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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Gen 7 edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

>Crabs are attacking an /asp/iring vtuber, it is my dear friend! What should I do?
Nothing, do not feed the crabs, do not give them a (You).

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Please don't bake anymore

Previous thread: >>
first for gumping my jorts!
You're off to a great start.
Last thread >>79603218
>no link to previous thread
>gen larp
>no catalogue

How am I supposed to know who is who around here?
It's not complete, it should only have been put up after it was.
Maybe when it's finished it can go in there
how many years of doing this and not making it before it gets sad? im just turned 26, been doing this since i was 23 but im only averaging 50 viewers on twitch. if i dont have at least like 100 viewers avg by my 30's should i just call it quits? what are your cutt offs, or are you doing this shit till the day you die even if you never make it?
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why is it me again
I could do this for 3 years and I will never have 50 viewers. Not even from a raid
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Don't aspire to be a Vtuber. The market is too saturated.
Be a flesh-tuber or voice broadcaster instead. You will have better successes that way.
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Scissors is going to start streaming Umihara Kawase soon!
Time to fish!
i hope papa finishes my model soon so i can start vtweet spamming
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How many dildos were involved?
do ppl actually buy shit on throne chuubas?
Some people put up stuff and get gifted pretty easily.
i should try this
is being female enough?
Most were dildos the rest was weight loss supplements and workout equipment
Its a brave new world where just doing things for fun and making stuff is for boomers and constantly having your hand out is the default even if you have a viewer base of 10 people.
The guy who came on a tablet, sent it to a girl and went full blown schizo when she blocked him?
I can't tell if this ironic
5 years into this and if you dont find any success is time you should give up.
You forgot to post your proof sis!
O that's easy it was reveled to me in a dream
Why should I have to prove this sukadrii? Everyone knows.
You mean the tablet that was given to someone else earlier this year, not handed to the cops to see if it was actually jizz and not residue from wipes which was claimed to be? Just move on already and stop harassing this thread.
yeah because everyone would just believe something an anon would say 4chan without proof
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I need to do streams where I goof around
does a stand up stream sound EXTREMELY retarded and cringe or funny?
what if I did a mini show before every game stream since I do sometimes like to rant about silly things before anyways
Violent, expressly non consensual gay sex with Purrson's ass
chances are very good you are not funny enough to pull this off, sorry champ.
I dunno. Sex jokes like "Hawk TUAH" and the ilk would attract alot of coomers. More degen you are. The more success you make.
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I am funny enough to pull this off
I wish there was a mass Vtuber scandel exodus where its like Dr.Disrespect downfall but its for everyone in the Vtuber sphere where majority of Corpos and Indies turn out to be sexpests and they get demonitized/banned and ex-communicated by their peers.

What a life it would be.
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Fuza isnt on the tierlist anymore wtf..

Also i forgot to add indifferent so i just fused it with "Would like to talk more to"
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Beryl, you're supposed to hit Singapore, not us...
That's albert you glass needing fuck
>heading to pst timezone
he's returning home
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Thanks for giving me Vtubers to blacklist.
I hate the unwritten rules of twitter.
>someone follows me
>i like a lot of their posts to show my appreciation
>they accuse me of “love bombing” them and block me
Anything else I should know of?
do you think nijien auditions are omega easy to pass now
Hell yeah bro would be happy to talk more! sorry I'm bad at reaching out
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No they literally started looking for twins to fucking compete with the baubau sisters
It depends. Are you desperate to get in? Plus remember a lot of JPs use EN to get in the door easily as JP is more stringent to get in.
do they really think theres more than one set
why do they ask for this LMAO
Go for it. Right now Cody is the only funny comedy chubba and he's a fucking racist cat.
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Progression is cancelled for the day, so instead we'll be doing a talky segment! I've had a pretty busy day, so stop by if you want to hear me chat! Also I might be teasing another game stream game...!

Live right now!
By doing your reps or killing yourself, schizo retard
japaloos only care about shorties
Because you will need to go to Japan and do 3D in like four years time.
Stream more. I like watching and talking to aspies during streams.
How does a boring whore like Fwofie get a collab with Alpin and Lcolonq?
I mean twins have been oddly present in my life but yeah it's literally comedy
>You must press charges and submit a cum tablet to chemical analysis before this stalker schizo can be considered a stalker schizo
Im streaming tomorrow...
Sounds like schizo behavior to me, how is liking posts love bombing?
she has a lot of followers so she gets clonq to collab with her because he only collabs with bigger creators and she fucked alpin in japan when they were there together so they have a connection
You just answered your own question
By being cuter and more interesting than you, rizzless retard
You've talked to me Albert, I was in your stream :((((
and I'm a racist clown!!!!
Clonq collabs with everyone if you ask him to.

