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Welcome everyone to another Tinto Talks, the Happy Wednesday where we talk about the top secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

Today we will delve into the most hated of all seasons, Winter. Luckily for us, we don’t have to live with it for the entire year…

Climate and Winter
So what impacts whether a location has winter or not? Well, primarily it depends on the climate, but also on the time of the year and the level of winter currently nearby. Of course, when there is winter it is different for the northern and southern hemispheres. Every day each location does its calculations for when it should be changing its winter level.

There are three levels of winter. Technically it is four, but “no winter” is not really winter is it. And during the course of a season, a location could experience all types of winter. We have mild, normal and severe winters.

What is common for all levels of winter is that they affect attrition for your armies, so winters will always kill off some of your soldiers.

Pops living in climates that regularly experience winters have a higher demand for fur.

Food in Winter
Food production is severely reduced when winter comes, while pops still eat normally. A mild winter is a reduction of 25%, while severe winters basically reduce food production to 0. So unless there is a lot of food stored in the province, a severe winter may cause starvation in your locations.
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One other drawback of winter is that normal and severe winters will impact constructions, and with impact, we are talking about stalling them completely. This affects everything from constructing a building to building a ship. It makes the gameplay experience in a country like Sweden or Norway a bit more difficult, as you have to plan around the fact that you lose several months of the year at times.

Placeholder icons for locking, but useful tooltips..
Freezing Seas
Narrows, Inland Seas and Lakes have the possibility of freezing over during winter. This can happen when a seazone has had severe winter for over a week, and will then last until winter is no longer severe in that location.

A frozen seazone can be traversed by armies and this allows greater military control over the lands it reaches; however, it will cause navies to get stuck until it thaws. Be careful when the weather changes, it can thaw with catastrophic consequences if an army is on the ice. Navies can also not enter any seazone that has frozen over.

When Storebælt and Lillebælt freezes, you don’t need navies to reach København…
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You already know that warfare during winter is a bit more risky, but Project Caesar adds another element to it. Any location with the topography of “Mountain” will be blocked for army movement during normal and severe winters. This can help create natural borders, and some interesting strategic gameplay.

Tooltips are always helpful..

Sadly there will not be a Tinto Talks next week as we have a holiday that day, but after that we will be back and talk more about roads, development, prosperity and more..
>Any location with the topography of “Mountain” will be blocked for army movement during normal and severe winters
That should go for mountains for the entirety of the year. I want to see you get an army over the mountains. Even Carpathians were impossible in that regard, and they are not even that large. You had to specifically go through the mountain passes and valleys to get an army through. That is why castles were built strategically at those.
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>The Greenland gameplay will be alternating between normal and severe winters
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Winters affect trade routes
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There is impassible terrain on the map, the passable mountain locations represent the valleys.
This is a feature for Anbennar, isn't it?
>have a war wizard freeze over the sea so you can reach the Isle of Tef
>western Carpathians only as hills
That still makes me angry. I want to see Johan leading an army across those. It would be an impossible task for any commander. Not to mention all the castles that were there because of the rivalry between Bohemia and Hungary.
>Frozen Sea, unpassable mountains, food stockpiling for winter
please stop my knee hurts
the impassable tiles got severely reduced with the polish culture revisions
I think for some reason they are basing the defnitions on height above sea level, rather than ruggedness, which is pretty stupid.
but this is how the definition is done irl, anything above 1500 meters is a mountain, below is a hill
While this is a pretty good addition, I feel like all of this should apply not just to winter, but to climate overall. Good luck moving an army through India or SEA during rainy seasons, for example. And if we're including severity of winters, what about other weather conditions like typhoons?

Also completely restricting movement through mountains during winter seems a bit too excessive. Tibet would like to have a talk, I guess.
EU4 has monsoon seasons, they're just barely noticeable like winter is. I imagine they'll probably be expanded on too.
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Johan is already working on this
im bout to bust
I feel like a better way to do that would you can move through mountains during winter, but you'd wind up taking so much attrition that over 70% of your army would die at the minimum doing so from the effects of both the winter and terrain modifiers.
>Eastern Hungary is all flatlands and not a Vietcong marsh forest.
That area hasn't been farmable flatland until the massive Austro-Hungarian campaign to drain all of the swamps, stabilise all the rivers, etc in the 1800s.
Even today, roughly 200 years after the fact, the area there has alkaline soil unsuitable for agriculture without modern shit like industrial fertiliser and specific varieties of crop.
It means you cant build
That was pointed out to them in original map thread, we'll have to wait for the Balkans feedback maps to see those changes
>this is a mountain
>A frozen seazone can be traversed by armies and this allows greater military control over the lands it reaches
Are there any examples of this actually happening? And not like armies moving across a few hundred metres of sea ice to flank a coastal city or whatever, but an actual sustained march across dozens of miles of ice on the scale of EU5's sea zones.
Never heard bout it
It won't be entire seas freezing over, just small coastal or inland locations.

>Narrows, Inland Seas and Lakes have the possibility of freezing over during winter.
this is literally incomprehensibly high for a Netherlander or someone from denmark
literally every war in Finland/ northern europe
Again, Tibet would be a problem because it's a region of the size of the entire Western Europe, which is entirely mountains, and it isn't particularly warm over there. So there really should be plenty of modifiers that influence armies, because certain cultures are way more accustomed to warfare in specific terrains and under specific weather conditions.
It was farmable (you can even farm in a marshes), but yes, there most certainly were a lot of marshes and dangerous basins. You c
The ones in the back would be mountains and they certainly look like horrible ones to try to get the army across. The one in the forefront, one might be able to get an army across.
The example given in the screenshot is the Gulf of Bothnia which is ~60 miles across.
>In 1216 the Livonian Brothers of the Sword and the bishop Theodorich joined forces and invaded Saaremaa over the frozen sea
That's only about a dozen miles from the mainland, single digits if they went through Muhu island.
sounds like a mountain to me
Try using normal units, wtf is a mile
There was the crossing in 1809 during the Finnish War where the Russian army crossed the Gulf of Bothnia from Vaasa to Umeå and took the Swedes by surprise. There was another group that marched from Turku to Åland then to Stockholm at the same time
Inland seas are pretty large in EU5 judging from what we saw so far. I have no problem with narrows and lakes freezing over but inland seas seem too much.
Inland seas can freeze over, it really just depends on the climate and winter severity. Nearly the whole Baltic Sea can freeze over if it's cold enough
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>nothing outside the bay of bothnia freezes anymore
Bruh, Baltic is a fucking freak among intracontinental seas, with it's low salinity, completely fucked up geology and weather patterns. It's very, very, VERY bad example of how body of non-fresh water behave during winter in temperate climate
Yes, there was a lot of fighting there in ww1. It's higher than 1500m but it's passable and armies cam attack through this terrain. Elevation doesnt mean much when there are impassable rock formations below 1500m
>cold water and warm water ports implemented
Vgh... Rvssia will forever have to conqueror for a single open seas warm water port
It's the only inland sea we really need to care about in regards to winters honestly, besides the Sea of Okhotsk, unless if Paradox fucks up climate and winter calculations really badly
completely irrelevant, irl definitions are not based on how terrain affects armies which is the main consideration in the game, therefore they are entirely useless
Can we cause global warming by building enough furnaces? Would that affect the climate? If it does, I kneel, finally a game that allows me to roleplay as an uncaring magnate. If it does not, shit game, 0/10.
>Would that affect the climate
No, because the early industrial revolution is peanuts compared what comes after the end date in EU4/5. Even in Vic2/3 time period you wouldn't have the capabilities to do so. This isn't civ where the world begins to collapse because you started mining and using coal.
It might be moddable.
You can already do that in Civ. I love burning coal all the way into stratosphere and fucking over all the coastal civs.
So is there going to be redskin holocaust once Europeans hit Americas? Since they're doing Black Death missing out on the demise of the injuns would be silly. That's why the slave trade from Africa began.
>no flavor shown yet
its going to be another ck3/vic3 situation where they make it barebones and leave it for modders to "fix" it.
Total injun death, I will settle for nothing less.
99% done for you so very easy task to finish.
Several TTs have shown flavor and Johan specifically said that situations are there to provide flavor for specific historical events which is different from basic mechanics.
Yes, Johan said that American locations will be mostly depopulated after waves of old world diseases have hit them.
The scale of emissions isn't even remotely close to what you'd need to pull that off. annual co2 emissions for the entire world even in ~1850 is only estimated around 90 million tons. By 1950 the USA alone was emitting more than double that amount every month. Today China alone emits 30 million tons per DAY. And the warming only really got noticeable around the 1970s. There's a big delay between emissions and warming.
so basically, you'd have to drop 1950s America with its entire population (about as much as Ming china c.1600) and industry into the 1300s to have warming show up around the 16th or 17th century, maybe. (this is in the middle of the Little Ice Age anyway)
The depopulation of Americas did cause global cooling though. So many injuns died that the continent was reforested and cooling the global climate.
>the most hated of all seasons, Winter
Normgroids have shit taste as usual
>So many injuns died that the continent was reforested
Kek no, Europeans almost immediately started mass-deforesting the continent, just as they did back in Europe.
North America was barely colonized outside the coasts until like late 1600s. While the natives croaked around 1500.
Injuns didn't have the tech to deforest even if they wanted to. They lived innawoods or in the plains which restricted their numbers in the first place.
No way, they deforested a bunch of places. All it takes is fire, they practiced slash-and-burn techniques. People were practicing this even before proper agriculture existed, just to encourage better plants for gathering. Even stone-age humans were brutal to their environment. The myths about native americans living in some perfect harmony with nature comes from the mass depopulation and European accounts of "virgin land" and "unspoiled" wilderness. Nature was able to bounce back because the local human populations were utterly BTFO for hundreds of years.
>So what impacts whether a location has winter or not? Well, primarily it depends on the climate, but also on the time of the year and the level of winter currently nearby
it is winter... based on your geography and time of the year?!?

