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Latin edition

How fares your empire, /ck3g/?

Previous thread >>1863556
Is there a more bookmarks mod that doesn't bloat the map? I wouldn't mind map bloat if it was relevant to the area I'm playing but it angers me that I need to have a million characters in the far east slowing things down to play the Alexiad start in More Bookmarks +
Where are the anime mods? Serious question
There's what, one chink mod that adds 2d characters from Azur Lane and that's it
Why isn't there a full replacement at least for 3d anime heads? That Skyrim mod has all their furry races in the game so it can't be that hard to mod this kind of thing
I loved CK2 - my favourite strategy game of all time.I also loved CK3 when I played it a couple years back.
But I really cannot justify the price tag of £120. Sure, I can buy it without the DLC but let's be honest I have played enough paradox games to know I won't be getting a full experience.
Is there a way I can buy the game but not the DLC and still play it like with CK2
Yes, you can pirate only the DLCs like every other Paradox game, but honestly they aren't too significant, half of the DLCs are "regional flavor packs" or whatever the hell they call them that don't affect your game unless you play in their designated regions. There only have been 3 full fledged DLCs so far which save for the latest one have been kind of inconsequential. Still, just pirate DLCs.
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I dislike how easy it is to stack buffs and shit and have every character live up to 75-80, I handicap myself by never building into plague resistance so it balances out a bit

my guess is since the characters are 3D they require a lot of work to do which other autists are ready to do for their favorite mods like the khajit or elves but nobody wants to sink time into making them anime

buy the base game CKIII on cdkeys or wherever for cheap then go to cs.rin.ru thread of the game, download the DLCs in the thread and creamapi.dll, i've done it for years for not just paradox games but many many other. most recently total war warhammer 3
The Latin Empire was the reddit empire of it's time
>Normans rule the Kingdoms of Ireland, Scotland, Wales (dynasty overthrown, Normans still rule), England (recently converted to Angevin and then English), Normandy (de jure France and Brittany), Andalusia, Valencia, Navarra, Tahert, Italy, Egypt, Jerusalem, Syria, and Anatolia
This game is way too easy
Booted up the game for the first time in ages and noticed they finally added Albanians.
Thank you Paradox, although your history of anti-Illyrian racism won't be forgiven so easily.
Albania is literally unplayable, the provinces all have a "backwater" modifier that make it nearly impossible to generate any income and you can't remove it until you get 50 development in the Albanian provinces.
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>3d anime heads
It'd look like pic related or that Touhou mod for M&B.
Doing Iberian struggle for the first time. Starting as one of the independent Andalusian Mozarabic single counties.
Made my own ruler just to get the requirements to trigger the Adoptionism event.
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So then i thought. Why not kidnap Subutai, convert him to Orthodoxy, make him my knight who will always be loyal cause of the trait and seduce him?
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What would you guys do for a Hungarian run? What is the dream of the Hungarian people? I really want to do a run where I make a unique Hungarian culture with Hunnic heritage because Hungarian culture doesn't get to keep horse archers. But beyond that I don't know what my goals should or would be.

Also the coat of arms for the Árpád dynasty sucks, I found this picture and I'm going to try to make a custom banner based off the shield.
What's the point of playing as a woman? You go infertile when you're 45.
I found a fucking bug (and I am only assuming its not known yet)
if you start at the 1178 bookmark and use the game rule to force admin, you end up losing one accolade spot permanently
If you load in normally without that game rule turned on, like into feudal, the accolades are unlocked as normal (2 from emperor, 2 from innovations, and then one from a legacy)
something's borked with admin government and the innovations for some reason
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I'm still fucking seething that this happened in my attempted Latin Empire campaign
Well in this case im just goofing about and trying all the new Byz stuff as an immortal since they decided to add it. I capped out at 20 kids before the game force stopped it. I spent the first 100 years or so just chilling on Cyprus as a longtime spy master putting my kids onto themes and murdering many Fatimids.

