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We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /ck3g/?
> be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread
discords linked on 4chan are full of shitposters and not to be trusted? say it ain’t so!
Does the Seljuk invasion ever succeed? Byz feels stronger than I was thinking it would be.
Don't think I've seen it yet, and more often than not the Seljuks seem to spontaneously blow up because of dissolve factions.
Go back to /gsg/.
Currently playing as an orthodox Oghuz adventurer, doing mainly merc work. Year is around 950. Should i settle in Egypt or Sri Lanka? Will it be hard to stay as an orthodox in India?
Generals are now allowed now. The jannies have decided.
just got 3k gold for the mercenary contract in italy
Administration is boring because you have to keep doing the same schemes over and over again and the ui sucks
when I'm playing as a Christian in india I usually end up converting to Nestorian, there's a holy site and it makes some historical sense
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right... i don't even have the gamerule on and theres a lesbian marriage where one of them is heterosexual
I've played 50 years as a greek vassal and I don't see the fun in this administrative shit. Most of your time is just navigating through the shitty menus to do a shitty scheme while the empire starts imploding because everyone is scheming against each other
I played a little bit as the emperor but I don't really understand it, it looks like you can revoke shit and depose governors with no relations penalty, I ended up with a bunch of mad landless noble houses but who knows what they can do
communist indoctrination
It's pretty silly. Because you're not constantly wasting your influence on stupid shit like the AI you can just save yours up and use it on out bidding other families for a governorship. Was able to have brothers and nephews appointed easily by just looking for old/dying governors and out bidding the competition. Burned more influence to become Co-Emperor and more still to become Emperors heir. Also the estate building for the private study is broken, build it and you can educate anyone to be a maxed out strategos. I had to stop for work but I am hoping that keeping the position of Emperor is going to be tricky at least. Managing powerful families and Theme focuses might be cool.
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They have still not fixed this bug
I still don't know when to use promote culture or when to use promote cultural acceptance. What should i use when i play as a foreign invader? (e.g vikings in africa)
I did a run as an adventurer and was able to get my kids governing themes and catepanates in one life because of influence
Do you want to become afro-norse or turn everyone white?
Cultural acceptance is making sure you're on friendly terms with the other culture. Good if you want to make a hybrid culture.
Promote culture is forcing them adopt your culture.
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>Finally inherit Rome after previous emperor does everything in his power to fuck it up
>The events leading up to my assassination of the previous emperor caused me to go into debt
>It costs 5k influence mana and 5k piety mana to make the empire officially christian again
>Half of the vassals are muslims and half of asian minor has been converted to islam
What a cool little challenge
Just got a bunch of new money. Is the Roads To Power DLC worth playing?
why is your character black
She is tanned, like most greeks
depends, do you like being a landless adventurer or the byzantines? Then yes.
This expansion really shines a light on how shitty mending the schism is. We'd need more complex mechanics to make it really work but having it be like
>Yeah everyone gets a chance to convert also the pope is angry and will declare crusades on you now
Is just dumb. A system where there can be several "branches" of the same religion, and then you can move, for example, catholicism and all its "branches" under Orthodox would probably be the best system. It would also fix the horribly buggy Rite tenet
mods to make Greeks white?
Is AGOT interesting at all like mechanics wise if I don't know the lore/characters?
not really
If you make a hybrid culture with Norse or any other European culture with a non European culture it leads to the ethnicity being 90% European anyway as seen here >>1864136
You can literally see that OP bred started with Daura and inherited the byzantine empire after mixing with a greek family
Why are there STILL not mods that make Wasteland provinces stay uncolored? It was a game rule in CK2
Anon it's only been like 4 days since you last complained about this.
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Should I change my dynasty name from "Väse" to "de Väse" to further accent the transformation to French?
What of it?
Is Vase an actual place?
Adding de doesn't make much sense unless you also transcribe the pronunciation of the name to whatever flavor of French you're supposed to be speaking
Also I just realized it do CK3 dynasties even have those kinds of prefixes? It uses "Normandie" and "Este" instead of "de Normandie" and "D'Este" doesn't it?
de just means "of," while typically referring to a physical location I think it still works as just a family name. Plus it sounds nice.
>Is Vase an actual place?
No, I started as a Norseman in Western Sweden. I thought the dynasty sounded vaguely French and resembled a cross. I had a post about a number of dynasties I had been looking at for this campaign.
>Also I just realized it do CK3 dynasties even have those kinds of prefixes?
Interestingly, it says de Normandie in the launch screen but just Normandie in-game
Yes it has like of de av af von etc.
>Had a bunch of kids
>Saved up tons of influence
>Got really old
>Spend it all investing in my kids and demanding other Byz vassals to surrender their appointment
>Get assassinated
>My family is now the most powerful family in the Empire
I wish coming up with a dynasty name was easy.
For me it's
>of [capital]
What do I call my Italian-Greek culture?
Italo-Greek sounds uninspired, Roman sounds a little pretentious, I thought about Latino-Greek but that makes it sound like they're spics
>Doil Vulgar
>Iberian Vulgar
>Italian Vulgar
Are those all historically accurate as court languages? I thought nobles were all smart and spoke Latin back then
Norman, make the dream of Boemund real
it's vulgar latin
but yeah, court languages are retarded
Yes, Latin was a court language in all of catholic europe. Vulgar literally means the language of the commons. And even there you had actual Vulgar Latin. National languages were not a big thing until the late middle ages.
But PDX is dumb.
Didn't they just write in Latin?
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I've got 12k prestige to dump on artifact claims, which one should I go for next?
Hi! Generals are now allowed on /vst/
Please avoiding using racism outside of /b/, because *that* is something the janitor will clean up.
Why the FUCK doesn’t alp arslan start with the conqueror trait? Him, the almoravids and ghaznavids should all start with it. But maybe because the AI is retarded and the seljuks will just ignore Byzantium as they always do, and just invade Africa or some shit
Magna graecian
# Commented out for the mo due to issues with the Learn Language scheme & secondary languages.
#holder = {
#set_court_language = language_latin # Ceremonial, Liturgic, and Administrative language
#if = {
#limit = { NOT = { knows_court_language_of = this } }
#learn_court_language_of = this
Bravo, Paradox
It’s court language not national language dumb nigger. Like how to Turks in iran spoke Persian, and the Norman’s in England spoke French?

It’s a good and historical addition to the game.
Griko, like history
I should have specified I'm Northern Italian not sicilian, I rule over the Latin Empire, although I'm itching to conquer Sicily since they stole parts of Greece during the 4th crusade
The new cabinet of curiosities upgrade now finally gives me something to do with all the random illustrious "x of Muhammed" artifacts I end up stealing. There were times I considered using the console to temporarily add aniconism so I could break them but now I can throw them in my manor and they disappear forever.
Then name the hybrid Roman. Sounds like that's what you would be larping as based on what you've been doing.
>Generals are now allowed on /vst/
>racism outside of /b/
Unironically kill yourself faggot
the janny is a /gsg/ plant, unironically
that must be the reason people like robbie, that weird unironic azov poster and other retards are allowed to post without getting banned
You're right actually, and I should rename the empire too
>The term "Latin Empire" was not contemporary, and was first used by historians in the 16th century to distinguish the Crusader state from the classical Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, all of which called themselves "Roman".
... but I can't name it "Roman" because that name is already taken by the real Roman culture, I'll probably use the greek word for it
Can't you do whatever reform revives the real Roman culture? Also I can't remember what it was but CK2 HIP had some sort of "historically accurate" name for the Latin Empire, but I cannot remember what it is off the top of my head.
Court Language is the only thing that matters to the game, because you play as the nobility, not as the commoner.
So making court languages national languages instead of Latin, as the Royal Court does, is still retarded.
Either do what >>1864493 said, or call it Ostrogothic and do the Theoderich larp.
>Court Language is the only thing that matters to the game
That one cultural names mod (when its updated) bases realm name on the language group. Not super relevant, but its something.
>Can't you do whatever reform revives the real Roman culture?
Is that a decision? I can't find it in the game files
Dunno, I assumed as much since there is a Men at Arms for them. In CK2 it was tied to reforming the Roman Empire.
It was only possible to restore that culture via custom ruler before current dlc
I didn't check it yet but i assume they still didn't change anything as roman traditions look lackluster compared to greek ones
Nobles didn’t speak Latin, where are you getting this from? In the Byzantine empire they spoke Greek, in England and France French, in the HRE german, in the seljuk states Persian, etc etc It is court languages NOT national languages nigga

Unrelated, but why would Italian and Greek make ostorogthic. You’re just an80 iq retard all around.
Maybe Aegean or Adriatic if you're aiming to return to the boot?
What are some historical houses that end up landless by 867/1066?
How do you fix the bug where the game still thinks you're offering military assistance as an adventurer when you aren't?
Are there any descendants of Roman emperors or important Roman people alive in 867?
I miss times when bollywood was on top. White chicks cosplaying in saris was both hilarious and hot
Acceptance = hybrid material
That's literally the only use of it. The other being some big tricky shit when you are yourself a divergent culture and want to keep all that high dev and rushed innovations for yourself, while staying chummy with the "foreign" culture you splintered off from
>What is the Byzantine Empire, the focal point of the most recent patch and DLC
You are one big fucking idiot
That would be Griko.
Like, people with Roman culture. I want to play as an old dynasty. I suppose I could do that Cornish one, but that's no fun.
Aren't there Merovingians around somewhere? Plus there were a bunch of oc donut steels the devs put in random courts of 1066
>Aren't there Merovingians around somewhere?
No they're extinct. Also they're not Roman.
>Extinct culture is extinct
>How do I play as a member?
I've got to ask - which country has such terrible education system that you both know what Romans were and can't grasp the concept that they are gone by 9th century - for good.
I FUCKING KNOW IT'S EXTINCT. I'm wondering if there are any descendants of important Romans alive.
No, but like every noble in Europe claimed descent.
To be fair there are some extinct cultures in game that still have people kicking around as a minority. Like Visigoths weren’t compelled gone by 867, so playing. A visigothic adventurer makes sense even if there are no characters or cultures of that culture. Obviously Roman is a huge no tho lol
The merovingians were based. Descendants from Jesus and a sea monster, and created the kingdom of france as a permanent thing
>The dynasty's ethnic origin is unknown, and has been a subject of debate. During Basil's reign, an elaborate genealogy was produced that purported that his ancestors were not mere peasants, as everyone believed, but descendants of the Arsacid (Arshakuni) kings of Armenia, Alexander the Great and also of Constantine the Great.

