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New thread
Greatest DLC of all time?
you didn't put the edition and thread number in the OP, sister
Heavy Duty is better.
HD is a cash grab
expedition was a slog
Is pure TM dom viable?
xbows r fun but poison bolts seem meh outside of crawler bolts
best jetski?
Never need another one once you have the Aegis patroller. Devastator is fun tho.
It's not as expansive but the heavy weapons are cool.
Just bring grenades and traps, duh. Congratulations, you've beat le dominating!
I said pure TM. That means only TM
If we were talking TM as it was when Expedition released, I'd say yes. As it is now, I'd still say probably, but you'd have to rely on stealth and be very selective in what you fight. I don't think it would be fun.
Is there a guide for oddity? I've only ever played classic but going to try oddity now
game feels like it was made to pad out playtime
from subpar map(inb4 there was no map initially) to whole merchant restock/I don't feel like buying anything today so just make do with what you have
I fear my patience will just run out at one point before I finish the game
>inb4 there was no map initially
Speaking of. It's been many years since it was added and I'm curious.

How many here don't use the mini-map?
they're all meh, yeah
elemental bolts are just too good

torpedo for melee/psionics, leviator for guns imo
I like the shark for middle ground
>rely on stealth
What part of only TM do you not understand?

I to this day use an external flowchart map someone made years and years ago for the map.
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Best mt spear build coming through
its possibly good on builds that do high single-target damage as a way to do even more damage with one attack (snipe, aimed shot, impale, super slam, etc)
but for that you'd need to have the cost be low, via tranquility or premed

you can break rocks with it by casting implosion then recurrance
Yeah, Recurrence is pretty much for times when your Snipe, crit etc for whatever reason couldn't stick the landing. Then it finishes the job for you for dirt cheap.
Can I get a guide for hammer build?
10 STR
10 CON
Max out melee

Everything else depends how you want to build your hammerfag
You can ask here for guidance, for my guides are hideously out of date
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here, go get filtered
Who else never dumps INT?
My character may be blind, slow, and only barely strong enough to hold a rifle, but by god I'm not playing an idiot.
5 is the minimum for me.
Giving up the lemurian engineer suit and the new technomedic exo is too many skill points down the drain for my taste. It was enough to play 3 INT once, never again.
FIrst time playing grenade launcher on DOM,how do i kill high evasion bosses(magnar,carnifex)?

Tricky trajectory doesnt cut it,flashbangs and nets work only for 1 turn
Bear traps and acid blob pistols might work?
>game feels like it was made to pad out playtime
It is.
Any build that relies on Super Steel is a humiliation ritual.
So just nimble can
Or literally all builds because all builds will get some use of SS or SS Fiber to infuse leathers with.
Super steel metal armour is so fucking ugly compared to regular metal.
Psi doesn't care that much about infused leathers. Not because they can't use the utility, because they can just delete everyone before it matters.
of course it is. a fucking crowbar is dom viable.
yes, time spent is a major opportunity cost, even more so in underrail 2, so better get used to it.
why not come back to the official discord, you'd get more of the attention you crave there. could homo ERP with buttface!

i hope underrail 2 has a UI suited for 4k resolutions and lets you play in borderless fullscreen without scaling the window size down
too bad you can circumvent all the bullshit easily
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what's even the point with these shitty builds. you know better than that, you've played the game enough. they're not even memey. just adequate builds made worse for no reason.
An infusion of what?
Is there a mod that makes psi fun again after getting nerfed into the ground by the dev?
anon, youre just an idiot
your language is incomplete; I couldnt explain it to you even if I wanted to (I dont)
Roll back to an earlier version.
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Daily reminder that Vera is the only counselor that cares about SGS at all.

Hadrian is a fucking alien and Gorsky fucks off to core city to play gangster at the earliest opportunity.
Her romance route is great. Heavy persuasion investment, though.
>i was merely pretending to be retarded
you were pretty convincing

she cares about the UN
anyway jonas and probably even ezra do care though
Jonas and Ezra aren't counselors though.
they're on the council or something
theres a couple times where hadrian/vera are like "we better assemble the counselors/council" though I dont remember the exact term used
>assemble the council to discuss the alliance with the Black Eels
>Ezra just stares at the wall through the whole thing
Why even show up.
he only stares at the wall when gorsky says biocorp will kill them
>are biocorp in the room with us right now?
the UN is
Ezra is Biocorp top brass

no, why don't you ask that doppelganger of his?
Don't shit on Tanner. He took war criminals, assassins, bandits, and forged them into the safest, strongest station in the south that everyone wants to cooperate with.
be nice, he has autism
Let's be real, it's the New Biocorp guys who are in danger from the Protectorate. For Ezra it's just an inconvenience, assuming he has greater goals than being retired and managing SGS's firewalls.
Tanner and Gorsky are the only reason SGS exists at all. Vera is a pencil pusher that's trying to sell what other people fought for to the protectorate.
I don't get the story of Omega
game paints them as something comparable to SGS yet they don't have that much in terms of territory or base size
at also seemed like they were there first before tanner and his friends arrived
How much territory does SGS even have? It's not much.
SGS and Omega were kinda just there before Tanner arrived, neither of them was anything special. And most of the important people probably arrived after Tanner.
I wish we could ask Ezra why he decided to split from Kirill and Dr. Slavkovic after sticking together for at least like 100 years.
He pulled too many pranks involving psi beetles and they got sick of his practical jokes after a while.
It's a cool prank though. Was even better when it was a regular psi beetle. Sink or swim is the only proper way to teach.
we dont get to see the interior of omega station
GMS was just their property, wasn't it? The real entrance is not far away. A locked door with a couple of mines outside.
There's also the waterway entrance. Omega station is pretty huge.
Makes me wish for an Omega update where we get a reworked "tutorial" phase with more variety of missions before the game opens up. Maybe even an alternative to Depot A too.
There's also the Omega Pass, so the territory they controlled was at least comparable to SGS. No way to get inside from that entrance either, of course.
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All aliens must die
And yet Tanner and Gorsky betrayed and abandoned SGS while Vera didn't
If you call not wanting to interact with Six a betrayal then sure. Tanner kept the station together and only following in his footsteps doesn't lead to an exodus of SGS citizens.
How about Ezra and Dude? Are they aware of each other?
Everyone knows that Vera and Dude are fucking.
How to stop my restartitis?
>terrorists bomb an embassy of a SGS trade partner located on the other side of the river
>surely nothing bad will happen in the following months!
If only that nigger gorsky (head of security btw) didn't leave when the area near SGS is under threat from northern terrorists.
Thoughts on my meme mobility hammer build?
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Don't seem to be, no.
Dude may have had a run in with one of the ayys and somehow also ended up developing the cybernetic spawns for Oculus, but that's it.
Play a different game then come back in a year.
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its not locked, its unpowered
theres also the gate at the raider camp under gms

