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How long does it take for a project like OrcKino to get published?
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Like half a year maybe. When is pic related getting released?
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literally me
Where did you obtain this picture of me?
>start playing the Romeaboo hag game
>choose to be the Empress' lover and "secretly" father of her child
>meet the head of the Senate
>flirt with her constantly
>meet the Tribune of the Plebs
>flirt with her constantly
What could go wrong?
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I want to romance more hags NOW.
Cleopatra bro...
How young can you be in that cyoa anyway?

Anything much older than mid 30's in kind of off putting. A 40yo just doesn't have the same appeal if I'm older than her.
You're 40 but dont worry, she's in her 50s.
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Julia is so cute and perfect and cute.
Also, if you play as anyone other than a former legionary named Lucius, I'm sorry but you are wrong.

Gigabased fellow hag appreciator

kek, it really is like that. I can't help it, hags are too powerful. Hopefully I don't have to choose between love and the Empire...

You have a set age, during the 'present day' that takes up the most part of the story you're 40, though there are flashbacks that take place earlier - the earliest is when you're in your mid twenties. All the hags are older than you; the Empress is 48, the Consul is 55(!) and the Tribune is a couple years older than you, 43 I think.
>A """Late Rome""" game
>The Senate is still somehow relevant insitution because she doesn't know a way to make an actually fitting internal conflict
>Le heckin' greek firerino!
>So creatively bankrupt she can't simply make a main plot about politics, it has to be about diet AoD ancient bunkers, nukes and McGuffins
I hate women so much it's unreal, fratres.
Women will never get Rome. They're biologically incapable of it.
>meanwhile, in third rome
İstanbul'un ne alakası var?
When the MC has a set backstory, do you prefer it being revealed in prologue, or spoonfed bit-by-bit like in Fallen Hero?
Prologue because when I start the game I already have an idea of what I want my character to be and finding out way later that my character is super special in a way I didn't imagine is annoying sometimes.
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>woman doesn't understand Rome
Wow, what a shock.
And future-Ancient-Rome as a setting is incredibly based and always will be. Yes, I WILL meddle with ancient powers and technologies beyond my understanding.
Revealed in the prologue. My Sidesteps constantly got their character broken because of new and exciting revelations. Gets even worse in Revelation - did you know that apparently Sidestep managed to come up with some language while at the farm and only cuckoos have any perception of gender?
Moscow is the third Rome. Haven't you read the secret documents?
First Rome was Pagan, Second Rome was Christian, Third Rome is Muslim, ignorant kafir.
I like bit-by-bit, but only where it makes sense. So I prefer the story not revealing something until it becomes relevant to it dumping everything on me from the get go. But Fallen Hero is a good example of taking it too far in two ways. Sidestep constantly references shit and limits decisions based on it without telling you what the fuck that shit is. Bitch that's just annoying, cut it out. The other is the sudden Revelations asspull syndrome. Shit that should have been relevant from the start gets brought up far too late in the story for it to make sense.
The second approach creates too much of a disconnect between a player and the character he's playing. It's hard to roleplay a coherent character when you barely know anything about him, and any moment the author can drop a sudden reveal that will break your conception of him.
Philistines like yourself should be thrown to the lions. *Spits*
There were three Romes. Two have fallen, third one still stands, and there shall be no fourth one.
>I have to become a villain...I have to...
>cue motivation reveal several hundred thousand words later
>I have to become a villain because....le gravity.
Writing worth 4000$/month.
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Easy there, Titus
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>tfw you write a 300k word backstory as an easy way to bloat the wordcount
Still more of a Rome than whatever Turkey has, lol.

I still have no clue how that green aura thing is related to this whole mess. It's being hyped as something important, did it free Sidestep and mindbroke Ace?
>>I have to become a villain because it is inevitable
Holy kino
>you're 40
That makes me a little sad tbqh
>Hag in her 50's
Okay, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
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Ah, almost done with the prologue.
Normally I prefer playing characters that aren't so old (especially when romancing hags) but for this game it makes sense, considering the timeline. The situation where you meet the Empress for the first time is pretty cute, you're in your mid-twenties and she's in her mid-thirties.
>Okay, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
Have fun, fellow hagchad
She's pretty cute, for me she's the second cutest hag in the game
I'm going to write a game!
Good luck
Do your best, anon-san!
How can you endure the thought of the average CoG player self-inserting into your game without losing motivation?
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That WiP is just a hollow wish, isn't it…?
Let it go, and sink gentle into the deep, restful night.
is it finally time for a real cultivation game?
I should play CultistSim one of these days.
That's not CultistSim, Wintersister...
I know, but it reminded me of it. I'm either too autistic or not autistic enough for the Korean game.
I will!
I live for this shit.
I will not.
I would not dare to compete with Aura Clash.
LobCorp and CultSim are the same (dogshit) game if you look deep enough, so don't sell yourself short.
Oh, the game itself doesn't have to be very good for me to enjoy it, I played FL for years. I just really enjoy Kennedy's work.
>Synopsis: It’s a game about being a high-tech magical golem serving a noble lady dealing with her accidental pansexual polyamory, while maybe finding love of your own.
You too can play as the average American now!
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>>accidental pansexual polyamory
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I tried it out, but I couldn't enjoy it because it made my character subservient to a faggot who also happens to be a w*man.
Even if the whole premise of the game is him cutting apart his work to drip feed it line by single line locked behind an unfathomable slog of a core loop that makes FL look well-designed?
Read Infamous, it's pretty ok, love the Gina scenes though.
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Wow, he's literally me...
Two crazy things I've noticed:

1. How many different software components that are required now to package your own html game into an android/desktop app
2. How nobody in the IF community seems to be doing it unless they're full-on devs like Sorcery and Sir Brante.

What's with the lack of CoGites packaging their own games? Twine can easily work like ChoiceScript and you don't lose 75% or have someone tell you what to do.
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I should note that even though there's a lot of components, it can all still be learned and finished in one Saturday.
oh yeah? start putting some sign posts so we can know where to go.
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Fine. >>3612848
For Desktop:

1. Vscode will make it easier but all you need is the command prompt.
2. Download node and npm and install them.
3. open a terminal in vscode or the cmd, navigate to an empty folder you make for this project, run "npm init -y". This will make a package.json in your folder with a basic setup.
4. run "npm i -D electron", this will initiate an installation for the electron software that does the actual work
5. replace index.js with main.js. I don't know why everyone says to do the renaming, I didn't think it would matter and they may just be copying each other.
6. change the "test" function in the package.json's script section to a "start" function saying:
>"start": "electron ."
7. Make a "src" folder in the folder you've been working in. Drop your html game there and call it "MyGame.html"
8. Add this main.js file to your folder: https://pastebin.com/Xz50waK1

Now you've setup the basic jyst of an electron package and if you run "npm start" in your folder, it should start your game as an exe. To package it further you'll want electron-packager or electron-forge. If using electron-packager from here https://www.npmjs.com/package/electron-packager you just need to do this:

1. npm install --save-dev electron-packager
2. npx electron-packager . nameforyourgame

And that's it, you'll have a folder and executable you can make a shortcut to. Hand that over to steam.
Switch 5 and 6 for clarity, the "index.js" entry you all need to replace is a line in the package.json, the file itself doesnt exist and you wont make it (because you use the copied main.js instead.)
Your average CoGite won't go through the headache of getting their game out on the platforms CoG does, Chocescipt can't be sold without CoG unless you pay them off and twine, while still codelet-intended, isn't as convenient for a completely clueless idiot and doesn't come with the package of publisher ready to publish your slop + a very sizeable for this niche audience that can consume it. It's only really a good option for those well-versed in the foul art of tumblr networking and/or those who already have poached enough of an audience from CoG that'll stick with them through the switch, and those who are usually already earn enough from patreon to give up on what the actual game sales would get them.
Also, these are the same people who don't know you can get their patreon-locked password by simply looking at the code, expecting much computer literacy of them is rather optimistic.
>that aren't so old (especially when romancing hags)
My brother.

>Makes sense considering the timeline
That's all well and good and I appreciate that but
> Empress for the first time is pretty cute, you're in your mid-twenties and she's in her mid-thirties.
Imagine how much better it could have been if she were in her mid thirties and your were in your mid teens.

I would like to but I think I might go the Renpy/VN route. I originally wanted to do a webcomic but that doesn't seem anywhere near as profitable while being just as time consuming.

A game would also let me write and explore alternate scenarios where as a webcomic would be much more linear.

What game?
>Renpy/VN route.
Can you draw or have an artist willing to do that for you cheap enough? For a game like these, it's a rather strange choice and not particularly economic of your relative time investment. Look at your common VN taking the same time or even far more it would take for one of the bigger Choicescript games to come out, only to have around 150k words (and that's on the higher side of those) spread across predominantly linear plot and routes, and that's with an artist or several taking their load off the writer.
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>Can you draw
I'm getting there.
If you can draw something like this, you certainly should just make a VN.
>those puffy nipples
This is really just a /weg/er colony, huh...
On a more serious note, I'd still advise against it. See how Scarlet Hollow can't release a single episode for 20 months already, and that's with two people working on it full-time 60–80 hours a week, both doing writing and coding, and the game being barely a step above Telltale mechanically and narratively. Go with something like the CoC format to still be leverage your art without it taking up too much time best spent on other things, or even something like MGD if you really want to stick with Ren'py.
Ever had a CYOA legitimately impress you with the quality of writing? Not by the standards of the usual amateur fiction Paralympics, but as actual literature.
I've never been "impressed" by the quality of anything's writing, ever. I care more about what actually happens than how it's described.
Really? I find it rather strange that someone who interacted with text for any extended amount of time hadn't developed any taste for the way stories are expressed, it's a rather intuitive thing.
As long as it's comprehensible at all, I really don't care. Some of the most entertaining books I've ever read had absolute dog shit prose because they were hastily translated by some guy with english as a third language, but I still found myself more engrossed in them than in any of the literary works that people parade as classics.
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>that tryhard sentence formulation
lol, but besides that, I enjoy both the absolute slop that is AO and fanfiction.net stories and at the same time, I love the classical literature.
I've only ever had that experience from Will Wight's "Cradle" series, which showed me fight scenes could be handled perfectly well in text.
Ah, the school of the Demonic Scriptures, I see. While I think focusing too much on the synopsis part instead of execution of it misses the point, I sorta get it if you're in it just for entertainment and not really into the aesthetics of it.
based cradlechad
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>mfw lunarGOD kiihakaiCHAD
Just one more month and a half! Trust the plan! 200k words!
Cultivator-anon, your game aping Cradle doesn't make Cradle a CYOA....
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>not lunarGOD akaCHAD
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>darkness element
>power and fortitude focus
Yup, it's gaming time.
>he takes pride in both his mind and his body being so weak that they cannot serve him as weapons
Your bloodline is weak, you will not survive the winter.
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>still peddling this gross misunderstanding of what being an Akakiru means
Getting real sick of your shit, Junior. Let's see if you can still run your mouth after we exchange pointers in the trials.
I have yet to play aura clash because mt thai obstructs my ability to remove the AI portraits.
I have yet to play aura clash because my meridians aren't crippled.
Machina is not Kuronkoton.
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This is so amazing...
This is me, but I roleplay I'm playing a good game instead
Anon, you can remove them in the Journal section at the very start of the game. That was implemented almost immediately after release.
I wonder if patreon extras count as lost media. Because it sure as shit feels like one when I'm digging for a specific one.
Is it something so obscure it's somehow not on kemono?
Nigga the event where you choose how to finish the second Taio literally has you stab a death curse into him. Kurokonton as a whole is about using Yin chi to sap/negate enemy powers like his Yetzirah and use death curses not unlike his Briah. Sure, he's missing some of the more Shinobi esque elements but death and negation are definitely aspects of kurokonton.
He probably speed read the style events. At first glance I was similarly dismissive but when I actually played it I saw that you BECOME the blade and even if you're completely naked you still have the ability to manifest chi blades of your own even if turning your bare hand into a spear/chainsaw isn't enough for you.
Are there any IFs on kemono to begin with? I think this niche is even more obscure than the VN one.
Holy shit are self inserters incapable of seperating themselves from their character? I make femPCs in games sometimes but I don't go around calling them trans because I'm a dude.
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Yeah, there are quite a few authors. Malin is the only one I ever bother checking at all, though, so don't really know about others.
On that note,
>Malin is a Y*lmfag
>Look up the Wayhaven patreon at a whim
>The Detective got superpowers now
What the fuck is going on with that series?
Ah little one, tis nothing. Self-inserters are a perpetual plague for as long as the world stands.
To be fair, that was hinted from basically the book 1. I am surprised it took this long to get to the point of reveal.
Edgy not-fae soulmatebonded MC with them and gave them lightning powers now. Said edgy not-fae is also a romance option for people who went with none.

