’ll be an empty apology, he’d be lying and bending to peer pressure. And you should be tolerant of others beliefs, and the guy does live in Pakistan. As long as it wasn’t trying to convince people to murder trans people, he should be allowed to say whatever he wants.

Although what exactly did he post though? Googling his name I can’t find it anywhere.

Despite being sympathetic to sigma, I agree with everything you said, sadly. Aside from the fact that you think posting here doesn’t win him fans, I mean controversy sells dude, it got me to play his games.
Agree with you that he shouldn’t do it though.
I have to insist you stop with your baseless accusations that are ruining the thread. It's no wonder this thread acts as a quarantine. There are no progress, no game anons like yourself who simply use it as an avenue to troll. Shameful.
Your low effort posts and incessant need for the last word is not helping anyone. There is nothing to "go" back to, as this is the only place I discuss RPG's. Being laconic doesn't make you witty. You are off topic posting and ruining the thread. Follow the thread rules and either engage with on topic posts or show progress. You do....you do have progress to show and a game you're working on? Right?
Looks neat anon! Tried doing 3d myself, but shit twists my brain… reminds me of ness. Is your game gonna be an earthbound fangame or something?
>Quadruple Posting
>Fitting in
Forum moderator detected. Making yourself the exception at every turn.
>Are you making your own RPG?
I wish I knew how to code haha I have the entire story down
ur "game" is not an rpg so why r u posting in this thread
boy do I have news for you.
use rpg maker to make your own rpg without coding.
Maybe it will be an RPG, maybe it won't. If you shut down every discussion that has the potential to go in a different direction, we wouldn't have discussions at all.
Look at Steel Zeros. Dev spent years on the demo too. Did they finish it? No. They decided to make a webcomic instead.
Lol what a retard. If you can't deliver you ain't shit
Retarded modfaggot.
Eh. Kinda agree, but until the mods ban him you're just shitting up the thread saying so. And it is made with a RPG Maker in the end, so...
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>banning someone for posting they are trans
i am almost convinced that sigmas detractors are really his buddies from discord and this is all to promote him. nothing else explains how you fags cant just ignore him. you say he should go to agdg which means you know what agdg is like, which begs the question. why dont you ignore spamming posts like agdg does? why do you contribute to think you dislike? no such thing as negative publicity. the worst thing that can happen to a 'product' is people ignore it.
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>thread was doing all right for a while
>suddenly it all went to fucking shit
>coincides with exactly when a certain someone starts posting
really gets the noggin joggin
Eh, he's just taking advantage of people's stupidity, you can't be too mad at him. Personally he's won me over, the people getting mad at him are way worse.

>>3548128 >>3548099
Same guys who shit-post about Sigma ignored this guys good progress. You can't complain about him when you ignore actual quality on-topic posts like from this guy.

Also, sorry for derailing the thread further, but what is with Knightsneed and Sigma anyway? Do they have a history of interacting with each other? I know about his MGS fan game where Sigma is the main antagonist, but is there any evidence where he's actually the one attacking him?
Lol why do people keep dredging up this post which is literally fine
> "fine"
Having your characters not focusing on the mission at all times (besides necessary biological functions like eating, sleeping, excreting, washing and breathing) is not fine to waste time doing other dumb personal shit, depending on what the story in the setting demands.

> "Hey [player character] the world is going to explode in 10 days! We really should get going...
But enough about that, let's talk about how the surgeon chopped up my penis into a festering stitch-scarred wound that i have to continuously force open and pick maggots out of to keep pretending that my mental illness isn't what will kill me... You know, before the world ends. Anyways, the doctor-"

There is time for personal shit until after the BBEG has been defeated... Unless the story of the game is entirely about how the world is literally saved by sticking your privates into or onto or around something that needs to literally GET FUCKED in order to stop, they should stay what they are get called: PRIVATE.
>what is with Knightsneed and Sigma anyway
From what I gathered, he's gay and Sigma is against the LGBT
>character development bad
>personal notes in a story bad
>emotions are prohibited
characters being laser focused on the mission are boring. i want drama, excitement and character interactions.
sure, you might disagree with the story being about lgbt, but that's just called personal preference.
knightshift is saying that games are inherently better when they contain fags and trannies. he misuses sylvando as an example when sylvandos homosexuality is never stated and only implied. its not even a secondary trait, hes a jester first and knight second, and maybe faggot third. also queer coding of villains is awesome because faggots are villains and should be reviled. he proceeds to equate pink haired black women with lgbt representation making a stereotype and ass out of himself, as if pink hair = carpet munching. also ironbrew insinuates that faggotry is merely an item on a checklist of diversity to make games which implies fags are indeed mere jesters like sylvando created to amuse audiences with wholesome chungus buttsex and genital mutilation. funny ironbrew would dislike sigma as well when his religion, his cult of tranny loving, participates in the ritual mutilation of childrens genitals the same as muslims.
So much for that
At no point is any of this said. You're seeing something who isn't anti gay and projecting your brainrot obsession onto it. "I don't think there's a good reason not to" does not equal "All games must include it".
People keep ignoring the fact that he's not making rpgs at all, they barely count as games if your standards are very low. He should be banned for posting off-topic and that's it, the ideology wars can continue in discord.
Cool thanks. Never knew he was a gay. I now see a lot of unresolved sexual tension between those two. I ship them now. (No homo).
>Unless the story of the game is entirely about how the world is literally saved by sticking your privates into or onto or around something that needs to literally GET FUCKED in order to stop

Wow, that sounds like a great premise for a game! Way to stay on topic! One of you guys need to make this...

