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What kind of mental illness is this?
we're posting about concert tickets being sold out right now come back later
Jesus, she literally spam on 1 minute cooldown??
dont tell me she was /here/ too
is she unaware that the word senpai doesnt mean daddy?
I don't know man I also wonder what makes you constantly look up for things to get mad about
>talk to Astel in English
This is rude AF
>Cant stop thinking about cock
senpai this senpai that
Explain how this is a bad thing without sounding like a loser. I'll wait.
I don't know OP you tell us, what mental illness makes you save images and make threads about something you supposedly don't like?
looks like "actually watching vtubers: the mental illness"
but I'm no doctor
I haven't seen a single woman dominate the catalog this completely since the eggposting era. I don't really care for ERB in any way or another but this is fascinating
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Imagine the chat full of Japanese chatter and one woman spam English like a retard
Imagine being one of the smart homos who just wants to keep away from Hololive and stay in his lane to not risk getting a bunch of shit.
And this bitch is making every effort to drag that unwanted drama straight to your frontdoor step
OP cant stop thinking about COC.....
oh wait....
Orange board was something else...

Explain how this is not a bad thing without sounding like a loser. I'll wait.
Andre stop selfposting
Astel literally replied back to her in English retard. He also often reads English chats and encourages his kaigai fans to send their maros in English. He doesn't care.
>he doesn’t care
More like he’s desperate for any attention he can get
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Uhhh sisters??
Ollie 2: Holowhore Boogaloo
Sometimes I feel like ERB is just a normie/stars fan not fitting in into corporate culture. Not some nijispy/homobeggar trying to own the incel or whatever narratives this board has come up with.
Erb has done nothing wrong but reply to that retard on twitter
she is chatter just like me fr fr
I'd say I'm surprised these sorts of threads aren't bannable but everyone knows the jannies and mods are nijisisters.
This is like the one person where that part is fine, Astel's said that he prefers his EOPs to just talk in english instead of them either spamming emoji or him having to detective out what they wanted to say from whatever google translate spits out. So spanner aside she's roughly in line with the occasional overexcited EOPs that show up to his karaokes.