Immortal is nice to play if you want to take a break from going insane cause the child you groomed to be great dies cause they decided to eat plants on the side of the road, which happened 3 times in the character i played before this.
>Albania is literally unplayable, the provinces all have a "backwater" modifier

historically accurate
What I really want is the ability to make custom ethnicities, or at least the ability to choose what your people look like when you make a hybrid culture. I know the agot mod make it so that the dragon family always has white hair and purple eyes so it should be theoretically possible.
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It will keep generating both ethnic groups within the culture and they will mix on their own, the problem tends to solve itself.
Also, Blonde Dravidians look way cooler than I would have thought.
Just stopped playing and realised its like 5 am my time zone
I got so absorbed... I thought it was like 2 am max
Choosing the Radical / Fundamentalist school when forming Adoptionism gives you an extremely kino religion, really very OP.
The downside is that all other so-called "Christians" will see you as evil. Not that that matters for Iberia.
Main issue is it puts you at risk of Crusades.
Defending against crusades is easy and you get tons of piety and renown. I love fighting crusades, that's why viking England is my favorite.
lol you cuck fag, you don't even have a real dynasty
That's why I never do adoption (or if I do I disinherit them) I like looking through my character's lineage and seeing that they are descended from the heroes of old.
Uhm... that's not what it means. Adoptionism is a faith in game.

It historically referred to non-trinitarian Christian movements that rejected the notion that Jesus was *always* and eternally God from the beginning of time (which is the orthodox stance) - and rather, that he was adopted by God.

Moderates held positions more similar to mainstream Christianity.
The believed at some point, maybe at baptism, crucifixion, or some other significant time - God adopted Jesus to be his chosen Son, and therefore to become of God.
Jesus became God, but the Son is lesser than the Father. This is based on the Bible, John 14:28 where Jesus says "the Father is Greater than I".

Radicals rejected that Jesus was ever anything more than human. He was chosen by God for his special purpose, to bring salvation, to be his representative on Earth. But he was nothing more than a human, and they view God as indivisible, and so no Father/Son/Spirit division can exist. They viewed worship of Jesus as idolatry.

Hope that helps.
lolol cringe cuck religion
Christ is King
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They really need to fix the way court language spreads, this shit is retarded
How does it spread? I can never get anywhere close to something like that.
It happens every time I play, I think it's just related to prestige and court grandeur.
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It just keeps going
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Thats weird. Im playing a broken Byzantine Emperor character and Greek is for the most part limited to the borders of my empire along with the other major powers. Do you tend to really spread your dynasty around and such?
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It usually happens either way, but yeah in this playthrough I've got quite a few dynastic kings.
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What legacy tree should I go down next? I've already maxed Kin and Legitimacy. Octogenarians at the end of Blood is kind of unnecessary.
Do you have the Norse ones? If not I rather like the legends tree, the legendary watchtower is really nice. Also law is rather good, especially home estates.

Nice tree so far, I like to pick up the first legacy in blood and then go down kin, if I don't have strong blood by then I pick up the next two in blood.
I went blood first and I still haven't gotten a primary heir eligible for strong blood.
How many years are you into that run? It can take a while. It's especially harder since they made disinheriting more costly, I don't like to play as anyone without access to an elective system since that update.
what map mod?
Almost 200. I'm sick of being overly gamey with inheritance though so I just spread my dynasty rather than consolidating and cheesing genetics.
I still think it is absolutely fucking retarded that both parents having a trait guarantees that it gets passed on, CK2 literally did the exact opposite and started punishing you with random bad traits for trying to push eugenics too much.
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Why is this character wearing a tube top under her clothes? Other characters don't get this
Looks like she is 17 years 364 days old so it's illegal to show her chest, you need a mod to fix this
and what would such a mod be called?
Check the CK3 thread in the ATF forums, it used to be pretty easy to do it yourself too by changing the clothes and body text files
Anyone tried whoremaxxing as a female adventurer? How did it go?
I can't figure out these games. I just end up sitting in place fast-forwarding waiting for anything to happen.

