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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someon do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clip?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlve, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real fedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

>Crabs are attacking an /asp/iring vtube, it is my dear friend! What should I do?
Nohing, do not feed the crabs, do not give them a (You).

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed) (embed)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed) (embed)
Tierlist: tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-1663193
/asp/ Catalogue: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IzCBkTsFtU7W-bE1zuurxc-TTHbRzl_r/edit?gid=527903618#gid=527903618

Previous Thread:>>79564801
>haru cosplay pics leaked
>beryl cosplay pic leaked
mami you man whore share that stash you got I know you have to have more spicy stuff. where are the yumi and QB sex pics
>/asp/ Catalogue
Is Kyuu really FtM?
Confirmed by them themselves.
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you guys Beryl's new png is so cute I love him it's so cute I'm literally gonna die lol
crabs calling me the wrong gender on purpose again then putting it in a google doc straight to the op
If I've incorrectly gendered you, tell me who you are and I'll correct it.
when did they confirm? all they said was
>"what if I am?"
>just self post so I and all the schizos can crab you more
How about you post which asp you are
was there a "confirmation" other than an unverified anonymous 4chan post

If Kyuu was being skinwalked then they can vocaroo a confirmation of their gender.
I don't care.
creating an anti-tranny doc and then immediately putting it in the OP is too obvious even for an asp schizo. there can't seriously be anyone that believes this is being done in good faith.
Acknowledgement of someone's gender isn't 'anti-tranny'
MtF and FtM aren't genders you're just listing them so people know who the trannies are. I don't understand why you're putting on an innocent act it's so annoying how spineless you are. Just say you hate trannies and freaks.
still waiting for people to stop calling me a male
Okay, assume what you want.
>gets put in the document right next to the man I want to fuck
lets go we are so back
prove it fwofie, post your cock
Not her but I sympathize with her since the crabs schizo us both for some reason
reminder, beryls cosplay pics were leaked by mami and have resurfaced. initially dismissed but now with context, they're real
kenny is not gen 3, what did the list anon meant by that?
What gen is he?
Same way I am now somehow in the same gen as gumpai. I don't care since the whole gen thing is a board meme but its funny to see people just get thrown around randomly in a schizo list
>Purrson buys an ad
>Still not in catalog
he started on gen 5, actually mumkey also isn't gen 3
I'm trying, give me time

What's Mumkey?
I feel like im deliberately being ignored
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I'm genderfluid please fix
No. There are only 2 genders, male female
mumkey deez nuts. goteem em
>What's Mumkey?
gen 4/5
but she only posted a few times here so she shouldn't even be here
The catalogue is a historical record of anybody who can be considered an /asp/ie