this is it, we won
i kneel before jotran-sama...
GODropa Universalis once more asserting itself as THE flagship grand strategy franchise while HoIsissies play retarded visual novel alternate universe DLCs with no war at all.
CHADropa Universalis is truly a perfect franchise.
>b-But EU3 was b-
SILENCE worm. EU3 was kino and was the foundation of the GODlike EU4.
stop posting like a retard
when is this ultimate paraslop coming out and what will be the most similar to play in the meantime while i wait, imperator or MEIOU
their were no europeans or old world viruses in north america in 1500 period, stop making up bullshit
Newfaggot. Every new Paradox game is released barebones. DLC is just the price of continued development. Always has been.
>when is this ultimate paraslop coming out
Years from now on
Ffs they still use project caesar name on the forum
Would probably be the closest thing to it, but still very very different
Map and micromanagement will be similar to it
Hopefully performance won't
Unfunny forced meme, pushed by salty /gsg/ers who want a repeat of Leviathan but with a game release instead of a DLC. Their own personal TORtanic.
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I remember the Great Lakes also freeze as that level, if not more. But yeah, that region would be relevant in like 3 centuries.
Vic 3 only used their project name for like a year or something?
We'll probably get the game in 1st quarter 2026
when sweden invaded denmark to besiege copenhagen in the great northern war
Holy fucking based... This post absolutely MINDBREAKS TRANNIES etc...
>That freezing mechanic is useless because most of sees a part of the whole north of Europe and other northern latitudes don't freeze so it's not necessary at aaaaaaall, nooooo
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Spanish troops passed from being isolated in an island and surrounded by dutch ships to win the battle thanks to freezing waters that allowed them to assault he ships by foot (pic rel). They found an icon of Virgin Mary before this and She is now the patroness of the Spanish infantry.
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Early modern hats are the best
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Why didn't he just wait until the gulf of Finland froze to invade Helsinki? Was he stupid?
Because there's a shit ton of artillery on the coast.
Modern artillery makes walking over frozen seas a dangerous proposition.
Yeah they tipped their hand that there will be disease mechanics already
Hernando de Soto, retard
>Was he stupid?
Nah, he was just impatient.
What would be the best way to represent the interactions between Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism? Same question for Shinto and Buddhism or Muism, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism. A lot of people have been talking about it on the forum
during the Siege of Leningrad the Soviets kept supply lines into the city open during the winter by running trucks across the frozen lake Ladoga
With total war
Well, think about it from a utilitarian perspective.
Religion's purpose in the game is to affect assimilation, unrest, control, taxation, estate power, etc.
If the difference between two IRL religions wouldn't affect that stuff, it doesn't need to be represented.
If the difference between a peasant pop being Confucianism or Taoist is so insignificant they can actually be both or neither and it has no practical effect, then there's no need to portray them at all. You can put them down under some Chinese-specific umbrella term like "taoic", explain what it means in the tooltip, and it's fine.

As for "muism" or "shinto": these are modern concepts, modern western views about religion back-projected onto cultural practices. This is part of a recurring problem with paradox games and minor religions: the world had (has) plenty of unorganized, ill-defined, vague, highly localized belief systems that (popular) historiography tries to fit into a neat anachronistic box and give a name. Sometimes modern people even LARP as having these faiths and invent religious practices and labels from whole cloth. Then the game takes these weird fake boxes with made-up names and treats them like they're religions with churches and a priesthood.
I think that, much like societies without organized hierarchies aren't represented on the map, religious beliefs without organized hierarchies don't need to be represented either. Every community of humans everywhere has their own local beliefs, superstitions, rituals, burial practices, taboos, legends, marriage rites - that's called a CULTURE, not religion. This game takes place before the era when mass culture bulldozed folk beliefs. Japanese pops implicitly practice some level of kami worship, Korean pops implicitly hold some shamanist supersititions. These are aspects of being Japanese or Korean, not of some imagined religion that only came into existence when christian missionaries started proselytizing.
>Religion's purpose in the game is to affect assimilation, unrest, control, taxation, estate power, etc.
>If the difference between two IRL religions wouldn't affect that stuff, it doesn't need to be represented.
The thing is the relationships between the various Eastern religions varied a lot depending on time and place, like there were various movements in different countries to establish a more orthodox Buddhism and stamp out syncretism.
You need to check your knowledge in history
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As of now, Confucianism is not religion unlike in EU4. China and Korea are represented as Mahayana Buddhist; Japan as Shinto.
look at the dates you absolute drooling retard
>hernado de soto was in north america when he was 3 years old
subzero iq
>See in maps that europeans where in mainland north America in 1513 and thus the argument of European diseases spreading to the natives makes sense.
>1513 is not 1500!!!! Those 13 years of difference in a scope of centuries make my argument vaaaliiiiid! There were absolutely no contacts between the Spanish in the Caribbean since 20 years earlier and the natives in the mainland and no commercial routes or contacts between natives existed at all!
>Proceeds to call others retards.
I cant read the australian one, why arent they animist
Lulz, they're Hindu now based on the colour.
They have no religion, abos will be considered fauna in project Caesar
amazingh, i couldnt believe it lol
historically and scientifically accurate then
Johan is too based
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Hello everyone, and welcome to one more developer diary for map lovers! This is the second this week, after the review of Poland, Ruthenia, and the Baltic. Hurray!

Today we will be taking a look at the lands of Arabia! So let’s start, without further ado:

This week, we have two country maps: one without colored wastelands for clarity, and one with them under the spoiler button. You might also wonder why there isn’t a third one with the Societies of Pops for the region. Well, that’s because Project Caesar has several layers to portray the simulation of a believable world (if you remember, one of our design pillars). A couple of weeks we presented the Societies of Pops as a new type of country, but if you go back to Tinto Talks #4, the Government Overview, Johan mentioned the different types of governments, which now you know are for Settled Countries. One of them is Tribal, which we think makes for a good representation of the most complex and organized tribal societies, which have some estate-like features while keeping some other tribal features.
>"You may wonder why we don't use the SoP form for central Arabs. It's because they're white, and we felt they didn't deserve that."
Societies of Pops confirmed for being borderline unplayable.
x Therefore, the way we’ve decided that fits better to portray the simulation of the Arabian Peninsula is having a divide between those countries that are Monarchies (Mecca, Yemen, Oman, Ormus, and the Jarwanids), and those that are Tribal (the rest of them). An interesting feature of the latter is that their lands will be full of Tribesmen pops, making the Tribal estate the most important one to manage. As a final note, I’d like you to understand that this is our interpretation for the simulation of the game, although it might not be the only one (as it happened with the discussions about which European countries should be decentralized with several subjects, and which shouldn’t). The good news regarding this is that we will be open to feedback and making changes, as usual; but also, that this setup can easily be changed through the script of the game, thus making it completely moddable after the game is released; so there could potentially be mods making inner Arabia covered by Societies of Pops instead of Tribal Settled countries, if you don’t like/agree with our interpretation, or just prefer it to be different.
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Among the dynasties of the region, you might find some old acquaintances, such as the Rasulids of Yemen or the Nabhani of Oman, while also having a bunch of new ones. And not a week without a bug, of course: the ‘al-Al’ prefix is an error, as those dynasties are using a locative, which is mixed with a second one, from the location; we will have that fixed, then.
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Is Arabia really so shit that part of the coast line isn't populated?
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You might notice that most of Arabia is an arid, desertic plateau. The only exception to this is some fertile mountain valleys in Yemen, which was known as Eudaimon Arabia/Arabia Felix for a reason.
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Natural Harbors:
Does seem weird to not have a corridor there at least
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The cultural division of the region is quite interesting, as it’s divided into several Arabic-speaking people. And for those that might wonder, yes, Socotra has its own culture, Soqotri. We still have to add some minorities here and there, though, so we will take the opportunity to do it during the map review.
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The religious division of Arabia is also interesting, having Sunni, Shiite, and Ibady majorities spread across the peninsula. We have yet to address the minorities, which were not ready for the Tinto Maps, so we will show what that looks like on the map, and review as well. By the way, we might do some work in the coming weeks regarding Islam, and one of the things that I think we may tweak is the coloring, as Ibadi is too similar to Shiite; so I think that this might be a good opportunity to ask for your preferences about the coloring of the different branches of the Islamic faith.
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Raw Materials:

