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The saviour of CYOAs.
Every mob boss needs at least 1 male and 1 female hussy.
Mob bosses kill the homosexuals in their crew THOUGH.
Vito was not gay. The medications that the doctor gave him made him act unwise. He even got a letter from the doctor about it.
What? A letter from the doctor that says he doesn't like to suck cawk?
No steam, no buy

I miss out on so much kino bros, it hurts. . .
so what games are ACTUALLY worth buying?
Soultone War and Sword of Rhivenia are pretty good
Jolly Good and Tally Ho!
Infinity series
Zombie Exodus Safe Haven
Tin Star
Pon Para 1-2
Night Road
Samurai of Hyuga 1-5
Finished Games:
Night Road
Parliament of Knives
Life of a Wizard
OP's pic

Aura Clash
Path of Martial Arts

Everything else has disappointed me
so what games are ACTUALLY NOT worth buying?
All of them.
Game should be free.
Like buffalo.
And yet my wholesome mafia family is very accepting of my raging faggot uncle and still wants me as head even if I'm railing two faggots at the same time
sounds coomery
You are a motherfucker, anon, I wouldn't wish the pit we're in on anyone. Don't listen to this anon, SoH isn't worth it, you either get Junko autism, sword autism, or loliconism. And the story's on hard rails anyway.
Those are asexual cabbages, you sick fuck!
>all the mafia heirs are gay and fucking each other
total woman death
SoH isn't good for sword autism either desu
I liked Arcadie, and it's relatively cheap.
>No sister fucking
It's shit, specially since instead of doing something new, it just ended up defaulting to the same scenario as every other royal cya.
Those are it's only two failings.

And it lets you fuck your cousin so the author tried to make up for the former.
What about the Toshfags?
It's not that great for it, but it's better than some of the other examples in Hosted Games are for weapon autism.
Toshfags don't exist. (Source: I am one.)
Guess I ought to kneel to your ninja skills.
It's completely mediocre even without those. Basic as fuck premise, shoddy prose and worldbuilding, mechanics are the usual CoGfugee "choose your emotion" pointless flavor with only choices that really matter being your choice of a mate. It's only really notable for being like the one (1) of the tumblr crowd WiPs to actually release.
Rin's dad...
he won
>no grandchildren because his son is a homosexual
he lost
He values self inserting in his son and living out his fantasies of taking in our dad's cock, over mixing the bloodlines
I wonder how the fuck Malin arrived from her original 'A supervillain writing experiment' to whatever satanic deep state conspiracy nonsense Fallen Hero is about. Was the Farm even there originally?
just adopt some random psycho brat with superpowers
Literally what is the point of marrying the two families if they can never have blood related kids
are you talking about a game or in general?
Apparently I've heard there's some AU story the author talked about where Rin's Dad starts banging the MC's dad. This woman is the most retarded porn-brained fujo ever.
I mean did you expect any different from the author who forces us to read about our uncle's sex life, and how horny he is for his bf?
>tell me the author is a femcel without telling me the author is a femcel
No idea but it is so good that it single-handedly destroyed my enjoyment of most HGs and CoGs.
so trve it's simply umatched in trans representation!
>Sidestep keeps almost everything to himself
>Sidestep tells no one about his condition
>Sidestep tries his hardest to act like a normal person
Fallen Hero is the least tranny game in the world.
sidestep should put a gun to his head and spare us the trouble of reading malin's therapy sessions
kys, at this point Ortega will come out as trans
Dr. Mortum already did. Also s/he is 41. Imagine having a 41 year old black woman as an RO, biting the bullet just to see the super science content, and finding out it's a fucking dude too.
Like half of Sidestep's narration is seething how he'll never be a real boy and worrying about being outed without you getting any choice in the matter, and when you find out about the machine he immediately jumps to the affirming surgery and is even revealed to have already tried it in the past. It isn't even about the Farm as Malin revealed removing the tattoos won't do jackshit as they already have other means, it's simply about affirming Sidestep's delusions of being a real human.
Why the fuck would spy unit have this shit to begin with is the main question. It's David Cage tier melodrama bullshit.
According to Malin's patreon they do apparently do serve some function and Farm is aware that it's absurdly impractical for infiltration, but they still do it. inb4 they don't actually do anything and it's purely about the dehumanization power dynamics
That's just Pinocchio though, none of that has anything to do with being a pedophile or trying to seize benefits meant for the opposite sex or being a diseased sexual deviant or being the whiniest online faggot imaginable.
because the entire game is an allegory about Malin being a tranny
that's it
the hero team in fallen hero should have been more morally corrupt, ortega should be a borderline crackpot theorist, steele should be batman levels of paranoid and be a consistent roadblock for any sidestep that tries to cozy up with the team, the superpowered fanboy should have been more of a rich kid that doesn't understand that reality isn't so black and white, and the shark chick should be more open to killing/falling to villiany. as is any justification from sidestep that they "deserve" him going bad and aren't good people is just delusion and doesn't strengthen going villian.
I hope their CEO huffs glue on a regular basis. Otherwise it's really hard to explain why the company needs this much waste for useless units that can't do their main task well. Same goes for that corpo in Whiskey-4 - hey, why do you need to open a portal into Warp each time you fly? Why do you need to go even deeper into lower Warp for your new uberengine?
Just how bad your reading comprehension must be not to see this even after the author themselves spelled it out? It's borderline delusion at this point.
Orcs are a negro/loser power fantasy. They are usually depicted as stronger than base humans despite also inhabiting nutrient-poor environments. And to balance this racial bonus, they usually have a flaw of stupidity, which more and more often is just rendered into hee hee ha ha I'm such a quirky orc! I think orcs are stupid.
We already had this conversation before, sweetie.
Now get back into the pot, those calves of yours look positively appetizing.
But that's too overdone in media these days, especially capeshit. Morally grey "heroes" are boring and busted. At least having them being legitimately good people trying their best makes Sidestep look even more mentally ill.
better relationship than with the mother
he'd probably also be alive
I used to buy every goddamn CYOA on Steam until it finally sank in that most were shit. I still had fun with the bad ones but it's harder to justify the price since there are so fucking many. Still have the urge to scoop them up but at this point it'd be hundreds of dollars even on a sale
choice of mods sis
This. Play a lot of games, buy only the good ones. Don't support fujo hacks.
What? There are pirated CYOA there?
Yes you silly goose. They've been there for quite a long time and even before them there was a forum called sbenny or some shit, there were a ton of modded games there but they got cease and desist letter. But choice of mods is still up.
Sbenny was retarded. Ads for their currency constantly showed me the worst casino ads there were and half of the stuff was just mod menus without unlocks of the full versions or the versions with cheated stats.
>Sbenny was retarded
It was but it provided us with pirated cogames since almost a decade ago.
I got most of my stuff from 4pda. It's harder to find new games there, but hey, it was decent enough.
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I love my cute daughter so much
I forgot that you could choose different races. I wonder how choosing the blackest one changes the story. You can't deny that a mixed child isn't yours.
sure you can, you're not the only nig on the planet
it just makes sense lmao.
Two more years
Just because you play like that doesn't mean it is the only thing. That is just (You) issue.
I played Sidestep as a schizophrenic who keeps seeing the puppet body as disposable in the normal body and, in the puppet body sees the boss as evil. I love being schizophrenic.
if ortega had to chose would she chose the sexy identical clone puppet sidestep or the disheveled neet original sidestep
Mortega would choose the sexy younger version, Fortega would complain about their choice within a week no matter what
You can't not play Sidestep like that because
>ablobloo I'm le fake human :(((
>everyone would hate me if they knew I'm le fake boy....
shit is forced unto you regardless of your choices. Sidestep is not your character.
Gentlemen some of my patrons have sent me private messages that they are concerned about my time management between my family, my projects and my 4chan presence but let me assure you I am spending all of my time to make sure you get the best of the best from me. No need to worry about the quality of my writing or how I spent my time. I just need two more weeks.

