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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>79481358

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
uoh has fallen
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uoh has risen
any other ctubers that are also proper artists ? Like above mspaint doodle scribbles
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Asagawa Mikan is also a really good artist
Oh, and Neppie. Neppie has really good art, too.
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>Asagawa Mikan
Mikan is a boy. Proof:https://files.catbox.moe/p942e0.png
That's Mikan Nonomiya. Asagawa is a different Mikan. But nice porn.
Wrong Mikan. That's Nonomiya Mikan. But thank you for the seggs art.
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I love my wife Miki
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Shorter Aruru... ToT
It's weird that there isn't more art of Aruru as an actual loli.
>miu with an announcement
huh oh. I'm starting become really scared of vtuber announcements
it's pink text, why are you scared of pink text
Because it reminds me of women and I'm scared of women.
Very understandable.
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kyunies how do you feel about your vtuber posting on soc
I dont care and I think you should fuck off
man in the last week i've heard at least 3 vtubers cry
not a kyunie but I assume everyone on /soc/ are the most disgusting types of people
would be more believable if the soc post date was before all the twitter and discord posts dates
it's over bros... it's over...
Also the age is wrong.
You're all pieces of shit
we lost the mouse now too
it's over
I was getting really warmed up to her
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>chuubas are always honest about personal information like their age
Always be grifting
I can't find this post on archived.moe.
You made her graduate already aren't you happy?
NyaƱa reaching for the puddi is her wanting booba, or is this about the old cake-is-a-lie meme?
Funny you mention that. Miyune also got exposed for a grifter that never gave a shit about lolis and was forced the model by her (ex)manager
This pastebin should have a section purely dedicated to grifters and people to avoid at all costs https://pastebin.com/can2cy5H
Why are so many ctubers graduating? D:

I'm really gonna do it this time...
What does >>79595484 have to do with grifting?
Entry #1
>every vtuber that posted themselves on /asp/
Entry #2
>ESPECIALLY vtubers that crosshill themselves on /asp/ and 20 other threads
Anon, Miyu was in a abusive relationship and got forced to do all her streaming activities as her manager told her, don't put that on the same level as a girl that does it because she wants to, it's not the same
NTA but being gfe and telling kyunies that she loves them and they mean the world to her while looking for a bf is weird
being a loli vtuber is basically the same as looking for a boyfriend tbdesu
If only Aruru was an actual loli.. sad.
What's even weirder is stalking and doxxing a young girl's private life, kill yourselves
Gross. Didn't think she'd be one of those girls. Soc is home to the biggest whores on the planet.
They all have boyfriends or are looking for boyfriends and we are all cucks, anon. It's not weird, it's the normal case. You think your oshi is any different?
They all love to deny it but it's literally true lmao.
so miu? also that retard yumi
Miu just said she just turned 18
if true she never should have become a vtuber especially not a loli JFC
You all fuckers are horrible, a vtuber graduates and you just start shitting on her, calling her a grifter and start with your cuck fantasies of "oh every vtuber has a boyfriend, I'm just a cuck watching her", just kys faggots
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sucks to be right
Explain to me why I should care about someone that only came here to shit up the thread with her discord buddies attacking other vtubers that were posted perfectly fine for years but suddenly are "a problem" and to shill herself, only to graduate instantly the moment she realizes her grifting doesnt work
if she was underage it's actually worse than grifting she was putting herself and her viewers in real legal and psychological danger. for her sake i truly hope she was joking about being under 18
Dyrb? The soc post reads exactly like her and hits all of her interests even down to the song covers.
If she really just turned 18, then she was lolitubing and also got NSFW art an as underaged teen since she's in America. This can fuck over artists that she worked with. Either way it looks terrible on her part.
no one cares dude the cops ain't arresting anybody over that go back to twitter
anyone who cares about not being an actual real life fucking abuser and predator cares RETARD
bro we're just watching someone on twitch we ain't doing shit
Dude this isnt about pictures its about an actual person who lied about their age. Actually according to >>79596582
she was posting on soc while 17 years old
ain't doing shit except watching a real underage girl tantalizing viewers with a little sister fantasy. gotcha. get it in your head how serious it is please
>Someone to make me feel alive again

