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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Food For The Sovl edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>79526488
kawaii art archive MEGA
charzu cat
I am in love with Isla-sama
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FFXIV was a mistake
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VSMP interactions are kino. Especially Tomochi and Pillow, but holy shit, there's a ton of downtime in between interesting moments. Literally 20 mins of content worth watching out of 2-3 hours.
Sounds like prime fodder for a clips channel.
This charzu bitch finally does a long ass stream and it's for the tranny xiv garbage? Is she trying to turn me into an anti? fuck you charzu where is my fucking Well done steak
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


lua old lol
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bros I'm taking the day off today, I just can't with this.
Vods and kawaii friends, also i see the baker didn't remove traitor supporter EBI
for me, it's reimu vods.
everyone is a traitor supporter
kawaii has no friends
Trust Reina's pest crustacean Ebi, she is going to join V-Dere gen 2 as kawaii's secret agent and expose their dark machinations!
maybe kawaii friend ephemira will hop on vsmp offline....
meimi is the offline champ, bucko
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the dream
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we improve ourselves on sundays, you must be new
you sound mega gay and need more improvement
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say something nice about better nene /pkg/
just blew a fat load to kaya
based yiman
Haven’t been here in a while, is Nami still fat?
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guess who on the front page https://skeb.jp/
it honestly looks like AI could've done it
What would a blowjob from Isla be like?
It would be extremely painful
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ask her little bo- her little brother
I'm Isla's little boy
that is a cute meimi
thanks for reporting
(Me btw)
Why is Isla giving her little brother head?
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Yuno Schedule is up. Morning streams are back.
I think he was referring to the Shee swimsuit one
I throw up in my mouth a bit every time I read a cringy ass MysteryDookie comment
I don't have Meimi's membership
he is her little boyfriend and also her little boy
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>Herojis voting themselves into getting less streams from the donation goal reward
What's wrong with them?
This has happened before with herojis hasn't it
Either way those are all awful picks, maybe if it was OG RE4 (which green Nami did not finish btw)
there's no reason why she couldn't play re8 for some other month's goal.
Kaya will be a decent hire tonight.
women, especially the tumblr fujos like Nami, love RE4make because this >>79589523
kekrojis like to get cucked
>This has happened before
Yes, there was a poll she made at some point asking if she should do a guerilla, and they voted for her not to stream. I think her being scared in either RE4 could be kino, but at least get your (or sprite's) money's worth by picking the one that nets more content out of it
She hates horror games, she isn't playing another without paywalling it like this
what a grifter lmao
finish the fucking cake nami
Consider: Lethe negative affirmations ASMR
Katta did one of those and it was really hot
I saw her feet while browsing /v/ today
is it public
I'm gonna have a melty
Gone. Erased to atoms for the redebut. It might be still available in her members idk
I don't think she hates 8 or 4, given that she's willing to potentially do full playthroughs of them. they aren't really horror games outisde of a couple setpieces.
literally everyone has seen katta's feet
grim for KEKEDrojis, her new ffxiv tranny boyfriends needs a new mount
Nami can't have her way. What an insulting poll.
She doesn't actually hate them, but is too scared to touch anything remotely horror. She was too chicken to enter some areas in Elden Ring yesterday
It's not as if we would get less streams overall, she would just slot whatever RE game won probably in the thursday or saturday timeslot. I would personally prefer 7 over Villige or 4 remake, but the point is that Nami is a whiny coward who doesn't want to do scary games and Subnautica is the one that is the scarieset on the list here.
cucked and grifted fanbase, sprite should go back simping for notwoozie so nami stops phoning it in like the lazy fat tumblrina bitch she is
maybe when she actually fucking streams
she plays it up for the stream. that's why she's a great entertainer. she knows what we want.
It wouldn't be less streams overall, but if seeing her play a horror game is going to cost $2k, at least don't shortchange yourself by picking the option that gets a singular 4 hour stream instead of potentially a whole series. But if that's what her audience wants, then whatever
sprite is the only one paying her, send him a DM on twitter if you want to complain
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her fault for throwing away two sexo models and becoming an ugly korean bobblehead
only woozie was sexo
Brown JK wasn't sexy? Anon, are you female?
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doesn't matter what she streams. it's not like i'd choose to spend a minute with anyone else.
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i like how vtubers are allergic to beating this game
plapped by camping friends
because it sucks
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would you eat this?
fair enough
god is that why nami is so absurdly fat?
That's Tomoe's cooking
Hours anon? End of June report coming along?
sure but i wouldn't make it a regular thing. eggs for me is just a tiny bit on butter on the pan and salt+pepper
sure, looks ok. toss a kraft single on there and some tabasco for good measure and you got something extra tasty.
that's a hoop king meal, is tomoe a coal enjoyer?
good tomoe needs to fatten up
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pride and soul of kawaii hit the thing
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shee supremacy
2nd Silver play button incoming
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>only a little less than 400 hours until things go back to normal
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Shee Motherfuckin' Icho that's who. Congrats Shee!
Makes you wonder what happened to the previous 2nd button. Did the management melt it? Did they piss on it before throwing it in a cesspool?
Did she get over the line before it happened?