She posted here, interacted with the community, she's an /asp/ie
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Then make me female right now on the list
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Yeah do that
>The catalogue is a historical record
so an actual schizo list, many do not consider themselves aspies, they never interacted in any meaningful way with the community and want nothing to do with this schizo chamber, are you telling me they are "/asp/ies"?
To me this sounds like the list was made in bad faith
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I still don't understand why so many people in the thread do this to me. No one outside here does this not even in the aspcord
Okay, assume what you like
I bake on occasion when no one else will, and there is no fucking shot I’m ever putting this schizo bullshit in the op. The biggest bait for everyone to bitch and moan at.
no, I'm assuming what is actually happening, when camui did the same thing he was rightfully mocked until he deleted it because its very different than the tierlist and adds no benefit to this community
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Offkai 2025 was a blast. The /asp/ group had met up in record numbers. Together they partied and had as much fun as a bunch of mismatched vtubers could. Many even were staying in the same place. A huge house that was loving called the /asp/bnb. It was really just an airbnb that everyone had pitched in to rent. Of course many weren’t there. Some, like Flandzen wanted their own space and others, like Chaki and Coco didn’t show for opsec reasons.
It was big, but nowhere near big enough to comfortably fit everyone. This, along with the ‘no mixed-gender rooms’ rule placed by Kankuro, led to situations like Daiya, Keitaro, Momomo, and Sterling all sharing a two bed room together. It was the first night and the four bros had to consider sleeping arrangements.
“I can sleep with Keitaro.” pitched Daiya. “I know him the best so it won’t be weird.” Momo lifted an eyebrow. “Doesn’t that make it more weird? I know the Daiyataro thing isn’t real, but…” Keitaro quickly cut him off. “We’re friends. If it bothers you though, I’m fine sharing a bed with Sterling.”
Sterling shook his giant metal head. “I appreciate that, buddy, but I’m way too big to share a bed with you. Not to mention what’ll happen if I roll over in my sleep.” Keitaro paled. Hamsters are notoriously fragile, after all.
Momomo sighed. “Alright. There’s an extra blanket in the closet. I’ll sleep on the ground tonight. Sterling can take one bed and you two can share the other. If you guys are fine with it, I am.”
After a mutual agreement, the four went to brush their teeth and change. Daiya put on some loose, short pajamas, Keitaro put on some warm flannel PJs, Momo had an undershirt with workout shorts, and Sterling was naked, prompting some stares from the other three.
“What? I don’t wear pants anyways and the shirt is just to look professional. The selection of clothes in my size is limited you know.”The three boys patted Sterling on the back before saying their good nights to each other. Each lied down and closed their eyes.
The fuck does the n/a mean for must
no camui's was weird because he included EVERYONE including frequent viewers, adjacents, etc
yeah. the instant self-add to the op is what makes it obvious cancerous bad faith nigger behavior.
kill yourself OP
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Momo had said earlier that Daiyataro was a joke, but any Daiyataro fan (Renata) would froth at the mouth hearing the day they had yesterday. The two boys had actually met up a day early to hang out on their own. It was their day to themselves. In the morning Keitaro had taken Daiya for a hike at a nearby park and in the evening, Daiya took Keitaro to a karaoke bar. In between they had just walked around town and fun checking out all the local shops. It was like a genuine date, although it definitely wasn’t, because they weren’t dating. Just really good friends. And these two really good friends were now back to back, sharing a bed.
“Hey Keitaro,” Daiya whispered. “Are you awake?”
“Yeah,” Daiya heard from the other side of the bed.
Keitaro rolled over to face Daiya, who did the same. Keitaro’s eyes were wide open. “Can’t sleep?”
“Yeah. I just keep thinking about stuff, and songs keep playing in my head. Stupid stuff.” Daiya forced his eyelids shut as he talked.
Keitaro yawned. “Tell me about it then. Get it off your mind. Just don’t talk too loudly or you’ll wake them up.”
Really, Momomo and Sterling were snoring loudly. Nothing short of a siren was going to wake them up, but the two kept quiet just in case.
“Your ears,” Daiya whispered, “What’s up with them? You have four. Which do you hear out of?”
Keitaro chuckled. “I hear out of both. I have really good hearing because of that.”
“C-can I touch them?” Daiya asked. Keitaro blushed. His hamster ears have always been sensitive. “S-sure.” Daiya blindly reached up to touch them, his hands drifting against his silver hair. The hamster ears twitched as his fingers reached them. Daiya put his fingers around the ears and gently rubbed them. “Does that feel good?” Keitaro smiled. “Yeah. It feels nice.”
“Why don’t you ever let people touch them? You seem happy right now.” Daiya kept rubbing, smiling in the dark.
“They’re sensitive. I don’t really trust anyone to touch them. Hamster instincts and all.”
“But I’m touching them.”
Keitaro went silent just long enough to make Daiya stop rubbing. “Yeah. I really trust you. The animal instincts deep down in me constantly tell me to back away from everyone. Not you though. I’m calm to my core when I’m with you.”
“I trust you too. We had so much fun yesterday, I really felt…” Daiya couldn’t think of how to finish his sentence. How did he feel? He felt something so strong, he knew it was stronger than that inner peace Keitaro felt. He couldn’t say anything, but his heartbeat and the warmth in his cheeks were unmistakable.
Daiya moved his hands down from the hamster’s ears, now gently cupping his face. “I-if you trust me, then can I…”
Keitaro knew what he wanted. He didn’t need to hear any more. “Yes, of course.”
Daiya moved his face closer to Keitaro’s. He moved slowly, like at any minute he could scare the hamster into running away. Keitaro quickly moved his own face forward and their lips connected. It wasn’t passionate. It was sweet and gentle, the way each of them wanted. They weren’t worried about labels, or vtubing, or what would happen tomorrow. They were just happy to show each other how much they cared. They held the kiss like they only had one chance. Eventually, their lips finally broke. In the dark, they stared into each other’s eyes. Keitaro gently smiled. “Thank you, Daiya. Thank you for being here. Get to sleep now. We’ll have more fun tomorrow.”
Daiya didn’t say anything. There was nothing else to say. He grabbed Keitaro’s hand and their fingers interlocked. His eyes closed and he gently drifted to sleep, feeling that same inner peace that Keitaro felt.

