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In honor of Burma Anon.
Keep the leaks coming, lads.
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Biggest recent leaks:
https://files.catbox.moe/mnyk0n.pdf - Helldorff & Moskowien mechanics. 160p, can finish it by the time its 8th rework is announced?
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. It's taken them over a year to touch up the superregional.

Sadly, no Burma content.
>Colin Jordan is now getting full content
Can't wait for the schizokino.
>Hot on the heels of releasing a fifth of the originally toozed content we're possibly adding minor content for a fail state
>Releasing 2027
It's just going to be a generic collapse that they'll then remove a few months after the release like everything else, assuming it even releases at all.
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Dead mod.
They confirmed months ago Jordan isn't gonna collapse. Stop spreading outdated/false information.
>We confirmed that he was going to be reworked months ago on one of our many toozers!
>Anon why aren't you keeping track of my reworks of reworks?!
Can you even call it that when nothing was developed yet when the decision was made?
Might as well since you talentless niggers will change him at least twice before anything playable even has a chance to surface.
I'm not a dev, you schizo. Take your paranoia devs.
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I'd rather not take those, nothing's worse than a paranoid dev afraid of getting caught trying to mingle among people that actually play HOI4.
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> Rework is when character with literally zero content gets content
He'll never get content and you know it also you don't put spaces after the > sign when greentexting you dumb newfag go back to your Discord hugbox.
so 6 months of work and they still haven't even pushed out the simple map update

Thanks anon
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>Unironic use of chud as an insult
The absolute state of TNO development.
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>More than a year to integrate ODF despite it already being playable in the Workshop
>More than a year to update Amur's superreg and add an event about a liberal suicide bomber
>Years before they add even a quarter of the British content they offered
>Everything gets reworked over team drama, an evolving definition of realism, burnout or simply to comply with other reworks
>Corn thinks this is the perfect time to plan for the reworking of every tag in Russia
Dead mod.
Why don't we have a TNODUX again?
because every redux is run by completely asenine retards who can't code their way out of a paper bag with the organizational skill of a dead fish on a BBQ and the diplomatic accumen of Herman Goring. All of them implode before they can even get out something fucking stupid and embarassing made by glueing old TNO shit together. By now the term redux is already only meant for fucking idiots who larp as dev teams.

they're doing a combined package of things all together in one update (Adhemar/Lacerda) + Mexico (short content) + ODF integration + Iberian wars, the only question is are they slipping towards fall or winter before they get their shit together. This package can still change, maybe they'll leave something out or put something more in. They'd be smarter to just release smaller updates of content rather than wait for shit to be done (Ahdemar is 100% completed)
Because everytime someone made one it was a schizo /pol/tard or a hopeless moron (not mutually exclusive). The most recent one, Project Restoration, is made by a retarded 14-year old.

Smart money's on delays.
>100% completed
Famous last words before revisions and reworks. Though usually the South America content doesn't get fucked with as much because fat Americans don't care as much about it.
TNO has been made in 6 years by 200 people so here's that. I could probably make a TNOdux but I don't like writing word salads so I'll rather do my own mod
Most of that was after the team collapsed and they then decided to rework everything from scratch over and over with far less actual content being produced outside of teasers that never materialized. You wouldn't even need to write sixty billion events. The framework people give a shit about is actually there. No one even reads all the dogshit about lesbian eskimos hiding from Nixon's racist police or whatever the fuck these fags pass for content most of the time.
Even if we ignore half a million words it would still take a couple of months to make a tech tree and completely revamp the gui. Then another year would be spent making icons and mechanics.
Besides, TNO offers nothing but words, gameplay is nonexistent and minigames are bland and repetitive
Making GFX should not take a year, nor should implementing mechanics unless it's some convoluted bullshit.
I can barely make 2 assets a day, TNO tech tree has like a couple of hundreds icons. GFX is literally the most time consuming part of the modding, if you disagree then you either haven't done anything or did some ugly garbage like Red Poop icons
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The tech tree was originally just a palette swapped vanilla tree with some modifications, regular icons can be made in a few minutes a pop if you know what you're doing and mechanics can be made using simple templates for the most part. TNO's only take a billion years because they stylize theirs to hell even though they effectively function like a normal decision category. The only exceptions are a few of the election mechanics and all of Guangdong, nearly everything else is either something normal that's been made to look shiny or a convoluted piece of shit like all the old Burgundy and Africa shit they were forced to crunch together.

>gfx is LITERALLY the most time-consuming part of modding
Nigger what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what goes into actually being able to PLAY something and it not FUNCTIONING like complete shit?
>I make two shitty assets a day
>What's gameplay, anon?
I suddenly understand why TNO is just a screensaver that updates once a year.
>regular icons can be made in a few minutes a pop
I didn't knew I was talking to a shit eating subhuman, my bad. Post you icons so we can all laugh at you
The only people who are dumber than tnotrannies are the haters
>What's gameplay, anon?
It comes with the basegame you fucking birdbrain monkey, all it takes is to place a couple of divisions and you'll have 3 hours worth of "gameplay". You don't code a new gameplay mechanics so it takes 0 minutes to implement "gameplay". You should honestly kill yourself, you are so stupid that you'll never achieve anything in your pathetic life.
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>TNO dev gets called out because he's a talentless and lazy hack that never played HOI4
>TNO dev gets mad and starts to yell and scream because people laugh at his VN without gameplay
>he's a talentless and lazy hack
I'm not the one making icons in a couple of minutes buddy. Maybe that's the reason why I'm famous and you are literally who poltroon loser.
>I'm famous
>For making icons in a HOI4
The fucking ego on this lazy nigger that pretends that adding a shadow and bevel effect to a stock image impresses anyone.
>Internet famous icon artist
My fucking sides.
>What is manual lightning
Thanks for outing yourself as lazy and talentless loser once again.
>For making icons in a HOI4
I've made mods from scratch with 50k viewcount, you did nothing. I'm a literal God compared to poltroon losers from Project Restoration like you. In fact I shouldn't even talk to such low IQ subhumans, you have done nothing to deserve my attention.
You're just a dumb fag with a bloated ego that's mad at the Internet.
>TNO trannydev thinks getting a modest amount of views on the Workshop makes him a God
>Has to bring up a drama mod made by a literal child in order to get a positive comparison
>>TNO trannydev
Ironic considering that I'm the only one who managed to make their discord mad while you sit on your ass doing nothing besides crying on 4chan. I'm beginning to think that this is a deliberate TNO-dev attempt at making their enemies look bad, you do nothing, you achieved nothing and you actively try to bring others down to your level.
Nigger you're the one claiming you're a God because you make a few icons a week, fuck off retard.
I did everything from map to code. What did you do and where I can view your work?
This is like a hyper-autistic version of "fight me IRL bro".
Nah, it's more like "I made a game, make a game before telling mine is shit, bro"
But you didn't make a game. You made a mod. You're using existing resources made by a studio. You didn't code the functions and parameters of the game itself. This is like saying that because you replaced the air filter and brake pads of a car, you created a car.
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God you're autistic even by the standards of this board.
This retarded fag wants to be Mango so bad
For some reason everyone that has tried has been too prideful to start with base TNO as Panzer intended and then go from there. TNO requires a large them and huge dev times, so people are overambitious when just getting an older copy of the work running on a modern update would take some significant effort
>it would still take a couple of months to make a tech tree and completely revamp the gui. Then another year would be spent making icons and mechanics.
Why? What a waste of time, you can always update GUI and tech in later updates after the initial content is added like both OWB and EAW do
You nigger, GFX should not be a dependency for release, you can always work on it in the background then push an update once the GFX is ready. People care more if the Localization is ready than GFX.
OWB and EAW are definitely great examples of people doing it right. I like OWB more with the bling, but I still loved it without the Fallout inspired interface because it provided great tags to play with. TNO niggers always put the cart before the horse, and then take so long that the horse is dead before they even start anyway.

Don't even think a huge size is required. The TNO team is bigger than ever but also releases less content than they ever have since V1.0 and everything they're promising us outside of Brazil is endless reworks. A smaller team of people not consumed by drama and politics could absolutely produce more and faster than these guys if they made it because it's something fun instead of whatever the current TNO team is doing.
Would it surprise you if it was Mango? Just about as retarded and out of touch. Pretty sure the Vote Pig leaks got at least 50K views so it checks out.
Both OWB and EaW "wasted their time" reworking the entire interface you fucking braindead clown.
>you can always update GUI and tech in later updates
And? Where did I say that you can't? Can you stop being retarded for a second. TNO's gfx has been updated over the course of 6 years, same goes for other mods, that doesn't disprove anything I said
Have fun attracting anyone with question mark icons
Why are you acting as if TNO's icons are something special and hard to make?
Because he's a fag with a bloated ego that's too stupid to realize that he's acting like a walking caricature of the TNO dev culture everyone hates.
Is it a false flag? I'm having trouble believing someone can be this conceited about something so meaningless
I have no problems believing this is real. A lot of TNO devs and their ilk hit just that sweet spot where they're just midwitty enough to be really fucking dumb and self-important. If it's actually a troll, than hat's off to the guy.
> Nah fuck you
Doki isn't sending xeir best
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Sadly, they are sending their best.
If only they used that effort to actually finish their mod rather than shill on 4chan
>TNO devs put effort into their mod
>Make some actual progress
>They start a fight surrounding this
>Rework announced
Honestly they might be progressing faster by shilling here since it delays their inevitable slide into content removal.
How’s that Suriname submod coming along?
The devs are reworking the lore so progress is halted. Their team are spinning it as more realistic but the cynics are saying that it's just so they can get integrated into TNO proper as leaked dev comms have shown disdain for the submod team.
If it isn't special then why do you keep making mediocre trash? Stop being so resentful towards people that are better than you and take time to learn
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>want to play Warlord russia
>remember how many are unfinished and boring at the super regional path

That's the worst. You wait and wait and you finally reunify and most don't even have a damn final point of view event or closure when you unify the country.

Like Milhails Chita doesn't even get a letter back or a visit from his family when he finally unifies russia You'd think there would be...given that your dad or husband dissappears for almost a decade then suddenly is a fucking monarch of the world's largest country.
Like cmon, what a gut punch. No reaction after all that? No way to see if they're happy, mad or proud or that they move in with him? Idk why people say Warlord russia is the best part of the mod it's more akin to getting kicked in the nuts after investing all that damn time.
Chita as a whole is a buggy mess, but Shepunov is even worse, once I deposed Michael my country got renamed to Chita and I didn't get the new leader because trannydevs changed Shepunov to ultranat to own white army chuds but forgot to change the code
>why people say Warlord russia is the best part of the mod
It has a good story and a concept and it uses TNO mechanics like societal development to their full potential.
Latest info.
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Feel bad for the guy. The TNO devs are obviously never integrating the mod. Even if he actually wanted to update the lore, the people he's trying to get along with dislike him and what he's doing. Hopefully he just tries to do things his own way in the end. He'll just get depressed if he keeps doing this.
Could you send an invite to the server?
>Get OFN direct intervention in the SAW
>Oh shit I never seen this before
>they kill cap Schenks RK
>encircle my burgundian volunteers. Outside Capetown and wipe us out
>welp looks like it's over for Huttig

MFW Then suddenly the OFN withdrew all it's held territory and has a true with the RKs. Speerturds ass never did anything besides send volunteers

So was this a bug or did public discontent reach too high for the AI US?Can the SAW actually lead to WW3?
This is like my 3rd attempt but still no success.
SAW can't lead to WW3. If anyone replies to you and says that they had plans to (including a non-game ending nuclear exchange), ignore them, they haven't worked on Africa in years (takes time away from their beloved reworks) and the only thing they plan on doing is cutting the Reichsstaat which they then plan to replace with absolutely nothing. Don't worry though it'll take them five years to actually get there so you'll have plenty of time to try it out before they do that.
Do the lead devs even realize that reworking everything from scratch over and over is killing the mod and pissing off the playerbase? Do they even care?
>160 page proposal doc
this so completely fucking ridiculous, no wonder these trannies get nothing done when they write alt-his fanfiction instead of mod.
and so another submod is doomed to die.
Knowing them it's probably already been scrapped because the guy that wrote it got into a fight with one of the other leads and it'll start over eventually.
Can anyone tell me what the point of this whole cabal thing is? The gains aren't exactly clear and afaik the Reichskommisariats in Africa collapse every time
if the cabal is strong you get to keep the congo
gib more russian warlord focus trees, i've played every single one at least twice
You'll take your delayed reworks of the existing trees and you'll like them, bigot!
I do like that the mod is now so dead they stopped even trying to shill and defend it

How long until the official cancellation notice? 2025? 2026? 2027?
Last post in the KF thread is people joking about them stopping their content releases in order to kill their thread. So yeah, dead mod.

Don't think they'd cancel it, the people running it seem happy to just rework everything endlessly if allowed to.

Best ending would be the team collapsing and someone making a Redux that somehow isn't total shit run by a schizo. Not holding my breath.
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This anon here >>1763236

So is the Burgundian Spring unavoidable? I managed to achieve the SPECTRE nuclear war endsieg in after midnight and now in TT despite purging and dismantling all the legions and poppy and having 100 loyalty in all states I got the burgundian spring event.

A shame cause this playthrough WAS SOOOOOO much smoother and less buggy than After Midnight Burgundy, but it's a bitter sweet experience because now there's no nuclear endsieg.

Like damn you get a bugless Burgundy but at the expense of what made him want to be played. I hope they at least add him in the German rework. Let him be Heydrich tier where the AI never goes down his path so it won't fuck with a players playthrough, but at the same time make the old lore SPECTRE type shadow state a playable option for him if he's player controlled.
Yeah, old Burgundy got scrapped, the whole idea of a state state manipulating the events of the world, downplayed to a schizo pretending to be a mastermind when he's actually the one being played. The "Global Planes" got gutted, nerfed and reworked, so you barely do anything and it's all coincidence now
Himmler will be one of the Fuhrer contenders in the German rework. The downside is that he'll fucking never get content. Only Bormann and Speer have had any work done. And honestly I wouldn't put it past them to just eventually kill that off once they update their definition of realism along the way so to speak.

It's just fucking impossible to have any hype for this shit.
Man what is it hoi 4 mods and being in limbo it seems they're all just dead or drip feeding the smallest content at the slowest pace.
Overambition desu. Setting aside things like 2WRW and other mods bound to the whims of an irresponsible dev, they all want to chase the lofty goal of perfection in their minds when most of us are fine with things busy having normal focus trees and whatnot. I can, in fact, play and enjoy all "dumb and unrealistic" KX trees, but the supposedly great TNO ones have been in development my whole adult life with NOTHING to show for it.
This get even funnier when shit like Goering submod, blue sablin submod and even the fucking GFL Reverse-Isekai submod have more fun content than what we got in Ukraine/Britain TNO, even though all of them are incomplete and one of them (GFL) is probably stuck in dev hell forever.