Downloaded the LotR mod. They took a lot of metaphor really literally and created this whole arab region in the south for some reason. Interesting but still not having fun.
That's like complaining that you sat in the start menu and the game didn't start by itself. This game is shit compared to CK2, but sitting and doing literally nothing isn't the reason why.
Better Map Graphics + CK2 Map Font
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Recommend me some fun, action-packed regions to settle in. No Baghdad, No Delta/Cairo and no India
t. mongol steppe bandit
Wait, what do I need to adopt the caravaneer tradition?
I was just thinking about doing a steppe adventurer to Prussia run, I'm still unsure about the culture and religion I'll go for
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300 years in and the first historical character to pop up is shlomo shekelstein
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I could commission a book from him or something
Absolutely not, if anything it was the result of a 4chan raid on the actual reddit empire (byzantium)
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I miss the expel jews button
Is the cultural names mod updated?
No but I realized that the CTD is only in the campaign select screen. Just turn it on once you''ve already started.
One time I did a campaign where after winning a Crusade for Morocco I larped that the grandson installed as King always loved the steppe and was close with his grandmother that had actually lived the nomad life. This unique perspective made him better equipped to deal with the Berbers, who he brought to his side in a cultural exchange. We became Berber, and they became Christian. And our King was able to live the nomadic life he had dreamt of
Go for Holy Land or thereabouts. Antioch should be fun and challenging
Isn't the crusades AI utterly retarded and almost guaranteed to fail against muslims?
Yes but no because the other crusader target AI is just as retarded too. As a player it's not too difficult to hold them off though specially with the advantage changes in this patch
I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Everything costs gold and nothing gives any back. I don't get it.
The most important thing to do is to not increase game speed imo
Look around and explore all of your options
Set yourself a goal and think about how best to achieve it
just played around with the new byz dlc and lmao what the fuck it took me around a full 20 minutes to become the emperor how easy this shit is
Goals of Hungary were always to dominate Balkan, claim Moravia, Poland and Austria.
Also Árpad CoA is reat, you have shit taste.
The janitor is gay, trans, black skinned and most importantly refuses to do his fucking job.
How do you feel about playing female characters?
Isn't it kinda gay?
Like you're unironically marrying and seducing and having sex with men.
I had the event where Jews try to settle your realm
It makes one province convert to Jewish culture and religion, and in exchange you get tax and development boost
Obviously, I didn't allow the Jews into my realm
Actually, the anti-general rule was removed. Specifically so /gsg/ could be moved over here, and the retarded spammers within could colonise this board. As if R*bbie wasn't bad enough.
I insert myself as the men being seduced by my female character
Is this game good yet?
CK3 fanbase is 30% Nazis, 30% trannies, 30% brown people, 30% autistics.
The total is over 100% because most CK3 players fit into more than one category.
Yes actually
what are the racial bonuses for brown tranny?
nazi autist here
Is there actually any improvement or is it just the same few events on repeat like tournaments was?
The events are the same repetitive shit and there's a lot of that, but I find the gameplay part of wandering around with your army and joining whatever war you want for money pretty fun. Admin government is also a big improvement even if it's way too easy balance-wise.
How often do you cuck your rivals and enemies?
never, i never seduce if i'm playing as a female-- and when i seduce as a male i do it to get nice genetic traits from the mother. I think CK3 need a rebalancing to genetics and even educated/acquired traits to make the game more challenging.
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Compared to CK2, there are lots of things to do in peace time. I especially like tours and grand weddings. However CK3 is in dire need of trade routes (silk road is a must but there should be more "dynamic" trade system), religion flavor and warfare rework. I want to believe that trade, silk road and nomads are the next focus of big DLC. China should be stay as an interaction. Adding more provinces to the game would be the worst idea. I also seriously don't understand why paradox didn't add "tributary-related/give me your money" cbs to the game.
Doesn't it annoy anyone else that you're forced to become a faction leader if you join any? I don't understand why it's this way
>I also seriously don't understand why paradox didn't add "tributary-related/give me your money" cbs to the game.
The reason should be obvious to you. To cut content and release it later and pump people for more money.
It's been half a decade
>Also Árpad CoA is reat, you have shit taste.
Do you mean real? Source?

