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Any ideas you'd like to see in the mod?
Why did dwarves spend 6,000 years fighting orcs only to lose at the end anyways meanwhile humans completely destroyed the Greentide in just 30 years? Are dwarves just retarded?
Dwarves are more "effeminate" tha humans.
Humans had Satan on their side.
dwarves were hikineets that refused to leave their hold more than once every hundred years so the orcs just killed them one-by-one. Humans actually touch grass so they could amass a large enough army to actually beat the orcs.
They also spent a lot of time killing each other over millenia-long grudges.
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The mission tree is old and short with bits of meaningless claims, meager devving bonuses, and a way to late (and also meager) colonizing modifiers typical of the ancient Cannorian mission trees. And you will spent most of the campaign playing as Beepeck anyway. The early game of juggling Lorent and Gawed with mercs for your clay is easily the most engaging part of it. Don't know if it got a rework in the newer updates though.
gonna give one of the new saar countries a try
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Can I get a qrd on this mod? How is it different (mechanically) from base eu4, aside from the new map obviously
Magic, racial system including genocide and ethnic cleansing options, artificery, numerous mission trees with unique mechanics, etc etc
It lets you play like 15 different dwarven tags.
There's also some other content but I'm not sure I ever tried it.
They added in a genocide feature
Okay I'm sold
>grobpreubens kids when they hear the fantasy mod has genocide be like
Why am I supposed to like Corin if I'm not a orc race mixing g fetishist, again? They keep acting like I'm supposed to and there should be a reason to support the "reformation"
Less lore dumps and writing in general. More genocide flavor, not just racial but cultural and religious too. Also a better pop system solely for slavery. I think it would add a lot to roleplay.
Agreed on slavery, I don't like that there's no distinction between free opressed minorities and slaves
Reverse grombar. Crovis wins and finds out about troll-grip orc pussy. Heads further east to get more orc women. Nation continues being ruled by humans but with half orc military.
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>one elector for the elves
>one elector for the dwarves
>one elector for the halflings
>one elector for the mages (mostly elves)
>one elector for the merchants (mostly dwarves and gnomes)
>two electors for the nobles (mostly half-elves)
We need an elector for the dovesworn gnolls to drive the point home that h*mans aren't welcome in Anbennar
What about an elector for the Kobolds? Like the Winescale mod.
You aren't supposed to. She is literally the reincarnation of Satan and tries to usurp the throne of Castellos after his (((death))).
humans breed all of those tho
except dwarves
Gnolls are monsters and do not deserve an elector.
I would like to see a jeet tag that isn't boring as fuck.
>h*mans aren't welcome in Anbennar
then who will 300 year old elven sluts groom if not cute rich human shotas?
gnoll is to a stuck up elf woman what dog is to a white woman
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I like the inclusion of the Dovesworn Gnolls as an example of Gnoll demonsterization that actually makes sense. Most Gnolls tags (Bar tluukt and that one scavenger tag without a mission tree) I doubt could ever demonsterize sensibly considering they're all about peddling drugs, slavery and mass human sacrifices to summon demons to this plane of existence to further global gnollisation.
Will Anbennar receive an EU5 version?
The gnoll khet tag could easily demonsterize .
cool it with the antisemitism
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True, forgot about those.
But I didn't mention the globogommo...?
I think I saw on reddit the Kobold guy is reworking them next.
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The (((international community))) isn't taking my very real demonsterization efforts seriously for some reason.
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playing one of the nations with new missions and literally none of the green guys allies joined him when I attacked lol
I have a mod question. Is there any race Jaddar wouldn't fuck?
what's wrong with it? it's just cultural expression
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His uncle, on the other hand...
