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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clip?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlve, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real fedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

>Crabs are attacking an /asp/iring vtube, it is my dear friend! What should I do?
Nothing, do not feed the crabs, do not give them a (You).

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-1663193
/asp/ Catalogue: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IzCBkTsFtU7W-bE1zuurxc-TTHbRzl_r/edit?gid=527903618#gid=527903618

Previous Thread: >>79581809

Redo this and do not include the schizo catalogue it’s for misgendering and crabbing people by callinf them tranny with no proof
There is no gender in there?
Please start a list of gen 7 chuubas starting now. Himari was the first. someone document them. We are at the beginning of a new era. Mami drama concludes Gen 6.
>I probably wouldn't have graduated if I checked the threads
What does this mean?
>First Gen 7 is a tranny ESL autist obsessed with butterflies
Off too a good start
why is kongou on this catalogue, he's not an aspie
>Hi my name is Mariepossaa and I am a dark fallen angel

This will work out well
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Have a decision matrix on who to raid
There's a lot. Gen 6 started with Skab and ended with whoever posted before Himari.
schizo list
glad I'm not on it then
Hello Gumpai!
Quick rundown:
>She has alts and snitches inside of viewercord to keep tabs on people.
>She's currently shitposting about Denpa and Mond.
>Has shitposted about Lavandel, Rimaeri, and possibly Eira
>GenesisPrism is one of her cronies, she gave the viewercord mods an ultimatum and forced them to ban Denpa or else her and her friends would leave, which Germ wouldn't want because he's a big fan of hers, as well as the person who permitted Gumpai to have a secret alt in viewercord after meeting at Offkai.
>Shits up threads with dox and rrats pulled out of her ass then blames it on Denpa
>Other online handles include Zhuuba, anon_to_nona, and friendcel
>Psychotic, will decide she randomly hates you at any given point
>Hated her fanbase so much she deleted her old affiliate account and made a new account where she brags about having a boyfriend (FuzaKeruNah) to spite them
>Should be banned from your servers and chats
Hope you find streaming fun, if you do I'll help introduce you to the other girls in /asp/
>schizo list in OP
Another botched Kyuu thread.
jumpscared by my own image
i am not making threads, i do not bake..
>I'm totally not Mel
what a suspicious denial
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that sounds nothing like gumpai
it is obvious that gen 7 poster is a new chuuba astroturfing ahead of their debut by shitting on the previous gens and even bringing back the idea of gens in the first place. We stopped that long ago. Keep your eyes our for someone arrogant coincidentally showing up in the next few days.
>average ccv 7
>in the op 50 times in a row
Good work detective
>Iriya Lotus Eater
is that what the fucking LE means???
What's wrong with being supportive of ika?
Yay another butterfly here
I know I made the voca and didn't want to make a new one sue me. At least this should be proof enough how long I have lurked
I'm GOING to glub Kyuu's glub until he glubs his glub
If someone arrogant shows up, we just bully them until they quit.
Just like Alva.
Kill yourself please
>Schizo catalogue
>tierlist link broken
Meanwhile Alpin, who is arguably the most supported current aspie, rarely gets to be OP.
Really makes you think (totally not astroturfing guys).
No, I just think Gen 6 has enough people and the summer brings a whole new group. This is an appropriate time to add a stop for those who enjoy categorizing by Gens. Anyone from here onwards doesn't know shit about the Mami drama, so it's a safe spot to switch to the next gen.
Oh, I see. You're trying to schizo Kyuu by making terrible threads using his avatar.
Nobody cares enough about Kyuu to make threads about him
That's why he's getting called out for repeatedly being in the op
if i headbutted you your head would cave in like a chocolate egg
hmmm it's almost as if bakers have favorites.... and their favorites are the most vulnerable people in thread hmmm.....
you do apparently.
>new crab target is kyuu
That's what you ALWAYS say about everyone when they start and yes, schizos, like you DO CARE ABOUT MAKING EVERYONE MISERABLE by skinwalking and creating stupid rrats regardless of ccv
I've been here for a while and all I want to do is support and help all the /asp/ies that are brave enough to start streaming and to aim for their dreams. I want to help people to succeed and im sorry if I didnt help any of you enough that you feel sad and discouraged from when bad thoughts get into your head.