That, of course, if you don't count megaspecial blood as a superpower in itself.
And they'll still be useless and be a damsel in distress for the vampires
Why does the detective just use a gun?
Because it is the most powerful of all powers.
Because the author dislikes guns. No, really.
Guns are inherently misogynistic. They refuse to be wielded by women and feminine men.
Also, apparently she's also getting into NTR now...?
>(man)whore protagonist
Anyone know what the Mystic Secret option is? I don't know what the trigger to actually use it is, think I only obtain it when doing Kiihakai or Aoyusumu.
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Any day now...Surely...
It requires Kiihakai, without it dessie's simps aren't there to prep a ritual for you
I write these words after a very stressful past few months, during which my mother's cancer, which I have mentioned, was only one of the issues which I had to deal with. But during that time, my love for Academagia, although unmanifested in participation in this forum, remained strong. I have faith in you people to release Y2, as I have faith in Buddhism, my skills as a writer, and my inability to walk during this lifetime.
I think it's a placeholder for different style specific things you can do.
I've gotten it as Kiihakai but the option is always greyed out.
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There’s a romeaboo game? What’s it called?
Any good comfy fantasy school related games like Keepers?
Shattered Eagle. Hope you like matriarchy.
SlavJank hogwarts soon trust the plan
Academagia is comfy if you love excel and not getting any sequels.
Well, there is Freshman Magic if you don't mind yaoi everywhere, and aside from this one... Waywalkers University was very nice and comfy. Would not recommend Professor of Magical Studies, that one is not comfy in the slightest and the fantasy magic school angle is pretty weak.
>psychic class has learning secrets and seeing the future in its description
>can't actually learn any secrets or see the future
such fucking bullshit man
>Waywalkers University
That takes me back. First one of these I ever read. Book 3 never actually happened did it.
SquireAnon turning in his grave rn
>Due to the nature of the story, I am focusing first on the Brahma route (try to keep your Lawful and Chaotic stats balanced at 50!), which is what I consider to be the "true" route of the story.
Yup, now this is real Fatlus hours.
>true route
What the fuck is the point of even making a CYOA then? Just write a book.
>not incorporating light and dark
RAAAGH I dunno man I'll check it out but I'm hesitant with how alignments interact and affect other characters with the usual cogite RO focus, I think it could be good but eh... I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't. Its can hard to balance alignments and not make one the obvious best one see most of megaten with the neutral bias. I might write something someday but right now I'm just trying to get my life in order.>tfw I never left the threads
Author says they're working on it, but... eh, could be another Magium for all I know.
It's always bugged me when games theoretically have multiple "valid" endings but one of them is clearly the favored one. Why even have multiple endings if you are just going to feel unsatisfied by most of them?

Triangle Strategy was frustrating for that. You have 3 endings that are kinda bleak in their own ways but then you have one "perfect" ending where all the good guys live happily ever after. I would have preferred that you just have those 3 endings but maybe inject a bit more of a positive side to each of them. Or hell, just go dark and make those 3 endings the only endings, no completely happy ending (though I would at least punch up Benedict's ending since there's basically nothing happy about it. Yeah, Serenoa is king, but he's completely incompetent and everybody except for Benedict is unhappy).
Light and dark are a bad inclusion turning the whole axis into just watered down DnD desu. Alignments are at their best when at their purest and extremest.
Anyway, why am I replying to an empty post? Strange, I feel as if there's a restless spirit about...Should call the Kuzunoha Agency.
I think light and dark work specifically for demons/or how popular a faction is in the status quo, light doesn't necessarily mean good and dark doesn't necessarily mean bad, Light is worshipped and revered while dark is reviled and feared, with demons a god like zeus would be light, he's not necessarily a good guy but he is the head of a pantheon, At the right angle I think the system could be really fluid
Keeper of sun and moon is VERY comfy AND school focused, you should try it!
>>like keeper
>reccomends keeper
lol, Keepers was my example of what I was looking for.
I guess it's unmatched as far as comfy goes in that kind of setting.
I really hate the "true route" thing in media because usually it's just the writer declaring the stuff I actually liked in the story to not matter, and all discussion to be limited to nerds arguing over the boring dogshit canon that killed all the interesting possibilities and mysteries that were teased at.
To me it just feels like the creator feels "obligated" to make multiple routes but there's only one they really care about. If you are going to go multiple routes, commit to it.
Only white people are American.
I can't tell if they are saying this as a good thing, or if they are being sarcastic and saying this as an "pwned" to the Author.
Haven't been here in a while. How is the Honeypot game going?
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why would you expect a no-game nigger to release anything?
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Ok this is cooler than just a simple sect only tournament.
Stop playing shit stories that have a bias. The true route reffers to a perfect ending, where everything goes right for everyone.
It is especially part of stories with supernatural elements, death games or games with scifi or timetravel element.
And most importantly, stop being a pansy. If you like a route, stand by it no matter what.
>hate character
>everything goes right for him in the """best""" ending
>it is now a bad ending, as he didn't suffer like should
My allies achieving happiness is secondary, the most important thing is for my enemies to suffer eternal punishment.
I completely understand the sentiment and often feel the exact same way.
>My allies achieving happiness is secondary, the most important thing is for my enemies to suffer eternal punishment.
That is just really not healthy, anon-kun. All that matters is whether you can be happy with your husbando/waifu and friends. You will not achieve happiness through petty revenge.
Not to mention, personally, I have many times stopped playing a game after I got the route I wanted and didn't bother to continue even if there was more content to play.
>The true route reffers to a perfect ending, where everything goes right for everyone.
Not really...? Mememasa's True Route for example isn't any happier than the previous ones. Most of the time it's really just refers to the plot structure where any other routes might as well be filler and often literally serves as one because you need to play them first before getting to the reeeel story.
Rewritten the prologue again. (This is the last time)
WIP by the end of the month. You'll know it's soon when I start spoonfeeding the synopsis.
>Mememasa's True Route for example isn't any happier than the previous ones.
Yes it is because Hikaru finds her happiness.
>imagine how much better it could have been if she were in her mid thirties and your were in your mid teens.
I mean yeah, in principle I'm right there with you, I just meant that it doesn't work for this particular game because of the backstory. It's a pretty cool setup, you might as well just play the game for yourself. The hags are cute

Like the other anon said, Shattered Eagle. There's also the other romeaboo game (cookies edition), Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian.
Choice like "save your mom or your dad" are kinda meaningless, since 99% of people would save their mom, unless outside factor are at play. Do you agree?
if you come from a normal family and with no exceptional circumstances in the background I'd say that yes, most would go for their moms.
Well, I was a Seeker in its original incarnation, so terrible gameplay isn't really a barrier for me. I guess I'll just end up only playing it once.
okay Mr Oedipus.
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Shit girls don't deserve to be happy.
What if I told you it's somehow even more terrible than Seeking?
>you might as well just play the game for yourself.
I do plan on giving it a go but I generally avoid WiP's. What kind of a state is it in?

Can I play a solid chunk of complete content are there still a lot of early pieces missing with placeholder dialogue/options?
Infinity Series. A little too long. A rollicking faux-historical novel written for the general reader, specifically for the young. Artistically unsatisfying. Cumbersome messages, didactic interludes, artificial coincidences. Uncritical of its historical sources.
glad you had fun, not gonna read your pseud babbling thoughever
Devon Connel. A favorite between the ages of 8 and 14. Essentially a writer for very young people. Certainly inferior to Marquis and Zaper. Intolerable souvenir-shop style, weeaboo clichés. Nothing I would care to have written myself. In mentality and emotion, hopelessly juvenile.
Funny you would say that...

(Two more weeks)
based schizo
masami's c___y...
Default runs aren't nearly as arse as Exile or Apostle, though. That's where all the terrible mechanics went.
I'm 50/50. Sometimes, my allies achieving happiness is my enemies' best punishment.
If a negro drove a car and ran over several white people, including children, during a parade and only got a small fine because any more would be "petty revenge" - would that be healthy and constructive?
The dad.
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It has the feel of trashy detective shows, but it feels strangely comfy. A twin sister for siscons, and I think she's the killer.
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Siscon trap planted successfully.
Why did nobody tell me about this before I started writing my game? Tsk tsk tsk
>*insert excruciating torture* isn't nearly as bad as *insert even more excruciating torture*. That's where all the pain went.
I sincerely hope you're aware you're being gradually conditioned by artists LARPing as game designers.
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Sister best LI. Keira might be another one, but right now there are a bunch of glowies that secretly kill for the Council, a shifty ex-glowie that isn't actually ex, a shifty manipulative lady named GOLDSTEIN and a moron bestie.

There are people who actually enjoy playing CPD. I'm not that far gone.
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Sanguine Sky was pretty decent, funnily enough. Feds are shown as evil and careless, police station has enough character, mystic shit isn't nearly as overbearing as the intro suggests, investigations are there and MC is just tired, not constantly genki like they're on crack.