>Chaddar wouldn't fuck a big fuzzy tiger girl
They'd be all over him too, since their men treat them like shit
After what they did to his ancestors can you blame him?
the robots from that island still in dev whose name i can't remember might be outside his monstergirl fetish
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Busilar winning over Eborthil is by far the biggest tragedy of the canon lore, Eborthil has so much more fun possible themes based on geography alone. Realistically the Isle of Tef is incapable of supporting the explosive population growth of the industrial era. I'd give the country themes and decissions around promoting emigration towards Eborthil's overseas terriroties (Busilar and Deshak) and its many island colonies. With the eventual endgoal of integrating and coring all these and forming a proper empire of the Islands. Maybe they'll build a bridge connecting the Isle of Tef with the Busilari mainland. Big Dishonored vibes all around.
well now that would be interesting and so completely against what we're going for with Anbennar Vicky
If i knew jackshit about modding i'd probably try my hand at a vic2 fan fork kinda deal. No way in hell am i ever touching vic3.
Less femoids in my government.
No femoids in my government or military.
Pretty weird that the powerful mage trait comes built in with "can recruit female generals"
I assume that's just so any ruler can be made into a War Wizard.
The confusing thing for me is why a bunch of event text uses "them" to refer to the ruler when EU4 has a built-in function go get whether a character is "him" or "her." It feels very lazy.
I assume it's because you wouldn't be able to warmage a Powerful Mage female ruler if that wasn't there?
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damnit for some reason the image didn't upload
I wish I knew how to draw so i could make a kobold version of this meme.
I made one for the previous thread (500 hours in MS paint)
I can't even imagine what a kobold spurdo would look like
They should create an evil Harimari tag. Every other major race has one if not multiple except them.
I'd be up for it. Would they have a gimmick? Some kind of evil raj?
they eat other races
throw some vampirism in with it maybe
The way to go would be to exaggerate the worst traits of Harimari society, ie their extreme paternalism and hedonism. Make a nation where Harimari are not only at the top but where humans are seen as slaves and in some cases literal livestock, because they can't be trusted to take care of themselves.
A half-orc corinite witch king and professor was teaching a class on Corin, known incarnation of Agrados.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Corin and accept she was the most blessed and strongest person the world has ever known, even stronger than Dookan!"
At this moment, a brave, patriotic 29 year old strong chivalarous Adenican Knight who had served 5 years in the adenican army and understood the necessity of jousting and fully supported all military expenses made by the Adenic Kingdom stood up and held up a picture of Agrados, Corin's previous form.
"Is this Castellos' successor?"
The arrogant professor smirked quite demonically and smugly replied:
“Of course he is, you stupid inbred."
"Wrong. If he (and therefore Corin) really are Castellos' heir, as you say... then why did Agrados create monsters?"
The professor was visibly shaken, spat drops of crimson deluge (vile corinite beverage) and dropped his chalk and copy of Infernal Court Rituals, the real faith of all corinites. He stormed out of the room crying those monster tears.
The students applauded and all swore their loyalty to the Adean that day and accepted Castellos' true heir as the most divine entity in the world. A beautiful horse galloped into the room and stood by the Adenic banner and shed a tear on the chalk. Oaths of Chivalry were recited several times, and the Silver Dragon himself showed up and blessed that year's crops across the country.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of infections from drinking blood and his corpse was tossed into hell to burn for all eternity.

I tried but lore isn't well documented.
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In that case, here is an objectively superior version of your copypasta (fact checked by true dragon priests)
Technically orcs wouldn't be monsters since they aren't a byproduct of the rape of Halanna nor were any of those monsters used when Ducaniel created them.
do harimari have barbed cocks
Boring and low iq setting

They just couldn’t resist doing Not!Europe and Not!Asia and Not!Africa and such could they? Would have required a bit too much brainpower lol
>They just couldn’t resist doing Not!Europe and Not!Asia and Not!Africa and such could they?
So literally every single fantasy setting to ever exist?
All this tells me is that you haven’t read anything beyond generic mainstream stuff

It’s not that hard to invent concepts that don’t line up perfectly with irl continents with a whole team at your disposable
Of course, how could I forget "Settings that are solely one continent/culture or inspired by Tolkien"
Have u tried not playing DnD
Okay, give me an example of an original setting that could be transported to EU4 and still work
There's Rabaghekur into Vanrahar for the Harimari supremacist tag, but i don't think they go as hard on human oppresssion as that.
