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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Bridal Dream edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>79458859
The board is moving so fast I didn't even get to post the redirect to this thread, holy shit
Isla is my wife
kawaii art archive MEGA
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kayak was a mystakek
I love my wife Tomoe
Charzu is my exgirlfriend
Not gonna cap but ER and FFXIV ruined my streamers.
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I love how thread comes alive when Nami streams almost every time.
I love my fat wife and I wanna take her to a festival one day.

I like how kohatomo ended the song and the stream

the original song was about marine’s delulu thoughts, so it's supposed to be unreal
they did a good job linking it back to koha’s dream eating lore

also saved the unicorns
cute yuribait
ER is fine. FFXIV is terrible to watch if you're not really really into it or the streamer doesn't have some silly gimmick that will make it watchable for non FF players.
Dark souls, bloodborne, elder ring
they all look the same
same shit different world different theme
but same shit nontheless
tired of all the soul slop desu
She doesn't even get posted when she goes live most of the time
he is just Sprite being a retarded simp and cucking out
>Instinctively wastes all of her runes buying cookbooks instead of the upgrade materials she was grinding for
The 30 minute zatsu about food really set the tone for this stream
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that means it's true
He hasn't been itt for over 2 years at this point
grim for [insert kek fan name]
The heart of Ephemira Hiyotan

those troon shoulder will carry team kawaii
longboarding to victory
kawaii friend Zebi while you wait for Hiyori to start
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why say this publicly? doesnt she prove fat cat was right in denying them because she cant keep her ass from starting drama
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she is retard for putting this on fatcat but troonstar isn't doing himself any favors by putting her on the spot in the first place