You are all going to make it, keep striving for the stars!
You failed and your generic go for its are meaningless next to targeted insults and threats
Why, you're anonymous so what's your legitimate reason for harassing others? What are you angry about?
Crabbing is for their own good
It weeds out the week and toughens up the strong
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I crab newcomers because this is 4chan and asp is a community that should be gatekept from weak-minded idiots. There are too many groomers in this community who open their arms to susceptible and vulnerable people and those people should not be welcomed here for their own sake.
When is Haru streaming again?
She told me she is never streaming again
Reminder that a schizo crabbed Lapin for years because she was too nice. You dont need a reason for them to schizo out at random people
I hope you both die in the most painful way possible
That's so sad, what's she going to do now?
I never post here and just lurk but with each passing day I want more and more to start posting lewd audio recordings so the males here will dm and sexpest me
has anyone clipped the Cody stream with Mami yet? More people should see it
sorry kyuu ill try to be crabbed next
fythol stream NOW your smelly
Poor guy. I wish he didn't have to deal with them so early.
Why are there quite a lot of names missing from the google catalog?
Finding out who one of my crabs is has left a sour taste about them in my opinion, and I don't know if I want to bother with them anymore
Anon was still working on it
It's a work in progress
Because the autistic retard who made it was doing so in bad faith and not trying to be accurate
Isn't that a good thing?
>groomers pick a target
>say nice things to them and warns them about the crabs on the threads
>crabs them on the threads
>dms them to tell them to stop reading threads because everyone is so mean, but it's okay because WE'RE nice so you can trust us
Pay attention who you talks to you, Kyuu. A good handful of them probably just want something from you. You're one of their targets.
sounds like you have a lot of experience anon
Don't forget that Marie Possaa is a tranny
If I don't get moved next to iriya in the op document I am killing the two next to him and wearing their skin so iriya will always be near me and can never run away. I will be the only girl he looks at.
Crazy bitch he blocked you for a reason
Name them sis
If this were true all it takes is naming the people doing it and it'll stop after they get revealed after the first few times they get tricked.
If Kyuu can't handle a little crabbing, he should just quit already.
What a fucking jap crybaby.
Leave Tupo alone!
He just needs time he will let me back in and I will make him mine. I don't care how many girls I have to schizo to make him only mine
taps the sign
>Nothing, do not feed the crabs, do not give them a (You).
i'll fuck iriya's ass before this crazy bitch gets any chance with him
damn this is so fucking hot
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is this design any good

i sound like this
Kill yourself Alva
>I don't care how many girls I have to schizo to make him only mine
alva 2,0
>not cute shota
>not buff sexy ojisan
>no yaoi art
dropped sorry
You could cover Guily Gear music pretty well, that's cool
based metal singer, you look perfectly fine
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ignore the schizos, they deserve the rope anyways.

now to things actually relevant to the thread, im going live with half life 2: episode 2!!!! have a nice weekend bros!!! we're all gonna make it!!!

That's right Layla. You're a girl. You are not a woman. You are a thirty year old girl. A perpetual child and you will never grow up. You will continue to hurt as many people as you please with your tantrums because you are a ran through whore with the brain spoiled little girl. I hope that abdominal issue you complain about on twitter kills you one day. Iriya would probably kill himself if he had to be around you any more.
uuuuuuuu alvaaaaaaaaa i missed youuuuuuuuuuuu