It's pretty short, but eh, meat is there at the very least. And siscons will get a field day with this one.
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Another quick 128k words update.
>7 ROs
its never getting finished
Is this for his new IF? I wasn't impressed before because I think greenskins are shit, but now...
>two more weeks bros trust me
he can't keep getting away with it
Can this man ever be stopped?
Imagine romancing the glowies or GOLDSTEIN chick, tho.
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Ew, none of that text showed up in the caption when I picked that image. Ah well, the failure is a theme for the day. Orcgod truly is a menace to society who will reshape the IF author community into two groups: copers and seethers. The dude is a beast, I have no idea how he does ~100k words per month.
>he's a BG3fag
Careful not to let Larian writing influence your work anon!
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Play a better BG game
I would save my dad, my mom has expressed that she doesn't want to live longer then my dad in the past. So if I saved her it would only end up hurting her, where while my dad would hurt with the loss of my mom I think he would be able to bear it.
Do not hurt Aerie!
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At first Anon and I were delighted at reading Honeypot. We felt like we were on the portico of a great house. Then we realized there was no house.
>"nooo we can't just kill a cowled wizard because edwin told us to!!"
>Shut the FUCK up girl he probably deserves to die (anonen)
>Aerie this isn't some fairytale adventure get your head out of the clouds people can die (jaheria)
Companions dunking on aerie gives me life
Before kids I played just about every normie RPG due to the drought of the last decade, still waiting for the delayed DLC and chapter 7's completion to try Rogue Trader in earnest. Dragon Age's new game is the first fantasy AAA RPG that I'm going to outright pass on, it looks like ass to an intolerable level. Playing it looks like a legitimately negative experience and I would rather be at work.
Hey cultivator anon I broke your game.
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RT is good until chapter 3 where it falls off a fucking cliff because thats when Owlcat ran out of dev time and shipped it off years early. I played it once to completion around launch and i think it has the potential to be owlcat's best game yet but I'm waiting for more than just 1 dlc to fleshout the game.
What happened?
Shouldn't have given me the Time Warp foundation then
110 cores of it according to how much Desdemona sucked out of my balls.
Initially I triggered an unintentional bug where loading an old save kept my current stats but further back in the story, and I had no clue how it happened or how to replicate it.

Upon further testing I think it has something specifically to do with the ship ride after Taio. Taking a character sometime after Lightbringer fight (can be right after the fight, at the decision to stay the night or leave early, or at the seduction choices) and loading a save on the boat seems to let you keep the former's character state on the boat save so long as you choose an option on said boat save (going to show stats immediately after a load puts you back to where you were pre load) to "lock" you into being on the boat.

So I ended up looping this because every single pass from boat to post Lightbringer gives you the option to earn shards and consume soul treasures, especially important being the Kurokonton exclusive fish on the boat because unlike most soul treasures it does not suffer diminishing returns with higher ap (at alchemy 14 using the seal it would always give ~330 AP).

The looping only came to an end when I found out that, while my could keep growing infinitely, the game gave up trying to keep track of all my cores and starting loading me with 14k AP but with the cores I had on the actual boat save rather than the cumulative cores from multiple loops.
Actually, I don't think it's specific to the boat, that's just where I managed to finally replicate it. I now remember my first time was accidentally loading back from post Lightbringer to the second Taio fight, but I couldnt replicate that one while the boat loop worked until it could no longer handle my cores.
That was pretty bullshit.

She there wasn't a Kenosha Kid there that could have averted that tragedy.
It's a bug in how the game handles persistence when saving and loading. The earliest I've been able to trigger it is the first "free roam"/training segment; if you save the game at the start of the segment, do something permanent like buying the weighted training gear or a stat increase and then reload your save the effects still apply but your actions/resources get refunded. I didn't bother trying to see if I could stack it multiple times, though.
Yeah it's pretty common in a normal run to see a single instance of this but usually things reset once you progress to the next choice. This constant stacking loop was new to me. Also might explain why I get weighted clothing bonuses when hunting for soul treasures with Big Chi despite not having it.
can anyone tell me where all these text based games are located? especially cultivator anon's game? it seems like theres a whole world I've just discovered and have yet to explore
r8 my plot for a cyoa.
> You're a 30-something NEET who just got kicked out of your mom’s basement.
> With no money, you decide to check out a sketchy job listing that promises cash for participating in clinical cryogenics tests.
> You accept, sign the papers, do the tests and get paid. But as you're leaving the building with cash in hand, a crackhead stabs you.
> As you start to lose consciousness, you hear security responding to the commotion and rushing to help you while the crackhead flees with your hard earned money.
> They bring you back inside but never call 911. That’s when you remember the forms you signed—there was a clause where you agreed to surrender your body to the company in case of death for an extra 500 bucks. The lab wastes no time putting you in cryogenic test storage.
> You wake up in a sterile room, where a jaded man tells you that the company that owned your body went bankrupt, and now you belong to Mars Manpower Solutions. You're being shipped out to salvage derelict spacecraft near Jupiter.
> Why? Because it’s the future, baby! It's the year 2357, and the war against PrimeGPT which raged for decades and nearly wiped out humanity is finally over. With all AI now outlawed, our clients need as many organic hands as they can get.
> Hope you like reading, champ—this is the manual, 5000 pages pdf on how to salvage wrecks in space. Good luck!
For released games look up Choice of Games and Hosted Games on steam
For WIPs see here: https://forum.choiceofgames.com/c/hosted-games/works-in-progress/43
If the author has a patreon version with more content and you don't wanna pay, see this thread: https://choiceofmods.com/threads/wips-full-games-and-side-stories-not-public-version.3/
just make a book/10
Will you stop basing your personality on gender war and tiktok memes?
what's the meta on shattered eagle? I'm currently doing a lord baelish build maining economics and subterfuge
This is just Futurama+Ostranauts
A formidable mediocrity/10
It's a meme you dip.
r8 my plot for a cyoa
>set in mythological ancient Greece
>EVERYONE is a cute girl
>this includes ancient hero's like Hercules and Orpheus
>You play as zeus
Homeric laughter/10
I'd play it.
Average VN/10
>Triana update has dropped
There is 0 reason to have written anything but the last 3 lines (probably even the last one).
It's also not a plot, it's a setup for a story. You're a retard.

You are a genius.
IncestGODS are sure eating well these days.
She's a non-bloodrelated childhood friend, albeit
Is the Oujou-sama route developed yet?
Always going to be a sister in my heart.
>NBR sister
BR or NBR, both are good. It all depends on the framing of the story.
I'm starting to think incestfags aren't actually about incest.
thats like saying sex isnt about sex
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lolololololololololololololololololol lmao even
>play course of temptation
>say im straight in character creation
>still have multiple men hitting on me with the option to hit on them back
>football jock beat me up pushed me to the wall and then kissed me
if they wanted me to be bi they shouldve just told me damn
Wait until you bang a rando and it turns out hes trans
>football jock beat me up pushed me into a wall and then kissed me
You get what you deserve for playing shitty porn games
Raven is best girl.
what's incestual about fucking your step-sibling?
>the most formulaic yandere ever is best girl
Actually..she's not murder-happy against you, like a normal yandere. She doesn't try to stab the other girls, even during their romance routes. She kills people for entirely unrelated reasons.
It is about the feelings and how you were raised together. And how you still share parents either through marriage or adoption.
Man, towards the end of poma you can really feel Nicky just hates you for playing his game.
>1 choice, then there's 500 words and 10 checks of fighting before you get another choice
>fights have enough guaranteed damage to kill you even if you pass all checks, so they don't matter anyways
>forgets the option for using items to heal in between the guaranteed damage
>qi is supposed to be an upgrade to inner energy but is harder to come by, has higher costs and is your only way of advancing your character so techniques become not worth using
>adds a technique that costs 5 qi and if you don't use it you instantly die
>forgets to give you qi half the time you kill someone and conveniently before a big qi check that doesn't tell you how much you need and follows right after aforementioned technique
This is why you must always cheat in Nicky's game.
>fucking your childhood friend is now incest
You will never be a real sibling.
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>have dream last night
>go on an adventure, at some point there was a pirate ship, good stuff
>end up in the back of a classroom being taught by Tian Fang
>due to my meritorious service she feels compelled to reward me, but doesn't want to part with any loot
>suddenly raises her finger and says "ah, anon, a demonstration is in order"
>walks over to me, opens her robe while keeping it on, and straddles me in front of the whole class
>her robe is vividly soft, her face looks very soft, her lips look very soft
>leans over my face, her hair feels very soft as locks of it brush me
>tightens her legs around my back, leans closer for a kiss
>alarm wakes me up
...This is exactly what your modern token yandere is like, were you sleeping under a rock all this time?
Congrats cultivatorAnon you have made this anon have an erotic dream about your character
Fuck you mean, nigga? She's barely a Yandere at all. She will watch you date other women and do nothing about it. She's gotten more murderous over books than she has over other people being close to you.
i dont have anything to add to this you just come off as a passive aggressive contrarian and i want to call you a faggot for it. youre a faggot.
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It is not a childhood friend if it is adoption. There is nothing more romantic than being the son of a noble, and then one day your father brings another girl of your age, that he found in the forest, and he tells you that she is your sister now. And it is up to you to teach her emotions, because she was scarred emotionally. And teach her the ways of the nobility. And through that slowly develop a bond of love between you.
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>spending all the AC money to buy shitcoins
dudes talking about a heterosexual romance and still came off as gay
>still no siscon bait answerers
This orc guy is not simple. We must tread carefuly around him...
how fuckin long does it take to write a 500,000k cyoa? The Ork anon is pushing shit so fast its making me question if these other authors are just pussyfooting...
>>adds a technique that costs 5 qi and if you don't use it you instantly die
Just don't be a disgusting peasant who can't regenerate, you automatically pass it with 2 qi if you just tank that shit.
Not that long if you actually write instead of snorting coke off your patreon bux.
I got to 51k words today, and I started this month. As far as I can see it if you want to write it. Even if you wrote just one scene a day, it shouldn't take too long. A lot of authors just seem to either do it for the Patreon bucks, so they purposefully stall or are attention whores.
It depends on your process.

If you consistently write 2000 words a day you're probably in 80th percentile. That's 250 days to 500k words.

Wildbow, for example, outwrites even prolific authors like King with 5000 words a day, so he would do it in slightly more than 3 months.

But it's slower to write a CYOA because of various reasons, so I can see an additional month being added for coding and testing. The problem here isn't the wordcount, it's writing consistently good prose, editing efficiently and planning the branches.

My daily regime is 2000 words, although I usually aim for double that, but that's split between two CYOAs and a book, but the issue is I can write 10k words, and then none of them go into the final product because I'm multiple-drafts kind of guy. Not even going into the fact I can and did change significant parts about the narrative because I though it makes a stronger story.

>are attention whores
Literally me.
I honestly struggle to keep 1k/day. I can go 3-4 days without having an hour to myself to write.

Based probably-zaper
>Not even going into the fact I can and did change significant parts about the narrative because I thought it makes a stronger story.
True, I do the same thing. Which unfortunately also often leads to eventually abandoning the project because I am never satisfied with the theme, framing or characters. I have an entire folder of unfinished tales at this point. That is why I came to the conclusion that I should never second guess myself anymore and go with my gut.
>I can go 3-4 days without having an hour to myself to write.
Feels good being a neet being supported by my girlfriend.