Fallen Hero is tailor-made for insecure mentally ill women.
If nothing else I think it’s admirable that Malin made a game for herself.
>You can't not play Sidestep like that because
And yet, I did that. Curious.
The fake has truly surpassed the original.
I quite simply couldn't get over the schizo bullshit and left the first game at what I think is close to the ending.
Even if the sequel is the masterpiece people here say it is, having to listen to more vague ramblings from Sidestep would be exhausting. Besides none of the characters really caught my attention, the heroes are barely there outside of Ortega who is boring and the doctor who was uninteresting.
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You didn't, you either simply speedread through all the mandatory angst or deluded yourself into thinking it does not exist, the same way you deluded yourself into thinking your le ebin schizo dynamic actually exists in the text itself.
Not only has Sidestep's whole telepathy thing and the puppet sideplot originated per word of Malin as display of her particular mental illness, she decided the allegory wasn't overwrought enough so she added Re-Gene drama for yet another layer. You simply cannot avoid this because it lies at the very core of the series and Sidestep as a character.
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Whatever do you mean anon the rightous CoG sect has hounded me for such content. So I listened and was enlightened by the elders. Now I know I was wrong all along the elder are truly rightous! My understanding of the literary dao was truly shallow, what they call ''shotacon'' is truly peak literature. Thanks to the elders I broke through three realms, so you better prepare yourself! My new update might kill you if haven't cultivated diligently.
Malin needs somebody to fix her, being that deep into your own head will drive you insane.
are there any good coomer CYOA games? I tried finding some in F95, but I haven't really found anything of note
choice of mods has a list of coomer cyoas of varying quality. anyways uhh... CoC /hgg/ edition?
>boobs are soft
>the shitposting has escaped the containment thread
Not even half of this would have happened if Apple wasn't a retarded bitch lmao.
>no you are speedreading
I accept, your concession.
Imagine trying to cancel somebody because they don’t want to write gay romances
How can an orc be unexpectedly green? Since they are an orc, wouldn't it be expected that they are green?
What is the game? What the fuck is the context here?
So true, I fucking hate faggots so much I removed such degeneracy from PoMA. Let me tell you something; I was walking the streets one day until I noticed a group of people getting sent to the gulag for the abominable crime of taking it up the ass. I looked one of these slack-jawed semen receptacles in his dull and lifeless eyes and I immediately knew: These "people" are less human than me. They simply lack the spark of soul. They are subhuman degenerates who defied the path that nature and God laid out for us to become twisted and soulless golems controlled by the synagogue of satan.
When the shameless cretins of CoG asked me why I removed faggotry I simply lied and said that Russian authorities forced me to and the imbeciles believed me. Another confirmation that fudgepackers and their supporters are less than human.
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so what happened with the KaE author? before the rewrite he seemed to have a more serious tone to his writing and posts on the forum
now he seems to have suffered from massive brain rot and posts "le ebin memes" almost every tiime he posts
did his younger brother take over his writing for him or something?
Villain Juice is alright but the ROs are trash
She apparently has a romantic partner and he was good enough that she realized that she actually likes being a girl too, so she went into the non-binary stuff instead.
i just can't take any story seriously where ALL romance options are mystery meat mutts, especially if they're set in a setting inspired by new england
>see the lonely shore for reference
shauna, kay and wil are all white thoughbiet
shauna is literally brown
Wil is cute
Good for her, I’m glad she has somebody to rein her neuroticism in a bit.
His writing was always shit. And from what I've heard supposedly he's writing an actual novel in the KaE universe. God knows why he thinks anyone would read that slop when the demo itself is a giant exposition dump larping as a game
>project hadea
>3 out of the 6 romances are non-binary
>can't set their gender to male or female
(what is the point of non-binary characters or being non-binary in general?)
>what is the point of non-binary characters or being non-binary in general?
Tumblr faggots like things that are unique only on the surface level.
Characters with heterochromia and vitiligo are other examples of this.
Because the games are written by American white women and Non-Binary shit is near exclusively their territory
I have no idea. Men don't go them and I'm pretty sure women don't either based off the "women" in these threads.
i really did like the second version of the rewrite where he fleshed out the characters a bit more, especially ronnell (wanted to romance him btw :3)
the first version was objectively the best though, the grandpa being more brutal and bloodthirsty really sold me on the story, but this recent rewrite seems more childish, i guess it makes sense since he's focusing on the childhood aspect more, but it's more tame and it is painting the grandpa as more a victim of his urges or some sort of curse rather than him being pragmatic and logical, it's disappointing to say the least
Lots of people have been convinced that feeling uncomfortable or not good enough physically/mentally means that they’re nonbinary. It also makes them feel like they “belong” because a bunch of other people with similar problems label themselves as such, and they create hugbox communities where they treat the act of sticking their heads in the sand as a positive thing. It’s a mental health issue that’s being treated as something natural and okay, they revel in their mental illness and refuse to try and overcome it, and it honestly sickens me. It’d be like if depression was seen as a good thing, it’s crazy.
Why is there so many in that CYOA? Pandering, probably.
I was playing Left4dead2 when cultivator anon joined my game and downed me with a shotgun as well as the bots who tried to help me up. He then proceeded to jump off the Hospital, making me lose the final in No Mercy. It is for this reason I'm going to have to unsubscribe from his Patreon.
I was at a Dennys having lunch and playing PoMA when CultivatorAnon walked in. I was excited at first but when he saw what I was reading he flipped out and started throwing shit at me, I tried to run and hide in the bathroom but he burst in and forced himself on me while he yelled about "showing me who the real chinaman slop author is". I'm in hospital now and will be unsubscribing from his patreon once I recover.
cultivator rode me like a cowgirl and got ME pregnant. It is for this reason that I will now be unsubscribing from his patreon.
All of these things are true.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go yell racial slurs at the mixed race couple that lives across the street from me.
shattered eagle
i dunno the context though, i just searched for midyan on the forums because i wanted to know what game it was
You can have a kid with the married empress and she looks like you. Since blacks provide a bigger contrast, it increases the suspicion of the kid being your kid.
>This game will have eight chapters.
>Chapter Six finished: (586,000 words)
>Chapter Seven in progress: 275,000 words
Noble Gases bros we're close to home
Bro, the editing...
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Oh yeah that's the hag game. Does the author understand what menopause is? Even if a 48 year old could get pregnant, the kids going to be retarded
>Does the author understand what menopause is?
Might be a woman, the amount of "career woman" millenials that don't know about fertility limitations is staggering.
It's weird that they don't, cuz they teach that in biology class. At least in my school.
(it still is taught in school, problem is these people think it can be avoided with the power of science! so they wait until later in life to have children so they can explore/party at the young age of 40)
There's a demon in our sword, hypothetically. Would you be able to draw it out from the sword and get an Oni minion? Or is the sword the actual demon, and the demon is just shaped like a sword?
It’s either
>the sword is a demon
>a demon has been turned into the sword
>the sword is demonic because of what it’s been used for in the past
>the sword is possessed in some way, perhaps by it’s original wielder
recommend me some games or WIPs where you can get your RO stolen (forcibly, not cucked, for example you were to be wed to them, but the king ordered your RO to marry the heir instead)
or any good horror/mystery ones
reddit is right that way, good sir
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I took a look at it and was seeing people bitching about shit being broken, not to mention the usual concern of someone slipping trash in there. Appreciate the info but I think I'm gonna steer clear of pirated CYOA. I'll just catch up one day. ONE DAY
i did say no cucking involved, so not reddit!
reddit also hates cucking albeit
People on that site are genuinely fucking retarded and don't understand how pirating those apps work.
edge cringekino bros are we back?
Isn't that Northern Passage premise-wise? Or Smoke and Mirrors? Or The Exile? Or other eternal WiPs I don't remember?
Nick Rekieta?
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>pride month
>STILL no good gay male homosexual love stories involving blonde hair blue-eyed twinks and twunks
feels bad man
Kinda weird there are no good cyoa set in a Greek setting now that I think about it.
Sex between a man and a woman should be one of the happiest and most beautiful moments in their lives.
it seems kinda depressing tbqhfamalamatram.
Krogbros how are we doing
Having tea with the elvish God
>not instinctually skipping character descriptions so you can use the unstoppable power of your imagination
the kid is 13 when the game happens, and no other pregnancies are planned
hags are still lame tho, at least I can spoil my daughter
>fujo month rpgs
seeing all the delusional fujofags dissapate when they learned that VV was a Straight mans game will never not be hilarious.
WTF for whatever reason those asshole just called the cops on me! WTF is wrong with people nowadays?

I did that to you so would become stronger anon but apparently you're just a faggot. See >>3533300 this could be you.
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>SoH, Aura Clash and PoMA
>The most popular asian inspired stories
>All written by white weeaboos
I kneel...
I didn't have coke or invite jamaicans to fuck my wife though
and none of them are proper xianxia
death to wannabe xuanhuans, total qi condensation golden core nascent soul spirit severing supremacy
I prefer wuxia anyway.
none of them are proper wuxia either, no jianghu feeling
Personally, I want a game set in the Legendary Shang dynasty. Or in the era of Emperor Jimmu in Jspan.
The warring states of China would be fine too...
your asexual genderfluid cranes bro?
I also realized that Nanboku-Cho would make perfect setting for CYOA, after reading nige jouzu no wakagimi.
Also that there are still so few stories where you can play as a shota. I need more of them.
I had 3 kids with my asexual princess wife.
same, she's too sexy for her own good
I'm gonna play a FUCK RUMBURG SHITS WAR NOW playthrough, any tips?
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Mei Mei's heart grew three sizes that day
But that's literally how stages in PoMA work?
>this is the dumb bitch that “evil”(murderhobo-tier)fags simp for
>too blinded by rage to forgive an enemy that could be an ally
So can we be her He shits genocide allies even if we are not on good terms with her?
Cultivator anon made bank and now he's patreonscamming us. It's over.
>meanwhile in the Mei Mei POV
Truly we live in the darkest times.
Why the FUCK are you replying to my comments instead of WRITING? Do you THINK that you mean ANYTHING to me? You're just here to WRITE, and the moment you don't I get seriously fucking ANGRY!
>implying I'm even able to write for 90% of the day
On baby duty while the wife sleeps, then commute, then hours of meetings. If I could write 24/7 I'd be contestong Orcgod, but we don't live in such a world
Do the trials start in the next update?
As in Chapter 7 I'm writing now? Yes
Kino. Are they going to be 1v1 battles or something more interesting?
Can't wait to continue slapping all my opponents into submission (compassionately) with Buddha's Palm.
Also, call me slow but I finally felt like I realised where the Aoyusumu finisher for Taio came from now.
Only one of the 12 Trials will be 1v1 duels.
based, nickydicky lost yet again
>mfw an heir of one of the most prominent Clans and an Upper Disciple named Ni Di gets one shotted by Jack
>"Let's fight, Ni Di! You'll find out that your Path of Martial Arts is inferior to my Aura ClashTM Technique!"
But you do know what you'd order at Denny's.