I am baffled that she's somehow not learned *anything* about JP chat etiquette though to the point of spamming comments in a sponsored stream (including the classic EOP "I don't understand JP, what's going on here?" before just continuing to comment tangentially related inanities for the whole rest of the stream).
Holy shit, this make Kronii sperging about Vesper looks like a baby
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>be whoever, male/female/lobster
>just trying to stream
>kouhai shows up in chat, she's supportive, that's pretty cute
>continues showing up in chat
>can't brush her off because she's a coworker
>can't prioritize her because it's disrespectful to my regulars
>keeps chatting, making that section of the stream about her
Does she realize that this is pretty uncouth for anyone to do? Even if it's done with good intention. Usually if another talent shows up in chat, it's 3-5 messages max.
This isn't even unicorn posting.
What rule do they violate?
I swear this woman is speedrunning making EVERYONE hate her, Hololive and Holostars fans alike
Not quite sure she understands she needs to behave as a talent and not an obsessed fangirl
She doesn't care about that. She has an axe to grind against the unicorns and by god she's going to grind that axe until there's nothing left but a nub
>I never thought I'd be fighting side by side with a homolover...
>How about a Liz anti?
>Aye, I could do that.
You're the retard if you think spamming 100 messages in another talents chat and taking the streamers attention away from their audience isn't disrespectful
She's a dyed in the wool SJW. Being obnoxious and making people hate them so they can claim victim status is their bread and butter
this lady's a FWMC anti btw
What kind of mental illness is reposting this every couple hours?
seems pretty obvious that's what's happening. she seems to only appear in singer's chats or during karaoke
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>senpai senpai
Yeah how the fuck do we fix red bitch?
The 111 chats to Jurard was during a Minecraft stream. Next cope.
There is not a single Nijispy/homobeggar that knows Flayon's mascot. She's an actual fan.
Yagoo wants to destroy the walls between Hololive and Holostars but unicorns still act shocked when employees do what the CEO wants. They keep forgetting that management fully supports girls showing up to chat with Holostars. Most talents avoid doing this because unicorn pandering does have some financial benefits but the truth is talents are more likely to switch to HoloPro unity the longer they stay and Liz is merely being honest.
People are starting to realize it. The honeymoon period is over, Twitards are getting bored. You can already see her numbers dropping with every stream, pretty much only karaoke can save her. She's just a retard that doesn't understand streamer etiquette.
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>talents are more likely to switch to HoloPro unity the longer they stay
I'm glad she's a homofag
Imagine ERB as a holofan being this much of an autist
She comes from a different online culture where you can just sit in someone's chat, talk to the other chatters, and joke around with the host (ie. Twitch, Poni). It's not a surprise she's struggling to adjust
Most Hololive talents are unicorn friendly for a few years before they start having collabs with Holostars. Liz was simply being honest in her debut and isn't that a better situation even for unicorns?
The only one I can think of is Kronii.
the diagnosis is as follows: Woman
It's not about unity or whatever. No other talent stays and chats for so long in another talent's stream. She also replies to other comments in chat when it's considered against etiquette. It's disruptive.
StarsEN should tell her but they won't
Yes, especially when you make like a million comments.
Amazing how you "people" out yourselves so easily.
nah, this is nothing.
I wouldnt even spam the chat of the chuuba I'm in love with this much, with this level of mental illness
Kek. You have my axe.
tfw I'm starting to actually feel sorry for Holostars and their fans
Women with autism are the best women
>What kind of mental illness is this?
You mean the people obsessively following and cataloguing (in both senses of the word) the actions of someone they claim to not like, right
Perhaps he means Mel but she's no longer there kek
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I was going to say "why is there always at least one retarded homobeggar whore in every gen" but then I remembered Fuwamoco debuting as twins screwed gen 3's homobeggars out of a spot. Sugoi!
buy an ad
Checking it on hololyzer takes a few seconds, she is spending hours there. Find any other talent spamming chat 100 messages. It's not normal.
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I don't like how she seems so unenthusiastic to hang out with her own gen, but will then proceed to spend 5+ hours in a homo chat despite being "A little tired"
Why are you checking it at all? If you don't like her just don't watch her. You are making yourself mad on purpose.
Why not? She's a bizarre spectacle to behold, I'm not mad. Her fans need to stop being so butthurt when people point out her baffling behavior.
>I'm not mad
What else do you call obsessing over content that you don't view positively? If you're hatewatching someone, you're mad.
You're retarded.
If you're at the point of checking other peoples' streams on a third party website every day to see if she chatted on them, you're obsessed, yes.
She is begging for correctional gangbang with holostars (me)
Congratulations, you're a loser
It takes less than a minute.
>Punching myself in the balls and then getting upset about it only takes a minute, so it’s reasonable
You are mentally ill.
imagine watching an EN girl and there's this one JP stars doing this in her chat
reverse the roles
>What kind of mental illness is this?
the kind that causes you to stalk some chuuba you hate and make bait threads about her.