three gates, with what might be a wall on one of the waterway maps
>with what might be a wall on one of the waterway maps
And a wall in that useless crawler infested cave north of the outposts in the lower caves.
I remember a fence and a propane tank or something
but regardless that is south of the raider camp entrance, which goes north, so I doubt it
Nice attention-to-detail.
Ah yes, must be part of GMS and not Omega proper.
the amount of hammer discussion here is funny because no one actually thinks hammers are good weapons, they just like the aesthetic of being a heavily armored melee user.
Players are free to discuss whatever they want.
In theory hammers go much better with heavy armour (not nimblecan) than any of the other weapons, because of Heavyweight or being able to combo Juggernaut + sturdy vest + Super Slam.
In practice they're shit no matter what. All the downsides of a sniper rifle without any of the upsides of any weapon type.
At the end of the day all comes down to the player. Only the player can ensure that SGS gets integrated on reasonably not-shit terms, or that the status quo is maintained, or that the anti-Protectorate movement gains momentum. But even out of these three anti-Protectorate is easily the most finicky to achieve well because you NEED a strong Foundry AND a strong Silver Hand AND a strong Free Drones AND a strong Grim Jetters. So in essence, if you want a successful resistance it is essential that Gorsky leaves SGS so you can have an ally in the Core.
Funny how to be truly anti-protectorate, you need to unite all the stations to protectorate yourselves.
That isn't really the case. You are not repeating what Melek did, there's no unified army you conquer the South with. What you do is in a way much worse, because in order to keep the Protectorate out you have to:
>sacrifice Rail Crossing
>plunge Core City into another civil war
>destroy safe waterborne transport in the region
And toss in starting a gang war in Junkyard (later double-crossing your ally) for the best outcome. It's dirty business, classic omelette and eggs, so the question comes up if if's really worth it. Nevertheless doing literally anything else makes the long-term victory of Protectorate a foregone conclusion.
Hammertime is a cultural treasure
I like the hammer. I don't like repeatedly missing 95% chances to hit when I only get 2 attacks per turn.
>Failed to load the saved game.
>Error: Failed to load bulk storage from 'C:\users\steamuser\Documents\My Games\Underrail\Saves\save'
So I'll have to start from scratch if I want to play on the Deck?
Okay nevermind, something went horribly wrong with Steam Cloud. All the save folders had the screenshot and all the chunk.dats missing. Bringing them over on a flash drive solved it. Phew.
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if theyre shit then everything is still pretty good
because ive played through the game with non-psi hammercans a couple times and other than having to change armors for a few types of enemies and having a hard time with lunatic psychopaths, its not bad
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If we do get anymore new slight update tweaks what else should be adjusted.
I honestly wish shives got scaling based on the spikes you used. though only get their upper damage increased they can still do 1 damage for their min base
Shivs are insanely OP super early on, if you can somehow find one in a trash can.
fucking northerners taking baths and sheit, brushin dey teeth
fuck dem northies, i'll never let em have the south
what's on the surface?
Empty space as far as the eye can see.
There is no surface. It's a myth. There's just more rails all the way up.
Is Gunfu a meme?
Not at all.
Dunno, I loved it.
Seems like a great way to save on perception.
You already want to use firearm pistols in close range for the 40% evasion reduction, so if you're playing with versatility there's no reason not to go for Gun-Fu.
If you aren't, don't bother to put points in melee just for that. It's not worth it and a complete meme in that case.
what would be the most busted feat choice with all the skills and base abilities maxed via cheat engine?
kind of bored with the game but unable to move on
What about Gunfu + Bullet time?
They do different things. I wouldn't suggest a firearm pistol build without Bullet Time but Gun-Fu can (or should) be skipped depending on the exact build.
bro, cmon
locus of control, juggernaut, spec-ops+full auto, sprint, quick tinkering, TM feats and crit feats
PK monk is stat-starved so it benefits from the cheated 3 offensive stats, especially with corporeal projection
You might as well cheat your feat points and get all of them. Imagine a 2-3 school psionic spear build with several full racks of abilities, stoicism, conditioning, survival instincts, locus, and an LMG with every feat for it on his 2nd slot, and my OC donut steel can re-equip every different weapon and use it's ultimate
>PK monk is stat-starved so it benefits from the cheated 3 offensive stats
It's funny how every PSI Monk you encounter in the game has good STR, DEX, AGI, CON, AND WIL.
dump con. go for max strength and MP with rathound regalia + tabis + rathound BBQ. Glass cannon hammer is super fun.
humans will always naturally gravitate towards the satisfaction of smashing shit with a big club. it's in our nature.
meant for >>3665375
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clean it up janny
Is it possible (w cheat engine and all) to kill every npc you can encounter in a run (I'm aware of the two you most certainly can't)? I've looked for answers before and couldn't find anything. I'm willing to do a full Underrail genocide and record the results
You can, but what's the point? It isn't acknowledged and if you don't pay attention you'll break the main quest.
I'm more surprised that we never really meet any former Omega citizens. Gorsky said the survivors scattered so there should be some around.
They all changed their name to 'Bandit'.
Mmm. Aren't 'Bandit's rather rare? Gorsky did a good job.
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Weak bluff, Tanner. You and I both know you can't afford to kick me out.
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Give me a pure boxing gloves build for funsies.
I suspect mlan ratula was one
what did you do?
Steal Ethan's medallion and provoke a fight before he leaves SGS.
there is a temporal manipulation trainer at SGS cantina, you can provoke him with speech check
guy starts aging rapidly and he is in full flight or fight mode because of special necklace he has, there is supposed unique dialogue if you just pickpocket it, didn't trigger for me
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Not killing him on the other hand results in this gem.

You have to leave the area for a bit, it should trigger when you come back. But I couldn't get Gorsky to chimp out for me like >>3665517 no matter how much of an asshole I act about the whole thing. I love the reactions otherwise. Ezra just stares, Lucas finds it hilarious, Pascal is more excited about psi being awesome than you killing a visitor, Vera worries about this turning into a PR disaster.
He does complain that SGS already controls everything.
I had no idea this was a thing
to even have that level of pickpocket before the drill parts is kinda crazy
It is, this was the first time I managed to pull this off and I went in with 12 dex. This is not something you are ever likely to see. Once you hand in the drill part it's ogre.
How do I do natives and jet fights as melee
Great easter egg.
I'm doing Normal run, but if I want to unveil some lore, what build should I focus on?
speech, intimidation, lockpicking, hacking
but mostly PSI / Willpower
High int high will quad psi hackerman will get you 90% of the lore.
>Coral spawned instead of Booth
it's over
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11+ int
14+ will
11+ effective per (spec snooping)
high tc/hacking/persuasion/intimidate/stealth/pickpocket; I cant think of anything locked behind lockpicking (pun) but it'd be foolish not to take it
join praetorians
aegis and pirates have mutually exclusive lore
dont kill exo soldiers