>Ortega who is boring
Credit where credit is due, that's because Sidestep sees Ortega as someone boring. The sequel goes out of its way to show that Ortega is and always was a possibly even bigger fuck up than Sidestep. Some Sidesteps can be positively stable compared to Ortega.
>Otega's Rebirth meeting PoV
what the actual fuck is wrong wilth Malin
is there a single character in there who isn't mentally ill
Steel's only mental illness is being a faggot, so that probably makes him the least mentally ill out of everyone.
He actually has PTSD in general and from Heartbreak in particular, he's just better at coping.
Everyone else is bisexual, so with that as the baseline not really.
is ortega as schizo as sidestep?
Even more.
>Infinity series
nice joke anon. Fucking war autists
Need hag chocolate schizo moralfag
Ortega is by no means a moralfag, just holds Sidestep to super high standards. So the description you were looking for is "hag chocolate alcoholic schizo hypocrite".
I agree.
It's really quite amazing that for how big Retribution is, it's more or less just aimless filler where the actual plot happens only at the very end. You really could see that Malin has no actual plan on what the fuck she's doing when during the WiP she just kept randomly adding scenes and switching around their place in the narrative.
Well, she is a bad writer after all.
Name one good CYOA author
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>MC to grandkid to MC
I believe you will bump into pacing issues doing this. Also, people will feel disconnected and frustrated wanting to know how the MCs story ends.
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Kreg Segall-sama.
Me ofc
chat gpt
Don't forget that the decision to split Retribution and Revelation into separate games came only when the Retribution demo was almost complete. Updates were coming at a very fast pace before Malin got depressed and the game went into development hell. So it's not that it was planned as filler, it's just that Malin cut her losses and pushed out what she already had.
Zaper, before he released an unfinished unsupervised thoughbeit.
That still means that half of the book was just filler and something actually happened only at the middle-point. It hardly excuses how she managed to spend a gorillion words without hardly anything of importance happening.
>a gorillion words without hardly anything of importance happening.
Golden rose sisters...
At least Golden Rose has Alessakino so it's fine.
>still having hope for Fallen Hero after B3 demo dropped yet another mysterious giant evil shrimp out of nowhere that was never even foreshadowed before

Also the fact it released with most of interesting routes blatantly missing should key you in.
I really hope Malin cuts the Green Sky shit. It was fine as a patreon short story but it doesn't belong in the game. It's unnecessary bloat.
You are right, nothing is better than leading her on and seducing her to open up until you decide to make eyes at the unhinged spy or the scheming noble and have her cry herself to sleep.
If part 2 ever comes out it should deliver that after 1 million words of filler.
who wants to play games featuring gay minorities anyway? not even gay shitskins want that
they want blonde twinks or aryan studs (NOT poos)
my schizophrenia
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He's right, it's "50 Shades of Gray" not "50 Shades of Sanjay"
Cyoas for this feel?
This board is going to make me a homosexual I swear to God.
that's called bi
>faggots try to be ontopic challenge (impossible)
How the hell is /vrpg/ turning you gay, are you stupid?
It's a gaylord pretending it can happen to try to "plant" the idea in other people's heads, not realizing such a marketing tactic only works on gays and women.

>source: men's razor/soap/shampoo prices (marketing doesnt work, high price brands die) vs women's product prices (marketing works, high price brands thrive)
I think mens razor died because eletric razors and they made their cash on selling the blades. also men don't care about beauty products in general compared to women
It can work against really mentally ill people since they can be influenced to believe or feel anything given enough peer pressure and gaslighting, but they usually realize they’re not gay once they go outside and actually interact with other humans.
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Speaking of scamming, when do I get my pay Cultivator anon? I have been posting these ''Based'' posts as you call them but when do I get paid for my work? Some of this stuff is really questionable cultivator anon I don't know if I can keep doing this.
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this doppelganger meme was never funny tbqh
I'm pretty sure it's one of apple's discord pals and it's not supposed to be funny
Anon the truth is we are trying to protect our master. If all of us all Cultivator anon, nobody is.

I am Cultivator anon!
At least some of them used to visit this place. One of them tried to shill Juan's game, I also suspect that the thirdie king himself came here once to defend Katarina when people were laughing at her. Apple is also lurking but I'm pretty positive she is only searching for cultivator anon's post by using ctrl+f.
Not only. She also brings in screencaps of other anons from here and gossips about us in general with her groupies. cumpot-kun already got free coverage.
I think it's funny.
Tripfags have no rights.
So actual cultivator-anon, what are some of the things that are going to go on in the next act? You won't mind telling us penniless non-patrion people will you? Also still haven't had you comment on us fucking Mao's wife and rubbing it in Jack's face yet.
I don't want to know how they got that name.


The one I'm currently writing is the start of the Trials. I've broken them up into supposedly 4-6 chapters so they should be the second half of the game. Adding in all the subplots and companion stuff and player goals will definitely bloat it but sometimes worth it. I have a portrait for Mao's wife but it needs fixing, I'll see if I can get a few others generated and have one touched up for her potential entrance into one of these chapters.
>I have a portrait for Mao's wife
Uwooh. I hope her name is Ringo
Mao's wife is named "Jackie". She is the one who gave Jack his terrible name
I think his name is the best part. Every time I run into him I get to go all Aku when he calls out Samurai Jack.
I dont have any hate against the gay or tranny shit but
>simply speedread through all the mandatory angst
i did that
I like a little angst but fucks sake get your shit together.Guess thats why I kinda enjoyable as im playing a game to get someone elses life together.
>I've broken them up into supposedly 4-6 chapters
>6 chapters means 2 trials per chapter
>5 chapters means 2.4 trials per chapter
>4 chapters means 3 trials per chapter
For the love of God and the sanctity of mathematics have it either be six or four chapter's. We don't need to start adding decimal numbers per trial count per chapter
I thought it was funny at first but it's a dead horse at this point already.
What are you going to do about it
Complain obviously, retard.
autism-anon, he could have some chapters have more than others, i assume all 12 won't have nearly equal wordcounts
Why don't you cry a little harder?
I'll rape your sister faggot.
Cultivator anon owes me consistent and timely updates.
Why didn't you cry a little harder and do a sad little jig?
Truly the height of comedy.
can't believe that apple would say this, its over sisters.
But can you rotate the Apple in your head?
Are the trials going to be a tournament arc?
Only nicky can give you that.
Bro, a month in between updates and they're tiny...
Yes, but I'm trying to go more Hunter Exam/Chuunin Exam than just a bunch of fights. Unfortunately Chapter 7 opens with a fight because I am stupid, so that's eating my time.
Good idea. I guess something like the dark tournament should take place later in the story. Speaking of, sexy fox/cat and fish demon girl announcers when?
>sexy fox/cat and fish demon girl announcers when?
IMMEDIATELY, and sexy fox. There's a fine line between ripping something off and straight up giving people what they want.
As long as you are answering questions here, what is the sword?
Made for a nice, sisterly woman with tits and ass.
Unfathomably based.
what's the general (and sexual) appeal of crazy bitches?
The same hormones that cause stress are also responsible for arousal.
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All bitches are crazy, I just appreciate one who wears it on her sleeve and controls it well.
Also I can fix her/she can break me.
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I perfer the schizos that can't help but be schizo and don't *want* to cause so much trouble. But due to a mix of their circumstances and personality they often find themselves at the center of it cammy is fun for a murderhobo playthrough though
crazy bitches are the only ones that have the balls to be assertive
romantization by people who haven't actually been in a relationship with one
It's not always a bad thing to be crazy. I just want to help them to be the best version of themselves.
according to statistics, crazy bitches are more likely to cuck you then kill you
It's unfortunate that society thinks that certain expectations about what it means to be in a romantic relationship are one-size-fits-all. To be in a romantic relationship with a so-called crazy bitch, for example, would probably involve what some people call abuse or "buck breaking" of the crazy bitch.
Aura Clash but as a mobile game ad
She's the one more likely to break you desu. Between eating up all my time and energy like a black hole and all the bi-polar (actual) mood swings being the first to schizo out and guilt trip her into breaking things off as I did was probably the best I could've gotten.
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>crazy bitches
nah, cute flats are where its at
username: patron
password: spiritbrand
Flatties are crazy because they lack something very important.
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true, breast envy can make a woman do crazy things
total flat love
The kitsune presenter girl will be flat trust the plan.
Guys. I wanna play a cyoa. My shortlist is:
>Mecha Ace
>The Play's the Thing
>Champion of the Gods
>A Midsummer Night's Choice
>Asteroid Run
>Pon Para

I generally prefer low fantasy settings but weird fantasy is good too.

I like Bro's, Hags, Femboy/twink/traps and muscle mommies.

What do you guys suggest?

I dislike Wuxia and Cultivation.
Pon Para is the best out of those.
But does it have Bro's, Hags, Twinks or Muscle Mommies?

How's the sequel? Worthy successor or skippable?
>muscle mommies
not that muscular but still
>How's the sequel? Worthy successor or skippable?
A Midsummer Night's Choice is great if you're jesterpilled (like me).
But otherwise, I'd recommend Tin Star and Choice of Robots, even if you've already played them. Play them again.
>Tin Star and Choice of Robots
Sell me on them.

I like jesters. I prefer mimes.
Are they romanceable?