Also how do I have shit taste? It's just red and white stripes.
It's just like the american flag, it looks great
But the bird one is real too it looks like. I just prefer that one.
Thoughts on the favourite child thing? I like being able to play as a family member of my choice desu, it's often more fun not to just be an emperor
It sound like it might be a fun way to leave your empire and family for a while, maybe get the swansong modifier as a knight, and then reclaim your empire at some later time.

Also you could do it repeatedly to get the dynasty of many crowns achievement.
Dynasty of many crowns is retardedly easy, just have a lot of kids, blob, and crusade.
>we can't still expel jews like CK2 because
The game makes my PC get a lot hotter and it stutters a lot more since the latest update
I hadn’t been playing the last update, but it’s also getting extra toasty playing this. It’s pretty ridiculous.
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It can be hard if you're a Christian in the middle of Europe. Also I just don't like blobbing. I have an empire I want to build at the start of every game and I never feel all that motivated to expand beyond that.

Although I did do a campaign where I did do that, I concurred almost all of Europe and gave the individual duchies to my family members so they wouldn't ever lose them. They went on to get eastern Europe, Hungary and the entire Byzantine empire.

This is only a religious map, but every single piece of land that is my religion (besides Britannia and Egypt is held by my dynasty members. I got and insane amount of renown. What I really learned from this is that having lots of independent dynasty members is much more valuable than owning that land for yourself. Also I should add that I don't think you can give administrative vassals independence, so the landless strategy might be good for that.
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Picture of my dynasty member that got the Byzantine Empire somehow. He must have bought a claim on it and conquered it as a duke.
>count will only agree to give up his independence and become my vassal if I guarantee his religions religious exemption
>agree to do so
>immediately change vassal control to repeal his religious exemption
>demand he converts
>he refuses
>imprison him
>force him to give up his lands

why spill blood and waste good soldiers and county development when you can just do this?
You don't get as many prisoners for blót
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>a bunch of neighbours are willing to become my vassals
>immediately form an independence faction after accepting
Vikangz got no style in this game
You gotta hybridize the gayreeks if you want the bling
Remember that time in history when the holy roman emperor sent his entire army across and bankrupted himself to help his irish ally the chieftain of munster?
Empire is dead. The goddess-empress (Hurculean, Beautiful, Cannibal, Albino, Lustful, Vengeful, some negatives for balance, don't remember which ones, maximum dread) of Iceland, Ireland and England, Queen of Jerusalem, died after ruling for nearly sixty years, shortly after returning from Crusade. Her Heir then got plague and died right after getting married, and the dynasty fragmented into a bunch of warring states between cousins and the empress' numerous bastards. Just wasn't the same without my battle waifu, so I threw in the towel. Probably going to build a back water sultanate next time I feel like wasting 40 hours.
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Started a new game today as a serb duke of duklja but I swore fealty to the Basileus and made Ragusa/Dubrovnik my primary title which makes me the governor of Dubrovnik. Fun run so far though he's 65 and not long for this world, i'll continue as the daughter because she's the most competent and the son is an unrecognized bastard. Stewardmaxxed to make this run easy as it's my first time playing around with the new mechanics but they're really too easy and you have to handicap yourself to not become the Basileus. Anyway seems like now the AI blobs pretty decently since it often spawns Conquerors which I think is alright as it somewhat prevents border gore while also sometimes the blobs collapse.
How'd she die?
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Its very annoying that Luni cant be held by a feudal lord. Genoa is a fun place to start with but it kinda sucks you cant directly hold your entire dutchy unless you go admin.
Can't you just save up for a castle holding?
Admin governments can hold cities?
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Would that work? I should give that a try then.

Yeah. It says that only Feudal cant own it so i messed with console to flip and it seems to work.
>Yeah. It says that only Feudal cant own it so i messed with console to flip and it seems to work.

I wonder if that works with Doge's Palace or if we're just gonna have to wait for merchant republics.
I am 30 and I have never had sex
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Ok thats nice. I just tried it and it does work. Just have to remember to make Chiavari the county capital before handing Luni to a local noble. I was thinking of starting a new character back in the 867 start and was thinking of Genoa as the capital. I think ill go with that now because of that.

