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previous thread: >>3634470

pic related is that i've spent way too much time romhacking to make RPGs and never finished anything

so here's what i want you guys to do. i want you wall me beyond all comprehension with something that looks like this, because if you haven't figured out how any of this works, then you aren't designing an RPG yet, you're writing a story


i think you all know actually who i am now, and if you provide your battle algo, i'll give you as much feedback as i possibly can on how it's good, bad, and neutral. use a pastebin if you have to.
>i've spent way too much time romhacking to make RPGs
>if you haven't figured out how any of this works, then you aren't designing an RPG
Well what the fuck, can't win
yuji sakai thread, look away people
virtually every single game that's popped off beyond all comprehension, love it or hate it, figured out the mathematics behind it first, then figured out a story to rejigger behind it

>space invaders
>super mario bros 1
>final fantasy 1 (problem being they ran out of budget to test the combat)
>mario 64

i could list like infinity million games, but i took game theory in college, and what you learn is that every single game is fundamentally a math problem, and if your math problem is boring, then your game is boring
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Asked in another thread about stats, status effects and damage formula. I designed a df which I'm very happy m for an algebraic pov. It's utter trash however as it's middling any output (high expected value).
Should I scrap it or let the system force outliers any now and then? As a gamer I always complain when I encounter the latter, now I see why lazy devs did so.
this is my area of expertise, and what i was asking you to wall me beyond all comprehension in

what language are you writing in? you can even just throw the source code at me and if i study it for an hour i can probably figure out what it does
this mistranslation is so infamous they kept it in pixel remastered and i've heard rumors they even retranslated the mistranslation back into japanese
Last night I finished the splash to title screen cutscenes. Its just two short ones that you can skip
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On the text-based game front, my eastern fantasy has finally got a 150k word update in presentable shape after 6 months of busy life, dropping it 1 week from today. Unfortunately it's only half the chapter I wanted to release but it's bigger than some IF games so I'm going with the update anyway. Do you guys ever do partial-releases? I'm dying not having the player get to a satisfying closure for the chapter but 150k words (before counting code) definitely needs playtesters and 6 months is enough time to make people wait.

I agree a little, my game gained popularity in part due to the combat system working differently than anyone else's and that took about a month of tinkering with variables by reference.
You should stop posting in this thread, it's probably going to be deleted soon.
actually, has >>>/vr/11437349 appears to be a recurring general with a backlink, and like i said, even if this thread get baleeted, nothing's just going to change, i'll just wait for however long it takes your general to hit the archive, repost the same copypasta, and nothing will change

Did Garland just knock them over in one timeline and they just give up out of embarrassment?
>nothing will change
Posted progress will be deleted.
You should stop making new threads and instead posting some progress FFS.
Nice I'm so bust right now but I promise I'll give it another go early january. My 1st run was pretty good how much more game time do you think it compares to the previous update?
i can't make any fucking progress because of $$$$$

i bought a toaster off a government program, watched multiple teardowns of the laptop, bought a bunch of stuff to upgrade and go with the laptop, and now i need to return it all, and i'm probably not getting most of money back, except for the ram sticks off amazon, that was already refunded, until after xmas

i'm making a decision calculus if i want to get a $600ish desktop or if i want drop a 1 year sub to google workspace, because apparently they're the only app on android that has goalseek, and that's what i need to make progress
i hit the submit button a little early. the mobo in the government toaster was totally different than the model you can buy directly from dell, everything was integrated and nothing could be upgraded at all. the system threw 10 fucking pagefile crashes just by existing and so i immediately returned it

so here's my counterattack, instead of bitch at me about not posting progress, why don't YOU wall me with your damage formulae and i'll critique how it works
If you have a PC/phone for spamming, you have a PC/phone for working on your game and posting progress.
If your current PC/phone isn't powerful enough for working on GFX, start working on the rest: story, audio, the database, etc.
i searched high and low for a free app with goalseek, and it doesn't exist. even M$ doesn't have goalseek in their android version of office, and i was right about break out my credit card give them their $10bux/mo, but before i did, i googled if it had goalseek, and it doesn't

also, i have a bluetooth keyboard, and that's what i did to keep myself sane after my desktop died forever

i was considering getting a bluetooth mouse for my phone, but apparently there's no way to shut mouse accel off, and as someone who's been doing that since BALL MICE EXISTED, mouse accel would just drive me mad
Why the fuck do you need goalseek to start working on anything? Less excuses, more progress.
you know what, instead of respond to you, i'm going to quote the faq, which is even more important than the rules

What is considered positive contribution?
Our definition of "positive contribution" is the submission of substantial, helpful, friendly, and humorous posts to the boards, along with the uploading of quality images and files. We feel that positive contribution should be treated as a way of donating to 4chan without actually having to fork over cash.

Why is contribution so important?
Contribution is important because it is what drives this website. If we didn't have a dedicated pool of users who frequently contribute, we'd be yet another stagnant run of the mill forum. But we aren't. By having an increasing number of diverse and quality contributors, 4chan becomes more unique, interesting, and enjoyable to use.

How can I become a good contributor?
It's really quite easy. If you have something to add to a topic: reply. If you have an interesting, high quality, neat, rare, etc. picture: upload it! Share your mind and image collections with us. Don't just leech! Give back to the community which you take from. It's a simple and effective way to grow the site. Before contributing, make sure you're acquainted with the rules.

What is "shitposting"?
Shitposting is "knowingly contributing low quality, off-topic, or ill intentioned posts."

i'm trying to be a positive contributor, by assisting others with their progess, and you're just shitposting
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It isn't shitposting, it's a genuine question. You don't need goalseek or anything else to start working on the story, for example.
Gif related.
But yukianon, he was asking why you need goalseek not talking about spam. I personally didn't know about this function but it seems like a numerical way to determine x for y with a function that is solving y for x. Very useful for number crafting I guess.
one of you said this is a very slow thread and i'm destroying it. if you want me to wall you with 20 4chan posts in a row of the outline of my story, i could, but i'd rather not do that, because i'd rather talk about game design

i should have taken a screenshot of it before i returned my toaster, but i was so pissed off i experienced so many pagefile crashes i didn't even think about it at the time. basically, i rejiggered the equation x^x, then rounded it off in 00, then 0000 increments, to make it so there's exactly 20 levels at 999,999,999 exp at level 20, and every single level required you to acquire slightly more exp than you've acquired the entire game so far, so on what i'm planning on calling schizo difficulty, there's no possible way to grind. you need to clear every single dungeon and acquire all the gear to hit a power spike before you proceed to the next part of the world map, which is pic related. the exp on the overworld map is going to be like wow, it's fucking nothing, while dungeons are never going to reset. i wanted to make more progress by starting to set up the table to goalseek the party characters to be of equal cost effectiveness at the level you pick them up, and just taking random guesses trying to get the values even? that's going to take fucking forever

the other two difficulties are going to be sane, and insane, where sane, you're just in it for the plot, and your exp gain is so fast you can just steamroll it, and insane, which is what i'm hoping your average rpg veteran can clear, and yes, you will be able to grind on the world map. once you beat the game, you unlock a fourth difficulty, speedrun, which is going to just skip all the cutscenes and dialogue

what i wanted to do with my toaster, was starting working on the world map, was overlay it with a political version of pic related, and add a dungeon or something in every single major city. i hit the charlimit
anyway, what i wanted to do, was once i know exactly how many dungeons there are, start to figure ok, exactly how many enemies are there in each dungeon and how much EXP do they give. in order to do that, i need to goalseek the cost effectiveness of the whole fucking party against the enemies, figure out how much you can fight before you're totally tapped out on resources, assuming you go in a specific order, and this is not an easy math problem to solve. i could sign up for a sub on wolfram alpha, and use them, but then i wouldn't have anywhere to store the data.
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I'm can't recall if its even tangentially related but I vaguely remember doing newton-rhapson and gauss-seidel methods for aproximating with just barebones excel back in uni. Surely there must be a way to implement goalseeking with enough cells without paying for software?