you dont need to be quad psi; having one school and wearing items that boost your other psi schools is enough for those checks
>you dont need to be quad psi
Every Mainframe vision is locked behind one of the psi schools.
Disregard that, i can't read. I had no idea you could get high enough with items alone.
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grandma is really enjoying that strawberry jam
>equip the psionic transceiver
>make noise near the mainframe
>+??? psi skill
Right, right. But does that have a guaranteed drop? There will be much less lunatics on normal.
That said, it's kind of a waste to have will that high and not make full use of it. Not sure I like this level of extreme lore minmaxing.
Not sure if there are guaranteed drops, but eventually you should be able to find at least a poor quality one. And considering the amount of psionics near the mainframe even the lowest quality is enough.
>That said, it's kind of a waste to have will that high and not make full use of it.
I'm not that anon who wrote those numbers, but the very high checks are extremely rare and you could prep for it. Getting to at least 10 Will is always a good choice since it gets you LoC, going for more will help you scale your wizardry powers a bit higher.
That said I wouldn't try to get ALL the secrets on a single run. First off because you can't anyway due to faction content, but secondly because you'll have to stretch yourself thin and when you have little room for creativity in your build it gets boring.
Is it worth it to put 45 points in TK for the two lightning spells?
Specifically a melee sword guy? I've got some points left over now that I have 70 TM.
I only use the map if I'm specifically looking for something like a unique item for my build.
Yes, you want to remove enemy chance to dodge attacks. Better yet if it's something they can't resist like TK Grounding.
EK Imprint is good utility against crawlers regardless of build.
I don't know enough about the game to understand why the build is good or bad
someone explain to someone with 3 int IRL please
min int is 7 for me
I'm not giving up on disassemble.
Nice, thanks.
its the optimal non-psi hammer build

looks interesting, thanks for the link.
Why is it that half of the time vanishing powder grenades simply don't work? Like it won't even put me in stealth.
You need to have enough action points left over after paying the AP cost of the grenade itself to use the stealth action. It just activates that action instead of having it baked in.
You need to consider the AP to enter stealth too.
So 10 AP (item) + 10 AP (stealth) = 20 AP
Ah. The description really should have made that more clear. Thanks.
>trying to find the ironhead claymore guy
>somehow walk from rail crossing back to GMS compound without ever seeing them
this map isn't helpful at all
>ironhead claymore guy
>rail crossing
In my mind I remember it being close to it
this is what I get for not looking up the wiki and just trying to go by my memory
>take train to foundry
>east, east, south
It's that easy.
The map is completely unneeded for traversing that area.
wtf it's close to foundry?
Man I was remembering the area completely wrong.
Thanks for the directions
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I found the claymore guy!
He killed me tho
It's what I get for not entering turn based before opening every door
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>Kharon invokes Plasma Beam
Of fucking course he does. In hindsight I should have seen that coming. I should have, but--
I could really use some advice here. Almost 2k HP, +97 psi regen, and three attacks that each can one-shot me without morphine, and fucker has premed. Best I could do so far was mutually assured destruction.
win init
blob him to the ground
run in and out of the room to attack
get crits
>blob him to the ground
What? The acid spray can't entangle.
ok falling into a pit and being devoured by hungry pitbulls is not how I expected my first death to go.
>Cohesive Mucus Glands is a special feat that cannot be acquired when leveling up.
...I may have forgot to mention that I'm trying to do him in before entering the lab. I know. It's retarded. I know, okay?
underrail protagonist is canonically an isekai tier hero that's weak but has a cheat power in the form of save states.
Implying Six didn't get a "With this character's death..." warning a couple hundred times during this event.
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After much savescumming he is finally dead. This wasn't really anything to be proud of, but eh, I'll take it. And well, guess this is a total dead end so I'll have to reload and do this properly anyway.
northern underpassages?
surprised you got that far
He obviously didn't because I flashbanged the fucker and he ran away like a little bitch.
Six is lucky that the rules of this universe don't allow me to kill him anymore or I would laugh at his corpse every single time.
probably would have went a lot smoother if you pressed your shooting spree button
After getting frustrated with the Sonocaster when trying to break rocks with 0 skill, I realized that the game bugs out if you start an attack with something you're good with (melee in my case) and then quickly swap into the Sonocaster before the attack animation completes. Not only you get the 95% to hit instead of 70%, but its damage scales high enough to oneshot (instead of merely two-shot) rocks.
Yeah, tincan with some great luck while buying plates from blaine.
>get shock bolt to the face turn 1
>ambushed and attacked by 5 lurkers for 2 turns in a row
>survive and kill them all thx to the power of 4 tungsten plates strapped to a yellow vest
>fall in pit with like 4 doggies
>get murdered brutally
why are dogs so powerful
Sprrrragh...? Pew pew?
Infusion status?

its just pitbulls
its pretty stupid

there is at least one breed irl that are monsters
they look more like alligators than dogs; bully XLs
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personally i prefer my bullies SMASHED and SLAMMED
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I went up here a few playtroughs ago and found nothing interesting besides a ton of deathcrawlers.
Is there anything interesting up there like a unique item or a Psionic Mentor or rare material?
Cause I'm already maxed out on xp from oddities dropped by crawlers.
its a guaranteed spot to get a certain blueprint, theres a boss, and a unique oddity
All right I guess I'll return after killing those anarchist losers that stole the train.
ew, a zogbot
kys, race traitor
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Why is the Thumper so fucking OP
>available DURING depot A
>literally just walk up and grab it
>no crafting required
>no str requirement
>only two (optional) feats
>makes HE/Frags obsolete
>stronger and faster than high quality launchers
>literally only a few hundred for massive upgrade
>race traitor
What race is the "lost" leader of the Drones, again?
>>makes HE/Frags obsolete
>not using hand grenades when you can't reload and shoot the thumper again
he has a cheeki name, but slavs count as white
it wouldnt matter anyway; you'd still be serving the best interests of your people
The protectorate is closer to a right wing death squad than a zog army.
They literally have a squad of soldiers that wear skull masks and go around gassing revolutionaries.
>shitflinging over the two worst factions
I sided with black eels in Junkyard , what would happen if I side with Scrappers instead, will the waterway black eels turn on me or are they separate faction?
Wouldn't matter. Land and river Eels are separate factions gameplay-wise, but Eddy doesn't want war to begin with. He just wants to keep the Eels out of Depot A.
right wing death squads are for fixing countries that have succumbed to jewrot, not enforcing jewrot
especially not on other countries
>race traitor
>some random losers steal a train from the ally of my current station
>I'm supposed to just let them get away with it for some reason
I'm no cuck.
>click on "play underrail" in evelyns house
>the rest of the game is acually your character playing the game
>nothing you accomplish is real
>once you finish your character just leaves her house
which of the 3 companies in Core City should I choose?
Twitter, NEON CITY CYBERPUNK 2077 or discount Helghast?
I mostly use my fists
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this is a timed quest right
cause I don't think I can kill this many fuckers
my sword ran out of durability mid fight lol
I had to equip a hammer some guy dropped mid-fight
I joined the praetorians once. It was awful. My dude kept having to salute and say, "sir, yes, sir!"
it took 20 grenades, 20 psi-boosters, the lives of saban and dan and 30 real life minutes
but victory was achieved.
Rip Saban and Dan. Remember the good old days when you could reverse pickpocket all the ammo they could ever need and some more on them.
The unique nades from Praetorian are kinda cool alongside dodge/evasion. I wish there was a way to avoid breathing in the gas but at least it's fast deploying.
one of these days I should make a proper thief playtrough
after depot a, I did rail crossing, hathor and now foundry
Is there any other place to go or should I go do the core city stuff?
Head to Core City, jack. The Arena is calling.
all right
time to be come the arena champion