Ive collabed 3 times with him and i average 10 ccv
>never talked to
If you want to be friends, just come into my streams for some convos
The only one being a stalker schizo right now is you.
She is nice and asked.
What types of games does he like to play?
Oh, i forgot. Sorry Crane.
Not Crane :((((((
He doesnt really play games but he plays wow in his spare time sometimes. Usually if you want to collab with him it has to be something zatsu related.
I usually count like 1 on 1 talks or vc talks to be having talked to someone. Must either not remember or have never done one of those.
Yea that's why he isn't on there anymore
What happened with her and fuza?
yumi got tons of free shit from it
They're dating
people forget how easy it is to get collabs just by asking
not if you're a 1view NGMI male
Nah, ever since the Dr. Disrespect event everyone is barring themselves aways from others in spite of their potential collab being a pedo.
tell me who clonq collabed with
Which males do you wanna see in this?
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My PC is still busted (gonna go to the shop and find out why they're taking forever because need to return the CPU shortly if faulty as returns policy expires in a few weeks) but may look into the game as I see they are on sale!

Sorry it's taking too long to sort but getting messed around by the repair shop. My other motherboard was sent back to manufacturer to be repaired too. I have a motherboard on Throne that is half funded as well.
Dr. Disrespect should rebrand as a vtuber. He would fit right in
3 times
Creeper amongst creepers.
Good luck. Computer problems suck ass
I respect Albert because he'll ask anyone for a collab without worrying about the response
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It will be faster just buying straight from Goodwill

shopgoodwill com/categories/listing?st=Windows%2011&sg=&c=&s=&lp=0&hp=999999&sbn=&spo=false&snpo=false&socs=false&sd=false&sca=false&caed=6%2F30%2F2024&cadb=7&scs=false&sis=false&col=1&p=1&ps=40&desc=false&ss=0&UseBuyerPrefs=true&sus=false&cln=1&catIds=&pn=&wc=false&mci=false&hmt=false&layout=grid&ihp=true
Chug some water
luv u AL
meds now
as usual we catch the sexpest in their natural habitat.
I am literally Dave Strider
im literally dirk strider
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The whole story is ridiculous with my PC.
>PC started failing last year with blue screens
>started swapping components to try and identify the issue (thought it was the RAM, CPU, etc) but blue screens kept happening
>went for a new motherboard, turned out to be faulty, got mad and spent 600 coins on a new PC which is a shitty prebuilt
>eventually months later, took out the replacement motherboard and fitted it with parts from "new PC", issues happened
>seller of motherboard wouldn't replace or refund, only send it to manufacturer to repair
>took it to a local repair shop because I am that pissed off about the whole thing it is making me very angry
>you are here
I have a laptop but it's not gonna do OBS or play games. Tempted to buy a cheap PS4 so I can play Genshin just to distract myself because not having my PC is pain...

Just not having the best of luck but I know buying a new PC earlier in this year was a mistake, I should have just sent it to the repair shop back then but I was so frustrated.
I have a massive headache right now, I will take a bottle out of my freezer, let it melt a while and then drink it with some ibuprofen.

I'll be back on Twitch some day...there's a few ideas up my sleeve, some really interesting topics to discuss and I may finally enable affiliate.

Until then...snip snip!
>Every day, I sat in my dimly lit room, the glow of my monitor the only source of light. My world was small—confined to these four walls and the vast, endless internet. But even in the infinite expanse of the web, my life felt tiny, insignificant. I craved attention, any kind of attention, even if it meant being hated.

>That's when I found Suka, the 2-view PNGtuber. His streams were quiet, his audience almost non-existent. He was just a small, digital figure on my screen, but he had something I lacked—passion. I hated him for it. I couldn't stand seeing someone so content with so little, while I felt so empty with so much more.

>I started by lurking in his streams, watching every move he made. His reserved demeanor, his quiet contempt—it was sickening. I needed to bring him down to my level, to make him feel the emptiness I felt. The idea came to me in a moment of clarity, or perhaps it was madness. I would spread rumors, vile, destructive rumors that would taint his image and ruin his little corner of happiness.

>Crabing was easy. I began posting on anonymous image boards, tweeting, commenting on videos, weaving a web of lies. "Suka is a sex pest," I'd say. "He preys on other chubas." The words flowed from my fingertips like poison, and I reveled in it. Each new thread, each (You), brought a twisted sense of satisfaction. Finally, I was making an impact, even if it was through deceit and malice.