the design is okay though i don't like it as much as the lordling, but i'm not super into that kind of aesthetic to begin with so i'm maybe not the best judge
i gonna kiss you all :3
The people crabbing aren't always the ones being nice to you. Its a rare case to get snaked. My crabs don't follow me.
I want to cum deep inside of alva...
Is this actually Alva coming back or is everyone joking?
Looks great
I think its a joke because someone namedropped Alva earlier.
I definitely crab my so called friends lmao they come to me an act menhera and spill their guts :3
It's a long list of people from /asp/ with histories of crabbing
I crab myself so I can get comforted by my /asp/ oshi
I am filled with a desire to see Shania drawn as a hot ikemen or buff ojisan
Skeb exists
bro's doomed
tierlist of which /d/ threads each asp visits?
too bad, drawing him as a lanky tumblr sexy man with eyebags instead
mwar mwar :3
Someday you'll face consequences for your actions
No idea
Genuinely BPD woman just don't get chummy with her
I have never seen this man do anything bad
uhh probably a crab I don't know
Sex pest and sociopath
Karma will catch anyone. No one is safe.
gigibadger is trans
Can’t even follow someone and boost them in the algorithm without being crabbed anymore.
more like histories of being crabbed...
chaser spotted
failed tranny
BPD princess
she's alright
>never seen this man do anything bad
He killed Rura and that's what you have to say?
Obvious contrarian, try harder next time.
Let's see those receipts, sisters!
>I have never seen this man do anything bad
cutter male which is an unprecedented level of male menhara
gigibadger is an /asp/cord schizo that looks for vulnerable groomees for the mods and crabs /asp/ies

iriya le is a ryona schizo that stalks girls (rura the most notable one, now fwofie) and writes out cutting novels about them while talking about how killing yourself is the truest expression of love