I honestly believe that half of the staff don't know how to code shit, and the dev body is staffed almost only with wannabe writers who want to chase cloth, rather than people who want to make a you know, GAME
There are a lot of competent people on the team that know their stuff and a fair few people that want to actually make content. The problem is the leadership. All the higher ups are more interested in politics (both literal and team-wide) than making something that the community wants. A lot don't even know or care about what the community wants. Some are insulated and clueless since they only interact with each other (since they banned all dissenters on the comm Discord), others are just elitist that look down on the community for "wanting funny slop" (you see a lot of them here). Then there's the culture of constant reworks where the foundations of the mod got scrapped and get reworked on an almost annual basis, good luck trying to overcome that trouble. Most just give up and leave after seeing their work get shitcanned the third time because of muh realism or drama.

The sole exception seems to be South America. Like most things that actually gets made it has its origins in the submodding community and none of the fat Americans that only care about western politics give a shit about that place nor its politics so there's a lot less interference.
Case in point: Brazil is getting an actual update, Argentina will be able to use nukes and Colombia has a big war full of fun, varied leaders.
At this point, I don't even know why the staff don't defect em masse and make their own TNO, if what you and the other anons said is true, the actual workhorses are being bullied and poorly guided, while the team heads, in plain discord fashion, are more interesting in "looking good" and spiting people
Because when they want to leave they're either completely done with TNO or modding entirely. Unintentionally a good defense against a redux with sane people happening: have a team culture so toxic people just want nothing to do with you. Hopefully something appears eventually though. Things can't be this awful forever.
>Insert antichrist accelerationist meme
>Unintentionally a good defense against a redux with sane people happening
I considered doing it myself but there are two problems—I have no modding experience beyond play-testing, and I have a job that is slowly overtaking all my hours as the economy dies.

Otherwise I'd probably have stepped in at this point and have seen if I could try my hand at project management by attempting to run a mostly drama-free fork—No discord or something locked down—have a public GitHub so people can fork to their heart's content—Maybe even get a stable version set up for the current update of Hoi4, then fork it again for new content so if people just want Panzer's experience they could have that—sidestepping the usual issues where people start arguing what to keep or not keep.
These all sound like good ideas, anon. Hopefully you'll find the time to at least make a version of the old TNO playable. There's clearly a demand for it even if PR was a complete shit show. Old TNO had its issues but I miss it. Remember watching an old video on the pre release plans for Russian unifiers. So many ideas and hopes. Now all we get is people wanting to rework everything and remove as many routes as possible. Very sad.
>Idk why people say Warlord russia is the best part of the mod
Because stuff actually happens in it and it somewhat remotely resembles regular HOI4 gameplay. Also the HOI4/PDX """community""" in general seems to prefer "back from the brink" type of playthroughs.
Yeah, I also have my own views on TNO which I know might be unpopular. Mostly that I actually prefer Panzer's Campy Hollywood style and would want to achieve a balance where everything in-universe has an internal logic that is consistent but you have the fun stuff like Goering's super weapons, the Presidents breaking down into cursing, and all the dam super-projects.

If this did somehow get off the ground, I'd probably look at content like Guangdong (would have to consider if the GDP mechanic they put in is even wanted and if Guangdong content needs it to function) and Ireland as good content to put in by default, then I'd like to explore some of the cut content such as the edgy India devastation events leading to the Cannibal British Expeditionary Force.

I also would even be fine with having Panzer's "dictorships never work" philosophy be an actual metaphysical force in universe the same way the Pale is in Disco Elysium, but instead of making Fascism or NatSoc impossible, they are the "Golden Path Timeline" endings that you use determination to get by reloading (maybe even make the idea of 'reloading' a part of the game where you get an event about someone like Speer or Franco feeling like he's done this before then getting determined if you reload several times--not sure if Hoi4 would let something like that work though). So therefore those runs become the most challenging yet rewarding in the entire mod.
>Idk why people say Warlord russia is the best part of the mod it's more akin to getting kicked in the nuts after investing all that damn time
As a thought experiment, imagine if Kaiserreich ended before the Second Weltkrieg starts. So all you'd have is Germany dealing with its economy and tardwrangling Mitteleuropa, France/GB sending volunteers to flip shitholes to cringicalism, US civil war and Chinese infighting between a dozen tags. Which one of these do you think would've been the most popular for repeated playthroughs? It would be ACW2 or China, not because they're good (well, I think Chinese content in KR is alright, ACW not so much), but because there's more gameplay and more sides to pick from. Ultimately all of them would've been buildup to nothing just like TNO was even at its peak. You're never getting the real payoff anyway (like Mikhail inviting his family to move into the Winter Palace together with him after they beat the Germans, to follow your example), so what does it matter if regional/superregional stages are lacking in content?
Oh, and the one idea I thought was so stupid it looped around to being based in my head was the Dark Nixon idea the new devs came up with.

If this ever did get off the ground, Dark Nixon would be the American play-through equivalent for being a Golden Path Timeline challenge run
Imagine if the TNOfags had made content for 2WRW and the GAW instead of reworking fucking everything over the past several years. Name a bigger waste of potential.

Dark Nixon in base TNO will suck to actually play assuming they ever release it. Reading through Vote Pig made it seem like shit. It's just a march to a bad end with the hope that maybe - just maybe - a wholesome liberal will stand up to the evil fascist Nixon otherwise America is doomed to endless despair under the party Mongo doesn't want to vote for IRL.

I swear these niggers could take any fun idea and just make it sound completely miserable.
Yeah, my idea would be to build the Dark Nixon from scratch and put it in base TNO with pre-Vote Pig mechanics. Also instead of it being wholesome liberal resistance, it would be Nixon fighting the metaphysical entity of history itself to achieve the perfect timeline and create the greatest possible outcome for America.

I would probably have Wallace done in a similar way, and instead of saying one or the other is better, have their golden timeline have their pros and cons showing the best of their specific backgrounds that informed their views.
>I also would even be fine with having Panzer's "dictorships never work" philosophy be an actual metaphysical force in universe the same way the Pale is in Disco Elysium
If I made TNOredux I would make Burgundy responsible for how the world operates. Dictators would go insane and collapse because burgundian spies have been poisoning their drinks (I got that from Afraid of Monsters) and conducting occult rituals on them. Democracies would be far more stable because the power is spread out and Burgundians don't have enough resources to influence that many people. It would be an clever statement on the nature of the totalitarian societies and how they dug their own grave.

>maybe even make the idea of 'reloading' a part of the game where you get an event about someone like Speer or Franco feeling like he's done this before then getting determined if you reload several times--not sure if Hoi4 would let something like that work though
You can do that by using achievements, but it's too meta and Undertale already did that. I would make it so that playing on "Ironman" opens up a "hard mode" where everyone curses a lot more and everything is much harder, but it's only route where not collapsing as a fascist is possible
>Democracies would be far more stable because the power is spread out
Lol, lmao.
>It would be an clever statement on the nature of the totalitarian societies
Any statement that starts on impossible premises only ends up reversing its intended purpose. In other words , I approve.
Honestly I wish most of you guys would just apply to join the dev team and infiltrate the current devs
Why would any of us want to join up with those shitheads? None of us would be able to do anything good obviously since everyone in charge just mandates reworks and there's already several leakers all the way up to management so it wouldn't benefit these threads either. Just a huge waste of time for the privilege of being part of yet another rework that never goes anywhere.
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>mfw I get accepted to a dead team for a dead mod so that I can crunch on reworks that'll never release
I already work for one hell bureaucracy, why would I humiliate myself for another? Without even being paid several thousand per month?
I wouldn’t say that totalitarism has to be necessary centralised. Cultural revolution was very totalitarian but also very decentralized
Why? There is no way the devs would even allow work that go against their vision, they all should group up and make their own submod instead
I thought this mod was dead beyond fake leaks. What justifies the existence of this thread?
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But the thing is that there are a few super regional and post unification events that have closure. So it's possible.

Omsk has Yazov pondering the unstoppable typhoon that he started with the Great Trial knowing what it could lead to.

Shushkin finally sees his motherland and it beautiful nature free from pollution and the major corporations. And even reconciled with his friend post election.

Amur has Rodz finally break from his alcoholism and wake up from his despondent wandering.

Tabby is well..we all know about Tabby.

And coincidentally those are my favorite Warlord playthroughs.
How is it that the Ural warlords also have a better sense of closure and events?
Like even the 72 president's have some events and focuses that have some closure and give the direction they will be heading. But the other unifiers? Most don't have a reaction past the superregional or the final war for unification or reaction to unification.
Barring the ones mentioned, I had more fun OFN/Pakt maxing than Warlord Russia.

It's that reason why I haven't gotten around to playing Magdan,Tomsk,Kemerovo, SBA, WRRF, and Vyatka.
Cause I felt so let down with Sablin,Suslov,Mikhail,and Vagner.

Or did I just happen to have bad luck and play the worst warlords. I don't even want to touch Komi again if the Center and other far left leaders have the same shit tier ending as Suslov
Unfortunately you have to be a unhinged idealist to join the dev team. Pragmatism and entertaining the thought of conflicting political ideals(for the purpose of better understanding and developing the countries and leaders in the game) is a big no no. The mod is turning into one big wish fulfimment and theater screen to project your irl political frustrations
Containment thread. TNO devs and apologists are the furries of /vst/ and no one can stand them. It's also a good place for the rest of us to shit all over the main TNO team.
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If Germany is getting reworked does that mean we can finally revive Goebbels and see his impact on the Reich? Or he still ded? That's a bigger unrealistic mistake then fucking burgundy. Why would he die and Heydrich, the guy who got assisinated irl because he was too vain and careless to ride in a open top car in a partisan filled country, live? Not saying to kill Heydrich but the logic is flawed there if you are gonna say that one of Hitlers top men is going to be assassinated.
Sablin was such a letdown man, dude has one of the best starting situations (Fighting a hopeless war against one of the warlords with the strongest potential)
Funny events (The Russian-American culture exchange)
And interesting ideas going on (Would you control your personnal wishes to fit your ideology or the opposite? Throwing away your dream in favor of pragmatism and what seemed to have "worked" in the past?)
Then he unifies eastern Russia and he basically stops being a character, what a letdown
Didn't Goybbels died because of medical conditions, rather than by partisan hands? Dunno how the current storyline is heading towards
He's still as dead as the mod he's not appearing in. As you might expect this was discussed on the team with many wanting it but the Reich leads flatly refused and gave some word salad reasoning. You're getting Bormann, Speer, Goering, Heydrich and Himmler. But only Bormann and Speer have had any practical work done on them.

So actually you're getting neither lmao.

Who cares how he died? The important part is that he's dead and will not have any relevance to anything in the mod. Cue the usual TNO apologist coming in and explaing that akhchualie him being dead is great for their very realistic plot in an Axis victory scenario.
I'd give Goebbels the old Goering meme tree, it would fit in well with him both being the only ride-or-die Hitler fanatic in the entire Nazi upper echelon and the historical reality of him being increasingly sidelined during the actual war. That and muh Totalen Krieg speech he probably never got to make in the TNO timeline. A lot of people would've actually benefitted from switched around in the old German lore, like aforementioned Heydritch, the guy who tried to personally chase down on foot the people who threw a bomb at him, and Himmler, a colossal pussy who couldn't stomach mass executions and tried to sign a separate peace with the Allies.
>thread dedicated to specific discussion of a mod = containment thread
Okay retard, so is the Kaiserreich thread also a containment thread? The only mods that get discussed in the HOI4 modding thread are all literally-who mods or other mods eternally in dev hell
Or OWB and EAW when they get updated or a new submod show up.
I don't know why the /vg/ peasants keep shouting about this and that being containment threads, as if discussing about a topic in a bunch of splinter, one-week threads would dilute the discussion and make it deader
The TNO thread is a containment thread because TNO is a VN and everyone on the board hates its apologists and devs.
The KR thread isn't a containment thread because KR there's actual strategy game content to talk about and KR mostly is liked by regular people who can function on the board.

Group everyone hates = containment thread.
General discussion about strategy games = regular thread.

Hope that helps.

>why do they call this a containment thread
Because TNO devs/apologists are hated by the local community and they want nothing to do with them and see this as a positive form of segregation.
>Group everyone hates = containment thread.
Nigger most of us aren't here to shit on the mod, most of us actually play the mod and want a space to discuss it away from the autistic discord/reddit space infested with trannies and the power-tripping jannies from the reddit
Making fun of the incompetent dev team isn't the primary purpose of the thread, retard
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>Making fun of the incompetent dev team isn't the primary purpose of the thread
Yes it is.
Go back newfag
Dead mod.
Cool story bro, not once did I claim the dev team was competent
I like the mod's premises and some of the new content it has put out like Guangdong and stuff the South America devs are working on, and many others in the thread can say the same even if we agree the dev team is a fucking mess
Anyway you're a tranny nigger and you don't deserve any (You)s
Cope and sneed, the mod is dead.
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>One anon mentions the GFL-TNO crossover mod

We are never getting this one either, ain't we?
Saying something over and over doesnt make it real, anon. Also, if tno is so dead why are you even here loudly proclaiming it to be dead over and over?

Ahdemar is bound to be kino, as for Lacerda I dont know.
If it's not a dead mod that updates twice a year courtesy of a team that spends more time cutting old content than adding new why do you go into damage control mode every time a random person on 4chan points out that it has zero momentum?
>most of us actually play the mod
I unironically wonder what is there to play anymore, or do you just replay 4 year old content over and over again?
How do i enjoy this mod? I have a 1000+ hours in hoi4 but everytime I try tno, I just get overwelmed by the random overcomplicated mechanics and wall of text events. Is it even worth trying for someone who prefers normal hoi4 gameplay.
The Russian unifiers are your best bet. By early 1964 you'll be fighting huge wars to reunite your region and the mechanics in Russia are generally pretty user-friendly (at least until the next batch of reworks ruin that assuming they release). Whole point of playing as a Russian warlord is to eventually have your big army fight a war with your neighboring rival, closest you'll get to regular HOI4 content. I'd suggest setting military spending to minimal and not pump out units until the German bombings stop in the fall of 63 if you're in western Russia or Siberia, and half a year sooner if you're elsewhere. That'll let you avoid a fiscal crisis.