All jokes aside, you're kinda wrong. Companies wanna sell shit, and romance and sexuality sells, BG3 sold really well, people love FF7 for the love triangle between Cloud, Aeris and Tifa, FF8 was a love story too. There's a lot of lonely fucks dude, that's capitalism baby. And many other stories in other mediums have romantic subplots too, they make the characters feel more alive, like Star Wars with Han and Leia.

Although I agree there shouldn't be that many LGBT characters, they're only like 2 percent of the population, it's absurd how many there are now. Although in games being able to pick if you are a gay or not is okay though, but if it's enforced or if every second character is gay, it'll be annoying. People like to self insert as themselves and see the real world be reflected in game.

There's been several posts bringing this up anon. I understand drama posts rot your brain and shouldn't be read, but try and read the thread if you wanna contribute.
>If I were to self advertise I’d not make sure everyone hates me first so that every time I post, my games are ripped to shreds. It’s just not logical even from a purely selfish stand point. Which is where the low IQ hypothesis comes in.
If he can't even be made aware of this, It's a sure sign he's mentally ill and possibly a pathological narcissistic.
I think Sigma should fuck Knightsheed and fill his asshole with hot cum. If he keeps his eyes closed it's not even gay or against his muslimic believes. Their relationship has inspired two characters in a game I'm making.
you are all discord and/or drama website tourists
this is not how the extremely small dev community talked a year ago
>you are all discord and/or drama website tourists
this is not how the extremely small dev community talked a year ago
I’ve never played nor gave a shit about RPG maker games and I never will but it’s pretty surreal to see these threads constantly at the top of the board and full of absolute seething
To be honest the closest personality I've met IRL to Sigma was a homosexual drug addict narcissist who always played the victim, but when they had any power they would abuse it. Including abusing animals. Sigma abuses what little power he has to shit post and seems to get off on annoying everyone. And he's always playing the victim despite acting like a constant massive faggot to everyone. So ya, I agree with your take.
knightsneed has been here for years, this shit only started when sigma rocked up
I'll self insert my cock in your ass
Yeah I bet you would you homo gay.
Yeah totally, Sigma reminds me of this one friend who has been in jail repeatedly for rape (he always insists they asked for it). Anyways I wouldn't be surprised if Sigma was exactly like that, that's just the vibes I get.
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Oh, no. The inspiration came from Naota Nandaba. From FLCL. I get a lot of people thinking it's an Earthbound thing or a Paranoia Agent thing.

I'm making an urban fantasy with a lot of inspiration from Final Fantasy X's Party system and Final Fantasy X-2's ATB and progression.

I fell for the side project trap a couple months ago, and when I came back, I wanted to rework my models and rig. The last thing I worked on engine-side was this dynamic camera.
How is he acting the victim? Sigma male just rocks up, posts, ignores everyone, and you retards lose your minds. Seems pretty based and alpha to me. If anything you discord trannies are the ones acting the victims. Seriously, if you hate him so much just ignore him.

Cool. Good taste in anime, I love flcl, and seems like it would make for an interesting setting.
And battle system, imo x-2 is one of the most awesome atb ever, although I’ll admit I hate the rest of the game. The way you can interrupt attacks is so friggin cool.

So a party system based on ff-x. So switching mid battle? I have that too, it’s a great system.

Looks great anon! Keep it up!
He literally made multiple games about being "persecuted" and constantly allused to being "bullied". He's a pathetic cretin who ALWAYS pretends he's the victim while also plotting the death of fags in his discord server with his similarly ridiculous cunt pals
He's a menace to society
At least Mental Gear Solid is cathartic
Well he kinda was persecuted. I mean he made a single post, and was shunned from the community.
Seems kinda like bullying to me.
And if he did plot the death of homosexuals in his discord server, and you’re not full of shit, prove it. Post pics, I’m intrigued about what he said.

Seriously? Just cause he posts his game on /vrpg/? Or he posts about the homos? You retards are way, way overreacting. Man, touch grass.
You don't know how it's like to be a gay man in a game dev community that wants to TERMINATE you each and every day
Really? That’s terrible if it’s true. Give me examples.
I mean, most of the communities I’ve seen online are pro lgbt to an obnoxious fault. You guys got sigma kicked for example. And most discords and sites have rules against that kind of stuff. If you’re referring to 4chan, I mean, these guys are anti everything. It seems like you have plenty of safe spaces from an outsiders perspective. Not everyone is gonna like you dude, just go to the places which do. And there are plenty.
He’s a namefag. If anons sincerely wanted to never see another of his posts and just read the board in peace, they could easily filter him and move on with their lives. The fact that they do not do this, and seethe and complain and start drama endlessly, indicates quite clearly what their desires and goals are.
You stupid fucking ASSHOLES just don't get it, do you? SIGMA IS RUINING THIS COMMUNITY.
Fuck you, homophobe
Whoa, calm down, no he isn’t, he’s one dude, and like this guy said>>3550444 you can just filter his posts and move on.