On the other hand I just saw a mexican guy on youtube showing a plugin doing just that in google spreadhseets, could this be what you need? https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/goal_seek/583737146763
yes, but it's not free. it's an official google plugin that's only available for google workspace, which cost either 10bux/mo, or 100bux/year

i'm 39 man. a year doesn't seem too long to me anymore. i can coast until next black friday, and as long as i don't experience another financial disaster, i can keep myself entertained doing mathemagic in google workspace, then figure out how to get it all imported into openoffice on a windows 12 machine. if windows 12 STILL isn't out, then i don't fucking know. it's supposed to solve the ransomware issue for good. it was supposed to come out in april of this year and it got delayed
now on the other hand, if you want to hear a fucked up story about the post post apocalypse, as in society has been rebuilt, and oh my god it's fucked up, then give me a bunch of (You)s, but you told me that i'd destroy your general if i did that
Its very strange that I can just install that extension without charge and open it on my sheet. But I live in europistan so idk maybe thats the difference
because you're on a COMPUTER, most likely, and now that i'm digging around some more, it looks like the AI that controls the google search results is so confused that maybe it's not available on android either. i haven't looked into this in quite a while

at least i installed sheets and uninstalled a bunch of shared apps that were from a cringe incel discord where the owner was basically just trying to dox us i don't miss at all
this cringe incel discord is ancient history btw. we're talking like 2013
i'm sorry to spam you guys with 5 posts in a row, but i'm losing my mind. i'm following the exact instructions to get this plugin working on android and it doesn't show up in the play store when you're trying to install an extension. i don't understand this.

you have to understand, i dumped $2500 in my car this year, and for someone who lives off autism bux, that's a quarter of my income, and then take the interest because i had to charge it to a credit card because of the inflation crisis, and it's even worse. i have no idea how i even got this credit card, they never give them to people who live off autism bux. one of these repairs was a straight up $1000 repair, and if i didn't have this card, my car would be in the junkyard

the saddest thing about this, is my scumbag millionaire family, with the amount of money they go spending running up a huge bar tab in 1 week, could bankroll me off autism bux and help me make it big. instead, they all hate me because they don't understand that "contraindicated" is doctor speak for you will die if combine valium with alcohol, and so they want me to fail life. it's pathetic.

if i lived in a country with UBI or something, i'd be so fucking busy. basically, i give up. i want to help you guys with your projects until a desktop with win12 finally exists because video game math is my area of expertise, and anything that's a descendant of C, you can just throw the source code at me and i can still read it and figure out what it does. the last time i was doing any computer programming at all was trying to see what i could do with whatever the latest version of RPGMaker in 2011 and it's an undocumented mess, where the engine could theoretically handle everything i wanted to do, but i was taking random guesses as to what to edit, and completely overriding variables in the editor making them operate off totally different formulas
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i tried to delete this post, because you caught me sperg the fuck out and i'm way off topic but for some reason 4chan is just like nah, i'm not gonna let you. i also made a typo, the last time i did any programming was 2021
can you explain the logic connecting:
your family being rich
you being contraindicated for some certain medication or treatment
them not understanding what contraindicated means
"not understanding what contraindicated means" being the reason they hate you
the only possible reason they aren't giving you money to help you "make it big" is because they hate you

and how any of this is relevant to not being able to install some extension on android

provide your reasoning and show your work
>the saddest thing about this, is my scumbag millionaire family, with the amount of money they go spending running up a huge bar tab in 1 week, could bankroll me off autism bux and help me make it big. instead, they all hate me because they don't understand that "contraindicated" is doctor speak for you will die if combine valium with alcohol, and so they want me to fail life. it's pathetic.
If you get autism buxx from the gov't you're better off than 90% of the people here with jobs so shut it.
I programmed my first game in '02 in basic and was dx'd with autism in the '90s. I've made maps and mods and have a software engineering degree. What do you even want to know here?
The best advice I can give you to making a game, any software, or even a novel is to plan ahead. Figure out the objectives, diagram shit out, then build a framework that makes that but has adaptability if you need it.
Also no one gives a flying fuck about games made by one guy anymore so you're wasting your time.
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my dad is ukranian, and the stereotype is fucking true. easter is a major drinking holiday for him, and he was constantly shoving mixers in my face and refusing a drink from a ukranian is considered a great insult. if you want some dank lore, the ceo who got killed, that dude was his DIRECT SUPERVISOR until he got laid off and went into early retirement. for a while, i was fixated on a board game that's like chess, mtg, and starcraft had a threesome, and chess isn't sure who the father is. my scumbag brother works for GE and is doing nothing but hostile takeovers trying to turn them into a medical equipment monopoly. they could drop $2k on a computer for me and it would not hurt their bottom in line at all. my bitch sister in law who hated me from minute 1 for no apparent reason finally divorced my brother, and he managed to buy her out of a million dollar mansion that they built instead of buy a house. they don't understand any of the games i've designed at all, because they suck at strategy games, and because my dad has wet brain, where he can't understand anything i say at all, even though my stepmom and anyone else in the family in room can understand me fine, and he thinks i'm schizo to the point where i just sound like word salad, i finally called him out on his alcoholism, we were insantly done, he took revenge, and filed a bunch of bullshit fraud reports with social security and snap, snap ignored it, but i almost lost my social security, until i signed an affidavit under oath, then i was fine.
part of the reason he hates me is that i needed roughly $800 to replace my mobo, ram, and cpu, before my computer got ransomware from a 0 day attack on my router, and he gave me $150. that's not get me fucking anywhere, so i bought the marble chessboard because it was exactly $150 and i wanted it really bad. he was extremely offended by that, when he's just clueless how many parts i needed to get my computer compatible with windows 11. we had a temporary falling out because he didn't like my girlfriend at the time based off nothing but her photos, and when i tried to repair the bridge with him, one of the things we agreed on is we're both getting old, and i don't like any of your card games, so let's start playing chess, and he refused to play with a timeclock. i had to literally hit the fucking button for him, and i even told him we can play under classical time control, and he's like "oh no, i'm not playing for over an hour" when the whole point of classical is that you're not supposed to run out of time.
as for you, i have planned a shit ton of things in advance, but i can't do anything i need to do with the fucking apps i can find on android. the fact that the direct directions on google to get goalseek working on android made me snap, it says to install it from the app store through the sheets install plugin tab, and the app doesn't show up in the search bar. that's what made me finally snap. also, when i finally took a look at the reviews, apparently even if you can get this plugin to work, it's been 1 star bombed, people are having lots of problems with it. i've been trying to hold out for win12, because win11 is shit, and i don't want to buy a win11 machine until at least the specs for win12 are announced.
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also, i don't think you know who i am. i've been very successful on the internet twice, and while i didn't make enough money to be set for life, i made enough money to do whatever the hell i wanted in college. i was a paid moderator for MLG at peak halo and made greenhouse, the second most popular 1v1 map in halo 3, but no one remembers the second most popular thing, and because it was before the era of streaming, it was totally lost to history. as the head mod of the forge forum, it became the official mlg 1v1 ruleset, but mlg made shitty business decision after shitty business decision until they became a meme company. i failed out of compsci, but it wasn't my core compsci classes i was failing, it was math and science. i had 3 letters of support on my appeal so i got put on academic probation and was banned from taking classes in the school of engineering without the direct approval of the dean, which i did get on my final transfer to get an F in multivariable calculus. i got As in calc 1 and 2, but i have some mental block on 3d math. i ended up graduating with a useless english degree because after shopping around like a freshman all over again i was banging out papers no problem and getting straight As, i tried to get into law school but they wouldn't look at the fine
print of my gpa where the classes i did poorly in had fuck all to do with law. my idea for an rpg was originally going to be a novel, but i realized no one reads books anymore and it will work better with the zoomers as a computer game, and it's just going to skullfuck people with how absurd the mechanics of this game are. also, when i post on 4chan it's just fire and forget, but when i stop and revise something, it's flawless, unless i'm making flaws on purpose, like when i say you and me

i was running a very successful website for many years, but now that flash is deprecated, and the whole site was dependent on flash, and also the DMCA didn't exist, there's no way to reboot it
btw, the reason i was failing these math and science classes, is they were doing pencil and paper exams. give me a ti-89, i can solve anything, but with no calculator, i can't fucking figure anything out. i wasn't even allowed to use a ti-83. how the fuck does this have to do with compsci?
anyway, this has fuck all to do with gamedev, and i'm being baited. you think i live off autism bux because i want to? no, i live off autism bux because i was suicidally depressed for years and narrowly went homeless. i think you're all just starting to turn this into some drama thread to get it to 404, so whatever, unless you post something i can analyze, i'm out
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>unless you post something i can analyze, i'm out
Okay, let's try it.
I'm using modern Persona/SMT battle formulas but without level scaling.
I can't (and don't want to) post the whole shit here, only the attack formulas are implemented in a 1000+ LOC C++ file.
For the first 20 levels they feel nice, level delta at level 5 feels the same as at level 20.
What do you think of them?
I don't want to put you "on blast" here, but...
>i failed out of compsci, but it wasn't my core compsci classes i was failing, it was math and science. i had 3 letters of support on my appeal so i got put on academic probation and was banned from taking classes in the school of engineering without the direct approval of the dean, which i did get on my final transfer to get an F in multivariable calculus. i got As in calc 1 and 2, but i have some mental block on 3d math
I have comp sci and mech eng bachelors. Making software requires a lot of math and a mind that can deal with it. If calc 2 is hard, maybe try differential equations or thermodynamics.
No one is going to care about a game made by one guy anymore. Just accept it, especially if you used someone else's game engine.
>No one is going to care about a game made by one guy anymore.
You meant it like nobody will give it extra attention like they did to toby fox or eriv barone? I think you can make something good while being solo still but no one will bat an eye at the fact you're solo.
I'd like to think that, too. But it's an oversaturated market, even if you create the coolest thing ever there's a 99% chance you're working on a significant loss.
I'd like to imagine otherwise, but reality is reality.
You've got to be a programmer, artist, and writer of the highest caliber to make something special, and if you can't advertise it as something super cool and unique then no one will play it no matter how good it is.
I'm sorry, but reality is what it is.
I agree its a 1 in 1000000 chance to make it but its still worth a shot if you enjoy the ride. Just don't invest 1000s of bucks on it.
>Worth it if you enjoy it
Fair enough, that was the only possible good response.
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10/10 game, i respect how they had the balls to allow you to get hardstruck in the nuclear apocallypse, antiquated garbage formula though doubly made more by how the weapons you pick up in the early post apocalypse are actually WORSE on dps than the Beretta92F which costs more $$$, although that makes sense thematically
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writing my own engine, and the game brings so many unique mechanics to the table it's going to turn heads with rts/moba crowd, of which i've posted many in your threads and gotten noreplies.jpg