If you end up liking it, I'd suggest Brazil as a good tag that mixes in TNO's political gameplay without being terrible and overbearing while also offering some functional gameplay.

Good luck anon but honestly with the way the mod is going I'd suggest just playing KX, OWB or EAW instead. The leads are actively trying to remove everything resembling normal gameplay from most tags. There's still fun to be had in parts of the world but it gets worse with every "update".
Thanks, EaW and KX are my favourite mods because they can combine good story with good gameplay and unique mechanics that aren't too annoying
Yeah just stick to those, you'll have a better time.
News flash mongoloid, not everyone has played every single thing in the mod.
And good on them devfag, they didn't waste their time on worthless shit or, at best, decent content that will inevitably be reworked and replaced with abject fucking horseshit after being left on a cliffhanger after V1.0.
>m-muh everyone who likes the mod is a devfag
Try harder glownigger. I swear you doki retards trying to derail any conversation that goes on in channels you have no power to moderate over get more and more obvious and desperate every time
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>t. doki donothing getting called out and projecting onto others by accusing them of being devs
All of you stick out like a sore thumb with an unmaskable stench as distinct as your neovaginas
The TNO dev cries out as he strikes out at his lapsed fans.
go back to your doki hugbox troon
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>TNO dev
>Telling others to go back to the Doki hugbox when they shit on him
>A place infamous for banning all anti-dev dissent
This is so retarded it's unreal. You have to be a moderator or lead dev to be this out of touch and stupid.
>illiterate nigger
>thinks i think xe is a regular anon who would be subjected to bans in TNOcord
>as opposed to another lead dev who does nothing but shitpost in doki all day
And somehow I am the one who is out of touch here? Dumb troon
No doubt that >>1765161 is a dev trying to blend in and infiltrate conversation by accusing random anons of being devs.
Possible that >>1765187 is a dev too by taking the obvious bait and derailing another thread.
Either way both of you niggers are retarded, get off our board newfags
i think both of them are scaresith butthurt from getting btfo'd here so many times xze is trying to fake a conversation on the thread to somehow derail and shut down these threads
Cope + dead mod.
what's wrong scaresith? finally realized that you shilled a mod for free on reddit and got nothing out of it? you will never be a real woman by the way
>3 word reply
>"You're definitely this autistic cunt that always writes 10000 word essays about tranny rights"
This is why content never drops, people.
>10000 word essays
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idg this damage control. Are you trying to make your detractors too confused to keep replying by shitting on the mod harder than they are and then accusing them of being your biggest defenders in disguise? How does this make any sense from any perspective?
>everyone except me is a dev
How are you this full of yourself, you probably are a dev to be this out of touch
The absolute state of this community when devs are so utterly despised that everyone sees it as the greatest insult imaginable to be likened to them.
Everyone except me is a dev
>t. dev
It's unironically over, the wait time between updates is basically the same as Toolbox Theory and all we're waiting for is just a couple of years of Brazil and Mexico and the map rework
>this thread
holy shit it's actually dead, lmfao
italy never ever
>tno is LE DEAD
whatever as long as i can larp as wallace i'm fine without the 50 red italy paths
Fun fact anon the US rework is completely gutting Wallace. He'll be saddled with a liberal VP and all his extreme actions are gone. At most he can be a speed bump on the inevitable road towards progressive liberalism.

You're welcome.
saddening but won't happen until 2044
we need burma anon back
i'm tired of
being the entire thread

True the thread is basically one long Spiderman pointing meme. It's almost like everyone hates the devs. Maybe if they gave us some Burma content this wouldn't be the case and Burma anon would return to posting here.
What strat do you use for TND? I try to repeal immediately after the 1968 election.
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>No Yockey
>No Gamer Wallace
>Hall stays
Unrealistic or no, I should be able to have the choice to be far left, far right, and everything in-between.
Only two hours away from going a full 24 hours without any posts. Dead thread for a dead mod.
Good strategy though.

It's obvious that it's just Mango wanting his politics in there. Someone can repost the Vote Pig pdf, but it's fucking dire unless you like liberal circle jerks. Absolutely agree with you though, I should be able to choose. But nope, you'll be railroaded into the dev's personal wish fulfilment and you'll like it.
>just Mango wanting his politics in there
You have no idea how bad it is. He also made scenarios for The Campaign Trail where he seethes about Bush to a ridiculous degree.
I can make an educated guess since I've read his documents since they all seem to leak as soon as he writes them since all his colleagues hate him and think he's a fag.
>campaign trail
Not surpriesed.
>Seethe about Bush to a ridiculous degree
How do you do it to a "ridiculous degree"? I'll put on my neutral hat and say that he's a pretty controversial and divisive figure that can be subject to a fair amount of justified critique both from the left and the right. How does Mango make it excessive?
By a ridiculous degree I mean it reads like it was written by a 2006-era version of a RESIST lib. There are multiple endings where WW3 starts. All the advisor feedback is comically left wing. Bush comes off as a parody of himself. And Mango said that it wasn't satire.
He also harassed another mod creator for being le ebil natzee and said, and I quote:
>"My issue with [the midnight mods] is that America is inherently a white supremacist nation and so [George Lincoln Rockwell becoming president] wouldn't change anything since 90% of the people who Americans would vote for would be white supremacist.
So he's a retarded commie who thinks that America can never change or whatever, which is why Hall gets to be the one extremist president who stays and everyone else is just a mere stepping stone or a speedbump towards a glorious future of unlimited brown people and the end of "white supremacy" in America, I.E rapid South Africanization. Vote Pig is literally just wish fulfilment BS for Mango.
The fact that he wrote W explains why Nixon gets a Dark Nixon path where he somehow becomes President for Life. He actually believes that Nixon would do that.
Makes sense and lines up with his work, thanks for filling me in. But if Mango feels this viscerally about Bush 43, I wouldn't be shocked if he was in his late teens at the time at least for it to have made such a big impact on him in his formative years to the point where we see the aftershocks of it today. If true that makes this even sadder. Not that he's old, but because he's a middle aged man that wastes his life on online drama. Sad if true, wish he'd take a chill pill.

>The Nixon thing is serious political fiction
Confirmed retard that thinks anyone he doesn't like being in office will lead to a "fascist permanent presidency", cringe.
Well that explains why it seems like such a joyless shit route. At a glance it seemed like the only fun part of Vote Pig but then you read it and it's just a cringefest where Nixon becomes a fascist and only a liberal politician can end America's white supremacist fascist dictatorship by being voted into office in the free and fair elections that still happen there.

Mango trying not to be a preachy faggot for 5 seconds challenge (impossible).
"Non-existent state apparatus" should come before "organised chaos" in admin efficiency.
It'd be fun if they added actual routes like that with genuine extremists in America as options and play into the consequences of America losing the war (on top of the normal routes).

Instead it's just OTL Republicans VS Democrats, no NPP and we're wasting years of dev time on this shit.

It's probably just there because it's unique to the SBA.
Another submod that will never come out just dropped
I for one welcome Mango’s Progressive doomer, grim dark Wattpad fanfic\porn; I suspect there will be many unintentionally based things and a great deal of kino
Lmao, this could have been posted right after TNO release. The subreddit is basically a time capsule.

Also, whatever happened to DV? Did they finally run out of toozees? Did the single coder finally dip?
They'll never release, and they'll also update more frequently than TNO.

I guess there's a chance that the retarded nigger accidentally makes us root for what he tries to turn into a villain. But even then I'm set my expectations to "funny bad".

Please don't encourage Calph to come back here to shill his dogshit mod.
>captcha has DV in it
It will be a gem mine for chuds everywhere
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I think it would be pretty cool if they replaced George Wallace with George Floyd
Any opinion on this mod?
That submod has been memed into the ground both here and everywhere else, its lead is a 14 year old tranny from some shithole like Turkey or something
>They call him a transphobe or something
Which way, white man?

A shame this isn't just regular old TNO, need Alexander Mann back..his collapse event was soo kino
Complete shit show. Led by literal children and lunatics. Almost instantly collapsed into infighting and drama. Real shame because the promise of it was nice.
TNO is just either in rework hell or the devs getting tired, skill issuing, or getting ostracized by their internal wholesome chungus anti chud, anti tankie and anti bigot hugbox
The rework hell is the worst. They're redoing the entire mod from scratch and are doing it both poorly and slowly. It'd be one thing if we had something to look forward to but we don't. Just the vague promise that in a few years the tags we could play in 2020 will be reworked. And when they inevitably start fights or alienate their coders we get the reworks of reworks, and so on.

Madness. The entire mod leadership should resign.
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Or in the case of Mosk, reworks of a rework of a rework of a rework of a rework of a rework of a rework.
As much as Panzer was an incompetent moron and a chud closet-nazi troon making an incredibly gay fanfic to "atone" for his Stormfront days, at least under him shit got done. The only thing we've gotten since then was
>After Midnight (okay I guess, kind of a nothingburger)
>Guangdong (literally the only good thing to come since)
>Smuta (it's okay I guess)
>Ukraine (it's fine considering it's actually new content)
>Britain (old britain sucked don't get me wrong but new britain has even less content)
>Toolbox Theory (i like the economy mechanics but it was not worth the 2 year wait)
Kuzunoha was probably the last competent person to be in any position of power and he's been gone for a while. Fuck the dev team
Seems like Ashley is still working on the East is Red submod.
Manchukuo dev unironically got worse after she left
can someone post Komai's focus tree?
What is wrong with you guys?
I only have about 16 hours in this mod so far but it's fucking horrible, just so much time spent playing cookie clicker tier minigames while the only entertaining things that happen are gay ass fanfiction tier writings for literal who civvies of your country.
I fully expect to be painted as some kind of boogeyman for the criticism but I'm honestly just curious, how the Hell do anons ITT actually enjoy this mod? Even ignoring the team's obvious pozzed biases, it's terrible.
I hope the few guys who are behind the actual systems in this mod will go on to do better things.
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Why would you be painted as a boogeyman? Most people here are lapsed fans at best that are pissed that the mod is just circling the drain these days. Most promises of new content were broken and they're currently just reworking everything. Most of us hate that. We have nothing to look forward to and if we like something we already know that it's slated to be cut or wrecked by another rework. The few times people defend the mod they get accused of being devs which almost always leads to a back and forth with everyone accusing each other of being a dev because the devs are so hated that even the defenders of the mod hate what they're doing to it and see it as an insult to be lumped in with them.

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This doesn't too bad, definitely not bad enough to call someone ultranat. Things like selling weapons to Pinochet and helping Shah are even objectively good
Cause playing majors in a cold war "sim" sucks, that's why Warlord Russia, old SAW and Yunan are the most enjoyable content. Content that will, like it or not, be worked to be a worse version of what we actually have.
Shitty content with le "Gloom and Doom nothing matters", you get buttfucked in all paths, how can someone find it fun?
>le "Gloom and Doom nothing matters", you get buttfucked in all paths
Pathologic 2 did it and it was fun. What matters most is the presentation. Oinkraine is just too unfinished, I don't know how people have the audacity to release something so unfinished and pretend like it's a new update
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Short-term content that's gloomy can be fun. Doomed struggles have been done well a lot of times in fiction. Gonna side with the other anon, it's about execution not the concept so at the end of the day you're still right that it sucks.

Corn was the lead on it so it was doomed from the start. I hope he gets drafted before he actually has a chance to finish fucking up all the Russian content he wants to rework from scratch.
Yeah, but this is a fucking HOI4 mod, having a whole tag chain being "Fail state, the state" makes it hella uniteresting to play it, very few games/movies can pull endings like that without being shite, and even then, there is a message that sticks or the struggle, at least changed something in any capacity

Ukraine is literally edging before the civil war, then edging afterwards, bretty lame. The subpaths for each ideology are also undercooked as hell

At least in Tabby's case we got more context, but I still find it a tad lame in a way
Corn is american, he will stick around TNO til his NEETbux allow him, so unless the tranny horde eats him, we gonna have him for the long run
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Again, the issue is execution. Don't even think it'd be that hard to pull off in a game, just provide me with different endings depending on how well I do against Germany as the resitance, or how quickly I stabilize things as the RK. If RK, allow me to switch to Germany after potentially maximizing all benefits for Germany and I'll feel a long-term reward that way. Give different AND MEANINGFUL epilogues for all of these win/fail conditions too. Some mechanical feedback might go a long way.

But yeah I agree with you in theory, they botched it. But I think they could make it good enough without a huge rework or anything.

Of course, they won't. Total rework that's worse or bust, them's the rules.

I don't care that he's American I hope that Biden forces him by presidential decree to go to Ukraine and die in a fucking trench.
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Fail State should be due to player inputs and not railroad to collapse.
Agreed but if they're going to do it at least give me some variables to make it worth my time.

Example: Huttig used to have zero impact on things, but right now surviving long enough completely fucks up the continent. That's a reward of sorts for me to keep going, even if ideally I'd have an actual win states (and mechanics that aren't shit).

Not saying I disagree with you but at least we have examples where the devniggers managed to be forced to compromise with their retarded vision for 5 bloody seconds.
To be fair I do want a rework of the superregional stage, it's basically devoid of content anyway. I just don't want a total rework of each warlord, that would be a huge waste of time wwhich could otherwise be used to give us 2WRW content
Well you're going to get total reworks, like it or not. Even Amur which was fraudulently pitched as a super regional rework has mutated into a full rework by the sound of it.

Want additional content? There are submods for that. Want actual new content in TNO? Never happening, but retarded cunts like Mango, Corn, Lam and Frost will swear to you that it's happening after just two more years of pointless waiting away before the next underwhelming rework drops.
All I know is that he's code lead, is he also responsible for reworking everything to shit?
That's typical tno stuff
Made jokes about Chukchas (extremely common in former USSR)-now you're a nazbol
You liked meritocracy-now you are some egomaniac willing to throw baby into molten silicon for an extra 0.05 annual gdp growth.
You were part of SS-now you are a sunday mourning cartoon villain, despite the fact irl you were famous for efficiently utilising carrot and the stick
Less said about Thatcher the better
>Expecting reactivity from TNO
>When even Guandong, the best content in the game has a pretty railroaded shitshow
It's hella weird how, no matter how high your social indicators are, people are still gonna rebel and the Kenpentai still mogs you, even you play as Komachi, who's their biggest sponsor and ideological partner
I found the last part weird
Like, I've been an assest to Japan, I didn't ask for a single dime, why can't I ask Tokyo to pretty please shove a jackboot up the protester ass WITHOUT turning Sphere's silicone vallley into an oversized military base
The more you think about it, the less it make sense, since: Timeline wise, the Guandong crisis happen AFTER the Dali Crisis, so if Japan didn't kill themselves (They never do this as A.I) The kenpentai should be dissasembled or weak enough that the IJA and the IJN should have more power than whatever the secret police is doing.

