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ES (/indies/) general
Previous thread >>79518012
I miss Neon...
well there's always the next good thing anon
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Would your oshi dedicate kind words like these if you happen to die?
my oshi is japanese and the only reason I would die early is if I hero'd myself. So I doubt it
ogey kinetic
I know that if something happens to me she will remember me for a few minutes, that will be enough for me...
I doubt my oshi could know if I die or not, maybe she would just think bad of me if I suddenly disappear
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I (almost) never type in chat so there's no reason for my oshi to notice I'm gone, let alone dead. I will be as unimportant in death as I was in life.
For example?
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SOVL trio live now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqj3WXJViKM
I wish but no. These past days I've come to realize for my oshi I'm nothing but a wallet with a nickname attached to it. Everything she said to me are nothing but lies, I will never be in her favorite's circle doesn't matter how much money I pour into her pocket.
Learn how to talk to a woman, it's not that hard.
Do you do other things for her besides giving her money?
I started to feel like that after Idoles stuff
Kana china
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Don't forget!
Is this the ASMR week or something?
I think so. My oshi remembered my birthday was two months ago when i told her ''its my birthday" as a joke, all because she always sing "happy birthday" to every single birthday. But I don't know how she would find out about my death...
If your oshi is who I think it is she’d probably cry her eyeballs out
Meica . . .
Meica . . .
Meica . . .
Sorry tortilla but the puchymeat is too good
why is this nigger so obsessed with Puchy and Kazze?
He’s in love with Kaze, Tortilla, Ren, Puchy, etc.
>and Kazze
Wrong anon
it’s the same nigger, he keeps spamming the same shit about these faggots
My oshi also tries her best to great us when is our birthdays. To anons who don’t feel loved, find new oshi there’s lot of girls who trully give their best and are waiting for us to find them
>are waiting for us to find them
KEK. they don’t want schizos like (You)
Sorry your oshi doesn’t love you anon
Go to your containment thread
That's what you would like kek
My oshi doesn't know my birthday and I don't think I'll ever tell her
You have the same writing patterns if not you he's your friend from the same discord
Imagine being this mindbroken
>my oshi never remembered my bday despite telling her on several times
I blame her silly pills.
Her clonazepam
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Hana is being very needy, I am scared
Probably ovulating. We should chart their cycles.
I feel you aisuchad
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Aurora re-debut
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Are you excited bros?
No Kazze fuck off
She will teach girls with no talent how to do asmr properly
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is she still friends with Shura?
Why is she trying so hard to be edgy and shit like that?
I'll enjoy it like you don't imagine.
Grow up dude, to each their own.
I like her that way, I wouldn't change her a single bit.
Of course.
Ok Yamu whatever you say
I just want to have a soft spoken charlita, that's enough for me.
I love her so much...
I wonder how much would it last or it'll be another roleplay
Her only talent its being edgy
She's so cute...
Stop samefagging Kazze
She's so adorable...
She's so lovely...
Make /Yamu/
she's been working really hard, I'll enjoy this a lot
I'm a little nervous too ngl
My true love...
I love you so much, Yamu...
I love her like you couldn't believe...
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Deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu...
Her cute voice has me captivated.
Would spend my entire life with her, I will dedicate my whole life to her...
Such a cute girl...
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>has panty toggle
Yamu, just Yamu...
just make /Yamu/ and take the kazzeschizo away, Yamucucks
It’s just one Yamucuck bumping this shithole
Can't imagine my life without her...
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She makes me so happy...
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She makes me so so incredibly happy...
We know Kazze now shut the fuck up nobody cares
I wake up everyday thinking about her...
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Since when Yamu have talent?
All day long just thinking about her...
She won an audition against thousands of girls, that says a lot.
She's has taken control of all my thoughts...
Yamu... my cute Yamu...
Since you mentioned that, are there other girls that are known to have auditioned like of Hanami?
So precious...
I want to love her for all eternity...
>thousands of girls
lmao I bet there were less than 100 and the rest were probably discordniggers that wanted to groom the girls
That doesn’t prove anything, also her first days she was trying to be japonesa que habla español with coombait, that morenazi doesn’t have any talent kek
Yamu and talent cannot go together in the same sentence
I just love her...
I'm completely hypnotized by her...
no, cringe does not excite me
I don't get the ASMR meme, but I'll still watch.
Cringe time!!!
Lets Goooooo!!
Yamu my love...
Yamu stop shilling yourself and go back to dm with Kazze
Such a beautiful voice
Is her microphone for ASMR also brown?
Wactor was at it's peak at the moment, it's likely at least several hundred girls auditioned. And at the time it was marketed as a girls agency so not fags.
My adored wife...
my IRL NIKKE vtuber GF streaming
Her ASMR when she was Himea were all shit kek
My beloved.
Reminder to report for trolling outside of /b/
Spending time with her is a blessing to my soul
Still. Doesn’t prove anything. Accept it, she doesn’t have any talent.
>b-but she can draw
yeah, like all chuubas, kek. just because she got accepted by wactor doesn’t mean she got any talent
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Genetically engineered to manhandle
She has zatsudan talent, not anyone can speak for hours and hours and still retain hundreds of viewers.
>zatsudan talent
Her streams are the best part of my day
She has talent winning my heart.
>muh singing
Not all chuubas have to be singers not have musical apptitudes
Being so cute should be considered a talent
She has talent making you seethe
>Even her Yamucuck accept she have no real talent
This is so funny
not a yamufag but are you actually retarded? yapping for hours is a streaming talent, hell I want to end irl conversations in 1 minute or less, can't imagine talking to yourself for 5 hours
She made me fall in love with her, that's no easy task.
What's talent to you?
Don't forget to report the doxnigger
Wactor's audience were lik 95% I doubt there were enough girls to make past 100
Not even counting all the girl fans, indies and talents from other smaller agencies that were close to Wactor's community in the last 3 years you make 100 girls lmao
If Akira chose Himea was because she had some kind of experience from her PL not because she was very talented
Says the boy that comes to this basket weaving forum to parrot the name of random comunity fags every day for monts, that got mindbroken by a girl just for existing.
>Sezia mentioned a number of applicants in her auditions at some point
Says the boy that comes to this basket weaving forum to parrot the name of random comunity fags every day for monts, that got mindbroken by an anon just for existing.
The number of applicants was mentioned by other girls
she's ovulating
>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
Do your fucking job
It is just unreal how she mindbroke him like this just by existing kek
>>79628239 (me)
I don't know why i keep posting on this general... this place is hopeless.
And only like 10% were real girls
And you base that on what, your ass?
If you posted that seeing the state of the general you were fucking retarded, I rather have her do her things without any of these shitters knowing what she's up to. I hope you at least are reporting
put me in the screencap
you can add:
>1.All images and discussion should pertain to virtual YouTubers ("VTubers").
>2.All VTuber discussion should pertain directly to their streams and content. Off-topic and 'IRL' discussion will be deleted.
>3.Singling out individual VTubers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated. Do not stalk or harass any VTubers