The internet is not meant to be taken seriously.
There's a reason stuff on the internet does not match real world.
It's all fun and games.
> Linking publicly available information is exposing
You take the interwebs too seriously.
You see now that's interesting, because I had never seen so much hate for men except for two places: feminist cults and unicorn threads. I'm not even a Stars fan but you people are one and the same.
I do not watch her. I checked a site OP linked. Calm your tits sister you're projecting hard now.
Were you proud of your argument before you wrote it, anon? Because its fucking dogshit.
>If you hate blue hairs trying to ruin Hololive like they ruined every other form of media by forcing their retarded gender politics into CGDCT then YOU'RE the SJW
I'm sure you thought this was very smart when you thought of it sister.
I'm indifferent about Stars and the Holos interacting (as in a have no issue with it, but nor am I a beggar - no issue with the girls who want to keep away from them). Having said that this would be incredibly irritating for any of them to do in another's chat. I know a lot of anons are just using this to attack her because they're obsessed unicorns, and I know she's new and probably still excited by everything but she needs to calm down a bit.
this is as bad as that time uki got baited into shitting on white people on main. arguably worse, since he stood by it while she folded to an obvious shitposter
you cant fix someone who unironically, whole heartedly thinks shes doing nothing wrong/something good
WTF where is her dignity as a woman? Death to homocock beggar
I despise both (((homobeggars))) and (((unicorns))) because every time people try and start a holo VS holo argument, it is almost always one of the two sides.
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She is like my aunt trying to talk like a zoomer, but she is 42.
Mori got close during the Lean arc
People don't understand that this isn't a "homo problem", she's just plain obnoxious. She sent 40 or so messages on Gigi's chat and that was enough to take over the entire chat and a portion of the stream for an hour. And that chat was relatively fast due to the 6-8k viewers, now imagine doing the same with a 3view streamer like stars are, she'd be so prominent that it pretty much becomes an 1 on 1 conversation. If she REALLY just wanted to fangirl out and have fun with the others, she would use an alt account, but she very obviously enjoys the attention she gets even if that disrupts the stream and ruins the viewers' enjoyment. This is a step from the Lia cucking phasefags incident.
I believe it's called coom brain
Internet centrists aren't real centrists.
There’s a very real chance that she is actually the only person on earth who knows his mascot
Astel actually nuked the chat where she spams those shit
>oh shit I can’t counter his argument
>”erm, why are you even checking her heckin chatterinos? Kinda cringe desu”
I'm sure you have some kind of source to your claims.
Are you really so starved for drama? Go mock niji's cancellation of their show again.
What the fuck does that have to do with my post?
He edited the VoD because a copyrighted song played around the 5-minute mark.
She legit has zero awareness about what kind of company she joined, she treats everyone in the company like they are twitch indies

Some advice for Elizabeth if she's reading, focus on your own content, ask and schedule collabs if you want, but cut this shit out, it's distracting for both you and the talent you are chat spamming
Hololive fucked up with her onboarding, they didn't realize she was an actual sperg and she's too old and self-righteous to tard wrangle
Why was she calling him small D wtf?

>You do - how about you respect my respect FOR you :)

What was the context of this it sounds passive aggressive as fuck. Bitch is crazy.
Someone on twitter made a "exhale more air from your nose"-tier meme about yugioh cards comparing the dino themed star with one called "little D" as in little Dino.
She has been running with it since.
What argument? This is just people obsessively stalking her every move so they can say they don't like it. Nobody follows any vtuber that closely unless they're a huge fan and/or severely mentally ill.
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NTA But I still think it's a bit odd to try and chat with your coworkers while they're streaming, if you wanted their attention, just collab with them.
I almost feel bad for the homos having to deal with this pest, almost.
Yes, but does conveying that require literally 10 separate catalog threads where people spam about it on cooldown all day and act like she killed their dog? I would say no
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I assume in a week or two some mane-san will say "please calm down" and all will be well.
He sang this, he had to edit it out.
I'm watching her genmates and I'm fine with this. Actually I'm annoyed that she draws all attention to herself and holds insipid afternoon discord tier dialogs, complete with saying she is going to bed (who cares!). Like others have pointed out, someone needs to sit her down and explain the chat culture is different here. The others know the only reason to chat is if it is relevant.
>obvious shitposter
Excuse me, are you downplaying the authority of Dr. Dixon Kuntz? You don't get a PhD in cunny salesmanship for nothing.
You niggers made hundreds of threads about Sayu accusing her of things which didn't even happen.
Meanwhile you get butthurt and passive aggressive defensive when people make 10 threads calling out ERB's actual behavior.
Anon, it is the same people posting both.
why would holo fans attack someone who was making nijisanji look bad? braindead retard
No, not at all. ERB did get a lot of bait threads from sisters but a lot of them, especially those pointing out her crazy interactions with homos, are made by Hololive fans who are worried about her not understanding the culture and potentially poisoning the community.