>The first time I saw someone else pick up the rumor and run with it, I felt a thrill. It was working. People were starting to believe. Suka's streams became tense. He'd try to keep up his zen facade, but I could see the cracks forming. He addressed the rumors once, his voice shaking, pleading for people to understand. It was pathetic, and it only fueled my fire.

>But as the days turned into weeks, and the rumors continued to spread, a strange thing happened. The satisfaction I once felt began to wane. Instead of filling the void inside me, it only seemed to grow. I watched as Suka's audience dwindled, as he streamed less and less. The joy I sought eluded me. I was left with the same emptiness, now accompanied by a gnawing guilt.

>One night, I stared at my reflection in the monitor, the ghostly image of a broken hag. I realized I hadn't brought Suka down to my level. Instead, I had only dug myself deeper into my own misery. Suka might recover, find new fans, rebuild. But me? I was trapped in this cycle of self-destruction.

>In a final, desperate act, I deleted all the fake accounts, the threads, the comments. I watched Suka's latest stream, hoping to see some sign of recovery, some spark of the passion he once had. But he was gone. His channel silent, his voice no longer filling the void of my lonely nights.

>I turned off my monitor and sat in the darkness, the weight of my actions crushing me. The internet, vast and endless, now felt like a prison. And I was the architect of my own cell.
i am ripe, red, and ready to eat
This isn't funny man its just kind of cruel. This describes me exactly but I'm not the crab you just made me feel like shit for no reason
Luv you too anon
Im literally dark schneider
Yumi tomato was like this
Maybe on Monday or Tuesday I'll make something.
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La-mulana vibes
The only time I’m happy is with my chat.
The only time I’m motivated is with my chat.
The only time I get to talk to people is with my chat.
I am… the living parasocial.
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ugh gross
Whats the secret to dressing like a normal human.? I don't want anyone to look twice at me when I go out or remember anything about me. I just need an idea of whats the most generic shirt pants shoes combo is for an adult male. All I do is vtube so I don't know. I already wear a mask when I go out since I'm ashamed of my face
Boxers, white socks, khaki pants, collared tshirt, tennis shoes
Go get em tiger
if you're a male
if it describes you exactly then???
what about for woman? I am tired of guys staring at my skirt and boobs
trenchcoat and fedora
Which asp should I draw in this fit
just don't go out desu
looks sexy but you are a weirdo
But I don't crab anyone here so I'm not sure what I did. I want to kill myself
>khaki pants
you deserve to feel bad crab, seek some introspection
Bro the way I thought this was me
I'm not a crab i don't say anything bad about anyone
Why did you specify underwear
jeans and a t-shirt
Underwear is important to have.
I almost feel bad
They’re very business casual.
In this context its a bizarre thing to specify
I'm not watching that, tell me what happens
>2 minutes
Bruh who took the aux at this Walmart they're just playing entire radiohead albums
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>t shirt
this must be one of our mythical reasons resident ftms. who else would be asking how to dress like a non descript male as if they didn't already know?
let me take you under my wing bro I will show you how to be a guy
it's summer
chatter implies to the streamer mid-game that they gifted her a cosmetic for a gun she's been wanting for 2 years
as she looks for it the chatter calls her a stupid e-girl bitch and she cries
kind of sounds like she is if she fell for that
>next post is her getting it
uh okay
>1 white button shirt
>1 t shirt
>dark blue jeans
>white tennis shoes

Is this all I need to look human?
white stains easy, consider a black shirt as well
Only morticians wear black button ups
You'll look pretty weird without underwear
I'm moving to Houston anyone want a roommate
Why is this a big deal? Chatter is a retard, ban him and move on

This feels like pity bait
maybe if I didn't hate texas
Where do people go to buy clothes?
Showing any emotion anywhere feels like pity bait to you
clothes stores mostly
Can you seriously just help me
Commando is the way of real men.
did she just whine abt it on twitter for attention then thats like normal retard trolling
just go to the mall man
Crying because someone aluded to giving you free and then calling you a bitch on the internet means you are way too fragile to be on the internet

People here say genuinely really hurtful things about others. This is just standard internet trolling
I don't know what you're saying. I don't go outside
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then what's your malfunction dummy? why do you need to be told how to dress? didn't you wear clothes as a child?
Amazon bulk clothing
amazon and second hand stores
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I hate how weird the body proportions are, even after I tried to photoshop them.
>Immediately starts crying
Women, amirite?
I don't know what to do
Ok so Amazon basics clothes is good for this?
that bikini looks uncomfortable
found the female
>be woman
>get upset when you don't get free shit and someone treats you poorly on the internet