>Based probably-zaper
God I wish.

>That is why I came to the conclusion that I should never second guess myself anymore and go with my gut.
Doesn't work for me. I just hate myself too much.
On the plus side of this, I think the latest iteration of Crawl is 200% better than what I had in mind in the original. I'll still change what I can before two-more-weeks run out, since the prologue has a sequence of complex events running in quick succession which I think will confuse too many people, but at least I can explain the story itself in a concise manner.
Are there any urban supernatural detective IFs that aren't Wayhaven in the IF lineup? Rent-A-Vice doesn't really count, Heart of the House is gothic mystery, and aside from these two, I can't remember any detective games to begin with.
Choice of Deathless is essentially a detective.
Aren't you a fag?
you're the fag for replying
Do you? I thought it killed me from full hp, but maybe I only healed with the talismans at the one opportunity the game let me (because it's way better than actually using your innate regeneration ability) and forgot to try topping myself off before that page. it's still retarded though, that you have to trial and error to figure out which page kills you from 80% to 0 if you don't heal yourself up.
You take a lot of damage from it, so it's with an assumption that you can tank the hit or revive with a robe or the revive passive.
2k words a day and the game is STILL not release you HACK
Sometimes I spend days trying to write a single choice. For example, I'm trying to write Elementalist MC defeating an overpowered Shimmer by using a "localized Heat Death of the Universe" attack but I have zero knowledge of thermodynamics and can't even wrap my head around the concept of entropy no matter how Wikipedia articles I read. I wish I was smarter, or at least paid more attention during high school
Just make up something that looks cool. As long as it is fun, it is all that matters.
Just watch a shitty youtube video and describe what you saw.
20$ is 20$.

Half of those are my book.
Sorry, I don't have any justifications.

Entropy means everything gets shittier with time.
Also you're a retard.
>anon learns the forbidden truth of Bifags
>Entropy means everything gets shittier with time.
You don't fucking say
>Also you're a retard.
You don't fucking say
Never reply to no-game honeyscum
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>not defeating shimmer with the power of love
shiggy diggy
>captcha: D000
That's one of the options too
Do a bunch of coke and write it all while high out of your mind like all good authors do.
>In King’s memoir titled On Writing, he details his writing process and how he became the prominent author that he is today. Yet, unfortunately, despite his success, he battled an addiction to drugs and alcohol. While writing several of his novels in the 1980s, he had to write with “cotton swabs up his nose” because of his cocaine addiction.

“There’s one novel, Cujo, that I barely remember writing at all,” wrote King. “I don’t say that with pride or shame, only with a vague sense of sorrow and loss. I like that book. And I wish I could remember enjoying the good parts as I put them down on the page.”
King is a shitty fucking writer tho.
Sorry, I don't have any justifications.
its fine man but get your ass to it i need more mechanically deep stories to code-dive in so i can learn from that shit
and I need BEE puns I like failure girls Okay?!
>no austin power cyoa
why even live
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>Remember I'm paying zaper 10 bucks a month
what should I have him name cyoa bros?
In general, I wish there were more actual pastiche cyoas. I had that longing forever since I played Midsummer Night's Dream.
Whatever it is, have him name it Honeypot so Zaper beats Honeypot to the pot.
House Honey of Potland
Their motto is: Deeds Never Done
>Their motto is: Deeds Never Done
Holy fukn kek
Just publish it as soon as you hit a satisfying stop point or catchy cliffhanger. You're supposed to hate your own work, people will let you know if it sucks. I hated chapter 5. I hated chapter 6. Both were received well, and I currently hate chapter 7 so it'll go great too.
write more of my chinaman erotica you fuckin Nice old man
as cringy as the aura clash fanbase can be its nice to see that a game oriented towards guys can get a lot of traction on there. yeah i know the game has female mc option and ros for them but lets be real the whole game is as straight male as it gets. hoping the wip i publish one of these days gets the same chance. or it could be a i the forgotten one situation where someone barges into the thread of a game not made for them, deride it for not having X Y or Z and get 100+ likes. we'll see
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Just give me a good bi threesome bro or like an actual good plot with branching paths if you wanted us to do something crazy like choosing our own adventure in this otome game engine
Just put a warning that the game might not be for everyone just like you see in the beginning of the movies. Viola, problem solved.
>good bi threesome
there will be at least two opportunities to get dick wet with multiple women at the same time. need to actually decide at what point in the story does it happen.
>good plot with branching paths
this is my achilles heel. settings, characters, writing style, i can handle all those just fine. but the plot, i cant pin it down. coming up with a skeleton is incredibly easy but trying to put in the meat and flesh gets really wonky. mechanics is also a bit of an issue not because im bad at it but because i ALWAYS let the autism go overboard and overcomplicate it way too much. i do want a mechanically complex game like wangs or kyles but its hard to do your first time without bungling it up. i also liked honeypots ideas from that ramble he had a long time ago, and am trying to work some of that advice in as well.
why haven't anyone made a good RO that courts (you)? like daeran does
Kill yourself.
yeah especially when it's a cute girl
or a cute boy
How did she make her own sect think she was your sister when she was the daughter of their former master?
They've never actually looked above her cleavage before.
A retcon on the recent update addressed that, she says that they knew who she was, but Taio didnt, so they threw her under the bus to get her tortured by a professional due to some internal sunbringer strife (which makes sense now that we find she was in the running for leadership and the ones with crow li wanted him in charge)
>sw*rd autist
>trying to pass
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Do you have brain damage?
Only ambitious nonentities and hearty mediocrities exhibit their rough drafts. It is like passing around samples of one's sputum.
Man, it's fucking annoying that they never do. The two characters that have put a minimum otome effort into trying to woo MC in CoG stuff were Hawkins and Wakefield. M doesn't count because he's pure cringe and his route only gets better once it officially starts, Jun has established relationship with MC.

Did you know, by the way, that the fuckboy Hermes in Fields of Asphodel repeatedly asks your consent for simply hugging you?It's a new level of obnoxious safe romance bubble wrap proofing.
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Can't wait for the scene where it is revealed that the cultivator is canonically bad at sex.
I was so disappointed by wayhaven because I wanted to be a badass chainsmoking alcoholic detective and instead im some sort of hipster faggot. What a bummer. I WANTED TO BE A COOL NOIR DETECTIVE, NOT A STRUMPET!!
Lada and whatshisname the brother from the cutter game are exactly that, no?
A significant portion of Welles' scenes in Lords a total of 4 sentences on high friendship is her autistically hitting on the Dragoon which he's too autistic to react to, as well.
>autistically hitting on dragoon
I love my autistic feminist revolutionary wife
Sorry anon, it's made for a female MC and also the author doesnt like guns anymore so no guns allowed.
What made them anti-gun?
Some of these IFs are jarring when it comes to the MC choice. Like the guy is trying to talk and act like a college girl. Might as well remove the male option and just replace it with a tranny one or something.
The game's description wasn't enough of a tell for you?
Akshually outside of her views on fairer sex she's borderline reactionary and thinks the baneless have too many rights as it is.
>baneless have too many rights
holy based, or would be if my best bro wasn't a baneless
One knight stand is too upfront with its ""horror"", I prefer slowburns. That being said its prose is good, even if the content of whats written is pretty childish.
>I prefer slowburns
I'm starting to find out it's pretty difficult to write
whats the idea behind the hag stuff? I can understand if its having the hots for a woman in her early 30s who looks really young for her age but do people actually go for 40 and 50 year old?
>this bombshell 18 years old adult cannot consent to sex and a relationship since her brain is not fully developed!
That's what they think unironically.
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you wouldnt get it.
I want to fuck your mom.
>if my best bro wasn't a baneless
>Bird Cult Sim has a new rewritten demo
>MC is now betrothed to the head of the bird cult who is apparently much older than them and is supposedly meant to just be a ceremonial thing
>when groomer rapists are already a thing in the previous demo
>and they're an actual RO
Ooh, spicy
Mature older women with confidence are hot.

There's just something sexy about aging gracefully. Especially if they've kept healthy and active, or have a driving hobby or passion.
>That being said its prose is good
You guys have the shittiest taste.
Nothing can beat Astoria so who cares?
>not wanting to be fought over by two of the cults higher ups
>especially when the Phoenix is mentioned to be the 2nd biggest red flag
The prose is pretty bad but the amount of roleplay options is fairly impressive IMO.
Many older players have brainrot and can't rp into being a young person interested in young people so they must date hags or old farts to not feel dirty
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>im not ol-
>24 in the next couple months
>>people born in 2000 are already/are turning 24 soon
>psyop from old women seething that no one gives them attention anymore
>vocal minority of men who are mentally unwell/unsuccessful with women their own age
>going after the 2% who age gracefully
>terminally online people who just repeat jokes and trends without putting any thought into them
take your pick
>terminally online people who just repeat jokes and trends without putting any thought into them
This one is always the most likely option.
Hey, it's pretty decent if you just pretend that anything outside the Camelot section exists.
>started reading Reverend Insanity because of the memes
>by chapter 700 it became zombie kike henry ford capitalist simulator
It's very good but still this threw me off a bit.
Alright, I finished the prologue. So how do I upload this?
Just dump it at dashingdon
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Yea, but where do you upload it on it?
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Literally next page.
Tehehe, I am indeed stupid.
Thanks, though.