Jfc she was really depressed wasn't she?
Yeah if you filed a report with law enforcement about someone who sent a sexy drawing to a 17 year old, they're just going to laugh at you and toss the report.
16 is the age of consent in most places in the world and even in some US states. Talking to a 17 year old vtuber is not a great situation but it's not a disaster either.
Says who, do you think she turned 18 literally yesterday?
Actual mouthbreathing retards knowing nothing and shitting up someone's reputation
Where is this from?
So is anyone gonna add her on discord lolol
it's not that big of a deal, american
you got much worse shit going on in your country
Most sane vtuber watcher. All the people afraid of being a "predator" or "abuser" are retards that dmed her and flirted with her. After 4 or 5 years of numerous vtubers being exposed with having bfs and still doing gfe you have to eventually learn that theres ALWAYS at least one person who gets priority over everyone else or the vtuber wants to groom viewers or vice versa.
I don't believe she's really 18, I think she's just lying about it to deflect the soc post, but if shes not lying then she turned 18 on may 12th which means she was 17 in Feb
>shitting up someone's reputation
>shitposting in /uoh/
I doubt baseless accusations and anti posts will do any tangible harm to anyone.
Anybody who antis people in this thread should spend less time in here and more time learning how to tie the noose properly so they don't slip when they deservedly kill themselves. Nobody wants you to survive when you eventually get the courage, so please do us all a favor and focus on what matters please <3
ppl will really look at that soc post and say its not her kek
the sad reality is that if it's a female that is even remotely /here/, they are basically garunteed to have posted on /soc/, there is just something about that fat neet cock that femanons cant resist
Vtubers not be a whore challenge:Literally impossible. Its crazy how the ones that do the best gfe always end up being exposed for hooking up or trying to hook up with randos online.
People obsess over the age of 18 like it magically makes someone not vulnerable. They don't like to talk about how many people in their early 20s haven't matured enough to fully engage with older adults. Older, more mature viewers still have a duty to protect our younger chuubas by being mindful of their level of maturity and engaging at that level just like we would as fathers or older brothers.
ppl in thread literally admitting she did gfe as a minor kekw she really cant leave faster
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the list grows
the vtubers that you anti at every opportunity?
Riri drawing vtuber requests!
Bold of you to assume that the older viewers have matured, this thread is the best proof of that
I'm gonna grift your ass anon
I just really hope the antis aren't other vtubers
Oh, anonchama...
Wait did Miu really graduate I can't watch the stream rn
She did.
Popped into the miu stream at like the last couple of minutes
What's the reason she's graduating?
No viewers and her grift didnt pay off
everyone is so hateful here these days
I would like an actual answer anon.
Not whatever delusiona you let yourself be consumed by.
she is a sweet girl and could not handle it. she said she was going to college but clearly was bothered by something else she couldn't or wouldn't talk about
She said something about not being able to take criticism.
There's just a few dramafags here the past few days
yeah, that's what I mean. she probably was looking /here/ and saw some nasty comments. you guys bully autistic girls too much. really sad to see her go
I see...
I wanna thank the anons that actually gave me answers, I appreciate you all
Novody says anything bad about her in this thread. Whenever she got posted in /uoh/ everyone talked about the stream and posted screenshots
sorry, i just meant on the board in general. if you search her name up, the rude comments came from /asp/
/asp/ is a cesspool. The people who say /uoh/ is bad need to look at the other threads where small vtubers gather.
psychological damage?
Im not surprised. /asp/ made /wasp/ and then destroyed it with spam, rrats, and shitposts until it became unusuable because people cared more about the women there instead of the guys in /asp/ so it doesn't surprise me they try to pull down anyone who associates with them down their level of insecurity and irrelevance. They hate women so much I tried posting a chuuba I found in /wasp/ after it got disbanded and 3 comments instantly started shitting in her.
I'll miss Miu, she was becoming a part of my morning routine at work.
She made the mistake of trusting male /asp/ies. They are scum.
Joke aside, what was the real Miu's announcement?
She's really graduating, anon
She's graduating, it is not a joke
>/soc/ posts get found
>immediately graduates
Miu..I guess you found the boyfriend you were looking.
It's very likely someone groomed Miu and she's graduating because she found a boyfriend.
Why would she cry and say she doesn't want to stop streaming if she found a boyfriend? Not even trolling, just genuinely asking why would she be sad in that situation?
Miu is probably menhera'ing that she was found out to be posting on soc. She streamed during uni in the Spring and rn she's only starting summer classes, so really there's no reason she can't juggle classes with streaming again. She's blaming it on some mysterious schizo as if someone would really go through the effort of making soc posts since Feb using her personality. This couldve been avoided if she just ignored it and pretended it was a baseless schizo but graduating over it really seals it in.
Same reason yuko did heavy gfe then delted all gfe content and made fun of and basically banished all fans that complained or were supporters of her gfe. She later took a huge dip in donations then cried about how she didnt want to go back to wage slaving. Or when lia did an asmr stream and stopped midway to talk on stream to some guy she met at a con. She then later went to twitter and said she doesnt understand men and anyone who hated her for it were not true fans.