When you ask Japan for help as Guandong, the PM says he want to, but can't cause Kenpentai autism, which again, doesn't make sense, those guys should have been dead and buried long ago by conspiration against the empire
He's the Reich lead so everything related to constantly reworking Europe from the ground up is often related to him on some level. Only reason he doesn't get shit on as often as Mango and the others is because he doesn't sperg out in public and because no one cares about the trillionth Ostland rework as much as they care about say Corn reworking all Russian tags.
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>texas democrat is literally the hecking judge
Good God this community is so gay
>My name is Big Weld
>Some of you may know me from the TNO discord, my essay posts on the subreddit
I hate this guy already.
DV mogs TFO.
DV mogs itself by lazily ripping off real postcolonial history, no matter how much they try to claim it's different because one African country has different shaped borders or gains independence in a slightly different way
Is there a single submod team that isnt shit or retarded or focussed on reworks? What is left of most projects, I don't follow all that discord garbage
The Goering submod still just focuses on adding functional content for him after the base mod deleted everything pending a rework (that they'll never finish). TNO devs hate it so they have to be doing something right.

The Second West Russian War mod does what TNO should've done and adds 1970s content for various Russian tags. idr if it's playable with the latest version of TNO. Again the TNO devs hate them (at least Corn does) so it can't be all bad.

I think that's it for released submods that tries to add new content. Everything else is just toozers, reworks or toozers for reworks.

>Caring about two bums fighting over a tin of beans
Don't forget about the GFL submod (Which sadly is in dev hell after such a neat demo)
It's a warlord tag which has stuff up to 1964 and a neat side-research system.

But it's le "Anime Robot Submod" and thus TNO hate them
The East is Red too.
Didn't include it because it's been in dev hell. The above anon seemed to want more recently active submods. Hope it gets revived eventually it seemed fun and TNO dev seething is always a stamp of approval.

Sure add that one to the list too if they still produce playable content.
For non-Shukshin warlords it adds a nice finale to the story
Currently playing the Novosibirsk positive gnome. It's alright, wrighting isn't stellar, but it's not outrageously bad, idk if how much of it is base game vs 2wrw. Don't find him particularly interesting, Pokryshkin is better
Currently team is busy with Omsk update
Also there is Tsar and Soviets, it returns Kazambeck. Don't know what plebbit thinks but the left-right unity typically makes them seethe real bad
Is TaS still active? They were planning on doing Vorkuta content but it went a bit quiet after that but I might just not be paying much attention.

Adding a story finale is the best part of 2WRW too. An earlier anon said it best: imagine Kaiserreich without the crescendo of the Weltkrieg and how bad that'd be. Really goes to show you their priorities compared to that of the community when the main team ignores all player requests in favor of endless reworks of 1960s content for tags that already worked both in and outside of Russia.
That isn't even the worst offender of the bunch desu, they would rather make content for nothing burger nations (Ostland, Memekraine) than stuff like Finland (It's essential to the 2WRW), Moscowien and fucking Murican reworks
Checked it out, last updated in November
I actually think devs hate 2wrw because of how badly it mogs them.
If I were in charge, I'd integrate 2wrw, focus on getting 70s content for Russia and Germany, US, China and Japan in that order, occasionally doing small facelifts and content for secondary but important nations like Australia, Romania, Finland and India. The only two paths that genuinely need a rework is Heydrich and AB, and frankly current team will probably make it even worse
I think there is a Kamchatka one. Dunno about how good it is.
You're wrong but for sad reasons. They have tried working on some of this but it keeps being wrecked by the team's staggering burn rate and all the reworks of majors constantly forcing others to be rebooted as well. Moscowien is on its 8th rework by an earlier anon's count because every new lead wants to change the setup and every time a portion of Germany is heavily reworked they need to rework things on their end too. This is why the mod is deader than Project Restoration at this point.

Never happening.
Corn's already said that Hyperborea is going to be cut so just like the Sverdlovsk rework you're looking at half the routes and with what's there being less inspired than the old stuff somehow. I have literally zero hope for it.

It's been integrated into 2WRW and is maintained by the guy that took over the mod when the original guy stopped updating it.
I do not get why they are focused on endless America reworks when it is easily the most boring of the major powers and already has/had sufficient amount of content.
And if you are gonna give me another inevitable fail state nations please at least make it Moskowien.
>Why rework America
Because the guy that's currently the lead dev wanted to write political fanfiction. There are some posts earlier in this thread even talking about how he's an old Campaign Trail writer that wants to turn the US content into a piece of activism and wish fulfilment. Blander content, no NPP, a worse backstory where America nukes the Netherlands and no one cares and all because of muh politics and this is taking them nearly half a decade. Only hope for it is that the Nixon route ends up being unintentionally based but even then that's a long shot.
Hyperborea is fine. Actually, his views are fairly accurate to his irl ones and he's pretty fun. Of course those retards decide to remove it. Is the end state of Russia choice between holesum 100 social democracy or facismo communist with -1000% pop and gdp growth rate?
>Nukes Netherlands
most of the presidents dont feel really special desu, the problem is that they are replacing them with absolute autistic retards like hart. hart does NOT feel like a real president, he seems like what the average redditor thinks being president looks like, real presidencys look like George Wallace and LBJ but they are still not well refined with mechanics
More or less. You can read the Amur leak above if you want to know what's in store for you on the endless rework front.

>Nuking Europe
It was either that or Belgium, I don't recall. Don't have the pdf saved and it was leaked a long ass time ago. Someone should repost it so we can have it permanently linked in the OP with all the other critical leaks. IIRC it's related to their attempts to liberate Europe but it fails and for some reason the whole thing is just brushed off and never mentioned afterwards.
>Sverdlovsk rework
That's the one where they sandpaper off all the Red Army iconography and turns the entire tag into a generic dictatorship over time despite that being a very neat concept and one that makes sense for TNO's Russia?
Amur rework sounds ok in theory, but TNO writting is about as subtle as a hypersonic anvil, so I can see three hundred ways it can fuck up
>New lore
What? How do they plan to invade Europe without Britain? Why nuke low Benelux instead of Berlin? Do they invade and lose or do they just nuke and fuck off? How do they manage to sweep a fuck up that bad under the rug? What is the fucking point?
Specifically they nuke Antwerp and I think Midway too to force a peace settlement. How they're doing this from Iceland though is anyone's guess as it happens after the fall of Britain, which also gets gassed by the Americans as they throw the fleeing civilians overboard from their retreating ships according to Mango.
Seems like it'll be something like that based on the few leaks we have and Yeltsin is gone. Not that the old content was perfect but Jesus they're going to spend a year on this? Less and worse content, yippee.

When they talk about Rodzaevsky getting so buckbroken because the hecking wholesome liberal rebels bash the fash that he shaves his beard and starts drinking, "subtle as a hypersonic anvil" would be a compliment.

As for the Netherlands thing >>1767613 seems to remember it clearer than I do. Even worse than I thought. I think the Pacific nuke was aimed at a naval base of the IJN and not Midway, or maybe there were more nukes. It wasn't anywhere near as egregious as the Dutch thing though that's for sure, at least they went for a military target and not a MAJOR CITY THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO LIBERATE FROM NAZI OCCUPATION.
Isn't the whole point of the mod, that one nuke leads to nuclear war
Not when it's done in the name of freedom and democracy or something like that.
It happened around the time Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened OTL so it wasn't possible at the time. It's still dumb though.
Still, a nuke there would be enough to cause a huge ass impact in the setting, it would change europe completly, the fact that they are brushing it as just a small happening is lame af
Japan would have nukes though and the entire world would hate the US for nuking a city with no reason
>If I were in charge, I'd integrate 2wrw
Maybe it'll happen once Corn personally gets drafted by Brandon and sent to his beloved Ukraine where he can kill some heckin unwholesome transphobic ruzzkie orcs.

>is maintained by the guy that took over the mod when the original guy stopped updating it.
The guy who runs it is one of the higher-up devs in charge of actual mod implementation/coding, and he gets treated like shit by most of the other leads because he's not a nut job like them
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Who fucking cares? Play a different mod or play whats already available. How the fuck are you going to go into their community and say its retarded? It's like going to a house party and trashing the beer and music and the house.

I dont give a fuck whats in their pants, they made a good ass mod retarded faggot redditor
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Shukshin is a peak reddit leader
>What if we could play as Russia but not be heckin unwholesome pootin and give muh trans rights and wholesome lesbians rights and not supress the le ukrainerinos
>also if you vote for the right-wing nationalist party, ruzzia goes back to being a corporate oligarchy which is literally just like fascist racist pootin!!! ruzzia bad btw
>which also gets gassed by the Americans as they throw the fleeing civilians overboard from their retreating ships according to Mango.
Hmm, I wonder why the guy who thinks that America is an irredeemable huwyte supremacist state would want to make America look bad?
umm... read settlers chud... white people are le bad...
what happened to the dutch submod
I'm playing him because he has the most content. Without it, Pokryshkin is much more interesting story and gameplay wise. Also some ludo narrative dissonance-the story is about him fighting corporations, but I don't want to, +20% attack doesn't grow on trees, you know. Especially considering there are no downsides to corporations having high power, as long as they are loyal.
Getting the not putin elected got to be pretty intresting narrative wise, where even victory in 2wrw isn't enough to stop the pushback to his overly liberal reforms. Shukshin does have the most post war content as well, however
Also I find it funny how there are a bunch of sad events about Siloviki crushing Tomsk and anarchists. I am running a state, not a fucking arthouse project
Gonna need a pallet cleanser of Hyperborea, Gumilev, Rodazevsky or Kaganovich afterwards
>America bad because racist
>Communism bad because Ukraine
Who are you allowed to root for then
According to Big Weld, the same retard who does nothing but argue about PALF vs Free France, no one
It never ocurred to me, but what the fuck happens with the frenchies if Free France lose the war against the africanboos and the French State remains in German fold, do the frenchies exiles themselves in america? Do they get murderhobo'ed by the natives or wha t? Saw Free France collapsing a lot, but the game never says what the fuck happened with everyone there, something that concern me much more than some chuds doing chud things in britain
Haiti happens if you catch my drift.

Tried to get integrated and was told to do as the Romans while in Rome by having a splendid little rework.
The Free French go to Quebec or New York or something
>Who are you allowed to root for then
France, obviously. Oui, oui, liberté!
And who would be the dominican republic out of west africa? Kek

Why do chinks always have working submods with kino GUIs that never get translated?
The Chinese Century is in full swing baby
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Why is it only chinks have working dev teams that don't collapse due to gay drama or non-stop discussion in doki about trans rights? Maybe they use those 3 hours a day limit for video games to the fullest extent.
Giving rights to troons was west biggest mistake.
wasn't that whole thing about ashley on a chinese server?
And from what I have seen, Ashley was one of the last few talented people and she is still working on a Chinese submod.
Of fucking course this mod is so dead that the Chinese blow it out of the water and make their own submods

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You will have nothing but rework teasers and you will be happy.
What is even vote pig?
It's Mango's US rework that's been in dev hell for years. It removes the NPP, adds a dozen liberal routes and cements into lore that white supremacist America nuked the Netherlands (no one cared tho). Exciting times to be a TNO fan, we have so much to look forward to.
Just learn their language.
why it's only the East is Red submod that got translated
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The instructions say "a button in the shape of the nuclear symbol in the top bar will open the cold war interface"
Where is this button?
You're using a submod that overrides the default UI. It should be the diplomacy button. Try disabling the colored buttons mod if you keep having issues. hth.
2wrw finally updated...but its not Omsk yet.
>Only signs of life in this thread is people talking about how dead the mod is or how submods are actually updating
We've reached levels of dead mod that shouldn't even be possible.
What was added then?
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Looks fun, glad they got it out. Wonder what the Aryan Brotherhood reconstruction governments look like.
Never played 2WRW, is it retardedly tedious to get Yockey elected?
The reconstruction govs are generic, based on their ideology, so there is one for fascist govs, one for commies, one for democratics and one for authoritarians
No Natsoc one?
It's a start then, hope they expand it with some more unique stuff. But I can understand if they don't have things for everyone.
there's some more for the unique unifiers like the komi paths and AB
Oh nice that's awesome, I'll make sure to give AB a try then! That sounds really fun! Thanks anon!
There is? Devguy said it was generic stuff, but it's good to hear it
Yeah on their com server you can see some of the flags for the not-so-generic recons. Pretty cool shit if i say so
Neat. Even if it turns out that the leader's a recycled fascist I'll have some schizo AB flags to look forward to! Geronimo!
>America nuked the Netherlands
Wtf I love the US rework now
this mod and the community bores me
>go to the reddit
>literally only unfunny memes and lore discussion which has been discussed years ago to much greater detail already (which warlord could beat germany/which guangdong corporation is the most wholesome/is there [insert video game or movie] in the TNO universe)
>same shitty paper drawings by autistic 10 year old of a character in TNO
>retards larping as the OFN and using OFN symbols to shill for NATO under "i swear these are just memes from le funni video game"
>stale jokes about taboritsky or yazov or other genocidal leaders repeated ad nauseam
fuck this mod but more importantly fuck this community
>this tiny list of changes took a year to do
2WRW devs will never finish Omsk at this point.
>>go to the reddit
there's your problem
Did anyone tell the HV devs yet?
>implying any other TNO community spaces are different
Props to mango for ruining not one, but two separate communities of games focused on politics
Which community is the other one?
The campaign trail
last update was like 4 years ago there is no content
that's not the entire list
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That "Blue Sablin", huh, ya know, for someone who's supposed to be a conflicted leader, he's pretty perfect, huh, what a boring guy
>Click on change portrait decision
Oh. Oh. Well, he's alright. I guess..
then post the entire list nigger
TNO: The Second West Russian War - v1.3.2 "The Bicentennial Ballot"

Major Additions
- Added compatibility with TNO - v1.5.0c "The Ruin"
- Fully reworked USA post-1972 skeleton content
- Added reconstruction governments for all Russian unifiers post-2WRW

Minor Additions
- Added new portraits to unifiers upon declaring war on Germany
- Added generals to 2GCW contenders
- Added new news event for Russia getting nukes
- Added new portrait for Speer if he coups the GO4 post-2WRW
- Added unit name lists for 2GCW contenders
- Added new superevent for Shepunov upon declaration of the 2WRW