Just played the new Bhuvauri and Duwarkan, both are pretty good I had fun 8/10 nations and missions, would recommend, but now I'm a bit tired of the whole "accept everyone, redeem ourselves, we are so nice" thing and want something evil/progmatic neutral (aka evil). Any good nations you'd recommend that have mission trees from the last ~2 years?
Masked Butcher
Wyvernheart was fun enough.
blessed by the thane
Honderaak is unironically the best tag in the mod for a comfy game of selling mercs and playing kingmaker. Gnoll unit pips + Cannor dev is a busted combo, but you're never so rich that you feel like you can relax
Various small gnoll tags without missions like Tziekal and
Adeanites are the true chads of the setting tbqh
Are there Regent Court tags that go Cavalry besides Adenica and Great Ording? I was trying to think of examples and that's all that came to mind.
I think Bennon/Havoral does but I don't remember how much of a bonus you get.
Oh shit I forgot they're the home of (((Corin))) so you end up having to convert.
Meh. There's Verne and Marrhold, but my understanding is they don't go full Cavalry but instead have a few Mythic Cavs to work with like Skewered Drake.
>mega Lorent
>Corvuria (Corinite)
>giga Eborthil
Thabks to these nations the regent court won the league war and now there are only 9 nations in the world eligible to be emperor lol
Arbaran is heir to notScythians, but I think they are supposed to convert. Not 100% sure though
Yeah how about the mod not running like complete shit, and reduce army sizes from their current ridiculous amount. Shit is beyond retarded.
You probably could divide the numbers by 10 in both EU4 and Anbennar and they'd be way closer.
>play in the EoA
>average privince dev is 30
>50 in the opms
>get coalitioned if you take even 1 province
>every single nation has atleast 15k troops with even the 3 province ones having 30k-50k
>oh and everyone has 7 allies 2 of which are probably Lorent and some other nation with 100k troops
What are you talking about the EoA is very easy to play in.
Espionage first idea group + dissolution of EoA age bonus and go ham early, by the reformation you can eclipse any EoA nation and be close to Lorent and Gawed in army sizes even as an OPM.
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>be me, Agrados
>get jealous of my gigachad brother
>try to usurp him, fail miserably and get banished to Hell for eternity
>at least I raped Halanna hehehe
>fast forward a few thousand years
>things are not looking so well, worship of the Infernal Court is outlawed and there are almost no followers left
>hmm what's this?
>a priestess of mine had a child that was taken in as a squire by a knight?
>wait until she inevitably dies due to stupid heroic antics
>possess her corpse
>"yeah umm Nerat totally said that I still have a job to do"
>start gathering a cult following
>"die" in mutual combat against Korgus(I really could have 1shot him but it would make everyone too suspicious)
>they actually proclaim Corin as Castellos' successor
>they actually proclaim Corin as Castellos' successor
You're talking mad shit for someone in cavalry chargin' distance.
unfortunately I suffer from a terminal condition known as "being stupid"
so I've heard Amldhirs mission tree is bad and I was wondering how would YOU (yes you reading this, I am talking about YOU) change it so that it becomes good?
Which tag forms Adenica, anyway?
Any adventurer tag in Adenica's historical clay
Any that owns Taranton/10 provinces in Western Escann can do it, so long as they haven't formed another tag, and are Regent Court, I believe.
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I just recently started playing EU4 and my current run has fallen apart, sell me on this mod
Also do I actually need all the DLC the steam page says I do or can you get away with ignoring a few and just missing out on a couple features
Ah I just noticed it has a list of optionals as well so I guess that's a pretty good sign the things listed as mandatory are indeed mandatory
dog what the fuck are you doing
just pirate that shit
Not that guy, but Malazan Book of the Fallen? That's definitely not D&D based. Because it was his GURPS campaign.