kawaii fans are unironically antis
sooooooo true bestie
Glad that Shee handled that well.
lmao there goes all that /unity/. now maybe vderefags can fuck off to their own thread.
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Reminder to remove Ebi from the OP, she hasn't collabed with anyone here in a long time and is buttbudies with two traitors
everyone knows why gen1 and gen2 weren't invited, troonstar shouldn't even need to ask
So her tears were fake? Also darkstar is a faggot for asking something like that outside a members stream. she already hinted at this being the case but he doesnt look like he is smart enough to pick up on that
Right, but making it public is good. Now can point out discrimination in future slights against PixelLink
How is Pillows interaction with kawaii girls? I saw a small bit of her interacting with Tomoe and it looked like she is trying to make her look ridiculous by making her meow, bark and spin for no reason. Even Tomoe refused to bark and at some point said "Yeah I get it I'm a jester".
I'm wondering if she is friends with Mozzu/Menace and trying to make kawaii girls look bad in some way.
I assumed the invitation was open but they refused to go. Sucks that they were excluded. Could have just as easily not invited Vdere.
It does make vdere look bad because now we know it's not that they were not invited but vdere is why they can't be invited.
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>Hiyori vs Peony charity head to head
Don't take it so personal, Pillow fucks with everyone, she even made other girls her pets and dogs
Am I the only one watching Zeli's karaoke right now? what are you guys even talking about right now?
No, i am watching her too, her chibi model is cute
Oh ok I have no idea what she's like. I just feel protective of Tomochi.
dramafags btfo, we got ephemira in and that's still more vtubers than vdere
Pillow has a super cute clip on the VSMP Enjoyer Twitter account with Kohaku in her ASMR clinic.
Shut the fuck up Gary she's a grown woman she can handle herself
Ephemira are leagues above in being entertainers over Vdere anyway, all vdere girls are good for are being gfe grifters and being menheras and being boring.
It is insulting to our Ephemira girls to compare them to those vapid whores.
Imagine thinking that I'm Gary the ESL male collab supporter. You are beyond mindbroken friend.
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>he took it to the catalog
His next move will be to samefag as "both teams" and make us both look retarded
>whores with boyfriends grifting simp losers
they are all the same
>Right, but making it public is good
>making drama is good
jesus is this not an idol company
More like this would incite more drama. Fags will probably anti Shee for publicly posting this.
Well yeah that is his entire life. Just vtuber drama 24/7. I hope he gets bonked to see how many posts will get removed this time.
no life
shee should've known better since she hates any kind of vtuber drama
I bet you it's not the first time they have been asked this, It's better to publicly say that they can't be in the server so everyone stops bugging them about it.
Kilia energy heh.
There's no way you are a fan of someone and are saying they did the wrong thing when they speak out when they're clearly being discriminated against. People get raped over shit like this.
Yeah you are obviously having a melty 24/7. Vtuber drama is your entire life.
embarassing post, there are two things that kill CGDCT and that's males and drama... why is this so hard to understand...
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I wonder why he wants to start drama with Shee. Couldn't fathom it. Impossible to deduct.
>just shut up and take it while someone is discriminating against you and only you
This thread is calling for you >>79530359. go there and don't come back.
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Charzu in 22 mins
>watch an old vod
>none of the names in chat are around today
embarassing post again, take your social justice fights elsewhere
For better or for worse?
I have inexplicable hatred for final fantasy xiv and Charlotte by relation that I am considering antiing her, but I mustn't I won't let the hate win over me. Please don't post charzu or xiv when I'm in the thread.
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This is cute
Considering that kawaii's core fanbase these days is 70% Mexicans, for worse.
this is like a 12 car pileup. why ask this question publicly. why ask it at all, as if it wasn't obvious. why would shee respond. it's just very strange, shee doesn't usually slip like this.
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Yunochi was a good hire and a good sennpai
yuno is good as a staff member, she should be moved there
Shee is probably tired of getting asked this so she decided to end the rumors once and for all.
Because unfortunately, with ephemira in the server it wasn't obvious if it was them denied or them not joining. Now its known that this "unity" server is a sham
Yeah, what could go wrong
fucked up but understandable that fat slut mozu is having a meltdown everyday already maybe when shes gone things can go back to normal
literally nothing unless you're getting one guyed by the dramatranny and his catalog thread? she said it in the most professional way possible, I see nothing wrong, only dramatrannies will make this a big deal.
VSMP is the best thing that's happened to ephemira since debut and it's not even close, imagine trying to undermine that project in any way lol
Just wanted to add that Nene and Mozzu are very similar mentally ill individuals. Vtubing would be better without both of them.
But what about Kaya? I remember her wanting to get on the server too. She's innocent in all this.
probably rejected too
Idiot for asking that.
kaya is a mistake
charzu cat
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NasuMatsuri post
shee's reply is neutral and diplomatic, you all are just being faggots about it. darkstar is also a retard for bringing it up.
finally someone has some common fucking sense
Everyone in the company threw jabs at them, you can't pin it all on Nene.
Only Nami and Nene did, but at least Nami had the foresight to only do it in member streams
>fuck over your corpo
>you should shut up and take it or you're a bitch
she shouldn't have replied at all in the first place
what jabs did nene throw you retard?
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Watch imouto
Charzu and I are married in FFXIV
Charzu is my ex-girlfriend.
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there is no point of comparison between nene and mozzu
They will live forever rent free in /pkg/
I like this kind of menhera too
they have to, they can't keep their own thread alive
nene had her retarded menhera arcs too, she is better than orange cat but not by much
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you dont
I just woke up and caught up. I think I will stay out of this and just watch streams.
Nah, Nene is miles better than orange cat
>I think I will stay out of this and just watch streams
You're too sane for /pkg/
Of all the mozzu screencaps you retards spam every day this one makes zero sense.
good idea
shee will hit 100K today
Sheeno later and 100k
uh oh?
Remember when Shee recently said how she is lucky that her fan base doesn't have crazies in it?
>Darkstar is her #1 fan
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I love THE Namiji :)
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>June 24-30
Lethe Bonapuchi Subathon
>June 26-29
GamersOutreach VTuber Summer Slam 2024 Charity Event
Charlotte Suzu, Reina Sun, Ran Tsukiha, Hiyori Mokami
>July 6
Tomoe Carmine Birthday
>July 7
"A Wish Upon Star Crossed Vtubers" Concert hosted by Navina Nova
>July 20
Navina Nova Birthday
>July 19-21
>July 30
Reina Sun Birthday
3D Solo Live Concert