Yep looks like Admin makes the building work now as well. Maybe going adventurer till your strong enough to steal it from the Doge might be a fun run as well!
>Yep looks like Admin makes the building work now as well

Interesting, my theory from the announcement was that admin was a way to build towards republics.
>Ok thats nice. I just tried it and it does work.
Ah, thought it would.

>that pic
I've never actually looked at Venice before, I thought for sure they would've made it a at least a duchy-level republic with only city holding by default. Oh well, maybe eventually they'll do what AGOT does and have one big city with each major district acting as its own holding.
I just thought they made them a kingdom cause it gave them more troops to defend with and less likely to get diplo vassalized by the HRE or Byz. Kinda the same with Pisa as well.
>Adventurer dynasty legacy
>It's actually one of the most useless legacies to pick from when playing as an adventurer
They should've added an actual dynasty legacy for landless, maybe the final perk being a decision to spend money to disinherit an heir but they become a landless adventurer, or maybe do a barony invasion somewhere.
It literally predates the adventurer dlc, its one of the two viking-centric ones
They could have based it off ck2, made more new and innovative dlcs, there'd be a larger game and they'd make even more profit pleasing the veterans and the casuals
I wanted some bloat for my next campaign, these two mods seem interesting (leaning towards the latter one)
Anyone played either or have suggestions for anything similar?
don't, its bloated buggy shit that makes the game even less fun, so many issues, like i don't even know where to begin. it's like they're trying so many different ideas and it all just meshes into a monstrosity of half-baked features and 100s of bugs.
This shit is just gonna slow down your game and eventually break it
Is CK3 popular in China? There's a lot of chink mods now
Meiou slop with another hundred buttons to click for a +5% gold income
They're both super bloat, but Weight of the Crown at least had more activity, changing how development worked and some more granularity.
Sinews of War added a lot of features but so many of them are automatic systems that play by themselves, so you still end up playing the regular game, with just some different modifiers.
Both of them don't really change the main economic/military/character engine; I gave them a 50-year/2 generation try and just returned to more lightweight mods
Strategy games in general have gained a lot of popularity in China
They're becoming sentient.
I played tournaments and they were the same fucking events, at least the ck2 ones were a single text popup you could click away I hate the fucking sims shit
If enough chinks play AoE2 would they finally be able to conquer that island 1% the size of China?
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chinks are not a martial people
they do not *want* to conquer taiwan
they're comfortable with reunifying peacefully twenty or so years in the future
>lingua franca
It's 904AD and the Vidilists (Baltic Pagans) just reformed their faith all by themselves
Never seen that happen before
>1081 all of Europe changed court language to Shaz Turkic
immersion destryoed
I have a Magyar Taltoist Pagan Queen in Scotland, Orthodoxy in Somalia, a Tajik Muslim as king of France, and Greek as the court language of Nigeria.
In addition to what I already said here >>1876078
I've seen that happen twice, it never saves them though. I've also seen the Somalian faith get reformed a few times.
I feel like all you niggers play with some retarded ass mods enabled. I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary in my 3 full games as adventurer. Other than the HRE and Byz blobbing like fuck, nothing remotely interesting happens.
I play unmodded
now the AI blobs decently and even forms meme empires when the Conqueror trait appears. it's stopping the border gore so that's nice
I don't understand how the conqueror trait does any of that, it doesn't give any CBs.
It makes claimants come to their court.
I really love the Saoshyant trait. It's so cool to be able to see at a glance who's descended from you.
When are the toponym and titles mods getting an update?
+5 Monthly tax
−75% Men-at-arms maintenance
−75% Title creation cost
+25 Days enemy hostile scheme phase length
-3% Enemy hostile scheme growth
-40% Enemy hostile scheme potential
+5 Monthly legitimacy
Yes Unlocks the Forced Vassalization casus belli
Yes Casus belli are free
No Factions cannot form
Yes Every 3-6 months the realm capital gains a building
Every 3-6 months men-at-arms reinforce and increase their size by 1
Every 3-6 months the character gains random gold
Every 3-6 months the character gains 150 prestige
Every 3-6 months the character loses 40 stress
Every 3-6 months the character increases a skill by 2
Every 3-6 months the character has a 15% chance to increase their education trait level
Every year a claimant joins the court
Can gain various beneficial events
Bullshit, half of those never happen
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now that i have to live a life on the road and travel through lands that aren't my own, i am increasingly aware of how much the AI doesn't care about control
How do you farm renown as an admin realm? Conquering kingdoms, giving them to your children and granting them independence isn't an option.
>they're comfortable with reunifying peacefully twenty or so years in the future
lmao even
the taiwanese keep feeling ever less chinese the longer time goes by, if winnie the pooh wants a chinese taiwan he'd unironically have to invade before the decade ends at the latest
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First campaign, Caligari 1066 start
Did I do good
Also how the hell do you release the pope as a vassal
I've never done it in CK3 but in CK2 you just had to create an antipope and then install them to the papacy while you're an emperor.
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Going Admin is so nice for Northern Italy. Just Genoa and Venice alone give me 30 gold a month and thats with the early start. I know we've all hated it since release but with the inclusion of the admin government they really need to rework confederate partition even more now. It almost feels like you're doing it wrong if you stick with that succession law even for your first character. It punishes people that want to stick with feudalism too much.

