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What engine are you using?
Or are you making your own?
Do you miss RPG Maker if you used it before?

Post progress BTW.
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Well its been 2 hard weeks but I managed to get a basic combat working, right now the only feedback to what's going on is the hp bars and the text messages. When I finish the back end I'll start with animations and more visual feedback. Then I'm missing:
>Cutscene System
I've done a crappy one and I need to remake it to be able to do more scenes.
>Dungeon System
Its basically maps but with a couple more things going on.
>Milestone system
To check how the player progresses and which areas are unlocked
These are going to be another month, once these systems are done I'll be able to go forward with level design and asset design.
Hopefully full Demo for the end of the year?
It already looks nice. Do you plan to try something "new" with the battle system, or is it just standard monster stuff?
Its somewhat standard aside from having 3 mons per team. The only addition is the 'Clash' system that boils down to: if an ally and an enemy target each other they will have their turn at the same time and then judge their attacks in a RPS system. Still working on the balance but Ferocity (Strength) beats Tenacity (Defense) beats Cunning (intellect) beats Ferocity. Depending on the winning attack there's some different bonuses for the winner.
Also I should say its not "new" its just what monser hunter stories does with a few twists to make it less boring.
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Have snapping working. Highlighting. Dropping the object. Hiding the mouse cursor. I need to test different item sizes and need to add in functionality to drop one item into the grid and pick up the item in its place in one movement. But that shouldn't be bad.
Next goal, add a version of this to NPC's and allow trading.
Cool stuff.
This is looking good, great progress
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Sort of on topic: what equipment do you use to dev? I bought an Asus ROG 15 laptop on sale a couple years ago and it does the job (and it allows me to gamedev even on vacations). Aside from that I've been switching mouses for months because the scroll wheel breaks from use (I even disassembled my Razer essentials to try and clean the wheel with a cotton swab wth alcohol but it didn't improve much) so I'm thinking of getting a logitech mouse with mag scroll. I think I may just use the scroll wheel too much when scrpting.

Thanks bros. Been fun to work on something visually interesting instead of just background systems. Will post again when I have npc sellers working and all the features added for the user. Still a few kinks to work out on some of the finer details. I basically added the base system and haven’t added all the little rules yet.

And then it’ll be fun coming up with how I actually want mine to look. I like the other anons game with the skeleton behind. I won’t copy it, but I’ll have to think of something. Might just go the D2 route.
I use three monitors and a corner desk. I will never go back to a straight forward desk. It also rises and lowers but I don’t use that feature much. I like my arms being elevated that, that’s a must for me.

Imo 2 monitors is a bare minimum. But some people disagree. Some people don’t mind tabbing around. I find that absurd but to each their own. 3 is the minimum for myself. Sometimes I want a 4th.
>corner desk
Whats the advantage of this? Genuinely interested.
I had a second monitor that I got from work but it broke and the policy doesn't allow giving WFH monitors anymore so I was thinking of getting a new one too. I think its stockholm syndrome that I don't really mind using 1 monitor and alt-tab for everything.
I find I lean forward less. I can lean to either side or whatever. I also have some neck pain at times and it really seems to help me find more healthy positions to program in. I like my elbows being able to rest on the desk in an elevated level of my choosing. Maybe on a straight desk you find you can do this, if that works for you, great.

And ya I've almost seen more people in favor of alt tabbing when discussing it. Where I work everyone uses at least 2, some use 2 and basically a long tablet for a 3rd. I'm not really sure why, maybe to check formatting on a different sized screen or something.
How do you guys model 3d faces? Do you have a face in mind?
I'm new so I thought I try to take a real life picture of someone and try to recreate it. Is that the easiest way?
Gamer laptop and yes I also break mouse wheels a lot.
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With 77 polygons I don't have much options.
>I think its stockholm syndrome that I don't really mind using 1 monitor and alt-tab for everything.
I am the same way. I use like 4 workstations on windows, and just Ctrl + Winkey + Left/Right arrow to move between them. I am not going to get 4 monitors, and 2 would only get me confused.
Is that Britney spears?
Cool, glad to see I'm not the only one.
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I built an upper mid-range desktop in 2010. Pic related.
In 2017 or so I updated video cards to a 960. I think I also had to replace PSU at one point, but it is otherwise unchanged.
I've got two monitors: a somewhat new 1080p that a friend gave me and an ancient 1280x1024 monitor that predates this build.
I use a super basic standard keyboard that I bought for $12 in 2006.
I'm using a Logitech G203 as a mouse at the moment. Unfortunately I go through mice a bit quickly, and need to replace every 3 or so years.
I do have a circa 2020 laptop that is reasonable (yet for most tasks still does not beat the desktop). I also managed to inherit two old, weak laptops that are mostly useless. The least-bad of those currently has Linux on it, which I use to build and test for that OS.

It's past time for an upgrade, but what can you do. I'm sort of hoping enough people buy the game I was shilling before so that I can have game dev pay for a new build.
I'm the anon with three monitors, this sounds a lot like me. Built PC in 2015. I think I have a 970. Can't remember my processor, i7 I think. 3 cheep monitors. Everything still runs great so I just haven't justified upgrading. Might get a PC on black friday but we'll see. Unity launches my game usually in a like, 4 seconds. Sometimes longer, but at that point it seems like a unity issue because if I restart it, it's back to launching in 4 seconds.
A question about attack miss chance, should there be a base miss chance for most attacks? Does 5% chance (like ttrpgs) sound good?
I've come around to the opinion that misses should not be a standard part of RPG combat.
For unique builds or classes, or for certain spell effects, or as a gimmick of a specific enemy? Sure. But in general? No.
Missing an attack causes gamers to seethe about RNG, and frankly they're right.
I want to make a game where missing is not frustrating though, like you've got so many tools at your disposal that missing once shouldn't be a probem. But I get what you mean. Maybe it shouldn't be RNG for all moves.
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Seething over a missed attack is part of the fun of turn based RPGs, IMO.
You have to add a little RNG just to make speed runners cry and to ruin their lives. I plan on making rng in the late game for this purpose alone. But it'll not affect normal players much.
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Why do you think your game will have speedrunners, let alone players?
>Why do you think your game will have speedrunners, let alone players?