This said, the videogame for that already exists, and it's Dominions.
it's not...bad, just flavorless since you are set in reforming Aul-Dwarov right off the bat
What proof do you have outside of an (((Elven))) mural?
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How did that happen?
I have this mod installed https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3085697635&searchtext=liberty
and I guess the event fired at the same time for all the vassals lol
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>The Command watching this occur in real time
it's so harimover
me and dhenijanraj have been stackwiped and now only Jadd can save us (he is 99% occupied)
they tend to be easy as hell to kill as jadd or anyone because they inevitably get caught up in some shitfest war in their sarhal holdings that stops them from calling allies when I attack them
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I am converting to the Jadd the moment I get the option
update: the collapse of the Raj event fired
Command and Jadd are gonna have a fun time this game
what the shit is this UI
Think it's GUIbennar.
Why would you convert to the religion that explicitly bans slavery as the slave empire nation?
you got a point there, I will convert the moment they add a clause that let's Harimari own slaves
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>Play as a gnoll
>Your husband cucks you with someone named "Largest Sword"
You can't make this shit up
did Asraport get approved yet?
Sacrifice her and make Xhazob replace your Pseudo-penis with hers
Reminds me of one time when i played as dwarves, i got a mushroom guy as an advisor, that then proceeded to fuck my wife.
With a name like Bungus the Fungus, who wouldn't?
She was so high on his hallucinogenic spores she thought he was you
What country do i play if I want all the races and to be a nice guy
Azkare as long as you understand that Oni can't be classified as "people".
the command, all races united for a singular purpose. some would claim jaddari fits, but they force people to worship satan at sabre point, and azkare genocide the oni so they're out.
Isobelin, you basically fuck off to the new world and are basically fantasy new york complete with immigration and being a big melting pot
I heard Stalbor's is a little like that, but I haven't given them a shot yet.
does it also come with its gnomish secret tunnel, ruinborn migrant setting a random woman on fire, and orcish mysterymutt shoving people on to moving trains?
no but they have gnoll (female) rape gangs which is why all the men walk funny
so what what mechanics in EU5 will be useful for the inevitable port?
for me it's non-state orgs that are playable. I imagine some interesting things could be done here
international organisations and situations
POPs obviously
what >>1931287 says
works of art will be useful for representing things like the dwarven supercrown

will eu5 anbennar start in 1444 or 1337?
Adventurer bands acquiring a state a la escann or aelantir. dynamically
Asra Bank to Asraport
pops and economy by far
the mod already tried to simulate these better by hacking the system
SoPs will be very cool too
having the greentide would be pretty fun
they just showed off climate and terrain stuff
I think the greentide is what is ultimately gonna cuck the EU5 port.
I can only imagine porting in a greentide would be a massive fucking pain, and would fuck with all the adventurer bands and greentide remnants.
I suspect they will keep the start date at 1444 for the EU5 version.
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the command is quivering in fear of my mighty 15k stack and had no choice but to acknowledge that I am a worthy rival
You have vassals that bloat your dev on the great power rankings thoughever.
been thinking about Harimari lately and you know I can understand where the furries are coming from, big soft yet muscular tiger men are kinda hot when you think about it
The Taychend formable has such a boring mission tree. So many dev click missions and don't even get me started on the fully colonized requirements instead of just owning.
i've never been able to get past the first few missions solely because Taychend as a whole is a tag that asks you to conquer a shitload of land whilst giving you fuckall to do any of it. Imagine The Command asked you to conquer all of Rahen as their first mission while giving you no Brown Orcs, no Army Quality, no CCR in Ideas and no Godlost. It wouldn't be fun, just tedious as shit
Which nationalities you think would be stereotyped as being extremely racist (á la Argentinians and South Africans) in modern day Anbennar?
Dwarves of any flavour, really.
Sun elves and harimari literally make racial caste systems with them at the top.
Gawedi ('ate elves and halflings)
Gnomes would go on and on about iq statistics.
Various escann states would hate orcs and goblins, while a lot of non-jadd bulwari would hate gnolls.