and a friendly reminder to leave a moderation feedback
Calm down Yamu
On how many women are in the community retard
Girls themselves said that the number of female viewers they have were like 3% or less lmao
There’s literally only 3 niggas in this general
Tge kid is so fucking desperate that he has to bait offtopic trash to get replies kek
Nobody actually talks about their oshis /here/
Bless the janny
Btw Aurora canonically impregnated you with magic
It was really the obssesed boy samefagging kek
Speaking bout true embarrasment
The janny deleted the whole reply chain newfag kun and that doesn't mean that it was just one nigga
Why so mad, boy? Restarting your phone IP really bothers you that much?
So someone is raiding the Jew thread and they in return are riding us
>Imagine being this mindbroken
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the absolute state of this thread
You know what to do.
1- you are obsessed with the jews and 2- please stay there and never touch this thread ever again shitter monkey
>esmeralda en el lol
I think I'll watch her if she plays sometime
NTA but a lot of girls who audition are not active vtuber fans or vtubers at all, you can take Sezia as an example
She was a vtuber fan and even was friend with other vtubers
Yeah, right, coming to this general every single day to shit on a girl for no reason at all and parrot the name of random comunity fags is insane
But not a vtuber or part of the community, even hololive has girls who weren’t vtubers before so basing the pool off active vtubers is kind of dumb
Also number of applicants in wactor ES auditions was more than 1000 btw
I assure you the Jews don't give a shit about this general
This general was a mistake, the shitter op doesn't even talk about other indies and just baits yamufags or falseflags like one of them
I dont need Yamu anymore
Yeah and and barely like 10% were real girls
I love her…
And you base that on what?