Because it'll be Stardew Valley level quality, and I think I have a decent marketing plan.
Depends on the pace I think. If you don't have to wait for long for the next attack, it is fine. IT also depends how many resources you can spend on a single attack before it is decided whether it hits or not. The always miss chance will incentivize people to not place too much on a single attack hitting.
Depends on the game you're making honestly. But there's one dev I followed in the past that makes some pretty decent points in favour of determinism I feel:
As always, it depends on the game. Miss chance or no miss chance can work well depending on everything else. For my game, a pretty traditional Dragon Quest style turn-based battle system, I found that a small chance of missing with basic attacks helped. It felt a bit static without it, the risk of missing helped make battles feel different.
prove this is an RPG please. not being snarky or mean, and don't say "go play it". it has to be an RPG to be in this thread. in the kindest way possible, please explain how your game is an RPG
Off-topic: this thread is for RPGs made without RPG Maker.
another thread ruined by shitma.......
>no gameplay
>absolutely horrendous writing
Have you considered writing romance novels instead
I've got a fairly modern PC, ryzen 5700x and a RTX 3090ti. It's got more than enough power to do any sort of coding and can run local AI models. Text models are garbage for code gen, but image generation is good enough to brain storm character designs and locations. Assets still need to be made by hand.
Peripherals are a Logitech MX Master and XP Pen Deco Pro. Everything needs to be wireless because I'm sitting on my couch and use two TVs as monitors. The newer one is 60'' 4k, the older one 43'' 1080p.
Total coast should be around $5000 over the course of 8 years and various upgrades, but I got the expensive shit for >50% off from timing saless.

>I'm thinking of getting a logitech mouse with mag scroll
I can recommend the MX Master very much. It feels good to use for long periods of time and allows you to map mouse gestures to shortcuts, per application. It can speed you up a lot when you no longer need to switch your hand from mouse to keyboard in your most common actions.
It's rather expensive, but absolutely worht it. I've had mine for over eight years without issue and bought a second one for the office at my personal expense because it's such a massive upgrade over the cheap shit provided by corporate.
The mouse wheels still work like a charm on both mice. Only issue is that the rubber parts are super grimy and you can't clean them properly because the material is so weak. But it seems they've fixed that issue in newer models.
>I've had mine for over eight years without issue
Okay I'm sold. Already ordered from amazon.
I'm still not sure if ChoiceScript text-based games count but mine's been getting a positive reception so far.


As for development, what do you guys do to scout artists? I'm getting patreonbux now so I want to replace my AI art with a good reliable artist but don't know how people even find good ones looking for work.
Hey I'm pretty hooked on this, nice.
I've found this really frustrating to work with, to the point I considered rolling my own open source framework(since I already need VN-like system anyway and it's not much of stretch from there).
What's the size of your usebase? I could never get a real grasp on how much demand would be there for my project.
Started to work on my own Rust engine. This is going to take a while, but I'm ready to sink a lot of time into this. I only do this because I don't have a good idea of what I'm making yet exactly. So I guess this is a good way to get the ball rolling.
that sounds like a good way to spend years making an engine and never actually make a game
>utilizing 300+ plugins from 150+ developers
Did you ask them all for permission before bundling their plugins in a pack for redistribution?

You might want to read up on it and cover your ass, I don't know exactly how it works for RPGmaker but for software/game development on other languages/engines there are a lot of cases where you explicitly can't do this legally as far as libraries go, even if it's a free release.
I already have experience with making graphics so it really shouldn't take long. Besides it's going to be incremental. Once I have the bare minimum i'll be working on the game itself.
Off-topic: this thread is for RPGs made without RPG Maker.
NTA, but that actually gives me a lot of food for thought.

My system (that actually another anon suggested, from Legends of Dragoon I think), is that there is a % chance for each attack to hit, called Accuracy. When an enemy is hit, the chances of consecutive attacks hitting, go up.
The idea is to combo light, low-damage, high accuracy attacks, into low-accuracy, damaging attacks.

Now this makes me consider the deterministic view. In the current version, it is the player's choice if they risk the heavy attack after two light attacks at 80% hit chance, or try to reach 100%. In a deterministic version though it takes a set amount of lighter attacks to even unlock heavier ones, but then the heavier ones would surely hit.
Interesting read, I like that it started talking about chess and then argue in favor of RNG. I'm thinking some RNG is necessary to make single player experience varied. I'm putting a lot of effort in the enemy AI and difficulty by trying to give decision trees to enemies based on their strengths and weaknesses. Its an onion like system in which more difficulty means more layers of complexity so the player will need knowledge on the enemies to successfully predict its moves and outsmart them. Or just brute force it by grinding but thats gonna have some limits too.
I-I'm a manlet?
I check artsation, reddit, fiverr, and generally ask for a test-commission of those I liked. Some will disappear for 2 weeks, and drops the art at your feet a day before the deadline. Don’t pick these guys, regardless of how good the art is. You will never have a chance to do revisions, in case they got the description wrong, or you have an idea that fits their style better.

Others will get back to you after the first sketch, to make sure you are on the same page, before they put hours and hours of work into the complete thing. They might even be willing to do a second sketch. Now these are the guys who are worth considering long-term.
You might think that paying for a test commission is a waste of money, but it is much better to find these things out early, rather than have a fallout and switch artists half-way.
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Being a good neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/dGXzV
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/emt8yw.webm

Every day there's a new way to screw your neighbor BTW.
>You're more motherfucker.
Lookin' good.
Can you jump and bother the guy below?
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Guy below is the official panty snatcher of the dorm and is treated with respect.
I prefer deterministic system but saying that people won't play randomshit is cope.
Gacha exist. Rogueslop exist. Fake gameplay is easier to do.
Really? Just having the conversation in rl.
A decent bit of chance is the best choice in almost all cases imho.
Meaning mostly deterministic, with a little of propability here and there.
Natural 1 or 20 is cancer though.
Its been fun, will I be able to pick up the save file whenever you update the game?
Yeah, dicepools 4 life.

Mine's a little big, the discord has ~250 people, but the Choice of Games forum is where the playerbase gets bigger. It makes or breaks CYOA games from what I can tell.