I dont think the Pope can be a vassal? Can you click his portrait in the Catholic religion screen and give him a title?
His only title left is the Papacy itself, but trying to grant him the title or using the decision just makes him independent
I believe that means the Pope is hard coded to not be a vassal.
how do i convert counties as a wanderer?
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I believe this decision is the only way. It lasts for 10 years and I have no idea if you can repeat it as ive never done it before. There is also the building in the scholar camp that lets you convert individual people as you travel.
Every once in a while I tell myself I'm gonna do a matriarchal run. Then I jack off and lose interest.
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yep, that was it. I had died as the Emperor of the Latin Empire, so I made went as an adventurer to convert the lands. Managed to bring half of it to Catholicism before my old age returned me to the Empire.

The Choose a New Destiny is one of the best features, allows you to jump places and find new AI situations to recover
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>How do you farm renown as an admin realm?

just stack intrigue and intrigue focus the scheming one, marry off your children more strategically so their children become heirs with a bit of planning and small nudges in the form of murders and assassinations. murder emperors or kings spouses and then when they are single marry them to your children, fabricate hooks to make it easier beforehand, etc. youll get renown even if someone of your dynasty is [rank] by marriage
>The Choose a New Destiny

this and adventurer is cool that they added in, the powercreep is still as easy as ever but its at least new ways to play. they now need to stop fucking around and seriously add republics/steppe nomads and expand or better said rework catholicism with the papacy and anti popes
I wish they would rebalance that though. I can play a Merc who turns the tide of every war they join and is max rank in both prestige and piety and yet my family is obscure. Maybe an option to gain renown as one of the options for the hooks you get for doing jobs. Kinda like you're asking them to spread the good word of your family.
I'm having probably my favorite game yet with the new start date

>be Reynald de Chatillion, Lord of Kerak
>martialmaxx in order to be greatest Christian warrior and save Jerusalem
>marry daughter off to the son of Bohemond of Antioch for the alliance
>end up saving him from hashashin assassins
>Saladin invades holy land
>use superior martial skill and the help of the Hospitaller to beat back his men when they get divided
>after having a couple of kids my hag wife (and duchess) decides to divorce me, probably because I'm not paying her enough attention anymore with the war going on
>war is difficult, we are losing on occupation but winning overall since I keep winning battles
>finally white peace

>hag ex wife tries to revoke my castle
>gets btfo with help of antioch bro and deposed
>former stepson is now duke
>tries to revoke my castle
>gets btfo the same way
>son and heir is now duke

Fast forward to son's reign
>crusade gets called for egypt
>win crusade, now the daughter from before (who is single again) gets to be queen of Egypt
>her two kids die of typhus and suddenly I'm the heir to Egypt