Bug Fixes - General
- Added missing bookmark description for Kamchatka
- Fixed the Nuclear Program GUI (again)
- Fixed Kardashev's nuclear weapons focus tree not working with 2WRW Nuclear Program mechanics
- Fixed the button cooldowns not working properly for the Nuclear Program GUI
- Turkestan Legion no longer randomly spawns after a Russian unifier has invaded Central Asia
- Fixed unclickable decision to counter Japanese military exercises during the Vladivostok negotiations
- Fixed incorrect trigger to counter Japanese military exercises in Manchuria if Russia already owns Birobidzhan
- Fixed Russia sometimes annexing Afghanistan when taking Central Asia
- Fixed Kazakhstan not getting the 'Russian Sphere Member' idea
- Fixed Kazakhstan sometimes not getting party names
- Fixed the war exhaustion casualty checks firing twice for Russia and not firing for Germany
- Fixed Red Cross event not firing for both Russia and Germany
- Fixed Norwegian war crisis event chain
- Added missing Norwegian war crisis news events
- Fixed wrong event firing upon the fall of Baku
- Fixed Vilnius keeping its German name post-2WRW
- The decision to core Astrakhan now works properly
- Fixed post-war event spam for "losing" cities which were transferred to reconstruction governments
- Removed reference to Nowa Polska in the 'Polish Exiles' news event
- Fixed various other loc and GFX errors
Bug Fixes - Global Conflicts
- Fixed unique war declaration events not firing for Kemerovo
- Fixed several misspellings of Ronegda I
- Added missing world event for Shepunov declaring the 2WRW
- Fixed the SBA being able to ally Kazakhstan
- Fixed communist and democratic Denmark not leaving the German sphere
- Fixed Denmark getting the 'Integrated Reichskommissariat' idea when joining the OFN
- Fixed Denmark news events having the wrong pictures
- Fixed NatSoc Slovakia not changing economy types after getting invaded by Germany
- Fixed Syria and the UAR staying in the German sphere post-collapse
- Fixed non-Nazi Germany not re-appearing in the Cold War GUI tab post-2GCW
- Fixed 2GCW contenders not starting with the same tech as Germany
- Fixed Operationszone Warschau joining democratic Germany's sphere
- 2GCW contenders no longer use the generic newspaper header
- Fixed apportioning of the Kriegsmarine amongst 2GCW contenders and fleets not being seized upon capitulation
- Fixed some ideas not working with the "La Résistance" DLC
- Ireland now leaves the Pakt properly in a total German defeat
- Fixed Middle Eastern nations remaining Pakt Observers after it collapses

Bug Fixes - Shukshin
- Fixed game rules involving Ukraine's reconstruction government using the RK Ukraine flag
- Removed decision to deport Germans from Odessa
- Event option to establish a collaboration government in Crimea now gives Ukraine the right state
- Fixed Kazakhstan not getting the 'CSTO Member' idea
- Fixed the economies of all former German RKs in Eastern Europe post-reconstruction
- Fixed the Duma tooltip showing the wrong information pre-2WRW
- Fixed a flavour event chain firing for the USA instead of Novosibirsk
- Fixed Shukshin being unable to intervene in post-2GCW Poland
- Fixed DSPR mechanic missions never stopping
- Fixed the 'Pacifying Moskowien' mechanic
>- Removed decision to deport Germans from Odessa
It's over.
Balance Changes
- Decreased the starting experience level of troops for various 2GCW and HCW factions
- Speer's Germany now gets its division cap raised to 200 upon Russian reunification

Other Changes
- 2GCW contenders now rejoin the superpower, nuclear and tension GUIs after the war
- 2GCW Poland now uses the same post-war skeleton as the one in Shukshin's tree
- Non-Nazi Collab Britain now leaves the Pakt if the Germans suffer a total defeat
- Ukraine is now able to seize Transnistria and the Odesa Oblast in the 2WRW peace deal if Romania is involved in the war
- Reworked several old superevents

That's all of them.
Lots more QOL, fixes and general functionality.
Speer actually being able to field an army when you fight him will be nice, I'm hyped for that.
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So what's his endgame?
Trotskyism except instead of a perpetual revolution it's perpetual reworks of all Russian tags.

Did he announce any new reworks no one asked for lately or is Irkutsk from that leaked round table still the newest rework he's announced?
>Speer can't field an army
wdym? He did put up a fight during my Shukshin run
To make you money Nikita
The artificial limit made it easier than it needed to be imo and it was only there because base TNO (aka a dead mod) doesn't have any major wars that you need to fight with more than a few volunteers.
>Fixed the 'Pacifying Moskowien' mechanic
IIRC that mechanic has been broken since dreams of federation released like 3 years ago lmao
In my second tno and first Russia run as Seriv he put up a fight, I had to sweat for ukraine and couldn't get ostland
Currently doing Shukshin run and I got total victory in like two months, I didn't even finish the focus tree. Maybe since the run got update in the middle something broke (I think it took him quite a while to deal with schorner), maybe just poor rng on his part, maybe novosib is so strong ( there were no wars beyond warlord stage, since wrf and batov reunified, I brough Yagoda and we peacefully reunified later), maybe it's because I knew what I was doing this time (last time my tanks had unupgraded armor), idk. In my experience speer wins every time, idk why
Guess this doubles as an after action report.
Also why does after peaceful reunification your production units spike, then fall suddenly, the keep slowly rising
Slightly disorganised final rant-shukshin is boring. Country is preparing for war, are environmental standard, unions/draft exceptions, and women's rights. Especially the first two. Primakov is a boring caricature. Not saying people like him don't exist, but they aren't the face of the party. Putin/not!Putin would be much more interesting. Writting is incredibly anvilicious, but it's pretty typical for tno. Post victory balts are so insufferable I annexed them despite wanting to keep them independent for rp reasons because they annoyed me so badly. The fact that he's basically an oc doesn't help. I guess they wanted a good guy democrat no strings attached, and it was between him and komi democrats (not stalina) so he was somewhat better.
Yeah, the post war reconstruction stuff was quite annoying with Shukshin, annexed everyone sans Ostland (Turned into a Riga Super-state). The draft exceptions end up being a nothing burguer and the lesser evil of the two (In my rp mind, russians wouldn't be keen to give unions power, fearing what happened before, also Black Army, fuck those smucks), since the act get repelled during the war.

Haven't played much of the warlords, Novo have huge buffs, but they are temporary and exclusive to the war, Omsk alone has the triple of raw power on national spirits alone, makes me wonder what a Yazov war would be

Also, funny enough, Dirlewanger is the only unifier who didn't got an updated portrait for the war, does he have no content? Or he just explode after the unification?
>makes me wonder what a Yazov war would be
I hate to ruin your headcanons anon but the 2WRW devs confirmed that a Black League 2WRW always ends in nuclear war. This could be subject to rewooorks though as this was before the original Omsk dev got canned.
Panzer-era ideas you actually like, go:
I kinda liked the fact Burgundy turns into an ersatz Brotherhood of Steel in the post-apocalyptic ending, where they travel across Europe helping people because they're the only ones with still-functional technology and the knowledge to utilise it.
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If only.

To be honest I'm OK with this. Nuclear war is so ingrained into Omsk's lore that it makes sense. As long as I get a unique epilogue that develops on what came of the Great Trial during and after the apocalypse? Yeah, I can live with that.

D-R/NPP split. Made US politics feel unique and set it apart from other iterations of America. Fucking sucks that they're replacing it with the most uncreative slop ever. At least it'll be several years before they finish it, if even that.
But can't he unify russia though?
No, at most he unifies his fiefdom around Orsk and then he dies. His content hasn't been touched since that old demo from last decade.
Damm, never played him and thought they added more stuff for him after the demo, a shame though, since I recall them saying his plan was to raid Kazakh lands and that could eventually make him bump into Himmlerits in Kaukasia.

So he's the only playable warlord (sans Urals guys) who can't unify russia?
He's a part of the Ural group.
tbf not even the 2wrw devs like shukshin
Then why he's the only one with unique content? Oinkshy, his partner in crime has a generic ass tree if he wins
it was a completely different dev team with a different view of how shuk should play out when he released
Plus it's rather telling that when they finished that, they switched to Omsk which is great. Everyone likes Omsk and the team seems more enthused about that.
How OG Blue-Sabin was supposed to be then?
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No idea I only play good tags like Aryan Brotherhood and Amur.
>tfw Corn will ruin both
I guess it was the case of good rng for me, bad rng (and possibly bug) screwing germany over plus me knowing what I was doing
Afaik both Shukshin and Serov are fairly strong (feniks is great, +20% attack)
I let Armenia and Georgia go, wanted to let balts be but as I mentioned earlier they were too fucking annoying
Also finished the game. Missed the intervention tree, and couldn't intervene in China since the state didn't spawn for one reason or another.
Since when is cunnysseur a reunifier?
Honestly I can't see 2wrw with Omsk end in any other way
AB sucks and I will die on that hill. It's one of two tags (other being Heydrich) that genuinely deserves a rework
What's the deal with Amur anyway? They don't seem to be nazis, nor collabs, nor schizos who larp as nazis, like the AB, so what they are all about?
If shukshin looked like THIS
>>1770561 I would have liked him
It's a unique brand of radical Russian nationalism with various corporatist elements but I mostly like Amur because Rodzaevsky has a fun arc. Most le bads in TNO just shit their pants and die by the end while Rodz actually overcomes most of his shortcomings and becomes a capable dictator by the end. It's refreshing and fun to see it play out.

In theory yes it could improve a lot and I mostly like it because it's funny. In practice, Corn has already pledged to cut out anything interesting and make it into the blandest slop ever. So nah, zero hype.
Why do competent devs with passion (I.e the grunts who do work on code, unlike Corn, who can't code) Just allow this schizo to take the reins? Why don't they take a page out of the commies and strike til the bucko backs down or get's replaced?
>Le bads alwaya getting cucked
You forgot two of them:

>Komachi getting everything he wants and more on the personalist path

>Yagoda remaking Bukharin bloody regime, no one gives a damm
While there's never been any LARPy strikes every time someone's tried to oppose the tide of endless reworks and other bullshit they've been replaced, not the people in charge.

Didn't forget but these are obviously exceptions to a rule. I actually like both, Yagoda's one of the few fun communists in the game.
Too bad they will probably be radicalized again, since Omsk survivors still hold a grudge against them
Ok so is the update coming out this month?
Nothing is coming. Ever.
DV team, please release a teaser if you see this!
>Legitimists from the Russian Empire due to the Harbin connection.
>Is the True Heir of Harbin by right, much to the chagrin of Chita and Magadan
>National Socialists in support of the All-Russian (Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are apart of a greater "All-Russian" identity) concept.
>Want to be diplomatic with Germany and Japan, Rodzaevsky is technically the only unifier who negotiates for land successfully.
>No internal faction divide
>Supports the return of Russian exiles, and does a decent job of rebuilding the Far East during his regional decision tree.
>Rebuilds the Orthodox Church, I can't remember any other unifier doing that with any significance although feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
>Corporatist economic structure akin to Germany
>Pogroms against Yakut and Jews
>Saves the Queen of /tnpol/
They make him paranoid because he was betrayed but he eventually overcomes this.
Basically the chud path to end all chud paths.
Tukhachevsky is the best Communist Russian obviously.
Who is the queen of /tnpol/?
>>No internal faction divide
Isn't Bolotov trying to coup him?
At the superregional she ends up getting put as a spokeswoman for worker's rights due to her father's legacy of being popular with the commonfolk.
>tfw you have to double reply
Oh well these threads are super dead regardless of my sperging.
Not from what I recall. Bolotov wants the Special Division to secure his own foothold out of the way of Shekherev or Steklov, their names are too fucking similar and I can only skim TNO writing. I don't recall any coup plots, I believe Rodz tells them both to play nice at the superregional but its been a while.
>inb4 well isn't that technically internal faction divide
Maybe? I was thinking more along the lines of Petlin and Matkovksy or to a lesser extent Khruschev and Kaganovich when it comes to defining a faction divide but if you want to call it that I won't contest it.
Oh, fair enough. I've never actually finished an Amur game since I'm too shit to do the two front war and get bored if I just delall so I wouldn't know. I'm also probably getting confused with the rework leaks since they said something to the effect that there's a failstate where Bolotov takes over in superregional and parties to death while everyone riots.

*breaths in*

nigger shills spamming the thread
The Amur rework leak is in the top of the thread and it's the version with the faction divide. Go read it, it's funny. Starts with the author talking about how smart and qualified he is, ends with liberal suicide bombers bashing the fash so hard Rodz shaves the beard that contains all his magical chud powers.

It's taken them over a year to shit out a massive fucking downgrade lmao.

He's right, you know. Only spike in activity not to mention positivity is people talking about the 2WRW update while all main mod talk is people being sick of all the reworks (that never release).
Mexico, Ahdemar, Lacerda this year.

Source: My Ass.
Learn how to respond retarded nigger
It's a TNO dev tourist, he probably just saw someone not do that "because then shills don't get paid" on /pol/ (where he's undoubtedly seething about US politics) and thought that was cool. Ignore him.
Guys, I think tno ai is bugged
It keeps spamming rework button, it drains all the resources, progress gets reset continuously. It basically soft locked itself.
Also for some reason content keeps self deleting.
When will the devs patch it? It's very annoying
Jokes aside, I think certain mechanics (i.e Inflation) is a tad broken or coded in a retard way.

Stuff like, low spending debt-to-gdp ratio suddenly bumping from 2% to 4% in less than a week just because?? Never understood how that work, part of me thinks the inflation drops and ups are random.

Same thing with the PU given by trade, since almost no countries go at war
this mod has made me realize that I might actually be a nazi, like if I play as America I can't really make myself win the african war because I can't stand the thought of ending the genocide they are commiting.
cry about it tranny

>give (you)s to obvious shills to own the heckin chud dev team
you are fucking moron, as much as i despise the dev team for their failure to deliver on anything shills can go fuck themselves and i am not going to start tolerating them just because the dev team is incompetent
>Being this mad that the mod is dead
Just play a different one or a different game even.
We need a chud seizure of power from the retarded trannies in the dev team. This is the only way to fix the current
direction of the mod which very much is dying (from a neglectful dev team more interested in moderating its subreddit and discord than producing any content of value).

fail states are good as a concept but flunk when implemented properly. Whenever this shit happens in a country, they should just introduce a new path or smth that still retains player agency since "hehe you screw up and went with that path lel so its game over for you" is the equivalent of giving the finger to a player
I play the mod and Im still just here to shit on the devs, theres literally nothing left to do besides that content stop releasing years ago and little things like 4 years of ukraine wasn't good enough.
41% yourself you faggot retarded tranny nigger
Why didn't you kill the devs when you had the chance anons? They killed Fascist Italy, it was complete content and they reworked it to death.
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Every time a tag nears completion the leads kill it because the content designed last year doesn't fit in with this year's planned reworks for next year. Many such cases. Most of us have just given up and moved on to better mods while waiting for a fork that tries to add instead of cutting content.