And you didn’t answer my question. Why do you think people wanna terminate you? Genionely curious. How’s life as a homo game dev anon? Surprised you even come here, what with all the rampant homophobia here.
Filtering him does not filter his impact on the community.
As long as hes allowed to be here he will continue poisoning the website with his bigoted views.
>literally makes nazi
you can't make it up
Horrible and obvious attempt to false flag.
It wasn't a single post, it was awful behaviour across every platform he was on for months. That culminated in him abusing power to enact his hateful vendetta, but that's not why most people think he's a prick.
I will never forget how badly he treated our sisters on discord..
Salik, you're not being subtle about the false flag. No-one talks like that. You are a pathetic piece of weasel scum and your hatred of faggots is utterly pathetic.
Really? Across multiple platforms? What sort of awful behaviour? And what vendetta are you talking about? How he banned a single trans person?
Don't bring infighting in our LGBT Alliance. I'm here to bring down Sigma and his evil bigoted ways, same as you.
He's banned from every RPG maker forum, and the vast majority of servers. He's not welcome anywhere. His vendetta is insidious, he pretends to be a caring community-focused person then spreads a hateful message as opposed to doing anything good with his platform. Fuck, even the majority of people here wish he'd pack up and fuck off
What hateful message would that be? And I’ll ask again, what vendetta? Guy seems a bit annoying and spergy to be sure, but this is the first time I’ve heard about him trying to push a message.
That anyone who disagrees with him is a degenerate and that gay people should be put to death. He's always banging on about morality. His server has entire channels full of him pontificating endlessly about it.
You really should play his games, anon. It's all there, plain as day.
>quote fail
all of you have aids
Grow up
If you really have to bother through the trouble to announce that you are gay in an anonymous forum of all fucking places, who is really the attention whore here, I wonder?
I'm not gay lol - and none of the people being called aidsmongers above have said they're gay. Apparently not being anti-gay is enough to imply that a person is a fag now.
His server has levels dude, I can’t look to see if you’re lying or not. Post pics or it didn’t happen. Hell even post the original post which got him cancelled. I’ve yet to see anything that bad come from him, aside from him being obnoxious with advertising his games.

I have. No homophobia, no transphobia. Unless it’s a game I hadn’t played by him.

Anyway, you guys are probably fucking with me, no one is this stupid.

Yes I know, I have aids, I’m shutting up now, I’m sorry for contributing to shitting up the thread. I feel guilty now.
Sorry, I didn't take screenshots so I can't prove it. But, it's true. Did you not get the homophobic subtext from his last two games? Or the transphobic "you will kill yourself if you are a tranny" shit? Or when he outwardly called Pride Month "Cull Yourself Month" like 2 threads ago? It's very obvious.
You think it's funny that every day a gay person dies from a terrible illness?
hiv niggas
bro is on twitter, give him an add
you remember A Blurred Line? Don's rm2k forums were my childhood
Anyone got any tips for tilesets?
I'm making a survival dungeon crawler in RPG maker MZ but I always get stunlocked by trying to find good tilesets. I'm planning to have pixel art for the character art, so maybe something like 8-16 bit to go for a retro feel.

I'm not against buying a tileset, I'm just hesitant to buy one and then find out it doesn't have enough for variety, or that I'm not going to be able to make character sprites in the same artstyle.
Just buy it and get something done. You don't have a game worth worrying about yet.
do you have a recommended guide on how to do ui in godot
>Action Game Maker
>Video shows no action
What were they thinking?
Get tilesets for older makers like 2k/2k3 or VXA/XP. Then, set the tile size lower in the system options.
They are scam artists..They've been selling the same software for 20+ years
>unite AGAIN
Unlike Unity, Godot is pretty slim and lightweight.
>I think Sigma should fuck Knightsheed and fill his asshole with hot cum
It's the only way to have comfy dev threads again and you know it.
I'll write a CYOA game where you can play either and involve romantically with each other.
Please add impregnation mechanics.
Okay I'll bite. I know I promised to stop posting, but I really gotta know...
Subtext? The fuck? What subtext? Played through both False Narrative and False Gamergater, there wasn't any there. And if there is, please spoonfeed me it.

Aside from the girl with a penis bit, but that's really, really reaching, Succour only said something like women compared boobs, not penises. That's just factually correct, you have a penis, biologically you're a man. That doesn't mean trans people don't or shouldn't exist, just that women don't have cocks. Only transwomen and men have cocks. It's dumb. You're dumb for bringing it up.

I tried doing that, but it's very fucky. Personally with my game I just doubled the size of my tilesets.