Family Feud Company Collab
EONIA Concert

Production kawaii recruiting clippers
he will sell a car to paypig as an apology
I'm watching Nano vods
based nyanocuck
So we are all those trannies from /corpo/ that screeched how she is great and how "kawaii unicorns are attacking her". Why are they not watching her?
25 ccv now btw. I like Ran btw but I hate virtue signaling corpo trannies that always screech about shit and then never support any of those girls that they supposedly like and defend.
uh oh melty?
I am absolutely charmed with Meimi
how is Ran's health btw?
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I'll watch Meimi
Meimi would want you to watch Ran too
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mommy (male)
i would tongue meimis unwiped anus
I would not bathe for 1 month before having sex with Meimi
shut up maxter
Hiyori inspired me to become a better woman (I'm a man).
how wide are your shoulders?
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I came here to :-) at you.
go back shitting on naki
This Heavens tank cuck that dreams to be a even bigger cuck is one of the biggest subhumans in kawaii's chats.
He starts talking about feet, Hiyori says "Don't be weird" and he keeps harping on it saying how "we are feet degenerates".
Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot.
shut the fuck up megiddo
kawaii friend and anal disenthusiast Shiki raided Ran! Anal hate!
shiki whore
shiki hate
based. you should call him a faggot on chat too.
Hiyori is being so cute right now
we love pumped and dumped whores here, bucko
Damn Hiyori is hitting those notes...
I'm gonna Gosling for this bitch. She is amazing.
we love troons
Ask her to sing Bad Ideas by Shee Icho
Hiyori has funded a full game cart thingy
she should donate some longboards
kawaii (talents) should pocket all these donations imo, they need it more than the children.
~Charlotte Suzu
Actually looks pretty good design wise.
I would buy and wear if it wasn't Nene
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Meimi loves me
aaaaaaa cringe but it's Meimi so I have to embrace the cuteness.
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What the Yuno doing in members you groomers
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Final numbers for the charity
Did anyone here donate or are you leeches
Kawooligans showed up
Ran did better than expected
mogged by v-... nah it's for the kidz no hard feelings
buy this for nano
That was one of the best performing shorts for Nano. She got like 33k views on that one.
We literally handicapped ourselves by having reina and ran on our team. Just nene alone would be enough to win.
Did Nene ever run a charity for anything?
can we buy a not cancelled/delayed stream instead?
How should I know? I don't watch streams.
I should be angry at her but she's the cutest girl alive that I can't be mad at her for anything
I watch streams but I don't watch Nene. I cant listen to that laugh to be honest.
Nene camping funds are more important than the kids
I donated $10,000
yeah, to vdere
I've been a part of a charity that is similar to "caps for smiles" for almost 10 years now. I've contributed a ton towards getting all kinds of stuff for disabled kids.
>it's melting men's brains
WDSMBT? Why does she think this is a cultural issue?
big yabs
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So close...
Yes, I'd give more but it ain't for my country so I care less.
Shee icho is a real American
She will hit 100k on the fourth of July
cute longboard pro
i fucking hate patreon
pay up
im tired of kawaii being broke
im tired of being broke*
join the military
when every girl is going to have content locked behind a separate paywall when they already have tiered YT memberships, i don't think that's a "i'm broke" problem
It is what it is, kawaii at the end of the day is a business and t hey have to make money.
who's adding a patreon this time?
Honestly I'm not even that mad when she does, she doesn't seem like she has her life together in the slightest but she tries even if she is dumb and is constantly having mood swings due to being a woman
does she even have enough yt members to try a patreon? until she is groomable i will not donate
I'm sure her 3 paying fans are fine, they are used to getting cucked
Remeber heh posting?
I also don't like the individual patreons. Really expensive with a billion gimmick tiers. A company patreon that everyone contributes to and has 2 tiers max makes way more sense in every aspect.
>does she even have enough yt members to try a patreon?
that's what i was wondering, i don't know how anyone thought this was a good idea
They are going to encourage everyone to get a patreon, all that sweet usd is tempting.
she has a decent paypig, they are probably trying to milk him while he's still spending on yuno
Oh, I take back what I said. Whoever makes a patreon after already having t3 memberships is a grifting whore.
Hey KayJay, please kill yourself ASAP. Thanks in advance.
I crave vsmp streams
uh oh kekjay melty
>no aster streams
[kohaku fan name] eating good tonight
Kinda lost my interest a bit after knowing they rejected shee.
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589 is going to stroke my cock and give my positive affirmations
I don't think anyone in gen 1&2 would have played it much anyway, none of them seem to be into survival MC
ok aster, don't walk in on her this time
btw what happened to 589 shitty mutt, did her "sister" eat it while she was away?
You need to work on your positive affirmations koha
Maybe google some
its not about MC, it's about talking to other cute girls
Yes, Reina probably just run around talking with other girls. Shee does play though
They also invite/accept girls who have even less interest and even less likely to spend a lot of times in it.
I know I probably watch some stream if Ephemira play, especially if they hang out with each other. I just know that shee usually gets a bit sad when she gets rejected/left out of things like that
I lost my interest after seeing that it's filled with so many whores
Seriously, pre-HMZ /pkg/ would shit on most of the chuubas in that server
As long as there are people on the server they will refuse to interact with, then it isn't possible.
"I'll just avoid them" isn't enough which I am assuming is what Reina and Shee planned to do when they asked to join.
Now we just shit on our own girls while shilling everybody else outside of kawaii heh
Yes, shee/Reina will avoid them 100% I sort of understand fat cat reason for not including them as well. Maybe when it stops being FOTM and vdere no longer active on there, they can jump in.
Have some dignity
Lethe's hands are so sweaty
Lethe ESL
Lethe CUTE
Lethe is a WHORE
she showed her bare wrist a while ago. WHORE
The wrist isn't brown so it's okay!!!!
good thing nobody watches lethe
lethe showing socks
you don’t watch her do you…she said she’s living alone right now because her sister is still travelling overseas and the dog is at the dog sitter’s
Very cute and feminine
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Shinobabe Yae
you came back to us
I miss Lethe......
Isla starting
Ah, ESL to ESL kino
It's ESL kind of night I guess
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>two of my wisdom tooths
ESL cute
aster come through
uh oh
>Can't even babysit the dog herself
Maybe Kohaku wouldn't be a good mother after all......
tell Shee she did a good job
based management
I need Isla in a wedding dress
Why is Isla pretending we haven't had a good first half of 2024
Gonna watch the Forever Bloom concert again
Lethe went to the hospital because tummy hort
Poor Lethe
buy an ad and kill yourself you stupid faggot
Isla doesn't like Charlotte...
with that sleep schedule that she got… I don’t think she can take care of our baby
Nobody likes Charlotte
I like Charlotte and her fat TITS
>Kohaku and Tomoe wedding stream
>Yuno overwhelming voted to be the best mother
One of the best part of the stream.
God I love Isla-sama so much
Kaya is drawing tits RIGHT NOW
Isla is actually the cutest
Isla streams always put me in a good mood
I am in love with Isla-sama
Isla-sama LOVE
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this little gremlin worked hard today. she's filling her tiny tummy with delicious tacos now.
I'm filling up on her delicious taco
Not all Minecraft parodies are made equal, I guess
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bros I love autism
No one jumped onto Isla open discord yet.......
Really cute short
Shee in Isla's chat
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Yeah, my Baby Boy Chinchin
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Isla's eggs have ran out...
wtf is a Cosmia
EX-prism gen 1.
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i love her blush. it conveys "shy excitement" so well
welp, Isla ended. now what
we will become shirgler
>he doesn't know
Tomoe in Ayu chat
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Luke the cuck heh
>Check out Lethe's vod
>This is the first thing that I hear