Still waiting.
>not receiving (You)s causes this much butthurt
lmao even
In that case these threads should just die already. We haven't seen any content worth discussing any more and there hasn't been a leak in a long time. We have exhausted everything there is to talk about in this mod, why bother with these threads anymore?
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>Revolutionary, Socialist, Traitor, Collaborator, Founding Father. All of these words describe Burma's founding father Aung San, depending on who you ask.
>Nigger, Wife Beater, Child Molester, Minecraft YouTuber, Reddit Moderator. All of these words describe Adolf Stalin, the leader of Niggerstan.
Why is every TNO biography written like this? Is it supposed to sound deep or thoughtful?
Someone has to remind the devs that their mod's dead. Might as well be us.
Mexico 3yrs dropping this year. Lacerda and Ahdemar too.
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What will you even be able to do in Mexico? Why should I care? Do they have any funny wars to fight?

It's a Redditor's version of deep.
>Mexico 3yrs dropping this year. Lacerda and Ahdemar too.
You said early this year, now you say this year, soon you will stop speaking and hope people forget you killed TNO

And this is ignoring that even if you released this anon
correctly points out that no one cares about Mexico or Brazil if you can't do anything, just like no one cared about that shitty Ukraine release meant to pander to that little war currently going on in Europe just as that shitty Hart update was pandering to redditors obsessed with the walkable cities meme for two months.
>What will you even be able to do in Mexico? Why should I care? Do they have any funny wars to fight?
From what I remember they can intervene in Puerto Plata on the American side and might be able to do something with Haiti but otherwise it's much like Britain but without the civil war, elections to decide which of the powers you suck up to. Nothing much of substance honestly.
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So it's a screensaver that lazily leeches off of other content we've had for years and you get a pointless election that impacts nothing, gotcha. I can ignore this update too then.
The *only* scenario Mexico would actually be interesting in the context of TNO is as a near-ww3/ww3 proxy war where Mexico is like IRL Ukraine and Japan/Germany are fighting to the last Mexican to see how far they can punch into the American Southwest and Texas without ending in le nukes
An alternate history scenario more unlikely than an Axis victory is Mango not being a gigantic faggot retard and that a big Aztlan war in America to the last Mexican would be a thing.

Or if they had fucking any of the big wars they could send volunteers. You know, the thing that makes Mittelafrika runs fun in KR. But no, we get fucking nothing.
I think Mexico might partake in the South American Cold War which looked pretty interesting based on the leaks that were shown, but I'm not sure
can somebody leak wallop's design doc?
Maybe the Mexican one as well? Let's confirm once and for all if they have content or not.
Shouldn't there be a roundtable this month soon speaking of which? Anything interesting insider anons?
Last minutes (lel larp) leak we got nearly made me vomit with disgust. Had Corn talk about reworking half the unifiers. Legit, what the fuck even motivates them to do this shit?
TNO would be fixed if the design philosophies swapped with the Paradox HOI4 dev team.
>TNO devs actually produce new content
>HOI4 countries actually get reworked and become fun to play
Question is, how do we do it?
Less focus on historical accuracy and complex mechanics. Both of these are good but the team takes them too far to the point it causes the delays we have now. It's partly the fault of the nature of TNO though in that they can't make content that plays to the strength of HOI4.
>Historical accuracy
Can we please stop pretending this is a thing?

It's a fucking Axis Victory mod where the Axis victory is handwaved and the reworked (for Realism™) American content has a communist get elected into office on a technicality. No one actually gives a shit about realism in the leadership. It's a wish fulfillment mod by retarded Redditors that think they're smarter than they actually are.
The Britain devs are holding off on releasing anything this year because they're taking the time to buy and read sources about the characters they're making routes for, and they mentioned Wallop specifically when it comes to this. The Argentina devs also mentioned tracking down obscure sources for the purposes of writing characters for the mod. They clearly care about it on some level even if retards like Mango are making stupid shit.
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OK devfag thanks for telling us how the specific teams you happen to be on are the only ones that can do anything right and that it'll be at least a year before we get any new content from you solely because of your dedication to Realism™ in an Axis victory mod where communists take liberate Britain from the fash and lead it towards peace and prosperity.
Historical accuracy isn't black and white. Just because some unplausible things happened doesn't mean we should throw realism out the window, nor does something being unlikeable doesn't mean it shoild ve removed
Besides, devs have a fairly selective application of realism
>Just because some unplausible things happened doesn't mean we should throw realism out the window
>Besides, devs have a fairly selective application of realism
That's the point. No one is bitching because Goering isn't a magician that flies on a pony, we complain because the devfags always use """realism""" as an excuse to remove things they personally dislike and stop caring when it comes to their wish fulfilment.

But whatever enjoy your reworks.
>because the devfags always use """realism""" as an excuse to remove things they personally dislike and stop caring when it comes to their wish fulfilment
What are you talking about, a communist being elected in the United States of Union-Busting on a technicality is very realistic. Anyways, time to rework another random Russian warlord because they weren't boring enough or their politics made me feel icky.
Thank you for your service, Mango and Corn! o7
Marzist uruguay - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ONH8ziQmK1JVoHKsLmWgeJ6TDBxfCuYvMkHQujq3Q5k/edit
Divided uruguay sucks because it has only one ending (united pro-argentine)
>all these fucking docs
>no fucking real content cause no fucking REAL coders
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No one cares leak a real tag next time.
This is probably a nothingburger, not interested.

Fuck off, samefagging shill.
Sorry for hurting your feelings by pointing out that the mod you spent a huge portion of your young adult life on is fucking dead because of the people you suck up to constantly making awful choices.

I hope your inevitable suicide is quick and painless.
No, I agree that reworks are shit
It's just that argument "Axis victory is unrealistic, ergo everything should be" is stupid.
It almost as if the lead devs were a bunch of wannabe failed writers, rather than true modfags (coders). Wouldn't be surprised if the truth behind is that, TNO is spaghetti as fuck and no decent coder want to work on this shit, so they just larp on discord that they are making a mod
Not what I said but ok.
My point is that if your staring point is nonsense, then please don't pretend that you're a hyper realistic political thriller. Thank you.
>thinks I'm a dev shill just because I called xer out for very obvious samefagging low-effort posts
No, you just suck at shilling. Kill yourself, tranny, go shill Kaiserredux elsewhere.
meant for >>1773354
>failed writers
Honestly the writing in the mod is nothing to write home about, no clue why people act as if it's something special when it really isn't. Guangdong had some pretty good events but that's about it.
Your mod is dead and you killed it. :)
>y-you're a devfag!!!
Seething tranny hands typed this post, you're probably another devfag trying to kill off these threads by derailing them
Cope. The mod is dead. Enjoy your reworks, nigger.
Mod is not dead but it has entered the late stage Alzheimer's equivalent in project development.
At the rate things are going the mod leadership will probably collapse, either from continued stagnation and lack of progress or the actually competent devs (like Yugo and the South America leads) will try to coup the current leadership leading to a second Shadow Council scenario.
>Mod Officially Dies
>Latin Americans somehow coup the Mod and keep it in zombie mode just to rework only Latin America every 3 or so years
Which would be worse?
Yeah, it's just regular doom and grimm with some phrases of effect.
Honestly, while I love the individual backstories of each CEO (Even Komachi which is le cartoony capitalist, has a neat backstory).
The wank in the civilians sides bored me to death.
No one cares about Chu(d)m and his family nor the commie chinos, nor the failed burocrat heiress. The police guy was alright, but I think they bastardized him near the end
Jokes on you, but Latinos often prefer to work on tags that aren't related to them, same as russians, you would love to see it.
I don't think there is any Brasil macaco working on Ademar content, it's just some american spaniards who know their brazillian lore
>Future tno is 2wrw team working on Russia, long and arduous road on China and South America team on SA, with adjacent tags getting content as needed
I was addressing
>Can we stop pretending that's a thing
And again, it doesn't have to be fully realistic only the most logical thing happens type deal, and we certainly don't need the mod reworked to make it fit whatever retarded idea of realism new lead dev has. But new content should take realism into account, not add liberal suicide bombers
Part of being a writer (or any artist) is recognizing your limitations. No one expects them to write on Dostoevsky's level, and they shouldn't try. They can't into subtlety and their biases don't simply leak into their writting, but flow in like a torrent. Problems synergize to make each other worse. The fact their historical knowledge isn't the greatest doesn't help them. Look at Amur leak for the perfect example of both. And I bet the end result, assuming it ever comes out, would be even worse. Ready to bet 50 bucks the Muted Torch path will have a ham fisted Putin/Trump analogy.
Ideally events should be crucial moments for leadership and give a general idea of life in the country. Maybe follow a plot line with a secondary character, maybe don't. But don't cite philosophers you don't understand to commit character assassination on some chud that's been dead for like half a century
Anyone got the Bormann leaks? I wanna see the focus tree again.
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How to fix TNO dev team:
>Wait for the Ameriburgers and butthurt belter mod leads to fail to deliver anything and the mod collapses
>Competent devs create a fork that focuses on new content rather than endless reworks, only reworking what actually needs to be reworked (like AB and Far East tags)
>Merge with 2WRW dev team because Corn is too busy trying to escape Biden personally drafting him to go to Ukraine, produce more 2WRW and TNO2 content
2WRW/LAR/TNO LATAM team sounds like a great match-up. All three seem to genuinely care about their corners of the world. Just need someone that isn't a complete fuckup to make sure America and Germany get NEW content.

Corn being deported to Ukraine by Biden and shoved into a trench would be a great boon to the mod because he'd be too busy being hit by artillery to do any reworks. I'd put that as a good step 1 along with the Burgerstan clique collapsing under the weight of Mango's retardation.
>Competent devs create a fork
Honestly most are gone at this point. I'm surprised they haven't chased out their South America devs yet.
>Merge with 2WRW dev team because Corn is too busy trying to escape Biden personally drafting him to go to Ukraine
>Corn being deported to Ukraine by Biden and shoved into a trench
It is pretty cool that TNO's gay pro-bidenist devs will collapse right as the American Empire collapses/escalates to IRL nuclear war
>Honestly most are gone at this point. I'm surprised they haven't chased out their South America devs yet.
This happened with the Chinese team, there was a purge of all of them a while back. Considering the only TNO submods that actually get completed are Chinese submods this probably was the nail in the coffin.
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>Mango's escalating retardation is an expy for Biden's brain collapsing

Surprised Yugo wasn't purged too since they hate his guts for being a voice of reason in that nuthouse.
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>Putin analogy
The only Putin analogy I would want is if they turned Shukshin and Pokryshkin's 2WRW into Putin's special military operation.
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No, the Putin analogy was UgliDoll making the liberal suicide bomber event a key part of the Amur rework.


Think about it.
Suicide bomber (presumably using a vehicle) destroys a dam standing in for the Kerch Bridge, completely buckbreaking Rodzaevsky aka Vladolf Putler. We also know that the Amur rework goes back to early 2023, which means that the bridge bombing was fresh in his mind when he wrote it.

I'm just speculating. But it makes sense, doesn't it?
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Why is the TNO community so fucking gay?
>wowie NAFO fellas ready for our WW3 memes??!
Nuke my capital already
>Why is the TNO community so fucking gay?
Because this is the community Panzer sought to cultivate to own the Nazis.
He also grew to hate it very quickly, and he started passive aggressively attacking the community whenever he spoke on the subreddit or Discord.
For all the posturing the nu-TNO devs have made by trying to REWOOOOOORK everything Panzer did away, they continue his tradition of seething at the community they themselves made.
>Because this is the community Panzer sought to cultivate to own the Nazis.
Lonely Niggress xerself is a closet Nazi, everyone knows as much as Panzer tries to distance xerself from xer Stormfront past Panzer still thinks Nazis are the coolest thing ever. Nowadays xhe just posts NAFO shill posts on x.com and seethes whenever xhe gets deadnamed as Panzer and literally looks like Zelensky dressed as a woman to avoid the recruitment officers.
Doesn't change the fact that this is the community Panzer cultivated.
Some closet Nazi he was, couldn't even fill his community with people who could hide their power levels.
Just have other teams work on them. Like 2wrw can do some Germany content, LAR Japan and co prosperity sphere, Latam on US. Guess they could get Goering submod as well
God that would be based beyond belief.
A literal Putin analogy country is already in the works

>A combination of the worst concept of an African warlord stage, Donetsk & Lugansk “Republics” and black market. The overall narrative arc should be about the horrendous process of deforming what once was working and hopeful into more and more ugly and poor iterations of themselves. Society, quality of life, whole cities - even with the Siberian Plan fruits all of this slowly rots away with the Central Siberian warlord expansion phase serving as a loud reminder of this and excelerator of this

>There are way too many secrets in Novokuznetsk for anyone to sleep comfortably. Countless undocumented crimes lie undetected because there is no one to document them. If someone defeats Novokuznetsk then they are in for an awful surprise

>Use vaguely Communist symbols, no elements of Far-Right ideologies

>Remembering Lenin, Stalin and Bukharin but getting all the facts wrong
That's the old Novokuznetsk leak from 2022. The guy that made it, Scoodop or something, has been gone for the team for years as far as we know and along with that all of his other plans for reworking Russia from scratch. Since Corn launched his own project to rework of all the tags in Russia since he became Russia lead it's safe to say this one's as dead as the mod itself.

If they even release any content at all it'll be an improvement so why not.
Good riddance I guess. Though it's pretty dumb and inefficient to rework everything once the old dev is gone instead of building upon the established content. Same thing with Pacifica's Finland, which ruined interesting premise and turned it into a buggy commiefaggotry with 100 world events about leadership changes that don't actually change the portrait or ideologies
FFS it's so brilliant of them to purge Ashley who's got the native tongue plus plenty of historical knowledge of Manchuria. How are they gonna keep up with Guangdong's stuff now with all their last few competent ones gone?
Stop simping for some random tranny who speaks Mandarin, please and thank you.
No, from what I’ve seen Corn is keeping this one and flaunting it as the only actual warlord in ‘warlord’ russia
Obviously never happening. It's taken them over a year and counting to get Amur's rework done and he's devoting more resources to more reworks but he's also adding a new tag after everyone that originally worked on the concept left? lmao.
Ashley was one of the last actually competent ones.
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What is particularly retarded about their reworks, is that they removed content with no new content. They could have just kept the non-canon content in and left it there until they actually had what they needed to replace it.