Do Project Kawaii talents get to keep their button?
>Project Kawaii
Don't know anything about those guys.
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I think they were the airline with the chuubas, they had the witch we collabed with sometimes
How many nips did she let hit it?
her old coworkers got that 90cm ass again, thank god I dropped her a few months back
I'd make all the peanut butter and banana toast you could ever want Meimi
shut up maxter
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Charzu schedule
I even miss Nano on Sundays
Astonishingly grim
How many fans is she losing with this retarded stunt?
Realistically, how can Kohaku compete?
fagpires about to troon out in ffxiv
how new are you?
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predict Charzu's outfit
It's one thing to like xiv and play it on your own time, but streaming it for more than a 1 week is you shoving it down their throats. Why can't she just stream normally and play that tranny slop on her own time?
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Koha cute
>nooo i dont want to watch my oshi play a game she really loves, she should play popular fotm slop
>she should play popular fotm slop
Why is she black?
damn, uhhhh
a hoodie + skirt maybe? she has hands and hair too. idk, this is difficult
oh no no no
>more than a 1 week
It is 5 streams of ff14 autism every 2 years.
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yeah i don't get it either. she's super cute while playing, snacking on skittles and joking about the characters. You can tell she is really enjoying the game, compared to something she's just playing because she saw someone else play it and thought it would be fun. You can feel the authenticity of the love.
Maybe it's time for kawaii to specialize in certain types of games and not just spam FOTM content while playing it poorly might I add.
What does that even do for them as streamers? Jumping from one drastically different type of a game to another, and attracting 10-20 people that will most likely never ever come back again because the next time you play something similar might or might not be in a month or two.
>Inb4 people stay for the girls personality
Yeahhhhh...about that...kawaii is not exactly brimming with strong personalities and entertaining types.
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cute hopcons
nobody watches kawaii for gaming and if you do, then you're in the wrong place.
faggots like you are retarded and don't understand the appeal of vtubing
Elaborate on what you mean by "strong personalities and entertaining types". Because I have an inkling that you're just bullshitting
>flesh streaming
>nene friend
Someone like Hiyori that can make almost every stream entertaining.
People like this >>79603577
say you dont watch kawaii for gaming, but then you tune into a gaming stream of most of your girls and its just dead air galore with very little funny or interesting commentary so then you are just left with the awful gameplay. You might as well watch a real gamer play it at that point.
>inb4 PL discord astroturfing
I gotta say, she is a great artist. I love all of her Shylily and Silverwolf drawings. And yeah I know people will probably screech at a mere mention of Shylily but that model is great, you can't deny it.
>but that model is great
Her old model, yeah, but her new one is soulless
You don't need to be a PL disco friend to recognize that she is very charismatic and keeps the stream engaging most of the time.
I don't like how this general became
>You can't say even one positive thing about any of the girls or you will be accused of...
Oh wow I'm completely out of the loop since I don't watch twitch. Why would someone switch to this? Terrible...
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If I had to take a guess, that's likely just the usual spammer who replies with the same garbage responses to almost every post
i wingardium leviosa'd
Really weird proportions on this one
Today she will be an honorary non-Canadian
NasuMatsuri and pl frens are so lucky
I'm going to chase Meimi
We all know you're not fit enough to chase Meimi, try cornering her.
uh oh astroturfer melty
I'll race you in the oji-san olympics
What is this? Does she have a schedule for when the girls will sing?
he is peeen, he can offcollab whenever he wants
Prerecorded concerts Kaya does every month. I don't know about timetables.
Did you just call eggs and bacon black food? What happened to you in your sad little cuck life when you associate every other thing with "hoop kings"? You are unironically completely mindbroken.
There you go. Right on time. Obsessed /v/ retard who thinks that "hue hue built for BBC" is the most troll shit to post ever. Or just an unironic sissy that gets off to that.
I'm in the New York State of mind right now
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o-okay, it sounds like you have an interesting thread here...
Half of this general is spammed by one guy again. Jannies doko?
>Jannies doko?
There's only so much they can do. He's likely been banned dozens of times but mobile posters are quite literally impossible to ban because they can just restart their phone to start shitposting again from a fresh IP.
Not like /vt/ is really moderated to begin with though
o snap
Lord Spooky is restreaming CEO top 8.
later nerds
jannies are vderefags, sorry bucko
uh oh hwhite meltdown
I am in love with my wife Tomoe
you just like her because she's dutch
we call it melty here, bucko
imagine is mobile posting was banned
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how many cancelled streams this week?
Thats like half the internet's traffic if not more. No one would do that
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He's on vacation, he said it may be a little late for the final counts
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every stream but the event one
Is Nano the Gura of Production Kawaii? she rarely streams but when she does people want to watch
kill yourself lumi
>nyanobots live like this
it's just daniel cuckardo astroturfing
>like this
they wish, this is how they actually live >>79606961
Right now kohaku's biggest weakness is her talking. She's fine when she has a script otherwise it's pretty meh
Not sure if it is because she doesn't know what to say or she doesn't want to say the usual GFE type stuff that most asmrtists do.
Every stream with Nano, her cute Nanovoice, her cheerful Nanogiggles and her giant Nanoboobs is a gift and a blessing to our planet.
She's also kind of deranged at times too so there's something for everyone with her.
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>July 6
Tomoe Carmine Birthday
>July 7
"A Wish Upon Star Crossed Vtubers" Concert hosted by Navina Nova