I'm afraid it's terminal.

God I wish, that's the main flaw of ChoiceScript. Every permanent variable needs to be set in the initial setup file, and whenever that gets changed it ruins existing save files.

Good eye, I'll definitely do the orders in small chunks to use the first 1-2 as a test order.
>God I wish, that's the main flaw of ChoiceScript. Every permanent variable needs to be set in the initial setup file, and whenever that gets changed it ruins existing save files.
So you mean serialization of the save file would throw an error when the game has a lot more content? I don't know a thing about ChoiceScript but just trying to understand the problem. In any case then I'll wait till 1.0 to play it again.
how big is your playerbase? I was planning on some xiaxia themed game but was afraid there's no audience for it.
I'd play something vaguely with the aesthetic, feel and world building level of Feng Shen Ji
This reminded me that I should rearrange my saves. I've half-assed it a bit, since even with the bloat, there is literally no loading time to my game at the moment. However in the game each of the attack moves are tracked separately, and can be levelled up. The save copies the entire move, instead of just the level, so any balance adjustment I do later, invalidates the old saves.

I am making a martial art rpg, because they are very few and far between. Most often they just throw a „monk” into a medieval fantasy setting. I don't know if there is a playerbase for it, but I just really wanted it to exist.
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oh fuck me
Where do you want it anon?
>However in the game each of the attack moves are tracked separately, and can be levelled up. The save copies the entire move, instead of just the level, so any balance adjustment I do later, invalidates the old saves.
Yeah thats something to take into account. One thing I'm also doing to future proof saves is using try except for newer stuff and defaulting info is needed.
How do you get you get a fanbase like that? As in, moving them to discords and forums and to interact more with you. Is there any trick to turn them from just lurkers to actively participants?
Active participation and call to action
I'll start tripcoding to tell people apart since I've been getting some questions.

The CYOA community is luckily more involved than most since their content takes so long to make (your average decent CYOA is longer than the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, plus code). But what also helped is to always make sure each chapter I release ends in a satisfying battle or conclussion and then segways into the start of a new adventure or problem, then putting a thank you message at the end with links to the communities. People finish the game at their most hype moment and a lot want to theorize with others on what comes next.
I'm gonna kick your ass.
I really like how western your writing is.

like lumping china and japan together.
Thanks, I got the inspiration from Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid. He didn't care about writing a western fantasy accurately, he cared about writing how cool his impression of it was and how much he enjoyed it. I walked the other direction on the same road.

Meet me in the Denny's parking lot.
That's very interesting. Aside from promoting your own servers in your game and being consistent on your progress what other tips would you give to keep your own fanbase happy and how to interact with them? Is there any course to keep the "hype" going?
>Meet me in the Denny's parking lot.
Nothing personal, you just seem like a worthy foe.
post today's progress
I started using my gamedev stack at work so that I can learn on company time.
Spent the rest of the day shopping for a new laptop because temperatures are getting so high in my flat that I can't work anymore. I'll be spending the next two months sitting in my basement and the only thing I've got for that is a 15 year old laptop with a broken fan.
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Finished the victory aftermath screen. I thought I was done with back end but just remembered a couple things I had put in my todo list. Aftermath is
>get stat increase from enemy stats (stats and time is how you get stronger mons, no levels)
>Loot from mons
>Unlock page if you defeat the mon
My combat system is ready, and I've been working on the tutorial. Last time I've left it (several months ago) it was still working. However, now there is some bug. I've been trying to pinpoint it, but to no avail. Apparently whatever I am doing, is confusing something down in the inner machinations of the engine itself. So I had to rewrite part of a code inside of the tutorial alone.

Also done >>3534522 as I promised myself.
I'm just finding about this and its amazing people are still doing these today. Those were my favorite type of books for a while in the late 90s.
tough thursday for progress folks
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hope u rike it
A monster hunter? Breh I love it. Playable demo this year?
if you go back in time a few years, yes
if I were you though I'd wait a few days, there's gonna be an update
>too old to make it
Sounds cheesy, but there's no age for success.
Making anything is a success in itself.
How do you cope after realising your game has no market?
No such game exists.
Tell me your game pitch and I'll tell you exactly what market you have.
pitch to who?
It's Dark Souls but turned based
Very nice, but what is it? Like a special mission?
Pitch it to us.
You just answered your own question.
I calm the demons in my mind when I refactor old code or bad ways to implement stuff.
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Anyone know the documentation or any similar script that let me move or replace this textbox cursor?
did you do the pixel art and program it yourself?
>RPG development without RPG Maker thread.
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More trouble for the neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/qOo8Q
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/k9xu2j.webm
Yeah wrong thread but I think you can edit the picture that holds that, its /project/img/system/window.png in most versions.
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Yup, I did everything except the background, developing this solo in godot. I wish I had either a pixel art guy or a programmer guy to make things go faster since my vision is pretty much set, either that or abandoning my wagie job to dedicate full time. Luckily a friend is making soundtracks for the game because I suck at writing music.
I need to move it to the right but apparently it's baked deep into rpg maker program and you can't easily change it for some reason, and need to change that cursor into animated icon you can customize.
Thats gonna take some scripting. Need to find the message funcionts in the core script and edit the anchor coordinates. Then to make an animated icon I've got no idea.

just updated UI
it looks so good. keep it up
Yeah, this is making a video game, not becoming a pro athlete, trying to win an Olympic gold medal. Persistence is all you need.
Based mindset, this one's gmi
Thanks anon, will do
Skip cutscene button yay or nay? Its not a story heavy game but it does have somewhat repetitve cutscenes.
I'd say so, yes. I'm not sure what the benefit of keeping it un-skippable. I like ones that require a press for a certain amount of time personally. So they don't accidently do it, but that might be overkill if you don't feel like programming that. People shouldn't push buttons during a cutscene anyway if they don't want to skip.
>I like ones that require a press for a certain amount of time personally
Oh yeah thats definitely a good QoL addition. Doesn't sound too difficult.
some progress here.
Terrain coloring according to elevation.
Using Vulkan and C.