>letting saban die

disgusting. reload and do it again
dan, not saban
>for some reason
the freedom of the south, yeah
go lick some boots, faggot
right wing death squads are for purging trash from the streets, and "trash in the streets" describes almost all of south underrail
you're not fooling anybody, tankie
you've got some nice boots, boy
thanks, I melted down and molded 6000 charons to make them
wanna see the fragmentation grenades, neurotoxins, and 200-round capacity fully automatic minigun that I bought at a store today with no licenses?
get fucked, authoritarian
lel no way, it took too many tries already
Protectorate would be a lot more appealing if they truly were Biocorp 3.0. They don't even have technocrats, they are just a bunch of military faggots. Even that "civilized north" they like to boast about they merely inherited from Biocorp 2.0. Meanwhile all the cool guys with ambition moved to Hexagon.
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What is the most fun psi ability and why is it Exothermic Aura
nothing like completely cucking melee fags and roof fuckers
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What's in here and how do I get in?
That's for a specific quest.
Thought so. What about the key from the butcher? What does that open?
>the freedom of the south
>fleeing north due to terrorists seizing your weapons = freedom
how do I start the the dlc content properly?
I kind of just bumbled my way into pirate stronghold on a junkjet I got from camp Hathor
>Core city docks
>go east
>pretend you aren't a zoner and apply for a job
littering scum, pick up that bottle you dropped
sail north to core city
If this is your first time and you want to do it properly, cut your losses right now and roll back to an older save. If you enter the dlc area you lock yourself out of joining the Aegis expedition, which is the lorefag way to play it. You can still complete the dlc and it's something perfectly fine when you are replaying it though.
unfortunately my oldest save is already past the big statue at the entrance
oh well
cant defend yourself from local threats so you help an expansionist (((empire))) take over your lands just for a bit of safety
That sucks. I have seriously no idea why Styg never put one of those autosaves at the entrance.
>can't defend your land? better if most die and the rest flees
I guess the burgers should've killed themselves instead of getting help from the french
he did

rail crossing got help from sgs
thats the real reason they keep existing as a community or not

anyway the french didnt conquer america or even want to, they just didnt want england to have it and get stronger
in a way, they were kinda like the drones
>rail crossing only exists thanks to SGS
>therefore you (SGS citizen sent there by an SGS councilor to assist with their problem) should lie to its leader in order to weaken it
You're still not making any sense.
>he did
No, he didn't.
thats not what I said

yes he did
when you enter certain areas or start certain quests in the black sea, the game makes an autosave, even if you have autosaves turned off
youre just an idiot who saved over it or deleted it
Anon for fucks sake, buy that junk jet in Camp Hathor and sail to the Black Sea. Aegis sails past and there's no autosave before it happens. Do I seriously have to record it for you?
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doesn't look like I had any special saves from entering that part of the map (I did not overwrite it, pretty sure since I use only 2 save slots like an idiot)
did arena and started gauntlet and they have their own category
>before it happens
ah well thats on you
there is an autosave when you enter the black sea
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Core City
the true cosmopolitan experience
Wrong again. The dialog box triggers and you get the intro description, but no save, zero, zilch, nada.
you have a bug, then
report it
First show the save, or point me to any video that shows the game making that save.
arena championship achieved. guess it's time to go after the acid hunters
Join the pirates. They give less lore, but it still guides you through the dlc main quest. Find Razor near the pirate base.
>died in two flurries (hard mode)
I remember carnifex being harder, specifically remember coming here at level 20 and still dying on the first turn until I won init
did he get nerfed?
>he didn't genocide pirates, natives and aegis
No, the game just got easier
Builds are more optimized, new weapons are all OP and there's plenty of people who have practiced the fight to give advice

Be honest: are there any parts of the game you find truley challenging still?
I find it challenging to force myself to do any map with locust hives in it. Deep Caverns too, for the same reason.
If your writing that'll do it. If you were doing Dom before he'd might of had the health and mech resist though
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Underrail is set in Simpsons universe
Pure PK Tranq build is going well
People who say Tranq isn't DOM diavle don't know what they're talking about
Is my saved borked? Some zones fail to load but most work fine. I've been swapping between devices with cloud save and Windows Defender isn't blocking it.
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>should random insane serial killers be allowed to purchase 2,000 rounds of 12mm minigun ammo and then walk down the street to the slums to massacre people where city security doesn't patrol, without a license? of course
How OP is the fusion cannon?
>retards still think sweden is filled with blacks
sweden is not burgerlands, sweden has arabs
I think I critted yeah

Early game is still somewhat challenging for some builds if you're not putting 50 points in chemistry for early MK3 grenades.
Serial killers is our word, you can say mercenary.
Even Depot A at this point can be easily cheesed
>all the law-abiding citizens pull out their own miniguns and kill the insane guy before his reaches firing speed
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This is how I LMG
youre the one making a claim, you post the evidence

Yes. Gun control is retarded and leads to shit like the modern day where regular people have basically no say in anything and are ruled by retarded psychopaths.

well, it 1kho's anything
its slow and you can accidently KO yourself
also for it to be really good you need a pretty specific build
so overall I dont think its any better than the other good weapons
>Going through Expedition as a LMG build
I'm wasting thousands of ammo on these little fuckers fuck. Should have brought a GL.
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This is fine. I didn't need ammo.
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I already offered to record, how else do you expect me to prove a negative?
I'm not treating this as a bug because as far as I'm concerned this is how it's always been.
How much throwing do I need if I want to keep throwing nets accurate for the entire game (including expansion)?
Praetorian or coretech for a tincan sword guy?
coretech seems to usually be the correct choice most of the time.
there should be an auto-save at 00:22

it targets enemy evasion, so it needs to be competitive; max it and have good dex

coretech is for tanks
>it targets enemy evasion, so it needs to be competitive; max it and have good dex
all right, I guess I'll keep pumping it.
playing again
>Join the pirates
I can't enter port crag without being blasted(not hostile by default but ward me off from entering their port), same with ceto
wiki says Razor is in port crag
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Razor is a few maps to the east of Ceto, here.
dumb dumb dummy
Im here to insult you again, you wiki-using faggot

thats north, dumb dumb dummy
thanks I'll check it out
who are you again?
>coretech is for tanks
No it's not, that's praetorian
no, praetorian is for psiggers
No it isnt, pillar is merely random a lore drop
you idiot
the praetorian special is a gas grenade that only psiggers can use to the full effect
the praetorian questline fucks tincans, while being overall pretty easy for psiggers
the coretech questline on the other hand is very easy for tanks, especially if they have hacking

