why does no one talk about shadow empire? I'm about to try it.
>>1879701Just buy an ad already. Nobody cares about your broken, autistic mess of a game anyway
>>1879701Is Shadow Empire different from that EA fantasy game about being an evil god? Your screenshot looks like a military game.
>>1879705you will never be janny
>>1879705Gary absolutely buck broken
>>1879701there are threads all the time m8
>>1879701there is a thread named SHADOW EMPIRE anon>>>1850047and the moment you grasp how the game work it lose its charm mostly because game is made in backward way
>>1879701theres literally always a thread up
>>1879705This is a big brain only thread, walnut brains need not apply. there are plenty of hoi 4 and other slop threads that are much more suited for your limited attention span.
>>1879844Aww another slop tard mad cause his peanut brain got filtered almost immediately upon looking at the manual. Back to mobas and micro transactions for you, pleb!
>>1879922>you think its complicated and too hard>i think its bloated and too easywe are not the same anonmost systems are just done in the worst way possible, its miracle that the game actually isn't that bad
>>1879758Shadows of Forbidden Gods released already. It's good and plays nothing like Shadow Empire
>>1879701Its okay.
>>1879701game would be better without all the card bullshit
>>1879701It’s fun for roleplaying as a Roman penal colony and getting in unwinnable wars of attrition. If you like to meta game, you’ll get bored once you figure it out. Lots of autistic detail, but not really challenging
>>1879701>why does no one talk about shadow empire?Because the game falls apart once you realize the AI cannot play it even remotely competently.
>>1890394That's every hex wargame.
>>1890394AI is a lot more competent than in moden CIv and paradox games
>>1879701I played 3 games, I won the first 2 but then I turned air combat on for the third one and lost interest because I couldn't figure out how to build a plane that could actually take off.Otherwise it's not really that hard, you just build tanks and blitz through enemy lines. It's like HoI4 but with more shit glued on top.
>>1890394lol play on hard/extreme The ai is brutal and I have over 600 hours and read the manual front and back. AI will flank, encircle, retreat, bombard, defensive, offensive stances, scouts, rushes ect. Please telll me a game with better ai, I’m waiting.
>>1890760I do retard, the AI still has massive holes in every frontline, don't know how to scale their economy and recruit too many soldiers (and yet, never have any to oppose me). They don't know how to use postures and will leave their thin, vulnerable frontlines in offensive postures allowing direct counter attacks with infantry to succeed. The AI spends more time and effort fighting eachother, instead of fighting the player. There's too much circlejerk about how difficult this game actually is in these threads. Once you get a tank brigade and a blitzkrieg posture there's literally nothing the AI can do to stop you anymore. It is incapable of thinking up a solution to a player driving tanks directly towards their capital. I've played SE for hundreds of hours and the only time you lose in this game is if an AI player snowballs on the opposite side of the map and hits 50 victory points before you can get to 25.
>>1890915works on my machine
>>1890680Sounds like you got filtered hard
>>1890760>>1890915> Wrote a 500 word essay and still didn't answer anons question There's inherently no way to make a turn based game with good enough AI. Chess is the exception and that's because it has way less moving parts than even basic 4x games. Even then, it took them years to develop AI which can challenge grand masters. If you want real challenge, play PBEM like the game was meant to be played and stop yapping about AI like it's some unforgivable problem that only SE has.
>>1891059>Wrote a 500 word essay and still didn't answer anons questionI didn't, because his question is stupid and presumes that Shadow Empire has good AI to begin with.I agree with you that AI in games is mostly ass, but most games can make an AI that feels challenging and fun to defeat, mostly by virtue of game design.>stop yapping about AI like it's some unforgivable problem that only SE has.First of all, i never said that it is. Second of all, SE AI is genuinely so incompetent that it undermines the game completely in my opinion, more so than most other turn based strategy games.The whole fucking draw with this game is that it's the autistic hypercomplicated wargame, yet shitting out some tank brigades and attacking without putting a single thought in the process will yield the same or better results as comming up with an elaborate battleplan, and the only reason this is so is because the AI doesn't know how to play the game.>>1890919I wish it did on mine. I want to like this game more than i do, but never being challenged on the actual battlefield makes it so fucking boring
>>1891551Which 4x games do you find to have good AI? I mean non-cheating, of course
>>1891046Hey I'm a map painter, not an airplane designer.
>>1892205Fair enough
>>1890915>>1891059I didn’t ask for a critique from a smooth brain with probably less than. 100 hours and only barely won a game on easy. I asked what game has better AI and you couldn’t answer
>>1892155All AI cheat, some devs are just more honest than others.
>>1890915>>1891551>once you get a tank brigade and blitzkrieg posture there’s nothing the AI can do to stop you anymoreFalse. You must only play on easy and think your big brain’d for blitzing peaceful AI regimes. Lmao
>>1890680>>1890915Nice Bait loser, now go back to your goy slop 4 thread where you belong.
>>1891551>>1892603Then why are we having this retarded discussion? The complaint here is that AI in SE doesn't cheat enough, essentially. As said above, find some friends and play PBEM. This game has heavy wargame DNA, and with wargames singleplayer is never the main focus.
>game falls apart because I can't finish off some random animals that keep retreating and break all my logistics in the processI truly hate this shit.
>>1890915>The AI spends more time and effort fighting eachother, instead of fighting the player.Finally
>>1890915This is true, but it's still a great game.And the AI will still fuck you up if you play on hard