RPG will be a 3D Dwarf Fortress Dagger Fall like.
Spent the weekend working on vendor systems. Took more time than I thought it would. But there’s a lot to do. Making items to sell. Moving items between inventory and vendor and back and forth. Adding this to an npc. Some big systems and a lot of programming on top of a lot of little changes. I only work 4 days next week so I’ll have an extra day to work on the game which will be nice.
Nice one, vendor is a pretty big system, unless you re-use the inventory system which what I did to make it easier.
I spent the weekend doing my cutscene system making sure its as flexible as possible so I need to make the least amount of exceptions. It can
>call a message window
>call an animation to play
>run sound fx or change sountrack mid scene
>fade out and in again
>wait a timer
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Now on Mondays it hits harder: https://webmshare.com/play/qODor
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/4anulv.webm
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First cutscene ever is working, need to make a couple more to see if its good enough.
Vendor's will have a different inventory system than the player. Some will carry over, but I'm thinking to make the two distinct in code. Vendors will share logic despite some being different than others.

And making a cutscene system sounds fun. I look forward to working on that.

Cutscenes looking great. Great Animations and art.
this looks good. though I feel that when the egg shakes it doesn't look great. Like the bottom should stay in place as it moves
Thanks anons, and thanks for the tip, definitely correcting that.
It's* about to hatch
I've got 0 energy to dev today
What do you expect in an underwater cave?
Secret pirate layer, monster eggs, dead body of some missing noble.
quite dead
where the rpgs at
Where's yours?
What's the best modern engine to make isometric crpg style stuff similar to the infinity engine games?
How would medieval pirates transport chests underwater...?
Are we talking modern pirates? That would be interesting indeed.
>dead noble
What about some unspeakable things that got washed up there?
Pirates that use submersibles
What do modern pirates go for?
AFAIK they raid mostly freight ships and salvage containers.
'bout tree fiddy
Thought about Loch Ness as well, but a nightmare to code decent melee underwater combat.
Imo if you have to ask this question, Unity.
Likely python at this point.

For fps ue is usually the best way to go, and sometimes for third person as well.
I used to spawn enemies in the map by
>iterating from x and y from top to bottom
> checking if rand int is == 1, then spawn and add up a counter
>if counter is 20 then stop spawning
It was sloppy as fuck, enemies tended to concentrate in the top left of the map. Now I
>get a randomized x,y tile position in the map
>do checks to see if it spawns like collision and rand int
>then do counter
Now enemies are waaay more spread out. Its great.
If it tries to spawn an enemy and there aren't any open spots, does it get caught in an infinite loop?
Thats a good question. The map is pretty big, so there should be enough spots before the counter gets to the limit value (which goes from 5 to 30 depending on the rarity of the enemy)
Generally the way to do it is generating a list of all the open spaces and picking randomly from those. Otherwise you can get weird bugs and uneven distribution. Nobody wants to deal with random lag or freezes because the game is repeatedly looking for empty tiles that don't exist. Or maps where you're expected to meet a certain amount of resistance but the game kept rolling impassible mountains until it gave up trying to spawn
Thats smarter actually. And decoupled too since I need to use the spaces for more than spawning enemies. Ty.
Wow, that’s crazy
Idk how I responded to the completely wrong post.
What were you trying yo reply to?
>wake up early and can't go back to sleep for some reason
Okay time to dev
Is a loading time of 4-5 seconds between some areas of the game bad? Do I need a loading screen for that?
what engine? I'm on Linux, I tried Godot (too complex for me) and rm2k/rm2003/rmmv, I'd like to use RM but they all have issues on Linux, game maker looks like a good alternative
>I'd like to use RM but they all have issues on Linux
Wait, what? You can run MV/MZ projects natively without Wine by running nw.js in the folder. On my system it's as easy as "nw ." and there's got to be a way to package that to make it even easier
I don't even see it anymore. It was a lame post crying about too many steam games.
oh, I didn't know there was a native Linux version, I was trying to run a pirated windows version under proton/wine, I'll try buy the native version tonight and give it a go
this is my first CYOA game and i really like it :]
Defold looks fairly good.
Wait, I thought you were talking about the player, not the editor. I was saying you could run finished RPGMV/Z games themselves in nwjs. I can run the editors in Wine somewhat but that's not the same. Maybe give it a pirate/trial and see?
I think the first reply on that post gives a pretty good response as well regarding the value of RNG.
We really need some more info to give any advice. What sort of game do you want to make? What abillities do you have? Where are you willing to train yourself? To hire someone else to do the part? Etc.
An engine is just a part of the work already done for you, but that's completely useless if it's doing the work you need. And in fact it will just get in the way by being extra weight you carry around.
>We really need some more info to give any advice
I actually don't think so. Godot is more or less the easiest engine out there that requires coding, so if he can't handle that he probably can't program at all. Which only leaves drag and drop engines like Game Maker and RPG Maker. Doing RPG menus and combat in GM is a huge chore, so clunky and overpriced RPGM is pretty much all he's got.

Well, that and trash like OHRRPGCE
It's more that there's options beyond general purpose engines. You've got Renpy for Visual Novels, the RPG makers for JRPGs, SRPG studio for tactical RPGs, and certainly many more that I don't know about. Those can get anon most of the way there, especially when they're inexperienced in game design and don't have many genre-defying ideas. If it's some UI-heavy text game you even might be best off with a web stack, one of those ten thousand methods of displaying text boxes has to be good.

Honestly I don't even consider the "can't code" cases. You can't expect to make a program without learning programming, just like you can't make a game without doing game design, wether it's digital or tabletop. If someone only wants to write/draw, etc. they should either team up/hire or look at a medium that gives full attention to the thing they care about.
I wanna make a game like ruina which is an adventure point and click and has turn based combat, RPG maker is probably best for this, but pirating it and getting the editor to run on Linux is a pita
>Honestly I don't even consider the "can't code" cases. You can't expect to make a program without learning programming
Nah, I remember being ~14 and not being able to code but I could drag and drop. Shit was fun, and so was playing stuff made by people in the same boat. You should be able to start out and experiment without learning a new language or hiring a fucking team.