There I'm contributing too. Conscience clear.
>Personally with my game I just doubled the size of my tilesets.
MZ has a built in tile size feature iirc, you can select between 16, 32 or 48. It was added after launch so you might have to update if you're on a base version
This is cool.
>I'm not sure if I am going to be as faithful as possible to the original or spin this off into its own direction.
>Please let me know if you have any ideas or thoughts.
I would vote to keep it simple, overall, and to be liberal with how you want to reinterpret the game—after all, there's not really that big of a need for an *exceedingly* faithful/functional demake of it, though like DQ3 GBC is cool and all. For some reason I imagined this was going to play like Link's Awakening and not a turn-based RPG; I thought it would be cute if you run around facsimiles of the maps and slash slimes. Still, relative to GBC limitations/aesthetics, it captures the essence of the original. Keep at it.
>he didn't get the subtext of Salik literally telling a trans woman that they would kill themselves if they continued being trans
>he didn't get the subtext of "uglification" being forcing women to look like men and that this is done to appeal to a trans-positive agenda
Media literacy, where art thou
Why are you people crying about his art. That’s cringe as fuck. Trans are the first to cry about Hitler burning trans research and saving Germany from that mind virus. But now you want to burn video games? I hate sigma for being a name fag and all around annoying. And I hate that he lies constantly about being an rpg or that he’s an engine dev. But if he wants to write games about killing trans or whatever that’s fine. GTA will probably let me in the next game anyway.
>ask for subtext
>subtext is explained
lol. lmao, even
My post was directed at like the last 10 posts. Maybe I missed context in the specific post I mentioned. You really should have picked up on this.
No-one wants to burn video games, but saying they're shit isn't the same as saying he shouldn't make them. He can make what he wants, but they are shit.
anons who like eating poop
Wait, you mean the green haired lady? Was it mentioned that she was trans? Don’t remember.
I thought it was because she was a fucking loser who obsessed over something so petty, nothing to do with them being trans. As someone who’s hung out in those communities for a decade at least, it’s pretty accurate, I mean look at the vast majority of Chris chan trolls, nearly all of them are fucking losers who are at the bottom rungs of society.

And as for uglification of women to fit to a trans agenda, if anything, that’s for trans people in the end. People have been caught saying that they make purposefully ugly characters cause they want them to be trans friendly. Which is disgusting, it indicates that trans women are ugly. Course, a lot of them are though, but I doubt they wish to be reminded of it.

Not me. There’s others sick of you you know…
The whole of False Narrative is based on real people. The people you murder in the train are majority trans. The driver is trans. The game depicts a man committing a hate crime by murdering a train full of trans people with a sword. But that's probably not transphobic, by your metric, anon?
He’s banning them, not killing them. And I didn’t know about them being trans cause it wasn’t mentioned anywhere. And isn’t he allowed to defend himself? Just cause you’re trans, doesn’t put you above criticism or attack. Talk shit, get hit dude. I mean they were targeting him first over a stupid post, they kinda had it coming. So no, not transphobic.
>killing them with a sword
>blood everywhere
>he added the word "ban" late in development due to criticism
>he invades a private space while armed
>killing a bunch of unarmed people is "defending yourself"
>they had it coming
Oof. Next you're gonna say that he was totally justified in murdering all those game developers in False Gamergater because they made games he didn't like
They attacked first though, so yeah, he was defending himself. And it was stated in-game that he was banning them too, not just the added word ban whenever he bans someone.

Don't be such a crybully anon. Not everyone is going to agree with you 100% of the time. And of all things you are on 4chan too, sheesh, even Sigma belongs here way, way more than you do if you don't believe in freedom of expression and speech.

Aside from him killing everyone in False Gamergater, yeah that was dumb.

Still, who the fuck cares really? It's a game. Aside from people who don't belong here that is, like you.
I do believe in freedom of speech. I just also think I'm free to say he's a piece of shit and he makes trash that isn't rpgs so shouldn't be here.
>trash that isn't rpgs so shouldn't be here.
LIke I stated earlier in this thread, yeah this is valid criticism, really shouldn't be posting here.

And you are free to say he's a piece of shit, but sheesh, at the very least come up with valid criticisms, the points you've made just suck, even by this place's standards. You're really, really reaching for stuff to hate about him.
I hate that he wants to commit genocide. I hate his games. I hate the way he talks. I hate his duplicity. And I hate that he's here. Those all seem fair to me.
Okay, fair points. Thanks for answering my questions. Lets stop derailing the thread...
Did Tea leave the server before or after Sigma banned them?
Wow, I just noticed there's reflections in the water... Another plugin? Impressive. Might use it in my game as well.
>The game depicts a man committing a hate crime by murdering a train full of trans people with a sword.
That’s what’s funny. The people who hate sigma the most constantly try to make him seem really fucking funny and based. Weird approach.
It seems like just 2 people who really have a hateboner for him, judging from replies I've gotten. And even the Game Jam poll where people voted on Sigma being allowed to join only had like 1 person saying they didn't want him to.

IMO, about the only annoying thing about him is the constant spam and technically off-topic posting, but hey, at the very least he's posting about games. I for one personally like him now, he's great for trolling and arguing with retards, I've had fun doing so these last few days.
Really not bothering hiding it any more
shut the fuck up you fucking niggers and go back yo fucking discord already subhumans
Does anyone know a good minimap plugin for a First person dungeon crawler for RPGMV? i tried to use upp_minimap but the map shows empty spaces where walls are supposed to be.
Why not event it yourself?
Cool game about being nazi thought police where can I play
Homophobic Bigot RPG
He's a faggot too, now please take your ass back to tumblr.
I made my own for MZ with chat gpt not that difficult to do.
You do have a point but, someone posting about non rpgs in a rpg board is retard.
It's not.
I use Chat GPT to talk about RPG development.
Apparently it's too challenging for most people
It works well for you? Any tips for making your own plugins using this method?
How about we discuss the function of minimaps in 2D top-down RPGs.