TLDR; she has woman brain which causes any slight inconvenience to be the end of the world or nothing she can do is wrong
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so retards like you buy her throne gifts
No common guys for real, what was the announcement. It had pink text on white, not black, so i know its not graduation.
Are you retarded?
>pink text on white
this was her way of doing a gender reveal. the baby is a girl unfortunately it isn't mine.
Again, no joke anon, she graduated, it is not a joke, I'm not trying to troll you, she actually said goodbye
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This day cant get any better
Genuinely curious if it's because you think she was a grifter or is there an actual reason you guys hate her so much?
>gets throne gifts
>keeping subs open
See you next month miu. Your ability to wring money out of kyunies is something else.
I didn't expect Miu to graduate over being a /soc/ whore.
What?! For real?? :(
Watching the vod right now.. So sad.
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Taffy is streaming right now
Is miu just baiting her viewers into donations and gifts again?
You cant close subscriptions on twitch
100% chance she comes back and gets showered with even more gifts and subs lol
You can leave the affiliate program to close subs actually. Other streamers who actually graduated have done it
You come in here and start shilling yourself while attacking all other vtubers you will make a lot of enemies. Why do you care your grifter is gone
stop shitting on miu she did the right thing,a lot of them started creating content before 18, especially at japan, is not a good idea (menhera pink cat syndrome) but retarded parents are retarded, she took the best decision to be just 18 tho, at least for the first 1 year of college she has to focus on it, late when she gets more comfortable she will be able to do some more stuff, maybe even come back for a bit.
She started college last year lol she talked about her professors and uni in the Spring. Are you guys retarded or just stupidly gullible for lying whores?
they have to damage control because she is returning later
What if she was lying about that too?
Why are you angry at vtubers roleplaying as their characters? Get a life loser.
Irina hasn't talked about her breasts for a while
Who did Miu attack?
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At this point I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the things she said were lies.
Its drama time irina, i'll suck the milk out of your gigantic boobies later.
even a bigger reason to leave vtubing, and you are most likely a virgin or a woman if you actually think someone at 18 is an actual adult and will always do everything right, grow up.
rub your bean to red rockets for the time being irina, it's mouse's turn for attention now
Wait, Irina has breasts? hag
>Being 18 shields you from all criticism even if you lie and cry crocodile tears for sympathy
>Talking shit about a clueless 18 years old is right, because how can she be making mistakes and not be perfect like me?
You really believe that she is 18 when she lies about everything? I'm starting to doubt if she is even the height she said she was.
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Protect your oshis smile anons, cause you'll never know when you're going to lose it forever.
She posted proof of scale on stream so that's probably not the case. She might've just lied about other things for opsec but It's really confusing
She always would use cm and kg instead of feet and lbs so I mean what the hell? If you're really curious just add the account in the soc post and that'll say what you need to know
she never even got to fix the floating mouse ears bros.
she never got to fix them
it's a sad day
Yeah I'm going to criticize an 18 yr old when they're fucking lying to their paying fans lol
I can put rocks on a scale and post the number listed on the screen