What's the issue, running the project from the editor? I might be able to help
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Its not much but its honest progress.
Nice, I'm working on porn scenes but I can't/shouldn't post progress here.
I'm thinking to make a porn game eventually. I think it would be really fun to use it a vehicle to tell an episodic story in a game world that grows and grows. Let us know if you get success, any lessons you learn.
It's more than most have and I'm eager to play.
You should steal some enemies from that procrastination anon. The one with 900 enemies types.
>I'm eager to play
Plan is to have the demo on steam by end of year with 2-3 hours of play. Most systems are already in place and I was able to test the performance of seamless maps successfully so everything should fall into place soon for me to start doing actual level design and content (and polishing assets). I'll do my best to make the wait worth it.
>You should steal some enemies from that procrastination anon. The one with 900 enemies types.
Lol, nah its not my style to be honest, and I have 100+ monsters drafted, I just gotta do the actual work.
Love that you went with Breath of Fire 2-style characters. It's a great style.
This is looking really great. Art style is really great. Is the combat like pokemon?
I loved playing bof2 as a kid so it felt natural to use 16x24px characters.
Thanks anon, its not really similar to pokemon, moreso other monster games. For the raising aspect its similar to monster rancher and the battles take inspiration from monster hunter stories. You can use up to 3 mons to battle and depending on the enemy you'll be facing 1 or more and the targets will be factored in how the turn plays, if monsters target each other there will be several outcomes depending on the attacks they select.
That's awesome. Really good idea.
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Had to write a page in the design doc for the dungeons cause my early notes were vague as fuck. I wanna make use of both crpg stat checks and jrpg puzzles. Basically stats checks will determine if you avoid traps, find extra treasure or can intimidate a foe to avoid fighting a horde of enemies in the dungeon. And then there's rooms with puzzles that the player needs to clear to get to the next one. I'm brainstorming a lot of puzzles and I know I'm probably stealing from old gba/snes games but I don't know for sure. Its so cool to have these things in the back of my mind.
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My design documents are stored in my sub conscious and cryptic dreams. When I program I hack into the aether and that's when they are unlocked. Praise be to the muse/muses who share with me.
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I've realized that the more I get into designing levels and stuff the more time I spend on those. Will I ever finish this game?
Don't worry. Self-indulgent progress is still progress. Just keep at it, as long as you can justify getting new levels.
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>progress made
>existential dread reduced for a while
You're moving fast, nice.
Why not make a to do list for the next three (3) days, to create pressure and gain pressure power up?
I think the position of your 2nd walk frame is off, he goes back a pixel with each stride instead of forward
I'm not sure I follow, you mean in the left/right directions right? Maybe its because I moved the character 1 px back to make space for the hair bob.
I sort of do that but I still move too slow, maybe its the pressure building up.
Yep, that's it. It's distracting. There's a couple ways you might fix it
>offset the 2nd frame in engine
>make the spritesheet wider
>have the hair flop back with each stride
Alright, thanks I kinda got used to it and didn't realize.
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Honestly I'm having fun making this, but would it be a hassle for the player to wait the 4 animations in sequence? It also kinda looks like the mons are taking turns jumping with the player to their fall which is funny but stupid.
>would it be a hassle for the player to wait the 4 animations in sequence?
yes, too slow
I like the soul of it. Maybe a middle ground would suck all the monsters in at once, so then it's basically just 2 animations? Not sure how difficult that would be to do.
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I think this might work better
Nein. It would be better like before, but with the mons and the mc being sucked at the same time to wait less.
I'm not against this, but it happens a little quick. I guess it's up to you which you prefer. I don't mind a drawn out first animation of getting stuck. Makes you really reflect on your mistake. But this is fine too.
I guess its just too fast, if I did the same for all they would stack and look kinda weird.
Yeah I'd say is better this way but slower.
Agreed with other anons. Better to be too fast than too slow in this situation IMO. But a nice middle ground would be figuring out a "protag goes down, then all four quickly go down" but with maybe just a small beat of time between, and slightly slower overall.
If you only expect someone to get sucked in once or none then really slow or fast, both are fine. If it’s a common thing then I’d lean towards faster.
Good feedback, thanks anons
>protag goes down, then all four quickly go down
That's what I meant to say.
>walk animation fixed
so much better, holy shit
I've made a terrible mistake handling my map transfer scripts and now I'm worked into a corner. I'm using godot and basically I used to do a change_scene for each "game screen" and for heavy scene nodes this is too time expensive, sometimes even getting freezes in between scenes which is really bad even for an rpg. Now I've tried the instantiate approach and it works like gold for menus but instantiating a map on top of a map has tons of bugs because each map node has a player character node (so it ends up moving both even if I hide the original one) and I don't know how to get this to work properly. Freeing the origin map screen node and instantiating the destination one is also really slow and I guess I'm answering my own question here but I guess I should handle my player character nodes differently, having them in a main scene and then instantiating the "map scenes" as I need them, but man is this complicated and I haven't seen any tutorials explaining this properly yet. The lag I have comes from having several 100x100 tiles tilemaps which I try to preload on game start but its still kinda heavy for instancing.
>each map node has a player character node
Don't do this.

> Freeing the origin map screen node and instantiating the destination one is also really slow
You can try instantiate()ing them on game start but only using add_child() when active, remove_child() when you're done but don't free it