It's nijiniggers who were attacking Sayu or Doki and are now defending ERB when she gets rightfully called out for her insane behavior. They are fans of Anycolor and they want to bring down Hololive so they will always jump to dishonestly defend any Holo member who fucked up and gets criticized. It already happened with Mori, Rushia etc. in the past.
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Based Kobo showed an excellent example of what to do when ERB starts shitting up your chat.
>actually it's nijis that are defending a holo and holofans that are attacking her
you're just doubling down on the retardation
Not at all. I'm talking about fans of Hololive who care about maintaining its high quality, not retarded tribalfags who think everything with blue dorito is perfect and can't make a mistake and you aren't allowed to ever criticize them.
looks like an ordinary chatter to me? what are unicorns meltdown down about?
>sang a copyrighted song on purpose to deflect muting the whore post-stream

Delightfully devilish Astel
>not retarded tribalfags who think everything with blue dorito is perfect and can't make a mistake and you aren't allowed to ever criticize them.
You sound more like a niji/phasekek than anyone else with that line.
Literally only schizos on this board.
Nta but the mentality of
>Hololive is perfect and cannot be criticized, Holo talents never do wrong
is a really Niji-fan like mindset, one of the reasons they became so hated everywhere.
God damn, just get eaten by an escalator already.
Yeah but "blue dorito" "tribalfags" is classic niji/phase terminology. Criticism is fine but spamming the board with the same disingenuous chat logs isn't criticism, it's an influence campaign.
Don't use my wife to justify bait threads.
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jfc, this is way more chat messages than i send in my oshi's streams
It's the name. Some people in the chat will mention it to the point that it forces the streamer to acknowledge their colleagues' presence and that derails the stream.
your oshi must be so goddamn disappointed in you
It's clearly not just unicorns though, some Stars fans don't seem too happy about it. It's obnoxious regardless of your views on male collabs/interactions.
Yea those are either nijinigs or CBDCT posters. Just another corn.
>muh i hate the holo audience
You sound like a nijinig to me.
this is simply what every fat ugly unsatisfied middle-aged woman would be doing towards younger guys if it was considered normal socially acceptable behavior. And for some reason when you put on a vtuber skin, lots of people do think it becomes acceptable, so she's out there slobbering on vcock without any shame.
I don't hate men. I don't mind stars, I really don't. Just stay the fuck in your lane. Don't try to stick your homos where they don't belong and we can coexist just fine. Celebrate your 1k live viewers all you want, just stay in /MANS/
You explain why you can't just enjoy your homos without going "this could be great...if they included the girls." Are your homos not entertaining enough without needing the girls to collab with them?
The modern western monkey behaviour comparable to chink spammers. Uncivilised as fuck.
What if it isn’t the stars that are initiating? What if people like Liz are the ones that legitimately want to collab because she thinks it’ll be fun and is a fan and isn’t even considering what schizos have to say about it because she’s old and doesn’t take an anime puppet show that seriously?
Nta but I think being a Holostars fan as a woman or a Hololive fan as a man should immediately filter out your application because there's a chance you only apply to get closer to the person you're a fan of. I'm not saying her case is like that, I think she isn't even really that big of a Holostar fan just someone who enjoys vtubers regardless of gender, but just think about how bad the implications would be if the roles were reversed and a late 30 overweight man would try to get close to a young, early 20 girl on stream this bad. If that happened even once, everyone would speculate what's going on in the background and how aggressive he is in DMs even if the guy in question had no ulterior motives at all.
People keep saying she is a really old hag which makes this even more damning. Extreme cringe.
Her being in will never be a good situation. I won't settle for better I'll settle for her graduation and never seeing another hire like her again.
34 is not that old
I was expecting closer to 40 but 34 is still too old to be going into chat and OH-HOHOHOing
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I am actually enjoying the ride. She's going to either become the bridge or burn both camp to the grounds.
Becoming a bridge would burn both camps to the ground though. If Biboo collabs with a Star for example I will never watch Hololive ever again. Might as well watch Twitch indies at that point since Holo will have lost its appeal.