Anon I believe most if not all ctubers lie about their height (and, I mean, would you blame them considering they're ctubers)?
I guess the most obvious example would be Zenya that very obviously looks to be 1,70/5'7"+ but constantly says she's short
You should have groomed her before /soc/ groomers got to her. It's too late.
yeah, me
I'm tired of not being able to protect their smiles, anons
Considering she apparently posted it 2 days ago, I don't think she's groomed yet.
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Enjoy your time with them anon, and don't be sad because it ended, be happy because it happened
What I don't understand is why not date someone in your audience then, if you're so desperate for a boyfriend? Isn't it better than looking for someone on /soc/ of all places
it would be a bigger shitshow if it leaks that you're dating a fan than a random but i wouldnt be surprised if she does dm fans. she's still talking in her discord and her dms are open if you want to try.
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>tfw the "miu dms fans and is a whore" schizo was actually right
Miu is known for dming and flirting with male /asp/ies.
>Isn't it better than looking for someone on /soc/ of all places
No? Vtuber audiences are the worst place to find someone to date
I chatted in a 1 views chat alot and she asked me to join her discord then at the end of stream she said "my dms are open if you ever want to talk" I dmed her and fumbled the bag so hard. Talking to people one on one, in private, just the two of us, makes me so nervous. How do you do it groomer bros? How do I not get nervous? Why can I talk in stream, but dms terrify me?
You are a clinically diagnosed retard if you reply to this post
I would imagine /soc/ isn't great either. Miu, how about a party? A bar? Leaving your house once in a while?
Show her your penis works every time
You are afraid of talking alone with someone because there they only focus in you and not in an audience like when they stream, so you get too conscious of everything you say, just relax and do as if you were chatting with your mom anon, be yourself
No /soc/ isn't great either but it's slightly better
If she's too autistic to socialize with normal people it might be the best she can do
Anon, She's in uni. She's probably on her way to a gangbang right now.
Found the cuck
average kyunie
Heres your (you) I know they mean alot to you.
Soft or hard?
Thanks that makes sense. When im the only one there I still refer to myself as chat and say things like "we don't mind take your time" when she goes for a break or have to end early. Thanks i'll try dming her later maybe to see if I'm fucked.
>i replied to myself
Imbthe clinical retard
I meant this guy>>79611852
>will be a world leader someday
Yep.. That sounds like Miukyun. She has been on /soc/ since at least February. Damn, That sucks.
Hard, soft penis shows weakness
We know you love replying to yourself. Thats why you are a clinically diagnosed retard
runa is an insanely good artist
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cunny collab
>Rima, Irina, Taffy, Rose collab
Who is Rose?
I think Irina loves children
uohchuuba who selfposts quite often >>79443655 weird to not know her since she has been pretty consistent with it for at least a year
Oh it is walela, I don't know why my brain didn't think of her
>Irina has a swastika sign in tf2
No, it was just a glitch, she swears
Do you have proof that she posted the scale in kg? I might have talked to her on duo if she's actually Canadian lmao
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Irina's sign
I love my Nazi imouto
Bro, at least spoiler that shit. This gives me flashbacks. You do remember how much trauma her graduation caused, right?
I just feel bad for her, how lonely do you have to be to whore yourself out on /soc/?
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please use the reply function so the "hide replies" feature works and I don't have to see your posts, tskr