Jumped to the top of the list.
But I hear Mecha Ace also has these.
In short, Tina Star us the best Western cog there is and choice of robots let's you LARP as Mr House from New Vegas.
>A Midsummer Night's Choice is great if you're jesterpilled (like me).
I just finished the replay of it. It really is. I wish they made more games like that, I have no idea why they never did.
I've not really been in this threads since a little while after the first major Aura Clash update released. Have we gotten any new content since then? I want to be a pirate.
check the patreon or choice of mods for the pirate update
When is the pirate update going to be made public?
Next update (6 months). Enjoy.
Next update I think? But who knows when that will come out.
Fuck that, I'm going on choice of mods.
Tin Star is absolute kino, with decent replay value and a fun cast. It also lets you play a mute character.

Choice of Robots is quite possibly the most classic CoG game out there, even though it has its flaws. One of the best Sci-fi IFs out there, has a lot of choice in the plot, even if it's very straightforward (some might say blunt) about which choices lead to what outcome.

And yes, the Midsummer Night's Choice jester is romancable. It also lets you play like a clown as well, which is entirely appropriate for a Shakespearian IF.
>tfw the last thing that the Choice of Robots/Choice of Magic author posted was AIslop shilling
I can say with full confidence that AI will never be good at making CYOA games because if it was then I'd finally have free time.
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It already replaced your fated rival though
>house Ogasawara
Did you ever try smacking it or turning it off and on again?
No, he's made for ME a manly man.
Im reading the synopsis of Samurai if Hyuga and it doesn't look appealing at all
Whats wrong with it, i had fun up to the 3rd book where politics took to the forefront.
Your cuckshed's getting a little cold, Jack Murphy.
Like I said, anon, it's something that I'll read to its conclusion but never recommend to anyone else. If you want the true Samurai of Hyuga experience, read Rurouni Kenshin while jacking it to the chocolate cat from Bleach.
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I think I was expecting a more Taikou Risshiden adventure.
>players could select a samurai, a ninja , a blademaster, a pirate, a doctor, a tea master, blacksmith,or a merchant as their character
>follows a protagonist's journey from entry level to a higher rank, with various tasks and commands to build their prestige.
>Male protagonists can choose their wives/concubines/mistresses as they grow.
>Players can roam the castle, city, and districts to improve their avatar's stats, train in dojos, and learn tea ceremonies.
Samurai of Hyuga basically suffers from the fact that it was written by someone who clearly only knows the most pop-culture Japanese history. And is not actually interested in it.
I am still hoping that someone will write cyoa set in Heian or Kamakura era.
it suffers because it's a shitty fucking vn
It suffers because it's shit and barely a cyoa.
and while on the subject when will I be able to have cute children with my young wife masami?
>Midsummer Night's Choice jester is romancable
Noice, noice.

I heard there's also a hag romance?
once she's expired goods
I mean, it's not like Hyuga even pretends it's actually set in Japan beyond some extremely surface-level references like Takeda and Uesugi that don't have anything to do with real ones at all.
What it does actually suffer from is that the first books baits you it'll at least be a semi-decent samurai action flick, but the author has the mentality of a teenager who just read Berserk for the first time and thinks that more grimderp sufferang and angst = more deep.
I wouldn't know, in that game, I can't bear to do any other romance route. I'm just too much of a sillypilled clownmaxxer.
I fucking fell for this shit and bought every book before I knew it would turn into an unfocused angstfest.
I just wanted masami sexo brehs
I just wanted to rape Junko and be murderhobos together
>rape junko
>implying she doesn't jump on your dick
anon you can't rape the willing
She's a good girl who'll pretend to struggle.
>cant even get takeda or Uesugi
Now it makes sense why i didnt see any mentions of anyone of note
There are actually Uesugi and Takeda in SoH, but they share absolutely nothing with the IRL ones beyond the names and being rivals.
SoH setting as Japan makes less and less sense when you think about how there's like zero mentions of a Shogun, the Emperor seems to actually rule, yet the samurai are already a class, there are Christians in there, yet nothing like Bakumatsu obviously hasn't happened.
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Void power will finally be somewhat useful maybe? (If you're a martial sovereign)
yeah nah i'm never spending those qi point
can't belive i'm saying this but the fujos are better at writing
this is cringe
Is this game still findable anywhere?
The demo isn't available anymore?
Choice of mods I think
A few threads ago I remember someone talking about a anime/magical girl inspired game. Does anyone know what it's called?
Aura Clash
I think they were just talking about a game they wanted made.
>spending qi
Why does he keep bringing these options up? 10 qi is enough to decide whether you succeed or fail at every single roll going forward. Why spend it, ever?

It's not out yet but it's gay. You can play as a dude.
How is it gay?
It’s only gay if the balls touch
yeah he apparently took it out since it will come out soon.

They have it, thanks a lot anon
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>It's not out yet but it's gay. You can play as a dude.
Times are changing, old man, that's just how modern mahou shoujo goes.
>is gay if you play as a girl
>is gay if you play as a dude
theres just no winning. I was the one that posted about it, will be playing the demo when it drops
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has CoG ever once produced nice looking art?
you have to go to hosted games for decent art
Why is their a deformed monkeyface in a pajama-tier magical girl outfit? Do they hate money?
their targeted audience is white women who like having a token black character. they do it *for* the money
>Why does he keep bringing these options up
Niki has no clue about mechanics design and no one tells him it's shit because everyone just plays on the story mode.
>10 qi to flex
best use of my 1000000 qi
Choice of Intrigues, Midsummer Night, Choice of Vampire 1, Mecha Ace, Wise use of time, all have very nice art.
>discount chinadian Gundam
>good art
Wang at least draws his game pictures himself
Yes, compared to so many of the later pics, it looks very good.
>welles is starting to figure out the REAL reason her boots keep disappearing after every major battle
dragooners how do i make this problem go away
rape, and not her boots this time
blame Garret
I'm pretty sure everyone in the forums already tells him that using qi for fights is stupid for how extremely little you get and how you need those few points to raise your stat caps. He just chooses to ignore those comments.
Hell, he just now added a way to make money for people who don't have a free money trait, something that would have been useful before.
Someone has the steps to play and unlock the cog apks to play browser?
I know that I must unzip the apk then find the line label_trial end and write *return under it. But I missing a step I known that I must edit another file but erase the contents and write something else but I lose my notepad with the steps
And yet they would make much more money by pandering to whites who don't want any negroes. Curious.
>pandering to poorfag neets
tell that to nat and fitzie fags
>implying anons b*y games
Louder does not mean richer.
>he doesn't bleachedTM
>tfw no irl subhuman irish gf to boss around and bant with
why even live
I want to sexually bully Fitzie
Don't fret it anon, they eventually get fat, unfunny, and mean. Focus on yourself.
Please as if you could overcome her masterful seduction techniques
>Stands slightly close to you in the street
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shitty aislop "meme". it can't seem to understand that modern cyoas are all ROslop and not the more classical "this seemingly normal choice kills you on the next page" cyoa
because instant death if you deviate from the writer's dream path is a shitty cyoa
By Jove, man. Next you'll be saying that she holds your hand, with your fingers interlocked. Or goes on a pearl heist with you. Like a filthy Irish harlot.
Welles is best girl.
>After 6 years of blatantly courting her in the couple of days you spend together, the best she tells you is an "I'll think about it"
Say what you want about Katarina but at least she fucks you the first chance she gets.
I always find ROs in these settings weird because, despite not exactly being a chad, I'm still taller than any girl and was in great shape in my 20s so irl romance was nothing like these anime slowburns. Typically if an attractive girl likes an attractive guy, you're doing it that night. That's why I'm trying to have my ROs focus more on what happens after, and how sex isn't the end of a romance it's more like the beginning. That being said, I'm a hack so I need to write that more into the second half of the game.
your understanding is correct
treating sex as the final state is fucking retarded when that's just the starting line
Kat's a whore who sleeps around (Wang confirmed she wasn't a virgin). Welles is a pure maiden who thought the reform commission was her baby.
It's not about realism it's about narrative payoff. Romance doesn't really have an ending unless you break up or die. That's why most romance stories end with the couple getting together as opposed to writing all the shit afterwards.
We already knew you're a manharlot, no need to humblebrag about it again.
what I WANT is 20 fluff pages of my married life with astrid post curing of the keepers schizophrenia. that dream hell was a goddamn tease. also yeah something something cogites should stop boiling relationships down to sex when what we really want is intimacy
>he doesn't pick ugly bastard during char gen
I shiggy diggy
But I'm not schizophrenic, I've had voices in my head since before the sun started yapping.
the slow burn romance only makes sense with welles because of the setting she is in. people say stupid shit like "men are visual, women are holistic" and "women care more about the emotional aspect of the relationship" even though the main reasons they were more chaste back then was because
>dating apps and internet didnt exist, so their options were a lot more limited
>there would be severe consequences from their society if they had premarital sex
women will be just as horny and appearance-focused as guys if given the chance. at least the vast majority of them (70-75%). theres billions of them out there so theres bound to be exceptions to the rule.
That's mostly because narrative conventions. It's always better to build up a romance during the story to finally resolve it at the climax. The audience will always prefer the "will they or won't they", love triangles and tragic romances because they offer the most intrigue.
A relationship that starts early in the story tends to suffer because the members of it end up being, well, boring if their relationship is too perfect and disfuncional if it's too filled with drama. It does however offer different kinds of plots than what you usually see.
Just keep doing what you are doing, it's entertaining enough and doesn't overwrite the things that matter in the story, like torturing my students.
fucking slut
>the slow burn romance only makes sense with welles because of the setting she is in.
Wang stated that the baneblood society is actually quite libertine about sex and you're even expected to fuck around before settling down. Welles and to a lesser extent the betrothed are outliers.
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I wonder if there'll ever be an Utena IF imitation. People like to ape popular or popularly niche stuff all the time for easy hype, would be a no-brainer.