I guess the Macedonian dynasty is as good as any then.

Does anyone know which family has the longest geneology? I always liked playing as the Bavandids (Sassanid descendants) for that reason.
The house of Wessex claims to be descended from Odin.
That’s just cope and larp though
I know, but no one else seems to have a cool genealogy. I'm upgrading my pc soon and when I do I'd like to do a full world conquest as the Roman empire. I'd like to play as a cool family to do that.
They and all Norse dynasty’s probably are, I like that esoteric historian thor something who proposed that Odin was a Scythian Cheiftain who migrated to Scandinavia and founded most of those dynasties and countries and was later mythologized and worshipped as a god,
Your post just reminded me of something I’m excited to do. In ck2 WTWSMS (fallen eagle but ck2) there is a member of house Seleucid still alive but he’s a landless courtier.

Would be cool as fuck to restore the Seleucid empire as an adventurer when it gets updated. (Assuming he is in fallen eagle too)
I'm pretty sure all pagan rulers claimed to be descended from the gods.
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>pour through 500 characters to find artifacts worth stealing
>90% of them are in India and Tibet
I'm pretty sure the Bavandid guy starts out with that sword.
Blavatsky DLC confirmed
Is WTWSMS for CK3 not popular? I never hear it being talked about
I had so much fun with the CK2 version
Really the best artifacts come from legendary hunts. I've only ever gotten one though and it was in Switzerland of all places.
Yeah I found another in Central Asia I think but its also out of range for me for now.
The wall pelts? They're good, but there are other artifact categories which can be more impactful.
I got three artifacts from one legendary hunt. One of them (boar skull) gave +1 domain limit which is the most important thing I look for in artifacts. But I also got an illustrious boar skull from a hunt that gave +1 domain limit from a regular hunt just the other day. Maybe look for boar skulls.
I don't think I've ever seen +domain on hunt artifacts before
Like I said, I've only seen it twice. But it's my favorite thing. If I can't completely control my two duchies it triggers my autism. I've also seen +domain limit on thrones.
I just found one now. Most are + vassal limit though or neither which are trash.
It's driving me crazy that there are so many of these +3dip +3 learning maps, Sassanian Swords, and more but they're all in fucking India.
>waaah all the good shit is in India and not my snownigger hovel in Bjørngydorkland
Just like real life white boi
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Define "important Romans", you dumb fucking moron. The answer is obviously "no", but it doesn't make your stupidity any less entertaining
Can you become a noble house and get an estate if you are a non-greek vassal?
Yes, if you adopt admin. Though I think it's harder for non-Greeks to be voted emperor.
The point hit you right in the middle of the forehead, bored clean through it, went through the empty cave that's your skull and fly the other side, and you didn't even notce
>According to Edward Gibbon, the family originated from the Roman Attii family, which migrated from Rome to Este[11] to defend Italy against the Ostrogoths.
Dumb blobber
Seethe more, Rajesh
That's one de jure Empire and two Great Holy Wars
Yeah so stop being an uncultured swine and give persia and Egypt to dynasty members and set them loose
Most of that is Bolochistan which is rightfully mine
According to what, chud
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I looked all around the map, through the entire list of Roman Emperors and this was the only living family I could find with Roman descendants. Unfortunately they are Welsh and do not have access to the "become an adventurer decision, and it just feels like a weird way to start a Roman run. There was no one I could find that was descended from a Hellenic pagan.

One weird thing I noticed was that almost all the people with really long genealogies were in Britain and Ireland.
>mfw Wales is fifth Rome
Actually I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be this guy
I assumed it was some random Roman governor. Evidently there are all sorts of Welsh legends about this guy.

Looks like I'll have to boot the game up and check again. See you guys in an hour, because my computer is shit.
>random relative I forgot existed dies
>"You can inherit a legend"
>throw some money and prestige at it
>get a free CB to vassalize everyone around me no matter the size
This feels really stupid, now I understand why people don't like the legends DLC
The only thing I like about legends are the Legendary watchtowers and the fact that it allows you to pick up the Latin language.
Who was that Welsh Prince that allegedly went to America? He could be a funny adventurer.
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We have inherited Egypt from our Brother. We have ended their unique Norse succession practices, and will hand away the Kingdom prior to our death. We currently inhabit 5 Kingdoms and have four sons to leave them to.
My computer is good and ck3 takes legit 20 minutes to boot up, not a single other game on the planet does this
>playing exiled descendants of harold godwinson
>become catholic caliphate of the muwalladis because some random muslim pawned it off to me in return for me giving 500 men to his revolt
doesn't this mean you could become pope if your patron agrees to give the papacy title to you in return for your support?
Everyone that says this is on a potato
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>Patriarch took over the Empire
Well my investigation yielded no results. Magnus Maximus was emperor of the Western Roman Empire, which doesn't show up in the titles search bar, even though I'm pretty sure you can make it with the "cleave the empire" decision. I think I'll just go with Basil I, I want to take Rome as soon as possible because the Pope loves to fill it up with temples.
What kind of processor do you have?
How exactly? Do you mean the "I'll give you a title to fuck off" event? I don't think it would work for the pope because it's king-tier but becoming Caliph sounds hilarious
Affydd Goddodd
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>How exactly? Do you mean the "I'll give you a title to fuck off" event?
It's this event, I won the war and got the title but the game crashed when I inherited New England (that crimean kingdom, it was renamed after i set my brother up there after a crusade) and I can't load the save anymore.
Looking at the files, kingdoms titles are disallowed and you're guaranteed a duchy if you have high prestige level, so if you keep targeting caliphs it should be possible to get it consistently.
I have no ulterior motives or horse in the race
I7 9700k

Idk that much about computers but I know it’s fairly newish and no other game takes more then 1 second to boot up
Isn't that the planned obsolescence intel generation that was melting?
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People were saying that ck3 is really heavy on L3 cache for some reason. Looks like that model doesn't have enough. But I'm one to talk I have an old ass computer. It was pretty good in 2018.

Also do you have an ssd or a hard drive?
>Roman sounds a little pretentious,
so call it Greco-Roman which is the IRL term used even today.
Greco Roman. For my Roman play through I'm planning on diverging greek one I complete the "heirs of Rome" legend so I can pick up the Latin language, and I'm going with Greco Roman for the name.
I really don't like that Thrace and Latium (the duchy with Rome) have special duchy buildings. It means that I can't put the burial grounds in them and I'm worried my development is going to tank once I start the Roman hard mode.

Also the Haggai Sophia is only usable to Christians and Muslims. So it will be a useless building slot one I convert to Hellenism. I wish I could turn it into a temple or something.
I hope not, I’ve had it since like 2019 and all is good so far
It’s on my hard drive not SSD
People say the Ryzen 7 5700X3D can handle ck3 and other paradox games no problem. I'm hoping to pick one up soon.
bit of a queer sport, no?
That sounds interesting but I just checked my save and the queen of navarra already used up the roman legend, the legend mechanic is so unbelievably terrible lol
What area and what time period in game would be best for a beautiful eugenics fuckfest? Catholicism is a bit suffocating with monogamy.
Yeah that's what I'm worried about. I'm starting in 867 so all the feudal rulers are pretty poor, so that will give me time hopefully. I'd prefer to wait until all of Latium is Greek and I have enough prestige to plug in garden architects.
How the hell do Clans work? Apparently it's an islamic thing, but I went to reform out of tribal as wildlings in AGoT and was pissed off when I was still a shitty clan with shitty partition inheritance and seemingly no path to civilizing.
>playing agot mod
>82 start as a duke
>marry targaryen princess and get a female dragon
>4 eggs
>only 2 hatch
>minor plague spawns ontop of me and manages to snipe both dragonrider children out of the 9

Fate is so cruel,
Probably Zoroastrian. You just need one male with two traits and one female with the same good traits since CK3 automatically passes the trait on if both parents have it unlike CK2.
Then in a couple generations you'll stop being inbred and will get a different trait for being pure.
I like when i get landed and my liege decides he wants to revoke my title.
The game doesn’t even slow down for me in late game, it runs beautifully, it’s just that to boot it up it takes fucking forever.
Clans are stuck clans forever unless you culture convert, but you can still get primogeniture as a clan, I’m pretttttty sure.
>get new dlc because I've seen everyone say it's good
>see how complicated playing in an administrative government is
>refund it immediately
I can't handle that mental strain right now. I just want to relax.
Just watch a 10 minute YouTube video and it’s easy. You have a lot of options but it’s not complicated in the slightest, only appears so at first glance.
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I have five Kingdoms, and five sons to inherit them. The Kingdoms are: Normandy, England, Wales, Scotland, and Egypt.
Who should get what? Obviously Baldwin is primary heir and will get Normandy. I have to live with that. But what about the rest? I was Egypt should go to Alexander, England to Roger, Wales to Orderic, and Scotland to Roland.
What do you guys think?
Give Egypt to the best warrior so he expands and conquers Muslims. The rest don’t even matter
>orderic "the prince of fashion"
kid's a fruit so I concur with Wales
That is weird. I really don't know all that much about computers. Maybe it's the ram?
No shit you just told us its installed on a fucking HDD.
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Of all the things I did in this game making a perfect genetic specimen was probably the hardest. It took me 350 years. I didn't even even end up playing as him because I achieved everything else I wanted to achieve.
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Anyone know why I can't equip this book?
disable meme mods
Wards and wardens is a good dlc.
Are you saying the community flavor pack which was updated on day 1 is why the book is broken?
possibly yes
What's your modlist like?
At the moment mine is just the community patch and the duel overlay. When it gets updated I'm going to add more cultural names back in as well.
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>Anglo-Saxon, saxon elective administrative realm
>Northumbria, East Anglia and Mercian families saved and thriving
I'm actually so happy right now bros. How do I make the realm stronger tho?
I hate that they are all named after the regions. Makes them sound so generic
can i discuss ck2 here in a non-schizo thread or will i get told to kms
They are awful. I looked for ages for a mod that fixed the genealogies and histories and used less awful naming but no dice. Ck2 had loads of Anglo-Saxonboo modders, sad but not surprising they don't like ck3.
Absolutely not, this is normie nu-paradox games only. Go back to the based thread.
but i like ck3 i just wanted to try ck2 again because of a challenge :(
Depending on which mods you use I will either accept or chastise you
no mods actually, just vanilla faggotry
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did you know you could use chatgpt to expand upon names and dynasty names of any obscure culture that you're going to have a run with? like, create a mod where you shove hundreds of chatgpt generated names for Latgalian culture, where the vanilla has only 10 tops?
I trust it even less than Paradox
well that beats having only 10 names for every female in your bloated empire