also, because i'm an open information guy, the entire game is going to operate off .png and .neotxt files, where i'm tempted to release an editor DLC for the game, and let people make their own Nothing Constructives, just like Tim Sweeny did with ZZT. the plot has completely diverged from what i wrote, but the personally of 3 of the main characters, Zanno, Doom, and Steve is essentially the same
>rts/moba crowd
>gotten noreplies.jpg in an rpg board
Well there seems to be little overlap
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>You've got to be a programmer
one of the three letters of appeal said point "his code is like john carmack's where it's completely flawless and we can find no way to optimze it"
i did pixel art in the '90s and '00s and i know exactly what i'm doing. however, in order to do the way in combat sprites, i need adobe animate, the artist formerly known as flash, because GIMP automatically aliases anything you rotate. guess i could try recompiling gimp
>and writer of the highest caliber
motherfucking checked, pic related, i took a multi-year hiatus from 4chan, because some sick fuck on an [s4s] discord tried to swat me, i'm finally bored of my police's advice to ghost all social media after like 3 years of doing nothing but reading news and hard science, abrputly go check [s4s] out, and they're STILL making oc based on my lore

the [s4s] related discord referred to me as the "loremaster" and everyone and now then a new member would join, immediately message me, and ask "are you the image guy" and i'd so "no i'm the lore master" and the relaction to that would be "holy shit that's actually even more scary because i know ever question i have for you is going to get answered with a wall of text"
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you missed two things on your list
>audio genius
checked. i know how to make bleepy style NES sound effects and was planning on using the BBC Sound Library, which many vidya uses, and make it sound like dogshit 11khz audio on purpose and add a ton of reverb
>musical prodigy
that's the one roadblock i'm gonna have. i'm gonna either need to study music theory hard, or the Obama Hope Supreme Court case decided this for me. if you heavily modify an image, it's not copyright infringement, it's artwork. i read a study in the '90s that said classical music thrown through the mersenne twister still sounds pretty good, and now that it's the c++ standard for generating random so i'll take a bunch of nobou uematsu's sheet music, and maybe even some actual classic music, and throw it through the twister until i get a total banger. i'm planning on using famitracker, although i haven't quite decided what chips i want to use yet
Just stating the obvious, it obviously sounds like an rpg but you're trying to attrackt the wrong crowd according to your own description on the previous message?
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yes, because the game involves a qwertyasdf tab space mouse control scheme, and is going to require a lot of clicking, and yet it's also an 80 hour text scrolling like xenogears that hasn't been made since...xenogears? however, if you turn the difficulty down to sane, no, it won't be a difficult game at all, you're going to gain EXP so quickly that you're just gonna curbstomp everything. it's gonna be as faceroll as FF6 is
instead of run a comsat sweep on the 4chan off-site archives, you had a protoss observer in place, wasn't ready for that
one more comment then i'm gonna go make cofveve and be on my way

i really wish i had the money to blow for vocaloid, because then i'd be namefigging as Hatsune Miku, posting vocaroos of pure nonsense to replies all over the place in [s4s]

try to imagine these two songs combined together, when you get to the part of the game that works exactly like this in overworld map, you need to re-recruit your entire party


and here's two of the gimmicks that people are going to be like the what the fuck is going on here. there is no party size limit, you have TWENTY FOUR FUCKING CHARACTERS in the absolute endgame, and the magiespeteriajunction system is the simplest idea ever, called the link system, where two characters located top to bottom from each other are psychically linked on an 3x8 grid, and their core stats add together, and if one of them gets near fatal, the other abruptly loses all core stats

and as far as this segment of the game goes, i looked up some tutorials, and yup, gamemaker can use that mode 7 dealie, it's just a bunch of trig, and you ARE the airship, flying around in a suit of samus aran master chief power armor with angel wings with an antigravity field that lets you land and take off

see why i need goal seek now? how the hell am i supposed to calculate the balance and power curves of that many characters without it
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oh right, it doesn't actually quite work like this. Luna has been dead for thousands of years, and while she was dead, the United States of Lunaria has finally begun their invasion of Earth, and there are tons of random encounters in the air that are 3 way ffa clusterfucks where's someone is caught is a pincer attack, but when you're alone, the probability you get hit at all could be up all the way up to 1/33
That's all the feedback you can give after crying for so long?
You're almost worse than Sigma.
>see why i need goal seek now?
Go find copy of EES that fell off the back of a truck
after getting hardstuck in smt to the point where i couldn't even savescum my way out of the situation, i finally consulted a guide, but all i did was read the section on the mechanics, and i was like "oh", and i can't find it, but i found an even deeper guide that explained the exact battle algo. smt is based for basically being pokemon before it was cool, but the math behind the game is very flawed

That's SMT1, with modern Persona/SMT I was talking about Persona from 3 to 5 and SMTV (without level scaling).
oh. i'm not familiar with it, but i'll look into it when i have spare time (i actually don't have much today) and get back to you
i have like an hour to kill, so i googled persona 5 battle algorithm, and all i'm finding is the bare basics and people asking where to find the battle algo and tips on combat, and i don't have time to read everything on gamefaqs about it, you want to spoonfeed me where you found the battle algo?
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You have to surf multiple gamefaqs guides and board posts to find everything, as usual.
Here's the basic damage formula: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/945498-shin-megami-tensei-persona-4/48852804
once i saw on ebay that a used copy of persona 5 is like $200, that's the one i was googling around for. the status effects were really hard to figure out what they actually do with how generic they described them

i need to crater, but i'll try to get back to you when i'm done funpoasting on red boards
ok, so to be clear, you took the MOD out of that damage formula, is there is some retarded bethesda style level scaling in later SMTs?

i'm also assuming what he means is (STR/END)*ATK which could also be written as (STR*ATK)/END. whenever i'm trying to express any formula, i always use as many () and possible even if i know the compiler will understand it correctly, because he threw that into a compiler with x changed to a *, the compiler would actually fuck up and give you rounding errors by dividing first if it's clamped to an int, and i can't remember if he would precision on a float, i hate floats because i can't stare at the binary and be like "ok, i know what that number is" and they cause performance issues when excessively used

if that's the forumla you're using, that's cool man, because that's just the cost effectiveness formula where it sqrt(durability*dps) with a tweak. it's multiplying together your strength and attack together, where you could consider one of them your rate of fire and the other your base damage, so it essentially balances itself whoever was writing persona 4.xlsx

if you took the MOD out of that formula, you're significantly decreasing the importance of your level, where i was using a similar formula for a very interesting idea for a roguelite that got vaulted because i realized the whole fucking market was flooded. the whole idea behind this one, is that there were 3 classes, bow/sword (rogue), sword/shield (knight), bow/shield (mage), and then finally, all 3 (princess) then a classification with the 4 classical elements, and then what you had equipped determined what skills you had available. i was using the formula (your level/their level) to stat check you.

the reason i gave up on the game is i was trying to write a completely nonlinear story, and it just got too complicated. you started as the princess of air, and your kingdom got overthrown, and i hit the charlimit
your kingdom got overthrown, by democracy of all things, and you had to prove your identity as you wandered the world to recruit new PCs, and then overthrow the new government, which is not doing well

when you take something like that out of the formula, your level is way less important, and i wanted the game to just level check you, because each seed was like a fixed version of morrowind where it's if you looked at it in some kind of editor you would know where to go, but haha, you don't know

i'll continue to do some more research on this after the covfefe hits the blood stream on my 4 hours of unhealthy sleep
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>ok, so to be clear, you took the MOD out of that damage formula, is there is some retarded bethesda style level scaling in later SMTs?
Yes to both. Basically the only stat that really matters in that game is the level.
>(STR/END)*ATK instead of (STR*ATK)/END
It doesn't matter if you're using floating point for the formulas, but if you're using integer or fixed point (as I am), yes, it matters a lot.
I'm careful with the order of the ops, so assume I'm using floating point.
>if that's the forumla you're using, that's cool man, because that's just the cost effectiveness formula where it sqrt(durability*dps) with a tweak.
Yep, the sqrt is what fixes the balance between high vs low stats. Lots of 8 and 16bit JRPGs were broken thanks to not using a sqrt.
sounds like you know what you're doing, and i'm kinda surprised you're awake in my timezone when i got so little sleep. so what does your level effect in your game?
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New boss attack: https://webmshare.com/play/4aMqo
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/2mts66.webm