Dates, livestock, horses, and some wheat and sand make for a healthy economy if you’re a Tribal country, I guess? Jokes aside, the desertic lands of Northern and Central Arabia have a more simple resource distribution, while Yemen and Oman, on the other hand, have quite rich resources, such as Pearls, Alum, Copper, Dyes, Silk, and Coffee (who doesn’t like a good mocha?).
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There are five market centers present in this region: Mecca, Al-Hajar, Al-Hasa’, Hormoz, and ‘Adan. Coupled with the resources in the previous section, the control over ‘Adan and Hormoz will be strategically relevant, as it was historically.
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This week there aren’t (almost) issues with the population of the region, so we’re able to show it to you. The entire region has around 4.5M pops, which are unevenly distributed; Yemen has 1.6M, and Mecca 776K, making for more than half of the total, while a good chunk of it belongs to the Mamluks (that control all the area around Madina.
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And that’s all for this week! For the next one, I have good news: we have finished the feedback review of Anatolia, and therefore I’ll post it on Monday! That way it will make for a week without a Tinto Talks more bearable. And on Friday, there will be maps for a new region, Iran and the Caucasus! See you!
the south coast of Arabia is impassable now. I can't count the times when I crossed that land with everyone from Austria to Byzantium to Persia while invading the Ottomans.
>the south coast of Arabia is impassable now
Based Houthis
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Yeah, it's pretty much empty, barely 5 people per square kilometer in modern times too. Medieval Arab trade routes usually just took a boat to get around that part of the coast
Yemen still has that many pops? arent they supposed to fight each other for decades now?
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Shit holes have a miraculous ability of churning out hordes of children no matter the conditions.
do you think north america will be as bloated with natives as modern eu4? I just want to do america larps but it's objectively worse than the caribbean or south america
I miss eu4 launch day natives..
No medieval communism to seethe about. He who doesn't works starves to death or gives the ass.
While searching about the coastal wasteland in Oman found a funny Wikipedia article obviously full of propaganda:
apparently the people there lived in caves until the 70s so I think the wasteland is pretty much deserved dessu
Most injuns in north america will probably be pop based tags
Yeah, the only group worth a shit there was the Mississippian Culture, and they collapsed without a trace and for unknown reasons.
>refers to the people as "easy prey"
Insanely based wikipedia sultan writing his own article
lmao what the hell is this
Paradox now needs to add a special troglodyte pop type

Cryptid and legendary pops
Need a special mapmode to represent the cavern layer where the mole people live. And also the secret tunnels between the Vatican and hollow earth.
they need to add incels as a pop
>for unknown reasons
incels didnt exist back then
Vicky 2 has those, see Clergy.
>that pic
holy fuck I would love the art style in eu5 to follow that instead of their newer trend.
the south coast is not only hot as fuck, it has shit soil and no rain but still high humidity.
Outside of a few green mountains nothing grows besides a bit of shrub.
I think I've seen the painting that's based on.
no you fuckwit, your thesis is that the north americas nature had already recovered from mass north american local deforestation by the time the europeans settled, from the late/mid 16th century, because the locals were already genocided by european contact. Which is completely false and absolutely ludicrous as there was no mass contact with north america like their was central america early enough for something like that to happen, and there is absolutely 0 evidence to support it. This is not a hugely interconnected world like europe where things can spread fast, time moves incredibly slow in a vast contintent like north america. The european settlers found north america in much the same state as it was before columbus, stop making up bullshit in my history game sim thread.
Didn't the Spaniards release a bunch of domesticated animals into the wild ?
That's not my thesis, México is North America, you said there were no Europeans in North America in 1500 (automatically complaining about Europeans arriving 14 or 20@ something years later) and we have shown you that it was not true. You should have said there were no Europeans in the Great Lakes or something like this.
>>1844349 and Florida is clearly 100% North America
Horses, all the horses the natives were using come from Spanish horses that escaped one century before, but hey there was no impact at all!
By the way Jaques Quartier was in the Great Lakes and traded with natives in 1534
Pigs. Spanish settlers and explorers had the habit of releasing pigs into the wild. Pigs can survive almost anywhere, eat anything and breed extremely fast. Plenty of Caribbean, American and Pacific islands still have wild pig populations that trace back to those Spanish pigs, like the Ossabaw Hog breed in the Us. Why did they do it? So the wild pigs could be hunted and used as a source of fresh meat the next time the Spanish passed trough.
Based Spanish transforming the Americas at their will and providing delicious meat for everyone to eat.
>Which is completely false and absolutely ludicrous as there was no mass contact with north america like their was central america early enough for something like that to happen, and there is absolutely 0 evidence to support it.
not even true
those are volcels
how about eunuchs
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Somewhat related to this weeks topic. It has a lot of different production methods...
basedbeans my beloved...
can't be the only one who is pessimistic about this
every DD feels worse than the previous one
Haha, benis.
Why would there even need to be mass contact? A single sick European just needs to interact with a single injun, and then those natives can spread it to all of their neighboring villages and so on.
how does a granary itself produce food? isn't supposed to just store the grains produced by the farms?
Can we address the blatant and latent Russophobia concerning almost everywhere that has something to do with this game?
The devs themselves, Paradox Plaza, and even this place now.
It reeks of trannyism, lads.
When did trannies and lefties overrun /vst/?
could just be something like having a granary protects the grain so you end up having more then if u didnt have one
its probably "consuming" 0.1 food due to spoilage, it is there to store up to 500 food units for winter
What don't you like on this DD? It sounds really cool
>"Racism is heckin based"
>People are racist to Ruzzians
the russophobia is nothing compared to the hellenophobia
they called the greeks a "minor ottoman roadblock" and "venetian property"
imagine them calling the palestinians "jewish property", it just would never happen
it also explains all the random nerfs and content neglect that greek factions have been experiencing in their games for the past 10 years

i guess the new thing in parakike employee circles is rabid hatred of white ethnicities, all while browns are being pampered and protected (like when they banned "kebab" as a reference to arabs, but "baguette" as a reference for the french is fine)
but no amount of anti-white hatred combined comes close to even 1% of the anti-hellenic sentiment that runs rampant in that company
>Pops living in climates that regularly experience winters have a higher demand for fur.
Is that so? If so, why did bulk of fur trade from Russia go to Western Europe?
>central serbia
>hills for days and an old-growth forest so thick it was only cleared out in the 20th century
>one of the last remaining primeval forests in europe
>trees so dense that germans had to ditch any motorized equipment when going after resistance fighters
who makes this shit
The funny thing to me is that Spaniards actually chose the pig as the basis for their cuisine because it was the animal Muslims hated the most, thus making basically impossible for your average Muslim to live anywhere near regions with strong Spanish culture and traditions.
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That was a comment about the decripit and corrupt rump state of Byzantium: well-deserved titles for their long-deserved destruction
Greekaboos are the Großgermania posters of CK and EU
Shut the fuck up, Robbie. You will never be a real chud and also you will never be funny.
Why do you niggers keep falling for this transparent bait? Are you all retarded?
>remove kebab