Sorry anon, I just like the image
in just 10mins she already ran into swastika sign in tf2
This never happened
calfie ToT
>79617230 im not going to use the reply function just because you asked to use it. Lesrn to not reply to things or IGNORE them if you dont like it fag.
just in the future if she ever comes back be sure to remind her that she was the one who lied if she starts throwing shit at her old audience/friends/guildies like shondo, pippa and few more vtubers already did.
You sure showed him bro
He must be devastated thinking about how mad you're getting at his posts to not only reply to them but also put more effort into making sure it doesn't quote the post
My image of Irina has been shattered since the donothon thing, its really hard to believe my "imouto" wants my money that much
It's just how she was brought up.
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I love Irina
how much is too much?
Irina please give us a way to chat
anon she is a woman
I'm sorry
you dummy he said he has the hide replies function on. i want him tonsee all my schizo ramblings. sorry if i don't give a (you) i want him to see my replies because attention is more important than (you)s
>Ew, pride pack ew

Based Irina.
god i love her so much
She has to eat retard. She's not a janny she can't do it for free forever. Unless you want her to stream less and possibly loose interest in you, you need to give your imouto at least $1 for a crappy snack bar.
please no, not yet
Irina must eat a lot then
Irina it says " Error: You are not an administrator."
my imouto is retarded
god damn it
which cunny allows me to post lewd art of her in their discords
I don't think there's any ctubers as retarded as you, sorry
Nobody cares just post your lewdest cummiest pictures in the genral and watch everyone go "UOOOOH CUNNY ToT"
do that and you'll eventually get the whole discord banned because some retard finally has ammo to report it to the discord team
is it true that zenya is a size queen? i don't want to watch a girl who would be disappointed by my precious little fellow
Skill issue
Irina, what are we doing? I had to go for a while and now you're just talking like a schizo...

my imouto filtered me nooooo
>He didn't get into the secret group chat
Sorry anon....
she was ranking doujin fetishes during her subathon stream and she put "big penis" in the S rank
I'm sorry anon
it needs to pound her womb into mush or she won't even feel it
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frick, i can't join the audience either for some reason
i guess for now my hands are free for me to coom to her sweet voice
Jackbox doesn't allow VPNs
Enjoy the hands-free orgasm anon!
I feel like Shondo is the only lolituber you can trust to not be a trashy discord slut behind the scenes, she's got a certain maturity to her retardation
Well said, she is a professional
girls like to look at big dicks but dont have enjoy getting their organs pierces by them
Most won't because of discord, unfortunately.
Going to close the thread for the night, screw you guys, I'm going home, I hope you recognize my typing style.
Goodnight Zenya.
this place is really getting depressing with the antis
I genuinely think it's only like 2-3 people trying to shit on everybody but their oshi.
I'm surprised, I'm not even the one anting this time
I'm upset for the opposite reason. She got rid of the grooming options because of you fuckers.
What's the point of letting people groom you if even after you let them doxx you they're cowards and won't rape you?
Is it really grooming if you have to pay all your money to do it
No its nultiple people. I know its been comfy here for a while, but you forget that lolis and lolicon stuff is hated everywhere in the west. So its most likely lolicon antis and specific vtuber antis. Im a certain vtuber anti, not because i hate her but because so much as mentioning her causes the threads to get like this. I also stopped antiing yesterday or 2 days ago. I made a few jokes in this thread.
You should have found her before the doxxfags. Maybe we would be in a different timeline and you would be cucking us all while irina does gfe
Money is the easiest way to groom a girl. If you have enough of it, you don't even have to give any to her, you just flaunt it and her panties drop.
Do you straight up send the screenshot of all your savings? how does it work exactly
Just pull up at a club in an expensive ass car and plenty of women will throw themselves at you. There's a market of people that rent out Lambos for that very reason.
Is this more cost effective than hiring a hooker? I doubt it.
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I'm glad you moved on from being an anti, anon
not a loli
I was a closeted lolicon and mildly anti for a long time until I discovered vtubers like Pikamee and learned that I wasn't an evil person.
teaching your bunny imouto how to bounce like a big girl bunny
cunny gripping my dick
That cunny wont let me pull out ToT
She's talking about lolis
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>gets posted in /uoh/ OP
>starts conversation about lolis
what do you mean "hmm" anon she is certified here and has paid for adverts here before
I tried getting into her but her voice is waaaay too deep
is this something that she'd like and approve of? i watched some of her streams and while I did saw that pyon tweet, she kinda leans a lot more into being comfy and sleepy rather than being lewd
Kiki is Live with a Zatsu & Announcing something big!
I get filtered by the excessive fake loli voices so I appreciate the more natural cute ones
>announcing something big
I glad she said it was exciting
I like more natural voices like Walela's but Miwa's is just too deep for me sadly. She reminds me of a grandma
where is riri's model debut stream vod? It doesn't appear to be on her twitch
she may not have hit the publish button yet
little girls can sometimes be lazy
Is the announcement the Minecraft marathon?
She seems neutral with it. Sometimes she will go with lewd bait, sometimes she doesn't want it to get naughty. I don't understand why her approval would matter here though? Could you explain your reasoning
Its schizo/anti behavior now to tell stupid buttheads like you to lurk more so im gonna tell you to kys instead. kiss your sister
But still she is more on the safe and cozy side
when has this ever stopped people from lewding something anon? stop acting christian
yeah, she made a minecraft server
Brehs...she has an official lewd tag. Post that under it, let her know how cute and funny she is! also over anything else she's very particular about fanarts having flat chests
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I was replying to myself mb, I like to lewd her as much as possible
Miwa is very bratty and lewd she just does it in a more natural way
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the only thing miwa doesn't approve of is the AI part, she'll never acknowledge it.
anyway here's a big dump (on her landing pad of a forehead)