Vtuber Hockey League hosted by Hirano Kokoro
>July 20
Navina Nova Birthday
>July 19-21
>July 30
Reina Sun Birthday
3D Solo Live Concert

Family Feud Company Collab
EONIA Concert

Production kawaii recruiting clippers
Nene Amano Extra Merch
shut the fuck up cuckardo
Based nyanobot. Everyone knows quality > quantity.
nyanobots like to watch but they can't
>eggs and bacon
wtf senpai i thought that was ham n cheese what is the dutch doing with all the oil and weird spice
Shake Shack is on the way bros
I'm gonna pig out
hoop kings got tomoe
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god I can't wait for Shee I want to see how she'll respond to finally hitting her big milestone
Shee is an inspiration to any indie vtuber out there. Shee puts in the work and she never betrayed her fans, even back in her old life. Shee's still the same sweet lil gal that just loves her fans and streaming very very very much.
kohaks got mogged by the duck holy shit
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Ephemira get to fucking work and STOP cancelling streams, the WHORES are coming for us
Time to keep an eye out for graduations
They will backstab them. Karma's a bitch. I will live to see that day.
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I haven't raped Ebi in a while. EBI RAPE before the schizos get her removed.
the friends section is a tired meme, it will have to be cut whenever we get a new gen anyway
>new gen
yeah yeah you said the same shit before hmz and ephemira. doom harder
Charzu being cute
let them do feetcam

they will all hit 100K
keep that trash out of here.
kys groomer
god what I wouldn't give to see Shee Icho's grippers
you first groomer.
charzu deserves rape for this trannyge spam
Isla is my wife
Charzu is my exgirlfriend
charzu real voice on stream
>real voice
You can't trust people who do VA for XIV, it's just another one of her fake voices. You will never know her real voice.
I know Charzu's orgasm voice btw. It's actually not high pitched at all.
That's disappointing
Ff14 might be a nice looking game if all the text and icons were removed.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiit's RAN TIME!!!!!!!!!
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why did you have to do that to charzu not cool
I can't wait for shee kino tonight
Fuck that. Ignore the shitter. He will melty anyways no matter what we say here.
yeah, it will only happen in your imagination. Deal with it bucko.
God, I want to party with Nano again with her karaoke.
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shee love btw
Ran is being cute right now. I like to watch her.
farming PL fan points doesn't work if you post it here
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no good kawaii streams on that I'm watching this
help me
Even Inarifox isn't in her chat anymore. Unlucky...
Typical kawaii Sunday but at least we have Shee stream 2night to look forward to
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Could be worse, this is who I'm watching
We have our third stringers streaming today, please understand.
you watch whores? grim.
TWO BANANAS? What does that mean?
She is half-asian and half-white
did yuno
I will stay for the Yunogiggles but let it be known that I prefer sick voice Yuno
Yuno saves the day!!!!
Grim for yunowhos...
bro... is yuno a 40 year old aunt? Imagine not only laughing at that lame ass joke but repeating it twice yourself.
you should phase out as a vtuber and become staff
Paki whorse
Yuno seems so easy to groom, too bad I am a permalurker sperg so the birblings are taking her
The pride and soul of kawaii is here to save the day
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did i stutter? the PRIDE and SOUL and HEART of Kawaii Project
biggest kek of my life
grim but soon ran will save the day with a 50ccv raid...