If it'll ever be the case, I would like to see what they'll do with protagonist. Will we be Utena-like? Wakaba-like makes more sense, though.
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and while on the subject; which is the proper life companion for a true son of Heaven?
the thief seems irredeemable though I guess she would be okay with traveling and then stealing from those I save, the witch looks like a wild gamble atm, the crazy/hot murderhobo is ofc out of question and then there's the dog.

It's the dog, isn't it?
>which is the proper life companion for a true son of Heaven?
The strongest one.
>thief seems irredeemable
Kosuke is an innocent sweet girl who would never do anything bad. Sure, she has a slight case of kleptomania that was instilled by her background, but she won't do anything truly heinous unless you corrupt her with evil book rituals.
>wasting your time on w*men
>not dual cultivating and producing offspring with superior genes
Lmfao I bet you're stuck on your cultivation irl.
>implying that CoG and HG authors are literate enough to ape Utena
thats asexual medieval princess levels stupid.
>not going for the thief with a heart of gold childhood friendfu
That makes no sense because Katarina was explicitly given an old maid companion whose role was to preserve her virtue, and if you go with Warburton parties and become a Rake, the fact you are having sex with available noble ladies is a scandal that angers all your potential love interests.
The fact that some people have sex despite the stigma doesn't make it any less relevant.
I just want someone to Ape lupin or any other decent heist flick.
A man can hope! It's pretty popular on Tumblr, which is usually where most new IF authors congregate.
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>there are actually people who make Kosuke a w*man
Imagine trading the best bro for the worst girl, holy shit.
dog sex with the dog('s feet)
rape her into submission with your aura pressure
I know, but popularity doesn't mean they umderstood it. To this day, I have seen only one video that properly understands it.
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absolute lack of taste on display here
She's our cute biological sister though, big difference.
That girl is good due to being your sister, not due to being a thief.
I respect Rinbros, of course.
>steam summer sale
>no cyoa's on sale
Do these things ever get even a 10% off?

That's a very cute Imoen.

cyoa's where it's us and our sister (lewdable) against the world?
arcadie for like the first 5 chapters before it unceremoniously kills her off beacause fuck the premise of being the second born and not having to deal with ruling amirite
>That girl is good due to being a (lovable) thief, not due to being your sister.
Ftfy incest fags gtfo not that it even matters since bhaalspawn aren't really related the traditional way because their common parent is a god
These types of writers constantly have neat ideas and then end up writing generic slop anyway.
Same with Saturnine; playing as an android is cool but actually they're just people like you and me bro and it's all a racism allegory, how fucking original.
not sure if these were the ones but i had them saved so here
>download it
>change .apk to .zip, extract it
>look for the version.js file and open it on notepad, erase everything except for the "window.version" line and write in "window.isWeb=true;" underneath it
>find the line "label trial_end" (some times label end_trial) in one the chapters and write "*return" directly underneath it
>open index.html on your browser
Any good games with Bussy options?
Arcadie if you make Cyril male.

But I also second your question.
Hawkins is pretty feminine if male and romanced. So is Haze, although I fear he'll dump me if I try his route. Vivian as well. Loren, too, is pretty bussy.
>You have a sister that's been groomed to rule since her birth and is the usual perfect, if bloodthirsty, sibling
>What, no, she doesn't die in the prologue alongside your parents. Look she even has a relationship stat to prove she will be relevant and not predictably die just to justify your ascent to the throne
>Oh look, she suddenly died and you are now king. Bet you didn't see that coming!
Fuck Arcadie. It's just as bad as the otome choose your feeling games.
Arcadie sucks because the MC is an enormous retard (was probably intended to be female too) which makes every antagonists justified in retrospect
it works when "death" means you die from boredom
Mecha Ace for Hawkins, Tally Ho for Haze, Jolly Good for Vivian, Heart of the House for Loren. Also Slammed has one of the best bussies, Ecstasy.
anon I....
>Fuck Arcadie. It's just as bad as the otome choose your feeling games.
Pretty harsh but I do agree that it wasted a good premise.

At the start your Sister is quite clearly ride or die with you and as long as you have her back. The issue is that she's quite clearly on the warpath and that might not agree with how far she wants to go or not feel that it's in the best interest for your country.

This could have created a very fun and interesting dynamic and story to explore.

But it still ended up being a very enjoyable game and the slowburn relationship with Will (female) was chefs kiss. She's my waifu and I love her.

In what ways, anon?

Not him but thanks anon.
Hawkins is 'your hotblooded rival' character, right?

Would you mind giving a tldr on the others? your answer will probably determine the next game I play.

Mecha Ace and Heart of the House are already on my shortlists.
haze is a woman but the fujo turns her into a man via black magic (selecting the gender)
>In what ways, anon?
The entire finale is just stupid and only a 50 iq ape would allow things to even get this far
>Why yes let me trust Stan's former second in command to lead the final siege where could this go wrong
>Oh an officer who said they wanted me dead is walking around freely and working for the siege commander what a coincidence
>Oh I got betrayed what a fucking surprise
It's just all so contrived, you can see it all coming from a mile away but you still have to watch your character follow through with it all instead of just showing even a hint of survival instinct
Honestly the only time you get to feel competent is when you negotiate for your allies to send you troops without the arranged marriage
Hawkins is an autist who believes that war makes you stronger and that people should always war. If you don't give him the D, you have to fight him. Haze is a roguish scandalous thief with loose morals who will break up with you if he deems you too boring. Vivian is a pretty cute dorky bookish friend in your very, very unpopular club. Loren is a cute maid with memory issues and a romance that's hard to complete. Ecstasy is an incredibly supportive superstar who becomes devoted to (You) and does everything in his power to help you if you won't push him down during his lowest point, but reach out with a hand. He will do the same.
loren is a girl turned they/them thoughbiet
If they're using non-binary pronouns, i headcanon them as a cure twink.
Thanks for the rundown anon. Might go ahead and pick up MA&HotH. Pon para and The Plays the Thing can wait until after I'm done with the bussy.

Based and same.

Fair. There could have been an option to appoint your own commander and there could have been more options to go full tinpot dictator. But as far as the writing goes I feel like it did a decent enough job as to explaining why things were the way they were and why you couldn't just execute anyone you felt might have been a threat.

So a 'written as a woman but call them a boy' scenario?
essentially yeah, haze is very much based off of the elusive femme fatale super thief black cat/catwoman archetype
Hosted Games and CoG's have started their sales on steam.
well shit and here i bought infinity before
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Looks like I'll be eating good for a while bois.
Cultivator anon make it so we can bet on fights (including yourself).
>That's why I'm trying to have my ROs focus more on what happens after, and how sex isn't the end of a romance it's more like the beginning.
I would want more of that actually. The already limited literature I read rarely focuses on that and the ones that do have me hankering for more. Would be interested in seeing what you have to offer.
I started to read otome because of it
god I hate harems, just write a male mc story with a single properly developed girl
Otome has more of these kinds of developments? I should look into some of them then.
It's probably due to how rare they are for me, but I always appreciated stories that handled the afterparts.
I still fondly remember an anime I watched that was mediocre/below average on the first half that became actually engaging for me in the second half because the two MCs officially became an item and it focuses on the relationships between the two of them and the people with them.
Plastic Memories if you want to know my shit taste. I am a retarded sucker for tragic/mayfly-December romances.
Katarina's chaperone is noted to be unusually strict and she only really has one because she's a heiress, and it's not like it stopped her from fucking around when she had her debut at Aetoria lol. You only get reputation as a rake if you fuck everything that moves, being slightly more restrained hardly harms your reputation at all.
The cult of chastity is mostly a baneless thing. Banebloods mostly care about infidelity.
I really like Ecstasy despite him not having as much content in comparison. There's something incredible in how damn adorably supportive you are with each other and how much you do for each other. It makes for a compelling duo while I struggled to understand what the fuck clothesline means. Or powerbomb.
>Heart of the House
That one was pretty shit. Should buy Stronghold instead.
>If you don't give him the D, you have to fight him.
I'm pretty sure she can be talked down regardless of romance, given that Hawkins' epilogue doesn't use the romance variable at all, no?
then whats with the reputation loss for holding welles hand in public? if randomly fucking some baneblooded chick and moving on is accepted then why is holding some girls hand in public something that tanks your reputation? only answers i can come up with is that the fucking is in private and the hand holding is in public, that theyre both visibly older and expected to settle down or how this was actually intended all along to show the hypocrisy of nobles (last one being something that wang pulls out of his ass)
Banebloods are expected to keep themselves composed when in public and both of you are quite old for the "exuberance of youth", yeah. You're also a measly Baron while she's an unmarried Countess so people have an additional reason to see this as scandalous.
Nah. You can talk him down if you have high presence, but only with romance it's an auto-success that only checks for romance to pass. It's one of the easiest ways to survive until the finale if you've lost your hand.