In sidescrolling it's useful to identify platforms. With First-Person and over-the-shoulder camera angles, a map offers a different perspective of the environment.

But what good is a top-down map in a top-down environment? How big does your map need to be before you can justify putting a mini-version of it in the corner of the screen?
Cool why don't you go join his discord then, we're talking about RPGs here, thanks
Sigma you gotta remember to take your name off when posting on /v/.
He said elements of it could be used in an rpg…
Loosely based I know, but still on topic.

Interesting idea anon. Maybe the actual killing could be the actual gameplay, like featuring a fighting system or something. And you could have people who have committed murder evade angry mobs of people using stealth or simply running from them.

How else do people filter him if they don’t like him?
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This thread is exhausting. Can we please talk about RPGs again? I'm working on roaming encounters for the overworld to add a bit of unique spice to the game.
>his discord
Community doesn't belong to glorified janitors. And you can't identify with a group activity you aren't actively participating in.
has anyone here tried poopoo peepee engine? Wondering if I should check it out.
It worked after doing lots of corrections, but its basically just using script calls to run an event to show part of a picture in img/maps and a ui picture on top of that and calculating x y coordinates relative to the player location and map size.
I asked claude.ai and he did it perfectly first try.
Coming from somebody who frequents /aicg/ in /g/ and /vg/, ChatGPT or GPT in general is garbage. Shit. Unusable at times.
Yes, you do.
>no combat
>no stats
>no role play
>just walk around and read text
Its a visual novel at most. Not an rpg. I could use unity to make data analysis software, that doesn't make my data analysis app a videogame.
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there was a call for progress and i will answer.
i added a spell that turns you into a blender. i also added the manticore enemies, although they currently lack sound.
currently working on localization - it turns out translating randomly generated loot is a pain in the ass. i'll get back to it as soon as i deploy a hotfix because the current game version on steam doesn't delete an NPC on load, and someone saved/loaded his game enough to spawn 96 of them, instantly crashing his game.
Amazing, kalemanon.
thats not how this thread works. post in it only if ur making an rpg and not whatever the fuck ur making. ur posting offtopic and should be banned but unfortunately jannies are too busy erping on discord to care about this board
This is looking incredibly good.
Didn't know that Claude was considered better that ChatGPT, what plugins have you made with it?
Nice, gonna start using claude then
>Didn't know that Claude was considered better that ChatGPT
Ever since Claude Opus released. GPT has been left dead in the water. Even Sonnet 3.5 destroys GPT. Again, /aicg/ can tell you more about it.
I've made a simple UI rescaler to bring it down to 320x240. In the end, I want to have a sort of "pseudo-2k3-starter kit" for MZ, emphasizing the distinct 2k3 graphics style.
Claude has trigger warnings.
>"Retard" is a BAD word.
Use the API. console.anthropic.com
That's uncensored.
So fucking sick, man
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Forgot how much I like making little gimmick enemies. Game jam was good, but these encounters are so much more fun to make.
>is the medium interactive?
Yes, you can click and make distinct choices.
>is there a fail state?
Yes, you can click and make the wrong choice.
So it's a game. Just because the game is easy and throws the solution to a puzzle at you doesn't mean it isn't a game. It's just a shitty game with bad puzzles. Is it an RPG? Not exactly. If a clicky clicky adventure game has any stats that you can train to overcome an encounter then it becomes an RPG though. Think about it. An shmup for example boils down to exactly what I said above: you make distinct choices (move up/left/right/down, shoot), and you can make wrong choices (fly into an enemy's bullet or shoot into the void). The difference is you are constantly making these choices, as opposed to turn-based games. But they fundamentally boil down to the same blocks. As long as an interactive movie has distinct choices that allow the player to fail, it is a game. You might not like the game but it is, indeed, a game.
>clicking links and reading is not a game
So Zork isn't a game? Text adventures aren't games? Text command inputs or clicks, they accomplish the same task. I think you've forgotten what games are because your brain is soaked through with modern conventions and tropes.
I'm not falling for the hype. It fails just as often as ChatGPT when generating a python script. Making the same mistakes.

Nearly identical responses to the same questions.
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>Nearly identical responses to the same questions.
I don't know what kinda crack you've been smoking, but this is just not true. /aicg/ would skin you alive for this blasphemy.
Also, did you try Opus or Sonnet 3.5? Sonnet 3.5 isn't as good as Opus.
I'm pretty sure /aicg/ just rates AI on its ability to generate outrageous and provocative dialogue.
Not necessarily. While yes, we do want our dialogue to be outrageous, you still need a good and smart model for proper RP. A model that forgets where you are, who you are, that can't play the character or ignores instructions are all detrimental.
Just believe me when I say that Claude 3 Opus is the most powerful consumer-available LLM to date.