Momomo took out his phone and opened his messages. ‘Hey Sin. The twinks are finally asleep. Get in here for smooching time.’
Nobody knows Must's gender.
Renata you fujo slut where are my comms? Its been months I need my buff ojisan yaoi I can feel the menopause growing stringer I need the porn to revitalize my ovaries where is it renata
I don't like this catalog anon. I feel like Jamie could run it better, and if he made a mistake he'd apologize, fix it, and tell me to have a good one.
and it isn't weird to add people that do not want to be part of this community and people who are no longer active or even vtubers? how about people who have never asked to be included or even have their links posted here?
Not Renata. Just a wandering fanfic writer.
Don't crush my hope anon I NEED my yaoi
>and it isn't weird to add people that do not want to be part of this community
I'm not adding them as part of the community. I'm adding them as a historical record
aw hell naw... not yippe i just wanted to share my cute picture not be the bread with the schizo link >_> rope expeditiously...
no one is asking for an historical record, you are just confirming you are doing this with bad faith
Scenario: /asp/ has its first con
What would each aspie's booth and fan meetup be like?
Love you /asp/ie! You are going to make it and the fact that some of your peers have made it to corpos while the ones that remain are doing their best to grow is proof
You should NOT graduate immediately
Your true friends are giving you support whether publicly or in the shadows.
You will get schizo’d, crabs will do everything in their power to pull you down, but I believe that you will not take them to heart since they are nothing more than cowards that would not dream of doing that shit in a public setting without anonymity.
Keep on streaming and improving your craft.
Admit it, despite the fact that people try to give you crap, you still want to stream. Remember the reason why you wanted to stream in the first place. Remember the adrenaline pumping through your veins when you finished wrapping up your favorite stream. Remember the struggle and joy setting up your streaming format.
You will succeed, you will make it. And to the newbies reading or posting in this thread - despite the crabs and shitposters lurking in this thread, there are truly kind aspies out there that you should not be afraid to reach out to. I wish you good fortune in your streaming journey and I hope that you will grow to love it as time goes on.
/asp/ and /asp/ie love
Then fix my gender crab
>no one is asking for an historical record
Do I need your permission?
>you are just confirming you are doing this with bad faith
Again, assume what you like
Nobody shows up at mine and everyone secretly shits on me
If that was true then each entry would comf sigh a debut date, whether they’re still active or if they’ve graduated. Instead its true purpose is to misgender and crab people rather than doing any actual work towards being accurate by contacting them directly like a census taker or some bullshit
Why don't you show us who you are brave archivist anon? don't worries you are not doing anything wrong you don't have anything to fear
come with*
It's a historical record of anybody who could be considered an /asp/ie, their debut date, active status or graduation status does not matter

>Instead its true purpose is to misgender and crab people
Who have I misgendered?
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If you genuinely can't respect people's genders this is in bad faith
>Who have I misgendered?
multiple people you can see them right there complaining (also you misgendered ME)
You mean Arax and someone who won't name themselves?
>It's a historical record of anybody who could be considered an /asp/ie
then maybe just add the name, pfp, twitter and stream link?
the gender is as irrelevant as the debut date, active status, or even anything else
Fair point.
>actual information doesn’t matter
Yeah you’re definitely a shithead

I don’t want to see anyone else using this fucking link in the op. You can post an image of me with ‘bigger’ on my forehead for all I care but don’t give any more energy towards this schizo trying to set fire to asp
Okay I removed it

Explain to me why someone's debut date, active status or graduations status impacts someone's status as once being an /asp/ie?
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Can someone just tell me what I need to do to get famous so I don't need to figure it out please? thx
Be consistent
Be quality
Be lucky
What are you using as the generation dates? Some of the people feel mismatched, especially Gen 6. I think a lot of them are actually 5. You can go on Twitch tracker to see when people's first stream was.
I'm just going based off memory at the moment, eventually I'll get around to try and classify everyone properly but in the meantime if someone's in the wrong gen they can just tell me
Got it, I think December/Jan is the commonly accepted Gen 5/6 changeover
So be Beryl?
He hasn't really gotten lucky yet
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how do i sleep responsibly when all my friends are awake between 12am to 6am...
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Uhh miukyun?
>literal /soc/ posts
Fuck off
no this one
First stream dates on twitch tracker and sullygnome are both really fucked and super inaccurate. They tend to not track people very well when they first start out. I think the site takes some time to even begin asking for streaming info for a new person, and if they don't have any viewers ,stream on uncommon categories, or stream for short periods of time it can take a long time for it to notice them. They also just randomly don't record your data sometimes if you don't have viewers. I saw this happen many times personally.

I used to use twitch tracker to track info for a big ass spreadsheet a while ago, these sites are really finicky and should not be taken too seriously for information on small streamers.
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gm aspies don't kill yourself today
>I will never talk the night away with a cute girl

Why even live?
Wait you weren't trolling with the gender thing? You're actually this autistic? And those curt rude replies you have been giving weren't trolling either?
Dios mio man
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I need beryl in this outfit to give me a sleeve job
I'm just straight forward not a malicious retard

