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According to Iuntue, this was the last good rpg.
I tried to look up whether Kasumi actually becomes playable and spoiled the twist with her as well as the reveal of the final villain cause the info was in the first/second paragraphs of her and her sister's articles. I knew there was something off about her.
Who the fuck is Luntue?
Fake post. Necrobumping faggot proping up his own bait thread.
This isn't even the only Persona 5 bait thread he has on the board right now. >>3653720
He is right.
That is my thread but this one isn't. Is something wrong? Bait? I don't know if there's drama about this game or something, you're sounding kind of schizo right now.
I just want to discuss this game, I know I'm 8 years late.
What do you want to talk about?
I assume there's no logic behind fusions so that I'd be able to figure out what combines to what without a guide or trial and error? Cause I'm not gonna test a bunch of fusions then reload until I figure stuff out.
At least in this game I can take notes of fusions I'm underleveled for so I can get them later, I'm pretty sure that isn't in the earlier games and it's all blind.
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I don't know about Persona 1 or 2, but at the very least from Persona 3 and onward, it follows a formula that is based on the average default level of the two chosen personas. It's not random.
Unless you really want to min/max or are struggling with the Strength confidant, you will never need to consult a chart for fusion. Just gather personas and keep fusing them into ones you like. There are also fusion tools available online that are much easier to use, if there is a specific demon you really want. This place has a ton of information about fusion and skills if you are curious: https://aqiu384.github.io/megaten-fusion-tool/p5r
I know it's not random, but what you said is just confusing as hell cause it seems to be based off the personas and not the level, and the chart doesn't make reference to level.
What I'm saying is if the Wardens want me to make a Ratatanga or whatever the next one is called, I simply have no way of knowing how to combine it unless I knew its tarot sign..
>I simply have no way of knowing how to combine it unless I knew its tarot sign..
I guess, but unless it's a group guillotine (or Shiva), there are multiple ways to fuse almost all the personas in the game, so it's not that difficult.
As for the level, I believe the game only cares about the default level of the personas, and not what level it currently is. I could be wrong, but I don't think overriding a persona in the compendium changes the default level. For example, Arsene's default level is 1, so even if he is level 60 when you use him as a fusion ingredient, the game will always treat him as if he is level 1.
>Arsene's default level is 1, so even if he is level 60 when you use him as a fusion ingredient, the game will always treat him as if he is level 1.
The fusion calculator will, but anon will get a minimum of 30 levels up when he fuses it,.
Is that right? I thought the bonus fusion exp was based on the confidant rank and not the persona level.
I thought it was both
Since when nu-Persona games are good RPGs? Don't get me wrong, I like them, but they are awful RPGs.
What's wrong with them?
When you use Yusuke, how often are you using Giant Slice/Rising Slash/Deadly Fury after a baton pass with the intention of getting the bonus damage on it? I almost never take advantage of the bonus damage intentionally, but I'm curious about your experiences with it.
>For example, Arsene's default level is 1, so even if he is level 60 when you use him as a fusion ingredient, the game will always treat him as if he is level 1.
I noticed this too. Thanks, at the end of the day I think you just have to save/load and fuck around with persona until you find the ones you want.
Like I forgot to note the combo I saw in group fusion for Lachesis, so, there's nothing else I can do except look it up.
Which is fine. I get too sucked into this game that it makes me want to get to the next thing too fast. I need to play less, take more time, and not look anything up at all.
>combo I saw in group fusion for Lachesis
fuse by result*
No cause I'm usually passing to whoever has my target's weakness. In the 5th palace I started noticing a lot more powerful physical moves so I made a party around them including Yusuke, but I'd still be passing to Joker in most cases cause he has better moves than Yusuke.
That would imply persona 5 is good
the game does tell you to take your time, after all
I switched to merciless after learning it's different in p5r. I'm in the 6th palace and it feels weirdly easier like I'm doing more damage, I can hardly hold up an enemy when I hit their weakness. The red shadows feel like a dangerous boss though and the first one almost killed me.
Grim, if true.
Why do modern JRPGs just say the same shit over and over again? I get that reading and dialogue is an important part of RPGs, but we've lost the balance. Compare older SNES-era games where not a single textbox is wasted, to shit like Persona 5 where stuff gets rehashed ten times over in a single conversation that seems to go on forever. Even in fast forward, the talking never fucking ends.
that's because you are doing more damage. technicals, hitting weaknesses, and critical hits deal way more damage on merciless mode (both for you and for enemies)
Literally who?
Probably would've had more fun playing it from the start but I didn't know.
The Sae fight was decently challenging, but her second phase where she resists everything is a slog. Dunno if there's a gimmick I missed, but if I had removed the 'break' skills from the party members I happened to be using it would've been intolerable.
That whole palace kinda sucked.
Hard is the hardest difficulty in P5R because they were retarded with the multipliers.
Didn't like Mementos at first but it's the comfiest grinding in any game. Just get free money/exp/item/fusion fodder for ramming into dumb enemies while listening to chill music.
resists everything? that doesn't sound right, there should be one element she is neutral to based on the roulette ball. i'm surprised you disliked that palace so much, because that one and futaba's palace are the ones i see praised most often.
i see a lot of hate for okumura's palace, and rightly so, that whole palace sucks cock
Well I thought her roulette element would make her weak to something else but I tried and she was Str. vs. every element and blocked all status lol. Have to whittle down her HP to about 55% then she loses any resistances and starts attacking frequently with gun and physical.
Dunno I could've fucked up the first part but w/e it took 2 tries and merciless let me restart from the boss battle anyway. Worst thing I guess is dumb fag Goro is useless for this fight.
if i remember correctly, the boss of the ship palace is pretty hard
You could call it that, it's more gimmicky how you have to grind out five forms for 20 minutes only for him to isolate Joker at the very end and possibly oneshot him.
I gambled on using tetrakarn, oops I had to used makarakarn instead lol! Will try again next year maybe when I give a fuck.
I loved Persona 5 my first playthrough, every playthrough after though got worse and worse purely because I learned how to break the rpg portion of the game. I know thats a "me" issue but I never had it happen in 3 or 4, which in true Persona fashion I played after 5
I can see how none of them would be very replayable, not 5 in particular although I haven't played 3/4.
I'm sure not going to be in a hurry to replay it, I'm not that strongly invested in the ending at the moment. Some of the confidants, sure.
The confidants are the only thing bringing me back to any of them for a second playthrough honestly, especially since in my first run of 5 I barely finished any of them.
It's good to take time away before going for a replay of P5, purely because the Palaces and dialogue can get a bit bland if you remember enough.
Yeah I don't know how I suck so bad at time management that I barely have any confidants maxed. Only 5 (not including Kasumi, Wardens, Goro, Maruki, and the automatic ones). I haven't wasted any time doing things that have no rewards. Except a couple times when you get invited to the movies.
No way would I do a replay sooner than three years between them. I want to continue DDS and start P3, and I still have the rest of the main story in Royal to finish. It's a lot of game, I generally get burned out between 20-40 hours of frequent playing.
You seem like a smart person, you have what it takes
If I didn't figure out how to beat the game by hour 50 I wouldn't have ever done another playthrough desu.
In my og playthrough of P5 vanilla I dont think I had more than 3 or 4 confidants. If it wasn't for sp items and clearing Palaces on day 1 it wouldn't be worth it in my opinion
I do not know why it auto'd to desu what

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