>Our system thinks your post is spam
https://catbox. moe/c/1t5iw5
>My Ruru is using a gamecube emulator
>she doesnt have a modded gamecube
a brazilian would have a bootleg gamecube, not a modded one
What is this mental illness called?
too much time on twitter
What? Everyone has modded consoles in south america, they sell bootleg games in stores that you need a modded console to play
Anything else I should know about her?
well what do you want to know lol
considering the amount of asmr videos on her youtube...how much of gfe stuff does she do?
almost 0 on lives but she has a couple of scripted gfe videos on youtube
explicit GFE not so much, her ASMR is more comforting like "I hope you had a good day today" "It'll be okay"
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Artist name/source?
Does Muu have a lewd tag? Otherwise how to find this stuff, I didn't see any in her twitter
Why her ass so fat
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any chubbas live at this hour
fishing for targets to anti?
Huh? Just was asking if anyone is live before I browse youtube for vods
Speaking of VODs what's the usual chuuba modus operandi when it comes to twitch vods? Twitch deletes them after a while, and I've been checking their youtube channels but they either don't exist and some seem pretty dead. Why aren't they uploading vods there?
Been trying to catch up to Aruru's Mario Sunshine vods but I fear they might be gone soon.
There's none.
Some of them put them on youtube, others just don't care about VODs.

It doesn't matter usually anyways.
what the hell kind of question is that
Damn, figured as much. The way it seems to work is actually having live viewers / chatters so they can give numbers and hopefully donate/sub.
VOD watchers without accounts are worthless
>VOD watchers without accounts are worthless
The most worthless person in this thread is a VOD watcher WITH a account, though!
She's really good at kayfabing and she's smart enough to not let slip while in public.
However, IRL it could be a different story but that's something we will never know.

Remember, anons, the crazier and the more menhera the ctubers are, the more proficient at manipulation and gaslighting they are.
should I rub my cunny tonight :( I'm kinda tired but I haven't in a few days
Unless you're going to show a voice recording this question literally doesn't matter to us.
>not even hiding at being a anti
And then you wonder why nobody wants to hand you a vtuber to anti when you ask to definitely "watch" them
NTA but they aren't being an anti they are telling the truth stop being delusional anon
I'm not outing myself as a /here/tuber nice try groomer
>I'm not (something multiple vtubers already have done and nothing happened)
>, Nice try groomer
Someone who's here is less groomable than the idiots out in the wild.
NTA but nothing happened because all the /here/chubas are barely even 2views
... And the person I'm replying to isn't?
idk stop seething so hard jeeeeeez

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