Give me a good reason to do something and I'll do it
I think you need to learn how to talk to people if you want to do this and I'm not being malicious.
Understood, still useful for dating people as earlier though. Even if the data is inaccurate, if it registered a stream from August last year for someone, then the person probably isn't Gen 6 for example
Does streaming every day work for him? Someone said it doesn't work if you're trying to build a parasocial audience but from what I've seen of Beryl he usually doesn't reciprocate that feeling to his viewers
I have tact outside of here
But if people are going to act like morons and assume my intentions when I outright tell them they're wrong then they don't get courtesy
Forcing people to be in a list they don't want to be in is malicious, many previous aspies hate asp and forcing them to stay connected to this thread is being malicious.
he'd be retarded with both a coombait model and the femboy aesthetic to not build into parasocial like most femboys do. the fuck is he throwing his money into the hobby for if he doesn't get a return on investment?
You could think about using the date that they first posted their link on asp. This is really easy to find on the archive, and particularly relevant if its supposed to be arching the history of asp. You could even post the post number.
What are you asking anon? Nobody is parasocial for Beryl
This just isn't how you talk to people man
Oh man you're in for a bad time
If they wanted that, they'd have to elimate any evidence of them in the archive
I've been in these threads for ages and have befriended a ton of people

Don't think how I talk to vindictive morons is how I treat others
>(embed) (embed)

schizo thread baker
that's the crazy thing, for someone like beryl to have a somewhat large following but have absolutely no oilers or parasocial fans like zenya or lavandel is really weird. he streams every day which you would think would cause people to get attached to him, but he never really receives anything from his viewers and usually funds his own assets or upgrades.
You need to stop. Life is going to be rough for you
No one sane goes through the archives to find a random past VTuber, having this list in the op is malicious and just an excuse to crab previous aspies long after they leave the thread.
That's a great point
No because streaming every day damages parasocial relationships

If I am a Beryl fan, I'm more than likely not going to be able to watch him every day and I will miss out on streams which will give me FOMO, I will miss out on references in future streams and I will feel lesser compared to fans who can go to every stream and just make me not care as much about missing streams therefore care less about him as a streamer. Whereas if he streamed 3-4 days a week, I could reasonably catch every one and not miss any time with him
A lot of people wont donate if you don't really "ask" for it by having a lot of donation links or talk about it a lot. Many people also wont donate to people that they feel don't need it or wouldn't really appreciate it too much.
Yeah people definitely need a list to do that, it never happens otherwise
Maybe a summary of who they are and the type of content they make would be nice like the old doc
how did gelt get over a 100 subs? the fuck did I miss?
Have you considered that maybe he doesn't really need money so he doesn't advertise it? He streams as a hobby with a full time job and still manages to do it every day. Not everyone is in it for the money or wants to do it for a living.
It will make it worse by reminding schizos about past aspies and giving new schizos info on past aspies they never even met but go ahead and make the thread even worse for nothing
woman spotted
Honestly have no idea what kind of audience he's going for, his games are all over the place, he has no schedule and barely collabs, but he still manages to get a decent ccv by... who? Coomers? Femboys? Other vtubers?
Somebody praise me… I worked hard…
>/asp/soc is real
Who else is up on there? Place your bets.
He just streams when nobody else does and he's consistent. He's no insane entertainer but I know I'm going to have a decent time
He does, or at least did, a lot of horror games in the past. I think he probably picked up a pretty young audience because of it.
Hey if I streamed with just a console, what do I need for it? I know people always sell the Elgato thing but supposedly it's a shit capture card?
Good job, I know you're probably tired but you have earned some rest. It's okay.
rest up, you did super well today ! proud of u anon :3
prove it
People who raid into him while asleep
How are we today?
a better question would be how the fuck he streams every day without being tired or burned out because what the actual fuck
loads of caffiene
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ring ring ring!
When is Haru streaming again?
Why is there a catalogue...
schizo list, they are trying to scare away any newcommer so /asp/ can finally die
some bad actor or overzealous autistic newfag
Because someone is retarded.
Ah.. it feels weird too since the gender drama felt like it was just to stir shit that was on it reading back to last thread
I actually don't think it's a schizo list at all. We know that schizos don't even watch streams and throw out names until someone latches on. Their information is usually terrible or extremely outdated. They don't have the drive to make a list of over 100 aspies with links and images, a lot of which aren't even pulled from profile pics. I think the list is actually in good faith.
or its a fed list. We already have psyops here, not hard to imagine a new recruit doing this
It may have been created in good faith but it will be used maliciously and shouldn't exist
Male here about to go life with blowjob asmr
There is not a single good reason to have that list in the op
>I actually don't think it's a schizo list at all. We know that schizos don't even watch streams and throw out names until someone latches on
citation heavily needed, not all schizos are lazy
terrible sunday, my gf broke with me yesterday, had a fight with my older brother, my pet died two weeks ago and its raining
you too!!!
hmmm... well... maybe drink your favorite drink : D
:3 i try!