Also, yeah. But on the flipside it makes all of the interactions incredibly... well, romantical. In one ending you share quarters and he begs you to come back in one piece, in another you get his supportive self that eggs you on to endure the monotony of peace. It's kind of funny how he has content in every ending if allied while others can just straight up not. Even if Asadi survives, you may not meet him if you pick the wrong epilogue. It's just Hawkins who's always there.
>But on the flipside it makes all of the interactions incredibly... well, romantical
I mean, either you directly romance Hawkins or use your Newtype Presence powers to mindbreak them into abandoning all of their close connections, so it makes sense.
You can also beat his ass. If you have high approval and high rep / presence, he joins you afterwards.
Never heard of it, but I'm fairly new here. Mixed reviews on steam. I like the premise but it seems it was executed poorly.

Tell me about the LI/RO's.

You've done a good job on selling the game but if I'm being honest I'm not much of a fan of the games premise. Wrestling drama isn't really my thing. Still tho I'll keep it in mind. Thanks anon.
It hurts anon... when will kyle finish writing WoDslop and return to bronze age kino...
When he finishes transitioning.
Hopefully cultivator-anon proves that he is in fact NOT a faggot by adding a cute dragonfu for us
Marquis revealed to me in a dream that the final boss of Pon Para 3 will be a bulldog.
>implying you deserve a dragon
Maybe if we get a sequel, sheesh. Leave me something to work with.
>and while on the subject; which is the proper life companion for a true son of Heaven?
If you want to start a proper bloodline you need to breed your own daughters over and over.
this, just keep fucking bitches(wolf)
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Leave the dragonussy for the grandson.
>implying you deserve my NEETbux
What must I do to receive a small part of your neetbux?
500k words of wolf smut
sexo is temporary, good character writing and satisfying cause and effect are eternal
Sex is temporary, eternal bond of true love that transcends the evil and death itself is far more interesting.
I wish authors actually wrote relationships like Tolkien did.
This has to be the first time I've heard someone use Tolkien as an example of how romance should be done.
Most of the authors don't have loving, committed marriages to draw from.
Wang basing the betrothed on his own wife is the closest I can think of.
Nta but I read it more as all forms of love, platonic included
so trve!
Kek, I did just reread Narn. Which yet again. So many authors could learn from it.
His pairings are very romantic. So of course I will.
True, which is weird. Because even the ones who are married rarely do it.
wolf smut is just a quick way to phrase it, saying I want 500k words of wolf wife SOL doesn't hit the same
Leave it anon. Some Tolkienheads will argue that Tom Bombadil is a vital part of the story and should have been in the movie.
Tom should have been in the movies because his merry shenenigans are hilarious. And he just keeps vibing in the forest with his waifu.
No, he is the most retarded and pace breaking thing in the whole trilogy. If any writer tried to add 50 pages of wanking in a forest with some semi divine hobo that might be author's self-insert, every editor would tear off that chapter before publishing. Tolkien gets a pass because he is Tolkien, not because Bombadil is a good addition to the book.
what frodo and sam had was PURE friendship
All I can say is that you clearly lack reading comprehention.
Because in books his meeting is quite important to hobbits's characters. And it reveals bunch of other important info too.
>And it reveals bunch of other important info too.
Such as?
Reinforcing the central them of natural world against the evils of Dark Lord. Introducing the Hobbits to some ancient lore about the region, burrowhights and the world. Giving them reprieve after beimg chased by Nazgul. Giving them motivation to want to protect the Shire snd rest of the former Arnor, which ties right back to Scourging of Shire at the end.
Anon please
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i agree, two bros just exploring the world (and each other's bodies), facing challenges and hardships would be absolutely kino
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>this kills the faggot
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whiskey-4 fucking qoutes this kek
Your in denial if you think that adding sex to a relationship doesn't fundementally change it in any way
Stop responding to retards pretending to be fags online for attention and enabling his only form of social interraction. Report and ignore.
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it really doesn't, it's purely physical
lol, lmao even
hey i was on topic replying to another post! i'm not the one posting an off-topic quote!
of course
he's the best boy
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he is legitimately picrel. dude was a mass murdering mind assassin for his pops and deserved his death.
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if he were an old ugly fat crusty boomer or disgusting stinky bear then i would agree
but he is a cute twink and so that means he is automictically innocent or did that stuff against his will
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you genuinely disgust me
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twinks are often victims of older men or disgusting pedos, so that's why i believe HE was a victim too
Unsupervised is still fun.
Yeah, it's not complete but it's still pretty cool.
zapers fixing it soon TM. probably when he runs out of coke money
I hope we get some better girls. I'm not romancing mystery meat teleporter, Thelma is meh and Liltih is a drama queen. Besides, I get a weird nightmare after fucking her.

BTW, the author does love elementalism, doesn't he?
just romance derek
blair and telltale just need more content. I was promised a heist goddamnit and I need to wrangle blair from doing stupid shit
It's a shame we didn't get a female Derek. Or a girl that could turn into a giant.
Imagine the possibilities.
>mr totally not gonna betray you
Well, dream bitch says he will "betray again", so yeah...
He's probably being mind controlled or something.
Any good space opera/sci-fi recommendations?
idk the dude that hypnotizes him or the one that agrees to leave with you seem pretty loyal to me
If you have super senses they tell you Derek* is not lying and he also passes the "truth or dare" game gimmick.
Still, I think he was probably mind raped and doesn't know it. He's a manchurian agent. The deal with PARENTS doesn't make sense otherwise.

It IS Derek, I think, and not one of the dudes
Kosuke is nowhere near the level of Imoen. She is a SHIT beggar whore.
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Silly question: far left dude is sawyer, right?
yeah zaper commented on that artist making flit a bit too masculine for his taste
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>yeah zaper commented on that artist making flit a bit too masculine for his taste
but.... if someone identifies as non-binary, then that would mean they were initially male or female, meaning having masculine or feminine traits....
so i don't understand how that would be too masculine, i just don't understand anymore
To be fair, the way the character is written gives me more of a "bi guy who like to say he's nb" vibe than anything else.
women tend to label themselves as NB moreso then men, see various female tumblr authors bios
Maybe, but they don't tend to princess-carry guys around like Swayer does, for example, in the catacombs.
I guess he wanted flit to be a bit more ambiguous ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Flit should have been a cute tomboy.
Elemental powers> chrono powers> enhanced body, right?
In general, of course.
usually people can tell if a person is male or female based on looks alone
the ONLY way people might get confused is if they edit photos of themselves online or wear pounds of makeup while hiding their adam's apple and meat if male, or hiding tits if female
play the bastard of camelot, best WIP for fujos currently :3
I wish it and Guinevere actually released. Like it has been what? 8 years?
The Guinevere gal relatively recently said you'll have to unironically wait until her retirement for that.
>it is year 2076
>I lay upon my deathbed surrounded by my cute shota grandsons
>not yet, lady Death. Guinevere just came out. I must play it
bastard of cameltoe is updating regularly, while guinevere is dead dead, see >>3537011
i think we all know it's been abandoned unfortunately
>Guinevere (WiP)
>Dec 2013
Is this seriously a CYOA thread without one mention of "Sorcery!" ?
ian livingstone
>Fighting Fantasy
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What are some cyoas where your choices really do matter?
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I just think they're boring.
OP's pic.
Infinity books.
Tally Ho and Jolly Good are pretty good in that department. The author even tries to give failing checks fun content.
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What are the best nsfw cyoas?
Pretty much all of them are shit.
If you stretch the definition some of the era games are pretty decent, but those are still more like sex trainer text games where you watch numbers go up.
course of temptation is pretty good
if you're a fag then all world: pro wrestling on heart's choice is a must have
>trans of camelot
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>he plays skyrim
>he bought skyrim 3 times
based, skyrim is the best game produced by humanity
now if only bethesda would stop updating it
He deserves to be bullied.
We already knew he has shit taste when he revealed he has more hours in CK3 than CK2.
I love ck2 but I always get triggered and cry when I hear children death sounds :(
Bethesda's "The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimTM" is a genuine masterpiece.
especially if you install loli mods
really makes the murderhobo experience feel kino
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>Bethesda's "The Elder Scrolls V: SkyrimTM" is a genuine masterpiece.
Cultivator-anon should try vicn's mods, should be up his valley as a spic trash enjoyer.
no gaymes
Damn, Suzerain is really fucking good bros.
have you tried looking into the mirror
there's only so many times I can jerk off to myself
weak mindset desu
it's a pain in the ass to get an erection when looking at yourself at work
>Magic in this world is founded on science, meaning that every magical phenomenon is studied, tested, and scientifically proven by the researchers of this world. And, of course, everything is mirrored on how things work in real life.
HOLY BRANDO SANDO...my magic system is SO hard rn...
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Please leave this thread, I see enough of your ilk on /tg/. Both approaches are equally valid, and I'm tired of hearing "but muh fantastic magic" fags sperg out all the time.