I mean, do you really care that Kuliens is a real name, and Skornand is made up by chatgpt?
Do YOU really care that some names will repeat on characters you don’t give a fuck about. (Even doe irl there are like 10 names people have anyway)
What's the benefit of having an administrative empire instead of a feudal one?
its more stable
tyranny free title revocations
faster religious conversion
influence mechanics
faster cultural conversion in some cases
Can you become a king vassal under the Byzantines? Was thinking of going for Sicily as Epirus
How the ass do you get a noble house and estate? Do you need to be at least Duke tier to get it? This influence shit seems mad gay without an estate.
I feel like hating myself and play in Iberia. Any suggestions on where to start.
make adventurer and eventually settle somewhere
Jarl Dyre is probably my favorite start. He's a genius so my eugenics program can start off strong and he has lots of landed family members so you get lots of renown right off the start.

Maybe I should play as him for my Rome game. I could do a Varangian adventure for Latium and swear fealty to the Byzantines and just become Greek. From there I just have to become emperor.
I like starting off as adventurers and taking characters to locations they shouldn't be at and setting up shop there
To be fair Haestien raided the Mediterranean with Bjorn Ironside and tired to conquer Rome to set Bjorn up as Roman emperor, but they ended up capturing the wrong city. So all in all it's not too weird for a viking to do, maybe Dyre is trying to one up his uncle.
Problem is his CoA sucks in CK3
I got a cool custom norse one last time I played as him, I'll have to think up a new cool one that fits with the Roman theme.
Is there any point to not have a head of confession?
If nomads are added how do you think they will work? I imagine like landless but you actually control a territory.
People would complain it’s boring or tedious but I’d love to actually control a horde and migrate around in winter to get new pastures for my animals, and when my population starts to rise, I need to conquer more lands and assimilate other tribes, all while raiding settled people
Can you convert to your liege's culture even if you don't have any counties of that culture?
varagnian is shit as u can only be a duchy.
getting invade kingdom cb and taking thessalonika for both constantiople and goldmines sets u up better.
split old area up and make all ur non heir sons independent duchies there for free allies.
so instead of just gettin 7% vassal tax u get 100% in war for 75 prestige. + some more renown early game.
I don't like having to change things so much, at that point I feel like you might as well do a custom character (which I'm very opposed to doing)
Don’t think so, just have one of his vassals of his culture educate your kids and convert them
Well I eventually plan on only holding Latium and Thrace. I want to become part of the empire and slowly work my way up though the ranks, not destroy it.
I love messing around with the CoA maker, I think it's fun. Also I don't think you can make a character as good as Jarl Dyre and still have achievements on.
I'll just do that. Or maybe I'll take Napoli and move my capital there for that life, I'd like to make Rome Greek asap.

Also I've been looking on the forums and it looks like Hellenic hard mode is busted. I hope they add a way to turn it off while still being able to pick up household gods soon.
trying to save scum a 40% chance, it doesnt work for some reason. Are all chances pre-determined?
No, but certain amount of time before a random event it has been determined.
I wanna play as a QT Saxon Christian girl that gets captured by Vikings and becomes a concubine getting creampied in my virgin pussy and pumping out babies for my lord. Is this possible with the new DLC?
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This but reverse.
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Which one of these for Tibet?
I always go with unique.
I want to possess something truly unique!
Wtf is going on here.
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History you fucking bigot
his black courtier/guest has an inspiration to go to tibet and he has options to pick what he wants as a souvenir
How do I do Byzantium without knights? The fact there's only 1 of them as a commander at any time is kind of off putting. Another reason I am rather disliking it is that I don't really like the geography of Byzantium- its just hills and hills. Even the green is brown tinted- I like the green of France/Scandinavia a lot more. Plus with hills everywhere I can't have my cataphracts do heavy cavalry things without massive terrain penalties.
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>use the Catholic path - Ascension decision
>95% chance to convert any county I step in
So what the fuck do you get out of this, most of these will just be converted back Seems completely useless
what amount of time
is the game calculates everything pre-emptively
The game determined that the event would pop up and what the results would be before you saw the event
It varies. I tried to savescum a disease outbreak, but every single time after I jumped back a week or whatever I still would become blind after getting over measles despite it being a 5% chance to become blind.
in my case its a request to the king to convert to my faith, the best possible chance i can get is 40%. Is the outcome already been predetermined and will forever remain the same, or is the game gonna calculate it differently if something changes like a +-1% of a chance.
Just wait a while for a new seed to be generated and ask.
maybe it becomes determined whenever i save
that actually makes sense
It might lead to Catholic populist revolts.
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Ah for fucks sake, isn't one of the Latin Empire event prerequisites that the ERE be Christian?
They need to add in a generic version of the revolt events that Hasan Sabbah has. Cause doing that is great for getting his empire revolt stuff to work. Piety really feels like the least important of the resources for Adventurers right now unless you want to make a meme religion.
>restore Cornwall kingdom
>change cornish tradition to bureaucratic
>Lose one province while trying to not inherit Brittany
>Make kingdom administrative
This is so fucking retarded
Literally one castle sized empire
How? I though only emperors could become administrative.
If your culture is bureaucratic you can do it as kingdom of any size
The only requirement is prestige level, 800 gold , 1500 prestige and 50+ positive relation with all powerful vassals
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Fucking CK3 making me bend over backwards to form the Latin Empire
>Literally one castle sized empire
That is just Byzantines at the end of their life cycle.
You can't be allied to the emperor for the crusade to trigger so don't get too friendly with whoever you're installing if you're expecting it to happen soon
Yeah I know I'm just focused on unfucking the main title right now, most of it was converted to islam before I even noticed it.
best ck3 mod
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How do I create the Nestorian Sino-Normans on this map?
>"Alright, I managed to save the Byzantine from collapse, became its emperor and reconquered all of its eastern parts, time to reform Rome"
>"Lets go full larp, hard mode can't be that hard right?"
>Constant plague throughout the entire realm, literally all counties except Constantinople have 5 development or less
>Constant populist revolts, can't respond to them all because they are scattered across the entire map
>Mongols are easily fended off at least
Who thought this would be fun.
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>the one thing I want to do in this campaign is form the Latin Empire
>the ai does this
the absolute state of /gsg/ is making me consider playing ck3 just to have a thread to take refuge in
i like it, but i usually play paradox games when most dlc are released to get the full experience
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The Roman Artifacts have been saved.
It's really stupid that their throne and other artifacts like the Ark just aren't anywhere on the map before 1066 though.
>nasty athens
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This bow is probably the best weapon I'm like to find, isn't it?
how hard is this game to get into coming from ck2?
Trivially easy
That axe is better, though.
You think so? I know knight effectiveness is huge in the early game, but later one it's more about men at arms.
just say that you hate black people
This is just like irl lesbian relationships
I liked the CK2 event where muslims with multiple wives could allow them to marry each other if they became lovers.
the empire won't change religions too because it costs 5k influence and the ai won't stockpile
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I installed someone else but now it's feudal. And very fractured.
Holy fk every other byz emperor chooses to change his religion , they really gotta fix this
I think the ai gets a cheat to change the empire's religion
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>Empire of the Greeks
see >>1866468
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Which one would you make your beneficiary?
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I wonder if he can fit in another malady before kicking the bucket.
Maybe modders will fix it. I'm not so sure the devs care about fixing it, it almost feels like a spite move.
I had this happen but it completely bricks my character
If I convert to Sunni beforehand my character becomes a landless caliph and I get an instant game over screen and it won't let me switch back to him
Even if I don't convert I also get perma-gameover'd, except the title never even changes hands
Very disappointing
so basically you were Justinian?
Is there a way to get renown as an adventurer?
What should the coa of my saxon kingdom look like?
big black rooster
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At the end of the day he refused to let cancer get the better of him and beat himself to death.

Also, the Seljuk's then spit apart as usual. I feel like that tag should start as an Empire tier. Might help it stick together easier. Or have an easy decision to make it one if it ever splinters so the AI has a chance to keep it together.

Whats the qrd on how to get the 4th crusade events to trigger there?
>Whats the qrd on how to get the 4th crusade events to trigger there?
Can't you just redirect a crusade to any non catholic power in diplomatic range?
What's your religion? You could just copy the CoA from the kingdom of Saxony that's already in the game if you're asatru.
No you can't do it with orthodox kingdoms
4th crusade event only triggers if Catholic ruler has Byzantine claimant in its court and Byzantium is still orthodox country during Crusade declaration
You can't form Latin empire without event even if Byzantine empire is destroyed
When you form the latin empire do you get the option to play as them like the crusade? How does it work from the player side.
You get option to play as Latin empire or to install other rulers
Not sure how it works when you don't have first place in warscore doe since ai can't do it on its own
You get alliance event with republic that participated in crusade right after
After few days you get a choice to switch to administrative government and get slightly upgraded estate
You get one de jure kingdom from Byzantium and can make others de jure too via event
As far as i could tell you can't restore Roman empire with Latin empire but you can restore Byzantine empire if you switch to greek culture
Haven't played a single grand strategy game, should I start with CK3? I see people love it (mostly) and IGN gave it 10/10.
I did and I like it. The only other strategy game I played before is Civ 5 and 6.
It's weird that Russia is the one region that benefits the most from being able to navigate rivers but Russian culture doesn't get long ships. Sailing down the Dnieper and raiding Constantinople is what the Rus are know for.
Before they add places like China and Japan i want them to add stuff for the Rus and non mongol steppes.
> raiding Constantinople is what the Rus are know for.