That was a comment about the decrepit and corrupt rump state of Ottomans: well-deserved bants for their long-deserved destruction.
because a poorfag wasn't going to buy more than the one fur he needed?
Would it really impact them? I mean they ate a lot of pork before, it's like a tradition since Roman times there. And Muslims don't seem to care as long as they have other animals.
As far as I know winters in western Europe can be hard, we can have whole months with -4° or -5° in a bad year. I don't get how that is incoherent with what Johannes says.
Fur trade took off in Europe during the ice age in the 17th - 18th century, which is why it was the main focus of France's colonial ventures in Canadia.
Have they stated how it will be possible to convert culture provinces?
>venetian property
It's not producing food, it's using food goods as input to increase food capacity. In other words, you put food in it and have more room to store food
It was one of the ways to root out fake Christian converts who were still secretly Muslim
>having lots of trees means the ground isn't flat
Based Johan, now he just needs to rename HRE to roman empire and give it a red colour whenyou form it to make these rats screech.
>Are you all retarded?
You are on 4channel
You're retarded yourself just for asking this
Assimilation system similar to vic and minister job modifier applied to it
You won't be able to do grubgermanium with only one culture in all europe like in eu4
ahistorical and anti-fun then but I suppose there is also colonisation overflow that'll turn them into a increased minority?
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Nah, name it Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and give it special code to make the name render on three lines with a unique blackletter font, like this
and watch germanophobes squeal
holy based mein bruder
Calling someone a baguette is much more playful than calling someone a kebab.
Calling someone a frog also seems more disrespectful than calling them a baguette.
Referring to someone as food or animal is mostly always disrespectful. Unless you're calling your special someone dessert.
How should I refer to my special anon?
Just say you hate white people
>You won't be able to do grubgermanium with only one culture in all europe like in eu4
I wonder what the maximum cap for councillor skills is?
>they should write flavour events before the map or gameplay mechanics are even close to finished
Retard detected.
>I wonder what the maximum cap for councillor skills is?
I think the 3 character skills are from 0 to 100, and the highest I recall seeing in a DD was around 80.
Yeah, it's probably a system point capped at some value that is impossible to have a 100/100/100.
paradox did this in HOI3, they used to be based
>of the German Nation
I really hate how the English definition always omits this part of the name. It makes more sense in French "Saint-Empire Romain Germanique" and in Spanish "Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico", in which they explicitly tell you is a German thing.
>holy roman empire of the people who destroyed the roman empire
Holy Roman Empire of the nation of the Turks?
Nevermind, I looked at german demographics and get it now
the western (real) roman empire you smartass
by 1453 you couldn't call the constantinople polity the ERE anymore, you couldn't a long time before that
Of the time period games where the HRE is one thing it wasn't called that is the reason. It only gets called that after 1512. And in the games where it's not a thing anyone who unifies the HRE and/or restores it is absolutely about to LARP as the Ottonian or Hohenstaufen empires, not the late one.
>by 1453 you couldn't call the constantinople polity the ERE anymore
There is absolutely no reason for the Eastern Roman Empire to not be called the Roman Empire. Unless you are one of those ethnic-nationalist retards.
But it was already killed off once by crusaders.
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>not based in Rome
>Latin not spoken
>culture Hellenistic
>rulers and citizenry Greek, not Latin or Italian
>Orthodox Christianity, not Roman Catholic
It'd be like future Historians insisting that the United States should be called "The British Empire".
The religion thing is just cope since the split happened 600 years after the fall of the western empire.
The real cope having such little appreciation in the achievements and differences of the Byzantine Empire that you insist on attaching the rest of Roman history to the thing.
Before the 4th crusade it is perfectly valid to see them as continuation of Rome.
vgh fellow latin empire enjoyer
Because you can trace a direct succession from Caesar Augustus to Constantine XI, so it was the same state.
>It'd be like future Historians insisting that the United States should be called "The British Empire".
They will.
>state splits in half
>"hurr it's the same state"
>same rules
>same customs
>durr they different
>same rules
>same customs
this could only be said up to like the 9th century
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Hello everybody, and welcome to another Tinto Maps feedback review! Today we will be taking a look at Anatolia. As a foreword, when we tackled the review, we found that in general terms, the region was in a pretty good state. Therefore, the scope of it was more in line with the review of Italy, than with the massive review of Tinto Maps #4 (and we could do it faster).

Some more tags have been added to the region, you've got the entire list above. The most relevant ones are those split from the Sutayids, which are now more divided (and start with disconnected lands, which will pose an early game challenge).

There have not been many changes regarding dynasties, there have been some adjustments here and there, and also the ones of the new countries added.

Some more locations were added to the map, although not many, as the density was already good enough. We've also improved the connexions, so they're in general more clear, especially in wasteland-dense areas.
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We're skipping the map of provinces this time, as they're exactly the same as the last time, but I'm now sharing with you the map of areas, as it was not shown previously.
being able to see the terrain behind the watercolor is definitely an improvement

As you might have noticed, there have been several tweaks to the terrain mapmodes.

We've also made several changes to the cultural distribution. Now there are more Turkish and Turkoman pops in Western Anatolia, we also added Mongolian tribesmen to Central Anatolia, and in the East, the Armenian Highlands are more fragmented among Armenian, Kurdish, and Turkoman pops.

We've also added more religious minorities to the region. Now there are plenty of Shiites, being the majority on some locations here and there. You might also notice a couple of blue minorities in the map, compared with the Tinto Maps: in the center of Anatolia, we have Tengri Mongolians, while in the east, we have Yazidi Kurdish.
Raw Materials:

Another mapmode with plenty of tweaks, thanks to your feedback. The overall design is not so different, but we've gone across all the suggestions to make sure that the resource distribution is even more accurate.

And that's all for today! We will be reading your feedback in this thread as well, and implementing further suggestions that we find reasonable, as usual. Also for your information, the next map review we will be doing is that of Carpathia and the Balkans, as Russia is also going to take a while and we prefer to prioritize former over the later; but it won't be as fast as this one and will be posted in a few weeks for now, as we'll have some people on vacation this month, and we also have some other priorities to address during the month. Cheers!
Vgh Großgermiyanidiums.
>tengri turkey
UGHHHH.... Tvran will be restored....
I wonder how many Turks are going to be mad that there aren't solid Turkish locations anymore
>ayyubids are now on a more surviveable location
Can't wait to become the CAESAR
>silk on that one byz province in Anatolia
wtf is that?

>It was a center of trade, with colonies of Venetians (attested in 1188) and Genoese (1342), and was noted for its production of leather goods and red-dyed silk.
>He doesn't know about the great silk worm eggs heist
>not alexander the great
Based Philly
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>not Alexander the Caesar
Literally who?
>not Alexander the Caesaropope
>Breaks stick in half
>Two sticks

>Splits bread in half
>Two breads

>Divides Roman Empire into Two
>Two Roman Empires

This logic is too difficult to follow, I know.
so many gayreeks and a*menians to genoci- uh I mean deport into the black sea and syrian desert
A single Omani just writing how nice the people are and how the glorious sultan made everything great is the most based thing on the entire Wikipedia
Vegetation and topography are two separate features.
>there are some mechanics linked to Ilkhanate, I'll talk about that on Friday
>city of brotherly love
deserved to get turk'd
Too many trees
Probably alcheringa or whatever the fuck their special religion was in Eu4.
because russian serfs have nothing to buy the furs with
place with lots of fur sells the excess to places without lots of fur
Difficult concept
They kinda did. Towards the end of the winter war russian light tanks used the frozen sea to bypass the mannerheim line. They had tried this before but got raped but since the finns had no shells left this time it worked.
The entire Iberian medieval culture is about showing people that you were not Jewish or Muslim. Per example Catalan there’s an expression “to make Saturday” which means to thoroughly clean your house, this comes from people cleaning the house on Saturdays in a very public way (opening all windows, cleaning rugs outside etc) to show their neighbors that they were not cripto-jews. In the same vouge our high amounts of pork consumption originate from people showing they are not cripto-muslims. This obssesion over pork is what has lead to Spain having the best pork produce in the world.
>Saruhan now has the potential to actually do something and become a contender.
A new power is rising, lads....
>In the same vouge our high amounts of pork consumption originate from people showing they are not cripto-muslims.
In Portugal there is a traditional sausage called alheira that mimics a pork chorizo, but it's generally made of chicken and bread. It was a way of crypto-jews hiding their religion by tricking their neighbours into thinking they had pork chorizos and were actually christians. Now there are plenty of varieties, even made of pork and boar, and isn't really associated with the jews anymore, but more with the northeastern part of Portugal, a area that also had plenty of rural jewish communities, and where middle eastern dishes like couscous are also considered traditional since they were introduced by those jewish communities in the middle ages.
why do jews live rent free in white peoples heads for thousands of years
it's the other way around
they're recycling old vengeance for new grudges
even today they try to compare europeans and americans to amalek
So are gypsies going to be in the same culture group as Northwest Indians?
New DD today or not?
No Tinto Talks today

It's National Day of Catalonia

Catalonia will NEVER be a nation. It has no army, no recognition, real countries laugh about your failed attempts at gaining independence...
The start date not being 1453 was a mistake.
You meant 1517?
Is that when the last of the remnants got clapped?
both better start dates than whatever the fuck it is now
They should have gone with different and specific start dates for the player to pick when he wants to start
You will never be a real country.
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>tell friend how cool the mountain/winter thing
>so mountain climbers dont climb in winter?!?!?!
hannibal crossed them in summer....
Iirc the Soviets crushed the Kronstadt rebellion by sending the Red Army over frozen ice in St Petersburg's bay. I like the feature because it will naturally propel Russia to seek warm water ports as they did IRL
Remnants of ERE? Nah, Theodoro fell sometime around 1470.
I still hope we will get some later start dates even if it would be in a form of a DLC. 14th century is fucking retarded.
and lost 25% of his force
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nuh ah, you're wrong