When is Haru streaming again?
go and ask him
Thank you Tomar
Any plans for streamin today asp?
I didn't stream yesterday because I fell asleeb... So Digimon today
When you streamin?
Shvah told his oiler to go sub to him and he did
>not in the /asp/ catalogue
>some are there even if some of them don't want to be assosiated with asp and deny being part of it
around 11 EST possibly later
they just started making that sheet, there's literally hundreds of aspies so it's clear that it's not comprehensive yet
don't waste your time worrying about something clearly made with ill will
>11 EST
isnt that 30 minutes ago?
>not in the catalogue
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cute rat...
im never going to recover
I miss him
Bitch that list has people who explicitly don't want to be associated with /asp/.
The tierlist already exists, an excel sheet isn't needed.
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wait its unironically miu wtf
Speaking of which, how am I supposed to ask to get taken off the excel sheet?
She refunded the quake games cause she splurged on steam sale
is this some post for a relationship or friends?
Its for a relationship anon
>pineapple on pizza (debate me)
holy reddit
Since we're /soc/ right now
Im rich enough to own a house with maids, any females want to be my wife? All I expect is kids but you're not expected to work or anything.
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peeks at you ominously
it's far sadder to be stalking someone else's posts on other boards and mocking them than to make those posts in the first place, and this is coming from someone that hates /soc/ and thinks its the most antithetical part of this entire godforsaken website
Can they still be a tuber
you could probably get some gold-digging whore
cute fox ToT
i tried but the light really is just gone
Did we not learn anything about having good fucking opsec from the entire mami shitshow?
Also being gfe while looking for guys on soc out of all places is funny and deserves to be mocked
I'm a femboy and we can adopt, does that work?
please don't give up, we love you
some things just weren't meant to be
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What are you eating for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
I made beans, I love'em
It's miu. She's live right now and is graduating
i just ate an apple on stream
why is she graduating?
So did the drama kill the thread? It seems like its moving way slower and way less /asp/ies are streaming.
I hope so
be careful or you’ll end up summoning the coomer ghost hag and she will shit up your life and steal all your alimony
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It's time to EXPAND!
We continue AI War: Fleet Command today, and I'm gonna force my AI companion watch as I slowly and methodically annihilate her brethren.
That's absolutely fine; AI don't have rights, after all!

Watch me expand my brain live here:
its the weekend. it'll pick up again when the crabs wake up
I give it at most one month before she's back either as Miu or another name. Not even trying to be mean but menheras don't usually stay gone.
the thread is naturally slow and comfy for most of it's lifetime
crabs are the ones who make it lightspeed by spamming
college, brainworms/can't handle the crabbing. but also maybe she got into a corp or got a bf
apparently she's graduating because of college?
She even just got a model too, how disappointing.
college ? but summer just started ;_; miu super love
I'm sure there's multiple reasons, but saying it's because of college is probably the easiest out. I think she'll be back eventually. She was one of the more supportive and friendly female asps.
Miu is going to a corpo, stop crying about it.
sirshabby on discord
alpinalbench on discord
don't do this to my brother shabby
nothing I have to starve myself so I can become underweight again
>Gen 6 already graduating
A sacrificial Gen 6 the day before Gen 7 begins ensures that Gen 7 will be a bountiful harvest.
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cok more like cock
Giving kyuu (kyuuketsuki_ika for those who don't know) my cok cola uuuoohhh!!! ToT
night night asp :]
gm aspies :3
god i love coke
I'm more partial to Dr. Pepper myself
i want to hold your hand so i can forcefully take you to an arcade where we can play old fighting games and hit drums
Confess before it's too late.
/uoh/ is really full of pedophiles huh
Miu i'm sorry i crabbed you in these threads sometimes, it was just for fun, i didnt know it hurt.
who else do you think would post there?
i want to talk to a lot of people i think everyone is nice and cute or funny or sexy but i talk like a dumb autistic robot and im too shy to speak up to anyone
Burn in hell
I try to talk to people sometimes but get so nervous I can't send more than a few messages...
Are there any viewer friendly aspcords at the moment. Got everything ready to debut but I'm just not feeling it when I only want friends. I will draw for you.
DM lance maverick on Twitter for the link
Pedo cuck
What is the line between gens?
There is none
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at least link and show proof of stuff people come on
Hey! Confessions are a free judgement zone.
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Googmorning asp, one question for you: I really like to play horror games but I don't want my audience to get fatigued from them. Should I swap each stream from a horror game to non horror, or do a full horror playthrough and then do a different game playthru?
>Should I swap each stream from a horror game to non horror
people wont get fatigued of horror games
t. horror game watcher
Play one full game, then move to the next.
Now that shes not doing GFE I hope she stops by my chat. Also get fucked to her groomers
I wish I could give you everything. I'm sorry. Please don't leave me
I wanted to graduate tomorrow but now people will just think I'm copying Miu, I can't even graduate in peace
Whenever I come back from being dead should I make a announcement tweet or just click start stream again
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I like Chibi.
she dropped by plenty of male asps even when doing GFE. she was actually really nice, so its sad to see her go.
make a tweet day of or maybe an hour before so you dont have your nerves take you out
interesting that so many popular girls have a loli voice
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Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll probably full play a horror game and then have a dedicated day for a long standing non horror game like stardew or warhammer total war. Hugs and kissies!!!! Mwah mwah !!
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we LOVE TF2!!
yes but GFE gives me the ick anon
you're so cute. ugh.
Do you want to just show up out of nowhere, have one or two of your most devout viwers be the only ones who come through because they were watching the door like a child waiting on their dad to return with the milk, then succumb to brainworms because no one watched you?
Just make some posts wherever people can see you (twitter, discord, etc.) about when you're planning to return, let people know that you're coming back so they'll be able to potentially stop by.
>dropped male aspies
>still dmed mami
>still posting on soc
>involved in waspcord
>friends with yumi, denpa, noriko
Yeah I dont think so
pitties gross grooming discord really has poisoned this last batch of girls. Guess she lives up to her moniker
When is Haru streaming again?
She drew me a piece of fanart. ME, of all people she could make that effort for. She'll always be cool in my book
I wish miu tried grooming me instead of posting on soc :(
Link to your twitch or twitter?
I'm pretty sure i pissed miu off somehow
I wish miu warned me about mami before I commissioned him given she commed him way before I did
He's streaming next week.