Anyway here is the prologue.
>slavic twink
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>adventures in early notAustro-Hungary
Wang-tier naming conventions.
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Chapter 1 really makes one ponder. Riveting themes. A classic for our time.
>adventures in the chaotic era of 14th-century Hungary
He needs more sfm's
>what's the meta on shattered eagle?
No idea, I just went all-in on Warfare and Rhetoric in an effort to kill as many people as possible.
Amusingly because I only have 1 Subterfuge I'm incapable of deceiving anyone so all my flirting is for real, even though I'm completely in love with the Empress.
At the start Subterfuge is the god stat, then in the next few chapters Economics gets very strong. Scholarship also gets some cool stuff IIRC.
Dad, but I have a fantastic dad and a very bad relationship with my mother, so that thats in the end it would likely depend on how it is written.
>tfw still no sci-fi ubersquad games

I want this specially because I want to see them ape Crysis in text form without it being like Mobile Armored Marine.
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Anyone know if it's possible to increase time you have before the Heavenly Trials start in chapter 3 of Aura Clash? I can't find the correct value no matter where I look
It's a temp variable called "months" declared at the start of chapter3.txt.
thanks anon for making me feel like I'm a discord erotic roleplayer
>he didnt pick the second option to be a loving but responsible brother
I did pick the second objectively correct choice, I just wanted to highlight this one for its wording
Finally twin noble Kino
Well, objectively correct is a matter of perceptions. The sister would want you to be a submissive cute brother.
would she? I think she'll like the PC no matter how he is as long as he isn't a total stick in the mud. One of the options was to be just as wild as she is and I doubt she would dislike that.
i am the straightest man this general has ever seen but the things id do to hear him giggle as he plops that ass on my face
for me its chase, that retard is way too quick to forgo his government spying shit in an attempt to protect the bird cult autist pc and I think thats cute
To be fair, unless the MC goes fully evil, she likes him unconditionally. And if he does ..... heheahahmuhwaha it will be fun.
please Don't make me hurt my twin or be a weird possesive guy
He's cute and fun to bully, but autistic possessive vampfu is on top
true, I'm sure wearing her ring will have no unforseeable consequences
Massive fags, what else?
same reason silver foxes are a thing
>calling men who want older women fags when there are actual faggots in this thread
Yes. They are both literally the same. They are trying to fuck something solely for the sake of pleasure and not procreation and will do interdimensional backflips to cope.
This. If you aren't checking to make sure she's on her fertile period before you stick it in, you are basically a sodomite and need to be stoned to death. I get so sick when I see older couples that haven't divorced and continue to show physical closeness.
infinitybros, which home region do I pick for a betrothed with the fattest fucking knockers?
>they are trying to fuck something solely for the sake of pleasure and not procreation
Wrong, the best thing about hags is hag sex and impregnation. I WILL save their eggs.
>I get sick when I see old people
>interdimensional backflips
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its a funny cope though
Aetoria or Salt Coast. Who the fuck picks living in... Cen... taur over these two?
Big bountiful Aetorian tits
women preferring/getting with older men is a tale as old as time. men doing the same with older women is not.
All non-procreative sex is wrong, no matter the circumstances. End of story.
>b-but, what if we're married or pregnant or post meno or or or
Shut up, no one cares about your excuses for your twisted behavior. Just own up to being a degenerate and keep your shit out of our CYOAs.
there will be 4 hags in my post apocalyptic bronze age cyoa
what's the big deal about an apocalypse if you only lose some bronze age dog shit
Imagine picking hags when you can be a CunnyCHAD.
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>when you can be a CunnyCHAD
Name all games that let you do this.
True enlightenment is being a lolibabaGOD
Samurai of Kusoga
Sword of Rhivenia
Doomsday on Demand
Lords of Infinity
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MSGK > Lolihag
what makes a wip go viral? what separates the stuff like poma and aura and infamous that get thousands of replies from the guy who work for years and only gets a dozen/few hundred replies?
Some genres are just fundamentally more popular than others. Cultivation thing is popular because it appeals to the numbers go up and power-level obsessions. Infamous is otome ya thing.
Advertising I guess. I genuinely don't understand the cyoa audience myself if I were to be honest.
Probably helps to have a meaty initial release.
>hey guys check out my wip, it has 10k words!
Come on now, I need at least ten times that much to care.
A lot of WIPs are just plain bad, but I've yet to see one which didn't get traction but had consistent updates.
But there are no cultivation CYOAs.
Shut up, schizo. If you are dissatisfied make your own cultivation cyoa.
>anon shilling for zaper
Didn't he die from an overdose?
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>there will be 4 hags in my post apocalyptic bronze age cyoa
Uh, based
>or Salt Coast
ngl, but I got the impression that most Salt Coast women would be fairly flat.

It was described as a hard place to live so I'm sure food isn't as plentiful as other regions and that just day to day living wears down the body and burns excess fat quicker there.
Never read Franklin's "Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress", have you?
Cyberpolice is very big and had consistent updates, but I don't really ever see anyone talk about it.
If we take Welles being consistently described as thick-/full-bodied as a baseline for "fertility of the region directly correlates with the assets of women", then Cunaris is obviously directly next in line.
The only interesting thing about that game is the idol chick.
Speaking of hags there will be a hag ara ara witch, an ancient dragon that can turn into twink himbo and a horsie, in muh game. Naturally, they are not romanceable. Sister is all you need.
Which is still more interesting things than otomebait №321 or orientalistbait №4.
Also fuck you the schizo psychic detective girl was good.
Well to be fair Cyberpolice is an insane snoozefest. I'd unironically rather read infamous and wayhaven, and I don't even like romances.
>Sword of Rhivenia
Isn't that the game where Best Girl is your sister?
Athris is indeed the best.
Too bad the story is shit but the sister relationship is genuinely great
Does this person know how female fertility works? They're born with all the eggs they'll ever have. There are no pills that make them create more eggs, once they're out they are out
>There are no pills that make them create more eggs, once they're out they are out
That just means you aren't trying hard enough!
Scholarship does get some cool stuff, like half-realising that you're in a post-apocalypse setting if I remember right. Still, Warfare lets you be personally responsible for the deaths of two of the old royal princesses which is the coolest option.
I fell in love with her during the first sibling bonding time when she helps you beat up some bullies, since she steps in to protect you but likes it the most if you beat one up yourself.

Yeah, I remember not being invested in the story at all but the sister was the best. I enjoyed the differences between her becoming queen and you becoming king, but she's equally great on each path. Aside from that the only thing I really remember was being amused at your retarded half-brother throwing a fit because of how easily you can make your childhood friend fall in love with you instead of him.
>since she steps in to protect you but likes it the most if you beat one up yourself.
For me, the biggest "sealing of the deal" was that she stands behind you no matter what, if you beat them up, cry, or stay aloof. I am sucker for unconditional familial love.
Filtered by the Gray Mass™
played and dropped half way through(?), idk, I'd say I gave a fair shot
but shit was just too boring
For good reason. Nothing happens in that game. Do consistent updates even matter when it's all just fluff?
It has like three big investigation sections with a lot happening (even a fucking freeroam stealth mission) and is supposed to get to the finale once the author finishes up with the one-night stands. I don't see how this is just fluff, but something like FH:Retribution isn't.
What, you don't consider endless whining and being forced to interact with people who could crack your scheme content? Or overwrought descriptions of scenery that don't affect a thing?

Speaking of overwrought descriptions, has anyone read chapter three of Golden Rose yet?
Aren't there a bunch of side plots he hasn't started? He's not finishing the game before 2040.
>only interesting thing is the whore
I disagree.
Anyone knows if there's a demo for the new WoD game?
anon I...
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If your characters are ugly or mentally ill fags and trannies I won't read your work. Simple as.
Hide post
Are you saying that there are mentally ill fags and trannies that are attractive to you?
I miss hawkins fag...
Still here. Started learning to draw so I will finally get my fanarts... need another five years or so for basic skills, but hey, gotta put effort into things.

No new exciting boys in the fresh content either. Still no Alain content in chapter 3. Life is suffering.
But don't you also play as a geezer thoughbeit, Anon-kun?
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anyone try that native american wip? is it any good?
>Check a WiP description
>A dozen paragraphs describing how romance mechanics work in it and bugger all else despite the stated premise having nothing to do with romance
>Oh, the actual actual mechanics of the game? Uhhh...Ummm... All stats in the game serve to change the narrative according to the decisions you make in the story. There is no “failure” mechanic in the story, and there never will be. Emm...Yeah that's it.
Yep, a female author was here.
>Started learning to draw so I will finally get my fanarts

I'm in the trenches with you anon. Keep it up. It's worth it.
Yep. Just need to persist at it.

Man, it's just shameful that no one really tries all that much with the new LIs. No emotion, no tension, nothing. It just gets so stale at this point - it's been about a year since I specifically fashioned a character for LI alone.
No, you're thinking about Blair
no but he might get shanked because he lives in brazil
What kind of armaments are Brazilians allowed to possess? If they can own firearms he should get a shotgun or something. Just blast the asshole breaking into your place.
>blast asshole
>asshole belongs to gang
>gang comes and records new /gif/ video with you
fitting punishment for all the slop hes pushed out
Abra, seu filho da puta! Onde está meu sexo com a Telltale!?
>What kind of armaments are Brazilians allowed to possess?
criminals up to 50cal and RPG's
citizens get buried in bureaucracy and can get denied due to subjectivity.

I heard it got better after Bolsonaro's reign but idk if it all has been reverted already.
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You should write what you know so the ugliest and most mentally ill character in my work is the MC.
Also all the LIs are tomboys.
Just like the real life, the mentally ill fatass (britbong) gets the tomboy.
I'd play a fat bastard cyoa.
You already are anon. You just can't load saves and have to live with your poor decisions.
Superhumanchads... it's out.
really? neat.
His work pace is incredible
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3 months for 3 hours of content, pretty sweet.
Isn't that Juan's game?
That's Tale of Heroes.
Subhuman is /weg/slop.
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And so I begin to work on chapter 1 - mines route
>3 months for 3 hours of content
Some people could never.
>shitty weg is out
Kill yourself.
That's like half the games discussed here, whose stories are just vehicles for smut.
Why are you purposefully being retarded and making things up?
aura clash makes up half the games discussed here so he's correct by default
I refuse to bite the bait, I will simply ignore your falsehoods.
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He is not baiting though. CYOAs, IFs, Roleplay, DnD, VNs, Fanfics, all of those were always very much a vehicle for romance and smut. That doesn't mean there can't be more to them.
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Wait am I not supposed to beat my meat to jobbing in poma
Name 5 Fighting Fantasy gamebooks that had romance and smut.
>playing poma after the ability to lez out with the slut master got removed
>Roleplay, DnD, VNs, Fanfics
Wasn't talking about any of these you stupid nigger.
Aura Clash
Samurai of Hyuga
Lords of Infinity
Fallen Hero
Keeper series
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I do it for my cute poison user wife.
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Are there any LIs like that in general? I remember Jun recounting stuff ronin did while they were separated, but no stalking specifically...
you won't know
The existence of female authors alone proves me right. You know it to be true.
Meme Meme wishes she was worth half as much as the dirt off Scorpfu's feet.
Is this...the power...of female brain reading comprehension...?
She always ends up hating me, even when I help her in everything.
Upload your demo already faggot
>have to be a retard simp to romance her
no thanks
I think you need to be a complete simp and get poisoned by her in order for her to like you. No wrong phrases, just simpery supreme.
Does she still like you after you're her bodyguard and kill the demon guy if you let her cure you from her own poison? Kinda makes sense, since her reason for wanting to kill you was not being able to control her, but if you let her cure you she gets your heartblood which lets her control you (though not sure that's the better alternative).
You know, I just randomly decided to rewatch Dororo OP. And now I wish for cyoa like that (no Kusoga doesn't count)
Mei is a delicate flower, you have to handle her with care.
>let her poison you
>don't let her know that you know
>bomb LC for her. No, you can't toss the bomb and beat him with your seed
>don't interrupt her while she's tricking him
>NOW you let her know that you know
There, now you're on the Mei route. Make sure you have 90+ relationship with her and at least 5000 charisma.
This anon >>3617240 posted a guide of sorts. She's very finicky, and to be honest, girls like her in wuxia are dime a dozen at the very least. I never got the hype.
I did all of that and she tried to kill me after I properly did my body guard duty for her. I did heal her poison in the infirmary though.
You either failed the relationship/charisma checks or picked the wrong options when trying to convince her.
Mei mei is a stupid bitch. The prince dude was the best bro before he got turned into a woman because nickydicky banned being gay
Women being in charge in a wuxia/xianxia is anathema to the manly theme of cumulative hard work and success. Every "dommy mommy" who isn't secretly a sub should immediately burst into flames, and should the Heavens fail in such a duty, I will burst them into flames myself.
What's the point of cultivating immortality if I can't get a sexually aggressive cute girl to occasionally crush my pelvis or step on me?
I do not like the jobbing, but I appreciate Nicky for cultivating the dao of femdom.
What pushed wuxia into mild mainstream, anyway? Mo Dao Zhi Shi was mainly culture and danmei, other danmeis were like that as well. I don't remember anyone being autistic about wuxia before... like, 2022?
I just want to bro out with tang ruo (no homo)
There's a charisma check?
Amazing Cultivation Simulator.
The Sseth video specifically or the game itself?
Yeah. It's hidden and story mode doesn't cover it (the poem competition does the same thing), so always pump charisma.
Thunderbolt fantasy maybe
I noticed on the poem contest, but winning that seems useless anyways and generally there's so few charisma checks, I left it at 1 even when I had maxed everything out and 5k exp saved.
>almost 2 weeks before Thunderkino Fantasy
I doubt there’s been any releases since a month ago but are there any good ongoing WIPs that have cute girls in them that AREN’T dead? I’m talking about the WIPs by the way, not the girls. Undead chicks can be cute.
there was a pretty basic "monster highschool" themed CoG game that had a cute zombie girl
I've been reading Reverend Insanity and now i want to play as a demonic cultivator. Which game lets me use children as materials to refine Gu?
There are only two cultivation CYOA games, and they have both been mentioned multiple times in this thread.
I know, I've already played them. I've been hoping for new alternatives.
I’ve been hoping for Samurai of Hyuga but good and it still hasn’t happened.
There are no cultivation games. The closest we've got is Bleach-likes.
And that's a good thing!
Is it possible to save your restaurant and be friends with Mei Mei at the same time?
Stop being a lazy faggot and make your own game then.
>a CYOA about taking narratively unsatisfying powerup pills and sitting on your ass on some mountain away from everybody meditating for years and years
It would suck
Not without "heavenly intervention" I think.
cyberpunk bros have been awful silent...
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>mfw jadechad
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>mfw kitsune merchant
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>mfw all-seeing
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>mfw all the above posters job during the trials
cyoa's for curbing the urge to rape aqua?
Why would you ever want something like that?
Goku lost his first two World Martial Arts tournaments. It's not about being the very best at the start, it's about finding new limits to surpass.
>you're gonna lose the tourna---ACK!!!!!
>coughs blood
Jobberbros get out, we're not jobbing, trust the plan!
I'd be disappointed if a girl from a small village managed to trample all of the North despite only training for few months. It would be expected, but it would also be incredibly boring - this shit is ever-present in wuxia.