>“The economic well-being of Kievan Rus XI and XII centuries was based on slaveholding... Already in the X-XI centuries, women were the main article of Russian export to the Black Sea and Volga-Caspian markets. The Russian merchant of that time invariably appeared everywhere with his main commodity, with a woman. Oriental writers of the 10th century paint us a vivid picture of a Russian merchant trading in the Volga River; having unloaded, he set up his benches and benches in the Volga bazaars, in the cities of Bolgar or Itil, on which he seated his live goods - slave girls. With the same goods it appeared and in Constantinople. When a Greek, a commoner of Tsargrad, needed to buy a slave, he went to the market, where “Russian merchants are coming to sell servants” - so we read in one posthumous miracle of Nicholas the Wonderworker, dating back to the half of the XI century. Slavery was one of the most important subjects, to which the attention of the most ancient Russian legislation was directed, as much as it is possible to judge about it by the Russian Pravda: articles about slavery make one of the largest and most processed sections in its composition”

>Kliuchevsky of course does not emphasize this, but the export of slaves should be read exactly as the export of slave girls throughout the Baltic Sea basin and, to a much greater extent, the Mediterranean Sea. German merchants came to Novgorod and Pskov precisely to “buy virgins”. It was with maidens that Russia flooded all the slave markets of the Mediterranean as far as the shores of Aragon.
>I by no means want to say that Russia was unique here. Yes, women were the main export item of what is now called Rus at the dawn of its existence. But this is a typical situation. The most ancient, basic type of goods in the world is certainly not furs and wax, but young, pretty women. Girls are a universal commodity. If you don't know how to sell anything else, sell women

>It is not surprising that in times of economic hardship, the country keeps returning to the basics.
The castrated little nigger bitches of Stockholm(henceforth abbreviated to APES) should pick up a fucking history book for once and learn about how ALL fucking peoples used to navigate rivers, not just this or that meme fucking tribe. With all the retarded larping that APES do you would fucking think that they'd know something as fucking basic as this(the average primary schooler of a third world country knows it)
Holy FUCK the administrative gameplay is extremely trash if you're not a duke. The fuck were they thinking with this shit
You can actually send a crusade there as well as Holy War the Orthodox in general, unless that’s the community patch doing something stupid?
It’s separate from the actual 4th Crusade event though.
There are two criteria, one for earlier than 1187 and one that is much less restrictive for after 1200.
The list is long and I don’t understand it via reading the files too well. ERE can’t be catholic, has to be admin, can’t be allied to the person getting the event, the person getting the event needs a claimant in their court, they have to be in Western Europe, and the crusade target needs to be in the Med, Iberia, or Arabia.
It has much less depth and is very noob friendly so yeah it’s a good place to start
I'm talking about in modern times. People know about the sack of Constantinople.

Also I just remembered that you can't raid over seas without long ships (or that African innovation that does the same thing) so it really doesn't make sense.
I don't know, I almost feel like Russian should be a hybrid between Norse and some other Slavic culture. If my knowledge of history is correct the Rus picked up long ship raids from the Norse (and doesn't the word Rus mean Swedish?)
Rus comes from rower.
Slavs were using the longship design independently of norse. So did the baltics, especially curonians are known for this.
It also shouldn't be a hybrid culture, because the norse rulers integrated themselves into the slavic culture. What the game needs to represent better is the names. Because through those we can trace these stuff. Also coats of arms. And burial rites. All stuff that CK3 refuses to represent properly.
I don't know all that much about pre varangain Russian culture, because most people start with Rurik.

My idea was there would be multiple Slavic cultures in Russia and if you were playing as a Norse ruler and united all those lands you could take a decision to unify all of them (and Norse) into Russian culture. But if that's inaccurate, oh well.
>My idea was there would be multiple Slavic cultures in Russia and if you were
It is already a thing, you have Ilmens as their own culture. all it needs is Kryvichs. The rest of eastern slavs can stay grouped as one.
I think I heard that there's a bunch of Eastern Slavic cultures in the game files that just need to be added.
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>i wonder how my army is being stackwiped by mongols near instantly despite having nearly every advantage i could possibly have, including superior numbers of MAA, equal overall army size, terrain, countering etc
>look at stats of their MAA
okay i guess
no clue, i managed to use movement-lock to get their levies to attack me on a desert-mountain and as soon as their retinues entered the battle most of my army was killed instantly
Is Thessaloniki a worthwhile duchy if you convert away from Orthodoxy? It seems like there are better duchies throughout the Byzantine empire, especially since the update.
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Truly zased
Doesn't Thessalonika have two gold mines?
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Anybody have an idea how some Polish adventurer created this duchy title?

Chalkidike has one thats boosted by 20% cause of the unique building in one of the temple cities in the same county. And new to this patch another .5 from the unique building in the capital. Also is there an overlay in the game that shows where unique buildings are?
What's special about the adventurer realm?
He could have lost all his titles, generated with the camp etc
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He created a dutchy title with the roman banner with the capital being Rome.
Its been forever since i fought the Gengis Mongols. They dont actually have those stats right? Or is there some bug going on there.
Did they fuck up the duchy places in Byzantium, Bulgaria seems to be way too the west
>He created a dutchy title
all adventurer realms are just duchy titles with the adventurer government form, i believe when the title is destroyed, the lack of adventurer government makes the former holders default to being called dukes instead of leader, boss, captain etc based on camp purpose
>roman banner with the capital being Rome.
the county your camp is located in counts as your capital i think, so when the title was destroyed when located within the county of rome it assumed it's COA and made it the duchy capital
>Also is there an overlay in the game that shows where unique buildings are?
Economy overlay. You have to zoom in a bit.
No Just the Haggai Sophia.
It has to be a bug. I fucked them up as the kingdom of Yurga (small Siberian kingdom) once.
There was a recent change to the advantage combat mechanic, it's 5 times more powerful than it was before, a +50 general skill advantage shown in the picture gives a 500% damage boost to his army now.
Paradox probably fucked up with the code somehow and the huge advantage Ghenghis had gave his men an impossible amount of stats.
The In-Game duchy of Bulgaria is based on the Byzantine Theme of Bulgaria which was located in modern day North Macedonia, and was named as such because it was the last remnant of independent Bulgarians before it was reconquered by Basil the II
Were the goldmines removed, or are they just not in Thessalonika? I haven't checked the unique buildings on the map in ages.
I'm fucking stupid dude, I meant to be talking about Thrace this whole time. Yes there's a gold mine in Thessalonika. I'm thinking of making that or Athens my secondary duchy after I convert to Hellenism.
>Doing struggle for Iberia for the first time
>Was having fun and wondering why people didn't like it
>Now its just me and Castile left
>Somehow got 2 peaceful phases in a row so i can only take a county every truce break when my leader cant buy duchy claims
>No "one faith wins" resolution option to be found.
I dont know if this is the main gripe others had with it but thats what ruins it for me.

I went back to an older save i had from ~100 years earlier and it was still the same when they were still roaming around. I wonder if its some bug with adventurers that are spawned on bishoprics or republics. Since for whatever reason it doesn't let you start an adventurer on one. Which i hate cause i wanted to make a crusader like larp based out of rome but it didn't let me start there.
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Deus Vult!