JKK however, is fairly suited to rogue types
what's this guy deal?
who are you talking to?
the dude with asperger's
ah, the entire playerbase that isnt from redddit
yeah fuck that guy
what increases detection?
I suddenly started detecting traps despite having 3 perception and no points in traps.
ah, so it just naturally increases with level, that makes sense.
Praetorian is thematically a tin can faction
Praetorian questline is indeed the hardest, but it's also a good test on how good and sturdy your tank buildd is
Coretech is the overall easiest faction, anybody can do it, not just tanks in specific.
Also everything is easy for psiggers, this is a moot point
shit points in general
praetorian is the worst choice for tincans, regardless of thematic intention; the first quest throws a bilocating TC boss at you, 2nd quest throws epistol/w2c homos at you, 3rd quest is fine, admittedly, but its a lot harder than the coretech one where a tank can just camp the entrance and wipe the waves easily (which is relatively hard for psiggers because you cant just enter combat first and some of them come in stealthed)
each coretech quest is relatively very easy for tincans
>the first quest throws a bilocating TC boss at you
That's the second one, first one is Al pacino, he is a strong TCer but can still get warcrime'd regardless.
>2nd quest throws epistol/w2c homos at you
That's the first one, mystery niggas can still be tanked with morphine and sturdy enough HP, bridge section can be trivialized
>but its a lot harder than the coretech one where a tank can just camp the entrance and wipe the waves easily
That's not just tanks in specific, but easy quest as a whole, you can easily corner peek around some boxes and in the end of the day you can also warcrime the entrance and none of them survive past 5 tiles away from the entrance. Like I said, moot point.
>each coretech quest is relatively very easy for tincans
Coretech is easy in general.
>he is a strong TCer
good point, forgot about that
further strengthens my point
>bridge section can be cheesed
anything can be cheesed; faggots gonna fag
>coretech warehouse can be cheesed
as I said

>Coretech is easy in general.
but relatively easy for tanks, as I said
Agree to disagree.
Tanks should go to Praetorian still.
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if you want to suffer, sure

though I guess you can warcrimes your way through de pacino and fursuit your way past jookhela to get to the fun stuff
>assburger is a hammerfag
it all makes sense now
Stop arguing about bullshit and give me advice on retarded builds instead
>sniper tin-can with psi for AoE: plan: sit in place while blowing shit up and sniping tough targets
Could this work?
On Dominating of course.
what weapon in your other hand?
hmm. Good question, I didn't think about that. I'll have like 8-9 str since tin-can so maybe an assault rifle?
then yeah, you should be fine
it'll be a little hard to juggle that many ability points, and your psi powers wont be very strong, but MT goes well with snipers
thermD + aimed shot, boom a whole group
cryostasis + aimed shot, ez kill a strong nigger like magnar or carnifex
pyrokinesis + pyromania = possibly light up your enemies to trigger ambush or at least get rid of any darkness penalty
pyrokinesis/cryo-orb/plasma beam for AoEs against multiple weaker foes

AR for when you realize your build kinda sucks, kek
nah you'll be alright
Nice, time to make a sniper without stealth for the first time.
actually I probably still would use stealth
aim for super steel armor to keep your penalty as light as you can
use a cloaking device to make up for your armor penalty
nimble, possibly body-weight training and armor-sloping if you can afford them

snipe and ambush are great feats
>stealthy tin can
That does sound cool
Gonna try that
Ever since beating the game with chem pistols I actually cannot use any other type of build without constantly wishing I was using chem pistols.

they were so insanely fun to use
I haven't played chem pistol in a while. I loved it, but has Styg ever tweaked cryo pistols to make them more useful? I hated how there was almost never a reason to use it over acid or fire.
I don't think so
Hitting everything with acid, gas and napalm and then just watching the carnage unfold is just so damn fun.
They're useful against the sea serpents but that's about it.
>there should be an auto-save at 00:22
Keyword is should. Though one map earlier would be even better. Problem is, I can't find any trace of this particular autosave existing. Not in the executable, not in the dialog file, not in the zone layer file. But anon, it's not that I don't believe you. That's why I'm asking for proof that this save exists. So that I can find it and make sure my game, and the other anon's game, really is bugged.
Where do you guys get your avatar images from?
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For me, it's picrel
I look for art on boorus and crop it in kolourpaint.
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photoshop my own out of existing sprites
to add to this, you get bonus points if you represent the armor/gear the character uses
that image was for a vathosphore/bioscrubber tchortist playthrough
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Does doing Phreak lock you out of finishing the oligarch quest line? I've done the warehouse but Harlan isn't offering me anything else, and I can't talk to Rupert
Infusion should add a feat line that lets you capture a beast and train it.
Why the fuck would that require a feat line
Fight in the Arena in order to advance the oligarch quests, like usual.
However I'm not sure if you can still do the last quest for Coretech once you've advanced the events with the Tchortists.
It's just harperbald and bronyman ERPing as usual.
I use AI
same reason AIMING requires a feat
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I just found this; couldnt find it when I first responded to you
remove the MT skill points and feats; I didnt end up using them
this build can do anything in the game
oh, and the melee points are for if you want to do the mutant quest

went ahead and revised it a bit
I used ten trillion chem blob traps on dom
god damn dude
just use gas and caltrops and molotovs like a normal person
>cryo pistols
is there any synergy between ice wizards and cryo-chem-pistols?
maybe? get cryo-induction, freeze a nigger, then shatter em with a cryo aimed shot
I think that should work
oh right, I used gas too
can't go wrong with gas
gas the drones
Not much. There's Cryogenic Induction, but that's about it.
you cast the disco ball and then polish your cryo pistol after everything explodes I suppose
we need more themed feats
theres just hardly any reason to use some of the cold options
>cryo gas
doesnt stack with ground fire whereas toxic gas does
so much focus on a single enemy with repeated attacks is simply never worth the cost
if there was a "cone of cold" spell like pryokinestic stream it would be useful
>cryo pistol
has some niche uses, but is widely considered the weakest chempistol
Yeah, I never liked the lack of synergy between Metathermics feats and chem pistols/traps and Psychokinesis and electro pistols. It's no fun.
well, pk is always nice for roots and stuns and shit
procs opportunist and lowers dodge/evasion to 0

premed ek or ground a nigga, then aimed shot electro pistol to wipe a whole group
I just wish there were more modals like Emission. Like, if Psychostatic Electricity gave you the modal to apply it to your electro pistol at an extra psi cost, or Pyromaniac to your incendiary pistol, Induction to your cryo gas grenades, you get the drill.
some sort of... psi infusion?
Heh, yeah. But you know, only working with the same damage type.
years ago, some guy had an idea for psi emitters on melee weapons keyed to a particular psionic school
theyd use psi points instead of battery power to enhance your melee strikes
>mt fire: adds heat damage to your strikes
>mt cold: cold damage
I forget all his ideas though; I think the tm one could refund ap on a missed strike
That could be fun too. Something like quality determines the cost and skill the damage?
yes, or vice versa
Or on second thought, probably percentage based damage. % of your psi skill added as damage, with the % increasing and the cost decreasing with quality.
Are certain battles just unwinnable with a hammer?
No, you're just having a skill issue
So how the fuck do I kill the arena masters?
Have you tried hitting them? I would start with that. Hit them, and if they don't die then we'll talk.
the three guys in blast suits down in the sewers?