MEIOU has proven that 14th century is objectively the superior start date
Ah yeah, when Catalonians fought for their right to be subjects of the king of Spain from Austria against the king of Spain from France, yeah, so independent and national.
If not EU5, what would they name this game?
Imperator: Kyiv
Random question, but have they said anything about garrison?
I hate how in every PDX games garrisons are magical, and you don't actually have to provinces/forts you occupy.
I'm pretty sure forts employ soldier pops in the building, with star fortresses employing thousands of them
Why is it called Kyiv in project Caesar if it wasn't accurate to the time then? Bohemia isn't called "Czechia" nor is Persia called "Iran".
Pachamama universalis
Russia will win the war before the game comes out and they'll change the name back to Kiev
14th is better than 15th. Only Spain and France get fucked due to relative stagnation (which will be hard to implement) and micromanagement, respectively.
They already said they aren't going to do that because it's a lot of extra work and nobody ever picks alternative start dates in EU4.
How WOULD you even implement Spain relying on its colonies for wealth and ending up with fuck all once it lost them?
Inflation that spirals out of control forcing them to either cut their expenses in Europe, like fighting in Flanders, or have to extract even more wealth from the colonies eventually leading to going bankrupt (historical).
What, no mana to counter it? That would lead to a lot of salt.
Maybe in previous games, but I think a lot of people here would choose a date after the Black Death
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They were enablers and the ones who opened to gates to the mudslims invasions. Of course Spaniards would hate them.
Also because the religion we call "Judaism" is literally just a sect that's based around seething about the fact they didn't get the Messiah they wanted and in fact murdered their own Messiah because He spoke the truth.
Pig is the superior meat animal, in one year it can give you 100-300 kilos of meat, fat and hide. The bones were used for fertilizers and glue. It was widely used by everybody in Europe since before roman times. Desert peoples dont use it because they could only keep goats and few sheep in the sami arid wastelands they inhabit
I don't think those numbers were possible before the agricultural advances in the 1600-1700s.
Startdate Seethiumsalis 1337
Atlas Pinctura
Supposedly during the 15th-17th centuries during winter you could hire a horse sled and travel between Sweden and Poland
Based if true. Sounds like a fun trip.
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Nah, goats are the GOAT. Those fuckers eat whatever you throw at them, even fucking rocks. They also give you milk, like cows.
Chicken are quite nice as well, if just because their massive numbers, although ancient chickens were quite scrawny in comparison with modern ones.
War Wizards shouldn't be buffed.
t. Artificer gang
Chicken is best, low maintenance grows fast, small, eats very little, reproduces like crazy and if you feed it it keeps shitting eggs all the time.
This is what you sound like.
t. Magisterium chad
I wonder how much fatter a 2024 chicken is. Surely we've made some improvements in almost 20 years? Or have we reached the limits of Chickenmaxxing?
They can get bigger, but social forces (in the West) would prefer not chickenmaxxing because that would require them to be caged up and forcefed steroids and carbs to optimize it.
the wokists ruining yet another area of progress, its so tiring
So you're saying you want to consume even more steroids?
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>someone graffitied a smug soijak on his left cheek doing an ollie over an anime styled hitler corpse
The kids are alright.
post this masterwork graffiti
Is it going to be map day tommorow or was that canceled as well?
mappies never die
EU5 got canned
Can confirm, I am Johan and Project Caesar is no more.
Those kinds of chickens don't even survive the year. They are so fat they break their bones or even get heart attacks and die very early. They are like domestic cows in that regard, completely useless outside of being food. Not even good as pets.
Tinto Maps delayed 30 minutes

Hello everyone, and welcome to one more Tinto Maps! Today we will be taking a look at Persia and the Caucasus! These are regions that encompass several modern-day countries and regions (Iraq, Iran, Balochistan, Afghanistan, Transoxiana, etc.), but for the sake of simplicity, we decided to name this DD this. Let’s start, without further ado!

The region is quite interesting in 1337, as there are plenty of countries to play with. The Ilkhanate is still alive, but in name only, the real power being hosted by the Jalayirids, who are overlords of some of their neighbors (the Chobanids, and the Eretnids). Other countries, such as Gurgan, the Kartids, and Muzaffarids are also struggling to get the hegemony over the region. Meanwhile, the strongest power in the Caucasus is the Kingdom of Georgia, although the region is also quite fragmented among different polities.

And speaking of the Ilkhanate, you may have wondered why isn’t it a unified tag… Well, it’s because we consider that it is clearly in decadence, having lost any grasp of authority over the provinces, so the best way of portraying it is through an International Organization. What we can see in this mapmode is that there are two pretenders to get the power, the Jalayarids and Gurgan, with the other countries still being formally part of it. I won’t talk more today about how it works and its features, but I’ll just say that there are two clear fates for the Ilkhanate: being dissolved, as historically happened, or being restored in full power as a unified country.

Not much to say today about the dynasties, as they’re akin to the country names, in most cases. Well, you might wonder which one is the yellow one, ruling over Gurgan… That country is ruled by the Borgijin, heirs of Genghis Khan. Now you get the full picture of their rule over the Ilkhanate being challenged by the Jalayirids, I think…

We’re back to a region with lots of different climates, topography, and vegetation. This will make it very unique, gameplay and looking-wise.

You might notice that there are ports in the Caspian Sea… Because, well, it’s considered a sea in our game, so there can be ships and navies over it.

There's quite a lot of cultural division throughout the region... The Caucasus is, well, the Caucasus, divided among lots of different people. Then we have the Iraqi and Kurdish in Iraq, Persian and a number of other cultures in Iran, Baloch in Balochistan, Afghan in Afghanistan, and Khorasani, Turkmen, Khorezm, Hazara, and Tajiks, among others, in Khorasan and Transoxiana.

Another interesting religious situation. Orthodox is the main religion in Georgia, and Miaphysitism in Armenia, with other confessions spread here and there throughout the Caucasus (Khabzeism, and three 'Pagan' confessions, Karachay-Balkar, Vainakh, and Lezgin). Then Iraq is divided among Sunni, to the north, and Shiism, to the south. And Iran is in an interesting situation, having a Sunni majority, but with some important Shiite pockets here and there. And Zoroastrianism, of course. It was not trivial to properly portray them, as we don't have good data for the 14th century. So what we did was some calculations, between sources that tell that there was still a majority as late as the 11th century, and the religion becoming severely reduced by the 16th century. Therefore, we decided to go with 20% of the population as a general rule of thumb; however, we're quite open to feedback over this matter.
Raw Materials:

This region is full of rich resources, in stark contrast to the one we showed last week, Arabia. There are a couple of bugs on this mapmode that you might spot, I think.

This region has several markets: Tabriz, Baghdad, Esfahan, Hormuz, Nishapur, and Zaranj., This will make for regionally fragmented-but-integrated economies (that is, good market access everyhwere, but with regionally diverging economies).

The total population of the region is around 9M, taking into account all the different areas that we’re showing today. That is divided into about 4.5M in Iran, 2M in Iraq, 1.5M in the Caucasus, and around 1.5M in Transoxiana.

And that’s all for today! Next Friday we will be taking a look at India! Yes, in its entirety; we think that it is the best way to do it, although we’ll talk more about it next week. Another change, only for next week: the DD will be published at 10:00 instead of the regular 15:00, as I won’t be available in the afternoon to reply. Letting you know so there’s a proper wow-pole-run, yes. See you!
Finally we get Sassanid larp in eu
You can larp as Arsacids with Cilician dynasty too
Glad they chose 1337 instead of boring 15th century shake up
>Glad they chose 1337 instead of boring 15th century shake up
I do not want to play some medieval LARP. I have CK for that. I want early modern period and game is going to be over when we reach that stage starting in 1337.
Yes I'm mad.
Komnenos, my beloved...
Stop having ADHD and you'd be able to play a hundred years.
>I do not want to play some medieval LARP
Then play eu3 or eu4?
Don't see the reason for seething
Why do you insist on playing through medival times in EU game. I honestly don't get it.
>inland seas
It's not about ADHD. It's about world inevitably turning into five megablobs after 100 years of game time. That means by 1500 AD game will be already over.
And no later start dates means we will be forced to play through late medival over and over again rarely even reaching reformation start.
>through medival times in EU game
I don't see how adding 63 years(compared to eu3 1399 expansion) changes anything
Also nothing in EU name says it should start in 15th century or later
And you still get dynasty larp in those dates anyway? It's not march of the eagles game
Saying 1337 is medieval times is exaggerating. The transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance was not a clean cut in which people and nations automatically changed their vision of the world.
1337 start date is more similar in cultures, religions and political organization to the 1500s than to the 1200s.
>And no later start dates
Make(or rather wait for in your case) mod for it then? You seething on 4channel won't change a thing
>It's about world inevitably turning into five megablobs after 100 years of game time.
That's what the control system is meant to stop, though? The more you expand, the less you get out of the land unless you put in serious effort bringing it under control with roads, ports and other infrastructure that's costly and time consuming to build?
gonna laugh so much when it flops
wonder if johan will finally end it all
billions will buy EU 5
It'll be gsg to end all gsgs that will collapse market and stop gsg production for centuries
where do you get this idea from? the AI doesn't blob that hard until past the end date in EU4, you have to run the game until like the year 2000. therefore, it's your fault for blobbing by using youtuber exploits and metagaming
the HRE will be like this?
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This organization, of course led by an Emperor, has different statuses for countries like secular and religious electors, secular princes, free cities, and imperial prelates. It has laws that impact the organization and its members, the most important at the early game being the Golden Bull, which is a must to get approved in order to further develop the institutions of the Empire.
vgh... gloriovs
Let me guess. Tradcath Polish?
so far the dev diaries looks good
>Saying 1337 is medieval times is exaggerating

"The late Middle Ages or late medieval period was the period of European history lasting from AD 1300 to 1500."