Lethe is absolutely the type to inform everyone about her hemorrhoids (when/if she gets them)
I missed most of the stream so I would have never caught that. She just mentions something like that so casually
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hmz is a mistake
Cute menhera doomer woman
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Why are we still here? V4Mirai won. A WHOLE corpo full of nothing but Nenes, a LITERAL GFE corpo, like what the rrats said about Kawaii, but actually true this time. They have success, they have funding, they have titties, what the FUCK does Kawaii offer over them at this point?
I don't want to oshi a whore wdym
We have Chinese women (NOT Canadian! ...but also a Canadian)
V4mirai - 0 Charzus
kawaii - 1 charzu
kawaii wins low diff.
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What's Mono doing here??? Preparing for her gangbang at the club?
>phoneposting subhuman
heh take your v4mirai whores and shove them up your ass. i watch kawaii for cute girls not for "Le GFE!" GFE is one of the cheapest gimmicks ever. It's literally like "I am completely talentless so I will do GFE to attract my audience".
This hour of Lethe's stream flew by like it's 15 minutes.
Also I gotta say, thank god for girls like Lethe and Tomoe to mix it up a little bit. All these "cutesy" girls just meld together after some point and they all become the same.
Whores aren't GFE
Yes that includes Nene
Different strokes but I am a believer in making le GFE company a real thing. CGDCT is fine but please find at least one girl for gen six who will unrepentantly love* (You)
i like both groups so stop trying to pit them against each other like a faggot
We have that tho?
(I love her lol)

Big fan of Koha but I wouldn't call her GFE. Her RP asmr comes with a disclaimer, she doesn't drop L-bombs, nor is she particularly parasocial or clingy with her fanbase.
Same thing for the others aside from Nene.

I'm surprised you didn't include Shee though who would be the only other one I would categorize as GFE.
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cute Shee playing kino childhood game
Well, we always have Nami (who is similiar to Lethe, just fatter and less ESL)
Then there was prime N**na but she went too far to the bitch side.
SheeFE is winning so hard pawtners must be tired of winning
this is a good roguelike tbqh
izuna cute
up you go before I sleep
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I wish Shee streamed tonight
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That whore and the rest of whores in her whore corpo are disposable whores for cumming and dumping. They serve no other purpose.
Except REM. That one's nice.
built for BDC
*checks notes*
I hope you lads like watching vods, Final Fantasy, or doing things besides kawaii on sundays.

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