I hope once I swap to Greco-Norman that my CoA looks better on their shield. The finish on this shield makes this particular CoA look awful
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You might've been thinking about the Raska/Macva aera anyway. As it has 3 of them. Thrace is just Constantinople and grasslands.
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When I was looking mine locations I found this trade mod that adds gold supply to the game. What do you guy think about a system like this being added? I've heard that Rome was worried about losing their gold reserves to foreign trade.
No I was thinking of the one down by the coast. I think it has farmland terrain too.
>Anglo-Saxons conquer land in Alania instead of Crimea where it historically happened and where there's already an easter egg to the legend in the form of Zaporizhia being renamed to New-England when held by an Anglo-Saxon
wasted potential, it'd be far more fun if you were given two paths, staying loyal to the romans and reconquering their territories in the bosporan as a frontier-governorship, or creating a pirate-haven where you get to raid your neighbours to enrich yourself, with you receiving reinforcements from england based on how harsh the conquest is
paradox could even have leaned into the theory that the goths left in crimea during the late byzantine perod were actually the remnants of the anglo-varangian settlers and have it appear as a pre-set hybrid culture you can form
instead they add events where you can fart yourself to death.
>becoming an adventurer requires a specific cultural trait
Wow this sucks. Don't want to be playing the same culture every game.
Yeah that sucks, there was a Welsh guy that I wanted to be and adventurer but I couldn't. Also there's an unlanded guy in Germany that I wanted to play as but you can't invite him to your camp because he's on his liege's council. When this was announced I was under the assumption that it would let you play as anyone.
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The various cloaks over armor look sweet. The Greek ones look really nice.
The first mod for this DLC im getting is the one that gets rid of the forced glasses for a scholar camp. How can i play a voodoo witchdoctor when i have glasses clipping through the headdress.
Can't you play as an adventurer if one of your children doesn't inherit anything?
You could also lose all your titles on purpose and become an adventurer that way
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The Umayyads have been cast down. Now I just need to figure out if forming the Latin Empire will be possible considering what has happened to the ERE in my game.
I love how they keep wearing the glasses even if they get blinded.
How do I stop the Seljuks losing against the romans every game?
They always tend to lose / white peace their invasion of anatolia, then violently collapse not long after
>The first mod for this DLC im getting is the one that gets rid of the forced glasses for a scholar camp
My characters keep going bald with a floating crest above their head because the game renders them as wearing helmets when they arn't
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So I really didn't plan on blobbing this campaign, I wanted to make Normandy as tall as possible and eventually get the Latin Empire. But now I have claims on all of Francia. Should I use them? Will they even expire since they're from a legend? I don't know how legends work really.
They should be inheritable
If you conquer them now it's kind of inconsequential since you'll give up your land after winning the crusade. With partition inheritance that could at least create an interesting situation assuming you have enough children.
If you /did/ want to blob, saving the claims for after you're already the Latin Empire would be the most efficient move
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I had another kid so I'm going to try and take Aquitaine for his inheritance while I France becomes Greater Normandy.
Pressed claims are inherited as unpressed claims and unpressed claims are lost on inheritance.
Damn is your computer strong enough to tab out of ck3 and open a browser? ck3 takes everything my computer has got and I can only take one screenshot per session.
I have two monitors so I can shitpost while I play
>elagabalus is a woman
>hadrian is heterosexual
what did paradox mean by this?
They unironically read /gsg/ at launch pouring over history files looking for something to get mad at, and implemented everything they were relieved they didn't find at launch, like female elagabalus. They originally had all the famous vikings be gay or bi based on some nebulous historical reference that they only went back on after a significant number of forum posters called it out for being ahistorical.
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It's done. Our youngest son, Bohémond the second, will now inherit Aquitaine. Egypt, Scotland, Wales, and England will likewise pass to other sons and grandsons.
Sound like a grand time. Hell half the time when I'm playing I'm just sitting there thinking about the game world, the story of my characters and what I'm going to do next. Shitposting would be a nice addition to that time. All the more incentive for me to save money.
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I have 12k prestige and 20k piety, can I spend this on anything before I died?
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King Bohémond is finally nearing death at the ripe old age of 94. He wishes to be buried in his Crusader vestments, to be known as the King who saved Christendom.
But now, at the end, he is faced with a decision. Does he want to leave a legacy of proud, independent Norman Kingdoms? Or does he want to create a realm which would unite his kin under one banner?
Eww, just make a custom empire.
>custom empire
fucking disgusting, I have those disabled.
Playing as a mercenary siege engineer company. We do contracts to make money to build more catapults to drag around Anatolia and Bulgaria..
Oh, did you just rename Brittany to Normandy? I thought it was a custom kingdom.
I did. I probably wouldn't even have to if the more cultural names mod was updated.
How is Jerusalem in Italy?
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My kin I installed in Egypt took Jerusalem, then made it his primary title and moved his capital to Jerusalem, then I inherited Egypt from him on his death. How he blobbed in Italy I'm really not sure. I do know that he had inherited Latium from me, so he had some provinces in the area, and inherited another in the North from vassal inheritance. But how exactly he did so well in Italy I'm not sure. The Karlings in Italy did seem to dissolve so maybe he just cleaned up the fragments.
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Wait, I have a camp? What? I thought this was for adventurers.
I wonder if that's a bug or you get to keep it. It can be a rather large investment.
>keep it
I never even had it, I think I somehow inherited it from one of my kin that became adventurers. I'm going to take advantage though and rush the Men at Arms limit upgrades.
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>all that prestige and piety
>lost forever... like tears in the rain...
Did you use it to reform your culture? That's really the only thing you need it for.
I guess I should. I was holding off because I originally planned on hybridizing with Greek, which now has a bunch of really good unique cultural pillars.
Why do ethiopian and nubian helmets look like kitchenware?
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what the fuck
landless mode is really fun bros :D
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hahahahaha holy fucking shit
literally zero penalty from being a blind drunkard
Why are all the mines in Slovakia and Bohemia missing? Those were actually large mining complexes in middle ages.
No clue, the mod is Dynamic Trade Routes. Also I may have misinterpreted what that image is meant to convey.
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Did they nerf the Bohemian mines? I could have sworn there used to be at least two of them, if not three
There certainly should be.
Well there was a lot of complaints about how it was far and away the best duchy in Europe and you always wanted it to be your capital. I wouldn't be surprised if it was nerfed.
If they did it was over a year ago.
>nerfing a historically big and prosperous mines because some shitters who knkw nothing of history complained
PDX is truly braindead
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I dont know if thats the case cause its not like there aren't multiple places to the south with 2-3 mines close by.
Yeah but Bohemia was in the HRE, was its own Kingdom, and was just all around the best place to set up shop at launch. I remember a bunch of youtubers making videos about it.
Is there no way to make yourself the default commander of your army? It always picks some random nigger that has 1/5th of my supply capacity
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>elagabalus is a woman
>what did paradox mean by this?
Elagabalus is regarded by most authorities, even modern ones immersed in a politicised academic environment, to be outright insane. Lumping trannies in with him is a hilarious disservice to them.
that's not nice
it's so funny when people use literal slander pushed under the emperor who replaced Elagabalus as proof that he was trans. It's like if 2000 years from now there were "disability advocates" praising Trump for overcoming his birth defect (microscopically small hands) to become president.
Fellow Daurachad, I kneel. But why did you convert to orthodoxy and greek culture.
>gets ignored
you will never be a janny
Just choose another destiny when your ruler kicks the bucket
If you want specific character from your landless kids then make him favourite
And stop being retard(optional)
>And stop being retard(optional)
What's the best collection for CK3? Redownloading it.
Was looking at this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3339452720
I didn't know those were a thing, that one seems to have most mods I use but also about 100 I don't, looks a little bloated specially if you're coming back to the game after a while
What mods do you use that it is missing?
A few graphical ones but I suppose that's down to preference
The one gameplay mod it seems to be missing is "more game rules" (I only use it to disable de-jure empires)
Damn this conqueror spam is annoying I should have just disabled them in the rules
is this game too easy?ive heard people complain about that
As of now the only way to lose in this game is to have all your dynasty dead and even that is countered by adoption tradition which you can add to any culture
Go figure
not what i meant
i mean how hard is it to get a genius strong godly immortal guy? how easy is it to take over europe
Just playing casually most of your characters will end up as 30+ skill gods if they live long enough
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I enjoy playing as an Anglo duke based in Crimea in the 1066 start and LARPing as running a mercenary enclave before William inevitably butt-fucks Harold because he gets multiple times the troops, at which point I start converting the place to my culture because it's a mercenary company turned refuge - this is the same type of run I did in ck2, but the convert culture mission does help quite a bit

I'm seething slightly about the latest update because it fucks with the structure of decisions, so now the mod I used to spawn myself a small event troop army doesn't work, but oh well.

>entire DLC about becoming a landless adventurer
>locked behind specific cultures
>for fucking 20 quid
bravo paradox
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late game and my pc keeps having these weird sissygasms where these weird green artifacts show on my monitor, my monitor then briefly disconnects and after 10 seconds of a black screen i can regain control of my pc only to have the game itself have a black screen indefinetely forcing me to restart the game
Get a better computer, froganon. I never had an issue running PDX slop, neither with CK2 on my old computer back in the day nor with CK3 on my new one (because the old one kicked the bucket).
Here are some immediate tips:

>Get a better computer. More specifically, stronger CPU and more RAM, as those are the most important things PDXslop requires, and 16-32 gigs should be more than enough. Get more cores on your CPU, too.
>If it keeps lagging, install mods that cull population. At most, you'll need a mod that kills off most adventurers because the game will spawn plenty of them, but there's shit for culling characters once per few years, and outright removing regions of the map for better performance.
>Wait until monkeys who made this game fix the performance. They're literally make your computer calculate info for 50000+ irrelevant characters that exist kilometers away from your region.
clean your GPU and update your video driver retard
Outside threat is nonexistent in this game
Unless you turn on conquerors with "scourge of the god" the only people who will willingly attack you are peasants and mongols(unless you're in western Europe)
In the rare instances you get attacked by a big kingdom and lose chunk of your land you with almost 100% certainty can expect them to abandon their advantage and never do it again
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outside threat is time and age
>>Wait until monkeys who made this game fix the performance.
Look at how that worked out with Stellaris.
Multiplayer carries this game, but desu, Victoria 3 is a lot better. You can mod Vicky 3 to make it less ass and have fun competing with other players, but here, you'll need to start near each other or you'll be unable to interact. I had played with friends several times on British Isles, HRE and India and it was immensely fun when one player created a kingdom and you had to compete for influence inside of it as a vassal.
If community gets loud enough about it, some little change might come.
how do you get marriages for your adventurers that arnt 50 year old hags
>how do you get marriages for your adventurers that arnt 50 year old hags
the same way you get marriages for your landed rulers
3 points in intrigue for Kidnapper
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Its been so long since i played into the 1200's since i usually start with the 866 date that i forgot if this was a good or bad Mongol Empire for just Genghis' lifetime. I know his son still has the 75% trait and will keep expanding. But it feels like its pretty small from what i remember.

Keep an eye out for the rescue fair lady mission. At the end you can try to convince her to join. They will usually be in their 20's and have a beauty trait.
That mod looks amazing, shame things like that almost always mean you can't use it with any other big mods. Same with Sinews of War.
>didn't make it to eastern europe
it's shit.
there's a marriage exploit for adventurers
if you select arrange marriage for a courtier within your camp, instead of just having the option of your other courtiers you can also marry them to your descandants regardless of their dynasty, status as heir, or where they're located.
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here's it in practice, i can control who marrys the heir to the polish throne because he's my grandson through the arrange marriage option.
this means i can matrilineally marry him to my niece and put my dynasty on the polish throne, despite that he was born in the polish court in a regular marriage, and the person who normally has control of his marriage options is his father (the king of poland)
this works even if you have matrilineal marriage disabled in the game settings somehow
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proof it works, you can see the matrilineal marriage icon next to betrothed
When is the Decisions page gonna be updated on the wiki?
How good is born in the purple? I want to move my capital from Byzantium to Rome but my children won't get the trait any more.
Is there a way to destroy the byzantine empire title as an adventurer (not the assassin guy)?
I wish the intrigue camp got the join our side missions.
Genghis never made it to EE otl either. It was under the rule of his son and leadership of his grandson that they reached it.
I think the expectations are a little different for the game since he doesn't have China to attack yet.
I don't remember if it was him or his son but in my 1178 game he got all of Iran and stretched all the way west t Russia, but then all his descendants kept dying from plagues until the empire split
They'll have to buff the shit out of him if they add China.