Its really unintuitive, i think you can take more if you directly border them and the province you sit in is your tribal land - so no squatting in their tribal land, play around with it a bit to see what works, use console for testing.
Not happening, chuddie johan will only have white phenotypes represent advisors/pops so wholesome chungus anbennar dev team wont touch it.
But then who will I use the genocide button on when making my glorious grossgermaniums???
>Gnomes would go on and on about iq statistics.
No they would claim that all races are equal and that you're a racist if you have something against orcs living in your neighborhood
Publically, of course. In their insular communities with wires encircling them for some reason, they will insist that Gnomes are the most intelligent race and they will state that's why they deserve such an outsized influence in your government. You shouldn't dig into their sources for that, because it all stems back to, through a chain of incestuously cited papers, 65 fifteen-year-old gnomish boys scoring well on a quick test in 1970 and 57 monolingual gnomish children in 1959 scoring well on a síl Adencóst-Galvin Test.
>gnomes advocate for racial equality while The Hierarchy is permanently closed to outsiders due to "the gnommocaust perpetrated by kobolds"
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when you think about it being conquered by Grombar must be so fucking weird like just imagine some 7ft tall mountain of grey muscle arrives in your village and DEMANDS you cum balls deep in his sister with no protection every night
oh no
how horrible
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Well why the fuck can't I? They're there. They're literally fuckin there, right besides them. What is this bullshit?
started a game as the order of the ashen rose so I could play Rosande and man half of Escann is just livestock provinces this game with the other half being Iron and Naval Goods
it's got to do with the Ynn river
you have to spread from the crossings
Let me enlighten you because you've never played in the Ynn. Those rivers ensure the provinces aren't connected so you'll have to grab the dam first.
I literally upgraded the dam to the max level.

Can I also say just how bullshit coalitions are?
>Declare war on country with coalition, knowing full well i'm gonna have to fight an entire continent
>"Ooops sorry, you can't count them as cobelligerents because it's a coalition. Enjoy paying 40 warscore for an 3 dev province lol"
a coalition forming is basically a fail state in EU4 unless you're just declaring immediately while they are still forming to truce juggle
Except I can beat them. I can beat the entire fucking coalition. I am literally doing it as of that screenshot. But nope. I'm not allowed to do *jackshit* even though I won becauuse MUH HECKIN WARSCORE!!! YOU HAVE TO WAIT 100 YEARS FOR THEM TO LEAVE THE COALITION SO YOU CAN DECLARE WAR, THEN WAIT ANOTHER 100 BECAUSE THEY'LL IMMEDIATELY JOIN ANOTHER!!!
just console annex shit dude it's not that deep
why didn't you just juggle the truces then
I hate mages so fucking much no single person should be this fucking overpowered
You should enslave mages with black damestear.
They are potential witch-kings and thus must be purged
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>AI declares on enemy
>just stands on uncolonized land as it is sieged down
nice AI you got there Paradox
>inb4 it's scared
it has 3 mil techs and 5k more troops
I think it's a known bug that requires reloading the save or tag switch to fix. I definitely heard about unmoving AI before, but it never happened to me
God playing in Escann is so fucking painful I hate these mechanics so much
I've had a couple cases, and yeah, usually just closing the game and reloading gets the AI moving again.
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>Emperor decides to conduct a great magic spell the burn all the oxygen in Bulwar's seas
>All it does is piss off some sea monsters and they send endless hordes at ALL of your coastlines
>mission changed my only province with a good trade good into one that is complete ass
utterly vile #notmyemperor
fake news
Emperor Lothane sil Wex (pbuh) is a pure blooded Alenic chad
That's not THE Lothane.
It's his great grandson. Get it right baka
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I've not played dwarf in a while. Did they increase how often learnings of an elder fires this patch or have I just had a lucky run?
I feel like it was always fairly common event, but maybe that's just me
When I played Ovdal Tungr it fired the same as usual for me.