Also give more info. Get a webm of the lag if you can. It sounds like you might not know what the real problem is. I know I was convinced I had an unfixable engine shader problem when it turns out I didn't properly preload a .tscn with a bunch of sprites so it was loading all those graphics on the fly
>add_child() when active, remove_child() when you're done but don't free it
Holy crap this seems like something that could work for my case.
>more context and video
Fuck, I'm away from home now but I basically preload all scenes "game screens" and it takes a few seconds, then instantiating the heavy ones takes around 3 seconds which isn't a problem because then I just use that as main and then load menus or other small scenes on top, but having the player transfer to an "inside" map screen is whats fucking it up since. I'll return in a couple days and post again this thread should still be up.
>I basically preload all scenes "game screens" and it takes a few seconds, then instantiating the heavy ones takes around 3 seconds
Are you on a chromebook or something? For something as meager as "several 100x100 tiles tilemaps" that's pretty bad. I've loaded tilemaps a hundred times that size with less trouble. Unless your specs are really low (no SSD?) I strongly suspect you've got a problem somewhere else, though I know so little about your project I can only blindly speculate what it is
I think my specs are fine for 2D games at least, ssd, 16gb ram, ryzen 7 4800, rtx 3060. Was thinking of doubling ram soon.
In these scenes I have trouble with I also instantiate several enemy spawns and objects on top of the map but its barely noticeable and Ive measured it takes less than 100ms to run that logic. Still it could be slower to free the parent node when it has so many child nodes. Thats why I think add_child/remove_child logic would fix it but I can't try that yet.
Jesus, your machine is way better than mine. Something is definitely wrong if you're getting lag on a PC like that and it's not caused by a few tilemaps or freeing some nodes. I have a project with a map ~1000 tiles wide and it loads in less than a second. If I have time I'll help debug when you get back
Thanks anon, yeah I'm 99% sure I'm doing something wrong with the code or node layout. I'll post again in a couple of days.
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Thoughts on the current marketability of RTWP CRPGs?
Not great, not terrible.
Now, can they pathfind around an obstacle?
It depends on how often you're expected to fall down those holes. If it's just once or twice then it should be fine to have everyone fall one by one but if it's something that will happen twenty times while exploring one dungeon then yeah it will piss the player off a lot having to wait
As opposed to what? Real-time has long been known to be superior to turn-based resolution for over 30 years. The fact zoomers and casuals fixate on it doesn't mean it's more marketable. Games live and die by their own quality and interesting hooks, not by their action resolution method.
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As opposed to turn-based
Boss attack.

With sound: https://webmshare.com/play/rO6QQ
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/djalbp.webm
Call it period beam
Well I'm back with a bit more info
Changed the way in which I preload stuff, and started doing the pre instantiate and adding/removing child to root like suggested:
>Measured time for Game Start up (including preload nodes, pre instantiate scenes): 1500-1550ms
Entering Map 1 (heavy map)
>Measured time for Enter Map 1 scene: 3300-3500ms
>Measured time to Add child to root: 200ms
For map 2 (not so heavy map)
>Measured time for Enter Map 1 scene: 10000-11000ms
>Measured time to Add child to root: 50ms
>Measured time to remove child from root: 0ms
I don't really understand why its taking so long to enter the map in total but 0ms to remove child, I suspect that remove_child is asynchronous and there's no way to make it await so its not easily measurable. To add to the context, I even tried removing some 100x100 map nodes and it is indeed working better.

What I'm going to try now is to pre load and pre instantiate the maps and then add them to the scene. But I'm still not sure why a map would take an insane amount of time to add/remove also.
Before here you said >>3550688
>I know I was convinced I had an unfixable engine shader problem when it turns out I didn't properly preload a .tscn with a bunch of sprites so it was loading all those graphics on the fly.
Could you explain a bit more what you meant? I think I should preload everything but for some reason I didn't think that would be required for sprites.
Adding, only thing I could find is the problem could be a Navigation layer in the tileMap tileset.tres that maybe I had configured testing something that I forgot about and it was no longer needed. After taking that out its smoother. Nothing like I think it should be, but its better. It takes 1500ms to remove the node for the heavy map and add the node for the medium map.
where does everyone get the cracked copies of rpgmaker now, i remember the old site that was popular for distributing them got scrubbed of its links
>Measured time for Enter Map 1 scene: 3300-3500ms
>Measured time for Enter Map 1 scene: 10000-11000ms
This shit is insane and definitely not normal for Godot. Nothing you do with add_child and remove_child is gonna fix this. I suspect you're doing something really wrong in _init() or _ready(). Try commenting out stuff like the enemy spawning code and see if it helps. You could be spawning tons of nodes by mistake, so check your Remote node tree while the game is running to see if there's a ton of dupes or something.

>Could you explain a bit more what you meant?
How big are your sprites/textures? Godot loads graphics on demand when you instantiate the objects that use them which can cause stuttering but the textures have to be huge for it to matter.

Otherwise you're going to have to send me some actual project files so I'm not stuck playing a guessing game here. Here's a guerrillamail address in case you need to send something to one rando on 4chan instead of all randos on 4chan
bro, yes please. there are so few cultivation type rpg's. id love to have one with a good english translation and even average quality gameplay. i just want to lead a demonic sect and conquer the martial realm damn it
why would you need this when Steam 2k3 is DRM free?
Hard scifi novel is people having an affair while looking at nothing at SETI
Is Crankeye still up?
>RPG development without RPG Maker thread
I tried commenting out the spawn processes, well I even tried making a new scene with just a tilemap and its the same lag spike when loading. If I clear the tres it loads instantly, independently of the number of tiles.

I think I'm gonna try duplicating my project and importing it into a recent version of godot cause I read 4.2.2 had improvements to tilemap performance, and I also read a lot of people complained of tilemap performance when godot 4 launched.

If that fails I'll send you my tileMap files with asociated tres and img files. Could be my laptop, who knows.
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Going back to the roots, turning Mongol into an ARPG.
Shit, I know what your problem is now. I should have realized way back on Friday when you said "100x100 tiles tilemaps". I thought
>does he mean each tile is 100x100 pixels? that should be fine
>or are his maps 100x100 tiles wide? that should be fine too

But no, you were saying you've got one gigantic tileSET 100 tiles wide and 100 tiles high. That's 10,000 definitions for each unique tile it's saving and loading. Yeah, that'll do it. Cut that number down and the problem should go away.

I'm still curious about some things:
>What version of Godot are you using?
>Is your TileSet saved as its own unique Resource or embedded in each fucking map?
>If you're on Godot 3 are you using TileAtlases and Autotiles or did you split the entire thing up
But I'm not sure it matters. That's a big ass tileset
Maybe I didn't express myself correctly, to clarify its 100x100 tiles in the tileMAP. The tileSET is I dunno maybe 10x10 tops? I have 3 sheets that are small enough (1 is a 20 tiles animated waterfall) Haven't checked if these could be a problem but I will later today.