Other Hoi4 mods figured this out, so what was the mental blocker on this one?
When is this from?
Ashley and Janey were the last competent trannies on the team, now the team still has a bunch of trannies but they're all either insufferable or do nothing (not mutually exclusive)
But when
Today. Looks like they're adding what TNO cut and a bunch of fixes to Finland and other Russia-centric content too. That's nice.
Is this instead of Battle on the Ice or in addition to it?
It says in the post that they integrated a new team and that it won't affect Battle on the Ice and that it's still releasing first. Presumably it's just people that left TNO that joined them.
can't wait for the lesbain troon behind neu sweden to start bitching about 2wrw's planned skeleton
>lesbain troon behind neu sweden to start bitching about 2wrw's planned skeleton
you haven't heard of the new Brazilian troon who constantly moans about trans rights in doki have you
You could try mentioning Romania, that summoned her last time to defend it always being a democracy for a dozen posts.

That sounds like every single dev.
>That sounds like every single dev.
this particular one literally whines about transphobia every second message in doki
Not narrowing it down much, anon.
Someone should make a submod that removes all the lesbian events from Britain and other events no one cares to read, TNO is already bloated as is
Sounds like as good a way as any to celebrate the holy month of Pride.
Petition to install Antarctic as TNO 3rd lead dev and purge retarded duos Corn and Mango out of the team.
Wow, can't wait for devs to misunderstand Donbass crisis, African warlords and Putinism and then release a preachy current thing content. I guess better than nothing but how do they have that little self awareness
Scood was some Russian tranny who left the team a while ago but rejoined under the name Anna, but then left again after people kept dunking on xer original plans
It's as dead as the mod, anon. It was written years ago by a person that's gone and Corn's doing nothing but reworks that takes years and he sure isn't doing a new unifier.
Why did Biden supporters have to kill TNO anons?
Because they wanted the state of the mod to resemble his dementia GUI.
What happened to the UK in "the ruin"?
Seems like they scrapped the partition entirely, i'm guessing almost all the content was too?
They integrated a submod that reworks the content of the UK. You can still play the old Britain content if you use game rules though.
It ends in a few years though and there's only one side you can play as and like an above anon said they aren't planning any more releases this year. These people really are the slowest motherfuckers in the planet.
>Seems like they scrapped the partition entirely
So the submod was made by Crypto-British fascists, so they made a lot of justification for why partition was completely unrealistic, using the same justification as British propagandists used in the 1880s to claim that Nationalism even in British Isles was a thing of the past and that even the Irish were evolving away from violence towards more enlightened ideas like Home Rule.

....On that note, whatever happened to the French Wank Devs? As TNO has been winding down dead, I stopped hearing about them around that time that Africa submod was trying to shill giving all of French Africa back to France stopped being talked about.
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*to claim that Nationalism in the British Isles was a thing of the past
>Britain devs are fash
Every one I know from the team is a leftist of some sort, can't speak to ex-members. Could just be that they're hiding their power level though, I'll give you that.
>French wank devs
Guess you're talking about Einstein. He was banned and everything he worked on was scrapped. Shortly afterwards, the person they installed as his replacement agreed to delete the Bruhgundy rework (in favor of nothing). Africa in general just died after Atomic Falco left, no one gave a shit after that and his replacement mostly just did American things IIRC.

tl;dr drama killed all Africa dev and current team only cares about reworking shit you don't care about sry2say.
>He was banned and everything he worked on was scrapped
What happened there anyway? It seemed like overnight the guy went from super visible (and annoying) to complete ghost.
I forget what the inciting incident was, but after it led to a severe-but-not-fatal punishment happened Einstein started to mock the TNO devs by pointing out that he still had moderation access on Reddit and said that he "lived in their walls" and shit while publicly mocking them for being sloppy about their purge. After that he was just gone for good. Don't remember if there was more to it. There possibly is, this was a long time ago and there's been so much drama and still is (with different people) that I can barely keep track of it all. But essentially: team lead did something bad (?), was punished, took the punishment badly, was banned. Now all his stuff is gone.

It's a shame since he was a fun guy flaws aside. New France content has potential but I bet you the current leads are salivating at the thought of destroying that too only this time for not being enough of a railroaded snorefest like everything else they're doing with their reworks these days.
If only the TNO dev team allocated a tenth of the effort they put in to drama into actually developing the mod, we would have 80s content by now.
>>Mango's escalating retardation is an expy for Biden's brain collapsing
A few months ago, a random reddit account shadowdropped a suspiciously high-effort mod for The Campaign Trail where it looks like you're playing as incumbent Biden in 1992 against HW Bush (again), but then the writing gets garbled and it's revealed you're actually playing as an dementia-ridden Joe Biden in 2024 who thinks Putin is Saddam. The mod's "further reading" section has a donate to palestine link under the guise of a "Buzzfeed: Top 10 Dark Brandon Memes" text.

I believe that mod was produced by Mango and/or his team, The mod was just too mechanically complex to just have been dropped by a random reddit account with no activity. Have you seen the twitter of Mango or his modmaking team? They LOATHE "Genocide Joe" and are an experienced dev team that knows the ins-and-outs of the "engine", it HAS to be them.
Rn Einstein's a tranny in an e relationship with another tranny btw
>mango coding a working mod lmao
now if you said a design document for a Campaign Trail mod was put on reddit i could believe you
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It was pretty obviously Mango's work and everyone who didn't see through it immediately is a dummy at best, a retard at worst.
To be fair, this is one issue I agree with the leftoids on. No, I am not going to become pro-Israeli nor am I going to denounce Hitler no matter how hard "conservative" grifter outlets namedrop Soros.
I blame Oinkraine psy ops, honestly this war was hellish for the slav bros image. While the conflict itself is merely a stage to steal our money and kill tards on both sides, Ukraine and Russian lads don't deserve it desu.

Still 'ate chinks though
This is the most cringe false flag I've ever seen.
inb4 LE POISON LE WELL because he's still seething about a comment from about two years ago
Almost called it, damn
You are so fucking predictable it's unfunny at this point. Get some new material, your gimmick is getting stale.
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>Thread derails into Ukraine war wank again
You're losing sight of the big picture. Instead of arguing, we need to get Biden to deport Corn to Ukraine so that he can get drafted and die in a trench instead of starting more reworks.
it's literally one guy replying to himself and someone else calling him retarded
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Look, I just want Corn to be drafted before he can ruin more Russian tags.
Are you projecting, dude? I didn't even say anything about Russia and here you are screeching about how I
>hate a single country
Just ignore him and the thread will eventually return to topic.
Will DV return? I saw the main South Africa dev left the community server. The best TNO submod might have just died out.
using meme arrows correctly you spacker
Good riddance. It was an uninspired mess of OTL parallelisms. We need 1-1 OTL Apartheid South Africa because, uhh..
We also need decolonisation to happen roughly the same way it did in real life. Which necessitates a crippled and occupied France holding onto its colonies till the 60s via the power of killpeopleism.
go back to /uhg/ or stop falling for obvious bait
Feels like any drive behind it has fizzled out after the outlook on potential integration started looking stormy.
iPhone tranny can't even cook up a convincing false flag
Keep seething about vatniks, NAFOtranny
What’s the prediction for next update coming- and what’s it going to be?
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Allegedly sometime this month but who cares.
Content will supposedly be two mostly political routes for Brazil and three years of non-content for Mexico without anything to actually do (except maybe participate in a proxy conflict USA has been able to participate in for years). If they integrate ODF, that means that we'll also have... Content we've been able to play for over a year in ODF.

Can you tell why hype levels in these threads have been below the sea level for months?
Brazil sounds interesting with their rivalry with the German African colonies and their neighbors but Mexico? iirc they are in between two super powers (Japan and USA) competing influence in their country. I don’t see how it would be that interesting with maybe US intervention in Mexico if they go too far into Japan side or something. Would be cool but I doubt they would do it. It’s just tard wrangle between two superpowers, how is that fun.
>US intervention in Mexico
Not happening. It's confirmed to be an intro sequence without meaningful playable content. No one cares. I don't know why they're even releasing it, or how it's taken them so long. Players want something fun and interesting in the setting, ideally with a new war of some sort to engage in somehow. What they're promising is something we'd joke about as a shitty release a year ago and now our jokes are almost optimistic compared to the shit we actually do get.

The rivalry with the RKs is already playable. It's OK admittedly, but it was also made by what was effectively a different team. Since then TNO has declined hard. Even if South American content has taken the smallest beating from the anti-fun stick, I'm still skeptical. Only place that seems to have anything really going for it is Colombia and knowing where things are going Mango will probably purge that team and order a rework because it looks too fun.
Kek lads, the obvious feds are trying to shill their NAFOtranny propaganda on our board! Battle stations, anons!
Honestly, the problem with TNO is that, everything needs to be so ingrained and interconnected, that most content for minors that aren't in East Europe/Central Asia, will end being a boring GUI minigame wank with shitty writing.

TNO way of handling things is too railroaded and anti-fun most of the time. It reached a point that, even if stuff is released, it WILL be boring, cause you need all the parts for the setpiece to work. The whole mod idea needs to be reworked from the scrap.

Although, cold war sims are usually boring.
Mexico has internal dirty war shit going on in a deep mechanic as well as getting involved in the Carribean and things in South America as a whole. There's enough there to make it interesting as a whole but I get how people aren't very hyped for it. It's a bit like Manchuria, except less inwardly focussed.
This is such an awful mindset. You're correct, yes, but it's also dogshit. It's an alt history mod. Why bother if you're going to be boring on purpose? Colombia is fun looking. They have a civil war that's unique and spotlights a lot of people. You don't even need to go that far. Take border disputes and other conflicts into account, or simply replace historical snorefest people with ones that might shake up the place here and there. They could solve it. But every time anyone tries, a lead jumps out from their trashcan and goes, "that's unrealistic." Boom, back to square one.
>the whole mod needs to be reworked
That's literally what they did and it drastically decreased the quality and release rate of it lmao. Now we get one or two meaningful updates a year with screensavers and horseshit. Seriously, why the fuck do these people even bother? It's obvious that they're led by someone that doesn't give a shit about HOI4 and just wants to make political fiction.
>Double posting
Don't care about the dirty war, they've already promised that it'll never lead to anything that we'll have reasons to care about within the timeframe of their short content It's so fucking boring. Try to have fun with the setting for fucking once holy shit these people are the most uncreative autists on the planet.
>in an unstable world full of chaos and uncertainty… US can’t intervene in Mexico
Unironically why? Mexico has always been unstable and filled with corruption. US could intervene it and install Pro-US leader if they goes too far in Japanese sphere of influence, hell even Mexico collapse would be even more fun for both US (Oh land war on NA) and Mexico (I need to keep everything in balance) players. And even then you could also painted it as Pro-Democracy restoring order, kicking dirty fascist and criminal out of the continent instead of MAGA Total Hispanic Death angle. I don’t get it.
I don't mean reworking the plot/settings which is already filled with holes and stupid interpretations, but remaking the way the mod is played, reducing the downtime between focus clicking and "actual happenings" like proxies, civil wars, or things that require a player input at all.
My point is, that a bunch of the inner workings of the mod leans into a boring, stationary, player observer mindset and everything is soo railroaded, to a point where what you do won't matter to the A.I and what the A.I does, won't affect you at all.
You could literally scrap half the map when playing certain countries, for performance issues and nothing would change.
Because TNO buckos has this weird mindset of not allowing Majors to have any sort of war, not even Japan can join Mallay/Early China war, just because so
Because they're out-of-touch retards.
But anon, think of all the great novels about lesbian eskimos in [country you don't care about] you'd lose out on if you removed half the map!
You know, you notice that you mod is in shambles, when vanilla HOI4 has more interactivity between countries than whatever TNO is trying to pull
I'd so much rather play vanilla out of the box. All content for all tags was snappy and all built up to a big conflict with a definitive payoff. Every game from start to stop lasted about as long as the typical downtime for most TNO tags with content and it ran better too. Fucking embarrassing.
I'd sell my soul for a HoI4 mod that adds interesting and (optionally) realistic alternate history, adds content beyond 1945, isn't made by troons or otherwise mentally unstable mods, isn't a glorified VN, and most importantly, is ACTUALLY RELEASED.

The monkey paw curls: the mod exists, but it's ponies.
Honestly, if straight up fiction is okay for you, OWB also got you covered, plus it's one of the mods with the most amount of decent submods I saw.

Sure the older tags are a tad clunky, but there is a bunch of submods for those too
I have never played any Fallout games, nor do I know much about the setting. Still, might as well. I don't know anything about MLP and I still enjoyed EaW.
I'd vote for Tabby in the Komi elections ngl
It's pretty good about presenting its lore in a newbie friendly manner. Only Fallout game you might want to watch a lore video on before starting is New Vegas. But if you want a super brief primer:
>It's a post-post apocalypse hundreds of years after the nukes fell and civilization is slowly re-emerging on the west coast.
>Caesar's Legion (Roman-styled despotic slaver state) and the New California Republic (corrupt Americana-styled sorta-democracy) are the main factions but others are fun/possibly important too.
>The battle for Hoover Dam and/or these two duking it out in general is the mod's version of WW2.
>Depending on various events minor factions can be major players in each run.
>Every tag has some roleplay elements where you get to set up some of their history every time.