"Oh, young master / mistress, don't go there, the cultivators are powerful and you have only trained for a day! Oh no, young master / mistress, you have decapitated the head of their clan for slighting you and now we will surely be besieged!".

Can you name some examples of wuxia where this happens?
>This dog doesn't know of the immensity of Heaven and Earth, this dog has eyes but cannot see Mount Tai! Countless geniuses and heroes and born every day, how can you claim to know their worth? I'll destroy your meridians unless you kowtow to me one thousand times.
Mainly web novel stuff. I can't name the names, they're in chinese and I don't remember them well, but this was near-constant. Sure, they'll throw in some training, but after that it's just shameless powerwank. If you want to write powerwank, start with the trained cultivator! No need for this pussyfooting.
>I can't name the names
I mean we're already beating star pupils from other sects that spent their entire life training with the greatest amount of formal training we ever received being 4 months under Big Chu.
Big Chu is just that talented of a teacher.
MC seems lucky so far as he's gotten 3 Gates to himself with a gate-specific Foundation. And we beat Fang inside a Gate too. She jobs hard in ch6 though.
>siren bitches flirting with me
>"oh yeah by the way kosuke is right there and will dismember you if you say yes"
t-thanks... doesn't matter though since I was gonna make those bitches do paperwork either way.
Those are the boring cultivation novels. The chad ones have the weak MC scheme for 100 chapters before sacrificing their entire village to a demon in exchange for a power-up.
Jack is the same thing except he's daddy's boy. He's already surpassed (you) to the point of selling his own path manuals, him being the favorite to win the trials altogether. We should be able to scrape top 10 if optimized.
I can't wait for the disappointment on mao's face when he learns femc fucked Jack
I don't think there's a single character who won't be disappointed by that.
>your parents
>your siblings
>Jack himself, cause you'll probably beat his ass and make him the bottom in the relationship
>You, for wasting a playthrough on this
Shit's gonna be hilarious.
oh for sure Jack is getting domed by me (forma de female) and it will be glorious.
>tfw kosuke perspective of seeing his/her best friend flirting and pinning after the first asshole cultivator they meet
Vampire House?
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Sorry bro, been too busy chasing gnosis. You rang?
Why CoGites defend one knight stand like it's the greatest IF in existence. It's one of the most poorly-written reference-spamming unfunny piece of shit WiP's I have ever read.

It drowns in it's references and it's written like taking the worst aspects of the worst of the worst marvel movie slop.
Because it's...le big! Surely the author couldn't waste so much text and branching on nothing! Look at how big the game wiki is, that must surely mean that did some amazing amount of research and that'll assuredly be reflected in the game's quality!
And you can even play a mute retard! Mute!! Retard!!!
>Look at how big the game wiki is
>you can even play a mute retard!
literally me
Because it's got an interesting enough premise and has enough options to roleplay almost every combination of choices that still push the story forward in one way or another.

People don't play these games to be a numberfag or get railroaded by Kenshin from Wish, they play the CYOA to actually Choose Your Own Adventure. Plus the lel meme xd writing can be safely ignored, if it's not to your taste, you can easily play a serious, focused character.
These posters are either seething women or faggots.
It lets me play a near mute schizoid
Merlin is a femboy if you pick non-binary version. Aside from that, it's at least progressing somewhat quickly. Might actually release.
It's a literal in-game dramatis personae on Arthuriana.
Rewrite for that one german cult game has been announced and sorta-kinda finished. I wonder if the project will die right after that.
I for one am chasing those fucking clown vans, just got to the airport.
I am using a fucking gas guzzling Humvee for this since it was the car I was working on reselling. I am burning money the longer this clown chase goes on.
At least we get 20 credits outta this event.
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>Plus the lel meme xd writing can be safely ignored
Memelin is dumped on you to stay there for the rest of the games regardless of your choices, however.
I have never saw a caramel ice cream in my life.
I sure hope you ate icecream until you got a bad trip before you caught the vans and they disappear! It would be so funny if you had to wait until the next year to solve the event story, ahahahaha...
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I didn't actually, I did gorge myself on ice cream every chance I got but I never tasted the rainbow one since that option popped up right as I begun trying to chase these guys. I assume The rainbow flavor is the one that gives you the trip?
It's random. I gorged myself on rainbow and strawberry last two times the event was around and got nothing, ate vanilla today and finally got it.
On that note, fuck the dev and fuck his shitcord. Deleting any messages that give you any actually useful tips beyond
>Just be yourself :)
on a fucking time-limited event is such a retarded rule I can't even
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Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck did he mean by this?
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Ha, jealousy!
I legitimately don't know what you're talking about. Are you referring to the emoji-ridden text that you can easily ignore? Because otherwise, Merlin is a normal character.
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Hey, he scored earlier than I did! Fuck it, bird girl and Galimar are my love trio now.
>if you don't actually read Merlin sending knowyourmeme links to you unpromted they're a normal character
Amazing reasoning. The game also doesn't suffer from pointless bloat at all since you can simply click through all the words, too.
Seen it plenty of times here in Brazil. It's delicious.
>this nigger faggot didn't romance both melaxu and hyranni at the same time
Massive faggotry.
>what the fuck did he mean by this?
He meant that he has no taste. Drag is kino. Felix Yusupov told me so.
If Cyberpunkdreams is so good how come you can't dress up like a clown?
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This was messy. Very messy. Checks changing their way of working helped out a ton, but it was still not perfect in the slightest.

Used Raun to kill the Scorpion, hounded Teija, got imprisoned in the mock trial and persisted through will alone, tried my best to ensure Zorisa keeps her throne and makes Stormraiders a part of the world. Galimar's parts with Gisla were actually pretty damn nice, he carried the latter half of the book.

Still pretty choppy and feels like best of edit with stat checks shoved in at almost every page. Got no bitches because there is no legitimate way, it seems, for my save to have over 65 rel value with Galimar - not that romance seems to matter that much anyway outside of the specific interlude. Triggers are still shoved in at the most inconvenient moments - the most fitting one was Galimar strictly because I did not have to flirt with him the second he appeared on the screen in order to not miss out on the romance trigger.

New additions are nice, though. Outside of the weird triggers I did like Clannath and Col, and Hyranni was alright as well. I just never get to see them as characters, not as tools I can throw at the check.
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>It would be so funny if you had to wait until the next year to solve the event story, ahahahaha...
Just solved the event story. Literally nothing happens. The game tells you to just move on and next time you draw the card you can't follow them around anymore.
Even Fallen London isn't as obvious in this regard. Man, he really doesn't give a shit, does he?
> Play cog game
> The game doesn't force you to play as a chick, but every character treats you like you are one.
This is why I hate cog games. The whole "play as a man, woman, be gay, bi or straight" is total bullshit.
You didn't solve it, the story ends elsewhere. You got stonewalled, congrats. I've been there for...two years now? There's achievement for actually solving it, and you get a clown mask as an in-game item to wear as a riveting piece of social commentary on the game's audience.
Now go get your icecream if the trucks are still around and eat those until hallucinate a ring of fire. IIRC the author said it's not actually random for your particular character, so probably the type of ice cream that does that is set in the background and you just have to puzzle it out. I think the right one signposts itself to you by saying it tastes really good if you pick it?
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You can, albeit?
>You didn't solve it, the story ends elsewhere. You got stonewalled
Thanks fucking dumb as hell, its already a limited time event. Why force the player to wait an IRL year to have an attempt to finish the storyline?
The game’s designed for subhumans by an subhuman.
aura spics are so annoying :/
we should ban all discussion of aura clash and any other spic slop
Low t post
Call me retarded but how is that Bohemian in any way? It's literally a wife beater with blue stripes.
Getting drunk and jumping into fountains is kind of bohemian. Wearers of this do that once a yea.
we NEED more fujoposting however :p
we NEED zaper
Is femboy Merling a LI/RO for males? I need to know. The answer will decide whether or not I give it a chance.
I think he's bi, so anyone will do. Just make sure to pick non-binary pronouns for Merlin once he appears, male version isn't nearly as feminine as non-binary one is.
yeah. I don't trust the wizard though. I mean I don't trust the other dude either but atleast he isn't a wizard.
aura clash is objectively worse, anons here and cogites dickride that game hard
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>tfw I wanted Riqqi to be my love
Holding out hope for the option in book three.