Its 1489. Its fired about 10 times in 45 years. It did it again a few minutes after I posted. Only thing I can think is its the government type having less events in general just means it auto goes for that one. Anyway Sortition is the way to go for Odval Tungr it seems.
I did the standard thing with long lived races and went for faster reelections until I had a 6/6/6 and then when to sortition for a longer lifespan.
>bro go conquer X
>here's like two lines of mediocre text as to why
I read the demographic survey from 2024 and I genuinely do not understand how Jaddari seems to be at the top of the pile again and again. It was decent back in the day, but nowadays it's simplistic and not very interesting - it's just basic bitch hyperblob.
Is it all just harpy waifu enjoyers or nostalgia?
but..... muh wholesum every race accepted country???
Bro your multiculturalismrino? Your monster girl sex lol xd?
BD making the top 10 is enough for you to throw the whole thing away, even the mt devs think 90% of the survey responders are complete retards, that should tell you enough
How dare you insult the prophet (pbuh)
Almost all the tags on the top 10 list are blobbers.
it's the best tag for WC and EU4 is a WC-pursuing game
What are yours top 10 then?
its not even the best WC pursuing tag in Bulwar
for me it's the anti-world conquest tag of Roadwarrior
It's a pretty unique brew ripe for memery. A parody of Mohammed (already rare for obvious reasons) and the rise of Islam with the Mughal assimilation system and other WC centric features and monster girl sex added on top. It's no surprise it has remained popular, it appeals both mechanically and flavor wise. It's probably not the best, but it's got the widest appeal
this, BD is ass cancer to play and I can't imagine a sane person ever saying "yes playing BD and manually managing your eight retards, state by state is a fun mechanic"
Yes managing the disciples is pure shit but at least BD has cool flavor.
Are you supposed to play the redscales over the blue scales? Feels like every game I do as blue scales I can win all the opening wars and unite the kobold tribes but then I start dragging behind as Gawed and Lorent both scale far faster than I can.
I think that's the intention, with Redscales being the one listed on the country recommendations, but you should be able to do either. I think Red has the advantage with their leader and position to immediately take the Pass, blue can defend in the caverns and all, but being aggressive early is probably the better play.
Yeah I figured. The other big advantage I see in the red is their Center of Trade starts at level 2 despite being only 7 dev rather than being downgraded to 1 when you conquer it as bluescales. So their economy is likely better too. Plus their NIs seem a bit stronger for the position you're in
How different is cestimark from Isobelin? I just did a game as fantasy new york but I was told Cestimark deals with cryptids which intrigues me. But don't want to play the exact same game back to back with a different map color
Cestirmark is allowed to blob without being cucked by government capacity and changes their name to the Trollsbay union. You also get the SCP site.
What's the deal with the Leechdens?
is there a formable (or native nation I guess) in there with a cool MT
You need to be aggressive in the early game as kobold because your enemies are blatantly better than you in every single way. When Gawed annexes Westmoors you're getting invaded next.

You should, ideally, try to annex mainland Nimscodd as soon as possible. In my playthrough they went to war with Greenscale so I took their mainland while their armies were away.

Once you have the mainland, you can do the Malliathalxa trap to obliterate their armies, just be sure to put traps there.
There used to be a tag there but they deleted it. All that's left nearby is a shitty mushroom man one.
>try kobold
>war wizard plus cannons easily clears fort with maxed trap
Kobold pro tip: Don't fight against war wizards
That was Gawed attacking me with some allies. I wish for total mage death
Getting a good kobold start is still rng but far less than before
the region has a cool concept, there are mutated leech-like elves there that worship a big leech in the bottom of the swamp, giving it sacrifices so it doesnt wake up and eat the world

there used to be like 4 leechman tags, but they were removed by jay. a guy that was planning a mt for them ended up making it as a submod that re-adds the tags and gives them a big mt about sacrificing thousands to the big leech

there is also i think one colonial spawnable, chivalry themed adventurers
>removes leechmen tags
>proceeds to abandon the mod to the point half elf majorities and cultures are added in, something he said would never happen

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