Here I am friend!
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who is this bitch? she only follows aspies yet has posted absolutly nothing
why are tranny haters the most sensitive whiny people on the planet.
She doesn't follow me so she must be a bot
Crazy you can just skinwalk someone on an anonymous site then they're fucked
Gen 7 leak
you dont have to enjoy someones content to still be their friend. asp and wasp push all the girls to do GFE because its proven to be successful, so she probably wanted to give it a try. it obviously worked for her, but shes still a genuine person who tried supporting as many aspies as she could regardless of gender, crabs or rats
She just followed me, probably a bot, could just be pre debut aspie
Do u really think someone would skin walk her since feb like is it really hard to believe a gfe lolituber is a soc whore
they are only fucked in the minds of retards that believe everything they read on anonymous boards and those retards aren't worth shit as an audience so not a big loss
>who tried supporting as many aspies as she could regardless of gender
yeah right
Wait what was Miu's actual announcement
I think this person blocked me because when I look up their account nothing comes up
dm elliott ambers on twitter for an invite
Honestly? Yes. Schizos here skinwalk VTubers constantly and for way longer than that.
>they are only fucked in the minds of retards that believe everything they read on anonymous boards
I had aspies ask me on rrats about me three times already, at this point I don't care anymore I'm just going to quit, if at least three different aspies asked me about them I don't know how many simply believed them and never said anything

I'm sorry >.< I've been stalking this thread
and the vtubers while logged off for some time I wanted to finally give myself in and take the vtuber pill (T_T)...

Hi my name is Mariepossaa and I am a dark fallen angel interested in lepidopterology on the surface level, nice to meet you guys!!
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account deleted now
those aspies are retards and aren't worth your time
Only one way to find out. Add the discord user and ask to vc
You should get a PNG drawn or get a premade from booth and then set up OBS to do a few test streams to see if you like it. Once you feel ready post your stream links here, you can make it for gen 7, I can feel it. Good luck!
Yeah there's plenty of signs there's a couple deranged antis that really have it against her
I'm sorry you couldn't groom her Ig
Coqui who has 1000 viewers mentioned on stream that other vtubers believe the rrats in threads about her.