Also, do you guys think adding China will attract a Chinese player base? I remember that for civ 6 there were a ton of Chinese players that loved playing as China.
I just want China so I can do a proper Sino-Norman campaign
I want China so I can have more qt Asian wives. One time I was playing as a viking and I got a genius Chinese wife. It was the ultimate male fantasy.
I still don't understand how the "rite" thing works. So the only way to keep my previous head of faith is to reform a religion that *already* has it?
Yeah you have to make a new religion from a religion that already has a head of faith.
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Of course it will and i hope you like China cause it will get more repeat DLC then the rest of the map to keep them happy just how Civ 6 had more Chinese leaders then anybody else. Personally i think China is fun to play in within GSG's but i dont want them to get piles of content over places like Russia that need more content and North Africa along the Berber coast.

His son is definitely picking up where his dad left off. Although not expanding in Russia much and more focused on Persia. He just declared for the Arabian Empire as well. I wish i could get involved and try to stop them for a challenge but i know its useless trying to fight them with all the buffs they get.

As an aside i wish they let you settle a manor or something as an adventurer. Make it only available after you build everything in your camp. I have over 10k gold and nothing really to spend it on.
Does the "slower portrait aging" you get from graceful aging actually work? I've tried comparing my dynasty members to characters that don't have that legacy and I notice no difference.
>that already has a head of faith.
I meant a religion that already has the rite tenet because that doesn't seem to work, when I go into debug mode and make a new Catholic region with rite, I end up with my own Pope. But if I reform Insular, which already has rite, I keep the old Pope.
Maybe it's the debug mode. I don't really know. Either I fully stick with the pope or I'm fully against him, no half measures.
No it doesn't work, I think it was intended to give characters the beautiful trait's aging effect which funnily enough doesn't work either.
I read some forum posts and it's just broken
If you own at least one holy site a new head of faith is created regardless of the rite tenet
If you don't own a holy site it works as expected
It just happened that I tested reforming the catholic faith with someone that owned a holy site
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We've got you surrounded! Start speaking D'oil Vulgar!
Am I the only one who hates that you can't change de jure capitals in this game? And the AI is so anal about it, they will try to revoke and own the capital no matter how shit the county is.
Yeah de jure capitals was just a stupid idea in general. I also hate that I can’t use de jure drift rules from ck2
Also auto-alliance on marriage is really annoying especially as muslim
what is the right way to play "tall" in CK3? Is it like CK2 where I want as many castles in a single county, and then in the duchy?
>>Just playing casually most of your characters will end up as 30+ skill gods if they live long enough
Mods to stop this?
is it better than ck2 now?
Try again next decade
My autism doesn't allow me to play without this. Wish it could cover swapping baronies between counties but that's too tied into the landed titles file. If you're using it for de jure capital just remember you have to go low to high, meaning set the capital of the duchy before trying to set it for a kingdom or empire.
Upon reflection, In that game the Mongolians had blobbed the byzantine empire before I assassinated the khan, and so when I was redirecting the crusade they weren't orthodox.
So, is roads to power remotely worth 25 pound or should I hold out for a sale or what
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>is paradox DLC worth full price?
alright yeah it was a retarded question thinking about it

incredible how people defend this dogshit pricing and release strategy
I expect it to get worse with the absolute state of their financial year with skyline 2 being a shitshow and the sims-clone getting shit canned.
Would have been a laugh to see them race EA to the bottom with obnoxious monetization of things that have literally no reason to not be included in the base game or at most a single reasonably priced cumulative pack.
What if I'm not poor thoughever? Literally costs less than my lunch.
If you have money to burn then it don't matter
>Name is Vase
>Wears one on his head

>Not Vased
>What if I'm not poor
Then you wouldn't ask if it was worth it, would you?
Yeah I think it is. Tours and tournaments is what finally won me over and it made playing in CK2 feel very detached and lifeless. The general move away from MTTH is also a great qol thing I didn't think I'd care about but likewise made going back quite painful. I do miss actually good writing, the stylized UI, and the retinue system, but none of that is enough to beat the accumulated improvements and additions 3 has made.

The one thing I think CK2 still does truly better is religion, and specifically catholicism. For most religions it's a gold plated dog shit vs regular dog shit situation, but holy fury catholicism is genuinely interesting to play in and isn't just an afterthought, like basically every other religion in both CK2 and CK3. Not having that in CK3 hurts a bit. My #1 future DLC hopes is a Catholicism overhaul, and just a religion expansion in general I guess.
How were Norman’s so based?
Pack-a-punched white people.
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Which stress traits do you guys have in real life? For me it's reclusive.
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>33,276 characters
>the second best fighter is a 21 year old giant strong brave berserker adventurer
>the best fighter is a blind guy
Depressed or Melancholic or whatever it is called.
I feel like you already posted this picture.
Well why didn't you reply to it last time
Administative government is great(added decent money sink for kingdoms/empires)
Byzantium flavour is sort of okay(definitely better than ck2 one)
Obviously landless adds to larp greatly
But there's still
>Shit tier tech locked behind ages
Really love waiting half a century+ with nothing to research
>Pointlessly locked via tech succession systems like primogeniture
Just wait until the game practically is over for something worse than administrative succession!
>Ai and the way it fights in wars
I think it got worse with this dlc but that might be just my memory playing tricks on me
>Ships being represented by money
Hate it and it doesn't help ai that much anyway
I looked at it and thought "huh, neat" and that was it. There's no like system on here.
How do you navigate around clan succession properly?
I was playing as a great conqueror and took land in the ME, which made me a clan government. I noticed my 2nd son was going to inherit 2/5 of my core counties and decided that I would just conquer lands for him so that my heir would retain the 5 important counties.
I handed 2 duchy titles to him, including all the dejure land and he still steals the 2 counties from my firstborn.
My character shouldn't even be a clan government, he's a catholic norman.
Who are the most interesting historical women you can take as a spouse? I know CK2 had Jeanne but I don't think she's been added to CK3. The 1178 start date has Tamar the Great as a new bachelorette you can marry before she inherits Georgia as heir. Richard the Lionheart's younger sister who was originally gonna be married to Saladin's brother and peacefully end the war until the church threatened to excommunicate them for going forward with it is a new option, but she's more famous for who she's related to rather than her own personal actions
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Speaking of items. I got this off a inspiration craft then 2 events that boosted its potency by 2 each. Kinda wish i could carry it over to other character saves!
>15k strong peasant revolt against my 1.5k soldiers
>can't even request the support of my liege
>30 years to increase control to 100% even with overseer tree completed
nigga what
Is the game a lot harder since the update?
lol no
Going to stop wandering and play in Byzantium. There any manor buildings people found more important to get over others? There's so many options that its a little overwhelming at the start.
Before playing CK3 I thought it was normal to have surges of stress every time I have to interact with people, turns out I just rolled a shitty trait irl
Is it a bug to have more or less than 3 personality traits?
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ah yes
There's no coded limit, I think most characters are supposed to have 3 by default but you can add as many as you want in the ruler designer
What >>1868873 said. Iirc it's just prowess that hardcoded to not be above 100.
Stats and prowess*
There's a few characters that start with 4 if they're special. I think i remember seeing a couple with only 2 but generally everybody gets 3 cause you get one every few years when they're a kid. I wish they had ways to gain more of them. For example why wouldn't your character get the zealous trait if you form a religion with them?
Makes more sense than the actual content PDX adds. Franks wanted to push east the entire time, they were considering everything to the east part of their Empire and as tributaries and were periodically summoning all the Slavic rulers to the Imperial Councils.
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Is it normal for there to be 3 conquerors on the map with 3 generations of conqueror each?
Check the rules retard
This is my extremely scuffed Curonia run, I decided to convert to Judaism also since the Khuzarites were around. Current war is me being in scuffed hell of my holy war to take those northern finns dragging on causing a civil war for the throne and the hungarians to invade me. The Germans are probably going to invade soon too

I am worried about getting asraped by Crusades though, any tips for that?
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Math is hard guys.
I'm trying to understand this Administrative Government stuff.
I started as the Count of Siracusa in the Byzantine Empire, and managed to retake all the lands in the Duchy of Sicily. However, I can't form the Duchy of Sicily, and seem to be stuck as a Count.

Can you not add more duchies to an administrative realm unless you're the emperor? Am I just stuck as a count? How do I progress to being more than just a count in an administrative government? I don't even have an estate.
>literal 30 year war, lost much of my western frontier, for snow huts in the taiga

Hate tribals so much
If you have no estate you're a feudal vassal. Try interacting with the Emperor to adopt Admin maybe?
How do I make the Ai convert culture. Is there a mod?
No. Adventuring is op. As predicted. Cuz every ruler pays like 300 gold even if they go bankrupt.
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Why does Chaldia get random vassals from me conquering Rum?
They arn't in his de-jure
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end result
Is it just me or has performance got worse after the update?
its because of all the adventurers and their courtiers
I mean the update that came out today. It couldn't have added that much could it?
sorry, thought you meant the main update that came with the DLC
mostly bug-fixes but they did add a few more adventurers in the 867-1066 start dates apparently so possibly that
New to ck3 (jumping from ck2) ,so are there any non-conquest cbs? Where are my tributary related cbs? What if i don't want to blob but weaken my neighbors and take their wealth, prestige etc.
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Hahahaha no you can only blob
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Sad! Imagine a /gsg/ game that you can't say a crushed enemy "give me X% of your income every year"
"raid for captives", if you have human sacrifice as a tenet
I feel too smallbrain to maximize an intrigue focused landed character. Really fun as an adventurer but i always feel like my only options is to be a murder hobo. And that only lasts as long as i dont get caught which i always do.
So is there a mod thatmakes administrative realm the default realm state? e.g. Duke has Counts as admins etc
>What if i don't want to blob but weaken my neighbors and take their wealth, prestige etc.
Border raid CB. Only available for rulers involved in the Iberian Struggle, however.
Handsome trait btw
He does have gigachad jaw though and used to be a lot prettier when he wasn't so old.