>bird girl and Galimar are my love trio now
Based. Galimar is an excellent character and I was surprised how quickly the Murderbird grew on me.

Not him but Melaxu felt more like a friend to me and I unlocked Hyranni too late to really find out much about her. She did start growing on me at the end, and her being described as fit and broad definitely scored her points.

I ended up with Zozzy, Murderbird and Galimar. Not that anything with Galimar ever went anywhere and apparently I'm taking a long courtship path with the Murderbird. We constantly had sweet moments but nothing physical, which is nice. Zoriza tho didn't fuck around.
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Holy fucking based. Thanks bros.

Now I just need to look up and see if this game is on steam.

Ah fuck, apparently not. Damn.

Nice build.

I ended up using the machine to kill the scorpion. Hard sided with Zoriza at every chance and tried my best to intergrade the Stormraiders. Also hard simped for Riqqi whenever possible.

I think I'll play the book again and try unlock Hyranni earlier. See what she's like.

How did you get this scene btw? I assume it's locked behind the Raun route.
I don't think Galimar even has anything romantic in his path. I mean, you do kiss, but there's not much afterwards, is there? Once my autism will start burning again, I may chart a path with rel value over 65 to check, but right now there's really not much despite me starting the romance early.

For the next time there shall be a murderbird as well! Sexy man with dark hair does not need to be alone.

It's Raun and unharmed Riqqi, yep. I don't know if starting a romance with Galimar also helped with that. I still don't get how you get her to back down during the condor stuff, she just refuses all of my suggestions.

Also, One Knight Stand is a WIP. You can easily nab it in Dashingdon.
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>pick fey background
>everyother line with merlin is her/him whatever staring at me going "I know what you are"
They seem like they've been writing faster since the rewrite started so there's that, and I believe they mentioned reusing some of the older stuff once it reaches the relevant points again.
stop blackpilling kike
it will release as a full game
Will be nice if so. I have seen far too many WiPs die right after rewrite.
conflicted with the childhood segment, i feel as though it goes way too fast, and it seems like your MC is supposed to have a close bond with the sister, but with how fast you steamroll childhood it's not really coming off to the reader that they're close at all, but with how fast you progress through childhood it doesn't feel that way and comes across as forced
but yet with how KaE stagnated at childhood, it does seem like just flying through childhood is the correct choice here
maybe you can include flashback scenarios involving the father and sister to exemplify their relationship with the MC?
it was pretty funny getting the constant stink eye from them yeah, makes me wonder if the other origins are as funny/give as unique a feeling
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I didn't ask to be babyswapped it just happened okay!? side not I wish we had an actual changeling the lost/dreaming cyoa
Yea, I was worried it was too fast. But I didn't want to spend too long in that segment. I might put additional scene in there in future based on the chosen relationship.
I was worried about that too yeah, but the relatively rapid rate of updates (though that could just be because they're no longer stuck in birthday variation hell) has me feeling pretty positive about the rework
>the new ceremonial arranged marriage RO in German Bird Cult Sim is not only a 38 year old hag/old fart engaged to a 17 year old, but is also a yandere vampire groomer from the Rapace family
>meaning Astoria is now a newly turned vampire trying to cuck her aunt/uncle in the rewrite, at least if her general character info is still the same
lmao what the actual fuck
Based Astoria, she keeps being best girl.
>and unharmed Riqqi
As in, you don't attack her group during the battle at Behemoth Mountain?

>I still don't get how you get her to back down during the condor stuff
I did that segment twice and didn't have an issue. We came to peaceful terms, I gave her first pick of the returning soldiers, use of my sign and Melaxu's help. Melaxu was also able to grab what she needed from Riqqi's base.

>I mean, you do kiss, but there's not much afterwards
I didn't even get that. Just the scene where we sneak in to his room at Behemoth Mountain.
>check out the new royalty CYOA game
>it's just ITFO 2 Electric Boogaloo, except you don't even get to win a war this time because your generic asshole family cucked out into surrendering by forcing you to marry into the other family, despite you just murdering their greatest general
i swear to fucking god
That does sound like average central european noble politics. What is the name of this game?
Nice CYOA you got there, BITCH
>thinks about the themes of the game
Based author
Any themes the game might have had already went out the window the moment she made 72 Pillars send zalgo phone messages and pretty much all of your replies to those being shitposting.
kek, a shame, disappointment
You leave my somehow entirely nonwhite fanbase out of this
Here, MC and their angst and little bitchness was much more than I could take
>you were being wielded into a weapon of war
>by a declaration of war on a neighboring empire; your gift: you were placed in command of your father's troops.
That wielded and your gift part just really makes it sound so tryhardy. I am starting to agree with Tolkien that allegory is indeed bad, because people don't know how to use it.
>somehow entirely nonwhite
bitchpls, we all know no one loves Goku more than mexicans ergo other forms of powerfaggotry would thus naturally be swarmed upon by other forms of darkened 3rd worlders
>somehow nonwhite
anon I...
I'm white and I'll be your fan if chapter 7 ever drops.
Nicky, slavs are PoC...
I really want to like this, but the grammar is so damn bad..if you're an ESL, you should really get an proper translator.
The long lore info dumps bored me too much to get invested desu
>slavs are PoC...
I didn't know Birdcult-sama browsed here too!
>be you
Long? I I've been limiting myself if anything. Only history lesson is long, and again that is kinda necessary for the stuff that comes later.
It is the tenses innit? I am always struggling with those especially when it comes to stuff that begins in the past and continues into the present. I'll fix it when I'll feel like wrangling with it.
Both, yeah. I also did not hurt her during the condor shakedown despite the fact she was very difficult about it - she refused all of my offers and stated she doesn't need them, no matter what I offered. I just started stabbing right after that.

And Behemoth mountain stuff was the only thing I got in my run as well. This over 62 rel stuff is a pain in the arse.
I'm where. What do you need, fren?
you to finish your fucking game('s dlc). please
trying to figure out how to write around stats/consequences is a fucking pain to plan out.
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I am doing it through ifs and flags or if not flags then based on stat check
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working on it
birdcult writer is now my favourite author :3
she should open a patreon, would willingly throw my hard-earned (lol) shekels at her
>now chase has to deal with 2 possesive vamps trying to steal away his favorite autistic german bird cultist
>and he's gonna get yelled at by the werewolf girl anyways for getting attatched and not sticking to the super secret fed espionage plan
lmao. Can't wait to noway fag drosnik again and get humilated by that petty BITCH. we coulda stayed best friends but nooo
You have Astoria, you don't need (((friends))).
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My kuudere is not ready for the *Real* bad shit thats gonna happen.
One of the funnier parts of the rewrite's changed circumstances is that if you're playing as a boy, now you have two BFFs who are extremely gay for you that you can NWF
Female players have to settle with having a girl and boy lust for them however
>again with the "here's a character you barely know he's your best friend and now he's confessing his love to you"
Part of the reason why I like chase (other than him being a sentimental fool) is that he actually has scenes and we get to banter with him
Playing auraclash i have found that:
> Oni = blacks
> Lunargoth = whites
> Humans = asians
What about latinos? Don't tell me monkey yokai becouse i'm going to scream.
obviously monkey yokai
Now that the dust has settled, where the fuck is the Saber clone you promised, you perfidious American swine?
Part of the reason why the game is being rewritten is because the Strays took up way too much screentime too early which left folks like Droz underdeveloped
always felt bad for him :(
Apparently the Exile's first rework chapter is out.
>Dragonball reference to zenkai boosts
Its the monkeys.
>Exile got reworked to
Damn, next thing you know Mind Blind's announcing a rewrite
Which'll be the WiP to revolutionize the scene by announcing a rewrite of the rewrite first?
I believe in Nikolai
Anyone wanna bite the bullet and pay for it? Its patreon only atm
Just wait for CoM thread to leak it, it's popular enough to happen soon.
Speaking of CoM and Patreons, finding out that the Golden Rose gal is literally just selling smut to her patrons now instead of actually writing the game really gave me a solid chuckle.
Well all that fucking prose is better used on smut then on writing the slowest fucking story ever
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The smut also ends before getting to the point, so you really can't win with her.
She's a master at edging and baiting her audience it seems, it almost demands respect for the craft. Almost
lmao, I'm starting to think they have one hell of a blueballing/edging kink
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You think?
Lads, is it wrong if the person I want to romance most in these games is myself?
Yes, because the number of games where the protagonist has an actual personality and isn't just an lifeless puppet who only comes to life whanever you pick an choice can be counted in a single hand
I imagine my Clannath to be a taciturn and a bit petite tomboy.
The hot knight girl concept? She swayed from her path and became Leona.
>honourable ruthless wizard maxxing
yes. I help him kill a witch and he joins my party permanently. (as long as I don't hit 19 rep)
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>reads WWC
>enjoy the story so far
>really enjoying sally as a character
>finds all the RO's meh
>peruses through the author's tumblr
>she is extremely butthurt because most readers detest nia
it's clear she meant for sally to de disliked due to his overbearing nature and nia to be well like for some reason
as always the authors favorite characters seem to be the least popular of the bunch, wonder why that is?
we wretched creatures
Does that mean the secret for them to write a good story, would them to write about what they dislike. Since if what they dislike is what the reader wants, then they will be writing exactly what the reader wants if they write about what they personally don't like.
Is this that NOT!Silent Hill?

I could have sworn it had a different title.

And that there were 6 LI/RO, all a different flavour of rainbow. Am I thinking of a different WiP?
There is a lot of Not Silent Hill CYOA desu
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>This game involves serious subject matter
Lmao, since when did they start including swear words as "serious subject matter"?
>female tumblr author
they're either the most degenerate or the most prudish
i don't get them at all
you're thinking of this pozzed, shitskin-infested piece of shit garbage
>as always the authors favorite characters seem to be the least popular of the bunch, wonder why that is?
They want more of what they like but nobody likes what they like which is why they have to write it themselves. Then they find out nobody likes what they like and get upset from how alienating that feels, doubly so for women.
Well first and foremost, the masses are stupid and half the time don't even know what they want. That is why the author should first and foremost write for himself/herself.
Really? Can you point me to them?

Yeah, this is the one I was thinking of. Thanks anon.

Has anyone played both? How do they compare? Which is further along?