I swear to god if you fuckers had to live as a man for any length of time
Thought you graduated dickhead
Graduated from being a vtuber, he's still an artist who streams
And a crab apparently
she did get it though lmao after that post got noticed someone from riot gave it to her and the account that abused her just looks like some throw away
if not ideal, yes
I fucking hate being male, if this was a guy who cried about this the most attention he would get is mockery
you whore fucking whore your slutty tits need to be bullied until you cant put together a sentence
The pink pill is calling to you anon
How the fuck did sukadrii get a girlfriend like qb
>has goals and hobbies
>not an annoying gooner who speaks in 4chan memes
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crabs in a bucket anon his friend is also a real piece of work
He didn't
Whoever cropped this image is dumb as hell. Its like trying to emulate 2011 4chan but has no idea why people made images like that
Dude I love your work but you got to get over yourself fr
who even is this delta guy
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My face when crabbing and being a schizo is my hobby
No I've already been dangerously close to being a tranny. I was ultra depressed and one of my online 'friends' suggested that I might be trans because I tend to drift towards female interests. So I started shaving my body, I bought wigs, make up, lots of skirts, blouses, stockings, etc and I would dress up at home and take pictures showing my 'friends' who gave me a lot of positive attention and I genuinely felt happier and I keep pushing myself deeper and deeper. I even bought some female hormones off the black market that I was preparing to take but I really look inward for a bit and realised I am not a girl. I never was a girl. The only reason I am happier is because of how much positive attention I'm receiving. Once I backed out and went back to being a guy everyone began ignoring me again.

Fuck you.
I saw a woman today caked in way too much makeup and her make up was just fucked up and mismatched in general. I looked down on her and felt superior.

Imagine being worse at applying makeup than a virgin incel
you broke free of their grooming
Iriya you would make a great girl
Good job for not falling for the hedonism fetish meme. I hope you find that path in life anon.
Which is all the more reason >>79622697 needs to happen. Cleanse the slate clean. Weed out the creeps. Both male and female. Sterilize Twitch/Youtube streaming. Make it proper and with class.
I'm sure someone will find your boring ass and sam hyde quotes funny one day
Vtubers most likely to make cumming noises when they bite into food?
If Iriya becomes a girl I am killing myself live on stream and I will spam my link in every thread so all of 4chan can watch me
I had a similar experience. I'm glad you didn't fall for it.
Its so fucking ass to be born a man though
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Hey I really don't collab with many people, but your design is really cool!
Lmk if you wanna idk collab in a Fighting game, YGO, or Elden Ring when you debut
You do realize the feds watch this website, right?
>I really don't collab with many people
why are you still supporting nijisanji
>british english

Holy shit it is Iriya
Let me fuck you in a skirt and wig
god I hate them so much
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>left for a few days
>checked archive
>thread moved lightning fast
>schizoposts everywhere
Holy shit summer is totally here
As if the malaysian government cares
I asked 4 /asp/ies to collab, it's the same as always
I will keep asking other people
maybe one day...
yep. now figure out what you want and figure out how to get it. adapt as needed. learn what you have to learn. that's life.
It's life for a man

Women just exist and get shit thrown at them
QB please notice me
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Corpos/High Indie Women get shit thrown at them.
>He doesn't know
Summer never ends anon
You what? Elfin got like $10K in her first week
Zenya got $10K from a 2 day birthday stream
Yumi got her model funded
People begged Mond to open up donations

Guys get nothing, even corpo guys, the only girl here who gives anything to guys at all is Fwofie (love you) and it sometimes hurts a lot because you don't feel desireable at all
yumi is my number one donor on throne. skill issue desu
If you knew how much I make you'd kill yourself
Prove it faggot
hello mami
You make at a job or you make in streaming? I don't care how much your job pays you, I earn money too. I care about how much is given
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streaming the limbus event like a month late oopsie twitch.tv/kogorinvt
Why would I talk about my job in a vtuber thread?
Because you may be retarded, how would I know?
you think you have a say in this?
Dumb fox
Isn't that the autistic game?
I'm waiting buddy.
The tits ain't gonna bully themselves as you say.
Its going to take longer to get the nsfw art of you please forgive
i wanna ask some friends to collab this week... .w.
Prolly not a good idea right now with thr state of the thread
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if they're your friends then the state of the thread shouldnt matter, go for it!
DM em'
Need... goblin porn... want to cum...
How this man works full time, streams every day and still watches and chats is incredible
He's a real homie. Made my day when he came into my chat and called me cute
How do I get cute boys to watch me :(
Be cute
nobody ever says stuff like this about me...