This looks really fun. The gardener could also water the plant to get rid of the fire debuff.
Where are those even used?
Nowhere and never, in every version of RPG Maker, since always.
I haven't played many HTML CYOAs except for the porn ones and the interaction is entertaining to me. I like making wrong choices and seeing what horrible end the author gives that path. I even enjoy the concept of the games, including the layout. I sometimes make mock websites/short stories with a few branches. Also
>the story is where the "entertainment" lies
Some, not all but some, people play RPGs purely for the story and either cheat, mindlessly mash A/Enter, or look up guides to bypass gameplay. To them there's no difference between a JRPG and a novel, the grinding and exploring just gets in the way.
>interacting with a DVD menu
A DVD menu gives you a few choices: play movie, play specific scenes, watch the trailer, watch commentary, and maybe something else (some had actual games). Some people had fun poking around the menu, in and of itself. Maybe you'd say they're autistic but it's the truth, the same way someone out there in the cold abyss of the internet might enjoy playing a shmup without enemies or bullets. It's weird but possible, and in a sense it makes a DVD menu a game.
>Flipping a page of a book is not by design 'entertaining'
It might have been and we aren't typically privy to developer's intentions. If people enjoy working simulators and tedium, they will enjoy anything, including the act of flipping pages. In fact, that's a primary reason why many people haven't switched to e-ink book readers like Kindle and Kobo, because the act of physically turning pages is simply too pleasurable to give up.
>The game needs to have a sense of it being entertaining to walk
I agree. I haven't played a sigma game yet but from his screenshots I think he is trying to make it entertaining. It is entertaining to him, and at the end of the day it's best to make a game that you want to play more. Chances are none of us will ever be successful in the traditional sense, but as long as we like our own games, it would difficult to call it a waste of time.
this oozes soul anon, please post more
This is a good idea. Tend now cures status effects.
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Just finished redoing my dialogue boxes from my initial demo. Got new art coming along from an artist, otherwise I'm doing everything else myself. Really just wanna focus on the story, lightly inspired by Nier and Golden Sun. So far, I'm pretty happy with my progress despite it being so slow. I just want it all to be as good as I can make it, and people to enjoy a less dark story from Nier with some of the same story propulsion with saving your little sister from illness.
Please use shift-clicks on the fences at the edge of town so they don't create stakes ad infinitum. Thanks
The precepts of ludology have be explained to you before. Entertainment is an abstract and subjective experience. Calling it a "game" is just mincing words.

Tortue isn't pleasant; but it can be a game. Your emotions, your enjoyment, are not needed and validate anything. There are many ways to rob you of your faculties besides. The objectivity of an activity remains. Sports don't stop being sports once a player is exhausted. Losing isn't fun, but it doesn't stop being a game because you have a skill issue.
Chill out, Salik
Still not an rpg
it doesn't matter what is or isn't a game. fact is this thread is about rpg's and suckmysucker's digital vomit is anything but.
Wait, so that’s how you stop that bullshit? I’m not him, but thanks anon.
https://youtu.be/1HhFsHH99rU?feature=shared every rpg needs talk to animals spell
My game is basically talk to animals spell.
How does it feel that you'll never be blonde or white like the characters you idolise
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The fact is, it was a year ago in June that I was saying exactly that. I was the ONLY one saying that. I could not reason with the moderators to do their job. I couldn't talk sense with anyone else to stop. The fact is: You asked for this.

You had your chance to change and set things right.
You set a precedence. Now that your sick of it, you think it's going to stop?

Oh honey.
With AI you can get ideas for the plot and cooding (llms), make music (suno or whatever else), character art (SD). It helps quite a lot if you're just one guy
>Effectively he should be allowed to post his game dev here regardless on whether its an RPG or not
wrong, it belongs into >>>/vg/agdg/
case closed, he should fuck off.
I don't. You clearly do though. It's why you make yourself a blonde haired blue eyed suit clad swordsman rather than the operator of a call centre that scams non muslims out of their rupees.
Moreover, I don't think a narcissist can be anti-social, or be distinguished as one just for expressing concern over the board's integrity. It's not really a punishment to ask loitering "observers" to disperse. Who sees it that way?
Is 4chan a platform inviting non-participates to upvote, like, and subscribe? No. Needless to say, constant social commentary is not a contribution. If you want to treat people as content, got to reddit, youtube, twitch...

Maybe that's where you're getting "anti-social" from; you think you're off-topic thoughts and perpetual disengagement has merit. You think you deserve to be entertained or pacified. Who's the narcissist?
How is it "escapism" to pretend to be another race? How is it "anti gamer" to point out that you do not represent yourself accurately?
>He "escapes" to pretending he's white
Holy fuck
How about you answer the question, rather than just calling people names? There's no malice in what they asked near as I can tell
Wait who says he isn't white or blonde? Alot of paki people are apparently, they don't just have black hair and dark skin... Has Sigma been doxxed? I mean I know he's hardly private about his real name, but still...

Also holy shit, you guys can't stop touching the poop can you?
Pretty sure it's a straightforward question. Seeing malice where none exists is paranoia, maybe you're mentally ill?
How is it "escapism" to pretend to be another race? How is it "anti gamer" to point out that you do not represent yourself accurately?
>Who says he isn't white or blonde
You're right, a Pakistani man called Salik Hussain is going to be white and have blue eyes. Whatever was I thinking.
Yeah, look it up. Some of them do. The middle east is pretty diverse dude.
You really think SigmaSuccour is fucking KALASH? They ARE NOT MUSLIMS except a tiny minority, so that is just incredibly unlikely.
>sees malice where there isn't any
>pretends to be another race
>multiple tulpas
>refuses to answer simple questions (probably can't because of illness)
Poor guy.
This thread is the opposite of comfy
This thread makes me wanna wash my eyeballs
You don't understand. I pity you. But I do not think you deserve help. You can't even answer simple questions. You should not be on the Internet, you should be in a care home.
What you can also do is create a blank js file and add it to your plugins, then define a function that does this thing you need, and just call the function from your event.