leonor layla is a puppetmaster schizo that gets menhera men to shit the thread for her in exchange e-pussy and she was a key player in /wasp/ drama that made /asp/ worse and destroyed /wasp/
He's so dreamy
Don't forget he wants to eat the objects of his desire
not iriya but gory romantic fantasies are the least of his problems
do you think he would cook them first or eat them raw?
good morning WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no you silly!!!!!!
hi bestie
honesty im not mad that you are using male aspies for viewers/fans, because you are at least upfront about it, unlike other backstabbing whores like Zenya or Khubie
if any males feel betrayed by you its their own fault and theyre retarded
keep girlbossing it
I hope Miu actually fucks off for real instead of doing the fake graduation that everyone else does. There's enough liars and insane women in here.
so true sister
Can I sexpest you
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then pink drill of ill omen
I'll try to understand how to add a playlist without striking the VODs, but in the meantime what you all up to /asp/ies
any male supporting her is a cuck and will die a painful death
Gm! Bad vibes in the thread rn! Sorry! Take care though!
youre only allowed to jork it to fan art!
i won't support her directly because im not into GFE girls but i bet she's nice to talk to
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Bc we need some positivity this thread. Not listed, I love Gumpai, I love Hyde, I love Shania, I love Yumi, and I love numerous others. I love the (You) who is reading this. I love asp and supporting aspies. Everyone have a lovely day.
what are your rules for lewd fan art
Enough about Gumpai though
I want to stream but I don't want to stream I want to stream but I don't want to stream I want to stream but I don't want to stream I want to stream but I don't want to stream help
Layla is truly one of the worst schizos this board has ever seen because other schizos will just feign ignorance publicly but she takes things outside of the thread and convinces people she's the real victim. This gets her an army of coddlers and saviorfags that will do her bidding without questioning it so even if someone gets wise to her behaviour, she can easily replace them
only If she fucks off into my DMs
I will not be doing gfe im doing idol route!
look it up there's a plugin for OBS that plays an audio source to the stream but not the VODs
Nothing really im just as gooner as everyone else here
Press the start stream button
i should probably make an art tag i forgot abt that
This girl is trouble. She will be problematic. Trust my gut feeling.
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So you don't love me?
the worst she can do is *cums on you*
<3 Thanks for the kindness, its much needed around here
jerking my tentacle
Who are you? I would like to follow you so I can become your friend!
Hello! I feel like you're good at singing showa idol songs, do you know any? I feel like your voice and feel is good for those.
don't do it anon, that's denpa
pretty sure its churl
brother its a trap don't fall for it
>loves most people i've interacted with
>doesn't love me
Yess i know lots
Couple Lynn Minmay songs I really enjoy singing
I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to know you. I’m sure you’re an amazing person that I have not had the fortune of meeting yet.
Churl, Denpa, and traps are all potential friends.
OUR MOTHER is celebrating 5K
Go pay your respects to MOTHER BODEGA
Layla was only ever nice to me in the femchuuba rescue why so mean :(
Oooh that explains why it feels so familiar, you're going for a Lynn Minmay vibe. I love it!
bitch you asked to be removed from the tierlist
She didn't have any male simps to milk in the girl server
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I love everyone!
nikola why havent you DM'd me yet you slut
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You're so right. Best to dispel dumb fears by jumping right in. The conscious part of my brain is so weak, I envy people who can easily act on what they know.
I'll start streaming again soon
no, you should be careful around denpa. Churl is just a denpal, the other anon was saying its a trap to befriend denpa.
Why are you being schizo?
I don't know who you are but I love you too!
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i like it a lot! c: can i ask why the circular eyes on the spirits? i think it looks great but it goes against things i thought i understood. i feel challenged by it and that makes me happy c: also asymmetry pogging
I want to stream too but for today I'm just going to sit here with my windows open to full and enjoy the more mild weather after being cooked for the last few weeks
I had a horrible first impression of denpa, and it was honestly very hostile and irrational of me. I am glad I got a chance to talk to her and be apologize to her because I think she works really hard and I admire her passion.
khubie interacts with males though?
While Denpa does some questionable things she's an extremely hard worker and I understand that she has to go out there in order to attract viewers and it works.
You know this is NA hours because the crabs and schizos are out in full force
clean your mousepad
Very organic and believable post
my thoughts exactly
Today's been really comfortable temp-wise here too, it's so nice to actually be able to regulate temp. Hope you have a nice cool day
is it ok to stream before my proper debut?