How can people be so gullible?
The best advice I ever received from this thread was “everyone gets their turn on the chopping block at least once”
Dont let the crabs get you too much anons :(
She's graduating because of college
no, they are new people who don't know better, at least they asked me and thats the problem, you never know how many are actually believing and it makes me question every negative interaction I had in the past
>miu literally said during the graduation stream that she recently turned 18
>her bday was on may 12th
>she was either streaming gfe loli content as underaged or is lying about her age
>people still defend her because it is so unbelievable that a 18 yr old or someone lying about being 18 is a bumbling retard with no opsec
mfw mami sexpested a real minor
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Believing everything you read on the internet and especially on 4chan is retarded it doesn't matter how new you are. If anyone truly believed the rrats and didn't even question you they are not worth your time focus your energy on who matters
I will bet real money she's been on soc and talking to 20 something year old guys for at least 1-2 years under different aliases. That's the unfortunate reality of many teenage girls who browse
watch the stream she just had
the vod wasn't there 10 minutes ago that sucks i liked her
You realize over 50 vtubers blocked me on my past account based on untrue rats posted in wvt and uoh? Most of those vtubers are partner now. I also found out Denpa was spreading some of those lies
what does it mean when the bots/stats gatherers stop showing up in the user list?
Do I need to repeat myself? Do you realize there are millions of VTubers out there? Don't focus on those who hate you because they are too dumb to know the internet is filled with lies or you will go insane. You can't control rrats, don't let the rrats control you
https://voca.ro/1bP6sYBjv1jU (walked the stage due to a program for homeschooled kids!) i wont post after this so bye and thank you!
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Good luck at college miu!
I will wait for you.
Note: Ignoring drama is the best thing to do because replying in any capacity just makes it worse
It just comes off as damage controlling especially since you had a rushed graduation right when the sc dropped
God soc is such a shitty board. I wish there was a good option to meet people
Well it's clear that someone she talked to made a post on /soc/ using her details, then compiled screenshots on her discord and archive for details to make an image attacking her and then posted it in this thread to make her look bad. However she graduated so she has nothing more to lose.
Its actually very believable that you were on duo too, but props on acting like this girl isnt you miu
*pees, even shits on the thread* teehee
perfect timing
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Not trying to interupt but im live now
anyone thinking the soc posts arent miu are some of the biggest idiots ive ever seen. you guys clearly do not talk to femanons because this is the exact down bad bullshit they do all the time.
This is why I will always hate asp. It does more damage than good to most people because the schizos here are completely psycho with no life. My advice to any lurkers is never selfpost here and just network outside of the thread. Aspies are kind but schizos are not so avoid the schizos by avoiding the thread and network with aspies outside of here.
you already won mami what more do you want? whats crazy is if miu really sent mami nudes it makes miu guilty of child porography (in the usa) and would require her to get registered as a sex offender if she got tried in court (as well as mami but its sad that she also gets the same treatment)
>deleted by IP
lmao some of these are gold
Counter argument: you'll have schizos in the vtubing community no matter what, it's good practice to keep yourself safe now than to do it later down the line when you have more to lose.
Good luck with the future Miu. You're the reason I started watching indies, thanks for all the fun
You're retarded if you think anyone sent Mami nudes
and now she will be banned for multiple years for breaking 4chan tos. love to see it
hope you find some happiness in college
good luck miu, I only watched you at the beginning but I'm happy for all of your accomplishments
ctrl+f [deleted]

Some of the worst posts in the thread by one person, amazing.
Why does this sound nothing like miu
Fuck you and fuck your argument. It's absurd to have to deal with so much hate from the beginning, it will make you want to quit because you will get all the hate big VTubers get but none of the support. It's easier to deal with hate when you have a massive community and are already making a career out of VTubing, it's completely heartbreaking to deal with it alone with no reward.
The funny thing is that gumpai has actually said her real name on stream before and it was definitely not that
You're not alone though, there are a ton of supportive aspies, viewers, artists who all say nice things and help you out outside the threads.
unless you're that weird fuckin clown, berial, ainslie, in fact most of the guys
I'm not going to wish miu well because she's a grifter that unfollowed me after the /wasp/ leaks
I feel extremely alone dealing with hate and you can even get the same or more support from aspies if you network outside of here. I'm just warning lurkers based on my experience, think carefully before you selfpost.
none of them network with other people, why would anyone risk burning themselves over someone who is clearly antisocial?
I just learned what "blorbo" means by going through some VGen artists, don't ask me anything.
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idk what im doing yo
They watch girls and /lig/gers isn't that enough?
I know what you are going to be doing, you are going to be my cute bf :3c
This is one of many reasons why I keep telling you niggas to go find women in real life and stop beating off with strangers in VC.
>ctrl+f [deleted]
I got 0 results what the hell are you using 4chanx or somnth
/asp/ ruined my ability to enjoy vtubing because of that jesus i didn't expect to be shat on as hard as i was when i posted myself here
might graduate because i'll never be able to look back at my beginnings with a smile like a lot of people can. not worth it atm :/
>you are going to be my cute bf :3c
im not an edater, die
you arent using 4chanx? I was in the thread before the janny mass deleted the schizoposts
based based based BASED BASED BASED
fine, I will find you irl then
What does blorbo mean?
There's no avenue to do that.
I only see 2 deleted posts in the archive
the vocaroo doesnt even make her look any better
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there were 12 (13th is the anon mentioning it)
What needs to look better? Someone made some shit up and she said its not her. Are you dumb?
It's so sad to see such a supportive thread attract schizos that try to ruin things so hard, maybe it's the nature of 4chan that we cant have nice things for too long.
you should still like dm me haha. BTW in college go for subsidized loans and not unsubsidized because you will accumulate far less interest that way. (assuming you are in the states)
People here need to be better. The potential reward of a small fanbase and 200$ a month with part-time job hours investment really isn't worth the constant harassment and the virgin loser schizos making shit up to fuck with you
Vtubers aren't little characters people get to play high school drama with