Juat means if you ever need to fix or change or expand on the code, you can do that all in a text editor and not opening the event and dealing with the limitations of an event script block.

If you really felt adventurous, you could also automate a lot of this stuff by creating a script that runs every time you enter a map, scans for, then gives stats to events like this one if they appear, and then you don't need to have the event self-execute anything at all.
Pointing out things that are true is not malicious. My opinion that you are unwell and should not have access to the Internet until you are well is not projection.
If you want him to go away stop giving him attention, youre making it worse for everyone else

Have you sat down for 5 minutes and asked yourself what your actually accomplishing here by responding to him
I just wish everyone shitting up the thread would put on a name tag so I could filter them
Oh shit Sigma got deleted. Finally jannies doing their job. Sheesh, took them long enough.
Coming from someone who actually kinda enjoyed his games, its for the best that he doesn't post here.
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Thanks, currently messing around with skyboxes and background colors to get a mood for the game.
These looks great, cool to see more 3d projects. I'm currently avoiding rigging/animation hell by using Mixamo but I know it's coming.
Speaking of 3D. Gotcha Gotcha Games was supposed to release a free chibi Vroid model or "skinsuit" or whatever to support Unity.
But a year later, there's nothing out there.
Pakistan is NOT the middle east. It's South Asia
looking good anon. what's your game about?
3d in general is pretty annoying. rigging is easy but animating is hell, at least for me. i hate doing it.
How hard would it be to recreate FF8's junction system in Rpg Maker?
But what's he escaping from and to? Are you suggesting whites are better than pakistanis?
What does any of this have to do with "gamers"?
I'll pay your steam fees if you agree to talk to me
You'd have to unblock me first.
Jannies being INCREDIBLY based
yep, better late than never.
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unfathomably based.
though I must say, I'm getting filtered by the first tutorial fight, the button prompts are just too fast for me.
Some cheese caused by the jam deadline not giving me time to fix the bug: You can hold multiple buttons at once
Also, thanks pal!
oh, thanks for the tip! I'll try again with this knowledge.
you are part of the problem
Fair comment, but if that's the case isn't it better to ignore me?
Sigma won.
bump limit has been reached,
We're nowhere near page 10 anon...
On the contrary, we'll highlight your hypocrisy. You were so vocal about Sigma making a game fighting his critics. And here you are doing the exact same thing.
Like they could have deleted all the replies to sugma too right? Those were off topic too and were shitting up the thread and they bumped the thread to limit. But oh well this is all that we get, Thanks obanny.
Recreating the Junction system from Final Fantasy VIII in RPG Maker can be quite challenging due to the complexity and uniqueness of the system. The Junction system involves several intricate mechanics, including drawing magic from enemies, junctioning spells to stats, and linking Guardian Forces (GFs) to characters for various abilities and stat boosts. Here's an overview of the main challenges and considerations:

Drawing Magic, Guardian Forces (GFs), User Interface, Balancing and Testing

Recreating the Junction system in RPG Maker is a substantial task that requires advanced knowledge of RPG Maker's scripting capabilities and a deep understanding of FF8's mechanics. If you're committed to this project, be prepared for a significant investment of time and effort to achieve a faithful recreation.
Recreating Final Fantasy 8's junction system in RPG Maker would be a challenging but potentially achievable task. Here's a brief overview of the complexity:

Complexity: The junction system is quite intricate, involving multiple interconnected elements.
>same b.s. as chatgpt

Overall, it would be a significant undertaking, likely requiring advanced RPG Maker knowledge and potentially external scripting. It's not impossible, but it would be a complex project.
Would you like me to elaborate on any specific aspect of this challenge?
Recreating Final Fantasy VIII’s Junction System in RPG Maker can be quite challenging, but it’s an interesting endeavor! Let’s break down the key features of the FF8 Junction System and consider how you might approach implementing them:

>B.S. list like the others.
>Calls drawing "Magic Hoard", that's pretty funny.

Remember, while recreating FF8’s system exactly may be complex, you can simplify and adapt it to fit your game’s needs. Good luck!
*bumps into you*
"Watch where you're going"

>How hard would it be to recreate FF8's junction system in Rpg Maker?
*looks at you in disbelief*
"Do you have any idea what you just asked me? That's a complicated question.

>So, very hard then?
"Yeah, it's going to take a lot of time and effort. Why are you asking?"

>I...like Final Fantasy 8
"I can tell. You know, you're the first person who's actually interested in the game. Most people are turned off by the junction system"

>Does it turn you on or off?
"I'll admit, it can be overwhelming at times. But once you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty fun."

>I'd like to be your G.F.
"Wait, what?"

>Nothing. I should go.
"Wait, no. Don't leave.

"You just sprung that on me out of nowhere. You know, I'd like to get to know you better, too.

>you have to defeat me in battle before you can juction me
"Oh, so that's how it's going to be? I guess I can't back down from a challenge. What are the rules?"

>*reality melts away like sand changing to a battle field*
"Whoa, what just happened?"