Yea it's fine to do that a lot of vtubers do that to get used to streaming and to gather a viewerbase before doing a full debut. Debuts are mostly for corporations anyways and indies as small as this size dont really need to follow all the debut rules.
I just hit go live one day. don't over think it
if you're male yes because even advertising your debut won't make ppl show up
if you're female probably not, work on making it as interesting as possible, shill it everywhere you can
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Asps for this feel?
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Not included people I'm already friends with, people I don't like and people I don't know
is there one fucking non problematic girl in here, a normal girl that isn't loli, isn't sucking off men in private, speaks normally, JUST NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL
i'd tell you but she's all mine
we know you're trans now
Also the tierlist in the OP has an incorrect link
That type of woman doesn't need to be a chuuba, so no, this is a hobby for the mentally ill
bonnipaws? has she ever said why she changed from her cats persona?
There's plenty, the thread doesn't like talking about them/they're too new to the asp community.
Name yourselves, sisters!
Most of them, just because the schizo crabs them and makes shit about how crazy they are doesnt mean they are actually bad.
Andy was
What's abnormal about loli?
She wasn't getting traction so she rebooted and went nomales
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i'm not a pedophile
Kogorin, Chibiibot, Runoxi, Gobbu, Olga?
Me neither but it's just cute
Hello Nomales schizo! Back again?
Name yourself and I'll send you a DM so we can be friends!
I will be the one reaching out when I'm in a better mental state
Runoxi sounds like a child
he was a beautiful mother thank you. =w=
no she does not....but anyway
chaki is normal but she's also gonna be my wife(yuri) so don't talk to her >:[
i hate children, i don't want to have any of my own, i don't want to look at them therefore i hate lolis and shotas, not hard to understand
chaki is not fucking normal
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Based and childless pilled.
I think she's pretty normal by menhera femchuuba standards. But I'm also not a coombrained m*le so my opinion is skewed.
> woman
> male
Kys. The way she talks makes my cock twitch and I’m not a pedo.
what am i drawing today aspies
draw cheen and nikola rubbing charleyfolds belly
Jerking your tentacle
Big Sandwich
kyuu and ricecake making out
Fuck shota, on the reddit theres this one whos been getting upvotes all week, its not fair mine barely get 2 upvotes and i am female, I post all the time and most I got is like 15 I just downvote him now
gobbcubus eating a big cheeseburger
first mistake
>i am female
second mistake.
Do better next time.
i'll kiss any girl who is a female redditor *tips hat*
>menhera femchuuba standards
oh if that's what we're going with then yes shes normal. I was going by normal normal standards
Thank you
Purrson being judo thrown into a woodchipper
Beryl as a hurricane
malphon getting more mutated until he's an unrecognizable flesh heap
Haru ice skating!
Runoxi talks like a FEMALE HUMAN ADULT.
a tavern scene recruiting adventurers
Any tips to grow faster..I am a female cow vtuber, won't say my name, like I said I don't get any upvotes it's making me crazy
post your model
I don't want people to know I go on 4chan......................
do some research on SEO and search prioritisation and be consistent in your theme
By 'normal' normal standards? yeah none of us, in that case
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Streaming fucking sucks
Okay we can't help you then go somewhere else
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I'm going live with a ylyl thing
Not too sure about tips for the longrun since the vast majority of us are newbies, but consistency pays off. You can be doing the same thing for months and then one day your viewers are double the average. First it starts as a glint, and then that'll be your new norm before long. Stream consistently, often for as long as you can be entertaining for, but not often enough for people to take you for granted, keep your audience hungry. and stay hungry yourself, reply, talk, dm people that you think would vibe with you, etc. You can also post yourself here or chat with other /here/ chuuba to support them, and the vast majority will at least drop a follow back. Best of luck!
Draw miu and mami making out
Pafu its been days I am still willing to send you the payment to crush my balls I want to be a real girl
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have a doodley seal
*pees on him*
Maybe i should quit, but if i quit i'll have nothing left.
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Stars and Fire are both supposed to be pretty important parts of my theme, I need to do a better job of incorporating that into my presentation and my much needed redesign.
For the stars part, you could do like Shiina and put some starry sky design on the back of your hood
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here's a concept for you, reg
Gen 7 off to a great start with this thread that fucking sucks
Chat I am too sick to get out of bed I need yuri recommendations to read
Are you streaming consistently?
Are you talking to your fanbase and getting to know them so they'll help promote you?
Are you regularly getting clips made so you can post on youtube, twitter or tiktok?
Are you making interesting tweets on twitter and hitting it off?
Are you networking and making friends with bigger vtubers and doing collabs or having them raid you?