It's easiest with a maxed-out reduction build, but it's doable without. It's tricky, because the time slicer is unavoidable and your armor won't do much, so you want to get her first. You can be basically immune to the epistolfag with full supersteel armor. The hammerfag has EW and a firecracker cap, so you can't rely on your armor to tank him until those wear off.

Focus fire the TM fag first. Sprint in, net (barbed nets would be best) or root if you have pk spells, then pop adrenaline or coke and do as much damage as quickly as you can. Then pop morphine and turn on your low/low efficient shield. The epistol guy will drain your shield with his attacks, but theres not much we can do about that and it doesnt help that much anyway against the hammer. Do your best to tank the hammerfag. Your morphine should wear off around when the firecracker and EW debuffs end, so you can rely on your armor to tank him for a while until he gets EW again.

A good tichrome spiked hammer with a blasting cap and leper poison. Quake with CACs. EW, pummel, and super slam with the tichrome hammer, while using Quake for normal attacks. Use focus stim and aegis before the fight starts. If you use a shaded visor helmet you can try to flashbang your own feet to win a turn or two without them banging on you if necessary, but I wouldnt count on it working since they're max level. You can't rely on nailbombs to trigger tfb since they're basically immune due to their blast suits, and I wouldnt count on serrated armor to inflict a bleed, so you'll be doing this without tfb most likely.
Small piece of advice: load a save from before you entered their room if you can't beat them now, i fucked myself over by leaving to do the DLCs and came back later to an empty room, though i doubt i could stall the fight enough to get 3 separate expose weakness on my pk monk
If you trap one of them in bear traps you can get lucky in finishing em off while the others are out of range.
Another thing to note to is as long as they don't see that member die they will not get the added buffs or trap immunity.
She's a rat for the Protectorate, they planted her to take control of South Underrail from the inside.
Because your second feat either lets you cybernetically enhance your pet or unlock their latent psychic potential. You can only pick one.[/sub]
Why would you ever use heavy leather over tact vests?
Because heavy leathers are cool as fuck
Also looks cool as fuck
Is armor slopping spec worth it?
Yes but it depends.
Infused leather is better. The only good (vanilla) leathers are Siphoner and Ancient Rathound though.
sea wyrm gives excellent melee protection and the best acid protection (up to immunity), while activating juggernaut and heavy metal

ancient rat is maybe the best armor vs psiggers, because you can get pretty good heat and cold resist at the same time, as well as decent mech protection

bison can give you cold immunity and bonus hp

tacvests are basically only good against non-sniper bullets, which are already not a huge threat due to energy shields
pretty much the only people that use tacvests past the midgame are psiggers who want the psi boosts
theres also psicrab which gives you really good electricity protection while also allowing good heat protection at the same time; useful in spicy shores
Isn't Sea Wyrm super heavy thought? Why not go metal armor at that point?
for the reasons I just said
also it has no str requirement
As long as you don't go into the research facility unlocked by Phreak's quest you should be fine.
I wish there was a questline to get rid of both the Protectorate fascists and the Free Drone terrorists.
My house got fucking robbed but the robber wasn't around for me to kill, I thought this shit only happens while you're getting robbed so you can get your stuff back?
The Free Drones don't have any goals besides driving out the protectorate. Do want stop the Protectorate from expanding into the south via peaceful protest? You want to send Melek a strongly worded letter?
>Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
free drones is a lame name, it just paints its members as mindless slaves
>but it's meant to be ironic like workers breaking free from oppressive regime and shit
uhuh, now face the wall drony
Honestly that name always gave me the impression that they want to take it up the ass for the highest bidder instead of any real grievances for oppression. Not exactly a good name to use, is this some Slavic thing?
>tm one could refund ap on a missed strike
Too good unless it's a dice roll. But how about
>Temporal Undo
>Gives you an ability that when activated, refunds 100% of the AP cost of any missed single-target attack with your weapons for its equivalent in psi for (duration) turns. Stacks 10 times. After the effect expires you have a (stacks) * 10% chance to suffer temporal disorientation.
>Temporal Disorientation
>Reduces THC with weapons by (percentage) for (duration) turns.

Would you?
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Finally managed to murder the old man for his gun. Did not realise how hard it is on level 10 and without gas nades, had to cheese him using 5 bear traps and 4 nets (which he can somehow evade while trapped, pretty sure thats illegal)
can't you just outrange him and use locked gate trick?
He can open it with his key. He can also open the two locked doors between his cuck shed and the mutant area.
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just steal them
The only subterfuge skill I have is stealth. I'm playing a pistol build, not some full auto shit so I dont really need pickpocket.
Daily reminder: if you don't side with the drones you're a letist cuckold

pretty sure it does
theyre in stealth though
its possible you just missed each other
>if you don't side with the drones you're a letist cuckold
Correction: if you DO side with the drones you're cuckold AND you have 10% less gun damage so lmao+ratio
somehow I'm always a bit more surprised to get (You)s from bait than from actual discussion
I just automatically assumed you were the burglar guy responding to me
the mission where u gas all of them and gun everything down during the chaos with a biohazard suit on is fun though
oh sure
protectorate has some cool quests and great merchants

but drones have some cool quests too and a useful merchant, and you dont have that icky cuck stain on your soul
Or you could be an enlightened centrist and join neither.
>missing out on all that oddity exp
I wanna do a shotgun + PK build with Tesla armor as my endgame armor, how many points should I invest in PK and is it also worth having 7 will for the Psychokinetic Elasticity feat? I don't want Will to be a dump stat but I'm not sure if 7 and the feat are worth it when I could have more Con or something and leave Will at 5.
Genocide Apogee if you really need it. As far as the game is concerned it never happened, so you can do it with a clean karma.
>its possible you just missed each other
In all my other playthroughs when I was getting robbed whenever I would walk or teleport inside my character would say "what was that?" after hearing noises and then usually gets attacked in the living room where the robber is hiding. That never happened this time, the fucker somehow robbed my house while I was away and I even kept the doors locked as well.
thats just stupid
help the drones remove the protectorate and then they wont have any reason to be here anymore either