I'm using godot 4.1.1 stable.
The tileset is a saved resource, I've tried preloading it but I dunno how to make use of that since it seems the tileset is loaded upon loading the tilemap anyway. Is there a way to embed the resource by code upon starting the tilemap and is that recommended? I guess it would be attach script to map node and put that line of code in the ready function.
>Maybe I didn't express myself correctly, to clarify its 100x100 tiles in the tileMAP. The tileSET is I dunno maybe 10x10 tops?
Oh. Yeah, ignore all that shit I just said. You said clearing the .tres fixed the problem and I thought I was having a big Sherlock Holmes moment. If your tileset is that small it doesn't fucking matter at all.

How big are your textures?
Textures are around 1600x1600 pixels, will confirm later.
I'm retard, no, they're even smaller 200x200px, why would I think 16 x 10 = 1600
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Welp, its finally over. I tried opening it in 4.2.2 and its taking a bit more to open the game but it run perfectly between scenes, no lag spikes when add_child / remove_child. I think there was something wrong with 4.1 releases and they fixed it for 4.2 luckily. I'm gonna have to review everything is working as expected but at the very least its promising.
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finally getting back into gamedev a bit after an extended break moving successfully, and playing shadow of the erdtree now experimenting with aggressive LODs to achieve intricate detail for environments it worked i think, got 120 FPS for this lore dump elevator sequence.
the project needs a complete overhaul in code so i'm procrastinating by working on it art... it's fun.
Good to see you're back anon. Working on art is still progress. Beats masturbating at least.
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co-developer added some really cool water effects
Co-developer sounds like a really cool guy

>finally getting back into gamedev
If someone gave you 100k and one year to make your dream rpg, what would it be?
Morrowind-like. Use that 100k to pay someone to make assets for the world, while I work on the mechanics. Once those are done, I spend 10 years crafting the world.
I'd do something related to Dragon Quest. Speaking of, are there any DQ inspired indie/small studio games?
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It would be the same game I'm making but with competent people instead of just me and a bigger scope.
>Speaking of, are there any DQ inspired indie/small studio games
An entire Japanese site, nay, the premiere Japanese site devoted to solodev/hobbyist Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy fangames/clonegames was nuked of all its games and resources recently (courtesy of Square Enix themselves), and exactly 1 person in the west shed a single tear over it (me).
If there are any such games you like made by westerners hosted anywhere, don't wait - start backing it up and archiving it NOW.
how can you copy strike a formular though? If I make a resident evil inspired game that should be fine if Im not using trade marks
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Most of the games were using ripped sprites, music, and other assets from the source games.
Again, this fails to explain why many similar games and projects remain untouched, and there are several theories floating around as to exactly what/why/how this happened. But as with anything, back it up if you like it. That is all.
Oh ok, makes sense. Were there any DQ9 ones ? Its my favourite game and I have yet to find a game even among the DQ series that scratches that itch
No. The vast majority of the games were based on Famicom-era I~IV, with a few here and there from V and VI. Basically all of the ones with easily-acquirable assets suited for light 2D-based engines like RPG Maker and similar.
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What counts as ripping sprites? If I vaguely trace old games sprites to try that artstyle but they are different at a pixel level, they can't claim anything can they?
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No idea where the line is drawn.
All I know is that it's concerning to see legitimately free games getting struck down when countless other games use the same ripped assets and have no trouble.
I had the DQ and FF material collections from CloneGameParty already downloaded from a while back because it's just good to have, but it's nothing you couldn't put together yourself in an afternoon on the spriter's resource.
True, spriters resource is a great place to find stuff.
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we're redoing a bunch of old maps
me on hte left
looks great, what's that superhero looking guy that's the cardboard cutout?
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that would be the amazing Milk Man
Every day I consider giving up a bit more.
How hard is RPG Maker 2003 to use? I see peopel make some pretty unique stuff in it, like changing the HUD completely or using unique tile layouts. How do they do that? Also, how easy is it to make RPGs with Game Maker Studio 2? I wanna be a gamedev and I'm willing to put in the work, but I wanna either try something simple or use a weird engine, since I love RPG Maker 2003 games.
>How do they do that
There must be a billion idiot proof tutorials
>How hard is RPG Maker 2003 to use?
Where's the rpgmaker thread?
This one feels false.
Is there any way to export something from Blender to Godot in a format that could be used for both graphics AND collisions?
.obj looks like shit and .glb cannot be used for collisions, so I'm forced to make 2 copies for each mesh, a .glb one for the graphics and a hidden .obj one for the collisions.
Is there any way I can avoid this and save memory space?
godot can load .blend files now if you have blender 3.X installed somewhere to point it at
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Weekends are for bug fixing
I'm hard at work continuing to implement my vendor systems, inventory systems, barter systems. Hoping by the end of next weekend I'll have most of it working. Family keeps pulling me away. But when you wake up at 5 in the morning you can get a good amount done before family obligations kick in at 12-2.
How do I write "whenever the node A enters the area B" in GDScript?
Uh just connect the signal from the inspector (body entered) and it will write the function in the script.
I think ripping implies that you really just extracted it from the code. If you mix it up to different levels, things are less clear, but I don't think it protects you. I think vaguely tracing should be fine.
This is the correct and probably most performant answer, but Godot is pretty great about giving alternatives when for some reason you can't do the normal thing. Areas have get_overlapping_areas() and get_overlapping_bodies() to find everything they're touching and if Node A isn't an Area you can use PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D.intersect_shape(), intersect_ray(), and intersect_point() from any function
I've made so much progress lately but I'm still so fucking far from a complete game let alone a demo. Its like writing a 10000 pages long book.
It's not going to be a huge impact on performance to have a separate 3D object of coarse geometry for collision. It would probably be better too, you don't need or want fine details for this in most cases. You want to minimize as much as you can.
I'm just happy to almost be at a place where I'm not embarrassed to show what I've been spending a year+ developing. Let alone close to finishing.
Started using linear after a friend suggested me I try it. Up till now I was erratically writing notes to myself about stuff in onenote. I use jira at work so this is a pretty straightforward "free" and easy to use version. What do you anons use to organize your projects?
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I dont know how to code, would you recommend I try to code Cruelty Squad like or Hotline miami like? I promise you guys will fall in love with the emotion and narrative
Well those aren't rpgs but I guess its a starting point if you wanna build towards that. I'd suggest starting with something easier like pong or a sidescroller. I always recommend EDX CS50 Intro to Game Development course because its free and it starts easy and goes building up in difficulty (start with pong, then arkanoid, etc). You would need to have basic knowledge of programming concepts ( what a variable is, what cycles are, what functions are) but they use lua which is a high level language so its easy to get into.
You know, it turns out that writing for RPGs is pretty fucking difficult.
You don't just have to think a plot, and characters. You also have to consider how every location is put in is a level, that has to be built with its own assets. And that is before getting into branching paths.
Well yeah, that got me thinking. I'd argue that being a Dungeon Master in ttrpgs is good practice for making an actual rpg because of the amount of stuff you need to put together to make it worthwhile for the players. Now add assets and code to the picture.
I've been doing DMing for a long while, and I'd argue it isn't. Most of the time GMing is reacting to what the players are doing, withe some idea on what the NPCs have set out to do. Maybe planning a session in advance. Definitely not making plans ahead for the entire campaign, or trying to predict their reactions for every interaction.