Nothing special, it just determines the final value of a stat:
inv_cos = 1 - cos((level + 4) * 0.4);
multiplier = 1 + (inv_cos * 128);
final_stat = base_stat
you're using trig? uhh, degrees or radians?
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i'm gonna throw a bunch of random numbers into my solar powered calculator on your formula once i know whether or not it's deg or rad, because that's new to me. fuck everything about touchscreens

this bluetooth keyboard is what i bought to keep myself sane after my out of court settlement with comcast corporate hq where it was pretty clear i wasn't getting enough money to replace my mobo/ram/cpu
>final_stat = base_stat
Wooops, it's final_stat = base_stat * multiplier
ok, what's the level cap? and what i would i suggest you do, to create class variance, is replace that 0.4 with whatever the hell your stats are, unless you don't want class variance
basically, if that 0.4 was a totally different number for every different character, they're gonna have a totally different stat curve, and that be [heimerdinger]hmm, very interesting[/heimerdinger]
ok, i can't dick with this formula until i know your level cap and what your stat range or stat gain per level looks like

btw, i like your billboarded sprite graphics, i have a mental block on 3d graphics, so i'm never, ever, gonna try to make a 3d game, unless i pop off so hard i can make an AAA studio working on a toaster spec game that's gonna reboot the arena fps genre into a 32v32 clusterfuck where the world is a 3x3 grid of 1v1 maps, so it will become the literal NFL of esports where you're going to need some hard carries to backpack your team and a deep roster, and also be tennis where i just run the biggest open bracket ever based on your ranked elo
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>level cap
99, like most/all modern personas/smts.
>replace that 0.4 with whatever the hell your stats are, unless you don't want class variance
No I don't, but it would be a good way to make some characters stronger in the long term.
then your formula is flawed, because you're eventually going to have a negative multiplier, lole

i typed this thing into my calculator to make absolutely sure i wasn't losing my shit
consider using the log of your level somehow so that it floors at 90 degrees
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If the level is 99, cos((level + 4) * 0.4) = cos(103 * 0.4) = cos(41.2) = 0.75
multiplier = 1 + (inv_cos * 128) = 1 + (0.75 * 128) = 97
It's degrees, the multiplier can't be negative.
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Wooops again, multiplier = 1 + (inv_cos * 128) = 1 + ((1 - 0.75) * 128) = 33
But again, it can't be negative.
oh you're right, i fucked up how i was typing it into the calculator.

i typed in


i was gonna buy a TI89, and apparently you can only get them manufacuter and they cost as much as a computer, so I went to go look for a TI83, and i'm so old they're up to TI84 now, and it was so fucking expensive i bought at calculator instead, and then it i noticed it was solar powered, i was like cool, i'm set for the nuclear apocalypse, they can't kill me because they won't know what the buttons do
anyway, my game is taking the exact opposite approach to characters

they are going to have wildly diverse stats and a tl;dr from the previous thread is that HP, AP (Armor Points, like Doom/Quake) and JW (Jiggawatts, your MP), do not scale per level, except for the technomancer with scaling JW/lvl, and the morbidly obese catboi hacker with scaling HP per level, starting at 300 at lvl 5 when you pick him up scaling up to 1337 at lvl 20, and it's your resistances, acc, and evasion, and stat gain per level, that are mostly responsible for making you stronger, and your AP gets better and has a stronger absorb rate as you find better equipment
I'm 1 feature away from completing my alpha game. Its been a very productive year.
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Entire Mirror World is basically finished, all that's left is the rest of the main hub town and a tiny bit of endgame content. Release is very soon. Sticking to April 4th; we'll make it easily.
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>Sticking to April 4th
I'll hold you to it, please don't delay it.
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You have our word.
see, this is why the mods are letting this thread skate

you're actually doing shit in this itt thread compared to the nodevs in /agdg/, that thread has been worthless since the GAMERGATE era
It probably adds an hour, but if you want to wait for 1 more update I'm much more interested in finishing the second half of chapter 7. First half was a ton of reusable hub content for the city, second half is almost entirely plot and story.
No language, prototyping with pencil and testing with excel (lol).

My problem is that the damage value is nearly consistent with any item and stat combo.
wall me with your terii senshi ff6 battle algoritim faq and i'll fix it
also, just so you guys know, i used my 4base eco terran comsat scanner on the offsite archives to scan for all your OPs, and i'l be posting with no name, but i won't include a backlink anymore and i'm gonna put waaaaaaaaaaay more effort into the OP, but i will make sure i write "also post progress"

Error: Duplicate file exists. here. >>3678863

sorry that i'm a noob to your thread, but i thought i was going to have a functioning computer that i could make progress with, and it turned out to just burn all the toast with pagefile errors. at least i finally got my money back from dell on the ssd and toaster, but steelseries is having an issue because i somehow got two invoices so i might that not get that might money back until after xmas
I appreciate your efforts to lurk and blend in. Hope your toaster situation resolves soon so that you can post progress.
you're welcome. unfortunate, i know what my geico is, my autism bux increase, when you account for all my bills going up, is WOW IT'S FUCKING NOTHING, i actually less money to work with than next, and my geico is a ???, because in a major accident where i didn't get hit at all so the police took his side and my geico went up 50%, and it might go up again, i won't know for a few months

if i was living in a country with UBI or sane disability laws, i'd be fucking busy man. i have a board game that i was thought was ready to publish the first edition, pitched it the PASS (Plan For Self Support, a program to get yourself off autism bux) and they shot it down, saying it was high risk high reward, but if it was a free to play on an app store, that was angle while i working desktop, but playing the game OTB against myself i had metagame where evil black got way too strong just by me getting better at the game, and then one day i was taking my vitals, and my while my bp was fine, my pulse was 170, because this game is only gonna to people who are like "chess is too complex, i need something even more stressful" so i doubled back to my idea for a retro rpg using ATB since, and been thinking about the plot in my head, but unless you want me to destroy your thread with then i got no progress to report

i've also since realized if i tried to make it a free to play game on the app store, then how do i pay for the master server, because there's cards and you can't let either player maphack the deck, however one of the rules of the game you can look at both discard piles, so you can figure out what your exact chances are and go for high risk reward plays or just play safely depending on what the situation is
i missed a sentence in my previous checking if there was no post, they said if i'm not making any money off the game, they said if i wasn't any money it's just a hobby project. so i can release something in early access and then charge for it when it hits critical mass, and withhold the final two dungeons from the freeware version, where because my brain is upsidedown, the last time i was working on this project, i was figuring out the 1 and 20 power curve of each character and also what level they are at what part where you first recruit them. unless you're playing on lower than max difficulty, it's unlikely they're gain levels from when you bring them back, and completely impossible from when Zanno drops out the plot because he comes back LVL 19, and it's not until around LVL 13 where he's going to drop out of the plot, from the outline i had of each major part of the questline
just bought rpgmaker2k3 again and want to make a visual novel from it.
i love visual novels and rpgmaker2k3 is my favorite engine to make stuff with

is this possible?
Go to >>3662781
I'm sure you can make it work, but the engine doesn't really give you much. In such cases you generally find yourself working against the engine, not with it. You'll probably fare better using a dedicated VN engine like Renpy or a VN plugin for Unreal, Unity, etc.
But if you're interested in being a programmer instead of just a guy who knows an engine's UI, a VN is really simple to code from scratch. Text boxes, images, maybe a few animations and sound effects and your done. For internal tooling you can just take one of the existing editors like Articy and write a script that parses their JSON export.
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Another one: https://webmshare.com/play/ZJrOd
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/pstvn6.webm
The mon guy here.
I need a formula to the creatures choose to engage combat or run away.

First they check the courage. If it × level > "treat", they do not run away.

After this, i want they check if the fight worth. Like, if the effort they will do in battle is greater, or the chance they survive is lower, they do not engage in battle. They have a inteligence status, só it can be checked as perception, I guess if can be "[INT/level]/12" (12 is the lower ranking S value for inteligence).