There's no real secret to growing fast, the issue is doing most of these things consistently because it's extremely hard work to keep it up unless you have money. Just keep doing what you can and you'll gain momentum and grow in no time.
Great Teacher Onizuka

>asks help to grow
>petty and downvotes others hard work

love 4chan.
Layla has been nothing but a lovely girl to me
She wears her heart on her sleeve which is admirable
wow all it took to get rid of cheen was to bring up delta
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/asp/ies for this feel?
organic post
Miu graduated? Fuck. I wanted to sex pest her
every single viewer
The guy or the girl
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/asp/ies for this feel?
Now that I think of it, we really don’t have any smooth talker aspies, do we?
maybe no smooth talkers but we do have some yappers, i listen to beryl before i doze off to sleep every night
His groupies
so the rrat is miu is joining nijisanji
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I thought about that, and make them switch around a bit with different expressions. I'm broke however and can't commission anything so it'll be up to me if I can eventually git gud enough to make that. My current model is a freebie from a friend and I'd feel bad asking her to add anything since I can't properly commission her.
I like it a lot, I see a lot of cool concepts for similar things to what I want to do it's just I'm a lore autist and if it doesn't reflect the specific lore I'm trying to reference it won't look good to me. Which is also why I'm so stuck on how to redesign.
didn't they just announce a group like a month or so ago? no she isn't. probably one of the retard whore groomer groups that only last for a couple weeks
You've got to wonder what that girl did to him that he refuses to interact with her even after she was promising PC parts
I'm sick of people trying to defend Denpa or pretend to be friends with her when she's the nastiest fucking person on the planet. Why did I scroll through Twitter to see her eating potato chips on a used pad? I hate women so fucking much.
I love Denpa
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Kill yourself mami
really shows that this board is all men who’ve never seen a woman in real life
that shit is not used
I'm not Denpa you moron, sorry nobody likes you enough to post about it maybe?
You jealous that I got to see her pussy and not you? Maybe you should get some rizz
It's so funny, it's so obviously not blood but everyone falls for it
makes me want to post one of my pads to help educate the guys
I am a BFE chuuba and just so you guys know, lots of GFE/Idol girls watch my content and donate to me under alts. Don't trust any of them
same sister
that shit actually looks like dark jam
Do it. Have a menstruation education stream
>1 minute apart again
Denpa why are you so retarded
Congrats on clearing out the first wave of schizos and coming to terms with the problems in these threads.
salome style
i dont care about you stop posting about yourself here, just post n catalog. you and your friend can leave now.
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Live now with some Baldur's Gate 3!!
Link you fool
I forgor my link...
What is this schizo group
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I WOULD be posting about going live but I got 90k'd(disconnection error) right before I hit go live...
More Dawntrail MSQ93+, about to hit the first trial.
gross they let abigail in...
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/wvt/ is down the hall asshole
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So can anyone tell me why she gets to take part in watchalongs again? These agencies really don't do vetting well.
erm who is this?
Wow she's trying too hard. Its not even gross or offensive. She's just lame
Oh my god this isn’t just RDR2. This is RDR2 Roleplay. Holy autism I love her.
Some of them are alright.
If you care so much go report her post and email the socks corpo
This is just trying too hard to be offensive and weird
She recognized an aspie just now so I guess she’s lurked already. Good on her for lurking.
gen 7 then?
Have socks streamed their debuts yet?
Gen 7!
The hell are socks?
any groomable /asp/ until it reaches irl?
Don't know don't care
bizdev@sockagency.co here you go crab
>Ace and Slushy are both watching
They really are dating aren’t they?
Why are you fags trying to push gens so hard?
Makes it easier to groom
they CRAVE the corpo
Ace P is a smooth talker right? He’s got a smooth voice.
I like the number 7 and I think it's cool to say gen 7.
Who is this hoe and why did she follow me
Come by when you're ready
at this point with everyone making their oc a vtuber isn't this just like tumblr tier oc roleplaying? Specially if you never get new viewers outside of other vtubers
She's pixel link, a medium sized corpo nowadays.
PixelLink corpo girl.
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>isn't this just like tumblr tier oc roleplaying?
If there enough vtubers I don't mind all my viewers being vtubers
Wait till you find out that 99% of vtubers out there dont even bother streaming.
I think stepping on balls would actually be a pretty visceral and idk if im ready for that part in our relationship Pafu pal
Flork literally replied to her pad jokes, he's more than aware, your pearl clutching means nothing retard. Have you even seen the people who joined Socks? Have you ever watched an Inislein stream?
Helps identify when people should be moving on from this place
Imagine popping them like grapes
I don't think there's anything wrong with gens. There have been 6 previously, so we might as well continue. It's a lot easier to categorize people by events and gens
Flork popped up in a few waspie streams, I think they're gonna make it
Yeah like gura she never streams but people won't shut the fuck up about her and keep making her free art as if she is famous or something
Vtubers that start around the same time have exposure to similar thread culture in their early days
Hot take but I find gura is kind of boring.. The other girls give a lot of funnier moments, holostar boys too. Mori works a LOT harder than Gura but gura just reaps benefits with less work

And yes I am aware she works behind scenes too but the others do too and maybe even more with all the covers etc

Also everyone saying Gura's cover of loli requiem is better than OG, I agree the MV is awesome but her singing it's average
She's cute and funny
she is worse in every metric by even the most boring male of asp. the only reason people like her is the brand behind her
There's a lot of cunny out here that are funnier more talented and work harder
hell yea i love rp
ok you're making it too obvious here, the most boring male asps can barely string a setntence together, and that's when they don't just mumble
I wouldn't go that far. She still has her funny moments but I just find people put her too high on a pedestal when she's not that good, there's a lot of more talented people in hololive and even if her own Gen.

Look she's barely dropped 2-3 covers and aside of the concerts she doesn't do much than stream.
which males /asp/ies can i put on for background noise
10 tupo streams at the same time
Want recs for who's on right now or do you mean in general?
in general
I'd say Brickman, but the occasional death rattles he makes when he gets his shit slapped could be jarring
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How do I rate for bg noise
I got told I was comfy, but I think I swear too much...

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