This, but also this, >>3619555
Kosuke and Fang threesome.
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I'd never be interested in having sex with a beggar though.
What if Kosuke just watches?
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BTW all young lord's retainers are just built different.
>kosuke starts crying when she hears you and leona having sex
My boner is huge right now.
ideal word count/number of chapters for first wip release?
Somewhere in-between War and Peace and Mahabharata.
I'd say 100k at least.
Depends on the story you are making. I would say between 20k and 70k is the best number to aim for.
Sub-50k wips are considered bad manners.
By whom? And why should I care?
By a majority of your readers. Because they are your audience.
Again, why should I care? I will write as much as I feel like writing. I would never let someone tell me how much to write.
Nigger if you don't care you can do whatever the fuck you want. You're not arguing about anything.
Having an entire generation raised in the filtered, corporatized internet means that people will unironically self-censor shit as basic as swears nowadays.
why are all of the CYOA that are set in ancient greece always written by tumblr people.
chuds prefer rome
Difficile sane mysterium.
The one Rome game besides A Legionary's Life is written by a woman of tumblr though
the one with hags?
speaking of a legionary's life that dude recently released a demo for his next game called never second in rome
hope it has less RNG bullshit than the first one
After Marquis's latest werewolf travesty the only straight CoG/HG author is Zaper, and he hasn't gotten around to it.
Because reactionaries like me prefer Summeria and Egypt for the true God-King feeling.
>the synagogue is just across the drag queen show
Marquis is secretly based and racist.
Do you just memoryhole the whole refugee thing from Night Road?
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Is shitposting on hipster!twitter all day long some kind of deep undercover mission then?
He thinks that's a good thing, showing how inclusive (and thus good in his corrupted mind) the jews are. The left and the right are both saying jews are behind the constant push for transgenderism in media, corporations, and schools, but leftists think they're sounding thankful while the right is mentioning who the enemy is.
>"Socrates was the Lord Haw-Haw of his day and they both got what was coming to 'em"
what kind of brainrot is this
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Losing your sanity? Surely, that would not lead to anything bad in future...

I really enjoy writing those segments. Almost makes me want to start anew and make the brother mentally unstable in every route. Of course, would change the story completelly.
based ESL writer
lmao here's some author seethe on sally not receiving as much hate as nia
my guess is she had an overbearing guardian and WANTS people to hate on them for some reason
>overbearing guardian
(and that only loosely applies to sally desu, he's just a normal older brother who is worried about his younger siblings mental state and well being, and with their being a murder and a murderer on the loose is it really all that surprising that he worries for the MC? especially an autistic schizo MC that was recently discharged from the mental ward?
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Saw drinking once for a trigger warning word. A few shots in text for MC specifically, nothing right after.
I'm too busy to add a third CYOA to the mix, but I've had an honest-to-God divine revelation, so I'll leave it here in the hopes someone else will take it and see it to the completion.

USSR, early 80s. You play as party-assigned demonologist, handling demons of accounting in governmental facilities and museums.

After discrepancies in reports from Magnitogorsk, Chelabinsk Oblast', you are send to handle the local demon of black metallurgy, and uncover a conspiracy of a secret society aimed at making heads of the state immortal by making them into physical manifestations of political and economical phenomena, like mining industry and propaganda.

Your assistant and protege is a red-haired girl named Sveta (flat chested).
Is the Thunderfall sect full of bums because all the talented cutivators left when they saw all resources being used on Jack?
Nobody cares about slavs, and your pain in the ass slav names
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I sure hope that you've enough self-awareness that once the creative ecstasy washes out you'll die from embarrassment for actually writing down this dogshit.
Kill yourself nigger.
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go on..
Oh well, I guess I'll have to write it myself.
You could have tried harder. This is a very weak take on this.
>s-surely this NEW, third novel will excuse me
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How about you finish your fucking demo and slavic harry potter rip off first before you get any more bright ideas!?
How about you're right......

Should I post a synopsis first or should I just post the wip?
>"Every site now has INFINITE COOL PEOPLE to follow, whatever your interest."
Why does he say that as if that's a bad thing?
just put it on dashingdon with a *brief* synopsis
I don't get what he means either. Forums were unpopular and niche, internet only broke containment after social networks appeared. Of course you'll find more people to follow. There are more people in the network.

one day LKiKai will stop drawing spideypool...
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woah, he actually said something semi-useful
>never second in rome demo
Just finished it. Honestly not bad at all but is in fact still an RNG clown fiesta just like the first game. Haven't had any trouble clearing it though since I'm well familiar with the dev's twisted logic after all my ALL runs.

Oh and javelin skills are STILL FUCKING USELESS.
The funny thing is if you look at the context you'll notice him bragging about blocking chuds and praising the more robust block features of the platform elsewhere. Nigga intentionally self-segregates and then complains his safe space is too boring.
But he didn't, that is literally the wrong way to write and just an apologia for all the dogshit stories.

What really matters in writing is themes from the themes you build up your characters and once you have the characters (and their relationship to the themes) you can actually start writing a story and develop the lore.
I feel like I am forgetting something else, but whatever.

Sounds pretty cool as a concept for a story.
I had a similar idea for a magical girl story (except it is a magical boy) set in an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union won the Cold War but with a twist that it is the Soviet Union where Proletkultists won ideologically, so now you have all this weird cyber tech and other sci-fi projects they theorized as an actual thing.
And main conflict would be between magical girls and Cyborg KGB over preventing the creation of a new God.

And also a story about a prince who ruled as a regent for his ailing incapable father. But because he was popular, competent, fair and just he was betrayed by his jealous younger brother and older sister and killed.
However, due to some fuckery, he was resurrected as a vampire and to get his revenge he has to become a lord of a labyrinth to grow his powerbase and eventually actually get revenge.
I figured it's full of bums because they grew up in a safe town and treat Martial Arts like a job, they put in their hours then go home, knowing Mao will solve any of their real problems. That's how the dog girl's patreon story seemed anyway.
>And also a story about a prince who ruled as a regent for his ailing incapable father. But because he was popular, competent, fair and just he was betrayed by his jealous younger brother and older sister and killed.
>However, due to some fuckery, he was resurrected as a vampire and to get his revenge he has to become a lord of a labyrinth to grow his powerbase and eventually actually get revenge
Go back to reading your isekai shit, there's more than enough of that as it is
magical girls is kino
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It is not an isekai though. It is about building your own labyrinth.
>just an apologia for all the dogshit stories
I don't quite follow how him saying "show don't tell" and other workshop-tier "rules of writing" are just training wheels for hacks to cover up their weaknesses and only gets propped up as "good writing" due to being replicated by other hacks is defensive of those.
They're from the same family of muh X protagonist gets backstabbed by his unappreciative allies and builds his own casino with blackjack and hookers to take revenge slop that those hacks, and most of those royal/noble family WIPs shit you see in tumblr and the forums do
Because all of these rules are used in the classic stories. And the difference is execution. If an author is a hack, he will be a hack whether he uses some rules or not.
Rule are but a tool, that came to exist based on observation of commonalities in writing.
And that is precisely why I had an idea for my own story because I want a proper old-fashioned labyrinth kino. Which is something that we are sorely lacking nowadays.
>labryinth kino
kek, deciding which monsters to use would be a very important thing indeed. Oh fuck, but the more I think about it, the more massive that project appears. Aaaaaaaa
>lord of a labyrinth to grow his powerbase and eventually actually get revenge
There's already a WIP where you command a dungeon.
>where you command a dungeon.
*Are a dungeon
What is the name?
Heart of a Dungeon.
looks good
Show don't tell is a relatively recent invention after writers figured out you can actually do exposition indirectly, it wasn't really ever in vogue for most of writing's actual history. Most of the so-called rules of writing you'll hear like
>don't use adverbs
>don't use thought verbs
>avoid passive voice
etc. are much the same.
They can somewhat help as a guideline if you haven't your own voice yet or confidence in it, sure, but they're still one of the most boring ways to engage with literature and you're actively stifling yourself by still adhering to them past a certain point. After all, it's about personal expression.
>If an author is a hack, he will be a hack whether he uses some rules or not.
But one hack will be able to cover up some of his stench by following the formula the workshop told him to write a straightforward descriptive narrative with unadorned prose, instead of reaching high and falling with something ambitiously convoluted and flowery. It's PUA-tier coaching if you really ngmi as an author.
>The Ultimate Magic Student author is coding eramegaten in Choicescript
F-Forgive me! I had eyes, yet I couldn't see Mt. Athos!
*coughs blood*
i thought you abandoned it?
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>coding eramegaten in choicescript
Stop being retarded.
skill issue. my first character in this game was able to rack up 8 kills and get 2 awards. this is something you never couldve done in the first game with your very first guy. only issue i have with the game so far is the name. a centurions life wouldve been so much better
Reread my post and try again.
you can very comfortably make a killing machine in the previous game even on your first character, you just need to start with high charisma
>only 8
major skill issue
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I am gonna get so much shit for this on CoG forums.

Fucking hate editing, but it finally seems decent enough. Should be coming in one (1) more week.
Women have 0 agility I can promise you that. They have no good stat and I wish they did, even their charisma is ass as proved by Bumble.
Practically all sports dominated by women are some kind of dexterity/flexibility based. Women are agile enough.

More importantly, I can't just make men straight up better.
Sex affecting stat distribution has been a thing for ages, it would be dumb if they made a fuss about it.
God I wish I had strength +4 but somehow I got dex +4 as a man
Just use that dex +4 to have really good handwriting, people who don't write beautifully are always impressed by those who can. Which in this day and ages is a pretty fair chunk of people.
>Practically all sports dominated by women are some kind of dexterity/flexibility based
Falsehood, they 'dominate' womens-only sports. Archery, shooting, bowling, basketball, anything to do with hand eye coordination, they lose to men. When talking about the OLYMPIC women who train their entire lives, they can do acrobatics well, but your average woman cannot do a single pullup, handstand, or even 20 crunches. They have no core strength and no natural agility. When it comes to a natural stat boost, they certainly do not have agility. Charisma at best and only when talking to men/lesbians.
Ah nvm just read your spoiler. I'd say give them diplomacy or something (lol, lmao, women ending a grudge) but you do you. I've ranted enough.
>be small and lithe, and good at stalking through shadows with a prefrance for the night
>Also be born blind in my right eye and dominant side
why did god do this
>forcing me to play a certain sex to minmax
Fuck off, retard
>this is something you never couldve done in the first game with your very first guy
you can literally just reroll your stats until you get like 70+ in everything and mindlessly strike your way through every enemy
It could be worse, you could have been born Indian.
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He's making tile-based dungeon exploration with turn-based combat, random encounters, levels, skills, party members, status ailments, talk function, etc.
On fucking Choicescript.
USSR Jewologist?
The consequences of SEAjeets gaining more access to the internet has been extremely dire.
this post is conflicting. on one hand the best thing for a new author is absolutely to put their work out there no matter how dogshit it is and get valid crticism which you can use to improve your work. on the other people like kyle and >>3619800 whose only form of advice is "just dont suck at writing lol" arent helping. a newbie writer will have that phase where he experiments and sees what sticks on the walls.
also him thinking that straightforward descriptions is bad shows how far up his own ass he is. most people would easily take a simple scene that describes the situation over word vomit that has them reaching for thesaurus. as long your book isnt the visual experience of eating a dry biscuit youre good.
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He isn't really saying those are a bad thing exactly. I mean, his own prose is really simple.
Dunno if he's saying this with self-awareness though, considering he apparently actually thinks he's doing different genre voices which is...lol.

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