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Any other anons played this? I am 23, but was really poor growing up and my meth addicted mom only had money to buy me a GBC when I was 4, so my first video game was pokemon blue fsr and then this was the next one. Second game I ever managed to beat (after pokemon blue, lol. I literally just had a level 80 charizard with a bunch of fire type moves and strength that i brute forced through the elite four as someone who was unable to read english properly enough to even understand the game.) I went back and played this harry potter one again as an adult here recently and it has surprisingly fun systems and is essentially a 1:1 adaptation of the book. Minigames, equipment system, summons that work through mixing and matching rare consumables in the form of cards, etc. Not bad.
How retarded do you have to be to make a thread like this
I have two threads with 150+ replies active that I made being a little chudcel autist like you and being rude, but on this one I wanted to share with the people.
You should stop posting altogether, clearly you're in arrested development. I don't want to have a discussion with someone who's mentally still 8 years old.
You are posting on a fuckin video game forum LOL
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>tfw simply born in eastern europe, mom wasnt addict, didnt even drink - yet we were too poor to afford jack shit
thank you socialism
You are not having a discussion. You are just screeching buzzwords. no different from a toddler screaming.
>yeah, I make shitty bait threads all day
>time to make a thread about what I'm really here for
>20 year old shovelware based on a notoriously bad children's novel
Nondescript generic human who repeats words that are input into them like an NPC. There are literally dozens of you on this board and i cant tell you apart because you all just whine and cry like chudcels in the exact same way with the exact same words
it's important that anons find their true passion. There are threads dedicated to rpgmaker porn games, or portable crawlers. This game is notorious on this board as well as /vr/. OP's story is cringe and unnecessary, yes.
>This game is notorious on this board
No it isn't.
Havent played but Ive Heard from other people too that is quite a Nice game. How is Dungeon crawling in It? Any Challenges like the PC games?
OP, get off your phone.
Can't say I did but I'm not surprised it's decent. Came from an era when licensed games still got devs who enjoy video games to make them.
Who are you quoting?
Why is this the only thread I’ve ever seen about this game and why can’t I share my excuse for playing old video games
i played the gba version, that shit had a great soundtrack despite gba limitations

played the hell out of it as a kid, still have the cartridge and my old gameboy too
Played the gba book 3 game. It was great.
It was fun I genuinely enjoyed doing the side content like the dueling club and unlocking all the spells, I find it funny expelliermus wasn't that great considering it becomes Harry's signature move in the books all in all a fun time
Too obvious.
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4 people enjoying a game i dont like on vrpg? this must be a tranny discord shill campaign.
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My guy i played the game as a kid and have fond memories of it, I also enjoyed Dtagonball Z legendary super warriors is that also a crime?
Way too obvious
upset that kamala lost?
I'm literally autistic what's fucking obvious?
damn, your mom was a meth whore, tell us stories
Hahaha. She pawned said gameboy color once and cried when I cried and went and got it back.
Did she suck a lot of dicks
Yes. She was a meth whore. That's what they do for more meth.
Did you ever watch her suck dicks
No. Are you a pedophile
Bump 100.
I'm sorry that this board is too schizo for you to post about a game you like, OP
It's ok. I participate in the ruining of this board all the time.
I played through both Harry Potter GBC games repeatedly as a kid. They had a ton of soul. Azkaban for the GBA is clearly by the same team as well and was also good. I don't care for most of the other Harry Potter games other than the first two on PC.
Just an honest advice for autistic OP it's OK to love Harry Potter when you're a pre-teen but the entire franchise and it's creator JKR are obviously gay and you've got no excuse to refuse to realise that obvious truth ever since the trans comments that insult LGBT minorities. Did you ever learn about the rainbow flag? It's supposed to represent every mentally ill person including those who're autistic like you. Please stop caring about Hogwarts you're supposed to be a grown-up now Voldemort's pathetic he couldn't even take over a secondary education school while other franchises have awesome villains that can destroy entire planets. Dumbledore's a pedophile Daniel Radcliffe's Jewish and Emma Watson's mogged by Sydney Sweeney Katy Perry and many other fellow millenials. Star Wars is still awesome Adam Driver's a great actor he's like the only great Hogwarts character Severus Snape and Rey is still less of a Mary Sue than every Gryffindor house member. Star Wars is a good way to get started with good franchises that could finally help you recover from your obsession with Twilight and everything as cringe as the series that ruined Robert Pattinson's Batman career
I like how this game has so many ports and they're all different games.
Are you the same ranting incel from earlier lol
>Star Wars is still awesome

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