Something like effort×(1-perception)> something to engage. I don't have much to check as effort, maybe the average of the sum of all the HP of the monsters it detects / the attack
you can crunch the dps of your party against theirs and determine if they gtfo

usually a level is a simpler way to go about it, you can also include effects like fear that increase their chances of fleeing
It's no for my party, agressive/predator mons tho, they can also attack other mons group, nor only protagonist mons.
so your own party is fleeing from combat?

nothing changes about what i said

run the theoretical dps of what you're fighting and if it's like "oh hell nah" then just bail

you can also just use the level differential, that's what ff1 does when all the bugs are fixed
I wonder how they translated it back in. Since I think the original is "倒す" which means "to knock down" and is used to mean defeated. In fact, let me check really quick.
There's no back-translation, that dude is full of shit.
The Japanese script has updates and changes in basically any "modern" version but that's about it.
I was wrong anyway. I loaded up the Famicom rom and Garland says:
"kechirashite" which is not what I wrote about.
And in pixel remaster he says "このガーランドの剣にかなうとおもってか"
Which I think means something like "Do you think you can match Garland's sword?"

And for full context, the Famicom versions full text was something like "I, Garland, will scatter you."
well, alright, i got lied to

the fact they kept the mistranslation in the english version though, that's pretty legit

also, in order to take that screencap, i had to start a whole new savefile, and apparently if you don't go to the castle and talk the king, the door is locked, oops
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Someday, I want to try making a strategy rpg inspired by Ogre Battle, but I've been having trouble figuring out how to handle the combat mechanics. As in, how battles should play out. I could make it so that you can control the individual units, but then I'd have to worry about the unit architecture. Do I use a state machine, a behavior tree, or composition? Plus, I'd basically be making a crpg at that point.
i've never played ogre battle, but after reading the wikipedia article on the gameplay about it, i'd go with a state machine if you want to go retro, a behavior tree if you want to go modern, or a composition if you're a god tier programmer and you've lost your goddamn mind
A strategy RPG is just like a regular turn based RPG but with more actors.
>also, in order to take that screencap, i had to start a whole new savefile, and apparently if you don't go to the castle and talk the king, the door is locked, oops

Haha, I did that exact same thing. And it's not in the original as I also booted that up to double check the dialogue. Even in OG Final Fantasy they added in cutscenes you can't skip.
>Plus, I'd basically be making a crpg at that point.
Only if you conflate CRPGs and turn-based combat systems. There's a world of difference between Ogre Battle and DnD, you only need to implement as much as you want in your gameplay. You can treat your units much like you would in a JRPG, except that you have more and that spacing matters. Result is that each unit should be simpler than in a party based game, but nothing is stopping you from slapping the Path of Exile trees on each unit.

I'm doing my combat system right now and I'm also using a grid where position matters. The architecture is as such:
A CombatService handles moving in/out of encounters. Pausing the rendering, field transitions, etc.
Then the CombatManager takes the EncounterID and Party to spawn the CombatActors and calculate the turn order.
When a CombatActor is given their turn they either hand it to an AI module or the player to decide their Actions. Each called Action goes on the Stack that very much works like Magic the Gathering. The Action is handled, triggered Actions go on the Stack, those are handled, etc. Then the CombatManager hands the next Combat Actor their turn.
Whenever victory conditions are met the CombatManager informs the CombatService, which can hand out rewards. resume rendering, trigger post-combat scene, etc.
It's action combat, so when my monster flee, they do not go compleyetly out of the battle, they just "back off".

What i want is not so simplistic, I want the AI choose what battle take based in the inteligence and courage status. Dumb mons being a little suicidal, facing foes that they obviesly will die, smart mons are more realistic about they chances in battle.
i see. you're actually more designing an RTS than an RPG then, btw

time to repost this link again, read this closely and you can use cost effectiveness formula and some RNG to determine who beats who and decide if they want to GTFO

Would it be an option to give values to enemy units by hand? For example, D&D uses Challange Ratings for different creatures, but you could also use multiple characteristics like Buff Score, Healing Abillity, Tankiness or whatever.

Your creatures perform a scan on all enemies within range to judge them by whatever criteria they use. So one mon with the personality "likes to fight strong opponents" considers the size or damage rating of each enemy, then goes for the highest value unit. Another one goes for the weakest unit, so they look at whoever has the lowest % HP.

When you calculate these scores you can use Int and Bravery as variance. High Bravery reduces the threshold needed to be put on the target list, Int reduces the range of the dice roll on the score to prevent both over and underestimating. You can also throw in distance to the enemy into the score to make them stick with the same packs.

If your combat system allows it you could also use Intelligence to determine which targeting algorythmn units use. If buffing is very important, the units that prefer the support units of the enemy will appear smarter than the ones bashing the frontline fighters for example.
What else you could do is to have INT determine how much actual processing a unti does. So for the dumb unit, it's just nearest enemy where threat < bravery. At 10 INT they also start considering which enemies are already wounded, at 20 they consider type weaknesses, and so on.
Or if you still want to implement the different personalities then you use both INT and the personality for different scores that go into calculating the final priority list.
>use both INT and the personality for different scores
I'd prefer this.

I am looking for underused 'element' names in a 7 or 9 way system. Fire, wind aso are lame af.

Anyone got a good few ones that he might share?
>give values to enemy units by hand
Not likely cus you can catch the enemies, like a pokemon game, you can improve your mons and the behavior changes.
>whatever criteria they use
What I really need is criterias I can use to they act. If it can be something the game already has will be better, but can create new variables anyway.
But, as you say can works. The AI can became something like Dragons dogma and I do each "personality" separately, not a universal formula.
The planets? the cardinal sins?

Do you really need a jokenpo? Well, the real world is not made of "elements" but atoms. More realistic is a D&D aproach, has types of damage and enemies and armors has % resistence/weakness to this.
i don't think you should use straight %hp. you should use sqrt(hp*dps) with some randomizer so the smarter the mon is, the more it's like i'm afraid i can't do that, dave
Both great ideas. I now only need to assign them to skills and the like.

I'm trying to find themes that havrnt been used before. What do you think of post uce age anachron to some gritty early medieval flavours, like chain armor, strongholds aso.
Sqrt is very basic and has high min damage and falls flat after a while, keep that in mind.
Are there similiar games like chess or go in terms of movement on a plane?
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Chess, backgammon and go have particular movesets for pieces. Are there other games that have similiar movement patterns?
Lunar, which i don't understand why more people copy

my game which i can't develop because i can't afford a computer is going to use lunar style mechanics, but it's not going to involve melee characters running forward
How is this similiar to chess and why are you thst poor?
i collect autism bux in the us, so my yearly as far as raw cash is concerned, excluding all other my government benefits, is only $11316, and i had to dump $2500 in my car this year, over 25% of my cash income

i also got a massive credit card limit increase and i don't understand how i got the card at all, because they never give them to disabled people, and the limit increase was just karma, and after looking at my past 12 months statements, my entire cc balance is the car and the interest. one of these repairs was a straight up $1000 repair, and if i didn't have this card, my car would be in the junkyard, and i'd be fucken screwed

i tried to get a toaster off a government program for $150, and it was the absolutely most worthless toaster conceivable that kept throwing pagefile errors just running a 1 page openoffice spreadsheet, and when i cracked it open to install ram sticks and ssd to make the toaster stop buring my spreadsheets, it had a completely different mobo from all the teardowns i saw on youtube, no way to upgrade, so i got all my money back, except from steelseries, because i somehow got two invoices and they're confused, so i'm probably not getting that money back any time soon

if i didn't get that cc limit increase, my car would be in the junkyard, i'd have no possible way to afford to fix it

i'll wall you with how lunar works in another post
how do I get autism bux
That's a thing? Free from work and getting money for nothing/eating eg fueling le its the economy, stupid!
as far as lunar works, you place your party on a battle grid and the monsters work on a battle grid as well. if they're melee, they just run full retard based on their range stat (formerly mistranslated as speed, so the game had speed and agility and it's like which one does what?) and if they don't have enough range, then they don't get an attack off

if they're ranged, which usually means they're also a spellcaster, they don't move at all

the abilities work off where you're positioned on the map, can be single target, hit a line somehow, or be a full AOE and hit everything

because the game doesn't have random encounters, instead it has enemies that bump into you, you need to carefully arrange your party in order to get an optimal fight, and if you honestly want to minmax, you need to rejigger your party for everything on the encounter table>>3683721
Maybe yuji can help convince musk to give you some to buy tesla
have such a severe case of autism and a comorbid sleep disorder that you can't hold down any work schedule at at all and just drive your coworkers insane by existing

now that i'm almost 40, i also have severe physical conditions, so even if i did have a working computer, my primary hobby, league of legends, i wouldn't be plat anymore, i'd be iron trapped in a diamond brain, so i retired into fairy chess and jrpgs, which i can still handle
i will say this this though

a previous psychiatrist in the '10s, who was an expert on treating autism and that's all he did, said no, never attempt to return to conventional work, but you seem like the sort of guy who could publish a book, or make a script to tv show/move, or make a video game, and get off disability that way

he ended up closing his outpatient practice, and they went all-in on their special school, and they said i was in the extreme minority of adults who was getting benefity out of their therapy
>ranged, which usually means they're also a spellcaster, they don't move at all
Like a tower in any rts?
no, they aim down a straight line, and a global AOE attack costs a shitton of MP, and because they can't be repositioned, you need to think really hard about who is where when putting your ff1-3/dq style command queue in, or you just get skullfucked