CK is focused on the Early and High Middle Ages, so it's good that EU can depict the Late Middle Ages.
all dev diaries look and sound "good" until the game releases and it's a pile of shit
they are nothing but marketing
Like you said, flavor can be modded, but mechanics need to be carefully implemented in the first place to ever be good.
Has Johan or Pavia mentioned how migratory tribes are going to work? Seems like it would be tricky to get right
The first Indians the Pilgrims met in Massachusetts spoke English already.
The Americas were heavily interconnected. Copper Tools from Michigan were found everywhere from the North East USA, to Northern Mexico. Corn and Mayan crops spread from Mexico all the way to New York.
It was hugely interlinked, like you'd expect of any continent.
Confucianism and Taoisms as Institutions.
Shinto as Province Modifiers.
And there weren't any harsh terrains blocking connections. Appalachian Mountains are the only thing even remotely forbidding.
you know it's gonna be good if this is the only complaint people have unlike with imperator
no not really
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We have reached the limits of chickenmaxxing.
Today the chicken industry is dealing with a huge problem called Woody Chicken, where modern fowl grow so fast and so large, that their muscles shred themselves and the texture is basically inedible. Where the meat looks like wood grain.
It can really only be used to make mince.

Don't buy chicken breasts with white striations or noticeably hard textures, because they're almost guaranteed to have this condition and will be disgusting.
people were saying imperator was going to be shit before it came out with actual reasons they have for it
the most people have to say now is either completely made up (MEDIEVAL GOMMUNISM!!! MOSLEM IMMIGRATION!!!) or nitpicking like
>i don't like the UI
>It'd be like future Historians insisting that the United States should be called "The British Empire".
Russians already do this with their Anglo-Saxonism/Atlanticism.
The first 100 years of MEIOU are railroaded for almost all relevant countries because the politics are all way too interpersonal for the system to handle.
I do not like the trade goods mana.
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>shitty UI
>shitty estates system ported from eu4
>massively increased province density for no reason, by devs who already struggle with optimizing their games
>shitty production method system ported from vic3
>shitty start date that gatekeeps colonization and exploration by 100 years minimum
>shitty combination of "simulationism" and arcadey abstraction at the same time, ensuring that neither side gets what they want
>>shitty UI
its 2024 boomer
>>shitty estates system ported from eu4
>>massively increased province density for no reason, by devs who already struggle with optimizing their games
>>shitty production method system ported from vic3
>>shitty start date that gatekeeps colonization and exploration by 100 years minimum
amerifags on suicide watch, old world chads keep winning
>>shitty combination of "simulationism" and arcadey abstraction at the same time, ensuring that neither side gets what they want
meiou will be glorious
Remember this on the day you gather the courage to end your basement seclusion. Even the scrawniest, most feminine looking soiboi of a man could strangle you like a chicken.
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Victoria 3 had no functional provinces past the state level (they were just visual fluff) and it still struggled with performance, game being unplayable after a few decades because of the pop count
Really wonder how EU5 will play out with such a ridiculous amount of locations and pops in each of them, if I had to guess pops will basically have 0 calculations and will function as renamed development

+20 cents deposited to the village sar
Good to see Paradox making some fruitful marketing investments
This is a really cool effect and I think modders could do fun stuff with it later, too.
>if I had to guess pops will basically have 0 calculations and will function as renamed development
we know of plenty of pop calculations, for example needs, growth, migration, assimilation, conversion, happiness

Victoria 3 just had a horrible architecture that they locked themselves into during early prototyping and didn't have the time/budget to change later in development, it made the game difficult to optimize.
you had me up until you used the DEI buzzword, /pol/tard-kun.
Basically all of these points are subjective rather than objective.
>colonization is an incredibly shitty mechanic featuring staring at the screen and doing nothing for 150+ in-game years
>making EU5 centered around actual gameplay instead is a bad thing
>praying to RGBjesus that your pops do something
>actual gameplay
EU's mechanics best handle the Early Modern Period in Europe, with some ability to deal with the Renaissance, also in Europe.
Before that point, they're just too ungranular to model the politics of the medieval period in Europe or West Asia. Which is to say that even in beginning of EU4 itself, the mechanics are insufficient to handle the politics of the setting. Which is why something like the Burgundian succession is handled with a weird event tree, rather than within standard mechanics - like CK2/3 could model.
Going back more than a century further from the standard EU4 start date is only making this more of an issue.
Vicky 1 by default instantly assimilated anything below 250 people, regardless of your policies, precisely to avoid the kind of shit that's kneecapped Vicky 3, while Vicky 2 kept track of pops per province, not pops per province per their employment, meaning there was SIGNIFICANTLY less data to keep track of (so you just had one Romanian Orthodox craftsman population in given province, rather than 10 different Romanian Orthodox workers, all in 10 different factories). And obviously the first two games followed the logic of "the smaller the group, the easier it is to assimilate it", while Vicky 3 goes in the opposite direction - "the smaller the group, the harder to assimilate it". 100 Native American pops in your state? They will stay there forever. 100k Chinese pops in your state? In a decade, 87k of them will be Yankee Protestants, and the remaining 13k will be reduced to 1k in the next decade.
Bravo, Wiz!
It's not an issue if you've rebuilt the systems to be able to simulate medieval bullshit.
It sure would suck if they didn't do that and instead spent years of dev time scouring through countless YA historical romance fanfictions to determine how many homo negroids were alive in Chaz, Africa in 1337.
Shut the fuck up, Robbie.
How do you fail at lurking so badly in your 2 years of occupation that you think this is something that niggertranny would ever write?
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Because he's literally been writing shit like picrel ever since Project Caesar was announced.
Do I need to repeat myself?
Which is already laughable. There is not a single hour of any day in which the UK is thought of in the US. Nobody cares.
Yeah, why would you need to think about your own vassal state?
Excuse me for assuming you were Robbie for complaining about the same things he complains about.
I was half expecting you to switch characters and suddenly pretend to be Russian.
We're not complaining about the same things at all you dishonest queer. I want a proper apology.
Those “germans” are more present in like Spain and Southern France than medieval to modern Germans. In any case the people of Odovacar and other Goths probably resembled like steppe warriors not Saxons or even Franks.
Colored Wastelands:
>"Uhh, the yogurt brand Chobanids fought with injuns sometimes in the 14th century, also they were the center of humanity and inheritors of Mongol empire."
Ridiculous and made up names for a region of the world with next to none documentation
if the first indians you meet speak english then you weren't the first pilgrims, so no
its 2024 get a new pc grampa
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I think that would be a death sentence for Paradox at this point
>region of the world with next to none documentation
there are many secrets to be learned from the desert scrolls scattered across the wastelands. all you need to do is find them
you underestimate the level of documentation for medieval persia
kill yourself
you're not even being racist in the right way, africa is the place with next to no documentation because all of their written languages were imported from the arabs in contact zones or imposed upon them by colonisation in the 19th century
Middle eastern is a race? Since when?
everyone from morocco to indonesia is part of the brown race
Oh so you're the anti-racist type racist. The kind that thinks race is skin deep.
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Here is a building that can be built in any capital of a monarchy.
I hecking love travian bootlegs.
Kek the doomers have no meaningful criticisms whatsoever.
I think he was just joking about how silly the names sound then decided to turn it into bait partway through
Spot on descendent of Chotto Matte.
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what's that a tree that grows sergeants?
>Mediterranean in Central Asia

hi Robbie whats up dawg
>subhuman Slavic English
>subhuman boring Slavic opinions
Why are they like this?
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Nah, all of those are latinx in denial
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Mediterranean is a colloquial term for Csa, Csb and Csc climate zones
Huh, always west coast.
The pilgrims weren't the first brits in America.
Thanks for the info
>Caucasus pagan religions
Is this the first Paradox game to acknowledge it? Aside from Imperator Rome lumping the whole region under one religion.
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Did all of (You) do your daily prayer for our king today?
the father of /vst/
P-please O great one, my knees... I've been kneeling for the last 6 months... may I have a respite?
consider how many fincel prostates this man has plapped
I knvvl...
I...didn't laugh 4 times
is the diversity and inclusion supposed to be them including africa...?
"tribal" designation in eu5 is mostly limited to describe cumskins
outside of these subhumans the term "tribal" is rarely used outside europe, as it would not be appropriate for these advanced civilizations

remember, whites only just barely started to catch up to their non-european betters in the 18th century
before that europe was just a fundamentalist dystopia plagued by famine and disease according to swede historians

oh did i say "eu5"?
i almost forgot, "europa" will be abandoned as a naming convention, hence why they have delayed the namedrop for so long
with ck3 they messed up by revealing too soon that "deus vult" would be abandoned, leading to backlash that forced them to backtrack
this time they will reveal it at the last minute