Also how is the CK3 version of Anbennar doing, if anyone knows?
There is an option now to ask vassals to do certain task, one of them is culture conversion. Right click on one of your vassals. It might be in a sub menu.
Will they still do it if they have a culture with ruling caste or whatever that cultural pillar is called
How come they are called Albanians and not Arberians like they were in CK3?
That's only for admin vassals I thought?
I think for feudals you need a certain level of authority or high personal relationships
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Why are random houses in potatoland and scotland of higher tier than actually prestigious dynasties like the karlings?
Are there?
Also wales and brittany
What exactly are these heresy events and is there a mod to tune them down?
I'm talking about the ones where it tells you some random dude converted to [heresy] and it gives you an option to convert yourself, the problem is the AI loves doing that for no fucking reason, I don't want France to randomly convert to Cathar without even fighting a rebellion
I think it's because they've been in power longer.
They don't want to add it.
why do you want it
its ahistoric up the wazoo
it's not balanced by any means
all of the innovations are dogshit in 867, you want to start with less?
>subject charlemagne to the control of CK3 AI
Why do you want this?
Because I HATE that stupid kike
>its ahistoric up the wazoo
>it's not balanced by any means
>all of the innovations are dogshit in 867
Wow it's just like current CK3
Cry harder, Widukind
>forgot to change my heir education
>now he's a compassionate, trusting and just elusive shadow
Ah yes, a mental breakdown with anything I do
Speaking of Widukind if anyone has an achievement friendly way to play as the descendants of Widukind that are still around in 867 could you let me know? I can't invite them to my adventurer camp.
Is there a way to go from a Byzantine Governor to an Adventurer?
I'm having kinda a similar problem-- for some reason enemy stacks are now getting FULL wiped against me, and i don't have that crazy big of a numbers difference its mostly 5kvs4k... no one actually escapes they get full wiped
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Is the torturer route in CK3 any good? I almost never go intrigue when playing even though it sounds cool. I have so many prisoners just sitting there...

What can you do with it that's better than stewardship or diplomacy? I feel like I'm missing out by min-maxing all the time.
Just roleplay a good king instead of being evil.
You can use murder to break alliance blocks or get your kid on a throne they might be in line for. Can also steal artifacts and things like that. Torture can be good if you got the traits for it cause you can use it for stress relief or for cultures that have the option cut their dicks off and make them unable to be rulers if you notice a future target has a possible strong heir down the line. You can also get things like selling hooks and fabricate them on rich leaders then cash them in if not outright kidnapping them and ransoming.

It can be fun for RP purposes or gimmicks then things like Learning, Martial and Stewardship which are just always great. That being said an intrigue/freebooter adventurer can be good fun too.

It used to be broken as hell cause you can do an abduct scheme on somebody you were about to attack and as the event for capturing them was on screen you could declare war on them and instantly capture them for 100% war score.

>Ah yes, a mental breakdown with anything I do
Time to get that skill that gives you stats for higher stress!
Don't you like your 1178 start sis?
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>Because I HATE that st-ACK
So how the fuck do you repair artifacts as an adventurer now? Latest patch made it require an antiquarian.
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Here be daemons.
brb acquiring wolf-headed side bitches because my wife is homosexual (many such cases) and won't put out
that's why it's fun
it was funny in 2 watching the explosions he causes
why can't i raid as an adventurer?
That's what you do as a bandit
how do i become a bandit? im new to the game and want to raid poor counts
Bandits can "raid" in the sense that they loot areas with the right type of contract but it's not the same as using the "raid" army mechanic.
I have to stop savescumming
The game is easy enough as is but every time an interesting character drops dead because of random chance my autism compels me to reload a save
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Meet King GIGACHAD of Britain, who can trace his ancestry to the tribes of Roman Brittania
On Breton neck a Norman yoke.
why did he do it bros
Why did reddit praise roads to power so much
it's so barebones
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The irish autism kicked in
how do i play as adminstrator family?
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Is this happening to anyone else? It's happening +50x every second.
Did they break siege replenishment or what? Fucking retards I swear
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Beast-headed peoples are real. I found a cat-man.
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Thats fun. The AI managed to trigger the 4th crusade event.
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Nevermind, The AI is boring. Im just going to murder her cause im not letting some c*tholic wench on the throne.
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How are you supposed to have fun in this semen slurping game? Each time I come back, I just drone the fuck out and then hours later realize I wasted my entire day playing this slop.
Anyone know when fallen eagle is getting it's non-steam download updated?
It's already updated.
I meant on skymods.
The Skymods version was updated a day after the Steam Workshop version, months ago. It usually only takes a few hours after you request an update.
Skymods hasn't been updated since may and it literally says on the steam page that the skymods page hasn't been updated yet.
Is this not what Fallen Eagle is? It was last updated 05/19, Skymods was updated 05/20
I wouldn't trust the steam description of an obviously outdated mod (much less one with disabled comments)
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I'm an idiot. I was only looking at when skymods was updated not steam, just assumed it had been updated for 1.13. I hang my head in shame.
can anyone gimme a QRD on legends and how they work? i'm so fuckin lost and i don't want to check the wiki because it's all just spoilers about unique legends etc
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my son, who was raised by wolves doesn't like that we live as adventurers
>meet the requirements
>pay money
>a "legend" starts in your capital
>you can complete it after 5 years or wait until it spreads to neighboring provinces to get more bonuses
This is my experience with them so far
You can also inherit ongoing legends from relatives but I don't know how that works
Did you get him from the "child raised by wolves is stalking you" event? I just got that event when I was playing earlier but my only option was to tell him to fuck off
He might've adopted him
Crazy how the byzantines have weekly civil wars but seldom actually get conquered
Them randomly flipping religions is what I've seen the most, but I think the latest patch fixed that
At least in the 1178 start date Rome seems to bully them constantly but otherwise they're pretty stable despite always looking so weak and fractured
>lose dynasty head for two seconds
>ai picks architected ancestry legacy, the ui doesn't even show you what trait they picked
>several hundred years run over because in their infinite wisdom paradox never added a way to reset dynasty legacies without breaking achievements

please someone tell me there's a way
debug mode breaks achievements
cheat menu mods don't have dynasty legacy editors
opening the savefile in notepad++ just shows NUL values everywhere and looks like a bunch of gibberish
They always implode for me since the dlc launched
gib savefail sar
here u go sar
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unsalvageable. I will just continue your campaign instead.
Think it's fecund
Never seen them switch religions at all. The odd iconoclast emperor every decade or so but he never lasts. Even converting their entire land to Catholic they never switched.
yeah,i raised him then got an option to adopt in exchange for 150 dynasty fame which is a hit but i like him
in my last game with the 867 startdate, 2 conquerors spawned at the same time with the scourge of god modifier
one was hungary which after eating most of byz somehow made them switch religion to taltosism. maybe a governor with a claim to the byz throne became a vassal of hungary and later got elected or invaded the byz state.
byz actually survived the collapse of hungary's empire, down in morea/crete, still following the steppe religion. paradox made it really stable.
I see states converting much more often, while he was still alive hungary's ruler kept flipping between taltosism and catholicism. The vikings won in england and formed a british empire, and flipped between norse and islam
It should be even more stable. Ive been playing in the empire and not really looking to become emperor and one problem ive seen is the civil wars spiral cause the emperor ends up getting or stripping all the theme titles over time and refuses to hand them back out. So it created all those malice's of him holding titles he shouldn't so it keeps causing endless tyranny/claimant wars. Before i decided to flip to the current emperor and hand them back out (Cause i wanted to use my theme armies for my own use and he was using them all the time) he had removed all but 4 Theme titles. 3 if you dont count mine since i was generally being neutral.
first time playing ck3
my player heir is a girl in a patrilineal marriage and already had 2 kids
murdered the husband but she doesn't have sadist, is my run croaked?
you can imprison and kill your kids, only kill the boys
I don't think I can, the son is already ruling some county in France
is there a way to cheese it by making them an ally and sending them to go fight a deathwar
I wonder if the wow mod will add a dungeon raid activity for landless.
right click son of your dynasty, select favorite son and when you die you should be able to choose a new destiny and play as them
oh yeah you're boned
change succession maybe
This is what you get for doing eugenics.
So annoying how spare dynasty members you want to use just form their own adventurer groups that do nothing for the rest of their lives
Opinion modifiers should be regional and tied to fame. How does pope know about my gallowsbait character in Mongolia? How does ERE emperor know about my infamy when i migrate there and commit 0 crimes in the vicinity?
>he doesn't immediately pass male only succession law
R*ddit is down the hall.
Can you participate in crusades if you aren't Catholic but share the pope as head of faith?
What's the best way to break up byzantium now admin is a thing?
They're starting to blob pretty big and I'm getting scared.
they should have naturally crumbled within the first 50 years
I dont believe so. I was playing the Christian faith thats unique to Iberia (forgot the name) and was surprised when a shitload of crusaders were sieging down Granada one day.
the adventurer is kinda fun and it's a mechanic thats good for mods as well but the constant event spam is really fucking annoying
Speaking of architected ancestry, which trait do you guys usually pick? I always go for fecund because I have trouble picking it up normally.
i like playing as a norse queen being rallied by a bbc, not interested in bleaching one bit
I saw a bug in the forums where the catholic pope might randomly call a crusade for a different religion (of which he is the head) and it breaks the game
What causes them to break? In all of my l games so far they're really stable and usually reconquer Sicily and blob into the middle east. The only thing that stopped them in my latest game was the Mongols shitting on them.
take the byzantiompill, somehow make one of your dynasty/sons a vassal there, and play as him later on
the real annoyance starts when you do that studying thing that makes every single one of your followers/court wants to write a book
I keep trying to enjoy this game but it's not easy, as soon as you get through one or two generations the entire world is already unrecognizably retarded, the blobbing/bordergore is one thing but I can't stand how kingdoms flip religions on a whim. Also half of the landed characters are female which makes everything even worse since they keep spreading foreign cultures/dynasties
I saw a man spreading foreign culture and religion and I was like 'what a cuck'
Which DLC should I disable when playing?
that's why you start a new game every 3 generations
Chariot races are actually pretty good. I got 1500 gold for completing one and I didn't even win the bet I placed
The CK3 "community" are mostly against "railroading" and want a random sandbox with very few scripted pre-determined events. I'll never understand this sentiment. I want my actions to be the alternate history, while I'd prefer everything I don't directly interact with or indirectly influence to generally follow history. It's infuriating that retards constantly push for earlier start dates, even though game usually implodes and deviates so far from history even with 1066.
Admin seems to be completely one or the other in my games. Either they're very stable and manage to blob till they can basically reform Rome, or they're having civil wars every five seconds.
There's no in between.
Is there any solution to late game lag? I hate how after a few generations the game slows to a fucking crawl and every few seconds completely locks up.
more L3 cache on your CPU
Upgrade your toaster
Modder here, this doesn't fix lag anymore sincr 1.13.
It's certainly better than nothing.
I went from 38k characters to 23k and there was a noticeable improvement.
Fun fact, if you reform the Asatru faith and make a holy order before the Jomsvikings are formed your holy order will be called the Jomsvikings.
Isn’t it the same order, you just formed them yourself?
No it's a different decision. You don't get Jomsborg or anything else from the unique decision.
Do you guys have any tips on getting the pure blooded trait? It's the one trait I can never breed into my line.
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Yeah, adventurer mode is kino
dats rite dats rite we wuz samurai
what are some quintessential coomers mod?
There was a giantess mod a while back that I wanted to get but it got abandoned.
Why are the Crimean Goths not in the game?
Best way to kill my leper heir?
am i blind or is there literally no mod to affect religions? you have mods that can freely affect characters, turn whole titles titular, turn all holdings into a county into cities, even dynamically change a culture without needing to hybridize/diverge