there are a wide variety of ways that spells can target, and my own game is going to involve absolute mad max, 8x8x2 grid where the left half is the enemies and the right half of your 3x8 array is where you place your party

if they execute an attack, they will jump to the 5th file, and the rank of the enemy, and the way the retro rjpg algo is going to work is pick a rank first, then scan down the file for a valid target, so anything that's in the middle of an attack animation is gonna get gangbanged

i was planning on posting very esoteric progress to you guys, spreadsheets of the math i'm running and 1024x1024 maps of the world and dungeons, and just deal with colored squares for combat, until i'm finally ready to go all-in on the project, because i need the adobe suite for 3 apps, of which i have using experience using all of them being an elder god of the internet in the '00s

photoshop, which everything it can do, gimp can, but it's just better
animate, the successor of flash, to draw my combat sprites
and audition, apparently cool edit got bought out by adobe, and it's way more powerful than audacity, and i know bleepy style nes style sfx
oh, right, of course i forget something. the x2 part of grid is that you can be flying or on the ground, just like ff6, which instead just effecting quake, will effect tons of skills. for example, you can't melee someone if you're on the ground and they're in the air, but if you're both midair, then you can
>flying or on the ground, just like ff6,
Say what
float man

how you defeat whatever the dragon in the the opera house, just wear 4 floaty boi relics so he can't quake you and then blow him the fuck up

flying is going to be a toggle skill like terra's morph/trance, where it slowly consumes your JWs (what the hell is a jiggawatt?)
enemies also have a flying toggle too, and if they're considering flying, then not does quake not work, interceptor can't hit them either
Right... when mentioning float, you immediately think of one particular fight in ff6.
A few variants I've seen:
>alchemical metals
>elements, but uncommon language like Sanskrit or Hungarian
>the sephira
>gnostic archons

Strategy RPGs would be the closest thing. Units have walking distance, jump height, if water slows tehm down, etc. Enemies can block units from moving past them or shove you off a tile to prevent counter attacks, and in theory you could add stuff like burning ground for more movement matters.
Those games all have more freedom of movement than chess but I guess you could get away with resticting units to specific patterns.
there's a lot of intricate elements of floating that get completely lost because of how faceroll vanilla ff6 is

if locke is using one of his throwing weapons and he's hitting a flying target, it's a 100% crit

if ff6 was as hard as ff4 and the esper system stat gain didn't exist, it'd be an amazing game as far as combat goes
>>alchemical metals
Was going that route, still intrigued and underused.
Sephira? You mean SEPHIROTH!!!
What was that again?
>movement matters.
Exactly what I had in mind. Surfaces are a good idea, maybe tie in to att/def and abilities, too? Are tiles the only valid movement set? Is something exotic possible, like triangles or manhattan metric?

>popular srpg
Tactics ogre, fft series, triangle strategy, fire emblem, anything else? Luria ps1 iirc?

hexes are fucking legit, they're very easy to work the mathemagic out on as well

however, because my theoretical rpg is going to be retro, it's working off a grid
Hexes are ugly af. Do you like them?
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it's the math behind hexes that makes everything work out great. if you're a horsey that moves in an L shape, you just move 2 spaces in one direction then change directions, and if you're a bishop that goes on vacation and never comes back, you just slide along the lines of the hexes themselves

i forget how the math behind hexes work, because i haven't played a game that uses them in forever, but it's really easy to calculate the minimum distance compared to trying to figure it out on an ortho board. also, if you're doing 2d, it's really easy to make hexagonal tiles, you just need border tiles

i'm using squares though, because i just am *shrug*
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on the other hand, if i were to ever try to straight make an up rts, a totally dead genre, i would make 2d and use 2d isometric projection, because the 3d geometry is so overwhelming close to it being a 2:1 x:y axis ratio that you can just halfass it, and only brood war veterans understand that your units appear to be walking faster sideways, but no, they're actually not, and that the maps aren't truly squares either
What game are they playing?
Exactly what I was looking for, thx.
I still dislike hexes, I do admit they are useful. Maybe the camera can make it so that it looks like squares.
>faster sideways
Few devs fuck this up
it's the noobs that don't get it, not the devs
Super Nigger Lynch 64
>anything else?
Arc the lad series (oldie), into the breach (somewhat)
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I'm mostly focusing on polish now, And hopefully I'll have a steam page up soonish.
https://youtu.be/_76FwF4huWA?feature=shared update
Protip. When you have two separated clauses in dialog, don't connect them with a comma. Use actual sentence-ending punctuation. It reads better.
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in 2025 we all gmi
My developer writing skills are showing. Thanks for the advice.
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Based, wgmi
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Beta testing is hard but its really cool too. I'm finding several gamebreaking bugs that I never imagined could happen and bad design choices that I must rectify.
People speak to communicate, not form clauses.
Dialogue is meant to characterize.
"You say you're here to take a hatchling, Mr...who are you?"
"You say you're here to take a hatchling, but you didn't tell me your name."
Yes, conventionally [what did you say your name was] is a clause.
But you can also hyphenate all of it to form a really long noun.
Mr. Guy-who-thinks-he's-walking-out-of-here-with-a-hatchling.

I think it reads better to express a personality and her impression of the participant simultaneously.
I would also argue that observing grammar rules doesn't facilitate better reading comprehension. There are people with mental disabilities that would shit themselves and die of an aneurism over the identity politics surrounding "it's vs its"
>Mr. Guy-who-thinks-he's-walking-out-of-here-with-a-hatchling
This reads amazingly funny I must say
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>mental disabilities
Honey, no, you're not crazy for seeing a face in the door's woodgrain. I see it too. It's just an illusion. The issue is that you think in terms of "its face" instead of "it's face". Doors shouldn't have pronouns. When I tell you to stop talking to it, I mean "it" as a thing, not a "him/her". I wish we could overlook it as a figure of spe-- put the knife down-- remember? Remember how I called my car a 'she' and you got jealous? That's why we started you on the pills. Fine. I'll take one if you take one. Ready? 1 - 2 - 3

Honey? W-Where did you go?
Long non-RPG maker games recs? I want something like Everlong or The Last Sovereign.
We don't play rpgs here, we only make them.
The japanese RPGmaker community makes some good stuff.
To develop, right?
In a srpg type game, what would be a bonus for the best unit in a fight/in the team? Would some sort of badge be cool? Maybe even improve armor or other stats?
Extra exp or stats for the mvp would be cool
Comes to mind naturally, sure. Really wanted to get away from xp currency. Not, that I have any success with that.

What srpg has the best map design for you? Front mission 5, xcom 2, final fantasy tactics psx and gba?
>Really wanted to get away from xp currency
Well I was thinking that maybe getting best unit status could grant them badges as you say and those badges help promote into a new class. I dunno what setup you have in mind for promotion and leveling and this idea resonates more with Fire Emblem games than other games.
This two come to mind for different reasons
>Tactics Ogre games
The way the terrain factors in the battle is pretty detailed. How you can or cannot hit certain locations and how that affects your plan and the AI's plan too. I think FFT doesn't play with this as much but they play similarly.
>Fire emblem
Its cool that you can interact a lot with the locations (like entering a village and getting an item that could be of help). I dunno how this could be innovated, since its pretty much an easter egg hunt. Vestaria saga games include maps with A LOT of map interactions but maybe a bit too much sometimes? In the end it comes to a choice of wanting to complete the objective or wanting to explore the map but you can't do both perfectly at the same time.
That's a great idea, certain badges can be exchanged for skills or permanent boosts or even special feats.
Ai and terrain? I like that to has terrain alter your hit chances. For terrain I like surfaces having elemental effects, similiar to larian games, just not as lunatic as they do it.
What's that in a srpg anyway? Shops, inn (maybe), crafting bench, tavern (quests and hiring) , skill trainers, but that's about it, isn't it? Can you think of something? I'd like to make mini games, but really lacking funds, time aso.

I thought of a camping/resting mechanic, but I'm not sure if it adds to the game. Maybe a small camp base, that can start fights, if it gets attacked. I really want the people to command an army, not 8 chosen super soldiers.
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>Ai and terrain?
So in the games I referenced, a high cliff means people below can't hit at all and so your plan has to take that into account to find for a better spot to strike from while avoiding fire from the high ground, and enemy AI takes that into account too. Water has its effects also like delaying or preventing crossing.
>whats that in a srpg anyway
Well you named most. Some games also provide a colloseum were you bring your best units and they fight mooks for gold but as you probably guessed it would be much better if it tied in the gameplay mechanics and not compete with them, which exploring a map in the middle of a battle does.
>camping/resting mechanic
This doesn't sound bad but recovering mid battle should have cons like getting attacked.
How about a Mining rpg?
Right, that I witnessed, sure. Missing damage boni to projectiles from high ground in to.
Honestly I was thinking of multiplayer, as that's nowhere to be found. No idea why no one implemented this, yet.
>outer world map
Resonance if fate did it somewhat right. I don't want it to gamey, but how to reward exploring a map without one bagillion chest treasures or items randomly spawning in your pocket like in the game I just mentioned.