You will find that they will likely go to places you never would have guessed them go, or do things you wouldn't have imagined, making prep the further away from the present being more likely to be entirely worthless.
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Released Nevergrind Online and made 66k in two weeks. Game is rated 94% since release. Javascript game btw. It's also my part-time job.
I still think the name is stupid, but I am proud of your achievements anon. Well done.
Congratz anon
>You will find that they will likely go to places you never would have guessed them go, or do things you wouldn't have imagined, making prep the further away from the present being more likely to be entirely worthless.
Its all in how you carry the story, if the GM preps events and discards them because "the only way this happens is if they go left but they always pick right" then thats on the GM the fact that the GM needs to react doesn't mean he can't shove prep work in a creative way.
Congratulations anon. Did you use plain JS or one of the engine? I've been considering swapping from fully custom to one of the many engines.
Thanks! I just use native JS for DOM operations and pixi.js for heavy lifting on a canvas. I use greensock for animation.
Hey I played a decent bit of your game in EA. Very fun and made a cool friend in there. Congrats on full release.
I used RPGmaker a lot before, I like what I replaced it with, it offers mostly everything and more. The only thing less annoying with RPGmaker is that there are a lot of people making stuff for it with javascript, with half of the plugins being shit. But having actual code support is good with other engines.
>I like what I replaced it with
What did you replace it with?
RPG developer Bakin, it has direct C# support and mostly everything RPG maker can do it can do, but sometimes it's very weird about how it handles some stuff which takes a bit to get used to. It's getting Unity porting/integration support in the future, maybe in a year or two.
I dont know how to code
>direct C# support
This is pretty good.
Take a coding course with briliant.
It's great, not a lot of stuff directly shown with it's potential, but it has a bunch of support so far with people experimenting.
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First time progress post. Created the scaffolding for UI and 3D rendering with 2D sprites.

It's a custom engine based on Tauri, a Rust platform that runs the OS's webview engine. This allows you to use a webstack for the UI, which has so much more support than any game engine has. The 3D is handled by ThreeJS, which also renders to the browser.
But the great part is that Tauri ships with Rust<=>JS bindings that allow you to put code wherever. Fast devving in JS, then convert performance critical stuff to Rust.

Coding is really fast, I'm not surprised that there's hundreds of JS engines out there. Just the fact that I'm writing code instead of fumbling around a UI is a massive productivity boost for me. The 2D-in-3D could be better, as you can see how blurry and washed out things look here, but that has given me some form of issues in every engine I tried.
There's too much turn based JRPGs here for my taste
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rtwp chads, rise up
I have to come to terms with that whatever I make either won't be perfect, or it won't be made at all.
I prefer real-time step-based.
Just learn it. Everyone can do it, even the people you look down on.
Good, nobody expected you to change the world with a perfect game.
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welcome back vita! glad to see youre still going strong. any plans for next DD?
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I still have to fill 99% of the world with stuff and my game is already running at 4 fps... I'm starting to fear that trying to make a 64km-wide open-world rpg as my first project could've been a mistake...
I was just thinking about bakker and you
Damn, how have you been trying to debug this?
Woah, something that's not RPG Maker slop. Please keep us updated on your game
The whole thread isn't rpg maker slop anon
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hail and well met to you, my friends!
i'm somewhat rebuilding the whole game again, thanks to super useful critical feedback from last DD, from everyone who played.
i made the mistake of committing to a big scope dream game from the start and didn't want to give up chasing a certain vision i had of an immersive 3D action RPG. all the jank i have made so far has been an attempt to get closer to that vision. rebuilding the combat system from scratch right now and rebinding all the controls, it's a huge pain but the game will be better for it. gamedev is the greatest adventure. going on three years now and i still learn new things every day
You may not be aware, so I wanted to explain something.
When you say "something that is not RPG Maker slop." and point to 1 project, you're also saying all the other projects shared here fall under this 'RPG Maker slop' category.

I am sure that is not your intention, but it is how other people will read your message. It might be difficult to understand, but they might take it as an insult is what I am suggesting here. I get it though, you might think "that's their problem" and in a way you're right, but its difficult for them to ignore and not feel anything upon reading your message.

I understand you're excited about this project, which is fine, but in case you want to avoid upsetting other people you may want to pay attention to your words just slightly, that's all I wanted to say here.

With that out of the way, what are you looking forward to in games?
The project you commented on looks like it might involve somekind of RTS features; do you like that?
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Does it need to be made in rpgmaker to be rpgmaker slop?
I'm so glad there's new projects popping up.
i hope you submit next DD, friend
Never used reddit. I just post like that, sorry.
Its hard to, not offend someone with these things. I hope the intention comes across okay though.
>When you say "something that is not RPG Maker slop." and point to 1 project, you're also saying all the other projects shared here fall under this 'RPG Maker slop' category.

So what. If that's how he feels, it's how he feels. Although I'm curious if he's lost.

I enjoy people attacking my game. Constant praise is very nice, but an attack is useful too.
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based and gets it pilled, your anger only makes me stronger
Started working again after 3 months. I am kind of surprised how quickly I remembered were I left off.
Thanks for reading my blog.
To quote the great nodeveloper-philosopher, Aggydaggy:
>Who cares what a nodev thinks?

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