This is the /vtes/ OP of course he's a shitter, /indiES/ OP disappeared for some reason
Akira is my uncle
I already told you another fags to migrate to a the small indie general, or even other generals there are at lest 3 that could be used to post Yamu there.
Let's hope puchi's bf doesn't follow you here
MY WIFE <3 <3 <3
I stoped following her after that thing but I shill her again to make the OP seeth
not even (you) are mentioning her there, why should I?
And samefag like an autist since you are on these faggot threads?
Do you think a worthless midbroken kid seething will stop me from posting whoever I fucking want here?
I'm not the retard samefagging but I get your point, this thread is shit, not even pantcakes nor almitas are talking about their streams
I'll just take their example
this is my last bump
Just by taking a look you can see that big ratio between males and females and most of the girls were probably nips anyway which make it easier to get a spanish speaking girl like Himea
Also take into account how niche was vtubing back then too, Himea got it easy and probably way easier than girls like Shura or Eru when Wactor and vtubing became way more mainstream than when Himea applied
Himea debuted to 3k people, Neon and Sezia were like 1k, wactor was at the real peak when gen 4 debuted
>3k people
Misora's audience at the time and less than 5% were females yeah
For those missing out on vsmp there was a cute Shura Poko moment yesterday btw
You do not need to be a fan to audition, remember Axtre auditioned to a Jp/Es group and even Kotori mentioned Wactor at the time
mejico jaajaja
You've been posting the same shit for like 3 years and no one cares what you think even jannies argensimia muerta de hambre lol
big debuff
Yamu is very cute
>Yamu ASMR
>Barely 230 ccv
So Idoles finally updated their memberships
>No price change
>Still minimum 10 USD for membership streams
>Removed benefits for tiers 3 and 4
Management is fucking retarded
Wrong thread faggot >>79634220
it's normal with something so mediocre she's not even making an effort
My brain fucking shut down hearing Yamu, is this complete calmness?
This but with Gifts
Reply to a gift post, he's talking about Yamu
Did you expect 1k? These are good numbers
I feel happy listening to yamu
>Barely 200 ccv
Yamusagis's expectations fall really low I see
shitter got bored of trying to kill the new general name, now he's trying to shit on yamu because she happened to be the one streaming today, get a life son

Also yamu is doing a nice job, I expected garbage but it's good
why is yamu talking like a retard? she sound like a fresa kek
>he never got talked like that
I would pity you but you don't even deserve that
you are hurting like 99.9% of the board
sorry anon but my exgirlfriends talk normally
It seems that a girl never spoke sweetly to you, right? what a pity...
baby talk is cringe
no one with more than 16yo and at least one relationship likes that shit kek
Holy cope
they are your exgirlfriends because they never loved you to begin with
Kek, it makes me laugh that you don't like Yamu and you still see her, you really are the lifelong anon tsundere
i love yamu
it's just fun to see you get mad of some shit made here :)
>i love yamu
>shits on her
get the fuck out
kys unicorn
yamu doesn't need you anymore :)
Just don't bake threads on sundays
you should go back to your discord or just go to sleep, don't you have school or a job tomorrow?
im watching my wife yamu rn :)
so keep crying
>muh unicorn
??? take your meds
Not shitting on girls is something only unicorns do? Then unicorns are the best fans of them all.
funny unicorn
seriously, go back to your discord
What have you done for her to believe you're any better?
Post your donations
His hands can't count as exgirlfriends no matter his delusions.
>Unnecessary line breaks
Why are you still here Somalian anon, you can't stop humiliating yourself?
hijos de puta!
ozuni dont look
>Lia is back
I think they'll reuse the models
luna and misora is back?

Where is the faggot who said that Sylvie's ASMR was garbage and Yamu's would be better? kek
Holy shieeeeet
>translation says new Lia
what the hell
are they really going to reuse the models? Thats sick af
Only three hours to know the voice
Misora will really be japanese this time
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Stop changing the subject name you cunts
She would be heavily hurt by my passing (if somehow she even knew it happened) and maybe she would dedicate some words, or maybe she would cry in silence and though it out, not letting anyone know.
Really? after all the shit Akira did to Ageha?
I'm legit upset
Tittle says "new Lia" I don't know at this point
Akira's BCC is that good
Wait until the stream, there is no proof that is the same lia and i highly doubt lia would join akira again
It's a new Lia in case you care
What a shitshow
I care
If Akira really starts recycling all the models it will be crazy
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Wasn't the new boss a chinese corpo?
This feels like Kizuna Ai all over again. I wonder how the ex-wactorettes feel about this, their avatar may be used by someone else
idk I thought lia was the owner of that avatar, did she sell it back?
What's Akira's plan?
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Crashing the chink investors
Idol and 910inc are both owned by brave group, imagine a collab between Meica and nu-Hina Misora
Fantasmita will be back
She became a real ghost
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Akira still appears as the owner in official records, Miu's pseudo indie status attracted more scam victims, she just dropped the 910inc from her bio due spic harassment.
They got acquired by brave, who knows what's going in there
Akira still owns the brand however Clan entertainment is involved and they are partially owned by Brave Group
Clan was just a platform alliance like the bilibili one, and you know they had no power over Akira.
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You the reason Laila and Yue were punished was for speaking against the ccp
Based girls
Meica can't get rid of him
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I love her so much
who's streaming today? no twitch slob please
wactorbros we are so back
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I've seen a lot of "couple"kind of art of her, does she do GFE?
She’s a male collaber, anon
Post more Eru
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Annoying fag being a annoying fag again
I can take a bit of flak, is she interesting?
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Akira won
anon lost
wactorbros when /Wactor/?
puchy is so lucky
off topic shit
learn english first motherfucker
We honestly should return to that name given what has happened
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What if we join Yubicraft to make something?
Make /wactor/ next and let's relive our glory days
Man, it's tempting but so time consuming

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