Like what, Minecraft?
>but how to reward exploring a map without one bagillion chest treasures or items randomly spawning in your pocket like in the game I just mentioned.
I can think of these: recruiting new characters, open up sidequests, triggering something that might give you an edge in battle like a siege weapon or what not.
And maybe lore content or customization options. Ay, that's about it. Consumables, crafting recipes and materials. Lastly, there might be exotic recruit able monsters or above mentioned for them.
Do players even care about elaborate formulas? Like, I see someone uses cos in theirs, why? To what end?
What formula
>inv_cos = 1 - cos((level + 4) * 0.4);
>multiplier = 1 + (inv_cos * 128);
>final_stat = base_stat
like, why
Likely to have little growth per increment.
What's it from?

Iirc dark souls has cos or sin in their leveling formula, the one for stat growth.
>What's it from?
From this very thread.
What's it for then?
this is what Ive asked, yeah...
I would guess it has two uses:

Cos stat growth creates local plateus of player power that will make it easier to balance difficulty. If you know that levels 21-25 won't give that much power you can put a boss in there without worrying that some players will struggle with it while others breeze past. It'll give you an easier time guessing which parts of the game the players can progress quickly and where they'll slow down, which helps with story and whatnot. Maybe you place a new mechanic just when stat gain picks up again so that players associat it with gaining a lot of power, or you send them back through an old area just after a spike so that they can feel their progress.

In the case of Dark Souls I would guess that it discourages dumping your stats. You can see your gains from pumping STR slow down, so you try DEX a bit, or use INT to reach that spell, etc. It subtly steers players away from putting their first 20 levels into STR and just repeating the same playstyle for the entire game.
Last line is wrong:
>inv_cos = 1 - cos((level + 4) * 0.4);
>multiplier = 1 + (inv_cos * 128);
>final_stat = base_stat * multiplier

The cosine increases the amount of points you gain per level, it makes the multiplier a curve instead of a line (pic related).
>Like what, Minecraft?
Don't listen to him, he's trying to convince you to find rocks
It’s 2025, you should be using hyperbolic trig and the gamma function. Come on anons.
Does anybody have any cool guides for making game trailers? I've seen the channel of that guy derek lieu but he doesn't go in depth at all.
Why? Any trigonometry sucks in vidya.
Try making a 15 sec trailer and then work your way up.
While we now discussed, what are obstacles? Fights, big rocks or other hindrance requiring a progress pass (don't worry, just a placeholder), what else could literally be in the way?
A gate that needs a key to open
A place that for example only a flying unit can access
>A gate that needs a key to open
That's called progress pass in gamedev.
>A place that for example only a flying unit can access
That, too.

Come to think of it, those passes are best placed in beginner areas, so the player have an incentive to backtrack.
>That's called progress pass in gamedev
First time I've heard that term thrown around, I thought it was just your bad english.
Its rather auto correct, proud phone posting and refusing to read what I write.
Yeah, but why do it this way? If the goal is to have increased points per level, theres much more simple ways to do it, or am I missing something? Cause your graph goes up and down
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>Yeah, but why do it this way?
I'm making a game for the GBA, so I can't do fancy math without wasting tons of CPU.
However, I have a sine (and cosine) LUT in ROM for 3D stuff, so calculating sines and cosines is fucking fast thanks to it.
>your graph goes up and down
The graph only goes up for the level cap (99).
Ooh, sneaky. That explains a lot. LUT is cool, does some other GBA games used it this way?
Should a game have infinite leveling? When using some e^x function for xp, you could let the people level until they feel strong enough. If that's not a problem, why is no one doing it? I feel endgame content could be easier to design around such a mechanic.
that's a reward vs rule thing, I think
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3D games on the GBA can't get away with it without using LUTs as much as possible for sines, divisions, maybe sqrts, etc.
Is poison doomed to be dot or to damage stats? Trying to think of something new, but to no avail so far.
I mean those are the 2 main status effects in all games either extra damage or decrease in stats. Irl some poisons paralyze while other deal excruciating pain that can immobilize people so theres that too.
Movement, sight, heal stop and reduce xp gain or heal. That's about it.
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back in the '70s and '80s, poison was also the "you're instantly dead" status effect
Was it? I dislike that, but makes perfect sense. Poison is, you know, dangerous.
yeah..but what else can be done with it? stat debuff? I don't know
Put a level cap, then you don't need fancy curves
sending positive vibes to the thread
we will make it in 2025
this year will be the new golden age of indie videogames and our games will sell millions
Appreciate it. A little daring do would aid the scene. Less copycatism ("inspired by") could do the trick.
>less copycatism
Trying to be original while making good gameplay is challenging, so I've learned the hard way. Its still a good ideal to keep.
Besides the fact that RPG is a genre so everything is inherently similar by virtue of inclusion.
Yeah but you can play around in the local optimums of the genre, I think indies have it tougher in the innovation aspect. Most I've seen just do the same stuff but with a different art direction which usually pays off.
Hey friend, id like some help with an Idea I have.
Id love to create and RPG inspired by Keep on the Bordelands. In other words, a smallish sandbox game with emphasis on Dungeon crawling
I sim to adapt the AD&D system with some modifications and create a hybrid combat system, with underworld combat being Wizardry style and overworld combat being goldbox-like
Any engines you suggest? Im well versed in python and enjoy working with pixel-art.
>Any engines you suggest? Im well versed in python and enjoy working on pixel art
Godot and Löve tie well into both.
Godot went full bisexual on twatter. You might also try unity the dying horse of the gold standard, or exotic ones like love, rpgmaker or rpg box or rpg engine.
Nothing you described really points to one engine or the other. Turn-based gameplay is pretty engine agnostic since it doesn't need to run on every frame, and that means you'e got practically infinite compute budget.
What you should consider is what sort of visual you want on your game: the 2D73D split is often the first point of distinction since a lot of engine support only one mode or have only token options that will make your life hell.
You should research engine in either Python or a language you want to learn. As solo dev it is unlike your game ever gets finished and even more unlikely you'll get to a size where you need to worry about stuff like console support. So treat the thing asa hobby and learning exercise. Don't quit your day job.
If you want this to be resume material you'll want either Unreal or Unity, with Unity for mobile jobs and Unreal for core gaming stuff. Pick Godot if you like the spirit of open source and want to help move the industry or whatever.

The technical stuff will depend on the details of your game and you'll want to ask experts in the respective engines, so make a shortlist first and then check how each engine handles the difficult stuff you couldn't code from scratch.
>Don't quit your day job.
Never, I make good money, I just wish to create exactly the RPG I want to play.
Im always a bit frustated when play RPGs because none is 100% what I desire, so Ive been tempted to try and make my own perfect short game for a while now...
Thanks for the tips friends
>Don't quit your day job.
I want to do that but because of unrelated reasons.
>150k word update
>The longest continuous story I've ever written is just short of 190k
It's so over bros
Junior you dare compare yourself to him?! You're just a frog in a well.
that proverb doesn't work here. nobody is going to have more experience with themself than themselves.
Unless they have some kind of mental disorder.
Junior, you have eyes to see yet still can't recognize Mt. Tai.
If you develop games, you can recommend long games.
Given the titles you mentioned I can't recommend anything on that vein. Good luck.
Help me decide this:

Should I make classes on my jrpg learn 8 different skills (6 active and 2 passive) or 11 (9 active and 2 passive)?

Skills are different, so no fire, fire+, fire++
it only matters based on ACTION INPUT fact if you're making some turn-based game it doesn't matter
Poison as increasing damage over time or instant death after a certain number of turns can be cool. Makes it feel like the poison is getting worse quickly and you need to get rid of it urgently.
>no fire, fire+, fire++
Oh thank god. Depends how many classes, if the characters can multiclass, if the skills are interesting and unique enough that the choice matters. If the choice matters a lot then its easier to get away with less skills.
Depends how many party members you have. It's been a while since I've done the research, but if I remember correctly put you somehwere from 60 to 80 skills in total.

Personally I've got 7 on main class, 4 on sub class,1-4 on weapons and 3 from story quests. Sp 15-20 per character(I've found healers need more), plus the usual items, guard, flee, etc.

It still matters in turn based because you've got to design both the moves and the encounters. For example, if you've got an enemy that requires Fire damage and only one character will have fire skills, then having RNG target that one character with a stun will suck hard, but it's not that bad when half the party has Fire skills.
>Depends how many classes
between 30 and 40
>if the characters can multiclass
yes, they can multiclass like in FFV
> if the skills are interesting and unique enough that the choice matters
Well, I'm trying to do that, but it's hard to make skills both interesting and unique and not hard to memorize or have multiple conditions to be useful.