don't like it? too bad, you lost

my queen jotran...
she's so hecking cute and valid
...strategy games?
Incurable mental illness.
>tribes and tribal affiliation are not a thing cuz racism
Single digit IQ retard
(the redditor that jewhan answers to I havent read your garbage post)
but he also said that tribe pops will be used for shit like steppe nomads and "societies of pops"
you're seething over something you've invented in your head, yet again
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oh, looks like jotran is doubling down on his vomit-tinted map design from imperator (paradox's worst release)
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Wokefag btfo.
an unironic WE post
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damn johan put his home on the map
>game is set in the early modern age
>code name is Caesar
You can tell how shit it will be just from that
>Sultanate of Chobanids *
got a chuckle from me
We are just making up words now?
Please tell me they will change those bulky ass borders, reminds me of fucking CK3
Imperator Rome is good.
Asians are human so not an argument.
>codename Caesar
>they shit on the only Caesar during the times
Neo-nazi niggas will say this shit before gooning to hentai
Johan has talked up the Holy Roman Empire as well as the future Qaysar-i-Rum however?
Okay, Voltaire.
you heard me
oooh asians are subhuman proceeds to use smug anime girls as pseudo-avatars on 4chan and actual avatars on shithole normie social media sites when they aren't using marble statues
I want to play this game.
read the first dev diary
> Project Caesar? Yeah.. At PDS, which Tinto is a "child" of, we tend to use roman emperor/leader names for our games. Augustus was Stellaris, Titus was CK3, Sulla was Imperator, Nero was Runemaster, Caligula was V3 etc.. We even named our internal "empty project for clausewitz & jomini", that we base every new game on Marius.
HRE was a shit empire but it was useful for containing G*rman autism and barbarianism
Its dissolution has been a disaster for Europe
>In any case the people of Odovacar and other Goths probably resembled like steppe warriors not Saxons or even Franks.
That's stupid.
>>Asians are human
>Augustus was Stellaris
An absolute classic who defined what it meant to be a space civ/roman leader
>Titus was CK3
A well liked successor to a beloved old classic, sadly died young
>Sulla was Imperator
Came to power through forcing an old man out, became rome's first dictator for life, reorganised everything about the government then peacefully retired, much like arheo
>Nero was Runemaster
wtf is a runemaster
>Caligula was V3
A complete disaster hated by everyone, only lasted 4 years

bros these project names are spookily predictive...
>project Caesar is going to be killed, but pave the way for a Paradox golden age in its death
no way
>game is named Caesar
>produced by a old balding veteran who was robbed by pirates, respected by the people but feared by the higher-ups
>too effective and popular to simply get rid of, he was sent away from the center of power into the western provinces, raised a legion of his own men to make good on his ambition
eu5 is going to be kino, he will celebrate his 4 triumphs
How do I stop my hype for this game from growing too large only to be disappointed when it releases?
I really love the high accurate pop rendering, minority cultures and general attention to detail they have shown so far.
You will grow bored until new DLC releases.
It's just not possible
The excitement will just keep growing and accumulating, creating a most familiar pressure deep within your belly
Just make sure to bring extra changes of pants and underwear when outside, in preparation of potential accidents!
Before the game releases, play some games of Vic3 and CK3 to remind yourself how bad it could be. Then it'll look better by comparison.
I actually like CK3, although I play it with a few Flavour Mods that make the game feel less samey. Still not as good of a game (in a purely gameplay sense) as CK2, but the Visual Improvements, better UI and some of the new features (more religions, cultural tenets, hybrids, travel etc) are pretty fun. In the end its just a bit of wasted potential compared to what it could have been.
Cultural artefacts become part of a culture war. I didn't make the rules.
It might actually supplant CK3 as the most stable and feature complete sequel Paradox has made so far. V3 doesn't count, because it's basically a different game.

And then you will remember that that is most likely due to EU4 being mostly reworks upon reworks. Most of the event flavour will be missing.
It's sad all of this promise will be ruined by having to pander to nuparadox fanbase with mission trees and the retarded meiou startdate.
And retarded attention to historical detail that does nothing to make the game actually better. Literally who cares about 37th Kutdish tribe in eastern Anatolia.
it's called sovl, zoomie
Gothic and Sciri noble warrior class were beholden to the Huns for several generations by the 5th century. There is significant evidence of Goths practicing Hunnic skull elongation where they were dominated. They just weren't homogeneous with the Franks, Saxons, and Bavarians that would later be recognizable as Germans.
>Johan thinks that 1337 start date is better
>Meiou autists think that start date is better
>Majority of paradrones on forum don't care and consider "levy to professional" mechanics to be fun addition
Oh but not our special boy anon!
>It's ogre for eu5
>We will literally never have grobgermaniums and ottoblobs by ai at this rate...
EU4 included most of the flavour events from EU3 ported over on release, don't see why they wouldn't do the same for EU5.
>and the retarded meiou startdate.
Put this at the start of your posts so people can immediately know to discard what you say.
>Doomfags are unironically asking for less historical detail.
caesar died 100 years after romes golden age, retard
>t. Seething Catocel
This is the mindset that got us Victoria 3. The game where provinces aren't provinces and goods are buy and sell orders. They unironically want the game cut down because they can't fathom that a sequel might actually improve on the previous game instead of cutting everything to the bare minimum.
Based. The Empire is what ultimately brought Roman civilization to its doom.

LOL, the slave trade began because African kings offered them as the good exchanged for their gunpowder and arms.

Also, if the disease mechanic is actually added and implemented on the America Indians, my gosh, that will make Indians one heck of a task to play.
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Alright, I'll say it. As a permanent Culture War Brain Rot Warrior, that's insane.

Dude. Seriously? What does this have to do with Gender Identity Disorder?
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> EU3 laid the foundation
> EU4 praise
> HOIsissies
> TNO roast

I kneel. I like TNO's visual novels and I still kneel.
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"Palestine" IS Jewish property.

> Eastern Roman Empire = Minor Ottoman road block

I mean, after the Fourth Crusade, it was closed even after the brief reunification. Case in point: cannons.

> Venetian property

Some of the last Byzantines LITERALLY sold the Eastern Roman Crown Jewels to buy such wow amounts ships from Le Doge to win a CIVIL WAR.

It's not racist. It's true.


"Stellaris" was ruined when you couldn't have hundreds of Pops on one planet.

I mean, to their credit, you can't call a Frenchman a "frog" or say "honkey" and "cracker".

The Woke-tard one was removing "Deus Vult", not "kebab".

Didn't Morea outlast Byzantium?

Two different languages, two different nations.

If non-Russians control it, "Kyiv" (its local Ruthenian/Ukranian name) would make sense.

If Russians control it, "Kiev" would be correct (as they called themselves KIEVan Rus). This is EU4: dynamic province names exist.

Learn your history.

> Chicken Maxxing

I literally laughed out loud.
How much would Stellaris be improved if it had a pop system like Vic2/EU5?


Ladies and gentlemen, here is why POL is a containment board.
How powerful will the Mamluks be? Looks like they might just blob in every game unless they are nerfed.
So I should hate EU5 because:
>Too much detail, not enough like the timeless classic Vic3
>Wokeshit that exists only in anonymous speculation and poltrannies heads
>start date a little early
If these are all the problems it sounds like it will be kino

Of course it is. EVERY part of AFRICA was always Bronze Age Kongolese retardation, capped by geography and such.

NO Sub-Saharan African nation ever existed that wasn't ooga-booga in mud huts, no sir.

> Mali
> Ghana
> Ashanti
> Slaver maniacs like Dahomey
> Twenty-Fifth Dynasty of Egypt (literally WE WUZ KANGS that actually happened instead of ruining House Ptolemy)

Not all of these were necessarily in the EU4 era, but they existed for a long time.

Africa sucking today, and much of Africa being savage, does not mean ALL of Africa was that bad.

A game focusing on the entire earth is not "DEI slop" when it adds cultures that aren't yours.
>Of course it is. EVERY part of AFRICA was always Bronze Age Kongolese retardation, capped by geography and such.
>NO Sub-Saharan African nation ever existed that wasn't ooga-booga in mud huts, no sir.
Lets play Schizo or ESLmonkey

Not every African society was the Kongo. Learn basic history.

There are civilized and savage cultures. Civilized sub-Saharan African cultures are like Nubia (pre-Islam) or Ethiopia (pre-USSR rape).

Slavers are savages, but Dahomey (for instance) was loaded and it took direct attacks, with huge armies, to cuck them.

Also, it's a video game. If you can't take an African crap hole and make it based, in a game where Africa is playable, you are not making a sensible game.

Also, if you want to talk about "DEI slop", scroll up and see that disgusting racism made against the word" tribe" and how "LOL most of the tribesmen are in hecking Europe tee hee" TOTALLY ISN'T BLATANT RACISM.