>Reduce my HP to 0 before time runs out
"That sounds pretty intense. You sure you're up to this?"

>60 seconds
"Well, I guess I have no choice. Let's do this."

>40 seconds
"Alright, I got this. *prepares to fight*"

>20 seconds
"Wait, why are you counting down?"

>5 seconds
"Wait, no! This isn't fair!"

>Game Over
"*groans* I lost?"
Figured a taste of his own medicine might be the bump he needed.
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Does anybody know how to fix this bug? It seems to be completely random, like it'll shit itself just after an enemy attacks sometimes.

Also I think I'm on track towards completing the demo before the Demo day, just gotta fix this bug, as well as write a few more dialogs...
>Demo day
Uhhhh, I saw so few people joining that I thought it was a bad idea to still go through with it so I deleted a few weeks ago. But could put it up again if you still wanna drop demo there.
Eh, nah it's cool. Don't worry about it, if you think there's too few people joining, there probably is.

I guess there's less pressure in completing something with such a small time frame.

I still want you guys to play my demo though, so I guess I'll simply post it in one of these threads once I've completed it.
Yeah I'll totally play it. Love the idea of a pirate themed rpg.
Btw got no idea what this is and I'm not sure if its happening because of the Yanfly plugins or if thats just there because its part of the stack, but its kinda pointing to the absorption barrier .js plugin. Its totally related to front end though cause its mentioning a gradient fill function. Worth a plugin disable and see if it keeps happening.
Aww. You should give him a consolation prize for being a good sport
Cool thanks bro! You’re bichio feo right? I like the look of your bestiary game. Can’t wait to play your game as well!

I think I actually fixed it, yanfly’s plugins were out of date, had to shell out 30 bucks to fix it… goddamn yanfly.
Yeah thats me, got delayed some weeks by performance issues but I fixed them. Hopefully I have everything I need to design the levels now and make a demo soonish. Props on catching that error bro.
>continuing from a sex adventure that ended in a foursome.

>He notices something written on the back of the scroll fragment.
"What's written there?"

>it reads: "How hard would it be to recreate FF8's junction system in Rpg Maker".
*he laughs* I guess you're still thinking about that game?

>the 4 of them ponder the question seriously
"Hmmmm, that's quite a challenge..."
"We should try it!"
"I think it's possible."

>Step 1
"What's step one?" *He takes out a notebook and pen*
"Understanding the Junction System..." *He writes in the notebook*
"I guess we need to understand how the Junction System works in FF8".

>Does anyone know?
*the Guards shake their head*
"We should ask an expert"

*looking at you*
"How about your character?"

>Um, basically you assign a stock of spells to a character stat for a bonus. Like equipment, but the quantity in stock is used as a multiplier
"That's a good summary. But I guess we need a more in-depth explanation..."
*looks around*
"I think we need to consult the internet..."

>So they do
*he pulls out his phone and starts browsing*
"Let's see..."
*he reads*
"Ah, so the junction system allows you to draw magic from enemies and use it to increase stats..."

>They put their heads together to arrive at step 2
"I think we should find a way to replicate that in Rpg Maker"
*he nods*
"I guess we need to learn how to code"

>by chance, a fairy appears and gives them temporary knowledge of what they seek
"Did a fairy just give grant us temporary knowledge?"

>Yes. Now focus.
*repeats the summary above*
>How to recreate it in RPG Maker
"I'm not sure..."
>The fairy gave you knowledge
"Right, let's see" *pulls out phone and starts browsing*
"I guess we need to learn how to code"
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A collaboration between ChatGPT and Claude.
Chat made the window list. I passed it over to Claude to improve the functionality.

A few hiccups along the way. But got it working in about an hour.

God, AI-lets are fucking pathetic.
I don't really like how they code. They constantly try to call functions that don't exist. Or they make a function that does nothing except return "True". I'll ask why it didn't just write =True?
And it'll say "This way is more robust".

But it works.
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Furbait added, the way things show up in engine is interesting. Part of it was making the arms and legs more feral and like rotten bones. It's one of the enemies, for now at least, that has a rape/trauma mechanic around it (it can rape a party member, but I had to word it in a certain way but it's obvious what happens). Battles have the flashlight camera where some parts have the glow and some parts do not. It's better than before when everything was impacted by the glow for a sense of scale and horror, especially with some other designs. I'm going to have to buy a Steam Capsule image soon and maybe a trailer, since all I need to do before a demo can be uploaded is make custom icons and finish the next three floors of the tutorial dungeon with the enemies/bosses they have.
In light of "WITH" coming out later this year. Let's talk about collaborative development practices.

File Sharing has never been an issue for PC users. But what other pitfalls are there that RM WITH will undoubtedly fail to mediate.
I have had problems with backup saves in the past with overwriting progress. You have to use github with versioning.
but how big is his knot
It was a pain to coordinate and distribute items and rewards.

Like, how much gold monsters should drop? What's going to be available in the next shop? When is the next shop? We don't know, we're making it up as we go.

In the database you can only input hard numbers, not variables or fomulas. There's not a way to dynamically adjust buy/sell prices or drops.

And there's no quick assessment tool to measure what the player might accumulate in any given area.
I'm glad my current project is hopefully going to be used in the future so things will be much smoother for other projects, but still it's going well.

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