>Depends how many party members you have
4 at the same time

>Personally I've got 7 on main class, 4 on sub class,1-4 on weapons and 3 from story quests. Sp 15-20 per character(I've found healers need more), plus the usual items, guard, flee, etc.
sounds interesting. what type of game?
>it's hard to make skills both interesting and unique and not hard to memorize
I've found it helpful to think of it as writing text in a foreign language. Your combat system is a language with certain words like "deal damage", "inflict status", "heal". Your abilities combine these words into sentences, so the more abilities you want the larger your vocabulary needs to be before it gets repetitive.
What you also see often especially in play-forever games likes MMOs is that they create more room for expression than they'll ever intend to use, and then each class only access a subset of their language. So water gets healing spells but fire doesn't, so they feel distinct.

>what type of game?
Somewhere between JRPG and CRPG. Imagine one of the revival JRPGs like Octopath, Bravely Default, etc., but the story isn't linear. You're tossed into the world with the goal of uncovering a mystery, which then shifts into gathering items.
As you move about you meet various characters and depending on in which order you meet and who you choose to ally with different things happen. Likewise, you'll find different items and unlock different classes, and then you can New Game+ over and over to find everything and get every ending.
back in the day, when i was the dungeon master, i got so sick of my party being lazy with identifying what they pick up i threw a potion of instant fucking death at them, the guy actually rolled the saving throw but took like 24 damage (in AD&D 2.0, which is an assload compared to Dungeons and Warcraft) and was like wtf did you that to me man that wasn't cool and i just broke the fourth wall and said "start identifying your potions instead of just drinking them whenever you're in a panic"
as for you, you're speaking my language

what you're looking for is balancing levers, something unique to only a subset of characters or enemies

be prepared to spend a lot of time in your spreadsheet doc program of choice trying to figure out how to diversity what does what

so your game is nonlinear and can involve multiple party combinations at the same time, kinda like the searching for friends segment of ff6 where you after a certain point you can just go do whatever you want? this can be really difficult to balance, and i can give you two braindead examples as to why. let's just say your party size is 4. you decided to set up some sort of boss that's weak to fire, but oh no, you have no fire magic, get fucked

a more simple example would be trying to play any multi-party RPG without a healer. Gary Gygax himself came out and said point blank if your party refuses to play with a healer, you just need to make the game significantly easier

i'm in the middle of cooking then have a lot to do, but this thread will still exist tomorrow, and i can give you some more ideas on how to diversify your portfolio

i thought it kind of interesting how you said "play forever" game, because that's the style of RPG i was going to be designing before this happened


before i burn my chicken, here's what i'd like to know, how many stats have you go to work with? because skils scaling in different ways is the secret to success when you want every character to feel unique while still having a deep roster
Kek I too hate people who don't pay attention in tabletops.
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see, i was in my tweens, so i was a candyland dm who usually made life easy for my PCs

but i was trying to kill the party wizard and force him to use a spell slot on identify. i would roll dice to determine what something actually is, but generally speaking, 80% of pots with a positive effect were blue, so i told the party wizard "it's blue and it has no smell", but what it actually was, was a 1d6 potion of healing spiked what after looking up the oldschool rules on wiki was a "roll a saving throw, fail and you die, live and you take 20 damage" class poison that's supposed to be the injected and decided because i'm the DM, screw you, it affects you anyway, because even though his stats were so high needed like 15 to pass the throw, and he got it, he was knocked into our -10 bleedout house rule to like -6 hp from the 20-1d6 damage on the successful saving throw and was out until combat was resolved like 2 turns later

if he died, i remember exactly what i was going to say

"hey, on the next wizard you roll, why don't you add identify to your spellbook this time?"

he got trolled hard, because he picked up exactly 12 blue potions at once, and was way too paranoid to try anything of them to heal up for the next encounter, which was the correct decision, because it was potion 1 and 12 that were spiked, and he rolled 12 first, then i gave him a dexterity check to try to bail him out which was him fumbling for any potion and i explained to him because he failed the check he grabbed the different shaped bottle, but i knew he wasn't passing that check because his dex was like 6, but hey man. that's what you get for raiding a necromancer's cabinet

i decided if he lived and took a look at the bottles, he could roll a wisdom check and realize which one not to drink, but he was way too afraid to drink anything so he just fled from everything until we got back to town like 3 encounters later, because he had like 3 hp in a level 6 situation, so he lost exp too
>I've found it helpful to think of it as writing text in a foreign language. Your combat system is a language with certain words like "deal damage", "inflict status", "heal". Your abilities combine these words into sentences, so the more abilities you want the larger your vocabulary needs to be before it gets repetitive.

This is an incredible good advice. Now I understand what I need to do. I need to compile different possible terms and then combine them in sentences as you say. Thanks a lot for your advice!
Yeah keeping the vocabulary consistent goes a long way.
Also, your game sounds interesting. How far is it developed? Is it turn-based?

MTG even has a term for this, called "errata", where over the years, they've codified cards that keep doing the same thing over and over into new keywords, and if necessary, change what an entire keyword does or how it interacts with something else, or just ban it from the game/delete it (like they did with banding, then mana burn)

the longform manual to MTG is like 1000 pages long because of how many fringe cases there are
Maybe the wrong thread, but I'll ask anyway
I am planning to make a isometric jrpg. Already have the gdd nearly finished, commissioned art to determine the art style or direction and herein lies my problem. In n isometric game there are (imo) no 3D models, but nearly 2D sprites. Is this assumption correct?
Afaik Diablo is isometric.
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I've been on a Rimworld binge, so I had an ideasguy moment. This probably won't ever be a real project- I mainly want the learning experience and insight. Please, humor me.
>TL;DR: rpg with base management and survival elements. Closest comparison would be Palworld and Conan Exiles.

RPG with basebuilding elements. The player assumes direct control of a character and has to manage the needs of themselves and their fellow colonists/group. To make things easier, I'm planning on making everything doable through one control scheme. So, if the game is top-down or third person, you do all your building and interactions through that. That way, I don't have to code a big state machine managing a "normal" and "command" mode. At the moment, what I want to know is would it better to manage the AI tasks (like building, eating, and romancing) through a behavior tree or some sort of priority queue?
Things to reign in to make this more feasible and not be one of those eternal autism projects like Dwarf Fortress and Aurora4X:
>Definitely no open world. Keep everything confined to a single map
>Static map, no procedural generation
>Armor will not visually change your character, only weapons will be shown
D3 and 4 have 3d models, don't they? D2r, too? Are they mirrored? Imo they are, don't know for sure.
>RPG with basebuilding elements
Name literally one
>D2r, too?
I'm on the fence, I have never checked the game files to see what they have but it could be either.
Come to think of it, can't be, as d2r is literally d2, you can switch versions via a mouse click. It's likely they mirrored it, which is honestly no problem. Saves half the animations.
I mentioned two already as examples. Since you want another, would you count Kenshi? The creature in the pic is from that game. However, I wouldn't make this project as insane as Kenshi.
>It's likely they mirrored it
Well yeah thats the good thing of mirrored iso sprites you just need 2 spritesheets per object
On the pro side, you always see your fancy shield.
Despite looking 3D they are still sprites? That's basically my initial question.
well https://www.spriters-resource.com/pc_computer/diablo2diablo2lordofdestruction/
>you decided to set up some sort of boss that's weak to fire, but oh no, you have no fire magic, get fucked
I think I've got a pretty good handle on this stuff already. If you're missing party members you get extra turns to make up the difference. The element system doesn't go to the extremes of 50% damage, total immunity or even healing like some other games do. But even then, the whole gimmick of swords a weapon class is converting physical to various elements. You've also got items that deal damage without needing a high attack value, as well as all sorts of healing items. All items work like the Estus Flask in Dark Souls: they replenish on rest/death.
I'm quite happy with what I've got on paper(though I've overengineered the implementation), I'll see how people react when I a demo out.

I'm just in the systems programming phase and still learning to draw for arts stuff. Start of 2026 is the most optimistic timeline for having a demo for other devs.
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What do you guys think about this workflow?
>Write the quest linearly
>No branches in dialogue or actions whatsoever
>Build the quest so it is playable from beginning to end (levels, fights, basic dialogue)
>Go back and reiterate by adding dialogue options
It would help me from getting completely tangled up in branches, and each quest being like a labyrinth of hubris, but on the other hand, I feel like it would make all the choices and options futile.
Thanks, ob plebbit some guy asked the same questions. It seems the are (mirrored?) 3D models on a sprite based game. Can that be done in a good looking way? I'd like hand painted pre rendered background and 3D models like in d2r. Want the models to look good, the background, too, the rest is made as cheap as possible. >heh
You can do that. Finish all quests, enumerate them, and then you go like q3 has interaction with q6. Can even have unexpected outcome. If you are a witty one, you write the quests dine and then you take a random process for choosing the interacting quests.

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