Adding cultures and societies in Africa to reflect historical accuracy is based.
>Learn basic history
Considering nobody from your super heckin based civilizations didn't write anything down, people kind of are applying basic history. You can say some of these cultures are interesting and should warrant some interesting gameplay, but most of their achievements are modern white historians digging up a hunk of metal and applying mental gymnastics to hype up brown people. Roads, schools, medicine, extensive agriculture, scientific understanding, industry, basically anything we apply to civilization didn't exist in sub Saharan societies. The absolute apex of shit you're romanticizing is some rich ancap slavers, a mud fort that was potentially built by the French, and some pot iron tools.
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Welcome everyone to another Tinto Talks, the Happy Wednesday where we inform you about how things will work in our super secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

In today's Tinto Talks we will delve into a few different and not entirely related topics, but they are important for what we need to talk about as they will be referenced a fair bit in future Tinto Talks.
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Prosperity & Devastation
In Project Caesar this is a single value in a location ranging from -100% to +100%, where positive is prosperity and negative is devastation.

Prosperity represents how prosperous and resourceful a location is. A prosperous location increases development over time. Prosperity will slowly rise, unless different negative circumstances reduce it. If it goes negative it will cause devastation.

There is no direct way for the player to increase prosperity, but having a peaceful country will have it increase slowly over time.

‘Market Fairs’ is a nice privilege to give.
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Devastation represents how ravaged a location is. It includes burnt-down farms and abandoned villages, and the biggest sources of devastation are blockades and occupation.

It has a rather huge impact on a location over time, reducing how much food and raw materials it produces and the population over time.

If you have high devastation in any location in a province, the Age of Renaissance has an advance that enables a cabinet action, where you can focus on recovering devastation in a province, until it has recovered fully.

Ideally, you do not want any sort of war or conflict happening on your own lands.

Not ideal, let's end this war asap…
One concept that has been in many of our previous GSGs is development. It has been used for various things, but in Project Caesar development represents how cultivated the land is, and how much it is used by the pops living there. The higher the development, the more people can live there, and the more it can be exploited.

As mentioned in earlier Tinto Talks, this is a value that the player mostly only has indirect control over, but you can have your cabinet working on improving development in an entire province at once.

Development helps a fair bit in improving the quality of a location, but all of these values here are still constantly being balanced.

The Woods probably has some other advantage…
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We have had roads in many of our former games, and this game will also have roads. In Project Caesar this includes one of the most in-depth systems of roads we have ever made. A road is basically a connection between two land locations that reduces the proximity calculations from 40 down to 20. Most settled nations start with the capacity to build gravel roads, but there are three advances in later ages that will introduce new types of roads that can be built. Those roads will reduce proximity further, and increase movement speed for armies.

Now this may sound like it could be a lot of micromanagement if we had used the ways railroads were built in Victoria 2, or how roads were built in Imperator, but we have a few easier ways to build or upgrade road networks.

Here we have Kalmar selected and we are looking at building a road to Idre, which technically is in Norway at the start of the game. You can always build a road INTO the location of any country that has a positive opinion of you, so road networks can and will be connected for trade.

* The green locations are locations you can afford to build a road from Kalmar to at the moment.
* Striped locations are locations with a road network.
* The white-outlined locations are the proposed path for the road between Kalmar and Idre.

Road building is one of the most important and fun parts of the control-growing gameplay loop.
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Piracy & Privateers
To clarify here, a privateer is a pirate sponsored by a specific country. The ability to sponsor privateers has several different ways to unlock. First of all, every nation has access to an advance in the Age of Absolutism called Letter of Marque that reduces the cost for privateers while also making them sturdier. There are also unique advances in the Age of Discovery for some countries that allow them to hire privateers, while if you pick the Diplomatic Focus in the Age of Renaissance you have the possibility to recruit privateers that early.

Sponsoring a Privateer can be done in an area, and cost about 250 sailors per privateer, and 10 sailors each month they are active. A pirate/privateer in an area, depending on its current strength, can reduce the maritime presence of all non-friendly countries in all sea zones in that area. This hurts relations and will give them a way to get a casus belli on you though.

So how do you fight privateers? Well, you have a fleet of ships in any location in that sea area, and they will actively reduce the capacity of those pirates. Galleys are a bit better than heavy ships at hunting pirates, but light ships are by far the best at dealing with pirates, where a single light ship is about ten times as effective as a heavy ship at the start of the game.

You need sailors for your privateers, or they disappear..
There is a situation in the later half of the 16th century where piracy will start to grow in certain areas of the map. Pirates also have a chance to spawn from locations with pirate covens. These are buildings that peasants will build in coastal locations where control is very low.

This privilege when granted to the Burghers will help your privateers be more cost effective…

Stay tuned, as next week we will focus on Conquest, Integration and Casus Belli’s.
oh no bros they did it AGAIN hahhahahahhaha
This sounds like CK3's development, no? I rather like how it works, even if in CK3 you couldn't directly improve it. If it has the 'neighboring high-dev provinces spread to nearby ones' mechanic, then that would lead to development gradually increasing throughout the game. Looks fun.
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That's a great map right there.
>Considering nobody from your super heckin based civilizations didn't write anything down
They did.
>You can say some of these cultures are interesting and should warrant some interesting gameplay, but most of their achievements are modern white historians digging up a hunk of metal and applying mental gymnastics to hype up brown people.
This is how archaeology works everywhere, you only assume it's invalid when it's Africa for some reason.
>Roads, schools, medicine, extensive agriculture, scientific understanding, industry, basically anything we apply to civilization didn't exist in sub Saharan societies.
Other than science and medicine (which also didn't exist even in Europe for half of the game's timespan) literally all of these existed in sub-Saharan Africa. You don't know what you're talking about.
>Could not afford 10
Its over vikang bros...
I'm fairly sure the idea is that "Tribesmen" as a pop will mostly be used to portray tribal peoples living within/underneath an otherwise settled society. Cumans, Turcomans, Cossacks etc. While for states with the "Tribal" government the division between, peasants, nobles etc. will make more sense. Fingers crossed, if a steppe country gets conquered by a settled one(say, Russia conquers a Horde) the pops there become unruly Tribesmen? I might be misinterpreting the point.
China is a bit absurd though. Yes, the big green blob from Beijing to the Yangtze is accurate IMO. But having Yunnan, Guanzhong, and the far south be as developed as France or Egypt is absurd. Steaming, rugged jungles are not as developed as rolling fields. I really can't see why for example Gansu would be yellow dev while nearby Taklamakan cities are near black. They seem to be in general making it so regions within a country are in the same sort of ballpark of development when there ought to be way more disparity.
are you sure the map is not just pop density?
Vic 3 sisters (male) based Johan keeps dabbing on us...
my knees are sinking into the floor...
Lmao, I'm a dumbass, I meant to post this...
Imagine being so bad at making vidya games you have to draw vic3 provinces the size of provinces in EU2 just so the game doesn't shit the bed with lag
and then some boomer with a bunch of brand new devs in another country mogs you with provinces measured in pixels and road connections individually tracked between each one
okay pipe down
The Aztecs and Incas prove that humans can somehow figure out how to make civilization work without inventing written language.
Wiz was based 20 years ago when he was doing mega campaign Let's Plays in the Something Awful forums back when we still only had CK1 and Vicky 1.
He also made a mod that almost made EU: Rome playable.
As a professional developer he's never been impressive.
He has made impressive contributions to several games and is a competent coder, but Project Lead/Game Director is probably not the right role for him, he's not good enough at planning ahead.
Aztecs had written language.
Ah yes
>You can always build a road INTO the location of any country that has a positive opinion of you
sounds exploitable
>befriend vast landmass empire
>build invasion lanes
>betray vast landmass empire
Rome, is that you?
The map looks so much better with thinner borders and more solid colors.
A good plan isn't an exploit, jackass.
looks dumb
if this is an alphabet then the stick man cave paintings might as well be one too
It very clearly not an alphabet, you braindead retard.
whats the letters at the top and left mean then
Johan confirmed it is development map mode.
You should be able to figure it out by yourself, but if you can't you should look up the definitions of "alphabet", "syllabary" and "written language".
Syllabary is just another kind of Alphabet.
>Completely different thing is the same thing!!
>it doesn't count as writing because it's not abstract squiggles
It's a symbolic medium for storing and conveying information through language, that's writing. By your logic hieroglyphics weren't writing.
>Nu tinto maps out
>Nobody is posting about it on vst
It's so over for Johan sisters...

New Tinto Maps
Not our fault johan can't keep to a consistent schedule
Where's the paid shill reposting it all?
noone cares about Bharat sar
You're trying way too hard.
It seems like they are going full larp on nation names and peovince names not just province names like Eu4. You can have Byzantium be called “Basilea Romanion” per example.
I’m starting a degree in programing and videogame design in like 10 days and at some point during it there’s an internship in local companies and I live kinda near Paradox Tinto, should I apply there if I get the chance?
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>I’m starting a degree in programing and videogame design in like 10 days
>which also didn't exist even in Europe for half of the game's timespan
Bait or you're a chang or pajeet.
>my based negroes totally had elaborate schools and medicine and road networks that weren't made by Arabs
Until unwashed whitey showed up with his barbarian clubs and stole it all away, right?

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