but religions are completely out of reach? i dont want to reform, for example, i just wanna tweak some things in my character's faith, without needing to add more tenet slots just to add freaking Rite. No, scratch that, I don't even want to clutter up my save with my new custom religion, if every maturidi has to deal with legal witches then tough for them.
These things i can do with console commands, but my point is no one for four years ever thought of having those features into a tidy mod interface?
I recall some mods existing that fiddle a bit with doctrines or moving tenets to doctrines so it is possible I guess
But changing it on a fly? idk
yeah i know about Tenets to Doctrines, and the ones that add even more (flavor) Doctrines
its just something i realized after browsing the workshop, theres nothing that allows tweaking religions. Modders were clever enough for almost all the other stuff, like name a feature and there's probably a cheat/mod for it. as a returner i was even surprised you could change holding types and all that, i didnt believe it was possible a while back
but ther'es nothing for religions, which is not helpful for the times i dont want to reform a faith. Cant believe cultures have the option, but religions dont
Because tweaking a religion makes a new religion, nignog.

>Ugh why can't I have Catholicism but just swap it to polygamy
Because then it isn't Catholicism.
i fail to understand when mods can make norse a bureaucratic, sophisticated culture
>vgh my noble barbarous norf sea umpire
my point is that i was surprised no one bothered. so either modding for it is hard (harder than culture or holdings) or for some other reason no one just gave a shit, which is surprising. instead we got all these new/agot religions and shit
None of the cheat mods add new mechanics, they only piggyback what is already possible in the game, you can easily change an existing religion with events and decisons but to let you choose what to change would require a whole new interface, which is a lot of work.
Cultural reforms are a vanilla feature, for some reason cultures have a lot more mechanics than religions even though the two systems should work almost identically.
I might be dumb, but there is no way to upload/copy a character you made in designer, then inject that into someone midgame right? You always have to go through the designer? (modded in this case to allow it)
Save file editing should do it. If you only care about the appearance I think there's a few mods that let you change a character's DNA, it might be possible with just debug mode as well.
having to go through a save is a pita
Youd think theyd at least add this basic QoL of modding your own character, even as like an optional fantasy thing
sometimes my lines turn la goblina, and i just wanna reinfuse my old great-great-grandma's old features back
I always name my cats nigggerman, regardless of what color they are, it makes me laugh every time I get a pet event.
CK3 would be truly lovecraftian if stress dumps weren't so readily available
Since the patch going Roman Empire really feels like a downgrade rather then just staying Byz. You lose the Varangian units and some of the decisions unique to it. Dont think its worth it unless you're doing the no half measures challenge mode.
how to defend a holy war when i'm outnumbered 3:1
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chinese game now
carnalitas and cbo
I hope they keep up with the weekly characters on the main menu. I played the Malinke guy this week and it was a pretty fun time. I'm also really appreciating that combat advantage seems to have a much bigger impact on battles now, I've gotten my ass kicked several times because I messed up and fought a similar-sized army on defensive terrain that favors them (and in turn I once completely stackwiped Saladin while outnumbered as Jerusalem by doing the same thing).
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Was just bored and going through the Byzantine Emperor title history and got to Augustus. Is he the only character in the game living or dead that has 5 traits? Also kinda funny that hes only 21 cause the game doesn't go into the BC's.
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I outdid the greatest warrior ever being blind. Now the greatest warrior ever is a vegetable.
>wearing armor almost completely compensates for being a decrepit vegetable
I don't like how silly this game is.
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>Angevin culture formed from Norman and Anglo-Saxon in 1034
>English culture formed from Norman and Anglo-Saxon in 1036
the fuck?
Throw money at problem, hire mercs
Try to pick your battles, focus on terrain
Pray to your god.
i'm disabling plagues, fuck this shit
all my vassals are children because they won't stop dying
if i land any of my family members i know they will immediately die
and i'm already at the "very rare" setting (there hasn't been a year out of the last 30 that there wasn't a plague present somewhere in my realm)
this shit is miserable
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which is more fun as a very powerful adventurer attempting to stop adventuring and settle down-- should i settle down after I conquer a kingdom, or request invasion sponsorship of a powerful empire , or should i just buy an estate in the Byzantine empire and start as a small noble?
Requesting sponsorship makes you vassal right? That sounds more fun
I haven't played as a landless noble house yet so I don't know how that works
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yeah requesting sponsorship makes me a vassal, it's either that so i become a vassal of the byzantines, or buy an estate in the byzantine empire, having my own independent kingdom makes the game too easy
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I buckbroke the Great Khan-- and defended the status of the black sea as a byzantine lake, and i wasn't even paid for it i just offered help to the giantess byzantine empress because i felt like it.
How do you guys deal with constant event spam? Intrigue events + legend promotion events while in a very critical war make me punch the fucking monitor.
since you are already greek buying your way into nobility sounds more fun otherwise if its in some foreign land then it'd be better to just invade.

in my current adventurer game the mongols just rolled over everyone, the byzantine empire doesn't exist anymore so once the Mongols either settle down or collapse i'll start to expand into the region
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>-25 losses
How did they got up
>How do you guys deal with constant event spam?

you don't, just have to accept it for what it is and as the game ages more it's going to get even worse
Press ganging survivors.
How does the estate thing mesh with the adventurer camp? Do you have both to build?
you can't have both
So if you agree to be sponsored by the Byz emperor do you lose your camp? How do you move around?
You're no longer an adventurer when that happens
You're still landless but you have a liege lord and a family name. The camp is sold, you get some money back and now you have an estate that allows you to have buildings similar to the camp. You can’t adventure but you can still relocate your estate around within the Byzantine empire. The mechanics change and it becomes a family vs family focus sort of like republics but you’re trying to make a name for your family and other ambitious families will cry to sabotage you and you compete with them. You can manage to get governance titles which are temporary count or duke titles and you get governance contracts and a governor skill. The contracts revolve around crime like embezzlement and fraud etc. You can choose to be corrupt or not.
>muwalladi basque karling king of aquitaine
Maybe I should stop playing 867
>The year is 877
>The Queen of Byzantium is always Nubian.
I should try that route sometime. Do the missions that pop up favor a martial or more learning/intrigue focused character better?
I've always preferred using Restricted diplomatic range as it prevents a lot of silliness, but as a Leper King enjoyer it bothers me not being able to interact with most of Europe as Jerusalem in 1178, particularly to link up with the other Anjou dynasty members. I try not to ever use matrilineal marriages in male dominant religions, so marrying another Anjou is the only realistic way I can continue Baldwin IV/Sibylla's reign, short of taking that nonsense decision to retroactively change Baldwin V's dynasty to match his mother's.
Also due to mechanical jank, Sibylla is unable to bring her firstborn son to her court or control anything about him because he's being raised by his father's family over in Italy
I guess nabbing a Mediterranean island county to extend my diplo range close enough to Italy and the Angevin realm is the easiest way to solve both problems, but Jerusalem isn't really in a position to send all its armies far away at game start, they'd be completely exposed to Saladin when he decides to attack.
Thanks for reading my blog
I keep trying to play this game, I choose the early start date, but my game keeps getting fucked
By which I mean paradox releases a new update that makes my save fucked before I get too far
Also I always have cringe bs happening on the world map
Like last time, the Magyars got instantly genocided and btfo and never settler Europe, and eastern Europe went Muslim
Also I don't have all the DLC because I'm a poorfag I only have half of them
Anyway, I think I'll start a new play through again
You can roll back your game version through Steam if you really want to continue a campaign. Usually only the major updates that come out with DLC (like Roads to Power recently) will break saves, you can usually load a save fine even if it's warning you that it was started on a previous version.
>I choose the earliest start date
Genuinely try out 1066 instead for your next game, I find that the world remains saner.
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I conquered Rome, was thinking of turning it pagan but was like fuck it, and sweared fealty to Byzantium to play as an adminstrative governing style. Basileios refuses to die, his father and grandfather were also great men.
Jarl Hæsteinn is going to move to Iberia and convert to Christianity, and the his ancestors will be the ones to win the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the first crusade.
The Hæsteinn dynasty shall be known eternally as God's chosen rulers of the Holy Land.
Bad dynasty for it 2bh. I posted a list of good Norse dynasties for westernization
Do people actually play as meme religions like Messalians and Adamites?
Are there any non-Christian meme religions in the game?
New thread since this one is on page 10
I play meme religions in Fallen Eagle.

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