centrism is for weak sheep who will always be at the bottom

I would say its not worth it, no
all you're really getting with your that feat on your build is some extra range on EK, which wont be a damage spell so much as a disable; the feat is mainly for people who are doing an electrokinesis build in particular
psychostatic electricity is worth it; more crit chance is good, but that doesnt require will
if youre gonna do a tesla build, I suggest using an electropistol; much more synergistic
id say force user is worth getting 7 will for if you're not putting points in strength, but you want to use lightning spells, not force
if youre going to put points into will for psionic skills, then you should absolutely max the relevant skill, regardless

if you want to do a shotty with pk, its always smart to take 30 for EK and grounding, and 40 or 45 for imprint, and make sure to have premeditation

you cant get the CAU oddity without joining either faction; the CAU can appear on random boats, I dont know if that is triggered by a quest though

ive never heard of that happening
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anybody have the knife schizo build pic?
Maybe I'll just use metal armor or something then for my shotgun build.
>train cuck projecting his fetish on others
Avatarfag and retard, really unexpected combo
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cry harder, zogbot traitor
Which psi class works best with an energy weapon build? The usual TM or would PK work as well?
>I lick the boot of northerners upset about the change in their ruling class, therefore my opponents must be bootlickers too
Amazing. Any more insightful observations?
thats some 13 agi mental gymnastics
Exactly, glad you can see that too.
lets back and forth zoomer-seethe at each other for another 30 posts
Imagine being a brainrotted-on-politics American
Couldnt be me
>Greatest DLC of all time?
Obviously not. I like the game, though
Is there any reason to use regular shotguns instead of burst shotguns?
oh yes
pump shotties are superior
combat shotties have their burst, which is very strong, but costs 50 ap
pumps can shoot for only 20 ap each, so you can zoom and boom from one enemy to the next
Cheap shot damage spec, crit power spec or ripper spec for knives? I cant into math.
50ap is just too expensive for anything.
>walking around core city
>trustworthy looking stranger gives me a green soda
>drink it
I can't believe they did this to me
go back and forth with cheap shot and crit power specs
5 and 4 or 4 and 5
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at some point won't ripper spec out-math them both, like it increases damage past say 80% of the target's health compared to a single point in either
i could make a graph on one of those websites but can't be assed
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>i could make a graph on one of those websites but can't be assed
Please do, I'm about to hit level 16
Id rather have front-end damage; if youre critting you're gonna kill in about two hits anyway
I once lost an ironman run to that guy. Just thought it was a cute little event I hadn't seen before and drank it.
ok here's some math for the critical damage bonus on a 115% normal knife with all 3 perks and 10 spec points thrown around(level 26), the number inside { } is what you get if target has full health, ripper multiplier assumes 50% health, [ ] is the critical power
5 CP 5 ripper
5 cheap shots 5 CP
5 cheap shots 5 ripper
the 1st one seems to be weakest as it will grow the least from ripper on top of having the weakest { } base, and have to crunch more to get results of going 5 cheap shots and 5 in another or altenating both as you level up
please rip into me if i'm wrong in some step
I look number my brain off
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So it seems that >>3670020 anon was correct then and cp+cs is in fact the optimal choice. Thanks for the math, anon.
How do I wipe out Port Zenith? It's so wide open a good alpha strike seems impossible
build? difficulty?
grenades, traps, abusing turn based system, abusing sight lines, stunning enemies with emp/stun nades
trying to approach the zone from different area once enemies are at the other end so they'll have to get to you from the other end of the map and you have a chance to pick them off before escaping the tile and doing it again from the other end
I don't remember the layout but the general rules should apply
PK only Tranq, dominating
honestly, it could be worse. It could reduce your chance to hit forever without ever telling you.
>PK only
how has that been working out for you?
its not
you just need a good build and a good brain
that has extremely tiny alpha strike potential
just like your dick
Do enemies have crit resist? Like what you get with some gear "Chance to get critically hit reduced by X"
yeah, esp. robots
depends on difficulty too
Will Josh Culler return for Infusion? I don't mind Eston that much but a downgrade is a downgrade.
some enemies wear helmets, greaves, groin guards, etc, that lower it, and I assume some have paranoia
some enemies are immune to crits though
he's confirmed he won't
Well damn. Do we know the reason?
He did such a terrific job on Underrail.
I never noticed it with humans, but I did just stab an industrial bot well over 50 times and got 3 crits despite having 35% crit chance. I also remember shooting a dreadnought with my 100% crit chance xbow build and not critting, despite them not being crit immune.
You can make up for it with psychostatic electricity honestly on everything but coil spooders prob gonna get crit. If anything they'll still be a boss killer with implosion.
Still prob be better with a monk, sword or sniper build though instead of pure PK though. Proxy ambush cheese is too good
he doesnt want to just work for vidja titles
Different anon but that's a shame, he really did an excellent job with Underrail, fit the world perfectly. I've liked his stuff since I first heard his ost for Neo Scavenger
oh he was amazing
I get that he has ambition, but he had a solid place in the world as another jeremy soule; hope he realizes this before its too late
Good luck to him and all but that fucking sucks. I wonder what this will mean for the next OST. Will Styg just ask Eston, assuming he will be our composer from now on, to keep imitating Culler as much as he can? Or maybe the game's atmosphere will be different enough and he will be able to start fresh.
he'll have more time to find somebody
I think eston was just a temporary thing for HD, but we'll see
Honestly? Games been pretty easy so far. But a wide open area with enemies too far for EK to bounce is like a kryptonite
Why though? Is he one of those people that thinks video games can't ever be considered art and wants to be involved in 'more serious' productions like movies and shows?
Using lightining bolt as the main attack just sounds awful honestly, I might have to give it a try sometime.
I've only done psi runs with either ice bolt or mind crush as the main attack.
as a critmonster build I think it would be fun
focusing entirely on damage
itd be like electropistol aimed shots, but every time, and with no risk to yourself
He'll come crawling back when the powers turns off and his stomach starts rumbling.
Yeah it can be at times, but I like the strategy involved with moving your proxy around (which can deal nice damage too) compared to MT which is just ice spam . It's a more interesting style of play although battles with allies are s nightmare
True, it would take a while to get going tho
doing depot a with it sounds impossible on dominating
unless you undermine the build and just abuse grenades
lel the bolt just making all your allies hostile must be infuriating
What is this world coming to when you can't even trust a neighbourhood chemist.
There should be a robot build that lets you build and use your own robot companion, you start out only able to make a crappy small sentry bot and at endgame are able to make plasma sentries and industrial bots for a tank bot.
Imagine how many batteries you would go through.
i'd prefer the little augmented recon bug, like the one that the oculus won't give to you despite all your services done towards that faction
What do you mean? You can request one free of charge and even get paid with the info you get out of it.
Anyone done a 0 psi cost meme build. I kinda wonder if hemo health reduction spec works like regular PSI reduction when applied.
If so could prob do some stupid stuff with tranq. Not sure what would be the best PSI school for that but most likely you'll have to go only 1 school maybe 2 if lucky.
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wtf i've never picked up one of these before how
yep, new and rare
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>can't make throwing knives or caltrops with them
not so neat.
The poison damage stacks with hypertoxity and cave ear. kinda fun watching guys kill themselves since they will spam taking drugs when injured
It sounds fun on paper, but imagine trying to get enough to use regularly.
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Knives are fun, I should have done a knife build sooner. I thought it would struggle against armor like unarmed does but its really not an issue (although I imagine the robot death room would still be horrible) and somehow stabbing zoners seems more appropriate than fisting them.
Post portrait.
nta but its in one of the old portrait packs if u google it.
check here:

Cheers. It really triggers my autism when my portrait doesn't have black hair like the sprite.
Do deathstalkers even respawn?
>Yes unfortunately
If your on Dom they take the place of regular crawlers more than 70% the time
Where the fuck do all these exosoldier fucks keep respawning from? Also does gunslinger ever run out of batteries? There's no option to give him any.
he does not
According to the wiki there are 80-110 of them depending on difficulty. And then 30-40 psychophracts.
It's a big compound.
Well I'm just on normal for this playthrough trying out HD for the first time so I guess I'll just slaughter them all, luckily there's a rift if I need to get more ammo.
I've always tought this game was trash. I bought it tonight during the steam sales and I am now level 3 with a stealth/melee build and I'm on my way to find newton after caging 3 cave hopper. this game is great.
you showed you
>you can just buy super steel sheets now
>they're super cheap too
you need to pass a check at least, and they're not high quality
Is CON something better to upgrade early for more HP at max level rather than using the veteran feat to get 2 more CON points while using the 4 points for PER?
HP is retroactive so it doesn't matter when you take it. The only choice is whether you want more hp or more damage early on. Or if you need it to qualify for feats.
Pretty much as this anon said >>3670986
However things like hammers get more DPS in with a feat (super slam) and can boost other feats like conditioning for more DR.
It also helps with certain stun saves and high enough can make poison only last one turn. Mostly though you'll want to focus on damage or dump Con since at higher difficulties enemy damage gets too juiced up to tank usually or they're too many.
>Unless your a super tank than psiggers are usually your only threat
Going to 7 for juggernaut can be worth it even on dominating. It can nearly double your hp compared to 3 con. 4 stat points and a feat is a big investment, but nearly double hp is big too.
>neural overload neural overload neural overload mental breakdown
Omae wa mou shindeiru
>be tincan
>enter gray army base
>kill everyone
>read their emails
>some guy was about to get married
Sure only thing too to mention with that is depending upon their build, their armor penalty can be l lowered with nimble and it will still activate but other feats like heavy metal won't. So they should read the description on feats carefully.

All Con boosting items also effects Jugg so that makes it better. Other gear as well can give quite some health like full Pig leather or bison but will never get enough armor penalty too activate it. So if they want to use leather gear to prob not take it :/
im a newbie, how do I repair my knife ? is there a repair npc ?
ah I need mechanical toolkit right ?
Yes. You can buy them from various people. You can also get the recycle and repair kit blueprints and then turn metal items into scraps and then scraps into repair kits yourself.
I'm level 4 now, I like the oddity experience system. I just saved newton from the bugs, they hit hard I can't fight more than one at once.
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>just handed in the drill parts and went to core city for some dumpster diving
>pic related
Holy shit, this is going to be so good at higher levels with trance/good headband etc.
>done with rail crossing
>done with foundry
>done with core city
>done with dudes teleport quest
>cleansed the entirety of the lunatic/lurker population getting lost searching for the eletrokinetic imprint
>level 20
should I go do the expansion now?

Also I almost shot dude lol he just showed up in my characters house out of nowhere
20 is fine for expedition, I'd leave heavy duty for later, although it does have some nice toys
All right. I'll be going on the expedition. I have no idea where heavy duty starts anyway.
Its very easy to find if you explore the upper metro area. It has the highest skill checks by far in the entire game and some of the hardest encounters.
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Infusion video still planned for this year, that's good news.
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Is that a fucking slime?
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NONONONO please no it cant be real
*allll I want for christmas...issss........* *y*INFuSION VIDEO UPDATE
This thing here.
that was my first thought too
thats indian cultural enrichment
Shiet, are we sure this isn't North Underrail after all?
styg wouldnt lie to us
i will riot in the streets of belgrade if he doesn't let me throw my hammer at it
Heavy Duty is pretty much a post game expansion, I do it after conquering the DC and ending the faceless invasion.
Fusion cannon, m60 and stunner are all really good and worth getting as soon as possible if your build can utilise them.
Fun fact, on the hardest difficulty that quest is among the mos difficult in the game. But dealing with psi beetles is a hell of a spike for new players even on lower difficulties. Next one will be Depot A.
Is there a goliath on dom or something? I've never done dom because its just literal bullshit unfairness from what I've heard.
Nah, but there are many, many, many of them. Total bullshit at such a low level. Doable, yes. But bullshit.
>that quest is among the mos difficult in the game
All the quests leading up to and including depot A are basically tutorials. You likely dont have means to brute force your way through encounters using your meme metagamed build you found on the internet, so the game wants you to explore other options. Like learning that non-humanoids cant open doors, combat utilities are very strong, traps exist, certain gear can trivialise specific enemies etc.
Truly a rare example of good game design, its hard to imagine a s*rb came up with it.
*buenos aires
nothing special about that
The only way I've ever done it on dom is somehow get past the ones at the entrance through supreme bullshit of the highest order and then the ol' toss a molly and shut the door trick
But what if...
just enter, wait for combat cooldown, then run to the doors and close them
if you dont have stealth
oh, you mean the ones outside
nets and taser on the first one, then mollies/caltrops on the other two using the water rocks as a chokepoint
Just wait, in Infusion they will fly over your puny human doors.
I want styg to unleash all the bullshit we have been using so far against us. I want sledge fags to switch to a knife for exposed weakness before hammering your ass. I want xbow stealth fags to always start at 30% hp with SI so they can destroy you with crits. I want spear fags to have spear throw and use it from max range with decent accuracy. I want evasive enemies to have escape artist so you cant just trivialise them for the cost of 15 ap and 30 points in PK.
>all to most PSI enemies have LOC on command
> including beetles
With enough psi synergy, why not
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>I want xbow stealth fags to always start at 30% hp with SI so they can destroy you with crits.
you mean ambush and deadly snares
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as a new player I really enjoy using traps and having to use combat utilities. they actually feel useful in this game.
who the fuck in biocorp thought creating burrowers, crawlers, and psi beetles was a good idea?
All of that cheese would do is kill tank builds even harder, while stealth/alpha strike builds wouldn't even see any of that, except for the escape artist shit, since the meta is to kill all enemies before they can act.
I bet it was the dude.
He made laser cats as a wandering hobo
imagine what he did with all the tech and facilities at his disposal?
Wasn't he only in charge of the stasis cells and other psionic research?
psionic beetles are psionic research
tfw giving up on my third consecutive hammer build pre depot a
It was just a prank, bro.
I just realized something, do normal non-violent death sports even exist in Underrail? Same with actual TV shows that isn't just the Arena fights live.

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