But yes big beryl supporter, he's my brother of the timeslot.
If this is who I think this is, please just come up with an actual idea for a collab instead of saying "I think we should collab". Most people aren't comfortable just winging it on the spot unless it's a solution for the main stream idea not working out.
Already done. Is it lack of advertising?
Advertise that you're a girl
So he still is /here/?
:3 i gonna try to tonight..
i think they are... maybe.
I'll try to come up with stuff to do with you again, Albert. It was fun last time.
Most likely, how else would he know of the dumb fox?
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Back again, dunno how long I can go BUT we're BLOWING SHIT UP in Just Cause 3! and maybe more later, I MISSED STREAMINGGGG
I miss Haru, I hope she's back soon.
Fuck off sexpest, go groom a dog instead of girls
Why do people care so much if Haru is actually a girl or not? It's not like he's doing it for monetary gain since being a male vtuber is a debuff
yeah i wanna know more if beryl will stay a dude for the foreseeable future
Sisters don't have a lot of subtlety
Haru and Beryl will both be girls soon.
>Some people always suspected Haru of being a girl and want their suspicions confirmed
>Some people are hornier for Haru now after the rumors popped up
>Transphobic snipping
i mean... haru looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, is a girl... reverse babi?
>sounds like a girl
Used to sound like a girl, he doesn't try as hard anymore.
Haru sounds like a girly boy. He doesn't sound like a girl
I had a similar situation in my life but I never went as far as you.
I also liked many aspects about being a man so I would go back and forth in my mind as to what I wanted to be exactly.
Before I went any further a friend of mine got wind of my trannisms and immediately ridiculed me, giving me a lot of information about what exactly happens to those people and ever since then I lost all interest in femininizing myself or trying to pretend to be anything but a man.

I thank God to this day for that. Hope others in the same situation can have situations like yours and mine so they don't lose their entire life to this retarded bullshit.
at least half of ftms are larping tomboys who think guys have it better for some reason without their personality is only attractive because they're a girl which smooths out the difficult parts of being a guy
i'm happy for you anon
without realizing*
You mean he's getting better at his voice. I'm proud of him. He did mention doing some voice training a while back.
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The only people who get spoken about here are trannies, suspected trannies, sexpest, menheras and targets of menheras
i chuckled. you know. because he is a ghost.
why am i a potential sexpest D:
a ghost with FAT STINKY FEET i want on my face!
Put me in "likes"
anon has read too much doujins and thinks you're the type of goober to trap someone in the public restroom non-chalantly while you demand $50 or else you'll do something to them which nobody will believe them when they cry about it
Tomboys always think they get treated like 'one of the boys' when they never are. They get the most light treatment a guy could possibly get
I don't see Beryl becoming trans considering he doesn't really make an active effort to sound as "high pitched" as other MtF trans people.
My tanuki buddy is wholesome. He would never.
dont he got his panties on the reference sheet
beryl and fwofie literally retweeted the document calling out sexpesting. i don't think they like it
tomboys get me hard ngl
The transexuals who even bother to try voice training are in the major, major minority.
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he liked the extra toggles though
schizo list
I think the Haru posting is by Beryl. Every time Haru is talked about it immediately turns into Beryl posting.
>in sex pest
Are you retarded?
Haru's NSFW tag is #HaruInHeat and only females go into heat
Grace and QB in sexpests?
the receipts will come soon anon...
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They don't like being found out, it's different
Don't like hearing the truth?
>he doesn't know about the alt account
Quit bad mouthing my friend :(
This is Yukichi posting, nobody would remember him enough to point this out.
You know what you did gob
Not gob and idk why I deserve to be in sexpest since I’m volcel
Reasons for the ones in
>Potential Sexpests
Any /asp/ers that do not browse /asp/?
>potential sexpest

I've been sexpested privately a lot more than I have done it to others
I'm sure they put me in potential because of the tierlist shenanigans the other day when the reality was, I wasn't expecting that to pop off as much as it did
but you have done it to others...
File: eyes.jpg (14 KB, 246x88)
14 KB
I would never describe myself as wholesome
And here you are right on time
Not yet, and I highly doubt that anyone will actually ever go for it in spite of how easy it would be for a girl to do it. There're just better options out there
I like when sexpesting is consensual.
Move when ready

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