It's clear she's caused a huge division in the holo fan base. Covers ninjas are watching and listening. We may one day get a termination and have her memory holed
No, it isn't. It's terminology used by everyone. You trying to claim I'm a phasefag/nijifag because of specific word you dislike while completely ignoring everything else I said in the post is a classic tactic used by nijiniggers - avoiding addressing the main point, trying to discredit opposing side with not arguments but personal insinuations. You are trying to assert moral high ground but you're only making yourself look worse.
If all chatters were sending over 100 messages per stream, all holo streams would always be sitting at 800/min hardcap and chat would be completely unusable, far worse than it is now. ERB is the exception and the problem, not something you should imitate.
Retard. I never watched her or anyone else from that company.
Mmessage for uncultured swines - "blue dorito" is actualy /#/ terminology and it's used positively toward holos. You know, by people who are capable of humor and sarcasm.
You retards are just too mindbroken by tribalfagging and constantly seeking enemies in smallest disagreements.
Brainless monkey. What's the point of your posts if you don't even read what you reply to? You're just repeating a couple buzzwords like some bot.
cute retarded aunt vibes
girlautism is adorable
Don't worry, Biboo's boyfriend wouldn't let her.
Hey, samefag. Stop dropping your articles. It keeps outing you, you dumb nigger.
>interacting with your coworkers is... le bad!
Just wait until she realizes she needs an alt to thirst over stars cock, and then fans piece together what it is and pull up all the degen chats. It will be glorious.
If you have nothing to say, you could simply stay silent.
Things like "sister" and the rest of the terminology dumb retards throw around if you day something they disagree with are just kind of /vt/ specific buzzword used in the same sense normalfags have started using "incel". It has lost all its meaning and used as a generic insult. The same thing is happening here, associating specific words with fanbases while catalogniggers usually crosspost everywhere. "Tribalfag" has been used in 2020 on /jp/ extensively, but it's somehow now exclusively phasefag lingo. Too many new people here, I guess.
If you go to your coworkers when they're working and you continually disrupt them for hours, then yes, it's pretty bad, but I assume you've never had a job.
Awwww, the high schooler thinks he knows how the real world works, how cute.
Ah, an unironic retard. I see.
It's weird. I'm almost certain these people are paid hololive shills. I hope they're well paid, cause they're so fucking detestable that the more they post and complain, the more I like the talents out of spite.
They're doing a great job.
nah can't compare to orange board and the annual mori anti-posting
Fascinating is the perfect word.
>not Greggs
Where is Dimitri when we need him?
I think she's a southerner so she'd be more familiar with Pret or some shit.
She is jelly Liz didn't draw her.
Bloody oath
They said it's the worst since then, and they're right, there's been around 10 red woman bad threads on the board continuously for days. Including ones like >>79508369 which is essentially a call to raid that has been up for 10 hours.
You have no idea what raid means, you retarded homobeggar.
>deliberately taking measures to not see or interact with someone
>call to raid
stop using words when you don't understand what they mean
This is harassment of star. Unacceptable behavior
If you’re capable of reading the subject and looking at the OP you would notice it’s asking people to go to another website and do a thing with a negative externality, which I would say is the fundamental definition of a raid, even if you bury it behind vague posting
Kys faggot
Afaik clicking "don't recommend channel" or whatever doesn't tank it in the algorithm or whatever, it just hides it from that person's recommended videos. It's the closest thing you can get on Youtube to blocking an account on Twitter
Feeling called out? Fuck off tourist.
nigga post something else at least tired of seeing this same fucking image get creative
It isn't asking people to do shit you projecting retard. It's a person sharing his opinion on a vtuber. Threads get made over important stuff and over trivial stuff. Not everything is some coordinated effort aimed at boosting/burying channels but I suppose you cannot comprehend that concept because you never do anything else with your twitter/discord friends.
She was in /mlp/ back in the day
with more cock
It's not good for her fan's grow and for others too. You need to balance it out
I kneel...
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she's just saying Hi, don't be so weird about it /vt/ anon
it's called being a woman whose eggs are about to run out
they are mysterious creatures

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