Give it a go, it's what I started playing after I gave up on TNO. If you have more questions ask around in the OWB thread.
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>the Komi elections
>Big conflict with a big pay off
That's why 2wrw is mandatory for any russian/german playthrough. It's the final test for Germany and end goal for Russian unifier. It needs to be integrated yesterday, but devs hate it for how badly it mogs them. Japs and chinks should get their GAW, and mutts get to intervene. That and a small epilogue will make it feel like a finished mod with a finished story framework that can be expanded. Because otherwise it's like an erotic fanfic that spends fifty chapters on build up, tension, describing how aroused characters are, how they end up together in a lust filled embrace, ready to rip each other clothes off and then ends right then and there. Maybe with a short "and then they fucked lol" (using arcade mode/console commands).
>Komi-Chan is used as Komi Republic starting leader on Moe-Order

Honestly, I am still surprised there isn't a april fools gimmick with her there
*Ladyboy, shemale, tranny. Travesti, traveco, degenerate, abomination. All nicknames she would all too often hear as she worked the streets of São Paulo as a prostitute st night to compliment her meager salary painting nails at a run-down salon during the day. The police has been getting ever worse in it's raids on her and her friends' night time street corners and hotels, using the greenshirts to beat down any who don't need to obey laws, different from the police.
Night after night after night she'd see friends be pushed around, called names, be seriously hurt, raped, beaten up, and even be straight up executed. he herself would often escape only by the skin of her teeth and the strength of her legs.
Tonight, she was tired. Days were bad enough and every single night would be worse than the last. A uniformed thug violently tossed one of her friends, in a tight minidress, onto the ground, and put his boot on her head as the police passively looked on She, seeing this, felt something different swell inside her. Not fear, not a will to cry as before she has way too many times. Her hand travels to a loose brick of an unfinished wall, grabs it, and brings it down full-force over the thug's head. Screams followed, and more bricks and punches and pocket knives as her sisters have finally had enough.*

**The first Pride was a Riot.**

New Brazil related event dropped, thoughts?
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This is satire, isn't it?
This has the artistic prowess of a story writing LLM fed with Discord messages of the next mass shooter.
No one would seriously write something this preachy and assmad and simultaneously this poorly written, right?
We've actually had people here that defended the idea of having the arcade mode be a replacement for actual big wars. If that isn't a sign of how tone deaf these people are I don't know what is.

Is this real? What?
at first i figured it'd be something about the devs written by some /pol/ack. then remembered it's pride month. of course the devs would do something like that, using the most awful writing they're capable of.
seriously though, why does every event/description start like that.
<Unoriginal, conventional, derivative, unimaginative, predictable, imitative. All names that could be applied to the event's writing.
See >>1772758, the team has been devoid of creative talent since Kuzunoha left.
At least the gameplay is good, right...?
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Shriveled, veiny, blistered, masculine tranny hands typed this unnimaginative ESL pile of word salad.
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>The gameplay
Guangdong, Russia + 2WRW and several chink submods have fantastic gameplay and I'm not going to pretend otherwise.
Anon, only one of those is actually base TNO...
Guandong gameplay isn't that interesting either, you just push your product and pick a different market each time, you do your mandatory pp sink, you win, and your GDP increase.

Btw, the oil crisis unrest should have been either a proper street civil war brawl or be at least different compared to each other
Do Brazil writers know anything about Brazil?
Not even in our military dictatorship the police/army did crackdowns on brothels and such, prostitution was accepted and then "allowed" quickly (Pimps were and still are illegal, but no bother with them).

And people always banged trannies here, ever since Vargas and perhaps even earlier, of course, we wouldn't admit, but there is a reason why all the tranny bangers memes exist here on Brazil. Of course there were some cases of travecos being beaten up and all that, but still, very far and few.

This pandering doesn't even fit or make sense, this is pure retardation.

t.Brazillian bro
>Do Brazil writers know anything

>This pandering doesn't even fit or make sense
Welcome to all instances of western leftists inserting their contemporary politics into everything for Reddit karma.
Still, what bothers me the most is how they scream and shout about "Fitting, well thought writing on this alt hist scenario with believable outcomes" and completly butcher something snippets of our history like that for brownie points. I am honestly feeling that, brazil devs didn't study about Brazil at all
They probably did, but then decided to selectively shoehorn their current sensibilities in there anyway. Which is arguably worse.
yeah, nah.
Are you trolling us?
this is a draft posted by some brazilian tranny in the dev server, a friend of mine on the team sent it so i can't take a screenshot but apparently corn and mango were having a meltdown over it having slurs like "tranny"
Why? Of all things, why that? It's not a well-written piece but why sugarcoat it? Would it really be better if they went
>And then the meanieface said a no-no word to me!

Mango and Corn are dumb and useless though so no shocks that these are their priorities.
>The people who I am portrayed as a bigot said a mean word! We can't let it slide, otherwise it would affect invisible dwarf trains!

Honestly, I never understood that, if your point is for your cartoon villain of the week to be a hate target for a set audience for (insert current things), just make him act and talk like the boogieman already, so we at least can make fun of it
They're melting down not over the atrocious writing but over a word used by a cartoon bigot to show they're a cartoon bigot?
why would they have a meltdown over their event intended to portray transphobes being transphobic having transphobes being transphobic
Close, but no cigar. Yet another TNO L.

Anyway as for your question it can be rephrased in a way that answers itself.
>Why are Mango and Corn retards?
Because Mango and Corn are retarded, simple as.
This reads off as a satire of every single cliche of TNO writing
This cannot be real. It’s too topical (X. Y. Z, all of these letters describe the end of the alphabet ah writing), the strange placing of tranny. I refuse to believe although this kind of writing jives with literally everything I saw on the team while I was on it, it’s too perfect, it’s too TNO brained.
Finally some good writing.
Which Russian warlord do you guys like?
>have friend on the team
>ask him about it and he confirms its real
shits grim
Don't wanna say, if I do Corn will just rework the tag from scratch with his reverse Midas touch of shit.
Chita is narratively perfect to me. Maybe you could add some mechanics to flesh out the gameplay but there's no need to change the story.
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Rozdezvensky. Compelling story, wants to improve Russia and is an ally of Japan
Bald collaborator guy. Since I really liked his story and personality like trying to redeem himself in the eyes of the populace. One event where its said that he starts smiling after some old man tells him he is improving lives is great.
Batov. Fairly vanilla but I like him.
Yazov. He is one of the icons of the mod for a reason.

Does anyone have the image of aged up leaders in 2WRW?
I'm so fucking mad that they're reworking Amur. I like it for the same reasons you do. I just know they'll fuck it all up and make me never want to play it ever again. Fuck Uglidoll, fuck Corn.

That image reminds me that we should decide on a new image theme when we make a new thread. Maybe >>1766780 or some variant of it since TNO is just a rework teaser mod at this point.

I shudder to think at what the next pointless rework will be.
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I kinda dig some of the new designs, Yagoda is basically a corpse now, Sablin lost his bright eyes from his reunification portrait and Vagner finally got rid of his posh-ass haircut
As we speak Corn is rubbing his hands in doki laughing about reworking Tomsk and how much he loves liberalism.
>2WRW adds new fun things
>TNO cuts shit and reworks them from scratch

How long until Corn announces another rework just to fuck over these guys and bring them onto the level of rework hell he's on?
That won't change a thing. 2WRW devs just gonna bring the content back. They already said they have no plans for integration, so the mod is slowly shaping to be it's own thing
Don't think it'd be that easy at the very least it'd cause them to be delayed one way or another. Imagine if Corn announced tomorrow that Yazov was going to be completely reworked "to be more in line with his historical beliefs" like they are with many other people. That'd at least make them have to consider the possibility that their 70s content would be invalidated.

Imagine what'd happen if they outright tried to integrate and what a shitshow that'd be.
Samsara I guess
A lot of these are hit or miss to me.
>Bunyachenko doesn’t have his hat anymore and too zoomed out
>Zykov looks like a generic democrat instead of depressed worker (bad)
>Yazov doesn’t have his iconic young smug expression anymore what the fuck
At least there’s some new stuffs like Zhukov, Tukh, Gumilov, Vagner that I like.
Bunyachenko looks like Zhukov but angry
He is probably angry because he is hohol
Is it true that they dropped a new Moskowien rework doc? I saw someone talk about one but since they've had six (more??) of them they might be blending together for me.

I'd be angry too if I had any relation to Corn.
Who cares if there is of isn't a new proposal? It'll be shit, it'll never release and in a year from now there will be a new proposal that reworks everything from scratch. There, spoiled it for you.
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>here is your design lead
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>leaked audit log
More proof that this thread is crawling with jaded TNO leads that hate all their colleagues. Also what set off this guy? Thanks for not fucking off btw 4chan crossposter, you're way cooler than the devs that come here and defend their endless reworks.
Wow, he's telling people to le kill themselves.
Who gives a shit.
Unless the design lead is the one warning the guy in which case lol pussy.
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>Soul Survivor
WTF, he's Alex YIIK?
It's kind of a big deal, if you tell someone to kill themselves on the comm server you'd be banned. TNO is very much a "rules for thee not for me" team so I'm surprised they actually warned a lead that's it the "cool kids club" for once.
So have they noticed that you're leaking all their shit while having moderator powers and if so what are their reactions?
It's from a server unrelated to TNO.
>2wrw hires the old sweden dev that got sacked from the main mod, who is now pushing for nordic skeleton and leaking tno plans to 2wrw devs
2WRW needs to be unpartnered.
Oh my bad.

Is this Kateryna coping about the 2WRW teaser from last week?
Isn't this the guy who threw a hissy fit about Nixon?
Based Rei

>call people crackers, no one bats an eye
>say the n word, everyone loses their shit
b-but there's a different connotation!!1!!!!!
most of the devs who leaked stuff here either left or just stopped giving a shit
tbf I don't even understand why I'm still here and still care about leaks when the mod is so obviously fucking dead. So I don't blame them. I had a brief tingle of excitement when an anon leaked the Amur proposal last thread and all it did was kill my hype for it.
i lost all faith in the dev team after the ruin
panzer might have been a nazi chud tranny nut job but at least under xer shit got done, even under pacifica we still at least ended up getting toolbox theory
how many fucking months and years have passed with nothing new to show for the mod, at this rate we'll never get anything fun
i fucking hate the dev team so much it's unreal, they killed all the interest i had in this mod that i loved
Yeah, all the magic in the game's world is gone at this point. A lot of the old stuff was dumb as hell but it was interesting. Now all we get is banal, railroaded slop. No way something like Guangdong could happen under the current leadership.

Really hits you in the feels. They took one of the most exciting universes I've seen in a mod and just slowly made it the one I feel the least interest in out of all of them. It fucking sucks.
Double post but yes good God I actually miss Pacifica. I never thought I'd say that. At least that schizo made some interesting tags. I can't believe that things have gotten so bad that they're actually making me miss Pacifica. Holy shit, this is a painful realization.
Maturing is realizing TNO was never good.
>Chinks will remake TNO once it drops and make a World Conquest path for EL HERMANO DEL KAI CHEK

Do you rike it?
>chink submod teams join together to create TNOredux after the dev team collapses
>schizo russian teams join in and make pro-Z 2wrw content to trigger NAFOtroons and other OFN posters
better TNO
>TNO is updating
>It's just a hotfix
For a moment there I thought we were getting content.
thanks lam
Has there been a leak of the new German starting tree in V&J?
Don't think so. All we really know is that Hitler will live and that they'll fuck it up somehow.

Still waiting for that Moscowien rework to drop so that I can hate my life even more.
I hate how dead this mod is and I wish the devfags hadn't driven it six feet under with their retarded reworks.
Has anything about the Iberian facelift, NOT the Iberian wars, been leaked?
Dev hell.
It's so over
no, and kys shill
god just fucking at least make sure that the italy or france paths gets released within the year. They literally had all those fucking hours during covid to iron that shit down to hell and i'd be surprised they'd just put these on the backburner again for some abysmal content or "facelifts"
Everything made during Covid has been scrapped and reworked. Mostly because of USA and Germany being reworked from scratch post-lockdown and invalidating everything made before that. France in particular was rebooted hard because the old lead was outright banned and then Burgundy was cut twice so that entire arc had to be removed too.

>this year
You're gonna take the eleventh Mosc rework and you're going to like it.
Someone should make a TNODUX that has the same baseline lore but is an actual HOI4 mod with gameplay that let's you be the bad guy instead of a pseudo-visual novel that railroads you into playing ideologies the devs like
So all that work was for nothing? God this mod has no future
>If I made TNOredux I would make Burgundy responsible for how the world operates. Dictators would go insane and collapse because burgundian spies have been poisoning their drinks (I got that from Afraid of Monsters) and conducting occult rituals on them. Democracies would be far more stable because the power is spread out and Burgundians don't have enough resources to influence that many people. It would be an clever statement on the nature of the totalitarian societies and how they dug their own grave.

Or hear me out, you can let the player's action dictate how well they would do instead of railroading them through visual novel mechanics?
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Good takes, hoping to see this in the future.

This is the case for most tags that take forever. Someone higher up makes a call and suddenly everything that came before it is now unrealistic.
Imagine if KR removed Black Monday with their German rework. Now, everything that has a Black Monday mechanic or references to it will have to be reworked or at least reframed.

This happened over, and over, and over to TNO as leads changed and the perspectives of older leads evolved with time. A lot of it was probably even done with what they thought were good intentions. But you know what they say about the road to hell and what it's paved with.
>But you know what they say about the road to hell and what it's paved with.
no i don't what is it paved with?

It's a proverb.
Though in TNO's case, it's probably paved with the bodies of contribs that died crunching on shit that will never release.
Is it really eleventh? But the fact I can't tell if it's a joke or not is a fucking travesty
An anon posted an image in the last thread showing the evolution of Mosk reworks and it had eight iterations though "only" about half were hard resets.

So yeah it's a joke but it'll be true before long mark my works. And I'm not ruling out that it isn't because those eight are the ones we KNOW about.
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OP/baker anon here. We just hit page 10. I'll bake another thread once we're halfway through it. If there are any new leaks you want me to include please link them. Don't think we had any this thread though since the mod is dead. Is there even a new Mosk proposal?
Anything about Yockey or Hall, if possible.
There is nothing to leak if that's what you're asking. Yock is getting cut in the rework and Hall is getting into the Oval Office on a technicality so that Mango can have both his commie larp and cut away some originality, all with a massive in universe asspull to justify it. Pure shit.
There a huge leak regarding Canada team that I’m surprised hasn’t been revealed here yet.
Share it, there's still time before I post the new thread.
Unironically what turned me off from this shit mod. Railroading you into a fail state has always been it's staple idk why niggas pretended it was cool and deep back in 2021 as if it wasn't as garbage back then as it is now
Corn has joked several times about how that picture isn't even complete
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>Example: Huttig used to have zero impact on things, but right now surviving long enough completely fucks up the continent. That's a reward of sorts for me to keep going, even if ideally I'd have an actual win states (and mechanics that aren't shit).
We need to work together and rebuild the Africa Addio mod.
The problem is that you're expecting writing above the level of a 14 year old on wattpad by the TNO devs
How come none of the devs tried to make a real visual novel out of TNO if they like railroading so much. Or just try to make a game like in the Style of Suzerain or Crisis in the Kremlin? There surely are enough tutorials and AI out of there to make that happen
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