hmz was a mistake
numbertrannies get the rope btw.
how is Yuno streaming yunocore different from Charzu streaming tranny final fantasy? oh one is gen 1 and one is not. fucking /pkg/ and the double standards. both are shit content, be fair.
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we shat on the poozu as well, bucko
>Kawaii Project
Sus! Nene hasn't used that one for over a year.
>nurse Shiina
Thanks for the heads up
>shitting on disney
thanks for the heads up
im pretty sure that one was intentional
FFXIV story is actually buff content but Charzu has shit reactions so doesn't even get to draw from that fanbase.
You need to break out the tears
Shitting on Disney might as well be reddit with how common it has become
Unironic traitor friend Shiina!
is that supposed to be a bad thing? modern Disney is universally agreed to be dogshit, unless you want to be contrarian for the sake of it
Yuno giggles are still cute
finna coom to this old brown roastys whispers
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The fandom menace is based and there is a big market for females grifting "chuds" in the online commentary space even for vtubers, as shown by plapkin plappa.

We should get a personality like SmugAlana or Kirsche in if we want to incline
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Yuno has the best giggles in the business and it's not even close.
go back to /pcg/
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charzu's nipples stiffening from the cold cold air
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>basically 4 streams around or below 50ccv
unironically grim
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Kektomos… your wife’s outfit…
why does nene get mogged so much. its like the universe hates her and god is punishing her
go back to the catalog where you belong.
That's just Nene's outfit but worse lol
nene mogged by the original nene
Nene outfit is better but at least Koshita get to bust a fat load to that Noel's outfit
nene is a whore she deserves it
Imagine if everyone reported every shitty post.
not your hugtranny, box
Production half-a-finana...
not your toilet to shit in faggot.
you ever notice how the spammer constantly alters his shitposts slightly to get past everyone's filters? evading filters is against 4chan's rules, not that /vt/ is moderated though
he already gets banned daily from shitting up other threads. Not like it matters
you got any examples my guy?
Only idiots would post their filters here.
I simply filter the posts with my mind
hugbox tranny btfo lmao
enjoy your 1 on 1 asmr consteve
filtertrannies should go back to tumblr
>shee fucks dogs became shee fucks gods
>kaya was a mistake because kaya was a mystakek
>kohacku because kohacks
and a bunch of other variations too retarded to mention
im gonna coom
how the fuck did i type "because"
shee fucks dogs
kaya was a mistake
Rie from PC is friends with Lua, but also friends with Elia? I thought /pkg/ told me it was ALL OUT WAR.
There is no war, no one gives a shit about that anymore.
Consteve is cucking nasamatsuri?
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Nene soon

I like both of them
>I thought /pkg/ told me it was ALL OUT WAR
point me to one (1) post saying this
lua and rie bonded over bbc but rie was a vderefag originally (big miryu shill)
based rie
im sorry Yuno but this game is so fucking boring
more good boy points for me.
ABGs unite for the kings of the hoop
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you will never be him https://streamable.com/l9w1ky
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Nami schedule
>That last stream description
Aaaaaaahhhhhh Nami realistic GFE
There's nothing wrong with a multi post OP.
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cute hopcon
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They should have gone all in on business yuri! Such a wasted opportunity...
yuno trooning out
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Charzu is back
cringe tranny trash
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her twitter is a homo jump scare anytime she replies to a kawaii tweet
tomoe is too straight for business yuri, even pillow failed
I will force charzu to breed consensually.
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kawaii friend Tomoe spotted in the wild
she wants to go back in the basement
Only Shiki can get her into business yuri
fucks dogs
The filter list grows ever longer.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP GROOMING MY MEIMI IN T3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaya matsuri AND shinobabe collab
Then why were Shee and Reina rejected from VSMP?
@ me for Shinobabe Yae's turn.
vdere won
They were too late in asking.
Huh? Did you just assumed I’m a Pl fan? My guy get off your high horse, and be a shit poster somewhere else. I understand you’re a hater but there should be a limit to your attitude.
Charlotte, and Kaya matsuri is on too faggot. Go watch. Oh wait you won’t cuz you’re a hater.
Lighten up a little lil bro. Stress ain’t going help you live a long life.

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