Then ooh a message leaks with a vtuber saying people here are assholes and everyone gets pissy. They're right you guys are lowlifes
We are getting record graduations lately
Ubume, Camui, Cheen, Miu possibly Gumpai and those are just the ones that said something about it
Who else has stopped posting or streaming entirely?
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Asps for this feel?
If people cant handle it maybe they shouldnt be vtubers. It isnt any better outside of /vt/ either, there's even more schizos on twitter.
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>that voice
/asp/ is a shithole idk why I really thought posting here would help me more than spamming myself on reddit
I still get zero
australians because they're topsy turvy sideways and upside down
This is a fucking lie I never saw a place more schizo than this board and especially this thread
Don't lie about your age ever again!
And good luck in college!
I already know of atleast 2 more....
Those twitter schizos aren't fucking with 0view vtubers trying to ruin them daily
I've never been bullied anywhere but /asp/
gonna need a source on that nigger
because she's lying and its funny how many people are believing her. i mean she graduated so it doesnt matter but making up a boogeyman like this instead of the easiest solution that miu is a lonely autistic 18 yr old femanon that does lonely autistic 18 yr old femanon things is mental gymnastics i cant fathom. of course no one would admit to posting on soc and duo because thats reputation suicide
Keep gaslighting everyone uses that as an excuse to be irredeamably shit
If you schizo on twitter at least everyone can see how much of a pathetic toxic small dick retard you are and treat you accordingly
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>refresh twitter
>see another vtuber get schizo'd out on twitter

It's a regular occurence there and here. It's a simple fact that vtubing has a lot of mentally ill people no matter where you go.
here forever sadly
Nobody's falling for your fake post man. We all know you made that soc post.
thank god! the ugliest model ever graduated i'm so happy! death to all lolis
The worst part of this is that we're losing the notable people
I don't care what anyone says if they're menhera or whatever they're the ones that can get attention and have audiences so they aren't making those decisions lightly
anon did you read any of this at all
i want to add that posting on soc looking for a bf or company isnt even bad, its just that she curated a community of unicorns that are probably assraped that shes not the pure gfe that she advertised
me and them
>all psychos graduating
>somehow it's sad?
you highschoolers need to find a different hobby
Crazy how you see a block of text and just say 'she's a schizo' and dismiss everything
The person you posted was just abused, she isn't mentally ill
You will get along with plenty of women keep it going champ
That's not a vtuber being schizod on twitter that's a vtuber being in an abusive relationship
I'd wager most of the comments on that post are supportive
If someone posted that same thing here they'd get called a dramafag that calls people out and pity baits for attention and they'd be slandered for the next year and a half
they said i was nice once and my parents dont love me
thinking that anyone has the time to put up a fake soc post since feb and deal with hundreds of horny men to dunk on a 2 view aspie is so funny but whatever man
didn't read. shut the fuck up racist
That's my point, you'll find even worse abusers outside outside of 4chan. At least you can never look at this thread again and nothing will happen to you.
Please start a list of gen 7 chuubas starting now. Himari was the first. someone document them. We are at the beginning of a new era. Mami drama concludes Gen 6.
>they're the problem
>meanwhile the thread is just as bad if not worse without them
nice narrative retard
I fucking hate asp so much, wish I never posted here and I'm tired of reading excuses for how shitty this thread is
you retard, you think they will ever disappear from here and stop posting rrats? it's their life they made for themselves, in this bog they will stay as they were
just because they don't stream anymore it doesn't mean they won't be coming here just to to shit other people's reputations
I checked and it's all posts made within the last few days.
there is a post from feb with the same username
I wish I'd never posted here too and now the thread archive shows up when you google my name. fml
>Thought Miu was actually cute in an attractive way
>She turned 18 before I started interacting with her
Well at least I don't feel completely gross
Camui didn't graduate though, he streams more now even
He removed the model, acts embarrassed or ashamed when someone brings up vtubing and is gone from the tierlist
By all intents and purposes he graduated as a vtuber and seems happy about it
What in the actual fuck happened while I was gone?
The usual schizoposting
>Graduations from doxxes/burnout/life event
>Gen 7 is tomorrow
how am I weird!!
>acts embarrassed or ashamed when someone brings up vtubing
the guy that had a hololive figure collection is now ashamed of being a vtuber after using /asp/
christ. are things that bad?
The rats have taken over the asylum, and they're driving us all crazy.

Crazy? I was crazy once.
no camui is just hilariously sensitive considering his drama record and how much of it was his own fault
mami leaked cosplay photos of haru and beryl
I hate how hot you look Crane
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I'm using a picrew for now since I really do enjoy Zr60v's simple artstyle but if I really like streaming I will definitely consider making or commissioning someone for a png ^^

And even if I don't get comfortable streaming I'll just make informative videos about butterflies and maybe even moths?
I know of a few who want /out/ because of the schizo shit going on lately. People are just eating each other up at this point instead of supporting one another.
Oh fuck off
90% sure he has one of those unfollow trackers since he unfollowed me the day I saw he wasn't a vtuber and unfollowed him
Yeah that sounds fine, it's good to be interested in something. Good luck!
this is giving tranny vibes
can you provide a sample of your voice?
Another tranny with a fucking picrew just what we need
More like Marie Poossaayy
i love moths
Don't follow me, tranny
Can I get a list of Gen 6 who survived?
looks good

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