Everything has its own place and time, and something isn't leddit just because you don't like it.
It is leddit when le hard magic is just MBTI but even more brainless though
Nice "science" dipshit, now measure this
I'm not sure what you're referring to, because I've read Brandon Sanderson's books, and I don't recall anything similar to the Meyers-Briggs pseudoscience test in them.
Magic systems are nothing but padding for author to dump exposition on you. Especially in IFs - what's the bloody point of explaining it if I can't actually use it?
so they can post loredumps about their 30k a month patreon wip
>30k a month patreon wip
30k indian rupees maybe. I only respect magic settings if they have the balls to write it mechanically down as a tabletop system for me to break.
the more defined a magic setting is the easier it is to reveal that the author is a midwit that wrote an easily exploitable system for anyone with more than 2 braincels
>try to play the new werewolf game again after the author wiped my saves twice with updates
>be a werewolf, guardian of spirits and nature
>arrive in town where nature utterly lost, find out it lost worldwide too
>spirits dying most places
>get to the point of learning spirit gifts from the ones still around
>they all have a massive list of demands, requirements, and new rules you have to follow if you want them to ever help you in any way
Nigger I am here to save you and you are dying, I'm not giving you shit. Give me Gifts or die. No wonder Gaia lost, what a bitchwife mentality. God damn.
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I'm talking about a WiP where the quote in question is from. You know, like you'd reasonably assume instead of immediately jumping to whiteknight a fat Mormon who Stockholm'd you with thousands upon thousands of pages of literary capeshit.
Assuming that /cyoag/ reads IFs is a stretch, obviously. Plus, I don't follow every WIP out there, so without you specifying that it's from a WIP, I have no choice but to think that it's you typing those words of your own volition in order to bring out the same tired bait.
Anon learns WoD woofs are completely useless at their job. fun fact, there used to be other races of "half man half X animal" that where supposed to work together to protect gaia and had different functions, but the woofs all sperged out and killed all the other races because they thought they where the enemy or some shit
Having ride or die niggas is important. Being able to stratify your relationships is important. Hierarchy is justice, equality is evil.
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>he thinks he can't love a bro and have other bros he doesn't love
bro isn't broing, probably a w*man in disguise
>yet another soulless sodomite who can't stop seething over being called out
You love to see it.
What playthrough(s) have you tried?
of course bro, of course...
>t. friendless faggot
>love certain people
>don't love certain people
>but call them all bros
You are hurting the people in relationships with you. Equating them is disrespectful. Equality is evil.
some bros are broer than others
as this bro said >>3537422 hierarchy is important
Why did you reply to yourself?
>As a professional curse-eater, you’ve spent your life on the road, tracking down one curse after
another and using your rare talents to earn a living. Consuming all that dark magic has taken its
toll on your body, but you’ve an appetite for malediction—an appetite that has yet to be sated.
You’ve never met a curse you couldn’t swallow.
I can't believe they're making a game about the Capricious CoG Consumer...
Trying to self insert and do things the way I would if I were president, didn't win the 2nd presidential mandate.
Tried it again but this time also tried to ally/pacify Rumburg, worked and it went pretty well.
The Rizia campaign I fucked it up and restarted, eventually created the Intermerkopum, somehow got Zille and Pales back.
Can we summon those curses that we eat? A Sugaru Geto pokemon adventure would be fun.
Is the Evertree Saga any good? The descriptions for Evertree Inn and Sordwin look good but I never hear it discussed.
Evertree abd Sordwin are pretty good. Lux was quite a disapointment in comparison.
The Evertree Saga is good, but just be aware that Lux is the first half of a game already ported, and it's very unfinished. Lux has lots of choices, but there's SO MUCH choice that it bloats the game and basically forced the dev to split it in half, despite the main plot not really moving.
Evertree is not bad but Sordwin is the one that really shines. It's just a really competently crafted investigation/mystery book. But like the other anons said Lux feels too aimless, bloated, and painfully unfinished in comparison.
>course of temptation
Swim team is bullshit
Did you try E-sports, so far Football seems ok?
cheerleader for sluts (you get to fuck the football team if they win)
>the football team with all guys
oh boy i will do that never
>all guys
lmao, as if
>He doesn't check the box that makes the football team full of women
you could fuck them even if they lose if you’re a cheerleader
and if you’re on the football team and still lose there’s a chance they might give you a pity fuck or BJ
he doesn’t make the entire school full of straight white males while your mc is the only female in school
>forgot to greentext
>straight white males
There's no way to turn off the trannies though is there?
just set that slider all the way to 0
I’ve had them in a few games but most games I hardly had any trannies
I expected the classroom harasser hang out just to be them bullying you, I'm pleasantly surprised that it's not just the whitney/ruthless school bully archetype. She needs to stop taking my homework when I go to turn it in though like come on man, your lucky I like you enough to not snitch to the professor. anyways game is either gonna be an abandoned WiP or a really fun time in 2 years, only time will tell
>have to sleep each night while listening to my twink roomate and his boyfriend fuck
it doesnt do that at all. It makes it so its 50/50 so now cheerleaders has guys and football team has one girl
And that one girl only ever wants oral
Not his fault you have a bunkbed.
>so now cheerleaders has guys
Upskirts are about to get real weird.
Someone still has the link to Wayhaven Christmas Special?
if you’re a guy you can actually wear micro skirts lol
twink fujo sisters...
>killed creepy guy in the catacombs of paris
>wrote "anon was here" on the wall close to his body
Anyone else playing Unsupervised?
Should I? Steam summer sale is on
im contemplating
Tin Star
Heart of the House
Mecha Ace
Choice of Robots
Its either that or gacha
HotH is meh but everything else is solid.
Despite the lack of an ending, it's a good game.
Or just fucking pirate it.
Damn i enjoyed the demo
>lack of an ending
so i hear, lotta people seem to begrudge it
>so i hear, lotta people seem to begrudge it
Selling an incomplete game without telling the customers is really shitty.
I still think it's one of the best CoG products I've ever played, but I'm glad I pirated it.
no you should pirate it
>one of the best CoG products I've ever played
What a bold claim, now im interested
Alright lets see if the ending pisses me off enough as it does others
>mulatta british countess
>homosexual indian
>Heart of the House
>Mecha Ace
Picked these up too. Haven't played yet.

Not on sale tho is it?
>>mulatta british countess
To be fair, there is a mulatto British prince, and, soon, a mulatto duke* and a mulatto marquess**.

*an earl by courtesy
**a viscount by courtesy

Now, if you are talking about a game set in the past you are 100% right.

>>homosexual indian
There are tons of gay indians.
yeah, no idea who the fuck that was trying to appeal to
Relics 1 really feels like an adventure. The game is pretty nice.
Yeah. Was pretty damn fun, although I still don't get what aliens Spillane is connected to do and what was their reason to appear..
Nta but did you finish the 3rd book? It's spelled out to you.
plus this was before all the internet started hating on the poos (amazing btw)
so this was a pure inclusivity (forced diversity) part on the author, just how many wips or if games feature poos at all?
Maria is far too good a character for that series. At least it was kinda funny trying to be as greedy and apathetic as possible towards all the pozzed shit.
My redhead nazi wife can't be this cute... She absolutely mogged every character in the series so hard.
Haha cool
I realized that we reached the 40%-50% of Wayhaven plot and we aren't meet the main villain yet, all the books were Freaks of the Week, I smell a rush in books 4 to 7.
Erm, Bobby's been there all along though?
I remember the first threads people here hated Wayhaven, but it seems like Wayhaven is like a cheesy TV Show you can't stop watching it!
Main villain is our not-actually-dead dad, I'm calling it.
It's the new blood diluting the pool. I remain firm in my hatred of it and maintain that in the best of all possible worlds it would never have seen the light of day.
But I hate Wayhaven (and Keeper, and Golden Rose, and Fallen Hero).
I still don't like it, but I don't need to screech my dislike of it every time its brought up. It other people like it, they are free to do so. Not everyone can have as refined taste as me.
I don't remember making this post
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Now that the dust has settled, what did he mean by this?
He meant that you should play his light hearted game with fat asses.
Wait a second, is that the cuck CYOA?
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>the threads and Infinitycord were connected from the start
Will of the Saints™...Grim.
Juan would job to the PoMA MC.
>Picked these up too. Haven't played yet.
I was using your post and some other anons to see which games i should get
>Not on sale tho is it?
no it aint, when i posted i believed it was on sale.
wayhaven is shit
Speaking of Unsupervised, how is the blond bitch on the cover? Seems like the most attractive out of the bunch, is he also the most schizo?
Flit?? flit is the silver age normie moralfag that doesn't want to kill people and gets pissed if they catch you stealing
They/them is the resident moralfag who throws a fit and tries to boot you from the gang if you're too bad for her taste.
>he gets caught
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He doesn't look like a girl, to be honest. Still the prettiest out of them all, appearance-wise.
flat sisters... flit is supposed to be ambiguous but the artist made them more masculine. they act exactly like an Ex-gf who still wants the D would though with multi-dude
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Flit acts like a woman and they/them is the hipset femoid shit. They also look far less masculine on the SOVL cover and purple hair is another point.
the VTM ones were nice, and i like the deathless cover arts
>1st Chapter
Of course Discord users enjoy the cuck romance specifically.
how long is this wedding going to take, it feels like we've been on chapter 5 for as many years
>somehow ruins the flat
No thank you
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Why is the prose in all these games shit? Can't they just copy Proust when they write?
prose is a meme
>t. shit writer
You think the average cogger has read the classics? They're too white and male!
So true, u/mistborn!
tbf, what fag or women wouldn't want that multi-dude dick? ayou can be a total slut with them and stay faithful at the same time
every slut's dream
He's a glowie
nothing wrong with that
>timeraper, i dont recognize you ... where did you gooooo?
>nooooo, we can't kill anyone
Flit sucks, I hate how the game keeps pushing them as our easiest romantic option.
Is there a way to stop shimmer after we bust the drug center? I know I can hide the stuff from her if I'm a speedster, but I want to take her down.
BTW, how can I fuck telltale after using me as bait in the Marseille party? I saw her running away and just couldn't do anything.
Blair and telltail content is two more weeks trust the plan TM
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>Don't romance anyone in Aura Clash
>End up getting the bad end due to your crippled cultivation
Ah, so fellow femboy appreciator then?