Arabs aren't much of a threat anymore but the mongols are getting close and have an 80k army with the Great Khan still alive. Would be wild to save Jerusalem from Arabs only to lose it to Mongols.
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funding a legend while being an adventurer makes you actually have to have income, and, honestly, it's kinda fun having to make sure you are taking the most efficient jobs based off your skills/available contracts
Do new Jewish faiths get The Prophecy of Malachi doctrine? I'm gonna do a Jew run and Rabbinic Judaism has a pluralist attitude and it just makes things so much more difficult.
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Its kind of funny watching my vassals constantly declare war on the pope cause on the surface they think they can beat him only for him to always win cause he shits out all the mercs and holy orders.
The way the papacy is handled in this game is fucking stupid
Maybe I'll buy this game in a decade or so once they finish rolling out the DLCs
I really hate the way they implemented Hellenism. Why couldn't they just add the Harranian Sabians? It would be so much easier.
They weren't hellenic
Every source I've read says they were. There were other influences but definitely Hellenic. They claimed Hermes was their prophet.
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You can always just play as them with RICE.
I wouln't expect Paradox to do anything with them anytime soon.
>>win crusade, now the daughter from before (who is single again) gets to be queen of Egypt
I hate how women are always benefactors for crusades (because most men are secondary heirs to something making them ineligible), they shouldn't even be options for it.
>Paradox has an entire game rule about game marriage
>Now there's an immortal trait
>But still no modding support on ressurecting dead characters
Yeah it is stupid. If they made primogeniture available earlier it would improve that problem and be more realistic with second and third sons available for crusader kingdoms. Women did have an outsized influence in Jerusalem compared to other places though. They'd get to rule after their husbands died and some other sucker would have to marry them for the titles. Probably why things went to shit.
>online trolling
Who the fuck considers that a hobby
>convert to a heresy
>30 years later, for no apparent reason, half of Western Christendom's rulers also convert to my religion
uhmm.... sisters??
>To cut content and release it later and pump people for more money.
That would be a fine excuse if they ever bothered to actually release it back as DLC. It's been four years
>they're comfortable with reunifying peacefully twenty or so years in the future
Isn't going to happen. Despite the older generations trying desperately to keep the "we are Chinese" sentiment alive, the Taiwanese youth increasingly do not feel Chinese.
Will grow up and become exactly like their parents, counterculture bullshit doesn't last.
>I also seriously don't understand why paradox didn't add "tributary-related/give me your money" cbs to the game.
There is absolutely no reason to declare war for money when you can just conquer shit for the same effort. Paradox need to tone down the power fantasy all across the board if they have plans to include something like this.
>t. Martin Luther
Taiwan was never Chinese to begin with. Chinese first Ming exiles and then Koumitang exiles were always immigrants there. Actual Formosans are closer to Polynesians.
What if i don't want their shitty low dev mountainous land?
The Taiwanese are literally island niggers LARPing as Chinese.
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What traits would he have? What would be his marshal, intrigue, stewardship, learning and diplomacy skills? What would be his prestige and piety levels at this point?
>language is chinese
>ethnically chinese, excluding the abbos
>country is literally called the republic of china
>only exists because of the kuomintang deciding to go into exile on an island
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why can't I hire the holy orders? am I retarded?
I am fighting against pagans as a catholic but nothing happens when I click and the hire button says "commanded by you".
they are most certainly not part of my army.
somebody else hired them and Paradox fucked up the scoping in the tooltip, again
Maybe they're hired by someone else fighting on the same side as you in the war?
Yeah well what do you want me to do about it. Just look up any pool asking the Taiwanese if they consider themselves Chinese or not. Plenty of them reply that they consider themselves Taiwanese, especially the youth.
Ambitious and an intrigue lifestyle.
They've definitely completely fucked up somewhere, it's all over the place. Reading all these events there's constantly text saying my courtier, my knight, my chancellor etc when they belong to someone else.
anyone else experience the music player bugging out? it plays a song then stops and wont play another unless i manually go in and start the next
There's a music player?
yeah the basileus update added the music player, bottom right corner of your screen click the three dots to expand the menu and on the bottom is "Music Player"

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