And yeah it makes sense it didn't go on sale considering it was just released. I'm going to wait for the sequel to dive in myself.
Very masc, in a femme kinda way here.

Fairly androgynous here. But the shirt kinda makes him look like he has breasts.
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FIFA (on Player Career Mode or The Story mode) and Mount & Blade can be argued as Choose your own Adventure games and you can't prove otherwise
Unsupervisedbros: what's your favourite superpower?
Trust me, as an ESL I can assure you that a book bloated prose is x2 or even x5 worse in Spanish than English, somehow our writers managed to make our literature more bloated than english with a language that has less words
>Unsupervisedbros: what's your favourite superpower?
Super Strength to Larp as All-Star Superman
Time manipulation powers should have been awesome. In practice, the elemental powers were cooler.
Speed, which I actually expected to be one of my least favorites. Love how it basically adds an "I skip the fight and win effortlessly" button to every combat scenario.
Did you go by The Flesh?
Time manipulation, how many others can straight up die and simply revert back to when you were alive? I open up that coffin every time for shits and giggles.
Now that I think about it... is the coffin somehow inspired by Bloodlines?
No, I forget which name I used.
Damn, now that you point it out. That seems glaringly obvious.
The ones given seem pretty uninspired. Haven't played yet tho so I could be wrong.

Do you get to do fun, or interesting things with them?

I'm usually a mage-fag in games if I can so tossing up between time manipulation and elemental control.
>ones given seem pretty uninspired
>haven't played yet tho
Just started the Infinity trilogy.

Can anyone give me a tldr of the romance options?
dragoon x thunderer
Romance is barely a thing in these games, but whatever rocks your boat
>Welles: autistic military nerd. First wave feminist. Things the baneless have too many rights.
>Katarina: retarded fem!Bond LARPer with a fabulously rich dad and an evil fortress of doom. Mud-skinned whore.
>The betrothed: humble trad waifu except when you don't treat her well because then she turns into a snarky girlboss. May or may not have been coerced into sex by you at the ripe age of 14.
>[REDACTED]: the cross-dressing Dragoon. Has little in the way of principles, dreams of dying rich and old. Thinks getting half of your command killed capturing a teen for money is really, really hot. Is probably into pegging.
For homos
>Lewes: bargain bin Sharpe.
>Marcus: red-headed barbarian bf. Brother of a Duke.
>The mysterious unrequited homo RO. Most likely Cassius.
You can get Darkness element from the Lightbringer or did I hear wrong?
Kill yourself.
Just started Aura Clash 2: Night of the Long Blades
Can anyone give me a tldr of the romance options?
>Romance is barely a thing in these games
That's fine. Bromances seem like they might be solid. Doing my best to stop Elton from dying. I fear I may be dissapointed.

Watch out for Lilith, she's actually a transexual.
Crusher's Jack's mom.
>38 reviews
>no sale
Its sooo over unsupervised bros...
any info on when will I be able to make my soon-to-be wife Isobel laugh again?
When your estates get confiscated and your head sent to her by your brigade if you express any doubt that the monarch getting gangbanged by the entirety of Aetoria's baneless population is a politically prudent decision. You disembodied head will also have to bear witness to 100k words of asexual procreation between her and Cazarosta.
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anon go back to bed
>she turns into a snarky girlboss
I'm pretty sure she's meant to turn into the classical cold and loveless wife if she really doesn't like you. Saying some comment to demean you during a party doesn't make her some girlboss like you are implying.
Regardless I still don't know why that is a possibility alongside the feud. You have to try for the fiancee to dislike you if you marry her and it serves no purpose other than giving you more things to worry about.
imagine the fiancee panicking after we took her for a romp when she was young because we went to war only for us to come back and be a prince in shining armor
>Saying some comment to demean you during a party doesn't make her some girlboss like you are implying.
Her letter on low relationship does, though. It's far beyond what would be proper for someone of her station.
>You have to try for the fiancee to dislike you if you marry her and it serves no purpose other than giving you more things to worry about.
Ehhh, one of the best ways to tank your rel with you is milking the dowry for all it's worth and I'd guess it can be worth it in some cases. It's not like her rel stat does much either way.
I wish they were discussed more but alas there are no RO's so this generals interest in minimal.

I want Jann to service me with their body.
>It's not like her rel stat does much either way.
Happy wife, happy life
The cynic in me says you have too much ambition
Its more like you were always her prince in shining armor, and war made you a cold hearted bastard when you came back
Just got to that part. Didn't have the money so bought Faith

>horse pussy
So I stumbled onto "Arcadie: Second-Born" on steam. Was that on choice of games before? I feel like I've seen something like that, but it sounds generic enough it's hard to judge.
Close enough. Was a choicescript WIP before the author bailed to Twine. One of the few to actually get a release, actually.
I played it a few months ago and it was my first CoG game. I enjoyed it. Your sister is best girl but the others are good too.
new password: dont_cheat_on_mei
why would I cheat on my wife?
Shes cheating on you with someone that looks exactly like you
there are other women that are not two faced desu
Is it like a mimic, does she think that the other you is actually you?
keep playing
and? those women aren't Mei Mei
Would you still love Mei Mei if she was cheating on you with a worm?
I choose the bear.
The Wu heir is a lowlier creature than a worm, though
t. He Gang
loving Mei is only preconditioned on her being evil
>He Gang
LITERALLY and I mean this when I say it, 100% dead in the next encounter.
evilfag sister...
Better to die winning than to live jobbing. Still got there first, Wu Kek. Hope you liked the taste of my He brew in her every orifice.
>Cheat on the obviously unhinged nutjob who has a unique heavenly talent at making poisons
I really hope you didn't take her word of her not really caring about you dalliance seriously at face value.
I'm a Caihongod, don't care about Mei Mei. She'll be Qi ASAP.
Wow, so you mean she's gonna give me *another* free perk!?
Why would she lie to you though?
where do I put the password though
Nicky's discord
Mei Mei's dick sword
Damnit, when is gog going to update Suzerain? It's finally playable.
Alba: a young boy obsessed with dual cultivation.
>playing a female pedophile
I didn't know there was a Teacher background
It's one of the main features of the game!
straight shota fags are disgusting
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You tell 'em, brother!
Young boys belong to older men.
captcha: WANK
>The main antagonist organization of Aura Clash 2 is the Merchant's Guild
>When you meet them it turns out all of them are patreon OCs
>When you beat their leader his final words are sperging out in Brazillian about why he lost when he's the main character and playing on cheat mode
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>People from discord unironically come here to falseflag and screenshot our shitposts
Do these people have lives?
Haven't played Aura Clash like in three months. Has anything changed?
fujosisters are terrible at falseflagging kek
Elemental control is very versatile and you can do many cool things.
Time manipulation is nice too, but I get the feeling the writer just loved the elemental powers more.
100% discount on piratebay right now. Hurry up!
It's AI. Not my gen so I don't know whose artstyle it is based on.
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I just shat myself...
Will you spare the cultivators playing with mortal limits?
There was an update of chapter 6 for the patreon guys, 165k extra words
I think the weirdest part was the 50k worth of words describing sex with Jack. You couldn't even make any choices during it so it was just a small novel.
Any game with some cool femdom content?
Asking for a friend.
Hyuga 4 has your psycho ex-gf leading you by a leash for most of the game and you can be generally happy about it if you want, probably the single best game for it.
I remember The Passenger having separate tracking for dom/sub with the best girl, dunno if other ROs had it.
PoMA has some.
That one Lemons WIP has the teacher be a major dominatrix if I remember right
Do you mean the When Life Gives You Lemons?

Upper hand fitzie is not traditional femdom but I personally really enjoy the lightheared tug of war of power between you. I always let her steal a bit of my breakfast
Is roach the one with dom/sub points? I remember her being a bitch to my character so I constanly insulted her back. Also are there any other horror stories besides the passenger, the mist knows your name and the grey painter? Especially more suspence horror focused like the grey painter?
>Is roach the one with dom/sub points
>other horror stories
I think Heart of the House was supposed to be horror-ish? Dunno, I just started speedreading and rushing to the end once I realized my wife was getting no respect from the writer.
Superhumanbros, it's up.
What is, friend?
The update.
>Ai has joined Tigress on the casual sex Stacy squad
>Mei is still stuck on teasing and foreplay
I demand you make Angelo a shota cultivatoranon
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If we're doing this than Pale Carnations has unironically the best writing in a weg I've ever seen. Could unironically pass as artistic if it wasn't depraved as fuck.
I like it but no way it has better writing than Superhuman.
Superhuman, while good, is just edgy superhero shonen schlock in the end. Pale Carnations actually has legitimate themes like the nature of consent. Plus, the girls are way better and the sex is way hotter.
mei is a trad girl
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my snake can't be this cute! her jealous fits were also adorable, truly best girl
Cultivator-anon should add an effeminate groomer snakeman for LGBTQ+ representation
>talking about shitty VNs again
Deryl has finally redeemed himself from his awful past showing
is the arc finally over? I've been waiting to play the new updates until the cockblocks were done
Yeah the twins arc is done.
mei is too busy fucking the more powerful cultivators in exchange for them being wrapped around her pretty little finger
mei is canonically exclusive to (You) though and gets jealous if you fuck around

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